ေအအအုိင၀ ္ဂ ီ ၀ေ ေ ာ္ူ၀ူ္၀ယုိအ ာင မာ္္က


ုိအင၀က ္က ့္းေ ဥ အ

အ ေူကက္းို အ အ္း၀ေ

၀က ခ အယ ာငအူုိဥူ ၀ကာ် န္ ူ ၀ကအ၂ုိ ေအအုိအင၀ ္ဂအ အငုိာ်ူ၀ ္းဥ င၀ကတ်ငမီ ၀ ၀ေ

္င၀ယာရ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ ေ ာ္ူ၀ူ္၀ယအုိ

ူုိအင၀ကအူ္ယ်ုိ ္းရ္ေယကီ ၀ေ အ္း၀ေ

္င၀ာင မအူ့္၀က ္ဥ္း၀

ုိအင၀က ္က ေအအုိအင၀ ္ဂ ီ ၀ေ

္င၀ာင မအ

္င၀ာင မအ က မအ္ျရ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအ ကို ုိဥကေ္ျယ ၀ဥ္းငကေ္းရင၀ကေ

္င၀္းို အတ်ငမ၀ ္က

ရ၀ငော္ေ္းရူ၀ာင မာ္္ကူုိအ ္ုိူ၀

္င၀တအုိင၀ာင မာ္္ကူုိအ အငုိအာ်ူ၀ ္းဥ ီ ၀ေ



င၀မာ္္ကူုိအ ူ္ျ၀ ္းရ၀ ္၀


ို အကအ

္င၀ယကူ၀ေ္ျယ ၀ဥ ေအအုိအင၀ ္ဂ အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ ္င၀တုိအ၀င၀ယ ၀အူကူ၀ ေ ငူကင၀က အ က မာ္္ကအ

္င၀ေ္းကေ ္းရငရ၀သ

ူက္တအ၀္း၀ူုိအ မ ာုိဥ မ ္၀အ

င၀မ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မအ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀

၂င၀ ာင၀ ္ူ၀သ ူက္တ်၀္း၀ူုိအ မအအ ာင၀အယ ၂ငက က္ ေ ၀ င္၂ူ၀ ာူ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ာုိာုိူုိအ မငင၀္ငယာရ၀မအယ္ာ္္က ္းရ၀မီေအ္င၀ ာင၀ယ ၀ အ

ုိအအ္း၀ငရ၀ မ ္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀ဥည္အငအူဥအ ္းဥအာငဥ္ျုိူ၀ေ ္ျုိူ၀၂္ကူုိအ မယ်ုိယာရ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ ္ူုိအ မအ

္ာ္္က ူုိအကူူ၀ာင မယ်ုိယ ၀ ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ ာူငရဂာင မာ္္ကအေ္းးူကင၀

ူုိအအေ္းရင၀က ယရ၀ယက္၀

ူကၡ္ေ အ္း၀ေ

္င၀ေင္ူငရဂာင မာ္္က


္င၀ယ ၀ဥ



္ျ၀တုိအင၀ေ ္ အ


္င၀တုိအင၀ င၀ကဥ ာုိာုိအငုိအင၀ကအီုိင အ ၀က

္ျ၀တအုိငေ ၀ ္ာ္္ကူုိအ္ျငက္ျာ၀ကူူ၀ င၀က တ်င၀မ


ို အကူုိအ

္င၀ူူ၀ာင မူုိအ မူုိအ အ္ကေ္းက္းရငရ၀သ

္း အ င ၀ က၀ ္ျ့၀သ ူက္တအ၀္း၀ူုိအ မအ ူ္ျ၀ေ

အ္း၀င ၀က္ျ့၀ာ်္ ္ျုိူ၀ူငကင္ျ၀ င၀မ ္းစ ္ူုိအအေ ယ်္ငငာ္္ကဥ ေ္ျူ ္္းရေင္ေ ရင၀ကေ



္ျ၀ယ ၀ ာ်ငမူ ၀ င၀ယ ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ သ အေူ္င၀က


ို အကငုိအ မအူဂက၂က္ကယ်င၀င ၀ င၀က

္ို အအူရ၀ာင မသ ၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္ ငင၀္ငငငာ္္ကငရ၀ 


ငာင မေယက တ်ငမ္ျ ၀ ုိူ၀ ို ္ျ္ကာင မအ္းုိအင၀ကူုိအ မူကင၀ူုိအကူူ၀ယင၀မူ္ူ၀

္ေ္ျယ ၀ အ င က မအ ၀ ေယကယယ်ုိယ ၀


ငရ၀သ 

္ူုိအ မအောကယ္္းရအယရ၀အ င၀က တ်င၀မ ၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀ူုိအ

၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအ ္းင၀ူုိအ္၀ငာ္ီ တ်င၀မ ငရ၀မ ူက္ာ၀ကူ္င၀္ျက္ူငရဂေ္းကတုိအင၀ာရ၀မ


ငအူဂကာ္္ကာ်အငုိအာ်ူ၀ ္းဥယ ၀

ုိအအ္း၀ ္ူ၀ာ္္က ္က

ရ၀ ္းဂက ၂ုိအ


ုိအအ္း၀ ္ူ၀ာ္္ကူုိအေ ယ်င၀ကတုိအင၀


ေူ္္င၀ကေ မာ္္ကူကင၀ ္ူုိအ မ၂ငက က္ ၀ငရ၀မအယ္ာ္္ကူုိအ

ူ္ျ၀တ်္ျ၀ူ္္းရ္ငင၀ ္ုိ ၀ူကင၀ ူ္ျ၀တ်္ျ၀ူ္အူုိအင၀ကအူ္အ၂ုိ ူုိအကူူ၀ာငမ မယ်ုိေင္


္င၀တအုိင၀ယ အ ၀ ္ုိ ၀

ုိအအ္း၀္းရငရ၀သ ာ၀ကရ ၀ေ္းကတုိအင၀ာင မ

္းရငရ၀သ 

္ူုိအ မူုိအငူုိ ္းဥ ူ ၀ ုိအက၂္က ္းဂက ေ္ျူ ္္ျုိူ၀ ငမ၀ူငရဂေ္းကေင္ အေ၂္ူ၀အူငာ္္က



ာရ၀ငုိအ မေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ူက္တအ္း ၀ ူ ၀ ုိအ မေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္က ္ျ၀င ရ၀ကသ ္းရ္ေယကး္ အ ာငီရ အာ်ူ၀ ၃္၃ တ်ငမ၂ ၀ ္း၀ူင ူက္တ၀အ္း၀ူုိအ မငရ၀ ္းရ္ေယကအ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ာ္္ကငရ၀ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္က ္းရ္ေယက အူကူ၀အေူ္င၀က င၀ာင မ္းုိအင၀ကူကင၀ 

ို အကယရ၀ယက္၀တုိအင၀ယ ၀

ုိအအ္း၀ငရ၀္အ္အအို ူရ၀္းရငရ၀သ ္းရ္ေယကအ္းုိအင၀ကူကင၀

ရ၀ကေူ္င၀က၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္က

္းရ္ေယကတ်င၀မငူ၀ ာ္ကေင္




ုိအငရ၀ာ်္ …

္ူုိအ မတ်အင၀မငူ၀ယက္၀ူငအ ္ကေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္က ငုိအမာ္အူ၀ ္းူ၀ီ ၀ကူ္င၀ယ်ုိငငာ္္က၂ူ၀င္ င၀မအ၂ုိ ယ္ငတအုိင၀္ျကာ၀ကူုိအ ္းငတုိအင၀ေင္

ရ၀ကေူ္င၀က ေူကကေ း

က ၀ ာင၀မာ္ကေင္အ

္င၀တင ုိအ ၀ငရ၀မငငာ္္က ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ

ုိအင၀ေင္ာ္င္ူ္ျ၀ အ အ ုငုိအ မာ္အူ၀ဥ ္းရ္ေယကတ်ငမေ ၀ ူကကေ းာင မ္းုိအင၀က

ုိအင၀ယ္ တ်္ျ၀ အ

အကို ူကင၀ာ ာင၀မ

္င၀တုိအင၀ာင မူုိအ ္းငတုိအင၀ ္းဂကသ

္းုိအာုိအ ူ၀ ငရ၀မ ္းရ္ေယကတ်င၀မ ေူကကေ း

င၀ င၀ာင မူုိအ မအူကူ၀ ူက ္း္က္ျက္ အ၂ငက္ျဂာို ငင၀အူ္ကေ္းက ုိအ မ


ာ္္က ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ ္္္းရေ္ကဥ ရာုိအယုိေ အ ူ္္င၀ကာ္္ကယ်ုိ ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ ေအ္ူ၀ေ း ္း္းရ ငူ၀ာ်ူ၀ ္ူ၀ဥ

အကို ူ၀ ္ူ၀ာ္္ကအူုိအင၀က အငုိအ

ာ်ူ၀ ္းဥငက္ကာရ၀ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ


င ုိအ ယ ၀ ္၂ငက ္က ာ ၀ ္ မသအ ုိအ္းရေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ာ္ငာ္ယ္း၀ူ္ျ၀ အ အူကင၀ ္းို အာ် ၀ငင၀

က ၀ ္းဂက ္းုိအာုိအ ာင၀မာ္က္ျက္ ္က


ရ၀ေ း ္းူူ၀ယာရ၀သ ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ္ျ္ ူ၀ င၀က (AR) ငုိအ မာ္အူ၀ဥ င ခ္္ (AM)ငုိအ မ

ာ္အူ၀ ္ျ္ ူ၀တ်ငမင ၀ ခ္္တ်္ျ၀ာ္ ုိက

ို အက (AG)ဥ ူကင၀ယ္း၀ူရ၀တအုိင၀ငငာ္္က ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀္ျ္ောက္းကူကင၀

္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀ ာင၀ မာ္က္ျက္ေအ္င၀ ာင၀ငငာ္္က ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ


င ုိအ ယ ၀ ္၂ငက ္က ာ ၀ င မ သ ္းရ္ေယက ုိအင၀ယ္၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မာ္းရာ အငုိ့္ၡ၀ ုိအင၀ယ္၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မူ္ျ၀ အူရ၀က ္းငတုိအင၀ေငက

ငရ၀မ ေူ္္င၀ကင္က (IG)သ ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ္းို အာ် ၀ငင၀ ာ္္က၌


ူ၀ေူက မူ္ူ္ေူကကေ းတအုိင၀္ျကာ၀ကယ်ုိ ္းဂက ငုိ ္က

အယရ၀အ ္င၀ကတ်ငမ၀ ဤအဓုိ္းရ္၀ ကင၀မ



င၀မ ာင၀မ ယုိ္္

ရ၀ာင မူုိအ ္းငတုိအင၀ယာရ၀သ ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ္းင၀ူအုိ္၀

ကာ္ မာ္္ကူုိအ ယ္ငာင မအ ရ၀ကင္၀ င၀မ အ

ုိအ ္ူ၀အယ အငုိ့္ၡ၀

ုိအင၀ေင္အ ္ကအ

င၀မ ာင၀မ

ုိအင၀ယ္၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကအ္က

ို အက


္င၀တအုိင၀ေင္ငငာ္္က ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ

ို အက ငရ၀ ေအ္င၀ ာင၀ာင မအေ

ို ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မ

အယရ၀အ ္င၀ကာ္္ကအူုိအင၀က၂ငက က္ ၀ငရ၀္အာငူ၀ာ်ူ၀္းရသ ဤအယ္ငရ၀ ္ အတ်္ျ၀အငူ၀ာ်ူ၀ ္ူ၀အင္ျ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ

္းရ္ေယက၂ငက ္က ာ ၀ ္မီ ေ ၀

္င၀ င၀ကသ

္ျကာက၀ ယရ၀ ကို ဥုိ ကာ္ မာ္္ကူုိအ ာင ူ ၀ကာ် ငို အကူ ၀ကအ၂ုိ ေ ္င၀ယကူ၀ေ္းက္းရငရ၀သ ္းရ္ယရ၀ ္က ၀ အ ုိအင၀ယ္အယ္ယ်ုိငရ၀ အူ ၀က္းုိအင၀

ယ္တ်င၀မအူင အ

ယ်ုိာင မာ္္ကူုိအငုိယ်ုိယ ၀ ္းငကေ္းရင၀က

၀က အ္းေ ၀

္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀ ္းဥ္ျအ္း္ဥုိကေ၂္င၀ာင မအ ္ူ၀အ

ူ၀ငင၀အူ္ကာင မာ္္က ေ

္ာင မာ္္ကူုိအ္ျဂ္ျ္ျ၀ ္းဂက ာင၀မာ္ကေင္ေူကကေ းာင မ္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀

္င၀ငက္ကာရ၀ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ ေ

္ာင မာ်ူ၀ူာ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအ ေူ္္င၀က္ျ္ျ၀ေ

ူ၀ာ္္ကတ်င၀မအူင၂္ကယ်ုိာရ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ အ


ကာင မာ်ူ၀ူာ၀ကာ္္က

င၀မ ာင၀မငင၀အူ္ကာင မူုိအ


၂ငက က္ ၀ငရ၀ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအာ်ူ၀ူာ၀ကူုိအ ူူုိ္ူ ၀က၂ငက က္ ၀ငငေယကက ္္၀ာင မူကင၀အငို အက ္းဥငက္ကာရ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ

၂ငက ္က င ၀ ူ င ုိအ မအ္းရ္ေယက (AG,AM,AR) ဤီ ၀ေ ္င၀ာင မူုိအ ္ျ္ ူ၀ င၀ကတ်ငမင ၀ ခ္္ာ္င္ယ္း၀ာ္္ကူကင၀ ္းို အာ် ၀

္ူုိအ မအအူ ၀ကာ္္က၂ူ၀င္

က ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀ ္ျ၀၀္းရငရ၀သ ငူ၀ာ်ူ၀ င၀က ို ယေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္က

ာ္္ကအူကူ၀ူက ္း္ကေင္ငင၀ယအုိကာ္္ကယ်ုိာရ၀ ္ျ၀ ္းဂက ္ျကာ၀ကေ

္င၀တင အုိ ာ ၀ င မာ္္ကေ္းးူကငာ ၀ ငူရ၀ ္းဂက

ာရ၀ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ ူက ္း္ကေင္္းရ္ေယကအ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ (DEP) ငရ၀ အူ ၀က္းုိအင၀ ေ

္င၀ယကူ၀ငရ၀မအ္ျဂကအ္ျ့၀ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ၂ငက က္ ၀ငငာ္္ကူုိအ ာင

ူ ၀ကဥအ


ယ္တ်င၀မ ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မ

ုိအ ငင၀အူ္ကငက္က

ုိအင၀ယ္အယ္ယ်ုိူုိအ မအူင

္၀ူ ၀က တ်ငမ၀အ၂ူ၀ူ ၀ကူုိအ မူကင၀ေယကက ္္၀

္းရငရ၀သ ( ူ ၀က - န္ ူ ၀ကူကင၀ ေယကက ္္၀္းရငရ၀) ူ္ျ၀ ္ဥုိ မေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ ္ူုိအ မအင္ာ ၀အူ ၀ကာ္္က၂ူ၀င္ ူ၀ူုိအူ၀ ္းဥ

က ၀ေင္္ျ္ ူ၀ င၀ကတ်င၀င မ ခ္္ာ္္ကူုိအ

အ္း၀တုိအင၀ေင္ငငာ္္က ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ အူ ၀က္းုိအင၀

ယ္ငရ၀ ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မ

ယ်ုိအ္းို ္းုိအကာင မ င၀မငင၀အူ္က္းကငက္ကာရ၀ ္ျ၀ငရ၀သ ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကငရ၀ DEP အ ေ း ္း ္ူ၀အယ


ုိအအ္း၀ေင္ ယုိ

္္ာ္္ကူကင၀ အ၂ငက ္းဥငင၀အူ္ကေ္းကငက္ကာရ၀ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သ

င၀မ ာင၀မအ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀အငင၀အူ္ကာင မီ က၀ ူ္င၀ (LEAP), ဤီ ၀ေ ္င၀ာငာ္္ကူုိအ ၄ူ ၀ကာ်ွူ ၀ကအူကင၀ကယ်ုိ

္ူုိအ မအူ ၀ကတ်င၀မအူ ၀ကေ းာ္္က၂ူ၀င္

က ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀္ျဂ္ျ့၀ေ္းက္းရငရ၀သ ၂ုိအေူ္္င၀ကင္က

ာ္္ကငရ၀ ာ္င္ယ္း၀ူုိအင၀ကူကင၀ ာူငရဂ္ျက္ငင၀ယေ

္ူ၀ေအ္င၀၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္ငငာ္္က ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သအ၂ငကင င၀မ ္ျ္

ူ၀ င၀ကတ်ငမ၀ င ခ္္ူုိအ မ ္ျ၀္းရငရ၀သင္ာ ၀အူ ၀ကငင၀ ူုိအူ၀ယအုိူ၀ငင၀အူ္က င၀ကငရ၀အ

၀က္ျ္၂ူ၀္းုိအထက္ပို၍ ူူ္၀

ုိအအ္း၀ေင္ငင၀အူ္ကာင မာ္္ကူုိအ

က ၀၂ုိေယ္ူ၀္းရငရ၀သ LEAP အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ငရ၀ ာုိဥ မ ္၀အ

အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ ္ျ၀ ္းဂက ူုိအ္၀္းုိအင၀္ျ္ငင၀




္ာရ၀မတ်္ျ၀အ ူ ၀ကတ်င၀မ ူ ၀က ေ ယ္ာ္္က ူုိအအငုိေ္းက္းရ

ာရ၀သ) ္း အ ေ ၀ ငော္ာူငရာ ဂ ာ င ္္ကူုိေ အ ယ်ငက၀ ယ ေ ၀ 

အူ ၀ကူကင၀ကအ

ာုိာုိအူေ ေ ငင၀က

္င၀ာင မအ

အကို ငူ၀ တ်ငမ၀ ာုိာူုိအ မအအ င က မအ ၀ ေယက

္င၀ယူ က ယ ၀ ္ူကငသ၀

င၀မ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မတ်င၀မ္းူ၀ငူ၀ထက္ပို၍ာုိာ၌ ငင၀က

ကတ်င၀မ္းူ၀ငူ၀ထက္ပို၍ ၂ငက က္ ၀ာင မ

ုိအ္ျယ္ာ္္ကယ်ုိေင္အ ရ……


္င၀ယကူ၀ င၀ကဥ ရ၀က္ျ ္ျ၀ာ္္ကဥူုိအ္၀္းုိအင၀ာ်ူ၀္းို အူင၀အ ္ူ၀အ


္ူင၀ င၀ကဥ


ုိအ္ျယ္ာ္္ကယ်ေ ုိ င္အ ရ…….

LEAP ္း ၀အူ္ကာင မအေ္းး ာုိာာ် ငင၀က ္း အ ္း ၀ အို

္း အ ၀ ရ၀ကအ္က

ုိအ္ျယ္တ်င၀မ ၂္း၀ာို ေ ယ်င၀က

အကို ူုိအ AIG အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ ္ီန၆ - ္ီနခ တ်ငမ၀ ာုိာ

ာ်ူ၀ ္ူ၀သ § 115Cသ150.8. ငော္ာူငရဂာင မာ္္ကူုိအ ္း ၀

ရ၀ငို အကင္း၀ င၀ကသ

150.7(b)(7) အယဥ ငော္ာူငရဂာ္္ကူုိအေ ယ်င၀ကယ ၀္း္ူ၀ူကူ၀ မ ာ္အူ၀အအ္း၀၂ုိ က၀

ငငငရ၀ ္း ၀

ုိအေင္အ ရ….

အ္း၀္းို အ

ဲ်င၀ ရ၀က့္းေ

ူ၀ူင ုိအ ္ျ ၀ ္အအ္းူ ၀ င က ေ ၀ း ္း၂္က္းရငရ၀ အ္း၀ ရ၀က .အ

ရ၀အူ္က ္ာင မအူကူ၀အင ္က ို ္ျ္ူင၀္းုိအင၀ င က မယ ၀ ်ုိ္းရငရ၀သ

ုိအင၀ယ္ G.S. 115C၀က အယ ာုိာငုိအ မ

္းရ္၂ငက ္က ာ ၀ ငမ

င ုိအ ယ ၀ ္အယ္ယ်အ ုိ အ

က၀ ္ငရ၀

K-3 ု ူ က၀ ာ 

4-5 ု၄ူ က၀ သ၃ူ က၀ ာ

ူ ၀ကအူကူ၀္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀ူုိအကူူ၀ာင မငင၀


ာ္္ကူုိအ ္းုိအ မ ္ေ္းကငရ၀သ 

္းုိအာုိအ ူ၀ ေင္ဥအ

ာ္္ကူအုိူုိအူ၀ယအုိူ၀ီ ၀ေ

င၀မ ာင၀မေင္ငင၀အူ္ကာင မ

အေူက မအအူို ဥာ္္ကူုိအ အူ ၀က္းုိင အ ၀ အ ္ကငူ၀



အ ္ကငူ၀

အ္း၀င ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအအ

ေအ္င၀ေ 

င၀ေ ္းေ ္္ောက မ 

ို ္ျ္ောက္းကသ

အုိင၀ယ္ာ်ူ၀ူာ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအအငို အက ္းဥယ္ူကင၀

ငင၀အူ္ကာင မ ရ၀က ္းအ ္ျ၀ေ

အအ္း၀္ျအင္၀္ျ ္ျ၀ူုိအကူူ၀ာင မအူကူ၀ေ


အ္း၀င ၀က


္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀တ်ငမအ ၀ ယရ၀အ ္င၀က္ျ္ျ၀္ျ္ောက္းကာ္္ကူကင၀ ္င၀ယကူ၀ငရ၀သ (့္းာ္ CogAt, ို ္ျ္ောက္းကသ ္ျငရ၀ူုိအာမ

ငင၀အူ္ကာင မ ရ၀က ္းအ ္ျ၀ေ

အအ္း၀္ျအင္၀္ျ ္ျ၀ူုိအကူူ၀ာင မအူကူ၀ေ

အူ ၀က္းုိအင၀


ူ၀ာ္္ကတ်င၀မာုိာာ္္ကတ်အငမ၀ 


င၀ေ ္းေ ္္ောက မေအ္င၀ေ

Naglieri, Iowa အေ


ငရ၀သ ယ္အ္က

င၀မငုိအ မငက္ကာရ၀မေူ္္င၀ကင္ကင္ျ၀ာ္္ကအ

္င၀ယကူ၀ငရ၀သ ္င၀ယကူ၀


အူ ၀က္းုိအင၀


္ျ္္ျ္ျ၀ငငအ ္ျ၀ေ



ူကူ၀ာ်ူ၀္းို အူင၀ င၀ကဥေယကက ္္၀ င၀ကဥ္းို အာ် ၀

္င၀ယကူ၀ငရ၀သ (့္းာ္

္ျငရ၀ူုိအာမ ကို ုိဥကာင မ

ာုိဥ မ ္၀အ ာ္္ကူုိအအ

္ျကာ၀ကယရ၀တ်ငမအ ၀ ယရ၀အ ္င၀က္ျ္ျ၀္ျ္ောက္းကာ္္ကူကင၀ CogAt, Naglieri, Iowa အေ


္ျ္္ျ္ျ၀ငငအ ္ျ၀ေ

င၀မ ာင၀မေင္ငင၀အူ္ကာင မ

ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ ္းုိအ မ ္ေ္းကငရ၀သ

ူူုိ္ူ ၀ကအူကူ၀ ာ်ူ၀္းို အူင၀ င၀ကဥေယကက ္္၀ င၀ကဥ္းို အာ် ၀

္းုိအာုိအ ူ၀ ေင္ဥအ

္င၀ာင မေ္းကငရ၀သ

အေူက မအအူို ဥာ္္ကူုိအ အူ ၀က္းုိင အ ၀

ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ ္းုိအ မ ္ေ္းကငရ၀သ 

ာင၀မာ္က္ျက္၂ငက က္ ၀ငရ၀မ ၄ူ ၀ကတ်င၀မ၃ူ ၀က


ုိအအ္း၀ငရ၀မအ ္ူ၀အ ူ၀ငက္၀ယ္ူကင၀

ူငရဂငရ၀သ ေ ္ူ၀္ျ္ာ္ူ၀တ္် ငုိအ မ


ုိအအ္း၀ငရ၀မအ ္ူ၀အ ူ၀ငက္၀ယ္ူကင၀

္၀ူ က၀ အ

င၀မ ္းရ္၂ငက ္က ာ ၀ ငမ

င ုိအ ယ ၀ ္အယ္ယ်အ ုိ အ

က၀ ္

ူက္ာ၀ကူ္င၀္ျက္ ကို ုိဥကာင မာ္္ကအူကူ၀ 

္းုိအာုိအ ူ၀ ေင္ဥအ

င၀မ ာင၀မေင္ငင၀အူ္ကာင

မအေူက မအအူို ဥာ္္ကူုိအ အူ ၀က္းုိင အ ၀

ယ္တ်င၀မအ ္ကငူ၀

ုိအင၀ငင ာ္္ကတ်င၀မ္းငကေ္းရင၀ကူ္ ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကူုိအ

္းုိအ မ ္ေ္းကငရ၀သ 

အ ္ူ၀အ


၀က္ျ္ာ္္ကဥ္းို အ္းာ္ာ္္ကတ်င၀မ အယ်ုိ ၀ ာင၀မ င၀ကဥေ ္ူ၀

္းအုိာုိအ ္းရ၀ မ္ျို အငရ၀မာူငရဂငရ၀မ ရ၀က္ျ ္ျ၀ာ္္က္းရီင၀ေင္ ငင၀အူ္ကာင မာ္္ကအူကူ၀ 

ငာင မေယကတ်ငမ္ျ ၀ ုိူ၀ ို ္ျ္ကယ င၀ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀

ုိအအ္းရေင္ အ ္ူ၀အ

ငင၀အူ္က္းုိအ မ ္ငငာ္္က ာုိာာ္္ကအူ္ကူကင၀္းအုိာုိအ ယအ ္းဥတုိအင၀ေ္ျယ ၀ေ ္ျ္ေ္း 

ုိအင၀ယ္အ ္ူ၀အ ာုိဥ မ ္၀အ ာ္္ကူုိအအ

 

ူ၀ာ္္ကဥူို အ မ ္း ၀္းအို ရ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအ


င၀မငုိအ မငက္ကာရ၀မေူ္္င၀ကင္ကင္ျ၀ာ္္ကအ ူကူ၀ာ်ူ၀္းို အူင၀ င၀ကဥေယကက ္္၀ င၀ကဥ္းို အာ် ၀ င၀ေ ္းေ ္္ောက မေအ္င၀ေ ို ေင္ငင၀အူ္ကာင မေ


ူ၀ာ္္ကူုိအငို အကင္း၀ င၀ကဥ အေ၂္ူ၀အ၂္က

၀ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀္းို ္းုိအကူငရဂငရ၀သ ္င၀တအုိင၀ာင မာ္္ကူုိအူုိအင၀ူက္၀ာငမူုိအကူူ၀ေ္ျယ ၀ေ


က ၀၂ငက က္ ၀ေင္ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကတ်ငမ၀ ီ ၀၂ာ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအူငရဂ္းို ္းုိအကငရ၀သ

DEP/IDEPs ူုိအ မူုိအ ၂ုိ ၀ကငုိာ၀က င၀ကဥေ ာ္္ကတ်င၀မ္းငကေ္းရင၀ကေ

အ္း၀င ၀က


AIG ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀ ္ျကာ၀ကေ အ၂ငကင င၀မ အ

ယ္ာ္္ကူုိအ္းို ္းုိအကေ္းကငရ၀သ


ီ ၀၂ာ၀ကာ္္ကတ်င၀မ္းငကေ္းရင၀ကူ္ အူ့္၀က ္ဥို ကတ်င၀မ္းို အ္ျို ူူ္အ ္ူ၀အ ူုိအအေ


္င၀ယကူ၀ င၀ကဥူုိအကူူ၀ာင မာ္္ကေ

္င၀ယကူ၀ င၀ကာ္္ကအူကူ၀



္း ၀အူ္ကေယကသ 

AIG ေယကက ္္၀ာင မတ်င၀မာ်ူ၀္းအူ ို င၀ င၀ကူုိ္ျျာ္္ကူုိအ အ

AIG အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ဥ

င၀ေ ္းေအ္င၀ေ


အ္း၀င ၀ကတ်ငမ၀ ရ၀က္ျ ္ျ၀ာ္္ကတ်င၀မ္းူ၀ငူ၀ေင္ ္ျုိအကယုိာ၀ာင မာ္္ကအူကူ၀ာုိာာ္္ကတ်င၀မီ ၀၂ာ၀ ကာ္္ကူအုိ

ူ၀ငက္၀ာင မ ္းဥငရ၀သ 

AIG ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ်ူ၀ူာ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအ၂ုိ ၀ကငုိာ၀ကေ္းကငရ၀သ

အအ္း၀၂ုိ ၀ကငငတ်အင၀မေူ္္င၀ကင္ကီ ေ ၀ အ၂ငကအ င၀မ ာင

ူ ၀ကဥအ

္င၀ာင မ ္းဥငငာ္္ကတ်င၀မအူင ေူ္္င၀ကင္ကာ္္ကအူငကအေ ္း္င၀က္ျ ္ျ၀ူ အဥ

္၀ူ ၀ကဥအ၂ူ၀ူ ၀ကအူငကအေ ္း္င၀ကူ္

ူုိအ မအူကူ၀

္းို အ္ျို ေ းယ္ူကင၀္းငကေ္းရင၀က္းရီင၀ငရ၀ 

ာုိင္က္ျအာ္္ကတ်ငမ၀ အ ကမ

ုိအူ၀ ္းဥ

ူ၀ူာင က မူုိအက ာင၀မေ္ျယ ၀အူကူ၀ ေူ္္င၀ကငင၀ယုိကအ ရ ၀ကရာ္္ကဥ ူုိအကူူ၀ င၀က အ္း၀ေင္အ္ျဂအ္ျ့၀ာ္္ကူကင၀ ာုိင္က္ျအာ္္က္းရီင၀ာင မအူကူ၀ ရ၀က

္္း၀ယ်္ကာင မာ္္ကဥ

ာ၀ကာ္္ကူုိအယ်္ေ ကူငရဂ္းရငရ၀သ

AIG Services in a Nutshell North Carolina has legislation, Article 9B, that mandates identification and services of AIG students K-12. The NC AIG Program Standards serve as a statewide framework for all of NC and guide LEAs to develop, coordinate, and implement thoughtful and comprehensive AIG programs, while still honoring local flexibility. Our District Gifted Program Vision: Our Vision is for gifted and talented students to acquire the knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes to achieve their learning potential. To develop their fullest potential, we will encourage students to embrace diversity, contribute positively to their community, explore possibilities, and aspire to excellence. Mission: Our mission is to promote habits of mind that grow creative problem solvers, passionate leaders, and lifetime learners - Growing Greatness. Beliefs: We believe Gifted Learners … 

Need opportunities that challenge and inspire them to grow academically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.

Need adults who perceive their emerging talents and nurture their potential.

Need teachers who are aware of the nature and needs of their gifted students, are resolved to meet those needs, and have expertise in doing so.

Need time during the school day to explore their giftedness.

Need instruction that enables them to achieve at least one year of growth for one year of schooling.

Need advocates who recognize them, value them, and passionately support them.

Who are our Students?

In accordance with BOE Policy Code: 3525, CHCCS believes that the educational program should challenge all students to aim for academic excellence. Academically or Intellectually Gifted students are those students who: 

Perform or show the potential to perform at substantially higher levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment.

Exhibit high performance capability in specific academic fields, (or in both intellectual areas and specific academic fields) and

Require educational services specifically differentiated for academic and intellectual rigor.

In CHCCS, students may be identified according to the following designations and criteria (link to ID criteria): Academically Gifted: Students who have demonstrated high academic performance in a specific academic field within the regular academic programming. Students can be identified in reading (AR) or math (AM), or both reading and math (AG). These students perform highly on aptitude and achievement assessments. Intellectually Gifted: Students who have demonstrated high intellectual capacity , but have not yet demonstrated high academic performance (IG). These students demonstrate cognitive processing and reasoning abilities in scholarly areas of study outside of the regular academic programming. These students perform in the superior range on aptitude assessments with little evidence of achievement. This definition recognizes that not all intellectually gifted students are going to display gifted characteristics in an “achievement based” way. This will be a new identification this year. Gifted Education Services TALENT DEVELOPMENT services are provided for K- 3 students. Gifted Education Specialists (GES) will collaborate with classroom teachers to conduct a series of instruction and observation cycles, focusing primarily on higher order thinking skills.

Observation notes will be combined with school assessment data and performance tasks in a nurturing portfolio. For those students who show emerging talent for advanced learning, the portfolio will be used to support formal gifted nomination in 3rd grade. GIFTED EDUCATION (AG, AM, AR) services are provided for students who demonstrate achievement in reading and/or math that often exceeds the expected performance of their grade level. Identified students are provided differentiated instruction and enrichment experiences based on data-driven demonstrated need. Services described in the Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) are provided by the classroom teacher and supported by the GES. Gifted identification applies to elementary, middle and high school students. (Nominations in Grades 3-12) Some students consistently demonstrate achievement in reading and/or math that exceeds grade level expectations prior to classroom instruction. These highly gifted students are primarily served by classroom teachers supported by the GES in flexible cluster groups. They receive specialized services in the area of need as described in the DEP. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR ADVANCED PROGRAMMING (LEAP) services are provided for

highly gifted students in grades 4-8 who are consistently exceeding grade level performance expectations, well beyond their age and grade level peers. These students present an extreme need for differentiation in all subject areas, particularly reading and math. The unique learning needs are best met in a setting other than the grade-level classroom. LEAP is a district level instructional service provided in district-designated schools in self-contained classrooms. LEAP teachers hold AIG licensure. (Referrals in grades 3 -7 for placement in the following school year.)

Parent’s Rights and Due Process: Procedures to Resolve Disagreements 

If parents have a dispute with the Gifted Education Services within the classroom ...

If parents have a dispute with the application of the district’s Gifted Education Program

identification criteria, process or procedure as it applies to their child ... If parents have a dispute and seek procedures for LEAP Appeals...

All procedures are described within the AIG Plan 2016-2019 and in the Parent Handbook NOTE: § 115C-150.8. Review of Disagreements. In the event that the procedure developed under G.S. 115C-150.7(b)(7) fails to resolve a disagreement, the parent or guardian may file a petition for a contested case hearing under Article 3 of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes .

Role of the GIfted Ed. Specialist in... K-3 

Deliver Talent Development

4-5 

lessons for grades K-3 

Collaborate with classroom

gifted 4th and 5th graders. 

Collaborate with classroom

teachers and other stakeholders to

teachers and other stakeholders to

provide rigorous, high level

provide rigorous, high level

learning experiences to all students

learning experiences to all students

Facilitate the formal screening,

Facilitate the formal screening,

nomination, and identification

nomination, and identification

process in third grade.

process for students new to the

Serve as testing coordinator for


aptitude and achievement

Provide direct service for highly

Serve as testing coordinator for

assessments (CogAt, Naglieri, Iowa

aptitude and achievement

Test of Basic Skills, etc.)

assessments (CogAt, Naglieri, Iowa

Assists in documenting developing

Test of Basic Skills, etc.)

talent using portfolios and

Serve as Instructional coach


Facilitate small group staff

Serve as Instructional coach

Facilitate small group staff development

development 

Support classroom teacher with resources and parent communication

Support classroom teacher with resources and parent communication Continued on next page

Roles of GES Middle School: Professional Development: 

Collaborate with classroom teachers and others to provide rigorous, high level learning experiences to all students

Support teachers with core instruction through resources, modeling, and coaching around differentiation strategies that include enrichment, extension, and acceleration

Increase awareness among educators and parents about social/emotional needs, provide information, introduce ways to respond, provide PD

Data Literacy: 

Facilitate the formal screening, nomination, and identification process for students new to the district

Collaborate with staff to analyze formative and summative data and support evidenced-based best practices for instruction.

Progress monitor achievement of AIG students, particularly highly gifted and support staff in meeting the needs of these students

Collaborate with core teachers to develop, monitor, and maintain DEP/IDEPs

Liaison: 

Facilitate the AIG Nomination and Identification process

Communicate with staff and families concerning the AIG Plan, processes, and procedures

Maintain AIG student records

Collaborate with Guidance and Student Services to design a system for student transitions, especially between elementary and middle, and middle and high school.

Explore ways to support family involvement with community events, school based curriculum nights and enrichment activities to increase partnerships with families

Burmese Translation-AIG Services in a Nutshell for Parents.pdf ...

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