UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ANTIGO CO-CURRICULAR CODE Leaders of Tomorrow, Created Here Today Curricular C

District Mission Statement In partnership with the community, our mission is to provide a safe and positive educational climate that will produce life-long learners, able to achieve their maximum potential and contribute responsibly to society. The Antigo Activities and Athletic Department provides opportunities for youth to develop lifelong leadership skills that will help foster high quality leaders for today and tomorrow STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Participation in co-curricular activities is a privilege and should elicit great pride in both the student and his/her family. Meeting eligibility requirements and accepting the Co-Curricular Code of Conduct earns one the privilege to participate. Students who participate in co-curricular activities will be held to a high standard of academic achievement and personal behavior. Co-curriculars provide unique opportunities for students to promote their mental, physical, social, and emotional development. By providing strong co-curricular experiences the Unified School District of Antigo extends the privilege of enriching the mind and body to any student meeting district, WIAA, and any applicable governing body’s requirements. Participants who comply with this code of conduct demonstrate a desire to dedicate themselves to self-improvement as well as to enhance the best interests of fellow teammates, coaches and school. If accepted, this privilege carries certain responsibilities, and this co-curricular code presents these responsibilities. The intent of the Co-Curricular Code is to provide an outline of student responsibilities for participation in the Unified School District of Antigo’s Activities Program. All co-curricular activities will be governed by this year- round Code. Further, this district will not tolerate bias based upon prejudice towards gender, race, color, creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. Participants will be held to higher standards of academic achievement and behavioral conduct. The Co-Curricular Code is to be followed at all times throughout each student’s high school career. Violations of this Code are cumulative and will be enforced year-round from the date signed. The consequences of the Code are the same regardless of your activity(ies) being in-season or out-of-season. Remember, co-curricular activities are a privilege, not a right! A) CO-CURRICLAR CODE: A signed Co-Curricular Code must be filed with the Athletic/Activities Director before practice/participation starts. B) ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: The Unified School District of Antigo strongly supports and encourages participation by all students in co-curricular activities. However, the district also recognizes academic performance as the primary focus for each student-participant. Grades used for guidelines will be 1st and 3rd quarters and 1st and 2nd semesters. To this end: 1) A student must maintain a grade point average (g.p.a.) at or above 1.66 (C-) with no F’s throughout each grading period (see below) on a 4.0 grading scale. A student’s grades will be monitored weekly to determine eligibility during the season. Fall Sports – 2nd Semester grades of previous school year Winter Sports – 1st Quarter and 1st Semester grades Spring Sports – 1st Semester and 3rd Quarter grades 2) A student having a grade point average (g.p.a.) less than 1.66 and/or having earned an F in the most recent quarter grading period in any class can practice for the first two weeks. If the student is still failing after the two week period, they cannot attend practice/participate until raising GPA and/or is not failing any class. Exceptions made for Fall Sports practices. Students will start grade sheets the 2nd week of the new school year to improve their academic performance. They will be able to start game participation in a Fall Sport according to the WIAA eligibility dates for Fall sports with regards to academics only. 3) The student’s progress will be evaluated every Friday for five times: after 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 school days. If the student is passing all classes and maintaining a 1.66 g.p.a. after any of these timelines, s/he can resume participation immediately. However, if a student has a “C” or better in all classes for two consecutive grade checks, the student will not be required to complete the last three grade checks. The student’s grades will continue to be monitored. The student is required to obtain and complete the academic eligibility form weekly during this time. If the student does not complete the weekly form during the 25 day period, the student will be ineligible for both practices and competitions. Failure to complete this form during one athletic season will carry the ineligibility status over to the next athletic season, despite current grades. 4) The student will maintain the 1.66 g.p.a. with no F’s through each of the five, 5-day check points or s/he will be re-classified as a non-participant until the next 5-day check point verifies s/he’s meeting the requirement. a) If at the conclusion of the 25-school day period, the student has not met requirements, s/he shall be excluded from participation for the rest of that grading period. b) The athletic director’s office will notify each coach/director when students become eligible for participation. 5) If a participant earns more than one F during any grading period, s/he will be excluded from participating for the entirety of the next grading period.

Board approved on 8/26/14

C) ATTENDANCE: A student must attend every class each school day if s/he is to participate in practice/game/activity that same day. Excuses for funerals or medical appointments must be approved by the building principal or his designee prior to the absence. 1) Students who are considered habitual truants or have more than 10 excused absences in any class during a grading period will be ineligible to participate for the next four weeks. If, during that four-week period, the absences continue, the student will remain ineligible for the rest of the season. This ineligibility includes practices. The building principal or his designee can make exceptions for medical, emergency, and/or extenuating circumstances. 2) Removal from a class(es) or suspension for excessive tardiness will be considered a violation of the code. D) DETENTION/DISCIPLINE OBLIGATIONS: All discipline obligations must be fulfilled before a student can participate in practice. Discipline obligations not met in a timely fashion as determined by the principal’s office will result in the student’s loss of eligibility. The ineligibility will be for consecutive games/activities and will last the length of the accumulated consequences. E) CODE OF CONDUCT: All students will be expected to obey the following code of ethics…these include but are not limited to items listed. A student shall NOT steal or possess stolen articles, violate another’s individual rights, destroy, damage or deface school or private property, disrespect school authorities, use profanity towards school authorities, violate civil or statutory law in which a student is cited by legal authorities or any other type of illegal participation, excluding minor civil/traffic violations which do not involve property damage or personal harm. DNR citations and speeding tickets are considered minor civil/traffic violations. A student shall NOT violate ethical and behavioral ideals including use of abusive language, vandalism, fighting, and indecent exposure. Participants violating these expectations will lose eligibility in all activities. Students suspended from school are ineligible to compete. 1) Academics and Social Media. Students shall not commit academic violations such as cheating and/ or plagiarism. Inappropriate use of social media and technology (texting. Facebook, tweeting. etc.) is also prohibited. F) DRUG AND ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS: Possession, use, purchase, or sale of tobacco, alcohol, prescription drugs not prescribed to the signee, and/or unauthorized drugs or performance enhancing substances are considered a violation of the Code. Being identified on a blog site which depicts illegal or inappropriate behavior will also be considered a violation of this code. G) PENALTIES/CONSEQUENCES: WIAA post-season tournaments are part of the consequences. 1) CATEGORY I: ATHLETICS a) First Violation: Parent and student will be required to meet with the Athletic Director or Administrator. The student shall lose eligibility for 20% of the season. An Honesty Clause, defined as a student self-reporting a violation to any member of the administration or co-curricular director without the violation being witnessed by any staff or board of education member, shall work as follows: a student who self-reports a first offense violation,shall have her/his suspension reduced to 10 % of the contracted contests. This honesty clause shall only apply to the first offense. For all first violations, the student will be required to participate in a school service contract. The service contract must be completed prior to returning to competition unless stated otherwise in the service contract. First offense academic/social media violation will be a one game suspension barring its potential as a criminal offense. Note that if a second academic violation occurs, it will become a code violation with a percentage of games that will be missed according to the consequences for that level of violation. b) Second Violation: Parent and student will be required to meet with the Athletic Director or Administrator. The student shall lose eligibility for 50% of a season. Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Violations: If the student willingly participates in an ATODA treatment/assessment program at her/his own expense and successfully completes the program, the consequence will be reduced to 25% of the season. Additionally, the student will be required to participate in a school service contract. The service contract must be completed prior to returning to competition unless stated otherwise in the service contract. Conduct Violations: (Not involving drugs, alcohol or tobacco). The student will be required to participate in a school service contract to earn his/her eligibility back. Upon completion of the service contract the student’s consequence would be reduced to 25% of a season. The service contract must be completed prior to returning to competition unless stated otherwise in the service contract. c) Third Violation: Parent and student will be required to meet with the Athletic Director or Administrator. The student shall lose eligibility for one full calendar year. d) Fourth Violation: A student shall lose eligibility for the remainder of her/his high school career. e) No exception is permitted for the participant of a treatment program. f) Scrimmages do not count as game against code violations, but if ineligible due to a violation, a student will not be allowed to participate in the scrimmage as it is a contest versus another team. (per WIAA) g) Students may continue to practice after violations #1 and #2. Once the student reaches violation #3, they cannot practice or participate nor be associated with Antigo District teams/organizations. h) Students not completing the season in which they are serving a violation will have consequences applied to the next season in which they participate.

Board approved on 8/26/14

2) CATEGORY II: NON-ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES a) First Violation: The student shall lose eligibility for the next one week/one performance, whichever is greater. There will be an educational component to finish the consequence. b) Second Violation: The student shall lose eligibility for the next two performances. There will be an educational component to finish the consequence. c) Third Violation: Parent and student will be required to meet with the Athletic Director or Administrator. The student shall lose eligibility for one full calendar year. d) Fourth Violation: A student shall lose eligibility for the remainder of her/his high school career. e) No exception is permitted for a participant in a treatment program. f) Students may continue to practice after violations #1and #2. They cannot practice or be associated with Antigo District teams/organizations after violation #3 and #4. H) DEFINITION OF A “SEASON”: A “season” refers to the maximum number of contests deemed by the WIAA. If a suspension of ineligibility occurs over two different seasons, a percentage will be used to figure out how many games or events will be missed. The total amount of suspension will be discussed in the required parent meeting. I) DEFINITION OF “PERFORMANCE”: A “performance” refers to one complete cycle or event, regardless of the length of that event. A performance is defined as being open to the general public and/or competitive. It does not refer to presentations for service clubs, churches, or other organizations. However, such appearances are prohibited until all consequences have been satisfied. J) SAME-SEASON ACTIVITIES: A student will be ineligible for participation in same-season activities until the consequences for each have been met. All consequences must be served in consecutive order. A student meeting a consequence while enrolled in a particular activity must complete the entire season, be actively involved in the activity, complete all activity obligations, abide by all rules/requirements, and meet the expectations of the coach. If the student is unable to meet these requirements, s/he will not have met the consequence requirement. K) GRADING: Students suspended from non-athletic activities which have a course grade apportioned to the activity shall receive no grade for the missed activity/event/performance. The course grade shall reflect only the classroom and activities in which the student participated. L) TRANSPORTATION FOR SCHOOL-RELATED EVENTS: Students must use school-sponsored transportation when representing the Unified School District of Antigo. For reason of liability, parents desiring to transport their own child/ren home following an event must notify the athletic director’s office in writing prior to doing so. M) INSURANCE: The Antigo School District does not carry insurance coverage on any student. The district does provide the opportunity for parents/legal guardians to purchase additional insurance through an outside agency. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for providing their own coverage N) APPEAL PROCESS: After a ruling of ineligibility resulting in the suspension from an activity, a student and/or his/her parents/guardians may appeal the decision in writing to the high school building principal. The request for appeal must be received in writing within five (5) school days from the time of the notification of the suspension. An appeals committee will meet within five (5) school days from the date of the written appeal to review the case and provide the final decision. The student shall remain ineligible until a decision from the committee has been made. The committee will be comprised of the High School Principal or her/his designee, the Middle School Principal or her/his designee, a designee from the School District Office, and two High School faculty members. O) Athletic/Competitive Performing Teams: All Antigo Area Senior High School students who are competing or performing as a representative of our school are bound by the rules and Violations Sections of this code set out by this Co-Curricular Code of Conduct. For the purpose of this Code, athletic and completive teams include: Baseball Boys/Girls Basketball Boys/Girls Cross Country Football Golf Boys/Girls Hockey Gymnastics Boys and Girls Soccer Boys/Girls Swimming Softball Boys/Girls Tennis Boys/Girls Track Volleyball Wrestling Boys/Girls Bowling P) Performing Organizations/Classes, Clubs, and Non-Competitive Organizations For all purposes this Code, performing organizations/classes and non-competitive organizations include, but are not limited to: Pep Band Marching Band DECA FFA Forensics KEY Club Student Council Art Club FCA Drama Club Class Officers Antigonian FCCLA German Club Choir (all groups) Spanish Club Physics Club Skills USA Yearbook (HiLight) Media Productions *National Honor Society- See their code

Board approved on 8/26/14

Community and School Athletic Expectations Coaches Expectations Be Safe:   

Inspect equipment and playing area. Be on time to practice Educate participants on rules and use of equipment.

Be Respectful:    

Use appropriate language. Exhibit self-control. Be involved, not obsessed. Learn, understand and respect the rules of the game.

Be Responsible:   

Display good sportsmanship. Use proper etiquette. Be involved, not obsessed.

Participant Expectations Be Safe:  

Use equipment properly. Warm-up properly.

Be Respectful:    

Use appropriate language. Be open to feedback. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Learn, understand and respect the rules of the game.

Be Responsible:   

Display good sportsmanship. Use proper etiquette. Put forth your best effort.

Spectator Expectations Be Safe:  

Be attentive. Bleachers are for sitting.

Be Respectful:   

Use appropriate language. Cheer in a positive manner. Learn, understand and respect the rules of the game.

Be Responsible:   

Display good sportsmanship. Use proper etiquette. Be involved, not obsessed.



STUDENT’S NAME (Please Print) _______________________________________________________

Anticipated year of high school graduation _________________ I have received a copy of the Unified District of Antigo’s Activities Code. I accept and will honor the intent of all requirements set forth by the WIAA and this district policy.

_______________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN

_____/_____/_____ DATE

I have received a copy of the Unified District of Antigo’s Activities Code. I accept and will honor the intent of all requirements set forth by the WIAA and this district policy.

________________________________________________________ STUDENT

_____/_____/_____ DATE

Revised 8/26/14




A student shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition if he/she reaches his/her 19th birthday before August 1 of any given school year.

I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all of the information contained in the bulletin. I further certify that if I have not understood any information contained in this document, I have sought and received an explanation of the information prior to signing this statement.

School Name

Parent/Guardian’s Signature


Student-Athlete’s Signature


This form must be completed and submitted to the Athletic Director prior to a student being declared eligible to practice and compete.

Revised 8/26/14


Co-Curricular Code.pdf

Softball Boys/Girls Tennis Boys/Girls Track. Volleyball Wrestling Boys/Girls Bowling. P) Performing Organizations/Classes, Clubs, and Non-Competitive Organizations. For all purposes this Code, performing organizations/classes and non-competitive organizations include,. but are not limited to: Pep Band Marching Band ...

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