Commack United Methodist Church 486 Townline Road Commack, NY 11725-7310 (631) 499-7310 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Pastor’s E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. Richard C. Mills, Pastor (631) 499-4770 April 2007 Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors

she looked around the girl cried out again and again, “Oh God! How beautiful!” Perhaps this must have been something like Mary Magdalene’s experience when she encountered the resurrected Jesus. She saw him, but she could not make sense of what she saw. Her eyesight had not been trained for resurrection, but her heart recognized the sound of her name. Understanding settled in, and she exclaimed the knowledge of what she had seen. This then is the message of Easter: to see what we have never seen before, to look at the familiar in a new way. In the presence of the risen Christ, we are invited to gaze at what has been dead in our lives and to cry out, as we see with new eyes, Oh God! How beautiful!” Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ, In her book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Ann Dillard relates that when surgeons discovered how to perform cataract operations they began to operate on people who had been blind since birth. The surgeons were able to give them the gift of sight, but not the gift of understanding what they saw. Because they had not learned to see as children, the colors and shapes they saw had little meaning. Some found it an overwhelming experience. One teenage boy kept threatening to tear his eyes out. Another young girl kept her eyes shut for two weeks to shut out the brightness. When she finally opened her eyes she still didn’t understand what she saw; but as

See you in church, Rev. Dick


sentences and the chapel within these walls provides the only worship experiences they will ever know.

A MISSION MOMENT... Just as there are signs of birth and renewal in nature, like the birds singing and the green blades of grass appearing, so there are signs of rebirth and renewal in the life of the church. The Church in Lithuania, after many years of oppression, has come alive again. One of those signs of rebirth is the formation of new groups of believers. During the Annual District Conference of The United Methodist Church of Lithuania, the congregation of Ukmerge was accepted into membership as an “official” church. Chet and I were very much involved in the development of this small group and it gives us great joy to celebrate this step in their growth. Jodi and Chet Cataldo, Missionaries, Lithuania

The original chapel was built in the 1930s but was condemned in 1984. Since then, temporary space is being used in an old residential area which is woefully inadequate. Serious water leaks have destroyed the pews, pulpit and make for a dank, depressing worship space. This currently accommodates only 140 inmates, correctional officers and guests. A committee comprised of two major chaplains (Protestant and Roman Catholic), correctional officers, security and professional staff and architect/designer, has developed a plan for a new chapel. The stained glass windows preserved from the original chapel will be incorporated into the plan. Plans have received approval from the NY State Dept of Corrections and the Bedford Hills superintendent and have incorporated themselves as a charitable non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

Mission Prayer Focus: The United Methodist Church of Ukmerge, Lithuania Women’s Cross Cultural Exchange Program in Uganda Leadership Training & Peace Building Workshop in West Africa


Our churches are being pulled in many directions for scarce missional resources. However, this is a unique opportunity to touch the lives of women throughout the state along with their families and loved ones.


The UMW is sending a donation toward this vitally important project in addition to our support of WAM (Women’s Advocate Ministry). If you wish, your tax-deductible contributions may be sent to: Friends of the Bedford Hills Prison Chapel Project; 197 Manville Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570

At our March meeting, Anne Tammaro led the program “Who Is My Neighbor” and held a discussion on random acts of kindness. Some of our neighbors are the women in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, the New York State maximum security prison for women. Some 850 women are incarcerated there at present and 70% consider themselves Christian. Many of these women are serving life

The above has been excerpted from “The Vision”, our Conference newspaper.


UMW’s April 12 meeting:, Betty Carson will present the program: “Rise & Shine, for Christ is Risen.” We will also have a renewal membership program. Ginny Eichenauer will hostess for the evening. All women are invited to attend, please call Ann Aupperle and she will arrange transportation, if needed.

Happy Birthday to: Kimberly Clendenning Sarah D’Amato Tom Devine June Fick Joan Stehlin-Fritz Maggie Hervey Jennifer Mallgraf Rev. Dick Mills Sam Prasad Florence Schneckenberger

UMW will be printing the Mother’s and Father’s Day booklets again this year. All proceeds go to our mission projects. The deadline for the Mother’s Day booklet is Sunday, April 29. Cyndi, our coordinator needs time to sort names, print and collate the booklet. We are enclosing a form with instructions in the Messenger and inserts will be in our Sunday bulletin. Cyndi would love to include your loved ones famous quotes, old sayings and favorite prayers. You may give them to Cyndi, Kathy or Me! It would also be helpful if you could alphabetize your listings. Thank You.

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and thoughtfulness after the death of our daughter in law, Lisa. It is our Church family that holds us together during times of trouble. We also ask that you continue to keep Frank, Jamie and Derek in your prayers as they deal with this tragic loss. With love and thanks, Richard and Anne Tammaro

Date to set aside: March 24: LIE UMW Spring District Meeting at Amityville UMC April 20-22: All Family Retreat May 12: UMW “High Tea” (2-4PM) July 26-29: Cooperative School of Christian Mission at Danbury, Connecticut

MISSIONS WORKAREA Our wonderful peanut butter gang did it again! Phyllis delivered 1200 sandwiches on March 3rd thanks to our faithful spreaders. A couple of hours are spent chatting with friends while hands busily spread peanut butter and 1200 people didn't go hungry that day. This wonderful group is truly doing God's work. Some recipient of our sandwiches are Mary Brennan Inn in Hempstead, First Methodist Church in Roosevelt, Operation Homeless, Pronto of LI, Lighthouse Mission in Patchogue, The INN in Wyandanch and Christ Episcopal Church in Central Islip and other soup kitchens A big thank you for all those contributions of peanut butter and other supplies that keep our gang in business, your contributions are what keeps this ministry going.

APRIL BIRTHDAYS Make a wish and give it wings Dreams of bright and beautiful things Dance through all the fun filled hours Don’t forget to smell the flowers Share some love and birthday cake All life’s joys are yours to take And when evening comes to view Thank our Lord that you are you!


international phone cards. A complete list of needed items was published in February’s messenger and is hung on the bulletin board in the hallway outside the church office. There is also a picture a group of soldiers that sent us a thank you for our Christmas packages hanging there. And of course, we need to pray for their safe return and for peace. Please see Penny or myself if you have any questions... We want to be sure our troops know that we appreciate the sacrifices they are making for us. Please give us the names of any military personnel you would like us to remember.

By the time you read this messenger Mary, Gail, Ann, Betty and I will have delivered Easter baskets and holiday food boxes to some special families, the soup kitchen and the food pantry. A big thank you to our boy scouts for filling 12 Easter Baskets and for their food donations. Hams were purchased through funds from the UMW. One of our faithful peanut butter spreaders put together 10 baskets after collecting goodies from his neighbors. And of course our wonderful congregation made its usual generous donations. You are truly preaching Christ's Word through your actions. Those struggling to provide necessities for their families are grateful for the “extras” furnished by this loving and giving congregation and I pass their thanks on to you. "For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God's people, but also produces an outpouring of grateful thanks to God." 2Corinthians 9:12.

My own personal thanks go to the committee members for all the time, effort and muscles they put into our deliveries. My special thanks to Gail who held things together while I was concerned with my family’s emotional needs. As always, the support and prayers of the congregation are appreciated.

We reach out to those in need not only at holidays, but also throughout the year. The contents of our food box are delivered to the Northport food pantry on a regular basis and of course it is always available for anyone who has a need. Please contact any committee member if you become aware of a need within the church or the community and we will do whatever we can with confidentiality completely assured.

Anne Tammaro & Gail Stroup

From the office...


The next church workday is scheduled for May 5th. The trustees will post a list on the bulletin board of jobs that need to be done. If you know of something in particular that needs attention, please let one of the trustees know. When all of us turn out to help, the jobs aren’t so overwhelming and it turns out to be a lot of fun! Please set aside some time to come by a help in any way you are able.

The missions Workarea and the UMW are collecting supplies for our men and women who are still serving overseas. Some suggestions are: shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, razors, eye drops, lip balm, hand and face wipes, deodorant, hair bands, sun screen, candies, mints, small games, skin cream, socks, foot powder, instant drink mixes, pop tarts, Pringles potato chips, trail mix, breakfast bars, stationary, pens,



Souper Bowl Sunday Raises $244 The Youth Group would like to thank everyone who donated their spare change (and large bills) to our Soup Pots that were passed on Souper Bowl Sunday. Do you know that all those coins that you heard clinking into the pots totaled just under $25??!! In total $244 was donated. This was combined with the amounts raised by 14,191 other youth groups for a total of $7,831,820.36 raised to help fight hunger in their local communities. Each group selects the organization to receive the funds they raise. Commack UMC Youth Group will be splitting the amount with $122 used to buy peanut butter and jelly and the other being donated to the food pantry. The food pantry uses cash donations to buy bulk food for as little as $1/lb. A field trip is being planned in May to present our donation at a time when pantry supplies are often very low.

We are taught that our responsibility as Christians is to be supportive and uplifting in ALL our relationships. Sometimes, the discouragement in “helping out” becomes overwhelming when we see the hurt in others, caused by people either feeling uncomfortable with a situation, or maybe jealous of another. The reason doesn’t matter – what we all need to remind ourselves of is that we’re all on the same side. We’re all here to help each other to be the best they can be by giving them support, not laughing at them or “hanging” them for their forgetfulness, mistakes, or their hurts. ANYWHERE in church should be the place where people can grow in their love for each other, not feel condemned by something they did. Try to remember this the next time someone doesn’t do what WE think they should have done. Maybe we can learn something new.


YOUTH GROUP – 6th grade & Up

The 1st Annual Youth Group Cookie Gram was a resounding success! 99 orders were placed for 30 dozen cookies - more than double what was anticipated! Almost all the cookies were baked and packaged in a single Sunday afternoon! From the comments received both givers and receivers benefited from this project. Special thanks to Maureen Kessler and Dagmar Mackay who stayed for the entire five hours of cooking and to Sobana who helped bring organization to the assembly process. Also thanks to the Colavitos and Herveys who in addition to the Mackays, Kesslers and Prasads helped deliver the cookies. The Youth Group netted just under $200.


Calling all youth 6 grade and up to join them in the Youth Room (Rm #10 – first room on the left as you enter the Religious Education (R.E.) Building) at 10:45 every Sunday. We are YES (Youth Embodying Service for the Lord!) We meet every Sunday. Sometimes we stay in our room for planning sessions or discussions on topics of interest to us (ask someone about viewing the video – After the Fall). Other times, we have fun together doing activities we’ve selected – bowling, ice skating, lazer tag. So come be a part of YES for the Lord!


Fortified with a pizza lunch all arrived back in Commack ready to reserve a date to return next winter.

Youth enjoy Snow Plus at Winter Retreat

EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Youth Group invites all members of the congregation and their friends and family to join them at Sunken Meadow State Park main pavilion for Easter Sunrise Service, Sunday, April 8th at 6AM. Their presentation will contrast the events that occurred in the garden on that joyous morning with the events (or non-events) occurring in a home somewhere in the Jerusalem area. Please join them on Easter Sunday as they help us understand the meaning and significance of the Resurrection.

The Youth Group was greeted with about 1 foot of snow on the ground when they arrived at Camp Epworth for a weekend of fellowship, food and frosty fun! Five youth were joined by four friends and relatives for our first annual winter retreat. While no one “flew through air with the greatest of ease”, they learned the meaning of trust as they walked across a cable suspended about 15 feet off the ground (even Mr. Hervey clamored on up to the cable)! Under the guidance of program directors Karen and Terry Ciani and “ropes” specialist, Geraldine, our youth exhibited confidence in climbing the ladder, then the spikes in the tree to reach the cable. Everyone, including those in charge of working with Geraldine to maintain the appropriate slack in the safety line have a new appreciation for the word TRUST.

Youth to Participate in World Vision Sponsored Event From 6AM Saturday, April 28th until 12:30PM Sunday, April 29th our youth will be experiencing hunger. We will have a kick-off breakfast for the event. They will be allowed water and a single serving of rice until their food “relief” on Sunday, April 28th. They will be sharing their experience during worship on the 28th. The congregation is invited to come back to church at noon on that Sunday to help them break their fast with a soup lunch to be served at 12:30PM. More details will be available in the bulletins after Easter and posters in the hallway outside the parlor.

An ice storm a few days earlier put a very slick “crust” on the top of the snow which made our sledding/tubing a bit treacherous, but fun was had by all on the slopes as well. A nighttime treasure hunt took teamwork to find the treasure of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate which quickly turned into ooey-gooey, yummy s’mores devoured while watching the Chronicles of Narnia.

But there’s so much more about the 30 Hour Famine. It’s not easy going without food for 30 hours. But one of the many reasons groups do the 30 Hour Famine is to grow closer together…to create camaraderie by working side-byside toward a common goal.

On Sunday the group, packed, cleaned and loaded the cars and was off to celebrate Sunday worship including communion with members of New Paltz UMC.


night, when the vast majority of transmissions occur. The African malaria mosquitoes generally bite late at night or early morning, between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. A bed net is usually hung above the center of a bed or sleeping space so that it completely covers the sleeping person. A net treated with insecticide offers about twice the protection of an untreated net and can reduce the number of mosquitoes that enter the house and the overall number of mosquitoes in the area.

Another tangible result of the Famine is that this simple act of going without food on behalf of children half a world away also draws participants closer to Christ. They experience compassion -feeling the pain alongside children who don’t have a choice about their own circumstances. Just as Christ chose to suffer on behalf of the whole world. Please continue to pray for the youth in our congregation as they prepare to participate in the 30 Hour Famine. And consider how you can support their efforts to save kids’ lives through World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine.

Because malaria kills 1,000,000 kids each year, UMCOR, Sports Illustrated, the NBA and the Gates Foundation have partnered to raise money for mosquito netting. For every $10 donated, a whole family can be protected. Bishop Park is challenging our youth to raise money for The Bishop’s Partnership in Mission Fund which will match every dollar raised up to $10,000!

Sunday School to Focus on Nothing But Nets for Mission Project Each of our Sunday School Families will be participating in the Nothing But Nets initiative. A $10 donation from one family here can protect a family in a malaria-infested country for up to four years by providing them with an insecticide treated bed net.

Be one of the 1,000 youth at Annual Conference this June! Bishop Jeremiah Park is extending an invitation to youth from all over the conference to attend Annual Conference on Saturday, June 9. Arrive at 9:00 AM to the huge tent where there will be all kinds of fun things to do! The Christian rock singer and recording artist Krystal Meyers will perform with her band. See her web site: At 11:00 AM youth programming will begin in the arena for a huge mission celebration with special emphasis on the Nothing But Nets project. Lunch is free! Enjoy Krystal and her band in the tent. Stay for the Ordination Service at 2:30 PM.

In the poorest parts of the world, where effective window screens are lacking, insecticide-treated bed nets are arguably the most cost-effective way to prevent malaria transmission. One bed net costs just $10 to buy and deliver to individuals in need. One bed net can safely last a family for about four years, thanks to a long-lasting insecticide woven into the net fabric. Studies show that use of insecticidetreated bed nets can reduce transmission as much as 90% in areas with high coverage rates. Bed nets prevent malaria transmission by creating a protective barrier against mosquitoes at

If you are interested in attending or chaperoning (chaperones are needed – Deb will be out of town on a Girl Scout 95th Anniversary Trip that weekend), please see Deb or Jen. 7

year is “Destinations”. This will be our 18th year of fun and fellowship. Reservations are $20.00 for each person and will be deducted from the final cost. See Ginny Eichenauer for reservations and information. We will be staying at the “Asbury House” this year. If you’ve never been to our church camp in all these years, maybe this year is the TIME! If you’ve never had a real conversation other than “good morning” with someone at church, maybe this year is the TIME! If you don’t know the names of the children, maybe this year is the TIME! If you’ve never tasted “monkey bread”, maybe this year is the TIME! Call Ginny at 499-7394.

This years Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 7th from 11am – 1pm and is being hosted by the Education Workgroup and Youth Group. This will include lunch for all who attend! THE JELLY BEAN PRAYER RED is for the blood He gave. GREEN is for the grass He made. YELLOW is for the sun so bright. ORANGE is for the edge of night. BLUE is for the sins we made.

I would also like to thank everyone who worked on our Lenten Prayer Walk. They came to several meetings, slogging through cold, snow and ice and put in hours of time to make it all work. Take a bow: Joanie and Tricia Nehlsen, Al and Ben Fick, Tom and Penny White, Nancy Gamby, Cyndi Pinkham, Betty Carson, Janice Woods, Suzanne Litrel, John Titolo and Gail Stroup.

WHITE is for the grace HE gave. PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow. A bag full of jelly beans colorful and sweet, Is a prayer, is a promise, is a special treat. HAPPY EASTER!

Please keep the family of Harold Clisset in your prayers. He passes away on 2/26/07. His wife, Martha Clisset, resides at Juniper Village @ Lewisville, 1078 S. 88th Street, Lewisville, Colorado 80027. Telephone: 303-665-3722 Son David: 813-679-6399 Son Jimmy: 303-845-2700

The families of Daniel Nehlsen and Leah Savino happily announce their engagement on February 22, 2007. Daniel is a math teacher at Malverne High School and Leah is a speech pathologist. A June wedding is planned and we wish them love and happiness always.


NURTURING WORKAREA Our church Family Retreat at Camp Quinipet on Shelter Island will be held April 20th, 21st and 22nd. Our theme this 8

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

And the fifth thing...

To be continued...


Commack United Methodist Church

Pastor's E-Mail: [email protected]. Rev. Richard C. Mills ... of new groups of believers. During the ... this small group and it gives us great joy .... service you perform not only meets the needs ... all here to help each other to be the best.

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