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Gaurab Aryal†

† The Australian National University, [email protected] 1

I owe a special thanks to: Yao Huang for her contribution for the data collection, Isabelle Perrigne and Quang Vuong for their unyielding support and guidance. I also wish to thank Herman Bierens, Vijay Krishna, Mark Roberts, Neil Wallace and seminar participants at Ohio State, Columbia and Univ. of Queensland for helpful discussions. This paper is a chapter in my thesis written at Penn State. I am responsible for all the errors. For latest version please visit the web site http://sites.google.com/site/gaurabaryal

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages GAURAB ARYAL

A BSTRACT. This paper proposes a structural framework to analyze an oligopoly market where each seller uses a nonlinear price schedule to sell her differentiated product. The demand for each product is generated by preferences characterized by bi-dimensional unobserved preferences. The model is implemented to the data on yellow pages advertisements bought by businesses in a market, with two yellow page publishers. The data is collected from the Yellow Page Association and the phone books, which suggest that the utility publisher is a leader in the market. Therefore, we consider a Stackelberg duopoly model of nonlinear pricing in which firms buying advertising are characterized by a bi-dimensional vector of tastes for the two directories. The model and the econometric specification incorporate the features observed in the data such as the price schedules are quadratic, some basic advertisement option is free and advertisers can and do buy advertisements in both of the directory. Empirical results show substantial heterogeneity among firms’ willingness to pay. The estimated model is used to assess the welfare loss due to (i) asymmetric information, (ii) a merger between the two publishers and (iii) withdrawal of the non-utility publisher from the market. Keywords: Nonlinear pricing, Competition, Multidimensional Screening, Identification, Estimation, Advertising.

1. I NTRODUCTION The optimal way to design a selling mechanism by a seller who faces consumers with unobserved and heterogeneous valuation for her good(s) has been an important subject of study in economics for few decades now. Analyzed under the heading of optimal screening problem, the problem is well understood for a single seller environment when the unobserved heterogeneity is summarized by one dimensional parameter. The question of 2

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


interested for us is to analyze and empirically quantify the effect of competition on the selling mechanism and their subsequent welfare implication. In their seminal paper, Mussa and Rosen [1978] formalize the idea that when facing consumers with unobserved preferences, it is profitable for the seller to offer different varieties of goods at different prices, often leading to nonlinear price schedules. Some other important contribution to this problem include Spence [1977]; Maskin and Riley [1984]; Wilson [1993]. The fact that we do observe such pricing scheme corroborates the importance of this research for empirical analysis. For instance, telephone companies offer a variety of tariffs that are differentiated by distance and time of use. The advertising rates in newspapers and magazines are based on the size, the placement of the advertisement etc. One significant feature of these tariffs is that the average price paid per unit depends on the size of the good purchased and the tariffs are not strictly proportional to the quantity and hence they are known as the nonlinear pricing or second degree price discrimination.1 Under nonlinear pricing, a menu of options are offered from which consumers can select their choice depending on their preferences. Therefore, allowing for unobserved consumer heterogeneity is important to explain the observed nonlinear price schedules observed in the data. However, there are many economic examples where multiple sellers (principals) compete by choosing a nonlinear tariff. It has been well recognized that because a monopoly seller always distorts quantity, socially suboptimal quantities is produced. Moreover, price discrimination can have adverse distributional effects and it can promote allocative inefficiency. Therefore, it is important to know the effect of competition on the distortion, and how the gains (if any) are shared amongst different types of consumers. For such a welfare consideration an empirical study of markets with competition is essential. In this paper we analyze the effect of competition on pricing strategies and welfare in a market with duopoly sellers. To that end, we propose a structural framework based on model that generalizes Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] and estimate the model using data for yellow-page advertisements.


When products differ in terms of quality attributes, a similar interpretation applies, where increment in transaction represents higher quality.



With competition sellers have an added incentives to differentiate their product and make it more attractive to consumers, as differentiation results in competitive advantage. Some important papers that analyze competition between sellers include Oren, Smith and Wilson (1983) who consider a oligopoly market with homogenous goods, and some recent papers analyze markets with differentiated products such as Ivaldi and Martimort [1994]; Stole [1995]; Armstrong and Vickers [2001]; Rochet and Stole [2003]; Stole [2007]; Yang and Ye [2008]. Because nonlinear pricing is ubiquitous in various markets and the theory behind it is well understood, it has resulted in an increase in empirical literature. Some early empirical study in this area include J.R. and Roberts [1991] who provided an alternative cost based explanation for commonly observed second-degree price discrimination. Others account for cost variation in explaining the nonlinear price schedules, such as Shepard [1991] who quantifies the evidence of price discrimination in self versus full-serve gas station; Clerides [2002] studies hard versus soft cover books and based Price Discrimination, the Market for Gasoline, and in Europe [2002] studies gasoline and diesel cars. In a recent paper with monopoly setting, Perrigne and Vuong [2011] study a market for yellow page advertising and show that the with utility linear in types both the base and marginal utility function and the distribution of types can be nonparametrically identified. They estimate the model using data from yellow pages advertising and measure the cost of asymmetric information. However, the focus of these papers have been only on a single seller markets. Given the prevalence of multiple seller markets, empirical investigation of multiple seller markets seems very desirable. There are some recent empirical studies of such markets. This empirical literature can be broadly categorized into three different types: (i) those using a reduced form analysis, such as Borenstein [1991]who shows that fall in competition has resulted in decrease in price margins between leaded and unleaded gas; Borenstein and Rose [1994] show that price dispersion in US airline market increases with competition and Busse and Rysman [2005] study advertising prices in yellow page industry and show that competition results in higher price curvature, i.e. higher quantity discount,

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


(ii) those using random utility discrete choice models to analyze the demand side while taking the supply side as exogenous to estimate structural parameters, such as Leslie [2004] who analyzes tickets sales for a Broadway plays; McManus [2006] who studies an oligopolistic market of specialty coffee and Cohen [2008] who estimates consumer’s preferences over different sizes and brands of paper towels and (iii) those that endogenize the observed price schedules, such as Crawford and Shum [2006] who investigate the magnitude of quality distortion in cable television and Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] who study a duopoly competition model where two principals supply two differentiated goods (electricity and oil products) to diary farms with private valuation for each good. The model solves for the optimal price schedules by aggregating the two-dimensional consumer heterogeneity into ¨ a one-dimensional random variable. Miravete and Roller (2004) apply this model to analyze the early U.S. cellular industry. The estimated structural parameters are used to evaluate the effect of competition, the policy change in cellular license awarding and welfare under alternative pricing rules. Because their data do not contain individual customers’ demand, the ability to identify the demand parameters is limited and their policy conclusions are contingent on the validity of those estimates. This paper presents a structural model of competition in yellow page advertising with incomplete information about the willingness to pay for the two advertisements. Allowing for heterogeneity in preferences for advertisements is important because informative effects of advertising can vary with the advertisers. We collected the data from two sources: the Yellow Page Association and the two phone books. The association provided us the detailed price schedules offered by the publishers and the books provided us with information about the choices made by all the business units; for more detail see section 2. The data suggests that the utility publisher (Verizon) enters first and is the market leader while the non-utility publisher (Ogden) is the follower. Therefore, we consider a Stackelberg duopoly model of competition. Our model allows the firms to advertise with both yellow pages, which is consistent with the observed data and the payoff function for each advertiser is indexed by a two dimensional vector of willingness to pay. A minimum of two dimensional vector is needed because



with only one the two advertisements bought must be perfectly correlated but we observe very little correlation between the advertisement bought from them, see Fig. (A.1).2 With competition and two dimensional preference parameter, designing optimal nonlinear price schedules becomes a difficult problem. The problem gets accentuated because pooling at equilibrium is unavoidable because of fewer screening instruments than types, making the problem intractable. In the theoretical literature, characterization of optimal price schedules are characterized only under some parametric specification.3 We solve the multidimensional screening problem with competition by using two pronged approach. First, we focus only on quadratic pricing strategy by the leader and seek to derive the best response of the follower. Second, we use an aggregation method which combines the effect of competition -cheaper advertisement with the one book makes the other less attractive but the degree varies with the willingness to payand the multidimensionality into one; for original treatment see Ivaldi and Martimort [1994]. An effect of this dimension reduction is that there will be some pooling at the equilibrium, which is consistent with the literature on multidimensional screening, see Rochet and Chon´e [1998].4 But because we observe that the follower also offers quadratic price schedules, we explore the condition in the primitive of the model that ensures that the best response to quadratic price schedule is also quadratic. Following the industry norm, both publishers offer an exogenous standard listing for free. Although that quantity is exogenous, the price schedules are optimally chosen to exclude some low valuation firms.5 The linearity of inverse hazard rate of the “aggregated” type is necessary and sufficient for the optimal price

2With only one dimension, the ranking of a consumer will be the same for both sellers.

Then a scatter plot of the advertisement pair would fall on an increasing straight line, in the X-Y plane where coordinates correspond to choice made from each publisher, see also Ivaldi and Martimort [1994]. 3For instance, Yang and Ye [2008] analyze a duopoly model with vertical and horizontal differences in preferences where agents can buy from only one seller assuming that horizontal and vertical preferences are independent and uniformly distributed. 4For a robustness check of our results we explore alternative methods that do not rely on the aggregation technique. See Aryal [2010]. 5Armstrong [1996] shows that in multidimensional screening, excluding some demand is optimal.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


schedules to be quadratic.6 It is straightforward to show that a random variable with a linear inverse hazard rate function must be Burr Type XII. This means that the marginal distributions of the two aggregate variables (one for each publisher) belong to the class of Burr Type XII distributions. Another important feature that our model and the econometrics specification incorporate is that both observed price schedules are quadratic in the quantity. Once we solve for the optimal nonlinear price schedules, we exploit the mapping between the (unobserved) structural parameters of the model and the equilibrium outcomes (observed advertisement choice and payment) to identify the former. The optimal price schedules define the one to one mapping between unobserved types and the choice of advertisement, akin to the bidding strategy in auctions; see Guerre, Perrigne, and Vuong [2000]. We identify the structure of the model, which includes the utility function and the cost function and the marginal distribution of the “aggregate” variables. Since the data contains information on the choice of all firms in the market, we use the observed pair of advertisements to identify the joint distribution of the preference parameters conditional on the advertisement choices being larger than the free listing. The estimation method is straightforward and uses method of moments to estimate the parameters of the model as well as a kernel estimator to estimate the joint distribution. We analyze the data on advertisements in two yellow pages in Central Pennsylvania, which we gathered from the Yellow Page Association and the two directories. The data is very unique because we have information on all the price schedules offered by both principals and we also have data on the advertisements chosen by each business unit in the market and the amount paid. Such individual consumption data is rarely observed in other markets, such as in telecommunications. Our empirical results show a significant heterogeneity in firms’ willingness to pay for the two advertisements. The estimated model is used to assess the welfare loss due to (i) asymmetric information, 6 Note that this implication is consistent with the fact that, in general, economic theory

seldom has implications regarding parametric structures of the distributions but the solution concept used in the economic models typically imply some shape restriction, such as linearity, monotonicity etc. Here, the shape restriction imply linearity of the inverse hazard rate function.



(ii) a merger between the two publishers and (iii) the withdrawal of the nonutility publisher from the market. The Paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the data. Section 3 presents the model, while Section 4 discusses the identification and the estimation of econometric model. Section 5 presents the estimation results and the various counterfactuals. Section 6 concludes. All the omitted proofs are collected in the appendix. 2. N ONLINEAR P RICING IN Y ELLOW PAGES In this section we provide the essential features of the data on yellow page advertisements that we collected for Central Pennsylvania (State College and Bellefonte). 2.1. The Yellow Page Industry. The data consists of two parts: (i) the price schedules and detailed advertisement options offered by the two publishers and (ii) is the advertisements chosen by each firm (business unit) both for the year 2006-2007.7 We collected the first part of the data from the Yellow Page Association, which is an industry trading group. The second part of the data (on demand for different advertising categories) is directly constructed from the two directories. The two companies Verizon (the utility publisher) and Ogden Directories Inc. (the non-utility publisher) publish two different yellow page directories. Busse and Rysman [2005] document that the Yellow Pages industry (in the United States) is characterized by competition between asymmetric publishers, as in our case. They document that the data for yellow page advertisements display a nonlinear pricing pattern and find that with competition the publishers offer more quantity discount. Verizon has been operating in this market for more than two decades while Ogden entered the market in 2000, following a court ruling in 1992 stating copyright protection does not apply to the yellow pages advertising.8 Verizon’s directory is slightly bigger with three columns per page 7An entry in a directory is classified as a business unit if the corresponding phone

number is registered as a business phone. 8Similar entries were observed in market in the local telephone service after the 1996 Telecommunications Act in New York.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


while Ogden’s directory has only two columns per page. The two also differ in terms of the number of copies distributed: More than 215,400 copies for Verizon while only 73,000 for Ogden. Moreover, the paper quality of Verizon directory is better than that of Ogden’s. Such a difference in the distribution channel and the quality of the directories can be the cause of a significant source product differentiation and cost differences. This also suggests that advertising with Verizon might be more effective than Ogden, which is corroborated by the data. For instance, advertisements with Verizon generate a revenue of nearly 6 million dollars, while Ogden generates less than 1 million dollars.

Price Schedules. In terms of size, the Yellow Pages Industry uses three general categories: listing, space listing and display. Listing refers to the name, address and phone number of a firm under appropriate industry heading. A listing is typically a line or two in a column, with possibly different fonts. Both Verizon and Ogden provide the standard listing- smallest font required to list a business name with its phone number and address- for free. Verizon also provides three different fonts with the option to add multiple extra lines to their listing while Ogden provides only two fonts without the possibility of adding extra lines. The space listing allocates a space within the column under the corresponding heading, while a display advertisement provides a listing under the heading and allocates another space somewhere else, which can cover up to two pages. Verizon provides five available sizes within the space listing category, and nine sizes within the display category. Ogden has the same number of sizes within the space listing, while seven sizes within the display category. For the firms who choose display advertisement, Verizon also offers a listing with a particular font for free. The different size options are measured in picas, which is the unit commonly used in the publishing industry. One pica corresponds approximately to 1/6 of an inch. For example a standard listing in the Verizon’s directory is 12 picas, and a full page is 3,020 picas, while for Ogden they are 9 and 1,845 picas, respectively. In addition to the sizes, advertisers can choose from various colors. Verizon offers five color categories, namely no



color, one color, white background, white background plus one color, multiple colors including photos while Ogden offers no color, one color, white background plus one color and multiple colors including photos. These color options are not available for all the sizes. For instance, the multiple colors option is available only with the display advertisement. Table 1. lists a partial price schedule for both directories in terms of advertisement size and color. Three important features emerge from this table. First, color accounts for an important difference in the advertising price for any given size for both directories. For instance, a full-page display advertisement with no color costs $18,510 increasing up to $32,395 with multiple colors in the Verizon directory. Similarly, a full-page display advertisement with no color is $6,324 while the same size advertisement with multiple colors is $9,435 in the Ogden directory. Second, the Verizon’s price is significantly higher than that of Ogden’s across all the comparable advertising options. For instance, a half-page no color display advertisement is $10,093 in Verizon’s directory and only $3,372 in Ogden’s directory. A full-page no color display advertisement is $18,510 in the Verizon directory and $6,324 in the Ogden directory. However, the difference between the two price schedules is not uniform. For example, in the no color category, across the comparable sizes, the Verizon price is on an average 17% higher than Ogden in the listings category, 18% higher in the space listings, and 130% higher in the display category. In another word, the two price schedules are not perfectly correlated. This suggests that the competition is stronger at the lower end of the preferences than at the higher end. This could be because the preferences for the advertisement with Verizon is concentrated at the higher end as compared to that of Ogden. One can then expect to find that the marginal distribution of preferences for advertisement with Verizon is more skewed on the top than that with Ogden. Lastly, the fact that the options provided by both the publishers are comparable while the prices charged vary significantly suggests that the competition directly affects only the price and not the product choices.9 Third, for a given color category, we observe that the price per square pica decreases as the advertising size increases in both 9The model we present closely matches this feature of the data.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


directories. For instance, in the Verizon directory the unit price for a doublepage, a full-page, and a half-page display advertisements with no color are $5.68, $6.13 and $6.90 per square picas, respectively. In the Ogden directory, the unit price for a full-page, half-page and a third-page display advertisement with no color is $3.43, $3.68, $3.72 per square picas, respectively. This suggests the presence of some discount for larger quantity as predicted by the curvature of the optimal price schedules. Besides color, there are other qualitative features, namely guide, anchor listing and trade marks etc. For more on the characteristics of the options available with Verizon see Perrigne and Vuong (2009). The essential features of the observed demand is presented in Table 2, such as the number of purchases and the generated revenue for the three general sizes. For both directories, more than 70% of the revenue accrues from selling display advertisements, which also indicates significant heterogeneity in demand. About 66% of the firms purchase listing in the Verizon’s directory and 14% purchase display ads, while around 94% of firms purchase listing and 3.8% of them buy display in the Ogden directory. Of all the firms, 54 percent purchase advertising from the utility publisher only, 12 percent from both, 2 percent from the non-utility publisher only, and the rest have the standard listings.10 Summary statistics on the demand pattern is presented in Table 3. It can be seen that some of the popular headings repeat themselves among the four demand choices that can be interpreted as an evidence of heterogeneity of demand even within industries. The average prices paid in each directory by the firms purchasing from both directories are higher than those who purchase from only one directory, which may indicate a higher evaluation of advertising among this group. A similar pattern is observed with respect to advertisement sizes. One question that may arise is whether firms purchasing from both directories have reached the cap in the Verizon one. If this is true, we would observe that all these firms purchase the top category in Verizon’s directory. However, among these firms, roughly 30% purchase listings, 30% purchase space listings, and 30%

10This pattern of consumption implies that the environment must be modeled as com-

mon agency game and not exclusive agency game, see the section on model for detail.



purchase display ads from Verizon. In the Ogden’s directory this composition is 53%, 21% and 26%, respectively. Finally, the correlation between the ad sizes is 0.32 and the correlation between their price is 0.37. The overall correlation between ad size for all firms is 0.25, between purchasing price is 0.29. The lack of strong correlation between purchases from the two directories justifies our choice of a two-dimensional taste parameter for firms (see the model). If indeed the unobserved agents’ heterogeneity is a scalar then (for any price schedule) the chosen bundles will lie on some one dimensional curve. This would then imply strong correlation between the quantities purchased because of the monotonicity in consumptions regarding to the adverse selection parameter.11 Similar observation is made in Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] regarding their observed demand pattern. Quality-Adjusted Quantity. In all the theoretical model of nonlinear pricing the quantity is treated as continuous and of single dimension, yet the observed price schedules and product-menu include qualitative features. In this section, we explain why the data suggests that we can use a single dimensional continuous quantity to approximate the observed advertisement options. This method is proposed in Perrigne and Vuong [2011] where we transform the quantity data with quality differences into a single dimensional ‘quality-adjusted quantity.’ From the previous subsection we note that the advertisements differ in their size and other qualitative aspects. In the classic theoretical literature on nonlinear pricing, such as Mussa and Rosen [1978]; Maskin and Riley [1984], a monopolist can discriminate consumers by optimal bundling of quality and quantity, both taking continuous values. Maskin and Riley [1984] shows that the optimal bundle of quantity and quality should lie on a unique curve in the quantity-quality space and the optimal quantity allocation should increase with quality along this curve. In the data, we observe that each publisher offers various (finite) qualities for each size of advertisement. Unlike the prediction of Maskin and Riley [1984], we do not observe perfect correlation between the quality and quantity consumption. One solution to this problem would be to index each firm with different 11In other words it is restrictive to claim that knowledge of preference for one good

determines exactly the taste for other.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


taste for quantity and quality. Perrigne and Vuong [2011] argue convincingly that this method is undesirable because it not only leads to a complex multidimensional screening problem which is not only difficult to solve but also is unnecessary because the data suggests that quality is not used to screen advertisers. Instead, the technological constraints (on publishing) limit the advertisement sizes to be discrete and leave some scope of further discrimination. Allowing for catalog of various quantity-quality pairs fills up the holes in the size scale. As a result, the number of different options to choose from increases and can be roughly assumed to be continuous. There are two properties of the price-quantity data that favor such an argument. First, there is some curvature in the price schedule suggesting that discounts are offered for large advertisements while no such discounts are observed in the quality dimension. Second, we also observe that the ratio of the (marginal) prices for two different qualities remain the same across sizes, for more on Verizon see Perrigne and Vuong [2011]. Thus the data supports the argument that various quality dimensions are not used by the publishers to discriminate the firms, thereby corroborating the choice as a good approximation of the true data generating process. Then we construct a quality-adjusted quantity index by considering the price schedule for multi colors as the continuous price schedule then adjusting the advertising size for other color options in view of the price schedule for the multi colors. If we let qi be the multi color size sold by publisher i, then the sizes for all other colors will be assigned lower values by using a fitted nonlinear function. For example, one page in one color will correspond to smaller quantity but with multi colors. The fitted quadratic functions (explained in the model below) are 2 T\ 1 ( q j1 ) = 1512 + 11.27q j1 − 0.00027q j1 , 2 T\ 2 ( q j2 ) = 103 + 6.25q j2 − 0.00066q j2 ,

where Tji is the price in dollars for publisher i, and q ji is the advertisement size measured in square picas purchased by firm j. All the coefficients are estimated using an ordinary least squares estimator. The R2 of such regression is above 0.99 for both regressions and all the coefficients are significant



at the 1% level. The quality-adjusted quantities are constructed by plugging, on these curves all the observed prices for other quantities and we then plug on these curve all the observed prices for other qualities to solve for the quality-adjusted quantities. One key observation is that the tariff functions are both quadratic, which plays a vital role in our entire analysis.

3. T HE M ODEL In this section we extend Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] duopoly competition in nonlinear pricing model to that of Stackelberg duopoly with optimal exclusion. We characterize optimal nonlinear pricing in which one publisher (first entrant) chooses its price schedule, and the second publisher (second entrant) chooses its own price schedule after observing the choice of his competitor. Firms are heterogeneous in terms of their valuations for advertisements and are indexed by a pair (θ1 , θ2 ) of willingness to pay for both the advertisements. These valuations are unknown to the publishers and each publisher discriminates these firms by offering a nonlinear tariff. When a (θ1 , θ2 ) firm chooses (q1 , q2 ) its utility/gain is U ( q1 , q2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) = θ1 q1 −

b1 2 b2 q1 + θ2 q2 − q22 + cq1 q2 − T1 (q1 ) − T2 (q2 ) (1) 2 2

with bi > 0, i = 1, 2. For the utility function to be concave, we assume that b1 b2 − c2 > 0. Since the gross marginal utility of q1 , i.e. MUi (q1 , q2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) =

qi − bi qi + cq j , everything else being the same, higher θi implies higher marginal utility and vice versa. We assume that (θ1 , θ2 ) ∼ F (·, ·) on [θ 1 , θ¯1 ] ×

[θ 2 , θ¯2 ] with a joint density f (·, ·) > 0. If c > 0 (c < 0) then (q1 , q2 ) are complements (substitutes). When they are complements, marginal utility of qi increases with q j , and hence the demand for qi should be an increasing function of q j . Because we do not observe such positive dependence in the data, we focus only on c < 0. The cost function C (·) for publisher i is assumed to be linear Ci (qi ) = Ki + mi qi , with Ki ≥ 0 and mi > 0.


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


In view of the data, we consider Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium: given the menu (product range and price schedule) chosen by P1, P2’s menu maximizes its expected total profit, and conditional on the fact that P2 always best responds to P1’s choice, P1’s choice maximizes its expected total profit.12 One key feature of the market is that it is a norm in the industry to offer

(q10 , q20 ) for free. This quantity is known as the basic listing and corresponds to the smallest space required to print the name of the business and hence every firm has its name and phone number listed in both the books. This option can be treated as outside option for a firm, whose valuation is determined by its type. For any choice of T1 (·) and T2 (·) a (θ1 , θ2 ) firm’s behavior is determined by the following two first order conditions: (θ1 − b1 q1 + cq2 − T10 (q1 ))(q1 − q10 ) = 0;

(θ2 − b2 q2 + cq1 − T20 (q1 ))(q2 − q20 ) = 0.

Implementability of any nonlinear tariff must take into account these equations. However, without any restriction on T1 (·) and T2 (·) characterizing nonlinear pricing at the equilibrium is difficult. Therefore, following Ivaldi and Martimort [1994], we make a simplifying assumption that P1 offers quadratic price schedule: Assumption 1 The leading firm chooses a quadratic tariff ( β γ1 + α1 q1 + 21 q21 if q1 > q10 T1 (q1 ) = , 0 if q1 ≤ q10 .


where γ1 > 0, α1 > 0 and β 1 < 0. We do not restrict T2 (·) to be quadratic, but in view of the quadratic price schedule observed in the data, it is desirable that T2 (·) be quadratic too. However, it is not always the case that the best response to a quadratic nonlinear tariff is also quadratic. We find a condition, which we explain later, on the primitive of the model that is necessary and sufficient for the best response T2 (q2 ) to be quadratic. The usefulness of this condition is two folds: first it allows to formulate a model that matches the data, and second it

12For detailed analysis see Aryal [2010].



θ1∗∗ θ2





C1 C0

θ2 θ1 θ1



F IGURE 1. Demand Pattern also simplifies our identification and estimation procedure. Using this condition, one can show that offering quadratic price schedule by P1 is also optimal conditional on the fact that P2’s best reply is quadratic. 3.1. The Demand Pattern. This section characterizes the type space that generates the patterns of demand observed in the data, viz. (q10 , q20 ), (q1 , q20 ),

(q10 , q2 ) and (q1 , q2 ) with q1 > q10 and q2 > q20 corresponding to the subsets of the space [θ 1 , θ 1 ] × [θ 2 , θ 2 ], respectively as C0 , C1 , C2 and Cb ; see Figure (1). ∂U (q10 ,q20 ;θ1 ,θ2 ) ∂qi

≤0 for i = 1, 2. Using (3) they can be simplified to θ1 − b1 q10 + cq20 ≤ α1 + β 1 q10 and θ2 − b2 q20 + cq10 ≤ T20 (q20 ).13 We denote by (θ1∗ , θ2∗ ) the type of firms for which (q10 , q20 ) is the first best choice and are Case 1: The set C0 is defined from the optimality condition

θ1∗ = α1 + (b1 + β 1 )q10 − cq20 θ2∗ = T20 (q20 ) + b2 q20 − cq10 .

(4) (5)

Since the marginal utility is increasing in type, any firm with type (θ1 , θ2 ) 

(θ1∗ , θ2∗ ) demands (q10 , q20 ).

13 We assume that T (·) is right differentiable at q for i = 1, 2. i i0

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


Case 2: C1 contains types satisfying θ1 − b1 q1 + cq20 = α1 + β 1 q1 and θ2 − b2 q20 + cq10 ≤ T20 (q20 ). The first equality gives q1 =

θ1 −α1 +cq20 b1 + β 1 ,

which to-

gether with the second inequality determines the threshold type θ2∗∗ for whom q2 > q20 is the first best and for all θ2 ≤ θ2∗∗ it is optimal to de-

mand q20 . Since the marginal utility from q2 depends on the choice of q1 ,

this threshold type is a function of θ1 and is   c2 cα1 c ∗∗ θ2 = b2 − q20 + T20 (q20 ) + − θ1 . b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1


Case 3: C2 is the counterpart of C1 and is determined in the same way. Let, θ1∗∗ be the threshold type such that all type with θ1 ≤ θ1∗∗ demand q10 and is θ1∗∗


c2 b1 + β 1 − b2

 q10 + α1 +

c 0 c T2 (q2 ) − θ2 . b2 b2


Case 4: Cb is determined by θ1 − b1 q1 + cq2 = α1 + β 1 q1 , θ2 − b2 q2 + cq1 = T20 (q2 ),

(8) (9)

The set where these equalities hold is the set of all type-pairs that do not belong to any of the previous sets. 3.2. The Follower’s Problem. The follower observes T1 (·) given by (3) and responds by proposing its own tariff. Suppose P2 observes a firm choosing some q2 , then in equilibrium, P2 can infer the choice of q1 by this firm using (8), namely q1 =

θ1 − α1 + cq2 , b1 + β 1


if θ1 > θ ∗ and q1 = q10 , otherwise. Using (10) in (9) gives the necessary condition that determines the choice of q2 , namely   cθ1 cα1 c2 θ2 + = + b2 − q2 + T20 (q2 ). b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 Let z2 = θ2 +

cθ1 b1 + β 1 ,


then the optimal q2 is determined by (11) with z2 re-

placing the left hand side. For P2, z2 is unobserved and is exogenously determined, and hence can be treated as the (unobserved) preference of a firm



for q2 . As z2 captures the firm’s taste for both products and its reaction to the competitor’s contract, knowing z2 is equivalent to knowing (θ1 , θ2 ) for P2 because any contract that depends on both θ1 and θ2 can be transformed into a payoff equivalent contract that depends only on z2 ; see Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] for a formal treatment. Hence z2 is a sufficient statistic for

(θ1 , θ2 ).14 Then because z2 is one dimensional, the characterization of optimal nonlinear pricing can then be formulated as a single principal selling to agents with one dimensional private  information: z2 ∼ G2 (·) with the R θ2  cθ1 density g2 (z2 ) = θ¯ f θ1 , z2 − b2 + β2 dθ1 on [z2 , z2 ]. This method of aggre2 gation is a standard solution technique in the multidimensional screening literature. Let z02 be the threshold type below which firms choose q20 . It is determined by (5) and (6) (cases 1 and 2) and is given by ( ∗ ∗ + cθ1 , θ ≤ θ ∗ θ 1 2 1 b1 + β 1 z02 = cθ ∗∗ 1 θ2 + b + β , θ1 ≥ θ1∗ 1 1 allowing us to interpret this principal-agent problem as one with optimal exclusion. The P2’s optimization problem can be written as max

T2 (·),q2 (·),z02

EΠ2 =


z2  z02

 T2 (q2 (z2 )) − m2 q2 (z2 ) g2 (z2 )dz2 − K2 − m2 q20 G2 (z02 ), (12)

subject to the appropriate IC (truth-telling) and IR (participation) constraints. Because the net surplus generated by a trade between any firm and P2 depends also on q1 , we disaggregate the total surplus for any firm into two parts to isolate the net addition that is controlled only by P2, irrespective of q1 . Let W2 (θ1 , z2 ) be the indirect utility for a firm with type (θ1 , z2 ).     cθ1 W2 (θ1 , z2 ) = max u q1 , q2 ; θ1 , z2 − − T1 (q1 ) − T2 (q2 ) . q1 ≥q10 ,q2 ≥q20 b1 + β 1

14Observe that for a fixed θ and β , higher θ implies lower z , which means firms that 2 2 1 1

value q1 more are considered lower types by P2 and vice versa.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


Let w2 (θ1 , z2 ) be the indirect utility if the same firm demands optimal amount of q1 while consuming only q20  w2 (θ1 , z2 ) = max u(q1 , q20 ; θ1 , z2 −

 cθ1 ) − T1 (q1 ) q1 ≥q10 b1 + β 1     ( θ1 − α1 )2 cα1 c2 b2 = −γ1 + + z2 − q20 + − q220 , 2(b1 + β 1 ) b1 + β 1 2(b1 + β 1 ) 2

where the second equality follows from (10). Note that w2 (·, ·) is the part of indirect utility that accrues solely from the trade between a firm and P1 and next we disaggregate W (θ1 , z2 ) as a sum of w2 (θ1 , z2 ) and a some (yet) unknown function depending only on (q2 , z2 ). Since "

W2 (θ1 , z2 )


  b1 2 b2 cθ1 θ1 q1 − q1 + z2 − q2 − q22 + cq1 q2 − T1 (q1 ) − T2 (q2 ) max q1 ≥q10 ,q2 ≥q20 2 b1 + β 1 2     i cθ1 b2 2 b2 cθ1 + z2 − q20 − q20 + cq1 q20 − z2 − q20 + q220 − cq1 q20 b1 + β 1 2 b1 + β 1 2

= w1 ( θ 1 , z 2 ) + s 2 ( q 2 , z 2 )

where the third equality follows from the definition of w2 (θ1 , z2 ) and (10). We have  s2 ( q2 , z2 )



q2 ≥q20

z2 −

cα1 − c2 q2 b1 + β 1

(q2 − q20 ) −

 b2 2 (q2 − q220 ) − T2 (q2 ) . (13) 2

Thus s2 (q2 (z2 ), z2 ) ≡ s2 (z2 ) is the net addition to the indirect utility (net

surplus) from consuming the optimal q2 > q20 .15 From (13) we get   cα1 − c2 q2 b T ( z2 ) = z2 − (q2 − q20 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ) − s2 (z2 ). b1 + β 1 2


The incentive compatibility constraint requires that s2 (q2 (z2 ); z2 ) ≥ s2 (q2 (z˜2 ); z2 )

for all z2 , z˜2 ∈ [z2 , z2 ], and it can be shown that s2 (·) is continuous, convex and satisfies the envelope condition s20 (z2 ) = q2 (z2 ) − q20

∀z2 ∈ (z02 , z¯2 ].


Equations (14) and (15) show that P2 can be assumed to choose the firm’s surplus (residual rent) s2 (z2 ). If s2 (z2 ) is implementable by some price schedule T2 (q2 ) and the utility function is convex in type then s2 (z2 ) must be

15Note that if q = q , there should be no addition, which is confirmed because 2 20

s2 (q20 , z2 ) = 0.



convex.16 Rochet [1987] showed that in the quasi linear utility, the convexity of s2 (z2 ) is also sufficient for implementability, where s2+ ≡ limz2 ↓z0 s2 (z2 ): 2

Lemma 1. (Rochet [1987]) The global IC constraint is satisfied if and only if the following conditions hold: (a) (Envelope Condition): s2 (z2 ) =

R z2 z02

(q2 (t) − q20 )dt + s+ , ∀z2 ∈ [z02 , z2 ].

(b) s2 (·) is convex or equivalently q2 (z2 ) is increasing in z2 .17

Suppressing the dependence on type, the participation (IR) constraint is given by W2 (θ1 , z2 ) = w2 + s2 ≥ max{w2 , 0}, for all (θ1 , z2 ).18 Since, by definition w2 ≥ 0, the IR constraint becomes

s2 (z2 ) ≥ 0. Taking into account (13)-(15) and Lemma (1), the P2’s problem can be rewritten as max EΠ2

q(·),z02 ,s2+





 cα1 − c2 q2 (z2 ) b (q2 (z2 ) − q20 ) − 2 (q22 (z2 ) − q220 ) − m2 q2 (z2 ) − s2+ 0 β + b 2 1 1 z2 ) 1 − G2 (z2 ) g2 (z2 )dz2 − K2 − m2 q20 G2 (z02 ), (16) −(q2 (z2 ) − q20 ) g2 ( z 2 )


z2 −

q20 (·) > 0

s2 (·) ≥ 0.

To solve the above problem, we consider the relaxed problem where we drop the constraints and check ex post that they are indeed satisfied. Since s2 (·) is increasing and the optimal allocation rule must be increasing in z2 , ensuring s2 (z02 ) = 0 is sufficient for (IR) constraint to be satisfied for all z2 ∈

(z02 , z2 ]. It is immediate to see that s2+ = 0 is optimal. Existence of a unique 16An advantage of using dual approach is that it not only makes finding optimal alloca-

tion rule easier (using Euler-Lagrange equation) but because implementability requires that the choice be convex, which then guarantees that the quantity allocation rule is continuous in the agent’s type - a corollary of Envelope theorem. 17 For q to be global optimal, we must have −b + c2 − T 00 (q ) < 0. From the FOC 2 2 2 2 b1 + β 1   dq dq c2 c2 we get 1 = 2 b2 − b + β + T200 (q2 ) dz2 , and hence dz2 > 0 ⇔ −b2 + b + − T200 (q2 ) < 0. 2 2 1 1 1 β1 Hence the strictly increasing allocation rule is necessary and sufficient condition for global optimal. 18We are implicitly assuming that the utility of not participating in any of the two contracts (outside utility) is independent of type and is normalized to 0. See Jullien [2000] for more on adverse selection models with type dependent outside options.


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


solution for this optimization problem is guaranteed by a theorem that relies on Rochet and Chon´e [1998]. The proof can be found in supplementary notes.19 Theorem 1. Under our maintained assumption on preferences and cost and assuming g1 (·) has full support, i.e. there exists e > 0 such that g1 (z1 ) ≥ e for all z1 ∈ [z, z], there exists a unique solution to the problem (12).

The Optimal allocation rule q2 (·) is characterized by point-wise maximization of the expected profit function and is formalized below. Proposition 1. Under the assumption that the reverse hazard rate of G2 (·) is decreasing on (z02 , z¯2 ] and b2 >

2c2 b1 + β 1 ,

and let H2 (z2 ) ≡

1− G2 (z2 ) , g2 ( z 2 )

we have

I. The optimal function q(·) and optimal z02 as  c2 q20 +cα1   z2 − H2 (z2 )−m2 − b1 +β1 , ∀z ∈ (z0 , z¯ ] 2 2 2 2 q2 ( z2 ) = b2 − b 2c+ β 1 1   q20 , ∀z2 ∈ [z2 , z02 ] z02 − H2 (z02 ) = (b2 −

c2 cα1 )q20 + m2 + , b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1



II. T2 (q) must satisfy (14) such that the corresponding Ramsey rule for the price schedule is T20 (q2 (z2 )) − m2 1 − G2 (z2 ) = 0 T2 (q2 (z2 )) g2 ( z 2 )

1 ∂s2 (q2 (z2 )) ∂q2



We can use (20) to analyze the effect of competition on the markup. The markup is smaller if either the distribution of z2 is skewed toward the lower end, i.e. (1 − G (z2 )) is smaller or if

∂s2 (q2 (z2 )) ∂q2

is higher. For instance a higher

absolute β 1 (i.e. higher discount) implies a higher marginal rent with respect to q2 which in turn implies decreasing markup. Furthermore, because the empirical implementation of the model relies on the curvature of the tariff function, we are interested in characterizing the form of T2 (q2 ). Specifically, we are interested in finding (sufficient) conditions on the primitive of the model such that the best response by P2 is 19 The note also shows how one can use Rochet and Chon´e [1998] to solve this bi-

dimensional screening model without using the aggregation method used here.



quadratic. To this end, from (18), we get  h2 (z2 ) ≡ z2 − H2 (z2 ) = q2 b2 −

2c2 b1 + β 1

+ m2 +

c2 q20 + cα1 ≡ τ2 (q2 ) b1 + β 1

∀z2 ∈ (z02 , z¯2 ].

Because H2 (z2 ) is decreasing in z2 , we get z2 = h2−1 [τ2 (q2 )]. Substituting this into the pricing rule in (14), we get  Z q2 cα1 − c2 q2 1 b (t − q20 ) 0 −1 τ20 (t)dt (q2 − q20 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ) − b1 + β 1 2 h2 (h2 (τ2 (t))) q20   cα1 − c2 q2 b −1 h2 (τ (q2 )) − (q2 − q20 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ) b1 + β 1 2 Z q2 q h2−1 (τ2 (t))dt −[h2−1 (τ2 (t))(t − q20 )] q2 + 

T2 (q2 )

= =

h2−1 (τ2 (q2 )) −




q2 q20

h2−1 (τ2 (t))dt −


− c2 q

cα1 b 2 (q2 − q20 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ). b1 + β 1 2

Therefore T2 (q2 ) is quadratic if and only if the first term in the right hand side of (21) is quadratic which is equivalent to the integrand being linear. Lemma 2. The P2’s best response to a quadratic pricing rule of P1 is also quadratic if and only if h2−1 (τ2 (t))) is linear in t. In the following lemma we show that h2−1 (τ (t)) is linear if and only if the distribution function of z2 is G2 (z2 ) = 1 − (1 − ς 2 + ξ 2 z2 )]ρ2 with ρ2 >

0. Suppressing the index, the distribution is completely characterized by ς, ξ, ρ, such that G (z¯ ) = 1 and G (z) ≥ 0. Lemma 3. Let G ( x ) be the distribution function of a random variable x with a non vanishing density g( x ), on [ x, x¯ ]. Then H ( x ) =  ρ 20 x if G ( x ) = 1 − xx¯¯ − − x , for ρ > 0.

1− G ( x ) g( x )

is linear in x if and only

Henceforth, z2 Burr Type XII defined on [z2 , z¯2 ] with distribution function   z¯2 − z2 ρ2 G2 (z2 ) = 1 − ρ2 > 0. (22) z¯2 − z2 When we estimate the model, we shall exploit this model prediction. Such a model feature has also been used by Miravette and Roller (2004). It follows that H2 (z2 ) =

1 1 ρ2 z¯2 − ρ2 z2

and h−1 (·) =

ρ2 1 1+ρ2 z¯2 + 1+ρ2 ·.

We write the optimal

20In the statistical literature, this type of distribution function is known as Burr Type XII

or log-logistic distribution. Ivaldi and Martimort [1994] assume that the marginal distribution of z2 is Burr Type XII without providing a justification for it.


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


T2 (q2 ) in a quadratic form, namely, T2 (q2 ) = γ2 + α2 q2 + β 2 q22 . Let ζ 2 = 1 1+ρ2 z¯2

and l2 =

ρ2 1+ ρ2


Proposition 2. The coefficients of P2’s optimal pricing rule T2 (q2 ) are given by  α 2 = ζ 2 + l2 m 2 + ( l2 − 1 )  β2 =

2c2 b2 − b1 + β 1

c2 q20 + cα1 b1 + β 1


( l2 − 1 ) .


The proof is by substituting the expression of h−1 (·) into (21). 3.3. The leader’s problem. In this subsection we characterize the (optimal) nonlinear pricing for the leader (P1). In the previous section we have shown that if z2 is Burr Type XII and T1 (·) is quadratic then the optimal tariff T2 (·) is quadratic. Following the backward induction argument, we want to characterize the optimal T1 (q1 ) given the continuation strategy (best response path) of P2. P1 chooses an optimal allocation rule q1 (·) and a corresponding price schedule T1 (·), which are linked via the indirect utility function as in (14) for P2. The optimal allocation rule q1 (·) can be determined irrespective of the shape of T1 (·). This suggests that the necessary and sufficient condition for T1 (·) to be quadratic is exactly the same as in Lemma 3, i.e. linearity of inverse hazard rate function.21 However, conditional on a quadratic form, the choice of three parameters that characterize the price schedule is not as direct as in Proposition (2). The problem arises because, unlike z2 which was exogenous for P2 as it depends only on β 1 , a similar sufficient statistic z1 (defined below) for P1 is a function of β 2 , which in turn is a function of β 1 . Hence, z1 is no longer exogenous for P1. In view of this observation we solve the problem as follows: First, conditional on T1 (·), we determine the optimal allocation rule q1 (·) following the same steps as for q2 (·). We then determine the parameters of T1 (·), (endogeneizing z1 ) and T2 (·), following the method used by Wilson [1993]. 21This suggests that the competition i.e. the presence of a competing seller affects the

quantity provision or choice, only through the price schedule, which in turn is affected by competition. Similar phenomenon was observed by Borenstein and Rose [1994] who find higher price dispersion in the US airline industry with higher competition and by Busse and Rysman [2005] who show that a stronger competition is associated with larger curvature i.e. higher price discounts.



Recall that firms with type θ1 ≥ θ1∗∗ choose q1 > q10 and while those with

θ1 ≤ θ1∗∗ choose q10 . Using (9) and T2 (·), we express the optimal q2 as a

function of q1 as

q2 ( q1 ; θ1 , θ2 ) =

θ2 − α2 + cq1 , b2 + β 2


such that q2 (q1 ; θ1 , θ2 ) = q20 for θ2 ≤ θ2∗∗ . We can rewrite the firm’s optimal

2 demand function (8) as a function of q1 only and is given by θ1 + b2cθ + β2 − i h cq −α 2 b1 q1 + c b21+ β22 q1 = α1 + β 1 q1 . Let z1 = θ1 + b2cθ + β 2 , then the optimal q1 as

a function of z1 satisfies   α2 − cq1 z1 = b1 q1 + c q1 + α1 + β 1 q1 . b2 + β 2


Let W1 (z1 , θ2 ) be the indirect utility function and w1 (z1 , θ2 ) the indirect utility when q1 = q10 while the optimal q2 is given by (23). Similar to the derivation of (13) we can express W1 (·, ·) as a sum of w1 (·, ·) and the extra (residual) utility from consuming any extra q1 in excess of q10 . In particular W1 (z1 , θ2 ) = w2 (z1 , θ2 ) + s1 (q1 , z1 ),   c2 q −cα where s1 (q1 , z1 ) = max{q1 ≥q10 } z1 + b 1+ β2 2 (q1 − q10 ) − 1

b1 2 2 ( q1

− q210 ) −

γ1 − α1 q1 − 21 q21 . The function s1 (q1 (z1 ), z1 ) ≡ s1 (z1 ) is the relevant rent function that a z1 receives when it chooses q1 and pays T1 (q1 ). From the definition of s1 (·) we can express the tariff as β

 T1 (q1 )


z1 +

c2 q1 − cα2 b2 + β 2

(q1 − q10 ) −

b1 2 (q − q210 ) − 2 1



(q1 (t) − q10 )dt − s1+ , (27)


which allows us to write the maximization problem of P1 as max EΠ1

q1 (·),z01 ,s1+



z1 z01

" z1 +

 c 2 q 1 − c ζ 2 + l2 m 2 + b2 l2 −

cα1 (l2 −1) b1 + β 1

c 2 ( l2 − 1 ) b1 + β 1

  (q1 − q10 ) − b1 (q21 − q210 ) 2



−(q1 − q10 ) H1 (z1 ) − K1 − m1 q1 g1 (z1 )dz1 − m1 G1 (z01 )q10


q10 (·) > 0, s1 (·) ≥ 0.


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


When using cases (2) and (3) z01 , is given by22 ( cθ ∗ θ1∗ + b2 +2β2 θ2 ≤ θ2∗ 0 z1 = ∗ 2 θ1∗∗ + b2cθ + β 2 θ2 ≥ θ2 The optimal quantity allocation rule for every type z1 , given α1 , β 1 , can be determined by the usual point-wise maximization with respect to q1 . This gives us the optimal quantity allocation rule as a function of type z1 and opponent’s pricing rule: Proposition 3. The optimal quantity allocation rule (contract) is given by  cα2 +c2 q10   z1 − H1 (z1 )−m1 − b2 +β2 , ∀z ∈ (z0 , z ] 1 2 1 1 q1 ( z1 ) = b1 − b 2c+ β 2 2   q10 , ∀z1 ∈ [z1 , z01 ]


and the optimal price schedule satisfies T10 (q1 )

cα + c2 q10 + = z1 − 2 b2 + β 2

 2c2 − b2 q1 b2 + β 2

To verify ex post, that the quantity allocation is increasing in type, z1 , check that the sufficient condition is that H1 (z1 ) be non increasing in z2 , which is satisfied in our case. The optimal quantity is determined for a particular price schedule. Now, we are left to determine the price schedule. Note that in the optimization of P1 the boundaries, of the integration in profit function, are also a function of the price schedule. If we maximize EΠ1 with respect to α1 and β 1 , the calculation becomes cumbersome and extremely lengthy. To reduce the difficulty, we adopt a slightly different substitution method originally due to Wilson [1993]. If the pricing rule T1 (q1 ) is well behaved then the quantity allocation z1 → q1 (z1 ) is unique and regular ∂T1 (q1 ) ∂q1

= Ψ ( q1 , z1 ). Then we can make a change of variable in (27) to rewrite the profit function as Z q 1 EΠ1 = ( T1 (q1 ) − m1 q1 ) g1 ( T10 (q1 )) T100 (q1 )dq1 − m1 G1 (z01 )q10 − K1 , (sufficiently many times differentiable): q1 = q1 (z1 ) ⇔


22At θ ∗ , we get z0 = α + (b + β )q + cα2 −c2 q10 . 1 1 1 10 2 1 b2 + β 2



where G1 (z01 ) = Pr(selling q10 ). The optimal price is then determined by choosing α1 and β 1 . The advantage of using this method is that we no longer have to keep track of the dependence on z1 explicitly as long as we use optimal quantity allocation rule (28). In what follows we shall make this calculation explicit and determine the optimal pricing rule. The P1 optimal behavior is characterized by choosing q1 (·) such that q1 (z1 ) = arg max s1 (q1 ; z1 ). q1

The first order condition with respect to q1 :

ds1 (·;z1 ) dz1

= 0 gives z1 = Ψ(q1 )

where  2c2 cα2 + c2 q10 Ψ ( q1 ) = − (b1 + β 1 ) q1 − − T10 (q1 ) b2 + β 2 b2 + β 2 o  n 2 00 dz1 2c ( q ) . Then the expected − b ) − T = Ψ0 (q1 )dq1 = and hence dq 1 1 1 b2 + β 2 


profit can be rewritten by (using the fact that q1 (·) is increasing ) as Z q 1 EΠ1 = ( T1 (q1 ) − C1 (q1 )) g1 (Ψ(t))Ψ0 (t)dt − m1 G1 (z01 )q10 − K1 q10



q1 q10

( T1 (t) − C1 (t)) G10 (Ψ(t))dt − m1 G1 (z01 )q10 − K1 .

Then integrating by parts, the first term in the right hand side becomes Rq 0 1 q10 ( T1 ( t ) − m1 )(1 − G1 ( Ψ ( t )))dt − m1 q10 − K1 which uses T1 ( q10 ) = 0, C1 ( q10 ) = m1 q10 and  G (Ψ(q)) = 1. The term in the second parenthesis is 1 − G1 (Ψ(t)) =  z1 − Ψ ( t ) ρ1 . Then using the form of T1 (q1 ) we get z1 − z 1

EΠ1 =


q1 q10

( α1 + β 1 t − m1 )

z1 − Ψ ( t ) z1 − z1

ρ1 dt − m1 q10 − K1 .


Now the objective is to choose α1 and β 1 that maximize the expected profit. We have already found the optimal quantity allocation rule above, which shall be used to determine the rest of the parameters of the contract. Roughly speaking, we have 3 first order conditions and we need to determine 3 parameters, {q1 , α1 , β 1 }. The first one is already found as a function

of the latter two. Since remaining parameters are the same for all qualities purchased they are independent of types z1 , and hence can be determined

from point-wise maximization of Π1 . It is important to observe that not

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


only q but also z1 , z1 and Ψ(t) are functions of α1 and β 1 . Since we never use the explicit form of these coefficients in our identification or estimation the structural equation characterizing these coefficients of the optimal pricing rule are collected in the appendix in Proposition (3.4). To complete the characterization, we have to determine the fixed price to purchase advertisements that are greater than qi0 , i = 1, 2. Each principal will choose γi so that the lowest type of firm’s participation constraint is binding. Any extra utility resulting from interaction between the two advertisements is extracted by the principal. To that end, we first determine the lowest type for each publisher and choose γi such that the total utility is zero for that type. Doing that gives optimal γ1 and γ2 as shown in Proposition (3.5) in the appendix. 4. I DENTIFICATION AND E STIMATION 4.1. Identification. In this section we study the identification problem of the model, which concerns the possibility of drawing inferences from the observed data on advertisement bought and the prices paid to the theoretical structure outlined above. Failure to identify the model structure implies that the data lacks sufficient information to distinguish between alternative structures. Let, (Q, T1 (·), T2 (·)) be the random vector representing the demand for advertisement bought and the transfer made whose joint distribution function belongs to the set .23 A structure M is then a set of hypothesis ˜ ∈ which is observed.24 The set of which implies a unique distribution Ψ all structures that are a priori possible is called the model and is denoted by M := {F , X }, the family of joint distribution of types F (·, ·) and the set

of other parameters [m1 , m2 , K1 , K2 , b1 , b2 , c]. By definition, there is a unique

distribution function of (Q, T1 (·), T2 (·)) associated with each structure. The identification problem is to show that there is a unique inverse association between M and .25 Two structures in M are said to be observationally 23The observables include the menus of advertisements offered by each publisher, the

corresponding prices for each option ( T1 (·), T2 (·)), the minimum quantities given for free (q10 , q20 ), every firm’s advertising purchases from both publishers (q1j , q2j ), where j indexes the firms. 24Since we observe the advertisement chosen by each advertiser, Ψ ˜ (·) can be determined uniquely from the data and is an estimation problem, as discussed in the next subsection. 25In our definition of we have ignored the tariffs



equivalent if they imply the same probability distribution for the observable random variables (Q, T1 (·), T2 (·)). So, we say that the structure M ∈ M is identified if there is no other structure in M which is observationally equiv-

alent. As of now, the sets M and are too general, and in order to address

the identification problem we need to be more specific about them. To this end, we begin with some minimal conditions that each of the sets should satisfy. Definition 1. Let M be the model satisfying (1) Let F be the set of joint distributions defined on a compact support [θ 1 , θ 1 ] ×

[θ 2 , θ 2 ] such that (a) Every F ∈ F is absolutely continuous with f (·, ·) > 0 as the joint density. R (b) f i (·) = f (θi , θ j )dθ j is continuously differentiable. (2) X satisfies (a) b1 b2 − c2 > 0. (b) bi + β i > 0, i = 1, 2 (c) (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − 2c2 > 0.

These inequalities are sufficient conditions for the utility function to be concave, and the firms’ optimization problem to be convex. Because we focus on the joint distribution of G (·, ·) of (z1 , z2 ) instead of F (·, ·) we also need to make assumptions on the former.

Definition 2. Let G be the set of joint distributions G (·, ·) satisfying (1) G (·, ·) is a joint distribution defined on a compact support [z1 , z1 ] × [z2 , z2 ].

(2) The joint density g(·, ·) is continuously differentiable in the support and g(·, ·) > 0 on its support.

(3) There exists ρi > 0 such that gi (·) for i = 1, 2 takes the form:  ρ i −1   ρi zi − t , if t ∈ [zi , zi ] (zi ,zi ) zi −zi gi ( t ) =  0 , otherwise. Thus, we shall consider the model M0 = [G , X ] ∈ M0 .

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


5. I DENTIFICATION OF C OST PARAMETERS Note that the fixed cost parameters K1 and K2 do not enter any of the equilibrium outcome of the model they are not identified.26 We know that for q2 (·) to be truthfully implementable, it has to be strictly increasing in z2 . Let q¯2 be the highest quantity sold by Ogden. Then by definition we know q2 = q2 (z¯2 ). Then in the part two of the proposition, we evaluate (20) at z2 . Since T20 (q2 (z2 )) = α2 + β 2 q2 and 1 − G2 (z2 ) = 0 gives m2 = α2 + β 2 q¯2 .


Each tariff function Ti (qi ) is observed and is completely characterized by

{γi , αi , β i } for i = 1, 2, the latter are known. Hence, 32 identifies the marginal cost m2 .27 Let, zi (·) = qi−1 (·) for i = 1, 2, which given the monotonicity of qi (·) is well defined. Let Ψ(·, ·) be the joint distribution of (q1 , q2 ) conditional on qi > qi0 , i = 1, 2, which is identified from the data using Q. We can R define the conditional marginal distribution Ψi (qi ) = Ψ(qi , q j )dq j , i, j ∈ {1, 2}, i 6= j. We note the following relationship Ψi (q) = Pr[qi ≤ q|qi > qi0 ] = Pr[zi ≤ zi (q)|zi > zi (qi0 )] =

Gi (zi ) − Gi (z0i ) 1 − Gi (z0i )

and ψi (q) = ∂Ψi (q)/∂qi = ( gi (zi )zi0 (q))/(1 − Gi (z0i )), the conditional den-

sity of qi . This allows us to express the inverse hazard rate of zi in terms of observable as 1 − Gi (zi ) 1 − Ψi ( q ) 0 = z i ( q ), gi ( z i ) ψi (q)

i = 1, 2.


Using the optimal qi (·) in Ti0 (qi ) for i = 1 and i = 2 gives

26A similar result is found in Perrigne and Vuong (2009). 27Unlike m , the identification of m is not straightforward owing to the complicated 2 1

expression for α1 and β 1 .



Ti0 (qi ) = zi −

cα j cα j 1 − Gi (zi ) c2 qi0 c2 qi0 − zi + + mi − + − bj + β j gi ( z i ) bj + β j bj + β j bj + β j

= mi +

1 − Ψi ( qi ) 0 z i ( q i ). ψi (qi )


Differentiating Ti (·) with respect to qi in (28) and (14) for i = 1, 2 respectively and solving for zi0 (qi ) gives 00

zi0 (qi ) = Ti (qi ) + bi −

2c2 , bj + β j

which can be used in (34) leading to

1 − Ψi ( qi ) Ti0 (qi ) = mi + ψi (qi )

2c2 Ti (qi ) + bi − bj + β j 00

! ,

∀qi ∈ [qi0 , qi ], (35)

which is very important for identification. Evaluating (35) for i = 1 at q1 = q1 (z1 ) gives 1 − Ψ1 ( q1 ) m1 + ψ1 (q1 )

2c2 β 1 + b1 − b2 + β 2

= m1 = α1 + β 1 q1


since Ψ1 (q1 ) = 1.28 Identification of b1 , b2 and c. Making use of the optimality condition for the highest type, (z1 , z2 ), the coefficients of the utility function are identified. The parameters (b1 , b2 ) are the indices of the degree of product differentiation between the two advertisements. For instance, if b1 = b2 = 0 then the firm will only care about the consumption level of all varieties (q1 + q2 ) because then the utility is linear in qi for any fixed q j . With bi > 0, the marginal utility from qi falls and the firm will give increasing importance to the combination of the pair (q1 , q2 ). In other words, keeping everything else the same, a firm with higher bi would consume higher q j . In this respect, firms 28Note that evaluation (35) for i = 2 at q gives m = α + β q , which is the same as in 2 2 2 2 2


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


of type zi , i = 1, 2 are those who consume the largest of qi and lowest of q j , hence bi must be very small to rationalize this behavior. Indeed, note that zi or (θ i , θ j ) is also the type that is the most valued by the publisher Pi while the corresponding z j is at most z0j and hence is the lowest type for the publisher Pj ; this type demands (qi , q j0 ). Then the optimal allocation rule qi (·) implies that for this type, marginal utility from consuming the pair (qi , q j0 ), j 6= i

must be equal to the marginal cost at that pair. This implies that for both i = 1, 2 and j 6= i

θ i − bi qi + cq j0 = αi + β i qi ,

leading to c =

α i + ( bi + β i ) q i − θ i . q j0


This implies that c is (over) identified conditional as we can use either i = 1 or i = 2 to identify c.29 To show that b1 and b2 are identified we begin with any pair (q1 , q2 ) such that qi 6= qi and rewrite (35) as 1 − Ψi ( qi ) αi + β i qi = mi + ψi (qi )

2c2 β i + bi − bj + β j

! ,


for i = 1, 2 and for i = 1 get

b1 + β 1 =

α1 + β 1 q1 − m1 1− Ψ1 ( q1 ) ψ1 (q1 )


2c2 . b2 + β 2


Now for i = 1 and another q˜1 6= q1 , (38) for i = 1 gives α + β q˜ − m 2c2 = 1 1−Ψ1 (1q˜ ) 1 − (b1 + β 1 ), 1 1 b2 + β 2 ψ1 (q˜1 )

29From (37) it is clear that to rationalization of larger q requires smaller b , everything i i

else the same.



which with (39) gives 

b1 =

1  α1 + β 1 q1 − m1 α1 + β 1 q˜1 − m1  − β1, + 1− Ψ1 ( q1 ) 1−Ψ1 (q˜1 ) 2 ψ1 (q1 )


ψ1 (q˜1 )

thus identifying b1 . Then, (40) can be used to replace (b1 + β 1 ) in (38) for i = 2 to get

b2 =

α1 + β 1 q2 − m2 1− Ψ2 ( q2 ) ψ2 (q2 )

− β2 +

4c2 α1 + β 1 q1 − m1


1− Ψ1 ( q1 ) ψ1 (q1 )

α1 + β 1 q˜1 −m1



1−Ψ1 (q˜1 ) ψ1 (q˜1 )

Now, for another q˜2 , (38) for i = 2 gives α + β q˜ − m 4c2 = 2 1−Ψ2 (2q˜ ) 2 − (b2 + β 2 ) 2 2 2(b1 + β 1 ) ψ2 (q˜2 )    ˜ ˜ α + β q − m α + β q − m α + β q − m 2 2 2 2 4c2 =  1 1−Ψ1 (1q ) 1 + 1 1−Ψ1 (1q˜ ) 1   − (b2 + β 2 ) , 1−Ψ (q˜ ) 1



ψ1 (q1 )



ψ1 (q˜1 )


ψ2 (q˜2 )

where the second equality follows from (40), which can then be used in (41) to solve for

b2 =

α1 + β 1 q2 − m2 1− Ψ2 ( q2 ) ψ2 (q2 )

− β2 + 

α2 + β 2 q˜2 − m2 1−Ψ2 (q˜2 ) ψ2 (q˜2 )

− (b2 + β 2 )


1  α1 + β 1 q2 − m2 α2 + β 2 q˜2 − m2  + − β2, 1− Ψ2 ( q2 ) 1−Ψ2 (q˜2 ) 2 ψ2 (q2 )


ψ2 (q˜2 )

thus identifying b2 . With b1 and b2 identified, c is identified too and is given as the negative root of v   u u 1 u α 1 + β 1 q 1 − m 1 α1 + β 1 q˜1 − m1   α2 + β 2 q˜2 − m2 + − (b2 + β 2 ). c=± t 1− Ψ1 ( q1 ) 1−Ψ1 (q˜1 ) 1−Ψ2 (q˜2 ) 2 ψ1 (q1 )

ψ1 (q˜1 )

ψ2 (q˜2 )


Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


In the model, we exploit the shape of the observed price schedules, to define the parametric class in which the marginal distribution of zi belongs. To recall, we show that the optimal price schedules are quadratic if and only if Gi (·) is a Burr Type XII. Therefore, Gi (·) is characterized by three parameters {zi , zi , ρi }, which we identify below. For each zi , ρi , i = 1, 2, is

a measure of shape (skewness/kurtosis), i.e. it measures how high the type firms are concentrated relative to the low type firms. For instance when ρi = 1, zi has a uniform distribution. When ρi > 1, zi is more concentrated at low values. When 0 < ρi < 1, zi is more concentrated at high values.

From (24) we get    1 2c2 ρ2 = − 1 + b2 − β2 b1 + β 1 and hence ρ2 is identified. Since β 2 is the curvature of T2 (·), the concavity of the price schedules helps to recover ρ2 . Let ri = Pr(qi = qi0 ) the fraction of firms choosing qi0 only for i = 1, 2, then

ri = Pr(zi ≤ z0i ) = 1 −

zi − z0i zi − zi

!ρ i .


Recall that we have the following relationships zi ρi = + 1 + ρi 1 + ρi

c2 bi − bj + β j

z0i = αi + (bi + β i )qi0 +

cα j − c2 qi0 , bj + β j



cα j qi0 + mi + bj + β j

! (45) (46)

for i, j ∈ {1, 2} and j 6= i, where (45) is determined by the optimal con-

tract while (46) is determined from the demand side. Specifically z0i is iden-

tified as the value for which the optimal consumption is exactly qi0 , i.e. qi (zi ) z =z0 = qi0 , i = 1, 2. From (46) we get i


z0i − αi − β i qi0 =

c2 bi − bj + β j




and using it in (45) gives zi − z0i = ρi (αi + β i qi0 − mi ),


and from (44) we get

( zi − zi ) =

ρi (αi − β i qi0 − mi ) 1

, i = 1, 2.


(1 + r i ) ρi

Now, to identify zi we use the property of the optimal allocation rule, that qi (zi ) = qi . Thus, evaluating qi (·) at zi in the equations in (18) and (30) for i = 2, 1, respectively we get

zi = qi

2c2 bi − bj + β j


c2 qi0 + cα j + mi + . bj + β j


It is now easy to see that zi for both i = 1, 2 are identified using (48) and (49) and is

zi = qi

2c2 bi − bj + β j


+ mi +

c2 qi0 + cα j ρi (αi − β i qi0 − mi ) − , . (50) 1 bj + β j ρi (1 + r ) i

Therefore the support of both G1 (·) and G2 (·) are identified. Using (46) for i = 1 in (45) and we can solve for ρ1 to get

ρ1 =

 z1 − α1 + (b1 + β 1 )q10 +

cα2 −c2 q10 b2 + β 2

(α1 + β 1 q10 − m1 )



thus identifying ρ1 . 5.1. Estimation. Our estimation is based on the equilibrium strategies of Section 2. More specifically, we observe (q1 , q2 ) j , j = 1, 2, ..., 6328. We assume that these purchases are the outcomes of the model equilibrium in (17) and (30). We define our econometric model accordingly as

qij (zij ) =

    

1+ ρ i ρi

2 (bi − b 2c+ β ) −i −i

zij −


2 (bi − b 2c+ β ) −i −i

qi0 ,

( ρ1i z¯i + mi +

c2 qi0 −cα−i b− i + β − i ) ,

∀zij ∈ (z0i , z¯i ] ∀zij ∈ [zi , z0i ]

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


(52) where i = 1, 2, j = 1, 2, ..., 6328. The pair (z1 , z2 ) is the source of randomness in the econometric model. Besides the above two optimal purchase equations, we have six structural equations defining the optimal price schedules, namely αi , β i , γi , i = 1, 2 defined in propositions (3.4) and (3.5). These six equations give additional restrictions on the structural parameters. We assume that every firm j draws (θ1j , θ2j ) independently from F (·, ·).

Given the tariffs choice of the two publishers, every (θ1j , θ2j ) determines a pair (z1j , z2j ), distributed with G (·, ·). The estimation procedure takes

several steps. In the first step, the quantity sold by each publisher is separately used to estimate the nonparametrically inverse hazard rate (1 −

Ψi (·))/(ψi (·)) for i = 1, 2 using standard kernel estimator. In the second

step, using the estimated inverse hazard rate and (52) in addition to the constraints we use Generalized Method of Moments to estimate all the parameters of the model. Once these parameters are estimated, we use a quantile transformation of (52) to estimate the joint distribution of G (·, ·), where the

estimation method is close to nonparametric estimation of copula functions.

Estimation of Parameters. The parameters that we are interested in estimating is {b1 , b2 , c, m1 , m2 , ρ1 , ρ2 , z1 , z2 , z1 , z2 }. Let Ni be the number of firms

buying qi > qi0 , i = 1, 2. Thus we can estimate qi by max j=1,2,...,Ni q j for ˆ i = αˆ i + βˆ i qˆ , i = 1, 2. Since the esi = 1, 2. The natural estimator of mi is m i

timated parameters should be such that zi must satisfy (52) at qi for i = 1, 2, we restrict zˆ i (the estimator for zi ) to be given by (52) evaluated at qi , and other remaining parameters. Then we are left with 7 parameters to estimate. Let Λ ⊂ Rt be the compact set of parameters of the structural model.

We use λ ∈ Λ to denote a generic element of this set, where λ0 is the true parameter. We estimate the parameters using a generalized methods of mo-

ment (GMM). We match eight moments, E(qik ) = tk (λ0 ), k = 1, 2, 3, i = 1, 2 and the last two using ri (probability of a firm choosing qi0 ). The estimaˆ i.e tor is obtained by replacing the population moments and solving for λ, E(qijk − tk (λˆ )) = 0. Let H1∗ (γ) ∈ R4 and H2∗ (γ) ∈ R4 be the two sets of



moments corresponding to q1 and q2 , respectively. We assume that the population moment conditions are satisfied uniquely at γ0 , i.e. # " ∗ (γ ) H 0 1 = 0. E[ H ∗ (γ0 )] = E ∗ H2 (γ0 ) From the econometric model (52) we have qij = Ai zij − Bi . Therefore for i = 1, 2 we can use the following conditional moment conditions: E(qi |qi > qi0 ) − Ai E(zi |zi > z0i ) + Bi

E(q2i |qi > qi0 ) − A2i E(z2i |zi > z0i ) − 2Ai Bi E(zi |zi > z0i ) + Bi2

E(q3i |qi > qi0 ) − A3i E(z3i |zi > z0i ) + 3A2i Bi E(z2i |zi > z0i ) − 3Ai Bi2 E(zi |zi > z0i ) + Bi3

E(ri − Pr(zij ≤ z0i ))

= 0 = 0 = 0 = 0,

where E(zi |zi > z0i ) = z0i +

zi − z0i ρi + 1

E(z2i |zi > z0i ) = (z0i )2 +

2(zi − z0i ) 2(zi − z0i )2 − ρi + 1 ρi + 2

3(zi − z0i ) 6(zi − z0i )2 3(zi − z0i )3 − + ρi + 1 ρi + 2 ρi + 3 !ρ i zi − z0i zi − zi

E(z3i |zi > z0i ) = (z0i )3 + Pr(zi ≤ z0i ) = 1 −

Estimating the Joint Distribution. Our final objective is to estimate the joint distribution G (·, ·). We exploit the fact that we observe a pair of (q1j , q2j ) for each firm j. It might be informative to recall the data generating process: Every firm j draws (θ1j , θ2j ) from F (·, ·), which given ( T1 (·), T2 (·)) determines (z1 , z2 ) and hence the choice (q1 , q2 ). Thus unless θ1 is independent of θ2 , the observed quantities q1 and q2 are not independent. We use the two allocation rules given in (52) to estimate a pseudo pair (zˆ1j , zˆ2j ), j = 1, 2, . . . N by inverting (52) that corresponds to each observed pair (q1j , q2j ). We then use a nonparametric kernel estimator to estimate the joint distribution. We ignore the censoring at z0i , i = 1, 2 (for the discussion). The joint densities must have both the marginal densities as Burr Type XII. Instead of implementing a constrained Kernel estimator, we use a quantile transformation to estimate the joint distribution. The idea is very simple, and is as follows:

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


For every pair (zˆ1j , zˆ2j ) as estimated above, we determine a quantile pair (αˆ 1j , αˆ 2j ) := ( Gˆ 1 (zˆ1j ), Gˆ 2 (zˆ2j )). These quantile are uniformly distributed on

[0, 1]. Then, we use Kernel estimator on these pairs (αˆ 1j , αˆ 2j ), j = 1, . . . , N to estimate their joint distribution. The joint distribution G (·, ·) can be recovered using G (z1 , z2 ) = C ( G1 (z1 ), G2 (z2 )), where C (·, ·) is the joint distribution of the transformed data, namely a bi-

variate distribution whose marginal distributions are uniform. We use the kernel method to estimate C (·, ·) nonparametrically. More specifically, we

use the new bivariate kernel estimator that corrects the boundary bias proposed by Gijbels and Mielniczuk [1990]. See also Chen and Huang [2007]. We need to correct for the boundary bias because for (α1 , α2 ) close to the boundary the uncorrected kernel estimator puts substantial mass outside the unit square, and hence the estimate is not consistent in the boundary. To correct this problem, Gijbels and Mielniczuk [1990] propose a correction that is based on mirror image modification method. In our two dimensional case, the method consists in reflecting each data point with respect to all edges and corners of the unit square and building a kernel estimate based on the enlarged data set. The additional data then put the mass of the kernel back into the unit square. Let K (·) be a symmetric kernel on [−1, 1] and G˜ α,h ( x ) =


−∞ K ( t )dt be the

distribution of K (·). We use product Triweight kernel of type K ( x1 , x2 ) = Q2 i =1 Ki ( xi ) where ( 35 (1 − xi2 )3 , | xi | ≤ 1 32 Ki ( x i ) = 0, otherwise. Then an estimator of the joint density g(z1 , z2 ) is given by gˆ (z1 , z2 )


∂2 C ( G1 (z1 ), G2 (z2 )) ∂z1 ∂z2


n 9 1 XX K1 nh2n j =1 k =1

Gˆ 1 (z1 ) − R1jk hn

! K2

Gˆ 2 (z2 ) − R2jk hn

! gˆ1 (z1 ) gˆ2 (z2 ),



where { R1jk , R2jk j = 1, . . . , n0 k = 1, . . . , 9} = {(± R1j , ± R2j ), (± R1j , 2 −

R2j ), (2 − R1j , ± R2j ), (2 − R1j , 2 − R2j ) j = 1, . . . , n} with Rij = Gi (zij ) and gˆi (·) is the estimated marginal density of zi , i = 1, 2.

Because the observed demand is censored, the estimator has to be adapted accordingly. There are four subsets of support that are relevant for us. Let

S0 , S1 , S2 and Sb , be the support of G (·, ·) corresponding to the four demand patterns, respectively. Let r0 = Pr[z1 ≤ z01 , z2 ≤ z02 ] then we can estimate the following gˆ 1 (z1 , z2 ) = gˆ b (z1 , z2 ) =

g ( z1 , z2 ) G2 (z02 ) − r0


g ( z1 , z2 ) 1 − r0 − r1 − r2

gˆ 2 (z1 , z2 ) =

S1 ; on

g ( z1 , z2 ) G1 (z01 ) − r0



Sb ,

using the method outlined above. 6. E MPIRICAL R ESULTS The estimates of the parameters are provided in Table (I). These estimates lead to the following utility function ˆ (q1 , q2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) = θ1 q1 + θ2 q2 − 5.15q21 − 0.65q22 − 0.01q1 q2 , U suggesting that the two advertisements are neutral goods as cˆ is almost zero. This is consistent with the data. With complementarity we would have observed a strong dependence between the two consumption patterns, and with strong substitutability we would have not observed any advertises with both. See also Figure (A.1). Our estimates imply that z01 = 978.51 and z02 = 298.83 are the threshold types below which the publishers sells the standard listing. Under imperfect information there is always a tradeoff between not excluding lower types at the cost of providing higher informational rents to the higher types and excluding the lower types at the cost of lower revenue. The magnitude of each cost depends on the likelihood of different types. Optimal exclusion expresses this tradeoffs and determines the marginal type that equates the two. For instance if it is more probable that any firm is of lower than higher type (left-skewed), then the threshold type should be closer to the lower type. In our specification ρˆ i , measures the skewness. Since it is greater than 1, the marginal distribution of zi is

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


concentrated around the lower value. This implies that z0i must be closer to zi . As a matter of fact the difference between the two is 9.67 for Verizon and 31.05 for Ogden. The difference is relatively larger for Ogden but this is because ρ2 < ρ1 . Thus high skewness also explains why we observe only 925 and 259 firms choosing the Display option (the largest possible size) from Verizon and Ogden, respectively.30 Furthermore, because a large proportion of firms advertise with only one publisher (more than the free listing), the data suggests that the joint density of (z1 , z2 ) must be highly concentrated at the lower end of (z1 , z2 ). Our estimates corroborates this reasoning. To given an idea about the skewness, the kernel estimation of the joint density of (z1 , z2 ) for the subpopulation who choose more than standard listing from both publishers is presented in Figure (A.2). In this respect the model seems to fit the data well. Because buying advertisements is a business-to-business activity, the demand depends on its usefulness in creating more demand. Suppose there is a single firm in a market (say a doctor) then clearly he/she does not need to buy advertisement, but this might change if there are more than one doctor in the market. Therefore, we might want to ascertain if the willingnessto-pay for advertisement is affected by the level of competition. Since we obtain the pairs (θˆ1j , θˆ2j ), we can address this question by running a simple OLS regression on some measure of level of competition. We use the number of firms in the same subheading, the average quantity of advertising in that industry, the standard deviation of the quantity of advertising, whether or not the firms have national brands (or trademark) and whether for those the directories provided with guide option as our measure of competition. We recall that guide provides additional advertising space by listing specialities. It covers Attorneys, Dentists, Physicians Insurance companies, etc. The regression results are presented in Table (II), where the standard errors are reported in parenthesis and the (**) and (*)denote estimates that are significant at 5% and 10% confident level, respectively. As we can see the number of firms in the same industry, the average size of ads consumed in the industry and being in certain industry all have positive effects on firm’s willingness to pay for advertising but only the average size is significant. 30It is important to interpret the larger magnitude of ρ relative to (zˆ − zˆ ) which is large. i i i



Nonetheless, the square of the number of competitor is negative and significant, suggesting that effect of competition decreases with the level of competitors. An interesting implication of the regression is that whether or not a firm has national presence affects θˆ1 negatively but θˆ2 positively. Furthermore, it is also interesting to note that the marginal cost of printing a pixel for Verizon is substantially lower than that of Ogden. Even then, the price charged by Verizon is much higher across comparable categories, see Table 1. This could be because Verizon enjoys a higher brand effect which is not captured by the model. Our model does not explain either the demand pattern of firms with national brand or the brand effect of the publisher, because the demand side is captured by reduced form parameters. Explicitly modeling the demand side is important but beyond the scope of this research. In Table (III) we provide the summary statistics of the recovered types. In the part that is labeled (A) we have the entire sample while (B) corresponds to the sub sample that corresponds to those who choose advertisements strictly greater than the standard listing for both the publishers. The estimated correlation coefficients between θˆ1 and θˆ2 for each of the two cases are 0.26 and 0.38, respectively. The fact that it is higher for case (B) is not surprising because if only those firms with higher willingness-to-pay for both the advertisements would buy strictly more than standard listing. Therefore, conditional on this sub sample, we do expect the two parameters to have higher correlation than when we consider the entire sample.

Cost of Asymmetric Information. We know that with asymmetric information, the quantity allocation is distorted from the social optimum. Because under incomplete information the sellers equate private marginal benefit instead of social marginal benefits to marginal costs, the quantity allocation is distorted below the optimum. Suppose T2 = D2 (q1∗ , q2 ; θ ) be the residual demand for Ogden when Verizon sells q1∗ , then the profit function for OgRq den is q202 D2 (q1∗ , y)dy − K2 − m2 q2 . Thus the best response is to choose q2∗

such that D (q1∗ , q2∗ ) = m2 , which equates the marginal benefit of q2∗ to the

marginal social cost of producing q2∗ , which determines the allocation rule of Ogden. We can compute the optimal allocation for Verizon along the best

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


response strategy of Ogden for every q1∗ . Given the quasi-linear utility, we find that Verizon gains $2,651,052,914 while Ogden gains $48,330,062 and the firms will lose $2,699,115,638. The resulting net social welfare gain is in the order of $267,337. One would expect that under full information, the seller will extract all consumer surplus, but because of (q10 , q20 ) is provided for free, the consumer’s indirect utility under complete information will not be zero but be equal to its valuation for (q10 , q20 ), which is increasing in type. See Table (III), which presents the quantity pair under incomplete information, under full information and the corresponding difference in utility. As predicted by the theory, since the quantity allocation is not distorted for the highest type, the difference in the quantity under the two informational regime decreases with the allocation under incomplete information. Effect of Merger. One important question in empirical industrial organization is to assess the effect of competition on social welfare. To assess such an effect, we evaluate a counterfactual scenario where the two publishers merge to be a single publishing entity selling two directories. By determining the new nonlinear tariff we can evaluate the informational rent for each firm and its choices for the two advertisements. By comparing with the current data, we can ascertain how the gains from competition is distributed across the various types. Furthermore, in recent years the demand for Yellow Page industry has been eroded due to the advent of other forms of directories, such as web-based search engines (e.g. Google and yahoo). This erosion of traditional demand is not particular to Yellow Pages but also affects other forms of paper-based advertising, such as newspapers. One can expect that unprofitable publishing companies will exit the market or will merge. The optimal nonlinear pricing problem then becomes a multiproduct nonlinear pricing with multidimensional screening. We use the results from Rochet and Chon´e [1998] to characterize the optimal tariff, which is presented in Appendix A. (In Progress.) Effect of Exit. With our estimates, we can also assess the welfare implication when one of the two publishers decides to exit from the market, say it is Ogden that exists. Clearly, those who have relatively higher preferences for advertising with Ogden will lose the most. Nonetheless, it could also adversely affect others too because Verizon being the only seller might



substantially increase its prices for advertisements. Furthermore, comparing the profit under merger where Verizon sells two advertisements with the profit with only one advertisement choice, we can make some inference on the market structure and availability of variety of goods. When only one advertisement is available, because firms have two dimensional preferences, there are two possibilities to consider: (i) we impose q2 = 0 and the utility is u(q1 ; θ1 ) = θ1 − b1 /2q21 and (ii) we treat q1 = q2 = q and the utility is u(q; θ1 , θ2 ) = (θ1 + θ2 )q − (b1 /2 + b2 /2 − c)q2 . The optimal pricing mechanism for case (i) is the usual monopoly nonlinear pricing with allocation rule and price function q1 ( θ1 )


T1 (q)


 1 − F ( θ1 ) θ1 − − m1 , f ( θ1 ) Z θ b (q(t) − q10 )dt, θq(θ ) − 1 q(θ )2 − 2 θ0 1 b1


and θ10 solves θ10 + F (θ10 )/ f (θ10 ) = m1 + 1 + b1 /2q10 . Since the solution for case (ii) is a multidimensional screening problem, the method is very involved and is therefore provided in Appendix B.

7. C ONCLUSION This paper contributes to the empirical literature that studies the effect of competition in a market with incomplete information. Using the insights from the theory of principal-agent with one principal to formulate a model of Stackleberg duopoly competition, we propose a tractable structural framework in which the pricing strategies in an Oligopoly market with incomplete information can be characterized and estimated. We address the question of effect of competition on the selling mechanism and subsequent effect on social welfare by fitting the model to a data on yellow page advertisements sold by two (utility and non-utility) publishers in Central Pennsylvania. Our model and econometrics specification incorporates all the features of the data.Because the offered advertisement options have quality dimension, we construct a quality-adjusted advertisement size to incorporate the effect of quality. The demand side is characterized by a utility function indexed by two dimensional vector of preference. This leads to a problem of multidimensional screening, which we solve by using two strategies: (i) we focus on

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


quadratic pricing strategies which makes the competition more tractable and (ii) we use a method of aggregation by using one dimensional aggregating variable. This variable acts as “sufficient statistic” for both competition and two-dimensional private information. For the observed quadratic price schedules to be outcome of equilibrium, we show that it is necessary and sufficient that the inverse hazard rate of this “sufficient statistic” is linear, which implies that the distribution is Burr Type XII. The joint distribution of fundamental parameters pertaining to the demand and supply of the market and characterization of the distribution of the private taste of the firms (consumers) are obtained by estimating our structural model. We use method of moments to estimate the parameters that characterize utility and costs and use a quantile transformation of the pseudo private information recovered from structural equations to estimate the joint distribution using a local linear kernel estimator that corrects for boundary bias. Our estimates suggest that the two advertisements are close to being neutral goods and that there is a significant heterogeneity amongst the firms for the two advertisements. Moreover, we find that the distribution for valuation for the utility publisher is more skewed towards lower valuation than for the non-utility publisher. On the methodological ground, although our model seems to explain the data pretty well and can recover the joint distribution of the preference parameters, it does not allow for a general utility function and a general pricing behavior. Extending the model to some general class of utility function even within a quasi linear. This also points to the growing recognition in the empirical analysis of the markets for advancement in multidimensional screening models with competition. For instance, heterogeneity in risk and risk preferences is important in insurance markets. The structural analysis of such market necessitates study of multidimensional screening without quasi-linear preferences. Aryal and Perrigne [2011] solve this screening problem by using the concept of certainty equivalence as a sufficient statistics, which has a natural economic interpretation, Aryal, Perrigne, and Vuong [2010] pursue the nonparametric identification of the joint distribution of risk and risk preference.



Over the recent years, advertising markets are going through a shift from traditional paper-based avenues to internet-based ones. If we want to study the effect of competition it is also important to understand the demand for advertisement. We used a parametric utility function in our model for tractability and a reduced form measure of the willingness-to-pay, which took the demand side as a black box. Our empirical results suggest that the willingness-to-pay depends on the competition as well as on the brand effect. Furthermore, in view of findings by Rysman [2004], advertisement can be viewed as a two-sided market. Hence, structural analysis of nonlinear pricing in two-sided market seems as an important generalization of our model, and is left for future research.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


APPENDIX Proofs. Proof of Proposition (1): In the first part of the proof we shall determine the optimal quantity allocation rule while in the second part we characterize the optimal exclusion, i.e. the lowest type served by the follower. The first step determines that the expected profit function is concave in q2 and once the optimal quantity allocation is determined we must also confirm that the virtual profit function (the integrand in Π2 ) is superovulate in (q2 , z2 ). The first condition guarantees existence and uniqueness of the allocation rule, while the second condition guarantees implementability; see Stole (2008). Let the integrand be I, then    c2 1 − G ( z2 ) cα1 − c2 q2 ∂I + (q2 − q20 ) − b2 q2 − − m2 g ( z2 ) = z2 − ∂q2 β 1 + b1 b1 + β 1 g ( z2 ) ∂2 I 2c2 = −(b2 − ) g2 ( z 2 ) . 2 b1 + β 1 ∂q2 Therefore the profit function is concave if b2 >

2c2 b1 + β 1

since from our assumption g2 (z2 ) > 0.

We can check that this condition is satisfied ex post. This allows us to use point wise maximization to determine the optimal q2 and z02 . i.e. b2 q2 −

1− G2 (z2 ) g2 ( z 2 )

c2 b1 + β 1 ( q2

− m2 = 0 and hence q2 ( z2 ) =

z2 − m2 −

c2 q20 +cα1 b1 + β 1

b2 −

2c2 b1 + β 1

1− G2 (z2 ) g2 ( z 2 )

− q20 ) + (z2 −

cα1 −c2 q2 b1 + β 1 )


Now, we have to check that I is supermodular in (q2 , θ ). Differentiating

∂I ∂q2

with respect to

z2 we get ∂2 I ∂q2 ∂z2



! ! c2 q20 (·) c2 ∂ 1 − G ( z2 ) 0 0 + q (·) − b2 q2 (·) − g ( z2 ) 1+ β 1 + b1 b1 + β 1 2 ∂z2 g(z2 )    cα − c2 q2 c2 1 − G ( z2 ) + z2 − 1 + (q2 − q20 ) − b2 q2 − − m2 g 0 ( z2 ) β 1 + b1 b1 + β 1 g ( z2 )     2  2c 1 − H20 (z2 ) − b2 − q20 (·) g(z2 ) = 0, b1 + β 1

where the second equality follows from substituting the first order condition for the optimal q2 and the second equality follows by substituting the value of q20 (z2 ). Hence, the supermodularity condition, Calculation of Optimal


∂2 I ∂q2 ∂z2

≥ 0 is satisfied.

The optimal z02 is determined by the Euler’s method of differentiating the expected profit with respect to z02 :


H2 (z02 ) − m2

cα1 − c2 q2 (z02 ) − b1 + β 1


(q(z02 ) − q20 ) +

b2 2 0 (q (z ) − q220 ) = 0. 2 2 2



We determine the optimal z02 by first showing that the first order necessary condition shown above is satisfied if and only if q2 (z02 ) = q20 . This will not only confirm our definition of z02 but will also simplify the above expression making it considerably simpler to find the value of z02 . The “IF” part is trivially true. Now for the “ONLY IF” part, we begin by rewriting the above equation, by factoring out (q2 (z02 ) − q20 ), as ! cα1 − c2 q2 (z02 ) b 0 0 + 2 (q2 (z02 ) + q20 ) = 0. − z2 − H2 (z2 ) − m2 − b1 + β 1 2   2 = z02 − H2 (z02 ) − m2 − From the optimal contract, at z02 , we get q2 (z02 ) b2 − b 2c +β 1


which with the first order condition gives     c2 b2 c2 b2 0 − − q2 ( z2 ) = q20 b1 + β 1 2 b1 + β 1 2

c2 q20 +cα1 b1 + β 1 ,

⇒ q2 (z02 ) = q20 .

To determine z02 we start with the optimal allocation rule q1 (·) evaluated at z02 , and use z02 − H2 (z02 ) = h2 (z02 ) to express z02 as    c2 cα1 0 −1 b2 − z2 = h2 q20 + m2 + b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1    2 ρ2 z2 c cα1 = + b2 − q20 + m2 + , 1 + ρ2 1 + ρ2 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 where the last equality uses the fact that h2−1 (·) is linear and substitute for l2 = ζ2 =

ρ2 1+ ρ2 .

A point to note here is we could have derived optimal



z2 1+ ρ2


by solving for that

q2 (z02 )

= q20 , instead of the method chosen above. However, we want to point out that it is inconsequential which way we determine z02 because solving for z02 which gives q2 (z02 ) = q20 is the same as above. This should not be surprising given that it is a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality of z02 .


which would have ensured that

Ramsey Formula From (15) T20 (q2 ) = z2 −

2c2 c2 cα1 − (b2 − ) q2 + q20 . b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 b + 1 + β1


Substituting for the optimal quantity allocation q2 (z2 ) and after some simplification gives us T20 (q2 (z2 )) − m2 T20 (q2 (z2 ))


1 − G2 (z2 ) g2 ( z 2 )

1 ∂s2 (q2 (z2 )) ∂q2

 Proof of Lemma (3): We want to show that

1− G ( z ) g( z )

is linear iff G (z) = 1 − [1 − (ς + ξz)]ρ with ρ > 0.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages

If part is obvious. Now, suppose that

1− G ( z ) g(z)


= A − Bz, B > 0, then

g(z) 1 g(z) 1 d ln(1 − G (z)) = ⇒− =− ⇒ 1 − G (z) A − Bz 1 − G (z) A − Bz I dz


1 d ln( A − Bz) . B dz

Integrating both sides allows us to write Z z Z z d ln(1 − G (w)) 1 d ln( A − Bw) dw = dw dw B dw z z  1   1 A − Bz A − Bz B ⇒ ln(1 − G (z)) = ln ⇒ G (z) = 1 − B A − Bz1 A − Bz It is easy to check that G (z) = 0 and 0 ≤ G (·) ≤ 1. However, to complete the argument

we have to make sure that G (z) = 1, which implies that A = Bz. Therefore,  G (z) = 1 − where ς =

Bz − Bz Bz − Bz

−z z−z


and ξ =


z−z = 1− 1− z−z 



   1 B z z = 1− 1− − = 1 − (1 − {ς + ξz})ρ , z−z z−z

1 z−z .

Proof of Proposition (2) With this linearity assumption, we can rewrite the pricing function as T2 (q2 )

= = =

(q2 − q20 ) (c2 q20 + cα1 ) b 2c2 ) l2 2 (q2 − q20 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ) + l2 m2 (q2 − q20 ) + l2 b1 + β 1 2 b1 + β 1 2   2 2 2 (cα1 − c q2 ) l2 (c q20 + cα1 ) l 2c b − (q2 − q20 ) + 2 (b2 − )(q22 − q220 ) − 2 (q22 − q220 ) ζ 2 + l2 m 2 + b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 2 b1 + β 1 2     c2 q20 (l2 − 1) l2 c2 q20 cα1 (l2 − 1) cα1 (l2 − 1) ζ 2 + l2 m 2 + + q 2 − ζ 2 + l2 m 2 + + q20 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1     2c2 2c2 1 1 2c2 b2 − l2 − b2 − q22 − (b2 − ) q2 + 2 b1 + β 1 b1 + β 1 2 b1 + β 1 20 ζ 2 (q2 − q20 ) + (b2 −

Equating the coefficients corresponding to q1 and q22 we get γˆ 2 = −(ζ 2 + l2 m2 +

l2 c2 q20 b1 + β 1


α 2 = ( ζ 2 + l2 m 2 +  β 2 = b2 −

cα1 (l2 −1) 1 2c2 2 b1 + β 1 ) q20 − 2 ( b2 − b1 + β 1 ) q20 , 2 c q20 (l2 −1) + cαb11(+l2β−11) ) b1 +  β1 2c2 b1 + β 1 ( l2 − 1)



where the constant term γˆ 2 will be used to determine the optimal fixed price to participate in the contract, γ2 .  Proof of Proposition (3): Showing that the expected profit of P1 is concave in q1 and the virtual profit is super modular in (q1 , z1 ) follow the same line of reasoning as was done for P2 and hence excluded.



The point-wise maximization of Π1 with respect to q2 gives q1 ( z1 ) =

z1 − H1 (z1 ) − m1 − b1 −

cα2 +c2 q10 b2 + β 2

2c2 b2 + β 2

∀z1 ∈ (z01 , z¯1 ],


and q1 (z1 ) = q10 for all z1 ∈ [z1 , z1 ]. Note that this first order condition is necessary as well as sufficient for profit maximization.

Proposition 3.4 The coefficients of P1’s optimal tariff function α1 , β 1 are determined by (A.4) and (A.5), respectively. Proof of Proposition 3.4: Here, we do not show the derivation of α1 and β 1 due to the lack of space. Both are determined by first order conditions and are tedious and long, hence we decided not to present the derivation here and derive everything in the supplementary companion paper Aryal and Huang (2009), section 1. Using the FOC we can solve for α1 , and get α1 =

AΨα1 (1 + ρ1 )(m1 − β 1 q10 ) + ( A − Ψα1 β 1 )(z1 − Aq10 + M1 ) {Ψα1 A(1 + ρ1 ) + M2 (Ψα1 β 1 − A)}


where Ψ(t)

= =


2c2 (b1 + β 1 ) − b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 )2 + 2c2 (b1 + β 1 )(l2 − 1) b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1) At − B;

= =


c(ζ 2 + l2 m2 )(b1 + β 1 ) + c3 q20 (l2 − 1) + c2 q20 (b1 + β 1 ) + α1 b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1) M1 + M2 α1 .

(cα2 + c2 q20 )(b1 + β 1 ) + α1 b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1)

b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − c2 (l2 − 1) b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1)

and Ψ α1


∂Ψ(t) c2 (l2 − 1) − b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) = . ∂α1 (b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1))

To determine optimal β 1 we optimize with respect to β 1 and it can be shown that the optimal β 1 solves

(z10 − D )(α1 − m1 ) − q10 { J (α1 − m1 ) − (z10 − D ) β 1 }   z + B { J (α1 − m1 ) − (z10 − D ) β 1 } 2Jβ 1 (z1 + B) 4z10 ρ1 { β 1 (z1 + B) − A(α1 − m1 )} + 1 − − + A A A ( z1 − z1 ) A2   0 2 4 z1 ρ1 β 1 ν2 ν2 × − Jβ 1 q210 + + 2Jβ 1 − 1 = 0, (A.5) 2 (1 + ρ1 ) z1 − z1 A (2 + ρ1 )

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


where Ψ(t) β1


2c2 l2 − 2b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 l22 b2 (b1 + β 1 ) − b22 l22 (b1 + β 1 )2 ∂Ψ(t) t = ∂β 1 b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1)

{c(ζ 2 + l2 m2 ) + c2 q20 }(b1 + β 1 )b2 l2 − b2 l2 c(cα1 + c2 q20 )(l2 − 1) − c(ζ 2 + l2 m2 ) − c2 q20 b2 l2 (b1 + β 1 ) − 2c2 (l2 − 1) Jt + D.

+ =

Proposition 4. In equilibrium the fixed price of purchasing advertisements from each publishers is γ1 and γ2 , which are respectively given by (A.6) and (A.7).

Proof of Proposition (4) We shall just provide the equations that determine γ1 and γ2 , and leave the detail of the proof (and derivation) to the supplementary note. γ1


(θ1∗ − α1 )2 (b2 + β 2 ) c(θ1∗ − α1 )(θ 2 − α2 )(3 − (b1 + β 1 )) ( θ ∗ − α1 )2 (θ 2 − α2 )2 (b1 + β 1 ) + − 1 + 2 2 b1 + β 1 2(b1 + β 1 ) (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c !2   c2 (θ1∗ − α1 )2 1 1 (θ 2 − α2 )(b1 + β 1 ) + c(θ1∗ − α1 ) (1 − (b2 + β 2 )) − × 1 − + b1 + β 1 2 (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 −θ1∗ q10 +

b1 2 (θ 2 − α2 + cq10 )2 q10 + 2 2(b2 + β 2 )


) 3(θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 )(b1 + β 1 ) + c(b1 + β 1 )[2(θ2∗ − α2 ) + (b2 + β 2 )q20 ] − c2 (θ 1 − α1 ) − c3 q20 ( θ 1 − α1 ) 2(b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − 2c2 " # c(θ2∗ − α2 ) c2 (θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 ) + c2 (θ2∗ − α2 ) cq20 − + (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ){(b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 } b1 + β 1 " #  θ2∗ − α2 c(θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 ) + c2 (θ2∗ − α2 ) b2 + β 2 θ2∗ − α2 ∗ ∗ + ( θ2 − α2 ) + − θ2 q20 − b2 + β 2 2 b2 + β 2 (b2 + β 2 ){(b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 } #2 " # c(θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 ) + c2 (θ2∗ − α2 ) θ2∗ − α2 c(θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 ) + c2 (θ2∗ − α2 ) b2 2 + + q20 + c + 2 b2 + β 2 (b2 + β 2 ){(b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 } (b2 + β 2 ){(b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2 } # " (θ 1 − α1 )(b2 + β 2 ) + c(θ2∗ − α2 ) c(θ 1 − α1 + cq20 )q20 − + (ζ 2 + m2 )q20 b1 + β 1 (b1 + β 1 )(b2 + β 2 ) − c2   1 2c2 (l2 − 1) + b2 (2l2 − 1) − q220 (A.7) 2 b1 + β 1

( γ2




Appendix A: Merger In order to determine the change in welfare when two publishers merge, it is necessary to characterize optimal nonlinear pricing when the duopolist merge to be one monopolist. This leads to optimal multiproduct nonlinear pricing, which we solve using Rochet and ´ (1998). Chone The monopoly sells (q1 , q2 ), and charges T (q1 , q2 ), which can now depend on the pair chosen. The cost of publishing a pair (q1 , q2 ) is given by C (q1 , q2 ) = K1 + K2 + m1 q1 + m2 q2 . The type-θ firm’s (agent’s) utility if she consumes the bundle q = (q1 , q2 ) is U (q; θ ) and is the same as before.31 Faced with the price schedule T (q), a θ − firm obtains a surplus of s(θ ) = max U (q; θ ) − T (q). q ≥ q0

The tariff function need not be separable in q1 and q2 but must be such that T (q0 ) = 0, T (qi , q j0 ) = Ti (q j ), i, j ∈ {1, 2}, i 6= j.32 Since the indirect utility function s(·) is imple-

mentable by some tariff function T (q(·)) and the utility function is convex in θ, s(·) is also convex and continuous and it also satisfies the envelope condition: Os(θ ) = q. This implies that the objective of the publisher can be viewed as choosing appropriate surplus function s(θ ) such that it maximizes the expected profit Z { T (q(θ )) − C (q(θ ))} f (θ )dθ EΠ(q, T ) = max q(·),T (·) Θ


= max s(·)


{θ · 5s(θ ) − b/2 · (5s(θ ))2 + cs1 (θ )s2 (θ ) − C (5s(θ )) − s(θ )} f (θ )dθ,

such that s(θ ) is convex in Θ and s(θ ) ≥ s0 (θ ) = U (q0 ; θ ). If θ were only of single dimen-

sion, we could ignore (relax) the convexity restriction and maximize with respect to s(·)

and verify ex-post that the function is convex and satisfies the participation constraints. Two important properties of multiproduct nonlinear pricing has been established in the literature, which are: (i) The publisher (seller) will always find it profitable to exclude some positive mass of firms (denoted as Θ0 ) who are all bunched at outside option q0 , see Armstrong (1996) and (ii) The solution of the relaxed problem is generically not convex and hence there is “bunching of second type” where firms outside Θ0 are bunched to receive ´ (1998). same quantity even though their taste parameters differ, see Rochet and Chone Optimal nonlinear pricing is then characterized by exploiting the following simple idea: RR we begin with the functional EΠ(s) = Θ φ(θ1 , θ2 , s, 5s(θ )) f (θ )d`1 d`2 , where φ(·) is the

integrand of the expected profit, and if s(·) is the optimal surplus function then for any well behaved admissible function (defined below) p(θ ), EΠ(s + p) − EΠ(s) must be always 31

Whenever we use θ without qualification, we mean the vector (θ1 , θ2 ) and similarly q without qualification stands for a vector (q1 , q2 ). 32 When the two types are independent i.e. θ1 ⊥ θ2 and c = 0 then it is optimal for the monopoly to offer T (q1 , q2 ) = T1 (q1 ) + T2 (q2 ), where each Ti (qi ) is a nonlinear tariff.

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages




τ1 − θ1 Θ1 τ0 − θ1


θ2 θ1

τ0 − θ2

τ1 − θ2 θ1


F IGURE 2. Partition of Θ for multiproduct nonlinear pricing.

non-positive. Then optimal s must satisfy the following Euler’s equation 2

α(θ ) = −

∂φ f (θ ) X ∂ + ∂s ∂θi i =1

∂φ ∂ 5i s ( θ )

= 0.

´ Then to characterize the optimal solution, we follow Theorem 2’ in Rochet and Chone (1998) by finding s(·) such that Θ is partitioned into three regions (see Figure (2)): (1) The exclusion region Θ0 , on which s(θ ) = s0 (θ ); (2) The bunching region Θ B , where s(·) only depends on τ = θ1 + θ2 ; (3) The non-bunching region Θ1 , where s(·) is convex and firms are perfectly screened. Thus, the problem is to first characterize the three sets, and determine the allocation and ´ (1998) closely tariff for each set, and we follow Proposition 8 and 9 in Rochet and Chone P2 ∂φ ∂ to determine optimal s(·). Since ∂s = 1 we have α(θ ) = f (θ ) + i=1 ∂θ (θi − bi Oi s(θ ) + i

cO j s(θ ) − mi ) f (θ ) and β(θ ) = −ν(θ ) · n(θ ).

1) On Θ0 , q∗ (θ ) = (q10 , q20 ) and let τ0 = θ1 + θ2 separate Θ0 from Θ B , then τ0 is deR R termined by Θ0 α(θ )dθ + ∂Θ0 β(θ ) · n(θ )dœ(`) = 1, where abusing notation we write ∂φ

α(θ ) = f (θ ) + div( ∂Os(θ ) f (θ )). This can be further simplified as:


= =




Z Θ0

Z ∂φ div( f (θ )dθ + f (θ )) + β(θ ) · n(θ )dσ (θ ) ∂Os(θ ) Θ0 ∂Θ0 ∩∂Θ Z Z ∂φ ∂φ f (θ )dθ + f (θ ) · n(θ )dσ(θ ) − f (θ ) · n(θ )dσ(θ ) ∂Os(θ ) ∂Os(θ ) ∂Θ0 ∂Θ0 ∩∂Θ




= =



∂φ · n(θ )dσ(θ ) ∂Os (θ ) Θ0 ∂Θ0 \∂Θ0 ∩∂Θ Z τ0 −θ Z τ0 −θ Z τ0 −θ1 2 2 f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ2 dθ1 + f (θ1 , τ0 − θ1 )[θ1 − b1 q1∗ (θ ) + cq2∗ (θ ) − m1 + θ2 f (θ )dθ +


f (θ )



−b2 q2∗ (θ ) + cq1∗ (θ ) − m2 ]dθ1 , where second equality follows from the Divergence theorem and substituting for β and the last equality follows by substituting τ0 = θ1 + θ2 and n(θ ) = (1, 1).33 Recall that q∗ (θ ) =

(q10 , q20 ), so optimal τ0 solves: τ0 −θ 2Z τ0 −θ1


f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ2 dθ1 +




τ0 −θ 2 θ1

f (θ1 , τ0 − θ1 )[τ0 − (b1 − c)q10 − (b2 − c)q20 − m1 − m2 ]dθ1 = 1 (A.8)

2) On Θ B , q1∗ (θ ) = q2∗ (θ ) = q B (τ ) with τ = θ1 + θ2 and Θ B = {(θ1 , θ2 ) : τ0 < θ1 + θ2 < τ1 }. R R Since ΘB (q) α(θ )dθ + ∂ΘB (q) β(θ ) · n(θ )dσ (θ ) = 0 for all Θ B (q), we get 0

= = = =


= =



α(θ )dθ +

∂Θ B




Z Θ0

 Z ∂φ ∂φ f (θ )dθ + div f (θ ) dθ − · n(θ )dσ(θ ) f (θ ) · ∂Os(θ ) ∂Os(θ ) ΘB ∂Θ B ∩∂Θ Z Z ∂φ ∂φ f (θ )dθ + f (θ ) f (θ ) · · n(θ )dσ(θ ) − · n(θ )dσ(θ ) ∂Os(θ ) ∂Os(θ ) ∂Θ B ∂Θ B ∩∂Θ Z Z ∂φ ∂φ f (θ )dθ + f (θ ) · n(θ )dσ(θ ) − f (θ ) · · n(θ )dσ(θ ) ∂Os ( θ ) ∂Os (θ ) ∂Θ B \∂Θ B ∩∂Θ ∂Θ0 \∂Θ0 ∩∂Θ f (θ )dθ +



f (θ )dθ +

f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ2 dθ2 +




f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ2 dθ2 +

θ2 τ1 −θ 2 θ1

f (θ1 , τ0 − θ1 )[τ0 − (b1 − c)q B (τ0 ) − (b2 − c)q B (τ0 ) − m1 − m2 ]dθ1

f (θ1 , τ1 − θ1 )[τ1 − (b1 − c)q B (τ1 ) − (b2 − c)q B (τ1 ) − m1 − m2 ]dθ1 τ1 −θ1


∂φ · n(θ )dσ(θ ) ∂Os(θ )

τ0 −θ 2


τ1 −θ 2

τ1 −θ 2






f (θ ) ∂Θ B \∂Θ B ∩∂Θ

τ1 −θZ2 τ1 −θ1




β(θ ) · n(θ )dσ (θ ) 






τ0 −θ 2 θ1

f (θ1 , τ0 − θ1 )[τ0 − (b1 − c)q10 − (b2 − c)q20 − m1 − m2 ]dθ1

f (θ1 , τ1 − θ1 )[τ1 − (b1 + b2 − 2c)q B (τ1 ) − m1 − m2 ]dθ1 .

Divergence theorem implies


div f ( x )dx =

R ∂X

f ( x ) · n( x )dσ ( x ).

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


Therefore, once τ0 is determined, τ1 solves Z τ1 −θ Z τ1 −θ1 Z τ0 −θ 2 2 f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ2 dθ2 + f (θ1 , τ0 − θ1 )[τ0 − (b1 − c)q10 − (b2 − c)q20 − m1 − m2 ]dθ1 θ1




τ1 −θ 2



f (θ1 , τ1 − θ1 )[τ1 − (b1 + b2 − 2c)q B (τ1 ) − m1 − m2 ]dθ1 = 1.


For each bunch, q B (τ ) for τ0 < τ < τ1 solves Z τ −θ 1 α(θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1 + β(θ 1 , τ − θ 1 ) + β(τ − θ 2 , θ2 ) = 0. θ1

Recall that α(θ ) = f (θ ) +


∂ i =1 ∂θi ( θi

q2 (θ ) = q B (τ ) we get ( α ( θ1 , τ − θ1 )


f ( θ1 , τ − θ1 ) 1 +

− bi qi (θ ) + cq j (θ ) − mi ) f (θ ) but because q1 (θ ) =

2 X i =1


(1 − (bi − c)q0B (τ ) − mi ) + (θ1 − (b1 − c)q B (τ ) − m1 )

∂ f ( θ1 , τ − θ1 ) ∂θ2 f (θ 1 , τ − θ 1 ){τ − (b1 − c)q B (τ ) − (b2 − c)q B (τ ) − m1 − m2 }

+(τ − θ1 − (b2 − c)q B (τ ) − m2 ) β(θ 1 , τ − θ 1 )


β(τ − θ 2 , θ 2 )


f (τ − θ 2 , θ 2 ){τ − (b1 − c)q B (τ ) − (b2 − c)q B (τ ) − m1 − m2 }.

Therefore, ( 1+

2 X i =1



τ −θ 1 θ1

(1 − (bi − c)q0B (τ ) − mi )


τ −θ 1 θ1

(τ − θ1 − (b2 − c)q B (τ ) − m2 )

f (θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1 +

τ −θ 1



(θ1 − (b1 − c)q B (τ ) − m1 )

∂ f ( θ1 , τ − θ1 ) dθ1 ∂θ1

∂ f ( θ1 , τ − θ1 ) dθ1 + ( f (θ 1 , τ − θ 1 ) + f (τ − θ 2 , θ 2 )) ∂θ2

×{τ − (b1 − c)q B (τ ) − (b2 − c)q B (τ ) − m1 − m2 } = 0,

or equivalently Z

τ −θ 1 θ1

f (θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1 (b1 + b2 − 2c)q0B (τ ) +

(b1 − c)

τ −θ 1




−{ f (θ 1 , τ − θ 1 ) + f (τ − θ 2 , θ 2 )} (b1 + b2 − 2c) q B (τ ) −


f 1 (θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1 + (b2 − c)

τ −θ 1 θ1



τ −θ 1 θ1

f 2 (θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1

( θ1 − m1 ) f 1 ( θ1 , τ − θ1 )

o n o +(τ − θ1 − m2 ) f 2 (θ1 , τ − θ1 ) dθ1 − f (θ 1 , τ − θ 1 ) + f (τ − θ 2 , θ 2 ) (τ − m1 − m2 ) Z τ −θ 1 −(3 − m1 − m2 ) f (θ1 , τ − θ1 )dθ1 = 0. θ1

This is a linear ordinary differential equation in qb (τ ) of the form v1 (τ )q0B (τ ) = −v2 (τ )q B (τ ) +

v3 (τ ), and the solution is given by Z τ  Z t   Z τ v2 ( t ) v3 ( x ) v2 ( x ) q B (τ ) = exp − dx k+ exp dt dx , v1 ( x ) v1 ( x ) τ0 τ0 v1 ( t ) τ0 where k is the constant.

∂ f ( θ1 , τ − θ1 ) ∂θ1



3) In Θ1 the surplus function s(θ ) is strictly convex and is determined by the following Euler’s equation: 2 X ∂  f (θ ) + (θi − bi 5i s(θ ) + c 5 j s(θ ) − mi ) f (θ ) = 0, ∂θi i =1

together with the boundary conditions: β(θ ) = 0 on the upper boundary of Θ1 and which is smooth pasting condition.

Appendix B: Exit

In this section we characterize optimal nonlinear price when after merger, the monopoly restricts the product sold to only q. In view of that, the utility function should be redefined b1 2 2q

− b22 q2 + cq2 = (θ1 + θ2 )q − 2b q2 , where b = b1 + b2 − 2c. Then the net (indirect) utility from consuming q is

as u(q, θ ) = θ1 q + θ2 q −

b W (q, θ1 , θ2 ; T (·)) = s(q(θ ); θ ) = max{(θ1 + θ2 )qˆ − qˆ2 − T (qˆ)}. 2 qˆ≥q0


˜ θ ) be the utility of a type θ when he pretends to be θ˜ and is given by s(θ, ˜ θ) = Let s(θ, u(q(θ˜), θ ) − T (q(θ˜)) and slightly abusing the notation we get b T ( θ ) = ( θ1 + θ2 ) q − q2 − s ( θ ). 2 The monopolist’s dual problem is to choose a convex (surplus) function s(·) for each θ such that s(θ ) ≥ s0 (θ ) and s(·) = arg max


 b 2 (θ1 + θ2 )q − q − K − mq − s(θ ) f (θ1 , θ2 )dθ1 dθ2 − K1 . 2

Ignoring the constraints, and assuming that the reservation utility is type independent and normalized to s0 (θ ) = 0, the hamiltonian for the control problem is ! 2 2 X X b 2 H( p ) = θi pi − p1 − mp1 − s f (θ1 , θ2 ) + λi (θ ) pi + µ(θ )( p1 − p2 ) − K, 2 i =1

where pi =

∂s ∂θi

i =1

and our technological constraint a( p1 , p2 ) = 0 is given by p1 − p2 = 0. For

simplicity, K + 2b h21 + mh1 can be thought of as cost of providing p1 level of utils. Then the solution to the above problem is given by the following conditions dH(·) ≤ 0, a.e.Θ ds < λ, ν > ≥ 0, a.e. ∂Θ

divλ +

pi ∈ arg max H(z).

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


Then we have the following conditions: ∂λ1 ∂λ + 2 − f (θ ) ≤ 0 ∂θ1 ∂θ2 < λ, ν > ≥ 0, ∂H = 0 ⇒ λ1 = (bp1 + m − θ1 ) f (θ ) − µ ∂p1 ∂H = 0 ⇒ λ2 = µ − θ2 f ( θ ) ∂p2

(B.2) (B.3) (B.4) (B.5)

Recalling that p1 = s1 (θ ) and differentiating (B.4) and (B.5) with respect to θ1 and θ2 , respectively gives dλ1 = (bs11 (θ ) − 1) f (θ ) + (bs1 + m − θ1 ) f 1 (θ ) − µ1 (θ ); dθ1

dλ2 = µ2 ( θ ) − f ( θ ) − θ2 f 2 ( θ ), dθ2

which for all firms with s(·) > 0 in (B.2) gives

(bs11 (θ ) − 1) f (θ ) + (bs1 (θ ) + m − θ1 ) f 1 (θ ) − µ1 (θ ) + µ2 (θ ) − f (θ ) − θ2 f 2 (θ ) − f (θ ) = 0. From (B.3), at the boundary the inequality binds with equality (no distortion on top), and since ν  0, we have

(bs1 (θ 1 , θ2 ) + m − θ 1 ) f (θ 1 , θ2 ) − µ(θ 1 , θ2 ) = 0 µ(θ1 , θ 2 ) − θ 2 f (θ1 , θ 2 ) = 0. From the last equation we conjecture µ(θ ) = θ2 f (θ ) and let s1 (θ ) = y(θ ), then we can write the optimality condition as

(by1 (θ ) − 1) f (θ ) + (by(θ ) + m − θ1 ) f 1 (θ ) − θ2 f 1 (θ ) + f (θ ) + θ2 f 2 (θ ) − f (θ ) − θ2 f 2 (θ ) − f (θ ) = 0 (by1 (θ ) − 1) f (θ ) + (by(θ ) + m − θ1 ) f 1 (θ ) − θ2 f 1 (θ ) − f (θ ) = 0. Therefore the optimal contract is determined by the following boundary valued PDE ∂ [(by(θ ) + m − θ1 − θ2 ) f (θ )] − f (θ ) = 0 ∂θ1


with the boundary condition (by(θ 1 , θ2 ) + m − θ 1 − θ2 ) f (θ 1 , θ2 ) = 0. Integrating (B.6) with respect to θ1 and simplifying the expression gives q ( θ ) = h1 = s1 ( θ ) = y ( θ ) =

θ1 + θ2 − m −

f (t,θ2 ) θ1 f (θ1 ,θ2 ) dt

R θ1



Next step is to determine the tariff rule that will implement the above allocation. To that end we begin by noting that s(θ ) − s(θ, θ2 ) =

1 b


∂s(θ1 ,θ2 ) ∂θ1 θ1 θ1


= q(θ ), so integrating with respect to θ1 we get # Z θ1 f (t, θ2 ) dt dθ1 . θ1 + θ2 − m − θ1 f ( θ 1 , θ 2 )



Table 1: Comparison of Two Partial Price Schedules Color Category 1 VZ Picas

Color Category 2

Color Category 3

Color Category 4

VZ Percentage OG Picas OG Percentage VZ Price OG Price VZ Price OG Price VZ Price OG Price VZ Price OG Price

Listing 12





















$147 $492



Space Listing 54



















































$7,812 $10,256


Display 174



















$1,915 438



32.11% 49.19%



908 1,220










$2,163 $10,093














$3,328 $17,640






Percent of Revenue 0%






Space listing















Standard Listing









Space listing















OG 0%




# Purchases Percent of Purchases Revenue

Standard Listing




Table 2: Number of Purchases and Revenue by Sizes VZ



$4,491 $34,272


$6,936 $60,002

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages


Table 3: Summary Statistics by Consumption Pattern # Purchases Most popular headings


VZ only

OD only





Restaurants (3.06%)

Attorneys (3.63%)

Restaurants (6.36%)

Dentists (2.14%)

Physicians (3.14%)

Beauty Salons (3.64%)

Auto Repair & Service (1.88%)

Beauty Salons (2.37%) Churches (2.01%) Average price


Psychologists (2.04%) Auto Inspection Stations (2.73%) $812


Attorneys (1.61%) VZ






$1,267 $5,905


Std of price



Average size






Std of size






TABLE I. Estimation of the Parameters Variables b1 b2 c m1 m2 ρ1 ρ2 z1 z1 z2 z2 Estimates 10.3 1.3 -0.001 10.41 3.4 2363.5 161.2 968.84 66,819.3 267.78 2,868.8

TABLE II. OLS for Effect of Competition

θˆ1 θˆ2 no. of Firms 5.25 (3.717) 0.16 (0.1751) Sqr. no. of Firms -0.56 (0.25) (**) -0.0004 (0.001)(*) Avg. Size 10.53 (0.25) (**) 1.46 (0.45) (**) 0.69 (.39) (*) -0.01 (0.11) Std. Size National -626.34 (379.77)(*) 106.57 (24.22) (**) 669.36 (249.17) (**) 328.06 (16.13)(**) Guide



TABLE III. Incomplete Information vs. Complete Information

Qt: Incomplete Info. Complete Info. # Obs ∆ Utility (101, 210) (104, 210) 230 $87,706 (106, 231) (108, 243) 53 $99,017 (137, 231) (139, 243) 27 $138,871 (137, 248) (139, 260) 31 $144,479 (137, 288) (139, 300) 28 $159,312 (237, 432) (240, 442) 9 $425,865 (572, 517) (575, 527) 4 $1,900,000 (572, 843) (575, 851) 1 $2,200,000 (1709, 697) (1711, 706) 6 $15,000,000 (1709, 1154) (1711, 1160) 3 $16,000,000 (3171, 2153) (3173, 2153) 1 $55,000,000 (6330, 1621) (6330, 1624) 1 $210,000,000 TABLE IV. Summary Statistics of (θˆ1 , θˆ2 )



Verizon (q_1) 4000


Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max ˆ VZ or OG 4361 2166.68 3221.67 978.5 66827.63 θ1 4361 338.65 158.38 298.8 2868.895 θˆ2 θˆ1 VZ and OG 800 3314.679 5207.623 1073.343 65408.93 ˆθ2 800 504.56 298.99 326.7 2873.02



1000 Ogden (q_2)




F IGURE A.1. Advertisements Bought

Competition and Nonlinear Pricing in Yellow Pages

F IGURE A.2. Joint Density of (z1 , z2 )




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competition and nonlinear pricing in yel- low pages1

collected from the Yellow Page Association and the phone books, which suggest that ... buying advertising are characterized by a bi-dimensional vector of tastes.

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