Fellow Patriot, this will destroy your 2015! A chilling conspiracy will wipe out 281 million Americans in the next 6 months. The media has sworn a blood oath to keep it hushed, but you deserve to know the truth because in this treasonous agenda, you and your loved ones are the sacrificial lambs. That's why in this short presentation, I'm going to blow the lid off this twisted plot that has shocked even hardcore liberals because knowing this secret information will decide who will survive and who will perish when the sinister plot unravels. You'll discover the real secret reason why the US economy hasn't "collapsed" yet, and EXACTLY WHEN the dollar will turn into dust and our streets into hell. And if you stick with me till the end, I'll also share with you the story of how a penniless, crippled senior survived and prospered through a 4 year economic armegeddon. You will be SHOCKED when you see why others were BEGGING him to take their gold. And even though this might sound impossible now, once you read this presentation and do what it says you'll discover exactly what to do to ensure that your loved ones are well-fed like a king when chaos reigns even though hungry mobs are roaming the streets, or breaking into homes desperately looking for food. While the unprepared masses will see their guns taken away from them and their families shipped to some FEMA camp you'll not only escape the terrible fate of most Americans but will be a hero to your family and to your neighborhood. So that's why, if you live off social security, currently stocked up with food, guns and ammo, or have a tingling suspicion that the government is plotting something sinister... Then you need to

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read this urgent presentation now! Hi, I'm Bill White, Editor of one of the most respected preparedness websites in the world, Survivopedia.com. You may have seen my urgent bulletins on websites like WND.com, Townhall.com or TheBlaze.com. For more than a decade, my mission has been to give hardworking and honest Americans just like you the knowledge and tools needed to protect our families and survive any crisis from a natural disaster to a sinister attack on the U.S. Grid while protecting the constitutional rights of true American Patriots from the tyranny of the government. And while I've been focusing on attacks from abroad, and threats of massive food shortages due to rising food costs ...I stumbled upon something that makes all these pale by comparison. Something that will completely turn our lives upside down...something that I was utterly unprepared for, and chances are, you and your family are not prepared for either. Because in my research, I couldn't help but think why does my gut say that we're headed for the cliffs...when the numbers say that the economy is doing so well? I mean think about it: the DOW is at an all time high...president Obama is bragging about super low unemployment rates...and our inflation is so small, it would make stable countries like Germany or Singapore envious! However, what I uncovered made my heart stop. It turns out, the "real economy" has more to do with the old USSR than with anything remotely related to a prosperous society. Take unemployment for instance. The official rate is 7.2%, almost two-thirds the rate it was 4 years ago. Yet if you're anything like me, you might have noticed many of your friends and neighbors still struggling to find a job.

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What's happening here? To fix the unemployment rate, a government basically has two big options: create jobs, or change the definition of what unemployment is. What did our government do? You guessed it. They changed the way unemployment rate is calculated...and redefined unemployment as "number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits".

Stopped receiving benefits? It doesn't matter that you haven't had a job since Clinton..in the state's eyes, you're NOT unemployed. But when you use way the government calculated unemployment rates before the 1990s, the shocking rate is 24%... far more than during the Great Depression. There are more than 101 million working-aged Americans unemployed. That's the entire population of Texas, California, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania the 6 most populous states here in the US - combined. People who cannot contribute to the economy, who don't have enough money to buy goods, and who, in a crisis, will probably be the first ones to flood the streets. Count the rest of the population who is either too young or too old to work...and you'll be shocked to discover that a mere 86 million Americans are supporting a whopping 317 million people. This means that the average American worker has to carry 4 people on his back and even this number is bound to grow. But if unemployment is scary... then brace yourself for its evil twin: inflation. Because if you've been doubting the propaganda that

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says the dollar is only losing 1.5% in value each year then you've been right all along. Because if you're checking your bills and receipts you probably already suspected something fishy is going on. A 1.5% inflation rate would make us as stable as Switzerland or Singapore. Medical costs would be stable, food prices wouldn't go through the roof, and the utilities would cost pretty much what they used to. But this is not what you're seeing...is it?

Look: It's not hard to have a low inflation rate when it's YOU who decides how to calculate it. Heck, a government could show a NEGATIVE inflation rate if it wanted. All it would have to do would be to leave out the items that get more expensive and only focus on those that become cheaper. And the government has already manipulated the way to calculate inflation rate numerous times throughout the past 2 decades each time the purpose is to make inflation look smaller. That's why, even though a big chunk of your earnings goes on fuel and food these items are precisely what's missing when they calculate the inflation rate.

It's an outrage! For example, price of fuel like gasoline rose from $1.86 to $3.30 in the last 5 years:

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A doubling of price over 5 years...and that brings us to a shocking 15% inflation rate for gasoline. And speaking about food prices, in 2008, the price of a Big Mac is around $3.20. But in 2014, the price has shot up to $4.62!

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That means inflation rate of around 10% a year instead of the 1-2% the government is claiming. And worse even though the inflation rate for groceries are in the double digits, retailers are selling items at smaller volumes. For example, peanut butter companies no longer have flat bottoms on their jars...

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...instead the bottom is concave...leaving less room for your peanut butter.

Cereal manufacturers like Kellogg use the same sized box so that the packaging looks the same, except the amount inside has gone down. For example, Kellogg's Apple Jack has shrank 15%.

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You can see inflation creeping even in the rolls of toilet paper...

...that are getting not just shorter, but also thinner! If you use the way the government calculates inflation before 1980 the real inflation rate right now is actually a jaw-dropping 11%! And because of this 'hidden' inflation, the value of your money is getting eroded everyday.Every dollar you earn gets you less and less. And this means that you are working more for less pay.

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Why is the government manipulating all these numbers and lying to us? Politicians are painfully aware that they have to hide the actual numbers, otherwise every patriotic American will revolt against them, just like how they fought trying to phase out Obamacare. And as scary as it seems what is happening now is exactly a re-enactment of what happened to the Soviet Union in the 1980s which operated under massive public deception. Factory managers would send false production reports, showing more than they have done. Outstanding results were reported by all industries, even despite the fact that the Soviet Union produced the worst consumer goods in the world. And when they collapsed, it caught everyone by surprise... because if you just look at the numbers, you would have thought the economy is booming. It's the exact same thing happening now in the US. Everywhere you look, productivity is reported as "up", unemployment as "down", manufacturing as "strong", and American wages as "increasing". Yet none of it is true.

Look: The fact that you're still watching this presentation and that you understand the dangers inherent in these numbers shows that you're clearly more in-tune with the horrible financial state of the US economy than the average American. Ask any economist regarding double digit unemployment and inflation rates, and they would say that you are right next to a collapse. And what's scary about this is that before this, you may have thought that collapse may be years away...or may not happen at all...

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Now you know that we are standing at the edge of a thousand foot cliff... And a sudden economic meltdown will catch majority of the Americans unprepared and falling to their deaths... And that's is exactly what will happen but what came as a surprise to me as well is that this will happen in the next 6 months or less...because of an unforeseen implication in Obama's signature law. Because while the mainstream press is distracted by the failing healthcare.gov website and low signup rates, the really terrifying part of Obamacare was not mentioned at all and that will wipe out 281 million Americans.

Look: The average American family makes $51,017 a year and $8,500 of it...or 17% goes to healthcare. 1988 Healthcare Spending Per Family



$2,000 $8,500 $15,950

Healthcare costs almost doubled under Obamacare. But here's the kicker: According to Foxnews, 76% of American families ALREADY live paycheck to paycheck. For them, adding even $100 to monthly costs would be disastrous.

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Under Obamacare, yearly costs go up an aditional $7450! The government gets its funding from working class taxpayers but when those who pay taxes can't even pay their own bills the government will collapse under its own weight. The government will collapse under its own weight. The government also won't be able to get money it needs from taxing businesses because 90% of all companies in the US are dependent on selling goods to the working class. And when the backbone of the US economy vanishes into thin air you'll see the greatest string of corporate bankruptcies in the United States. As banks close down, your life savings will evaporate. But the most dangerous part of this is that this collapse will happen out of the blue and many Americans will be caught unaware. In a day or two...they'll realize the serious implications. Young children will be forced to roam the streets, begging for scraps. Armed looters will storm into innocent family's homes, stealing supplies and spilling blood everywhere. That's why you need to start preparing now, especially for a long term crisis.

But where to start? Buying gold and silver is a good start, and having SOME precious metals is a great hedge against what's to come.

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Yet relying too much on gold and silver can prove deadly because historically, they are one of the FIRST things to get seized by the governments in times of economic stress, so imagine the horror you'd feel when you put thousands, or maybe tens of thousands of dollars into rare metals, only to have them snatched away. Another option would be to have a massive stockpile of food, water, and guns and trying to wait the collapse out. But did you remember that gun confiscation will happen in an emergency, such as during Hurricane Katrina? And also the scary fact that FEMA is allowed to seize your food stockpile in times of a crisis? Or worse, because of your stockpile, FEMA can consider you as a terrorist and lock you and your loved ones up in a FEMA camp? These are just some of the mistakes preppers, or concerned citizens are doing. I'll reveal some death-sentencing mistakes later in the presentation. But right now, if you are scared by the seemingly lack of alternatives, you're not alone. I lost countless nights...trying to figure how how to survive...as I needed a bulletproof way to protect myself and my loved ones from the upcoming financial apocalypse. After what seemed like a century of failed searches, I eventually discovered how from conversations with economic collapse survivors. I'll show you exactly how they did it and how you can do it too. Even if you don't have a cent to your name, think you are too old, don't have time, or are confused and overwhelmed by the amount of information out there already. Or even if you don't have ANY preparedness knowledge, this information you're about to discover works even better if you don't have any prepping knowledge because you don't have to

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unlearn all the bad advice that puts you and your family's life in danger.

Accidental Discovery Story It all began when I put up an article on Survivopedia, where I talked about the problem and asked the readers for ideas and solutions. I got several intriguing ideas and comments, but one of them stood out more than the others. It was from a guy called Pablo. He said he survived an economic collapse first hand, and explained how to build a discreet cooling device with just a bucket to keep his food supplies fresh and cool during the hot summer, when the grid is down. Because of his unique method and detailed explanations, I realized this guy was speaking from experience not just conventional and 'rehashed' strategies that many "survival" experts are touting. Strategies that sound good in theory, but completely unproven in a collapse. I reached out to him via email...and we started a conversation. He gave me permission to share our email conversation and his story which I will paste parts of it here right now in the presentation.

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Pablo went through a lot of hardships, pain and suffering to discover how to survive and to thrive in the collapse. After telling me about his personal history, we talked about problems that arise in an economic collapse and how to solve them. For example one of the common problem that he discovered was that many put themselves and their family in danger by trying to do too many things at once. They would agonize searching for food and water, or building up home defenses, and ending up accomplish neither. The next day they would realize they also needed to find medicine, and a working motor, making them even more overwhelmed. As this vicious cycle is repeated over, even the brightest and most physically capable would find themselves starving and vulnerable. One effective way he discovered is to prioritize each task. You list out your immediate objectives from the most crucial to the least crucial and making sure each is achieved in order...instead of letting everything overwhelm you. It may sound like common sense, in a disaster scenario, this is really lifesaving information. Pablo also shared with me how...after 2 years into the collapse he eventually uncovered the deadly disease that cost him his daughter, and why everyone needs to pay attention to this. Because his painful lesson may save the life of someone you love. He told me that looking back, her symptoms were extremely common in any disaster scenario. You need to realize that when the toilets aren't working...people have to dig latrines. Most people dig their latrines pits about 1.5 feet deep and when an unexpected rainstorm came rolling in the latrine immediately flooded, and spread its contents to the surrounding ground. When everything dries up after the rain, the faeces matter appeared to be "washed away", but

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the deadly bacteria remained. When kids go out to play, they may contract the deadly bacteria and if you don't know what to do, then they will go through a world of pain like what his daughter went through. According to Pablo, the best way to prevent this is to dig your pits at least 5 feet deep, and make sure it is at least 16 feet away from your home marking out the "danger zone" with tape to show where dangerous bacteria can potentially roam. That was just some of the tips that was shared with me and my subscribers. He also told me about an asset that is more valuable than guns in a crisis especially during an economic collapse where money turns into dust. This is something that will have people begging to give you their gold because after he discovered this, it was what exactly happened to him. You'll never have to worry about food, water and other necessities in a crisis again allowing you and your family to ride out the crisis in total comfort. At that time, I thought I found the holy grail of survival. And while it's true that you can never be prepared enough but having someone who survived...and thrived through 48 hellish months of a recent economic meltdown telling you exactly what to do, what mistakes to avoid, and stories of his experience. How much is that worth to you, to know that your loved ones won't have to join the masses on the streets who are collecting scrap cardboard for a few pennies. A wave of relief washed over me. It is an amazing feeling. I decided to make it my mission at that time to pass on Pablo's knowledge to all American families. Because I want everyone to experience the comfort and confidence that comes from knowing

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that their family is protected. And the best way is to extract what Pablo knew was to interview him in person. Pablo was excited about the idea as well because he really wanted to share his knowledge so that no one would suffer the grief of losing a loved one again. I flew over to Argentina, and got to work like a man possessed. I extracted life lesson from Pablo, every mistake he made, every single detail on how he survived the economic collapse, what crucial items to have, what items to avoid having. Every single effective strategy he'd experienced and even the commonly known survival techniques he'd watched fail, and in some terrible cases leading to the deaths of his friends. I also took all my reader's questions with me. Like how to have consistent food stores in a crisis, storing food and water without alerting anyone. What to do when guns and ammo aren't available to you and so on. We took all that information and organized everything into a comprehensive survival plan that would help other families, just like yours, to not only survive the economic collapse, but to thrive in its aftermath. Even as society continued to deteriorate, and even if the U.S. entered a state of emergency that lasted not several days, but several long and terrifying years like Argentina did. And while interviewing him, I'm also very well aware of the problems my subscribers were already dealing with: Information overload but even more dangerous than that misguided information. Because a lot of these "survival experts" with their "amazon bestseller books" are sitting behind their computer imagining how an economic collapse will happen and write about unproven "rehashed" solutions. And when everything turns into hell, it is the innocent Americans who followed these unproven advice that will go down in flames dragging

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their families along with them. Also, many of my readers were complaining about information overload I kept this in mind and that's why I have broken down everything into bit-sized actions steps that you can take according to the system that Pablo devised to survive the economic collapse. I spent weeks polishing up and organizing everything into a valuable program called "Conquering The Coming Collapse: Real, Proven Survival Strategies When Money Turns Into Dust".

Here's my promise to you: If you have the desire to discover real world preparedness and have an open mind you'll discover exactly

what to do to thrive when the dollar becomes useless and all hell breaks lose Here's what you'll discover when you go through the course: You'll discover the one thing that you must never do when someone is trying to get into your home. Many preppers are unaware of the dangers that this one simple action can cause but doing this tells the looter exactly what to do to get in. This might sound impossible, but Pablo will tell you a simple setup that will make looters believe that your home is abandoned with nothing worth stealingand literally forces them to leave your home alone.

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Pablo will also reveal how a simple cup left on the ground can kill 99% of the bacteria in your drinking water without any extra work. Learn this and you won't have to spend hundreds of dollar on expensive water filters or an energy source to boil your water. You'll be able to enjoy fresh, clean, thirst-quenching water whenever you want in a crisis. One of the golden nuggets Pablo told me left me astounded. It was how he made a heating source using nothing but a tuna can, some cardboard and a little fat or grease. This was how he cooked his food undetected during the collapse. You definitely don't want to signal to the hungry mobs out there that you have food and a fire. You'll discover a simple trick to quickly and accurately recognize which plants are protein and nutrient rich, and which are deadly based on a study of more than 500 North American plants and insects.

This will save your life... ... if your family is forced to take to the wilderness for survival. You'll also learn about the US Army 'All Around Defense' setup. This is how the US Special Forces protect their base camp from being detected by enemies and also the deadly 'trap' that wipes out enemies in a blink of an eye if they ever wandered into their base. I knew about this setup from a Special Forces friend, but I was surprised when Pablo figured out the same thing when he was going through the collapse.

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There's a whole section on surviving the collapse as a senior. Pablo's experience is that in a crisis, seniors will be the first to be targeted because many of us can't move well and will not win in a fight against desperate looters and mobs. Pablo will show you the secret trick to instantly disarm, neutralize and even kill any hostile who may threaten you or your family. You just need to know where to hit (or "tap") the one asset Pablo says that you MUST have in a crisis. You will have people begging to give you food, guns and even gold in exchange for this asset. The surprising fact about this is that you can get this asset now even if you don't have a penny to your name.

PLUS: You'll also obtain a checklist of the MOST ESSENTIAL items to surviving the first 72 hours of a total societal collapse. Getting these items now can be the difference between life or death during the first few crucial hours of a collapse. Here's the flat out truth of what's going to happen when you go through the course and do what it says.

You'll have the power to survive and prosper through any crisis without relying on the incompetent government or FEMA. In addition, you'll have valuable assets that people are begging to exchange gold and food for.

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You'll be able to keep your family under one cozy roof, put foods on your children's tables even if stores have been looted while other kids are on the streets scavaging for dirty food scraps. As the American way of life goes down in flames a new man will rise...and you can be one of them, one who prospers and goes through the crisis "on your own terms", writing your own rules instead of being told what to do by the government... You'll feel confident, knowing that virtually nothing will catch you by surprise anymore. Listen, if you really are concerned about your family and the state of our country, then this has already changed everything for you. If you walk away now, you will always wonder what you don't know. Imagine when you no longer worry about disasters because you are always fully prepared no matter what happens. When Pablo' 48 month survival experiences are downloaded into your brain you suddenly understand everything what common problems occur in a collapse, and know exactly what to do when the unthinkable happens all these confusion and worry will just fade away. If you are like most people, when it first happens you will be stunned. And then a sense of relief will flow through you. Just imagine for a minute... All that anxiety fading away, no more worrying about the latest government plot that threatens our liberty and economy, no more confusion about how and what to prep, no more worrying about having not enough money to prep. Only complete confidence that you have the ability to be self-sufficient, to be independent and to protect your family when a disaster strikes... Wouldn't that feel really good? You bet and this is the really great part.

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