Ovid: Verhoeven: Clin Oral Implants Res, Volume 9(5).October 1998.333-342

© 1998 Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd.

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Volume 9(5), October 1998, pp 333-342

Densitometric measurements of the mandible: accuracy and validity of intraoral versus extraoral radiographical techniques in an in vitro study [Original Articles] Verhoeven, Jan W.1; Ruijter, Jan M.2; Cune, Marco S.1; de Putter, Cornelis1 1 Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, University of Utrecht; 2Dept of Image Processing and Design, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Currently: Dept of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands J. W. Verhoeven, MD, DDS, University of Utrecht, Dept of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, PO Box 80.037, 3507 TA, Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel.: +31-30-2533540; Fax: +31-30-2535537 Accepted for publication 26 February 1998

Abstract In this study a comparison is made between intraoral and extraoral radiographical techniques for quantitative measurements of bone density in the edentulous mandible. A phantom model, composed of a dry mandible surrounded by a soft tissue substitute was used. Radiographs were made of aluminium implants of known volumes. Intra- and extraorally placed reference wedges of aluminium or a combination of aluminium and plexiglas were used for the measurement of the aluminium volume of the above-mentioned implants and compared with the real volume. The IBAS image analysis system was used for image processing and measurements. A systematic deficit in the measured volume of 15 to 29% was found. This error was irrespective of the radiographical technique and indicates a constant underestimation of the aluminium volumes. The differential influence of the secondary radiation on the images of the jaw and the wedge is proposed to be a possible cause of this constant underestimation. The intraoral and extraoral techniques do not display significant statistical differences in the levels of validity or accuracy. Obtaining serial intraoral radiographs of adequate quality in the atrophic edentulous mandible can be problematic. It is concluded from this in vitro study that in these cases Oblique Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs may provide a valuable alternative for quantitative image analysis.

Résumé Les techniques radiographiques intra- et extra-buccales ont été comparées pour les mesures quantitatives de la densité osseuse de la mandibule édentée. Un modèle fantôme composé d'une mandibule sèche entourée de tissu mou artificiel a été utilisé. Des radiographies ont été prises d' implants en aluminium de volumes connus. Des échelles de référence placées en intra- et extrabuccal en aluminium ou en combinaison aluminium/plexiglas ont été utilisées pour la mesure du volume d'aluminium de ces implants et comparées à leur volume réel. Le système d'analyse d'image IBAS a été utilisé pour les mesures et le traitement des images. Un déficit systématique de 15 à 29% a été trouvé pour le volume mesuré. Cette erreur était sans relation avec la technique de radiographie et indique une sousestimation constante des volumes d'aluminium. L'influence différentielle de la radiation secondaire sur les images de la mâchoire et de l'échelle sont proposées comme étant une cause possible de cette sous-estimation constante. Les techniques intra- et extra-buccales n'avaient pas de différences statistiques significatives dans les



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niveaux de justesse et de précision. Obtenir des radiographies intra-buccales en série de bonne qualité dans la mandibule édentée atrophiée peut être problématique; dans ces cas les radiographies céphalométriques latérales obliques peuvent apporter une nouvelle pour l'analyse quantitative de valeur de l'image.

Zusammenfassung In dieser Studie wurde ein Vergleich zwischen einer intra- und extraoralen Röntgentechnik zur quantitativen Erfassung der Knochendichte in zahnlosen Unterkiefern angestellt. Ein Phantomkopf, hergestellt aus einem getrockneten Unterkiefer und einem Weichgewebeersatz diente als Grundlage. Die Röntgenbilder stellte man von Aluminium implantaten mit bekanntem Volumen her. Die intra- und extraoral angebrachten Referenzkeile aus Aluminium oder einer AluminiumPlexiglas-Kombination brauchte man zur Messung der Aluminium-volumina der oben erwähnten Implantate und verglich es mit den effektiven Volumina. Zur Bildverarbeitung und -vermessung setzte man das IBAS-Bildanalysesystem ein. Man fand einen systematischen Fehler der gemessenen Volumina von minus 15% bis 29%. Dieser Fehler war unabhängig von der radiologischen Technik und zeigte eine konstante Unterschätzung des Aluminium volumens. Als mögliche Ursache dieser konstanten Unterschätzung diskutierte man den unterschiedlichen Einfluss der Sekundärbestrahlung der Bilder des Kiefers und des Keiles. Die intra- und extraoralen Techniken zeigten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede bezüglich Ausmass von Zuverlässigkeit und Aussagekraft. Es kann problematisch sein, serienmässig intraorale Röntgenbilder von vergleichbarer Qualität beim atrophischen zahnlosen Unterkiefer herzustellen. Man schloss aus dieser in vitro Studie, dass in diesen Fällen schräge seitliche Schädelröntgen eine mögliche brauchbare Alternative zur quantitativen Bildanalyse darstellen könnten.

Resumen En este estudio se realizó una comparación entre técnicas radiográficas intraorales y extraorales para medición cuantitativa de la densidad ósea en mandíbulas edéntulas. Se usó un fantomas compuesto de una mandíbula seca rodeada por un sustituto de tejido blando. Se realizaron radiografías de implante de aluminio de volúmenes conocidos. Se usaron cuñas de aluminio intra y extraorales de referencia o una combinación de aluminio y plexiglas para la medición de los volúmenes de aluminio de los anteriormente mencionado implantes y se compararon con el volumen real. Se usó el sistema de análisis de imagen IBAS para el procesamiento y mediciones de imágenes. Un déficit sistemático fue encontrado en el volumen medido del 15 al 29%. Este error no tuvo relación con la técnica radiográfica e indica una subestimación constante de los volúmenes de aluminio. La influencia diferencial de la radiación secundaria en las imágenes de la mandíbula y la cuña se propone como la posible causa de esta constante subestimación. La técnicas intraorales y extraorales no muestran unas diferencias estadísticamente significativa en los niveles de validez y de exactitud. Puede ser problemático obtener radiografías intraorales seriadas de calidad adecuada en la mandíbula edéntula atrófica. Se concluye de este estudio in vitro que en estos casos las radiografías oblicuas laterales cefalométricas pueden proporcionar una valiosa alternativa para análisis cuantitativo de imagen.

Abstract (Figure)



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Figure. No caption available.

Intraoral radiographs are commonly used to evaluate quantitative changes of the mandibular bone, both with respect to bone height and bone density. Reproducible positioning of the X-ray tube, of the mandibular segment and of the intraoral film are essential for reliable measurements (Omnell 1957; Vos et al. 1986; Janssen 1987).

To allow for quantification of the observations, an

aluminium wedge is frequently radiographed as a reference object together with the jaw segment on the same film (Omnell 1957; Trouerbach 1982; Vos et al. 1986; Janssen 1987). Aluminium is used as a reference material, because it is homogeneous and easily machined and because the absorption and scatter properties are similar to those of bone (Trouerbach 1982). Such a wedge of known dimensions is placed intraorally and occlusally to the jaw segment to be radiographed. In longitudinal studies the grey value scale of the wedge can be used to correct for unavoidable variation of grey values in the image of the bone, caused by, e.g., variations in film exposure and film processing. Aluminium equivalent values are assigned to bone areas by comparing the grey values of the wedge and the bone (Omnell 1957; Trouerbach 1982; Vos et al. 1986; Janssen 1987; Jeffcoat 1992; Jeffcoat & Reddy 1993; Meijer 1996; Jacobs & Van Steenberghe 1998).

This intraoral technique is used with fair results in mandibles with little resorption and for regions that include natural teeth or implants (Vos et al. 1986; Janssen 1987). However, quantitative measurements of atrophic mandibles, with or without implants, are problematic (Jacobs & Van Steenberghe 1998).

In these cases the desired position of the intraoral film is obstructed by the

position of the floor of the mouth. Usually it is only possible to obtain a reproducible image of a few mm of the most occlusal part of the mandible (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Periapical radiographs of implants placed in atrophic jaws, exhibiting the cervical region of



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the implant only.

Extraoral radiographic techniques can be used to show greater parts of these atrophic mandibles. Panoramic radiographs frequently show little detail in the anterior part of the mandible and are non-reproducible with regard to image enlargement, due to lacking standardization in the positioning of the patient. Standardized oblique lateral cephalometric radiographs (OLCR) (Steen 1984; Araki et al. 1992; Verhoeven et al. 1997)

can be used irrespective of the degree of resorption of the

mandible and irrespective of the presence or absence of natural teeth or implants. Such extraoral radiographs show the complete vertical dimension of the mandibular segment of interest (Fig. 2ab).

Fig. 2. Oblique Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs (OLCRs) of implants placed in the atrophic mandible; (a) permucosal implants; (b) transmandibular implants. The reference wedge at the right hand side of the radiographs is used for quantification of density measurements.

The objective of this study was to compare the traditional intraoral and a standardized extraoral technique for quantitative measurements of bone density in the edentulous mandible



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with respect to validity and accuracy in an in vitro study.

Material and methods Experimental set up A phantom model composed of a dry edentulous mandible and a custom-made combination of plexiglas and polyester resin as a substitute for the extra-and intraoral soft tissues of the skull was used. The dimensions of the soft tissue substitute corresponded with the normal anatomy. The vertical dimension of the model was approximately 150 mm, corresponding to the lower face height (Fig. 3). In the right bicuspid region of the mandible a vertical hole with a diameter of 4 mm and a depth of 13 mm was drilled, as an imitation of an implant bed. The cervical 3 mm of this implant bed was widened to a diameter of 7.8 mm. Aluminium implants were made with a length of 18 mm and a diameter of 4 mm in the apical 10 mm. The cervical part of the aluminium implants was 3 mm in height with diameters of 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.8, 5.2, 5.6, 6.0, 6.6, 7.2 and 7.8 mm (Fig. 4a-c). The volumes of the cervical sections of the implants can be calculated through [pi] ·r2·h, in which h is the height of the cervical section of the implant (3 mm) and r is radius of the cervical section (varying between 2.0 and 3.9 mm). These values are the real aluminium volumes and serve as the "golden standard" in the further comparisons. Aluminium was chosen as the implant material to enable a precise comparison with the used aluminium reference wedges. In the ideal situation the radiographic densities on the film are equal for the aluminium volumes of the various implants and the corresponding aluminium volumes of the reference wedge.

Fig. 3. Phantom model positioned in a cephalostat. The model is composed of a dry mandible and a plastic soft tissue substitute.



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Fig. 4. (a) Intraoral radiographs of the implant bed and aluminium implants with various cervical diameters; the aluminium reference wedge is shown at the upper border of the radiographs. (b and c) OLCR of the mandible with aluminium implants in the bicuspid region: cervical implant diameters are 4.0 and 7.8 mm; the reference wedge is shown at the right hand side of the radiograph.

Intraoral and extraoral radiographs were made of the various implants and also of the mandible without an implant in situ. The latter are referred to as "0-radiographs". The intraoral films were placed in a reproducible position lingual and parallel to the long axis of the implant with the aid of an aiming device. The hollow bite-block of this device was made of brass and contained three pieces of reference bone and an aluminium wedge with a length of 25 mm, a width of 5 mm and a thickness ranging from 0-15 mm (Fig. 4a). Brass was chosen in order to absorb the secondary radiation interfering with the image of the aluminium wedge. This shielding was essential in the extraoral technique. In order to enable a correct comparison between the intraoral and the extraoral technique, this shielding was also applied for the intraoral technique. The phantom model with the film and the X-ray machine was placed on an optical bench to obtain a reproducible geometry. The central ray of the X-ray beam was at right angles to the implant and the film. The focal spot to implant distance was 448 mm and the implant to film distance was 16 mm. Exposures were made with a Philips Practix X-ray machine at 70 kVp. Agfa Gevaert Dentus M2 films were used for the exposures. The films were developed in a Dürr processing machine, using Dürr developer and fixation solutions. Oblique lateral cephalometric radiographs of the phantom model were used as extraoral films (Steen 1984; Verhoeven et al. 1997).

The phantom model was placed in a cephalostat in a reproducible

position. The extraoral filmcassette was placed parallel to the implant at a distance of 70 mm. As in the intraoral technique, the central ray of the X-ray beam was at right angles to the implant and the film. A wall-mounted Philips rotating anode X-ray machine with a focal spot size of 1.5



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mm was used at 70 kVp for the exposures. The focal spot to implant distance was 3470 mm. A combination of Agfa Curix STG 1 films and Agfa Curix ortho fine intensifying screens was used for the extraoral exposures. The film size was 18 × 24 cm, with a field size at film of 15 × 10 cm. The films were processed in an Agfa film processing machine for cassette-films. The large focal spot to implant distance was necessary in order to obtain an almost parallel X-ray beam, avoiding disturbing image enlargement. The use of the same large focal spot to implant distance with the series of intraoral films, resulted in overheating of the X-ray machine, due to the longer exposure times. As described earlier comparable intraoral films could be obtained with a smaller focal spot to implant distance, because of the smaller distance between implant and intraoral film. A reference wedge was placed in front of the phantom model and direct on the film cassette. The wedge was placed in a brass holder (Fig. 5). Again, brass was chosen in order to absorb secondary radiation from the phantom model that could interfere with the image of the wedge of the film. Two wedge types were tested. The first type was an aluminium wedge with a base of 50 × 10 mm and 12.5 to 50.3 mm in height. The second type was a combination wedge with a base of 50 × 10 mm, consisting of aluminium (1-17 mm) and plexiglas (105 mm) as a soft tissue substitute (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5. Phantom model placed in a cephalostat with extraoral filmcassette (24 · 30 cm.); the reference wedge is placed in the dark holder mounted perpendicular to the cassette and ventrally to the phantom model.



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Fig. 6. Reference wedges composed of aluminium and a combination of aluminium and plexiglas used for the Oblique Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs.

Image analysis For image analysis all radiographs were positioned on a homogeneous light source and then recorded. The radiographs were masked to avoid stray light from interfering with the camera. The light source was turned on for at least 30 min. before images were acquired for analysis. Images were recorded with a Panasonic B/W CCD camera type WC-CD50 and digitized (frame size 640.512 pixels; 256 grey levels). An image of the light source without a radiograph was used for shading correction. Image processing and measurements were performed with an IBAS image analysis system (Kontron/Zeiss, Eching, Germany). For densitometric calibration the image of the aluminium or aluminium-plexiglas wedge was divided into approximately 60 steps of 5 pixels wide and the mean grey level of each step was measured. Thereafter an additional correction of the grey values of the wedge was carried out in order to ensure that the mean grey levels of three pieces of reference bone, radiographed with each implant, always corresponded to the same position on the wedge. This additional correction was done in order to obtain a slightly more accurate measurement procedure. The resulting grey levels of the wedge were used to calculate a table to transform each grey level on the radiograph to physical aluminium thickness. With this table the whole radiograph was transformed into an aluminium image, each pixel value representing an aluminium thickness in mm. The known length of the aluminium wedge was used for geometric scaling. A rectangular measurement area of 7.8 × 3 mm (scaled to image magnification), was exactly positioned at the site of the implant cervix area. Aluminium thicknesses of this area were measured for all cervical implant diameters and for the implant site after implant removal (0-radiograph). This resulted in series of densitometrically determined aluminium equivalent volumes of implant cervix and surrounding bone and soft tissue substitute (i.e., the plexiglas and polyester resin). The aluminium equivalent volumes of the cervical implant areas (7.8 × 3 mm) were determined in 2 different ways: 1. By calculation: The measured aluminium equivalent volume for the 0-radiograph (representing the contribution of the bone and soft tissue) is subtracted from the measured volume for each of the various implant diameters including bone and soft tissue substitute. This method was used for



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all series of radiographs. 2. By digital subtraction: In this method the 0-radiograph is pairwise aligned with the other radiographs by placing 3 reference points in each image. IBAS uses these 3 points to align the images by rotation and translation. After digital subtraction of the images the aluminium volume of the area of the implant cervix was measured. This method is used for the extraoral radiographs as an additional variable factor, that had to be evaluated. The densitometric measurements resulted in the following five series of aluminium volumes: M2 film, OLCR-A1 wedge with calculated volumes (OLCR I), OLCR-A1 wedge with digitally subtracted volumes (OLCR II), OLCR-A1 and plexiglas wedge with calculated volumes (OLCR III) and OLCR-A1 and plexiglas wedge with digitally subtracted volumes (OLCR IV).

Statistical analysis Nonlinear-curve fitting and linear regression analysis were used in an attempt to explain the measured aluminium volumes. Finally a linear model was chosen and the data were fitted to: (Equation 1)

With minimum least-squares linear regression best fitting values for the intercept and

slope parameters of this equation were calculated, as well as the residual variances. In all bivariate analysis the real aluminium volumes of the implants were used as the X-axis values. The slopes of the resulting linear regression lines were pairwise compared with a t-test for differences in slopes. The residual variances were compared with an F-test. In addition, the calibration interval of X for a measured volume Y was calculated according to the formula given by Snedecor & Cochran (1980).

Equation 1

Results The results for the linear regression analysis are displayed in Figs 7a-e and Table 1. All regression lines have a correlation coefficient higher than 0.979 (P<0.0001). In all radiograph series the intercept constant was found to be not significantly different from zero. Therefore the initial model can be simplified to: (Equation 2) The slope parameters range from 0.71 to 0.85, indicating that, irrespective of the true volume, between 15 and 29% of the true volume of the implants cannot be measured on the radiographs. All slope constants are significantly different from 1 (Table 1). So, there is a statistically significant deficit, irrespective of the radiographical technique and method of measurement that was used. Comparison of the values for the slope parameter (as a measure for validity) exhibited no statistically significant differences among the different radiographical techniques and methods of measurement. Therefore, there was no indication of distinctive differences in validity amongst the intraoral and extraoral techniques that were studied. Comparison of residual variances of the regression lines showed no significant differences between all techniques studied, indicating similar accuracy (Table 1).



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Fig. 7. Graphs of the linear regression lines with their 95% confidence interval. (a) M2; (b) OLCR I; (c) OLCR II; (d) OLCR III; (e) OLCR IV.



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Table 1. Results of linear regression analysis, pair-wise comparison of the slopes of the regression lines and pair-wise comparison of the residual variances

Equation 2

Fig. 8

shows the calibration intervals for the real volume X for a measured volume Y for the

OLCR II technique, which exhibited the highest validity and accuracy. As can be read from this particular graph, a measured volume of, e.g., 60 is associated with a real volume of 67 with a 95% confidence interval between 57 and 78.



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Fig. 8. Graph of the linear regression line of OLCR II with 95% confidence intervals for the calibration of the real volume X from a measured volume Y.

Discussion For quantitative analysis of serial intraoral radiographs two approaches can be used (Brägger 1988; Meijer 1996).

For absolute quantitative measurements the use of an aluminium reference wedge is required (Vos et al. 1986; Janssen 1987; Rüttiman & Webber 1987; Webber, Rüttiman & Heaven 1990;

Meijer 1996).

For the relative method of measurement a reference wedge is not essential. In the

latter technique the observed change in grey level on the subtraction image of serial radiographs is used for the calculation of osseous changes in specific areas (Brägger et al. 1991; Fourmousis et al. 1994a). In the present study the absolute method of measurement was used. A comparison was made between measured and real aluminium volume of an implant using two different reference wedges. Extraoral radiographical techniques were further developed and tested in comparison with intraoral techniques. The results show an underestimation or deficit of the actual aluminium volume of an implant, ranging from 15 to 29%, irrespective of the method used. Some factors may have contributed to this phenomenon. Primarily, the shielding of the secondary radiation by placing the reference wedge in a brass holder might be partly responsible. This shielding was necessary to obtain a usable grey value image of the extraorally placed wedges. The shielding causes an underexposure of the wedge as compared to the implant region. In this way the measured volume will be less than the true volume. Two additional explanations for the aluminium deficit include: 1) segments of the implant that would be missed because they do not absorb enough radiation to show up on the radiograph or 2) edges of the implant that would be missed by the calibrated measurement window when the implant is unintentionally tilted with respect to the beam. These explanations were initially approached with non-linear models but these models did not fit the data for reasonable segment thicknesses or reasonable angles of tilt. Moreover, contrary to the actual measurement data, both models showed increasing deviations from the real volumes with increasing implant diameter. Therefore, these non-linear models were rejected in favour of the linear regression model that assumed a constant fraction of the true volume to be missed.



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The optimal radiographical technique and method of measurement combines a slope parameter close to 1 (high validity) with a low residual variance (high accuracy). Because there is no clear (statistical) difference amongst the various intraoral and extraoral techniques for both variables and bearing in mind the various disadvantages of periapical radiographs for quantitative analysis of X-ray images in case of severe mandibular atrophy, it is proposed that the oblique cephalometric radiographical technique can be a valuable technique for densitometric measurements of such mandibles. However, it should be mentioned that OLCRs lack the image sharpness of periapical radiographs. Moreover the extraoral technique is a more time-consuming procedure. It should be kept in mind that our study was done in vitro in one single phantom model. Variables that could influence the results are: film exposure, e.g., kVp (Janssen 1987), film processing, reference wedge and its shielding (Janssen 1987) and finally the composition of the object (thickness of bone and soft tissues). Probably the use of a reference wedge gives only a partial correction for these variables. The influence of stature differences between patients can be avoided by using the described techniques for longitudinal measurements within the individual patients. In clinical studies it is more difficult to obtain a reproducible geometry between X-ray source, object and film, which is an obvious prerequisite for valid and accurate measurements, especially when digital subtraction is used (Benn 1990; Fourmousis et al. 1994b). Such clinical studies using serial extraoral radiographs (OLCR) are in progress in our department (Verhoeven et al. 1992; Verhoeven et al. 1997).

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Keywords: radiography; dental implants; digital subtraction

Accession Number: 00001698-199810000-00007 Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Ovid Technologies, Inc. Version: rel10.2.2, SourceID 1.11354.1.251



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the junction of the prefrontal, palatine, and jugal inside the orbit .... the dorsal surface of the skull table. .... the level of the junction of the nasals, prefrontals, and.

Multi-terminal electrical transport measurements of molybdenum ...
Dec 22, 2014 - 4KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology, Korea ..... Supplementary Information S2) All samples were obtained by exfoliation .... mechanisms limiting the carrier mobility of MoS2, the Hall mobility ...

Measurements of Lightning Parameters Using ...
Aug 5, 2005 - N = 10, 100% positive. Tornado Warning. 7/03/05 7pm. N = 34, 0% positive. 7/4/05 9 pm. N = 16, 93% positive. Tornado Warning. 7/05/05 4pm. N = 20, 0% positive. 7/06/05 1pm. N = 23, 0% positive. 7/6/05 5 pm. N = 30, 10 % positive. 7/7/05

Improving the Accuracy of Erroneous-Plan Recognition ...
Email: [biswas,apwaung,atolstikov]@i2r.a-star.edu.sg. Weimin Huang. Computer ... research area, due to the projected increasing number of people ..... using Support Vector Machine, and Dynamic Bayesian. Network ... swered a phone call. 9.

Neuropsychologia The effect of speed-accuracy ...
Feb 28, 2009 - Situations in which optimal performance calls for a novel or ..... Flanker Congruence interaction, and (F) the three-way interaction among Group, ...

Raman Thermometry Measurements of Free ...
Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of California, Berkeley, California. 94720, and Chemical Sciences DiVisions, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,. Berkeley, California 94720. Received May 22 ..... measured temperature data

Copy of MEASUREMENTS- By EasyEngineering.net.pdf
Copy of MEASUREMENTS- By EasyEngineering.net.pdf. Copy of MEASUREMENTS- By EasyEngineering.net.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

Sonographic Measurements of the Normal Liver ...
5 transverse diameter of the spleen;. 6 longitudinal diameter of the spleen;. 7 = ..... Radi- ology 1975, 115:157-161. 14. Kardel. T, Holm. HH, Rasmussen.

An extrapolation technique to increase the accuracy of ...
email: [email protected], [email protected] ... limited number of benchmark calculations [2] and hence are external to the light scattering problem ...

1 Accuracy of the Swift-Navigation Piksi differential GPS
For validation purposes the accuracy of the GPS-System was tested on a field in Aachen, Germany. During the whole test-time the weather conditions were fair.

The Diagnostic Accuracy of Frozen Section Compared to Permanent ...
Phone: 0098-2122432046 Fax: 0098-2122432046. .... Squamous cell carcinoma Misinterpretation .... in small hospitals: a College of American Pathologists.

Improving the Accuracy of Erroneous-Plan Recognition ...
Email: [biswas,apwaung,atolstikov]@i2r.a-star.edu.sg ... Email: philip [email protected] ... the automated recognition of ADLs; the ADLs are in terms of.