
Let the speed of the car be x km Speed of the train = 1.5x 45/x - 45/1 .5x = 15/60 45X60X(0.5)

i.e.,x= = 60

Choice (4) Let the quantity of solution forX andY to be mixed be 17x litres and 8x litres respectively. Quantity of milk in the resultant mixture = (25/100) (1 7x) + (40/1 00)(8x)] =7.45x Quantity of resultant mixture = 25x litres Required concentration = 7.45x/25x x 100% = 29.8%. Choice (2) Time taken by a man to complete the job = 15 x 24 = 360 days Time taken by 20 men to complete the job = 360/20 = 18 days Time taken by a woman to complete the job = 24 x 24 = 576 days Time taken by 32 women to

complete the job = 576/32 =18 days The number of days taken by 20 men and 32 women together to complete the same job 128 = 9 days. Choice (2) Let the present age of wife be x years. Husband's age =x+6 x-6:x= 13:15. x=15x6/(15-13)=90/2=45 years and husband's age = 45 + 6 = 51 years Required ratio = 51:45 = 17:15. Choice (3) Let the cost of one kg of apples be a, one dozen of bananas be band one kg of grapes beg respectively. 6a =lob and 3x8b=4g b=6x75/10=45 g=3x8x45/4=270 Required cost =4x270+8x45= 1080+360 =1440. Choice (3) M,O MO2 -- --

i.e., 14x 16/32=

mx 14/68

m = 34. To complete the work 34 men are required. Additional men required = 34-14 = 20 men. Choice (4) Let the cost price of car be Z x. 120/100x75/100x 130/100xx= 407160 x=(407160x lOOx lOOx 100)! 020x75x 130) =Z 3,4.8,000. Choice (2) P = Z 2,25,000, A =Z 2,47,500 and Interest = 247500- 225000 = 2,25,00 Hence, rate of interest = 22500 x 100/225000 = 10%. Choice (1) Cost price of the flat when discount is not offered = 4575500 x 100/80 = 57,19,375 Total cost of the flat after repairs = 5719375 + 2,25,000 = 59,44,375 To earn 25% profit, he must sell it at 5944375 x 125/100 = 74,30,468. Choice (4) Lower income class = 25480 Middle incomeclass= lOx 25480/7 = 36400

25% of people = 25480 + 36400 = 61880 Population of the city = 61880 x 100/25 = 2,47,520. Choice (2) Let the yearly salary of Aakash be Z 1 OOx. Amount given to his wife = 1 5x Amount given to his son and to his daughter = 25x + 25x = 50x Remaining salary = 1 OOx - 1 5x 50x=35x Amount spent on shopping = 35x X 0.2=7x Amount deposited in bank = 35x - 7x = 28x =Z 127876 x= 127876/28= Z 4567. Hence, yearly salary of Aakash = 4,56,700 Amount given to his wife in an year =456700 x 15/100 = 68,505. Choice (3) Let m and wbe the part of work done by one man and one woman respectively. Let m = uw (24m+12w)18=(12m+24w)r x (96w+ 12w)18=(48w+24w) x

>x=27 Choice (3) Sum of the ages of wife and husband 12 years ago = 2 x (44 + 12) = 112 years. Sum of the ages of wife, husband and son = 40 x 3 = 120 years Son's presentage= 120-112= 8 years. Choice (3) - Solutions for questions 116 to 120: 1 16.The total number of girls who got B grade in school Q =90+75=165 The total number of girls who got C grade in school Q = 100 + 55 = 155 Required total = 165 + 155 = 320. Choice (3) 117. The number of students who got C grade in school P = 110 + 110 + 40 + 50 = 310 The number of students who got C grade in school U = 80 + 85 + 65 + 70 = 300 Required difference = 310- 300 = 10. Choice (5)

118. The total number of boys who got B grade in school R =90+65=155 The total number of girls who got B grade in school R = 100+70=170 Required ratio= 155:170=31 :34. Choice (3) 11 9. The number of boys in school R = 125 +110 + 90 + 65 + 120 + 50 = 560 The number of students in school R

=125+115+110+115+90 100+65+70+120+110 3. 60= 1130 Required percentage = 560 -. 100/ 1130 = 49.55%. Choice (4) 120. The number of girls who got A grade in school Q = 110+110=220 The number of boys who got B grade in school 0 =80+70=150 Required percentage = 220- 150 x 100/150 = 46.67%. Choice (2)

fl0g) m° m1 ul a o 06) 1 4 Wb oJ @110 aJ @1 ui i ao (A) Union Government Central Government State Government Government of Kerala


6. Any person serving in connection with the affairs of the State is called: I

3fflQ1)" 3(b° A0ô(©

- Kerala Financial Code (With Books) [The Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and Kerala Budget Manual - (With Books)) [Also common paper for Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial and Executive Staff of the Kerala State Electricity Board -Il Paper] Time:1 hours for 100 Questions Each question carries 1 mark Chapters land II of KFC. Vol.1 1 .The year beginning with the 1St April and ending with the following 31st March means:

Leap year Calendar year Financial year 0) Saka year


2. Financial year means

Calendar year 1St July to 30th June (next year) 1st April to 31st March of succeeding year 0)1st January to 31st December 3." Financial Year" is defined in Article of Kerala Financial Code:

(A) Art.3 Art.25 Art.4 Art.305 4. A single payment made to a contractor in full settlement of the account relating to his contract when the contract has been completed is called:

First and final payment Final payment First payment Down payment 5. As per definition in Kerala Financial Code, Government means:

Government servant Service personnel Civil servant (0) Service provider 7. Every person who is authorized to receive, keep, carry or spend moneys on behalf of the Government:

Government servant Office Assistant )C) Contractor (D) Bank Manager 8. Government account is the total of the:

The Consolidated Fund Account and Contingency Fund Account Contingency Fund Account and the Public Account The Consolidated Fund and the Public Account The Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund and the Public Account 9. A State Touring Officer who is appointed solely or mainly for performing specified duties of inspection which involve touring and includes an officer who has been specifically authorized to conduct inspection of any office is called:

Touring Officer Inspecting Officer Touring Inspector Special Officer on Transit 10. Local body means

Kudambasree and Gramasabha Panchayats and Local Audit Department Corporations and Village Offices Corporations, Municipalities and Panchayats 11. All expenditure other than that falling under pay and allowances, contingencies and work is called

(A) Miscellaneous expenditure (B) Recurring expenditure

(C) Revenue expenditure (D) Capital expenditure 12. Irrecoverable arrears of Revenue due to Government shall

(A)Ignored Reported to Government Written off with proper sanction of Government. (0) Should be retained in the Government Account 13. Local Fund means

(A)Funds raised locally for a specific work Funds operated by Local Fund Audit of Govt. Funds operated by an autonomous body (0) None of the above 14. Which is not a Local Fund?

(A)Sinking Fund KSEB Working Fund Panchayat Fund District Police Welfare Fund 15. The extent of work done, supplies made or service rendered, when these can be measured, weighed or counted is known as:

(A)Extension for completion of work Measurement Quantity 0) Stock

(A) Contract account Final account Current account Running account 19. Which of the following includes revenues of the State?

(A)Proceeds of sales of land and land revenue (B) Unfunded debt and proceeds of State taxes (C)Security deposit made by a contractor (0) All of the above 20. All articles and materials which come into the possession of a Government servant for use in the public service

Money Document Stores Bills 21. Stores means

A place where articles are kept A department store where all materials are available. A place where cash and documents come into possession of a Government servant 0) All articles and materials which come into the possession of a Government servant for use in the public service.

1 6.The amount payable for each unit of work, supply or service rendered is called:

22. A distinct unit of a large work which comprises several buildings smaller works or groups of smaller works is called

(A) Work Order (B) Supply Order (C) Service Charge (0) Rate

Unit work Sub work Petty work (0) Minor work

17. All moneys received on behalf of Government by virtue of any statutory provision or of any general or special executive order of Government, is called:

23. One of the subdivisions of a major work divided in order to facilitate accounting and financial control is called

Government property Government Finance Cash receipt Revenue of the State 18. An account with a contractor on which for work or supplies is made to him at convenient intervals subject to final settlement of the account on the completion or determination of the contract is called:

Sub work Sub head Minor work' (0) Petty work 24. Technical Sanction means

The order sanctioning a work of construction or repair to be carried out by body other than P.W.D. The order sanctioning expenditure for a work for payment after work. The order of a competent

authority sanctioning the cost of a work of construction or repair to be carried out by the P.W.D The sanction made by the Chief Engineer for a major work 25. The order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair to be carried out by the PWD is called:

Work order Financial sanction Administrative sanction (D)Technical sanction 26.The last remittance for the month including the last receipt should reach the Treasury:

On the first of the succeeding month In the same month itself Not later than the second working day of the next month (0) Not later than the 4th working day of the succeeding month 27. DCB statement in connection with revenue collection means:

Deficit Cash Balance Statement Deficit collection Balance Statement Demand Cash Balarke Statement (D(Demand Collection Balance Statement 28. Revenue collected in one district on account of another should be credited in the treasury

account of the: District to which the revenue is originally payable Receiving District and it should be omitted in the DCB statement of receiving district. Receiving district and it should be included in the DCB statement of that district itself. (D)None 29. The Chief Controlling Officers should furnish a certificate regarding the reconciliation work

of their departmental receipts twice in a year(30th September and 31st March) to: (A)The Accountant General

(B) The Chief Secretary (C) The Finance Department (D (The Administrative Department 30. For the purpose of collection of rent ,the Government Buildings have been classified Kerala Financial in the Code into two VIZ.

(A)Those in charge of Forest Department and those in charge of Departments other than Forest (B) Those in charge of Forest Department and those in charge of Public Works Department. (C)Those in charge of PWD and those in charge of Departments other than PWD. (0) Those in charge of the PWD and those in charge of the District Collectors.

ANSWER KEYS C. Art 3 C. Art 3 A. Art 3 A. Art 3 D. Art 3 A. Art 3 A. Art 3 D. Art 3 B. Art 3 D. Art 3 A. Art 3 C. Art 5(5) C. Art 3 A. Art 3.307 C. Art 3 D. Art 3 D. Art 3 D. Art 3

D. Art 3 C. Art 3 D. Art 3/120 B. Art3 B. Art 3 D. Art 3 D. Art 3 B Art. 72 DArt.8 (7) B.Art.8(7 C.Art.9(5j C.Art.12

Departmental Exam Orientation.pdf

Lower income class = 25480. Middle incomeclass= lOx. 25480/7 = ... A State Touring Officer who is. appointed solely or mainly for ... Petty work. (0) Minor work. 23. One of the subdivisions of a. major work divided in order to. facilitate accounting and finan- cial control is called. Sub work. Sub head. Minor work'. (0) Petty work.

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