Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems Sean Huberman Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada

October 20, 2014

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Background and Motivation • Demand for data-intensive services is increasing • Higher data-rates are required • Improve the spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz/Area)

c Nokia Siemens Networks 2012

=⇒ Dynamic resource allocation techniques are needed S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multi-Point Channels



Multi-link point-to-point

• Solid links: intended signals • Dashed links: interference signals • Links: single or multiple spatial dimensions

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Interference Issues in Multi-User Systems

Conventional approach: • Different frequency bands • Avoid co-channel interference

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Interference Issues in Multi-User Systems

Conventional approach: • Different frequency bands

Universal frequency reuse: • Same frequency band

• Avoid co-channel interference

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Interference Issues in Multi-User Systems

• Different frequency bands

Universal frequency reuse: • Same frequency band

• Avoid co-channel interference

• Interference must be managed

Conventional approach:

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Half-Duplex vs. Full-Duplex Transmission

Half-Duplex (HD)

Full-Duplex (FD)

• Conventional approach

• Increase sharing (up/downlink)

• Separate time or frequency slots

• “Double” capacity • Creates self-interference

S. Huberman

Slot 1

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 1

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Half-Duplex vs. Full-Duplex Transmission

Half-Duplex (HD)

Full-Duplex (FD)

• Conventional approach

• Increase sharing (up/downlink)

• Separate time or frequency slots

• “Double” capacity • Creates self-interference

Slot 1

Slot 1


Slot 2

S. Huberman

Slot 1

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Environments Under Consideration: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) • Uses twisted-pair copper telephone wire • Lines buried underground in shared binders (e.g., Binder B) • Interference known as crosstalk • Practical example of a multi-link point-to-point channel

Central Office



DSLAM Fiber Links

JWI: Junction Wire Interface

DSLAM: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer



Fiber Links

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Environments Under Consideration: Cellular Networks • Radio network distributed over a cell (operated by base station) • Concept of small cells emerged • Share same frequency • Low-powered nodes =⇒ reduced interference • Shorter transmission =⇒ better channels

=⇒ Small cells are excellent candidates for full-duplex transmission S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Dynamic Power Allocation (DPA) Techniques • Standard transmission equation:

y = Hx + z Scalar DPA: • Treat each line/antenna, k, separately • Optimize the power, pk = E[|xk |2 ], of each line/antenna • Maximize rate in the presence of interference

Vectored DPA: • Jointly process multiple lines/antennas • Apply precoding to preprocess transmitted signal • Re-write x = V˜ x, resulting in:

x+z y = |{z} HV ˜

• Optimize V (subject to power constraints) to maximize rate • Can “modify” channel conditions (i.e., H) S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks


To design scalar and vectored DPA transmission techniques: • Manage interference in severely interference-limited

environments • Using HD or FD transmission • With applications to wireline and wireless systems

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Interference control in a multi-link environment: • Constant offset Autonomous Spectrum Balancing using Multiple

Reference Users (ASB-MRU) algorithm • Method for estimating spectral efficiency using channel statistics

(prior to allocating resources) • Omitted due to time constraints

=⇒ HD publications: 4 journal papers, 5 conference papers, 1 book chapter

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Interference Control in a Multi-Link Environment Scalar Dynamic Power Allocation

Limitations of existing approaches: • Semi-centralized & global channel knowledge • Many iterations (i.e., interference measurements)

Objectives of proposed approach: • Comparable performance (i.e., sum-rate) • Reduce computational complexity • Distributed, local channel knowledge, reduce number of iterations


pk , k∈K

subject to:


wk Rk



pkf ≤ Pk ,

∀ k

f ∈F

0 ≤ pkf ≤ pk,mask , f

S. Huberman


Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Autonomous Spectrum Balancing Using Multiple Reference Users (ASB-MRU) • Construct a virtual network of reference users • Provides approximate global channel knowledge • Users self-optimize: maximize the virtual network rate & their own • Key considerations: • How many reference users should there be? • How should we select the KR reference users? • What should the reference user parameters be? Virtual Network

For each user k: User 1

max wk Rk + pk

User 4

User 2

subject to: Virtual Network

Virtual Network


˜r w ˜rR



pkf ≤ Pk

f ∈F

0 ≤ pkf ≤ pk,mask , f

User 3

∀ f

Virtual Network S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Constant Offset ASB-MRU • Many existing algorithms have a similar power-update structure:


Γintkf wk pkf = − 2 λk + ∆λkf |hk,k f |

#pfk,mask 0

• Offsets: per-sub-carrier quotas for each user • Existing algorithms tune the offset, ∆λkf , on a per-iteration basis

=⇒ leading to slow convergence. • Using the virtual network: approximate the final tuned offset • Pre-compute offset during initialization phase • Offset becomes constant =⇒ fast convergence

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Constant Offset ASB-MRU (Con’t.) 1. Setup virtual network (cluster users based on pay-off function) fpay (k) ,

F X f =1

log 1 +

σfk +


k,l 2 fixed l6=k |hf | pf 2 fixed |hk,k f | pf





f =1

(recpay )kf 2 fixed |hk,k f | pf


2 Select parameters for each reference user • Optimize reference user power allocation assuming no crosstalk • Compute pay-off function for reference users • Scale reference user power by ratio: fpay (r)/ maxr∈R {fpay (r)}

=⇒ Weaker reference users use more power (more accurate)

3 Determine offset for each user • Same formula as varying offset ASB-MRU using virtual network

4 Each user iteratively updates power until convergence • Modified water-filling procedure with constant offsets S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Constant Offset ASB-MRU (Con’t.) Summary of VDSL Illustrative Examples

IWF SCALE & DSB Constant Offset ASB-MRU


User O(F) O(F) O(F)

Messages/User Initial Per Iter – – – 2F 2F

48 User FTTN Uplink - VDSL - 100 to 1000 m Avg. DSB SCALE IWF ASB-MRU PoM 100.0 100.0 66.0 98.4 # iters 267.7 225.5 5.1 10.8 iters (98%) 35.9 10.9 2.0 1.0 # Refs – – – 15.9

500 480 460 440 420 Sum Rate (Mbps)

Complexity SMC / Iter – O(FK 2 )

Initial – –

400 380 360 340

• 98.4 PoM with ∼16 reference users



300 280 0


S. Huberman


15 20 Number of Iterations



• Sensitivity to users entering/leaving the system • Only generate offsets for new users • Maintains 96–99 PoM

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Sufficient Conditions for the Convergence, Existence, and Efficiency Theorem 3.1: Existence and Convergence  k,l 2  Γ|h | 1 If maxf ,k,l6=k |hk,kf |2 < (K−1) , the constant offset algorithm using fixed f

weights will converge to a fixed point.

Theorem 3.2: Efficiency  k,l 2  Γ|h | 1 < (K−1) and there exists a point satisfying the If maxf ,k,l6=k |hk,kf |2 f

KKT conditions of the rate adaptive optimization problem, then there exists a set of constant offsets, {∆λnk }, such that the constant offset algorithm will converge to that point. • With appropriate choice of constant offsets, convergence to a

KKT point can be achieved • The constant offset ASB-MRU algorithm provides an

approximation to this KKT point S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems • FD Precoding (FDP) transceiver structure proposed • Jointly control forward precoding & self-interference cancellation • FD MIMO-OFDM point-to-point & point-to-multi-point systems • Allows for different algorithms and optimization objectives

• Various separate and joint FDP algorithm designs • Focus on sum-rate maximization objective • Sequential Convex Approximations for Matrix-variable

Programming (SCAMP) • Analytical expressions for loss in sum-rate due to residual

self-interference (omitted due to time constraints) =⇒ FD publications: 3 patent applications, 4 journal papers, 2 conference papers S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Full-Duplex System Models FD MIMO Point-to-Point

FD MIMO Point-to-Multi-Point [HDL]1





Node 1 (Tx / Rx)



Node 2 (Tx / Rx)

BS (Tx / Rx)





For example, for the FD MIMO point-to-point system: yi = Hj Vj xj + Gi Vi xi + zi  −1 ˆ i,i , ˆ i = log2 INR + Σi + C C R i,j

Ci,j = Hj Qj H†j ,

ˆ i,i = G ˆ i Qi G ˆ †, C i


Q1 ,Q2

ˆ1 + R ˆ2 R

subject to: Tr{Qi } ≤ Pmax,i , i = 1, 2, Qi < 0, i = 1, 2

Qi = Vi Si V†i =⇒ Non-convex matrix-variable optimization problems! S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Full-Duplex Precoding (FDP) Structure

M antennas


Node 1 (Tx / Rx)




Node 2 (Tx / Rx)


Inside the nodes



M Tx signals

• Applies to both FD MIMO point-to-point and point-to-multi-point

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Full-Duplex Precoding Structure (Con’t.) • Jointly controls forward precoding


& self-interference cancellation

M antennas LNA



G M receivers

• Additional dimensionality at Tx LNA



• Various precoding algorithms and

different optimization criteria


PA 2M paths

• Forward paths affect forward Tx





and cancellation

H and G channel information

Precoder (2M x M)

• Auxiliary paths only affect


M Tx signals

Hj =

˜j H



Gi =

˜ i,a G



=⇒ Can “trade-off” forward Tx to assist in cancellation S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Separate Full-Duplex Precoding (FDP) • Forward precoding and cancellation designed separately

Vi =

Vi,F Vi,S

• Optimize Vi,F assuming no self-interference =⇒ convex:


˜ 1 ,Q ˜2 Q

˜1 + R ˜2 R

˜ i } ≤ Pmax,i , i = 1, 2 subject to: Tr{Q ˜ i < 0, i = 1, 2, Q ˜ j = Vi,F Si V† and R ˜ i is the self-interference-free rate where Q i,F • Then, optimize Vi,S to minimize the residual self-interference: ˆ 2 min G V i i Vi,S


subject to: Tr{Vi,S V†i,S } ≤ Pmax,i

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Joint Full-Duplex Precoding (FDP) • Directly optimize Vi

• Allows for forward transmission to assist in cancellation

• Joint optimization =⇒ Non-convex • Apply Sequential Convex Programming (SCP)

• Other approaches: • FDP Self-Interference Pricing (FDP-SIP) • FDP Self-Interference Threshold (FDP-SIT)

S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Sequential Convex Programming (SCP) Non-convex optimization problem

Update current matrices

Apply local convex approximation

Convex optimization problem


Solve convex optimization


Yes Apply optimal matrices

DC-based approach (conventional): • Re-write objective function as: f = g − h, g and h convex • Apply first-order approximation to h (to convexify f ) h i 1 log2 |A + X| ≥ log2 |A + X0 | + ln(2) Tr (A + X0 )−1 (X − X0 ) • Approximation only affects self-interference and noise terms S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Sequential Convex Approximations for Matrix-Variable Programming (SCAMP) • Combines a lower-bound with an upper-bound • Non-convex approximation that can be more easily convexified • SCAMP approximation:

log2 |A + X| ≈ log2 |X| −

1 ln(2) Tr [ΦX]

+ β,

• Affects forward, self-interference, and noise terms but spreads

out the approximation   ˆ i ≈ − log2 |Ci,j | + log2 |Υi | + 1 Tr Φi Υ−1 Ci,j −βi , −R i ln(2) | {z } | {z } ϕi


• Apply Taylor’s series to ϕi and ti =⇒ convex! S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

FDP Self-Interference Pricing (FDP-SIP) • Utility function optimization based approach

ˆ 2 max ψi ||Hi Vi ||2F − πi G V i i Vi

subject to:


V†i Vi

= IM

• Solve using subspace maximization algorithm for fixed ψi and πi • Optimize ψi and πi using pricing (using matrix differentials):

2 ∂R i  , ψi ,  † † ∂ Hj Vj Sj Vj Hj F

S. Huberman

2 −∂R i  πi ,  † † ˆ ˆ i Vi Si V G ∂ G i i

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems



Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

FDP Self-Interference Threshold (FDP-SIT) • Apply threshold on self-interference:


Q1 ,Q2

th Rth 1 + R2

subject to: Tr{Qi } ≤ Pmax,i , i = 1, 2, ˆ i Qi G ˆ † } ≤ θi , i = 1, 2, Tr{G i

Qi < 0, i = 1, 2, where θi is a fixed threshold value • Component-wise upper-bound the self-interference covariance


−1 Ci,j Rth i = log2 IM + (Σi + Θi )

where Θi is the M × M matrix with each entry as θi /M • For fixed threshold values =⇒ Convex • Outer-loop adjusts thresholds using nested bisection search S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Separate vs. Joint Full-Duplex Precoding (FDP) Theorem 4.1 p ˆ Separate FDP is optimal if and only if α ≥ G i,a Vi,F xi / Pmax,i . 2

• α represents the gain of the auxiliary paths

• Intuition: if we can cancel “all” the self-interference using

auxiliary paths alone then separate if optimal 1.8 1.6

• MIMO point-to-point • FD-to-HD sum-rate ratio vs. SIR. 2 • SNR = 10 dB, α = 15 dB, σerr =1

1.4 FD−to−HD sum−rate ratio

Wireless simulation setup:

1.2 1 0.8 0.6

Joint FDP Separate FDP FDP−SIP FDP−SIT Half−duplex

0.4 0.2 −60

S. Huberman




−40 −35 SIR (dB)

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems





Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Full-Duplex Illustrative Results MIMO Point-to-Point



1.9 30


1.7 Sum−rate (b/s/Hz)

FD−to−HD sum−rate ratio


1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3

1.1 1 −2 10



Joint FDP Separate FDP FDP−SIP FDP−SIT Half−duplex








10 2


• Simulation results 2 • FD-to-HD sum-rate ratio vs. σerr • SNR = 10 dB, SIR = −45 dB, α = 18






20 25 30 Number of Iterations




• Measured data (5 m, 2.5 GHz) • Convergence comparison 2 =1 • α = 19 dB and σerr


S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Background and Motivation

Contributions for Half-Duplex (HD) Systems

Contributions for Full-Duplex (FD) Systems

Concluding Remarks

Concluding Remarks Half-Duplex Systems: • Constant offset ASB-MRU • Achieves approx. 98% sum-rate of state-of-the-art • Sufficient conditions for convergence, existence, and efficiency • Method for estimating spectral efficiency using channel statistics

(omitted due to time constraints) Full-Duplex Systems: • MIMO-OFDM FDP transceiver structure • Various algorithm designs (e.g., SCAMP, DC, separate, SIP, SIT) • Point-to-point: 1.6 to 1.8 times spectral efficiency of HD • Point-to-multi-point: 1.2 to 1.3 times spectral efficiency of HD • Analytical expressions for loss in sum-rate due to residual

self-interference (omitted due to time constraints) =⇒ 3 patent applications, 8 journal papers, 7 conference papers, 1 book chapter S. Huberman

Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and Full-Duplex Systems


Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques for Half- and ...

Oct 20, 2014 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ... Demand for data-intensive services is increasing ... Interference must be managed.

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