Tired of Having to Change Your Food Choices and Suffering all the Time Just to Lose a Few Pounds?

317 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Prove There Is a BETTER Way Now You Can Use this Simple 24-hour Weight Loss Trick Below to Achieve 7x Faster Fat Loss WITHOUT Dieting or Changing The Foods You Eat Everyday… On this very page you’ll finally have access to accurate, reliable, and NON-deceptive information about how to QUICKLY lose weight, WITHOUT having to change the foods you eat. “This is why I reviewed 317 published, peer-reviewed scientific studies — so I could be 100% Confident when I tell you that the simple weight loss method I reveal on this page WILL help you lose weight, get rid of ugly body fat and naturally stimulate fat burning hormones in as little as 24 hours, all without sacrificing your metabolism or hard-earned muscle.”

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My name is Brad Pilon, and I am going to share with you an easy-toimplement weight loss strategy specifically designed for men and women who want to lose fat without dieting, changing the foods they eat, or sacrificing their metabolism, muscle, or energy levels. Listen, I am WELL aware of all the false and misleading weight loss products out there… Just like you I've paid good money for dozens of different diet books and workout programs only to be disappointed. So believe me when I say I am confident that after reviewing all of the available scientific research, I can tell you what the 24-hour weight loss method below will help you… Lose weight Get rid of ugly body fat and Naturally stimulate fat burning hormones in as little as 24 hours All without sacrificing your metabolism or heard-earned muscle!

The 2000 Year Old Secret of Plato and Hippocrates That Can Make YOU Lean and Sexy I know this sounds far-fetched which is why I've included the over 320 research papers you will see referenced at the end of this page that scientifically validate every single claim I just

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made. Why am I telling you this? Simple - I do not want you to feel misled by anything I tell you. I want to be completely upfront and honest with you and I will do everything I can to provide you with the information that you need to decide whether or not Eat Stop Eat is the right weight loss program for you. The principles behind the Eat Stop Eat system have been around for millennia, and were praised by ancient philosophers like Plato and Hippocrates as the very best way to maintain your health and wellness. Yet, it has only been in the last 25 years that science has begun to support these ancient philosophers' theories. I've used this research to design a system called Eat Stop Eat to help you lose weight without feeling deprived or going days on end barely eating. And I've designed it to ensure that almost all of the weight you lose will come from your body fat!

Is This Common Weight-Loss Deception Silently Trapping Fat In Your Cells Each and Every Day? I understand this may seem a little confusing. After all, you've probably heard or even believed that you need to eat multiple small meals throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism "revving," and you're probably worried about

"Eat Stop Eat does NOT involve eating complex

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things like 'starvation mode', which is the crazy idea that your metabolism will "slow to a halt" if you don't eat every couple hours…

combinations of special foods or complicated meal timing methods"

However, the 24-hour weight loss method you’ll learn about on this page does NOT require you to eat frequent meals. And it doesn’t force you to eat specific foods or food combinations. In fact, you won’t even need to give up any of your favorite foods, snacks or treats! And as you’ll see shortly, you’ll never experience the mythical “starvation mode”, slowed metabolism, muscle loss or weight loss plateaus most complicated diet “gurus” try to scare you with…

Worse… The Weight Loss Industry & Packaged Food Companies Knowingly Spread This Lie To Get More Money From You… Truth is, fancy diet schemes and complicated nutrition systems are total garbage… In fact, they are purposefully misleading - all based on the principle that you must keep eating to lose weight. This idea has never made any sense to me, yet the diet industry keeps on trying to convince you that in order to lose weight you must keep eating!… After all, if you have to keep eating to lose weight, then there must be special ways to eat to lose fat. Special complicated ways. Listen, the thought of eating more to lose weight is both silly and dangerous… The idea that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight is one of the key signs of a weight loss scam – yet it is also one of the most popular claims on the Internet! There are literally billions of dollars being spent every year on

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"The idea that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight is one of the key signs of a weight loss scam"

There are literally billions of dollars being spent every year on weight loss and diet books. It seems like each day a new book comes out telling you what you need to eat to start losing weight. Recent projections suggest the diet marketing industry is worth anywhere between $20 billion and $60 billion in annual revenue. That's almost DOUBLE Mark Zuckerberg's reported total net worth!

Peer-Reviewed Research Proves That Using This 2000 Year Old Nutrition Secret Can Boost Your Fat-Burning by 700% Indisputably, the most important hormone in your body when it comes to weight loss is something called Human Growth Hormone… An increase in Growth Hormone, along with a steady decrease in Insulin is the 'Perfect Storm' for burning body fat at record speed. In fact a recent paper published in The American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism has

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reported that the unique technique you'll discover below can result in a 700% increase in fat burning. Think about this for a moment – this isn't some wild claim made by some actor pretending to be a doctor – it's the exact finding from a peer-reviewed research paper that was specifically studying the EXACT eating recommendations found within Eat Stop Eat… And this is just one of the hundreds of studies that support this style of eating as an effective way to increase fat burning. In fact, after trying this simple weight loss strategy, I'm willing to bet that you will tell your friends and family that it is the easiest to understand, most flexible diet plan you've ever seen. And I'm willing to bet you also say it's the most effortless fat loss you've ever experienced.

Why The World’s Most Popular Diet Rules Have Caused You Unnecessary Suffering and Weight Loss Failure If you're anything like the millions of other people out there who have ever experienced the pain and frustration that comes from trying to lose weight, you know that the traditional way to diet is not fun… It involves months of scrutinizing every single piece of food you put in your mouth, and never being able to eat any of the

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foods you love. Sometimes you get to save up all your favorite foods for the occasional cheat day (if you're lucky) and ultimately almost every diet becomes a slow inevitable march towards failure. Just about every diet can make you feel miserable. I've never met a single person who actually enjoys constantly obsessing over food or pretending that being irritable and cranky is just a sign of their awesome 'dedication' to their diet. This isn't dedication; it's a obsessive form of self-punishment that needs to just go away. Dieting every day and THINKING about dieting every day can drain the life right out of you. This isn't because you're weak, or because you're not dedicated enough - it's like this for EVERYONE… The Eat Stop Eat solution I'm about to cover in detail completely ELIMINATES this "diet drudgery"…

How Being A Nerd Helped Me Discover The EASIEST Weight Loss System In The World— WITHOUT Changing The Delicious Foods We All Love To Eat Every Day I have spent my entire life studying nutrition and weight loss, and I have taken a very unusual path that ultimately led me to discover the simple weight loss system that has been hiding in front of our noses for over 2000 years

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For starters, I have an honors degree in nutrition. So I understand the classic academic approach to how we should eat. I spent four years of university studying all of the typical 'eat less calories than you burn' type of stuff you need to know to become a dietitian. Now here's where it gets interesting, right after university, I started doing research for the weight loss industry… From managing the R&D department of a very successful sports supplement company to consulting start up companies, manufacturers and top fitness magazines, I have seen the inner working of the industry that only a privileged few have ever seen.

Here’s the REAL Truth About the Supposed ‘Weight Loss in a Bottle':

There isn't a pill in the world that can burn HALF as much fat as the simple 24-hour weight loss trick found below… Period. During my time in the industry part of my responsibilities included traveling the world learning about potential cures for obesity (weight loss supplements are big money, so the first company to come out with

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a new ingredient that actually worked would be making billions). Travelling to China, Germany, Scotland, England and all over North America, I have had the privilege of meeting some of the world's greatest minds in nutrition and weight loss. Not only have I been lucky enough to travel the world but I have also had unlimited access to state of the art exercise physiology equipment, the kind of equipment that would make many University laboratories green with envy. With this equipment I was able to conduct multiple body composition tests on numerous athletes and top level bodybuilders and monitor them while they dieted and tried new experimental weight loss programs.

This discovery the laboratory tested cutting edge science that helps athletes and top level bodybuilders become incredibly lean, muscular, and sexy… In fact, it was these experiments that ultimately led me to leave the industry and my career so that I could pursue graduate studies in human biology and nutritional sciences. Many of the experiments I conducted had results that were VERY different from what I expected, and I soon realized that if I were to truly understand nutrition's role in weight loss, then I would have to start from the very beginning and study what happens to the body when it goes without ANY food. Believe it or not, the system I developed and cover in detail below, called Eat Stop Eat, is actually the direct result of all of the research and scientific reviews I completed in graduate school on the benefits of fasting for weight loss and for health. That's right, my research was on 'The Metabolic Effects of Short Periods of Fasting in Humans and its

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Potential Application in Weight Loss', so in essence when you read Eat Stop Eat what you are really seeing is an easy-to-read version of my graduate education! That was over 7 years ago, and since then Eat Stop Eat has helped 21,000 of people lose weight. In fact, at the bottom of this page, I share with you a some of the over 300 reviews Eat Stop Eat has received on the independent book review site, Goodreads. While I'm sure there's no such thing as 'typical' weight loss results, the thing I love is how easily these people were able to incorporate Eat Stop Eat and exercise into their lifestyles.

Now You Have Access To A 24 Hour Diet Shortcut That ANYBODY Can Use To Get A Lean, Toned & Athletic Looking Body… Aside from being a nutrition professional, I am also an athlete. I have competed in (and won) amateur bodybuilding contests and powerlifting meets. In fact, I have been a fitness junkie my whole life. My quest for answers began with my love of muscle. so in a weird sort of way my love of Bodybuilding is what led me to Eat Stop Eat. So making sure you keep your hard-earned muscle is just as important to me as making sure you can easily get rid of your extra belly fat. After all, what's the point of losing body fat if all you've got left is skin and bone?

Eat Stop Eat is the EASIEST nutrition plan to help you have Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon MS PDF Download

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the lean, toned body you so deeply desire—ALL while exercising and dieting LESS. Need Proof it Works? Just look at my pictures below and you’ll see that I've spent the last 8 years using Eat Stop Eat to add significant amounts of lean muscle while losing fat at the SAME time… And I have the DEXA tests to prove it!

The pictures above are of me. The first one was taken more than 6 years ago. It was after 5 months of dieting for my first bodybuilding show. I planned my meals, ate well over 200 grams of protein per day, did cardio in the morning, weights at lunch, then cardio again at night. I thought this was 'as good as it gets'. I believed that hard work, dedication, sacrifice and suffering were

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the ingredients needed to have the body I wanted. The second picture was taken three years later, after three years of following the Eat Stop Eat Diet Plan. No more suffering and sacrifice. The third picture is 8 years later (March of 2014). In the last 8 years I've realized that Eat Stop Eat is all I need to stay lean. No more obsessive compulsive dieting, no more mega-dosing protein and no more falling for every single diet scam I see on the internet.

Think You Have a "Slow Metabolism” or "Terrible Genetics"? Eat Stop Eat Automatically BUSTS Through Any Weight Loss Plateau Eat Stop Eat is not about only eating certain amounts of food in certain food groups, nor does it push any special 'rules' on you about what you can and can't eat. It doesn't involve blocking the absorption of fat or calories, and it certainly doesn't involve rubbing fat loss creams or lotions on your body. What it does do is give you the simplest most sustainable way I have ever used to lose weight, along with all of the scientific facts that support this statement. This is strategic weight loss at it's finest - All of the hormone-manipulating, calorie-cycling, weight-losscausing techniques you could imagine, rolled into one simple to follow, easy-to-start diet plan, that will work for you even if you have a slow metabolism or 'terrible genetics'. Please let me be explicitly clear about one thing - Eat Stop Eat isn't just a diet - it's also the leading resource on the

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benefits of Intermittent Fasting for weight loss AND health… First published in 2007 Eat Stop Eat has long been considered the 'go-to' "Fasting" Diet Plus I update it almost every year to make sure that it is always on the cutting edge of weight loss research. […All Eat Stop Eat customers get every update for free…] I don't think I can be any more transparent than to tell you this is a detailed book on the science behind intermittent fasting and fasting for weight loss, and the specific style of intermittent fasting that makes the Eat Stop Eat approach so unique, and so effective for both men and women. You simply will NOT find a better collection of intermittent fasting research in any book, anywhere on the Internet. And let's be honest, there are good intermittent fasting approaches and then there are bad intermittent fasting approaches – With Eat Stop Eat you will find the style that best suits you. Unlike other diet books Eat Stop Eat is not complicated, and it is not hard to understand. It is not full of filler, it is not 300 pages long and it is not 10 pages of diet advice and 200 pages of recipes. What Eat Stop Eat does have is a simple and effective way to lose body fat that is easier to stay on than anything you have ever tried before!

Introducing Eat Stop Eat: Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon MS PDF Download

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The One and Only 24-hour Weight Loss System That Gives You 7X GREATER Fat Loss, Without Dieting or Giving Up Your Favorite Comfort Foods Here are some of the unique benefits — backed by published scientific research — that Eat Stop Eat offers you: You don't have to worry about food all day. Eating every three hours, cycling your protein and your carbs, measuring your glycemic index, I don't think any of these things are needed for solid long lasting weight loss. With Eat Stop Eat you can forget about all of these obsessive compulsive eating habits. Your metabolism will not slow down and you will not go into "starvation mode". With Eat Stop Eat you will clearly see the research behind why short periods of fasting will not cause you to go into starvation mode. Your metabolism will stay just as high as it ever was (In fact, some research suggests it may even go higher!) Your Testosterone levels will not plummet. Short period of fasting for weight loss will not cause your testosterone levels to plummet, in fact, they are typically HIGHEST when you are fasting (unless you are a mouse). Truthfully, losing excess weight could be one of the best things any man (or woman) could do maintain healthy levels of testosterone

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You will not get light-headed and cranky! It is actually a myth that not eating causes you to become cranky or light headed. From my experience it is actually a mental 'addiction' to eating that makes most people get cranky when they don't eat. Eat Stop Eat can help you to break the 'food addiction' that causes this reaction. You don't have to avoid going to restaurants with your friends. Eat Stop Eat is flexible. Spending months hiding from your friends because you are on a restrictive diet is a thing of the past. Now you can enjoy the freedom to live normally (and still lose weight). You will save money. Eat Stop Eat won't ask you to start drinking organic raw goats milk or nonpasteurized rice milk or any other expensive food that you really don't like. With Eat Stop Eat you will learn why you don't have to spend any extra money on "special foods" if you want to lose weight. You will boost your body fat burning hormones. With Eat Stop Eat you will reap the benefits of naturally increasing the exact same hormones that celebrities are paying thousands of dollars for in an attempt to stay lean, muscular and young looking. You will not have to take any weird supplements or eat special foods. Let's face it. A good nutrition program should not ever have to rely on supplements to help you lose weight. You will still have great workouts. Think not eating for a couple hours is going to ruin your workout? Think again. You can still have amazing body fat burning and muscle building workouts while following Eat Stop Eat. You will not lose ANY of your hard earned muscle. Eat Stop Eat will show you the scientific

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facts behind why a lot of what you are told about dieting and muscle loss is nothing more than diet industry scare tactics. You will lose weight, and this weight will be all body fat. With the Eat Stop Eat program, weight loss is steady and consistent, and the weight you will lose will be body fat. You don't have to avoid carbs, or fats. Forget about eating canned tuna and low fat cottage cheese for days on end, Eat Stop Eat was designed to work in the real world, so you can eat real food and still lose weight. You don't have to eat mega-doses of protein every day. Do you think you need to eat 50 grams of protein every 2-3 hours in order to lose weight? Well think again. With Eat Stop Eat you'll learn the real truth behind protein, muscle mass and dieting. Goodbye expensive gross protein shakes. You will not have to take any weird cleansing products or laxatives. Eat Stop Eat is an advanced fasting diet that is based on real world science. There are no weird potions or laxatives involved. You can follow the diet you like best. With Eat Stop Eat you can follow any style of eating you like, after all, Eat Stop Eat doesn't tell you what you can and can't eat, that's all up to you. You will be productive. With Eat Stop Eat, you won't go into a super low productive funk like what happens with some traditional diets. In fact, many people have told me that they are their absolute most productive on their fasting days!

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You will have energy. With Eat Stop Eat you will not feel tired, cranky or lethargic. In fact, I'm guessing you will feel energized and alert. And most importantly, you will not waste any of your precious time! I have no doubt that once you realize the ease and the simplicity of the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle you will be absolutely amazed. You may even think that I am lying, but it's all true, and it is all backed by solid scientific research. When I finished writing the first manuscript of Eat Stop Eat, I handed it to one of my friends who has tried just about every popular diet on the market. When she finished Reading Eat Stop Eat, she put the book down, looked up at me and said "Brad, if it's really this easy, I'm going to be very pissed off!"… Well it is just that easy, and it does make that much sense. But I do understand why you are skeptical – after all, a recent survey suggested that more than 40% of weight loss advertisements make at least one claim that is almost certainly false and misleading – That's almost half the ads you see. So I understand your hesitation and want to make sure that you know EXACTLY what Eat Stop Eat has to offer you…

Sound TOO Easy? Let Me ELIMINATE Your Skepticism To Prove Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon MS PDF Download

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It Will Work For You Starting TODAY Listen: Eat Stop Eat isn't a fad diet promising unbelievable or dramatic weight loss — just rapid, permanent and noticeable weight loss — so I don't need to entice you with a bunch of 'empty promises'. It's a sensible weight loss program backed by credible, accurate and reliable scientific research. And because I have refused expensive publishing deals for the English version of Eat Stop Eat, I'm able to offer it to you at almost half-off the regular price today. I truly believe that you and every man or woman who wants to lose weight owes it to yourself to read this book today. Heck, I'm so confident that Eat Stop Eat is the only weight loss solution you will ever need, that I'm even willing to let you read it absolutely FREE of charge for 3 days so you can see for yourself how easy and powerful it is. If you'd prefer that option just look below the Yellow button further down the page… You'll have immediate access the minute you make the savvy decision to get started today. Yet… YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DECIDE TODAY… Even if you keep the book longer than three days, you STILL have a full 60 days to enjoy the weight loss results of the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle before you decide. You see, if you decide at anytime before the end of 60 days that you are not experiencing the same effortless weight loss as over 21,000 other Eat Stop Eat fans, just let me know and I’ll happily refund every penny of your purchase.

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Eat Stop Eat OPTIMIZED By far, the most common reason for failing on a diet is feeling overwhelmed and just not even getting started… Eat Stop Eat OPTIMIZED is simply the quickest, easiest, most done for you day-by-day, real life application of the principles in ESE. I've been living the ESE lifestyle for years. And I'm constantly tweaking and improving the way I apply it in my busy life. I'm married with 2 kids, I have a hectic travel, interview and writing schedule, and I run 2 successful businesses. Through all that, I've meticulously recorded everything and boiled it down into this very personal, very practical and absolutely invaluable done-for-you guide to losing weight quickly and permanently, no matter how busy you get. Inside ESE OPTIMIZED you'll discover… Exactly how many calories I eat (and even pictures of my meals) The ONLY supplements you should take, and why Why you must NEVER snack on protein (despite what you've heard) The ONE exercise that is MORE important than weight training OR cardio

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Why you should never exercise while you're fasted And all the rest of the day to day tricks I used to get in the best shape of my life without "dieting" and while exercising half as much as I used to…

Eat Stop Eat Quick Start Guide Have you ever skipped the complicated instructions when setting up some new software on your computer, and then regretted it? That's me… I always want to skip ahead and just get started, which is why I created the Quick Start Guide

When you make this wise decision, you will… Feel the weight of obsessive and restrictive dieting lifted from your shoulders Drop ALL the weight you desire in only 24 hours Wake up free of daily diet restrictions and able to eat your favorite foods

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