Exactly how if there is a site that enables you to search for referred book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan from all over the globe author? Automatically, the site will certainly be extraordinary completed. Many book collections can be found. All will certainly be so easy without complicated thing to relocate from website to site to get the book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan desired. This is the site that will offer you those expectations. By following this website you could get great deals varieties of book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan compilations from variants sorts of writer and author popular in this globe. The book such as JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan and others can be obtained by clicking nice on link download.

About the Author David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O'Reilly include JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, JavaScript Pocket Reference, Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, and Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell. David has a blog at www.davidflanagan.com.



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"As someone who uses jQuery on a regular basis, it was surprising to discover how much of the library I’m not using. This book is indispensable for anyone who is serious about using jQuery for non-trivial applications."-- Raffaele Cecco, longtime developer of video games, including Cybernoid, Exolon, and Stormlord

jQuery is the "write less, do more" JavaScript library. Its powerful features and ease of use have made it the most popular client-side JavaScript framework for the Web. Ideal for JavaScript developers at all skill levels, this book is jQuery's trusty companion: the definitive "read less, learn more" guide to the library. jQuery Pocket Reference explains everything you need to know about jQuery, completely and comprehensively. You'll learn how to: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Select and manipulate document elements Alter document structure Handle and trigger events Create visual effects and animations Script HTTP with Ajax utilities Use jQuery's selectors and selection methods, utilities, plugins and more

The 25-page quick reference summarizes the library, listing all jQuery methods and functions, with signatures and descriptions.

● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #522032 in eBooks Published on: 2010-12-09 Released on: 2010-12-09 Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O'Reilly include JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, JavaScript Pocket Reference, Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, and Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell. David has a blog at www.davidflanagan.com.

Most helpful customer reviews 60 of 61 people found the following review helpful. Best book to start with By A. DiMauro

I have to agree with other reviews, this is an excellent book to start learning jQuery. Not that there aren't other excellent jQuery books, but the best ones out there are getting a little dated. If you are just starting, not only is this book easy to read and understand, with lots of great examples, but it's also up to date with jQuery version 1.4. They start with an already functional html site, and then add jQuery to it to spice it up. For all new web developers out there, this is the way to do it! JavaScript/jQuery should be put in last only after you have a functional site, for those people without JavaScript support (especially screen readers for the blind). This book follows best-practices and I commend them for it. It's the book I wish I had when I first tried to learn jQuery. Get it. You won't be disappointed. It's so easy to 'write' (i.e. copy/paste) bad JavaScript, as the web has been plagued with for so many years. But, as frameworks like jQuery start to gain tremendous popularity, that trend is changing. There really is no sense in 'reinventing the wheel'. Use jQuery, or another framework. What I like about jQuery is that it makes so many things easy, and leverages CSS syntax so you have less to learn. It seems that this book is selling fast, as of this writing it says 1 to 4 months shipping time! Also, I'm not sure why Sitepoint books tend to have such a small discount on Amazon. Sitepoint likes to get people to buy books direct from them. Not sure why. It seems to be available faster on their web site. I have an eBook version. As of this writing, they are running a 5-for-1 eBook promotion on the Sitepoint web site. But, I got mine through my subscription to Safari Books Online, which I highly recommend. If you are just starting, or even just want a reference for the jQuery basics, this book is the one to have. 28 of 28 people found the following review helpful. One of the best Pocket References I've read! By Jim Schubert I've enjoyed previous books by David Flanagan and decided to read jQuery Pocket Reference. I thought I would quickly skim through the chapters because I considered myself fairly proficient in jQuery. After the first chapter and Flanagan's explanations of jQuery's method, object, and function ('a' versus 'the'), I decided to read more in-depth. I'm glad, because this is one of the best books I've read in O'Reilly's Pocket Reference library. I was surprised to have found a one which has a perfect balance between API, examples, and explanation. For developers who want to learn jQuery, you will be able to learn nearly all you need to get started from this book. When I first heard about jQuery, I purchased a much larger book, which ended up being about 80% reprinting the API on jquery.com. If you're like me, and you prefer insight, hints, and gotchas which encourage you to write some code, then this book is perfect for you. For developers familiar with jQuery, you may learn a little from this book. Flanagan covers a lot of overloads to common jQuery functions. Some of them, I never knew existed. The recent release of jQuery 1.5 has actually added more functionality than what is covered in this book. The only thing I found a little odd about this book is how the jQuery Selectors chapter was at the end of the book. Considering jQuery is a framework for querying the DOM, using selectors, I would expect that content to be the first covered. On the other hand, as a reference, you may expect the most used content at the end of the book. Luckily, Flanagan knows what he's doing and tells you to review the Selectors chapter if you're rusty or unfamiliar. 27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.

The superior jquery intro book By timazon I have several jQuery books, but this is the one that truly helped me understand how everything works. Extremely readable, with excellent samples that are clearly explained. There is no comparison between this and, for example, Learning jQuery 1.3 (after reading, I still didn't get it). Note: to get the source code, go to sitepoint ([...]) and enter your email address as if you'd ordered from their site. They won't find a match so will ask you to type in the last word from one of the chapters, then they'll email you a link to download the source. See all 77 customer reviews...


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Exactly how if there is a site that enables you to search for referred book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan from all over the globe author? Automatically, the site will certainly be extraordinary completed. Many book collections can be found. All will certainly be so easy without complicated thing to relocate from website to site to get the book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan desired. This is the site that will offer you those expectations. By following this website you could get great deals varieties of book JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan compilations from variants sorts of writer and author popular in this globe. The book such as JQuery Pocket Reference By David Flanagan and others can be obtained by clicking nice on link download.

Ebook Free jQuery Pocket Reference By David ...

David has a blog at ... Raffaele Cecco, longtime developer of video games, including Cybernoid, Exolon, and ... Ideal for JavaScript developers at all skill levels,.

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