Emergency Management Co-op EM students work in a wide variety of fields and capacities. Mass Maritime’s Career Services Office will work with each student to try to identify a Co-op placement that meets their professional and logistics needs. EM Students can identify their own Co-op separate from the Career Services Office, however, those students choosing to identify their own Co-op must do so in coordination with the EM Department Chair and the Career Services Office. Each EM student is required to complete two, six-credit Co-op placements. At least one of these Co-op placements should be a public service oriented Co-op. Students are generally not allowed to repeat a Co-op working for the same organization. For the six academic credits received, each student is required to complete a minimum of 240 hours of Co-op experience for the winter or summer terms, which equates to approximately seven full work weeks, or 35, seven-hour days. Because of holidays and vacation, many students will typically require eight to nine weeks to satisfy the minimum hour requirement. Any exceptions to this requirement must be approved in advance by the Department Chair. Students are responsible to ensure their Co-op is approved in advance. Failure to do so may result in credits not being awarded.

Co-op Project Requirements I Purpose and Intent Cooperative education is an academically focused program that allows students to obtain professional work experience and skill while still in college. It is an opportunity for students to apply their academic discipline to "real world" situations in government, industry and non-governmental organizations. The purpose of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s EM cooperative education program is to provide students with the chance to combine classroom study with periods of paid and non-paid professional employment directly related to their major and their career goals. Cooperative Education (Co-op) is intended to be both a technical and interpersonal educational experience and should provide students with the following opportunities:  Explore career interests and goals  Use government, industry and non-governmental organizations as a real-world classroom.  Gain professional experience

II Code of Conduct A cooperative education experience is intended to be a positive learning experience for both students and the sponsoring organization. Many organizations use Co-ops to develop the student as a prospective future employee. Students are direct representatives of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, the Regiment of Cadets and the EM program. They are expected to maintain the highest level of professional behavior and competent job performance at all times. Many organizations that sponsor cooperative education opportunities do so because of their strong MMA alumni associations. Students are reminded that they are subject to the rules and regulations listed in the Student Regimental Manual, and that any reported violations will be adjudicated by the Academy. Student’s must become familiar with their sponsoring organizations policies and strictly adhere to them. Students are expected to adhere to all dress code and attendance policies, and all safety regulations. Students are expected to be polite and courteous and to be ever mindful regarding issues of sexual harassment and other Title IX issues.

III Report Format & Grade Distribution A formal Co-op report is due to the EM Co-op Coordinator 15 calendar days from the first day of the semester. If day 15 falls on a weekend, the report is due on the following Monday. The format for the Co-op report is provided below. The written report must include all required material. Headers must be used for each section. Additional related material should be included as an additional appendix. List the appendices in your table of contents. No handwritten material is allowed. All work must be original. Copying material from a prior Co-op will be considered cheating.  Witten report represents 60% of Co-op grade. Reports shall be submitted in a white, 1 inch, 3 ring binder. Binder must have a cover page with student’s name and the name of the organization where the student worked. Student’s name and organization shall also be inserted into the binder spine. Graded sections shall be tabbed; all pages must be numbered and correspond to Table of Contents. Written Report Sections/Grading: -

Professional Appearance/Table of contents



Co-op Description 5% Briefly describe the organization worked for; location, mission of the organization, name and contact information of supervisor.


Co-op Position and Duties 5% Provide a detailed description of your duties, job setting and assignments


Co-op Strength and Weaknesses 5% Provide a detailed explanation of the things you enjoyed about the Co-op, and the things

you disliked. Explain both in detail. This section should correspond to the information provided in your daily log. (Appendix A) -

Significant Events 5% Provide a detailed explanation of two significant events that took place during your Co-op. These events should correspond to the information provided in your daily log. (Appendix A)


Career Goals Before and After Co-op 10% In detail describe how the Co-op either supported your career goals or changed them. Describe your expectations as compared to your actual experience. Provide a recommendation with details on whether this Co-op should be continued.


Appendix A: Daily Event Log 15% Provide a daily typed journal of your day to day activities during your Co-op. This should include worked performed, trainings, human resource issues, unique challenges or highlights during your Co-op. Each entry will normally be 7-10 sentences, but can be longer if necessary.


Appendix B: Co-op Correspondence/Resume 5% Provide a copy of the signed thank you letter that you provided to your Co-op sponsor. This should be in business letter format. Provide an updated copy of your resume to include your most recent Co-op experience.

 Oral presentation represents 40% of Co-op grade. Oral presentations will typically last 20-30 minutes. Exact schedule, format and location of presentations will be determined by the Faculty Adviser assigned to grade the Co-op. All students are required to attend and participate in at least one presentation session involving multiple students. Attendance parameters and participation parameters will be determined by the individual Faculty Adviser. Oral Presentation Sections/Grading: -

Quality and Professionalism of Visual Presentation



Quality and Professionalism of Oral Presentation



Participation in Co-op Presentation Process 10% Attendance, meeting deadlines; Q & A participation for fellow speakers

IV Miscellaneous Administrative Matters Students are responsible for meeting all Co-op program deadlines. Students will be required to submit an electronic copy of their Co-op binder materials to the “Turn-It-In” software application; details will be provided at the start of the semester. DO NOT USE PLASTIC SLEEVES IN YOUR BINDER. Individual sections must be tabbed, but sections should not be placed in individual plastic sleeves.

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