For quite a while we have become very familiar with the name of this so-called veterinarian EMILIA HERESCU - President of the College of Veterinarians -Prahova County Romania. She is also the owner(manager ) of the Shelter for stray dogs :" PFA Herescu Emilia - town BOLDESTI-SCAIENI - Calea Unirii str. no.1 - Prahova Dounty and also the owner/manager of a veterinary pharmacy "belladona srl" : Judeţ Prahova Forma de organizare Societate comerciala Forma exercitare activitate Farmacie veterinarăCertificat de înregistrare 1628 Data Certificat 14-12-2004 Nume titular herescu Prenume titular emilia Numar atestat 3779 Mrs. Emilia Herescu is also well known to the Romanian Media, by the countless complain expressed by local people from the villages, communes and towns where to extended her business of collecting dogs ( not only strays but also peoples dogs, lured from their yards by her dog catchers ) because she captures dogs and KILLS THEM ALL , after 7 days of starvation on her "transitional base " in Boldesti=Scaieni.Recently the media was again called to photograph the horrible conditions in that shelter where dogs STARVE, eat one another and suffer a horrible death. This horrible case was reported in the media in the Spring of 2011:

2 This veterinarian started gaining her notoriety in the Spring of 2009 when this video surfaced on You Tube featuring an interview with the guard at the shelter And here you have the translation of that dialogue Shelter Emilia Herescu: We don’t give them water, we don’t give them anything. VLAD: Why don’t you give them something? (Water, food) Shelter Emilia Herescu: We don’t want too! VLAD: NO?! WHY? VLAD: What is your name? Could you give me your name? Shelter Emilia Herescu: If you want to see if they have food or water you can come to see inside when the personal is there. VLAD: When? Shelter Emilia Herescu: Till 3 PM VLAD: Why can’t we see anytime this shelter...? It is a shelter, am I right? Shelter Emilia Herescu: No it isn’t! VLAD: Then what it is? If not a shelter? What is called then? Shelter Emilia Herescu: Here are brought dogs without owner (strays) for a transition period... That’s all… The shelter is something were dogs can stay all their lives! VLAD: After the transition period what you do with the dogs? Shelter Emilia Herescu: If nobody comes to pick them up they are euthanized! Shelter Emilia Herescu: They have 7 days to stay in here... Then they are killed! VLAD: Killed? Shelter Emilia Herescu: Yes. VLAD: Who euthanizes them? Shelter Emilia Herescu: We do… with the veterinarian! VLAD: Who’s the vet? Do you have many vets? Shelter Emilia Herescu: No, is just one vet! VLAD: Have you got any vet else a part from Emilia Herescu? Shelter Emilia Herescu: No we haven’t… she’s the only one! VLAD: So she euthanizes all? Shelter Emilia Herescu: Yes!

3 MADAME: She even kills these innocent puppies? Shelter Emilia Herescu: If there is nobody to pick them… yes! We can’t keep them... because they fight! VLAD: In conformity with the law, she can’t kill them… Do you know the new law given in 2008? Shelter Emilia Herescu: No I don’t know it! All I know is that they give a law who didn’t appear already! VLAD: You’re wrong! It appeared in January the 30th. Shelter Emilia Herescu: You can come with any appeal you want More and more appeared in the local media... The local association for the protection of animals, has launched a complain against her, in 2009 already for the ILLEGAL KILLING of strays in the shelter from Boldesti-Scaieni...the local policeman did not want to forward this complain for further prosecution, finally , some how the file arrived at the court : 38060/2009 ( from the Police ) registered at the tribunal : 3920/P/2009, where it is stipulated that, at that point in time she already has killed around 5,000 dogs. The procedure has stalled until last year in August when a counter expertize has been done to check all the articles of Romanian Laws she has trespassed...This expertize was registered in


09.2010 with the number : 1032506

4. Before we get to the last couple of pages of this document with can be accessed here ( in its full content ) we need to go through what the local and national media reported about her ( mainly in this news network : – and if the direct links do not open, please type her name on the site search tab and all the articles related to her will be displayed) ( the woman here, was desperately looking for her dog, captured by the dog catchers, but after long battle with the authorities to have access to that shelter, she could not find him, but told to the media the horrible smell of death and the miserable conditions the dogs where held in...) Last year in Sept.2010, another article caught our attention “Horror stories at the shelter from Boldesti-Scaieni where the veterinarian Emilia Herescu is accused of illegally killing strays) deed Romania is NOT a country without a law for the protection of animals. Not at all...there are quite a few laws, which regulate a wide range of aspects for animal well being, welfare, transportation of live animals, zoo animals, and laws regarding the management of stray animals...and the protection of animals against acts of cruelty , abuse, torture, killing.. Until 2008, there was a a very cruel law/ordinance which allowed the euthanasia of unclaimed or un-adopted strays, after 14 days...this is named the OUG155/2001....and the art.7 allowed this In 2004 another law came in force ( 205/2004 ) which only stipulated that animals should be killed without suffering...BUT in January 15 2008, a new law for the protection of animals came into force, where drastic changes have been made. These laws, because they are always quoted together Law 205/2004 modified and supplemented with the Law 9/2008 STIPULATES VERY CLEARLY = UNEQUIVOCALLY art the art.8 Quote : Art. 8 Dupa articolul 7 se introduce un nou articol, articolul 7^1, cu urmatorul cuprins: "Art. 7^1. - Este interzisa eutanasierea cainilor, a pisicilor si a altor animale, cu exceptia animalelor cu boli incurabile constatate de medicul veterinar." Art.8 After the art.7 ( from Art.7 205/2004) a new article 7^1 will be inserted : It is banned the euthanasia of dogs, cats and other animals with the exception of the animals with incurable diseases diagnosed by a veterinarian.” So, since January 15 , 2008 the euthanasia is BANNED, yet this individual continued to make contracts with town halls in the entire Prahova county and KILL DOGS by the thousands....and even after the penal investigation has started against her, she continues to kill with IMPUNITY.

5. In the article mentioned above, the veterinarian declares that the town halls demanded the killing of the dogs. But the counter expertise done by an expert from the National Sanitary Veterinary Authority says very clearly : Ce spune ultima expertiză publică cele mai importante pasaje din expertiza doctorului Mitrache: 1 „De la intrarea în vigoare a Legii 9/2008, doctorul Emilia Herescu a eutanasiat 4.292 câini fără stăpân, cu o greutate medie de 4,81 kg/câine. Protan confirmă primirea în anii 2008, 2009, 2010 a unei cantităţi totale de cadavre câini 22.682 kg”. 1.from the entry into force of the Law 9/2008, the veterinaria Emilia Herescu has euthanised 4,292 strays ( from Jan 2008 until Sept.2010 – the date of the expertise) with a medium weight of 4,82 kg/dog. Protan ( the incinerator contracted by her ) confirms having received in 2008,2009,2010 a total of 22,681 kg cadavers) 2 „D-na dr Emilia Herescu a eutanasiat, practic, toţi câinii care au fost capturaţi şi aduşi la adăpost, cu mici excepţii, fără niciun examen paraclinic care să fie susţinut de nişte buletine de analiză emise de către un laborator autorizat sanitar-veterinar”. 2.Mrs. dr.Emilia Herescu has practically euthanised all the dogs captures and brought to the shelter, with very few exceptions, without any clinical exams supported by test done in an authorized veterinary laboratory. 3 „Diagnosticele stabilite de d-na dr Emilia Herescu pentru câinii comunitari nu reprezintă, în marea lor majoritate, un diagnostic pentru boli incurabile, ci pentru boli vindecabile. 3. The diagnostics established by Mrs. Dr Emilia herescu, for the strays, do not represent in their vaste majority a diagnostic for incurable diseases, but for curable diseases. 4 „Dna Dr Emilia Herescu, prin conduita şi comportamentul său faţă de animalele nevinovate din adăpost a încălcat toate regulile de etică profesională cu dorinţa de a câştiga bani tot mai mulţi din activitatea de eutanasiere a câinilor fără stăpân”. 4. Mrs. Dr.Emilia Herescu, by the way she conducted her self and by her treatment of innocent animals in her shelter, she trespassed all the rules of Professional Ethics in her desire to make more and more money from the activity of the euthanasia of strays. On the following pages of the photo album link-ed to this note, ( pages 3,4,5,) there are all the laws, rules and regulations specific for animals, which were quoted in the counter expertise. 5. On page 8, it is very clearly specified that she trespassed the rules for a proper management of a shelter authorized to function : 6102/26.- 03.2003, where her shelter is authorized only to : capture, collect, shelter and care for the animals, all actions regarding veterinary operations and the return...there is no mention of euthanasia, in the authorization for the shelter. Pages, 9,10,11 , 12, 13 are all full with the laws, regulations and rules which she trespassed... SO< this woman, not only has not been deferred to the Committee for Professional Ethics in the College of Veterinarians , she has never been fined, a date for the beginning of her trial has not been set, she has not been disciplined neither by the county nor by the national Sanitary=Veterinary, she continues to kill dogs every day.

6 Authority, she continues to kill, and she even made more contracts with more town halls in her area. In a democratic country, in the EU, where the law should reign, people ACT as if this law doesn't even exist... It is alleged that she kills all the dogs with her bare hands, after the animals have been kept one week without food not water. Many die by the hands of dog catchers or in their cars. It has been alleged that there were days when she killed the dogs immediately upon arrival at the shelter. The last information came on July 10, when people from the nearby villages complained that dog catchers came , protected by a local police car, and collected all the dogs, even lured dogs from the people yards...only big and healthy dogs...Her dog catchers have “body guards”...

( 2009)

Last year, we animal lovers from around the world, have created a petition, to send to the Romanian Authorities, and the Prahova county authorities, to speed up her answer, not effect. a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0ByfUfRYFd2nRMzI0MDIxODAtMDQ4NS00N2RjLT gxYTQtODE3NmFkY2E4Zjk2&hl=en_US Also, the same subject has been put in an international letter of protest directed to the Romanian authorities....and this one has also been published in the Romanian Media.. NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE TO STOP HER FROM ILLEGALLY KILLING ANIMALS.. EMAILS : The National Sanitary=Veterinary Authority : [email protected] National College of Veterinarian : [email protected] Ministry of Justice : [email protected] : [email protected] Prahova county Tribunal : [email protected] ; [email protected], [email protected] ,[email protected] ,[email protected] ,[email protected] 7

Her invoice to some municipalities ( apparently she has raised her fees to over 100Euros/dog) hl=en# These are legal documents in Romania, against her...we have the English translation, which is posted here : The official paper from the Prahova Police, regarding the complain against her Q/edit?hl=en# FILE No. DOSAR PENAL PARCHET : 3920/P/2009 DOSAR PENAL POLITIE : 38060/2009 This is a "standard" shelter ( European style as a building may be ) YET...the dogs are STARVED< they eat one another, and the veterinarian Emilia Herescu CONTINUES TO KILL THEM ILLEGALLY...NOW THIS IS ROMANIA...this is always their FIRST CHOICE....KILL THE DOGS, Apparently the Police has started an investigation, BUT...she eluded justice for too long, so .... Prahova Police has found 6 dead dogs in that camp of death...and is now launching a formal investigation...We hope they will also revive the investigation against the criminal veterinarian Emilia Herescu who illegally killed over 6,000 strays in only three year... Well Please take time and search for her name on the site of this news network : ( if the link does not get you directly to the article, please type her name Emilia Herescu in the search little spot on their site :Up on the right side : Cautati : Cauta Thank you for the attention accorded to my note Mira Pantazopol Iordanescu Toronto/Canada More photos. July 10,2011 8.


This is her invoice to two extra towns besides Campina...and as of 2011 the fees are much higher. (Azuga, Sinaia, Busteni, Breaza, Valenii-de-Munte, Moldesti-Scaieni, Poiana Campinei, Muscel and more...) M.I.P. July 10, 2011

Emilia Herescu The Notorious Dogs Killer.pdf

Shelter Emilia Herescu: If there is nobody to pick them... yes! We can't keep them... because they. fight! VLAD: In conformity with the law, she can't kill them... Do you know the new law given in 2008? Shelter Emilia Herescu: No I don't know it! All I know is that they give a law who didn't appear. already! VLAD: You're wrong!

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