6. international dancefilmfestival brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse film info title: year of production: country of production: crew dance & film filmmaker: choreographer: producer/ production company: other: technical aspects original format: running time: screening format: synopsis + picture of your film (max 500 characters) submitted by name: address: e-mail: contact name: address: e-mail: By signing this form I agree, that the international dancefilmfestival Brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse” is allowed to exhibit up to 1 minute of the film in order to promote the event and is allowed to keep a dvd copy in their archives, for educational, cultural and non-profit purposes. page 1 of 2 signature:

6. international dancefilmfestival brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse The festival l’art difficile de filmer la danse focuses on the specific relationship between dance and film. The festival aims to be an important international platform for choreographers and filmmakers, and has the ambition to promote a selection of dance films in Belgium and abroad. For the selection of the recent dance films, the art of filming and the translation or fusion of the different disciplines to create an independant artistic cinamatographic work will be considered. The curators of the international dancefilmfestival Brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse are Stefanie Bodien and Wolfgang Kolb. The organizers are Redorangeproductions in partnership with Danscentrumjette, CINEMATEK, ARGOS, Contredanse, Goethe- Institut Brussels, CND (paris). The festival is spread over three days: (1) Opening - (2) historical dance films - (3) recent dance films. Opening For the opening a special event is organised with a live performance, a preview of the festival and a meeting between filmmakers, organizers, press, guests and public. historical dancefilms For the historical dancefilms each year another theme is chosen. In previous editions the american (2012), belgian (2013), french (2014), german (2015), dutch (2016) dance films were on the program. This year UK’s dancefilms between 1920 and 2000 will offer you a view on the history and development of modern dance in the UK. recent dancefilms An international call for recent, contemporary dancefilms or documentaries, made during the past two years is open to all filmmakers, choreographers and visual artists. DEADLINE for submission is 15. April 2017 

Redorangeproductions Selma Lisein 55, rue Edmond van Cauwenbergh

1080 Brussels Please send your film by: we transfer/ dropbox / link + a fulfilled and signed entry form to [email protected] Only the rightholder or his representative can send in a film. You can send in more then one work. There is no running time limit for films submitted. 10 recent dancefilms will be selected by the curators. The 10 selected filmmakers will be invited for the whole festival. Catering and entrances are assured. If necessary some travel + stay expenses for artists from abroad will be covered. As a non profit, low budget festival, submitted films are free of screening rights. The International Dancefilmfestival Brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse takes place on 27, 29 & 30 september 2017. page 2 of 2 signature:

entryform dancefilmfestival 2017.pdf

Page 1 of 2. ENTRY FORM. 6. international dancefilmfestival brussels. l'art difficile de filmer la danse. film info. title: year of production: country of production: crew dance & film. filmmaker: choreographer: producer/ production company: other: technical aspects. original format: running time: screening format: synopsis + ...

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