Exam- Neurophysiology Vetenskapen psykologi, Tl, P$3100, HT 2015, 2015-11-06 Provkod: 0370

Youwill have several tasks during this exa m. l.

One type of task is represented by multiple-choice questions. For ALLthese questions, the re is only one correct answer. In order to mark your choice, circle the letter corresponding to the correct choice on the exam sheet you have received .


The seeond task is represented by essay-type questions. These questions need to be answered in developed and coherent phrases (i.e., no single words or bullet-points with syntagms). When as ked to draw representations of elements of the nervous system, please do so, as it w iii contribute to the grade. In order to answer these questions, please use the special exam paper provided by the examiners.

You can have with you the following materials: l.

English-Swedish and Swedish-English dictionaries.

You can write either in Swedish, or in English, as you prefer, but try to be consistent in using one or another of the languages. Try to read all the questions before you start answering. Allocate time to each of them. Do try to answer all the points, as they bear different weight in your final grade. Be concise in your answers. Please keep the language professional in the written exam. Do notaddress the evaluator in the text of the exa m at any moment, and please do not sign yourself or give any other identity indicators. You have 3h for this exam, so use them wisely. Each correct answer on the multiple-choice gives you 0.16 points per correct answer, for the essay-type questions you will receive l point for every correctly fulfilled task.

These are the multiple-choice questions:


What part of the central nervous system is presented in the picture below: a.







The central nervous system is camposed of: a.

Neurons and axons, both in the brain and in the spinal cord;


Brain and spinal cord;


Pons, medulla, cerebellum, and the cerebrum.

3. Which ph rase regarding the Purkinje cells IS NOT TRUE: a.

These cells are some of the largest neurons in the human brain with a camplex dendritic arbor;


These cells can be found in the cerebellum;


The cerebellum is formed by the Purkinje cells;


The Purkinje cells are GABAergic neurons (GABA is a neurotransmitter).


Which of the following statements regarding the interneurans IS TRUE: a. Interneurans are neurons without a specific function other than to connect other neurons; b. Interneurans are making the connection between the sensory and the motor fiber at the leve l of the grey matter in the spinal cord; c. Interneurans are the neurons connecting the central nervous system with the peripheral nervous system?


The role of the hypothalamus is: a. To keep us awake, sleep or when we pay attention; b. To coordinate our moves and balance; c. d.


To mediate the input from sensory organs to the brain; To reg-ulate our motivation, emotions, needs satisfaction.

Which ph rase describing the neurotransmitters IS NOT TRUE: a.

Neurotransmitters can be found in the nervous system;


Certain neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, can stimulate muscles;


The neurotransmitters are secreted by glands in the brain.


Which of the following statements regarding the myelin sheath 15 TRUE: a.

All neurons have a myelin sheath;


The myelin sheath hel ps neuronstake in nutrients from the synapt ic space;


The myelin sheath increases the efficiency of neural transmission?


Which a. b. c. d.


Which of the following brain structures is the most primitive level of the bra in: a. Medulla and pons; b. Reticular formation; c.

of the next structures 15 NOT a part of the central nervous system: Thalamus and hypothalamus; Limbic system; Sympathetic nervous system; Spinal cord?


10. Which part of the neuronal activity cycle is represented on the next picture: a. The action potential; b. The resting potential; c. The refractory period.

11. Which of the following statements about the amygdala 15 TRUE: a. Without the amygdala, we would not be able to establish any emotional memories; b. The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations; c.

The amygdala controls the functions of hypothalamus?

12. Which a. b. c. d.

ofthe following statements about the cerebral cortex 15 TRUE: The cerebral cortex is fundamental for the survival of an organism; The cerebral cortex is present in all forms of Iife, from fish to mammals; The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal; The frontallobe of the cerebral cortex is present on ly in mammals?

13. The pituitary gland: a. Is controlied by the hypothalamus; b. Is involved in regulation of insulin; c. Is controlied by the spinal cord. 14. What is neuroplasticity: a. The ability of the neurons to heal; b. The ability of neurons to change in structure and function;


The ability of neurons to multiply?

15. Corpus callosum is: a. A structure at the base of the bra in Iinking the central nervous system with the b.

peripheral nervous system; A structure similar to a bridge that acts as a communication link between the two


hemispheres of the bra in; A structure connecting the sensory and the motor neurons in the nervous system.

16. When a person stumbles sudden ly and is upon to fall, what parts of the bra in activate: a.

Amygdala, due to the sudden happening, and the cerebellum, in order to re-establish the balance;


The cerebellum, as the most im portant task for thebrainat that moment is to reestablish the balance;


The cortex, together with the cerebellum, as beyond the balance regain, the person needs to decide on what to do.

17. What part of the bra in will activate when a person learns a new movement (e.g., dance, ski, etc.): a. The cerebellum, as the most important aspect is balance and coordination; b.

Both cerebellum and the cortical area corresponding to motricity and learning, as


Both cerebellum and the spine, as next to balance, having good reflexes is im portant for

planning, integrating and learning are as importantas keeping balance; performing new sets of moves.

18. Which statement regarding the seratonin IS TRUE: a.

Seratoni n, due to its mood enhancing action, has a fundamental role in reward;


Seratonin is secreted by the neurons in the central nervous system;


Seratonin is synthetized almost entirely in the intestine (90%), and only partialiv in the central nervous system;


Seratonin has a localized role in the brain, thus has no Ii nk to the autonomic nervous system.

19. Glia! cells: a.

Are cells in the brain that absorb dead neurons, allowing the brain to regenerate and function properly;


Cells surmunding the neurons, which keep them in place, providing nutrients and i solating toxins;


Cells that insulate the axons, allowing electrical impulses pass through faster.

20. The action potential in a neuron refers to: a.

The expulsion from the axon of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions, sothat the axon reaches an interna! voltage of -70 millivolts;


A change in electrical charge in the synaptic space, allowing the messages to be carried from one neuron to another;


An electrical shift of lessthan a milliseeond in the axon of the neuron from -70 millivolts to +40 millivolts.

21. The sympathetic nervous system is invalved in: a.

Relaxing the body after intense activity;


Arousal due to objective threats;


Arousal due to either objective or subjective threats.

22. Which part of the bra in has a fundamental roi e in maintaining the vital functions of the body: a.

The brain stem;


The hypothalamus;


The thalamus;


The cortex.

23. Which of the following statements regarding the midbrain it IS NOT TRUE: a.

The midbrain has an im portant relay function between the lower parts of the central


The most im portant part of the midbrain is the reticular formation;


The midbrain is a portion of the central nervous system associated with vision, hearing,

nervous system and the cortical and sub-cortical structures of the forebrain;

motor control, sleep/wake, arousal (alertness), and temperature regulation.

24. Differences between individuals in terms of brain-size throughout the animal world are due to: a.

Genes, more intelligent people have bigger brains;


Sufficient nutrients du ring the embryonie development;


Body size.

25. Which of the following statements IS TRUE: a.

We use 10% of our brainat any given time, although we might have different parts of the brain activated;


A person can survive and function without parts of the cortex, but would be completely impaired if the hindbrain is affected;


Men and women have structural differences in the brain, due to the presence of sex hormones.

These are the essay-type questions (4 points): l.

Draw and describe the parts of the neuron and the i r functions. (lp)


Draw and describe the difference between and excitatory and an inhibitory synapse. (lp)


Draw the parts of the hindbrain, and describe their functions. (lp)


Choose one (only one) of the following bra in parts, draw t hem, and describe their functions: hypothalamus, thalamus, cortex, pituitary gland or limbic system. (lp)

If you answer correctly to all the questions, you wi/1 get a total of 8 points. You need to reach 4.50 points in order to get a G, and 7.25 points for a VG. Exceptional answers at any of the exam questions wi/1 be rewarded with 0.50 points. Use your logic to answer the questions, and do not overcomplicate the thinking process. For the essay-type questions, give short, clear and concise answers, but try to avoid bullet-points when exp/aining your logic.

Exam - Extentor.nu

as ked to draw representations of elements of the nervous system, please do so, ... b. The amygdala is the most important system in the fight-or-flight situations;.

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