National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055

Indian t'Ttifiiof Gonsress Nationar (tNruc) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) No. II/58/PartIL.


Shri Arun Jaitley, HonobleFinanceMinister, Governmentof India North Block, New Delhi Respected Sir,

. Sub: Exemption from ServiceTax in the caseof GovernmentEmplovees- who are policy holdersof PostalLife Insurance+eg.

The National Federationof Indian Railwaymen(NFIR) invites your kind attentionto the communicationissuedby the PLI Directorate,Departmentof Posts,Ministry of Communications & IT, Governmentof India vide No. 29-0912013-LllService Tax dated2710512015, revisingthe rates of Service tax upwardly pursuant to Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue NotificationNo. l5/201S-Service iax datedlgl}sl}}tl. Levying the ServiceTax on the Policy holdersof the PostalLife Insurancewho happened to be the Governmentemployees/employees of Public Sector/State Governmentis an unjuitified action.It may kindly be appreciatedthat the policy holders(Governmentemployees/employees of Public Sector etc) arc required to pay the premium either monthly/quart€rlyihalf yearly/annually by reachingthe nearestpost office, thus there is absolutelyno servicebeing renderedby the PostOfficesexcept collectingpremiumamountand issuingreceipt. The very policy of imposing Service Tax is unjustified,causing irritation and resentmentamong . Governmentemployees. A feeling has generatedamongthe staff working in the Central/State Governmentsthat the Governmenthas been unsympathetictowards them that too when no serviceis in fact being renderedto the Policy Holdersby the Post Offices or any other agency connectedwith the Government. NFIR thereforerequeststhe Hon'ble FinanceMinister to kindly get the casereviewedfor abolishingthe policy for collection of ServiceTax from the insurantsbf PostalLife Insurance (PLI)' The Federationhopesthat the Hon'ble FinanceMinisterwould considerthe requestand makeannouncement thiough the GeneralBudgetfor withdrawalof this ServiceTax.


o'f". (Dr. M. Raghlvai GeneralSecretary' lCopy to the GeneralSecretaries of the Affiliated Unionsof NFIR. Media CentreAtrFIR. File No. IIl43.

Fax:011-23744A13,R|y.22382, Phone: 011-23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, TeleEram : RAILMAZDOR, E-mail: [email protected]; Website:


Exemption from service rax.PDF

Levying the Service Tax on the Policy holders of the Postal Life Insurance who happened. to be the Government employees/employees of Public Sector/State ...

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