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Debbie Rose- School Board


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March 28 at 1:06pm ·

On Monday, March 20, 2017, the School Board reached a conclusion in a very long and difficult process regarding the employment status of Dr. John Brewer, principal of Dominion High School. I voted with the majority in favor of a motion that approved both disciplinary measures and an option for Dr. Brewer to return to his position as principal of Dominion High School. After careful consideration of the entire hearing record, I concluded that while there were lapses in judgment for which consequences were appropriate, the evidence weighed in favor of offering Dr. Brewer an opportunity to return to his position on April 17. It is hard to put into words the enormous impact this process has had on our school community. Uncertain, stressful, frustrating, sad, and angry are but a few words that could describe the past three, almost four, months. However, I believe words like advocacy, appreciation, compassion, inclusive, dialogue, students, and community are better words to use as we move forward. Students found their voice and learned to advocate for themselves. Parents and students from diverse backgrounds learned about each other and the challenges people in our community face to simply get to school and participate, much less excel. And, friends and neighbors engaged in civil debate over the issues involved, because we all want what is best for our students. These are positive outcomes, the take-aways, to help us heal. In my opinion, this process has raised questions about the effectiveness of several LCPS policies, regulations, and practices. I will support a thorough review of the entire process in an effort to determine what, if any, revisions or improvements can be made to LCPS policy and procedure. There is always room to learn from past experience and make improvements. I have no doubt that this is one position we all support. During the past few months we all learned more about the Dominion High School community. While the focus has been on one person, Dominion is not defined by a principal alone. Rather, let it be defined by how the inclusive practices we heard so much about make all students feel welcome, safe, and respected. May Dominion High School continue to thrive as this chapter comes to a close and a new one begins. Go Titans! 60 Likes 13 Comments Jill Devine, Hosai Safi-Ghani, Lauren Owensby and 57 others like this.


Rose S Ijaz Thank you for issuing this statement and for your efforts to serve the community. Hearing all the people speak from CEO's to grandmas was inspiring. Listening to the students, both past and present, articulate in only 60 seconds how Dr Brewer had personally helped them or had created an environment that was conducive to learning was heartwarming. 7 · March 28 at 1:16pm Jeffrey Dunn Thank you so much for your service and these words. 1 · March 28 at 1:30pm James Clippinger Thank you for your service to our community and for taking on the difficult tasks that serving on the School Board entails. 2 · March 28 at 2:25pm Amy Anderson Curran Nicely done Ms. Rose! March 28 at 3:24pm Heidi Z Newman Well said! March 28 at 3:47pm Brien Schiappa-Dunn Thank you, Debbie! March 28 at 3:56pm Deb MacMinn Graves Truly Titan. Go, Deb.

To see more from Debbie Rose- School Board on Facebook, log in or create an account. March 28 at 5:01pm Meg Ford Harrington A rough road but looking forward. Thank you Debbie. Sign Up Log In March 28 at 5:12pm Cindy Burns Virtue Thank you Debbie for your sacrifice away from your family and other pursuits during this very unexpected and lengthy process. I am aware it may not have turned out this way were it not for the passion of the students



On Monday, March 20, 2017, the School... - Debbie Rose- School Board | Facebook

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and parents at DHS as well as your commitment to your community and willingness to fight for this outcome. 1 · March 28 at 6:11pm · Edited Sarah Winder Branch Well said. Have been thinking about how trying this must have been for you. March 28 at 7:21pm Allen Jackson I am left hanging with only suppositions to make decisions upon. For example, I suppose the Superintendent had personal reasons for wanting to remove Dr. Brewer that were not founded on either law or LCPS policy and that's why the Board overruled his d... See More 1 · March 28 at 7:30pm · Edited Debbie Rose- School Board The public in not entitled to the personnel files of an LCPS employee. That is protected by VA privacy laws. You are not being led down any path. I understand it is frustrating to not have all the information upon which personnel decisions are made. But again, there is good public policy reasons for that. We- the collective "we"- don't want to have personnel decisions determined by the public. Those are appropriately left to the privacy of the employee and school administration. 1 · March 28 at 7:50pm Allen Jackson Thanks for responding. You can see my frustration with a personnel matter that is aired publicly but omits the kind of information an outsider need to understand. Thanks again March 29 at 6:10am Rose S Ijaz Mr Allen, I think the DHS community will need to remain vigilant in monitoring Dr Williams. This was a compromise decision from what I can infer. Unfortunately this means that Williams will have unlimited power to do exactly what he did to Brewer to another LCPS employee. Again, we will have to remain vigilant in our emails and vocal protests to check his power. 3 · March 29 at 7:22am Lisa Creamer Toohey I think this is the bigger issue. Total secrecy of LCPS and the school board. The public may not be "entitled" to information due to VA antiquated and self preservation laws, but that doesn't make it right. If this situation was only about a letter of ... See More 1 · March 31 at 5:13pm Debbie Rose- School Board Two points: One, what information do you want me to provide that wouldn't violate the law? Secrecy implies that there is an effort to not provide information to which the public is entitled. I can assure you that all the information that is legally allowed has been provided. Two, you are making assumptions based on incomplete or false information. Please specifically indicate what you believe "the above entities" did that amounts to wrongdoing. March 31 at 7:01pm · Edited Meredith Ehler Thank you Debbie for your dedication to the process and having a fair outcome. March 29 at 6:50am Kate Wells Quamma How much did all of this cost? Just curious. March 29 at 6:41pm Debbie Laman Rose I can get that info for you. 1 · March 29 at 8:38pm Kate Wells Quamma Thanks - I wasn't sure if LCPS absorbs things like this, or if other agencies or insurance are involved. I am very supportive of a fully funded school budget. March 30 at 4:44pm · Edited Debbie Laman Rose There will be a line item cost of the legal bill. 1 · March 31 at 2:16pm

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