"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Module 1 NAVIGATORS OF OLDE Imagine you are setting out on a sailing adventure. The time is 500 years ago and sailing is very dangerous. Everyone believes the world is flat and its edges inhabited by horrendous dragons, or worse. What would your requirements be? Three things come to mind; a sound vessel, good maps and someone to help you interpret those maps accurately, i.e., a navigator. Given these three things you would have a safer journey and certainly improve your chances of reaching your destination. Let’s examine this a little closer. We’ll start with your vessel. It must we seaworthy and up to the task. Taking a Kon Tiki style raft to the edges of the known world, and possibly into the unknown world, would be foolhardy. Instead of enjoying your sailing journey you would spend most of your time patching up loose bits of bamboo and reeds. Eventually your craft would become waterlogged and sink. Your vessel is your body. If it is a total wreck you are going to find your journey much more challenging than if in reasonable condition. Drugs and alcohol will only numb you to your emotions and experiences along the way. I fully understand that there are negative experiences that you would rather not ‘enjoy’, however, they hide treasures on route (and there are ways to deal with them as you will find out). You want to uncover them, not cover them up. If you are unwilling to weather the rough seas you will miss out on some wondrous experiences. You might as well stay at home. But… you had the courage to show up here, so, let’s go! Five hundred years ago accurate maps (charts) were more valuable than gold and very rare. Obviously an inaccurate one would not lead you to your sought after treasure and probably result in shipwreck.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

In your life you have used a variety of maps in the form of teachers, gurus, books, tapes, lectures, mediations, satsangs, Youtubes, etc., and to date they have failed you. That’s why you are now reading this. The problem is these ‘maps’ were either (or are) completely fake or riddled with serious flaws. Even a minor inaccuracy in your map will send you on a fruitless search, sometimes lasting many years. Maya/ego has not completed the journey to the edge of the known world because that would mean her annihilation. For that reason she is incapable of producing a map that can take you there. Her specialty is distractions, distractions and more distractions. That’s one of the reasons the Nav Series is highly focused and intense. Sidebar: I refer to Maya/ego as a single unit because they are virtually inseparable. In planning your adventure you would be wise to seek a competent navigator. Hopefully you could find someone who had actually been to the edge of the world and possessed accurate maps of his own to bring along. If your navigator hasn’t been there, I suggest you find another one. True ‘edge of the world qualified’ navigators are extremely rare. It’s safe to say you haven’t had competent ones in the past, otherwise, you would have already completed your journey.

A MODEST CLAIM My claim (perhaps not so modest) is that there has never been a course like The Nav Series. However, that’s just a claim and won’t amount to anything unless you gain substantial benefits. Page 2 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

But you won’t gain anything at all until you put down your relics in preparation to embrace Truth of who/what you are. Here is a little about relics from my experiences in S.E. Asia. I’ve lived in Buddhist countries for the past nine years. There are more relics, idols, brass Buddhas and good luck charms than bowls of rice here. Just as with the well-worn expression, the menu is not the meal, the relic is not the thing. Your head is full of relics; thoughts, beliefs and experiences. A number of them are even thought of as being the real thing, i.e., Truth, or perhaps Truthish. Your relics are not ‘real’ and may tie you up for years chasing a dream from within a dream. I know that’s not the outcome you seek otherwise you wouldn’t have come into my world, nor I into yours. Enjoy relics and baubles if you like, but never confuse them for the real thing. At best they are reminders of the direction you should be heading. ‘That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.’ Tao Te Ching. In addition to providing the technologies and support for your journey to T/R, the Nav Series will prepare you for the Cambodian Ashram (still very much in the concept stage) and is a prerequisite for attendance. If a group of people are in a class, satsang or the like, it will be more productive if the following two qualities can be found within the group: the students share a common language/understandings, and they are all at reasonably similar waypoints on their journey (which we will measure in subsequent modules).

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Working through The Nav Series prior to attending the ashram will go a long way towards realizing those two goals and thus create an efficient environment within which to study and successfully complete your journey. One of the greatest teachers/sages of recent times was Nisargadatta. He was fully T/R and quite impatient with silly questions from less than serious seekers. He held meetings in a small loft above his house in India. If a student attended too many meetings for his liking, eleven seemed to be the magic number, he would unceremoniously kick them out in order to make room for others. While at times he could be quite funny, he was very serious about his teachings and he expected the same from his students. Standing on the shoulders of giants, so am I, but I definitely subscribe to more humor than he did, but I am just a man who has done his work.

HOW THE NAVIGATOR SERIES CAME ABOUT The Nav Series came about pretty much the same way every invention comes about. It starts with the simple thought that there must be a better way. Given that attitude, such a way can usually be found. I sought a better way and now you are a participant with me as your guide. I have watched, listened to and taught many students over the past twenty-five years. I’ve observed their sincere slogging, efforting, tears, trials and tribulations. Why couldn’t the journey through H/A to T/R be navigated in a more efficient and easier manner? Are ‘seekers’ working with outdated technology? Could one measure where they are on the journey then set and navigate a more efficient course with a reasonable expectation of T/R at journey’s end? Page 4 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Yes, but don’t take my word for it, you must prove this for yourself (Self). I only point and lead the way with hand-holding as required. Now it’s your turn to do your work. I have experienced, observed, listened to and read a great deal on this subject and I doubt if there is a more confusing field of endeavor anywhere. Beads, bangles and B.S. abound as do bookstores chock full of NABS (New Age B.S.). Well, if the shoe fits… or sells. H/A and T/R are not anywhere ‘out there’ or distant from you, they are both right where you are in this moment. However, you are very unlikely ‘see’ or ‘get’ it without the right techniques, knowledge and guidance. These are provided with the Series as you will soon find out. You certainly won’t be needing any beads, bangles or mandalas. In the end, your journey is one of discarding, not acquiring. Your expectation of something unique and dramatic, of some wonderful explosion, is merely hindering and delaying your Self Realization. You are not to expect an explosion, for the explosion has already happened – at the moment when you were born, when you realized yourself as Being-Knowing-Feeling. There is only one mistake you are making: you take the inner for the outer and the outer for the inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and what is outside, you take to be in you. The mind and feelings are external, but you take them to be intimate. You believe the world to be objective, while it is entirely a projection of your psyche. That is the basic confusion and no new explosion will set it right! You have to think yourself out of it.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

There is no other way.” Nisargadatta. Looking back from T/R, one can see how simple and obvious it is. Sometimes the thought arises, ‘Why doesn’t everyone get this?’ I delight at the prospect of you looking back and thinking a similar thought. You might even think, ‘Geez, I didn’t even need Jed after all.’ That would be even more satisfying. Any resistance to expanding your experience, living in Human Adulthood (H/A) and being Truth Realized (T/R) are difficulties that reside solely within you. You imagine things which are irrelevant to your search. You yourself are your own barrier. Don’t mistake information for knowledge or data for understanding. ‘Whatever happens, happens to you by you, through you; you are the creator, enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive.’ Nisargadatta You don’t need stories, theories or exercises to recognize who and what you really are. You need stories, theories and exercises to dis-creating the lies, illusions and systems that block you from realizing who and what you are… Truth.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

WHAT’S ON THE CEILING? 'In Winter you look for a fur garment, but when summer comes you have no time for it, it is an encumbrance. So it is with imitations of real teachings. They keep people warm until the time comes when they can be warmed by the Sun.’ Rumi.

Imagine you have a house with walls, ceilings, floors… and we are inside that house. Let’s say that through some long-established custom, friends who visit you can touch and deal with only the floors and walls. If someone were to walk in and say, 'Look at the ceiling,' all others would be incapable of doing so. This situation is a little like a child who cannot see something until it has been pointed out. Suppose further that the custom of your family for generations has been to hang things on walls and not to put anything on, or speak about the ceilings. An object placed on the ceiling might well be 'invisible' to family members and guests, at least until it was pointed out to them. So it is with The Nav Series. I will frequently imply that you do not think things through and that you make assumptions (such as 'there is no ceiling') which you do not attempt to verify. But, like the ‘odd’ aware individual trying to point out the existence of the ceiling, I will constantly draw your attention back to the theoretical postulate; there may be a ceiling. My goal is to lead Page 7 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

you to a view that was well expressed as follows. ‘There is no such thing as a person. There are only restrictions and limitations. The sum total of these defines the person. You think you know yourself when you know what you are. But you never know who you are. The person merely appears to be, like the space within the pot appears to have the shape and volume and smell of the pot. See that you are not what you believe yourself to be. Fight with all the strength at your disposal against the idea that you are nameable. You are not. Refuse to think of yourself in terms of this or that. There is no other way out of misery, which you have created for yourself through blind acceptance without investigation. Suffering is a call for enquiry, all pain needs investigation. Don’t be too lazy to think.’ Nisargadatta.

MIND ALTERING DRUGS Almost every mind altering drug, from coffee though psychedelics to hard drugs, does the same thing in different ways… numbs and/or masks your feelings. These feelings are the gateway to understanding and learning. The challenge is most teachers admonish you to deal with your Page 8 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

feelings but fail to teach you an effective way to handle them. Almost all techniques provided to date have their source in Maya/ego. Being circular in nature they eventually bring one back to Maya/ego. She does not want you to succeed in any meaningful way. Emotions are the nuclear bombs (or the threat of them) in her arsenal. Her motto is: DON’T GO THERE! Contemplate this for a moment; emotions promise that you will get by keeping them exactly what you get by losing them. The key to understanding and dealing with emotions lies in the importances you attach to thoughts and memories. I will explain this subject later in this module and expand on it in subsequent Modules. ‘Truth can be found by a process of eliminating wrong thoughts, which are thoughts of limitation. When all thoughts of limitation are eliminated, what remains is our natural, unlimited, Self.’ L. Levenson. Maya/ego will tell you to fear losing your attachment to emotions. She will make you think that you will become a zombie and not care about anything… that’s certainly not my experience. It’s just another one of her Preservation Strategy. You are a zombie right now. You have relegated the authority to run your life over to your emotions, modulated by the rules and opinions of others. Others are driving your bus. It makes no sense and is only going to get worse if you don’t wake up. Maya/ego fears exposure of this information because it will result in freeing you from her hold thus threatening her entire existence/structure.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

THE ROSE AND LOVE How much effort does a rose put into being a rose…keeping that beautiful color and her wonderful smell? She works her ass off, NOT! Does the rose set out each day to 'rose' each passersby? Does she intend to smother you with her fragrance? No need, it just is what it is... it’s what is happening… effortlessly. How much effort do you put into being a ‘me’, a somebody… clinging to memories, keeping up relationships that don't smell nearly as nice as the rose and in maintaining a facade that you are this or that person, the mask of Greek tragedy? You are the loving, open capacity for all that is yet you spend almost all your time and energy either denying it or covering it over. Humans do this in order to experience separation and then enter into pseudo-acts of union. But, ya gotta love those pseudo-acts. They sure can be fun. Of course it's not wrong, it's the way things are, but we have a gift that allows us to see through Maya/ego. Is the life you are living full of joy, an effortless expression of gentle love and peaceful bliss? Do you see others as yourself or is your life what I call ‘less than optimal’? Would you consciously choose a less than optimal life? You are expending way too much energy on something that is being done automatically for you, i.e., living. This is why you feel tired most of the time. You don't have to go out and change anything out there, nothing is out there anyways. Stop resisting what you are. You are pure loving and allowing Truth, Infinite Capacity, but you don’t realize it… yet.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’ Rumi. When you feel love for another, and often the cleanest version of this is for a pet but it can be anything, the 'other' is just giving you an opportunity to experience a little taste of what you really are. The other is almost a convenience, a facilitator. That doesn't diminish the other but elevates her/him/it to the level of a God. They mirror back to you the love that you are and you get to experience a sliver of it. Is this not a wonderful gift, an invitation to quit wasting time fretting about what you think you are getting or not getting from a relationship? You are getting God/Truth/Love handed to you on a platter and what do most of us do? Focus on the fact that he left his dirty close on the floor, or she didn't do the dishes. While that too is perfect, I think it’s perfectly silly… but humans will be humans. ‘People need each other and think it is love. There's no hanging on to, or fencing in, of the other one when one loves.’ L. Levenson. Does less than optimal work for you? It may, but you may also just be kidding yourself. On a personal note, I decided years ago that less than optimal not an acceptable condition to be in. I set out to discover what the human game was and to find the Truth of who and what I am. I'm not suggesting that one stay in non-working relationships. I heartily endorse constructive selfishness. If your relationship is really not working, that's wonderful. You have an opportunity

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

to free someone up to find a more suitable mate and in the process do the same for yourself. That’s a truly loving gift. The reality is that some relationships really are toxic and call for fifty ways to leave your lover. Just step out the back Jack (or Jill). In my experience it’s usually the woman who initiates the leaving. Women are more sensitive and courageous in emotional matters than men. What does this have to do with T/R? Plenty. Your wonderful feast of love and understanding, i.e., Truth Realization, is encrusted with rotting scraps, leftovers and plastic containers of stale Chinese take-out. Time for someone to take out the garbage… how about you?

MY WISH FOR YOU When I sign off with 'Love ya' I don't literally mean that 'I love you'. There is no ‘me’ who could love a ‘you’. What I mean is, 'I am the love that is you'. Nisargadatta said it well… ‘All I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect.’ Nisargadatta. My wish for you is that you find the love that this wonderful sage spoke of. He is one of the few who went all the way and I urge you to follow in his footsteps. All it takes is determination and dedication to finding the Truth of who you are. You will find the Nav Series will provide guidance while calming the inevitable storms on your journey. Page 12 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

THE MERRY-GO-ROUND For the past ten thousand years humans have been stuck in the same un-merry merry-go-round of apparently unsolvable personal challenges and problems. Five thousand years ago man realized that he could label problems and thus increase his chance of survival. About three thousand years ago he developed the ability to use metaphors to explain something that wasn’t understood by using something that was already known. This is a truly marvelous skill but also a vicious (and viscous) trap. Gradually labels such as suffering, sorrow, anger, fear, violence, conning, cheating, lying, religion, death, and war arose. It gave us a means of organizing societies but at the same time built the almost impenetrable mental prisons that now confine us. Words point to things and separate those things from other things. I like chocolate ice cream and don’t like vanilla. I prefer a white car to a red one, and on it goes. Words expand our understanding while trapping us in duality due to their polar nature. Everything in your world, at least as you currently perceive it, is polar in nature; good/bad, up/down, black /white, lovable/unlovable. Whilst black could not arise without white, in a like manner no problem arises without a solution, its polar opposite. This is probably nothing new to you. The polar opposite of the illusion of Maya/ego is Truth Realization (that’s not completely accurate, but permit me a little poetic license). We’ve used words, concepts and metaphors to jail ourselves voluntarily, but beyond that we have come to think of words as actual things, sometimes even ‘the’ thing itself. Over the past

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

three thousand years very few people have escaped this self-imposed confinement. Some escapees, arguably the wiser ones, have simply kept their mouths shut and gone on pretending to live a conventional life. Others, self-included, have felt that sharing was more appropriate. Neither is right or wrong, just an inclination of the human. Finding the way out is one thing, but incorporating it into your life is another. Should you choose to share your findings you will at least have a set of navigation skills to assist you. You will be free to change whatever you wish but without Maya/ego content. The virus will have stopped spreading. Things go better without ‘I’. Setting out to change the world when your own world is still run by Maya/ego just creates more chaos. That’s why so many well intentioned efforts fail in the long run. They are designed from their beginnings to fail, by Maya/ego. Round and round it goes as illusion perpetuates illusion… time to get off the ride.

MAYA/EGO Maya and ego are inseparable ‘partners in crime’ in the illusion you live in. The primary illusion is the belief that there is a separate you, apart from other people and the world you currently appear to be in. There is nothing complex about it, but by its very simplicity it is difficult to perceive and understand. She has an almost infinite number of ways to protect herself from exposure. Her Preservation Strategies hinge on language… but keep in mind that language is only a tool and not real. There are many thousands of languages in the world so how could any one of them be Truth? The foundations that Maya/ego has built her empire on are just wisps of thought, nothing more. However, words are also a wonderful tool when used properly. Page 14 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

The trapping of the real you and the continuation of the unquestioned illusion resulted from language becoming so sophisticated that it developed a virtual mind of its own, supported primarily by the naming of things. Once something is named it’s been placed in a box, i.e., limited. Maya/ego loves that because it supports the illusion that she in control. She thinks that anything she names she controls, limits and can judge… righteously of course. To a limited degree, this is true. Just name it and claim it might well be Maya/ego’s motto. Language is also responsible for the illusion that something could actually be communicated, when in fact, illusion can only communicate more illusion… May/ego talks only to May/ego. It fears anything not of its own ilk. But that doesn’t stop us from trying, and perhaps the Nav Series will communicate something of importance to you and thus help to free you up from the illusion. ‘No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.’ Ramana.

THE REAL GAME In the Nav Series we will explore man’s (and women’s, of course) suffering, its origins, and more important, the final solution. Methods will be shared with you that can be explained, taught, learned and executed with a high probability of success by any reasonably intelligent and diligent student. There are no religious beliefs required, in fact, undoing religious beliefs is an important element of navigation. I neither desire nor anticipate a following of any kind. My

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

outcome for you is that you discover for yourself the efficacy of the Nav Series through the study and application of the information contained herein. ‘We are playful when we engage others at the level of choice, when there is no telling in advance where our relationship with them will come out— when, in fact, no one has an outcome to be imposed on the relationship, apart from the decision to continue it.’ James P. Carse. You have joined me in an infinite game, one that never ends. The universe is our playground. We won’t be playing within boundaries (traditionally dictated by others), we will be playing with boundaries. The only way you win is when everyone wins. The final and overriding goal is simple and large; for you to become T/R as the ultimate service to mankind. It is the dying of the ego that is your offering to the world, and the world is ripe and ready. ‘Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.’ Ramana

WORKING WITH THE NAVIGATOR SERIES When you were taught to read in school the focus was on getting you to accumulate information, store it in memory and then regurgitate it to pass a test. We have all experienced Page 16 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

years of this teaching model and habitually apply it. Learning in this manner started at about three years of age and continues to this day in almost all of us. However, applying this ‘remember, regurgitate and forget’ technique to your navigation studies will only slow your journey through H/A and eventual to T/R. If you want something different a good start is to do something different. But years of inculcation inside a system created and controlled by Maya/ego is not easily dismissed. Attention to attention is required. How are you paying attention? What are you giving your attention to? What you are expecting in return? ‘Why are we least conscious when doing something most habitual?’ Julian Jaynes. To re-awaken your natural ability to receive insights, I suggest you read your Nav Series Modules slowly. Enjoy it like a good delicious meal. Stay with each sentence for a moment before proceeding to the next. Do not think about what is being read because thinking is a tool of Maya/ego and will inevitably direct you away from insights. Do not allow Maya/ego to add to what is being taught because that too is a method she uses to distort. Maya/ego will throw up unending arguments to prevent you from getting what is being taught herein. The first one you will probably encounter is an overwhelming need to take a nap. I suggest you gently allow the Nav Series to be absorbed, a little like a sponge. If you are thinking you don’t want to be brainwashed, I understand. You already have anywhere from six to sixty years of brainwashing that was solely in the interest of perpetuating Maya/ego, so a little cleaning up won’t hurt. You are certainly free to reject anything you read here but, like

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parachutes, minds work best when open. You will find much more about ‘minds’ later in later modules. ‘Don’t try to understand! It’s enough if you do not misunderstand.’ Nisargadatta.

THE REFUSE PILE IS FULL OF WHAT YOU HAVE REFUSED Piling garbage on top of garbage does not get rid of garbage. Even a child can see that. Why can’t an adult see spiritual and religious garbage for what it is? The main reason is that almost all teachings are someone else’s Maya/ego conning their Maya/ego into believing that a flawed map will guide them to the promise land. She won’t and it won’t. Each Maya/ego has an unspoken agreement with every other Maya/ego similar to that of lawyers. It’s called ‘professional courtesy’ or ‘don’t give the game away.’ Very little real progress ever takes place because of it. Just sit in a court room and you will learn the real meaning of ‘slow’ and ‘ego’. So, what do you do with your pile of garbage? My guess is you know the first stage and have already passed through it, but let’s double check. The first step is admitting there is a pile of garbage in your way. We will look closer at this in later modules, but for a moment, contemplate this - most likely you’ve never had a teacher who was ‘enlightened’. You have probably never even met anyone who was T/R. In fact, I doubt if you have ever had a role model who had achieved H/A. All of the systems that have created your world: educational, religious, cultural, environmental, government, law/courts, familial, etc., were motivated, created and continue under the guidance of, and in accord with, the directives of Maya/ego.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

The fact you are here and questioning her is nothing short of a minor miracle. If I was ever to admire anyone it would be those who have the courage to enter this journey with an open mind and heart. ‘Of course, immortality of the soul- the bare soul, cleansed of any personality traces- is rarely what is desired in the yearning for immortality... More often what one intends to preserve is a public personage, a permanently veiled selfhood.’ James Carse.

THE CLEAN-UP After admitting to this mess, what would be the sensible thing to do? I suggest it would be a good idea to go about cleaning it up. Perhaps bring in a large loader and dump truck. This way it could be transported to a more appropriate location and perhaps incinerated. You might view one of the facets of the Nav Series as this loader and truck. But there is a little problem. After the cleanup you don’t want to be left carrying around a heavy loader and truck. The solution is you just return them to where they came from… you release them. In effect, you use a thorn to remove a thorn and then throw both thorns away, but more on that later. You’ve probably gathered by now that the Nav Series is an instruction manual and not designed for intellectual entertainment. For human consciousness to be transformed and Truth to be Page 19 of 58

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realized something new must be introduced and that something lies herein. In addition, a number of concepts and beliefs must be exposed and dis-created. So, take your time and do not skip any part of the course. You always have final say as to what you believe and I respect that. I only ask that you have an open mind and keep in touch with your current experience while reading and doing the Contemplations. In the end, you may find you have very few beliefs left, or perhaps none, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Sidebar: What would usually be called ‘Exercises’ I refer to as ‘Contemplations’ and that’s how I would like you to view them. They are not assignments or tasks, just something to be contemplated… gently mulled around in mind. Sneaking up on one’s mind is more effective than head on confrontation. If you encounter something that sounds strange it may be one of my tricks to get you to think differently. Then again, it may seem strange because it’s ‘truthish’, and you have limited experience with such matters. Be patient and gentle with yourself in your studies and I will guide you as best I can.

THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL Often discussions of good and evil enter into ‘spiritual’ endeavors. There is no such thing, other than thinking, as Shakespeare wisely pointed out. Let’s look at an example, completely fictitious. Play along with me for a moment. Page 20 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Imagine you are lost in the woods. It’s cold and you are in northern Canada. This would be very bad… for you. Some of your friends are in the local bar and notice your absence. The figure they should organize a search party. Good for them because it gives them something to fill their generally empty lives but bad for the bar owner because your business goes out the window. Now the boys all trip down to the local ATM and withdraw funds. Good for the bank because they get a fee, bad for their wives because they weren’t consulted and that was household budget money. Clutching their funds, they truck off to the local airport and hire a helicopter. This is good for the helicopter company, but bad for the pilot because he crashes later that evening and dies. Of course that’s good for the wolves but not for El Capitan. By good fortune, the buddies in the helicopter survive and the noise attracts the attention of our lost hiker, remember… that’s you. Good for you. You all meet up and light a fire. Bad for the environment and the rare species of tree you cut down out of necessity, but it helps the local tree huggers in their fight to save the forest because of the free publicity. You enjoy the Northern Lights and tell stories around the fire while listening to John Denver classics, good for Apple but bad for the wolves who had their eyes on you but fear the fire. In the morning your little group is rescued by a team that had been filming a reality show on gold mining in Northern Canada. They are impressed with your story and offer you and your buddies a contract. Not a bad deal. You end up on Discovery Channel and the show is called Northern Brights (airs this spring on Discovery Channel). It’s about drunk guys in Northern

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Canada doing stupid things that somehow manage to work out. That’s good, but explaining the withdrawals to the wives was not much fun. The local coroner and funeral home director were a little disappointed but put on a fake happy face which undertakers are pretty good at. They know they will eventually get your business… and on and on it goes. So, what’s bad and what’s good? It’s all relative and anything that is relative isn’t even true, let alone truthish. ‘All bad qualities center round the ego. When the ego is gone, Realization results by itself. There are neither good nor bad qualities in the Self. The Self is free from all qualities. Qualities pertain to the mind only.’ Ramana. Where did this all start? The Bible says with the knowledge of good and evil. I would say with believing that some thing or thought could possibly be good or evil in and of itself. It’s all made up and totally dependent upon context, thinking and perspective. Anything that is made up is obviously not real. Anything that is constantly changing is also not real. Someone wants to fight an evil, say Cancer, so they start a war against it. Now that makes sense, but only to the insane. Years ago I observed a sign advertising a fundraiser, it said, ‘Walk for Cancer’. Now I’m not out to encourage Cancer, so I decided to spend the day meditating and reading instead of walking. I felt I had made a minor contribution. Only a moron would ‘walk for it.’’

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To repeat, from the perspective of T/R nothing is either good or evil, such things don’t exist. However, most of your daily thoughts are about assigning good and evil to anything and everything. You may be familiar with the terms ‘attachments’ and ‘aversions’, but it’s all the same. The Buddhists talk of desires; you desire good things and are averse to bad things. All religious text lay out their version of how one should behave, usually in some virtuous manner, in order to get into their version of paradise or gain some valued position after death. These are nothing but silly stories designed for children and attempts by the powers that be to control society. Religious leaders know exactly what they are doing. Followers aren’t called the ‘flock’ for nothing.

ON CHOCOLATE, SEX AND RELIGION Religions presume that man in inherently evil, and of course, their brand of religion is inherently good. You are certainly free to hold your own opinion, but my observations would indicate the opposite is closer to reality. Counter-intuitively, if you make something evil you can rest assured that it will grow because you are feeding it attention. If you want more crime, just add more police and pass more laws. It may sound ridiculous but that’s how it works. No matter how many more police they add, crime goes up in the U.S. The Philippines has a very high percentage of devoted religious people and one of the highest murder rates in the world. Page 23 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Imagine dressing up like a dog and barking in order to become a dog. You would be seriously delusional. Try dressing up like a monk or a priest and see if that makes you better or wiser. Grow a meandering Chinese like beard and become a Lao Tsu… not likely. Wisdom and virtue have nothing to do with looks or baubles. If a person is T/R and develops certain qualities then these qualities will be appropriate for that person and not necessarily for another. The one who is T/R has a deeper understanding of what they are doing and the ramifications. While you may think you can do no wrong, which is actually true, a T/R person knows they can do no wrong and that changes everything. Regarding the chocolate and sex, I just put them in there to make sure you were paying attention. But we will deal with sex in Module Three.

CONTRADICTIONS In the Nav Series you will find numerous contradictions, inconsistencies and concepts that don’t make sense to your logical mind. I am not interested in making sense to your mind, except to the degree that it assists in neutralizing its fears and limitations. I’m interested in what comes before your mind… what is aware of your mind… what it occurs within. You will inevitably find the Nav Series stirs up numerous Maya/ego Preservation Strategies, bringing them to the surface for your observation. This is as it should be. Don’t be surprised if the deeper you go the more you find. Things may get worse before they get better. This is the Page 24 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

reason for liberal use of the Create Importances and Release Importances Contemplations which are explained later in this module and expanded upon in subsequent modules. If you find yourself arguing with something herein (or anything anywhere else) you are undoubtedly experiencing a Maya/ego Preservation Strategy. Argument is strictly out of Maya/ego’s world. I suggest you just let inconsistencies and the like pass by for the time being. From the highest perspective (T/R) everything written here makes absolute sense but from lesser levels confusion will inevitably be experienced at times. Constant vigilance for Preservation Strategies is called for and anything that gets under your skin is to be welcomed as an opportunity to deepen your growth and understanding. Be open and available to everything and keep in mind that you only feel what you resist, another concept that will be covered in later Modules. This is not to say that you have to agree with everything I say. The Nav Series is not about creating sheep. The world has more than enough sheep. If you read something you find yourself disagreeing with, just make a note of it and move on. Avoid a mental debate as that will inevitably draw you into a Maya/ego Preservation Strategy. The method to my madness will become clearer as you progress in your journey. I am also available for clarifications. I use the word ‘you’ frequently and at times it may sound like I am arrogant and full of myself. That’s only half true, I am full of you. If I push your buttons just relax and breathe into your experience. Remember, most of your initial responses to the Navigator Series will be Maya/ego Preservation Strategies. Of that you can be sure. The more irritated and challenged you feel the

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more opportunity you have for real progress. You will also find some repetition in the Nav Series. This is to assist you in absorbing the material and will also give you another opportunity to notice Maya/ego (she might complain about the repetition with, ‘Oh, come on Jed. I’ve got the one already.’). Just thank her and proceed. You may find that you haven’t ‘got’ it, or there is more to it than you first thought. Some of the Contemplations in the Nav Series are ancient and some have only recently been revealed to me. I can assure you that in one sense you have never done any of them in the way you will be doing them in the Nav Series. Read on and you will gain an understanding how this can be so. In the beginning of this module I addressed the way we were all taught in school, i.e., read, memorize, regurgitate and forget. It a shame that we were not taught to do a similar thing with our emotional experiences. In the case of emotions we are taught, by means of unconscious modeling, to experience an emotional upset, remember it by attaching importance to it and then keep it available to pull up on a moment’s notice. It’s exemplified by the old saw, ‘I’ll never forgive so-and-so for what he/she did to me!’ Yes, it’s true. You never will forgive them while you have a significant degree of importance attached to the memory of that experience. ‘Never hold resentments for the person who tells you what you need to hear; count them among your truest, most caring, and valuable friends.’ Mike Norton.

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THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPORTANCES A number of years ago I received a bit of a revelation, i.e., the importance of importances. I know it sounds a little silly, but it’s… important. Here’s why. Importances are the double sided sticky tape that holds memories in place. They attach to virtually every memory, belief and thought. They are like shopping tags that indicate prices except importances label how important a memory is, when it should be called up and to what degree it should impinge on your conscious awareness. You had no control over the placing or removal of importances until the Nav Series. But that’s not entirely accurate. Let me explain. Conventional therapies occasionally do succeed in removing importances but, because therapists don’t realize what they are doing and don’t know how to consciously create and release importances, they usually take years to achieve meaningful results. In addition, therapists often focus on one problem only to find a bigger one pops up later. This is strictly a matter of failing to deal fully and effectively with importances. The main thing you can say about any problem is that it’s important. If it was not important it wouldn’t be a problem. Problems don’t need to be dealt with - importances need to be dealt with. Imagine you see a white van drive down the street. Your mind would attach little or no important to the experience. However, if that truck had just run over your beloved pet and was speeding away you would attach considerable importance to the experience. It’s likely that in the future the sight of a similar white van would cause a disturbing memory of the event to

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promptly come into your conscious awareness. The importances attached to the event determine how and when this occurs. Given the passage of time some importances will naturally diminish, however, many don’t. The key point is that you have no conscious control or awareness over the creation and assignment of importances, but you soon will. The fact that importances are created and kept outside of conscious awareness presents a considerable challenge. If you have no awareness or control over them then what can you do about them? The answer is really quite simple and perhaps that’s why it has been overlooked. Let’s explore this further. What locks any event or feeling into your mind and causes it to create ongoing chaos and grief is the amount of importance attached to it. The way to discern how much importance you have attached is to observe the frequency and intensity of a problematic memory, mental state or thought. There are no absolute importances. You can’t point a finger and say ‘That one is the cause of all my trouble’ without immediately escalating the importance of what you are pointing at which is obviously counterproductive, i.e., you just created another importance and are thus adding importance to importance. It’s a Catch 22. If you try to tackle importances head on you only build them up. So… what’s the solution? Tackle them indirectly – sneak up on them. The topic of importances has never been addressed in the ‘spiritual’ community because Maya/ego doesn’t want it exposed. The reason you have never done any of the Nav Series contemplations before is because you have never included the Create Importances and Release Importances Contemplations. The first step you take before any contemplation in the Nav

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Series, even Skype calls, is to do these two contemplations. You will go beyond outdated teachings and address this foundation of Maya/ego on the journey to H/A. As you learn how to release importances your mind will progressively vanish and your full native abilities will be restored. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. You can’t see importances but you can certainly feel them. So let’s start with where these intangible yet powerful importances are stored… in space. In this regard they are similar to more conventional memories which are also spatially arranged. That space may be within your head or torso, but almost all importances are held in the space around your body, usually from a few inches to a few feet from your body. To recap, you have spent a lifetime experiencing, thinking about and memorizing events and to every event you have attached a level of importance, without conscious awareness. It labels which memories are important and which are not. At the slightest stimulus your mind will reach out and grab the most important relevant memory and thrust it into your conscious awareness. It happens in an instant and you have no control over it. But, as you will learn, you can release importances at will. This is a biggie because once a memory is not important it will gently drift into nothingness. You are not alone. Everyone is surrounded by these little buggers. The process is not nearly as intimidating as it sounds. It can actually be a lot of fun, but I am getting ahead of myself. I want you to have a little deeper understanding of importances. Over the years and due to the massive number of importances one accumulates, you get so used to them that on a subconscious level your mind thinks it actually needs them. It feels that

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it can’t do without them. Because of this if you were to immediately take them all away it would cause you serious trauma. A desperate effort to refill your importances would find you searching anywhere and everywhere in your memory banks for replacements, anything will do. Your problems won’t be solved, only exacerbated. You will end up pulling more and more uncomfortable memories into your experience to fill the void. You may even begin making up memories if you run out. Like Nature, your mind abhors a vacuum. Importances is an amazing mechanism and it explains many, if not all, of the challenges of our mental life. Here is a primary example: problems and solutions. Almost everyone is at the stage where Maya/ego will not let them solve a problem without first insuring that the solution will create another problem, usually larger than the original one. Humans like to be on the safe side and the way to do this is to be sure that one’s ‘importances quotient’ doesn’t diminish. If you are thinking this is weird stick with me… it gets weirder. For most humans, life is like one of those old Laurel and Hardy films where in endeavoring to solve a simple problem a larger one is created, and in attempting to solve that an even larger one comes into being… and on and on it goes. The audience curls up in laughter at their antics then goes home and promptly does much the same thing themselves! Chaos upon chaos with a little more chaos for fun and it all hinges on importances, one importance replacing another. The secret to diminishing importances is to consciously replace old and troublesome importances with importances of your own creation, i.e., make an unconscious habit conscious. It’s the only way to properly handle this challenge. Once you know how, you can do contemplations that release importances without compulsively pulling in further unwanted

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importances to fill the void. The whole thing is quite mechanical, predictable and doable once you have a sound understanding of what’s going on and have done the contemplations. In my experience, this is the only way that you will ever ‘let go of’ your mind once and for all. You are in the frame of mind, albeit not at a conscious level, that your memories/importances are required for your very existence. They are only required for Maya/ego’s existence. Because of this, mind will never permit itself to fully vanish an importance until it is confident that you can replace it with something of equal importance. If you are concerned that the release of importances will put you at risk of not knowing what to do next, then you are experiencing a Maya/ego Preservation Strategy. The fact is your body will have a much better chance of living a long and healthy life without the burden of energywasting importances. In addition, the body always retains its own kinesthetic memory which keeps you out of harm’s way quite naturally. You won’t forget to jump out of the way of an oncoming vehicle because that’s the kind of thing your body remembers, not your mind. In fact, if your mind gets involved in that sort of reflexive action it will only slow you down. This importances issue is not unlike that of a prisoner who has been incarcerated for most of his life. He has come to believe that he needs the walls of his prison (memories/importances) and if suddenly freed will demand to be locked up again. Failing this he will rush into the nearest room, slam the door after him and hide. This mechanism is well known by prison authorities who have to deal with long-term prisoners. It’s one of the reasons for the parole system.

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Right now your situation is similar to that of a long-term prisoner only you are the jailor, jail and prisoner, all in one. You’ve come to believe that you need your memories/importances and hence will pull in more to replace those which your contemplations have caused to vanish. What to do? You consciously create importances by means of the Create Importances Contemplation and fill the lack, but only temporarily and, more importantly consciously. Because you have consciously created these new importances you will find it a simple matter to release them. The immediate effect of consciously creating and releasing importances is to de-intensify any compulsive games you are currently engaged in, whether with your own mind or the minds of others - others usually being lovers, friends, family and co-workers. The process ‘cools’ the game and takes the sting out of unwanted mental intrusions. You can apply it anytime and anywhere. They reduce stress of all varieties and are certainly preferable to drugs. The process is entirely natural and, until now, has been going on endlessly without your input. You can only benefit by becoming aware of them and taking over conscious control. Once you come out the other end you’ll have lost all fear of your own mind and those memories and thoughts that had previously and spontaneously caused you grief. You’ll know with absolute certainty that there’s nothing you can’t handle. This is a fundamental step towards H/A and through to T/R. It is also a step that has, until now, never been clearly explained or taught.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

‘Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.’ Ramana. While your collection of memories and thoughts are considered important they will continue to exist and cause you unending grief. The harder you try to not experience them, the more importance you will attach to them, hence they just grow in their power over your peace of mind. I imagine that by now you are getting a sense of why going head-on with your mind is a waste of time. Making importances more important is only playing into Maya/ego’s hands. Needless to say, she loves that. The ability to create importances and attach them, while habitual and natural, will require some attention as you consciously navigate your way out of the flotsam and jetsam of life. Contemplation is definitely required to master it. Once you grasps that the need to regard a thing as unimportant is an importance in its own right, you will understand what this is all about. The ‘button’ is importance and the release of these importances comes out in the process of consciously creating and releasing them. The key word being ‘consciously’. Here are the first Contemplations, BUT… STOP! I strongly suggest that you go back and re-read this module from the beginning before you go any further. Come on now, show a little discipline. I want your mind to be fully comfortable with these concepts before proceeding. Remember the mind is best handled with a little sneakiness so, let it relax and think it understands as much as possible by review before proceeding.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Contemplation #1: Create Importances and Release Importances These Contemplations are done with your eyes open. Don’t strain them. Blink naturally as required. Be seated and just let your vision gently rest on your surroundings. Do not lie down. Step One: Imagine something of importance to someone else… here’s a few examples. Imagine a farmer with a large crop that desperately needs water. He is looking up to the sky and his mind can only think of one thing, rain. He has a huge importance attached to rain. You may imagine it raining or not, that’s not important. What is important is that your imagine a situation has an importance in it. Imagine a race car driver looking up at the sky and hoping that it doesn’t rain on his race day. Get a sense of the importance of that to him. How about a hummingbird looking for a flower to drink nectar from - he is spending all that energy finding food and it’s important to him. It doesn’t matter what you imagine as importances. They can be realistic or ridiculous, i.e., the importance of air to a marathon runner, the importance of dirt to a plant, the importance of winter to a skier, the importance of fat to deep frying, the importance of a frame to a painting, and on and on… sometimes the more ridiculous the better. Step Two: Place your imaginary importances in various positions around your body in the approximate shape of an egg. They can be close in, some even inside the body, and others dispersed to about two or three feet from your body. Once you develop this skill you can do them in seconds. Quantity is more important than quality. You want to create a plethora of importances all around your body, hundreds if you like. But before

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

you leap into this, make yourself familiar with Step Three and don’t worry if you can’t actually see them, just keep imagining them and you will get the hang of it. Step Three: After the creation of each importance you do the Release Importances Contemplation. As this is all in your imagination it’s easy to imagine the releasing of the importances. You can do it by imagining you are shedding them or sloughing them off like dropping a coat on the floor. You might imagine an importance turning into water vapor and just disappearing as steam floating up into space. Find a method that you feel comfortable with and stick with it. It will take a little effort to get the hang of it and don’t be surprised if Maya/ego tries to get in your way. Remember… that’s her job, preservation of her status quo at all costs. Just ignore her, (perhaps say ‘thank you’) and gently, but firmly, proceed. While doing your Create Importances Contemplation you may experience something happening in your body, i.e., somatics. Often yawning, burping, queasiness or dizziness occur. This is to be expected and welcomed. They are indicators that your subconscious is ‘burning off’ importances. Don’t be concerned. If they come up then just continue with what you are doing. The Create Importances and Release Importances Contemplations are core skills that can be used with any other meditation or exercise. If you currently do a particular meditation and it works for you then I suggest you continue with it. You will find you get even more out of it if you start and end with these two Contemplations. You can do them at any time during the day; standing in the checkout line, waiting at the post office, etc. Remember that what you are doing is quite natural. You have been doing it unconsciously for almost all your life. The final outcome

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

is you want your mind to feel like it can safely release existing problematic importances without worrying about replacing them. If there is any single Contemplation you need to be proficient at, it is this. Note: The contemplation is all about visually-seeing the importance. If you feel some emotions back up and choose a silly importance. DO NOT use an importance that has anything to do with you, friends or loved ones. It’s is very important that you master silly importances. Do not change, alter or attempt to deal with your own emotional issues. This is VERY IMPORTANT. Contemplation #2: Your Desired Experiences Your mind is going to love this Contemplation. As I mentioned earlier in this module you have never done anything like the Nav Series. Now… do you remember what you are going to do first? If not, go back to Contemplation #1 and do your Create Importances and Release Importances Contemplations for about five minutes, more if you like. Step One: Make a list of all the things you want in life. Do not limit yourself and don’t pre-think that ‘Jed won’t like this one’ or ‘This doesn’t sound very cool’, or ‘Geez, I can’t include my sexual fantasies, that’s too embarrassing.’ Be as uninhibited as a child. Let it flow and go wild. Don’t make an ‘airy fairy’ list that only says, ‘I want Truth’. I happen to know there are more things than that in your world of desire. My purpose is not to use it to embarrass you and no one will ever see it. It’s strictly for your eyes only and I won’t ask you about anything you list. While this contemplation may feel familiar, there is a twist to it that you haven’t experienced before. More about that in Module Two.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

This is not a goals exercise, i.e., ‘by 2016 I will have a blonde boyfriend/girlfriend.’ Just write, ‘blonde boyfriend/girlfriend’. Keep it simple and to the point. A list of about ten items is enough for this contemplation. Step Two: Then make a list of all the things you don’t want in life. Go for it and, as with step one, let it all hang out. Keep it simple and to the point. I will tell also tell you what to do with these two items in Module Two. Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy. Nisargadatta. A FINAL NOTE FOR THIS MODULE The Nav Series builds from one module to the next. Don’t skip anything and don’t attempt to jump ahead. You may think you already know a point being made herein, and indeed you may, however, you may only know it in a limited way or frame of reference. Quietly contemplate every point presented as best you can without letting mind get in the way.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

In Module Two we will explore additional methods of dealing with Importances. In addition, there are recorded Knock Knock contemplations made available after Module Two. Later on in the Nav Series we will get into measuring where you are and charting your journey plus some very unique contemplations. If you are doing S/A I suggest you stick with it and I will also share something special about that process. My last point, and one I will repeat, ad nauseam, is continually be aware of Maya/ego’s interjection, complaints, resistances, etc. She will eventually take a back seat but not without asserting some clever Preservation Strategies. ‘Truth is stranger than fiction, But it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, Truth isn’t.’ Mark Twain. Be gentle but firm with yourself and you can email me anytime with your experiences and questions. Until then, Love ya, Jed.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Module 2


This is the part where I fill up space with meaningless repetition from Module One, or, I can just keep it brief. I trust you have slowly read Module One at least twice and absorbed as much as you can. Some of you have read it more than that… excellent! Be sure to email me with any sticking points. Even if you are embarrassed and think it is minor, I'd like to hear from you.

Remember, I don’t want you to blindly believe what I say, just have an honest look-see for yourself. If you come across a sentence and your mind goes, ‘Jed is way off on this one’, just contemplate the possibility that it is Truthish or that it might be an answer to some puzzle in your future. Your view of the world is more habituated than you realize and because of that you are missing much of the beauty and joy that is available.

You have probably done the Contemplations until you were either bored silly or found them quite entertaining, mostly the latter. Also, lots of yawning, burping and queasiness going will go on which are good indicators of subconscious data ‘burning off’. However, the point was not to make you feel good or bad, but to lay the foundations of a new skill which we will continually be referring back to. So, congratulations on your diligence.

As you continue, keep these two points in mind; we are building a foundation of H/A with the eventual goal of T/R. Focus is critical. See how many pointless distractions you can ignore during your day. We all have pointless time wasters in our day…sometimes people and

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

sometimes activities. When it comes time to put the Nav Series aside and take a break, I suggest a completely different activity, preferably moving your body in some way.

‘Of course, immortality of the soul-- the bare soul, cleansed of any personality traces, is rarely what is desired in the yearning for immortality. More often what one intends to preserve is a public personage, a permanently veiled selfhood.’ James Carse.


I had a good friend who, when making decisions, would always say, ‘I’m of two minds’. I think the truth was she had more like thirty-two minds. In a way, each thought is a micro-mind unto itself. However, there are two primary ’minds’. I call them ‘conscious’ and ‘other-than-conscious’. I don’t use the word ‘unconscious’ because it’s impossible for consciousness to be ‘un’, then it wouldn’t be conscious at all.

Now that I have laid a little groundwork I will begin speaking to different parts of your mind. Don’t be surprised if you read something and think, ‘What the hell is Jed on about?’ Just continue and you might wake up at five in the morning thinking, ‘Damn, I got it! That sneaky bastard.’ Keep a pen and paper by your bed because you can be sure that these types of insights will be a challenge to recall and yet they are often worthy of further contemplation. BTW you have my permission to swear at me any time you feel like it, and remember, there is something you have forgotten.

‘To deal with things knowledge of things is needed. To deal with people, you need insight, sympathy. To deal with yourself, you need nothing. Be what you are--conscious being--and don't stray away from yourself.’ Nisargadatta.


"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

If you suggest that there was something ‘fishy’ about such things as 911, the Kennedy Assassinations, various bombings, airplane crashes, financial manipulation, UFOs, etc., it won’t take long before you’ll be labeled a ‘conspiracy’ nut. You may be demonized by Maya/ego in an attempt to discourage you, and by example, others, from looking closely at your subject of interest. But not many folks actually know what a conspiracy is.

A conspiracy requires a minimum of two people. If you and I get together and decide to commit a nefarious act, or even a wonderfully charitable act, that’s a conspiracy because we conspired together to do it.

The two parties in this particular conspiracy are your mind and your body. Whether or not they are real ‘things’ doesn’t affect the essence of my thesis as you will see. At a minimum they are sufficiently real to cause you much grief but they are also the key to Navigating your way out of the trap.

The Mind/Body Conspiracy is a conspiracy against knowing who and what you are. Conspiracies hate the light of awareness which is exactly what we are doing here. You can anticipate some serious resistance from Maya/ego… and now for the sordid details of this subterfuge.

The mind is a working construct that we utilize for purposes of pretending to comprehend and understand what appears to us. It has contributed many good things to our world, including survival, and yet it doesn’t exist and it knows it doesn’t exist. (I didn’t guarantee that this would make sense).

‘I will never let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.’ Gandhi.

In a similar way, the body doesn’t exist either, but ‘body’ is a useful descriptive tool. What you consider to be your body is no more than a collection of sensory inputs which have been conceptualized into a thingy… a ‘body’. A baby doesn’t have a ‘body’ because he/she has not conceptualized it yet. All concepts are Page 41 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

intangible and held in mind only. Mind is a great storage facility for these nonexisting concepts because it has unlimited space. If you are feeling a little confused about this, just stick with me for a moment. Logic will fail you if it hasn’t already done so.

These two parties have perpetuated the world’s grandest conspiracy, a conspiracy that has gone on for many thousands of years and I doubt that at any one time more than a handful of individuals see through it. Perhaps many of those who have recognized it have wisely kept their

mouth shut because they intuited the timing was not right and the subject heavily guarded by Maya/ego. I’ll humor you with some specifics, i.e., shed a little light on this Conspiracy.

‘The most thought-provoking thing, in our thought-provoking time is that.. we are still not thinking.’ Martin Heidegger.

Because the mind is a construct and thus insecure about its existence, it continually seeks reinforcement and confirmation from the closest thing to it, the body. As the body is just a construct of sensory input and is equally as nebulous and insecure, there are mutual needs and benefits to be gained from a deal between these two parties, and indeed one was entered into.

Mind said to body, ‘I’ll support you by holding up your construct, meaning I will agree that you are important and exist, and you can help me by making me appear more real and important. We just need to figure out how to pull it off.’

The body has its own form of intelligence and was pretty quick to come up with a clever means of implementing the conspiracy. When the mind makes up certain imaginary thoughts the body creates a sensation that reinforces that particular thought. Hence the ‘apparent’ existence of the mind and the ‘apparent’ importance of thoughts are constantly upheld. Each reinforces the illusory reality of the other.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Mind says ‘I’m in love’ and the body releases hormones, endorphins and various chemicals thus creating supporting sensations. Mind says ‘Be afraid!’ and the body responds with a knot in the stomach, sweaty hands and a shot of adrenalin.

Similar to a feedback loop in electronics, each signal tends to amplify the previous one and thus emotions are built up while belief in the conspiratorial partners as being real entities is reinforced. It’s brilliantly clever and so intimately close that it's very challenging to perceive and understand. I suggest you contemplate this in light of your own experience.

Here’s a sample scenario. You have a girlfriend or boyfriend and you witness them being ‘friendly’ with another person, perhaps a little too friendly. Mind jumps in and says, ‘That shouldn’t be! Time for a little fun.’ It could say, ‘Well, looks like they like each other, can’t argue with what’s real.’, but it’s not mind’s tendency to go with what is, it keeps you losing and itself alive by going against what is.

The mind/body contract is almost instantly executed. Your stomach knots up and you begin to feel something that your mind labels jealousy. Your gut says, ‘Mind was right, this shouldn’t be!’ The feedback loop continues and you feel like crap until you are told later in the day that it was a long lost cousin that she/he was hugging. Then mind steps in and says, ‘Well, aren’t you a smuck’ and stomach says,’Yeh, I’m going to just add a little oomph to what mind just said.’… and so it goes… around in circles, usually for a lifetime. Similar misunderstandings occur all the way up to the level of governments and have started many feuds and wars.

‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.’ Voltaire.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

What is your experience with this? Has something similar happened to you in the past? Can you see how a mutually supportive contract between mind and body is not only logical but a great solution to each other’s dilemma, i.e. the fact that neither actually exists? If two wrongs don’t make a right it certainly follows that two illusions don’t add up to anything real. How about one more example?

‘What will undo any boundary is the awareness that it is our vision, and not what we are viewing, that is limited.’ James Carse.

You see a ‘hot’ guy or girl and mind goes, ‘O.K. body, you know what to do here.’ Body releases hormones and begins generating a variety of feelings. Mind says, ‘Good work. I’ll label those feelings for him/her as love and it’s game on.’ We humans start believing this because that’s what the system is designed to do, make us believe… the illusion. Both conspirators are very competent at what they do. So, now you have a story called: I’m in love... next step.

Six months later mind says, ‘I’m getting a little bored and need to keep the conspiracy bubbling. I’m going to start a conversation with myself based on the observation that my mate is not perfect, in fact, far from perfect. Body, please support me pursuant to our agreement and grind out some feelings of discontentment… you figure out what will work best. You’ve done just fine

in the past’. A week later you find yourself in court (a example of Maya/ego in its finest form) and the drama goes on and on. Is this sane behavior? Has it ever happened to someone close to you, maybe very close? It does make for great drama, but drama is hard on the body and very tiresome in the long run.

‘You’re like Marilyn Monroe,’ Ken tells me, which I take as a compliment and say a nervous “Thank You”. Interrupting, he adds, ‘You’re all velvet and Velcro. Men want you because you’re sexy and broken and when it gets too rough they can say, “Hey! This toy is broken!” and toss you aside without feeling bad.’ Emma Forrest.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Neither Body nor Mind give a hoot if these feelings, conversations and validations are positive or negative, real or fake… they don’t even know the difference. They only understand energy and know which energy will get them that most valuable thing… attention, and the validation it brings with it. The secret to amplifying the effects lies in contrasting energies and experiences, going from one side to the other. One would get used to it if everything remained static and the impact would be lost.

Mind will say, ‘Oh, that’s good’ or ‘That’s bad’, but these are not absolutes because what feels good to one will feel bad to another, which in itself supports the argument that feelings are not real. They are learned responses that are individual to each person. By flipping from bad to better, from worse to good, from mediocre to incredible… the conspiracy continuously captures your attention, just like media news shows, sport shows and soap operas. While your attention is

forced to jump around frenetically you get the sense that something important is happening. Nope… just the opposite. Nothing at all is happening, other than your system is being worn out.


Backing up for a moment, you might be questioning why two parties are needed for this illusion to work. Why couldn’t just one illusory party pull it off? It possibly could, but not with the power and effectiveness that's so readily apparent. In court, one witness means little until supported by a corroborating witness. Two parties giving similar testimony is an order of magnitude more believable than just one.

Imagine you see somebody hit by a car. You would probably instantly feel some form of grief. Your mind would perceive it and immediately create a story and your body would support that story. After all, that’s the deal they have and if either party broke the deal the illusion would collapse. It wouldn’t work if you saw the accident and you broke out in gales of laughter. You would promptly awaken from the trance.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Suppose no one was hurt in the accident? In fact, it was a manikin that fell off a truck. Your mind would go, ‘O.K. bring up the relief program and body, you can just relax and take a break’. The adrenaline that was part of the body’s supporting role will die down and things return to what you call normal. All of these goings on were just the conspirators exercising their relationship and the outcome matters not. Reinforcing the illusion through these ups and downs is all that matters.

What if there was no Mind/Body Conspiracy and you saw the apparent accident. Your mind might say, ‘Hmm… something interesting going on over there… appears like a body… I’ll go over and check it out’. There is no need for flapping around and releasing of those various chemicals. The body would simply respond appropriately. Indeed, you would probably behave more effectively without those stress-related chemicals. You would remain calmer and more observant. When it was discovered that nothing of importance had happened there would be no excitement within your system and the resultant need to release and relax it. The point is there would be considerably less wear and tear on you. You would do what was called for and not do what was not called for.

Unfortunately, once the Mind/Body Conspiracy has seen the harmlessness of a situation and relaxed, it never quite returns to its original state of peace. If you have an elastic band and stretch it you may think it returns to its original length when you let go, but it doesn’t. It is just a little longer after each stretch. In a similar fashion the mind and body is constantly building up residuals from each trauma. Keep in mind that traumas are almost always imagined and not real but they are traumas nonetheless. These imagined traumas are called ‘worry’ and are the primary cause of aging. Throughout our lifetime we continually accumulate this residual stress and never quite return to our original state of peace and harmony.

What if a deal had not been entered into? I’m afraid it’s a little late for that, but what if we managed to break the deal? What if one party to the conspiracy pulled out or changed the terms and condition of the agreement? But parties are supposed to keep agreements, at least that’s what we’ve been taught (mostly by people and institutions who want us to keep ‘their’ agreements). Surely agreements between imaginary parties are imaginary agreements and can Page 46 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

be broken, even if only… imaginarily. The only thing that keeps imaginary agreements in place is failure to question them.

Agreements are approximations because contrary to what your lawyer would have you believe, most are built upon unexpressed assumptions of the parties. Like icebergs, 90% is hidden way down deep and left unexpressed.

‘Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the public mind.’ Noam Chomsky.

As long as you believe your thoughts, all hidden agreements remain in place and active. However, as your belief in your thoughts begins to loosen up they lose their power and the conspiracy suffers the discomfort of exposure. One can experience physical and emotional discomforts, and relationships often get pretty raw in the process of cleaning this up.

Mind doesn’t like being questioned, not one bit. Examine your thoughts and Mind says, ‘Don’t go there!’ It will threaten absolutely every negative consequence up to and including insanity and death. Thankfully it can’t fulfill any of its threats and it remains idle, and in some cases an idol. Of course the body will come to mind’s support with its special variety of scare-tactic chemicals. It too may make you feel like you will die if you pursue this route. No one has ever died just asking their mind questions. But you will find out later in the Navigation Series that there is a much better way to handle this other than head-on, which is almost guaranteed to fail or grind on for ever and ever.

The Mind/Body Conspiracy has been going on for so long and is so pervasive that it’s like a plate of frosted grey glass that has been placed before everyone’s eyes. The world has grown used to it, even comfortable with it. Every now then what could be called a ‘Divine Accident’ occurs. Sometimes it’s triggered by trauma, Page 47 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

sometimes extreme illness and sometimes there is no perceivable cause. One could say the Series is about making yourself more Divine Accident prone.

‘Mind is consciousness that has taken on limitations. You are originally perfect and unlimited. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.’ Ramana.


Let me sum up… no mind exists without a body and, in fact, neither exists but are merely shadowy conspirators in the largest, most successful, most powerful illusion to have ever been played out in the history of mankind. It has been played out for many thousands of years and continues today with very few individuals seeing through the hoax. It is not by mistake that the ‘system’ tries to control you at every turn. Maya/ego created the system you live in and doesn’t tolerate threats. Fortunately, like any illusion, understanding it and seeing through it removes its power and the element of ‘magic’ is seen for what it is.

Of course I am using analogies, metaphors and the like and not suggesting this is literally true. It’s only a way of conceptualizing a model to assist in understanding what’s going on. You may

find it explains a number of things in your world. Remember, this is one illusion proving it is real by means of another illusion’s illusory support, not a strong argument in any court or universe.

Ponder this… if we are, just perhaps, not what we think we are… and living in something that is not what we think it is, could this all be one big ‘THINK’ but not being thought by the illusion that we think we are? Every thought is made up, so maybe the thought that we think we are living is someone/somebody else’s thought and the other party is also a member of the conspiracy by a strange nexus. Can you really think an original thought? Do you know what your next thought will be and what you are going to do about it?

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/ NEW AGE BOOKSTORES

We live in an exceptional time in that more and more people are speaking of, and pursuing, spiritual matters. Unfortunately, much of this obfuscates T/R because most of those who speak of it know not what they say, they are just jumping on a bandwagon. Lacking genuine experience and understanding, these ‘leaders’ only cloud the issues. Of course, that’s what Maya/ego loves to do. Its prime directive could well be ‘confuse and conquer.’ One of Maya/ego’s biggest supporters is this stream of hocus pocus that passes for spiritual teachings and can be found at your local New Age bookstore.

You’ve got to love the vibes of those stores though. Incense wafting and gentle people gathered around looking either completely lost or working hard at pretending to be completely found. I used to go into every one I could find. However, like almost everything in my world, that changed many years ago.

The vast majority of written/recorded material found in these stores purports to cover three topics; how to acquire wealth, how to predict your future or who/what is causing you to have such a crappy life. Why are these topics so popular? Simply because they are designed by Maya/ego in order to take you off track, to waste your time and money chasing illusions. They have absolutely nothing to do with T/R, but they sell like hell. So, publishers love them and push them.

Having said that, we will be looking at those three subjects in later modules because there is something quite subtle to be learned from them, just not at this point in the course. What I want to point out, and will repeat in various ways, is that virtually everything, no matter how grandiose the ‘front’ or disguise, is a Maya/ego Preservation Strategy. Truth is the only thing that is not have a front… or a back. Even the use of words written herein draws me down into her world out of necessity to share ideas and concepts. For the moment, it’s where we are and what we are doing.

When you access that taped Knock Knock Contemplations we will move to a different level. For the moment, every time you pass one of those lovely stores, and some of them are really quite beautiful, perhaps give a little nod to Maya/ego and congratulate her on doing such an entrancing job. You might even go in and buy Page 49 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

one of my books for each of your relatives, if you feel so compelled, or not. You can tell them Jed sent you, but don’t expect them to believe you.


Magnets are fascinating things to play with. Scientist can make them, describe them and measure their energy, but absolutely no one has a clue as to what magnetism actually is. As you probably know, all magnets have two distinct poles arbitrarily named north and south. Nothing new to that but did you know that there is an infinitely fine space right in the middle between the poles at which neither pole exists. I call it the ‘still point’, or S/P.

Magnets are a perfect metaphor for the polarities of life. Towards each end of the magnet the pull increases to its maximum and yet there always remains a S/P exactly in the middle of the magnetic field, a point that is not effect by either pole… pure and neutral.

Have you noticed how an argument will pull parties towards one pole or the other of a subject? That's what arguments do. Clusters of people choose sides. Now, have you looked into Ramana’s eyes and contemplate, not how gentle and kind he looks, but how you would start an argument with this gentleman? Impossible! Give it a moment's contemplation.

You couldn’t do it because he existed in that extremely fine space between the poles, the S/P. That’s what he is and all he is, nothing more or less. From the S/P he may choose either direction for entertainment purposes or perhaps to communicate a teaching, but rest assured, he is only pretending to go there. He never left his S/P and from there he can see right through any story offered to him.

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

On his death bed one of his devotees tearfully begged him, ‘Master, please don’t leave us’. He just smiled and said, ‘Where would I go?’

Contemplation #3: Collecting Polarities

This Contemplation should only take five or ten minutes a day, but by the end of a week you will have quite a collection. Take a notebook, perhaps a school scribbler, and draw a line down the center turning each page into two columns. Your Contemplation is to fill in approximately one page each day with polarities, one on the left and its polar opposite on the right. You don’t have to actually experience the polarity. It can just be a memory or imagined: hot – cold, light – dark, flat – curved, male – female, liquid – solid, hard – soft, etc. In addition, at that center line write what you think would be the S/P. (Example: one pole is ‘hot’ and the other ‘cold’, while the S/P in the middle is ‘warm’.) In Module Three we will continue with a variation of this contemplation, but don’t let your mind leap ahead thinking that it knows what going on. We’ll come back to your little collection later.

Contemplation #4: Advanced C/I and R/I

By now you’ve developed some fundamental understanding and experiences with C/I and R/I so you are ready for the next Contemplation. I realize that some of you have jumped to this component (Maya/ego intervention) but it’s important that each step be mastered because if the going gets a little challenging later on you’ll have to step back and work forward again.

Step One: Start with a little warm up C/I and R/I, just a minute or two. Then you are to do the very same process but with thoughts, items, memories, etc. that are specifically

important to you. Start with something small, even silly. Perhaps how important it is to have ketchup on your chips, air in the tires of your car when driving or some toothpaste left to brush your teeth with tomorrow morning. I am very serious about starting small. If you find yourself overwhelmed just put this all aside and do something completely different. Take a day off then come back to it and start again, but slowly. Page 51 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Step Two: Once you are comfortable with Step One, start playing with the location of the Importances. Begin placing them further away from you. See how far away you can place them out while still getting a sense of clearly Creating and Releasing your Importances.

Step Three: Make your C/I bigger, smaller, brighter, duller, make them still or moving, change colors or perspective, you can add a little circus music or opera, etc. Just play with it and notice the effects these changes create. You are learning how your mind arranges thoughts/memories and attaches importances to them. It will be unique to you and no one does it wrong, except for one thing, pushing ahead too fast, but you already know how to fix that… don’t you?

Contemplation #5: Your H/A Rating

By now you should have gathered some information from friends and acquaintances in response to your questions. Here’s a diagram that will help you make sense of your data. Obviously it’s very approximate, but will give you some idea of where you are. Also, your H/A rating is context based, i.e., it will vary considerably depending on the situation you are in.

I’ve mention before that everyone and everything is your guru (if you let it be). So, assuming there is some truthishness to this Jed-ism, what have you learned from the people you presented your questions to? I’ll suggest something to reflect on. Page 52 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

This Contemplation has very little to do with how adult you are, would be, want to be, appear to be, etc., it was intended for you to notice how much you gave a darn about what people think of you.

‘Care what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.’ Lao Tzu.

That wise quote could be expanded to include ‘care what society thinks’. I refer you back to that photo of Ramana. Being at S/P and fully T/R do you think he could give a hoot about what you think of him, or even what you think, period? How much personal concern did you experience when asking your questions? Be honest with yourself. What were you anticipating? If you were anticipating anything at all you were suffering. We suffer to the degree we anticipate/desire/want/think the universe to be other than it is.


The concept of suffering is usually misunderstood. Many people equate it to pain, but pain is quite different. To help understand it better we need to examine the difference between a ‘feeling’ and an ‘emotion’. A feeling is an actual bodily sensation. You can feel cold, hot, pressure, butterflies, and the like. An emotion is the conversation that goes on in your head about the physical feeling (remember the Mind/Body Conspiracy mechanism).

Imagine you are talking to a friend and you are upset. You can say something like, ‘I’m mad as hell at you!’ That’s a shotgun approach and doesn’t communicate much more than bummer energy. You could also say, ‘I’ve got this tight feeling in my chest and I’m having a conversation going around my head about you treating me poorly.’ The second statement differentiates between feelings and emotion. It not only provides more information to your friend, but also keeps both of you on track because it’s a little more Truthish. Your words become your guru and teach you about suffering. The feeling in your gut is pain and the conversation in your head is suffering, or emotion.

Page 53 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/ ‘Both formerly and now, it is only suffering that I describe and the cessation of suffering.’


Now, if you’ve absorbed that, I have a wrench to throw in the works. What you think is a good conversation in your head is just as much suffering as a bad conversation. Here’s an example. Imagine you are buying a beautiful new car and it will be delivered in a week. For that week’s wait you will suffer. Your mind might tell you it’s good but your mind doesn’t know good from bad. It only knows energy and it feeds the Maya/ego illusion by pumping you up and down.

Don’t think that pleasant and exciting thoughts are any less stressful than negative ones. They may create temporary illusions of pleasantry, but they also cause stress and chemical releases that have to be dealt with. Then comes the day when someone scratches or dents your beautiful new car and it's payback day for Maya/ego. Ouch! Of all your thoughts, 99% are suffering and 1% is of practical survival value and direct experience.


There is a bliss and a joy that is far beyond the up and down stimulus responses that you’ve learned to cherish. This directly relates to one of Maya/ego’s most influential Preservation Strategies… the threat that by losing, dropping or releasing your emotions your life will become a black and white movie. Worse yet, not even a movie but a series of numb, still pictures. It may be one of the last hands she plays but it’s a strong hand, until you realize she is holding nothing… it’s all a bluff, a complete scam, she doesn’t even have any cards.

What you think are the pleasures of life are what Maya/ego wants you to stay locked into, and because of that you have probably never been deader than you are Page 54 of 58

"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

right now. Those pleasures are actually limitation on an infinitely wondrous You. That’s all about to change, indeed for many of you it has already changed considerably. In the end, it’s not that you do anything with your emotions, you simply let go of them by realizing them for what they are, illusions based on illusions based on illusions. Remember, emotions promise you will get by keeping them exactly what you get by letting them go. You might want to contemplate that previous sentence.

Virtually everything you see on TV, movies, media, music, etc. is designed by Maya/ego to endlessly pump your emotions up and down while having you pay them to ride in their amusement park. It’s not even your own park. If you want any external evidence just look around you.

‘Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.’ Henry David Thoreau.


Some ‘enlightened’ teachers will tell you that all is well and you are living in a paradise. Yes, that’s true in my experience, but of what use or value is that when it’s just a thought or a pretense you wear, and not a deep experiencing of Truth and what is. Sometimes you just have to look at things and say, ‘Enough, I want it all and I’m not going to settle for less.’ You’ve obviously done that so why am I talking about it?

I don’t have a reason for doing anything I do, but it all just seems to get done. In this case, I’m going to make up a reason, and it’s this. Some of you might need a little encouragement about now. It’s very common to begin questioning relationships, family, friends and the like at this stage and I know a number of students have already experienced such challenges… good, but challenges nonetheless.

As more and more facets of Truth are recognized, the lies that you live by will become more and more distasteful and eventually actually painful. It’s

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

unavoidable. You will also become very aware of the lies others live by. They are like bubbles which eventually just can’t contain the pressure. Something has to give and that is usually something that is, or you think is, close to you. Some serious courage is called for at this stage. One can be very tempted to turn around and give up, but usually the pull of Truth wins out. Actually, Truth always wins out… given enough time.

Contemplation #6: Wants and Want Knots

Did you do your list of things you want and don’t want in your world? If you haven’t done it yet please don’t read on until you have. It doesn’t have to be extensive but you need to have it in hand. Hmm.. now what would I be wanting you to do with your list? Let’s start with a simple one.

Step #1: Read your list over as if you had never seen it and it had been written by another student of the Nav Series. Being as honest as possible, what could you conclude about that ‘other’ person? What qualities appear to arise? No need to fret about judging or covering anything because you are the only one who will see the list. Get a sense of

what this other (you) is like from a different, objective perspective, i.e., see it through different eyes. Maya/ego may jump in and say something like, ‘This is silly, I know these are all fictions.’ Yes, but they are your fictions and can be your guru in this moment.

Step #2: Read all the things you don’t want. Imagine as vividly as possible that you get those things. Yes, you get what you don’t want. After imagining each individual ‘don’t want’, say to yourself, ‘So what?’ Say the same thing to every answer you get. Keep saying this as many times as you need to ‘walk down’ to the end of ‘So what?’ with each item. I trust you don’t have five hundred items to deal with. When finished, do the same with your ‘wants’. Imagine never, ever getting them and… So what? Follow them as deep as you can. What/where do you end up?

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

Step #3: When you have ‘So what’ed?’ the heck out of a given thing, don’t stop. Reflect on how far you can go with your ‘So what?’. Don’t just pretend. Take this as far as you can and then a little further. I want your feedback as to what you end up with, not what you think you should end up with, but what your actual end point is. This works best if you write out your responses to each ‘So what?’ It’s like a trail of cracker crumbs and you are the mouse. Email me if my instructions are not clear. Wait a minute, So what? If my instructions are not clear, really, SO WHAT?

Contemplation #7: Care-free Conversation

This is something you can practice almost anytime and anywhere. The easiest way to do it is whenever you have someone in front of you just go for it, have a Carefree conversation. Giving

examples is challenging because it takes place inside your head and everyone is going to have a little different take on it. I'll expand on this.

Whenever you are in a conversation, hold this thought, ‘I don’t care what you say because I am at my Still Point.’ This sounds a bit like an affirmation but it’s not. Affirmations are not true and one tries to make them true by means of force and repetition. If you care what I think about them, I think they are completely rubbish. Do you care what I think? Maybe you care a little less now… from the perspective of you S/P.

In Truth, you are always at your S/P but you continually pretend you aren't. So the statement "I am at my still point'' is actually quite Truthish. However, there is a delicate balance required. I don’t mean total disregard for what the other might say. What I am pointing to is this; regardless of what the other person says about you, it doesn’t influence you. Stay calm and centered. You are just an empty vessel and don’t care if they fill you with wine or soda pop. Can you be there for that person, completely open and caring for them, while not caring what they say? In a sense I am asking you to pretend, but not pretend a lie, to pretend a truth. They are obviously quite different. Do this with the attitude that there is something to learn

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"Navigator Series," published by an impersonator of Jed McKenna, shared under the "fair use" limitation of copyright law, for the purpose of exposing and understanding the fraud who created it; for proof/discussion, see https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w2fw9/another_twist_in_the_tale_forum_jed_mckenna/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/JedMcKenna/comments/6w7ss9/has_anyone_here_taken_the_navigator_series_course/

here, something that you have forgotten. Once again, if you need a little guidance on this one please don’t hesitate to email me.

I thank you all for you studious work. I know it’s challenging but I also know it can be seen as a wondrous game and really, in the end, it’s about the funniest thing you could imagine. Humans take themselves to darn seriously. What if you didn’t care, not only what a friend says, but what

the universe says? What if nothing could ever cause you to suffer or move you into imbalance? You might want to have a look into Ramana's eyes once more.

Be patient with yourself and your loved ones, and remember to breathe. Ahh.. the adventure continues. s Love ya, Jed.

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