Fifty Nifty United States By Ray Charles

Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies; Fifty nifty stars in the flag that billows so beautif’lly in the breeze. Each individual state contributes a quality that is great. Each individual state deserves a bow, let’s salute them now. Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies, Shout 'em, scout 'em, tell all about 'em, One by one till we've given a day to ev’ry state in the USA. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,  California, Colorado, Connecticut; Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii,  Idaho, Illinois, Indiana; Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,  Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan; Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,  Nebraska, Nevada; New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, O-hi-o; Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,  Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas; Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington,  West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wy-o-ming. North, south, east, west, oooh…  In our calm, objective opinion,  (California) is the best of the: Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies, Shout 'em, scout 'em, tell all about 'em, One by one till we've given a day to ev’ry state, In the good old U-S-A. [Ending]

Fifty Nifty United States Song.pdf

One by one till we've given a day to ev'ry state, In the good old U-S-A. Page 1 of 1. Fifty Nifty United States Song.

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Fifty Nifty United States Song.pdf
Each individual state deserves a bow, let's salute them now. Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies,. Shout 'em, scout 'em, tell all about 'em,.

Fifty Nifty United States Song.pdf
(California) is the best of the: [Ending] Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies,. Shout 'em, scout 'em, tell all about 'em,. One by one till we've given ...

United States
Sep 6, 2006 - See application ?le for complete search history. LLP. (56) .... Khosrowpour sentation downloaded from , (product. 5,999,952 A. 12/1999 Jenkins et al. to be released Mar. 1, 1997) 20 pages, unknown date. ... Windows/Article/ArticleID/ 30

United States
Nov 13, 2006 - include the business environment of the recommendation ... Dynamic Consumer Pro?ling and Tiered Pricing Using Software. Agents, Prithviraj ...

United States District Court United States District Court
Mar 17, 2006 - The subpoena also required the companies to produce the text of users' search ..... effectiveness of content filtering software," (Reply at 3:2-5) the Court is ..... In the development or implementation of the protocol, Google shall ..

(19) United States
Cyclosporins, British patent application 2222770 A discloses galenic formulations ... Ascomycins, of Which FK-506 and ascomycin are the best known, comprise ...

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Patent Application Publication May 10, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 8. US 2012/0113143 ..... as those forAndroid (Android is a trademark of Google, Inc.) and more recently ...

United States
Oct 26, 2010 - 1999, now Pat. No. 6,256,683. _. _. (60) Provisional application No. 60/113,637, ?led on ... Virtual to physical process. See application ?le ... LOCAL. MEMORY. 2022. 205. ' N205. ~/- 201. V2021 u. V202. 'r1. -' LMI -. OMA ..---.

(19) United States
H04N 9/74. (2006.01). (11). The replacement of the data for the run length coding ...... A machine readable storage device, in particular an optical disc, having ...

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7/1997 Tipton et al. 5,864,397 ... into a chemical Vessel through a small diameter ?tting While. G01] 3/44 ... Molecular spectroscopy is a family on analytical tech.

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Thus, a cell voltage (V c) that is a sum of the wall voltage. (Vw) and .... select cells C roW by roW. .... the sustain pulse Ps is applied to the main electrodes XliXn.

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ring information regarding fax pages and the actual content of the fax message. ..... reason, access servers in the IP netWork 46 are also called data pumps.

(19) United States
(75) Inventors: Rick C. Stevens, Apple Valley, MN ... An optical sensing device uses a set of source mirrors direct ..... ena of interest at discrete times t1 and t2.

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(58) Field of Classi?cation Search . .... software according to the requirements of resolution, total track (TT) ... While connecting the compound lens with the basic.

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105: PLSIGNAL cmcun. 105. 102. 'R 108 ; ANTEN'IA. SPSOEQE'SNG. 107. 0 103-1. &. 101 :gmsmume. RAD'O. MULTIPLEX. SPREADMG 104" SEPARATION.

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Ames test and have a PII, or skin irritation, value of 2 or less. 6 Claims, No ..... bad been added, and histidine-free media devoid of the meta bolically active ...

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Feb 14, 2008 - Primary Examiner * Thomas D Lee. G06K 1 5/ 00. (2006-01). (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Woodcock Washburn LLP. H04N1/405. (2006.01).

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duced in the second chamber When injected into the pro cessing chamber ioniZes the halogen gas creating a dense, ion-ion plasma in the processing chamber that is continuous in time. A method for creating an ion-ion plasma continuous in time. 3 Claims

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ing energy to the ?rst translation module and the light sources. Moreover, a second translation module connects with the light sources and the image capture ...

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Jun 10, 1999 - Sep. 3, 2002. (54) INK JET INK COMPOSITION. W0. WO 00/27935. 5/2000. (75) Inventors: Wan Kang Zou; Xiaomang Wang,. OTHER PUBLICATIONS. (73). (*). (21) .... (List continued on next page.) Primary Examiner—Helene Klemanski. Assistant E

(19) United States
aspects, advantages, and novel features of the invention are described herein. .... metadata into custom playlists, (i.e., lists of tracks that the user Wants played in a ... installed in a dynamic link library, or may be Written in an interpretive l

(19) United States
Mar 22, 2002 - a catalyst for the production of a polyurethane foam With speci?c properties. ... tion to too high a degree, carbon dioxide Will be evolved before suf?cient ..... used in automotive seating) containing a catalyst such as the.

United States
See application ?le for Complete Search history of penetrator .... ticularly to ceramic and multi-impact penetrators to deepen a crater in the ... delivered from an aerial platform due to payload mass and other design .... are under development.