WARNING: BEAD BEF0RE USING Y0UB PUIYSTATI0N@2 CoMPUIER ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. small percentage ol individuals mayexperience epileptic seizures when exposed to ceiain light patterns 0rllashing lighls. Exposurc t0 cedain


patlems 0r backgr0unds 0n a television scrcen 0rwhile playinq video qames, including games played 0n the Playstation 2 c0nsole, may induce


A very





an epileplicseizurc inlhese individuals. Cedain c0ndilions may induce



previously undelected epileptic sympt0ms even in pe$ons who have n0 history 0l priOr seizures 0r epilepsy. lfyou, 0r anyone in your family, has an epileplic Gondilion, consully0ur physician priorto playing. llyou experience


Battle Controls


altered vision, eye 0r muscle twilches, loss 0f awareness, disorienlali0n,

r, 7 7

any involunlary movement, 0r c0nvulsions- IMMEDIAIELY disconlinle me and c0nsultyour physician belore resnming play.



0flhelollowing symptomswhile playing

a video game


Adjusting Sefthgs SaviDg and


Exnnrg x Game

c.]dre Over

WARNING TO OWNERS OF PRGJECTION TELAIISIONS: D0 notconnectyour Playslalion 2 c0nsole l0 a proleclion Wwith0utlirst





consnlling the user manual lor your prolection W, unless it is 0lthe LCD lype. 0lheruise, il may permanently damage your TV screen.




l(' THE


The use 0l s0ltware 0rpeipherals notauth0rized by Sony Computer Entedainment America may damage y0ur c0nsole and/or invalidate your wan"nly. only ollicial0r licensed peripherals sh0u ld be used in lhe

. . . . .




This disc is inlended for use onlywilh Playslali0n 2 c0ns0les


directs nligl ffnear

a radialor 0r olher s0urce 0l heat.

surcl0lake an 0ccasi0nalrest break during exlended play.

Keep lhis compact disc clean. Always holdlhe disc bythe edges and keep it in

ih proteclive

case when not in use- Clean lhe disc wilh a


lree, solt, dry clolh, wiping in straight lines lrom cenlerl0 ouler edge. Never use solvenb orabrasive cleanels-



Espcrs and Quickenings




D0 not bend it, [rush il0rsubmerge it in liquids. D0 not leave il in


li 21

with lhe NTSC U/C designation.



controllerporb 0r memory card sl0ts. HANDLING YOUB PLAYSTATION 2 FOBMAT DISC:









r.i i5

tubrnasrrc Shopping Guide YouL Clan




conrturcr cnrcrrainmenr sysrem accofding to rhe instructions supplied with your system. Check drat dre sysrcm is turned on (the on/standby indicaror is green). Pres the OPEN button to open dre disc coveL. Place dre FINAI FANTASY@ XII d;sc with the Iabelside flcing up in dle disc holder, and rhen close the disc cover. Anach game contollers and other peripheLals as appropriate. Irollow the or*creen insrructions and refer t<, rhis manual for information on using the softwrre. Ser up your PlaySmtion@2




G)2 )

{13 bulion Nh..N$d SELECTbulton








To save game sennss ord pmsress, insert a memory card (8MB)(tbr l'layStarion@2) inro MEMORY CAID Jor I of you Pl.ryStation@2 sysrem. You ar load saved gde dara ftom the sme memory

'Lcr. noic tha hn sam. maybe in.o",prible *nL.o.iolle^ orltr LItrn rhe DUAI-SHOCK@2 i!,J.C.onmller,


card or any memorT card (8MBXfor PlaySration@2) coDraining prcvious! saved sames.


.l$pdinobj..t (m rction ion will xppdr :ll'i*i::i::5::::




:Ji.ii, h"i- \4*

. Nnm ki

hsd whcn rru rpprorch r sisn, door,

ti(aroN n'.otrrck{n

. Diplxy/closc thc Baftlc Mcnn

i9 bdmn


l/l/t/.f t t L',.. :+ urc, hft


rbove your


L :::*::" .:del


. Movc thc mcnu.wsor

.' l"1E'p'_) 'd1' d on y be d rd sr'. . tJB-, r roe, ,lly o, \tr l. w"lk (-h- nishtry tilt ,r) . RLn I\h, n f'll\ .l'rJ)


. Move crmerr


. , l rlBr D'Bi, g ouu




" 3. 'leVenu^ro'ope1

ue'o'ossl"braen.l'1.no o-.^hea. rlBbr':e.orrr1d.' .lo,L01 o,r'g..*l-'lrp'r-edaosn,'hean-:*j ensolLne r'gfl rhepr.ylgdl n cuftntly e.grB,ng)


'isb, -.l.s.,i;!

E/E!I 6s",,.. Eg

(E b"

ihe dghr.idog *ick)


. Rc(rn.mco (odeLuh




cn xlio

I'c donc

mrnu.lly lsingrhe ighr

t-;,.;; -. b.-"






".,fa 1"--..,*, r*,-"

pl2y, lle .onrcller.lway. emrins in u.log mode 6 indnaEd b/ ib€ illunnrxted red LED. vibntion fundion on be runcd ON/OFF h dre Conlig &ctioD of the P{ty Menu. Ihc @nuoller willo.ly aunction whe. in*aed into@!@ller port l.




.rr*',.-u,,. o*.,r.,..a,;;,.;;.;;,"*.,p.1;;;' . n.i, i i"". *a+*1"..;b.r; r"tt*-'l-;;* "




Suitrblc for audio/video equipmenr with 2-channel input/ourput.

STARTING A GAME After drc gamc Lrs bccr loadcd in accordance with thc nstructions given on page 4 ofthis m.rnurl, a demo movie will pl.ry, afier which the FINAL FANTASYXII title Screcn will appear Presnrg dre a bunon durnrg the demo movie will also call up rhe tille screen. Selec "Ncw Came" ifyou wish to stan FINAL FANTASY Xll fLom rhc bcgnuing. Selecr "Load Game" ifyou wish to .ulrirrrr. pl.rying fium r previouJl .rved game.




game, you


be given the opriorr to .rdjust the config settings.

. Controller Vibration Ioggle the DUAISHOCK@2 analog There rre


controller! vibntior tuncrion ON/OFF.

durnrg the geme rvhcLe the scrcen shakes. Use this setting to turn the effect


. Strbtitlcs Turn cur-scene subtides ON/OFF. Set the screen


, Dolhy@ Pro Logic II This grme is presented in Dolby@ Pro Logjc ll. lb experierce FINAL FANTASY XII nr dyn:rnic sunound sound, connecr your gane console ro a sound system wnh Dolby@ Pro Logic (for 4 channel sourd) or Dolby@ Pro Logic II (for 5 channel sound) decoding. l'hxsc rclcr to Iousound syncm\ innructio' -u,n ra. hnherdel,ils. Oolbr. Pro r%ic, rnd thc doublc-D iI'n i.ol rc tkl.i'rl.r olDolLJy l.Lrr{orirl

SAVING AND LOADING , Saving At lcast 100K8 ofspace is Lequircd on a menoLy card (sMB)(for PhySration@2) in order to 'rvc your game. Refer to prge 15 on how to save your game while playhg.

Loading lb continue playnrg from a pLcviously saved game, selecr Load crme at the title scLeen and choose the MEMORY CARD slot that contains your dara. After selecting the slot, your save tile(s) will appear on the screen. Choose the one you wkh to load ard prcs thc a bunon. N(a mdnoryad (8MD) (fd rliysbtio.@2) i'no enhfl MtMoRYC,qRDslot to sNe or loxJ diti

EXITING A GAME Io end a grme. pres dre START bunon ro pause. While paused, presing the @ button will remrn you to the title screen. Please note that exiting fte game in this manner will not save ,,u drru. Mal
to normal (4:3) or w;des(an (16:9) aspect ntio.

. Flicker Filtcr Tirn


drc screen flicker fiher ON/OFFr.

have been KO,l or othewise incapacirared, rhe gamc lvill cDd aDd return to dre tirle soeen. Sclccr Lord Ganc to rorme play from your most recent save poinr

\{ihen all ofyour characten Change dre garne audio to monauLal. srereo, or Dolby@ Pro Logic


Adjust the horizonial and venicrl position ofdre display usnrg dre dnectional bunons. A guitlc is also provided to hclp you adjust rreen brightnes.


Restore Delaults

ResroLe all serrings to rhen 'lLe rbov. s.tnngs



r idr lnnc lion,hc rdjuiins thcsctinsi *lcct'Bcgii Lhc c.nd kr {rIyou,



c?n also l,c


coDIig ie.rioD oftl,e Ptrrrr Mdru.



Irve finish€d



Adjusting the sound setrnrgs to natch your audio environment will further enhance your gamephy experence. Suimble for aud;o/vidco equiprnent wnhout steLeo input/output.



;-i" |',-1

A WORLD CATLED IVAIICE... ;'r\,1(ll i\rliLi.l rfi.I(i t( 1( \{.'l'r { {lill\'ill}{l']iAt ,lNi) Aitiri{ '5 n i| l) It1] sKit:) {


}Lllt !Ai I LiLliiN5

As rvrr looms on thc

horizor, rhe mighty Archrdirn Ernpirc

r .rnfxign Lo subjugrtc its neighboLs. Thr maLl kingdon of Drlnrscr sharcs drciL latc. livo yeaLs rfter ir frll. ;n rl,c crpiul cirl of Rrbrnasuc. drc Lresins

people Iine rhe sLrccc Lo rvait for drc apponitmcnt ofrhe neiv consul frorr ALcludir. Vran, r yourg rn,r living on thc strccts oi Rabanrstrc, the F;npire is r hrtcd cncnrv ivbo took drc life ofhis brctheL, thc only family hc had left. Vrrn hatchcs a plor to L'reak ;nro the prlace and nke brck tbe spoils ofcorqu.v lrom lhlmasca\


Hc gcts Dore dian hc baLgained tor when he Ireets Princes l)rln,xcrn $ronc, rhought

Ashc, rl'e sole survi'ing hcir to drc

Our story fillos,s Ashc, Vaan and his njcnd Penelo, the sky piratc Balrhier, and his parrner Ffun. Accomprnying drcm is Brsch, a captain of$c Dalmascar rny who tunied rranoL and dew his king. Joir thcn on ar advcnrurc sprnnnrg Ivalice that traces thc

,n .- " bchr" l.h' Ar,h.1.,,. Irnpirr invr iu-.



HUMh. l7 VFARS ()l I) A b.), who

n6 li.d.nr

Living in thc

,lU[,1F. t7 YtARS

in ,h. sltics.

RabrnastLe slums, Vaan

mrhtains or rir ofhopc cven urdeL thc opprcssive nrlc borcters or rurlnriry. He dreurs of

ofthe Empire. But hc Iongs for morc: r lifc without rr, 1 ,. ",, ;,,9 | Ly ti"-,.. c ro gu v lr c h, w,ll.

ASHE FlllM L, l'.) YFAII5


r)riiccs *ho lud lo{ clerytliing. 't he only child ofKing Raminrs and solc heiL to the tra|uscrn tluone, Ashe is t'elievcd der,l following rhe ;nvrs;on. She meets Vnn rnd thc orhcrs rrnttcr rhc nrst unlikcly of Ashc knows all too rvcll shc hcks dic porvcL to Lighr drovrorgs comnittcd againsr hcr rnrl heL kingrlom, but she

will not rllow hcnclf to rdnir delcrr.

BASCH H llIl F. .'J() Yr,\lL! (]LIl A

l{,r, krigh' b,ntd r


A ceptrir in drc OLdcr of drc Knighrs ofDalnasca, Bmch rchieved rcnown as a gallanr and brrvc l,cro crcditcd s,ith coundess victoLics on thc brnlcficld. lle is r mrn ofjustice who ca!not abidc incquiry. Unlikc rhe orhtL caprains, who rrc cl,osen from the arisroctacy, Basch is ofcommon bloorl and cnjoys the lovc ofdre people, Lrnril he inex/icably murders dre King on dre eve of a rrory sigrtiDg wirh Archidir. Hc is Icd awry n chrins. \0hat co d drive so loyal r man ro slay his oadrsworn liege?

0l t)

Like Vran. l']errelo calls Rabanrotrc'.s Lowtorvn hon,e. She wrtches over Vaan, rrynrg to kccp riD tLom gcning inro roo nuch rroublc. 'l hoLrgh shc losr hcL fuilv in rhe war rviLh rhe llr!pife, Penclo is evcf chccrful, rnrking her wxy by doiig odd jobs i,r rnd rround thc ci|y' Shc cnjoys rhc


l,e rcmrins unresred in



ol life, L,ur Penclo is nor akogcrhcr unf;n,iliar witl: Lrattle. \ihil fight, hcr brorhe,s, rvho bclongcd to drc Order, r:rughr ho rhc

a truc

Lundlm.Dfu ls ol coi,Lrar. lcnclo bclicvcs rhrt in pcrsevennce, therc is hopc.

BALTHIER ill fl[ ]l ),t r\lis 1.]11) lc would dcscribc lrinN.lfis r nol)le thief, \rcrl;ng only fLom rhosc who descrve i!. He socs vhcrc hc flcrses, srvearins fcrlry to no onc. \(hile rorming thc skirs ol lv,rlicc ivi Fru, his viera prnncL, he nill makes time ro cham hc hdics ivirh his silveL ronguc rnd prrr wrorgs ro right gLiruirg ell rhc rvhile.

FRAN 'i LliA. t



r vicre wrrrior. rirun is rs nruch ar case wirh i svord rs sL. is her btlre hrnds. IIeL pLoficiency \virh a blidc is Drxrchcd only by her s]


Ival;ce spans rhree mai,r coDtincnrs: Valcndi! Ordalia, and Kewon. Llere is some advice to help you on your tLavels:


lcft analog srick to move your


Tilt the stick sl;ghdy to walk, rnd lully to


CAMERA MOVEMENT Use drc righr analog srick to romre the carner.r


rhrcc rypes of rnaps: the Minimap, the


cation Map, rnJ th. Vorld Map.





rround dre parry leader Prcsing drc @ buaor





ACTION ICONS Vhen moving abour an

I:J;:il:,,,'J;;::l"ll: ;f,::::ii:l;i::l j5lfi::::,ili DOII FoA R!f)


i Adjusdng the Gmera during batle itjlows ror k, .o.tinn thc positions ofyour oth., p,',y '.'.,"b.'., l I d sdl r son dr $rrcudn,g ra ioL ioes. Usn,g tlu camem to your advanngc -ill Nris( yo! in , hated baiil.s wirh d{,ltiplc r!ise$.

CRtrtN DO|S NPcryou.rn spcak*nh

LOCAIION MAI Mredrer rravelhg drLough ar arca or engaging in battle, pressing rhe SELECT bunon will call up rhe Locrtion Map. The Locarion Map shows each zone within an area, as well as connections between zones, irrporranr locarions such as shops, and occmionally your

area, sometimes an exclamation

mark (!) will appeaL over your character's head. This is called an "acrion icon." Vhen this icon appears, u rs an indicator that somethiDg imponanr such as a door, witch, or ua*ue is nmrby. When yo'-l approach the object, the action icon will cbange. Ites the E or @ burton ro inreracr with the object.

Locrtion Maff

You crn only speak with NPCs who have r talk icon above their heads. To begnr a convenarion, appLoach an NPC and pres either the A or @ button.


bc purchrscd liom Carrogrrphc$ G,rild ven.lo6 or found inside



, I

. Reading the Location Map (IURRF,NT POSITION: Ihc nasning Elnrdicrt.s your cuuenr position, be5 tli( you h.v. inrlcd rltuush willapp(r LigU gr.r, whil.ans you hrvc )rt io qdor will6. r drLler grry. lfyou hlve no. aourd or purc[iscd r L,caion MxF, onlr

rh.cs thft rru




Reading the Mnrimap


reset dre camera directly behind the party leader. You can also lock and cenrer rhe camera

on rhe party leader's cunenr rarger by holdirg dowr rhe

This small map appcrm in rhe upper righr-hrnd corner the screen and gives i simplified view ofthe inmeorare rrea surrounding your chiracter.


c walkcd throush


6€ disphyed.

i\ltEA lNlj()RMAI'k)Nr Vxiou{ icoN on rhc iirp convcy i'nohrtion xbour thcsel(red rrci. Usc tLc dircctioDtrl6urcN ro rle( diaferenr ?oDes,.nd pBs rhcE buiton to bins up r li$ ofimpofunt locations withi'r tlur bDc. whdr rn n.r in rlr lisr n rl.ftd, thecorcsponding icoD or rhe Loc.rion Mrpwillnarh. ZOOM:

Pe\ r[elE





aom in rndout.

Conversation LoC

a 6 appears in the log wiDdow, you car press dre @ bunon to review previous pages of rexr. Use th€ 6 and a


bunons or rhe up/down directional buttons to change Pages.



beMeen zoncs on I-o.arion Mdps represcnr ihe connecrions ftom ore zore to



. ._.", ."".




i _.1

. Wortd Map

"\forld Map" from dre I'arty Menu will open a map of leJice. From this map you can confirm the locations of areas you have alrcady visired or for which you have obuined maps. Selecr d ar€a uing the directional buttons and pns the E burros ro view ns hcarion Map. Selecdng



Therc are several ways to make your way around lv.rlice:


AFOOT Compared ro other types of transportation, dris one will require the most time. However, if your goal is garheLnrg infonation or collecting treauc, wrlking duough an area will rcap ttrc mosr rewards, especially ifit is your first time there.


several villages and towns across


towns, 6elds, and dungeons across Ivalice are Iarge blue crystals known as "sive crysr.ls." PressiDg rhe E

I'rlice you will find

r srall fic, you can hire a chocobo for ricling. Controlling a chocobo is similar ro rrveling afiot, drough drere are a tiw d;Iilrences. A chocobo's spccd is significandy higher dran that ofa characreL afoor, and you will not be anacked by monsters while riding. However, you will only be allowed to ride.r chocobo for a lim;ted rmounr oftine. Mren rhrt time runs oor, you will automatically dismount. AfteL disnrounting, ne.rrl'y monsters may artack, sit is recommended that you keep an eye on tLe clock in rhc lower right ol the screen when riding duough dangeLous areas. Also, you can dismount at any time by pressing lhe O b tron. Note that once you have dismounted, you will not be able to remount, regardles ofhow much rid;ng time remained prior to dimounrilg.

button when near one w;ll fully restore all party rnembers' HP and Ml remove hanful srarus ailments and revive rny characters who have been KOd. You will also be given thc opporruniry to save your game. By selecting "Save" you will be taken to the srve screen. Afrer selecting the rppropriate MEMORY CARD dor, selecr the save Gle to which you wish to

wite your


chocobo srables whcrc, fbr

. Sprinring Pressing E while riding a chocobo will give you an added boost ofspeed for a limited rjme. You can sprint up to rhree times.

Ir is highl) r€conmended )'ou td-ke ca,c w!flr oveM'iti,r8sav. data. l hcre will b. i.so,,....t'.,. yn,, will not be rble to lcle an rfm unril .o.,phing. .cnrin 1$k. Ifyou dc not re thxt your party can r.comflish rl'.r risk ar rhcir cnicnr l.vcls or with rhc cqtripmcnr tirer posss, it mar be wke to s:ve to a rew file beforc

crysrals known

AIRSH IPS As the story progresses, you will have the opponunity to make ue ofthe airstrips that connecr various cities and rowns acros Ivalice. Not only aLe airships among the fastest methods of iransportation, they also offer many other services as well, such as onboard shopping.






ll often come acros large onnge

gatc cq6rals."


posess a 'telepon

stone' can use ir ro itrtrntly telepon ro any other gre cryatalyou 'ou have touched in the past. Erch teleponation will coroune one telepon stone. -As with save crystals, gate cryssls can also be used for saving your game and hcaling your parry

rr,.. t . i

dre area Lather dran overyritins prelious

1'ELEPOTIIATION Durirg your tnvels

in addition 1l ,',.r,,.. - nuu,r r-," rhc *ablcs, thcrc rrc othcL mcthods of obran,ing a chocob.. H-"-., y-' j.n-"t'y-'",y.,*",taaowcllrogiverhesccl,amn,giellowbndsrtiy;sirkrumddtluttlrerc rr. pL., .-.. rlr 'o .I'c.o o "n.'


o thc nethods listed abovc, therr rre also othe,.,od$ ofrri.sfo({ioo ,g,\.,. w,t ....i..)...1).,J, I'{,,,R).


!Dirluc ro


THE PARryMENU button while advenruring or in banle will call up rhe Parry Mcnu. Many dillerenr rasLs can be performed within this menu, such as viewing youL Pressing the @

char:cters' srats, equipping we.rpons and armor, and




]-hc cbrrrdeis .urEDi ImL



cui.n/n*imun hitpoin$.lfachrri.ier! l-lr rci.h.. plt, t, Ko,l ".,.,;b; -nJ.'n"bli,upr.".'pr n b..Il.. Vr Hl n.'n - r, !h' tr e s, n. {4.oi ob r n cfl ,ia



PARTY Usc this comnand to add and remove members from your current parry Afrer selecting a chamcrer, use the E burrol or the leii/right directional buttons to add or remove him from dre parry ChaLacrer whose picturcs aLe highlighted ,rrnl otrcr ru rhe leir rre member. r.ri"e parg. A "i.he party on include up to three acrive members. The rcmainirg Lcscrve membcrs can be called to acrron ar any time rlsing the l']arry command. Note that while attempting to adjust party composition during battle, members who:re raLgered oL perforning an action cannot be removed fLon dre party until they are no longer rargered or the conesponding action is complete.




rbiliry to cvade phy.i.al.u.cks. The highert|t numbci thc highc rhc eDenyi rmck will de.l,xi!rcr willsuccernirlly ptiy or blocr, Fiade n 'nissor

bNd minly o. r chrLrcreri .


;,;".., ;i.,;,.


"J ;a',


rb;i.,*-h., ; ;;,,h. r*"rn :; i! n.in]y

ofmos physiol2ti2clis. Siiengrh

iDcreNes as


on a

I clanc'er

gains leeek






ir. p."^.y


v"gi.t p.*., r" "r*i**gi.L. powft,rso,fr{rs rhc x{ick pnwc, ofso,ne ""qTk

"!.e..'....'.rr. ru \rr L..' dL. rln f r. (!o\(ry. vi'ilnr in\ni$ a i chancrrf $'nr lod.. nere


dtr -h"




b rhe r'm- eq tr eo o'

tine requned to perform wrious trctions. speed rlso alfrb rhe d(k


Use rhis option to view the currenr srars and smns elIects ot your characters. Press dre E or E buttoDs to cycle


obtiins crhin licnses.

Dcrcrmincs tnc rmounr of



ene'ny's nigi.k rvill nor be elre.rive on rhe charx.ler. Mrgiclcvade chrmct€r's shield. Derernrin€s the power

As you proceed through thc gamc, rhcrc will be times whcn odrer cbaracters te'nporarily join youL ile these "guests" aLe considered parry mernbers. they will acr according to their own will. Cuest members do not gain experience, cannot be given orders, cannot be removed fiom the party, and carnot have drcir equiprnert adjusred.


'rhere xe sone $er|ons, rimor, .nd trcce$ories

rln rf.cr

ihc .bove aitribtrr\ whcn dtuipFcd.

Chancr( dcvcl{4,ncnr in ITINAL IAN IASY XII

largell on the acqdsition of"licenses." a.d re.hniclrs, and cnhancc. liccnse spcm, pleasc refer to page 20.

is based

Licenses are requned ro €qdp weapons:nd armor, lerrn m,sicks

cla'acrrt rbilitics. lor r d.iailcd dcsdiprion ofth!



is command to change the equipment ofyouL prrry membem. You crn manually remove or equip each character\ werpon, off-hrnd iten, helm, rrmor, and accessory, or choose "optimize" to aurometically equip a charader with the strongest cquipmert available. To equip items manually, first select "Equip" fron the menu. Next, selecr rhe rype ofitem you wish ro cquip. \fhcn selccring weapons, you can cyclc thLough wcapon catcgoLics using rhe lefr/Light directional burrons of rhe burrons. When a piece ofequ;pment in the item Iist is highlighted, the item'.s effect on a charactert artributes is displaycd. A rurbcr h rcd indicarcs rhat thc cquipment will lowcr an anribure, while a nunbeL in blue indicates an increase. Equipment Usted in g.ry ;s eithe. currently equ;pped by anorher character or c.rnnot be cquipped due to a lack ofrhe propeL license. Vew dre charr on the far righr ofdre scLeen to determine whether or not a charactcr has acquired rhe liccnse necessary to equip a certa;n irem.



Readnrg thc Equip Screer


Chrnct.rwhoJc cqnipmcntyou hxvc chosn to chxngc

2 Chancto'\ curcnt cquipmnt :r Chaosc h rtdbud caNi trr .luippi.s




ofcrch action. S ES

Use this command to spend licensc ponrts and obtain Dew l;censes. Characrer

dwelopnenr in


is broed largely on rhe acquisirion of"licenses." Licenses rre requirecl to equip weapons and anror, learn magicks .ind rechnicks, and enhance a chancrert abiliries.


Licdxe ponr6 0-P)

rc carncrlrlongwnh

22 on how to nse LP to obtair

expcricnce poins when you deleat an cnem{ RcLr (o





CiAM BITS dl; commald to configure

a ch.rractert gambits. cambis are cusromizable comrnands drat determire how a characrer will ighr dur;ng bartle. For more informarion on custonizing and configuring gambits, pleue LefeL to page 24.

$kctcd ncn


.1 Li$ of

ncr in rou' prrti\ in"cntory ', 1."''n,1,'.-.. i.l .1,,'.. .'..,n.,r'rp'h...1.,

When selecting r characrer in the t']ar.y Menu, pfessing rhe O bunon calh up drat charactert acdon list. The action lhr displays rhc magicks, lechnicks, Espers, and quichenings rhe character has obtained. Magicls. etc.. lisred h gray heve yet to be learned. Press rhe a of O bumon to ,rdv,rnce drough the list. Use the clirecrional bunons to selccr and display a shon

k 1..,


WORLD MAP Use this command to view rhe

l:q"p, atr


., hr,J.


liquipshields (whcn

Lqrip hcrdserr




'nd 'rnB

l".p n.'a.\r'1,, I

one-lunded wcipoD n equippcd) or





\foLld Map.




:ny Location Maps you posses.


Use this command to




.Rsc nasi.k rcis in rhirJot

Us€ this opdon to view rhe Clan Primer, a comprehensive advenruring guide used by adventurer



rfln.r o nrcreik delenr

Equip r.ce$ories




rarious efie.6


acros Iv'lice. Uscful information such as hunt records, nrveler's tips, and more on lx fourd within its pages. Yon will obrain rhc Clan Primer after complering a certain task. Once you have received ir, it is recornmended thar you check it olien for hnrrs on a var;ery ofsubjects.

sloi rhir slot

CON FIC Use this command to adjust various battle and game sennrgs. Veapons rnd


rnor uc dividcd


r !unbd ol dilicrcn(

Usc LP to a.quirc liccnscs that bcst


c{cgorics, crch h.ving ur'q(c *rcngths and rvcakntses.

a charactcrs



i \I4rn li*s rrch m the wapo.s lisr mnhi', roo nmy irc,ns ro displi) on one scrcen, ),ou o I butbn nr .drjunaion wirh rlc lp/down directional bumors ro qnickl) admrce $rcush rlt

use the







The l;cense board can be displayed by selecdng "Licenses' from ,lr PJrry Menu and choosing a.harucrer.

Character development in FINAL FANTASY XII is based largely on the acquisirion of "licenses. Licenscs are required ro equip weapons and aLmo4 lcaLn magicls and tcchnicks, and enhance a chrracter's ab;lities.

Chmcter nanrc/ruilablc LP

THE BASICS In addition to enabling

a character to equip v:rious items or cast potent magicks, there are also

HP or increase a characrc.t number ofgambirs. Licenses car be obtaincd on rhe "license boaLd" by using "license points" (LP) earned when defeatirg tbes. Each charaaer has a license board; however, the layout ofthe board is the srme for all Iicenses to boost maxirnum

Simply obtaining a license for a magick or technick does not automatically allow r characteL ro use thar abiliry Before it can be used, the cortesponding magick or technick must be purchased or found. Once you have acquircd a magick or techrick. any ofyour characters widr the proper license will be able to use it. Licenses for ability enhancements do not require any items and are effective immediately alier being obtained.

CHOOSINC LICIN S[5 You are free to choose which licenses each character acquiLes. There are several caregories ol Iicenses, and usnrg LP ro obrain them will gradually open up new licenses on rhe same area of the board. These newly unlocked licenses will often be more powertul than previous ones and thus require more LP to acquhe. To enrrc smooth advenrur;ng, you should focus character iiceDse acquisition on the areas in which you wish rhem rc excel.

LIC[NSE BOAIID I-AYOUT The license board is loosely divided into six different areas:

If you wish to rnai
The layout ofthe boaLd is dre same for all characres.

. Available LP The curent amount ofLP the character has to spend on new licenses.


Licensc Description

A description ofthe currenrly

selected license.

. I-ice6cs

Aheady Ol'tained Licenses already obtained try a chftacrer are displayed in color.

. Availat le Li.cnses Licenses rhat have yet to be obtanred by a character are displayed

the lower lefchand corner

in light


The number in

ofan aqilabie license k the amount of LP required ro obtain ir.

Derailed infoLmrtion Lcgarding Iocked licenses remains hidden until an adjacent license has

You can prcs the




bunons at rny time to qcle through dre license boards ofeach chrncrer

OBTAINING TICENSES 1. Open rhe board ofthe character for whom you wish to obtain licenses. Use rhe buttons to cycle through your party members.




2. On the board you can see which licenses the setecteo chaacrer ha obrained so far Use rhe direcrional bunons ro select a license. A * mark in the license panei description indicates thar it has already been obtained. Gray tcr indicates magicks, rechnicks, atmot, weapons,

ert rhrr

In addidon to normal lienses, the board also hides licenses for F:pers and special anacks krorvn as "quickenings." Licenses for summoning Espers only appor on the license board after your party has defeated one. As with norm:J licenses, Esper licenses require LP ro obniDi however, be aware drar each Esper can only be obtained and summoned by: single character Quickenings are special aracks unlque to each character iI your pany. Quickening licenses are hidden about the board and only apperr when a nearby license hre been obtained. The locations ofall the quickening liccnses are dre same on all license boards, however, when a character learns a quickening, thar Iicense will be rcmoved from all orher characters' boards.

have yer ro be acquired.

MIST 3. Only those licenses adjacent ro previously obnined licenses can be viewed and obtained. The number il dre bonom leli hand cotnet of each indicates the amount ofLP required m obtain ir. Select one of rhese licenses to view a detailed description. 4. Locked licenses cannot be obtained, regardless ofhow many LP a character may have. Selecring one will display the LP cosr and the category ofrhe license. 5. obtaining a new license will unlock rhose adjacent to n. The more licenses unlocked in one direction, the more powerful the licenses will become. To learn potent magicks or equip powertul weapons, you rypically must lean hser

\X/hen a character obtains an Esper or quickening license, rhe oprion "Misr" will be added to the Baale Menu. By using "Mist Charges," the character will be able to sunmon Espers or perforn quickenings, special attacLs capable ofdealing considerable damage to your foes.

. Mist Charges \{4ren a new Esper or quickening is obtained, a new MP gruge w;ll be combined wirh the original one. This new gauge will posses rhe same muinum MP linir as dre original. A chaLacrer may obrain up ro rhree ofthese $uges, called "Mist Charges." Mist ChaLges are required when sumrnoning an Esper or p.forming quickenings, with the number of Mkt Charges required depending on rhe selected Esper or qoickeniDgt rank. Using a Mist Charge spcnds ali rhe MP within a gauge. . Mist Chains \0lren

The licenses yo! choo* foryour chancles will di!e(l)' aficc! rh.ir pcrfonnaDce on lhc baftlefield. Raising balanced chancten is one path you may wish to take; however, raisingsix charactcrs wnh individull srensdx mx/ make ),our adventrdns easi€r For example, why not crcate a paladin'rype charictei who excels in $ordsndnship as ivcll n hciling magic? Or how.bou! a black Imgc, cxcclli.g I danage dealing, or awhire nuge specidizn{ in mendingyour parr/s wounds?The posibiliries ar€ cndl$s. Oftcnrnres, ! b.larced pary ofunique iDdividurk an he nuch rnore elfective thar : party



',:" on,

a quickening is perfbrmed, the screen switches to quickening mode. i1e rhese aaacks can be performed rlone. chaining 'oerrl rogerher prcrc,,r.:n opponurriry ro del marsive damage to a trrger. Ar rhe borrom oi rhe qrrrcke,,i,,B Inod. ,crccn. r rimer and a list of availalrle quickenings is displayed. By presing drc pLoper buton combnrarions within the ailoned time, you will be able ro perform mulrlple atracks. The quicker you are able to input rhe combinations, the more time you will have left ro perform rhe nexr. \{4ren rhe dmer runs our, your Misr chain


Pressing rhe





bufton while in fic quickening mode screen shuffles the quickening list. At will rppear Selecdng rhis refills a Misr Charge, allowing continued use

a "charge" option

GAMBITS Gambits are customizable conmrnds drat can d;rect characters to automatjcally perform certain tasls during bartle or while adventuring.



Gambits consist oftwo different components, one being rhe 'iargei' which repLcsents dre characrer/foe an action will bc caried out on, and the other being the "acrion" to be perforned on rhc selected target. Both must be asigned a condnion before the gambir can be acivared. Assign:bJe targets consist ofparty members and foes, as well c vaLious specialird cases, for example'A1ly: MP < 40ol0,'which rargets allies with les than 40%o oftheir muimum MP Thee targets must be either purchased at a gambit shop or found in treuure chests. Once you have obtained a target, your whole party will be able to use it. Assignable acrions .onsisr ofcommands such as Anack, Magicks, Technicls, and kcms. With the exception ofAttach, your parry must have obtained a magick, item, etc. before you will be allowed to asign it as an action. An action will appear in each charactert gambir acrion list rhe moment ir is obranred. However, n wi remain unusable (in gny) until rhe chaf.crer has obtained the corresponding license. You can increase a chanctert number of gmbit slots by obtaining new ones from drc

There is no one rvay to conligure,vour grn,bits. You should alrvlys bdld g.Dbits rhat Lcn suh rhc curcnr siruarion. you car .lso (uar ON/OI{icach chfacteis grmbits at dy time. Somerin,es ir is wncr to turn ollall garrbts during a heated banie to prcvelt unnec€s3ly acriors tlrtr mi) bc detrin,enml ro your chances ofvictort



Select "Gambns" from drc Parry Menu and select a characrer m open the gambit configuration

" l{eading the Gunbit Conligtration Screen


Selected chrracteL


ON/OFF switch

I 'farg€r 5 Gambit slot

ON/OFF Switch srvirchs all gatnbirs ON/OFF. \flhen switched ON, the characrer will automarically poform rhe asigned actions when the targer conditions are met. liren whei gambits de switched oN, prcdefincd acrions.rn b. ovc Jden b) mrnual commands rhe Eattle lvlenu. Grmbits crn ako bc *virchcd ON/OF| directlr fion dre Bade lvlenu.


Assigns a mrger such


a parry

ncmber or

a fbe. Gambit targets must be purchased or found.

Assigns an action to be performed on a selected target.

conesponding license, the action will be displayed io


character has not obtained the


r;rmbit Slot A gray slot indimres a gambit that har been switched OFF, or hro not been assigned r nrger rrxl action. A btue slot indicates an acrion tLat involves an alln while a red sloc indicares an rction that involves a foe.

CONFICURING A GAMBIT 1. First, select:r target

fron the

categoLized Iisr drat



can bc


ro speed up or improve the efliciency ofbattles, as wel

ii, l).ated situations. Belorv ire r few 2. TheLc aLc neny caregories to choose flom, somc catering to faiLly specific siruarions. Thcse consist ofprrty' spec;fic (c.s. Ally: l,enero), Hp/Mp,specific (e.g. Ally: Mp < 70%). and aarus spccific (c.g. Ally: stanrs = Slow)


march dle srLeDsdN and wcakresses ofallics and rbes will ererdv bencfit rou on dre banlcficld. 3. Afrer asigning a targer, your ncxr rrsk will be ro select the actiod to be perforned on drc target. Actions consisr ofcommands like Arrack and license-bascd abilirics such x mrg;chs and technicks- You can also assign the use of iterns in your inventory.

4. Chosen magicks and tcchnicks will be perfbnned.rccording to the targets you have assigned. The same is true for irems. However. such actiors will only be in;riared ifyou have th€ necessary MP or appropriate item irl your inventory. 5. Ry highlightiDg a gambir and prc$hg fie E bufton once, you can adjust its position in the lisr with rhe up ol down diLectional bunons. Press E again to confirm it! new position. A gambit's position in the lisr dercrmrnes ns

never activate.


6. Gambits will activate in rhe order oftheir lisred prioriry As long as the condnions for a higher priority gambit are met, rny g.anbits oflower priority will not be activated. If priority rankings are not set properly, certain gambirs may run into problenx wnh gambirs, rry adjusrnrg rheh priority.

7. You can turn a g.ambir ON/OFF by selecring n and presing rhc E buaon Nice. When OFF, rhc gambn wil be displayed in drrk gray. Turn offindividual gambits whcn you fccl driL effects may be detrimental ro a battle's pLogLes. TuLn otrall gambirs when you wkh ro proceed without cngaging in any battles at all. Remember rhar gambn acrioDs caD be overidden at any rime by issdng a comnand from the Battle Menu.

s.mpls ofgdnbirs


give you

m adwroge

rhar may help you in your adventures:

\RC ETS AIong with urgers for indiviclual chaLacters or enemies, , r, Jrc rlsn rp.i"lirJ r,-g(h lu,.<,,Jin,irLarion,. lJsing the erget best suited to your current situation will

maximum effectivcness. The ganbn above will carre the characrer to csr Curc ,r, :n1, paty nember whose HP hd fallen bclow 70olo ofi$ ,,nxinrurn. The character will not caLry out this corrmand urless rhe conditions are met, . llowing you to concertrare on odrer aspects of the bade wnhour worryhg about cveryone's Hr In addition to HPdared taLgen, rhcrc are also Ml'-rehted rncl status,relared oDcs, as well . r r.rrgets that exploit foes'weaLnesses (e.g. Foe eddr rulncrable). , nsure




1,, addition to Arreck and Mrgiclis, Techn;cks and ftems ,.,rr also be set as acrions. By combiniDg proper acrions and ,.rr.:cts, you can build gambirs rhanvill make the best usc ,,1 your items ard MI| or dcal dre most damage to your irr s. The example above will initiate the ranged technick, 1(100 Needles," \4'hen dre characler is confronted by a ll1ing enemy (ar enemy that crnnot be attacked with melee weapons). Prepaing gambhs for ., r.cLal situations can help increroe rhe oveLall pace of rhe gme while maximizing an individual


rrLactcrls potendal.

JORITIZAl'ION order ofgambits irr the grmbit list also LepLesenrs rhen prioriry A characrer will never gmbir lower in dre lisr x long as the condirions for a higher one are mer. Likewise, il corditions for a gambit high on the list aLe nor met, dre next garnbit down is given priority. 'l'hc example above has the charrcrer anacLirg dre sane targer as dre paLry leader, and then I hc

ixccure a

aD ally wirh less drar 40olo Hll Flowevcr, rs long as the leadcr hn a rarger, ure
.rsting Cure on


is proud to introduce the revolutionaiy Active Dimension Banle

system, conrbinirg the ease





bascd RPGs witL the excirement of real+ime aciion.


. Active DimeDsior Battle The ADB system removes the tnnsition berween qplonrion and banle. No longer are batrlcs fought in a closed enironrnert. Now, whole areas are your battlefields. Grrain, parry nember location, and obstacles all influence how a banle is fought. Also, becruse you can see foes before engaging them, you have the opponunity ro avoid unwantecl conflicrs. Each type oFmonster has its own territory and behavioral parterns. Some foes will anack youL party rhe moment they spor you. odrer will lerve you alone unles pLovoked, while sr;11 orhers fight among dremselves oL prey on werker monsrers.


Batde Commands & Gambits When a banlc hcgins, simply selecting dre Anack command once lbr each char:cter will order them to engage the specified rarger rn.l contirue fighting unril dre target has been defeated. lt is nor necessary to reselect the command after every hir. Ifyou have gambirs acrivared, your chaLacrer will automatjcally carry our rhose comnands. Remember rhat even ifgambits rre acrivared, those ordem can be ovetridden ar any rime by issuing a command from the Battle Menu. AIso, all ofan allyir grmbits can be switched ON/OFF fiom rhe sane menu.


Battle Modes

There are two battle modes available in FINAL FANTASY XII: Wait and Acrive. h Vait mode. the action is pauscd whencver the Brtrle Menu is open, allowing you ro organize your srraregies wnhout hrvnrg ro wouy abort an enemys Lelendes attacks. In Acrive rnode, the action contirues rcgardless ofwhether or not the Batrle Menu is open. This nodc is recommended for skilled players who seek rhrilling, fasr-paced confrontadons. The banle mode can be changcd ar any rimc fLorn dre Conng screen found w;rhin the Pa,r)

(iEcntmu HIr c-ur.nt Mlj



rbhbat IoglTargct I o Llirnation about acdons performed by allies rnd rrtornation such


as dre

foes. WLen


fbe is tagcred, various

targett name is displalcd.

irrget l,inc line connecting a target wirh an all)' of foe who is cunenrly peLfoLming an acrion on that rger. The color ofthe line vafies with target and actioD rype. F Gaugc

\ \implified HP gauge


r hrgeri current hit

points. The color ofthe gaugc veries wirh

l,r type of target. rget Guide \,, rnow exrending ftoDr dre


parLy leader indicating whedrer oL nor a nLgcr drin range. A ,,1 ow anow indicates the charactcr is widrin range to perfotrn rhe seleacd action. A Led arrow ,'r.rns drat the character is too far from the target.

.rtde Menu



ofbanle conuands called up by pressing rhe a bunon. Select a commard with dre directbnal butrons. Toggle berwccn allics with dre letirighr d;rectional bunons. Ar gambns can also bc tumed ON/Off from rhis window

,11,/down l1r's

Lrrying attention nor only to a monstcr's atributes, but also to the terrain on rvhich yor fighr will l,eb osure victory *hen fighting powerful foes. The brtdefield k rlwrys chrnging, rnd ir n wk. ro rdjlsr lour gin$i( rnJ {fl(sj, ro ric.r rh. dcnrndr ofthc snurion.


I ifoDnarior abotrr dre currertly selected cornmrnil.

.lhdrge Tinc Gaugc indicating how much rime Lcmains before a character

\ sl(ge





;s displayed when a characteL's ganbns aLe rumed

perform an acrion.


{lurrcnt/Ma HP Current l!tl' ( i,rent HP is displayed on rhe lcft, rnaxirnum on the righr. Nexr to these ,hrracter! cunenr (but not maximum) MP .hrncref's mdimum MP

is also shown. Open the

numbem, dre

P:rty Menu to view the


a Foe

with a red HP gauge are aggressive and will anack your parry ifrhey spot you. Ifpossible, it is wise ro check a target Foes

bebre engaging nr barle. Ifyou usc drc rechnick "Liba'or have an accesory with rhe Libra effecr equipped, you will be ablc to view target infomarion such as HP and levelin the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Enemies with a green HP gauge will not anack your party unlcs you anack fist. Howcvcl the gauges ofccrta;n cncmies have been known to change nom grcen ro reJ. eren wirhour riolenr p'ovoca,ion. 2. Selecting an Action PLesing rhe a or @ bunon will call up the Banle Menu. Here you can choose commands such as Attack or Magicl$ &Technicks ro perform on selected targets. Use the left/righr dhecrional butrons to toggle berween party members. Characres who have their gambirs turned ON will auromrrically carry our the actions assigned to them by their gambits withoot waiting for a battle command. 3. Selecting I Target After selecring rn action, a window will appear in the lower left'hand comeL of rhe screen lisdng all rearby targets. At this point, a red ring will appear uouno ne target currently selected from the list. When performing an action on parry membeN, nch as casdng Cure, a blue ring will:rppear around the selected target. When a target has been sclected, pressing the E button will initiate the

4. Tdgct Lines \{4ren allies or enemies iniriate acrions, colored l;nes will appear, connecting rhem to their taryets. Thcse are known as "rarger lines. Fed rrrget Iines ind;care enemy acrion, rg,,n.r Bluc 1,,,e. indicrre rl'ier r.rion, againsr 'llie,. enemies. Green lines indicate healing acrions such as casting Cure or using porions.

5. Into the Fral After selecting an action, the "charge time gauge'displayed to the left ofa characrer's name will begin to fill. en the gauge is completely filled, rhe character wiLl execute the action. Once Anack has been selecred, a character will continue to automatically attack the tareet with his


rluippcd weapon until the target has been defeated. There is no need to Le-inpur dre Artack

,,,mnand when dre chaqe tine gauge nsets. Ifgambirs are turned ON, r character wili L,nlinue to execute the set commaods ro long as the grmbit corditions are met. . ()ther Acdons Durirg Rattle t irmbits can be overridden ar ary

tine by inpuning connands from rhe Banle Menu. All of rr rllyt gambits can also be swirched OFF from the sane menu. Howevea please note that if |c parry leadeL is positioned too far away from other allies, msks such m leadcr chrngcs or

lr,rtde command input may not be execurable.

i'^RfY coMPosl'fioN prry lcxdcr d dny rinlc tJv presridg lhe up/down direciioml lJriions whetr d,e Bauic Mciu is ior open. In rh€ eyent )ou. parry l€ade' is KOd, grmTL)r will $op ,rd you wlll be Fquir€d tu select a new leader beforc procecding. If),o( h.vc ,nd'c than thrce , hrracters arailable, you on oll up acrvc lsing rhc l,ar.y command in the Piry M€nu. You caD nstanraneously ch,nge your


i rou wish to cancel all commands and flee from batrie or simply avoid confrontarion with rlrressive targets, pressing and holding down the E bunon will cancel all curent ally rctiom . ,,1 prevent the execution ofany tunher acrions (including gambitg until the button is releced. 1;es o.ly Dove rdd r.t wnhin ! linircd rrca, dreir "tcritory A foe will orLen chase you if1r lbosc to ncc b.fllci howdd, mrny givc up when they reach a certdn dkrance fl.D rltcir odgnr.l


P]eas€ note ft,t while ir is casicr io.vo amcks while fleeing, you will still be vnherable to drcm. \lso, bc ca,cfi,lwh.n n,nning, as you may sumble across oth{ rgBiessive Donstcs in your prth.

hd of Battle when all nearby targea have been defeated, the banle will conclude and the EXP/LP amount , L,ned will rppear above rhe fallen enemy. On occasion, enemies will drop irems. Move your , h.racrer over the item icon ro pick it up and place it inro your inventory. riaflle Chdns l)cfeating rhe same ry?e offoe h succession resula in a "battle chain." The curent chain rorrnr is briefly displ:ryed in the lower Lighr-hand coLner ofrhe screen ;mmediately after you ,lefeat a foe, and continues to rise until you defeat r ditrerent rype offoe, enter a rown, or rouch a save or gate crystal The higher the battle chain, the better chance your paLry will have ,,fobtaining items after defeating a foe. In addnion, drere are several levels of banle chain, with l,igher lnels improving drop r:tes, and increasing the chances of findiDg rare items, as well as . rlding beneficial effects, such m Cure, to rhe hems when you pick them up.


TIPS Below are a


pieces ofadvice ro help you rlong on your advenmLe:

USE LI BRAI Obrainable on the Iicense board, Libra is a technick rhat allows you to nor only see the name ofa loe when targeting it, bur also irs HP/mn Hl level, and weaknesscs. ft also reveals drc location ofhidden tmps. There are sweral ditrerenr rypcs ofraps in dungeons and fields around lvalice, most ofwhich have detrimental effects. Libra is qun. useftrl whcn rrying ro avoid drese obsracles. In addition ro dre rechnick, drere aLe also rcccsories rhat give players the Libra status effect when equipped.

CHECK NAME COLOR! Vher none ofyour party mernbers


nccs of effectiveness. You can determine whether or not your party leader is close enough ro a rarger ro perform

l'. desned acrion by checking the color ofthe target guide (arow) stretching in front ofhin. ll dle arrow is yellow' dre target h wirhin Lange; ifit is red, it is not. All other party members, ,grdless ofacrive gambits, wlll autom:dcally move within .




range ofrheiL targets.


often posess attacks thar cause harmtul status effects. Ifleft untreated, rhese effects could ,.rmper a characrer\ performance. or evei knock one out ofa battle. ,,es

have Libra activated, you can srill make an estimare of irs nan€ in rhe information window.


mLger's strengrh by viewing rhe color

Blue Yellow Red

,\s nention€d earlier, a weapon's attack range is determined by its category Vhile melee ,lcipoDs such as dasse.s and swords have limited range, ranged weapons such as crosbows and ,1rns can deal darnage ro disranr or flying enemies. Only rmged weapons, magiclc, and select L,chnicks en be used to defeat these foes. Note that magicls and technicls also have vaying

An croy targer


'j I{IAI


ii.J.*. a.-.g.,:.,,r, L,y ri,.."gi.l.

A tough target, but not imposible ro defcat An incredibly rough target, faL beyond your parryi current lev€l


SILL YOUR LOOT! Mosr monstem do not carry gil, so to earn money you must often sell items that you find during your travels. The majority ofthe loot rhat you find on foes cannot be used by your party, so atter confirming that yon do not rcqu;Le an item, sell it ro one ofthc many shopkeepers peddling their waes acros Ivalice Sometimes, after selling loot to a shop, new bazaaL goods will become available for purchase. TLe contents ofmost baz.aar goods rem,rnr a mystery until rhey are obrained, so rhere is some risk nrvolved when buying. However, ir is runored rhat rhere are some rire objects that can only be obtained from rhe baru...

oin gnJurl) Jdl',l,mrs€ der.


Prcvci$ ,1 n,o'.r,ctrr or €rion


chadaer to $otre when thc.oMt iecbcs 0

Auonuri.nty Ko!r.f,rn(rerwhen r[ecounr


Ps€ns movcnent or rction



Many weapon and armor categories confer unique bonuses. For example, each crregory of weapon has a different artack range and some categories allow for a higher percentage of muldple anack or higher parry rate. tumor; on rhe orher hand, often offers various stat boosts and added effects. For example, certain equipment from the Mlstic Armor caregory boosts magick-related artributes such as magick power or maximum MP k is alvr'ays wise to consider the srengths ofa charicrer when deciding which equipmenr and weapon licenses to obtain.

*",i.i iJllii.,,r ri..

Incrcss thc xnrount oftimc

| 1,.

be,ling pmp.rtid

'In addirion



oa remedies

rhere rre trlso



t "",i-*.

Deeded ro exe.ute




inpmved by obnnrnrg specirl licenses. thar renore some of rLe r6ov€ inrur el}{K.



EXPI,ORING RABANASTRE The following is information abour Rabanastre, the town in which you begir your adventure. The locations belo\,r' cin all be found on your LocarioD Map by press;ng the SELECT bunon.

MBANASTRE SHOPPINC CUIDE lhe Sandsea Located in Rabanastret busrling East End, the Sandsea has quenched parcLed throats and filled empty bellies for genenrions, earning irselta place in the hean of rnany a weuy rraveler Adventurer fior:r drroughout Dalmasca journey herc to view dre notice board, where bitls for the hunring ofmonsrers, olled "marks," are posted. Panamis's Protectives From tLick metal armor that protecr irs wearers fron dre nost powerful btows, to enchanted robes woven whh mysrical linens said to enhance a weafetr bond wnh rhe arcaoe, Panamis's Prorectives guaranrees the besr selecdor ofarmor in the region. Stop by and check out their magick-resistant helms, gilt breastplares, and srurdy shields.

Stocking a wide vaLiety ofweapons for novice and master alike, Amals Weaponry has a litde something for everyone. Io nw adventuLes, Amal recommends hjs selecrion ofJmple swords and daggers. To those who wish to keep rheir distance from rhe heat ofbatle, he suggesrs one ofhis finc ransed weapons. He even canies a few unique rods and sraves for those who prefer something

offthe beaten parh.

Migeloir Sundties A succesful adventurcr is one who ;s prepared for anything, and prepared you wjll be afteL bLowsing tlirough the extensivc list of Migelot wrres. So whether you aLe a seasoned naveler or a fledgling newly flown, stop by Migelos SundLies before setting offinto the wild.

ioora's Gambits

\\i,'rld you like to improve the efficiency ofyour parry nemberi actions during

battle? Then

f,y over ro Ydoora's Gambns and pick up a few specialized mrgers. Be sure to stop by wher r,,ur navcls bring you back to Rabanastre, * drey are always updating their selection of ',

.,sorably priced merchandjse.

I)TJRCLAN ),rri,rg your adventures, you will obtain a spccial irem called a Clan Primcr Thn h,ndy guioe ,r .urrs admission ro rhe Clan Hall ofClan Centurio, .rllowing you access to prime infonnario


hunts all rcros Ivrlice.

1,, ,rany towns and villages, you will happen upon hrge notice boards dhplaynrg "billi' , ,lLrcsring the capture, exrerminarion, or exorcising of certain terrible bcrsts. After contacting ! ,, t)etitioners who post these bills, offyou go on the hunrl Ifsuccesful, they will often reward ,, wnh gil, weapoDs, armor, or orher loor.


, I


' srid rhat over one hundred

clans exisr across Ivalice. One of $ ose operating out


,l,.,nrrre is CIan Centurio, led by the eccentric moogle, Mortbhnc. You car visit the Clan ,ll to learn ofrare hunts available onJy to clan members, as well c obrain infoLmarion on


clan rank and hunts you have accepred.

Rank ,,1 rank wirhin Clan Centurio rises as you defear foes on your advcrturcs ard successfully . ,, ,rplete hunts. \flen you achicve a new rank, you will be presented wirh a gift from rhc dan | ,1.r and be granted access ro new items il the cxciusive clan shop locrted in the Muthru

tsatahn's Technicks

Do you find younelfcodsrartly running out of MP in the niddle ofbaales? Are you dred ol bland, ordinary magicksl Thcn Barahn may have whar youie looking forlTechnicks are quick and easy to use, require ,ro MII and are, most ofall, unique. Once you have saved up enougt license poinrs, srop by Barahn's and see if he can accommodare your Deeds.

Yugri's Magicks MP gradually accumulare inside one's body rhrough absorption offaint traces of Misr occurring narurally in the a;r. Don t let it go ro wastel Powerfut curarive mrgicks to heal your companion's wounds, tine magicL capable ofmanipulating the flow ofbattle, deadly arcane nagic ro deal untold damage to your enemies Yugris stocks only the finesr in tomes.

1,. Clan Primer is a coDrprehensive record

ofyour travels in lvalice. k contains infolmarion

' r'ou eccomplhhmens within the clan, as well as importanr irformation on hunts that yoI LL accepted. h also conranr a besriary offoes you have defeated, and variou adventuring



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