~ Gruppo Corale "G. Casiraghi" ~

Come Again! Sweet Love Doth Now Invite SATB (with optional lute part)

Source: First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1613) orignally published 1597, revised 1613

John Dowland (1562-1626)



1. Come a - gain! 2. Come a - gain!

sweet that

love I

doth may

now cease

in to


vite mourn


1. Come 2. Come

a a


gain! gain!

sweet that

love doth now I may cease

in to


vite mourn

1. Come 2. Come

a a


gain! gain!

sweet that

love I

doth may

now cease

in to


vite mourn

gain! gain!

sweet that

love I

doth may

now cease

in to


vite mourn



1. Come a 2. Come a




thy Through

grac - es thy un

thy Through

grac thy

thy Through

grac - es thy un

thy Through

grac - es thy un


To For

do me now left

due and

de - light, for - lorn,

re - frain dis - dain;

To For

do now

me left

due and

de - light, for - lorn,


that re - frain kind dis - dain;

To For

do now

me left

due and


that re - frain kind dis - dain;

To For

do me now left


that re - frain kind dis - dain;

es that un - kind

due and

de for


light, lorn,

de - light, for - lorn,



To see, I sit,

to hear, I sigh,

to touch, I weep,

to kiss, I faint,

to die, I die,

To I

see, sit,

to I

hear, sigh,

to I

touch, weep,

to I

kiss, faint,

to I

die, die,

To I

see, sit,

to I

hear, sigh,

to I

touch, weep,

to I

kiss, faint,

to I

die, to die with die, I die in

To I

see, sit,

to I

hear, sigh,

to I

touch, weep,

to I

kiss, faint,

to I

die, die,

to I


with in

to I

thee a dead - ly

die die

with in

thee a - gain dead - ly pain

in and

sweet - est sym end - less mi

die with thee a - gain die in dead - ly pain

in and

sweet end

gain, pain,

thee dead

with in


a ly

thee dead



est less

a - gain in sweet - est - ly pain and end - less

gain in pain and

sweet end


est less



pa se


thy. ry.

sym mi


pa - thy. se - ry.

sym mi


pa - thy. se - ry.

sym mi


pa - thy. se - ry.


All the day the sun that lends me shine By frowns doth cause me pine And feeds me with delay; Her smiles, my springs that makes my joy to grow, Her frowns the winter of my woe


But alas, my faith is ever true, Yet will she never rue Nor yield me any grace; Her Eyes of fire, her heart of flint is made, Whom tears, nor truth may once invade..


All the night my sleeps are full of dreams, My eyes are full of streams. My heart takes no delight To see the fruits and joys that some do find And mark the stormes are me assign'd.


Gentle Love, draw forth thy wounding dart, Thou canst not pierce her heart; For I, that to approve By sighs and tears more hot than are my shafts Did tempt, while she for triumph laughs.

Finale 2008 - [Come again liuto]

in and gain pain in and thee dead - a - ly gain pain in and sweet - end - est less mi. - sym. - sweet - end. - est less gain pain in and sweet - end - est less sweet -.

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