
Rodrigo A. Arriagada Department of Agricultural Economics Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Phone: (562) 686 4187 Fax: (562) 354 5727 E-mail: [email protected] http://rarriagada.googlepages.com/home Education: North Carolina State University, Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources Ph.D., Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, 2008 Advisor: Erin O. Sills Committee: Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke), Fred Cubbage, Mitch Renkow, Lori Bennear (Duke) Dissertation: Private provision of public goods: applying matching methods to evaluate payments for ecosystem services in Costa Rica M.Sc., Natural Resources Policy and Administration, 2004 Thesis: Estimating profitability and fertilizer demand for rice production around Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica Universidad de Chile, Department of Forest Resources Management Bachelor of Forest Engineering, graduated with distinction, 1998 Training Workshops: Methods for Handling Missing Data in Social Science Research. February 2007. Social Science Research Institute. Duke University, Durham, NC USA Spatial Regression Analysis. March 2007. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC USA Cross-Section Econometrics. January 2009. American Economic Association Continuing Education Program. San Francisco, CA USA Teaching and Research Fields:    

Economic analysis of environmental policies Evaluation of ecosystem services Land use and deforestation Economics of forest management for non-timber benefits and rural development

Teaching Experience: Spring, 2008

Environment and Development in the Tropics, NC State University, Instructor

Fall, 2003 and 2007

Forest Economics, NC State University, teaching fellow for Professor Fred Cubbage

Spring, 2000-2002

Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Planning, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Instructor


Research and professional experience: 2009-present

Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Associated research fellow, Environment for Development Center for Central America, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica


Postdoctoral research associate, ecoSERVICES group, Arizona State University and science officer for the ecoSERVICES International Project Office of DIVERSITAS


NC State University, Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources, graduate research assistant. Conducted analysis of the causal effect of the Costa Rican Program of Payments for Environmental Services using program evaluation econometrics


NC State University, Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources / Organization for Tropical Studies Costa Rica, Research Assistant. Economic analysis of agricultural production in communities around Palo Verde National Park and its impacts on wetland conservation


NC State University, Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources, Research Assistant. Certified Forest Management in Belize: financial analysis of certified timber production by Programme for Belize


Ministry of Education, Chile, Higher Education Project Analyst (MECESUP Program). Specialist in development of undergraduate curriculums including environmental topics. Field visits to twenty five public and private universities during two years


National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research, Research Assistant. Analysis of scientific and technological impact of CONICYT-funded research projects in the forest sector


Foresman Consulting Inc, Environmental Specialist and Founder. Development of community-based environmental projects (seven projects in two years). Contracts with National Commission of The Environment, Forest National Corporation, United Nations Development Program, The Americas Fund

Honors, Scholarships, and Fellowships: 2008

Namkoong Family Graduate Fellowship for Excellence in Conservation and Ethics, NC State University Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources


Best paper presented by a PhD student at the Third Congress of the Latin American and The Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant in Economics


Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program Research Grant


National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research, Chile – The World Bank PhD Scholarship



Organization for Tropical Studies Research Fellowship


Department of Forestry NC State University Research Grant Zobel Foundation

Refereed Publications: Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. Cubbage, F. and E. González. Forthcoming. Rice farming externalities: modeling fertilizer use around Palo Verde National Park in Costa Rica. Agricultural Economics. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. and Ferraro, P. 2009. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate participation in Costa Rica's Program of Payments for Environmental Services. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 28(3-5): 343-367. Arriagada, R., Cubbage, F.W. Abt, K.L. and Huggett, R. 2008. Estimating harvest costs for fuel treatments in the West. Forest Products Journal 58(7/8): 24-30. Book Chapters: Sills, E., Arriagada, R., Pattanayak, S.K., Ferraro, P., Carrasco, L., Ortiz, E., Cordero, S. and Andam, K. Forthcoming. Impact of the PSA program on land use. In: Platais, G. and Pagiola, S. (eds.) Ecomarkets: Costa Rica’s Experience with Payments for Environmental Services. The World Bank. Washington, DC. Professional Publications and Conference Proceedings: Arriagada, R. 2008. Payments for environmental services and their impact on forest transition in Costa Rica. Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program. Working Paper Series No 2008-WP07. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Arriagada, R. 2008. Private provision of public goods: applying matching methods to evaluate payments for ecosystem services in Costa Rica. Summary for Decision Makers LACEEP Policy Brief Number 8. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. and Ferraro, P. 2008. Evaluating initiatives with direct conservation payments: econometric analysis of the Costa Rican program of payments for environmental services. SYLVANET 21(1): 24-31. International Forestry Program, College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Arriagada, R. 2006. Costa Rican program of payments for environmental services: Case Studies. SYLVANET 19(1): 5-9. International Forestry Program, College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Arriagada, R., Cubbage, F. and Abt, K. 2005. Estimating timber harvesting costs for fuel treatment in the West: Preliminary results. In: Chang, S. and Dunn, M. (eds.) Forestry: Economics and the Environment. Proceedings of the Southern Forest Economics Workshop 2005. Baton Rouge, LA. Working papers: Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. and P. Ferraro. 2009. Impact evaluation of the Costa Rican program of payments for environmental services at the parcel level. In preparation for Land Economics.


Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. Ferraro, P. Perrings, C. and F. Alpízar. 2009. Payments for environmental services and forest transition: addressing causation analysis with the problem of endogenous selection, baselines, covariates, and controls. In preparation for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. and P. Ferraro. 2008. Matching analysis using binary treatment payments for environmental services and their impact on forest transition in Costa Rica using various definitions of program outcome. In preparation for Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S.K. and P. Ferraro. 2008. Matching analysis using continuous treatment payments for environmental services and their impact on forest transition in Costa Rica using various definitions of program outcome. In preparation for Journal of Public Economics. Conference Presentations: Arriagada, R. Sills, E. and S. Pattanayak. 2009. Payments for environmental services and their impact on forest transition in Costa Rica. Presented at the IV Congress of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. and S. Pattanayak. 2009. Payments for environmental services and their impact on forest transition in Costa Rica. Presented at the Pacific Conference for Development Economics. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S. and P. Ferraro. 2008. Private landowners, public payments, and forest cover in Costa Rica: evaluating the impact of payments for ecosystem services. Presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden. Arriagada, R. Sills, E. Pattanayak, S. and P. Ferraro. 2007. Evaluating initiatives with direct conservation payments: econometric analysis of the Costa Rican program of payments for environmental services. Presented at the III Congress of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists. Talca, Chile. Arriagada, R., Sills, E., Pattanayak, S., Ferraro, P., Ortiz, E., Carrasco, L., Cordero, S. and Caldwell, K. 2007. Do payments produce services? Combining qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate Costa Rica’s program of payments for ecosystem services. Presented at the Conference Financing of Forest Conservation, poster. International Society of Tropical Forester. Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Sills, E., Arriagada, R., Pattanayak, S., Ferraro, P., Carrasco, L. and Cordero, S. 2006. Private provision of public goods: applying program evaluation to evaluate direct payments for tropical forest conservation. Presented (by Sills) at Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics International Congress. Universidad Austral de Valdivia, Valdivia, Chile. Arriagada, R., Sills, E., Pattanayak, S., Ferraro, P., Carrasco, L. and Cordero, S. 2006. Private provision of public goods: applying program evaluation to evaluate direct payments for tropical forest conservation. Presented at Camp Resources XVI. Wilmington, NC, USA. Arriagada, R. and Cubbage, F. 2005. Estimating timber harvests costs for forest fire fuel reduction treatments. Presented (by Cubbage) at the SOFEW Forestry: Economics and Environment Conference. Baton Rouge, LA, USA.


Arriagada, R., Sills, E., Pattanayak, S., Cubbage, F. and Gonzalez E. 2005. Negative externalities of irrigation infrastructure: forests, farms, and fertilizers in Palo Verde, Costa Rica. Presented at the II Congress of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists. Oaxaca, Mexico. Arriagada, R., Sills, E., Pattanayak, S., Cubbage, F. and Gonzalez E. 2005. Negative externalities of irrigation infrastructure: forests, farms, and fertilizers in Palo Verde, Costa Rica. Presented at Working Forests in the Tropics Conference, poster. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. Professional Activities Member: American Economic Association, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Latin American and the Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Related Skills Proficiency in the use of statistical software including STATA, SAS, R and Matlab. Experience utilizing ArcMap, as well as the usual word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation packages.

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