The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

PROGRAMS, DATE, AND VENUE Saturday, 6 August 2016: --- Arrivals: Invited Speakers and Presenters arrive in Banda Aceh 17:00 -- ICAIOS-Unsyiah Book Fair Starts

Venue: FKIP New Auditorium – 3rd Floor

Sunday, 7 August 2016: --- Arrivals: Invited Speakers and Presenters arrive in Banda Aceh 08:30–16:30 Workshop on ‘Statistical Tools for Social Sciences’ Venue: Lab Dasar, FMIPA Unsyiah – 2nd Floor In collaboration of ICAIOS, Statistics Department of Unsyiah, ISI Aceh, BPS Aceh. (Contact person: Winny D. Safitri, Email: [email protected]) Separate fee and registration is required 09:00-12:30: Research Workshop on Female Leadership in Education in Aceh Venue: ICAIOS Seminar Room By invitation only (Contact person: Era Maida, email: [email protected]) 19:15-21:30 ICAIOS VI Opening Ceremony & Welcoming Dinner

Venue: Lobby Area and VIP Room of AAC

Hosted by Syiah Kuala University For all speakers and registered participants. For others, by invitation only (Contact person: Huliatul Adnin, Email: [email protected])

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The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

Monday, 8 August 2016 08:00Bus leaves hotel for participants staying at designated hotels 08:00-08:45: 1st Day Registration (Book Exhibition on Displays around Auditorium) 08:45-09:00: Welcome notes from co-organizers

Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor

09:00-10:00 Plenary I (Keynote Address 1) : Silvia Vignato (University of Milano-Bicocca):

“Imageries of works in post-conflict and post-tsunami Aceh” Bio-reader: Giacomo Tabacco (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor

10:00-10:30 – Coffee and Tea Break – (Book Exhibition on Displays around Auditorium) Press-conference with Keynote Speakers, ICAIOS Board, Convener 10:30-12:30- Plenary II – ICAIOS special panel on history (Panel 1) Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor Speakers Title 1 Anthony Reid (ANU, Australia/ICAIOS) : What chance of Aceh independence in the 19th Century? Comparisons with Siam/Thailand and other SE Asian states 2 Ronit Ricci (ANU, Australia) : Islamic Literary Networks in the Indian Ocean World 3 Edward McKinnon (EOS, : Recent finds from ICAIOS-EOS Geo-Hazard Projects Singapore/ICAIOS) 4 Baiquni (STAIN Malikussaleh) : To search for meaning: Historical studies of pluralistic society in early Muslim community in Madina and Mecca Chair: Amirul Hadi (UIN Ar-Raniry/ICAIOS) 12:30-13:30 Lunch Break & Prayer

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The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies 13:30-15:30-Special Panel I: Panel 2 Comparative study of mega-disaster and society in Japan, China, Indonesia Chair/Discussant: Irfan Fikri Room: FKIP New Auditorium

Panel 3 Environmental challenges in the development of tourism in the Indian Ocean Chair/Discussant: Rahmadhani Sulaiman Room: Seulawah


Makoto Takahashi (Nagoya University): MegaMarcella Schmidt di Friedberg & Stefano Malatesta earthquake disasters and reconstructing the societies: an (University of Milano-Bicocca): Environmental challenges in introduction the development of tourism in the Indian Ocean: The Maldives


Kenji Muroi (Nagoya University): The Impact of Great East Japan Earthquake on the Countermeasures for Next Huge Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

Ahmad Puad Mat Som (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia): Tourism crisis and disaster management in Malaysia and Indonesia


Yoshihiko Kuroda (Nagoya University): Reconstruction of town with nuclear power plant: a case study of Onagawa-cho after the Great East Japan Earthquake Irfan Zikri (Syiah Kuala University): Strengthening Social Institutions: A Study of Community Collectiveness and Cohesiveness of Post-Tsunami Aceh 2004

Laksmi Rachmawati (Indonesia Institute of Science, LIPI): Disaster management in the Indian Ocean: A background paper



Rahmadhani Sulaiman (Aceh Tourism Agency): “Dark tourism” in post-conflict and post-tsunami Aceh Q&A

15:45-16:15 – Coffee, Tea Break & Prayer (Book Exhibition on Displays around Auditorium)

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The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies 16:15-17:45- Plenary III -- Citizen Urbanism and Post-Disaster Cities (Panel 4); Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor Speakers Title 1 Cut Dewi (Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia) : Iconic architectural heritage: its memory and conservation in post-disaster context 2 Pratitou Arafat (ICAIOS) : Re-inventing Bustanussalatin 3 Marco Kusumawijaya (RUJAK Center for : Citizen Urbanism and Post-Disaster Cities Urban Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia) 4 Anindita Taufani (RUJAK Center for Urban : Citizen Urbanism in 8 Cities in Indonesia Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia) Chair/Discussant: Sylvia Agustina (Syiah Kuala University) 18:00 Bus return to hotels 19:30-21:30 – Networking Dinner (TBA) Tuesday, 9 August 2016 08:30Bus leaves hotel for participants staying at designated hotels 08:30-08:45: 2st Day Registration (Book Exhibition on Displays around Auditorium)

Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor

08:45-09:00 – Book Launch: Gampong di Aceh: Satu Dekade Setelah Tsunami, ICAIOS Publishing 09:00-10:00 Plenary IV (Keynote Address 2): John McCarthy (ANU, Australia):

“Understanding Vulnerability and Food Poverty in Rural Aceh” Bio-reader: Saiful Mahdi (Syiah Kuala University)

Venue: FKIP New Auditorium, 3rd Floor

10:00-10:30 – Coffee and Tea Break – (Book Exhibition on Displays around Auditorium)

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The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies 10:30-12:30-Special Panel II: Panel 5 Education and Social Change in Post-Disaster Aceh Chair/Discussant: Eka Srimulyani (UIN Ar Raniry/ICAIOS) Room: FKIP New Auditorium 10:30-10:50




Panel 6 Economic and Livelihood Reconstruction & Recovery in Post-Disaster Society Chair/Discussant: Ichsan (Malikussaleh University/ICAIOS) Room: Seulawah Giacomo Tabacco (University of Milano-Bicocca): Mining work and mobility in the post-disaster society of West Aceh

Mieke T.A. Lopes Cardozo (University van Amsterdam): Reconsidering contextualised notions of dayah female education leaders’ agency for peacebuilding in the post-conflict and post-tsunami context of Aceh, Indonesia Anton Widyanto (UIN Ar Raniry, Indonesia): School Masaya Iga (Nagoya University): Society, nature, and based management from a peacebuilding lens: Insights technology: the shrimp production network in post-tsunami from Aceh Aceh Ritesh Shah (The University of Auckland, New Zealand): Higher education scholarship schemes in Aceh: Part of the solution or part of the problem to the province’s contemporary development challenges? Eka Srimulyani (UIN Ar-Raniry/ICAIOS): Education and Social Change in Post-Disaster Aceh (Discussant)


Mery Tambaria Damanik Ambarita (Ghent University, Belgium): Capturing the potential role of terasi as local food for the food security problem from Indonesia Ichsan (Malikussaleh University): The Management of Aceh's Special Autonomy Funds (Pengelolaan Dana Otsus Aceh) Q&A

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break & Prayer 5 /8

The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies 13:30-15:45-Special Panel III: Panel 7 Law and Society (in Bahasa) Chair/Discussant: Sri Walny Rahayu (Syiah Kuala Univesity) Room: FKIP New Auditorium

Panel 8 ICAIOS’ Panel on “The Aftermath of Aid” Chair/Discussant: Amelia Fauziah (NUS, Singapore) Room: Seulawah


Sri Walny Rahayu (Syiah Kuala University): Model Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis Berbasis Peradilan Adat Laut dan Komparasinya di Indonesia

Ibnu Mundzir et al (ICAIOS): The livelihood of posttsunami relocation villages ten years after 2004 tsunami


Malahayati & Amrizal J Prang (Malikussaleh University): Konsep Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Domestik Indonesia di Malaysia

Ida Fitria et al (UIN Ar Raniry/ICAIOS): POST-TSUNAMI REMARRIAGE: Reasons, Decision Making, Family WellBeing & Problems


Marlia Sastro & Nuribadah (Malikussaleh University): Partisipasi Publik dalam Penyusunan Dokumen Amdal Rumah Sakit di Aceh

Annisa Gita Srikandini (Wageningen University, The Netherlands): Economic and Livelihood Reconstruction & Recovery in Post-Disaster Society


Imran, Falahuddin, & Hilmi (Save the Children): Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dari Program Save the Children terhadap Kompetensi dan Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Kabupaten Bener Meriah.

Amelia Fauziah (NUS, Singapore): The role of local Islamic philanthropy institution in economic and livelihood reconstruction and recovery: The case of Baitul Mal Aceh



15:45-16:15- Break and Prayer 6 /8

The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies 13:30-15:45-Special Panel IV: Panel 9 Urban Issues in Post Tsunami Banda Aceh Chair/Discussant: Saiful Akmal (UIN Ar-Raniry) Room: FKIP New Auditorium



Panel 10 Etnografi Kemiskinan: Mencari Pendekatan Baru untuk Penanganan Kemiskinan di Aceh Chair/Discussant: Saleh Sjafei (Syiah Kuala University) Room: Seulawah

Mochammad Nur Ichwan (UIN Yogyakarta): Appearing to Dissappear: Queer Movements, Islam, and Politics of Sexuality in Aceh Saiful Mahdi (Syiah Kuala University/ICAIOS): Economic segregation in post-tsunami Banda Aceh



Muhajjir Al Fairusy (UIN Ar Raniry), Mukhlisuddin Ilyas (Bandar Research), Mutia Zahara (ICAIOS): Karakteristik kemiskinan di pesisir, ladang, dan pegunungan Sehat Ihsan Sadiqin (UIN Ar Raniry): Kemiskinan di Arongan Lambalek: Alam, Adat, Akses

Marzi Afriko (FPA/PPISB) & Eka Srimulyani (UIN Ar Raniry: Pendekatan baru dalam analisis dan pananganan kemiskinan Q&A

17:45-18:00- Closing Remarks by Teuku Zulfikar, Anthony Reid, Nazamuddin 19:30-22:00- Farewell Dinner, hosted by Mayor of Banda Aceh

Venue: Mayor Official Residence

Wednesday, 10 August 2016 08:00 — Banda Aceh Tsunami/Heritage Tour will start from Grand Nanggroe Hotel (by registration only, FREE for 30 participants only, Courtesy of Aceh Tourism Office)

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The 6th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

08:30-12:00 – Book Discussion (FREE and OPEN to PUBLIC) 1. The Price of Freedom: The Unfinished Diary by Hasan Muhammad Tiro (Haekal Afifa, Independent writer, translator) 2. Aceh Berdaulat: Melawan Serbuan Kapitalisme di Aceh (Affan Ramli, Prodeelat Aceh) 3. Inisiatif Masyarakat Sipil Aceh: Berbagi untuk Perubahan (Raihal Fajri, Katahati Institute) Host: Mukhlisuddin Ilyas (Bandar Publishing) 10:00-12:30 Workshop “Urban Mapping with Drone” (With RCUS, Jakarta) Venue: Gampong Rukoh, Banda Aceh (Separate registration, FREE, contact person Pratitou Arafat, Email: [email protected]) 10:30-11:30 – ICAIOS Board Meeting (by invitation) Venue: ICAIOS Seminar Room 11:30-12:30 – ICAIOS International Board Meeting (by invitation) Venue: ICAIOS Seminar Room 12:30—Hotel check-out for invited speakers Thursday, 11 August 2016 08:30 — “Wet Wet Gampong”, A Program by ‘Urbanisme Warga’ ICAIOS-RCUS, Jakarta (Separate registration, IDR 20,000/person, contact person Mochammad Ryan Syah, Email: [email protected]) 08:30-12:30 – Workshop on “Food Security Issues and Policy in Aceh” in collaboration with BAPPEDA Aceh Discussants: 1. Head of Badan Ketahanan Pangan Aceh 2. Head of BAPPEDA Aceh 3. John McCarthy (ANU, Australia) 4. Nulwita (Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia) 5. Shaummil Hadi (UIN Ar Raniry, Indonesia) Host: Saiful Mahdi (Syiah Kuala University/ICAIOS, Indonesia

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