Gillan, Urcelay & Robbins

An Associative Account of Avoidance Gillan CM, Urcelay GP & Robbins TW

Chapter, in Press

In Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning, Eds. Robin Murphy and Rob Honey


Gillan, Urcelay & Robbins

Introduction Humans can readily learn that certain foods cause indigestion, that travelling at 5pm on a weekday invariably puts one at risk of getting stuck in traffic or that over-indulging in the free bar at the office Christmas party is likely to lead to future embarrassment. Importantly, we are also equipped with the ability to learn to avoid these undesired consequences. We can categorise avoidance behaviours as passive, active and whether active avoidance starts before or during the aversive experience. So we can passively refraining from eating certain foods, actively choose to take an alternate route during rush-hour, or we can even escape the perils of the office party by slipping out when we start to get a bit tipsy (Figure 1). Figure 1. Categories of Avoidance

Condi&oned(S&mulus((CS)( Avoidance(Response( Uncondi&oned(S&mulus((US)(




Active avoidance (A) describes situations where a subject makes a response within an allotted timeframe, and therefore cancels an otherwise imminent aversive US. Passive avoidance (B) is a case where if a subject refrains from performing a response, they will


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avoid exposure to an aversive US. Escape (C), much like active avoidance, involves making a response in order to avoid shock. It differs from active avoidance in that the response is performed after the aversive US has been, in part, delivered. Although avoidance is as ubiquitous in everyday life as reward-seeking, or appetitive behavior, there exists a stark asymmetry in our understanding of the associative mechanisms involved in these two processes. While the learning rules that govern the acquisition of appetitive instrumental behaviour are reasonably well understood (Dickinson, 1985), far fewer strides have been made in capturing the associative mechanisms that support avoidance learning. In appetitive instrumental learning, a broad consensus has been reached that behaviour is governed by a continuum of representation which produces action ranging from reflexive responses to stimuli that are stamped in by reinforcement learning (Thorndike, 1911) to more considered actions that are more purposeful or goal-directed, and sensitive to dynamic changes in the value of possible outcomes and in environmental action-outcome contingencies (Tolman, 1948). One might assume that these constructs could be readily applied to avoidance, perhaps with the insertion of a well-placed minus sign to capture the aversive nature of the reinforcement. Unfortunately, theoretical black holes, such as the avoidance problem, have stagnated development in this area. Baum (1973; pp 142) captures the essence of the experimental problem. “A man will not only flee a fire in his house; he will take precautions against fire. A rat will not only jump out of a chamber in which it is being shocked; it will jump out of a chamber in which it has been shocked in the past, if by doing so it avoids the shock. In both examples, no obvious reinforcement follows the behavior to maintain it. How then is the law of effect to account for avoidance?” (Baum, 1973, pp. 142) 3

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Here, we will bridge the historic theoretical literature with new research facilitated by recent advances in the neurosciences. We will first recount the nature of the avoidance debate, and outline a consensus view of the conditions necessary for the acquisition and maintenance of avoidance, derived from these theories. We will then move forward and analyse the content of the associations involved in avoidance, providing evidence for a dual-process account in which goal-directed (action-outcome) and habit-based (stimulus-response), associations can co-exist. We then discuss how these factors lead to the performance of avoidance, by evoking recent developments in computational and neuroimaging research on avoidance learning. This analytic framework is borrowed from Dickinson (1980) in his associative review of contemporary learning theory, which focused primarily on the appetitive domain. By adopting this structure for our treatise, we aim to formalise the study of avoidance behaviour and bridge the gap with existing associative accounts of appetitive instrumental learning. We will focus our discussion primarily on active avoidance, which are cases where an animal must make a response in order to avoid an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US) such as shock, because this area has been extensively researched in rodents and humans. This is distinct from passive avoidance, which describes situations where in order to avoid an aversive US, a response must be withheld, or in other words, a punishment contingency. To begin, we will outline the theories of avoidance that have predominated the literature up until this point, recounting and reappraising the vibrant avoidance debate.


Associative Theories of Avoidance

Avoidance as a Pavlovian Response


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Ivan Pavlov coined the term signalization (what we now call conditioning) to describe his series of now famous observations wherein the sound of a metronome, a conditioned stimulus (CS), could elicit a consummatory response in a dog, if the sound of the metronome had been previously paired with food delivery (Pavlov, 1927). If rather than food, an acid solution was delivered to the dog’s mouth then the metronome would elicit a range of defensive responses; wherein, for example, the dog would shake its head. In the above example, the head shaking response could be characterised in two ways; as a conditioned Pavlovian response equivalent to that emitted when the US is presented, or it could be considered an instrumental avoidance response if the experimental conditions are such that shaking of the head prevents the acid from entering their mouth. The popular account of avoidance, at the time was and still is, based on the assumption that avoidance in animals is an adaptive function, acquired and executed in order to prevent the animal from coming to harm. Robert Bolles (1970) sought to turn this view on its head. He highlighted the fact that in nature, predators rarely give notice to their prey prior to an attack, nor do they typically provide enough trials to its prey for learning to occur. He contended that rather than an instrumental and adaptive response, the kind of avoidance described in nature is an innate defensive reaction that occurs to surprising or sudden events. Though not explicitly appealing to the notion of a Pavlovian model of avoidance, Bolles’ account advances the convergent notion that conditioned responses to a CS, such as flight, are not learned, but rather biologically prepared reactions to stimuli that are unexpectedly presented. Bolles termed these “species-specific defence reactions” (SSDRs). He suggested that many so-called learned avoidance response experiments utilised procedures in which animals learned very quickly with little exposure to the US. For instance, a common shuttle-box apparatus involves an animal moving to from one to the other side of the box to avoid an aversive US (i.e. shock). In other studies, where the desired avoidance response is not in the 5

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animal’s repertoire of SSDRs (e.g., a rat pressing a lever) avoidance is acquired much more slowly (Riess, 1971), and in cases where the required avoidance response conflicts with a SSDR, avoidance conditioning is extremely difficult to obtain (Hineline and Rachlin, 1969). Further support for the Pavlovian view of avoidance came from studying the behaviour of high and low avoiding strains of rat (Bond, 1984). In his experiments, Bond observed that these strains were selected for fleeing and freezing, respectively, and that a cross of these breeds displayed moderate performance of both of these behaviours. He concludes that, in line with a Pavlovian account of avoidance, defensive reactions in animals are under hereditary control, rather than being controlled primarily by the instrumental avoidance contingency. Although Bolles’ theory was extremely valuable in highlighting the importance of Pavlovian SSDRs in the acquisition of avoidance, the conclusion that avoidance behaviours can be reduced to classical conditioning is widely refuted. Mackintosh (1983) makes an astute rebuttal of this notion, reasoning that in order for a Pavlovian account to be upheld, animals trained with a Pavlovian relation might be expected to acquire avoidance relations at rates of responding that were superior to instrumentally trained ones. Mackintosh cites a series of studies showing that this is not the case. Instead instrumental avoidance contingencies greatly enhance response rates relative to equivalent classical conditioning procedures (Bolles et al., 1966, Brogden et al., 1938, Kamin, 1956, Scobie and Fallon, 1974). Further, rather than being a purely stimulus driven phenomenon, as might be expected on the basis of the Pavlovian analysis, avoidance can be acquired and maintained in the absence of any predictive stimulus (Herrnstein and Hineline, 1966, Hineline, 1970, Sidman, 1953). Moreover, Sidman (1955) discovered that if a warning CS was introduced to his free-operant procedure, rather than potentiating avoidance responding, as a Pavlovian account of avoidance might predict, the CS actually depressed it. This is because rats began to wait for 6

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the CS to be presented before responding, suggesting it served a discriminative function, allowing them to perform only necessary responses. Together, these data point to the existence of a more purposeful mechanism of controlling avoidance behaviour.

Two-Factor Theory By far the most widely held and influential account of avoidance is Mowrer’s two-factor theory (1947), which was inspired by Konorski and Miller (Konorski and Miller, 1933). Although Mowrer was satisfied that a simple Pavlovian account of avoidance was insufficient to explain what he saw as the clearly beneficial effect of introducing an instrumental contingency, he reasoned that if avoidance behaviour follows Thorndike’s Law of Effect (1911), wherein behaviour is excited or inhibited on the basis of reinforcement, then there remained a considerable explanatory gap to be bridged: “How can a shock which is not experienced, i.e. which is avoided, be said to provide either a source of motivation or of satisfaction? Obviously the factor of fear has to be brought into such an analysis.” Mowrer, 1947 (pp.108)


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Figure 2. Task Design, Mowrer, 1940

Condi&oned(S&mulus((CS)( Uncondi&oned(S&mulus((US)(




Group A were presented with avoidable shocks at 1 minute intervals. Group B were presented with avoidable shocks at variable intervals, 15, 60 or 120 seconds, which averaged to one minute. Group C received avoidable shocks on the same schedule as group A, but during the 1 minute inter-trial interval, they were presented with unsignalled shocks, which they could escape, but not avoid. Mowrer (1940) provided the evidence, from rats and later guinea pigs, that began to provide a solution to this puzzle (Figure 2). The experiments involved three experimental groups. The first group were placed in a circular grill and at one minute intervals were presented with a tone CS that predicted a shock (Figure 1, A). If the animals moved to another section of the grill upon hearing the tone, the shock was omitted. He found that the animals readily learned


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this behaviour. In the second group, rather than being presented at regular one-minute intervals, the CS was presented at variable time points (15, 60 or 120 seconds), averaging one minute (Figure 2, B). A final group received the same procedure as the first group, except that during the 1 minute inter-trial-interval (ITI), unavoidable (i.e. unsignalled) shocks were delivered every 15 seconds, forcing the animals to move to another section of the grill to escape the shock (Figure 2, C). Mowrer observed retarded conditioning of the avoidance response in the second and third groups relative to the first group. He hypothesised that the superiority of conditioning observed in the first group, who had received a schedule with regular ITIs, was a result of the amount of fear-reduction or relief that was experienced when the animal produced the conditioned avoidance response. In the other groups, he postulated that relief was attenuated due to the irregular ITIs employed in one group and the addition of unavoidable shocks in the final group, producing a relatively more “annoying state of affairs” (Mowrer, 1947). In essence, this analysis proposed that avoidance behaviour was acquired through negative reinforcement, wherein the reduction of fear was the reinforcer of behaviour. In order for this negative reinforcement to take place, the animal first needs to acquire this fear, constituting the two factors necessary for avoidance learning. “This is accomplished by assuming (i) that anxiety, i.e., mere anticipation of actual organic need or injury, may effectively motivate human beings and (ii) that reduction of anxiety may serve powerfully to reinforce behavior that brings about such a state of 'relief or 'security.'

Mowrer, 1939 not in ref list (pp.564)

Although popularised by Mowrer, an earlier experiment by Konorski and Miller (1933) foreshadows the notion of a two-factor process of avoidance (recounted by Konorski, 1967). In this experiment, the authors exposed a dog to trials in which a noise (CS) predicted the 9

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delivery of intra-oral acid (US). They subsequently gave the dog CS presentations, wherein they would passively flex the rear leg of the dog, and withhold the aversive US. They found that the dog began to actively flex their leg following exposure to the CS and that the aversive Pavlovian salivary response diminished as a result of (or was coincident with) the instrumental avoidance response. The avoidance response, according to Konorski and Miller, had become a conditioned inhibitor of the salivation, i.e. the conditioned response to the acid. Mowrer and Lamoreaux (1942) found further support for fear-reduction as a construct with the demonstration that, if the avoidance response caused the CS to terminate, their animals conditioned even more readily. As the CS served as the fear-elicitor in their experiment, the finding that terminating this fearful CS enhanced avoidance was strikingly in line with the notion that fear-reduction motivates avoidance. However, the theory that escape from fear is what reinforces avoidance was undermined by a series of experiments reported by Sidman. These experiments illustrated that avoidance behaviour could be acquired during procedures where there was no external warning CS. Sidman’s (1953) free-operant avoidance schedule is one in which animals can learn to avoid shocks that are delivered using an interval timer, which is reset after each avoidance or escape response. Sidman reported successful conditioning in 50 animals using this procedure and these results were later used to deliver a considerable challenge to (CS based) or ‘fear-reduction’ theories of avoidance. In response to this criticism, the definition of the CS in avoidance was expanded to include internally generated temporal stimuli (Anger, 1963). Anger hypothesised that in a free-operant chamber, where no physical CS signals shock, the duration since last response becomes a salient CS. If the avoidance response results in omission or delay of a scheduled shock, as time passes, aversiveness increases until another avoidance response is emitted as a conditioned response to this temporal CS. He also argued that in other experimental conditions, there is likely reinforcement from the termination of the avoidance response itself, 10

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wherein the termination of the response has been paired with no shock and the omission of the response is paired with shock. Therefore, the termination of the response becomes fear reducing, or in other words, a fear inhibitor (Konorski, 1967). Herrnstein, one of the most vocal critics of two-factor theory, argued that these extensions to the specification of the CS in the two-factor theory had to “find or invent, a stimulus change” making them so tautological that it was no longer amenable to experimental test (Herrnstein, 1969). Notwithstanding these claims, Herrnstein proceeded to provide just such empirical tests, which will be described later. Mowrer (1960) responded to the observation that rats acquire instrumental avoidance under free-operant procedures. His new formulation of two-factor theory postulated that the degree of stimulus change after an avoidance response was a tractable variable that could have reinforcing properties. Indeed, this idea was supported by experiments in which a discrete stimulus was presented contingently upon avoidance responses, so-called safety signals. Safety signals undoubtedly increase the rate of acquisition of avoidance behaviour (Dinsmoor, 2001) and there is strong evidence that safety signals can acquire reinforcing properties (Dinsmoor and Sears, 1973, Morris, 1974, 1975), thus supporting and maintaining avoidance behaviour. For example, in recent experiments, Fernando and colleagues (submitted for publication) showed that performance of an avoidance response is enhanced with presentation of a safety signal. They trained rats in a free-operant procedure where, in each day of training, one of two levers was randomly presented and a 5 sec signal was turned on after each avoidance or escape response. Thus the signal was associated with both levers. They then set up a situation in which both levers were present and functional (i.e., both levers avoided) but only one of them was followed by the safety signal. Rats readily chose to selectively press the lever that resulted in the presentation of the safety signal, despite the fact that both levers would avoid shock presentation, a result that was also found in a test session 11

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where shocks were not present (i.e., in extinction). The mechanism by which safety signals become reinforcing is easily handled by standard associative theories (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972): they predict that such signals become fear inhibitors, and as such, others hypothesise that they may even elicit a positive emotional reaction (i.e. relief: Dickinson and Dearing, 1979, Konorski, 1967). These findings lent further support to the argument that the learned value of a safety signal could enter into the avoidance question. Another challenge to two-factor theory was the observation that fear responses to the CS, typically indexed using appetitive bar-press suppression, reliably diminish over time as animals master the avoidance response (Kamin et al., 1963, Linden, 1969, Neuenschwander et al., 1987, Solomon et al., 1953, Starr and Mineka, 1977). If, according to Mowrer, fear drives avoidance behaviour, then logic follows that avoidance behaviour should extinguish as the conditioned fear response diminishes. In other words, conditioned fear should be tightly correlated with the vigour of the avoidance response. A number of studies have convincingly shown that avoidance responding and Pavlovian conditioned fear response measures are dissociable, regardless of whether fear is measured using conditioned suppression as in the aforementioned studies, or using autonomic measures in both nonhuman animals (Brady and Harris, 1977, Coover et al., 1973) and humans (Solomon et al., 1980). Furthermore, avoidance responding is known to sometimes persist for extremely long periods in spite of the introduction of a Pavlovian extinction procedure, which is one where the CS no longer predicts an aversive US, when subjects respond on all trials (Levis, 1966, Seligman and Campbell, 1965, Solomon et al., 1953). The persistence of avoidance when fear responses are greatly reduced is considered to be the most serious problem for two-factor theory, as Mineka (1979) concedes in her critique of two-factor theory. However, no experiment had yet demonstrated avoidance behaviour in the complete absence of fear. Since 1979, researchers have come no closer to making this observation. 12

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Cognitive Expectancy Theories Seligman and Johnston (1973) were the original proponents of an elaborated so-called ‘cognitive theory’ of avoidance, proposing that avoidance behaviour is not controlled by stimulus-response associations, which are stamped in through reinforcement, but by two expectancies. The first is an expectancy that if the animal does not respond, they will receive an aversive CS, and the second is an expectancy that if they do respond, they will not receive an aversive CS. The key difference between this and prior models is that cognitive theory supposes that avoidance behaviour is not negatively reinforced by the aversive US, but rather relies upon propositional knowledge of action-outcome expectations. While these expectations could of course be supported by associative processes (links), the cognitive component is captured by the way such expectations interact with preferences (for no shock over shock) and bring about avoidance behaviour. In a more general sense, of course, these ideas had been around for much longer, dating back to when Tolman first posited a goaldirected account of instrumental action (Tolman, 1948). “We feel, however, that the intervening brain processes are more complicated, more patterned and often, pragmatically speaking, more autonomous than do the stimulusresponse psychologists” Tolman, 1948 (pp.192) As said, expectancies, in this formulation, can be considered graded variables, which like stimulus-response links, can be captured by an association. Expectancies can be modified not only by direct experience (reinforcement, non-reinforcement), but also by verbal instructions, i.e. ‘symbolically’ (in humans). The propositional nature of the resulting representation is considered to reflect a higher-order cognitive process, rather than the automatic linking of 13

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events. One advantage of cognitive theory is that it can account for the striking persistence of avoidance behaviour during CS-US extinction. It predicts that when animals reach an asymptote of avoidance behaviour in which they are responding on every trial, they experience only response - no shock contingencies and never experience the disconfirming case of no response - no shock and therefore continue indefinitely. Seligman and Johnston’s cognitive explanation for avoidance learning was however, still a two-factor approach, as Pavlovian conditioning was considered necessary to motivate avoidance, a factor they termed emotional and reflexive, in line with two-factor theory. They are however explicit in their assertion that fear reduction plays no role in reinforcing avoidance behaviour. Subsequent attempts have expanded this framework to also account more generally for Pavlovian fear learning (Reiss, 1991). Based largely on self-report and interview data from human anxiety patients (e.g. McNally and Steketee, 1985), Reiss’ expectancy theory surmised that pathological fear is at least partially motivated by expectations of future negative events (e.g. “I expect the plane will crash”). Lovibond (2006) subsequently united the instrumental component of Seligman and Johnston’s (1973) cognitive account with Reiss’ and his own earlier theory positing that expectancy mediated appetitive Pavlovian conditioned responding (Lovibond and Shanks, 2002, Reiss, 1991), to form an integrated cognitive expectancy account. This account posits that if an aversive US is expected, anxiety will increase, and that stimuli which are signals of the occurrence or absence of aversive outcomes will potentiate and depress expectancy, respectively. A similar account, which suggests that avoidance behaviour functions as a negative occasion setter, i.e. modifying the known relationship between stimuli and aversive outcomes, makes a similar case regarding the role of expectancy in avoidance (De Houwer et al., 2005). In opposition to these accounts, Maia (2010) argued that if avoidance is supported purely by expectations and beliefs, then there is no reason why response latencies should decrease to 14

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the point where they are much shorter than what is necessary to avoid shock. Furthermore, these latencies have been shown to continue to decrease into extinction (Beninger et al., 1980, Solomon et al., 1953). Cognitive accounts are silent about this effect, and indeed it is difficult to imagine how this could be reconciled within the expectancy framework. Another observation that does not sit well with expectancy/belief perspectives is the observation that in cases of extreme resistance to extinction, dogs will continue to make a well-trained avoidance response even if it means they will effectively jump into an electrified shock chamber. Solomon, Kamin and Wynne (1953) first reported this phenomenon when they attempted to discourage a highly extinction-resistant dog from responding when presented with the previously trained aversive CS on an extinction procedure. He introduced an intense shock that would be delivered on the new side of the shuttle box on each trial, that is, a punishment contingency. That the dog persisted to jump into shock is a very challenging result for cognitive theories, given the evident lack of instrumentality of the response. Besides these challenges, opposition to the cognitive theory of avoidance has been relatively limited. One explanation is that due to its relative recency, direct tests of its major tenets have not yet been conducted. However, it has been suggested that the theory is silent about mechanisms and therefore lacks the specificity necessary to be amenable to experimental test. One promising avenue for formalising the role of expectancy in avoidance recently came from recent computational accounts of Maia (2010) and Moutoussis et al (2008). These authors forward an actor-critic (Sutton and Barto, 1998) model of avoidance, in which the expectancies invoked by Lovibond can be formalised associatively in terms of temporal difference learning, wherein expectancies of reward are accrued over the course of experience and deviations from expectations produce prediction errors (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972, Schultz et al., 1997), which can be used to correct expectations for the future. Within this framework, instances where aversive USs are predicted but not delivered 15

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following the performance of an avoidance response are hypothesised to produce a positive prediction error (i.e. one which is better than expected), which reinforce the action, and in turn act as an appetitive reinforcer. This account has the advantage of incorporating the notion of expectancy into a two-factor account, which posits that “relief” acts as the reinforcer of avoidance. Although these models can account for much of the pre-existing literature on avoidance, including the persistence of avoidance long into extinction, without experimental test, the question of whether these models possess any predictive validity remains open. The most influential associative theories of avoidance have now been outlined. Although these theories differ in their interpretation of the particular association that drives behaviour, and how that association enters into the learning process, they share a common feature. Each of these theories relies on the idea that associations between environmental events shape the acquisition and retention of avoidance behaviour. In the following section, we will formalise our understanding of the conditions, specifically the associations, necessary for avoidance, in part, by juxtaposing these theoretical frameworks.


Conditions Necessary for Avoidance

Pavlovian Contingency (CS – US): Avoidance Acquisition The acquisition of avoidance responses is sensitive to many of the same conditions governing other forms of associative learning. Contiguity refers to the notion that stimuli that are presented together in time or space are more easily associated. By varying the interval between CS and US, Kamin (1954) demonstrated that the number of trials needed to acquire 16

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an avoidance criterion was modulated by temporal contiguity. Specifically, He showed that the weaker the contiguity, the slower the acquisition of avoidance. Despite this clear result, the subsequent discovery of the Blocking effect (Kamin, 1969), together with the observation that contingency strongly determines behavioural control (Rescorla, 1968) eliminated the need of characterising contiguity as a sufficient condition for learning, and hence for avoidance. Contingency, as opposed to contiguity, refers to the relative probability of an outcome in the presence and absence of a stimulus, p(US/CS) and, p(US/noCS) respectively. The importance of contingency for the acquisition of instrumental avoidance was tested by Rescorla (1966), when he trained three groups of dogs using a Sidman avoidance procedure. One group received training in which a CS predicted a shock US, another received training where the CS predicted the absence of shock, and a third received random presentations of CS and US. He found that avoidance behaviour was increased and decreased in the conditions where the CS predicted the presence and absence of the US, respectively. In the non-contingent condition, he found the CS had no effect on avoidance responding, in spite of the chance pairings of the two events. As noted earlier, problems for stimulus-based theories of avoidance (i.e. Pavlovian accounts and two-factor theory) came about when critics highlighted that during Sidman’s early experiments, free-operant avoidance could be acquired in the absence of a warning CS (Sidman, 1953). In an effort to explain this result within the framework of two-factor theory, some theorists sought to expand the definition of the CS. According to Schoenfeld (1950), stimuli that become conditioned during the avoidance learning procedure are not limited to that which the experimenter deems relevant to the procedure. Anger (1963), like Schoenfeld, proposed that the temporal conditions inherent in an experiment and also the proprioception associated with aspects of the response could act as CSs, motivating the animal to escape the fear they elicit. Although Herrnstein (1969) made a valid point regarding the difficulty 17

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associated with measuring these somewhat elusive CSs, a simple way of characterising the various stimuli involved in conditioning is to consider them components of the broader experimental context. The role of the context in associative learning only emerged in the latter half of the last century, but is now a rich area of study (Urcelay and Miller, in press). Assuming that environmental cues can enter into association with the shock, we can think of the exteroceptive context as a global warning signal that predicts the occurrence of shock, thus eliciting avoidance behaviour due to its correlation with shock, at least early on in training (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972).

Pavlovian Contingency (CS – US): Avoidance Maintenance Although likely critical for acquisition, the role of CS-US contingency in the maintenance of avoidance is much less clear. Borne out of the observation that the avoidance behaviour evident in anxiety disorders persists despite unreinforced presentations of the CS (e.g. in post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD), researchers began to speculate that if conditioning is a good model of human anxiety, then avoidance in the laboratory should be particularly resistant to extinction of the CS-US contingency (Eysenck, 1979). The first reported case of extreme resistance to extinction in animal avoidance was described in research by Solomon and colleagues (1953). Two dogs were trained to jump from one side of a shuttle box to the other at the sound of a buzzer and the raising of the central gate separating the compartments of the box, to avoid receiving a highly intense shock. After training to criterion, the dogs were no longer shocked, regardless of their behaviour, thus attempting to extinguish responding. Much to the experimenter’s surprise, the dogs continued to make the avoidance response for days following the introduction of extinction. They stopped running one animal after 190 extinction trials and the other at 490, neither showing signs of extinction, in fact 18

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their response latencies gradually decreased over extinction (i.e. became faster). Strikingly, they reported that the animal that was finally stopped at 490 trials had only received 11 shocks during training. As mentioned earlier, subsequent attempts to discourage avoidance by introducing a punishment contingency were unsuccessful, demonstrating the quite remarkable inflexibility of the avoidance response. Although Solomon’s early observations provided compelling evidence in support of the then popular conditioning model of anxiety, the first analyses of this postulate surmised that persistent resistance to CS-US extinction was not always a feature of avoidance, based on a host of studies demonstrating that in general, avoidance extinguishes quite readily in animals in a number of different paradigms once the CS ceases to predict an aversive outcome (Mackintosh, 1974). This stance was generally accepted but soon reversed when it was observed that paradigms using multiple CSs, presented in series (e.g. a tone, followed by a light, followed by a noise), could reliably induce avoidance behaviour that was resistant to CS-US extinction in animals (Levis, 1966, Levis et al., 1970, Levis and Boyd, 1979, McAllister et al., 1986) and humans (Malloy and Levis, 1988, Williams and Levis, 1991). The serial CS procedure, which was also employed by Solomon in his original work, is thought to reflect more closely the reality of human conditioning, where cues are typically multidimensional, rather than the type of unidimensional cues used in most conditioning procedures. Indeed direct comparisons between serial and non-serial paradigms clearly demonstrates the disparity in the resulting sensitivity to extinction, wherein serial cues tend to induce greater resistance to extinction than discrete cues (Malloy and Levis, 1988). One explanation for resistance to extinction in avoidance is that unlike appetitive instrumental behaviour, the successful outcome of action is a non-event, or the absence of an expected aversive US (Lovibond, 2006). It follows that when avoidance behaviour reaches a high rate prior to extinction, subsequent exposure to the new contingency (CS-noUS) is disrupted by 19

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the intervening response, such that the animal is never exposed to the new contingency. From a different theoretical standpoint, the Rescorla-Wagner theory (1972) also predicts that the response should protect the CS from extinguishing, because the avoidance response becomes a conditioned inhibitor of fear; a point originally made by Konorski (1967; see also Soltysik (1960)). In general, it seems that CS-US contingency, although widely considered to be necessary for the development of avoidance, may not be critical for the maintenance of this behaviour. It should be noted however, the broad individual differences in sensitivity to extinction are typically reported (Sheffield and Temmer, 1950, Williams and Levis, 1991).

Instrumental Contingency (R – no US; no R- US) Perhaps the most widely accepted condition necessary for avoidance behaviour to emerge is for an instrumental contingency to exist between performance of the response and the delivery of an aversive event. In other words, avoidance is acquired on the basis that it is effective in preventing undesirable outcomes. This condition for avoidance was first taken out of the realm of tacit assumption and into the laboratory by Herrnstein and colleagues (Boren et al., 1959, Herrnstein and Hineline, 1966), who tested the relationship between avoidance and shock intensity, and avoidance and shock-frequency reduction, respectively. This effort was made to resolve an issue arising from Pavlov’s (1927) earlier experiments: “How effective would Pavlov’s procedure be if the salivary response did not moisten the food, dilute the acid or irrigate the mouth?” (Herrnstein, 1969, pp. 50) What Herrnstein references here is the inability for Pavlov’s experiments to distinguish between the instrumental and Pavlovian nature of the responses observed in his classical


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conditioning studies. In an effort to demonstrate the instrumentality inherent in avoidance responses, Herrnstein and Hineline (1966) designed a free-operant paradigm wherein presentations of a foot shock were delivered at random intervals, with no spatial or temporal CS signal. This design sought to deal with the attempt by Anger (1963), described earlier, to characterise their earlier results as a consequence of the inherent temporal contingency in the Sidman avoidance procedure. Using this procedure they demonstrated that response rates were directly related to the level of shock reduction. The strong conclusion made by Herrnstein, that avoidance is solely dependent on the reduction in shock rate, is perhaps overstated, given the evidence cited above for the role of context in associative learning. Nonetheless, the tight coupling between response rate and shock frequency reduction observed in this study makes a strong case for the role of R-noUS contingency in avoidance behaviour. Further support was provided by some elegant studies in rodents and humans using flooding (i.e. response prevention). In one such study, after an avoidance criterion was reached using a shuttle-box shock avoidance apparatus, Mineka and Gino (1979) tested the effect of flooding on the conditioned emotional response (CER), an assay for conditioned fear, during extinction training in rats. The experimental flooding group received non-reinforced CS exposure (extinction) in their training cage. Critically, a metal barrier was positioned in place of the hurdle barrier that the rats had previously used to avoid shock, thereby preventing the rats from performing the avoidance response. Two control groups received an equivalent period in their home cage, and CS-US extinction training with no flooding, respectively. In line with an expectancy account of avoidance, they found that the animals receiving flooding showed an initial increase in the CER (i.e. greater fear response) during their extinction training in the presence of flooding compared to the control groups. This effect was also observed by Solomon (1953) in his initial experiments with dogs, described earlier in the 21

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chapter. What these data suggest, is that the avoidance response is associated with avoided shock, and therefore when the opportunity to avoid is removed, the animal predicts shock. Lovibond and colleagues (2008) demonstrated a similar effect in humans, wherein response prevention increased participants’ level of shock expectancy during extinction training compared to a group who were permitted to continue to avoid. There was a similar effect on skin conductance level (SCL), a tonic measure of arousal related to anxiety, in that subjects receiving response prevention had greater SCL than comparison groups. That the prevention of the avoidance response causes an increase in anxiety and shock expectancy suggests that, as in the Mineka and Gino (1979) study, the absence of shock is contingent on the subject performing the avoidance response. In a subsequent experiment, Lovibond and colleagues (2009) found that the availability (and utilisation) of the avoidance response during extinction training causes an increase in levels of shock expectancy ratings and SCL when subsequently tested in the absence of the avoidance response, illustrating that continued avoidance can prevent safety learning about CS-noUS contingency, which is a basic tenet of exposure and response prevention therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


Content of the Associations

Having discussed what we assume are the two conditions necessary for the acquisition and maintenance of avoidance, contingency between stimuli and reinforcers, and between actions and their outcomes, we turn now to the difficult question of delineating what form these associations take in terms of the content of the representation that modulates avoidance behaviour. Here, we describe and evaluate a dual-process account of avoidance analogous to that described by Dickinson (1980) for appetitive conditioning. Not to be confused with twofactor theory, which assumes that Pavlovian and instrumental associations are necessary for 22

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avoidance, dual-process theories refers to whether the representations that control behaviour are stimulus-response, automatic, or habit-based, or if they are driven instead by the value of outcomes, and the relationship between actions and outcomes, and are therefore goaldirected. By virtue of their ubiquity, the representations comprising a dual-system account have appeared in different guises throughout the history of psychology. What Dickinson (1985) termed goal-directed and habitual, others have described as related processes such as declarative and procedural (Cohen and Squire, 1980), model-based and model-free (Daw et al., 2005), explicit and implicit (Reber, 1967), or controlled and automatic (Schneider and Shiffrin, 1977). Although the terminology and indeed phenomenology differs, these are all characterisations of a dual-process system of learning and are thought to inter-relate. Seger and Spiering (2011) conclude there are five common definitional features of what we will henceforth call habit learning and goal-directed behaviour. Specifically, habits are inflexible, slow or incremental, unconscious, automatic, and insensitive to reinforcer devaluation. As these definitions are partially overlapping, we will use just two of Seger and Spiering’s characteristics of habit learning to explore the assertion that the representations that govern avoidance, much like appetitive instrumental behaviour, can be understood from a dualprocess perspective. Flexibility Evidence for goal-directed associations in avoidance comes from many avenues, the first of which is the evident flexibility of avoidance to changes in the environment. Declercq and colleagues (2008) investigated if avoidance behaviour was capable of this kind of flexibility by testing the ability of subjects to adapt their behaviour solely on the basis of new information provided to them. This is in contrast to learning by direct reinforcement. To test this, they arranged a scenario in which a Pavlovian contingency existed between three CSs


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and unavoidable aversive USs: shock, white noise and both (i.e. noise + shock), respectively. Subsequently, subjects were given the opportunity to perform one of two avoidance responses (R1 or R2) following the presentation of the third stimulus, which predicted simultaneous presentation of both of the aversive USs (noise + shock). Here, subjects could learn that pressing R1 in the presence of this CS caused the omission of shock, but not noise, whereas pressing R2 caused the omission of the noise, and not the shock. To test for inferential reasoning in avoidance, the authors then presented participants with the other two discriminative stimuli from stage one, the CS that predicted shock only and the CS that predicted noise only. They tested if subjects could use R1 when presented with the CS that predicted shock and R2 when presented with the CS that predicted noise. This behaviour could rely only on inferential reasoning based on learning during the intervening stage. Declercq and colleagues found that students could indeed make this inferential step, bolstering the claim that avoidance can indeed be goal-directed in nature. However, it is notable that in order to reveal this effect, the authors had to exclude participants from experiment 1 on the basis of the degree to which they acquired propositional (self-report) knowledge of the training stages of the task. These results were even then not altogether convincing, and so the authors repeated the experiment with the introduction of a ‘learning to criteria’ component, designed to improve subjects’ propositional knowledge of the initial task contingencies. Indeed, propositional knowledge was improved in this experiment and the subjects performed the inference task above chance level. This kind of analysis, however, could be considered circular, as participants are selected on the basis of a criterion known to relate to the dependent measure. Although these data suggest that avoidance behaviour has the capacity to be flexible, it highlights how verbal instructions can be play a critical role in mediating a shift between flexible and inflexible representations, possibly by promoting propositional knowledge and 24

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decreasing sensitivity to direct reinforcement (Li et al., 2011). That when the instructions are sparse, even healthy humans have difficulty making basic inferences in avoidance, suggests that other mechanisms besides expectancy may be supporting avoidance learning. In addition, these experiments employ symbolic outcomes, leaving open the question of whether this kind of instrumentality can be demonstrated using a more traditional avoidance learning paradigm. In addition to the necessity for paradigms to include abundant instructions in order to produce flexible avoidance, further support for the notion that avoidance can also be represented by stimulus-response associations in the habit system can be derived from an observation by Solomon and colleagues (1953), described earlier in which dogs persist in avoidance despite the introduction of a punishment schedule. In a more structured experiment, Boren and colleagues (1959) found that indeed the intensity of stimulation is a reliable predictor of subsequent resistance to extinction. This suggests that once way in which control of avoidance shifts from being goal-directed to habit-based is through the intensity of the US, which may serve to “stamp in” stimulus-response associations more readily. Reinforcer devaluation Reinforcer devaluation was described by Adams and Dickinson (1981) as a method for testing whether appetitive instrumental behaviour in the rodent is goal-directed or habitbased. In this procedure, rats were trained to lever-press for a certain food outcome, and exposed to non-contingent presentations of another food. In a subsequent stage, the researchers paired consumption of one of the foods with injections of lithium chloride to instil a taste-aversion in these subjects (i.e. outcome devaluation). They then tested two groups of rats, one group that had received the taste aversion to the non-contingently presented food and the other to the instrumentally acquired food in stage 1. They found that the rats, which had acquired a conditioned taste-aversion to the non-contingently presented


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food, persisted to respond on the lever for the other food while rats, which had acquired an aversion to the instrumentally acquired food, decreased their rate of responding. Although this provided strong evidence for the goal-directed nature of appetitive behaviour in the rodent, Adams (1982) subsequently demonstrated that following extended training, behaviour lost its sensitivity to outcome devaluation and became a stimulus-response habit. While reinforcer devaluation has been much studied in appetitive conditions, but there are just three examples in avoidance learning (Declercq and De Houwer, 2008, Gillan et al., 2013, Hendersen and Graham, 1979). In the first such study, Hendersen and Graham (1979) manipulated the value of a heat outcome by altering the ambient temperature in which it was presented. The heat-lamp outcome was aversive in a warm context and less aversive, or “devalued” in a cold context. Animals were trained to avoid the heat US in a warm context and then subsequently placed in a cold environment where half of the rats were given exposure to the heat US, while the other half were not. The rats were then placed into the avoidance apparatus and extinguished in either the warm or cold context, creating 4 groups in total. When they compared rats that were tested in the cold environment, they found that extinction of the avoidance response was facilitated by the intervening heat devaluation procedure (i.e. exposure to the heat US in the cold environment). There was no difference in extinction rate between the groups extinguished in the warm environment. Together, these data suggest that rodents must have learned that the heat US is not aversive in the cold environment, in order to show sensitivity to whether the CS is presented in a warm or cold setting. It therefore appears that, in rodents, avoidance behaviour can display characteristics of goal-directed behaviour that is sensitive to outcome value. It should be noted however, that there was no significant difference in behaviour between the groups on the first trial of extinction in this study, suggesting that the


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effects of outcome devaluation were not immediately translated into behaviour, as would be predicted by a goal-directed account. Declercq and De Houwer (2008) attempted to rectify this problem. They trained healthy humans on an avoidance procedure wherein they could press an available response button to avoid two USs associated with monetary loss, that were predicted by two discrete CSs. They then conducted a symbolic revaluation procedure, where subjects were shown that one of the USs was now associated with monetary gain, instead of loss. In a subsequent test phase, they observed that subjects refrained from performing the avoidance response to the CS associated with the re-valued US, and maintained avoidance to the CS that predicted the still-aversive US. Furthermore, this dramatic behaviour change was evident from the first trial of the test phase, suggesting that humans used knowledge of the value of the US to guide their decision whether or not to respond to a given CS, without any new reinforcement experience with the response and the re-valued outcome. The final example of reinforcer devaluation in avoidance comes from our own work studying habit formation in patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is an anxiety disorder in which patients feel compelled to perform avoidance responses that they, rather counter-intuitively, readily report are senseless or at a minimum, disproportionate to the situation. Despite this awareness, patients have difficulty over-coming the compulsion to act, in spite of mounting negative consequences associated with performing these avoidance responses. Examples of compulsive behaviour range from excessive repetition of common behaviours such as hand-washing or checking, to superstitious acts such as ritualistic counting or flicking light switches. A recent model of compulsivity in OCD characterises this behaviour as a manifestation of excessive habit formation (Robbins et al., 2012), based on data demonstrating that OCD patients have a deficit in goal-directed behavioural control


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following appetitive instrumental learning using outcome devaluation of symbolic reinforcers (Gillan et al., 2011). Although these data looked promising, given that compulsions in OCD are avoidant rather than appetitive, we reasoned that excessive avoidance habit learning a more ecologically valid model of the disorder and determined that if excessive habit formation was a good model of OCD, then habits must be experimentally demonstrable in avoidance, as well as following appetitive instrumental training. To test if stimulus-response associations can support avoidance learning, we set up a shock avoidance procedure with brief and extended training components. We trained OCD patients and a group of matched healthy control subjects on a novel avoidance paradigm wherein one stimulus predicted a shock to the subjects’ left wrist and another predicted one to the right (Gillan et al., 2013). Participants could avoid receiving a shock if the pressed the correct footpedal while a warning CS was on the screen. A third stimulus was always safe and served as a control measure for general response disinhibition. Reinforcer devaluation was implemented by disconnecting the shock electrodes from one of the subjects’ wrists, while leaving the other connected. We informed subjects explicitly that the stimulus that previously predicted this outcome was now safe and would not lead to further shocks. Following extended training, OCD patients made considerably more habit responses to the devalued stimulus compared with controls, indicative of a relative lack of goal-directed control over action. Notably, both groups demonstrated quite prominent devaluation, indicating that avoidance behaviour unequivocally displays goal-directed characteristics. In this experiment, we also took a post-test measure of shock expectancy during the devaluation test. We found that OCD patients had an equally low expectancy that shock follow the CS which was associated with the now devalued outcome. This suggests that when habits are formed, avoidance behaviour persists in a manner that is insensitive to explicit


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knowledge of outcome value and task contingency. As noted above, healthy participants in this study did not exhibit habits following extended training. We hypothesised that the failure for our procedure to instil habits in the healthy cohort was that exposure to the devaluation test following brief training may have increased their sensitivity to outcome value at the second test, following over-training. Therefore, in a subsequent experiment, which is unpublished, we attempted to instil habits in two groups of healthy undergraduates who received different training durations (long vs. short). We found that subjects who received a longer duration of training showed poorer sensitivity to devaluation. Although significant using a one-tailed test (p=0.03), the weakness of the effect led us to conclude that it is exceedingly difficult to demonstrate robust avoidance habits in a healthy student cohort (Gillan et al, unpublished data). The likely explanation for this difficulty is that the level of instruction, which must (for ethical reasons) be provided in human avoidance experiments, tends to favour propositional, goal-directed control. In this section, we have reviewed the experimental evidence relevant to a dual-process account, such that the content of the associations supporting avoidance might fall into two categories, goal-directed or habitual. The data presented suggest that much like appetitive instrumental learning, avoidance can and is often supported by goal-directed, flexible representations, however, in some situations, avoidance appears to be solely controlled by stimulus-response links based on prior reinforcement of action and that are insensitive to goals.


Mechanisms of avoidance

Having already discussed various theoretical positions regarding the mechanisms supporting the acquisition of instrumental avoidance, in this section, we aim to synthesise these accounts 29

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with findings from modern neuroscience. Currently available evidence suggests that prediction error is the most tenable psychological mechanism that can account for the acquisition and maintenance of avoidance. This is an opinion forwarded in recent temporal difference accounts by Maia (2010) and Moutoussis and colleagues (2008), which manage rather seamlessly to integrate two-factor theory with the notion of cognitive expectancy. In this section, we advocate that avoidance learning involves an interaction between (i) learning to predict an imminent threat, and (ii) learning which instrumental actions can successfully cancel the impending threat, wherein each process relies on prediction error. Prediction errors, discrepancies between what is expected and what is received, are used by the organism to learn how to mitigate potentially aversive events in the environment, just as they are widely believed to aid the organism in the promotion of rewarding events. It is important to clarify here that this stance is orthogonal to the issue of the putative “dual-process” content of avoidance associations (habit vs. goal-directed) reviewed in the prior section. The last three decades have seen a large amount of research investigating the neural basis of avoidance learning, leading to the identification of a network that comprises the amygdala, a temporal lobe structure involved in processing emotional information, cortical regions involved in decision making, and, unsurprisingly, the striatal complex (i.e. the striatum and in particular the nucleus accumbens) which is a cognitive-emotional interface critical for action, and a putative hub for prediction error. In agreement with the involvement of neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) in prediction error (Schultz and Dickinson, 2000), dopamine has a key role in avoidance, and this has led to the use of avoidance tasks as a behavioural assay for antipsychotics, which mainly target dopaminergic function (Kapur, 2004). Correlational studies have found higher levels of tonic DA in the nucleus accumbens (Nac; a region of the rat’s ventral striatum) after rats performed an active avoidance session (McCullough et al., 1993). 30

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Furthermore, both general (Cooper et al., 1973) and Nac selective (McCullough et al., 1993), dopamine depletions, achieved by intracerebroventricular infusion of a neurotoxic agent that selectively targets and destroys dopaminergic neurons (6-OHDA), impair active lever-press avoidance performance, providing causal evidence for the involvement of dopamine in the performance of active avoidance. This is consistent with an experiment using microdialysis to measure DA concentrations that found a selective role for DA in avoidance learning. In this study, rats learned a two-way active avoidance task over five blocks of training. Tonic DA release in the NacB increased consistently during early blocks of training, when prediction error should have been highest, and diminished as subjects mastered the task. Both avoidance learning and DA release were abolished in rats that prior to training received lesions of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, containing a portion of the midbrain dopaminergic neurons projecting to the striatum (Dombrowski et al., 2013). However, above we have identified several components in avoidance learning, and the specific role of DA may not be captured by studies, given that is has poor temporal resolution (Salamone and Correa, 2012). To address this limitation, Oleson and colleagues (2012) used fast scan voltammetry to investigate the role of phasic dopamine release in avoidance at the subsecond level in rodents. Of note, they used parameters in their task so that animals could only avoid in 50% of trials, a situation that closely resembles learning (i.e., prediction error) rather than performance. Using these parameters, they measured sub-second dopamine release in the NacB to the warning signal, safety period, and avoidance responses. A trial by trial analysis revealed that DA responses to the warning signal were increased in trials in which animals successfully avoided, and thus predicted whether animals were to avoid or not, but were dampened on trials in which animals did not avoid and thus escaped after receiving shocks. Regardless of whether animals avoided or escaped, a safety signal that followed the instrumental response always was correlated with DA release. This is consistent with recent 31

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experiments using a free-operant avoidance paradigm in which a safety signal also followed avoidance responses (Fernando et al., 2013). Fernando and colleagues observed that damphetamine infusions in the shell subdivision of the NacB (but not the core) increased responding during presentations of the safety signal, reflecting a disruption of the fearinhibiting properties of the safety signal. All together, these studies provide a causal role for DA in the acquisition and performance of avoidance behaviour, a role that is consistent with the involvement of DA release in prediction error (Schultz and Dickinson, 2000). The amygdala consists of separate nuclei, of which the lateral, basal, and anterior sub-nuclei (sometimes referred to as the basolateral complex) receive inputs from different sensory modalities and project to the central amygdala (CeA), a nucleus that sends output projections to different response networks. The amygdala, especially the CeA, is widely believed to be the most important region involved in Pavlovian fear conditioning (Killcross et al., 1997, Kim and Jung, 2006, LeDoux et al., 1988, Phelps and LeDoux, 2005). It was noted in the 1990’s that human patients with amygdala lesions exhibited deficits in fear conditioning (Bechara et al., 1995, Labar et al., 1995), and in recognising fearful emotional faces (Adolphs et al., 1994). Human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has since been used to investigate the specific role of the amygdala in Pavlovian conditioning (see Sehlmeyer et al., 2009, for meta-analysis), with studies consistently finding that activation in the amygdala is increased following presentation of a neutral CS that is predictive of an aversive US (LaBar et al., 1998), and this activation correlates with the intensity of the conditioned fear response, e.g. SCRs (LaBar et al., 1998, Phelps et al., 2004). From the perspective of a two-process view of avoidance, given the amygdala has been heavily implicated in Pavlovian fear learning, it is not surprising that it has also been implicated in avoidance. In humans, one study used high resolution fMRI to probe amygdala activation during avoidance and found evidence to suggest that laterality exists in the contribution of amygdala 32

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sub-regions to avoidance and appetitive instrumental learning (Prévost et al., 2011). The authors found that activations in the CeA corresponded to the magnitude of an expected reward following an action choice, whereas the same action value signals in avoidance were found in the basolateral amygdala. This finding is in line with a study in rodents, where Lazaro-Munoz and colleagues (2010) found that lesions of the lateral or basal amygdala both lead to severely retarded acquisition of active avoidance, whereas lesions of the CeA had a smaller effect that, if any, went in the opposite direction. Indeed, in a subset of rats that did not acquire active avoidance, post-training lesions of the central amygdala revealed almost intact learning that had been hindered by competition from freezing responses. This finding again ties in with the human neuroimaging results from Prevost and colleagues, where they also observed that when cues were presented, expected outcome signals were apparent in the CeA for avoidance. Therefore, it could be argued that the CeA mediates passive components of avoidance (e.g. the freezing response), and the basolateral amygdala has a strong role in active avoidance, as it does in punishment (Killcross, Robbins, & Everitt, 1997). Overall, this is consistent with the basic tenets of a two-factor view of avoidance by which cued fear responses such as freezing can compete with the acquisition of instrumental avoidance. In line with this account, Lazaro-Munoz and colleagues observed that none of these lesions had an effect when carried out after animals had acquired the avoidance response, suggesting that the involvement of the amygdala is most critical during acquisition. Using fMRI, Delgado and colleagues (2009) found that activation in the striatum and amygdala were closely coupled as participants acquired an instrumental shock avoidance response. This finding, though only correlational, suggests that the striatum, although informed by the amygdala during acquisition, may ultimately control the instrumental component of avoidance. Finally, a few studies have investigated the role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in active avoidance. The rat mPFC projects to multiple regions including the basolateral 33

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amygdala, and the ventral striatum (Voorn et al., 2004), thus closing a “loop” between these three regions critical for avoidance. In one study, depletion of DA in the rat mPFC did not have a strong effect on avoidance, but did significantly depress escape responding (Sokolowski et al., 1994). The authors suggest that this perhaps reflects a specific role for mPFC dopamine in responding to direct presentations of aversive events, as opposed to cues that predict them. Recently, a study dissociated prelimbic and infralimbic sub-regions of the mPFC. Whereas electrolytic lesions of the prelimbic cortex had no effect on active avoidance, infralimbic lesions impaired active avoidance (Moscarello and LeDoux, 2013). What is striking about these findings is that the deficit in active avoidance acquisition was related to freezing to the CS; infralimbic lesioned rats took longer to acquire the task, and also froze more to the CS. In addition to this, the opposite pattern was observed after CeA lesions, with these rats freezing less to the CS (at least early in training) and learning active avoidance faster than sham controls. The infralimbic cortex projects to a population of inhibitory neurons (intercalated cell masses: Pare et al., 2004) located in between the basolateral amygdala and the central amygdala, so overall these results suggest that a network involving the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala and the striatum is implicated in responding to fear and overcoming fear with active behaviours. Kim and colleagues (2006) investigated the possibility that avoiding an aversive outcome is in fact equivalent to receiving a reward as alluded to earlier (Dickinson and Dearing, 1979), and would therefore be reflected by a similar pattern of activation. Healthy humans were trained to use two response keys to avoid, or experience monetary loss, respectively. On reward trials, they could select between two visual cues, associated with either a high or a low probability of monetary gain. Similarly on avoidance trials, subjects could select cues that had a high or a low probability of monetary loss. At the time of outcome delivery, they found that activation in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) was similar for trials where reward 34

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was delivered, and punishment omitted. Computationally derived prediction errors were found to correlate with activation in the insula, thalamus, mPFC and midbrain on avoidance trials. To summarise, evidence from the neurosciences points to a key role for the striatum, prefrontal cortex and amygdala in the acquisition of avoidance behaviour. A two-factor account can easily capture these data, which suggest that prediction errors are the learning mechanism through which Pavlovian fear (“expectancy”) is first acquired and instrumental (active or passive) avoidance later manifests.



In this chapter, we have provided a contemporary review of the existing literature on the associative basis of avoidance, synthesising historic debate with empirical study in rodents and humans from the fields of behavioural, cognitive and neuroscience research. We have two main conclusions that we would like to briefly summarise. The first is that a dual-process account of avoidance can reconcile with issues that previously precluded the synthesis of cognitive and reinforcement learning based accounts. The basic tenet of this argument is that although there is ample evidence for goal-sensitivity in avoidance, this has typically only been achieved when the experimental conditions are such that propositional knowledge is artificially enhanced, or specifically selected. Frequently, human and nonhuman animal avoidance displays the inflexibility characteristic of stimulus-response, habits. Conversely, stimulus-based accounts of avoidance learning have difficulty accounting for the capacity for some animals to make rapid changes in their avoidance responses based on inference, i.e. without any new experience. Habit and goal-directed accounts of the content of associations in avoidance need not be divided into one of two opposing theoretical camps, but as in the 35

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appetitive literature, there is it seems ample evidence to consider them at opposing ends of a continuum that is orthogonal to a basic understanding of the mechanism of avoidance. Once we dispense with debate on this out-dated issue, and assume that control of avoidance can oscillate between these controllers, there is good convergence for a two-factor account of avoidance, in which Pavlovian and instrumental prediction errors provide the mechanism of associative avoidance learning. This model has the advantage of possessing generality, i.e. it can be applied across avoidance and appetitive preparations, and it can capture many of the observations that initially posed problems for two-factory theory (Maia, 2010). This view is largely based on historical observation and computational simulation; therefore new, direct tests of this postulate are wanting. However, the neuroimaging evidence reviewed in this chapter converges with this account, identifying a clear role for prediction error in avoidance. This account is currently restricted to the habit domain, however there is no reason to suggest that it would not be possible to also formalise the role of prediction error in the goal-directed acquisition of avoidance, a process which has already begun in the appetitive learning (Daw et al., 2005). This distinction will be of particular importance to researchers hoping to use our understanding of pathological avoidance to understanding psychiatric disorders like OCD, where stimulus-response avoidance habits, and their interaction with conditioned fear, are thought to play a central role.


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