A big thanks to my readers! This is a celebration of 1100 blog posts made over the last five years compiling all my goblin mine related content. This is a carbon editon - a black and white, poorly edited, hastily compiled and layed out volume.

Compilation of articles from the Elfmaids & Octopi Blog by Chris Tamm aka Konsumterra Adelaide South Australia 2017

Content 1 Humanoid Lore 2 Goblin Mine Dungeon Zone 3 Humanoid Loot Originally I envisaged this as one of 12 zones to be used in my game where I ran modern Australian army vs dungeon dimension so text and tables here have some anachronisms possibly unwelcome in some settings. These were designed so I could adlib dungeons on the fly with a few tables and cave geomorphs. As the project went on I got good enough to create d100 tables all the time. The earlier Gothic Book was a collection of all the graveyard horror and mansions and ruins stuff. I would like to expand all these books into full developed RPG books but I’m hoping to do some minimal edited Carbon editionss in the meantime compiling my stuff. This dungeon zone covers abandoned and humanoid occupied mine sites. The mines are filled with abandoned mining equipment, unmined ore and lost treasures. Humanoids mostly goblins occupy the mines now. They fight for territory and wage endless inter tribal warfare. Adventurers come for the treasure these humanoids hoard and also because these long forgotten mines act as underground corridors avoiding mountains and other obstacles. Ive also included mushroom stuff for when goblins turn a section of tunnel into a underland fungus forest. Also dwarf décor for those areas overtaken from dwarf occupation. If I did expand more I’d like to include tables for deeper levels with might have connections to hell or my other dungeon types including giants, demons, undead etc. Probably more fantasy geology and a bunch of geomorphs.

1 Humanoid Lore Goblinoids

Problem is the old school goblins have held their turf peacefully for millennium by having nothing humans want in the swamps and mountains but as humans pushed in goblins who were bred as frontier soldiers by elves moved, back into to the goblin heartland. Their culture was shattered into thousands of gibbering tribes and variants forever. They are no longer a major force in the world but are still mighty and remnants of goblin kingdoms very powerful. Dark elves use goblins as serfs and make them grow mushrooms, hunt grubs and all sorts of bad jobs beneath them. Many even fight for elves. Elves use them from necessity and don’t waste them as most bosses do. Dark elf goblins insist every man wounded is carried away by three men. They get better medical care. More of them become boss types. They live longer, are not allowed to harm each other, so many volunteer knowing elves will feed and protect them. Elves plant goblins around their lands as a barrier to keep away humans. So any way the old school goblins in the mountain are the oldest and use stone weapons still. Darts, javelins, bows and spears are their favourite weapons. Blowpipes, bolos, garrottes and others are see too. Living where humans hate is the best tactic and why underland kingdoms of goblins everywhere like ancient times. Some goblins grown from beans, fern bushes, thorn bushes, cabbages, eggs, fungus especially toadstools. Elf women have been known to induce litters of other fey species but shameful is the birthing of goblinoids even if somebody has to do it sometimes. Once loose they breed at a rate faster than humans so make up for slow elf breeding times. Elves reproductive rates so low they are doomed. Goblins are probably doomed but are putting up a lot of trouble. They

migrate also to the great mountain passageway goblin kingdoms.

Goblin Breeds d20 

1 - Shroom Herders +4 any skills using mushrooms from cooking to herbalist to lore NWP 2 - Bat Riders have pet bats +4 any bat riding and husbandry (even bat milk) 3 - Boar Riders +4 any boar riding and husbandry type NWP 4 - Goblin Hunter +4 any dog training and husbandry type NWP  5 - Spider Kin +4 any spider training and husbandry type NWP  6 - Wolf Riders +4 any wolf training and husbandry type NWP  7 - Tunnelers +4 Engineering, Mining, Improvised weapon 8 - Hedge dwellers grow berries and grow hedge thorn bushes, +4 plant lore, survival 9 - Chaos goblins serve evil gods who grant them mutations 10 - Mongrels are made up of misfitting animal body parts, +2 AC pain resistant 12 - Faunlings are angry tiny horned deer footed, run at 18 rather than base 12 of most 13 - Snakelings 1d3 bite with painful poison, save or -2 on most actions from pain for 1d10 round 14 - Swamp goblins hold breath double time in water +4 swim with webbed feet 15 - Bone Goblins eat bones and have a 1d4 bite unarmed attack and brawling 16 - Gallows goblin, smell buried corpses and +4 track 17 - Blood Goblin can heal lost Str or Con points by drinking others blood 18 - Hopping fiend – one legged can jump +50% and +4 Jump NWP  19 - Mist Goblin - all have blind fighting NWP, fight in fog, magical darkness or sunlight 20 - Blade Goblins are very martial and all have +1 any bladed weapon Goblins are the most common faerie kin and the most adaptable of the humanoids, rapidly mutating and adapting to environments and breeding rapidly to fill any niche.

Elves often breed them to occupy borderlands between them and as servants. Goblins might evolve into hobgoblins or bugbear tribes and many tribes have a few hobgoblins and bugbears born among them and end up serving the ruler. Some goblins might even crossbreed with other creatures. So many types of goblins exist and some are more horrible or helpful than others. They are curious for food or magic and secrets in general and often mischievous if not evil. Each tribe has a tribe name, a habitat and preferred habits and lifestyle. Goblins are mostly short lived and impulsive but some live much longer especially magic ones. Some tribes hire out specialists to other tribes. Goblins come in many colours which unite them in tribes and allegiances. Ogre Magi are infamous for recruiting from many tribes especially mutant goblins. Elves might breed them and even give birth to them occasionally if needed to guard borderlands. Goblins are pretty good at using any materials to make weapons and naturally good at craft. Some are quite advanced in metallurgy, armour and weapons or even siege war. They are pretty good at salvaging from other races or victims and are capable of digging whole dungeons. Goblins mostly fight as skirmishers often alongside larger races. Their craft skills make them excellent at supporting war machines of other races. 

d100 Goblin Tribes and Their Customs

01 Bone Forest Tribe dwell in a haunted forest and the underlands, they are white skinned and grind bones for their bread and eat bones in general. They are nasty and hungry 02 White Worm Tribe worship the worm god and breed maggots and grubs. They are mostly scavengers but also burrow and live in holes. They farm worms and milk giant caterpillars 03 Black Mushroom Tribe dwell in fungi caverns growing and trading fungus. Some are known as assassin’s also and the tribe take berserker shrooms in mass combat 04 Slimefang Tribe enjoy living in swamps, sewers and flooded caves often alongside domestic slime monsters. They have green skin and are filthy and smelly 05 Batriders are small jet black goblins known for stealth and domestic bat riding. They are quite nasty and often work as mercenary scouts but also make bat milk cheeses and yogurt 06 Yellow Scar tribe are sickly yellow skinned goblins who enjoy torture, cannibalism, mutilation and self scarification. Most other goblins think them extreme and avoid them  07 Seasting Tribe are cyan skinned goblins adapted to coastal life who can hold breath for ten minutes. They also throw stinging jellyfish and poison fish which they are immune to  08 Bloody Claw tribe are red skinned goblins who drain and feed off blood from victims in vile rituals. They also keep pet stirges and flightless birds as pets 09 Bile Eaters are a green skinned tribe who eat rotten food and garbage, raiding human midden pits which isn’t a huge problem. Many of them can vomit on foes in or after battle 10 Centipede Brother tribe dwell in caves with pet centipedes who they hurl at enemies. They have red skin and file their teeth and bone pierced noses 11 Wasp Brother tribe live in

tropical forests and swaps and have bright yellow with black stripe markings. They ride giant wasps, drop hives on enemies. Use blowpipes and darts 12 Swamp Fiends are olive greenbrown skinned goblins who ride huge frogs. They are notorious drug users and shamans brew narcotic cocktails they test on prisoners 13 Flesh Fiends are naked pink goblins who engage in fierce orgies and tests of torture. Other goblins avoid them. They like to hunt prisoners and make them run gauntlets 14 Nightspider tribe have purple skin and live in the deep underland breeding and living with their pet spiders. They often work for other underland races as scouts and builders 15 Maneater tribe are a blue skinned tribe who have necromantic shamen to make slave human zombies. These act as soldiers pack animals and mobile food 16 Fish suckers are a tribe known as cowardly who mostly live by water and catch fish by hand, net or rod and eat them raw. They fear sea monsters more than they do humans 17 Bean Eaters are a orange skinned tribe famed for flatulence and farting contests. They might spare a human who can out fart them. They also hurl rotten eggs at enemies  18 Sons of Fire are a fire elemental worshiping tribe who burn victims alive and brand slaves with occult designs. They train various creatures and shamans are famous 19 Brain Eaters are grey skinned goblins who enjoy eating brains various ways but noted for putting victims in apparatus and to eat brains while victim alive. They laugh creepily 20 Plague Eaters are yellow and green skinned with pustules all over. They live in swamps and sewers and use the diseases they carry to infect animals and people  21 Face Stabber tribe have

mutilated faces and wear human face leather jerkins over their grey skin. They torture and tear off victims faces leaving them alive to serve their cruel god 22 Black Mirror tribe are contrary fiends who came from a magic mirror. They are grey skinned but are healed by weapons and harmed by healing magic, they think this is funny  23 Head Taker Tribe collect severed heads to decorate their hut shrines and bugbears garrotters are tribal heroes. Brown skinned and hairy the like to wear ancestors heads  24 Corpse Eaters are grave robbing bastards who defile burial grounds and even eat lesser undead. Shamen animate zombies to transport meat home. Like to leave corpse fragments  25 Gut Stompers like to disembowel prisoners and squeeze out partly digested food into their mouths. They are bile green wallow in pits of offal in rituals to their demon god 26 Brachen tribe were guardians of elfland borders who acted as a buffer between elves and man. They live in forests and are quite sociable with sylvan beings and run markets 27 Red Bastard tribe are cruel wearing blood soaked pointy caps but also live with swarms of gremlins who aid them and warn them and help torment enemies 28 Fever Brothers are plague carriers whos devotion to the plague god allows them to live while rotting. Many have vile gremlins living in their distended burst bellies 29 Fang Bothers are huge goblins with fangs using stone, bone and wood only. They live in caves and are less organised and a bit dim but get a club and bite attack and have 1HD+1 30 Sky Fiends are a tribe with glider membranes under their arms who can glide like a flying squirrel. They prefer tree or mountain habitats and are excellent climbers 31 Big Brain tribe have swollen brains bulging their skulls. They

have a tribal mind link, speak with a polysyllabic polite phrasing. They boast of their genius but otherwise act same  32 Hill tribe are yellow skinned common tribe who war against mankind ceaselessly for taking their land. They are great dungeon builders and accept any ally to wage their war  33 Monopod tribe have a single leg and large foot and can leap 2”. They are quite acrobatic and often attack while jumping over a victim and fill their lairs with spiked pits 34 Mist tribe are mysterious pedlars of magical faerie food that makes victims addicts. They like to tempt children but the most pure are resistant to their charms, victims become slaves 35 Bloodhammer tribe are red skinned mining goblins who occupy abandoned mines or drive out humans from ailing ones. Their drumming is famous and quite intimidating 36 Lizard Brothers ride giant lizards and have been known to deal with lizard and serpent men. Their mounts are sometimes unruly if hungry but are incredible trackers  37 Skull tribe have emaciated skull like heads and no visible ears. The talk less but mutter and chatter among own kind. They are savage and brutal killers who worship death 38 Iron Brothers are technically advanced enjoying complex traps, crossbows and siege weapons. Their inventions are not always well made but deadly enough most of the time 39 Black Cauldron tribe are alchemists and magicians who brew potions and make undead in their pots. Some wear pots helmets and cook in their iron shields, are good cooks too 40 Wolf Riders are goblins who ride common wolves and live with them as equals. They are savage and predate on human farms. Serve as scouts and messengers  41 Vile Horn tribe are red goblins many with one or two short straight horns. They often serve ogres

and wage war against men and dwarves with great glee  42 Ratkin tribe live with rodents some even riding bear size rats. Some tribes are hairy with rat like heads if they have pleased their rat demon patron. They sell rat milk and cheese  43 Goldgobs Tribe have glistening gold skin and are crazed gold eating fanatics. They are fearless if there is gold to be gained. Make good mercenaries if you have more gold  44 Phlegmgobbo tribe are green skinned with long red tipped constantly running noses. They are poor at sneaking due to sneezing and leave drops of mucous everywhere 45 Seemly Tribe are obsessed with occultism, superstition and magic. Violet skinned and covered with magica design tattoos. Gullible to magic threats and love fortune telling  46 Frostborn Tribe hail from cold regions and mountains and are white or pale blue and highly resistant to cold -1HP/ dice. Masters of camouflage and building with ice 47 Toadskin tribe are warty toad faced brown goblins with toxic skin secretions that cause blindness if bitten (if fail save) and hallucinations if licked. Like in burrows or swamps 48 Goatkin tribe are hairy white eyed goat headed goblins. Ruled by covens of goblin witches and often serving witches. They often join in witch festivals and moonlit dances 49 Greykin tribe use zombies made by shamen as slaves and even to care for their children making them very fond of their undead pets, they tell prisoners how happy they will be 50 Humbug tribe are confectioners who love to make candy and cakes, cover dungeons in magical candy canes, lollipops and other treats. Their shamen keep secrets to the death 51 Porter clan are hard working goblins who perform menial or skilled labour for hire and are

not usually violent. Mostly they just work hard for low pay which annoys human workers 52 Magigob tribe are in love with magic and like to wear pointy caps, carry sticks and follow wizards annoying them with questions. Some learn magic proper and become wizards 53 Greycloak tribe excel at sneaking, climbing and sneaking like thieves and prefer ambushes, sneaking and secret doors to lairs rather than fighting directly 54 Shield tribe are martial goblins who employ professional military tactics and small size to occupy dungeons with great efficiency. They use shield walls and spears with sling support 55 Purple Mushroom tribe are lascivious and sleazy more interested in sex than violence. Some hang around towns and dungeons harassing passers by with lewd comments 56 Rancid Tentacle tribe are mutants who revel in chaos and mutagens. The like to force prisoners to drink vile experimental potions and they herd shoggoths 57 Turnip tribe are vile little angry turnip headed goblins who serve the turnip god, mostly growing turnips and sneaking them into fields of peasants not growing enough 58 Tree tribe live in branches of huge trees building walkways and tree houses. They also make nets, pits and snares and traps to catch food on the forest floor 59 Rootrot tribe live in roots of great trees, hollowing spaces underneath and hiding to catch the unwary. Little secret doors on trees hide their labyrinths among the root mass 60 Swampie tribe cultivate marsh plants in their hair and use them to hide in bogs and among plants. They cover selves in muck and slime and like to use poisoned darts 61 Sand Dweller tribe hide under the sand or glue sand to their bodies to ambush prey. They often live in desert ruins and desicate and mummify their ancestors to

worship them 62 Swinerunners live with pigs and love them dearly. Some run with wild pigs eating acorns and truffles in the forest but more and more work on farms as swineherds 63 Burrower tribe live in concealed burrows. They often share with rabbits, badgers, moles and other animals and eat roots and fungus and things from the surface world  64 Sporecap tribe are a aggressive shroom worshiping tribe who battle enemies using weaponised fungus including trained fighting fungus, spore puff balls, narcotics and poison   65 Blackcap tribe live in giant mushrooms and underland fungus forests nut are quite civilized and magical. They can be spiteful and kidnap children to be servants 66 Fishgut tribe have webbed fingers and toes and live in saltmarsh areas. They are sneaky and mean and catch fish bare handed and suck their guts out raw. They dislike humans  67 Rubblekin tribe live in ruins some imitate the original inhabitants with ridiculous ill conceived parodies claiming to be the original builders and highly sophisticated 68 Rockrunner tribe live in rocky cliffs, canyon sand mountains often with goats. They build communal mud brick pueblos and practice handicrafts including pottery and gold smithing    69 Grave Eaters tribe are corpse eating grave robbers who steal by night. They often pretend to be spirits to drive away nosey people so they can eat in peace  70 Stone Brother tribe live in dungeons and seek to occupy and control them. They might act subordinate or serve a master but in the long run they seek to outbreed rival powers 71 Crypt Brother tribe invade and occupy tombs and mausoleums as homes. Their shamen enslave local undead to serve the tribe. They attempt to scare away intruders   72 Demon Tongue tribe worship demons and spread the word of

chaos and evil. They fight among themselves frequently and love torture and slavery. They worship many evil idols 73 Ruby Thirst tribe love wine and getting drunk so much so they help humans pick and prune crops for a share. They publicly dance naked and perform drunken lewd acts 74 Yellow Hand tribe are mean spirited slavers who also use narcotics for themselves and to keep slaves obedient. They deal with smugglers, drug dealers and gangs far and wide 75 Glowcap tribe live with luminous fungus and insects and themselves glow eerie green. They live in swamps and underground and use their appearance to scare enemies 76 Nightwing tribe are part demon and have wings which allow them to fly like a bat. They often serve wizards and demon cults. Awareness of their rarity makes them seek patrons 77 Redcaps are bloodthirsty bandits who wear blood soaked pointy hats. They often serve other fairy creatures with similar habits and engage in cruel victory festivities  78 Red Brick tribe live near riverbanks and craft pots and bricks which they sell or build labyrinth like dungeons with. Their bloody urges are kept sated with brickworks in cities 79 Stone Skin tribe have stony grey skin and can keep still for hours often hiding in stone walls or pretending to be statues. They love building secret passages in dungeons 80 Marshgargle clan are googly eyed, shy and secrete slippery oil making them hard to catch or grapple. They have many irritating habits like bobbing their heads idiotically 81 Runescibble tribe are famous for copying and recording any writings or engravings they come across and hiding them away in underground library vaults. Many work as scribes 82 Haemogoblin tribe are blood drinkers with gliding webbing under their arms and are expert climbers.

They vamparise mostly herd and farm animals and dislike tool or clothes 83 Woodworm tribe grow deer antlers and older ones have moss and lichen growing on skin and antlers. The live in the dark woods and dislike human hunters or intruders 84 Onion Eaters farm onions and garlic and make flat bread and bean dip. They often sell these in dungeons and outskirts of towns. Mostly harmless except for their breath 85 Thunder Brothers like explosives and fires and frequently experiment and rob alchemist rubbish heaps. They make all kinds of potions and powders some which actually work 86 Grimhelm tribe always wear helmets and carry cruel weapons. They are fair smiths and often serve humanoid war bands as skirmishers and craftsmen. They love mass warfare  87 Skulkmonger tribe are sneaky, devious murderers who prefer to eliminate enemy leaders by stealth than wage open warfare. Many are employed as assassins by dungeon dwellers 88 Bleaklamp tribe serve dark elves as footmen and and scouts. They are often well equipped and disciplined and able to call on masters for advice or aide 89 Mosswing tribe have clear insect wings and live among sylvan folk and elves as messengers. They are cheeky, evasive and avoid conflict but will use darts or bows 90 Black Arrow tribe are famous for great archery and their disgusting hygiene. Green skinned but covered in black filth and they never bathe. Arrows are dipped in vile potions  91 Fell Sister tribe are goblin witches who serve other tribes with magic and advice and healing. The males act as fanatic bodyguards. They utter terrible curses to egg on warriors 92 Fallen Star tribe are grey skinned with large black eyes who claim to have come from the

sky. They are fond of kidnapping victims from bed and leaving them in fields after defilement 93 Mazerunner tribe like to modify dungeons into confusing mazes then use secret passages to confound and ambush intruders. They giggle and titter just out of sight  94 Seerbender tribe use fungus potions to see other dimensions and tell fortunes which sometimes they sell. Most are unhinged and speak in confusing riddles 95 Weaselknocker tribe train giant weasels and live with them like siblings. They ride the weasels and train small young ones to run up big ‘un enemy trouser legs 96 Cricket Brothers herd giant crickets in underworld fungus gardens and leave them as noise making guardians near their borders and cave entries. Some ride bigger crickets 97 Snailkin wear discarded snail shells as hats and many carry large pet slugs and snails as pets adhered to skin. Some train war flailsnails or giant battle slugs to ride into battle   98 Snortgargler tribe have piggy snouts, ears and small eyes. They like eating and wallowing in mud. They can be fierce if egged on by a leader who feeds them well 99 Biletounge tribe are renowned for their foul mouths uttering sexual depravity and blasphemy. They enjoy defiling holy places with feces and writing abuse with shit on walls 100 Chestsplitter tribe ritually butcher victims and decorate their homes with rib cages, sinuous bones and sacks of gore. They like to make captives watch them work


Hobgoblins are hard working and make good labour but are easily offended and provoked into violence. They tend to be more disciplined and when goblins wage war for longer times more hobgoblins are born. Hobgoblins can be employed as labourers but you need to be wary not to offend them. just swearing near them might set them off on a violent tantrum. Bugbears are elite troops and stealthy assassins and appear when hobgoblins populations peak. They tend to eat other races smaller and fancy human children most of all so humans never employ the except as assassins. Gremlins are like stunted goblin children who never grow bigger and some reach plague proportions. Other mutations and breeding experiments and hybrids are common. Goblins are very good at domesticating monsters and animals. Hobgoblins like maces and glaives and love crossbows and metal armour. More advanced goblin frontier tribes often have weapons like the humans they fight, like barbarians, empire, the Barony. Hobgoblins are naturally hard working and even employable but so easily offended and riled up. Goblins use this and keep their dumber cousins in control. Elves used hobgoblins to fight orcs and humans. Hobgoblins think best about war and domination, with leaders emerging which are smarter quite often. In matters of politics they are easily offended and outraged at anything even bad language sets them off. 

Hobgoblin Breeds d12 

1 - Cave Strangler +2 sneak and hide and all have brawling 2 - Brownie are hard working helpful beings, +4 on a chosen craft 3 - Bogart a hobgoblin bent to practical jokes and trouble, +4 traps 4 - Wood Stalker is a furry wild forest guardian, +2 any plant, animal, skills  5 - Walking Worms are palid with grub like flesh and can eat dirt and all have blind fighting 6 - Army Hobgoblins come with coloured plate, sheild and a halberd and choice of bow  7 - Hulk Hobgoblins are shipwreck dwelling sea hobgoblins that can breathe water 8 - Chaos Hobgoblins have a mutation and obvious mutated appearance and patron entity 9 - Crypt Killers are hobgoblins who serve necromancers and resist lv drain with a Con save 10 - Blood Eagles are savage blood crazed hobgoblins, +1 with halberd 11 - Scaled ones +2 AC from hard horny scaly skin  12 - Crag Lords get +4 to climb and ambush from above

Exotic Goblin Breeds

Norkers are a dawn age ancestor of goblins and hobgoblins that had a resurgence in the stone age. Nilbogs are blessed chaos tainted chosen ones from the mirror lands. Thouls are a terrible trollghoul-goblin cross breed bred for war and to guard kings. Goblins adapt in a single generation to local environments, developing small adaptions, skin colour, hair whatever. Gremlins are pocket goblinoids, a rat like trouble maker kind of like annoying squirrels. They can be bribed with food and trinkets but get more demanding and murderous as clan grow. Love sabotage, thievery, traps and locks. Other goblinoids plant them as saboteurs. Many strange goblin sub breeds with exotic adaptions.


Bugbears are huge fearsome hairy goblins with saucer eyes and big ears. They are adept at ambush and sneaking to hunt but also delight in scaring beings just for fun. They eat other humanoids happily. They are fearsome warriors and very nimble for their siz. Adept at craft and war they are able weapon makers. More into interpersonal fighting and scouting skirmishing, or acting as a champion than mass battle. Bugbears only flaw is they delight in scaring a target and give the game up. Bugbears are goblin mutation or sub species that gravitate to own kind to form tribes and breed true, but not as fast as most goblinoids. Bugbears often act as goblin chiefs, assassins, executioners, and champions among many goblin tribes. Other bugbears snub mere goblin losers and eat and enslave them. They love to sneak and kill after a good stalk. Can’t help themselves. Hobgoblins and bugbears are wary of each other. Hobgoblins might snap and turn on them. Canibalism can trigger growth from a goblin to a bugbear. Bugbears are the mightiest of goblioids and en mass or by ambush scary into high levels. Solitary ones enjoy head hunting and scaring people for fun. Groups are often elite goblinoid special forces. Parents warn children about bugbears who delight in kidnapping and acting like bogeymen. While they dont mind eating kids they prefer to traumatise them for life. Other practical jokes and home invasions like getting under a child’s bed or pooping in a farmers boots are a test of their sneaking skills and earn them honour. They get prestige from best joke stories around the clan hearth.

Bugbear Breeds d12 

Booties 2sp G-string 1cp Loin Cloth 2cp Pointy little cap 2cp Adorable little trousers 2sp Cute little jacket 3sp Charming little hat 2sp Fancy silly court outfit 12gp Pliars for removing teeth 1sp Manacles 5gp with lock Leg Irons 1gp bolted on Neck Chain 3gp with lock Silver nose ring and chain 15gp Chastity belt 12gp with lock Leash 1sp Spectacles 25gp for literate kobolds Owners Manual 12gp “On the care and breeding of kobolds” by R. Quigly Branding 1cp Tattoo 5sp Neutering 1cp Kobold ownership neck tag 1sp Kobold kibble 1cp for a dry day survival rations but gives them kidney stones long term Kobold candy 1sp for ten pieces (butterscotch most favorite)

1 - Black powder brothers like to leave explosive kegs and grenades +4 blackpowder weapons NWP 2 - Iron Lords use 2H studded mauls, maces and clubs, +1 blunt weapons 3 - Tree Fiends live in woods and have +2 Mimic Animal, Traps  4 - Shadow Sons a mystical brotherhood +2 vs illusions and paralasys  5 - Blood Ridge Lodge who all get +1 with polearms and halberds 6 - Chaos Caves Clan all have a starting mutation and patron entity 7 - Skullrock Band all have chainmail, heavy shields and a cold iron mace, +1 with any Mace 8 - Avernus Legion use incendiary weapons and all have oil flasks +4 incendiary weapons NWP 9 - Marsh Band all get +4 Swim  10 - Glacier Gang all +2 save vs any cold effects, furry coats  11 - Cliff gang +4 climb ambush by winding passes and roads 12 - RedRock Band all get +1 with any bow


Kobolds are type goblinoid nature spirit of low and dark places. The are industrious and hardworking, building in a mania from ancestral dungeon styles since the dawn age. Kobolds know they are small and use tactics and numbers to win. They are smart, crafty and brave in numbers, Many enslave them to use like drones for work or trap clearing. If you keep kobolds drunk they are lusty and entertaining companions prone to lewdness and loyalty. Shadel port sell them as house brownies and barn brownies. They love underground but like humans adapt to any climate. They were once a sea power and all can swim very well. They are one of the most successful goblinoids due to their age, skill and breeding rate. They are pretty good at magic. In Shadelport kobolds are popular slaves, useful for hundreds of reasons. From expendable potion testers to door openers, kobolds

are working hard. Do remember while cruelty to kobolds in public is not shunned like horse beating, treating them badly in kobold territory could be a problem. As kobolds treat each other often badly treating them a bit better is easy.

soup). Even urchins and mutants in the ghetto complain. Orcs and goblins dont care about how humans treat kobolds. Orcs rarely acknowledge they are visible. Goblins are happy humans don’t treat them like kobolds even if only slightly better.

Kobolds are easy to store and ship. They tolerate conditions other races would die in. A well cared for kobold lives twice as long as a wild one.

A few wizards with carpet bags of holding gave up using spells and just used kobolds.

Some religious leaders and a troublesome women’s movement claim they have souls and can be almost civilized even deserving the same rights as goblins and orcs. Most people would look twice at a owner beating a kobold to death in the street. Kobolds work with phosphorous in match factories, mines, dye factories and other dangerous jobs. Many humans in the ghettos complain about kobold slaves and would also like to see them emancipated (and cooked in

Kobold Packaging and accessories

Sack 1cp Apple crate 1sp One kobold small keg 4sp Six kobold barrel 2gp One kobold carpet bag 4sp Two kobold carpet bag 6sp Wood backpack with iron bar door 2gp Fancy wire cage 14gp Kobold skin oil 1sp for 3 months of healthy shiny skin Kobold skin oil scraper 4sp makes oil last twice as long

Kobold Prices

Kobold egg 1cp Baby kobold 1sp Teen Kobold no skills 10sp good for expendable jobs Adult kobold labourer 1gp Adult kobold experienced personal servant 4gp Expert Kobold 25gp+

Extra HD for fighting types 10gp 2d4 HD 20gp 3d4 50gp 4d4 100gp 4d6

d10 Quick kobolds for cash types 01 Expendable 02 Labourer 03 Servant 04 Tradesmen 05 Fighting 06 Subterfuge 07 Murder Hobo 08 Exotic 09 Petty magic 10 Magical

D100 Kobolds for sale

01 Trap tester - open doors, chests, walk down corridors, easy 1gp 02 Pole boy - poke stuff with ten foot pole in dungeons 1gp 03 Food taster - eat and drink substances 1gp 04 Matchstick maker - glow in the dark, rotting flesh 10sp 05 Hole inspector - investigate mystery holes 1gp 06 Chimney Sweep - clean soot from 10sp 07 Gong farmer - unblock deadly city drains and sewers 10sp 08 Monster keeper - feed and clean up after captive monsters 10sp 09 Machine tender - work amid cogs of mills and machines 10sp 10 Dye worker - stomp in vats of toxic dye 10sp 11 Miner - digging and tunneling 1gp 12 Baggage hauler or water bearer - carry 40lb loads 10sp 13 Fisherman - catch and dry fish 10sp 14 Picker - pick fruit and other crops 10sp 15 Pig tender - look after pigs, try not to get eaten 1gp 16 Shepherd or milk maid - watch animals or milk them 10sp 17 Muck scraper - clean horrible filth of boots and stuff 10sp 18 Rock cracker - smash big rocks into gravel 10sp 19 Meat worker - assist butchers 10sp 20 Wood collector - gather branches, chop and carry 10sp 21 Privy attendant - assist master in toilet 4gp 22 Doorman or lamp bearer-

open doors for masters or carry lamp 1gp 23 Animal Groom - brush horses, cats and dogs 1gp 24 Dressing Groom - brush clothes, help master dress 5gp 25 Bath attendant - heat water, soap and scrub 2gp 26 Barkeeper - serve and mix drinks, listen to losers 2gp 27 Bed attendant - keeps linen clean, catches fleas using body as bait, warm beds 3gp 28 Barber - cut hair and shave 4gp 29 Cook - cook common basic meals or make bread 2gp 30 Nanny - care for children 3gp 31 Spinner - operate spinning wheel to make wool or thread 2gp 32 Weaver - operate a loom or make rugs or baskets 5gp 33 Mechanic - service and oil and maintain machines 10gp 34 Smith - make metal goods like tools and basic weapons 10gp 35 Cobbler - make boots 4gp 36 Tailor - make and adjust clothing 5gp 37 Scribe - takes dictation, reads aloud 10gp 38 Potter - makes pots and dinnerwear 2gp 39 Barrel maker - makes and tends barrels 4gp 40 Leather worker - tan hide and make goods like clothes 3gp 41 Dart thrower - skirmisher and scout 4gp 42 Archer - forager and scout 6gp 43 Spearman - often aid hunters, might carry several javelins 8gp 44 Swordsman - sword and shield fighters 10gp 45 Maceman - mace and shield 10gp 46 Axeman - axe and shield, also woodcutters 10gp 47 Gladiator - two short swords, helmet 20gp 48 Hunter - catch small game and birds 10gp 49 Rock thrower - cheap skirmisher and bird scarer 2gp 50 Drummer or horn blower - for marching and signaling 3gp 51 Stabber - sneak, hide, slit throats 10gp 52 Arsonist - expert fire starter 10gp

53 Suicide bomber - carries lit cast iron grenade to target 10gp 54 Military Scout - observes enemy troops and camps 20gp 55 Infiltrator - enters dungeons or households and spies 50gp 56 Poisoner - pollutes and food water supplies, poison knife 50gp 57 Assassin - infiltrates and kills leaders usually while asleep 100gp 58 Sniper - often use heavy crossbow for long range targeting leaders 50gp 59 Theif - all purpose stealthy agent 50gp 60 Kidnapper - expert in kidnapping targets, might need help carrying them off 100gp 61 Trapper - make or disarm traps 50gp 62 Sapper - military mining and plant demolitions 50gp 63 Locksmith - make or disarm locks 50gp 64 Incendiarist - render fuel from corpse fat and use flammable oil and smoke 100gp 65 Demolitionist - make explosive devices and black powder 100gp 66 Climber - expert climbing cliffs and buildings, assisting others 50gp 67 Potion taster - fairly good at identifying potions from taste 100gp 68 Dog handler - manage four trained dogs 50gp 69 Beast handler - manage a chained animal 100gp 70 Monster handler - manage a chained monster 500gp 71 Water breathing Species excellent aquatic worker 100gp 72 Gliding species - can climb and glide, good scouts 100gp 73 Extra arms - extra melee attack 100gp 74 Invisible - has invisibility cast to be spy, turn visible if attacks 100gp 75 Luminous - has has continual light cast on it, can cover with cape 100gp 76 Supernatural - needs +1 to be hit, competant warrior 100gp 77 Spider mutant - can cling to walls like spider 100gp 78 Berserk kobold - can fight up to -10 HP 100gp 79 Magic taster - can determine if

thing magic by taste most of the time 100gp 80 Random mutant - weird mutation 100gp 81 Petty magician - knows d4 clean cantrips 100gp 82 Petty magician - knows d4 detect nagic cantrips 100gp 83 Petty magician - knows d4 stun cantrips 100gp 84 Petty magician - knows d4 conjure egg cantrips 100gp 85 Petty magician - knows d4 conjure salt cantrips 100gp 86 Petty magician - knows d4 candle light cantrips 100gp 87 Petty magician - knows d4 arouse cantrips 100gp 88 Petty magician - knows d4 conjure flowers cantrips 89 Petty magician - knows d4 conjure sweet cantrips 100gp 90 Petty magician - knows d4 exterminate vermin cantrips 100gp 91 Kobold apprentice wizard d4 levels 500gp 92 Kobold apprentice sorcerer d4 levels 500gp 93 Kobold apprentice acolyte d4 levels 500gp 94 Kobold apprentice healer d4 levels 500gp 95 Kobold apprentice druid d4 levels 500gp 96 Kobold apprentice wizard d4 levels 500gp 97 Kobold apprentice psion d4 levels 500gp 98 Kobold apprentice monk d4 levels 500gp 99  Kobold pistolier d4 levels 500gp 100 Kobold musketeer d4 levels 500gp Kobolds are 90% doglike or small goblins in Shadelport with knockers and koboldi being next most popular slaves. Other types have been brought in by traders and adventurers.


d20 Kobold Subtypes

1 - Canine, get along with dogs 2 - Draconic, tainted by draconuic blood, former dragon serfs 3 - Koboldi, drunken fornicators, giant genitals, amusing companions 4 - Knockers, mining folk, good craftsmen 5 - Pale dwellers, albino cave tribes, primative 6 - Frostlings, live in glaciers and snow 7 - Yellow, cunning jungle murderers 8 - Fire Newtlings, live in volcanoes, small newt like 9 - Boggling, dwell in city sewers and swamps, carry infections and parasites 10 - Ratlings have rodent traits 11 - Saltkin, coastal scavengers with blue skin 12 - Bloodcaps, blood drinking pointy hat wearers 13 - Gliding, primitive but good at climbing and have glider membranes 14 - Weaselkin, horrible fanged and hairy 15 - Frogkin, part frog like swamps 16 - Goatlings, have little horns to butt and hooves instead of feet 17 - Crablings, have crab claws and, chitinous armour 18 - House kobold, live in barns and under stoves, shy scavengers 19 - Raptorlings, tiny angry dino hybrid men 20 - Trolling, weedy and hopeless part lesser troll

Orcs are made by wizards in the stone age. The spell turns a ritually murdered elf corpse into a newborn orc warrior. Since then turns out you don’t need the ritual at all that was just bullshit, you just need a cauldron with room for lots of bodies. Elves created the version of the spell to crate orcs from peat and swamp clay and your enemies dead orcs into orcs. It was a messy war with extermination of a wizard school. Originally all orcs were masculine and neuter. Then the half orc heretics came up with a way to make orcs able to breed,and again the elves killed their school. Later orc hero got wishes and made a dozen female orcs. All females are descended from one of the 12 mothers. Male and female can’t be identified by human on sight mostly. Orcs make no difference to gender but mothers have developed obvious gender characteristics like breasts, and are elites. Mothers of half ogres or half trolls are heroes. Babies come out in a sack that continue to grow before opening. Great mothers produce litters. Allows them to breed faster, Grow longer hair and eyelashes. Orcs were made in devil hill long ago and regard as an important place to them. Other humanoids to fight and possible means to make more if they could understand the artifacts. 

Orc Types d12 

1 - Bombadier, carries kegs to weak points on walls, +4 black powder, +1 grenaides 2 - Hopilite +1 shield and spear 3 - Night Fangs +2 sneak and hide 4 - Blazing Skulls +1 maces or flails 5 - Storm of Teeth +1 on one type of bow 6 - Snake killers +2 poison lore and resist poison 7 - Hells Hammers +1 halberd or polearm 8 - Demon Hounds +2 Train Dog, Dog Husbandry, pet trained dog 9 - Tempest Slayers +1 with trident and net, +2 swim 10 - Thunder fists +1 bare handed and brawling damage, cestus or katar set 11 - Mountain Slavers +1 whip, +2 ropes and locks, set of iron manacles and key 12 - Doom Lords +1 with swords Dark and Bright elves are both related and tend to live in each others blind spots. They are said to be a bright elf for every dark elf, a kind of spiritual twin. The king and queen of elfland are the gods of elves. Both have many forms and bodies. The gods of the bright and dark elves are actually the same beings. Humans just dont get it. Elves quarrel with little harm with millennia of skirmishing, but both unite against humans. On the Island they are separated by humans and seldom meet. Both politic with humans of the Empire and the Barron and have had elf slaying declared a crime in those lands. Elves are crossing the human lands more openly now and some are seen going in and out of Ghostwood. Elves come to dungeons to hire and buy slave goblinoids and trade. Looking for relics, gems and pretty ancient things attract elf adventurers.

More on Orcs

However they are brutal thugs even the civilized polite ones. They can be honorable but are anathema to humans in many ways. They eat disgusting things and are feared in war as killer brutes. New orc tribes boil up from the deep or a wizards spawning pits every decade.  They are mostly worshipers of devils or the dead or spirits of war. Many orcs are even non believers in worship as no god ever really helped them. Other orc variants serve demons or chaos or elder daemons. A great orc earth goddess mother draws power from the earth and spirit world she uses orcs as defenders of the wild ways. They don’t even hate elves and have been seen with them hunting humans. Orcs sacrifice blood and bless blood not holy water. Their gods prefer murder for food and like hordes of gold. Only Traditional Orcs, the Barron of Shadelport and his licensed representatives may legally make orcs. Orc kind had no females for early existence until orcs of different tribes learned to make females by different means or heroes wished for females from the gods. More recent orcs learned to wish for better spells to make females instead of a few wives. Eventually Orc heroes learned they could marry minor earth goddesses and this type became quite fecund. Being more nature worshipers with druidic rather than clerical powers for the rare elite magic orcs. Many older orcs take up magic late in life (change class to priest or druid or sorcerer or wizard). Others will seek the more skilled professions as a thief or warrior or some other class. Orc monks?

What would orc bards be like? Orcs are very vocal and like drums, chanting, horns, screaming and swearing. Humans find it rattling and unnerving. Orcs are impatient and many stupid ones have tantrums and do stupid things. They are jealous of all other races and can be spiteful. They are very loyal and obedient servants. If orcs feel mistreated they will look for weaknesses and opportunities against the leaders. They are all highly political which helps them avoid killing each other (other races or tribes need not apply for this benefit). Orc style food is one of the top ten preferred eating styles of Shadelport Many humans have learned to live off it or feed to their kids “Orcish style is cheap, healthy, flavoursome: olives, bugs, rodents, chilli, potatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, worms, radishes”. They like things to be dark coloured and oily. Char grilled is a preferred cooking style but boiling and frying and earth ovens are a favourite. Orc like to spit roast their victims. Many dishes salted or pickled in vinegar which can make more palpable for humans. Chaotic orcs are riddled with disease and parasites but lawful ones are disciplined and have better good hygiene and surgery. Goblins, hobgoblins, dryads, elves, hobbits, gnomes, trolls, ogres, changelings, beast men lived in a golden age when beasts and plant spirits ruled the world before humans. Orcs like humans were born at the end of this age. Elves invented spells to make orcs as a way to use their own dead in desperate times. The came to regret this when evil ones learned how to do the same. Many later traditions did different things. The first Orc were sexless but later versions created all orcs as males. These orcs were created to out breed and fight their enemies. Modern orcs have used many secret tricks and means to

create female orcs. With many tribes having gender equality in numbers, their are still many with no females in wilds using old spells. Natural reproduction is the most common means of breeding today by advanced tribes. Wizards will create orcs singly or enmass still. Most created orcs feel some sense of obligation to their creators. Creators must be wary to dominate and train the orc quickly or they may turn on their makers. 

Some orc tribe females are indistinguishable and equal, they birth a single young Others females have large hips, buttocks and breasts delivering multiple babies at a time Some have multiple nipples like a sow and have litters of babies

Also some orcs created gender changing spells to give their sub breeds females or mistreat prisoners. Supposedly is a spell to make orcs into humans.

Ritual takes 1 hour once materials ready Material Components variable but include ritual use of relics from the dawn age, gestures, incense and some musicians with drums and gongs and chime and chants

d10 Where do these orcs get females for tribal reproduction?

1 Steal women from any other species and possibly turn to orcs with magic 2 Some voluntarily change sex with magic and are considered very heroic 3 Allied tribe with earth goddesses who provides plenty of females 4 Some become functional hermaphrodites who can father their own children 5 Shaman or priest or sorcerer uses spells to reproduce tribe 6 Kidnap children of others to raise as own and use spell to change worthy ones 7 Leader must journey to gods home every generation to ensure gods provide females 8 Single orc queen lays lots of eggs sacs, one each day if fed enough 9 Leaders obtain a few females mostly for selves by trade and use magic to make orcs 10 Female tribe with little interest in fathers, raise children collectively

A orc baby will survive newborn eating bugs, birds, mice and eventually finding a tribe.

7 Alchemical Orc spell uses 2000gp distillery and 100gp gold in chemicals into a M or F orc 8 Baby to Orc spell uses a human baby under 1 year into a grown a M or F orc 9 Clay Orc spell requires a life size figure of their sterile dream orc then animate, pottery skill helps 10 Bog to Orc the most recent spell allows you to form a male orc from natural swampy muck

Create Orc 3rd level Spell

Orc Tribes of Underland

Many variants of this spell but most turn a single corpse into a cocoon like sack that later splits when a fully formed orc bursts out. Each spell has a set form and colour that spell creates. Orcs all are inborn with sneak, hide, climb and learn the first weapons they are given rapidly.

d12 What do orcs want

Create Orcs 6rd level Spell

As above but makes one orc per level, more materials needed obviously

d10 Spell Varients

1 Dead Elf to Orc spell as first used by elves creates a into a sexless orc  2 Dead Human to Orc spell makes dead humans into a sexless orc  3 Human to Orc spell turns a living voluntary (torture ok) human into a sexless orc  4 Flesh to Orc spell allows maker to stitch up any meat to form a sexless creature 5 Blood to Orc spell mixes blood from a body with clay to make sexless orc  6 Corpse Orc spell grinds up mummified bodies and form into sexless orc

Orc tribes are pretty common in the worst areas of the Underland. Originally made by evil wizards from elves then corpses of humanoids then mud, many tribes still find females scarce. Such tribes rely on tribal magicians or even still deal with wizards.

1 To eat eat you - raw, on a spit or a bonfire 2 To torture and terrify you for fun 3 To hunt you for trophies 4 Require leather and bone for craft 5 Breeding slaves 6 Slave labour for dangerous life shortening chores 7 Slaves to sell at market 8 Play horrible orc games with you 9 Interrogate you to see if you are plotting with enemies 10 Sacrifices to evil entities 11 Trade weapons, food or slaves (angry if you dont like their stuff) 12 Looking for mercenary employment

d12 What weapons of war do these orcs use

1 Stone age with bone, sinew and flint - clubs, javelins, slings, shortbows, mostly naked, irregular skirmishers 2 Stone age but with atlatl spear throwers, stone daggers, clubs and axes, padded armour, irregular skirmishers 3 High Stone age bone, sinew and obsidian - obsidian blade clubs, composite bows, spears, shields, leather armour, organised into teams based on weapons

4 Bronze age with shortswords, hand axes, battle axes, shields, spears, javelins, leather armour, organised into teams based on weapons 5 Bronze age with ranks of spear and large sheild followed by ranks of shortbows, swords for leaders, studded leather armour and capes, diciplined and organized formations 6 Warg riders with shortbow, spear (half numbers actually wargs counted as brothers), small sheilds and leather armour, irregular skirmishers 7 Bronze-Iron Age with round shields, spears, swords, axes, shortbows with scale mail, irregular beserkers 8 Iron age with ranks of long spears, hopolite sheilds, short spears and swords, sale mail, diciplined and organized formations 9 Steel age with round shields, spears, swords, maces, axes, short bows, irregular beserkers 10 Steel age with ranks of long spears, pole arms, large sheilds, crossbows, chainmail, diciplined and organized formations 11 War dog brothers with shortbows, whips, swords and half have a d4 war dogs on chains to terrorise enemies, irregular skirmishers 12 Berserk flagellants, prefer flails, chains, swords, axes, (two handed versions common) with round sheilds, mostly naked with skinned foes for capes, irregular beserkers Skirmishers prefer to hunt and not direct confront well equipped disciplined enemies Irregulars use loose formations and more likley to have poor morale Beserkers fight with little concern for safety seeking heroic death and personal battle with enemy heroes Dicaplined troops form sheild walls, turtle formations, phalanx lines and other tactics, professional and high morale

d20 Special orc tribe qualities

1 All orcs female and abuse male prisoners, torture and eat ones who displease them 2 Orcs are fearless drug addicts who fight to the death always 3 Berserk champions among them +2 hit and damage fight into negative HP 4 Evil priest and zombie or skeleton baggage handlers who fight as auxiliaries 5 Slave auxiliaries sent in first, poorly equipped d4 1=kobolds 2=goblins 3=humans 4=orcs of other tribe 6 Human wizard or sorcerer thrall to boss uses magic to soften up foes 7 Masters of camouflage use ambush, might draw foes into trap 8 Use burning oil flasks with slings, fire arrows and possibly a crude gunpowder grenade 9 Have monster thralls in chains they release on foes d4 1=ogre 2=troll 3=giant lizard 4=minotaur 10 Tainted missile weapons to soften up foes d4 1=diseased 2=sleep drug 3=1d4 poison 4=2d6 poison 11 Missile experts can shoot into melee without hurting allies or get extra missile attack or both 12 Huge orcs +1 HP per dice and damage on weapons, boss gets +2, champions get +3 13 Specialize in capturing foes, like traps, bola, lassos and nets, wrestling experts +1 14 Learned secrets of dinosaur domestication from reptilian beast folk 15 Have secret of turning enemies severed heads into explosive missiles with 4 year process 16 Swarming with bugs, fleas and parasites, like to hurl wasp nests at enemies 17 Shaman and assistants provide elites with blessings, charms and lucky fetish objects  19 Eating flesh after battle heals them 1 HP 20 All elites above basic grunts get extra unarmed attack and inflict d4 with a punch

d12 Tribal Colour

1 White - like caves and night, enjoy cannibalism 2 Black (Jet) - like caves and night, enjoy conquest and slavery 3 Green - swamp and wood dwellers, enjoy fighting all the time 4 Scarlet - plain dwellers, blood thirsty killers like to drink blood and scream in battle 5 Blue - stony silent hill dwellers, like strangulation 6 Bone - hill dwellers like sucking marrow, eating and crafting bones 7 Dun - hill and mountain dwellers, use domesticated pets and creatures 8 Grey (Ash) - plain dwellers prefer to act dusk and twilight 9 Bile - nasty swamp orcs like to bathe in vile substances to make selves taste bad 10 Indigo - are gibbering madmen who like risk and giggle constantly 11 Yellow - live in vile places like swamps, diseased and like fever trances 12 Slate - silently torture and pointlessly murder, prefer twilight, no females

d12 Additional decor

1 Wear severed shrunken heads of enemies as decorations 2 Covered in bizarre piercings, plugs and implants; enjoy suspensions in spare time 3 Ritual scarification, mutilation and branding 4 Tattoos all over with secret meanings from initiation ceremonies 5 File teeth and fingernails sharper   6 Outlandish hair styles including braiding, mohawks, beards, dye, etc 7 Elaborate head dresses, bigger the more status 8 Cowled robes or cloaks reminiscent of sinister elder cult assassins 9 Painted with ritual ochre, soot and blood depending on bloodline, status and current task 10 Necklaces and jewelery made from teeth, fingers, noses and ears 11 Horrifying masks, vary depending on current activity and status 12 Distinctive d4 1=hats 2=kilts 3=girdles 4=footwear

Humanoid Varients

Variations of standard humanoids Id be quite happy with generic humanoid with variants by HD and do all of these monster on 2 pages but here is my variable table to change existing humanoids or to generic humanoids with whatever you want. Starting with cosmetic ending with better ones. A second separate table follows of out right magical abilities after which could be for a magical elite type, other planar varient or hybrid or fey versions.  How many rolls to make? These tell you how many rolls to make and can be stacked if DM approves (chaos mongrel man mutant for example) Minor sub breed  1 minor alteration Major divergent sub breed 1d3 minor alterations Mongrel Man or mutant 1d3 minor alteration 1d3 mutations Throwback version 1 minor alteration 1 mutation Magical sub breed 1 minor alterations, one magical per 4 HD Outer plane ancestor breed 1d3 minor alterations, one magical per HD Chaos Warped 1d6 mutations

Minor Alterations 1d100

example damages for 1-4 HD humanoids, increase when making ogre or troll or giant size. 1-3 Tail  4-5 Prehensile tail  6-7 Weapon Tail (1d4 for human size) 8 Weapon Tail (1d6 for human size) 9 Sting tail (1d4 + poison +4 save) 10-12 Stubby horns (1d4 headbutt for human size)

13-14 Horns (1d6 for human size) 15-17 Fangs (1d3 for human size) 18-19 Jaws  (1d4 for human size)  20 Huge Jaws (1d6 for human size) 21-23 Claws or martial arts (1d3 for human size) 24-25 Claws or martial arts (1d4 for human size) 26 Claws or martial arts (1d6 for human size) 27-30 +1 Hit and damage 31-33 Dwarf version, half size 34-36 +1 hp per HD 37-39 Big version +1 HD +10% 40-41 Huge Version +2 HD +20% 42 Huge Version +3 HD +30% 43 Giant Version +4 HD +50% 44-46 +1 AC from hide or agility 44-45 +2 AC from hide or agility 46 +3 AC from hide or agility 47 Beserker +2 hit and damage, out of control, fight till all dead, difficult to stop 49-50 +2 hide and sneak 51 Mimic voices and sounds 52-55 +2 one type of save throw (poison, charm, etc) 56-57 +4 one type of save throw (poison, charm, etc) 58-59 1pt less damage per dice from one type of damage (poison, fire) 60 1/2 damage from one type of damage (cold, lightning, acid, edged) 61-62 Sneak attack as a rogue 63 Back stab as a rogue 65 First Aid NWP 66 +4 Torture 67 +4 Track 68 1/2 chance one normal sense NWP, compensate with blind fighting if needed 69-70 +4 one sense NWP check 71 +4 NWP sense checks 72-73 Night Vision (or day tolerant if day-blind), half normal penalties 74 Dark Vision (or day tolerant if day-blind), no penalties 75-76 +4 Balance 77-80 +4 Climb 81 +4 Pick Pockets 82 Swing in branches or stalagmites  83 Very Slow 6” base speed  84 Slow 9”base speed 85 fast 18” base speed 86 Hopping +50% jumping range,

+1 hit damage with hopping charge 87 Glider Membrane, glide across in feet equal to height in feet, 90 degree turn each round 88 Crude Wings, 6” speed, rounds = CON per hour, 180 degree turn each round. I/nsect, bird or bat  89 True Wings, 18” speed, 360 degree turn each round, insect, bird or bat  90 Luminous organ or in emotional state 91 Chameleon +4 Hide  92 Stealthy +4 Sneak 93 Recover 1hp with 1 turn rest after a injury  94 Recover 1hp per hour 95 +4 Feign Death NWP 96 Freakish colours 97 Surprise on a 1d3 instead of 1 on a d6 98 +2 Initiative 99  Alternate alignment and contrary behavior to rule 00 Roll on magical or mongrels and mutations table table

Mutations d100

More extreme bizarre, debilitating freak powers with clear biological quality 1 extra eyes +2 Spot NWP (like a spider or third eye on forehead 2 no eyes, but get blind fighting WP halves normal penalty 3 deaf 4 bat ears, sonar and echolocation powers of a bat 5 mute, possibly squawk or gasp or hiss 6 subsonic speech, silently speak to own kind 7 Huge ears, hear things from far away +4 Listen 8 Huge Nose +2 Track and Smell 9 Huge Nose +3 Find food, find water 10 Burrowing claws 1’ per round, 1d4 damage (if human sized) 11 Huge Tougue +4 taste poison 12 Hairy all over or bald or freaky natural punk 13 Lamprey mouth 1d4 + can hang on and keep draining 14 Spider or crab feeding parts 1d4 (for normal size) 15 Huge Beetle feeding parts 1d6 16 Extra arms - extra hands 17 Extra legs - extra feet +50%

move 18 Extra legs - cling with spider legs 19 Bendable +4 escapology 20 Stretchable +50% height or reach if needed 21 Elongated neck 1 foot per lv 22 Hideous Wattles +1AC 23 Tentacles for limbs or face or hair or fingers 24 Crab claw 1d4 nip 25 Elongated prehensile tongue 26 Independent googly eyes can look multiple directions 360 degrees 27 Spinnerets can spin lv” per day of rope from your butt 28 Pheranome spray +2 CHA with oposite sex 29 Hermaphrodite or variable gender 30 No gender, breed by budding, or new babies hatch from corpse or sexless or sterile 31 Bombardier Blast (1d6 fire bolt 1” per lv per day) 32 Tough Feet, dont need boots, -1 damage per dice from ground attacks 33 Bizarre Phobia (something ordinarily harmless scares you like holy symbol, rats, spiders) 34 Parthenogenic, breeds without a mate and can start a colony 35 Hybridizes with anything it can mate with, mongrel features 36 Extra heads 1d6 1-3 = +1, 4-5 = +1d3, 6 = +1d6 37 Slug legs, 50% speed but cling 38 Tail 1d6 slap, extra attack 39 Vomit Acid 1d6 every 3 rounds spit 1” per level 40 Quadrupedal 41 Missing limbs or body part 42 Huge stomach, +2 vs ingested poison, 43 Hump or fat stores food and water a for week 44 Extra face or set of teeth on body 45 Trunk or prehensile nose 6”-3’ long 46 Duck Bill or other bird beak, 1d4 peck 47 Sterile or sexless 48 A swarm live in the mongrels body 49 Freakish genitalia and sexual characteristics

50 Altered diet, eat some basic food like plants, shellfish, bugs, dung  51 Amorphous blob, no longer humanoid 52 Weakling 50% STR 53 Sickly 50% CON 54 Clumsy 50% DEX 55 Idiot 50% INT 56 Fool 50% WIS 57 Hideous 50% CHA 58 +1d4 STR 59 +1d4 CON 60 +1d4 DEX 61 +1d4 INT 62 +1d4 WIS 63 +1d4 CHA 64 Two brains, extra save vs charm but turns on back up personality (?) 65 Regrow body parts back but different species 66 Thermal vision 67 X-Ray vision one round per turn 1’ thick stone or 3’ wood 68 Beam vision like Fiery Eyes spell 69 See souls, can spot undead, see targets in dark, tell if dead, see spirits leave those killed  70 Grows valuables in body like gen in head, ivory, fur 71 Unnatural 1d3 extra hybrid species features 72 Spit poison save or blind 1”/lv 73 Scream, demoralizes all in 10”/ lv, once per battle, heard for miles 74 Con save each round to stabilize HP loss when in negative HP 75 Amphibian can breath water and air 76 Can hold breath one turns instead or rounds 77 Immune to blinding attacks 78 Always land on feet -d6 fall damage 79 Tusks 1d6 extra attack 80 Shoots spines or bolts from body like a light crossbow, 1 shot per CON per day 81 Vampire drinks blood to live and can heal a hp by drinking blood after a battle 82 Albino dark adapted hates natural sunlight -2 to fight or sense in daylight, white skin and red eyes 83 Shock touch 1d3+1 per level touch once per battle, can stack

with a punch or kick 84 Shed skin or sleep in cocoon monthly and get changed appearance and possible abilities 85 Cold resistant with blubber or fur or both like a polar bear or seal, comfortable any natural cold 86 Biomonofilament tentacle 1d6 1’/lv 87 Able to infect others of its kind to be more like it, change in looks and alignment over time 88 +4 Disease Resistant 89 +4 Poison resistant 90 Produces addictive delicious fluid or scented musk it uses as bait or to train slaves 91-95 roll twice more 96-100 roll again and +1d3 times more

Magical Alterations 1d100  Id use these to make spell caster and elite types 1 Bizarre Phobia (something ordinarily harmless scares you like holy symbol, rats, spiders) 2 Bizarre magical aversion (cant cross water or holy symbol or snake or something) 3 Bizarre magical allergy (harmed by substance like cold iron, garlic, holy water) 4 Cast spells as a priest 5 Cast spells as a sorcerer 6 Cast spells as a druid 7 Cast spells as a wizard 8 Cast spells as a psionic 9 Spell like ability (1-2nd level spell, at will like Invisibility, Knock, Spider Climb, Chromatic orb) 10 Spell like ability (3-4th level spell three times per day like Fireball, Polymorph) )  11 Spell like ability (5-6th level spell once per day like like Teleport, Curse, Quest) 12 Wish powers (d6 1-5=monthly, 6=yearly) conditional and flawed or dangerous or cost (soul?) 13 Create Darkness/Light 15” radius once per turn 14 very fast 24” base speed 15 Spider climb 16 Mask - illusion of face at will 17 Disguise - illusion form over body 18 Shape Shift 1 form 19 Shape Shift 1d3 forms

20 Shape Shift 1 type of creature (size, mammal, plant, elemental) 21 Shape Shift into anything at will 22 Resistant (fire poison edged)   23 Invisibility (10 minites ever hour) 24 magic and one base metal or material like wood or stone to hit 25 +1 to hit 26 +2 to hit 27 +4 Initiative 28 Sense (Life, gold, good, or any one thing)  29 Regenerate 30 Divination powers or special wisdom or can ask gods or spirits 31 Body parts good to make magic item or potion 32 Has true name, can be bound or banished with right spells like demon or devil 33 Returns as undead when killed 34 Monster hatches out when dead 35 Resembles totally different creature like undead or mechanical or looks human 36 Can be trapped in bottle or container with right magic 37 +4 AC from metal hide or crystal carapace 38 Levitate  39 mate and reproduce with anything even inanimate objects 40 Tries to poses a new body after undead, three tries before spirit departs 41 Undead, gains resistances as if undead and vulnerable to necromancy, turning and holy water 42 Drains one level on touch 43 Craves bizarre or expensive food craving or sexual desire or something unnatural 44 Dimension door for escapes  45 Teleport for escapes 46 Plane Shift to escape 47 Gate can call a other plane being HDx10% chance once a day  48 Phaze can shift to other plane and back, needs magic to harm, 49 Alighnment flips and changes 50 Gate HDx10% chance once a day can call a lesser other plane being 51 Gate HDx10% chance once a week can call a major other plane being 52 Gate HDx10% chance once a

year can call a unique other plane being 53 Can shrink to one foot +2 AC -25% move 54 Can shrink to 1” +4 AC -50% move 55 Can grow next size class 55 Can grow several size classes 56 Blunt weapons, -1 damage on any any edged weapon hit till repaired 57 Conjure weapons into hands at will 58 Can cast cantrip per HD at will of any type 59 Extra attack 1d6 tails with poison sting 60 Venomous bite or claws 1d4 or envenom weapon by licking  61 Shape shift into last thing they kill 62 Turns to normal person when killed 63 Can change gender 64 Immune to 1st level spells 65 Immune to 1st to 2nd level spells 66 Immune to 1st level 3rd spells 67 Turn to a statue or tree or

crystal foe years if desired 68 Powers of remote vision 69 Danger sense, cannot be surprised 70 Charm person three times per day 71 Fear three times per day 72 Increased STR +3 damage increase 73 Increased CON +3 hp per dice 74 Increased DEX +3 hit and AC 75 Increased INT +3 extra languages and proficiencies  76 Increased WIS +3 extra second chances 77 Increased CHA +3 extra followers 78 Call animal servants or friends as followers 79 All members of species carry a magic item (d6 1-3=all same 4-6=all different) 80 All connected to other planar lord or god 81 Spawn of other planar power, parent bares grudge on killers 82 Race can identify any who have killed a member of the species on sight

83 Explodes on death 84 Turns to stone on death 85 Turns to smoke on death 86 Turns to stinking cloud on death 87 Turns to simulacra of killer on death 88 Influence local weather, more powerful or large groups have more effect 89 Breath weapon 90 Hypnotic gaze, transfixes victim stared at who fails save 91 Paralysis touch 92 Stone gaze 93 Magic resistant HDx5% 94 Magic resistance HDx10% 95 Raise undead minions from dead as animate dead spell 96 Unique magic item or relic, possibly with prohibitions or taint on user 97 Bard Powers 98 Alignment champion powers 99 roll twice more 100 roll again and +1d3 times more

2 Goblin Mine Dungeon Zone d100 random room key 1-3 A Airshaft 4-8 B Barracks 9 C Crypt 10-12 Dining Hall  13-14 E Elevator 15-17 F Fungus 18-27 G Lair  28-30 H Hospital 31-40 I Guard Post  41 J Crystal formations 42-43 K Mineral Deposits  44-48 L Living Area  49-50 M Mechanical Aparatus 51-52 N Secret Entry 53-55 O Administration Office 56-61 P Pit 62-64 Q Laboratory 65-69 R Rubble Heap 70-74 S Store Room 75-77 T Trap  78-79 U Unstable 80-85 V Animal Pens 86-90 W Workshop 91-92 X Treasury 93-95 Y Water logged 96-00 Z Shrine

A Airshaft

A tiny shaft to small for large or armoured adult but squeezable to goblins, kobolds, gremlins, kids, hobbits, small adults might manage it. Could be for air, workers, smoke, sewerage or other purposes. Shafts might be a way out, a trap, a link to a lost level or animal burrows. Some shafts have structures hidden or deliberate or forgotten temporary worker structures. Shafts have some breeze. d4 1=surface 2=other level 3=blocked 4=another dungeon or chamber or hidden level. Empire dungeoneers seize as many as possible for signaling, dropping down pasties or scout children and pole or lamp bearers 1 Tight squeeze to hidden or inaccessible point like a cliff or high rock wall 2 Bars, rubble or traps make passage difficult, might even have a lock 3 Natural hazard makes travel

difficult like geyser, killer slime or ooze, gas 4 Vermin infested tunnel crawling with life and coated with fungus growth 5 Sewerage tunnel or latrine, diseased and some vermin 6 Leads to a crypt or burial area, might predate dig or made by workers 7 Burrow of a creature or nest connects to shaft 8 Leads to a worker built structure forgotten and possibly forgotten by builders half way 9 Leads to flooded section forming a barrier to elsewhere 10 Leads to a natural cavern a extra hidden area

B Barracks

These are quarters for dungeon personnel. Bad dungeon hygiene and damp can kill you all. Can spread dungeon malaria if damp and vermin ridden. Lice and rats a common feature. 1 A tiny worker barrack with kitchen, bunks and personal effects 2 A group latrine complex with many toilets, water supply, straw, sawdust, buckets of ammonia 3 A kitchen ranging from a bbq, stove household or industrial scale kitchen and catering 4 A guardhouse where local troops sleep with a separate area for leaders 5 A bunkhouse for military units when not on march or patrol 6 Leaders quarters with guards, own bedchamber and or office and lounge 7 A bunkhouse for visiting troops or mercenaries, often of some other type to locals 8 A bath house where monsters come to bathe, preen, de-louse and do laundry 9 Nursery where women and children care for the young 10 Common room where monster dine and slaves and pets and poor guests sleep on the floor

C Crypt

Some dungeons are tombs. Many die digging them and working in them. Some sacrifice criminals

by sealing in walls. Dead guards and bosses may get burials. Many never leave. Some mines dig into ancient burials such as from the necromancer kings era. Might have treasure or undead or both. 1 Humble worker graves buried in sealed niches in walls (possibly in urns or as mummies) 2 Builder graves, built behind walls usually mumified with tools, name scrawled on wall 3 Shrine of the dead covered in skulls and bones, walls built from bones, or skulls in niches  4 Graves and coffins and headstones in walls, burrowed into ancient graves 5 Stone crypt with sealed undead troop hidden reserves for the necromancer kings 6 Collapsed pile of rubble with hats on top and crude memorial to cave in victims under heap 7 Someone has covered a body with a tonne of rocks on top to protect with crude monument 8 Holes with stone lids over holes where mummified bodies seated or rolled in tubes 9 A recent carved goblin hero grave with guardians and magic defenses 10 Ancient megalith of stone or barrow buried in distant past era

D Dining Hall

Monsters gotta eat and socialize. Barracks kitchens pretty solid for meals but monsters like some diversity especially goblins. 1 Crack in the wall where gremlins sell vermin like rats and centipedes or fish uncooked 2 Highly efficient kobold kitchen with food being placed in cans and delivered by kobold couriers 3 Kobold with rats or grubs or fish precooked on sticks 4 Goblin butcher with ham sized grubs and bugs on hooks writhing under sign, Owner has cleaver 5 Goblin hags cooking witch brews and potions to exhort troops, full of scary ingredients 6 Goblin mushroom cult cook with cauldrons of stew and mystery mushroom pie, grow some types 7 Goblin grub wagon with shroom

burgers and grub dogs and horrid pies 8 Orc with hotplate, mallet, corpse and bread, can humorlessly half cook many dishes 9 Hobgoblin fry cook with tiny waggon and blind goblin pony. Competent but berserk if criticised 10 Ogre dinner lady with gruel in a cauldron slops out for anyone with plate, tin or cup

E Elevator

Crude elevators start from early times and some races and eras made sophisticated or magic ones. Could be cable cars over a hazard or between structures. Shaft might be angled with rails for the car. Wood is common but wrought iron used on classier ones.  1 A crude rope possibly a guard or strong monster on top to help pull or lower  2 Just a piece of wood and rope and crude winch 3 A dumbwaiter with two balanced boxes which counterweight, meant for cargo but... 4 A huge bucket with wheel with animals or monster to turn on top winch 5 A carriage with a solid counterweight, pulled by persons inside or slaves to move 6 Two carriages counter weighted with wheel inside each to move with minimal force needed 7 Elevator carriage moved by water wheel and gears and levers, possible has great buckets 8 Roller coaster ride with buckets on tracks at steep angle, pulled back by rope 9 Elevator car is magical and possibly 1in4 haunted by dead or other spirits 10 Teleporter pad goes to d4 1=other level 2=secret area 3=other mine 4=other plane 

 F Fungus Garden

Fungus gardens and forests may take bloom in mines by chance from spoors up air shafts to underland caves. Goblinoids might deliberately plant such Forrest’s for food in dug out sections and is their excuse for agriculture. Often

crawling with vermin, goblinoids or monsters come to graze or eat others. 1 Fabulous garden of many types of decorative fungi with many uses 2 Edible fungus cultivated for dungeon personnel efficiently 3 Drug fungus garden for shamans secret rituals on the other side 4 Covered in mold or puffballs of various types liable to explode with spores 5 Explosive mushrooms and toadstools 6 Screaming alarm fungus calls monsters for miles 7 Screaming alarm fungus with other deadly fungi and or giant bugs 8 Mushroom men performing dreaming rituals 9 Fungoid horror adopted other normal creatures form 10 Dark elves or goblins shrine with a magical guardian

G Lair

A creature lair is often established as to be near goblinoids to feed on or serve them. Such creatures often go wild and end up feeding on goblins. A lair will have former kills (maybe alive still), possibly offspring, bedding and dung. Many will be hidden or concealed. Some creatures smelling you in lair will stalk you, especially if children killed or stolen. 1 Giant invertebrates like scorpions, Insects, worms, slugs, worms or cave lobsters 2 Spider webs and giant spiders 3 Ogre nest or Troll lair auxiliaries of local humanoids 4 Cave lizards, snakes, frogs or amphibians, dinosaurs or even dragon like 5 Cave dwelling mammalian lair for giant rats, weasels, rabbits, wolves, dogs, bears, lions 6 Giant bats or stirge owls or terror birds 7 Hybrid magical beasts like chimera, owlbears, hook horrors, sphinxes 8 Campsite of intruder humanoids intruding on dungeon turf of locals 9 Weird dungeon monsters like mimic, rust monster, zorbo,

trapper, piercers 10 Other planar creatures like salamander, demon, elemental

H Hospital

Medical facilities are much needed in a dungeon complex. Work is often dangerous and the tribe with best care will win in long run. Smaller ones have only a few patients but large ones could care for dozens. Some will even treat adventurers for gold or if you threaten to murder patients. 1 small first aid station or hut 1d6-2 goblins + d4 1=witch 2=shaman 3=quack 4=lunatic 2 witchdoctors hut with local humanoid and 2d4 guards 3 A hearth with a witch or many acting as medics with pets and guardians and a cauldron 4 A necromancer kills the wounded and makes into undead troops or workers 5 Goblin priesthood with savage idol act as healers for the worthy 6 A magical healing spring, d4 1=under guard 2=locked 3=under a spell 4=trapped 7 Bunkhouse for convalescing wounded and old and lame 8 Newborn monster and humanoid baby nursery with humanoid midwife 9 Dentist and barber with tongs, chisel and mallet, also a first aid kit 10 Plague colony outcast diseased humanoids live here and will try to use infection to intimidate

I Guard Post 

Guard posts are common and designed to limit intruder tribes or dungeon raiders from the surface. Some are simple some are dangerous fortifications.  1 Niche in wall, lone trooper with horn, bell, gong or shrieking fungus 2 Two guard niches with troopers 3 Hidden guard post with spy holes and messenger rats or bugs with 1d4 guards 4 Murderholes with four guards and cauldron of d4 1=oil 2 =hot lead 3=boiling water 4 = slime 5 Barred gate or portcullis or drawbridge with 3d4 guards with crossbows and arrow slits 

6 Secret guard niche with spyhole,  secret panel to fire poison missile and alarm (possibly silent) 7 Guard station with 3d6+6 guards including bunks, common area and several leaders and gate 8 Cell where troublemakers, intruders or lawbreakers are kept with 1d4 guards and a torturer 9 Team of 4 guards with 1d6 guard beasts, gate and counter 10Gate with guards bunks and arrows slits to menace intruders from inside 

J Crystal formations

Crystal formations sometimes grow rampant in dungeon. Beautiful and mysterious often with water or liquid nearby. Places might be lairs or holy places. Goods may become sealed under layers of crystal after long periods. 1 Salt chamber chiseled from salt, with giant crystal structures with a high vault ceiling 2 Huge blue and green copper crystals with limpid green and blue pools 3 Lime and calcium deposits cover every surface with stalagmites, stalactites and other formations 4 Huge poisonous crystals with rainbow toxic pools 5 Glowing crystals make locals all sick 6 Scarlet glowing crystals cause finders to crave and fight over if fail save 7 Giant candy sugar crystals deposited by insects or crazy goblins 8 Coloured crystal prismatic garden with weird magical effects 9 Crystalline creatures in crystal garden and possible entities in crystals 10 Crystal and mineral mother load, favorite haunt of earth elementals, possibly a planar node

K Mineral Deposits

Mineral deposits are what brought creatures here to mine so not a surprise to find nuggets or deposits of unrefined minerals. Value often poor if exposed, best stuff is guarded or still being worked.  1 Copper, bronze, brass

2 Tin, zinc, lead 3 Silver or electrum 4 Gold or platinum 5 Iron or steel 6 Gem deposit 7 Gas possibly flammable or toxic 8 Tarpit 9 Rock oil pool  10 Magical substance for alchemy like asbestos (salamander wool)  or quicksilver or magic metal

L Living Area

Monsters like to relax too and these are where they come to wind down after mining and killing. Often decorated with crude art and graffiti with food sellers, prostitutes, thieves and other hangers on.  1 Game court for sport with ball or gremlin or severed head, 1in6 chance big game with audience 2 Fighting pit for battles of beasts or gladiators, cells for victims 3 Room of boardgames, books, teapots and hookahs for refined monsters 4 Gambling den with dice and knucklebones and loose coins or tokens 5 Stage or amphitheater for goblin religious, musical, educational or entertaining theatre 6 Bar with tables and possibly an entertainer, barkeep, barmaid and cook 7 Gymnasium with training apparatus and caged monsters and baths 8 A street of stalls with a mini goblin mart of goods and street food 9 Boss club where leaders relax with servants, drinking, war gaming and other superior hobbies 10 Family area with humanoids of all ages, eating shrooms and weaving or crafting together

M Mechanical Apparatus Mining requires equipment and some have superior master machines to process ore or to even dig. Machines might have guardians or curses protecting them or crew.  1 A huge mechanical forge or smelter with a huge mechanised blast furnace and hammers

2 A huge alchemist apparatus d4 1=brewing monsters 2=making potion 3=brewery 4=oil 3 Vending Machine selling d4 1=weapon 2=snacks 3=goblin petty magic items 4=scrolls 4 Horrible torture machine for some sadistic or magical purpose 5 A golem or several with pre programed orders waiting 6 Infernal engine used to power trains, conveyer belts or elevators with steam, magic or muscle  7 Pump house for air or to clear flooded areas with pipes leading off in many directions 8 Remains of ancient borer transport or buried airship or other fantastic transport or mine machine 9 Chamber is a giant rock crusher chamber, doors seal and process slowly begins 10 Rail hub where dozens of bucket trucks, spare rails and sleepers, coal and many side tracks

N Secret Entry

Secret chambers and doors are commonplace, often used by leaders to stockpile goods from thieves or to escape in emergencies. Priests might use to miraculously appear. Some have a spyhole, lock or trap. 1 A secret passage hidden in wall section requires secret switch 2 A secret hiding space 1in6 with corpse inside, possibly undead 3 A hidden trapdoor in floor or ceiling to airshaft or well or ladder 4 A secret panel reveals a long hidden item like a map or key 5 A hidden treasure store with chests of hoarded and forgotten loot of long ago 6 A hidden pen with a monster inside, activated from afar 7 A hidden store with grog, tools, rations, candles, rope, spikes, hammers and other tools 8 Panic room with sealable vault barred door and rations inside 9 Hidden cell with chained victim inside d6 1=alive 2=poorly 3=insane 4=crippled 5=dead 6=undead 10 Magical secret entry possible through gateway, often with a puzzle

0 Administration Office

Offices where important mine officials work and plan the dungeon. A good place for clues and information. 1 Foreman office with desk, plans, schedules and grog  2 Alchemist test office where ore quality tested en mass and samples kept 3 Claim Office with documents of local mines and sections 4 Supply clerk office with charts, tables and catalogues 5 Meeting room with large desk with chairs and mini bar 6 Records office with worker files, plans and documents 7 Engineers office with site plans, a draftsmonster and other experts 8 Scribe pool where documents and plans are copied by hand 9 Mail room where documents mailed are collected by kobold courier to your lair 10 Boss Suite where manager lair is, usually have family and elite guards

P Pit

A gaping hole into the deeps. Some are hidden dangers and covered and forgotten. Others are used or avoided by locals. 1 Shaft drops into lower level 2 Shaft is a well and drops into a water filled cistern 3 Sewerage pit possibly monster or vermin or diseased 4 Accidental collapse into lower level or hidden area 5 Shaft drops to dead end, former victims or monsters trapped in the bottom 6 Monster filled pit, home for creature and possible guard or barrier 7 Burning lava pit, 1in6 with a elemental fire creature inside 8 Tar pit a sticky mass that necromancers like to extract preserved monster corpses 9 Boiling mud pit, geothermal bubbling mud with regular emissions of steam 10 Gate at the bottom

Q Laboratory

Locals require space for wonder

workers to do their stuff. Experts are often magicians and leaders with guards and pets. 1 Gunpowder makers lab with copper lined vault, raw materials, fuses, bombs 2 Alchemist Lab where a lead expert with apprentices make potions and other things like acid 3 Necromancer lab turn dead labourers to workers or suicide troops 4 Monster making lab create d6 1=abhumans 2=orc 3=chimera 4=shoggoth 5=golem 6=humanoid 5 Summoning hall where circles dedicated to restraining certain other planar beings 6 Library where books and records of mine, magicians and community kept 7 Monster lab with eggs, babies, pens, slab with restraints and horrible chemicals 8 Wizard Lab where work on spell research and making items 9 Drug Lab where a alchemist or herbalist work on refining drugs to keep workers addicted 10 A alchemical apparatus producing synthetic food, lamp fuel, air scrubber or other strangeness 

R Rubble Heap

Giant heaps of crap are common especially in worked areas 1 Huge mount of sand 2 Huge mound of gravel and rocks 3 Garbage or midden Heap 4 Sewerage or compost or dung 5 Pile of corpses and bones 6 Mound of soot and ash 7 Animal nest for vermin, giant worms, lizards 9 Coal or peat 10 Industrial waste heaps of toxic crap and smouldering crud S Store Room  Storage for dungeon supplies are usually locked and often guarded by troops or locks and traps. 1 Barrels of various goods like food and grog 2 Crates of stored supplies like tools 3 Quartermasters supply store for miners

4 Armoury with guards equip locals 5 Building materials like rope, nails, wood, rails, sleepers, wire, chains, candles, lamps 6 Exploration and spelunking supplies like grapnels, inflatable raft, tents 7 Corpses got piled up here and never taken to morgue, lazily tossed in heaps 8 Heavily bolted door with guards, sacks of food or small silos 9 Huge cistern pool or dam to store drinkable water, possibly a lair 10 Locker room where workers store personal stuff, work coats, boots, tools

T Trap 

Many dungeon traps are available but miners tend to resort to tried and true ones without complexity. 1 Dead fall of rocks with floor trigger or trip line 2 Concealed pit with possibly spikes, self locking door, vermin, acid or a monster 3 Trigger releases monsters from concealed room 4 Trigger sets off alarm bringing a wandering encounter 5 Dart trap if triggered fires 3d4 darts, some poisoned or diseased also 6 Small traps that target feet or ankles. Often can be set to certain size targets 7 Net and alarm trap, grabs everyone and attracts wandering monsters 8 Caltrops poisoned or diseased under dust on floor 9 Snare trap grabs foot and counterweight pulls victim to ceiling 10 Chemical trap with acid, fire, explosion or gas released from alchemist flasks

U Unstable

Area is fragile and has had collapses in past. Heavy and noisy adventurers may set off a collapse. Locals avoid and mark with signs in monster languages. Some blockages can be cleared and this may actually set off another collapse. 1 Buried under tonnes of rock and rubble

2 Area partly buried under rubble and loose gravel 3 Floor in danger of collapsing 4 Walls in danger of collapsing, ceiling sagging 5 Piles of fungus growths block path can be cleared 6 Piles of humanoid bones and corpses block way 7 Calcium formations and stalactites have blocked view of tunnel can be cleared 8 Pile of rubble with limbs sticking out 9 Dripping water through crack, if touched releases flood 10 Fragile area trapped to collapse if intruders enter

5 A sweatshop making goods for mine like boots, lamps, candles or other goods 6 Plumber shop with thousands of pipes, ceramic, tin and lead for water, waste and air 7 Trap Lab where traps are built, packaged and then deployed by kobold trappers 8 Morgue where bodies are tagged and earmarked for disposals, recycling or necromancy 9 Mechanic shop where mechanical apparatus like rail cars, elevators and traps are made 10 Jeweller where gems cut and made into decorative items

V Animal Pens 

Where locals stockpile valuables from mine, payrolls and other loot. Mostly guarded with heavy doors and traps. Guard monsters common also. 1 Ore store tones of raw unrefined metal or uncut gems in sacks or bucket cars 2 Payroll with chests of coins and ledgers, some pay in chits or tokens instead of money 3 Confiscated goods including weapons, drugs, cursed items, notes, obscene artworks 4 Storage of forbidden relics and artifacts found on dig that leaders pile here for safety 5 A collection of valuable potions and alchemical supplies 6 Harem of most attractive lovers of the bosses with eunuch and monster guards 

Monsters keep many creatures in mines as work beast or food. Mos are manned by caretakers who feed and care for them and might be wiling to sell them. 1 Pit ponies, often blinded and miserable 2 Dog pens, many races have own breeds (include wolf and warg) 3 Giant cave snails and slugs and cave clams 4 Riding or guard reptiles 5 Monsters for guards, traps or pit fights or just pets 6 Riding spiders or bats or insects 7 Giant caterpillars or grubs or worms 8 Dungeon chickens, pigs, goats or other under land versions of farm animals 9 Dungeon pets and familiars stall  10 Stables with stalls and carer service with variety of beasts at moment

W Workshop

A area where specialists make stuff for the mine and personnel. Often noisy, smelly and occupied by yelling workers. 1 Carpenter area with barrels, mine beams, rail sleepers and other dungeon fittings 2 Refinery where metal smelted with huge cauldrons and furnaces 3 Blacksmith shop with forge, anvil and many tools 4 Boiler maker building apparatus and engines for mine works

X Treasury

7 A collection of magic items here to be investigated or not usable by locals 8 Artworks of ancients like statues or clay or metal, fossils, paintings, urns, interesting bones 9 Ingots of metal with owners stamp 10 Fake treasure from painted clay, paste or even monster. A trap or stolen by traitors

Y Water logged

A area flooded by water, often abandoned or lair for a creature, typically waist deep 1 Once recognisable workshop or store room now flooded and full of moldy rotten floating crap 2 Muddy submerged dirty water with rotten chunks of body parts and corpses 3 Water has flooded area with intact goods inside airtight section beyond 4 Something horrible lives in water and eats intruders 5 Water swimming with vermin like leeches or rats  6 Flooded section blocks passage to area beyond unless swum through 7 Door if opened releases flood waters and rotten corpses, chamber beyond long sealed 8 Drains or pump has cleared former flooded section temporarily 9 Creature will open floodgate if intruders near by flooding area and alerting monsters

25 Map on dirty scrap of paper 26 Map painted on sign 27 Danger sign 28 Direction sign Z Shrine 29 Chalk lumps Shrines, temples and holy places are common in mines where death 30 Charcoal sticks 31 human bones 1d4 1=crushed and danger is common. 1 A collection of graves with carved 2=chewed 3=scattered 4=mostly buried totems watching them 32 skull  2 A collection of tint figurines by a 33 Broken ten foot pole  stone block 35 Handles of burned out torches 3 A shrine with a small statue or carving, evidence of food sacrificed 1d6 36 Live bugs 1d6 4 A shrine with niche for severed 37 Camp site head or skull with blood over it 5 A sacrificial rock covered in blood  38 Kettle 1d4 1=hole 2=warm and full 3=dried herbs or fungi 4=good 6 A large statue possibly with gem pewter eyes, usually cursed or trapped 39 Remains of pit pony, mule or 7 A large statue with spyhole and other local medium+ animal speaking tubes for priest to scare 40 Pile of excrement 1in4 fresh non believers 41 Chisel 1in4 broken 8 A small temple with statues, 42 Iron spikes 1d4 other art and some priests or 43 Teeth 1d10 shamen 44 Bale of hay 1d6 9 A medium temple with initiates, 45 Sack of animal feed 1d4 1=ratty guards and multiple priests 10 A large temple with huge statue, 2=mouldy 3=bugs 4=fine rock carvings and murals for many 46 Buckets 47 Wheelbarrow worshipers  48 Tinder box 49 Iron rations 1d4 1=one meal d100 Mundane Stuff in 2=days food 3=week food 4=crate the Goblin Mine for a months food 1 Live bat 1d6 50 Tobacco pouch plus additional 2 Live rat 1d6 1d4 1=pipe 2=hard drugs 3=d6 3 Live bird in cage coppers 4=stoker/pipe cleaning 4 Rat in a trap 1in4 alive tool 5 Dead bird in cage 51 Broken glass or ceramic bottle 6 Dead dog 52 Coal d4 1=d6 chunks 2=bucket 7 Dead bat 3=metal bin half full 4=sack 8 Dead rat 53 Nail clippings 9 Loose wooden beam or sleeper 54 Old bandages 10 Stub of a candle 55 Soapy mess shaving scum and 11 Helmet with candle hair clippings 12 Tiny clay oil lamp 56 Broken wheel 1in6 metal 13 Small tin lamp 57 Broken pulley 1in6 metal 14 Good shuttered lantern 58 Broken cog 1in6 metal 15 Lamp on pole  59 Bellows 1in4 working 16 Hammer 60 Candle with time markings 1in6 17 Rope in a coil lit 18 Nails d100 61 Mallet 19 lamp oil in bottle 63 Beer bottles or clay jars 1d6 in 20 Torches in bundle 1d6 number 1in6 full 21 Black powder in small bag or 64 Broken stick horn 65 Whip 1in4 serviceable 22 Black powder grenade with fuse 66 Loincloth 1in4 dud fuse 67 Worn out boot 23 Black powder small keg charge 68 Pair of boots with fuse 69 Backpack 24 Mine car 70 Pointy hat 10 Underground river leads into depths

71 Broken belt or belt buckle 72 Cloak 73 Cloak pin 75 Tiny clay or wood figurine of d4 1=ancestor 2=animal 3=god 4=humanoid critter 76 Dessicated miners corpse 78 Length of chain, possibly wooden 1d10 foot long 79 Knife 80 Spoon 1in4 not bent or broken 1in4 is tin most wood or clay 81 Clever 82 Arrows 1d6 short bow type 83 Broken bow 84 Scabbard 1in4 works, d4 1=dagger 2=shortsword 3=sword 4=knife 85 Broken hand weapon d4 1=hatchet 2=spear 3=javelin 4=club 86 Broken shield 1in4 with identifiable markings 87 Remains of tortured adventurer or snooping villager 88 Pornographic scroll 89 Mining record form 1in4 blank 90 Dried fish skeleton 91 Water skin with bad water 92 Rat poison with bait 93 Rat hole 94 Huge dead bug 1in4 munched on by huge rat 95 Bucket of tar 96 Sheet of oil skin 97 Sack of clay  98 Sack f lime 99 Measuring tools 1=cord 2=surveyors stakes 3=crude spirit level 4=alchemist test strips  100 Roll 1d4+1 more times or drop to below table

d10 Quick Interesting goblin mine crap

1 Living thing 2 Horrible scene or dead thing 3 Protective garb 4 Tools 5 Trunks of stuff 6 Adventurer remains 7 Treasure 8 Petty magic items 9 Disposable Magic 10 Magic

d100 Interesting goblin mine crap

1 Glowing fungus 2 Edible fungus  3 Wrapped mineral sample with form attached 4 Baby gremlins screaming 5 Goblin kid in nappy 6 Eggs possible edible 7 Live pit pony midget horse or mule 1d4 load of 1=supplies 2=minerals 3=corpse 4=empty 8 Huge edible grubs taste like eggs can be cooked 9 Kobold orphan child curious and hungry and looking for new family 10 Huge scorpion and spider having a fight 11 Phantom of long lost miner appears 12 Moaning phantom of long past cries out in area 13 Remains of group of lost persons resorted to cannibalism died 14 Scene of grisly stomache churning murder 15 Remains of executions 16 Horrible idols and fetishes litter area with a blood strewn altar 17 Crude graffiti depicting horrible scene 18 Ghostly hands grasp at explorers with chilling touch 19 Haunted object rolls about on own, keeps turning up ahead of party 20 See grisly gore or monster spectacle for a moment in periphery of vision that vanishes 21 Miners clothes and boots 23 Ornamental arm band 24 Thick Leather apron 25 Heavy filthy gloves 26 Quality helmet with excellent steel lamp 27 Goggles 28 Filter mask 29 Air mask 30 Climbing harness 31 Lock Picks  32 Bundle of keys 33 Collection of d4 locks wrapped in cloth 34 Anvil or whetstone 35 Tiny iron camp stove 36 Inflatable air skin raft 37 Bars of soap 1d6 38 Tiny Cauldron of rendered fat 39 Cooking pots and pans 1d12 40 Large Cauldron

41 Trunk of torture equipment and manacles 1in4 in usable condition 42 Trunk of pretty ladies dresses or fancy adventurers outfits 43 Trunk with dead tied body 44 Trunk with unconscious body inside 1in4 awakes and calls help 45 Trunk with creature that has jewel studded into skull 46 Trunk full of scribe tools, papers and mine records 48 Trunk with field kitchen and months preserved food 49 Trunk of seedy books and pamphlets on dodgy subjects 50 Trunk with crude alchemical test equipment to identify mineral samples 51 Adventurers cache with food, arrows, lamp oil, d100 gold coins, spare weapons 52 Adventurers journal with maps of this dungeon and others 53 Adventurers documents like passports, will, bank account, deeds, tiles 54 Adventurer corpse with d1000 poker chips from city casino 55 Adventurer corpse with d10 tokens for city brothels and 1d4 pornographic prints 56 Adventurers sack with 1d10 wanted notices for creatures and 1d6 exotic monster body parts 57 Ancient tome detailing history of the dungeon or inhabitants 58 Satchel of letters from family to long dead explorer 59 Collection of bounty posters for bandits and monster leaders offering cash 60 Collection of manacles and chain for slave gang with 1in4 intact and with key 61 Bag of d1000 copper coins 62 Bag of d100 silver coins 63 Bag of d10 gold coins 64 Gold dust or nuggets worth d100 in bag 65 Uncut gemstone d100 gold value, x10 if cut 66 Strange fossil worth d100 gold coins 67 Broken chunk of fine stone or ivory statue worth d100 gold coins 68 Fragment of dead god cultists seek to resurrect their lord in some form 69 Signet ring from noble family

they will be happy to see or 1in4 want to cover up 70 Remains of famous heroes last stand, possibly become famous relics 71 Magical pick, less breakable and stays sharp 72 Magic lamp made by use of light spell 73 Magical explosive trap 74 Magical curse trap 75 Interesting tiny fetish actually gives dice mods d4 1=+1 2=+1d4 one use 3=-1 4=-1d4 on hi 76 Magical hand mill makes a meal a day 77 Magical wine skin or bottle provides 12 drinks a day 78 Magical water skin or bottle provides 12 drinks a day 79 Magical instrument plays 10 minutes a day d4 1=bone flute 2-drum 3=bagpipes 4=horn 80 Meta detecting wand d100 charges 10 yards range 81 Potion bottle 1in4 full with a d4 uses 82 Magic scroll 83 Holy water 2d6 bottles 84 Magic 1d20 rounds of ammo d4 1=arrow 2=quarrel 3=dart 4=musket balls one use each shot 85 Bag of 1d6 magic mushrooms d4 1=see magic 2=see spirits 3=talk to dead 4=visions 86 Wand with 1d4 charges left 87 Amulet saves you once from draining touch of the dead then shatters 88 Bottle of acid can eat though foot of rock or a metal lock 1d4 doses 89 Magical biscuit that provides all food for a day in box of d20 90 Magic saint medallion will stop you bleeding to death once then rusts away 91 Magical rope d4 1=d10 foot stretches x10 2=cut proof vs non magic 3=moves to flute music 4=attacks intruder like constrictor snake 92 Battered fragments of spell book 1=locked 2=cursed 3=magic trap 4=haunted 93 Quality weapon d4 1=silver 2=+1 to hit not magic  3=can hit magic 4=secret crafted feature

94 Magic item d4 1=hunted by cult 2=cursed 3=intelligent and may posses wielder 4=tainted 95 Magic shield +1 96 Magical weapon +1 damage 97 Magical instrument d4 1=+d3 skill 2=call a creature once a day 3=self playing 4=amplify volume 98 Magical stat boosting food or item only one use from same type ever +1 99 Chaos mutation or lawful feature adding food item one use from same type ever 100 A relic item with powers and bonuses but tainted by necromancy, elder gods, element, etc Honeycombed cavern and mine zone was dug by some other species long ago and is now infested with tribes of humanoids. Sounds of mining, screams of violence and savage drums are heard. Many cavern dwelling predictors also come here and stay for the food. Tempting gems and minerals abound and tempt the unwary. Some are of types unknown to science and have strange properties. Teams come here frequently but occupation has been hard. Some areas in lower levels have free flowing magma, boiling water and acid. Many areas are lit by magic candles and lanterns. Goblinoids adoption of captured weapons makes them far more deadly. Humanoids in melee are the biggest killers here.

d20 Goblin Mine Zone Hazard

1 Rickety dried wooden walkway 2 Stone bridge within huge cavern 3 Quake shakes stalactites from celling 4 Flammable gas 5 Floor collapses into lower level 6 Dilapidated elevator 7 Corridors blocked by burning kobold metal over 10 ft 8 Toxic gas - Con save every turn or 1pt til clear  9 Bad air triple fatigue – enough to effect a fight 10 Deadfall drops rubble 2d6 or Dex save

11 Beams collapse blocking passage 12 Railway line with ore cart ready to roll 13Toxic glowing green gems Con save every turn or 1pt til clear 14 Evil glowing red gems – Wis save or tempted to dig and possess gems 15 Pit with crumbling edges 16 Bubbling volcanic mud pool 17 Waterfall 18 Tiny claustrophobic crawl hole 19 Whirlpool drain in pool 20 Huge gaping chasm above lava

d50 Goblin Mine Zone Mysteries

1 Dwarvern skeletons amid treasure 2 Goblin books bound in human skin 3 Kobold traps boxed ready to install from wizard Arkeyah 4 Invulnerable chest fitted with a dozen traps 5 Strange mineral unknown to explorer 6 Bizarre complex barn size mining machine rusted solid 7 Tinned food of unknown origin 8 Creature eggs clustered on mine works 9 Crude graves with simple signs and a few nick-knacks 10 Cave graffiti, smutty drawings and abuse 11 Crushed bodies under deadfall 12 Map of mines with locations marked 13 Section or mine, drain, train tunnel or bunker from surface  14 Rune covered vault door 16 Huge structure covered in scaffolding incomplete 17 Ruined citadel, evidence of last days of last inhabitants 18 Train timetables found on goblin corpse 19 Gnomes trying to awaken god in hopes of getting a wish 20 Uncovered crypt and dead miners 21 Remains of jury rigged alchemical workshop to make something 22 Skeletons digging up corpses or a structure like a crypt 23 Fungus garden with strange

properties 24 Prisoner chained up begs for help  25 Echoes from party noise amplified and sent across region 26 Hurricane wind force drives party to shelter 27 Scaffolding supports heavily mined area east to collapse 28 Exotic coin pile, probably trapped cursed or poisoned 29 Goblin leader declares parley 30 Aparatus and strange mineral discovered 31 Mine cart with mummified body holding locked tiny chest 32 dig site of fused copper coin deposit 33 a great pit of discoloured mine drainage water 24 Remains of smelting and casting operation 25 Collection of miners housing 26 Distillery and bootleg hooch refinery in a shack 27 Shed filled with sweaty old explosives 28 Shed with filthy miners clothes and laundry 29 Shed with candles, lamps, ropes, ladders and other mining crap 30 Mass graves of lost miners with shrine 31 Dumped waste from surface world 32 Trapped claim area with “claim jumpers out” sign 33 Burning rocks light cavern 24 Burning pit of natural gas, possibly gate 25 Rust monsters fighting over iron spike  26 Carrion crawler infected person found, ready to burst 27 Shrine to strange gods and ancestors 28 Mining clockwork automatons working a seam 29 Giant grubs eating toxic waste from surface 30 Mushroom men ballet ceremony rarely seen by humanoids 31 Gigantic skeletal remains of fossilized rock 32 Miners set up a sly grog shop to drink and gossip 33 Hobgoblins demand to see your mining licence 34 Hobgoblins offer to sell you a

mining licence 35 Ancient monolith covered in alien runes found 36 Notebook about nightmare encounter in subterranean crypt found by miners 37 Crate of exotic grog from another world 38 Gigantic crystal cavern, crystalline animals dwelling there attack thieves 39 Pile of monster dung some chainmail links on surface 40 Miners have uncovered a mass grave and abandoned the dig 41 A water wheel operated elevator built into cavern 42 Goblins with sweaty old dynamite playing boom boom 43 A mummified wild west prospector  44 Goblins herding a bullette 45 Map showing purple worm tunnels 46 map of hot and cold water system resembling a reactor 47 Goblins with missing scientist prisoner, hitting radioactive ore with mallets 48 Badger men fighting dark dwarves over ancient meteor fragment 49 Deep gnome steam forge with advanced steampunk tech  50 Dark elves spreading spores according to chart they have been given by masters

d50  Goblin Mine Zones Encounter

1 Goblin miners who hate claim jumpers 2 Goblin wizard and entourage seeks to study intruders corpses 3 Goblin Warg rider hunter, may fetch friends 4 Goblin bat rider, may fetch friends 5 Goblin archers on patrol 6 Hobgoblin squad on patrol 7 Hobgoblin sniper 8 Hobgoblins torturing prisoners 9 Hobgoblin master with whip with goblin crew 9 Bugbear hunter, curious follows party 10 Bugbear patrol with goblin runners 11 Bugbear women skinning

goblins for dinner with kids 12 Legless kobolds in carts throw grenades and stink bombs 13 Kobold trap builders interrupted at work 14 Kobold magician wants to trade magic 15 Kobold commandoes on patrol, masters of hit and run 16 Kobolds with drugged blowpipes with shaman 17 Skeleton or zombie miners 18 Skeleton or zombie soldiers 19 kobold hero 4HD, blunts weapons on touch -1 per hit, curses if killed 20 Goblin escaped slaves in chains beg for help 21 Goblin carrying parasites and plague tries to join party 22 Kobold children beg for food 23 Albino stirges cover ceiling 24 Kobold selling lava fried stirges on 3 foot poles  25 Goblin pimp and dealer offers party vice and forbidden pleasure 26 Goblins fighting over surface artefact 27 Ork infantry hunting intruders 28 Ork assassin trails party – try to use captured weapons 28 Ork with Assault rifle with 2 clips and wants more 29 Ogre looking for food and gems 30 Dwarves looking to trade or for alliance 31 Derro lie and cheat and plot to kill party but feign peace 32 Dark elf sniper-mage harasses party 33 Dark elf maid offers to join party and trade 34 Dark elf hunters with goblin beaters 35 Mushroom men in trance circle, psychedelic vapours emitted 36 Human kill squad from surface world 37 Human slaves from surface world with goblin slavers 38 Ogre with hobgoblin slavers herded into digging vein 39 Mage spiders lurk on ceiling 40 Giant Spider blocks corridor 41 Goblins moon party from distance, laugh keep on trying 42 Humanoids fighting while others watch and gamble 43 Fish men attack from

subterranean well 44 Goblin mini catapult or ballistae attack from distance 45 Troll teen looking to start a lair 46 Pack laden pit pony  47 Cave fisher above 48 Cave lobster attacks from water 49 Giant Bat attack 50 Piercers lair on ceiling 51 Goblin and goblin dogs 52 Pack of goblin dogs 53 Purple worm fighting 2d100 kobolds 54 Bat swarm 1d6 rounds 1pt dam per round 55 Distant reptilian salamander rolling in magma pool 56 Ankheg eating a humanoid 57 Owlbear snuffling for food 58 Devil Swine asks to join party, offers cursed gems 59 Cave Lizard after food 60 Fire Toads 61 Fire Newts on riding birds 62 Fish men cultists dragging captives into well 63 Dark elf vampire and demon lover tease party for kicks  64 Dark elf offers exotic goods and services 65 Gnome adventurers offer trade and maps 66 Deep Gnome wish to hire mercenaries 67 Dark elf with Orc troops 68 Giant rat pack 69 Rat swarm 1d6 rounds 1pt dam per round 70 Rat men on mission to spread plague 71 Gremlins follow party for mischief 72 Cave octopus tribe with clubs and spears 73 Troglodyte party looking for slaves 74 Were rat, pretty sure you can’t hurt him 75 Kobolds divert river down tunnel 76 Goblin children throw faeces at you 77 Slick of flammable oil and tar 78 Deadly cave walrus guarding territory 79 Kobold-troll hybrid, every kill grows back two separate kobolds 80 Ice Salamander or Ice toad lair in chilled cavern 81 Goblin market

82 Goblin vs Dwarf battle 83 Hobgoblin commander and dark elf commander fighting with goblins 84 Chained prisoner begs for help 85 Doppelgangers douse lights with magic then copy heroes faces 86 See a Dragon fly through distant cavern 87 Gargoyle snatches victim and flies away 88 Aboleth slave trapped in water begs for help (cant breathe air now)  89 Drider, dark elf-spider hybrid stalks party for magic 90 Scorpion man insane killer chases party to eat 91 Friendly Blink dogs begging for scraps 92 Displacer beast looking for food 93 Halfling adventurers looking for something shiny 94 Goat men cultists sacrificing victim to demon 95 Rolling boulder pushed by goblins 96 Goblinoid party in preparation or full swing 97 Hung bodies actually zombies who try to ambush 98 Goblin religious ritual in progress 99 Mushroom harvester goblins with sickles and hand carts of mushies 100 Goblin miners shift change, try to ignore party, not their shift, etc

Dwarf Decor

Many of these to just add dwarf flavour to dungeon and I combine with my other tables like goblin mine or gothic ones. Many based on dwarf art and culture so that a dwarf or expert in dwarves could evade traps and select safest option.

D100 Dwarvern Dungeon Dressings

1 Ornate metal door with secret lock depicting dwarf god of hidden treasure  2 Metal door with scythe trap set to hit races above dwarf height and weight  3 Ornate portcullis with dwarf poem engraved, knowing poem lets you find mechanism 

4 Secret hatch in floor containing axe, canned food, bolts and barrel of grog  5 Metal door with dozen locks in serpent mouths only one real rest destroy lockpicks  6 Magic runes carved on door bar explode if touched without praising dwarf god or king  7 A ladder down a pit which collapses if used by big folk into trap  8 Intelligent door only opens for dwarf or if you can answer 3 questions of dwarf lore 9 Metal doors self welding shut if goblinoids or trolls or orcs touch  10 Door with a tap which issues dwarf ale possibly long gone bad  11 Swinging stone pendulum trap crushes those over 4 foot high 12 Ceiling Drops suddenly to 4 foot two inches high striking big uns heads  13 Poison needle with +2 save if dwarf  14 Clockwork puzzle - place dwarf kings in order in minute or room floods with gas  15 Secret door but needs expertise in symbology of dwarf beard braids to open  16 Great hammer swings from ceiling if door touched by tall un  17 Six powder kegs with fuses start, carved with dwarf gods, if good one defused all defuse 18 Barrel leaking flammable fuel rolls down tunnel, secret trapdoor has safe hole 19 Buzz saw slices hand if fake normal looking doornob touched, hidden lock lower down  20 Dwarf automaton of golem on plinth attacks non dwarfs  21 Oil painted mural depicting huge dwarf race war, may see ancestors individually painted  22 Carved column of huge dwarf god   23 Row of statues of old dwarf kings and queens  24 Ceiling painted with scenes of elemental plane of earth 25 Vandalized portraits of traitors and shamed heroes who started un-winnable wars 25 Huge ornamental carved beast horn on display stand with scene of

dwarf epic  26 Tapestry depicting coronation of dwarf king  27 Collection of ornamental tankards of heroes on display  28 Gallery of dwarf armour through the ages  29 Gallery of dwarf weapons through the ages  30 Scale model of dwarf dungeon or fort with tint soldier miniatures  31 Floor tiles are map of known world in ancient times 32 Mounted goblinoid heads on plaques like hunting trophies  33 Huge painted urn with mummified dwarf inside  34 Chamber with cases of minerals with alchemical symbols marked  35 Lists of hundreds of dwarf clans chiseled in walls  36 Painting of great dwarf treasure horde with famous relics among gold  37 Family tree showing dwarf clans and subtypes diverging  37 Collection of goblinoid skulls with measurements and phrenology diagrams in cases  38 Columns in room carved into famous dwarf weapons 39 Fresco scenes of gods drinking and inventing grog (or discovering grog gods) 40 Scenes depicting ancient dwarf alliances and imagined betrayals from other races  41 Still and brewery equipment possibly infested by slime or ooze monster 42 Huge forge with mechanized

hammer and furnace now cold and silent  43 Dwarf engravers studio with tools and various items in stages of completion  44 Dwarf canning machine with food hopper one end and cans come out other  45 Armoury with racks of old weapons some still soiled with goblin blood  46 Acid bath for cleaning and disposal of rubbish  47 Huge machine with unknown power source seized up long ago  48 Barrels of grog, possibly long spoiled   49 Running wheel powered sharpening stone  50 Huge organ possibly seized up with secret chamber inside  51 Throne chamber of official with guard niches and great chair  52 Walls covered in shields of great clans  53 Scribe chamber with scroll cases of records and some blueprints 53 Huge clock with possibly seized up or wound down mechanism  54 Dwarf beard grooming salon for nobles  55 Shrine with dwarf hymns carved in giant runes on wall  56 Executioners head chopping blocks with baskets of orc skulls  57 Dwarf council chamber with seating, ceremonial hammer and scribe desk 58 Dwarf barracks with quadruple bunks 59 Dwarf bedchamber for nobles with huge bed and paintings of ancestors  60 Dwarf art studio with half finished paintings and statues 61 Dwarf jewelers studio probably looted long ago  62 Dwarf library with volume in dwarf runes and some others items  63 A gallery of dwarf friends and allies on non dwarf heritage  64 Huge kitchen with great ovens oxen could fit in  65 Animal pens for cave boars, giant badgers or other beasts  66 Shooting range with preserved orc head targets 67 Great war monument with ever

burning flame 68 Dwarf tavern/commissary/ lounge for troops to relax in  69 Tunnel with mushroom farm, possibly overgrown  70 Guild hall with examples of crafts, meeting/dining table and members names on walls   71 Music room with great horns, kettle drums and bagpipes arranged in orchestra 72 Anatomy hall with hundreds of bottles and skeletons of other races and monsters 73 Collection of other races weapons and armour on display  74 Scriptorium and classroom with huge rune alphabet carved in wall  75 Collection of fired clay and carved stone tablets from before paper era  76 Stuffed collection of subterranean animals many long extinct or rare 77 Collection of dried or pickled fungus and draws with many spores catalogued  78 Quartermasters stores of common dungeoneering and cave exploring tools 79 Dwarf nursery with wooden soldier dolls, blocks with runes and plush monsters   80 Machine shop with metal lathe, stone saw and steam drill  81 Oil refinery where quality lubricants and incendiaries were made  82 Mining analysts laboratory with exotic compounds in cases and mine maps 83 Alchemist laboratory with bottles, burners mortars and pestles 84 Hospital with dwarf skeleton and surgical tools and medical diagrams  85 Dwarf noble crypt  86 Dwarf commoners mausoleum 87 Dwarf sport arena with seating for hundreds  88 Pottery studio with kiln and thousands of urns 89 Glassblowers studio with forge and hundreds of bottles and jars   90 Well with flowing water, ladders and coracles that go somewhere else 

91 Sealed tunnels going deep into earth overun with evil  92 Airshaft goes to surface but blocked with bars and stone grill  93 Elevator going deep into depths  94 Small rail car tunnels with tracks mechanical or muscle powered  95 Emergency escape slide for dwarf sized beings 96 Dwarf sliding pole shaft into the deep  97 Dwarf ladies craft hall with looms, spinning wheels and half finished tapestries 98 Dwarf carny hall with gay murals, tents, rides and freakshow  99 Dwarf asylums for elderly, deformed, mad and crippled  100 Non dwarf embassy or foreign trade post

Mushroom Lore

I recommend go to Pintrest.com and enter fungus Helpful for inventing mythos things too...

d100 Fungus Types

d100 Appearance of your fungus 01 Clean typical white, grey or brown mushroom  02 Tall thin toadstools glistening black cap 03 Short squat and slimy brown

04 Lattice of white structure 05 Spectacular phallus like 06 Red stems split into masses of orange frilled gills 07 Orange sponge like 08 Coral like white fingers reaching up 09 Mass of density packed white stalks with pink caps 10 Tiny purple mushrooms 11 Red star like with stinking hole attracts flying bugs 12 Broad bright yellow cap whith short white stems  13 Glistening metallic and opalescent coloured pointy cap 14 Tall thin with luminescant lantern structure 15 Broad white slimy shroom which glows green or purple 16 Thin stem with large pod covered in jelly filled pits 17 Fragile tall white umbrella of latice 18 Tall glistening translucent glass like mushrooms 19 White spherical clusters 20 Large crown or black sphere 21 Mass of green, purple or yellow lichen like growth with cup shapes where most developed 22 White sphere covered in spiky fingers 23 Thick trunk branches into thousands of glowing green tiny fingers 24 White mass with hard concave

black disks where largest 25 Brain like structure in pink, white or violet 26 Coral fungus in white pink or orange with complex structures 27 Tall thin mushroom with dripping black cap 28 Phallus white mushroom dripping white foamy mess 29 Brown spongy brain structures on stalks 30 Mass of translucent slime 31 Jellyfish like mushroom 32 Brilliant blue pixie parasol mushroom  33 Orange peel like mass 34 Pink mass of tendrils 35 Purple liver like growth 36 Red lattice cage fungus structure 37 Orange or purple sphere covered in holes deep into structure 38 Has a brown or black main cap with lattice white frill 39 Squat spherical shroom with lattice webbing over cap 40 Tiny caps on tall thin stalks brilliant scarlet 41 Eerie elegant tapered fingers on hand with lattice frill growing from earth 42 Brown bark like leathery brown half caps growing in mass or from walls or other fungi 43 Clusters of tint thin stalked toadstools in pastel colour variations 44 White concave clusters with gills inside 45 Straggly green dried grass looking growths in clumps 46 Brilliant shiny translucent green cap with white dull stalk 47 White eggs bursting open with fleshy ropey structure with red rings inside 48 Yellow stalk with spherical head of brilliant cyan fingers 49 Large shrooms with concave caps and large white gills underneath 50 Orange skinned on top of cap rest is jet black grow in clusters 51 Black flat discs with brilliant cyan patterns and rough bark like texture 52 Squat stalk with brilliant blue

spherical ball cap 53 Large shroom with indigo spots all over and gills, looks rotten  54 Brilliant indigo mushrooms 55 Red translucent huge concave cups on thin white stalks, often full of water 56 Black trumpets erupting from soil in clusters 57 Huge white lilly like trumpets growing up from earth 58 Pink or black fairy helmets growing on thin stalks 59 Clusters of jet black shiny fingers 60 Squat white stalk with tall grey furry cap 61 Clusters of green stalks that widen and terminate in concave cups 62 Crinkly pink mass of rose petal like fungus 63 White stalks with white trumpets with glistening red and orange inside, white rims 64 Amethyst pear shaped caps on thin stalks, beautiful delicate shade 65 Resembles cluster of gems in different colours, rigid skin slime inside 66 Thin twisted white stalks with black spheres on top in clusters 67 Great white crinkly skinned toadstool with blue on top of cap 68 Red flower like growth with long trailing filament, often grow up high in masses 69 Sideways growing shelf fungus hard and woody, white underside brown bark like skin on top  70 Perky grey breast shaped cap with delicate frilly lace around cap and rings of lattice down stalk 71 Orange carrot like growths in mass, happily grow upside down from roof too 72 White stalk growing thicker to red velvet concave cap 73 Crinkly yellow carpet like mass 74 Carpet of thin translucent fingers with yellow, purple, black or green tinge 75 Violet and/or pink coral fungus grows into tall elegant structures 76 Great green scraggly trumpet structure with several smaller trumpets on head, slightly furry appearance 77 Tall thin pink and wite stalks with droopy floral head

78 Squat split caps grow straight from ground orange gills, chocolate caps and glow in dark 79 Twisted purple stalk, thickens at top with bark like skin and great pink-purple cap with dim glow 80 Orange concave caps grow from ground with thick black gills inside cap 81 White stalk with tall grey cap actually a mass of lattice structure up close 82 Bright yellow antler like growths 83 Huge drooping spherical sacs with spots, as matures spots open to deep holes in saggy mass  84 Brilliant orange stalkless flat caps also grow sideways in walls or other fungus 85 Sky blue mushroom with red tinted gills 86 Mass of translucent thread in huge fairy floss like heap 87 Thin pink stalk sagging under weight of huge spongy tall cap 88 Huge brown mushroom with broad cap and yellow gills 89 White bulbous mass with rigid orange bark on top, sweats beads of water under softer underside 90 Tall thin brilliant orange mushrooms with ridges up stalks forming into gills 91 Tall thin mushroom with cap overgrown with hundreds of long thin hairs with black beads on end 92 Many score black threads growing from ground fusing into black or chocolate gelaitinous mass covered in beads of water  93 Carpet of yellow sponge growth 94 White egglike growths, mature ones split with brilliant yellow yolks bursting out 95 Pink spheres grow over area evenly apart 96 Delicate pink fleshy cap with gills with thick white stalk covered in yellow droplets of fluid 97 Porcalain like white shroom with thick stalk and thimble like cap with evenly spaces raised spots 98 Red mass of stinking tentacles connected in bunches at tips when young, with black inside mass 99 Fragile white lattice trumpets made from threadlike mas with

loose threads hanging free of structure 100 Beautiful ice like thick stalks tapering into small concave shape, like sculpted glass ,elegant translucent vases er more cos they are awesome...

d100 More Fungus Types

01 Light brown bird nest fungi, fluffy cups with leathery dark brown stone structures inside 02 Pink tentacle with ridges from top to bottom anf black patches neat tips

03 Thick white stalked mushroom with thick slimy shiny dark yellow cap covered in spikes 04 Devils urn a black cup with light brown bark textured freckles, cup shoots sores at skightest breeze or breathe 05 Thick white stalk with flat top, covered in brown bark with white crackling patterns from growth  06 Stalks of white with thin plate like caps covered in veiny ridges, translucent when young 07 Thick brown-pink fleshy stalk with tall cap with spaced dark brown ridges from top to bottom, dripping fleshy mouths in between ridges 08 Shiny quivering jelly white blobs with black patches vaguely resemble gelatinous human skulls  09 Carpet of decaying white sponge with spheres growing on top 10 Tall yellow stalked ridged

sponges with shiny brown caps, often smaller than stalk ridges 11 White or grey beard like mass, often hanging from other fungi 12 White willow like coral stalks intertwined in mass with thousands of drooping filaments 13 White lumpy tree branch tike smooth structure with green tips covered in tiny fingers 14 Masses of thin stalked shrooms start as white caps, then mature into flat ridged caps and turn violet 15 Tall yellow stalks with black and yellow cracking pattern caps with tiny yellow holes in tips, yellow hexagonal lattice frame grows around stalk 16 Green spongy stalks widen to glistening capsicum like plastic globs on top 17 Dry looking brown hairy stalks sprout into white antler shapes half way up 18 Mass of tiny threadlike tall red stalks with little yellow or green caps 19 White breadloke puffball clusters with brown crackled patches on topmost, look like delicious bread 20 White stalk with flat red cap with large delicate ridges of gills underneath 21 Split woody chunk like stalk with a breast like shape in middle, a dark brown colour starts from nipple and tapers to edges, shoots cloud of spores in slightest breeze or breath 22 White thin stalks with tiny red dot heads like matchsticks growing in mass 23 Thick white stalk tapering to sphere covered in nodules 24 Crinkly purple cabbage like mass on sponge violet stalk 25 Veiny ridged grey pods when mature lid pops off and spores spray out  26 Thick carpet of soft fluffy green filaments 27 White eggs which eventually burst and brilliant scarlet phalus cap with yellow stalk erupts 28 Crinkly ridged trumpet from ground with white outside and mustard yellow slimy inside 29 Thin white stalk with array of four or five long white fuzzy finger

structures 30 Crinkly grey sponge carpet with similar looking grey trumpets with read globules on rim of horn 31 Pink globs covered in stubby fingers 32 Great woody columns resemble weathered stone formations 33 Central sphere with fine peelings of skin and dozens os small stubby yellow cap shrooms from mass 34 Egg bursts on maturity into mass of pink tentacles 35 Spongy red dodecahedron with black centes on each face of the polygon, stinks to attract bugs 36 Squat dry looking white stalked yellow gilled mushroom with red cap covered in drooping mouth shapes  37 Octopus mushroom with white thick stalk, purple underside of octopus looking cap splint into twisted tapered tentacles, gold on top, even has sucker looking lumps on underside of tentacles 38 Thin grey stalk widens to mace like spiky head, grow evenly apart 39 Mass of very tall thin intertwined soft stalks with button caps, come in white, black, grey or violet 40 Crinkly translucent white carpet mass 41 Brown speckled egg opens when mature and black tendril with crinkly red crescent rises out 42 Violet stalk widens to mass of many luminous cyan strings of beads 43 Scarlet elf cup shape grows straight from ground, spongy on outside darker smooth inside  44 Stems terminating in mass of crinkly spheres, white and grey 45 Thin blue stalk with spherical upside down cup, outside covered

in spheres, inside with ridges 46 Devils stink horn, great red lobster claws bursting from earth 47 Grows from egg then splits into woody star shape with spore shooting breast shape inside 48 Stems with brown bell structure, shoots smoky trails of spores 49 Pink flesh ears grow in clusters on walls or on other fungi 50 Tiny thin filament stem with great black sphere on end, burst when mature 51 Stem covered in peppercorn like beads and capped by sticky shriveled black flower 52 Thousands of pink threads capped with buttons and pink droplets among clusters 53 Carpet of flat white stoney buttons caps without stalks 54 Bleeding gum fungus, pink gum like mass with blood like droplets, varieties in brown, yellow or indigo 55 Mass of white tree like growths with branches terminating in pink fingers 56 Thin spike covered red spheres open into mouth filled with white needle like hairs 57 Yellow shell like growth with cluster of thin yellow tendrils from

sphere 58 Shiny brilliant orange fungus with lumpy and finger textured skin 59 Yellow sacks of fluid ready to burst with liquid 60 Glistening black mushroom 61 Spherical structure of white lattice 62 Great pink coral growths with tendrils and spheres of yellow tangled in branches 63 Dead mans fingers, mass of stubby grey fingers tapering into white nail tips 64 Carpet of red puckered lip like growths 65 Blue tooth like fungus, when clear of ground develops masses of fingers underside and gathers brown droplets of fluid 66 Brown fluffy carpet with black stalks ending in great droplets og cloudy brown-white slime 67 Woody brown round mass with thick flat capped stalks growing from mass, covered in brown skin with white crackle patterns 68 Pink fleshy cap mushroom covered in loose scaly peeling skin 69 Waxy shiny green tall mushroom with flat cap and yellow gills

70 Blue cap mushroom with white spots 71 Green cap mushroom with white spots 72 Yellow cap mushroom with white spots 73 Red cap mushroom with white spots 74 Brown mushroom with flat cap with brown lattice cage over top 75 Short stalked with tall white caps covered in peeling scaly skin, like to grow in masses  76 Decaying translucent yellow stalks with egg structure that splits on maturity to a lemon coloured breast with red nipple spore shooter inside 77 Violet and purple sponge caps growing straight from ground 78 Thick white stalk resembling badly melted candle 79 Translucent pastel green mushroom with variegated texture 80 Deadmans trumpet a slimy black trumpet with white skull patterns 81 Egg splits open with large spongy lump inside split petals covered in black and white crackling patterns  82 Slimy russet misshaped stalk with yellow rimmed slimy red cap 83 Thin tall red stalk with white slower like cap 84 Orange or purple coral fungi 85 Purple glistening phallus tapering to white at base 86 Skull cup resembles human skull growing on ground with top removed often gathers water or attracts bugs inside 87 A orange tongue like fungus grows straight from ground 88 Huge underground fungus only seasonally erupts surface growths of small brown dirty mushrooms  89 Brown capped mushroom with yellow spots 90 Slimy brown sponge paps with red stalks 91 Grey wisps of hair growing in carpets 92 Red spongy lattice spheres with thin masses or red filaments erupting from inside  93 Thick ropey yellow tendrils cover ground connected by yellow chicken hexagonal lattices

94 Woody black stalk with black spore pods, trailing red hairlike threads 95 Translucent brown gelatin carpet with stalks covered with scores of black spherical spore pods  96 Balls of pink fluff soft and squishy in clusters and carpets 97 Slimy yellow translucent fleshed squat toadstools with purple flesh mostly visible under skin 98 Witches butter, crinkly yellow spheres in clusters 99 Clusters of clack dry looking tall spore rods, outer ones tend to sag as new middle ones push aside 100 Witch’s hearts, purple fluidy sagging sack with thick blue veins, bursts into slimy scarlet mess

d10 Quick useful properties of your fungus 1 Edible 2 Poison (ingested, contact, blade, disease, etc) 3 Medicine (anti-inflamitary,

anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-toxin, treats a disease) 4 Hallucinogen (whoa dude, also can make you spew, some smokable or eaten) 5 Skin produces leather 6 Stores liquid  (can extract water or collects in pools in caps or spaces in flesh) 7 Can be used as wood  8 Attracts edible bugs & grubs 9 Dye to stain cloth or leather or

pigment 10 Alchemical ingredient (good for potions and magical reagents)

d10 Other physical properties

1 Grows large size of soccer ball 2 Grows huge size of a person 3 Grows enormous size of a tree 4 Grows titanic to size of buildings 5 Grows very rapidly from spores 6 Grows in huge colony 7 Secretes liquid or spores if harmed or exited 8 Super squishy and slimy 9 Hard and woody 10 Grows tall and thin

d10 Weird properties

1 Sentient, 1in4 telepathic spores, 1in4 has a face and can talk, can be good evil or indifferent 2 Is home inside or roost to other creatures who protect it 3 Is ambulatory and can move occasionally like a slug or might have legs 4 Has defence mechanism like tentacles, poison spores or secretions, screams 5 Glows and is a useful light source 6 Has important ritual and holy significance to locals who protect it  7 Will eventually form into a mushroom person (or giant one possibly) 8 Mushroom related to a spirit who communes with those who eat it or smoke it 9 Has magical properties if eaten 10 Highly infectious might turn you into fungi zombies, mushroom men, make you host to colonise world, or ruin all your formerly organic equipment, turn you into same fungus or just give you rotting disease

d100 Bizarre properties of your fungus

01 Bleeds fluid if cut like blood 02 Stains you if touched 03 Grow on you if touched, mostly

harmless small versions 04 Burst into sticky mess if touched 05 Shoots spores if touched 06 Quivers if touched 07 Squeaks if touched 08 Covered i fling insects 09 Filled with worm burrows 10 Insects living inside 11 Growing from remains of feces 12 Growing on remains of corpse 13 Growing on remains of larger dead fungus 14 Beads of coloured fluid on surface 15 Covered in coloured dust, easily disturbed 16 A appropriate sized toad sits on top 17 A appropriate sized snail climbing it 18 Patches of hairlike threads of other fungus growing on it 19 Stalks with glowing fungi bulbs parasitically crowing on it 20 Flings spore pods 21 Explodes and infects victims 22 Screams alerting other creatures if bothered 23 Sings strange music 24 Creatures living inside defend host and it grows on corpses of their left overs 25 Glows with dull light, if already does then lights change as if

communicating something 26 Fermented mildly alcoholic fermented beverage pools naturally in fungus 27 Bubbly foam pours from fungus when sporing 28 Dripping liquid from fungus when sporing 29 Fungus has eyes 30 Fungus has face 31 Fungus has remains of corpse buried in it 32 Fungus has been tagged with marker by someone for later 33 Fungus being munched on by happy caterpillar 34 Fungus guarded by dark elf  35 Fungus guarded by goblin 36 Fungus guarded by gnome  37 Fungus guarded by ogre 38 Fungus has a little fence around it  39 Fungus has alarm spores attracting mushroom men druids 40 Panic spores act as mood altering drug on attackers 41 Dozing happy creatures laying about intoxicating fungus 42 Smokey spores drifting from skin 43 Screams if plucked with face on root mass like a baby 44 Dark elf rune patterns 45 Goblin glyph patterns 46 Gnome pictogram patterns 47 A sentient caterpillar lounging

on top with human face 48 Demonic sigils markings on top 49 Has other fungus growing on it parasitically 50 Faerie foot prints around it 51 Connected to huge underground network of same species 52 Collects fluid in depressions or concave cup, might be narcotic or poison or just water 53 White sticky milk fluid leaks if cut 54 Has been used as shrine or altar 55 Flickering blue magical light around it 56 Life cycle phase melts into slime 57 Life cycle phase becomes mobile and wanders about on legs 58 Life cycle phase flies with gas bags with dangling tendrils like a jellyfish 59 Life cycle phase appearance changes radically to different fungal form 60 Life cycle phase forms into mobile gelatinous mass 61 Life cycle phase forms into slug like creature with stinger tendrils 62 Sways and undulates hypnotically 63 Sprays sleeping spores if disturbed

64 Flesh rotting disease gel colony on antler growths 65 Symbiosis with deadly slime organism 66 Squirts infectious ooze at intruders to colony with spasming fleshy rods 67 Naked maidens dance over it for fertility 68 Fleshy tentacles burst from ground at intruders 69 Sleeping newborn goblin baby sleeping under cap 70 Creatures deposit scraps around fungus 71 Has big bite marks 72 Creature laid eggs all over it 73 Huge moth gently resting on top 74 Huge web built over with big spider 75 A flog laying on it smoking a pipe 76 Goblins using as a table to play cards 77 Goblins with sickles gathering them up 78 Eerie phantom forms over briefly, human or mushroom man? 79 Forms fairy rings circles used by dancing elves, witches and wizards 80 Sprays hallucinogenic spores if disturbed, see illusions 81 Sprays charming spores if disturbed, victims love fungus and wish to tend and protect it 82 Shoots transparent tendrils into bodies that approach and pump with infectious spore colonies 83 Flings explosive spore pods 84 Explodes if bothered as colony defence and to spread spores 85 Area covered in slimy slippery slime secretions 86 Infects living victims and grow from heads, turn into slaves who spread fungus 87 Infects dead and turns into servant zombies 88 Spores infect wood, natural fabric, leather or wood and turn to slime rapidly 89 Spores spread symbiotic culture over skin change your skin colour to strange unnatural colour 90 Has delicious aroma 91 Small unhappy creature trapped inside 92 Corpse inside gelatinous mass

next to or under fungi 93 Fungal claws nip intruders, some poison too 94 Telepathy spores put all in area into mindlink with fungus mind, “please don’t eat us” 95 Squirts black fluid if skin pierced 96 Surrounded by puffballs that if touched fill air with choking black spore clouds  97 Fungus has squirming tendrils growing into head and body or dormant creature in coma 98 Tastes like delicious pudding 99 Highly addictive feelings of euphoria if eaten 100 Large insects colony are cultivating and tending fungus

d100 Magical mushroom munching mayhem

01 Mushroom goddess will grant you a lesser wish 02 If parts of you are cut off they regrow about a week per pound, excluding your head 03 If any body parts are cut off you two grow back about a week per pound, excluding your head 04 You develop a close bond with a mushroom person who turns up shortly. They are a new follower and have a telepathic link to you 05 You can create a 3” wide fog cloud of spores three times per day by exhaling 06 If you die and your head is intact you wake up next day minus one CON point with one HP, you can heal as normal and you no longer age after the first time 07 Your spongy mushroom like flesh has less critical locations and you now weep strange fluid slowly if cut +2 AC 08 Nobody can tell your alignment anymore with magic, your spirit is free of this when you die 09 You grow a lovely unicorn like horn giving you a extra d6 attack every round 10 You develop a chaos mutation and for every one after first you have a 10% chance of turning into a shoggoth (use your choice mutation table) 11 You can sustain yourself for food and water by eating dirt but you prefer rich black soils to just

sand 12 You always know which way is north like a compass 13 You can exhale a spore cloud that spreads fungus colonies and if used within 1” on a persons face they Make a CON save or are overcome by sneezing for a d4 rounds giving them -2 to hit and reducing AC by 2 also 14 Tiny insects that bite you die making you immune to swarms and certain spells that damage with insect stings or bites, giant or man size insecticides just think you taste bad 15 You can talk to worms, maggots and grubs but they dont have a lot to say 16 You never need to go to the toilet and are never flatulent 17 Your wounds stabilize automatically below zero 18 Bugs love to crawl on you and in your possessions but it doesn’t bother you 19 You can read by touch any text even if eyes removed 20 Creatures licking you or biting you make a CON save or hallucinate and feel nausea 21 You can speak to frogs, toads,newts and salamanders 22 Nothing makes your stomach feel sick or nausea, you can eat rotten food unharmed 23 Once a day you can belch a stinking cloud with you at the centre that is harmless to you 24 You gain 1d3 languages 25 Fungus creatures find you adorable 26 You are immune to spore attacks from fungal creatures 27 You sense life within 3” range 28 You glow in the dark like luminous fungus 29 Other Planar beings get -2 to hit you 30 You no longer need to breathe but you become dormant with no air supply,  awakening from coma when air restored 31 You are immune to acid 32 Fungi and slime creatures will only hurt you in self defense 33 Mushrooms grow in your footsteps 34 You taste foul and everything

that bite you avoid doing so again unless desperate 35 You taste delicious and everything wants to taste you 36 Everything you eat tastes fantastic 37 You crave blood and raw flesh 38 Rats, mice and tiny birds love to clean for you and dress you if you sing 39 You can ignite a candle flame from your finger at will 40 Your clothes, bedclothes, leather goods become mouldy after a few days in your possession 41 You no longer require food as mushroom grows in your stomach 42 A type of animal love to follow you d6 1=rats 2=cats 3=dogs 4=horses 5=cows 6=pigeons  43 When angry or yelling or exited foam comes out of your mouth

44 When angry your eyes glow and smoke comes from your mouth 45 You turn into a d4 1=Orc 2=Ogre 3=Goblin 4=Kobold 46 You turn into a d4 1=Dwarf 2=Gnome 3=Hobbit 4=Elf 47 You speak in poetry, a blessing of the gods 48 Your glowing halo is visible to all indicating your alignment to priests, planar beings and other experts 49 Your eyes glow and your lower face becomes a mass of tentacles 50 You can smell blood like a wolf 51 A baby clone version of you grows on you over a month then drops off then develops normally, happens every year 52 Skin becomes invisible making you a monstrous skeleton like

horror 53 You develop night vision, if you have already it becomes superior 54 You develop faster running speed +1d4 55 You develop shiny metallic skin +2 AC 56 You develop insect like chitin shell +2 AC 57 You develop hand and foot webbing and can breathe water, full move rate in water 58 You become hairless 59 You grow hair all over 60 You grow a tail 61 You grow horns or antlers 62 Your skin colour assumes a bright single rainbow hue, with you hair possibly having a different one 63 Your sexual characteristics shrink by 90% and you are infertile 64 Your sexual characteristics

enlarge by 2d6x10% and you are extraordinarily fertile 65 You become androgynous and your gender characteristics are less distinguishable 66 Sexual characteristics disappear making you a androgynous neuter  67 Now a fully functional hermaphrodite with both sets of sexual characteristics 68 Cures 1d8 HP damage 69 Cures disease 70 Cures poison 71 Cures all wounds 72 +1d4 on stat d3 1=WIS  2=INT 3=CHA for 1 hour 73 +1d4 on stat d3 1=STR  2=DEX 3=CON for 1 hour 74 +1 on stat d3 1=WIS  2=INT 3=CHA 75 +1 on stat d3 1=STR  2=DEX 3=CON 76 Die and reincarnated instantly as new species 77 Past life flashbacks revealing ancient secrets - possibly reveals loot or dungeon 78 Devolve into d4 1=fish person 2=lizard person 3=frog person 4=rat person 5=ape person 6=amoeba  person 79 In moments of stress or injury you transform into a mushroom person, you were mushroom you 80 Change alignment one step 81 Change alignment to opposite 82 Prophetic dream of near future -

possibly reveals loot or dungeon 83 Develop second alien personality that takes charge when you are unconscious and raises you to positive 1d4 HP, for a while it is in charge till next sleep, also takes over if you are charmed and other times 84 See invisible or other planar non corporeal spirits in 3” range 85 See planar beings or dimensional weak points or gates within 3” range 86 In trance speak to planar beings of your alignment and ask d3 questions 87 In trance speak to planar beings of your opposite alignment and ask d3 questions 88 Can now detect magic on sight in 3” range 89 When you die you become a fungal zombie 90 Save with CON or infected with fungal zombie disease, once resisted always immune 91 Mushrooms grow on you seasonally, more if damp, dark and don’t get to wash 92 Save with CON to vomit up a grey ooze monster otherwise it painfully kills you and eats your corpse 93 Enhanced immunity to parasitic infection from symbiotic colony inside you, parasites leave you fast 94 Enhanced immunity to poison +2 from symbiotic colony inside you

95 Enhanced immunity to disease +2 from symbiotic colony inside you 96 When you die mushroom folk erupt from your corpse 97 Every stool you excrete turns into a baby mushroom person 98 Save with CON or go into fever and become mushroom person 99 You can communicate with mushroom folk via spores 100 A microscopic civilisation evolves inside you of mushroom people who develop faction, at least some who worship you as a great god

d100 Mushroomland Encounters

01 Tiny singing faeries dance about mushrooms 02 Drunken goblins having a party

with foaming mushroom drink 03 Dancing goat men praising the mushroom gods 04 Mushroom folk sitting in a dreaming circle having a shared hallucination via telepathy spores 05 Scarlet sorceress and werewolf making out, outraged at being spied on 06 Tiny button mushroom folk ballet 07 Gnomes playfully riding a bucking riding fungus 08 Orcs lounging about snickering eating mushrooms 09 A giant talking caterpillar with a bong invites passers by to pull a few cones of hallucinogenic dried mushrooms 10 Dark elf orgy 11 Foaming at the mouth berserk Nilbogs running about biting things 12 Ogres looking for drugged layabouts to smush and eat 13 Outraged cleric and followers looking for sinners to tar and feather and possibly set fire to 14 Inane drugged cultists with wild eyes looking for murder related fun 15 Lizard men with great spiked

clubs outraged at lesser races in sacred shroom garden 16 Loudmouthed goblin hurls blasphemous abuse and feces at party, if killed hoard of goblins boil up from burrows on homicidal rampage to kill murderers 17 Toadmen insist you eat a particular type of mushroom to see if shroom god approves of you, if unwilling to be tested they go berserk 18 Orc shaman and his zombie slaves picking magic mushrooms sends his workers to attack supported by his spells 19 Crazed lavender unicorn man with goblin cultists insist you join their party to try drugs and join orgy or offended and leads minions to attack 20 Dark elf cultists offer to let you leave if they can have one party member as a slave 21 Dark elfmaid offers sexual favours, has coated her skin in addictive drugs 22 Playful revellers offer tasty shrooms and drinks, actually hungry doppelgangers

23 Beautiful succubi or incubus with charmed companions invites you to orgy 24 Chaos mushroom men playing and eating welcome you and offer you mutation inducing chaos mushrooms to join in their game 25 Goblins with several stalls selling strange magic food, petty magic trinkets and d3 cursed relics 26 Goblins playing with rude shaped mushrooms, embarrassed if spotted and explain they were sacred rituals they are willing to teach 27 Sorcerer and his students laying about in a high, question party non stop about life, mysteries of the universe and about alignment morality. Argumentative and laugh at party responses, tease and bully 28 Goat men tormenting young mushroom folk and eating one alive, invite you you join them and offer a young adorable mushroom baby to start with 29 Foaming at the mouth filthy

orc shaman offers you secrets of the universe and feelings of god like power if you buy his magic mushrooms, offended if you refuse, his mushroom infected zombies arise to defend him if needed 30 Mushroom folk dancing about tearing apart some humanoid corpses and flinging remains everywhere happily to fertilise the garden, stop when see intruders and look embarrassed, try to explain everything is alright 31 Giant carnivorous beetle hunting pack 32 Giant centipedes crawl from burrows and attack 33 Giant dragonflies swarm to attack 34 Huge carnivorous worm bursts from ground to swallow someone then will flee 35 Bear sized rats viciously attack and tear at flesh of tasty meat people 36 Giant slug among fungus spits acid then closes in for kill 37 Flail snails seem innocent at first with colourful shells but up close pack reveal heads and charge 38 Huge lizards laying await under mushroom beds ambush intruders 39 Giant blood red leeches among undergrowth swarm to attack 40 Swarm of hostile huge blood drinking bugs drawn to party by smell  41 Goatmen with giant fungal slab alter performing sacrifice of bound victim 42 Mushroom men with captured enemies throwing victim into a pit with a giant slug 43 Goblins glued a drugged dark elf to the ground and sitting back to see what eats him 44 Dark elves hunting terrified goblins for fun might be tempted by more interesting sport, have several werewoves as hunting dogs 45 Hungry ogres around campfire using prisoner to test mushrooms to see which are edible 46 Were badgers tearing apart some goblins happily drop them in favour of tastier food 47 Chaos bat men tearing out

hearts on a mini step pyramid grown from living fungus dedicated to their vampire goddess 48 Goblins with dire wolves letting their pets savage a prisoner but will turn on interlopers rapidly, led by goblin sorcerer or shaman 49 Slug men impaling living goblins as sacrifice happy to prepare more for their slug goddess 50 Dark elves having target practice with kidnapped victims tied to great shroom stalks for fun 51 Gnomes having tea outside their mushroom house invite you to join them 52 Band of dwarves discussed with this foul place happy to have found non hostile travellers 53 Dark elf art colony with painters and poets, many are high, indifferent to visitors but willing to take commissions to write sonnets or paint portraits. Work is abstract, modern and avante guard  54 Goblins milking a giant snail they have tied up and getting high on juice, welcome you to join them 55 Goblin orgy with dozens of them guarded by pet giant bats and wolves, invite you to join them 56 Savage cavemen with fire and stone pot mixing mushroom stew with warily accept mostly humans to join them but they cant speak language 57 Goblins feasting on pile of squirming white grubs being eaten live or toasted on sticks, invite you to join them 58 Orcs roasting goblins on the spit welcome strangers, shaman in domed hut offers to trade for healing  59 Goatmen busily applying body paint of demonic runes on their bodies quite friendly, ask If you have heard of their demonic lord and savior yet? 60 Great  obese goblin priestess with at least a dozen pendulous breasts is leading a goblin feast, visitors are welcome 61 Shroom covered zombies attack by surprise, buried among the foliage 62 Ghouls run screaming from stinking hole in the ground 63 Wights come bursting from

old barrow, covered in fungi and screaming, treasure in barrow 64 Wraith pours up like smoke from old burial mound, coins in chests and urns inside 65 A groaning banshee spirit of a dark elf hates the living guards a relic left by travellers long ago 66 Fungus covered mummy and ghoul retinue come lumbering from hole to long buried tomb  67 Hungry degenerate hideous vampire pours from hole in ground to his tomb as mist  68 Spectre moans appearing from old grave almost overgrown crypt  69 Shadows arise from graves of victims sacrificed to darkness 70 Crumbling revenant arises from ground, at constant war with living 71 Adventurer corpses crawling with dangerous parasites but probably have treasure 72 Minefield of explosive toadstools 73 Mobile fungi treeant angered buy intruders to his paradise 74 Screaming fungus attract a second encounter, usually predators 75 Angry mushroom folk, upset at meat bags in sacred grove on holy day demand appeasement 76 Deadly mould patch releases killer spores 77 Deadly fungus with diseased tentacles attacks intruders 78 Zombies covered in mould with great fungi antlers attack living 79 Giant bugs with with great fungi antlers attack, trying to infect with zombification fungus horns 80 Mass of slimy toadstools shoot diseased globs of slime at intruders 81 Goblins and mushroom folk oiling each other up for group massage invite you to join them 82 Line of goblins ending in insatiable dark elf holy harlot invite you to join them 83 Huge domed brain and bearded mushroom man teaching junior button cap mushroom kids, invites party to give students a lecture 84 Choir of singing frogs conducted by goblin standing on toadstool, audience of goblins, lizard men, dark elves and goat

men applaud wildly 85 Goblins having a toad race, taking bets from all comers 86 Toad men being licked by goblins only one copper piece a lick 87 Goblin children teasing giant frogs with toy spider on string 88 Dark elf with riding spider selling goblins hanging from giant fungi in web sacks 89 Bugbears snorting mushroom powder. several have faces with shrooms growing out of them, invite party to have a go or they must be scaredey cats 90 Goblin children poking at sleeping trolls for fun, they’re in drugged stupors but will eventually arise and go berserk 91 Goblins and dark elves listening intently to a story telling black dragon 92 A dark elf spider priestess proselytizing to a goblin family 93 A wise old goatman telling kids the wonders of Prince Orcus and his magic kingdom 94 Green dragon asking goblin kids if they could reach in back of his mouth and pull out a wobbly

tooth for him 95 Dark elf in snappy dress telling goblins how great life in the city is and offering them jobs, housing and gold, no catches 96 Mutants gathering chaos mushrooms, will tell party of the wonders of their distant green lit cavern and wonderland of tolerance and understanding to be found there (yeah it is really horrible) 97 Dancing goat man shaman gleefully teaching goblins the dances and songs of demons 98 Frogmen having a diving contest in a pool, convince humans to give it a go to win juicy live grubs 99 Mothmen dancing around a glowing giant mushroom, several have died of exhaustion in bliss 100 Beetlemen band playing to dancing goblins and dark elves and goatmen

And more because this shit writes itself

d100 More Mushroomland Encounters

01 Dragonfly men hunting or meat to for young in a nearby pool 02 Scarab men joyfully eating feces and collecting it in balls to move to their burrow and young grubs 03 Mantswomen just finishing eating husbands heads in post coital decapitation ritual and offended by being seen attack 04 Mantis men monks hunting for tasty elves bur other humanoids will do 05 Stag beetle men dueling over a beetle beauty, will challenge party to prove superiority 06 Goblins being chased by giant d4 1=frogs 2=spiders 3=beetles 4=bats 07 Umber hulk hungrily bursts up from underground 08 Ankheg has dug trap pits, if victim falls in or collapses covering of pit, he will pop up from ground and  try and scare off rest of party with acid spit while trying o drag off or bury alive the person who set off the trap or anyone small 09 Giant Bombardier beetles feeding are startled, shoot napal or explosive chemicals then flee 10 Giant Scissor beetles or earwigs hungrily attack 11 Gian ants peacefully gathering fungus 12 Fungus zombie infected giant ants with fungal antlers growing on heads attack 13 Giant termites building a fungus castle with own fungus garden inside, grow several magic mushrooms inside 14 Ogres with nets trying to catch giant dragonflies with nets will think party look easier 15 Giant crabs from a waterhole eating fungus think walking meat looks tastier 16 Giant scorpions dueling quickly turn on party 17 Giant mother scorpion with dozen huge babies on her back hungrily attacks 18 Giant cave lobsters hiding in pool will grab any who try to drink, if pool passed they will creep out

and follow party to ambush 19 Chaos ratmen monks looking for ingredients of plague potions, keen to kill adventurers for the rat god 20 Ratmen catching mushroom folk in nets 21 Ratmen scouts riding giant bats will try to net and catch easy targets on ground 22 Ratmen fighting frog men over nest of giant grubs “it’s our treasure” 23 Ratmen worshiping and preparing sacrifice on crumbling chaos altar 24 Cyclops herding beetles, sets them on party and supports them with rocks, f they fail he gets out is lil people smushing cub 25 Reptilian Troglodyte torturing goblins with their stink glands by holding them down and spraying their faces 26 Reptilian Troglodytes with bound naked dark elves leading them to the pit of the slime god 27 Reptilian Troglodytes hunting for sacrifices to take back to their secret grotto 28 Reptilian Troglodytes riding beetle pulled chariots charge at inferior mammals, circling them and hurling javelins 29 Reptilian Troglodytes roasting goblins over a fire, keen to enjoy a bigger humanoid feast for variety 30 Ogres gambling with straws over who gets to eat the dark elf or goblin captive 31 Ogres beating and squeezing huge frogs as form of music, offended if anyone disapproves 32 Nighthag singing to baby goblins or dark eves in cradle, furious if disturbed 33 Goblins running away with underwear and clothes of bathing dark elf maids who will reward those who hep them 34 Chocking spore clouds cover area, most life takes cover and hides  35 Hallucinogenic spore clouds cover area, most life takes cover and hides 36 Sophoric sleep inducing spore clouds cover area, most life takes cover and hides

37 Fog covers area reducing visibility for 1d4 yours 38 Light rain for d20 minutes giant slugs and snails start waking up 39 Heavy rain for 1d20 minutes, giant worms pop up everywhere 40 Were rat adventurers offer to team up, offended if refused 41 Tough talking goblins abuse party if injured they turn into full size trolls (were trolls) 42 Goblin bat riding messengers invite party to visit local goblin king or market 43 Goblin bat riding scouts see adventurers then report to nearby group of army 44 Goblin bat riding scouts drop puff balls from above 45 Dark fairy brings treats and candy to dark elf and goblin children as it’s a local holiday 46 Crying goblin child runaway with bindle keen to be adopted follows party, stops crying if accepted 47 Goblin tinkerers and traders riding beetle carts, keen to do business 48 Frog folk selling grubs of various giant beetles 49 Were spider dark elf teens tease party to provoke a fight 50 Chaos batmen eating frogman with baskets of crying baby froglings nearby 51 Goblin knights riding giant flightless bats or lizards or beetles challenge part to joust, only cowards would refuse, will provide a mount and lance 52 Goblin kids playing with deadly floating puffball 53 Flatulent ogres try to convince party to give up and get in their sacks and they will go easy on them when dinner time 54 Formarian looking for victims to eat and torment with a net and club 55 Formarian wallowing in pool of rotten food and excrement drowning a sacrifice to the bog god 56 A hill giant (or several) looking for tasty bugs and shrooms to eat is overjoyed at tasty party 57 A lizard man king and his entourage demand party surrender and get in their cooking pots 58 A out of work goblin jester thinks joining the party will be a good idea

59 A necromancer on a palanquin carried by shroom covered zombies desperate for corpses fungi free relieved to see party 60 A goblin selling foot fungus and other remedies (also dud healing potions - they are time delay effect honest) 61 Tired looking goblin mother with a dozen screaming kids offers to sell some of the older ones to party 62 Lizard men throwing goblin kids to giant toads for fun, have several sacks full 63 Dark elf slavers willing to buy or sell stock, mostly have goblins but possibly a surface dweller or two, keep stock in cage on a lizard drawn cart 64 Degenerate albino cannibals riding devolved quadruped human mounts hunting for man flesh or female mates to enslave 65 A tiny shack where goblins sell frothing fungi ale and roast grubs, worms and lizards. A few patrons are here drinking and more are welcome  66 Cavemen with furs seeking to trade for some fire, pre language tribe of morons easily impressed or provoked 67 Goblins dressed up as other monsters with stilts and costumes try to scare off party 68 Goblin wizard and apprentices and guards seeks to trade spells and possibly potions 69 Crazy old surface dweller lost here for decades runs up to party overjoyed at being rescued. Has fungus growing on him and looks hideously inhuman 70 Goblin boy herding milk beetles grazing on fungus playing a flute, offers to trade beetle milk cheese for other food or fresh beetle milk 71 Goblin with stall selling rat on a stick or roast centipede segments or healthy fresh squeezed mushroom juice or hot cup of mushroom tea 72 Pack of giant blood sucking weasels out hunting 73 Trolls out for a stroll betting who can eat the most people 74 Trolls playing kickball with a goblin for a ball, have a cage with spares, quite hungry but might be up for a game, loser gets eaten

75 Trolls growing out of the ground, a pleased goblin gardener with a spade and  cleaver watches them come to life 76 Orc shaman casting spells over a sacred bog to create orcs from mud, his bodyguards await 77 Under the shadow of a gigantic shroom carved into likeness of the mushroom goddess, goblins and mushroom folk worship and eat sacred mushrooms to celebrate a holy day, strangers welcome 78 A cluster of mushroom houses with goblins engaged in every day village life, sheriff tells you to behave 79 Fire newts with hunting fire toads looking for people to BBQ 80 Fire newts on strider mounts on patrol for intruders in what they claim to be their lands 81 A fiery crack in the earth where fire newts throw mushroom folk in to be eaten by lizard like flaming salamander elementals  82 Bonesnapper reptiles patrolling assigned territory attack any they have never met before 83 Undead necromancer and skeleton warrior driver on bone chariot pulled by skeleton horses, gallops outside melee range about while slinging spells, usually casts protection from missiles type spells first 84 Lizard men wallowing in thermally heated mud pools, quite relaxed and welcome strangers, goblins offer drinks, towels and snacks for a copper penny each 85 Teams of humanoids playing stickball d4 1=orcs 2=goblins 3=goat men 4=hobgoblins vs d4 1=mushroom men 2=frog men 3=dark elves 4=ogres, a crowd of others watch, might ask party to be objective umpires, ogres tend to go psycho when lose and eat other team 86 Ogres wrestling for right to be boss of gang but willing to have a break to eat adventurers 87 Hyena men intruders looking for victims to torment and eat and sacrifice to their demon gods 88 Slimy eelmen from nearby water source have come to eat tasty humanoids

89 Crabmen from a water hole looking for tasty treats, enjoy nipping bits of screaming victims to eat 90 Orcs from outside area come for slaves, not fussy but convinced they are the strongest 91 Bugbear brigands looking for people to eat a sick of mushrooms, like following and to ambush 92 A goblin princess with hobgoblin and bugbear guards and a goblin sorcerer adviser wants to test strangers to see if they are worthy to be her prince, happy to have winner polymorphed into a goblin. If refused she throws tantrum and screams “off with their heads” 93 A night hag demands someone in party volunteer to satisfy her or she will eat them all 94 Pack of wargs led by Black Shuck, a double sized warg with one eye and a fear gaze attack effecting one person a round, WIS save or flee for 10 rounds 95 Orcs with trained attack troll (or several) are keen to test pets and will support with arrow fire 96 A mushroom man martyr invites party to eat him so he can be reincarnated now his time is done 97 Goblin kids bouncing on spider web joyfully, not noticing giant spider 98 Goblins sling huge centipedes, spiders and snakes then flee 99 Orc slavers attack sending in suicide goblins with explosive puffballs first 100 Giant constrictor snake in hiding tries to nab small people to eat

“We must not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry thirsty roots?”

Mega Dungeon by Fantasy Tectonics

minglings and interacted often. Mortals appeared at end of the age before death finished the age of the gods 

All part of crazy idea inspired by my uni archaeology and pic of troll evolution by edition like those walking cave guy silhouettes. I considered archaeological digging of troll graves over aeons and seeing this in layers in earth. Then thought what if different editions or settings equalled layers. An age of Cthulhu monsters, or Carcosa, or Tukemal, or 4th ed would be for heroic ancients with 1st Ed Adnd being a more recent gritty age. Perhaps there was a dark age of technology layer where buried robots and rayguns are found. Some of my dungeon zones might work well here. 

Elder Age Horrors from the dawn of the primordial age returned and made mortals their slaves. Serpent men, Bat Men, Mage-Spiders, Reptile Men, Mind Flayers, Frogmen, Firenewts and Fish Men ruled civilization. Other alien beings came ant took slaves too, experimenting on life they found and leaving evils. Magicians of mortal races: humans, demihumans and goblinoids drove the primords back to the dawn of time and a great rebellion destroyed the civilizations of their servitor races.

Create geology to expose the dungeon of the era you want and players will get to pre read dungeon geology. Stocking treasure would this logic too - I could use Cthulhu horror biotech treasure at one lv, divine relics from god war or evidence of past apocalypse on another.  It is rumored of deeper layers from previous planes, predating this one. I could do under land maps of Exile Island. layer by layer hmmm. This is notes for the previous spread Aeon of flame Age of burning metal, not much to see. Elementals and salamanders, no sentient beings Aoen of darkness Age of silent infinite darkness, some water and rock appearing mostly desolate black rock metal and ash in later period. Some life formed and dwell in the depths Primordial Age A great sea covered all, luminous albino aquatic life in deepest seas and caves, first land rises, Tiamat and Apsu are rulers of this age. Great Dragons and giants appeared and battled. A great glacial land mass supported monster life. Goblinoids, demihumans, trolls appeared like grubs in rotting remains of the great beasts. A new generation of gods finally end this age Dawn Age A new generation of gods bring light, kill monsters, free the people and lead them to their true homes. Gods and spirits and magical beings had

Age of Sorrows Humanoids were free from monster slavery but many hid in dungeons to survive this age of purging and cleansing. Driving back the primords turned the world into a desert. Humans who were free often became like their former masters who preyed on others. Rival dynasties of necromancers ruled the world. Mind mages formed kingdoms in the deserts where primords could not. Faith in the gods returned and the rain and powers of life returned ending this age of black magic. Frozen Age Humans dwelled in caves and battled great beasts and rival humanoids in the glacier covered world. The great sun temple was rebuilt and a second great dawn ended this age and the power of the gods was with humanity again. First Empire The Dawn Emperor spread civilization and saved humans from savagery and ignorance. Bronze overcame stone everywhere. His citadels were impenetrable. The Dynasty ends when serpent men infiltrate the royal family and the empire is torn to the ground overnight. Second Empire Third Empire arose to exterminate an attempt by the lich kings of old to return, resulting in a reborn zealous new empire, dedicated to destroying evil. It used iron and silver to slay evil. Eventually killed all the evil it could reach then internally collapsed when it turned on druids, wizards, sorcerers and other magicians.

Third Empire A new style of empire arose based on trade, repelling a growth in goblinoids and a spate of evil cults mobilizing the people to unite. Various kings elect one house to be in controls theoretically but emperors have held more absolute power. New technology such as steel, guns, advanced sail let the empire re dominate the known world again. Kings and princes are mid tier aristocrats and common nobility today. The current mad young emperor is having a difficult secession (civil war). Adventurers are now being sent to dig up relics of the past for the war effort.

A more complex fantasy techtonic dungeon plan Next spread over

Lake Terror This lake has worn through many layers and surrounded by harsh cliffs. It is connected to giant flooded undersea below and monsters from the aquatic dark depths abound. Locals dread the lake. Empire Outpost A thousand years ago the empire built a hillfort with an underground storage facility. The Hillfort was abandoned and a small garrison remained, forgotten by the empire. Eventualy they joined local village populations and a tribe of cyclops-orcs occupied the level.  Lost Emperors hidden temple During a savage succesion war an emperor fled the empire and ocupied the outpost for a time. He dug a deeper palace and temple to live out his days. Better built and more artistic but sealed and forgotten. Devolved Subterranean like Morlocks and troglodytes battle over control of the upper temple and undead occupy the lower level. Emperors brought wealth and magic here which has remained unseen since. Some say his mummy rests here with his concubines and guard. Others say he is sleeping or may be resurrected to rule again.  Hidden Kingdom This is actually three huge caves. The first is occupied by dark elves, the last by dark dwarves and the middle one is a no mans land with hyena men, bugbears and other monsters constantly battling each other. Ruinds of a primordial citadel are contested

especially and may be sealed with loot and dark secrets within. City of the old ones This alien ruin of green stone has spacial time-space warping effects and hungry shoggoths on the loose. They keep the area barren and free of life. Alien treasures and weird relics have been found here.  Remains of the dawn age This is the remnants of a dawn age godlings manour, haunted by non coporeal spirits who re-enact their ancient battles daily. Huge crystals are imbedded in the cave walls. Some ancient spirits here have become warped by millennium of darkness and isolation. Some golden servants from the dawn gods or their relics may be found.  Remains of the primordial ones These five huge caverns are pockets of pre humans servitors from when the world was dark and mostly submerged. Fish men, serpent men, frog men, lizard men and lamprey men each ocupy a cave and ruins from the age of darkness are crumbling everywhere. Fungal forests and waters full of cave fish and lobsters can support many people. Caverns of Dark Kingdom This huge cavern was occupied by beings of shadow and darkness but since then other humanoids have settled and built a might ziggarutt then collapsed into barbarism. Albino humans, morlocks, bat folk, spider folk and others battle for supremacy in the ruins. Hells Gate A flaming ash covered plain with lava rivers and acid lakes. Salamanders are common and fire giants dwell in ruins built by efreeti while the world was being built. Slightly more bonkers layering and geology going on here - the pink layer is only a layer of flood silt a hundred hears ago. The green is less than 50 years.

Devil Hill

For the following spread Devil Hills a isolated black hill on the frontier of civilization famed for having multiple connected dungeons. Everyone has heard of the bound

god beneath devil mountain. Has he repented or changed alignment? Will he grant a wish if freed? Or will glory of killing him make heroes stuff of legend. Goblin mines are an old tin mine overrun by kobolds and now goblins and the whole goblin ecology like hobgoblins, bugbears, riding bats and wolves and worse.  Wizard school is a dungeon with advanced classes being taught at lower levels. It also has a adjacent cave complex were secret rituals, student gangs and reject experiments roam. King Xull’s Dungeon Palace is the pleasure palace and shelter for a doom averted by an ancient heretic warlord. Xull broke the rules of war and magic and crippled the bound god in battle. Sir Alspeth was a crusader when the faiths of the land declared a crusade on Devil Hill. He was killed fighting an anti paladin over the tomb of the bound god. His grave is haunted but his paladin arms and armour are buried here. His fallen comrades defend his grave even in death. Misers Tomb was built by the nomad king Haan. He made slave wizards of many lands build this horrendous trap for robbers then had them killed to guard him in death as mummies. He took the wealth of a generation with him. The star king fell from the sky in ancient times and raised the locals to a high level of civilization that didn’t outlast him by 75 years. They did build a grave for the space god, who could be resurrected and a force for order. Strange space relics and creatures inhabit the tomb. Temple Crypt of the Necromancers is a remnant of the fall of the elder age when the monster races were thrown off and then a thousand years of necromancer dynasties ruled a grat desert. Cultists have expanded and maintained this site that dates back to the age when the bottom layer was formed. Trimegratheon the bound God is in the bottom cavern guarded by fantastic beasts sent by the gods and

an order of monks. The great cavern temple the god can be communed with but none have got close enough or freed the god yet. Cults and adventurers fight over the gods fate yet none have succeeded. Some fight for the gods promises of wishes, other hope to kill him for glory, or use his power to fight some cause. His real temperament or current one is unknown but he was struck down by the common gods, yet not destroyed.

When I first started my Dungeon Zone it was for a campagn where modern Australian army wnt via a gateway to combat in the Dungeon dimension. I mostly ran It at cons and I needed to be able to create a variey of dugeon types on the fly with their ow character. This is where I satarted getting good enough to write mostly d100 tables. Most players enjoyed it but I didnt really get to run It for as lng as I liked. On the plus side it made me ready to run a whole bunch of dungeons types. As my my Exile Island and City of Shadelport setting is a honey combed mass of interconnected dungeons this was handy to have on hand so I could fake with little prep whole megadungeons with different types of dungeon styles each level.

3 Humanoid Goods

Goblin loot and treasure. Also see my treasure book – stone age stuff works well for goblins too

d20 Fancy loot for the goblin mine

1 - Carbide spelunker lamp 2 - Map of local area with cache or seam marked 3 - 1d6 x 3 sticks of sweaty old dynamite 4 -  Mining cart full of rope, tools, spikes and other supplies 5 - Mining cart full of rich ore needs refining 6 - 1d6 Vials of acid or oil or poison in leather sack 7 - Barrel of beer or water or mild acid 8 - A sack of dried old miners biscuits, mystery jerky and cheese 9 - A sack of uncut gems  10 - Devil Gem - all who see it and fail charm save see as hearts desire  11 - +1 weapon of fine quality, engraved and rust free and sharp 12 - +1 Shield or piece of armour 13 - Red gold - all who see resist charm or desire it and crave more 14 - Cursed miscellaneous item like tools, containers, clothes 15 -  Goblin fetish - +1 on a type of saving throw 16 -  Burning kobold metal in jar of oil to keep it safe 17 - Leather sack 1d6 different potions, half always bad 18 -  Sack of raw adamant, mithril, meteorite, ornichalum, or other 19 - Scroll of detect gems and minerals or spells 20 - Portable Sack - fits 100lb inside weighs only 10% real mass 

d100 Goblin Gifts or market goods

01 Dandy lion wine 02 Gourd of honey 03 River stone beads on strings 04 Pointy mushroom like cap 05 Acorn bread loaf wrapped in oakleaves 06 Small pointy toed boots 07 Bushel of field mushrooms 08 Bushel or wild berries 09 Hag Spittle

10 Spiderweb shawl 11 Scream in a bottle 12 Small bottle holds d6 gallons of fresh rat milk 13 Sick with minor spirit bound inside 14 Gremlin in a bottle 15 Wand with 2d10 charges of a cantrip 16 Fetish idol with green eyes - all chaoic beings save or crave it 17 Turnip with carved face summons a scare crow 18 Purse with d600 copper coins but weighs as 10cp (holds copper only) 19 Outlandish coloured troll wig +1 CHA when worn 20 Terrorbird Egg 21 Arousing mushrooms d6 doses 22 Screaming baby mushroom in pot 23 Addictive spore dust 2d6 doses d6 hour high 24 Explosive toadstool d6 damage over 1 “ square 25 Glowing mushroom as candle but lasts for years 26 Prophetic dream mushroom d6 hour trip one Y/N crisis 27 Magic mushroom allows user to commune with spirits d6 hours 28 Tiny adorable mushroom person fits in pocket 29 Sovereign mushrooms, 3d6 days food with no weight 30 Chaos Mushroom, eater gets a lesser mostly cosmetic mutation 31 Ball of lizard tails +d6 HP when carried 32 Lucky ogre tooth - +1 saving throws 33 Gold nose ring  34 Nose Bone - +2 poison save 35 Necklace of teeth 2d6 each summons a kobold who obeys for a turn 36 Dungeon Magic Pie 37 Healing Potion d6 38 Basket with live snake 39 Best quality licking toad or newt 40 Bag with pipe and quality swamp goblin tobacco 41 Obedient zombie rat in a box 42 Dire Wolf Pup 43 Large bejeweled beetle worth d6x10gp gems 44 Stirge in a box 45 Colourful magic fish in bucket

with magical effect if eaten 46 Baby goblin wrapped in leaves or huge pea pod 47 Hand size rat eating spider 48 Baby vampire cave squid 49 Baby goblin riding bat 50 Footlong baby purple grub or carrion crawler 51 Dried Beans - cast Entangle d4 times 52 Wasp Hive - casts swarm once 53 Whistle - summons a wandering monster d6 times 54 Dried Beans - cause d6 months of flatulence if eaten, serve d3 55 Spider Web in bag allows one to cast web spell once  56 Bark Ointment casts bark skin d4 times  57 Bear Paw can cast strength spell d3 times  58 Set of goat or ram horns may attach to head, increases headbutt to d6 59 Goat Hoof Shoes fuse to feet permanently if worn +d6 MOV 60 Kelpie Membrane, stretch over face to cast water breathing d4 times 61 Tree Seed, acorn or pine cone grows adult tree over night d6 per set 62 Goblin Chewing Stick a potent drug, +d3 MOV +1 DEX lasts 1 hour, d6 doses 63 Wizard Hood, dried skin bag from newborn baby wizard face, +1 INT if carried   64 Goblin Shaman Chunder if eaten grants ability to cast a random cantrip daily 65 Goblin Priest Chunder if eaten will turn into a zombie on death 66 Goblin Goat Bagpipes can be used to attract goats, even better for bard 67 Bat riders Crop, +2 to ride bat ability and +2 to bat morale and understand bats 68 Wolfmasters Bow, compact composite shortbow with base damage of d8 per arrow 69 Goblin Arrows, warped willow shafts twist in the air ignore cover and range penalties 70 Goblin Lord Dagger, spider venom on first stab every day 71 Goblin Spider Fetish, atracts bugs and spideres that spread cobwebs everywhere 

72 Goblin Worm Fetish, dig under it if left overnight find 1d6 meals worth of grubs 73 Goblin Fertility Fetish, any births in house get a goblin baby extra in any birth 74 Goblin Mushroom Fetish, attracts fungus to grow in 1” square area double speed 75 Goblin Goat Fetish makes goats produce a extra kid each birth if kept in stall 76 Goblin Love Fetish increases holders CHA +1 if held in both hands visible to all 77 Goblin Bug Fetish increases growth rate of arthropod and or shelled invertebrates 78 Goblin Plant Fetish makes garden in 1” square grows twice as fast 79 Goblin Demon Fetish allows demons to observe area through idols eyes 80 Goblin Ancestor Fetish allows user to cast speak with dead once per week 81 Cauldron cooks battlefield meat into spicy stew, can cast animate dead once a month 82 Sickle of silver if used to cut mushrooms preserves them fresh twice as long  83 Sword of Goblin Metal, shortsword, any wounds save or -1STR 1Turn, non cumulative   84 Goblin Javelin, bursts in air into a d4 separate javelins and roll each to hit, only once  85 Goblin Pot, can be used as a d6 club, a +1AC helmet and makes food taste better 86 Goblin Bong, ceramic water pipe, pack of goblin weed, +1 HP, -d3” MOV for an hour 87 Goblin Trap Tools includes quick snare trap, dose of poison, d3 rabbit rabbit traps 88 Goblin Inflatable Goat Boat, folds from a one man coracle to a 10lb pack 89 Goblin Scroll with a random wizard or priest spell with d3 Level power on leather 90 Goblin Tinderbox with a bottle of flammable oil, handful of gunpowder, d3 signal rockets 91 Goblin Potion makes drinker turn into a goblin

92 Smoked Goblin Ham +1 STR permanent if you can eat and keep down in one sitting 93 Holy Loaf has spores on wheat that causes eater of loaf to be able to see invisible spirits 94 Goblin Skin Ointment gives user rubbery flesh of a goblin +1AC permanently 95 Chaos Crystal if cracked raw ether inflicts a major mutation on whoever broke it 96 Goblin Scepter holder translates common into goblin speech and vice versa 97 Trained Wolf, can guard or track or attack, very loyal to good  98 Trained Giant Riding bat can carry a small humanoid or child 99 Four trained giant tracking rats, loyal to who feeds and cares for them 100 A highly trained Goblin Dancing Girl (also concubine, spy and assassin) Treasure Tables for Humanoids Everybody wants to know what a goblin has in his or her bulging sack. Here’s where you find out! Dungeon secrets like totally exposed booyah!

d10 Quick what’s in that goblins sack?

1 Grub - tasty things 2 Party stuff - fun things 3 Fight stuff - kill or be killed 4 Shroomy stuff - fungus garden tools  5 Work stuff - trade tools 6 Me precious - personal item 7 Companion - pets 8 Witch fetishes - creepy cult things  9 Pinched stuff - loot from victims 10 Weird stuff - what the heck? d100 Whats in that goblins sack? 01 Turnips or or other roots 02 Onions or leeks 03 Worm eaten  apples 04 Sauerkraut in pot 05 Pickled wild bird eggs in pot 06 Pot with mom cooked favorite 07 Live frog in a clay jar 08 Jar of centipedes 09 Moldy cheese and bread 10 Goblin beer in clay pots fermented in tree stumps

11 Goblin grog ice distilled nasty drink 12 Pipe with dried goblin weed 13 Pipe with dried mushrooms 14 Leather bag with dried narcotic shrooms 15 Collection of funny rude shaped fruit and veg 16 Glove puppets or a marionette 17 Tatoo needle and ink 18 Torture tools like whips, chains, thumbscrews, manacles 19 Dice, goblins love funny shaped dice and steal them off each other 20 Filth parchments with pictures that goblins giggle at 21 Sling and 20 clay bullets 22 Club and good throwing rocks 23 Bundle of six darts 24 Shortsword and buckler 25 Handaxe 26 Leather armour and cap 27 Caltrops 28 Flammable oil and flints 29 Big knife 30 Studded cloak 31 Large dried trail ration shrooms 32 Fresh bracket fungi 33 Poisonous mushrooms 34 Sickle for shroom gathering, appearance based on owner status 35 Bag of dried mushroom power for soup and gravy 36 Bag of spores to plant favorite useful fungi where you go 37 Bag of toxic, killer and alarm fungus spores 38 Shroom that gives visions of the underworld 39 Fungi supplies for shroom based herbalist  40 Bag of awesome manure too grow shrooms in 41 Bucket and trowel 42 Little watering can  43 Bag of seeds to eat or grow 44 Small knife and basket 45 Handsaw and wooden mallet 46 Hammer and bag of copper nails 47 Bundle of wool and crochet needles 48 Sewing needles, thread, buttons and scraps of fabric  49 Spindle, stolen wool, thread 50 Wire, cutters, pliers, rivets, small sections of mail 51 A scary plush doll owned since a baby

52 Crude terracotta idol of mumsy  53 Relief carved wood image of Castle Clump home of the goblin gods  54 Funny looking handball made of troll sinew 55 Collection of baby teeth, any baby will do 56 Copper shroom medallion on chain dedicated to shroom goddess 57 Bag of sweets 58 Silver coin from goblin king given to ancestor 59 Pretty thing d4 1=ribbon 2=broken glass 3=monster egg 4=small cracked gem 60 Enameled mushroom cloak pin commemorating adulthood 61 Sweet pet rat 62 Goblin baby 63 Adorable large toad 64 Dead fish 65 Palm size one eyed blob with tentacles in stone jar 66 Human baby (why do they grow so ugly?) 67 Friendly snake uses stinger on strangers 68 Ambulatory pet fungus, often very cute 69 Potted plant 70 Big black beetle 71 Dried heart stuffed with thorns 72 Human hand turned into candle 73 Diabolic medallion dedicated to birth demon 74 Idol of goblin ancestor 75 Carved antler with scenes of goblin gods 76 Shrunken human or elf or dwarf head 77 Scroll made from mushroom leather with goblin poetry about underworld 78 Shaman bag sewn shut with animal bits, herbs and amber beads inside 79 Collection of hair clippings and nail clippings used to curse rivals 80 Strange amateur potion making ingredients 81 Human purse with d20 modern copper coins 82 Human purse with d6 tarnished silver old coins 83 Old gold coin of the ancients possibly dwarf or elf 84 Head of a small brass or stone

statue 85 Fancy doorknob 86 Dented silver cup or bowl 87 Boar tooth necklace 88 Bronze clad drinking horn with lid  89 Stolen livestock d4 1=live chicken 2=duck 3=bat 4=pidgeon 90 Stolen fine food too good for goblin d4 1=fruit pie 2=sausage 3=wine 4=truffles 91 Frothing fungal potion in bottle, once cap opened must be used in an hour 92 Chaos shroom if eaten gain a low level mutation, eating more increases mutation rank 93 A terracotta jar that if dropped repairs itself and jumps back to safety 94 Mummified ancestral hand may be used to curse a foe once 95 Scroll describing diet to become a hobgoblin or bugbear 96 Explodestool d4 1=d6 1” diameter 2=2d4  1”radius” 3=3d4 2”diameter 3=3d6 2” radius  97 Spoors to grow a monstrous dungeon mold, slime or jelly 98 Keys to part of home dungeon on ring 1d6 99 Crude map of friendly goblin tribes, goblin foes and special goblin sites 100 Fungal potion drunk before battle makes goblin explode on death (as 96)

d100 what’s in a hobgoblins war trunk?

01 Dead goblin with chewed fingers and expression of dispair 02 Collection of hobnail war boots 03 Thick studded leather belts and harnesses 04 Collection of helmets from other species 05 Collection of skulls from various animals and humanoids 06 Trowel, watering can, seeds and bulbs 07 Blood stained work clothes 08 Sack of straw for animal feed, bedding or pillow 09 Bedroll and tent 10 Tin cup, plate, bowl and spoon 11 Cast iron pot with lid and wooden spoon

12 Bags of different types of beans 13 Bag of onions or garlic 14 Dried mystery meat 15 Dried mushrooms 16 Pipe with exotic dried weed and fungus 17 Ceramic pots and plates wrapped in hessian bags 18 Collection of sacks and bags 19 Collection of rope, string and twine 20 Dried and salted fish 21 Bags of nuts and berries 22 A live hornet nest in a sack 23 A pot of slippery oil for tricks and traps 24 Collection of brushes 25 Wooden dentures stolen from someone 26 Collection of left or right socks 27 Collection of gloves and gauntlets 28 Collection of stolen beards 29 Collection of doorknobs and novelty knockers 30 Sack of goose or duck feathers 31 Knitting needles, yarn and incomplete projects 32 Collection of stolen children’s dolls with tea set 33 Broken cogs and winches from siege weapons 34 Wood carving tools, several incomplete projects and good wood 35 Leather working tools, several incomplete projects and hide 36 Copper bucket, hops, yeast, large spoon, roasted barley for brewing 37 Dozens of empty ceramic bottles 38 Collection of cooking pots, cutlery and  39 Strange cult robes or costume, idol and holy symbol 40 Collection of sheep or goat horns and deer antler 41 Roasted acorns 42 Dried eels 43 Hatchet, spool of twine and bundle of firewood 44 Jar of ointment for boils 45 Sack of blood and bone for garden 46 Bundle of pulleys and rope 47 Blacksmith hammer, tongs, small anvil and iron ingots 48 Old armour saved to give to kids

49 Donkey head with surprised look 50 Dog hides 51 Manacled goblin slave  52 Mushroom compost with sprouting shrooms 53 Nail clippers and collection of nail clippings 54 Collection of ear wax, some moulded into stinky candles 55 Set of files for wood and metal work 56 Clay bottle of potent distilled grog 57 Tarnished copper coins from far of places and long gone kingdoms 58 Maps of hobgoblin hidden camps 59 Maps of goblin villages, caves and hidey-holes 60 Map of human villages worth robbing 61 Pickled elf or dwarf head 62 Slave contracts of family goblin serfs 63 Sleeping goblin baby wrapped in cloth with nappies and bottle 64 Spinning top, leather ball, cup and ball and other toys 65 Musical instruments d4 1=drums 2=horns 3=flutes 4=cymbals 66 Obscene set of prints banned in the city 67 Strings of clay, wood and bone beads and trinkets 68 Heads off ancient statues and idols 69 A tavern or shop sign 70 Clay jars of house paint and brushes 71 Pewter or horn beer stein with lid 72 Ceramic beer steins with erotic relief art with articulated breasts 73 Jars of vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaves and pickling clay jars 74 Block of rendered lard wrapped in cloth 75 Bacon bones for stew 76 Goblin to orc phrasebook of insults 77 Sack of chicken heads 78 Taxidermy tools and stuffed squirrels and rabbits and rats 79 Tattered playing cards, bone dice, and box of clay tokens 80 Incomprehensible goblinoid board game

81 Set of 2d20 four inch carved wooden soldiers in box 82 Rolled up old rugs 83 A slightly soiled potty 84 Collection of stolen love letters  85 Collection of saucy poems in hobgoblin with quill and ink 86 Lewd statuette of hobgoblin prostitute 87 Collection of insects pinned on cork inside box 88 Honeycomb wrapped in cloth 89 Bottle of good mead 90 Urn with parents ashes 91 Collection of hats stolen over many years 92 Pots containing tree resins with various craft uses 93 Collection of dog collars and bones 94 Box of military iron rations  95 Box of biscuits 96 Small keg of molasses  97 Crude portraits on wood panels and tin of art paints and brushes 98 Goat fur leggings for ceremonies or cold 99 Whips, manacles and slave branding irons  100 Fancy outfits stolen from human dandy

d100 what’s in a bugbears backpack?

01 Collection of shrunken heads 02 Pickled head in jar, pot or small barrel 03 Ear necklace 04 Head cheese - compressed preserved head sliced for sandwiches 05 Collection of garrottes 06 Collection of teeth 07 Bottles of hair dye to keep looking young 08 Ceramic jar of pickled d6 1=fingers 2=cabbage 3=radish 4=eggs  09 Flayed and oiled human skin to keep of rain or scare people 10 Scalp collection 11 Bag of toenail clipping useful in afterlife to build boats to cross the Styx 12 Collection of used bandages 13 Dried dead rats for stew stock 14 Jar of leeches for first aid 15 Iron fire poker 16 Iron slave brand

17 Length of chain and leg irons or manacles 18 Whetstone and oil for sharpening blades 19 Tinderbox and human tallow candles 20 Bone needles and woven hair thread 21 Bone fishing hooks and line 22 Jellied eel or lampreys in jar 23 Pipe and dried mushrooms 24 Soap made from human tallow 25 Jar of animal urine for hunting or jokes 26 Bag of catnip and rolling papers for smoking 27 Gremlin in a jar 28 Scented oil to drive away fleas 29 Dried children’s bones for toothpicks or snacks 30 Jack O Lanterns and candle 31 Bitter melons 32 Bag of mushrooms 33 Chunks of mystery dried meat 34 Jar full of honey 35 Jar full of hallucinogenic fever inducing honey 36 Henbane and other mild ingested poison  37 Jar of fermented feces, urine and blood for coating weapons 38 A chewed up dead young goat 39 Necklace of children’s skulls 40 A drugged stolen sleeping baby being kept for later 41 Jar of toxic salt for preserving skins 42 Bag of unwashed socks 43 Crude ancestral miniature of ancestor 44 Collection of mercenary contracts from many different races 45 Cat O Nine Tails or bullwhip 46 Bundle of darts 47 A giants toenail 48 Shaving kit 49 Collection of cheap necklaces 50 Leather bag of loose change 51 Treasure map  52 Collection of pretty rocks 53 Pickled wizards tongue 54 Blood sausage 55 Fragment of statue 56 Demonic cult medallion 57 Camouflage cloak covered in dead leaves and dirt 58 Blowpipe, darts and  59 Bone whistle makes scary noises

60 Horn for signalling 61 Drum with human skin 62 Fat 40lb bugbear baby, indignant but quiet 63 Musk attractive to bugbears seeking love 64 Exotic coins from underland 65 Troglodyte musk glands fermented in sealed pot 66 Bottle of terrible bugbear grog 67 Skin of fermented hog milk 68 Dried bats or stirge 69 Huge eggshell containing wine 70 Human skull oil lamp 71 Stolen children’s toys 72 Bag of dried barley 73 Fancy grog d4 1=dark elf wine 2=dwarf brandy 3=hobbit beer 4=spiced rum 74 Bottle of phosphorescent slime good for making scary decoys 75 Bag of sawdust 76 Stinking flea ridden bedroll 77 Length of woven bugbear hair rope 78 Wooden mallet and iron spikes 79 Wooden clogs 80 Nail polish 81 Dented pewter tankard 82 Cooks clever 83 Thieves tools set 84 Bear or fox trap 85 Length of twine for fishing or traps  86 White sheet with eye holes for ghost impersonations 87 Black soot makeup for recon missions  88 Slingshot 89 Bag of huge thorns for traps and torture 90 Bag of dried beans 91 Bag of onions or garlic 92 Loaf of bread with mice cooked in it for flavour 93 Plush bugbear toy for kids back home 94 Bag of children’s clothes or nappies 95 Crude wooden mask 96 Carved wooden ladle and birch bark cooking pot 97 Winter fur cape 98 Sealed bag of bedbugs or fleas 99 Ring of keys from past guard jobs 100 Bagged and gagged kobold or goblin slave

d100 What’s in that Kobolds Bindle?

01 Bag of assorted tasty mushrooms 02 Bag of 1d3 giant centipede kept for eating  03 Bound and gagged giant rat kept for eating  04 Flat bread and several types of tasty mouldy veined cheese 05 Bag of turnips one has a funny rude shape 06 Mushroom wine d3 bottles, delicious in cooking 07 Pound of salt, enough for a whole tribe 08 Bag of barley d6 pounds good for soup 09 Bag of 3d6 onions or garlic bulbs 10 Bag of edible spider silk 11 Knife, scraper and toxic mineral salt for preparing and curing hides 12 Knife, wire saw, clever, hatchet all bloody with a d4 cuts of mystery meat 13 Dog collars, dried meat dog treats, lasso, whip belonging to dog handles 14 Fishing line 30ft, 2d6 bone hooks, d6 lures, tiny bucket 15 Parchment covered in plans and doodles, graphite stick, quill, ink 16 Blueprints on building doorway, tunnel or room, line, spirit level, chalk 17 Tiny pick axe, chisel, mallet, d10 iron spikes, twenty foot rope 18 Trowel, bag of mortar mix, bucket, brick mould 19 Hand saw, plane, hand drill, hatchet, file 20 Copper bar, tongs, hammer, iron bowl, bag of charcoal, wax, clay, slingstone mold 21 Basket, pruning knife, trowel, bags of fruit and vegetable seeds 22 Several box type rat traps and a bundle of 5d4 rats and box of poison 23 Set of thieves tools for disarming traps and opening locks, 20ft rope, tiny mask  24 Camouflage face paint, dirty cloak with hood, bottle of well poison, set of crampons  25 Insect net, tweezers, tiny sieve and jar with pound of bugs

26 Mess kit made of fine tin, with knife, bowl, plate, billy tin and d4 days dried rations  27 Ledger book, d10 sheets paper, d4 quills, brush, ink, sealing wax 28 Abacus and scrawled tallies on parchment with graphite stick 29 Set of coloured chalk and box of tiny paint tins with brushes 30 Box of matches 2d6, pipe, tin of tobacco or hemp 31 Bundle of 2d6 darts 32 Bottles of flammable oil (d4)with fuses, tinder box 33 Blowpipe and ten darts and a bottle of cheap poison 34 Collection of d4 knives and a d3 daggers of different makers 35 Collection of d4 short swords or maces or hand axes of different styles 36 Bundle with d4 torches, lantern and oil, tinderbox and 2d6 candles 37 Tiny field stove and a d4 pots with lids 38 Alchemist test lit with 3d6 test papers and potion colour charts 39 Mineral test kit and samples of rock and souls in vials 40 First aid kit with bandages, bottle of grog, mallet, tiny saw, restraint straps  41 Box of matches 2d6, pipe, tin of tobacco or hemp 42 Several sock puppets or marionette puppet 43 Spinning top and whip 44 Wooden puzzle or puzzle box 45 Cup and ball 46 Handball and chalk 47 Whittling knife and d12 chess pieces or figurines 48 Chess set 49 Deck of hand painted cards 50 Bottle of distilled wood alcohol and d6 shot cups 51 Bundle of copper cups, plates and arm rings 52 Bag of d4 hundred copper coins 53 Bundle of d4 padlocks and 2d6 keys 54 Length of ten foot chain with collar, padlock and key 55 Torturers tool kit 56 Slavers set of d4 manacles and leg irons 57 Several human and demihuman skulls 58 Bag of filthy laundry

59 Tiny pairs of d6 boots and cobbler tools 60 Bundle of leather, awl, 20ft leather cord, large needles and cutting knife 61 Sewing or knitting supplies and d4 samples of clothing 62 Bag of d100 beads, string, d6 completed pieces of cheap jewellery 63 Bag of trap d4 components and bottle of poison 64 Bundle of lead pipes 1in6 one with a tap included  65 Sharpening stones, oil, files and cloths for blade care 66 Bundle of d6 dungeon map fragments 67 Clockwork grenade 2d4 damage over 10ft, can set clock from 1-60 minutes 68 Lantern with various shutters and press button igniting mechanism 69 Brass mechanical lighter  70 Bundle of rune carved divination bones 71 Squat green stone idols with sea shell teeth and eyes 72 Bag of terracotta ancestor figures 73 Painted scene tile from old temple 74 Ivory carving of kobold fertility god and d10 cheap aphrodisiacs 75 Collection of children’s teeth 76 Ritual instrument like bongo drum, cistrum, rattle, bone flute or lute  77 Ancient clay tablet in cuniform kobold dug up 78 Totem wooden idol and carving knife 79 Ritual masks with scary faces 80 Painted ancestor skull 81 Bag of severed hands for dinner 82 Wasp nest in a sealed bag 83 Messenger bats d6 84 Colourful festival hat 85 Mining helmet with candle on top 86 Tiny stone carved cameo of kobold beauty 87 Kobold egg 88 Dog skin cape 89 Dragon scales d6 90 Bag of d6 fish or angry albino cave lobster 91 Box with fine leaves of koboldium a metal that can burn

feet used in traps 92 Tiny chest with semiprecious stones inside worth d100+50gp  93 List of ancestors names on tiny scroll in bone case going back to prehuman times 94 Ruby worth 100gp 95 Pet parasite has been with family for generations 96 Brass horn that will call local kobolds. Dogs hear it humans don’t 97 Puppies d4 wild dog pups make good loyal hunting dogs 98 Kobold baby in cloth with d4 spare nappies, currently peaceful 99 Dragon claw or giant toenail or ogre tooth 100 Remains of shell hatched from packed by mum for good luck

d100 What’s in a orcs satchel?

01 Severed human hands  02 A wolf pelt with head attached 03 A war horn  04 A small iron cooking pot or fry pan with lid 05 A bag of large white wiggling grubs 06 A bag of 2d6 live rats 07 A bag of old turnips 08 A lump of horseradish root 09 A knuckleduster 10 A bullwhip 11 A stone dagger 12 A obsidian amulet with a evil beings insignia 13 A jar of pickled eyeballs   14 Bag of d6 dried salted fish 15 Bag of dried mushrooms 16 Sealed pot of weak beer 17 Length of rope 18 Length of chain 19 Bundle of 2d6 torches 20 Bundle of 2d6 candles 21 A brass or clay hand lantern 22 Flints for cutting and starting fires 23 Crystal or flawed gem with carved into eye 24 A boar tusk 25 Haunch of wild boar, bear or dog 26 Rivets and hammer for repairing armour 27 Skin of stale water 28 Jar of maggots for fishing or first aid

29 Unholy symbol 30 Bottle of unholy water 31 Skull of friend or kin 32 Roll of bark with evil sigils painted on 33 Pack of hide buiscuit rations, add water for horrible stew 34 Stolen groats 35 Wooden bowl and spoon 36 Gourd full of edible seeds 37 Bag of onions  38 Elf undergarments folded neatly 39 Crude map of area with troop movements 40 Bag of dried broad beans 41 Bowl of birds eggs 42 Hammer and nails 43 Crude hatchet 44 Wooden mallet and chisel 45 Short trench spade 46 Grubby bandages from torn human clothes 47 Elf bone, usually femur or   48 Dried squashed faerie 49 Finger with a ring stuck on 50 Large beetle in in tiny wooden cage 51 Manacles 52 Long rag used as blindfold or gag 53 Bag of poison berries (well to humans) 54 Bag of crab apples 55 Bird or fishing net 56 Bundle of reeds good for weaving into various tools 57 Skinner’s cutting and scraping flint tools 58 Bag of coal 59 Bag of saltpeter 60 Bag of sulphur  61 Cast iron black powder hand grenade with fuse 62 Black powder land mine requires smouldering coals to work 63 Demolition breaching mine for destroying doors 64 Incendiary fluid with fuse in clay pot 65 Irritant gas bomb in clay pot with fuse 66 Smoke bomb in clay pot with fuse 67 Bag of sacks 68 Brick mould for emergency building projects 69 Handful of black powder in small leather bag 70 Box of 2d6 crude hand made matches

71 Weak d4 healing potion or pill, causes diarrhea  72 Messenger bat in small cage 73 Bag of 4d6 arrow heads in flint or iron 74 Ear ring with ear attached 75 Powdered stimulant to aid marching and guard duty 76 Body paint, various colours even glowing available 77 Brass door hinges pilfered from someone 78 Brass tap pilfered from someone 79 Live door mouse sealed in clay pot for fattening 80 Tortoise tied in string for later eating 81 Fake quack shaman medicine d4 1=hair restorer 2=healing 3=strength 4=love potion 82 Tooth pulling pliers, bloody rags and some horrible teeth 83 Carved boar tusk with lid for keeping things in 84 Tattoo needles and squid ink 85 Angry gremlin in bottle good for sabotage 86 Hair oil, bone comb and collection of nose rings 87 Piglet in a sack operated on to stop squealing  88 Bag of bogweed and pipe, makes users irritable 89 A palm sized demon or devil idol 90 A stone with a long forgotten wizard mark  91 A elven ring that reminds them of shameful old life before conversion 92 A collection of a d6+1 looted crude weapons 93 Quiver of 2d6 arrows with flammable pitch heads 94 Quiver of 1d6 arrows with crescent heads for cutting flags, banners or ropes 95 Quiver of 2d6 arrows with disease tainted heads 96 A string of 3d4 mystery sausages 97 Dried sheet of skin with interesting tattoos 98 Small bundle of firewood 99 Bag of dried animal dung for making smelly fires or dodgy first aid

100 A crude signal rocket provided by former masters

d10 Quick Stuff hidden in a Humanoids bed 01 Vermin 02 Garbage 03 Snacks 04 Small change 05 Trinkets 06 Trench art 07 Clobber 08 Fragment 09 Horrible thing 10 Strange thing

d100 Stuff hidden in a Humanoids bed

01 Bloodstains and infectious if searchers have any bloody wounds 02 Parasitic worm eggs in skid marked monster sheets 03 Huge ticks jump on searchers may cause infection till removed 04 Fleas make searcher itch and it spread at camp 05 Maggots, worms or grubs eating rotten food scraps and dead rat 06 Swarm scurry from nest d4 1=mice 2=cockroaches 3=moths 4=weavels 07 Several rats scurry away snacking on scraps 08 Angry giant rat hisses at anyone trying to take its scraps 09 Dungeon leeches lurking in wet patches 10 Huge bug HDd4 Save vs poison +2 d4 1=spider 2=scorpion 3=centipede 4=cricket 11 Half eaten food d4 1=turnips 2=apples cores 3=fish 4=human flesh 12 Bits or rings and rivits from armour 13 Body hair and toenail clipings 14 Filthy old bandages 15 Bodily products d4 1=vomit 2=feces 3=earwax 4=oily secretions and dead skin  16 Empty grog jar made from clay or wood 17 Old broken bones with marrow sucked out 18 Ball of assorted threads, hairs, feathers and string found around dungeon

19 Nut shells 20 Cookie crumbs 21 Food hidden d4 1=turnips 2=stolen apples 3=onions 4=plump rat 22 Food hidden d4 1=truffles 2=meat on skewer 3=cheese 4=bbq rat on stick 23 Mushrooms d4 1=mild poison 2=tasty 3=hallucinogenic 4=decorative 24 Bound and gagged d4 1=piglet 2=kobold 3=child 4=giant rat 25 Giant snails possible tethered by shells 26 Huge black beetles in a pot 27 Half chewed stale bread 1in6 with hallucination causing fungi 28 Huge juicy slugs 29 Eggs of possibly some horrible dungeon monster 30 Jar of preserved d4 1=sauerkraut 2=pickled eggs 3=pickled onions 4=pickled fish  31 One corroded tiny copper piece 32 Purse of d4 coppers 33 Scattered d6 coppers 34 Dice or knuckle bones for gaming 35 Tarnished silver piece 36 Buckle from some item of clothing 37 Bone or shell button 38 Piece of flint 39 Candles stubs 40 Pipe and smoking herbs 41 Carved tusk figurine of deity or cult hero 42 Terracotta figurine of animal 43 Shiny smooth worn pebble with strange colours 44 String of wooden beads 45 Evil holy symbol d4 1=bone 2=leather 3=wood 4=brass 46 Fist sized tooth 47 Tiny knife for child d3 48 Tiny bottle of grog 49 Copper medallion with strange symbol 50 Brass ring for ring or nose or ear or whatever 51 Cup made of adventurers skull 52 Candles made from fingers 53 Human ear necklace 54 Human helmet turned into chamber pot 55 Human femur flute 56 Shrunken head d4 1=dwarf 2=wizard 3=peasant 4=goatman

57 Scalps with long braided hair in bundle 58 Human leather bag of teeth 59 Musical instrument made from mummified stretched elf head 60 Human ribs   made into knitting needles with ball of wool 61 Worn old boot 62 Filthy under garments 63 A hat d4 1=hunters 2=childs 3=womans 4=wizards 64 A lovely ribbon 65 Woolen sock 66 Old leather belt 67 Leg or arm wrappings 68 Creepy possibly cult mask 69 Moth eaten woolen vest 70 Mouldy old cloak 71 Crumbling old map 72 Crude sketch of dungeon section 73 Tattered old spellbook page used as hanky 74 Broken rune carved horn 75 Love letter stolen cos it smelled nice 76 Monsters pay slips 77 Cult chant practice sheet 78 Sadistic print stolen from torture manual 79 Erotic painting on fragment of rich grog pot 80 Broken chunk of rock with elder runes 81 Corpse d4 1=kobold 2=human 3 =local humanoid 4=demihuman 82 Manacles and key and whip 83 Thumbscrews and tongs 84 Fresh human skin in a sack 1in6 salted 85 Severed head d4 1=human 2=pig 3=dog 4=goat 86 Crushed mummified kobold under the mattress with surprised expression  87 Jar of pickled eyeballs   88 Mummified male genitals 89 Mummified monster fetus 90 A baby mimic which tries to flee or attack if cornered  91 A devil stone in a bag influences viewers to crave it and kill to obtain it 92 Nightmarish evil idol of the old gods that gives bad dreams 93 Frozen cube of troll flesh, will start to grow when defrosted 94 A angry spirit haunts the bed and will use fear to drive away

strangers 95 Rock with a permanent light spell 96 A weak herbal healing potion d4 97 A gremlin sneaks into searchers baggage to sabotage and torment them 98 Aggressive footlong baby purple worm hisses and stings if disturbed 99 A magical dungeon pie 100 A fragment of broken mirror that used to be gate to a demon world d10 Styles 1 Wicker basket with leather fastener straps 2 Leather trunk with bone handles and a lock 3 Wooden fruit box, nailed shut 4 Wooden box with lock and wooden handles 5 Heavy wooden box with rope handles and stencils designs, padlocked shut 6 Wooden box with metal corners and lock 7 Wooden box with riveted metal edges and big lock 8 Small wooden chest with lock  9 Medium wooden chest with metal reinforcing and lock 10 Metal chest with d6 locks and chains

d10 Security

1 Owner preys to spirits and hopes 2 Owner threatens everyone lots 3 Covered in something that stinks or itches 4 Covered in threatening warnings in several languages 5 Poison needle on opening mechanism 6 Sythe blade cuts hand off opener 7 Fires 2d4 darts each causes d3 each 1in6 chance also poisoned 8 Encourage hand size spider, snake or scorpion to nest under and protect it 9 Baby screaming fungus sits on top sleeping 10 Magical sub-table

d10 Magical security

1 Fireblast 1d4+3 2 Electric shock 1d8 +3 3 Lock held unless password given 4 Chest moves away from thieves 5 Alarm magically signals owner if intruded 6 Cursed if removes goods without permission 7 Stinking cloud released if forced open 8 Magic mouth appears screaming thief thief! 9 Gremlin guards the chest 10 A Imp guards the chest

d10 Quick what’s in the Dungeon guard’s Footlocker? 1 Utensils 2 Snacks 3 Laundry  4 Trap 5 Field supplies 6 Tools 7 Loot 8 Pet 9 Trench Art 10 Strange Thing

d100 What’s in the Dungeon guard’s Footlocker?

01 Battered old pewter tankard 02 Wooden tankard 03 Drinking Horn 04 Water skin 05 Wooden spoon 06 Small knife 07 Ceramic mug and plate and bowl 08 Wooden mug and plate and bowl 09 Tin spoon 10 Small tin or clay jug 11 Cheese 1in6 maggoty 12 Onions or leeks 13 Turnips or cabbage 14 Mushrooms or berries 15 Large snails 16 Wormy apples 17 Mouldy bread 18 Beer or wine 19 Dried meat 20 Frogs 21 Old boots 22 Spare socks 23 Belt 24 Hat 25 Underclothes 26 Shirt 27 Shaving kit 28 Bar of soap 29 War paint 30 Filthy old clothes with holes 31 Loaded crossbow 32 Snake or spider or scorpion 33 Acid sprayer 34 Zombie hand 35 Poison gas 36 Knockout gas 37 Contact poison (burns on touch) 38 Kit for trap never installed

39 Mould with dangerous spores if inhaled 40 Petty demon or devil appears 41 Backpack 42 Rope 50 foot coil 43 Spare dagger 44 Hatchet 45 Bag of 1d6 spear heads 46 Heavy cloak 47 Chain 10 foot length 48 Sleeping bag  49 Tent 50 Camp stove and pot 51 Small spade 52 Small pick 53 Hammer or mallet 54 Two foot crowbar 55 Sickle 56 Tin or wooden bucket 57 Oil and whetstone 58 Tinderbox with flint and steel 59 Tin lantern or terracotta hand oil lamp 60 Box of candles and tin or ceramic holder 61 Purse of 1d100 copper 62 Purse of 1d10 silver 63 Gold coin 64 Ladies broach or bracelet 65 Necklace with rat skulls  66 Bag of shells used as trade goods or jewelry 67 Statuette head made or marble or bronze 68 Set of dentures with small amount of gold 69 Copper ring or armband 70 Enameled copper medallion or broach or cloak pin 71 Pet gremlin 72 Large toad 73 Cuddly feral kitten (actually he bites and scratches lots) 74 Adorable scruffy puppy (trained to hate elves) 75 Big purple grub with sting 76 Flesh eating beetle 77 Hand sized bluebottle fly 78 Adorable baby gremlin  79 Rabid giant rat 80 Insane kobold with knife  81 Human ear neclace 82 Decorated human skull 83 Human helmet turned into funeral urn 84 Set of human knucklebones 85 Flute carved from human femur 86 Set of human bone dice 87 Shrunken human head

88 Carved human bones with poem 89 Human skull ashtray 90 Carved human bone chess pieces  91 Squat statuette of vile demonic god  92 Holy symbol of a cult 93 Fragments of old books, mostly kept cool pictures 94 Terracotta statuettes of family used to prey to 95 Strange gold lump with octopus stamp 96 Black powder cast iron ball grenade with 5 second fuse 97 Collection of possibly narcotic plants and mushrooms 98 Erotic print or tiny statuette, collect them all 99 Necklace d4 1=fragment of iron from meteor 2=amber 3=holy symbol 4=cult fetish head 100 Magic d4 1=Lucky Fetish +1 save d6 times 2=d6 healing potion 3=berserk potion 4=slimy eyeball of elder evil god concealed in ring used to spy on mortals

d10 Quick gang loot

This to help with ideas for goods you might find 1 Local farmers and villagers 2 Travelers on road 3 Merchant caravans 4 Other weaker dungeons 5 Other weaker monster tribes 6 Rival monster tribes 7 Nomads or barbarians 8 Grave robbing and ruin plundering 9 Sound business skills, trade and savings 10 Have a thriving industry making goods and trading

d10 Defences for Hordes 1 Snakes or scorpions 2 Mechanical traps 3 Viscous dogs or other pets 3 Curse or spell 4 Hidden monster among loot 5 Shrieking fungi 6 Gas or contact poison 7 Disease or spore contaminated 8 Horrible monster asleep on loot 9 Hidden with false wall, underwater, etc 10 Elaborate locks or bars

d100 Humanoid gang loot

01 Baskets of vegetables 02 Bushels of dry grain stalks  03 Sacks of seeds or dry beans 04 Sacks of grain 05 Farm animals, herd beast like goats and sheep 06 Farm animals, equines like horses, donkeys, mules 07 Farm animals, cattle for dairy or meat 08 Farm animals like poultry 09  Barrels of beer 10 Barrels of wine (often non grape wine) 11 Wagons and carts 12 Animal hides and rolls of leather 13 Animal traps 14 Butchered meat (last 1d6-3 days, negative numbers increasingly off) 15 Cured and smoked meats like bacon or ham 16 Salted fish 17 Dried meat 18 Dried fruit 19 Dried vegetables 20 Mushrooms, possibly dried 21 Military grade iron rations 22 Pots of pickled vegetables, eggs, meat 23 Bread in different shapes and sizes 24 Hard biscuits of dried grain like groats 25 Hard biscuits of hide for stew 26 Cheese in large waxed wheels 27 Milk or yogurt in clay pots 28 Crude coarse sack cloth 29 Rolls of coarse linen 30 Bags of wool 31 Spools of thread and balls of yarn 32 Kegs of honey 33 Boxes of candy, sweetmeats or fancy pastry 34 Clothing from years of commoner victims 35 Rich clothing of merchants and nobles 36 Quality lumber cut into planks and beams 37 Expensive quality wood 38 Scented exotic wood from far away 39 Cosmetics like kohl and lead paste from far away 40 Beads, trinkets and shiny things in sprawling heaps

41 Wigs, hats, and fancy accessories 42 Ingots of metal d6 1=copper 2=tin 3=brass 4=bronze 5=iron 6=silver 43 Mounds of metal junk d6 1=copper 2=tin 3=brass 4=bronze 5=iron 6=silver 44 Boxes of incence and scented resins 45 Exotic spices in boxes like pepper or tumeric 46 Pots of dried salt 47 Collection of common pottery and ceramics 48 Perfume and scented oil 49 Cooking oil like olive or seed oil 50 Lard and rendered animal fat in pots 51 Quality fine pottery like tea sets for rich or painted pots 52 Palanquin or luxury carriage 53 Slaves human or humanoid 54 Chains of various metals and lengths, including manacles 55 Rope enough for ship 56 Nets for fishing or birds 57 Ship sails 58 Flags and banners 59 Piles of commoner weapons loose or in barrels 60 Collection of military steel Armour and weapons in boxes and barrels 61 Collection of idols and ritual paraphernalia of church or cult 62 Paintings on wood or canvas 63 Loose documents including d6 1=letters 2=records 3=deeds 4= 64 Collection of scrolls mostly financial 1in10 magic or lost lore or maps 65 Books d4 1=religious text 2=legal records 3=educational 4=blasphemous 66 Boxes of unused vellum, paper, quills and bottles of ink and paint 67 Statues in varied sizes, materials, quality and subject 68 Furniture from commoners like beds, tables, cupboards 69 Valuable artisan furniture with carvings 70 Sacks of goose and duck feathers and quilts and pillows 71 Military camping supplies including tents, stoves, bedrolls, lanterns 72 Boxes of candles

73 Lamps oil in jars 74 Kitchen pots, knives, spits, stove, cauldrons 75 Bathtub, boxes of soap, towels 76 Quality marble, stones, scaffolding and mason tools 77 Siege weapons, dissembled for transport in boxes or wagon 78 Brewing or wine making equipment 79 Blocks or beads of coloured glass 80 Dye for cloth most green or brown but 1in6 exotic colour from far away 81 Kegs of black powder, incendiary devices or fireworks 82 Collection of small boats, canoes, wood and boat building supplies 83 Stuffed animals, mounted heads and hunting trophies 84 Boxes of antlers and animal horns 85 Piles of animal and human bones 86 Crates of building supplies, tools, paint and bricks 87 Collection of human scalps or severed/shrunken heads 88 Torture equipment including chairs, racks, chains, pokers, etc 89 Piles of arrows, bolts, lead sling bullets or other missiles 90 Cages of exotic pets like parrots, monkeys, fancy dogs 91 Documents of ownership deeds for d4 1=cash 2=house 3=land 4=slaves 92 Medicine, herbs, artificial limbs and surgeons kit 93 Drugs like smokable herbs in bales or exotic addictive resin blocks 94 Monsters or ferocious beasts in cages 95 Monster eggs or babies in cages 96 Stuffed and mounted monster bodies 97 Barrels of poison like arsenic good for well poisoning 98 Alchemist glassware and ingredients 99 Boxes of spell and ritual components 100 Collection of erotic art, saucy pamphlets, bejeweled sex toys, pornographic furniture

most of these at some stage in development - redbrick is huge draft hasnt been touched in years now

Dungeon Zones

1 Gothic - ruined castles, manours and mousoleums crawling with undead and romance 2 Redbrick Dungeon - sprawling dungeon complexes ever expandind underworld fortresses 3 Goblin Mine - labyrithine mine tunels crawling with goblins and humanoid 4 Amber Manour - cursed manour houses of decadant wizard clans trapped in time 5 Giant Fortress - crumbling remains of gigantic castles whose residents are trapped for generations 6 Under Construction... 7 Cyclopean Ruins - remains of prehuman civilisations haunted by remnants of a lost age 8 Lost Temple - ruined temples, monuments and cities of a ancient desert empire 9 Forbidden City - ruined sprawling cities and temples buried under dangerous jungles 10 Glacier Citadel - frozen remnants of long lost tribes of warriors and wizards of the age of stone 11 Sunken City - a partially submerged sprawling city desrtoyed by the gods log ago 12 Underland - a subterrainian cavern land deep beneath the earth

Other Settings

Planet Psychon - a gonzo science fantasy post apocalypse setting Exile Island - a complete wilderness setting for murder hobos crawling with dungeon Shadel Port - a sprawling pirate city built on ruins of a inhuman slavers empire Xor - a living world of meat that invades and devours other cosms for sustenance Experimental Operation Command - modern special forces vs the dungeon dimension The Spiral Path - a system of randomly generating treks through helldiferent every time

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