Dear Firstians Time flies! In the twinkling of an eye, our Group is celebrating its Centenary. In retrospect, we faced different kinds of challenge. However, with the support of our Parents, our Principals, our De La Salle Brothers, and the wisdom we inherited from You, we solved problems one by one, we scaled new heights one after the other. Hong Kong is changing and there is a call for more good citizens, who are willing to take a constructive role in society. We have confidence to march on, climb high mountains and explore new territories, for another hundred years and beyond. Yours in Scouting

MAK Wai-ming Group Scout Leader


Thank You! First Hong Kong! by MAK Wai-ming

Thank you, First Hong Kong Group! Thank you, St Joseph’s College! I am glad to be a Firstian. I am glad to be a Josephian. The lay-in and lights-out in camping … The map and compass in hiking… The knots and lashings in pioneering; and The push-ups and sit-ups in the circuit training. The Law and Promise in the Scouts’ Own … The moon, the stars and the constellations at night … The cry of the birds and the sound of the insects; and The sublime beauty of the Nature gives me spiritual development. The knowledge and wisdom in Scouting quiz … The songs and yarns in campfire … The happy heart and smiling face in folk dance; and The leadership and teamwork in the Prince of Wales Banner Competition. The Tour from Penang, via Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. The Tour from Osaka, via Mount Fuji to Tokyo. The Cheoc-Van Beach in Macau and the Sentosa in Singapore; and The flag rising ceremony in the Tienanmen Square. I came as a quiet boy and you raise me up as a gentleman. Scoutcraft is only a means and good citizen is the end. The fond memories give me confidence and the strong brotherhood give me encouragement. I am glad that I can grow up under your guidance.


I am proud to be a Josephian. I am proud to be a Firstian. Thank you, St Joseph’s College! Thank you, First Hong Kong Group!



嘉爾頓的故事 張俊彥 副旅⾧

兩年⼀度的全港嘉爾頓錦標賽,剛剛又完成了。我⾝處於⽐賽場地整整三天,⼀⽅ ⾯觀察參賽者的表現,同時,又令我回想到很多過去嘉爾頓發⽣過的事。 在此,先恭喜⼗四隊晉⾝決賽的⼩隊,你們能夠參與,已經贏了很多隊伍。⾃ 1996年,被旅團選了參與嘉爾頓開始,嘉爾頓已變成了我童軍⽣活中,不能分離的事 了。表⾯上,是兩年⼀度,實際上,是⾧久戰。完了⼀屆,又要準備下⼀屆的來臨。 4

 從⼀位參賽者,到⼀位深資童軍來⽀持師弟,再從⼀位領袖來訓練童軍仔,到⼀位 評判來評選各隊伍。1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,我全 都經歷過,這也令我成⾧了不少。 
 我曾說過:「每⼀年的嘉爾頓,我旅都總有最少⼀個刻⾻銘⼼的故事。」其實,每 個決定參賽的旅團,每⼀年,每⼀隊,都有⼀個獨⼀無⼆的故事。在準備參賽與否,到 區賽、地域賽、總會賽,已經有着無數的故事了…… 
 每個⼈也是不同的,⾃⼰⼀個⼈肯⽤功,肯努⼒,應該也可有點成績,有點進步 罷。要七個⼈⼀起⽤功,⼀起努⼒,⼀起朝着同⼀⽬標邁進,就是⼗分難的事,因為每 個⼈也是不同的。這也是最令領袖們頭痛的地⽅。到了有共同理想後,難題還會接踵⽽ 來。讀書、溫書、學琴、家⾧不准許、有其他⽐賽、⽣病、天氣……也可令原先有計劃 的訓練,被打亂了。領袖還要分配時間、分配⼈⼿、分配場地、分配⾦錢、分配資 源……表⾯是七個⼈的事,已經變成了全團⼈的事了。嘉爾頓,⽐賽考的是童軍技能, 深層次是考⼤家持久的毅⼒。 
 嘉爾頓,⾄今第三⼗屆,近六⼗年,我想嘉爾頓(⽥家騰總監)當時也想不到,嘉 爾頓錦標能令不少⼈着迷,更重要的是,令不少童軍成⾧!我想,你應該也有⼀個「嘉 爾頓的故事」!是嗎? 
 從來都很少寫⾃⼰感覺的我,今天⽣⽇,實在想寫⼀寫嘉爾頓,因為我今年除了看 到⾃⼰旅團的故事外,還⽚⾯地看到了⼗四個嘉爾頓的故事。今屆,換了⼀個新⾓度來 看嘉爾頓,別有⼀番感受。向過去⽤⼼籌辦嘉爾頓各⽐賽的領袖、⼯作⼈員、訓練童軍 的領袖、曾參賽的童軍祝賀,因為⼤家都應該得到了不少「嘉爾頓精神」! 
 成敗得失,都不是最重要。最重要是在整個嘉爾頓的過程,⼤家已有很多得着,尤 其是經驗,成⾧,以及友誼!⼤家繼續努⼒吧!




GRASSHOPPER SCOUT LEADER, PEGGY TANG 時光⾶逝,我加⼊港島第⼀旅這個⼤家庭不經不覺已經⼗多年了。還記得當初我擔 任幼童軍領袖的⾓⾊,負責教導幼童軍各種知識和技能。三年前,我懷著戰戰兢兢的⼼ 情成為⼩童軍領袖,希望能把相關的知識和精神給予年紀較⼩的孩⼦,讓他們踏⼊童軍 的⽣活作最佳的準備。


回顧過去⼗多年的領袖⽣活,經常要帶童軍到⼾外進⾏各種體驗,當中不乏露營 和宿營的活動。最令我發笑的,無論是幼童軍或⼩童軍的宿營訓練,晚上他們洗澡後, 總是在浴室內或外拾到童裝內褲,當我拿著「它」想物歸原主時,總沒有⼈肯承認: 「這是我的!」我明⽩這是多麼尶尬的事情。有⼀次,竟然在⼀年後,有童軍仔竟然間 接地承認他當⽇遺失了內褲⼀條,真使我哭笑不得,可惜我未能「物歸原主」了。童軍 仔呀!當你看到這篇⽂章時,請你不要責怪我把這件事公告天下,你知道嗎?你們為我 的童軍領袖⽣活增添不少有趣的回憶,⾄今難忘。在此,我要向你們說聲「謝謝」才 對。記住呀!他⽇當你們的⼦⼥要去童軍露營時,別忘記叫他們在內⾐褲上寫上姓名, 那時候,你們就明⽩為⼈⽗母或領袖的難處了! 藉此機會,我要衷⼼感謝曾和我⼀起並肩作戰的同事和領袖,偶爾回憶⼤家曾在 哪個營地奉獻⾎液給蚊⼦,哪個營地沒有浴室洗澡,⼀年⼀度的燒烤晚宴......領袖們, 當第⼀旅慶祝⼀百⼆⼗週年壽⾠時,我們可以⾼唱「那些年,我們⼀起被蚊追的⼥ 孩」。 ⼆零⼀三年九⽉是⼩童軍團成⽴⼗週年的⽇⼦,適逢港島第⼀旅慶祝⼀百歲壽 ⾠,⽽我有幸成為其中⼀份⼦,帶領⼩童軍邁向第⼗個年頭的同時,亦能與其他⽀部的 成員⼀起參與第⼀旅的百週年⽣⽇慶典,實在興奮無⽐。眼⾒⼩童軍慢慢地成⾧,無論 將來是否續任為童軍,願你們仍能堅守⼩童軍誓詞「愛神、愛⼈、愛國家」。 祝港島第⼀旅事務蒸蒸⽇上,昂然步⼊第⼆個⼀百年!




CUB SCOUT LEADER (PACK A), DOREEN NG 不知不覺,我當了幼童軍領袖⼰經⼆⼗年了。記得初初帶領幼童軍集會時,我甚麽 也不懂,很多事情都要當年的幼童軍團⾧Mr Wong 及 Mr Suen提點,但經過時間的洗 禮,我漸漸加深對幼童軍的了解,明⽩到童軍運動是透過富挑戰性和進度性的訓練和活 動,促進兒童德、智、體、群、美五育的發展。幾年前,我當了幼童軍團⾧,更多了⼀ 份使命感。我深知要帶好幼童軍活動,除了要具備各種技能外,還要有管理和領導才 能,於是參加了⼀連串的⽊章和技能訓練課程,其中以⽊章課程尤其艱⾟和⽐我想像得 8

漫⾧,除了上課和宿營外,還要實習和應付繁重的功課。過程中,我曾想過放棄,⼼想 ⾃⼰已⼀把年紀,但⼀起上⽊章課程的同學⼤都很年輕,我真的擔⼼⾃⼰體⼒、記憶⼒ 和毅⼒不及那些年輕⼈。幸好得到其他領袖的⿎勵,同時我又想到⾙登堡創⽴童軍運動 的時候已年屆50,是⼀名退休陸軍軍官了,我的年紀⽐當時的他不是年輕得多嗎?因 此,我決⼼在完成⽊章課堂,⿎起勇氣繼續實習部分,成功考取了⽊章。當時我深感興 奮和⿎舞,決⼼仿效⾙登堡,⽤⾰命性的想法,從社會汲取各個⽅⾯的經驗,設計了⼀ 些別開⽣⾯的活動,應⽤於⽇常的童軍集會。 童軍運動特別重視從做中學,讓幼童軍成員累積經驗和掌握實作技巧,從⽽建⽴ ⾃信⼼。⼩隊制度,配合領袖們的指導,接受責任,⾃我管理,提升獨⽴、團結、合作 與領導的能⼒。它所發展出來的活動和遊戲,則提供較輕鬆的⽅法來訓練各種技能,⽽ ⼾外環境提供了跟⼤⾃然接觸的機會,培養出青少年的健全體格。⾝為幼童軍團⾧,我 的使命就是推動童軍運動的精神。我知道個⼈的⼒量很有限,故⾮常感謝旅團中⼀直和 我並肩作戰的「戰友」們,為幼童軍推動了多種具吸引⼒的活動計劃(如野外露營技 能、遠⾜和服務),擴展了他們的視野,最終使他們發展出合群和領導的能⼒。 港島第⼀旅已⼀百歲了!除了感到可喜可賀之外,更令⼈⿎舞的是看到各⽀部都 有着很成功的發展和輝煌的成就,會員有更⼤的歸屬感,這⼀切均有賴各⽀部領袖的努 ⼒,相信我們的前輩也會為我們感到驕傲。最後,我期望各位「戰友」本着推動童軍運 動的使命感,使旅團有更遠⼤的發展。




CUB SCOUT LEADER (PACK B), MAGGIE LAM Spurring Cub Scouts on to better growth and holistic development is more than just a task especially when we feel an overwhelming need to transform "Hong Kong Kid" into children who are able to look after themselves, have higher emotional intelligence and are invulnerable to adversity. Unlike serving as a teacher, Cub Scout leaders equip children with the life skills necessary for handling problems commonly encountered in daily life or even for survival, such as first-aid treatment, backwoods cooking, simple pioneering, etc. It meant a lot to me when I saw young Cub Scouts who could 10

make a small fire themselves or collaborate in pitching a tent. Their faces also wore a look of pure contentment when they succeeded in sorting out problems on their own. Young Firstians are always wondering why they need to learn compass reading in the era which GPS device is commonly installed in smartphones and why not
 staying indoors with air-conditioning instead of pitching a tent outdoors. Yet they may soon find it an invaluable experience that they could orientate themselves with the use of compass and map reading skills while trekking through the bush and they had
 managed to wade across a stream. The scene of sheltering from the downpour under a tiny bus shelter at the starting point for the trek might have been etched on their
 memory forever. They had to promptly adapt their hiking plan to the adverse weather even though they together with the map were soaking wet. They could be in close touch with nature that they could hardly experience in the concrete jungle. All these would be engraved on their memory forever. Their determination, teamwork skills and leadership capabilities have convinced us that they are invulnerable to adversity and they deserved to be Golden Bauhinia Awardees.



綠⽩旅⼱的使命 江尚民 , 幼童軍副團⾧

第⼀旅7、80年代的光輝歲⽉,⾒證了我輩成⾧。當中⼀段珍貴經歷,⾄今記憶猶 新。 披星戴⽉的刻苦鍛練,助我們⼩隊披荊斬棘,闖過了維城區以及港島地域兩關, 成功躋⾝1982年「嘉爾頓錦標」總決賽。肩負著第⼀旅嘉爾頓⼩隊⾧的重任,傳承了 綠⽩旅⼱的使命,對當時未滿15歲的我來說,所⾯對的壓⼒不⾔⽽喻。然⽽,就像每個 12

Firstian師兄弟⼀樣,每當戴上綠⽩旅⼱時,我們彷彿穿上Iron Man盔甲,義無反顧地 勇往直前,眼裡豈有⼀絲畏懼。 嘉爾頓錦標的歷練,不僅提升個⼈「硬件」實⼒(如童軍技能和強健體魄),亦 促進「軟件」成⾧:培育⾃信、磨鍊意志、挑戰耐⼒,同時成就事事竭盡所能的責任 感。從嚴竣特訓以⾄⽐賽實戰中,和出⽣⼊死的隊友們建⽴了⼆話不說的默契及效率、 互補⾧短的團隊⼒量,還讓我們深刻體驗第⼀旅不斷追求卓越的精神。 ⼗數⽉的訓練進程,實有賴幾位不辭勞苦的領袖:⿆偉明、「⽅唐」、「肥Q」, 無論是循循善誘,抑或軟硬兼施、賞罰分明的指導下,推動我們拓展潛能,輔助我們從 無數次跌倒,仍然能堅毅站起,得以達致訓練⽬標。作為隊⾧的我,儘管對領導才能不 甚了了,亦不得不硬著頭⽪,揣摩「領導者」應有的前瞻、決斷、承担,從試煉中領悟 箇中真諦。在整個嘉爾頓歷程中,我和隊友們委實獲益良多。 完成⽐賽的⼀刻,勝負已輕於鴻⽑。因為我們的收獲,已遠⽐失去的多! 輾轉〺載,感恩當年童軍歷練畢⽣受⽤。千帆過盡,綠⽩旅⼱仍常掛⼼中。適逢 第⼀旅百年紀念,使命感再次燃起。是時候把無⾔感激,轉化為回饋童軍運動的⼒量。 祈盼⽇後可略盡綿⼒,扶植下⼀代童軍成才。⿑將第⼀旅不朽精神,薪⽕相傳。



⿂⾹茄⼦ 關浩然 童軍團⾧

1993年的夏天,正準備升中三的我有幸被挑選成為嘉爾頓錦標賽隊伍的⼀員,我 被委派負責烹飪項⽬。 當年的團⾧為了訓練我們,特別安排了我和另⼀位同樣負責烹 飪項⽬的隊員到他家中嘗試烹調⽐賽時的「四餸⼀湯」,還指明其中的⼀道菜要是⿂⾹ 茄⼦。 記得當年我對營地烹飪都算有⼀定的經驗,但從沒想到⼯序⽐較繁複的⿂⾹茄 ⼦也可成為選項之⼀。


團⾧知道我們不懂烹調此菜式,就給予我們所須材料和調味料的購物清單,例如 茄⼦、咸⿂、碎豬⾁、⾖辦醬、花椒和⼋⾓等。我們在鵝頸橋街市買⿑了材料後便乘坐 23號巴⼠往他的家,完成烹調訓練的四餸⼀湯就成了我們兩位隊員和團⾧夫婦的晚餐。 20年後的今天,有很多關於成⾧的事情已經忘記了,但在團⾧家中烹調⿂⾹茄⼦ 的事到今天我還歷歷在⽬。現在作為港島第⼀旅團⾧,我相信為童軍成員構思活動或安 排他們參與不同的⽐賽,就是要為他們製造回憶,成為成⾧歷程的⼀個重要部分,待他 們⾧⼤後能夠回味。 回想起當我成為領袖後,當年的團⾧仍然活躍於港島第⼀旅,亦同時有為區服 務。及後,我努⼒地考取了⽊章,他送了⼀個基維爾⼱圈給我,不過⼱圈不是新買的, ⽽是他常常⽤的那個, 這個⼱圈⾃此便成為我配帶旅⼱時使⽤的⼱圈。 P.S. 我的團⾧名字叫唐⼦傑。



RUBBISH! 王章旗 童軍副團⾧

1998年暑假⼀次Carlton Training Camp後嘅某⼀⽇啱啱跑完油站,當時嘅團⾧
 Benjamin氣沖沖咁趕晒我哋⼊Court  Room,⼤喝:“你哋全部同我爬晒係地下”,當⼤ 家以為要做掌上壓之時,亞Ben⼤鬧⼀句:“你哋睇吓⾃已同隔離啲垃圾有有乜嘢分 別?!?!” 原來我哋去完Camp之後有“⼀段時間”冇執嘢......


唔知當時阿Ben鬧呢班“垃圾”嘅時候有無諗過我哋可以為First Hong Kong  贏得 1998 Carlton Trophy呢? 15年前又有冇⼈諗過我哋呢班“垃圾”係First Hong Kong 嘅孕 育之下不斷成⾧,15年後成為咗醫⽣、⿇醉師、臨床⼼理學家、會計師、政務主任、投 資銀⾏/⾦融機構助理副總裁、集團企業⾏政⼈員等等不同領域嘅社會棟樑呢?




During the last four years, I am excited that I have brought the 1st Hong Kong scouts to participate in two Jamborees in Hong Kong. The first one is the Hong Kong Island Region Jamboree in 2013 and the second one is the Hong Kong 105th Jamboree in 2016. The two Jamborees in total lasted for nine-day-seven-night. I have many good memories in these nine days with the 1st Hong Kong scouts.


I think many scouts do not have much experience of bathing in cold water before the Jamborees. Due to the fact that the bathing queue for hot water was long in the Hong Kong 105th Jamboree, many scouts willingly did their first try to bath under cold water. Unlike three years ago when it was freezing, our scouts reluctantly bathed in cold water because hot water was not provided at all. The 18m height Eiffel Tower camp gate in the Hong Kong 105th Jamboree have been a real surprise to our scouts. Due to its height, the camp gate has attracted attention of campers from miles. Many scouts were very curious as to how the camp gate was constructed out of bamboos which they have used in other pioneering projects. I have fortunately participated in the sophisticated construction and therefore have been able to explain how much time, manpower and effort were dedicated to the construction. I think most of them were impressed by the pioneering skills of scouting. The Jamborees have been a unique and unforgettable experience to our scouts. This is very new to many scouts to camp with many thousands of people. It has been the first time to many of our scouts to make friends with scouts not from St. Joseph’s College and from overseas. They were so excited that they stayed awake late and talked a little bit loud at night. Overall, our scouts are disciplined and behave properly. Our scouting members, leaders and Firstians have made good use of the Jamboree opportunities to share experience with our scouting members. I remember that three years ago, two to three leaders have shared many of their experience with our scouting members at the Hong Kong Island Region Jamboree. In the recent Hong Kong 105th Jamboree, we have had amazingly more than ten leaders or Firstians spending time and sharing experience with our scouting members. Sharing experience is important to educate our scouting members and to sustain the 1st Hong Kong Group. We have had one venture scout member together with other scouting members participating in the Hong Kong 105th Jamboree. He was a scout three years ago. He has been promoted to venture scout unit since 2015. I remembered him more because he has been with me all through the entire nine-day-seven-night camping.




ASSISTANT SCOUT LEADER, GLORIA LIN ⽣命影響⽣命 在⼀次的機緣之下,得到亦師亦友的第⼀旅童軍領袖的眷顧和⿎勵,成為了童軍領 袖。參與了⼀個⼤型童軍活動"⾹港童軍百週年紀念營⽕會"的推廣⼯作,可說是因藝術 與第⼀旅結緣。對⼀個初次參與童軍活動的我,有幸參與此項包含不同類型創作的項 ⽬,別具挑戰性。憑著⼀份熱誠和對童軍的使命,利⽤活動把童軍的形象加點創新。與 20

此同時,在⼈們的觀念中,童軍活動是⼀種傳統賦⽣命教育意義的⼯程,當時的資深領 袖把創新理念注⼊童軍活動中,達⾄與時並進的體驗,帶來⼀點突破! 成就他⼈ 成就⾃⼰ 隨著參於集會中帶領童軍活動,不時設計⼀些具藝術原素於項⽬的活動中,並開 始和各年齡的童軍相處,投⼊他們的想法和⽂化,對他們也分享了⾃⼰的經驗,以第⼀ ⾝體會甚麼是迎接挑戰、追求卓越、尋求融和和與時並進。這些和童軍相處的體會和經 驗,可以說豐富了我的⼈⽣! ⿑⼼ 同⼼ 同⾏ 港島第⼀旅是⼀個向⼼⼒強的旅團,各單位成員和領袖,都會忘我地盡⼼盡⼒地 為旅團⼯作,我想這可能⼤家都維繫著對聖若瑟書院的愛護,他們⾝上都或多或少受綠 與⽩的⽂化影響。我在2016年第⼀次參加領袖步操⽐賽,得到各資深領袖隊友的引 領、⿎勵和包容下、深深體會那種向⼼⼒、綠與⽩的⽂化。 First的故事,你我的故事,繼續努⼒!




AIR SCOUT LEADER, ERNEST LI It is my privilege to welcome you personally to the Air Scout Troop of 1st Hong Kong Group. I am proud to present to you our family of aviation professionals. Flying on aircraft has always been our dreams. We are fortunate that we can serve the air scouts at the same time as we fulfill our dreams. Through the untiring
 effort, the Air Scout Troop was founded in September 2012. Air Scouting is to deliver


aviation knowledge as part of the balanced programme and to empower air scouts to become a responsible citizen through a progressive training syllabus. We will continue to improve our Air Scout Troop through new techniques,
 procedures and better equipment. More importantly, we will continue to invest in our air scouts since it is they who make the difference. With the support from the local aviation industry, we are a stepping stone for air scouts who pursue aviation either as a career or as a hobby. People in the aviation field are always passionate, dynamic, and are usually more inclined to work as a team and take a broader view. I have full confidence that through the hard work of all members and leaders, the Air Scout Troop will be able to advance our next generation to a brighter future.




ASSISTANT AIR SCOUT LEADER, NICHOLAS HO I started as a Cub Scout in 2001. To my surprise, eleven years later I become an
 Assistant Scout Leader with the Air Scout Troop. My passion for flying sparked at the age of three when a Boeing 747-400 flew overhead, and I have been wishing to take command at the flight deck ever since. My scouting life at 1st HKG has provided me with a lot of flying opportunities. More importantly, I got to meet some very good friends here who share with me the 24

same aspiration for aviation. Now when I look at the very enthusiastic Air Scouts, I see my own shadow on them. Happy 100th Birthday to First Hong Kong Group, and fly high everyone!



愛上這個家 黎宇軒 空童軍副團⾧

很榮幸能夠加⼊港島第⼀旅這個歷史悠久的⼤家庭。由於⼯作和家庭的關係,近年 來我已很少出席童軍活動。去年暑假,承蒙William和Ernest的邀請,得以打破慣例, 以⾮舊⽣的⾝份加⼊空童軍團出任副團⾧⼀職。加⼊空童軍團是我⾃⼩的夢想,加⼊享 負盛名的港島第⼀旅更令我感到無尚光榮。希望透過我的參與,能夠把我在航空公司⼯ 作上和多年來在童軍活動中所學到的寶貴知識和經驗跟⼤家分享,幫助有意在這⽅⾯發 展的同學們把夢想實踐出來。 26

雖然我不是SJC的舊⽣,但這短短半年間,我已能夠感受到SJC和第⼀旅的精神。 我期望能夠多點跟⼤家認識,盡快融⼊⼤家當中成為Firstians的⼀份⼦。適逢⼀百週年 這慶典,除了恭賀之餘,亦希望⼤家能夠薪⽕相傳,繼續把優良的傳統發揚光⼤!



我的「傳統」與「反傳統」精神 郭永舜 深資童軍團⾧ 本旅百周年主題為「傳統‧承諾‧傳承」。碰巧在我過去數年的深資童軍周年年報 皆發表「傳統」相關的⽂章,特意節錄部份⽂章以作分享。


「傳統意念」與「創新包裝」 (節錄⾃2008/09深資童軍團年報) 「傳統」往往被⼈認為是守舊,不論思想和⾏為都背負著沈重的歷史包袱。在這 種意念下,⼈們會希望模仿前⼈的⾏為和做事⽅法,希望⾃⼰能夠得到相同的效果。事 實上,模仿前⼈的做事⽅法可以令我們得到他們的智慧,免卻了「⼀切從零開始」的煩 惱,透過前⼈智慧的累積,令事情運作起來變得容易。可是模仿也有弊端,模仿不能給 予我們進步,如未能模仿⼗⾜,則不進則退,結果越模越差,因此我們需要創新。「創 新」永遠都是充滿驚喜的,它反映創作⼈的⾵格,就好像不同的⼈會為舊的貨物裹上不 同的花紙般,令⼈有⽿⽬⼀新的感覺。 「反傳統」(節錄⾃2009/10深資童軍團年報) 「⼤膽創新,⼀反傳統」或許嚇怕很多⼈。深資童軍的兩⼤特⾊分別是實⾏「執 ⾏委員會制度」與及以「⾃務⾃治」⽅式運作。前深資童軍團團⾧唐⼦傑先⽣,時常打 趣地問團員能否分辨「⾃務⾃治」與「⾃由⾃在」之別。我的答案出⾃另⼀位前深資童 軍團團⾧⽂家安先⽣的理論,他曾跟我分享他的「⾃務⾃治」理念,刻⾻銘⼼,他說: 「在『⾃務⾃治』的原則下,深資童軍可以做任何事情,安排任何活動,只要符合『童 軍誓詞』和『童軍規律』便可。」難不是⼀語道破?既然要幹的事情是符合以上條件, 那麼任性地「玩創新」「反傳統」又有何錯乎? 「做甚麼‧為甚麼做‧為做⽽做」(節錄⾃2010/11深資童軍年報) 近年跟深資童軍傾談時,我總是喜歡問「為甚麼做?」漸漸地所有事情都想知道 背後做的⽬的,做甚麼,為甚麼做。深資童軍在「⾃務⾃治」的框架下,可以按照委員 會的決定做「反傳統」的事。在這設計的框架下,問題「為甚麼做?」就變得有意義。 為甚麼這麼多的事情不做,為甚麼要做這⼀件呢?較成熟的深資童軍⼤部份能夠清楚解 釋「做甚麼」決定的原因;尚在發展階段的深資童軍會卻回應⼀句:「唔知喎」,「上 年都係咁做」或「某⼈叫我做」,這代表他們停留在「為做⽽做」的階段,做事不問原 因,或許會⽩⽩浪費寶貴的光陰。深資童軍應該認識⾃我,了解⾃⼰做事的原則和⽅ 向。當社會之間發⽣深層⽭盾或衝突時,應該冷靜分析各⽅的理據,按照⾃⼰的原則參 與社會討論;⽽不是盲⽬跟隨黨派或政治領袖,作⾮理性的⾏動。



25年的⼥領袖 羅 璇 深資童軍副團⾧ 不經不覺,我在港島第⼀旅已渡過25個年頭,很多⼈都奇怪,我既不是學校教 師,又不是第⼀旅童軍家⾧,為什麼會加⼊第⼀旅,成為它最資深的⼥領袖?


事情的起源是由⼀個傻⼥1990年加⼊ ⾹港童軍總會開始,她很幸運,成為了當時 的港島地域執⾏幹事,由於她不太了解童軍 運動,沒做過童軍,但想瞭解多些,因此⾃ 願請纓加⼊了當年的cadet course。Cadet Course的班領導⼈,便是當時第⼀旅的副 旅⾧⿆偉明博⼠。到1992年中,Cadet Course需要做實習,這位⼥孩便找到第⼀ 旅作為實習單位,開頭的時候她完全不知道 這是⼀個全男班的旅團,但加⼊之後,感受 到從未有過的兄弟情誼,從此便留了下來, 成為了第⼀旅資歷最⾧的⼥領袖。 看着第⼀旅的變化及成⾧,我感受良 多。在1991-2002, 我是當時的童軍團副團⾧,與前後三任童軍團團⾧並肩作戰,包括 Tony Yip, Wilfred Tong and Ben Ho。在90年代,我們承繼着80年代⽐賽的輝煌戰 績,但卻在90年代的⽐賽中拿不到奬項,這很令⼈氣餒。但作為領袖,我們知道第⼀ 旅的成員,有更⼤的創新創意能⼒,雖然在傳統技能⽐賽中,我們沒有獲勝,但在其他 ⽅⾯,例如舉辦新型的營⽕會、聯合活動等,成員們都表現卓越,因此我們着重這⽅⾯ 的機會及訓練,也由此推動了⼀些新的童軍活動⽅式。 由2002年⾄今,我成為了深資童軍團副團⾧。2000年代的第⼀旅,經歷了初期 的領袖不⾜、成員不⾜的困難時期,最少⼈的時候,只有20多位童軍成員和不到5位深 資成員。但憑着第⼀旅的毅⼒、號召⼒及感染⼒,多位以前的成員於⼆千年後回到旅團 擔任領袖⼯作,包括現任副旅⾧William Cheung, Paul Kwan, Albert Kwok等 等。有着這⼀批⽣⼒軍,第⼀旅又再次興旺起來。 為了記載第⼀旅的發展,在慶祝旅團成⽴90週年的時候,我主⼒製作了第⼆本 「Green White Scouting Magazine II」,第⼀本是60年代製作的,第⼆本記錄了旅團 由60年代⾄90年代的變化,這本書我⽤了很多⼼⾎,花了整整三年時間,也多謝各位 領袖提供最珍貴的資料及幫忙。 31

在⼆千年代第⼀個10年,旅團體現了薪⽕相傳的效果,除多位成員⼤學畢業,回 到旅團擔任領袖⼯作外,更有部份領袖,同時在區、地域、以⾄總會擔任重要職位。以 我⾃⼰為例,也擔任維城區副區總監、港島地域訓練隊成員、以及後來的總會內地事務 署副署總監。第⼀旅對童軍成員的訓練,視為童軍界經典,對領袖的栽培,同樣重要, 可以說為整個⾹港童軍運動,輸送了很多具實⼒及⾼瞻遠矚的領袖,以前如是,像前任 ⾹港訓練總監⽯耀祖先⽣、康寶⽣先⽣、⿆偉明博⼠等等,現在也如是。 最近幾年,隨着空童軍團的成⽴,第⼀旅更是⼈強⾺壯,每年拍旅團合照,都超 過200多⼈,實⼒⿍盛。我們還在考慮是否開海童軍團。當然,這是⼀個漫⾧的準備及 討論,需要很多⼈⼒物⼒,以及⾧遠規劃,現在還⾔之尚早。第⼀旅的發展,⼀向謹慎 ⾏事,充⾜討論,Be Prepared,這是我在第⼀旅學習親⾝感受到的。


2015年,第⼀旅又有了⼀個新的發展。隨着地域總監(也是第⼀旅成員)關祺總 監主導的「⼀世童軍」活動,我們把在加拿⼤的第⼀旅成員緊密的聯繫起來。原來我們 在加拿⼤及美國有超過10多位資深領袖,包括⽯耀祖、陳永洪先⽣等等。在加拿⼤舉辦 童軍活動時,我們趁機會約⾒了很多⽼朋友,談天說地,很是開⼼,⼤家都⾮常關⼼第 ⼀旅的發展,因此成⽴WhatsApp 群組,不斷交流意⾒,這可說是最活潑、擁有最多資 深領袖的童軍旅團電話群組。因着同⼀旅團,以往的退休領袖回到了旅團活動中,為年 青⼈帶來了經驗及分享。 雖然第⼀旅有著105年的悠⾧歷史,但我們⼀直與時並進,致⼒配合社會與⽇提升 的期望,並重視年青⼈的需要。第⼀旅多元的訓練及成⾧,領袖的以⾝作則,使成員表 現出眾,並樂於服務社會。我在此衷⼼祝福第⼀旅,繼往開來、薪⽕相傳,把童軍精神 發揚光⼤!


15 我是⼀名⼩童軍(1) 孔祥朗 ⼩童軍 我的名字叫孔祥朗,我今年⼋歲,是⼀名童軍。今年是我第⼀年參加⼩童軍。在上 童軍課時,我有時玩快樂傘、洗⾐機、⼆⼈三⾜等等的遊戲。我還學會了很多童軍的守 則,包括要守紀律、⽇⾏⼀善、幫助別⼈等等。我希望⾧⼤後可以成為⼀個守紀律和常 常幫助別⼈的好⼈。



我是⼀名⼩童軍(2) 李梓軒 ⼩童軍

我的名字叫李梓軒,我是⼀名⼩童軍。過去,我參加過林林總總的活動,例如:童 軍⼤會操,露營,野外定向…… 但今年的活動會⽐過往多,因為為了慶祝港島第⼀旅⼀ 百週年紀念,所以我們今年會去宿營,這活動本來每隔⼀年才會舉⾏⼀次。我覺得加⼊ 童軍是⼀件好事,因為可以學習各式各樣的知識和勤奮向善的態度。我希望可以繼續參 加港島第⼀旅的童軍活動。



難忘的童軍活動(1) 姚震熹 ⼩童軍

我在⼆零⼀三年⼀⽉⼆⼗⽇參加了童軍舉辦的「動感.感動.⼤潭四⼗」的活動, 這是我⼀次很難忘的經歷。我第⼀次學射箭,這是最刺激的⼀項活動,當我拿著⼸搭上 箭時,頓時覺得⾃⼰很威⾵,很興奮。通過這次活動,我能夠成為⼀名童軍⽽感到驕 傲。



難忘的童軍活動(2) ⿈ 皓 ⼩童軍

若要我選難忘的童軍活動,我會選去年到⼤潭童軍中⼼宿營的那⼀次。那天,我經 歷了很多第⼀次,如:宿營、⾃⼰鋪牀、⾃⼰剝雞蛋殼……種種第⼀次令我學懂照顧⾃ ⼰,就像⼀夜之間⾧⼤了呢!雖然這次不是最有趣的活動,但卻肯定是我畢⽣難忘的。



難忘的童軍活動(3) ⾺⼦釗 ⼩童軍

還是在⼆年級時,我已試過獨⾃宿營。那時,我和⼀班⼩童軍同學⼀同在⼤潭童軍 中⼼住了⼀晚。當天,去到了營地時,便舉⾏了升旗禮。我很期待兩天的活動。⽽當 晚,發⽣了⼀件有趣⽽令⽼師「發⽕」的事。本來⼗⼀時正就要睡覺,怎知同學卻在 「違法」、「犯罪」,搞到我睡不著。真希望下次能安⼼睡覺。那天的燒烤能和媽媽⼀ 起,真是幸福。



難忘的童軍活動(4) 陳梓駿 ⼩童軍

⼆零⼀⼆年⼗⽉⼗四⽇是「港島童軍繽紛⽇」,也是我難忘的童軍活動。那天,我 們港島第⼀旅得獎了,看著同學代我們領獎,我也感到⾃豪。然後,我們看了⼀些步操 和演奏樂器的童軍,⼗分威⾵。最後我和家⼈玩了幾個攤位遊戲才離開。



難忘的童軍活動(5) 李 逸 ⼩童軍

⼆零⼀三年⼀⽉⼆⼗⽇,我和家⼈⼀起到⼤潭童軍中⼼參加「動感.感動.⼤潭四 ⼗」的活動。當中有兩個兩層⾼的⾼台,是童軍哥哥⾃⼰建成的,很厲害啊!我們第⼀ 次射箭,媽媽射得⽐我和姊姊還要差,哈哈!鄧⽼師說,五⽉我們還會再來在這裏住⼀ 晚,我的第⼀次宿營快要來臨了!



難忘的童軍活動(6) 吳曦朗 ⼩童軍

⼆零⼀三年⼀⽉⼆⼗⽇,⼤潭童軍中⼼舉辦了「動感.感動.⼤潭四⼗」的活動。 我參與的活動很多,例如:⼈⾁⾜球機、跳⿇包袋、憤怒⿃過三關和射擊問答遊戲等。 這個活動⾮常有意義,我絕對不會忘記。



我的童軍⽣活 盧恩諾 ⼩童軍

我參加⼩童軍約半年多,在這段期間,我參與了不同⼤⼩的活動,例如:⼤潭童軍 中⼼舉⾏的「動感.感動.⼤潭四⼗」和⼆⽉初宣誓成為⼀位正式的⼩童軍。我很期望 參加在五⽉中的⼩童軍宿營,因為這是我第⼀次獨⾃去宿營,讓我有機會學習⾃⽴。我 覺得能夠成為⼀位⼩童軍是⼀件很難忘及光榮的事情。




GRASSHOPPER SCOUT, MAXIMILAIN CHONG On 20th January 2013, we arrived at Tai Tam Scout Centre. It was a chilly afternoon. After we got some envelopes and collected a piece of string, we went to have a light snack. Then we went to play the various games on the field. I climbed up a structure made of wood followed by a pillow fight on a wooden plank. The most memorable event for me was learning archery. I used to know next to nothing about it but after a few shots, my aim improved a lot. It was the most enjoyable event I have ever attended. 43


我的幼童軍⽣活(1) 江⼦澄 幼童軍

在幼童軍⽣活中, 我學會了童軍運動的起源。1910年, ⾙登堡創⽴了童軍運動。不 論任何性別、國籍、宗教的青少年都可以成為童軍。我知道現時⾹港童軍總會有5個⽀ 部,⼤約有10萬名童軍成員。


在誓詞和規律中,我學會了要盡所能,盡責任去幫助別⼈。幫助別⼈是要我們隨時 隨地幫助別⼈,並不是喜歡時才做。⽽盡所能是要我們盡⾃已的能⼒,做到最好。⼀個好 的幼童軍不是⼀個⾃私的⼈;會先看別⼈的想法;從別⼈的⾓度去設想。 本年是港島第⼀旅成⽴100週年,我很⾼興可以成為第⼀旅的其中⼀份⼦。第⼀旅 像⼀個⼤家庭,有很多各級童軍成員、領袖及舊⽣參與活動。我希望在這⼤家庭裡,繼 續學習、成⾧和盡我的能⼒幫助別⼈。



我的幼童軍⽣活(2) 余以誠 幼童軍

在幼童軍⽣活中, 我學會了時刻謹記宣誓成為幼童軍時, 承諾要遵守幼童軍的誓詞 和規律; 積極參與各項⼾外和社區義務的活動, 令我在各⽅⾯從照顧⾃⼰、愛護社區、保 護環境等獲益良多。幼童軍⽣活是歡樂的啊!


我最難忘是第⼀次和隊員合作起營。起營的材料包括營釘、營⾻、營袍和鎚⼦。 我們四⼈各⾃把持⼀⽅, 把營⾻⼩⼼翼翼地穿進營袍裏, ⽀架起整個營, 再⽤鎚⼦把營釘 鞏固四⽅, 譲營地不易被⾵⾬吹倒。 ⽕紅的太陽在上空像和我們作對似的, 放射出光和熱, 把我們的臉燒紅, 讓我們汗流 浹背。起營的⼯作⽐我們想像中艱難, 可是那份滿⾜感卻不能⾔喻。 幼童軍⽣活就在快快樂樂中有意義地渡過。



我的幼童軍⽣活(3) 陳青揚 幼童軍

在幼童軍⽣活中,我學會了合作、溝通、守紀律和遵守規則。⾝為幼童軍,我知道 ⼤家都曾參與各種羣體活動,但⼤家是否有合作呢? 例如在紥營時,如果伙伴弄傷了⼿ 指或遇到困難,我們應該伸出援⼿,照顧和幫助他⼈。所謂「同⼼就事成」,合作是成 功的關鍵。


參與羣體活動時,溝通也很重要。每個⼈都有不同的意⾒,要綜合它們是不容易 的事。那麼怎樣才可以溝通呢? 我們應該互相包容和忍讓。⽀持⾃⼰的論點時,也要考 慮各⼈的意⾒。通過良好的溝通和諒解,難題就會迎刃⽽解了。 在幼童軍誓詞中提及「對規律,必遵⾏。」守紀律和遵守規則是不可缺少的。我 們參加⼀些隆重的場合時,應該抱着嚴肅的態度,尊重其他⼈。 我希望各位童軍也可以做到以上各點,成為⼀個出⾊的好童軍。



我的幼童軍⽣活(4) 黎希佑 幼童軍

I have wonderful and fantastic experiences in my scout life. I had learnt many new things during activities such as hiking and camping, especially the techniques that we cannot learn elsewhere, like knotting and first aid. They are very meaningful. And they are still quite new to me. But the most unforgettable activity to me was the day camp of putting up a tent.


I remembered what we had learnt and what I did on that day camp last month. We were taught the names of different parts of the tent and the things we should pay attention to. We surely needed cooperation among team members as well if we are going to set up a big perfect tent. Besides tenting that day, we too learnt about how to cook in the countryside without any cooking tools but only charcoal and tin foil as well as a not really clean cooking venue. Although we did not need to light a fire by wood, our food was burnt to ashes and we hardly eat it. Even though this was the worst meal since I was born, we won many precious experiences and I think I could do it better next time. Lastly, even if we hardly apply these skills in the “city lives”, it could also be the reference of surviving when we were lost somewhere in “don’t know where”.
 Besides, teamwork we learnt can be used in our future jobs.




CUB SCOUT, MAURICE YEUNG I was glad to be a Grasshopper in 2009. Being a grasshopper, the leader trained us to be independent through some activities such as camping and visits. Two years later, I was promoted to be a Cub Scout in 2011. I have experienced of being a grasshopper, I was able to manage myself well. When I swear, I promised I would do my best to serve people in the society according


to the scout law. However I was not proactive enough to serve HK society. I would like to take part in serving the society. In the past two years, I took part in the services such as visiting old people home, selling flags for raising money for the poor. Through participating in these meaningful activities, I knew that the elderly were lonely in the old people centre. When I talked and listened to them, they felt delighted. When I sold flags, I learnt how to speak with strangers and build up my confidence. In May, we had a 2-day-1-night camp. In the camp, I learnt how to take care of myself and consider my partners feelings. When we worked together, we should work as a team. I cooperated with my teammates so as to build up our team spirit. It was also proved that ‘Cooperation’ is vital of being a scout.



我的幼童軍⽣活(6) 余鎮泓 幼童軍

我成為幼童軍隊員, 不知不覺已經快⼀年了。回想這⼀年中, 我參與了許多不同的 活動, 從中吸收了豐富的經驗, 還培養了服務他⼈的精神, 更建⽴了⾃信, 使我獲益良多。 我校的幼童軍逢星期六集會, 起初, 每次看⾒⾃⼰可以穿著整⿑的制服回校, 顯得格 外神氣。可是, 我慢慢發覺真正讓我神氣的, 並⾮只來⾃那套制服, ⽽是我在幼童軍⽣活


中學到的知識:繩結、 追蹤符號等, 我所得到的不只是技藝, 還有服務社會的團隊精神, 好 像賣旗籌款、義賣獎券……. 我還記得幼童軍的宗旨: 幼童軍, 盡所能, 先顧別⼈才顧⼰, ⽇⾏⼀善富精神。我會 以「⽇⾏⼀善」為⼰任, 做同學們的好榜樣。



我的幼童軍⽣活(7) 汪思⾏ 幼童軍

在幼童軍⽣活中,我學會了很多知識。⾄於我是怎樣學到的呢?就是在幼童軍不同 的活動中,⽼師告訴我們的,或者是在⼀些游戲裡暗中體會到的。 回想起那次宿營,我們玩了⼀次尋寶游戲。在游戲進⾏中,我和我的組員⼗分努 ⼒,希望能找到下⼀個提⽰,並希望盡快找到「寶藏」。最後,我們取得了勝利,成為


第⼀個找到「寶藏」的隊伍。然後,⽼師給了我們⼀份⼩禮物作為⼀個獎勵。經過這次 的尋寶游戲,我明⽩到如果我們不合作,就必定取不到成功。 除了活動外,在課堂上⽼師會教我們繩結、急救和讀圖等等不同的知識。乍眼看 上去,這些東西好像跟我們毫無關系,可是在緊急的情況下,這些可與我們息息相關, 甚⾄可能幫了⼤忙呢! 在幼童軍的⽣活中,我真的學會了很多豐富的知識。




Although I only joined the Cub Scouts for approximately six months, I have learnt a lot. To name a few, I learnt about the Cub Scout rule ‘Cub Scouts always do their best, think of others before themselves and do a good turn every day.’ It constantly reminds me to be a responsible person and help people in need. I also learnt about tracking signs. For example, three bundles of grass mean ‘not this way’. Also an arrow with
 ‘ripples’ composed of twigs behind it means ‘water ahead’. I’m sure this knowledge will be extremely useful in the wilderness. I look forward to the Cub Scout gathering 58

every Saturday, when my fellow Cub Scouts and I participate in the fun activities planned for us by the teachers. I am proud to be a Cub Scout of the first Hong Kong Group.




Time flies, and it is still sometimes a bit hard to comprehend that I have already been a scout since I was in primary two. I could still remember the time when I first entered the scouts, and how I felt: I only sought for fun and games at that age. However, as the years progressed, I started to delve deeper into the true meaning of being a scout, and my perspective entirely changed during a camp in Primary 6, at which I learnt more about team spirit and co60

operation. At that point, I had made up my mind to continue scouting in secondary school. I started to take on the job of a PL in Form 2, also the year that I had learnt the most from leading my patrol, such as further practising my scouting skills, how to divide the work among the members, and most importantly, how to trust my teammates. The bonding between each scout is beyond description: you can trust in your fellow scouts wholly. Not only during activities, we also share a good rapport that is beneficial in many ways. For example, rapport is the most important thing during footdrill competitions. The skills learnt in scouting can also benefit us for the rest of our lives. Despite the hardships I had encountered during my time in scouting, I will never regret a single moment of it!




One hundred, what a wonderful number! It can have the meanings of excellent result, also a very long period of time. But to us, the First HKG Scout, it means both to us. We established in 1913, which is a hundred year from now. Also, we had very good results in all kinds of competition and activities, which means 100 marks! But to me personally, I have some specific feelings to it. It has brought back my memory of my young age. It has been nearly 10 years since I first join Scout, when I 62

was in primary one. At that time I was naive, far from mature, and even didn’t know what does scouting means and what did it do. Every weekend when there is meeting I just went there and laugh and have fun with the other scouts. Sometimes it was even a burden to me as I need to wake up early in the morning on Sunday morning! What a pity as it was the only chance I had to grab enough sleep for the coming week of school. But there is something I didn’t notice at that time, starting from the first meeting, I gain a little knowledge from each meeting, knots, problem solving, cooking, team spirit etc. I simply didn’t notice that as there they were all in forms of games! Every weekend I spent 3 hours there enjoying myself, then learn meaningful knowledge which could be very useful to me in the future. After 10 years since I first join scout, I have already accumulate a lot of survival knowledge, the ways to communicate and cooperate with others, leadership, and grown to become more mature. Today I am still joining the scout activities, but it is already not the same as 10 years before, it’s a new level, which requires a lot more of strength, courage, wisdom to accomplish, also a lot more challenging, but I will never give up, as it is the essential path of growth and development for me, and everybody, just like the growth of scout activities in the 1st HKG. It is not an experience that any other clubs can provide, it is only exclusive to scouts.   The coming year will be the 100th Century of the 1st HKG. Hope all of us can work together and do better in the next 100 years! And finally, please allow me to give my best wishes to the Carlton team 2013, and hope that they can achieve an excellent result in the coming Carlton competition.




Happy 100th anniversary, First Hong Kong Group! Today I am so glad to see that First Hong Kong Group is going to celebrate the 100th anniversary! I have joined First Hong Kong Group for about six years already, from a cubscout to a scout now, and throughout this six years, I have learnt a lot of things, no matter on scouting techniques or on how to take care and be a good leader of a patrol.


I am so sure that the things I have learnt from First Hong Kong Group will benefit me for the rest of my life, and nothing can let me forget the things I have learnt. Besides, I have found something special while doing scouting as a Firstian, the special thing is called “brotherhood”. It is so special because the brotherhood between us is irreplaceable and it is the reason for First Hong Kong scouts to work well in different competitions or facing difficulties. Also, it is the bonding between us, it is a strong bond between Firstians! Remember? Once a Firstian, forever a Firstian!




港島第⼀旅,你對它的認識有多深?它給你的印象又是如何呢? 時光⾶逝,⽇⽉ 如梭,港島第⼀旅的歷代前輩經過九⼗九年對⾹港童軍發展的⽀持,在錦標賽中所花的 ⼼⾎和汗⽔,這等等的驕⼈傳奇過後,終於,到達了百周年這令⼈期待已久的時刻。


我是童軍團的成員,幼童軍時曾參與別的公開旅團,在第⼀旅的⽣活不⾧,對它 的認識固然也不深,對於它的歷史也是查閱前⼈所寫的⽂集才能知道。⾄於它給我的印 象......我認為它在其中兩條童軍規律中表現最為突出。 童軍勇敢不怕難。我之前曾參加過⼀次步操⽐賽和⼀次⼩型童軍技能⽐賽。訓練 過程中,我們當然遇到不少困難,時間不⾜,缺乏資源等,但我們仍不斷尋找辦法,嘗 試解決問題。最後我們獲獎了,在團隊⾧帶領「Cheering」下,我們在那歡呼聲所感受 到的,又是多⼀份感動。 童軍待⼈要忠誠。歷代各屆童軍畢業後各散東西,有的專注事業,有的不久成家 ⽴室。但有部份前輩,選擇了回來港島第⼀旅當領袖。有的現任總監曾是我們的⼀份 ⼦,⽽他們在⼀些活動如營⽕會也有回來幫忙。他們不忘⾃⼰港島第⼀旅的⾝份,為的 只是培育我們這⼀代,這精神確令⼈尊敬,也值得學習。 能夠經歷港島第⼀旅百周年這年份,這福氣不是每個⼈都可擁有的。作為港島第 ⼀旅的成員--「Firstian」,何不把握這運氣,像以往的「傳統」⼀樣,對港島第⼀旅 作出「承諾」,創下更多更多令⼈引以為傲的「傳奇」?




Scouting, it is what we do every Saturday. As a First Hong Kong scout , I would like to share my scouting life from the beginning up till this moment to all of you. To begin with, I would like to talk about my first year of being a First Hong Kong scout. When I first got into Saint Joseph's College, through the S.1 school tour, I encountered scout for the first time in my life. I saw the cool and complicated structures built by my seniors. From that moment on I was set on picking scout as one of my ex68

tra curriculum activities. After I joint scout, I met my Patrol Leader-Timothy Chan, who was the Patrol Leader for Beaver. My first impression on him was that he was a very hard-working and dedicated person, which I soon found out was true. So my scouting life began from that moment. During the first few troop meetings, new members were taught basic knotting skills and basic footdrill. Even though the learning process was difficult and tiring, it was an enjoyable time where I learnt a lot. After I have learnt all the basics, out troop started to go for outdoor activities, such as hiking, backwoods cooking, camps. At the end of my first year, after all the competitive activities, we got overall champion in the troop for points we have accumulated. Even though we got overall champion, our APL(assistant patrol leader) quitted scout, and left me alone in Beaver. That was about it for my 1st year of scouting. During summer, I was called in to join the Carlton team and train together with some other people who are now my best friends like Maurice and Johnny. You may ask what is Carlton? Well, it is a competition for scouts to compete against each other to be the best performing scout troop in Hong Kong. At last we lost in the competition. It was a great experience. Since I sent most of my F.2 career in Carlton trainings, I did not always participate in the troop meetings. Lastly, my third year, which is this year. Now, I am the Patrol Leader for Tiger, I met my APL- Angus Hong who is very clever and quick-witted. This year, I have learnt a lot of things as being a PL. In the past, I was just the follower who listened to what the leader says, but now I have to do it all by myself and actually give work to my members. Through being a PL I have acknowledged that it is not easy to be a good PL, because there are loads of preparation work and responsibilities as PL. Despite the difficult and the breathtaking amount of work, I am still very proud and happy to be a part of the First Hong Kong Scout Troop. Now, after all the fuss, I think it is time to talk about how scouting is an activity that I enjoy. First of all, let's talk camping. Everyone might think that camping is some sort of joyous, carefree, air-conditioned and all kinds of other modern things. What we do is we put up tents, in campsites and we build structures to make a temporary home.


While some people think this is kind of suffering, I personally think it is a pleasant thing, many of you will ask why. Let's put it this way, how often you get to breath in fresh air from the wild, magnificent view of the sea, see stars without having light pollution to bother you. These are times which you can't buy with money. Next up, backwoods. So I am a cooking guys who loves cooking. This activity is a chance for those cooking maniacs like me. Hiking is also a thrilling activity. Just a week ago, our troop just had a hike in Sai Kung. We climbed up the steep hills and slid down the side of the mountain and got our hand covered in mud. Hiking is a healthy activity and also exciting when I success and reach the top of a mountain. Last but not lest, learning through courses. The Scout association of Hong Kong provides a variety of courses for all scouts in Hong Kong. In the courses, you can meet people from all around Hong Kong and you can be friends with them and learn more. Lastly, I feel very honored to be able to share with you my scouting life in First Hong Kong Group.




When I first joined the scout as a Form one student, I thought that scout is only for fun and to kill time. After I spent a year and a half in scout, I have learnt that scouting is not only for fun, but in order to achieve my goals in scouting, I must spend a lot of time, pay my effort, and do my best in all the meetings. Scouting is a game which you have to play seriously.


Why did I choose to scout? It helped me developed self-confidence, leadership skills and even broadened my horizon. Other than that, scouting will also affect my adult life as a good citizen. As there are many decisions I need to make so that I can do better in my tasks, I have learnt to remain calm in hard times and make accurate and right choices. Because our leaders are mostly old boys or experts, they have rich experience in scouting and have taught us a lot throughout the year. Although being a good scout you must devote most of your time in it, it is completely worth it. You may lose the time to play video games at home, but you will have friends beside you in exchange.




好多⼈覺得做童軍很⾟苦,沒有意義。我曾經都有這個諗法,但經過⼀年,我對童 軍改觀。其實⼤家知不知道童軍運動是甚麼?等我講⽐⼤家聽。童軍運動旨在促進青少 年⾝⼼精神之陶冶與啟發,使能成為良好公民,有助於社會。當中我哋每年都有不同的 活動。


在童軍⽀部,我哋除咗有童軍,⽽且有空童軍。在⾹港,很少旅團擁有陸童軍和 空童軍,⽽我有幸可以做空童軍,並擔任副隊⾧。其實空童軍都係跟着同樣的童軍基礎 ⽅法,但係主要的時間係專注⾶⾏活動。⼤家對童軍有興趣?等我分享我哋整年有甚麼 活動。 上年,港島第⼀旅的童軍團步操隊和領袖步操隊在港島童軍繽紛⽇分別獲得冠軍 和季軍,我有幸加⼊步操隊,代表童軍團⽐賽,並在全港步操⽐賽獲得第⼋名。上年⼗ ⼀⽉我哋會舉⾏宣誓儀式,最特別的事每年舉辦的地⽅是不同,是全年最重要的儀式。 今年⼀⽉係學校開放⽇,每年我們都有先鋒製作,⽽且有模擬⾶⾏體驗,今年有新的紀 念品,就是⾬傘。今年三⽉我和兩名空童軍參加了第⼀屆全港模擬⾶⾏⽐賽,學了很多 東西,吸取經驗,當中⼀名空童獲得亞軍。⽽且空童軍有機會去⾶⾏服務隊和國泰城, 了解⾶⾏服務隊和空中服務員的⽇常⼯作,並參觀最新的模擬⾶⾏訓練器。今年四⽉又 到最矚⽬的第⼀旅⼀年⼀度的露營和營⽕會,今年⾸次在聖若瑟書院舉⾏,⼗分特別。 經過這次分享,希望對我哋加以認識。希望⼤家能加⼊我們的⼤家庭!




After going through almost one year of scouting life in 1st HKG Air Scout Troop, I found that I have learned and experienced quite a lot of things unconsciously. Through weekly troop meetings, I have learned skills such as pioneering, teamwork and foot drills. I deeply believe that these skills can help me during my entire life. Each and every Saturday, our leaders will design a new task to teach us new skills


or to let us experiencing. I enjoyed every troop meeting and would like to thank our troop leaders for spending time and patience on us. During December, just about one month since I pledged to join the scouts, I had the valuable chance to join the 105th Anniversary Jamboree. In the jamboree, I acquired many experiences that will be unforgettable for the rest of my life. To conclude, I am glad that I joined 1st HKG Air Scout Troop.




Year passed, 1st Hong Kong Group is well known for its glorious history and legendary achievements, each and every move that a Firstian makes is always under the spotlight. Time files, a century has already passed. And this year is the centenary anniversary of 1st Hong Kong Group. 1st Hong Kong Group was established in 1913. From past to present, every member of 1st Hong Kong Group was a successful and outstanding people. In my child77

hood, I always dreams to be a scout. This was because when I saw somebody wearing a scout uniform, I thought they were very smart, and I wanted to be one of them. Later, I was studied in St. Joseph’s Primary School. Every Saturday, I saw there were a lot of cub scouts of 1st Hong Kong Group were having meeting and activity happily at school. They were playing games and having some scout’s skills training. However, the prerequisite to be one of them was to have excellent academic results. Unfortunately, I was not able to join since my performance had not reached the standard. So, eventually I had to join the outside group. Moreover, after a few years, I was glad that I could go to St. Joseph’s College. Besides it was an excellent school, one thing I was extremely happy is that I could join the Scout Troop of 1st Hong Kong Group because it has no any qualification, and I decided to join it once I returned to school. Also, I promised myself I would not leave 1st Hong Kong Group Scout Troop and I would do everything with the best that I can be. On the other hand, I am now in F.2 and I am honor to be a scout of the Scout Troop of 1st Hong Kong Group. I have learnt many useful skills during the scout meetings, such as scout cords, backwoods etc. And I have also learnt how to mapping, how to camping. Scouting made me brave, independent and intelligent. 1st Hong Kong Group is different from the other. You could never learn some special skills or knowledge other than 1st Hong Kong Group. 100 years of tradition, 100 years of promise, 100 years of legacy, still in its making. I am proud to be a Firstian. I believe the legend of 1st Hong Kong Group would be everlasting, and would pass down from one generation to the next. This is what a Firstian is, and what 1st Hong Kong Group is all about. ONCE A FIRSTIAN, FOREVER A FIRSTIAN



童軍的得著 陸同洲 深資童軍

我從⼩四開始便加⼊了港島第⼀旅,當時由起初最初階的繩結,⽔上活動,到更進 階的扎營技術,野外烹飪(backwoods)⽣⽕的技能,繼⽽在不同的義⼯活動中,童軍領 袖們亦都教曉我們回饋社會的重要性。⽽我認為其中⼀次童軍領導才能的營會最為深 刻。


那次是我第⼀次參加深資童軍的營會,那時夜深⼈靜,繁星灑滿在神秘的夜空 中,當中有⼀個環節是讓我們躺在⼭頂的綠茵茵草地,閉起雙眼,感受⼤⾃然,想⼀想 ⾃⼰有沒有什麼不⾜之處,想⼀想⾃⼰有沒有優勝於別⼈的地⽅,想⼀想⾃⼰如何去改 善⾃⼰的缺點,⽽最重要的是,為⾃⼰訂下⾧遠但可⾏的⼈⽣⽬標。那天的經驗是⾮常 難能可貴,平時我們⾝處於節奏如此急促的⾹港⽣活,⼀直都很少可以找⼀個寧靜的環 境坐下來讓⾝⼼平靜下來,細⼼去傾聽⾃⼰內⼼最深處的⼼聲,那⼀次的經歷也令我感 受到童軍不但能夠培養我們的獨⽴能⼒,⾯對逆境時的⼼態,同時也能從活動中更認識 ⾃⼰,從⽽可以更有⽅向感地訂下⽬標,向⾃⼰的夢想邁進。 除此之外,另外⼀樣令我終⾝受⽤的技能便是領導才能,透過舉辦不同的活動, 例如Joint-unit Campfire,由⼀開始訂⽴主題到最後檢查有沒有細節上的錯漏以確保活 動能夠流暢地進⾏,這些經歷都能夠提升我與其他的同學的溝通能⼒,透過理性的討論 和商議最後作出⼀個合理的決定,這些都是我將來投⾝社會⼯作都可以學以致⽤的技 能。 時光荏苒,不知不覺間我已經由⼀位幼童軍變成⼀名深資童軍成員,在這九年光 陰裡,我從港島第⼀旅學多到了許多技能和知識,令我受益匪淺,我想在此感謝各位童 軍領袖多年來對我們⼀班童軍的照顧和教導。



粵語殘⽚ 胡家豪 深資童軍

中⼀註冊⽇帶弟弟回校註冊,舊地重回,順道逛⼀圈學校。若⼲⽼師是新⾯孔,乍 看⽐我還年輕;舊的我⾒著就欣喜,也不管他們認不認得我,怎麼也按著⽼弟的頭打個 招呼。⾛過球場,忽爾嗅到似熟悉又陌⽣的味道,提步往中⼀那層探看,地⾯⼀⽚狼 藉,些許回憶不⾃意冉冉紛⾶。


依稀記得那是⼀個初冬。⼈不多,只有七個。事也普通,Carlton backwoods training ⽽已。Tomson正埋⾸透爐起⽕,腰彎得低低的,很有鞠躬盡瘁的味道。我凝 神做蛋糕、麵包條,林展在我⾝旁做同樣的事,遠處Oles、Jason、Kenneth和 Matthias在做什麼我經已忘記,但七⼈中有六個的⼼思早已⾶到球場上,這倒是永恆不 變的事實。 「仲有半個鐘!」「Yes,Sir!」 ⽐賽報時這回事,現在想來還真有點可笑。更遑論我們無厘頭隨⼜賭氣說的: 「仲有三⼗分鐘!」、「仲有⼆⼗九分鐘!」、「仲有⼆⼗九分鐘零五⼗五秒!」、 「仲有⼆⼗九分鐘零五⼗五秒半!」……

看著新⼀年Carlton team training,我還想起⼀件事:舊時我們做的烤雞。當年童 軍團⾧William說烤雞都係鹹啲好,結果我們每次都灑了頗多的鹽在烤雞上。再嗅嗅半 空的味道,嗯, 好鹹。




It is my honour to be part of a century-old scout group. Amid celebration, we have to reflect on ourselves so that we can withstand the test of time for another century. Through scouting, young people can develop good values. However, if our activities do not reflect advancement in society, then scouting is bound to be abandoned by 83

young people. New activities have to be introduced to replace archaic activities. For example, new camp cooking skills can be introduced in place of the archaic backwoods cooking. Scout training should reflect the ability of young people at different ages. Asking a Venture Scout to perform ceremonial duty for a long period of time is not the best utilization of his/her time, because he/she is intellectually competent to organize joint-unit/school activities. In light of this example, we have to review what is meant by discipline in scouting. Individual critical thinking should not be compromised by the so-called ‘discipline’, which can often be used as an excuse by a commander when he/she cannot explain why should his/her subordinates act on his/her orders. Nonconformity can be seen as a sign of juvenile rebellion, or the first step of developing individual critical thinking. The modern society values originality and good leadership. Blind conformity, probably due to ‘discipline’, is the first step of falling into mediocrity. If a command cannot withstand reasoning, then probably it is not worth obeying. If we focus only on our past glories, and not looking forward, we would gain no new grounds. It has been more than 10 years since we last captured the Carlton Trophy. It is undeniable that many scout groups are making breaking grounds in winning scout craft competitions, and have even outshone some scout groups with glorious history. We have to admit that we are no longer invincible. I once had this false belief. That was why we lost in Carlton Trophy 2010. I now thank the cruel reality for pulling me down a peg at an early stage of my life. To pull us back onto the track, we should first look at Scout Troop weekly meeting. I believe that educative troop meetings can provide a good foundation for Carlton training. As years passed, my obsession with the Carlton Trophy has diminished, and I now understand that the value of it is not merely victory, but also what we learn from training: communication, morale, collective responsibility, etc. These values are useful today even when I have become less active in scouting. When I was in my first year at law school, I led three other first year law students to take part in a competition. It was difficult. There was no prospect for us to win. My teammates suggested that we should give up since we could not possibly win. I recalled the miraculous victory of Eric Chum’s team in Venture Scout Competition 2009, and told my teammates that we have not lost as long as we do not give up. At the end, though we did not win any prize, our performance was commended by the judge. 84

Scouting was the most enjoyable part of my years at SJC. I hope that First Hong Kong Group can continue to bring memorable experiences to young Josephians.



孩⼦的笑 鄺譽韜 深資童軍

時間過得很快,我在港島第⼀旅已經度過了六個寒暑。這六年來我也參加了很多童 軍活動。從童軍時期每星期六的童軍集會到成為深資童軍時與委員會成員們⼀起籌辦各 種活動。港島第⼀旅可以說是我中學⽣活中不可分割的⼀部份。當中,最令我印象深刻 的是在深資童軍時舉辦的義⼯活動。


那次是我第⼀次參加義⼯活動,⽽這活動是在⾹港仔社區中⼼舉⾏,服務的對象 是該中⼼的⼩朋友。還記得當天我們設計了很多有趣的活動給⼩朋友們參與,當中包括 ⼀些⼯作坊。由於時間太悠久的關係,活動的細節已開始模糊,可是我卻記得當天⼩朋 友們都玩得⼗分盡興和投⼊。歡笑聲在房間中此起彼落,⼀雙雙⼩⼿拿著雪條棒揮舞 著,甚⾄有⼩孩⼿舞⾜道的到處奔跑著,笑得⾮常燦爛。 每次回想起那場⾯的時候總會會⼼微笑。從⼩到⼤⼀直以來總覺得⼈⽣就是要快 快樂樂輕輕鬆鬆地過,可是⾧⼤後就發現原來保持簡簡單單是件不簡單的事情。社會是 座無情的絞⾁機,把⼀個個獨特的⼈壓成單⼀的模⼦。無論是學業上還是⼯作上,總會 有⼀種無形的壓⼒壓在肩上。看著鏡⼦中的⾃⼰,臉上除了那⽇漸加深的⿊眼圈外,就 只剩下那繃緊的表情。那種天真爛漫的笑容離我們很遠,很遠。 很感謝港島第⼀旅能夠讓我接觸到不同的⼈。要不是港島第⼀旅,我不會有機會 認識到那些⼩孩⼦,為他們設計活動,他們的笑容也不會深深印在我的腦海裡,直到現 在。 當天那些孩⼦現在已慢慢地⾧⼤成⼈,除了希望他們努⼒讀書外(和參加童 軍),我很希望那些孩⼦能夠記得他們當天的笑容。希望他們能夠在這不簡單的世界中 活出簡單。




林展顥 深資童軍 這要由我⼩學四年級時說起。 記得當年要加⼊港島第⼀旅的幼童軍團,不僅要成績優秀,還要通過測試⽇的重 重考驗。那時我便已認定,能成為這團體的⼀份⼦,就是我們⾄⾼無上的成就。也許是 命運使然,再加上⼀點點的幸運,我成功地考進團,為我的童軍⽣涯寫下了引⼦。 88

適逢當年是本團的九⼗週年紀念,作為新晉的團員,⾃然對於這空前盛⼤的慶典 懷著無限興奮的⼼情。雖然只是台上差不多⼀百⼈的其中⼀個,可是她給我的震撼卻是 無可⽐擬的。 經歷過了三年,升上中學,順理成章地晉升成為童軍團員。靠著我以前曾學過的 東西,我很輕易的成為嘉爾頓錦標賽中其中⼀員。誰知原來這只是個開始。那時⼀隊⼈ 為了在⽐賽中取得最佳的成績,雖然放棄了許多東西,但卻得到了更多珍貴的回憶。 升上中四,也是順理成章地,我晉升為深資童軍的成員,並加⼊了執⾏委員會。 到中五那年,我選擇繼續留在執委會,繼續舉辦更多的活動給各成員參與。到底這兩年 經歷過些甚麼,此處不敍,但卻是我過得最快樂、最充實的兩年。 時光⾶逝,我現在已是個⼤學的新鮮⼈。回顧過去,我⼈⽣的⼗九年,竟有⼀半 以上的時間是跟童軍有密切關係的。或者更具體的說,我的⼈⽣有超過⼀半的時間在港 島第⼀旅度過。實在難以量化她給了我些甚麼,但我可以⾃豪地說,港島第⼀旅塑造了 今天的我。




The good olds days with our beloved First Hong Kong Group at St. Joseph's College are among the most treasured times that I am sure that most, if not all, Firstians will undoubtedly remember, me included. While there are countless moments that are truly memorable such as hiking with all "walking" muscles cramped up and being chased by dogs, playing harmonica solo 90

so beautifully for that once in my lifetime with such wonderful resonating tune just because I was actually shaking as I was so nervous at the Campfire Song Singing of 1976 Prince of Wales Competition, it was always pouring (not only raining) whenever we went hiking or camping, winning competitions one after the other, having an archery target on top of all four of us in a jammed Cooper Mini including the driver on our way to Tai Tam Campsite etc., what stands out to be the most amazing is that the Green & White has fostered an environment that was so conducive for us to learn, to have fun, to keep coming back and back to give...and for all these years. This is truly a testament of the great work and dedication of our leaders from days of yore to present. With their tireless, selfless and loving efforts, the spirit of Green and White lives on. Without going on and on rambling about some of the most unforgetable memories, please allow me to share some photos with our readers. These are mostly from 1976 to 1978 that features some of our former leaders (John Tang, Raymond Chan),quite a few venture scouts during those times where some of them remained ever committed as leaders now (Mak Wai-Ming, James Wong etc). Wishing our group ever success not just measured by winning competitions but by wnning the hearts of so many scouts, old and young, and making us all achievers of whatever we have done, are doing and will continue to do. Cheers and long live the spirits of First Hong Kong.





" Life is like rowing -- we stay on course by having clear views of what are behind. " I spent my complete thirteen years of schooling in St. Joseph’s. I joined First Hong Kong as a Cub Scout in Primary Three. Otherwise, I did not involve in other extra-curricular activities in really serious ways. That is, apart from family and schools, Scouting is my childhood and adolescence. 93

Through some twist in fate, I went abroad for university studies, and have subsequently worked and lived around the world. I have been a research scientist all along, which implies, by its very nature, I am also a teacher and an educator. I have the good fortune to witness at close distance how the frontiers of human knowledge -- as well as how those raw young enthusiastic souls pursuing this endeavor -- grow and evolve. My chapter on scouting seemed to have closed abruptly the moment I left St. Joseph's. Nevertheless I manage to keep very much informed on the news at First Hong Kong via my old and ever-patient and forever-available friend Wilfred Tong (whose sudden and tragic departure is a defining moment in life to me and, I am sure, to many who know him). Now at the First Hong Kong centennial, I cannot help but ponder on: What have those years of scouting done to me, and contributed to shape me into who I am at where I am? First and foremost, many of the scouting activities are fun. It is important for youth to discover and appreciate the fun in life. That is, to realize there should be extra goals of "To Live" in addition to the necessary but not sufficient "To Make a Living" that school systems would understandably drill us on. While I did derive much joy and comfort in academic studies, it was through scouting that the young city boy growing up in cramped quarters was exposed to hiking and camping and outdoor activities and Nature in general, which would trigger his innate wanderlust that would become his lifelong passion, and which would set the stage that would define his destinies. Scouting activities are diverse and require a broad skill sets. This means: (a) nobody can naturally do well in everything, and everyone is guaranteed to be thrown outside his comfort zones to sink or swim; and (b) we really have to work together to get the tasks done and the problems solved as a team. Both experiences are valuable and by any standards more relevant to real life than the academic studies at schools. I am grateful that I was exposed to this complementary and orthogonal education in my teenage years via scouting --- most people would have to be taught the hard way in their first jobs, and not unusually under more hostile circumstances.


Perhaps more specific to my story is the Carlton Trophy Competition in 1977. I was the patrol leader of a talented team. We strived hard to meet the formidable challenges with the dedications and passions and obsessions of fifteen-year-olds. Inevitable (looking back, the most cherish-able and cherished) tensions developed with my studies, family and school friends -- and among the team. At the end, we won -- we earned -- the championship. And then -- all the young boys moved on in their different directions in life. Before we aspire to climb every mountain, we have to climb some first mountain first. Carlton-1977 was my first mountain. The photo of our receiving the trophy on St. George's Day in 1978 has always been one closest to my heart, been with me around the globe, and is placed prominently in our sitting-room. Apart from these themes, there are many small habits in life that I picked up in my scouting years. I still read my maps, plan my trips and pack my luggage the scout's ways. In my graduate student years, I cooked the scout's style to get myself and my fellow housemates fed. I am still using the 1970's model of scout wallet, and I have been using an old scout belt for a long time until it became too short for my wrist. Scout songs did and still do accompany me in my solo travels. I would sing aloud whenever I come across sites and sights that move me. (“Where boys’ voices ring, where Youth is King, and the skies again are blue…..”) I still get by my life and work with the "Be Prepared" motto. Happy Birthday, First Hong Kong. You have Touched the Hearts and Shaped the Souls of Boys -- including myself




My First Hong Kong memory lane is long,  The colourful lane I love to stroll along.  We take pride in our Loyalty, Camaraderie, Spirit and Tradition,  That hold us together and make us strong.


    On this momentous occasion  of our 100th anniversary, let us sit back to enjoy some fond memories and take pride in some of our historical accomplishments.   
 We are  "First"  – In September 1913,  First Hong Kong was inaugurated  as a Troop.  Our registration with The Boy Scouts Association, London was approved and an Association Warrant was issued on May 1, 1914, one year earlier than that of The Boy Scouts Association  -  Hong Kong Branch,  which  was not active because of the war, while First Hong Kong was.   
 The Firstian Heart  - I first enrolled as a Wolf Cub in 1946 in Canton (Guangzhou), then became a proud Firstian in 1952, and have been one ever since, all the way from Scout to Scouter in various capacities.  In the 50’s – 60’s, AHQ did not allow dual ranking.  I accepted the appointment as A.D.C. only on condition that I could stay in 1st HKG.  That was when this unwritten rule was waived.  Firstians do not leave!  When Chan Wing Hung, Raymond, emigrated to the U.S.A., he used our green and white scarf in the Scout troop he started there.  What a great display of loyalty and nostalgia!    
 The Ice Years -  In the mid 50’s, we had Brother Lawrence and Mr. Arthur Lowcock as G.S.M.’s, Mr. Azim and Mrs. Rosario as C.S.M./A.C.S.M. There were no Scouters in Scout and Senior Scout Troops.  As a Senior Scout Troop Leader, I had to assume both roles.  In my first attendance at a Victoria District meeting representing 1st HK, I was  advised  to refrain from expressing my views because I was not a Scouter.  Since then,  I declined requests to attend  all those  meetings until I was appointed A.S.M.(s) in 1958.   
 The Rise  – The Firstians before me were very efficient and clever.  In District, Area and AHQ competitions, they won most of the individual contests, but not the Carlton Trophy and Prince of Wales Banner.  They enjoyed scouting in free style but did not focus on some areas where points were lost in scoring.  I felt the need for new Scouters and some changes. While enjoying exciting fun-filled scout activities, I placed stronger emphasis in discipline and training for both the Scout and the Senior Scout Troops. The tough “Joe Camps“ were at  first  not very  well received, but no one dropped out.  We emerged from our battles victoriously, and the boys were proud to be members of the winning patrols. We too were very proud to watch many of them received the Chief Scout Award and The Queen’s Scout Award on St. George’s Day.  It 97

was a great tribute  to the dedication and the  fine  leadership of  our  new young Scouters.  They attended  formal leader  training courses and  they were rewarded with the highly respected Wood Badge.       
 Competitions -  The competition judges were surprised to see our toothbrushes of the same brand and with the same colour.  They questioned the practicality  of such uniformity at first, but smiled when they saw the names on each of the toothbrushes.  We were always well prepared for camping competitions.  When wet days were forecasted, we requested our school carpenter to make some big wooden tent pegs, with which  our fire  would be lit faster  and burn  well while our opponents  would have to struggle with soaking branches and leaves. At the closing of competitions, we left with slimmed-down tent pegs ! To save space in rucksacks, we squeezed our bread into very tiny “breadballs”.  The judges were amazed to see our bread resume to normal size when dipped in milk.   We were the only group that could keep the Trophy permanently after three consecutive wins!  The handbook “Road To Victory” I wrote proved to be very useful. I believe it must have been replaced by better and more updated versions in later years. Readiness to Share - While I was A.D.C.(T), I organized a pilot Camping Course Without Sessions.  All participating patrols watched and followed the entire proceedings conducted by the demonstration patrol from First Hong Kong.  Trainers were assigned to each patrol as tutors to teach and to guide them.  We were delighted to share our best know-how with other Groups, our opponents. Fairness - When I was T.C., I planned the Prince of Wales Banner Competition.  I made some adjustments, changes and additions to offer other patrols better opportunities to compete.  Even with our weaknesses in certain categories, and reduced points in our strong areas, First Hong Kong still managed to win in that year.   
 Our Group Flag – Some of you may not have seen our earlier, retired Group Flag - the one in silky white ground. When it became worn out, I designed the present one in our school colours -Green & White.  Originally, I put our school badge inside the scout badge.  The Executive Commissioner, Mr. Law Kwan Fook, rejected it  on grounds that it was not permissible to put anything inside the scout badge.  So, I addressed the objections by placing the scout badge inside our school badge, which, in fact, looks much better.  Unfortunately, it was again rejected as AHQ intended to stan98

dardize all Group Flags in Green with yellow Group names and numbers. It was not an easy battle, but we finally prevailed.  A Senior Scout Troop Flag was also designed, but following the name change to Venture Scout, I am sure it must now be in the First Museum, if it still exists.   
 Our Scarf  – Another  debate soon  followed.  The Executive Commissioner revealed AHQ’s plan to standardize all Group scarves in green with yellow/gold Group badge on the back and in roll-up style.  I insisted on keeping our traditional green and white in fold-up style instead.  Once more, we prevailed.   
 The Sword – On February 1, 1964, our full Rover Crew was officially formed.  The aims and the rules were closely followed and traditional ceremonials were efficiently executed.  A copy of the St. George’s Sword was then made in stainless steel for ceremonial use.  To this day, it has always been a treasure for us.   
 Our Scout HQ –I believe it was in 1963 when Brother Brendan came to me after our Troop meeting and asked me what we needed.  Without hesitation, I suggested a proper Scout HQ to house the steel cabinets in the Geography Room.  He said, “Will the old tuck shop do?”  I jumped to accept the offer.  We couldn’t have thanked him enough!  We have been fortunate that all the Brothers were always so supportive and so kind to us, especially Brother Patrick and Brother Thomas in recent years.  
 We Made History -   With a great number of Firstians appointed to key posts on District, Region and AHQ levels, we are the only Group that had produced one Colony Commissioner (now Chief Commissioner), one Deputy Chief Commissioner and three Training Commissioners for Hong Kong.   
 M a y t h e F i r s t i a n S p i r i t l i v e o n f o r  m a n y m o r e y e a r s  t o c o m e ! 
 V I V A 

F I R S T I A N S ! 


V I V A 

 Joseph Shek Firstian since 1952  


  S T . J O S E P H ’ s ! 




Green & White Scouting 3.pdf

Page 2 of 117. Dear Firstians. Time flies! In the twinkling of an eye,. our Group is celebrating its Centenary. In retrospect, we faced different kinds. of challenge. However, with the. support of our Parents, our Principals,. our De La Salle Brothers, and the. wisdom we inherited from You, we. solved problems one by one, we ...

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