901 WHITEHORSE HAMILTON SQUARE ROAD HAMILTON, NJ 08610 (609) 631-4152 Fax: (609) 631-4119 Guidance: 631-4152, ext. 3504 Nurse: 631-4152, ext. 3514 Administration at Grice: Principal – Mr. David R. Innocenzi Vice-Principal – Mr. Rashaan Monroe/Pride House Vice-Principal – Mrs. Cheryl Piotrowski/Spirit House

INTRODUCTION The policies and procedures contained in this packet are the results of a concerted effort on the part of the faculty and the administration. This information has been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of great value in helping you to adjust to our school, and to become an integral part of it. The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in a democracy. To develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help us to participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. We hope that you will participate in our varied activities which will help prepare you to live a better life and take your place in society. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.

GRICE MIDDLE SCHOOL’S MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Grice Middle School is to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment that promotes the success of all students as they progress from childhood to adolescence and ultimately become respectable, productive, and responsible citizens of a changing world. We will strive to accomplish this through a challenging and innovative curriculum, a dedicated staff, involved students, supportive parents, and our entire diverse community.

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES The policies in the chart below, along with others, can be viewed in their entirety in the Main Office of Grice Middle School, or online at www.hamilton.k12.nj.us. P 2260 P 2361 P 2415.20 P 5250 P 5331 P 5512.01 P 5512.02 P 5530 P 5533 P 5750 P 5751 P 5755 P 8601 P 9150

Affirmative Action for School and Classroom Practices Acceptable Use of Computers Networks/Computers and Resources No Child Left Behind Complaints Excusal from Class or Program Management of Life Threatening Allergies in School Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Cyber-Bullying Substance Abuse Pupil Smoking Equal Education Opportunity Sexual Harassment Equity in Educational Programs and Services Pupil Supervision After-School Dismissal School Visitors

The following are those policies which may pertain specifically to Middle School students:

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM PRACTICES– POLICY 2260 The Board of Education shall provide equal and bias-free access for all pupils to all school facilities, courses, programs, activities, and services, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. The Board of Education shall ensure that the district’s curriculum and instruction are aligned to the State’s Core Curriculum Content Standards and address the elimination of discrimination by narrowing the achievement gap, by providing equity in educational programs and by providing opportunities for pupils to interact positively with others regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. The Board of Education shall ensure all pupils have access to adequate and appropriate counseling services. When informing pupils about possible careers, professional or vocational opportunities, the Board shall not restrict or limit the options presented to pupils on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. The district will not use tests, guidance or counseling materials, which are biased or stereotyped on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. The Board of Education shall ensure that the district’s physical education program and its athletic programs are equitable, co-educational, and do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status.

ACCEPTABLE USE OF COMPUTER NETWORK/COMPUTER AND RESOURCES – POLICY 2361 The Board recognizes that as telecommunications and other new technologies shift the manner in which information is accessed, communicated and transferred, those changes will alter the nature of teaching and learning. Access to telecommunications will allow pupils to explore databases, media centers and Internet sites while exchanging information with individuals throughout the world. The Board supports access by pupils to information sources, but reserves the right to limit in-school use to materials appropriate to educational purposes. The Board directs the Superintendent to effectively train teaching staff members in skills appropriate to analyzing and evaluating such resources as to the appropriateness for educational purposes. The Board recognizes that telecommunications will allow pupils access to information sources that have not been pre-screened by educators using Board approved standards. The Board, therefore, adopts the following standards of conduct for the use of computer networks and declares unethical, unacceptable or illegal behavior as just cause for taking disciplinary action, limiting or revoking network access privileges and/or instituting legal action. The Board provides access to computer network/computers for educational purposes only. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to close the system as needed for security reasons; computer use shall not be construed in any way as an extension of the students’ right to free speech. The Internet shall be accessed for supplemental instruction and informational purposes only. The Board retains the right to have district personnel monitor network activity, in any form necessary, to maintain the integrity of the network and ensure its proper use. There shall be no expectation of privacy in the use of school technology for either staff or students. Any individual engaging in the following actions when using computer network/computers shall be subject to discipline or legal action: A. Using the computer network(s) computers for illegal, inappropriate or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities. Illegal activities are defined as activities which violate federal, state, local laws and regulations. Inappropriate activities are defined as those that violate the intended use of the network. Obscene activities shall be defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of publicly owned and operated communication vehicles. B. Using the computer network/(s)/computers to violate copyrights, institutional or third party copyrights, license agreements or other contracts. C. Using the computer network(s) in a manner that: 1. Intentionally disrupts network traffic or crashes the network. 2. Degrades or disrupts equipment or system performance. 3. Uses the computing resources of the school district for commercial purposes, financial gain or fraud.

4. Plagiarized data or other intellectual property. 5. Gains or seeks unauthorized access to the files of others or vandalizes the data of another user. 6. Gains or seeks unauthorized access to resources or entities. 7. Forges electronic mail messages or uses an account owned by others. 8. Invades privacy of others. 9. Posts anonymous messages. 10. Possess any data which is a violation of this policy; and/or 11. Engages in other activities that do not advance the educational purposes for which computer network/computers are provided. VIOLATIONS 1. Individuals violating this policy shall be subject to discipline, which reflects the severity of the offense and includes, but is not limited to: 2. Use of the network only under direct supervision. 3. Suspension of network privileges. 4. Revocation of network privileges. 5. Suspension of computer privileges. 6. Revocation of computer privileges. 7. If the activity violates other code of conduct rules, the appropriate discipline shall be imposed.

EXCUSAL FROM CLASS OR PROGRAM – POLICY 5250 The Board of Education directs that a pupil be excused from any part of the instructions in health education, family life education, sex education, or instruction that includes dissection of animals that the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the pupil or the adult pupil finds morally, conscientiously, or religiously offensive. A request for excusal must be presented in a signed statement and submitted to the Building Principal. An excused pupil shall be assigned to an alternate program of independent study on a substitute topic within the health education, family life education, or sex education program. The parent’s or legal guardian’s right of excusal applies to any alternate program as well. No excused pupil will be penalized by loss of credit as a result of his/her excusal, but a pupil will be held accountable for successful completion of any alternate program assigned.

MANAGEMENT OF LIFE THREATENING ALLERGIES IN SCHOOLS – POLICY 5331 The Board of Education recognizes pupils may have allergies to certain foods and other substances and may be at risk for anaphylaxis. An Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP) and an Individualized Emergency Health Plan (IEHP) will be developed for each pupil at risk for a life-threatening allergic reaction. The school district will develop and implement appropriate strategies and prevention measures for the reduction of risk of exposure to food allergens throughout the school day, during before and after-school programs, at all schoolsponsored activities, in the cafeteria, or wherever food is present. There will be occasions where food and/or beverages will be served as part of a classroom experience, field trip, and/or celebration. Because the ingredients of these food and beverage products may be known to the food preparation person and/or server, a pupil with anaphylaxis to food should not consume any food products that he/she is unsure of ingredients.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING – POLICY 5512.01 The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a pupil. A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils in a safe and disciplined environment. Since pupils learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers should be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying. If a bullying infraction occurs, the district’s code of conduct will be used to issue an appropriate consequence.

“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that: 1. Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability; or 2. By any other distinguishing characteristic; and that 3. Takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds, as provided for in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.3, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other pupils; and that 4. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a pupil or damaging the pupil’s property, or placing a pupil in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or 5. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils; or 6. Creates a hostile educational environment for the pupil by interfering with a pupil’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the pupil. “Electronic communication” means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager. The Board expects pupils to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils and school staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities and the care of school facilities and equipment consistent with the Code of Pupil Conduct.

PUPIL SMOKING – POLICY 5533 The Board of Education recognizes the use of tobacco presents a health hazard that can have serious implications both for the smoker and the nonsmoker and that smoking habits developed by the young may have lifelong harmful consequences. For the purpose of this Policy, "smoking" means the burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, or the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked, including the use of smokeless tobacco and snuff, or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device. For the purpose of this Policy, “electronic smoking device” means an electronic device that can be used to deliver nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, or pipe. For the purpose of this Policy, “school buildings” and “school grounds” means and includes land, portions of land, structures, buildings, and vehicles, owned, operated or used for the provision of academic or extracurricular programs sponsored by the district or community provider and structures that support these buildings, such as school wastewater treatment facilities, generating facilities, and any other central facilities including, but not limited to, kitchens and maintenance shops. “School buildings” and “school grounds” also include athletic stadiums, swimming pools, any associated structures or related equipment tied to such facilities including, but not limited to, grandstands, greenhouses, garages, facilities used for non-instructional or non-educational purposes, and any structure, building, or facility used solely for school administration. “School buildings” and “school grounds” also include other facilities as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:26-1.2: playgrounds and other recreational places owned by local municipalities, private entities, or other individuals during those times when the school district has exclusive use of a portion of such land. The Board prohibits smoking by pupils at any time in school buildings and on any school grounds, at events sponsored by the Board away from school, and on any transportation vehicle supplied by the Board. A sign indicating smoking is prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds will be posted at each public entrance of a school building in accordance with law. The sign shall also indicate violators are subject to a fine. Pupils who violate the provisions of this Policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with the district’s Pupil Discipline/Code of Conduct and may be subject to fines in accordance with law. In the event a pupil is found to have violated this Policy and the law, the Principal or designee may file a complaint with the appropriate Municipal Court or other agency with jurisdiction as defined in N.J.A.C. 8:6-9.1(c).

A pupil found to have violated this Policy and the law may be required to participate in additional educational programs to help the pupil understand the harmful effects of smoking and to discourage the use of tobacco products. These programs may include, but are not limited to, counseling, smoking information programs, and/or smoking cessation programs sponsored by this school district or available through approved outside agencies. The Board directs that the health curriculum include instruction in the potential hazards of the use of tobacco. All school staff members shall make every reasonable effort to discourage pupils from developing the habit of smoking. The Board of Education will comply with any provisions of a municipal ordinance which provides restrictions on or prohibitions against smoking equivalent to, or greater than, those provided in N.J.S.A. 26:3D-55 through N.J.S.A. 26:3D-63.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT – POLICY 5751 The Board of Education explicitly forbids any conduct or expression that may be construed as the sexual harassment of a pupil, by an employee of the district or by another pupil. The sexual harassment of a pupil includes all unwelcome sexual advances or suggestions, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical contacts of a sexual nature whenever such conduct has the purpose of effect of intimidation or tends to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive education environment. The Superintendent shall direct the instruction of all pupils in their right to be free of sexual harassment and innuendo and shall encourage pupils to report any incident of sexual harassment to a teaching staff member. Any employee who received such a report or who has independent cause to suspect that a pupil has been subjected to sexual harassment shall promptly notify the building principal, who shall immediately investigate the matter and report his or her findings to the Superintendent. An act of sexual harassment that appears to constitute child abuse shall be immediately reported to the New Jersey Department of Children & Families for investigation by that agency. An employee who engages in the sexual harassment of a pupil will be subject to stringent discipline and may be terminated. A pupil who engages in the sexual harassment of another pupil will be subject to discipline in accordance with Policy No. 5610.

ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency or for reasons as explained in the code below. The code lists the following as the only legal excuses for absence to school: 1. Personal illness - The school may require documentation of illness by the examining physician if it is deemed necessary. 2. Illness in the family – All schoolwork should be kept current. 3. Quarantine in the home – The absence arising from this condition is limited to the length of quarantine as fixed by the proper health official. 4. Death of a relative 5. Observance of a religious holiday – Any student of any religion shall be excused if his or her absence was for the purpose of observing a religious holiday consistent with his or her creed or belief. 6. The school must excuse any other reason prior to the absence. STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN ABSENT: 1. Have parent or guardian phone the school and inform the office of the absence, (609) 631-4152, ext. 3519 2. Have parent or guardian write an excuse giving your name, date, days of absence and reason for his/her absence 3. Present your excused note to your homeroom teacher when you return 4. Ask all teachers for make-up assignments; each student is responsible for seeing that make-up work is completed. Assignments that are not made up will be reflected in your grade.

TRANSPORTATION Bus transportation is a privilege. Students are expected to cooperate with the bus driver while traveling to and from school and have their bus pass with them at all times. Students who are referred for misbehavior may be denied bus transportation. Students are expected to follow these guidelines: 1. Be on time at the designated stop. 2. Never stand in the street or on private property while waiting for the bus.

3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before walking toward it. 4. When you must cross a roadway at your stop, go to a point at least 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the signal to cross from your driver. 5.

Sit in your assigned seat and use your seatbelt.


Keep your arms and other parts of your body inside the bus at all times.


Emergency exits should not be obstructed and should only be used in emergencies; remain in your seat until your driver gives directions.

8. Shouting, whistling, profanity, or rowdy conduct will not be tolerated. 9. Students must ride their designated buses. In the event of an emergency, permission may be granted to ride another bus, but only after permission is received from the transportation department. 10. No smoking on the bus or at the bus stop. SEAT BELTS – SCHOOL BUSES The Board requires that all buses bid or purchased with chassis manufactured in October 1992 or later shall be equipped with seat belts. School bus drivers and all school bus passengers shall be required to wear seat belts when transported in school buses not later than September 7, 1994. Seat belts shall be fastened when the driver and passengers board the vehicle and they shall be kept fastened at all times while on board the vehicle. Seat belts may be unfastened only when the individual is departing the vehicle. The Board further requires that drivers and passengers using private vehicles to transport pupils wear seat belts in the same manner.

P.R.I.D.E. (Personal Responsibility in Daily Efforts) Middle School students are expected to be responsible for their behavior and to demonstrate concern for others in building a constructive learning environment. To that end students should: 1. Act respectfully and courteously toward peers and adults 2. Report promptly to class, prepared with pencils, pens, notebooks and required materials for learning 3. Follow individual classroom rules and procedures 4. Move about the corridors in a relatively quiet and orderly fashion 5. Respect school property and the rights and property of others in your school 6. Refrain from the use, distribution, or possessions of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substances 7. Use reasonable means to resolve disputes. Resist the use of fighting to express personal feelings 8. Dress in an appropriate manner, and wear shoes. Coats/jackets are to remain in lockers except for outside activities 9. Leave home items which interfere with learning such as; skateboards, electronic games and water guns

HATS OFF The faculty at Grice feels that removing one’s hat before entering the building shows proper manners and respect for oneself and for others. 1. Take your hat off before entering the building and keep your head “Hat Free” at all times while inside. This includes the gym. 2. It is strongly suggested that you do not bring hats to school. That would solve many potential problems. 3. When you choose to wear a hat in the building (or forget), there is only one consequence --- YOUR HAT IS SENT TO THE OFFICE.



LAVATORY It will be very unusual for a lavatory pass to be issued since you are to take care of lavatory needs between classes. PASS FROM TEACHER If a teacher wants to see you, you must obtain a pass from that teacher. The pass must be filled out correctly and completely or you will be escorted back to your room by the Hall Monitor. As a result of spending an excessive amount of time in our hallways unsupervised, students can be placed on pass restriction. A student placed on pass restriction must take care of his/her needs during the three minutes allocated when classes are changing. They will be escorted by a Hall Monitor at all other times.

DISMISSAL At dismissal, we want you to get to your bus comfortably after having visited your locker. All buses will be held until at least 3:10 p.m. before departing from school. All students will exit in an orderly manner when the teacher gives the signal.

RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CAFETERIA The cafeteria is a place where students can eat and sit in a relaxed and appropriate manner during the designated time period. To provide a pleasant atmosphere during lunchtime, the following rules and procedures should be followed at all times: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Come in on time, get your lunch and be seated. Remain seated during the lunch session unless given permission to get up. Tables will be cleared at the direction of the teacher in charge of your section. NO running, pushing, shoving or cutting in line. NO food throwing of any kind NO food or drinks are allowed outside of the cafeteria. NO reserved seats or moving chairs NO running, pushing or playing tag games outside Respect your fellow students, teachers and cafeteria staff at all times Assigned seats will be given to students that violate cafeteria procedures.

DRESS CODE The following dress code has been developed in accordance with Policy no. 5511: A. GENERAL RULES: 1. Pupils are expected to be clean and well-groomed in their appearance. 2. Pupils are expected to avoid extremes in appearance that are so disruptive or distractive that the reaction of other pupils is beyond normal control. 3. Dress or grooming that jeopardizes the health or safety of the pupil or of other pupils or is injurious to school property will not be tolerated B. PROHIBITED CLOTHING AND ARTICLES: The following garments and articles are prohibited in school: 1. Suggestive clothing, including but not limited to tight fitting or transparent clothes, bare midriffs, halters, strapless and one-strap tops, excessively torn/ripped clothes, etc. 2. Short skirts, shorts, etc., that have overly revealing lengths 3. Pin curler and other hair-curling aides 4. Outdoor jackets, coats, hats and/or accessories; these items are to be placed in the student’s locker upon entering the building 5. Hats, caps, head coverings, sweatbands, bandannas, combs, or picks must be removed when a student enters the building, any head coverings that are considered distracting are not permitted. This includes goggles 6. Bare feet, unsafe footwear, including but not limited to slippers, cleated or spiked shoes, roller blades and sneakers/shoes

7. Apparel that may be inflammatory, offensive, obscene, or disruptive to the educational process (i.e. profane language, suggestive graphics, gang related, or drug/alcohol related printing) 8. Both male and female tank tops and muscle shirts, undergarments as well as spaghetti-type straps or those narrower than two inches 9. Sunglasses may be worn only with a doctor’s note 10. Rings, jewelry, and accessories deemed dangerous by the administration are not permitted to be worn on school property (i.e., long belt chains attached to wallets, keys, etc.; any adornment espousing violence such as a gun charm, belt, neck clothing, wrist spikes). C. PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 1. Appropriate athletic-type clothing that is safe for the activity being conducted must be worn for physical education class 2. Rings, jewelry, and accessories deemed dangerous by the physical education teacher are prohibited 3. Pupils must wear athletic socks and sneakers or rubber-soled athletic shoes. Hard soled shoes and bare feet are prohibited in gym class. D. ENFORCEMENT: 1. Teaching staff members will report perceived violations to the dress code to a building administrator who will interpret and apply the code. 2. Pupils who publicly represent the school or a school organization at a school-related activity away from this district are required to dress in full accordance with the reasonable expectations of the staff member in charge of the activity. Pupils unwilling to comply with this requirement will disqualify themselves from participation. 3. The principal may waive application of the dress code on a day especially scheduled for pupils’ free expression in dressing/grooming and in special or emergency circumstances. 4. Students failing to comply with these regulations may be excluded from attending class. Parents may be called to bring a change of more appropriate clothing for their son/daughter. For the first offense, students will be counseled and a parent will be notified. If the student returns to school on the next day or on any subsequent days inappropriately dressed after having first been warned, he or she will receive a consequence as a result of insubordination/open defiance and a parent will be notified. 5. A pupil whose dress or grooming has been found by the principal to violate this regulation may appeal the principal’s determination to the Superintendent/designee, whose decision will be final.

HOMEWORK It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments on time and in the designated format. Students who are absent from 1-3 days may check with a friend for assignments. Students absent three or more days may request homework assignments by contacting our attendance office at 631-4152 ext. 3512 or 3519.

REPORT CARDS/GRADING SYSTEM/PROGRESS REPORTS Report cards are sent home four times a year. This evaluation of student achievement is one of the important functions of the teacher. The marking system is as follows: A - Excellent 90 – 100

D – Below Average 60 – 69

B - Above Average 80 – 89

F – Failure 0 – 59

C - Average 70 – 79 Parents may check grades anytime through the District’s Power School System. Parents may call the guidance department if there are any questions at 631-4152 ext. 3504. When a student has missed 25% or more of the class in a given marking period, cycle, semester, and/or full year course, the student will receive a grade of (X) (11 days or more unexcused absences per marking period). To receive this grade, the student must have a passing average. If the student has a failing average, he or she will receive an (F).

TEXTBOOKS All texts are loaned to students for their use during the school year. Textbooks are to be handled very carefully, and kept covered.

Please be sure your name, grade, and school are written on the book label in case the book is misplaced. You will be required to pay for lost or damaged books.

LOST / DAMAGED BOOKS 1 – 2 Years Old

Full price

3 – 4 Years Old

75% of cost

5 Years Old +

50% of cost

SCHOOL PROPERTY/LOCKER PROTECTION PROGRAM Homeroom teachers issue lockers to students at the beginning of the year. Your locker should be kept locked at all times. Students are cautioned against giving their combination to each other to ensure the safety of their property. Each student is responsible for keeping his or her assigned locker clean both inside and outside. Any locker malfunction should be reported to the homeroom teacher or the office. Students are cautioned not to keep money or other valuables in their lockers. Back Packs are not permitted to be carried during the school day. Students may go to lockers anytime between class periods but are responsible for getting to class on time. Student lockers are the property of the school district. As part of our “SCHOOL PROPERTY / LOCKER PROTECTION PROGRAM,” the school administration may search school property at various times during the school year. The property searches are meant to be suspicionless searches utilized as a deterrent to illegal activity in the school setting. The school district may utilize canine detection to assist with the school property search which may include searching lockers, desks, handbags/purses, backpacks, outer clothing removed from students, and vehicles brought on school property. Any illegal evidence that is discovered during a school property search while using canines must be handled by the prosecutor’s office with the assistance of the school’s administration.

LOST AND FOUND Articles found in and around the school should be turned into the main office where the owners may claim their property by identifying the items lost.

FIRE DRILLS New Jersey School law requires one fire drill per month. For these drills: 1. Everyone must leave the building through the nearest exit. 2. Everyone must follow the evacuation plan posted in the room and exit silently and rapidly. 3. All doors must be closed and lights turned off. 4. Everyone will wait in designated outside areas until allowed to return to the building. 5. Teachers will take attendance to be sure all students are present upon returning.

HEALTH SERVICES Students may report to the health office before school or between classes. Student will sign in on the nurse’s log and will receive a pass for admission to class. The nurse is available for treatment of minor injuries or illnesses and for discussion of any health concerns. If a student becomes ill in class, the classroom teacher will issue a pass to the health office. No student may take medication (including cough drops) without permission from the nurse.

MEDIA CENTER The Media Center opens at 8:15 a.m. and remains open throughout the day. A student may visit the Media Center during the day if they have a pass from their teacher. Upon entering the Media Center, they should let the librarian know they are there. A student may check out a maximum of 4 items for a borrowing period of 2 weeks per item. Magazines and reference books may only be borrowed overnight. They are to be returned before the end of morning homeroom. There is a 5 cents a day fine for any item returned late. A student will be charged the replacement cost of any lost or damaged book. Finally, a student will be restricted from special school activities (dances, trips, etc.) if they have overdue books or fines. Also, this responsibility must be taken care of by the end of each marking period in order for a student to receive their report card.

BIKE RACKS Students may ride bicycles to school and park them in the bicycle rack behind the school. By law, bike riders are required to obey the same traffic rules and regulations assigned to motor vehicles. Therefore, students who violate traffic rules or ride bicycles in an unsafe

manner will be forbidden to ride them to Grice. Keep your bicycles locked. Students assume the responsibility for their own bicycles.

VISITORS Because of the size and crowding of our building, student visitors are not permitted. Any other adult visitors should telephone before coming to the school and visitors must report directly to the main office when entering the building. All visitors to the building will be provided with identification badges. Any adult visitor must present a photo ID and sign-in upon entering the Main Office.

GUIDANCE SERVICES Each student entering our school is a special individual. Each has his/her own personality, likes, dislikes, educational strengths and weaknesses, aims and goals; and with these tries to develop into a better and more useful community citizen. Students are assisted by counselors to explore realistic future goals based on the individual student’s potential. The Guidance Department is ready to aid in many ways during the middle and high school years. During the sixth and seventh grade, the guidance emphasis of teachers and counselors is on a social adjustment, developing proper study habits, learning to recognize abilities of other people, and academic achievement. In the eighth grade, the student is asked to make important decisions about the future, selecting courses for grade nine with assistance from the counselors, teachers and parents. Students are encouraged to learn more about themselves through individual counseling interviews. Here, the counselor reviews academic work, achievement test results, social and vocational interests in an attempt to assist in self-understanding. Counselor request forms are available in homerooms and at the guidance office for any student wishing to make an appointment.

INTERVENTION AND REFERRAL SERVICE The State Board of Education provides standards for the delivery of Intervention and Referral Services. The requirements set forth in the State Code are intended to provide schools with direction in formulating coordinated services and team delivery systems to address the full range of student learning, behavior, and health problems within our student population. Our school has an Intervention and Referral Service (I&RS) team that meets regularly to address specific student needs. Any parent or staff member can make a student referral to the I&RS team through the child’s guidance counselor. The guidance department or an administrator may be contacted for more information.

STUDENT ASSISTANCE COUNSELOR (SAC) The Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) provides substance abuse assessments, counseling services, and referrals to at-risk students and their families. At-risk students include students who are experimenting with alcohol and other drugs or going through personal or family issues which may cause a student to use alcohol or other drugs as a coping mechanism. Also, any student who is affected by another person’s substance use (family member or friend) may access services. Even someone who is simply looking for information regarding substance abuse may consult with the SAC. Student participation in counseling is voluntary and all referrals are confidential. However, confidentiality will be broken, and parents and administration notified, if the student is in danger of harm to self or others. This confidentiality is mandated by federal law (42 CFR PART 2).

CLASS TRIPS When students go on trips, they represent our school. We are proud of the numerous compliments our students have received for their behavior and good manners. When students go on trips, they are expected to dress appropriately. Conditions will be set by the administration for students to attend academic field trips. Students may be excluded from student field trips based on inappropriate behavior. Money collected for trips and permission slips must be returned on the day(s) and times specified. Students who fail to meet schedules will not be permitted to go on the trip, nor participate in the activity. EMPLOYEE BEHAVIOR WHILE SUPERVISING A TRIP OR SCHOOL RELATED ACTIVITY 1. All employees who supervise/chaperone a trip or school related activity are on duty 24/7 and/or until the event is completed and students in attendance return to their home residence or classroom. 2. All employees who are supervising/chaperoning a trip or school related activity must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by our school district. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and/or controlled dangerous substances including abuse of over-the-counter drugs, and immoral or unprofessional conduct is strictly prohibited. Any violation will put your teaching certificate in jeopardy.

STUDENT RIGHTS TO DUE PROCESS Students shall not be deprived of their rights to an education in the schools in the Hamilton Township School District without notice of the charges against them and an opportunity to be heard. Each student shall be afforded the opportunity of an informal hearing before suspension from school, or, if circumstances prohibit, as soon as possible after the suspension. Administrators shall observe the following rights of due process before the student is suspended: 1. Explain to the student orally the offense of which he/she is accused 2. Provide the student with an opportunity to be heard and convey other information he/she thinks is relevant 3. Advise the parents/guardians 4. Provide the parents/guardians with an opportunity to consult with the principal or his/her designee In addition to the foregoing, if the offense is of a more serious nature, the principal will make a concerted effort to notify the parents/guardians and provide them with an opportunity to be present at the informal hearing or otherwise consult with the principal or his/her designee.

IN-SCHOOL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM / OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION Some violations of school rules are considered more serious than others. Included in the “more serious” category are: Vandalism Substance abuse or possession Fight/Assault Verbal assault on staff Continued defiance Any act that may endanger the safety of students and/or staff Weapons A student shall not supply, possess, handle, use, construct or transmit a dangerous instrument or weapon on school property, on his/her way to or from school, or at any school function or activity (or at any school related activity) or event away from school. The following items can be defined as dangerous weapons: (1) firearms; (2) knives; (3) any object which may be used in such a manner as to inflict bodily injury or to place another person in fear of his/her safety or well-being (including blank pistols); and (4) any object which can (reasonably) be considered a weapon. Depending upon the severity of each individual situation, these violations will result in either an In-School Alternative Program or an Outof-School suspension. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any suspension via a phone call and/or a letter mailed home. Parents/Guardians are invited to a conference regarding any In-School Alternative Program or Out-of-School suspension.

IN-SCHOOL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM (ISAP) Students are expected to complete all school assignments, as well as participate in programs, which will assist them in developing a more positive behavior. The following rules will apply during ISAP: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Students must report on the designated day at the beginning of the first assigned period and remain there until dismissed. Students should bring pencils, paper and textbooks needed to complete their work assignments. If students are absent on the date of ISAP, the date will be reassigned. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed class work while in ISAP. Students should check with teachers concerning class activities, which are occurring during their assigned time in ISAP.

OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION Students suspended from school are permitted the opportunity to make up assignments or tests missed while suspended from school. A reasonable amount of time for make-up work will be provided. A student suspended from school may not participate in or attend school activities; he or she may not be on school property during the time of suspension.

COURSE OF STUDY GRADE 6 English Language Arts Math

GRADE 7 English Language Arts Math

GRADE 8 English Language Arts Math

Science Social Studies Physical Education Health Computer Literacy I Spanish Exploring Problem-Based Learning

Science Social Studies Physical Education Health Computer Literacy II Spanish Technology

Science Social Studies Physical Education Health Art or General Music

Electives Art Band Chorus General Music Orchestra

Electives Art Band Chorus General Music Orchestra

Electives Art Band Chorus Orchestra Spanish I Technology

SCHOOL CLOSING In the event that inclement weather forces the cancellation of school, the decision to cancel will be made as early as possible. The announcement of this cancellation will be broadcast over radio stations: FM Radio Stations Cable TV Station TV Station WKXW (101.5 on the dial) Cablevision: HTV (Channel 78) WPVI (Channel 6) WPST (94.5 on the dial) FiOS: HTV (Channel 22) NBC (Channel 10) Fox (Channel 5) News12 (Channel 12) Please do not call the school for information regarding school closing; these calls tie up the telephone lines that are needed for emergencies. Should it become necessary to close school during the day because of ice, snow, sleet, etc., an announcement will be made on the radio stations and students will be sent home from school. Please plan with your parents for this type of emergency!

REMOTELY ACTIVATED COMMUNICATION DEVICES – PAGERS & CELL PHONES Pagers and Beepers N.J.A.C. 6A: 16-5.8 & NJ.S.A. 2C:23-19 Students are not permitted to bring, possess, or use a remotely activated communication device on any school district property at any time. Cell Phones The Board recognizes the value of this enhanced two-way communication device. Properly utilized, it can increase parental contact and public safety. However, such devices can be disruptive to the academic environment if not properly regulated. Therefore, students are not permitted to use cell phones while school is in session. Cell Phone & Electronic Devices Offenses First Offense: The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the office. The student’s name is recorded on a cell phone log. The student may pick the phone up in the main office at the end of the school day. Second Offense: The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the office. An administrator will contact a parent/guardian to pick up the cell phone at his/her convenience. Third Offense: The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the main office. An administrator will contact a parent/guardian to pick up the cell phone on the last day of school. Subsequent violations will be handled as Defiance.

GET INVOLVED AT GRICE MIDDLE SCHOOL!! The following list briefly explains the organizations that you can be involved in at Grice. Being part of a group allows you to meet people and gain new skills, so join one today!

CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS BRIGHT CLUB: BRIGHT Club stands for Bully Resistance Intervention Grice Helping Teens. This club promotes anti-violence, anti-substance abuse, and anti-vandalism. Students meet weekly with an advisor to discuss issues related to their vision of anti-bullying and to plan activities to reduce bullying throughout the school. DRAMA: The Drama Club puts on an annual spring musical. During rehearsals students will learn stage direction, character development, and performance technique. Acceptance into the show is based upon an audition. GRICE GAZETTE: The school newspaper is called the Grice Gazette. This club is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students that are interested in reporting and writing. The students are given opportunities to attend school events and report on their experiences. They also write feature articles for each issue about important topics going on in the world or close to home. Every edition also has recurring articles; such as “Book Nook,” “Movie Madness,” “Fantastic Pets,” and “Teenage Survival Guide,” to name a few. The Grice Gazette is printed each quarter. This club is a great way to express creativity and practice the writing process. It also teaches students social skills through reporting. JAZZ BAND: This extra-curricular musical ensemble is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band students who enjoy the challenge of jazz styles and have a desire to perform. The Jazz Band meets on Wednesday afternoons until 4pm. Members are involved in 12-14 events a year, including: jazz festivals, elementary concert series, and our school concerts. RED CROSS CLUB: Red Cross Club is a service club which engages students in a variety of volunteer activities. Community projects include, but are not limited to: three clothing drives, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, Holiday Toy Drive, and Spring Candy Collection. Students provide direct service to the Grice community by preparing collected Box Tops and soup labels. STAGE CREW: Students are given the opportunity to work behind the scenes during our yearly musical. Students run the lighting, the sound, create props, etc. A limited number of students are chosen to take part in this after school activity. STUDENT COUNCIL: The Grice Student Council works with the school administration to provide activities and services to the students, the school, and the community. Student Council projects include school dances, spirit days, Turkey Shoot, Penny Wars, NJASK Shoot and Spirit Week activities. “SUPERHERO” RENAISSANCE SQUAD: The Grice “Superhero” Squad is a student organization that meets in the morning before school twice a week. Their responsibilities include helping with school Renaissance rallies, events and fundraisers. In addition, they give ideas on what events we do at school with this program. YEARBOOK CLUB: The Yearbook Club meets one day a week (after school) for approximately 4-5 months. The students help choose photos, brainstorm ideas for layouts, edit spelling and grammar, choose the cover, and help advertise and sell the yearbook throughout the year. They also deal with counting money and keeping track of yearbooks sold. 9 PERIOD FULL DAY Period HR 1 2

8:25 – 8:32 8:35 – 9:15 9:18 – 9:58

Minutes 7 40 40

3 10:01 – 10:41 4 10:44 – 11:24 5 11:27 – 12:07 6 12:10 – 12:50 7 12:53 – 1:33 8 1:36 – 2:16 9 2:19 – 3:00 3 Minute Passing All periods 40 minutes except 9th – 41 minutes.

ONE SESSION DAY Period HR 8:25 - 8:33 1 8:35 - 9:01 2 9:03 - 9:29 3 9:31 - 9:57 4 9:59 - 10:25 5 10:27 - 10:53 6 10:55 - 11:21 7 11:23 - 11:49 8 11:51 - 12:17 9 12:19 - 12:45

Minutes 8 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

2 Minute Passing All periods 26 minutes.

40 40 40 40 40 40 41

A Lunch B Lunch C Lunch

90 MINUTE DELAYED OPENING Period Minutes HR 9:55 - 10:03 8 1 10:05 - 10:36 31 2 10:38 - 11:09 31 3 11:11 - 11:42 31 4 11:44 - 12:15 31 5 12:17 - 12:48 31 6 12:50 - 1:21 31 7 1:23 - 1:54 31 8 1:56 - 2:27 31 9 2:29 - 3:00 31 2 Minute Passing All periods 31 minutes.

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS PUPIL CODE OF CONDUCT OUR DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT “QUALITY EDUCATION FOR EVERY STUDENT” Expectations for Student Behavior The pupil code of conduct is designed to create an educational environment that allows students to learn, teachers to teach, and administrators to facilitate instruction. Students, parents, school administrators, and the Board of Education all agree that positive student commitment and behavior are essential to effective learning. At the same time, student behavior is often a problem in our schools. We believe that it is important to help students realize that their own attitudes and acts are directly related to their school experiences and that of their classmates. With the support and assistance of school personnel and parents, all students have the capacity to demonstrate actions which contribute to the effectiveness of schools and the worth of their learning experiences. Commensurate with their maturational levels and individual abilities, all students can behave in ways that enhance the educational environment of the school and facilitate learning. Therefore, we the students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the Board of Education of this school district expect all students to fulfill the behavioral expectations of the school community and to: •

Prepare themselves mentally and physically for the process of learning.

Demonstrate respect for people and property.

Take responsibility for their own behavior and learning.

Use time and other resources responsibly.

Share responsibility when working as members of a group.

Meet the unique requirements of each class.

Monitor their own progress toward objectives.

Communicate with parents and school personnel about school-related matters.

HAMILTON ALLIANCE AGAINST SUBSTANCE ABUSE (HAASA) (609) 890-3821 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Hamilton Alliance Against Substance Abuse Committee (HAASA) is to serve as the official township coordinating body for the planning, awareness and education of substance abuse prevention efforts on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD’s). The committee is dedicated to promoting safe, healthy and responsible lifestyles through community involvement, education programs and family oriented events for all residents of Hamilton Township.

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The goal of HAASA is to develop alcoholism and drug abuse prevention, education and public awareness programs. HAASA meetings are held monthly in the Township Municipal Building-Legal conference room. THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. JOIN US. For information on meeting times contact Deborah Minnick, CADC-Coordinator- (609) 890- 3821. Chairperson: Andrea Garvey, SAC Coordinator: Deborah Minnick, CADC, CCJP ABUSE Child Abuse (DCPP) 609-292-5100

Child Abuse Hotline .................1-800-792-8610 Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence..609-394-9000 ALCOHOL/ DRUGS ALANON/ALATEEN……........1-856-547-0855 Narcotics Anonymous ……........1-800-992-0401 Alcoholics Anonymous …….........609-298-7795 Catholic Charities....................…...609-278-4933 Corner House..........................…....609-924-8018 Family Guidance………….…….1-800-813-0555 Family & Children’s Services….....609-924-2098 NJ Substance Abuse Hotline.......1-800-225-0196 Poison Control......................…...1-800-962-1253 HIV/AIDS Hyacinth Aids Foundation..........1-800-433-0254 NJ HIV/AIDS Hotline................1-800-624-2377 FOOD/EATING DISORDERS Eating Disorders............……....….609-497-4490 Overeaters Anonymous Mtgs..........609-239-0022

OTHER CRISIS HELP Anchor House.................................609-396-8329 CONTACT Helpline.......................609-896-2120 Compulsive Gambling Hotline.....1-800-426-2537 Hamilton Township Police..............609-581-4000 Parents Anonymous.....................1-800-843-5437




DISCIPLINARY POINT SYSTEM Description As stated previously, the objective of the Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy is to ensure the maintenance of any orderly school environment that is conducive to learning and to teach students to be proactive and take responsibility for their actions in all situations. A student’s privileges as a member of the Hamilton Township community may be limited as a result of behavior or misconduct that warrants such limitation. Hamilton Township middle and high schools utilize a point system to track student discipline infractions and promote an environment where students may learn from their mistakes before those mistakes negatively impact their student privileges and their ability to take full advantage of all opportunities offered in the district.





Administrative Warning

1 point


Administrative Detention

2 points


Bus Suspension

3 points


In-School Suspension

3 points


Out-of-School Suspension

4 points


Out-of-School Suspension with and/or School Board Hearing

Individual Student Point Levels Point Totals


Superintendent 8 points

12 points

Parent & Administrator goal setting meeting for Behavior Contract.

22 points

Hearing Before the Principal.






1–3 periods of ISAP and/or community service/ social consequence or 1–9 OSS depending on severity, parent/guardian notification, pupil counseling, police notification if possible crime committed


1–3 periods of ISAP and/or community service/social consequence or 1–9 OSS, possible parent/guardian conference, possible I&RS or CST review depending on severity, pupil counseling, possible police notification, Not in Good Standing


1-3 periods of ISAP and/or community service/social consequence or 1-9 OSS, parent/guardian conference, possible I&RS or CST review depending on severity, pupil counseling, possible police notification, Not in Good Standing


1-4 Days ISS, Police notification, summons for court, SAC Referral, Not in Good Standing




2 Days OSS and 3 Days ISS, Police notification, summons for court, Parent Conference SAC Referral, Building Admin. Review Not in Good Standing


4 Days OSS and 3 Days ISS, Police notification, summons for court, Parent Conference SAC Referral, Building Admin. Review, Not in Good Standing

Insubordination Disruptive Conduct Recklessness Noncooperation Disobedience Language Misuse Falsification Littering Secret Membership Dress Code Violation Forgery Use of Force Extortion Wrongful Entry Gambling Cutting Detention

Smoking and/or Possession of a tobacco (As Defined by Board Policy) on School Grounds including E-Cigarettes


Transportation Related Violation

Transportation Related Violation

1st (minor)

Warning plus possible assigned seat

2nd (minor)

Assigned seat, possible 1-5 days off bus, and/or community service/social consequence, Not in Good Standing

3rd (minor)

Same as above with additional days off of bus possibly added, Not in Good Standing

1st (major)

5-10 days off bus, parent/guardian notification

2nd (major)

More than 10 days off of bus or removal for remainder of year depending on severity, parent/guardian notification, Not in Good Standing

3rd (major)

Parent/guardian conference, removed from bus, Not in Good Standing


1-9 OSS depending on severity and intent and/or exclusion from the regular program while provided an alternative program pending a BOE hearing and/or court resolution, CST review, notify police, Not in Good Standing


9 OSS mandatory BOE hearing and exclusion from the regular program pending BOE hearing results and/or court resolution, while provided an alternative program with CST input, notify police, Not in Good Standing


Same as above with stronger consideration to the duration and type of alternative program decided for the student, Not in Good Standing


9 OSS, then removal while provided an alternative education for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. Notify police and follow lead of law enforcement and judicial system. Mandatory BOE hearing, Not in Good Standing


Same as 1st offense, Not in Good Standing


Same as 1st offense, Not in Good Standing


1-9 OSS, police notification, I&RS review and/or CST review, optional BOE hearing depending on severity, Not in Good Standing



Weapon Violation

Firearms (or committing a crime while possession a firearm on or off school grounds)

Assault on Another Pupil INFRACTION

Assault of Teacher/School Personnel


Same as above, mandatory 9 OSS and CST review, program adjustment, Not in Good Standing


Same as above, mandatory BOE hearing, Not in Good Standing


9 OSS, then removal from regular program while providing an alternative education, CST review pending BOE hearing, police notification, Not in Good Standing


Same as above


Same as above NOTE: A cut is defined as an unexcused absence of ten (10) or more minutes from an instructional or non-instructional period


Tardy to Instructional and Non-Instructional Period


Community service or social consequence, all work missed will result in no credit. Parent/guardian/guidance notification, if a semester course, parent/guardian conference required


Community service or social consequence, if a semester course, the student will be denied course credit, all work missed will result in no credit parent/guardian notification, guidance/student conference, Not in Good Standing


Possible 1-3 periods of ISAP, all work missed will result in no credit for assignment, parent/guardian conference required if three (3) cuts in one course, Not in Good Standing


1-3 periods of ISAP and community service and social consequence, if a full-year course, student denied course credit for the course; all work missed will result in an “F” grade; parent/guardian notification; parent/guardian/student guidance meeting mandatory, Not in Good Standing

5th occurrence and each subsequent occurrence

1-3 periods of ISAP and community service and social consequence, parent/guardian notification, Not in Good Standing

3rd tardiness – class

Teacher notification to pupil; guidance notification, Not in Good Standing

absences 5th tardiness – 2 class absences 7th tardiness – 3 class

Home phone contact by teacher; guidance notification, Not in Good Standing Guidance notification, Not in Good Standing





9th tardiness – 4 class

Community service; guidance notification; home phone contact by counselor


Note: Each interval of two additional tardies will equal one absence. The tardies will be cumulative in each class throughout the entire year as they pertain to class absence. However, disciplinary action for tardiness will be determined by class period for each semester. At the beginning of the second semester the steps for disciplinary action will begin at (0) zero. Absences resulting from cumulative tardies are not waivable. Not in Good Standing

Tardiness to School/Class – (Elementary and Middle School)

2nd tardiness

Warning; parent notification

4th tardiness

Community service, parent notification (if parent refuses community service, or ISA), Not in Good Standing

6th tardiness

ISAP and social consequences, parent notification, Not in Good Standing

8th tardiness

ISAP, parent conference, Not in Good Standing

10th tardiness and each subsequent 2 tardies

ISAP, social consequences and parent conference, Not in Good Standing NOTE: At the beginning of the second semester the steps for disciplinary action will begin at (2) two.

Cheating, Plagiarism, and Academic Dishonesty

Endangering Safety of Self and/or Others

Vandalism/Damage INFRACTION



Possible community service and/or social consequence, optional teacher detention, no credit for work, teacher contacts parent/guardian, “Not in Good Standing”


Same as above, plus referral to guidance counselor, Not in Good Standing


Same as above, plus possible 1-3 periods of ISAP or 1-3 OSS, Not in Good Standing


Community service and/or social consequence, 1-3 periods of ISAP or 1-9 OSS (depends on severity), parent/guardian notification, police notification (depends on severity), Not in Good Standing


Same as above


Refer to I&RS and/or CST Team, parent/guardian conference with administrator, optional BOE hearing (depends on severity), Not in Good Standing


Community service and social consequence, student liable for damages, Not in Good Standing




1-3 periods of ISAP and/or community service and/or social consequence or 1-4 OSS, student liable for damages, police notification (depending on severity), Not in Good Standing


Same as above, 3-9 OSS, possible hearing with BOE, Not in Good Standing


Community service and social consequence, 1-9 OSS, (depending on severity), parent/guardian notification, counselor notification, police notification (depending on severity), Not in Good Standing


Same as above plus, possible 3-9 OSS, parent/guardian conference with an administrator, Not in Good Standing


Same as above plus, possible 5-9 OSS, parent/guardian conference with principal, possible CST review and/or I&RS, Not in Good Standing”


Complete appropriate reporting forms, community service and social consequence, and/or 1-9 OSS (depending on severity), mandatory guidance counseling, police notification (depending on severity), parent/guardian notification at conference, I&RS review, Not in Good Standing


Same as above, plus CST review


Same as above plus, review of program and placement


Community service and social consequence, 1-3 OSS (depending on severity), parent/guardian notification, optional police notification (depending on severity), guidance notification, Not in Good Standing


Community service and social consequence, possible 1-7 OSS (depending on severity), parent/guardian notification, optional police notification (depending on severity), guidance notification, Not in Good Standing


Community service and social consequence, possible 1-9 OSS parent/guardian conference, optional police notification (depending on severity), social activities restricted, guidance notification, Not in Good Standing

Sexual Harassment


1st offense possession, usage or under influence

Parent/guardian conference 4 OSS, arrange medical exam and drug screening, within 2 hours, refer student to SAC and other appropriate counseling, notify Director, develop contract in lieu of BOE hearing, re-entry conference with medical release note from doctor submitted. Contract must include, but not be limited to, community service and 30-day exclusion from all extra-curricular activities and events, Not in Good Standing

2nd offense possession, usage or under the influence

Same as 1st plus 7 OSS, BOE hearing at discretion of principal

Substance Abuse




3rd offense possession, us- Same as 1st plus 9 OSS, mandatory BOE hearing, referral to CST age or under the influence for evaluation, Not in Good Standing

1st offense distribution Distribution of Controlled Dangerous Substance

Parent/guardian conference, police notification, 9 OSS (or more with BOE approval) arrange medical exam and drug screening, within 2 hours, refer student to appropriate counseling, notify Director, mandatory BOE hearing, provide alternative education program pending result of BOE hearing and court resolution, CST evaluations, Not in Good Standing

Situations occurring outside of school that may affect the health, safety, and welfare of student and the school community inclusive, but not limited to, substance abuse, firearms, and other criminal charges

2nd offense distribution

Same as above, plus removal from regular education program for a period of not less than one year, Not in Good Standing

3rd offense distribution

Same as above


Parent/guardian conference, police notification, possible 1-9 OSS (or more with BOE approval) arrange necessary intervention, refer student to appropriate counseling, notify Director, provide alternative education program pending result of possible BOE hearing and/or court resolution, CST review, Not in Good Standing


Same as above, plus possible removal from regular education program for a period of not less than one year, Not in Good Standing


Same as above


1-4 OSS and/or community service and/or social consequence, parent/guardian notification, supervision of technology privileges, police notification (depending on severity)


1-4 OSS and/or community services and/or social consequence, parent/guardian conference, police notification (depending on severity), increased suspension of privileges or possible revocation of computer privileges, Not in Good Standing


1-9 OSS, parent/guardian conference, I&RS referral possible, mandatory revocation of privileges, Not in Good Standing


Community service and/or 1-9 OSS, parent/guardian notification, police, Not in Good Standing


Community service and social consequence, and/or 3-9 OSS parent/guardian conference, police notification, BOE hearing optional (depending on severity), Not in Good Standing

3rd and subsequent offense

5-9 OSS, parent/guardian conference, police notification, BOE hearing




Community service and social consequence, 1-3 ISAP or 1-9 OSS, police notification (depending on severity), counselor involvement, optional BOE hearing (depending on severity), Not in Good Standing


Same as above


Same as above, optional BOE hearing (depending on severity)


1-9 OSS, police notification (depending on severity), counselor involvement, optional BOE hearing (depending on severity), Not in Good Standing

Misuse of Technology

Exploding Devices

INFRACTION Creating Public Alarm


Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Dating Violence

Cell Phone Offenses and other Electronic Communication Devices


Same as above


Same as above, parent/guardian conference with administrator, option BOE hearing (depending on severity)

All offenses

Consult the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy and Regulation 5512 and Follow Reporting and Intervention Procedures as indicated, Not in Good Standing

All offenses

Consult the Dating Violence Policy Regulation 5519 and Follow Reporting and Intervention Procedures as indicated, Not in Good Standing


The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the office. The student’s name is recorded on a cell phone log. The student may pick up the phone in the main office at the end of the school day (Refer to Regulation 5516)


1-3 Periods of ISAP and/or community service/social consequence. The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the office. An administrator will contact a parent/guardian to pick up the cell phone at his/her convenience, Not in Good Standing


1-9 Periods of OSS and/or community service/social consequence. The phone is immediately confiscated and sent to the office. An administrator will contact a parent/guardian to pick up the cell phone at his/her convenience, Not in Good Standing


Adopted: 23 July 2008 Revised: 2 April 2009; 27 June2012; 28 September 2015

PROJECT CHILD FIND For Preschool Children and Pupils (Three to Twenty-one) Hamilton Township School District provides a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for eligible students ages 3 – 21 through your local public school district. If you are concerned that your preschool child or student is developing or learning differently, you may call Hamilton Township School District, Student Services and Programs’ office to refer your child to the district’s Child Study Team. Student Services personnel will answer any questions you may have. If you would like to request an evaluation for special education and related services you will be advised to send a written request for an

evaluation to the Director of Special Services at the following address: Hamilton Township Schools Department of Student Services and Programs Child Study Team 2445 Kuser Road Suite 202 Hamilton, NJ 08690 In this written request, include your child’s name, age, address and suspected or known disability. After receiving your request, the district’s Child Study Team has twenty days to have a meeting with you – the parent/guardian. At this meeting, you and the team will decide if an evaluation is needed and what the evaluation will include. Hamilton Township Public Schools 1-609-631-4165 Department of Student Services and Programs

Mercer County Office of Education New Jersey State Department of Education 1075 Old Trenton Road Hamilton, New Jersey 08690

Project Child Find 1-800-322-8174 A free referral service to assist in the identification of through twenty-one years of age.

Project Child 1-609-588-8500 Assessment services for children between three and five years of age. In Mercer County these services are provided by Project Child, a Program of Mercer County Special Services School District

County Supervisor of Child Study Services 1-609-588-5877 Carmen Fanucci

Early Intervention Service Coordinator 1-609-730-4152 Mercer County Special Child Health Services Case Management Unit

unserved youth with a delay or disability from birth

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