ALAMO CITY SCHOOL 2016-2017 PROPERTY OF__________________________________________

BOARD OF EDUCATION Lawrence Harden - Chairman Patrick Conley - Vice Chairman Shannon Haynes Charlie Moore Douglas Ward

School Administration Jake Nichols – Director of Schools Melissa Helton – Principal Brenda Reddick – Assistant Principal Amy Hutchison – Supervisor of Instruction and Assessement Interpreter – Intérprete – Nereida Meza If you need an interpreter or a handbook in Spanish, please call 696-5515 and ask to speak to Nereida Meza. Si necesita un intérprete o un manual en español, por favor llame al 696-5515 y pregunte por Nereida Meza. 504 Coordinator – Lashanne Wilson


Student and Parent Handbook/Planner Grades PK-6 Discipline Hearing Authority (Discipline Board) Melissa Helton – Administration LaShanne Wilson – School Counselor Johnna Klyce – Crockett Children’s Services Ashley Haworth – Coordinated School Health Mary Kate Gourley – Teacher Representative

The Alamo City School System affirms that it will comply with the provisions Title VI and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which state: No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, gender, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Anyone who believes that the school system has discriminated against them or another individual may file a complaint. The complaint can be sent to: Melissa Helton Title IX 265 East Park St. Alamo, TN 38001

Brenda Reddick Title VI 265 East Park St. Alamo, TN 38001

Tennessee Dept. of Education and/or Office of Civil Rights U.S. Dept. of Education P.O. Box 2048, 04-3010 Atlanta, Georgia 30301-2048

School-Wide Positive Behavior Rewards Red  Devil  200  Club   The  200  Club  is  a  reward  system  for  positive  behavior.  When  a  student  is  "caught"   being  good,  a  staff  member  with  a  ticket  may  give  that  ticket  to  the  student  to  reward   them  for  their  good  behavior.    The  student  is  able  to  turn  in  the  ticket  that  afternoon,   draw  from  the  prize  bucket,  and  sign  the  Red  Devils  200  Club  Book.    The  student  is   then  assigned  a  number  on  the  ACS  Red  Devil  200  Club  Board  where  they  can  post   their  ticket.  Once  there  are  10  tickets  in  a  row  on  the  board,  a  Mystery  Motivator  Prize   is  rewarded  to  all  10  students.    

Classroom  Compliment  Chains   Each  classroom  has  a  paper  chain  hanging  beside  their  door  that  the  students  work  to   grow  throughout  the  school  year.    The  students  must  "get  caught"  doing  something   good  such  as  being  quiet  in  the  hall  or  following  directions.    Each  ACS  staff  members   is  allotted  one  chain  link  per  day  to  give  to  students  with  good  behavior.    The  staff   member  writes  a  compliment  on  the  chain  and  tells  the  students  what  good  behavior   they  were  "caught"  doing.    Each  class  votes  on  the  prize  they  want  to  work  for  such  as   a  popcorn  party,  extra  computer,  recess,  or  free  time.    When  the  class's  chain  reaches   the  floor  they  receive  the  reward  they  voted  on  and  a  new  chain  is  started.    It  is  a   great  incentive  for  students  in  every  grade  level  to  follow  the  Three  Bee's.  


Alamo City School Alamo, Tennessee Rules and Regulations ADMISSION POLICY A student seeking enrollment in the district for the first time must meet all academic, age, immunization, and other prerequisites for admission set forth in state law, Board policy, and administrative requirements. Grade levels may close to out-of-district students when student numbers call for such action. Out-of-district students who are in Alamo City School and choose to leave the school may not return to Alamo City School under Board Policy 6.204. Appeals can be made to the Superintendent. Out of District students who have major discipline violations or repetitive discipline and/or attendance problems may be denied enrollment the next school year. The district may deny regular school admission to a student who is expelled/suspended from another school district and who subsequently becomes a resident of the district or who applies as a non-resident.

ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. Promotion denial determinations may include student attendance, however, student attendance may not be the sole criterion. TCA 49-2-203 (b)(7) 2. Excessive illness will be taken into consideration by the Principal; however, it is the responsibility of the parent to provide doctor’s statements to substantiate the illness. 3. According to Tennessee Law, after a student has been absent from school 5 unexcused days (this means a total of 5 days and not necessarily 5 consecutive days) he may have notice served upon him and his parents through a school letter by the Director of Schools or his/her designee. If it shall appear that, within 3 days after receipt of the notice, the child and parents have failed to comply, the Director of Schools shall report the facts of unlawful attendance to the sheriff, constable, city policeman, district attorney general, or foreman of the grand jury, who shall proceed immediately against the parent/guardian (TCA 49-6-3007) (3). 4. Students with excessive (more than 5) unexcused absences or those in danger of credit/promotion denial shall have the opportunity to appeal to an attendance hearing committee appointed by the principal. 5. A second notice is sent in the form of a certified school letter to the parents after 10 unexcused absences. 6. Any child with TEN unexcused (10) absences from school unlawfully shall be reported to juvenile court, with written notice to the parent/guardian. Age appropriate will be taken into consideration and parents may be charged. (TCA 49-6-3007) (f) 7. Students may be assigned to Thursday and/or Saturday School to make up lost instruction time for excessive excused or unexcused absences at the discretion of administration. 8. Students are not excused from school to work or to perform duties of a parent or guardian. 9. Make-up work should be completed for all absences. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to request the make-up work.

ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND TOBACCO Possession, consumption or other misuse of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco is prohibited during the school day and during any school sponsored activities. Age appropriate drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention curriculum will be taught annually to students.

AUTHORITY OF SCHOOL OFFICIALS Tennessee statutes delegate specific authority and responsibility to school officials concerning the control and discipline of students. A student who violates the discipline code may be subject to a spectrum of disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to detention, suspension from school and/or school activities, expulsion, loss of bus privileges, loss of awards/honors, loss of other privileges and/or referral to law enforcement officials. The Principal, or a person designated by the Principal, has the authority, by law to administer these disciplinary actions to students.

BUS ACTIVITY Bus transportation is provided as a privilege to students. Proper behavior is expected on school buses at all times. In order to help ensure the safety of students, drivers and the general public, drivers are given the authority to establish reasonable rules for safety and conduct on their buses. Drivers are also authorized to deal with minor disciplinary matters on their own,


through assigning seats, contacting parents, or other reasonable measures. When deemed necessary, the driver may report students to the principal’s office for disciplinary action, which may result in the student being denied the right to ride a bus. Cell phones or any other personal communication device are not to be in a student’s possession while being transported to or from any school on a school bus. (See Cell Phones below)

BREAKFAST AND LUNCH Breakfast will be served in the classroom each morning from 7:20 till 7:40. Alamo City School allows all students to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of family income. All visitors will be charged $3.00 per lunch. Eating lunch with your child is available on special occasions. Please limit this to a maximum of 2 times per month. Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch or call for lunch to be delivered. Parents are asked not to bring lunch in from an outside source (Fast Food). No video or photographs of students may be taken while visiting for lunch. This protects ALL students.

CELL PHONES Students may possess personal communication devices, such as cell phones, while on Alamo City School property, but they may not possess these devices while riding a Crockett County school bus (county policy). However, the devices must be in the off mode and must be kept in a backpack, teachers desk, purse or similar carry-all (not on the person) and may not be used during school hours. The principal or his/her designee may grant permission to use the device at his/her discretion. A device used outside these parameters shall result in confiscation of the device until such time as it may be released to the student’s parent or guardian. Excessive violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Students who take pictures or videos with their cell phone during the school day may be subject to disciplinary actions.

CHECK CASHING State regulations - Tennessee Internal School Financial Manual – “Personal checks must not be cashed with school funds.” The school may accept checks for payment of goods and services such as lunches, pictures, etc; however, the check must be for the exact amount of the purchase. No cash money may be returned to the student.

COMMUNICABLE/CONTAGIOUS CONDITIONS The school cannot keep sick children (i.e. fever, pink eye) at school. It is the responsibility of the parent to make provisions for their children when they are ill (this includes providing a phone number where a parent may be reached at all times). In cases in which a communicable/contagious condition is suspected, the Principal or his/her designee will request that a doctor’s statement must be presented before the student may return to school.

COMPUTER RESOURCES To prepare students for an increasingly computerized society, the district has made a substantial investment in computer technology for instructional purposes. Use of these resources is restricted to students working under a teacher’s supervision and for approved purposes only. The student and his /her parents will be asked to sign a user agreement regarding the use of these resources; violations of this agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action. Students should be aware that all communication via the computer and internet sights visited will be monitored.

DISCIPLINE Alamo City School’s approach for establishing and maintaining a positive social and behavioral learning environment is our School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBS). A copy of the PBS plan will be given when students are registered. Parents will sign the bottom of the plan to show they received a copy of the plan and the signature will be removed and filed. The signature only shows the parent received a copy of the plan and not that they are in full agreement of the plan.

THURSDAY/SATURDAY SCHOOL Students may be assigned to Thursday and/or Saturday school for discipline or attendance issues. Thursday school will consist of academic work from 2:45-4:00. Parents will pick up their child at the main entrance at 4:00. Saturday School will consist of academic work from 8:0011:00 am. Breakfast and Lunch will NOT be served. Parents drop off and pick up students at the entrance between the gym and the main building. If a Student is referred to Thursday/Saturday school and that date is missed 2 weeks in a row, the student will be referred to the discipline board.


All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness, including the length of the hair, and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Hairstyles and hair colors that are deemed an unnecessary distraction in the school setting will be prohibited. The following items are prohibited: high heel shoes (2 or more inches high), shorts closer to the hip than the knee, mesh or see through clothing, stretch pants or leggings not covered by dress or shirt, pants with holes that would cause disruptions, sagging pants, hats, caps, chains, tank tops or others narrow strapped tops, short-cut tops, low-cut or tight fitting garments and undesirable messages or inappropriate picture t-shirts. In a Pre-K through 6th grade setting, age appropriate dress is looked at on a grade-by-grade basis. Also prohibited are articles of dress or symbols that are associated with “gang” activities or any group or organization that may be offensive to any of our school population. In all cases the school reserves the right to determine if an item of dress is a disruptive influence or inappropriate school attire.

EMERGENCY DRILLS The school holds emergency fire, tornado, earthquake, and lockdown drills. Teachers inform students concerning conduct, behavior, and procedures. Students are expected to remain quiet and orderly.

EMERGENCY MEDICIAL TREATMENT If a student has a medical emergency at school or a school-related activity, then employees will administer emergency first aid and if necessary emergency medical personnel will be contacted. The school will also attempt to notify the parents. In order for emergency medical personnel to treat a student, the school must have an emergency care consent form for that student. Therefore, parents are asked to complete an emergency care consent form each year. Parents should keep emergency care information up-to-date (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, allergies, etc.)

ESTRANGED PARENTS Frequently, when parents quarrel, separate, or divorce, the school is instructed by one parent that the other parent is not to check the child out of school or to visit the child at school. Alamo City School adheres strictly to the following guidelines: 1. The school discourages “visits” to students by anyone during school hours, since it is a disruption to the learning process. 2. The school cannot prevent a parent with joint custody rights from checking a child out of school. 3. The school will deny non-custodial parents and grandparents the right to visit or check a child out of school unless the custodial parent gives permission directly to the Principal for this to be done. 4. In all cases in which one parent has sole custody, the school must have legal documentation that verifies custody (court order, restraining order, divorce decree). It is the responsibility of the parent to provide this documentation each year. 5. By law, both parents have access to the records of a student unless there is a court order, state statute or legal binding document that specifically revokes these rights. The school must be provided a copy of these documents each school year in order to deny access.

FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT A Federal law requires that Alamo City School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s records. However, Alamo City School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you advise the District to the contrary. Directory information includes: student’s name, address, telephone listing, photograph, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, degrees, honors, awards, most recent educational agency attended, etc. Upon request, the Alamo City School District will release educational records without consent of officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. If you do not want Alamo City School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by September 1st of each school year. Parents have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a written request that identifies the records they wish to review. Parents also may request that an amendment to the student’s record be made if they believe it is inaccurate or misleading.


No harassment cyber-bullying/bullying/intimidation of any kind (sexual, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability) will be tolerated. Students are expected to treat other students and employees with courtesy and respect; to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive; and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop. Any harassment/bullying/intimidation complaint or rumor may be presented to the Principal, Assistant Principal or Director of Schools. All complaints and rumors will be investigated. The investigator will be a neutral party.

HOMEWORK The focus on homework at ACS is reinforcement of skills. Teachers, from time to time, will send work, projects, and reading home to practice the skills taught in class. And, to review work that has been completed in class. This extra practice is crucial to the student’s success at ACS. Students may miss activities to complete work not completed at home, when necessary.

IMMUNIZATIONS No student entering school, including those entering Pre-K or kindergarten, those from out-ofstate and those from non-public schools, will be permitted to enroll or attend without proof of required immunizations. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to have their children immunized and to provide proof to the Principal where the student is to attend. If the student has religious beliefs that conflicts with this requirement the parent must present a signed statement outlining the beliefs and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which the student is a member. This statement must be renewed yearly. If the student is not immunized for medical reasons, the parent must present a certificate signed by a U.S. licensed physician stating, in the doctor’s opinion, the immunizations would be harmful to the health of the student. This certificate must be renewed yearly.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS COMPLAINTS Complaints about instructional materials should be directed to the Principal. If, a resolution is not the outcome, a formal complaint in writing may be filed. A reconsideration committee will review the material and forward the recommendation to the Director of Schools for a decision. The complainant may appeal the Director of School’s decision to the Board, whose decision will be final.

INSURANCE Alamo City School provides school time accident insurance (with limitations) for all students. Personal and/or Family insurance is to be the primary insurance.

LIBRARY Students are encouraged to make proper use of the library. Students must pay $20.00 for lost or damaged books. All books are inventoried electronically and has a unique barcode. Report cards and students records may be held until lost or damaged books are paid for or returned.

LEAVING OR CHECKING OUT Any person picking up a child during the school day must report to the office and sign the child out. Students will not be called to the office prior to the parent arriving. Checking out after 2:00 pm will result in students receiving an afternoon “tardy”, due to missed instruction time. This lost instruction time will be handled just as a morning tardy would be handled, resulting in the possibility of Thursday and/or Saturday School being assigned to make up lost instruction time. Students will not regularly be released before the end of the instructional day unless the Principal or Director of Schools has granted approval because of extenuating circumstance.

LOCKERS AND DESKS Lockers and desks are provided for student use but remain under the jurisdiction of the school even when assigned to an individual student. The school reserves the right to inspect these at all times. Valuables should never be stored in lockers or desks.

MEDIA Parents/guardians are given the opportunity at registration to withhold permission for identification in public news media, newspaper articles, or photographs of their child at school.

MEDICINE AT SCHOOL Medication will be administered at school if a student’s health requires that it be given during school hours. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring this medication to school and give it to the school nurse or Principal. All prescriptions must be in the original container. The pharmacy label must have the following information: name of the student, prescription number, name and dosage of medication, administration directions, date, licensed prescriber’s name, pharmacy


name, address and phone number. Non-prescription medication must be brought in the original container with the child’s name affixed to it.

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY It is the policy of the Alamo Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, religion, age, marital status or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies, as required by Title VI, IX and Section 504. Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of discrimination or harassment by a student or employee of the school system should report the alleged acts immediately to the Principal, Melissa Helton, 265 East Park Street, Alamo, TN 38001 731-696-5515.

NON-SCHOOL RELATED FUND RAISERS The school does not allow students to sell items within the school for organizations or groups outside Alamo City School.

PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Personal electronic devices such as CD players, Ipod, IPad or phones may be stored in backpacks, teachers’ desk, purses or personal carry-alls (not on the person). However, the use of the devices during school hours is strictly forbidden. The principal or his designee may grant a student permission to use personal electronic devices at his/her discretion. Use or improper storage of the device will result in confiscation until such time as it may be released to a parent or guardian. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.

PERSONNEL COMPLAINTS Students or parents who have a complaint concerning a classroom teacher should first bring the matter to the teacher. If the outcome is not satisfactory, a conference with the Principal may be requested (within 5 days). If the outcome with the Principal is not satisfactory, a written request for a conference with the Director of Schools may be filed (within 15 days). If the conference with the Director of Schools is not satisfactory, an appeal to the Board of Education may be filed in writing (within 10 days). Board decisions are final.

LAS QUEJAS DE PERSONAL Los estudiantes o los padres quien tienen una queja en lo que concierne a un profesor de aula debería primero traer la materia al profesor. Si el resultado no es satisfactorio, una conferencia con el Principal puede pedirse (dentro de 5 días). Si el resultado con el Principal no es satisfactorio, un pedido escrito para una conferencia con el Director de Escuelas puede archivarse (dentro de 15 días). Si la conferencia con el Director de Escuelas no es satisfactoria, una apelación a la Placa de Educación puede archivarse por pedido escrito (dentro de 10 días). Las decisiones de la placa son finales.

POSTERS No posters, signs or notices are to be posted anywhere in the building without approval of the Principal.

RADIOS/TOYS Students are not permitted to bring toys (especially toy guns and knives), radios, tape players/recorders, video games, trading cards of any type to school unless special permission is given by a teacher. State law specifies that schools are not responsible for items such as the above that are lost, stolen or broken when brought to school by students.

SAFETY OF STUDENTS For safety reasons: Students are asked not to run anywhere on campus, except in P.E. class or on the playground. Follow the instructions of teachers, instructional assistants, bus drivers or other school employees.

SAFETY PLAN Alamo City School is in compliance with all state regulations regarding school safety. A copy of the safety plan is on file in the office of the Director of Schools.

SCHOOL ARRIVIAL AND DISMISSAL School begins at 7:30am with announcements and the National Anthem. The building is opened each morning at 7:00am. School dismisses for walkers at 2:45, car riders at 2:50 and for bus riders at 3:00. Parents are urged to observe the beginning and ending times and make certain that their children arrive on time and are picked up after school on time. Excessive tardy (more than 10) or checking out will result in a letter sent by Certified Mail to the parent. Future problems (15 or more total) with tardy and checking out after the meeting may result in juvenile court being contacted.


In case of school dismissal because of weather or other unexpected conditions, the announcement will be made on the following stations: STATION TOWN STATION DIAL NO. WBBJ-TV Jackson TV Channel 7 WMC Memphis TV Channel 5 Also, our school wide calling system will be activated. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure all phone numbers on the calling system are up to date. An announcement will be made on the above stations as soon as a decision is made. Unless announced otherwise, school will be open. Please do not call the Director of Schools, administration or staff.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES CONCERNS A concern regarding the identification, evaluation or placement of a student with disabilities or accessibility of the district’s services, activities or programs to a student, should be directed to the principal.

TELEPHONE The telephone in the Assistant Principal’s office is for students use in case of an emergency or an urgent need to call home. Students are not to use the phone for personal calls. Students must have permission to use the phone. Generally, students are not called to the phone to receive a call; the office will take a message and forward it to the student. Only in emergency situations are students allowed to receive a call.

TEXTBOOK Textbooks are issued to all students, good care and treatment of all books is expected. Charges for damages or loss of textbooks will be made at the end of the year.

VIDEOTAPING OF STUDENTS For safety purposes, video equipment may be used to monitor student behavior on buses and in common areas of the campus. Students have no expectation of privacy in these areas. Tapes will be reviewed routinely.

VISITORS Any person visiting Alamo City School is requested to enter through the main entrance, sign in at the office and receive a visitor pass. Visitor’s passes must be worn in a noticeable place at all times while on campus. A copy of the visitor’s policy is available from the Director of Schools or Principal.

WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL Parents withdrawing a student from school for any reason should let the Principal’s office know. When a student enrolls in their new school, the new school will request school records from Alamo City School.

PROMOTION In order to be promoted to the next grade the following requirements must be met: Grades K- 2: 1. Mastery of 75% of the basic reading and math objectives for the particular grade level. 2. Passing grades in both reading and math. 3. At or above grade level on Standardized Testing (NWEA, STAR, TNReady) 4. Teacher recommendation Grades 3- 6: 1. Mastery of 75% of the basic reading and math objectives for the particular grade level. 2. Passing grades in the following subject areas: Language Arts (Writing/Spelling), Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Science. 3. No student enrolled in the 3rd grade shall be promoted unless the student has shown a basic understanding of curriculum and ability to perform the skills required in the subject of reading as demonstrated by the student’s grades or standardized test. TCA 49-6-3115 4. Teacher recommendation This is a summary of the official board policy regarding promotion. A copy of the entire policy may be obtained online or from the Director of Schools. In any situation involving retention of a student, parents have the right to appeal the decision to the board of education. The request for appeal must be made in writing to the Director of Schools, who must then schedule a hearing within 30 days of the date of the request.


A Family Guide to Response to Instruction and Intervention Alamo  City  School  is  committed  to  helping  all  children  succeed.  We  have  many  ways  to  help   children  who  are  struggling  to  learn  and  who  need  additional  supports  to  be  successful.   Response  to  Instruction  and  Intervention  (RTI2)  is  one  form  of  support.       What  is  RTI2?   A  multi-­‐tiered  delivery  system  that  uses  a  data-­‐driven  problem-­‐solving  model  to  identify   specific  student  need  and  match  appropriate  instructional  strategies.   What  does  the  RTI2  Framework  look  like?   The  RTI2  Framework  has  three  tiers.  Each  tier  provides  differing  levels  of  support.   • In  Tier  l,  all  students  receive  research-­‐based,  high  quality,  general  education   instruction  that  incorporates  ongoing  universal  screening  and  ongoing  assessment   to  inform  instruction.     • In  Tier  ll,  intervention  is  implemented  when  assessments  indicate  that  a  student  is   not  making  adequate  gains  from  Tier  I  instruction  alone.  In  addition  to  Tier  I   instruction,  students  are  provided  small  group  interventions  designed  to  meet  their   specific  needs.  These  students  are  progress  monitored  weekly  or  every  other  week   using  a  tool  that  is  sensitive  to  measuring  changes  in  the  student’s  individual  skills.     • In  Tier  III,  more  intensive  interventions  are  provided  to  students  who  have  not   made  significant  progress  in  Tier  II,  who  are  more  than  1.5  grade  levels  behind,  or   who  are  below  the  10th  percentile.  These  students  are  progress  monitored  weekly  or   every  other  week  using  a  tool  that  is  sensitive  to  measuring  changes  in  the  student’s   individual  skills.       What  are  the  key  components  of  the  RTI2  Framework?   A  key  component  of  RTI2  is  that  all  children  receive  high  quality  curriculum  and  instruction   in  the  general  education  classroom  (Tier  l).   Another  component  of  RTI2  is  that  the  school  conducts  universal  screenings.  Universal   screenings  review  the  performance  and  progress  of  all  students  through  brief  assessments.   Universal  screenings  help  schools  identify  students  who  may  need  more  support  or  other   types  of  instruction.   As  a  result  of  universal  screenings,  students  may  be  identified  as  needing  targeted   intervention  (Tier  ll)  in  addition  to  the  high  quality  instruction  they  are  receiving  in  Tier  l.   Research  based  interventions  are  used  to  support  students  in  the  area(s)  in  which  they  are   struggling.  Research  based  interventions  are  teaching  strategies  or  methods  that  have  been   proven  effective  in  helping  children  learn.   Another  key  component  of  RTI2  is  progress  monitoring.  Progress  monitoring  is  a  way  for   teachers  to  take  a  snapshot  of  how  children  are  doing  on  a  specific  skill.  It  shows  how  well   the  intervention  is  working.  It  includes  formal  and  informal  assessments.  Progress   monitoring  helps  determine  whether  an  intervention  is  successful  or  needs  to  be  changed.   This  information  is  shared  with  parents  on  a  regular  basis.   When  progress  monitoring  indicates  that  the  intervention  is  no  longer  needed,  the  child   continues  to  receive  support  from  the  general  education  curriculum  (Tier  I).  When  progress   monitoring  shows  that  a  child  is  not  responding  to  the  intervention,  another  approach  or   intervention  may  be  tried.  If  a  higher  level  of  support  is  needed,  students  may  be  given   more  intense  intervention  that  further  focuses  on  the  supporting  skills  they  need  to  be   successful  learners  (Tier  lll).  Students  who  do  not  respond  to  Tier  III  interventions  may  be   referred  for  special  education.     Please  access  the  Alamo  City  School  RTI2  website  at  for  more   resources  and  any  answers  to  questions  you  may  have.   ESEA-Elementary and Secondary Education Act  


Federal Funds Alamo City School receives federal funds under ESEA- Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This money is used based upon needs assessments and implemented through the Consolidated Plan. Alamo City School operates as a School wide Title I School that allows the school to consolidate funds from federal, state and local sources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Right to Request Information As a parent, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s) and any paraprofessional providing support for your child. Title I schools are responsible for providing “timely notice that a child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not “highly qualified”. Alamo City School status and Adequate Yearly Progress data can be requested at the central office. Current data was not available at the time of print. Parent Information/Parent Involvement Alamo City School will provide parent information on the achievement level of their child on each of the state academic assessments as soon as practically possible after the test is taken. A Parental Involvement Policy for Alamo City School is on file in the central office and is available to you upon request. You are encouraged to advise the school if you would like to be a part of the Parental Involvement Advisory Board. Parent-Teacher Association meetings and other parent meetings are held each year to provide information about the Title I program and to answer any questions, receive feedback, gather ideas, etc… from parents concerning their child and the Title programs. Limited English Proficient Alamo City School will provide a program for Limited English Proficient students if and when there are students with a need. Safe and Drug Free Alamo City School receives federal funds to implement programs for safe and drug-free schools. These programs are to aid in violence and drug prevention efforts. All students are included in these programs unless parents notify the school in writing. If your child becomes a victim of a violent crime at school, he/she has the right to transfer to another school. Alamo City School is identified as a Safe School. Homeless Alamo City School offers all children the same opportunities. Homeless children are eligible to attend Alamo City School and are provided the same transportation services, meal services and educational services that all children are offered. The homeless liaison from Alamo City School is Gina Rawson – Director of Federal Programs. Student Privacy Alamo City School respects the right of student privacy. Parents have the right to inspect any third party survey before it is distributed, inspect any instructional materials and inspect any instrument used to collect personal information before it is distributed to students. Alamo City School will notify all parents of specific or approximate dates regarding activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal student information, administration of surveys containing requests for certain types of sensitive information, any non-emergency, invasive physical examination that is required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school, scheduled in advance and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of students. Public Notice Alamo City School must request a waiver from the U.S. Secretary of Education in order to waive any provision or regulation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. If a waiver is requested, Alamo City School must provide public notice and information regarding the waiver. Alamo City School must provide parents, teachers, and school representatives with notice and opportunity to comment on the proposed terms of a local flexibility agreement that is entered into with the U.S. Department of Education. Access to Technology Alamo City School offers all students access to various technology and the Internet. The website address for ACS is All teacher e-mail addresses are located on this site in order to improve home-school communication.


Alamo City School 2016-2017 School Calendar Aug. 1 & 2

Teacher Inservice

Jan. 3

Teacher Inservice (No Students)

Aug. 1

Open House (3:00-6:00)

Jan. 4

1st Day Students & Teachers

Aug. 3

First Student Day (1/2 Day)

Jan. 5

Report Cards

Aug. 3

Teachers Admin. Day (1/2 Day)

Jan. 16

M. L. King Jr. Holiday

Sept. 5

Labor Day Holiday

Feb. - TBA

TNREADY Assessment (Part 1)

Sept. 6

Teacher Inservice (No Students)

Feb. 16 & 21

Parent Teacher Conf. (3:00-6:00 each day)

Sept. 30

End of 1st 9 weeks (42 Days) Feb. 17

Teacher Inservice (No Students)

Oct. 3-7

Fall Break Feb. 20

President's Day Holiday

Oct. 10

Teacher Inservice (No Students) Mar. 10

Oct. 13 & 18

Parent/Teacher Conference (3:00-6:00 each day) Report Cards given @ Conf.

End of 3rd 9 Weeks (134 Days)

Mar. 13-17

Spring Break

Nov. 21-25

Thanksgiving Holiday

Mar. 22

Report Cards

Dec. 16

Last Day of Fall Semester (1/2 day) (87 Days)

April 14

Good Friday

April/May - TBA TNREADY Assessment (Part 2) Dec. 19-Jan. 2 Christmas Break May 12th

Strawberry Festival Holiday

May 24th

Last Day for Students(1/2 Day) (180 Days)

May 25-26

Teacher Inservice

* School Board Options for School Cancellation Make-up Schedule (in no particular order) - Cancel Holidays - Jan. 16, Feb. 20, April 14 - Cancel or Shorten Spring Break - Employ Stockpile Days - Add Days to end of the year * School Calendar may change. Family plans are made based on the assumption the calendar will not change. Excused absences will not be given for conflicts with changes to the calendar.








being good, a staff member with a ticket may give that ticket to the student to reward. them for their good behavior. The student is able to turn in the ticket that ...

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