Hoya Files 2007 # I Hoya picta Blume 1849 Type description: I would assume this name is invalid as it was used in 1848 by Siebold except for a hoya and not as here Acanthostemma (an actual hoya). In Rumphia 4 (1849) 29. K. L. Blume. 6. A. pictum: foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandiulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus 1ongiuscle pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-velutina.— Habit. In montanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innasecns. Translation: leaves (small) slightly round to ovate, sharply pointed; both sides purple-stained and glandular; below convex; shaped like an umbel with somewhat long peduncles many flowered; corolla papilose-velvety inside. Habitat: Innate in the mountains of Western Java, in trees. Other literature: In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavorum 1 (1849) 58. C. L. Blume. 147. Acanthostemma pictum Bl. fig. X.: foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-velutina. Bl. in Rumphia l. c.— In montanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innascens. Translation: leaves (small) somewhat round-ovate mucronate both sides purple spotted and glandular convex below; racemes umbel formed somewhat long pedunculate multiflowered; corolla inside papilose velvety. Blume in Rumphia as above.— in the mountains of Eastern Java growing in the trees. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1853) 64. W. G. Walpers. 6. A. pictum Blume l. c. p. 29. & Mus. bot. Lugd. Bat. 51. no. 147. fig.10. t— Foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis, utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis, subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolle intus papillosovelutina. —Crescit in montanis insulae Javae. Translation: Leaves (small) almost round-ovate mucronate, both sides purples stained and glandular, below convex; racemes umbellate on long many flowered peduncles; corolla inside papillose. velvety. It lives in mountains on the island of Java.


Hoya amboinensis Warburg 1907 Type description: In Repertorium Specierum Novarum 3 (1907) 341. Fedde. Hoya amboinensis Warburg 26. Hoya amboinensis Warb., nov. spec. Ramulis volubilibus in sicco flaccidis vel rubescebtibus 2 - 3 mm. crassis leavibus et nitidis, petiolis 5 - 7 mm. crassis glabris, in nodis incrassatis, foliis oblong-usque late ovatis basi rotundatis apice acutis 6 - 7 cm. longis 2.5 - 5 cm. latis satis supra lucidis in costae basi subglandulosis, venis ca. 4 patulis longe ante marginem arcuate confluentibus haud valde distinctis quam retinaculm vix crassioribus. Pedunculis juxtaaxillaribus glabris 2 - 4 cm. longis 0.5 mm. crassi glabris, sepalis metro, extus glabra, intus albido-squamulosa. lobis triangularibus subacutis 3 mm. longis, coronae stamineae lobis dilatatis corollae incumbentibus plane navicularibus lucidis 1.5 mm. longis 1 mm. latis, apice interno incurvato subacuto, apice externo subrecurvo obtuso, antherarum appendiculis brevibus rotundatis. Amboin (Warburg no. 17494). Der H. diversifolia Bl. verwandt, doch hat dieser ausser den nicht eiförmigen und nicht spitzen Blättern bewimperte Kelchzipfel, eine innen papillöse Corolla und am Innenende stumpfe Corollazipfel. Translation: Branched twining in the dried state flaccid or turning reddish 2 - 3 mm. thick smooth and glossy, petioles 5 - 7 mm. long 1 mm. thick glabrous, thickened at the nodes, leaves oblong and broad with a rounded base, acute apex 6 - 7 cm. long 2.5 - 5 cm. wide, above clear, at the base of the costa somewhat granulous, veins about 4 outspread, curving and curving and running together prior to reaching the margines , not at all distinct, reticulations barely thickened. Peduncles glabrous approaching the axils 2 - 4 cm. long 0.5 mm. thick glabrous, sepals 1.5 mm. long ovate-lanceolate somewhat acute glabrous, corolla 1 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside with small white scales, lobes triangular somewhat acute 3 mm. long, lobes of the staminal corona spreading incumbent on the corolla distinctly boat shaped clear 1.5 mm. long 1 mm. wide, with the internal apex incurved somewhat acute, external apex somewhat recurved obtuse, anthers small rounded. Amboina (Warburg #17494). Related to Hoya diversifolia Blume, but with these differences. not egg-shaped and not with acute pointed leaves, and with a papillose inner corolla and with the end of the corolla obtuse. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. amboinensis Warb. - 36.


Hoya acuminata Bentham ex Hooker 1866 In Contributions to the Botany of India (1834) 39. P. acuminata (Wight). — Wall.! Asclep. n. 129 (asque nomine). — In Silhet; Wallich. My specimens do not possess a perfect umbel. — (R.W.). In Decaisne DeCandolle Prodromus 8 (1844) 633. Robert Wight . P. acuminata (Wight l.c.), Wall ascl. n. (absque nomine). - In India orient. Silhet. (Wallich.) Type description: In Handbook of Indian Flora 2 (1866) 240. R. Wight. Petrostelma acuminata, Wall. ascl. #129 (absque nomine). - India orient. Silhet. (Wallich.) (R. W.) Ident. Wight’s contrib. 39 - Dec. prod, VIII 633. Spec. Char. Twining or decumbent? leaves opposite, oblong, acuminate, fleshy: segments of the corolla linear-lanceolate, tube hairy: leaflets of the crown broad, sides narrowly reflexed and connivent with the margins: flowers largish. Silhet. Other literature: In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 53. Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. 2. Hoya acuminata Benth. in Gen. Pl., ii, 777. H. griffithiana Dcne. mss. Petrostelma acuminatum Wight Cont. 39: Wall. Cat. 8170; Dcne. in DC. Prodr. viii 633. Khasia Mts.; alt. 2,000 ft., Wallich & c. Quite glabrous. Stem stout, 1-2 ft., subscandent and pendulous. Leaves 3-4 by 1-1.5 in., elliptic-lanceolate, nerves obscure; petiole .25-.50 in. Umbels terminal and axillary, few fld.; peduncle .5 in. Sepals linear-oblong, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla-lobes 1 in., glabrous, tube puberlous within. Corona shining. Fruit not seen. First mentions are invalid as mss. Nome only mentioned no description.


Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter 1908 Type description:

In Botanische Jahrbücher 40 (1908) Beibl. 92:13. R. Schlechter. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schltr. n. sp.; Epiphitica, dependens vel in ramis arborum decumbens, ramosa; ramis ramulisque filiformibus elongatus, flexuosis, hispidis, radicantibus, densius foliatis; foliis breviter petiolatis late ovato-ellipticis acutis, utrinque pilosis, 1.5 - 2.3 cm. longis, medio fere 1 - 1.8 cm. latis, petiolo hispidulo 0.3 - 0.5 cm. longo; cymis umbelliformibus breiter pedunculatis foliis vulgo brevioribus, pedunculo hispido 0.5 - 1 cm. longo, pedicellis hispidulis c. 0.5 cm. longis; floribus in genere inter minores, albus; calycis segmentis lanceolato-oblongis obtusis hispidis, vix 1.5 mm. longis; corolla rotata 0.5 cm. diametiente, usque infra medium 5-lobata, lobis ovato-triangulis obtusiusculis extus glabris, coronae phyllis dorso adscendentibus antheras superantibus, superne oblanceolatis antice rostratis, subtus oblongis excisis, profunde sulcatis; antheris trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangula; stigmatis capite conico. Borneo: auf Bäumen am Long Dett im staatie Koetei (R Schlechter n. 13550, blühend im August 1901). Eine sehr characteristische Art, welche in ihrer Belaubung an einige AeschynanthusArten erhnnert. Sie gehört in die Verwandtschaft der H. lacunosa Bl. Translation: Epiphytic, hanging down or decumbent (prostrate with the tips rising upward) on tree branches, branched; branches and branchlets threadlike elongate, flexible, hispid, with aerial roots, densely leaved; with leaves shortly petioled, broad ovate-elliptic, acute, pilose (felt like) on both sides, 1.5-2.3 cm. long, nearly 1-1.8 cm. wide, petiole hispid 0.3-0.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, briefly hispid about 0.5 cm. long; flowers in general rather small, white; with the segments of the calyx lanceolate-oblong obtuse hispid, barely 1.5 mm. long; corolla rotate 0.5 cm. pedunculate, leaves commonly much shorter, peduncle hispid 0.5-1 cm. long, pedicels in diameter, 5 lobed to below the middle, lobes ovate-triangular a little obtuse outside glabrous, inside with the margins hairy, incurved, densely ciliate, otherwise glabrous; leaf of the corona with back ascending rising above the anthers, above oblanceolate with inner apex beaked, below oblong with the end cut off, definitely channeled; anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline triangular; with the head of the stigma conic. Borneo: on trees at Long Dett in the state of Koetei (R. Schlechter #13550, blooming in August 1901). A very characteristic species, which has foliage that reminds one of the Aeschynanthus Genus. It is closely related to H. lacunosa Blume. Compilers Comment: although this species is compared with H. lacunosa Blume which is in the Otostemma Section, this species is in fact in the section Acanthostemma (Bl.) Kloppenburg.


Other literature: In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Straits Branch (1921) 506. Teysmann. Dutch Borneo. Celebes. Java. Amboina. 1. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schltr. Dutch Borneo, Schlechter 13550. Endemic. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. aeschynanthoides Schlechter ex Kloppenburg (Schlechter 14185) - + In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 22-23. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter n. sp. Epiphytic, hanging down or decumbent (prostrate with the tips rising upward) on tree branches, branched; branches and branchlets threadlike elongate, flexible, hispid, with aerial roots, densely leaved; with leaves shortly petioled, broad ovate-elliptic, acute, pilose (felt like) on both sides, 1.5-2.3 cm. long, nearly 1-1.8 cm. wide, petiole hispid 0.3-0.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, briefly hispid about 0.5 cm. long; flowers in general rather small, white; with the segments of the calyx lanceolate-oblong obtuse hispid, barely 1.5 mm. long; corolla rotate 0.5 cm. pedunculate, leaves commonly much shorter, peduncle hispid 0.5-1 cm. long, pedicels in diameter, 5 lobed to below the middle, lobes ovate-triangular a little obtuse outside glabrous, inside with the margins hairy, incurved, densely ciliate, otherwise glabrous; leaf of the corona with back ascending rising above the anthers, above oblanceolate with inner apex beaked, below oblong with the end cut off, definitely channeled; anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline triangular; with the head of the stigma conic. Borneo: on trees at Long Dett in the state of Kaetid (R. Schlechter #13550, blooming in August 1901). A very characteristic species which has foliage that reminds one of the Aeschynanthus Genus. It is closely related to H. lacunosa Blume. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1908 Botanische Jahrbücher #92 V.40 p.13 (Beiblatt zu den). Note: Although this species is compared with H. lacunosa Blume, which is in the Otostemma Section, this species is in fact in the Acanthostemma Section. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 17-18. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter n. sp. Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter in Botanische Jahrbücher 40 (1908) Beibl. 92:13. Epiphitica, dependens vel in ramis arborum decumbens, ramosa; ramis ramulisque filiformibus elongatus, flexuosis, hispidis, radicantibus, densius foliatis; foliis breviter petiolatis late ovato-ellipticis acutis, utrinque pilosis, 1.5 - 2.3 cm. longis, medio fere 1 - 1.8 cm. latis, petiolo hispidulo 0.3 - 0.5 cm. longo; cymis umbelliformibus breiter pedunculatis foliis vulgo brevioribus, pedunculo hispido 0.5 - 1 cm. longo, pedicellis hispidulis c. 0.5 cm. longis; floribus in genere inter minores, albus; calycis segmentis lanceolato-oblongis obtusis hispidis, vix 1.5 mm. longis; corolla rotata 0.5 cm. diametiente, usque infra medium 5-lobata, lobis ovato-triangulis obtusiusculis extus glabris, coronae phyllis dorso adscendentibus antheras superantibus, superne


oblanceolatis antice rostratis, subtus oblongis excisis, profunde sulcatis; antheris trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangula; stigmatis capite conico. Borneo: auf Bäumen am Long Dett im staatie Koetei (R. Schlechter n. 13550, blühend im August 1901). Eine sehr characteristische Art, welche in ihrer Belaubung an einige Aeschynanthus-Arten erhnnert. Sie gehört in die Verwandtschaft der H. lacunosa Bl. Translation: Epiphytic, hanging down or decumbent (prostrate with the tips rising upward) on tree branches, branched; branches and branchlets threadlike elongate, flexible, hispid, with aerial roots, densely leaved; with leaves shortly petioled, broad ovate-elliptic, acute, pilose (felt like) on both sides, 1.5-2.3 cm. long, nearly 1-1.8 cm. wide, petiole hispid 0.3-0.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, briefly hispid about 0.5 cm. long; flowers in general rather small, white; with the segments of the calyx lanceolate-oblong obtuse hispid, barely 1.5 mm. long; corolla rotate 0.5 cm. pedunculate, leaves commonly much shorter, peduncle hispid 0.5-1 cm. long, pedicels in diameter, 5 lobed to below the middle, lobes ovate-triangular a little obtuse outside glabrous, inside with the margins hairy, incurved, densely ciliate, otherwise glabrous; leaf of the corona with back ascending rising above the anthers, above oblanceolate with inner apex beaked, below oblong with the end cut off, definitely channeled; anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline triangular; with the head of the stigma conic. Borneo: on trees at Long Dett in the state of Koetei (R. Schlechter #13550, blooming in August 1901). A very characteristic species, which has foliage that reminds one of the Aeschynanthus Genus. It is closely related to H. lacunosa Blume. Although this species is compared with H. lacunosa Blume, which is in the Otostemma Section, this species is in fact in the section Acanthostemma (Bl.) Kloppenburg. References: Dr. Schlechter's Hoya Species (1993) 22-23 by Dale Kloppenburg. The Asclepiadaceous Works of Schlechter (1992) 30 by A. Nicholas.


Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter, 1901, Type #1 3550 (B)


Hoya africana Decaisne 1844 Type description: In De Candolle Prodramus 8 (1844) 639-640. 46. Hoya africana, volubilis, foliis ovatis v. ovato-oblongis acuminatis basi rotundatis v. subattenuatis utrinque glabris nervo supra ad limbi ortum glandulifero, pedunculatis petiolum vix aequantibus pedicellisque pube brevissima intactili rufescente vestitis, corolla extrorsum glabra, laciniis oblongis obtusis emarginatisve introrsum dense barbatis, coronae fol. rotundatis angulo interiore subnullo stigma tegentibus, folliculis polypterys, alis cristato v. undulato-crispis glabratis. Woody shrub in Senegambia circa Esscan agro Kombo (cl. Heudelot) in Abyssinia (Kotschy n. 566). Pterygocarpus abyssinicus Hoschst. (um it. n.1366 et 1294. (v. s. h. Mus. par.) Translation: Climbing, leaves ovate or ovate-oblong acuminate, bases rounded or somewhat attenuate, glabrous on both sides, midrib above at the limb base glandular, peduncles and petiole nearly the same length, pedicels very shortly puberous with reddish hairs, corolla outside glabrous, lobes oblong obtuse emarginate inside densely bearded, leaflets of the corona rounded, interior angle almost missing stigma covering, follicles many-winged, sometimes crested or undulate-twisted glabrous; woody shrub at Sengambia near Essean in fields at Kombo (by the most renowned Heudelot, in Abyssincus, Hoschst. rooting in mountains and on near Sabra on steep rugged cliffs (Schumper) in Ethiopia (Kotschy n. 566). Pterygocarpus abyssinicus Hoschst. I have seen it, and its n. 1366 and 1294.( I have seen it in the herbarium of the Paris Museum). Other literature: In Linnean Society Journal 39-40 (1909) 217. XVI. Hoya R. Br. 17. H. africana Decne., A. Rich. l. c. 46. d. volubilis in fruticetis 4000-5500’ a. m. l. in valle fluminis Moerebb 4000’ a. m. 28 nov. 1862 fr. T. Schangok folia cocta oleracea. (n. 894 lignum n. 112). Translation: twining becoming shrubby 4000-5000 feet above sea level. In valleys near the river Moerebb at 4000 feet above sea level 28th November 1862 in flower. Schangok. Leaves similar to oleracea.


Hoya alagensis (Shltr.) Kloppenburg 1990 Type description:

In Fraterna (International Hoya Association) 1 (1990) I. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya alagensis Kloppenburg sp. nov. Type sheet #5542 collected by Elmer D. Merrill on the Alag River, Mindoro, Philippines November 1906 in the forest at 150 m altitude. Flowers purplish, odorless. Berlin (B) Holotypus. This is Schlechter's unpublished Hoya alagensis. ex. spec. Volubilis scandens 6 m vel plus, ramis teretibus glabrous, carnosisculis, foliis patentibus ovatis-lanceolatis, basi rotundus, apice acutis ad rostratis, 11 x 4-5.5 cm. latis, utrinque glaberrimis, non carnosus, venis utrinque 4-6 ascendentibus, reticulatus, costa crassa recta infra prominens. Petiolo carnosulo glabro 3.0 cm. longis, 0.2 cm. diametro, curvus, teretibus. Pedunculo 4.0 cm. longis, glabrus, 0.2 cm. diametro, rachi incrassata 0.4 cm. diametro abbreviate. Pedicellis filiformibus, pubescentes ad 5.0 cm. vel plura longis. Calycis segmentis hirsutis, 0.25 cm. longis, leviter imbricatus, ovatus obtusis, ligulea praesentia. Corolla lobis late ovatis acutis ad apiculatis, profunde lobatis. Corona foliolis superne ovatus, apice anteriore breviter rostratis, apice posteriore breviter excisis, medio gibbo linear breviore longitudinaliter donato, subtus longitudinaliter foveolatis. This species has foliage similar to H. angustisepala Burton and the coronas are somewhat similar in having the outer apex slightly re-curved and blunt. Even the corolla lobes are similarly shaped, however the sepals are entirely different. It differs from other known Philippine species. I have retained Schlechter's area name. Translation: see under Dr. Schlechter’s Hoyas below. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. alagensis Schlechter ex Kloppenburg (Merrill 5542) - + In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 24-25. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya alagensis Kloppenburg. H. alagensis Schlechter (unpublished). A climbing twitter 6 meters or more, branches round glabrous, somewhat fleshy, leaves outspread ovate-lanceolate, with the base rounded, apex acute and beaked, 11 cm long by 4.5-5 cm. wide, both surfaces glabrous, not fleshy, veins on both sides 4-6 ascending, reticulate, costa (midrib) thick prominently raised below. Petiole fleshy glabrous 3.0 cm. long. 0.2 cm. in diameter, curved, round. Peduncle 4.0 cm. long, glabrous, 0.2 cm. in diameter, rachis abbreviated threadlike 0.4 cm. in diameter. Pedicels threadlike, pubescent near 5.0 cm. long or longer. Segments of the calyx hirsute 0.25 cm. long slightly overlapping, ovate obtuse, with lobules present. Corolla lobes broad ovate acute, near apiculate, definitely lobed. Corona scales ovate above, inner apex shortly


beaked, outer apex shortly excised, in the middle with a hump and longitudinal ridge, below longitudinally channeled. This species has foliage similar to H. angustisepala Burton and the coronas are somewhat similar in having the outer apex slightly recurved and blunt. Even the corolla lobes are similarly shaped, however the sepals are entirely different. It differs from other known Philippine Hoya species. Published by Dale Kloppenburg in: 1990 Fraterna Publication of the International Hoya Association, 3rd. Quarter. In Philippine Hoya Species 3 (1996) 29-30. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya alagensis Kloppenburg in Fraterna 1 #1 fall 1990. #5542 (B) found by Elmer D. Merrill on the Alag river, Mindoro, Philippines Nov. 1906 in the forest at 150 m. Flowers purplish and odorless. A twining climber 6 m. or more long, branches terete and glabrous, somewhat fleshy and large. Leaves outspread with rather curved long glabrous petioles (3 cm. x 0.2 cm. in diameter), ovate lanceolate bases somewhat rounded, apex sharply acute to rostrate, 11 x 4-5.5 cm., not carnose, 4-6 veins on both sides of the midrib, ascending, reticulate, costa prominent on the underside, straight. Peduncle 4 cm. long, glabrous 0.2 cm. in diameter, perennial, enlarged toward the rachis, which is also enlarged, 0.4 cm. in diameter. Pedicels filiform to 3.5 cm. or more long. Calyx segments hirsute 0.3 cm. long, slightly overlapping at the base, ovate obtuse with ligules present. Corolla broadly ovate with acute to apiculate apex, deeply lobed. Corona scales above ovate in outline, inner apex shortly beaked, outer apex rounded with a longitudinal ridge on top, not fully channeled below. Pollinaria with long narrow pollinia, short translators and a small narrow retinaculum. Meaning: alagensis—From the Alag River, Mindoro, Philippines.


Hoya alagensis (Schlechter) Kloppenburg, 1990, Type # 5542 (B)


Hoya alata K. Hill 1986 Type description: In Telopea 3(1) (1986) 249. K. Hill. 3. Hoya alata K. Hill sp. nov. Ab Hoya poolei lobis coronae angustioribus, foliis latioribus et plus nitidis sed non basaliter auriculatis differt. Type: Queensland: Pascoe River rockpile, B. Wallace 83250, 16.9.1983 (holo: NSW; iso: BRI, K, L). Latin alata, 'winged', referring to the winged caudicles occurring only in this species among the Australian members of this genus. A glabrous lithophytic or terrestrial twiner. Leaves fleshy to coriaceous, ovate or rhomboid, acute, tapering to a narrowly chordate base, pale green, pink or pale bronze when growing in strong light. 3-7 cm long, 2.5-5.0 cm wide; margins and apex recurved; venation obscure, sub-parallel or somewhat palmate, petioles 3-8 mm long, 2-4 mm diam. Peduncles 4-7 cm long, slender, geotropic. Pedicels 1-3 cm long, slender, unequal. Umbels 4-10-flowered. Sepals triangular, 1-2 mm long. Corolla recurved, distinctly pilose, pale pink or almost white, 8-14 mm diam. Corona 4-7 cm diam., Creamy-white; segments oblong-linear, convex above, with two longitudinal, inrolled keels extending the full length below, inner angle raised, outer angle laid back. Fruit 7-14 cm long, 0.71.2 cm diam. Distinguished from the New Guinea species H. poolei C. White & Francis by the narrower corona lobes and the broader, glossier leaves without distinctly sagittate bases. Endemic to Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, presently known only from the Iron Range area northward. Locally common on rocky slopes and headlands. Although abundant in this region, this species remained undiscovered until the early 1970s. It is usually lithophytic on jumbled granite rock piles which outcrop throughout the higher rainfall parts of the Iron Range region. Selected Specimens: Queensland: Iron Range, B. Gray NSW 192781. 1972 (NSW); Tozers Gap, K. Hill 1870, 29.7.1986 (NSWI). Distinguished from the New Guinea species H. poolei C. White & Francis by the narrower corona lobes and the broader, glossier leaves without distinctly sagittate bases. Endemic to Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, presently known only from the Iron Range area northward. Locally common on rocky slopes and headlands. Although abundant in this region, this species remained undiscovered until the early 1970s. It is usually lithophytic on jumbled granite rock piles which outcrop throughout the higher rainfall parts of the Iron Range region. Selected Specimens: Queensland: Iron Range, B. Gray NSW 192781. 1972 (NSW); Tozers Gap, K. Hill 1870, 29.7.1986 (NSWI). Other literature: In Encyclopedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation (1990) 386. W. Roger Elliot & David L. Jones. Hoya alata K. Hill (winged). Qld. Rock Pile Hoya 3 - 5 m tall Sept-Nov, also sporadic. Terrestrial or lithophytic climber with much branched, twining stems; young growth shiny; leaves 3-7 cm x 2.5-5 cm, ovate to obovate or rhomboid, on petioles 0.3-0.8 cm long, rigid, thick and fleshy, pale shiny green, pinkish or bronze; peduncles


4-7 cm long; umbels 4-10-flowered; flowers about I cm across, pale pink with a darker corona, on pedicels l-3cm long; follicles 7-14cm x 0.7-1.2cm. Endemic in ranges of central Cape York Peninsula, where it grows among piles of granite boulders, often Firming curtains of foliage. An excellent species whicl1 can be grown as a garden plant ill tropical and subtropical regions. It is especially attractive when grown among rocks or over a wall. In temperate regions it can be grown as a glasshouse plant with a minimum temperature of 5—8°C. It is successful in a pot or basket and is readily trained into a compact habit. Flowering occurs regularly, especially in situations of bright light. Propagate Tom seed, or from cuttings, which strike readily.


Hoya alba Kosteletsky 1834 In Allgem. Med. Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1084. Hoya alba Kostel (type!). In Interpretations of Rumphius’ Herbarium Amboinensis (1917) 439. E. D. Merrill. Hoya alba Kostel. Nummularia lactea major ii alba Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5: 470. This species is of entirely doubtful status. It was referred by Henschel to Hoya diversifolia Blume, while Hasskarl, Neue Schlüssel (1866) 148, thought that it might be Cyrtoceras multiflora Heynh. = Hoya multiflora Blume = Centrostemma multiflorum Decne. There is no reason, however, for considering it other than a true Hoya. Note: without examining a type sheet it is impossible to determine anything about this species.


Hoya aldrichii Hemsley 1890 Type description: In the Journal of the Linnean Society 25 (1889-1890) 355. Hemsley. Hoya aldrichii Hemsl. n. sp. Affinis H. cinnamomifolia, differt foliis quinquenervis floribus minoribus albidis vel rubris petalis supra pubescentibus. This species belongs to a small group characterized by the leaves being 3 to 5 nerved longitudinally, all of them natives of the Malayan region. Captain Maclear collected the same plant, but without flowers. Translation: Hoya aldrichii Hemsley new species. Similar to Hoya cinnamomifolia Hooker differing leaves with 5 nerves, flowers smaller somewhat white or red, petals above pubescent. Other literature: In Journal of Botany, British & Foreign 36 (1898) 417-418. James Britton. It may be well to append to these notes a full — drawn up by Mr. Hiern from a series of specimens which form part of the collection lately made in Christmas Island for the British Museum by Mr. C. W. Andrews — of the plant briefly diagnosed by Mr. Hemsley in Journ. Lin. Soc. xxv. 355, as Hoya aldrichii: — “Frutex volubilis, totus fere glabra atque carnosiusculus; caule elongato, in vitro terete, tenaci parce ramoso; ramis teretibus, indentum intertextis; succo copioso, lacteo; foliis oppositis, ovatus, apice acuminatis cuspidatisve, basi subrotundatis, glabris, carnoso-coriaceis, planis vel prope apicem decurvis, 8 -12 cm. longis, 4 -5,5 cm. latis, supra laete viridibus, infra admodum pallidis, basi 5-nerviis, nervis lateralibus minus conspicuis; petiolo crasso, patulo, 6 -12 mm. longo, plus minus curvo, laminae perpendiculari; pedunculis uniaxialibus, rectis, firmis, 2.5 - 11 cm. longis, prope basim saepe quasi-articulatis, nonnunquam puberulis, apice umbelliferis; pedicellis numerosis, ad 50 in umbella globosa, 12 - 25 mm. longis, rectis vel prope basim flexis, secus pedunculi apicem subelongantem dispositis; floribus pentameris; calyce profunde lobata, 5 mm. diam., ad corollae basim appresso; lobis ovatis, obtusi, valde ciliatis; corolla alba vel pallide violacea, carnosa, sub anthesin recurva; lobis ovato-deltoideis, acutis vel apiculatis, supra pubescentibus, infra glabris, minute ciliolatis, 5 - 6 mm. longis; corona pallide violacea vel purpuascente colore quam is corollae intensione, preminente, carnosa, 6 mm. diam.; segmentis substellatis, glabris, oblique cyoideo-conieis; carpellis fructiferis solitariis, tenuibus subglabris, 12 - 17 cm. longia basi calyce immutato suffultis; seminibus numerousus apice in coma albida c. 2.5 cm. longa disinentibus. “ Habitat in Oceani Indiani insula Christmas frequens supra rupes et in arbores reptans vel subscandens, dein in sertis floridis densis pendens; legit C. W. Andrew, no. 1295 Dec. 1897 et Jan. 1898 cum floribus et fructibus.” Translation: Twining shrub for the most part almost glabrous and slightly fleshy; stalks elongated, in the living state round, tough, sparsely branched, branches thin, occasionally interwoven; with copious milky sap; leaves opposite, ovate cuspidate, apex acuminate, base somewhat rounded, glabrous, fleshy and leathery, flat or near the apex decurved, 8 -


12 cm. long, 4 - 4.5 cm. wide, above light green, below much paler, from the base 5 nerves, lateral nerves not at all conspicuous, with the petiole thick, spread, 6 - 12 mm. long, more or less curved, blades perpendicular; peduncles solitary from the axils, erect, firm, 2.5 - 11 cm. long, often near the base falsely segmented, by no means puberulous, apex umbellate; pedicels numerous, near 50 per globose umbel, 12 - 25 mm. long, upright or bent near the base, placed here and there along the somewhat elongated apical portion, flowers five-parted; calyx definitely lobed, 5 mm. in diameter, pressed against the base of the corolla, lobes ovate, obtuse, very ciliate; corolla white or pale violet, fleshy, near anthesis somewhat recurved, inside glabrous, minutely very ciliate, 5 - 6 mm. long; interior of the corona pale violet or more purplish colored than is the corolla, prominent fleshy, 6 mm. in diameter, segments somewhat stellate, glabrous, oblique ovoid-conical, carpels with solitary fruit, slender, somewhat glabrous, 12 - 17 cm. long, base of calyx unchanged, seeds numerous, apex with white como about 2.5 cm. long scattering. Its “Habitat is on Christmas Island in the Indian ocean, frequently above cliffs and rooting or somewhat climbing in trees thereupon pendent abounding with flowers; collected by C. W. Andrews, #1293 December 1897 and with flowers and fruit in January 1898.”




Hoya alexicaca Moon ex Trimen 1895 In Cat. Pl. Ceylon 21 (1824). Hoya alexicaca Moon. From west Peninsula; yields a useful fiber. Type description: In Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon 3 (1895). H. Trimen. 10. Cynanchum, L. Herbaceous twiner, fls. Rather small umbellate; cal.-segm. 5, narrow, acute; cor. rotate, lobes 5, very deep, oblong, valvate; corolline corona large, tubular, 5-lobed, adnate to base of column; column exserted, stam. 5, connate, fls. Short, broad, anth. With erect membranaceous tips, pollen-masses 1 in each cell, not compressed, pendulous, no staminal corona; follicles narrow, tapering; seeds comose. - sp.100; 16 in fl. Br. Ind. C. pauciflorum, Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. I 45 (1811). Kankumbala, S. C. penduculatum, Thunb. Obs. in Cynanch. 6 (?). Hoya alexiaca, Moon Cat. 21 (? Willd.). Cynoctonum pauciflorum, Decne., Thw. Enum. 195. C. P. 2466. Fl. Br. Ind. iv. 23. Wight, lc. T. 354-. Stem slender, twining, with long internodes, glabrous; l. 1.5 - 3.5 in., ovate or oblong-ovate, usually cordate at base, with rounded lobes, very acute at apex, glabrous, thin, petiole long, slender (usually there is a pair of rounded l. in axils - fl. On rather long ped., cymes on short peduncles; cor. under .5 in diam., corona as long as cor., plicate; follicles divaricate in a straight lone, 2.5 - 3 in., fusiform, much tapering to blunt point, smooth and glabrous. Moist regions, up to 4000 ft.; common. Fl. Jan. - March; pale purple. Also in South India. Thumberg’s description of C. pedunculatum’ does not quite agree. Note: Much of the work of Moon is lacking and next to useless.


Hoya amblyolepis Schlechter, Unpublished, Type #4545 (B) In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 24-25. ambyolepis Schlechter (unpublished).


R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya

This is most likely Hoya diversifolia Blume. (RDK)


Hoya amboinensis Warburg 1907 Type description: In Repertorium Specierum Novarum 3 (1907) 341. Fedde. Hoya amboinensis Warburg 26. Hoya amboinensis Warb., nov. spec. Ramulis volubilibus in sicco flaccidis vel rubescebtibus 2 - 3 mm. crassis leavibus et nitidis, petiolis 5 - 7 mm. crassis glabris, in nodis incrassatis, foliis oblong-usque late ovatis basi rotundatis apice acutis 6 - 7 cm. longis 2.5 - 5 cm. latis satis supra lucidis in costae basi subglandulosis, venis ca. 4 patulis longe ante marginem arcuate confluentibus haud valde distinctis quam retinaculm vix crassioribus. Pedunculis juxtaaxillaribus glabris 2 - 4 cm. longis 0.5 mm. crassi glabris, sepalis metro, extus glabra, intus albido-squamulosa. lobis triangularibus subacutis 3 mm. longis, coronae stamineae lobis dilatatis corollae incumbentibus plane navicularibus lucidis 1.5 mm. longis 1 mm. latis, apice interno incurvato subacuto, apice externo subrecurvo obtuso, antherarum appendiculis brevibus rotundatis. Amboin (Warburg no. 17494). Der H. diversifolia Bl. verwandt, doch hat dieser ausser den nicht eiförmigen und nicht spitzen Blättern bewimperte Kelchzipfel, eine innen papillöse Corolla und am Innenende stumpfe Corollazipfel. Translation: Branched twining in the dried state flaccid or turning reddish 2 - 3 mm. thick smooth and glossy, petioles 5 - 7 mm. long 1 mm. thick glabrous, thickened at the nodes, leaves oblong and broad with a rounded base, acute apex 6 - 7 cm. long 2.5 - 5 cm. wide, above clear, at the base of the costa somewhat granulous, veins about 4 outspread, curving and curving and running together prior to reaching the margines , not at all distinct, reticulations barely thickened. Peduncles glabrous approaching the axils 2 - 4 cm. long 0.5 mm. thick glabrous, sepals 1.5 mm. long ovate-lanceolate somewhat acute glabrous, corolla 1 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside with small white scales, lobes triangular somewhat acute 3 mm. long, lobes of the staminal corona spreading incumbent on the corolla distinctly boat shaped clear 1.5 mm. long 1 mm. wide, with the internal apex incurved somewhat acute, external apex somewhat recurved obtuse, anthers small rounded. Amboina (Warburg #17494). Related to Hoya diversifolia Blume, but with these differences. not egg-shaped and not with acute pointed leaves, and with a papillose inner corolla and with the end of the corolla obtuse. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. amboinensis Warb. - 36.


Hoya amoena Bakhuizen 1950 Type description: In Blumea 6/2 (1950) 380. “Notes on the Flora of Java” R. C. v. d. Brink Jr.. Hoya amoena Bak. f. spec. nov.. Hoya purpureo-fusca apud Koorders, Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 102 non Hook. Scandens; caulis primo sparse pilosellus dein glabra vel subglabra; folio oblongalanceolata, nonnunquam subrhomboidea vel ovata basi acuta vel cuneata, raro obtusiuscula, acuta vel breviter acute acuminata, in sicco tenuiter sed valide coriacea subtrinervia vel uninervia, nervis lateralibus atque nervulis transversis superioribus vix a nervis basilibus diversis, glabra 8 - 11 cm. longa, 3.5 - 4.5 cm. lata, petiolo gracili glabro 8 - 15 mm. longo. Inflorescentia umbelliformis quam maxime 20 flora pedunculo gracili pilosello 2.5 - 5.5 cm. longo sustenta; pedicellus tenuis subglaber 15 - 18 mm. longus; corolla horizontaliter patens 1 cm. diametiens; calycis laciniae ovato-triangulares obtusicule subglabrae 1 mm. longae; corollae laciniae acutissimae, extus glabrae intus purpureae; coronae lobi ovati-triangulares, intima et extrema parte acutiusculi, supra leviter carinata; pollinia oblongo-obovata uno latere pellucide-marginata 0.6 mm. longa, translatore plus quam duplo longiora; folliculi lineares obtusi sparse pilosi 18 cm. longi. Java, Eastern part, Besoeki, Poeger, alt. 10 m: Koorders 20341  (L), type spec., fl. Oct.; idem 20704  (L) Oct.; idem. alt. 5 m: idem 203440  (L) fl. Oct. Translation: Hoya amoena R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink species new Hoya purpureofusca in the writings of Koorders, Exkersionsflora, Flora von Java 3 (1912) 102, not Hooker. Climbing; stalk at first sparsely with hairs thereafter glabrous or somewhat glabrous; leaves oblong-lanceolate, sometimes almost rhomboid or ovate with the base acute or wedge-shaped, rarely obtuse, acute or briefly acute acuminate, when dried thin but strongly leathery somewhat uninerved or distinctly trinerved at the base, lateral nerves and transverse nerves above fixed at the base which are barely different, glabrous 8 - 11 cm. long, 3.5 - 4.4 cm. wide, petiole thin, glabrous 8 - 15 mm. long. Inflorescence umbel-like of more than 20 flowers supporting narrow hairy peduncle 2.5 - 5.5 cm. long; pedicels thin almost glabrous 15 - 18 mm. long; corolla spreading horizontally 1 cm. in diameter; calyx leaflets obovate triangular very obtuse almost glabrous 1 mm. long; corolla lobes very acute, outside glabrous inside purple; lobes of the corona ovatetriangular inner and outer parts slightly acute, above lightly keeled; pollinia oblong-ovate one side with a pellucid margine 0.6 mm. long, more or less twice longer than the translators; follicles linear obtuse sparsely pilose 18 cm. long. Other literature In Flora of Java 2 (1965) 2709. Backer (key) b. corona-scales inserted at the base of the staminal tube, not with a constriction between the inner and the outer angles, oval-triangular, rather acute at both ends, slightly carinate above; peduncle thin, pubescent, 2.5 - 3.5 cm. long; pedicels thin, pubescent, 15 - 18 mm. long; calyx segments ovate-triangular, rather obtuse, subglabrous; corolla violet-brown, in succo c. 1 cm. diam.; segments very acute, glabrous outside, pubescent inside; pollinia


oblong-ovate, with a suboblique, truncate-rounded top, pellucid-margined, c. 0.06 mm. long, well over twice the length of the translator; follicles linear, obtuse, thinly hairy, c. 18 cm. long. Young stems rather densely pubescent, old ones glabrous, or sparingly hairy only near the nodes; leaves oblong-lanceolate, sometimes subrhomboid or ovate, from an acuta, rather obtuse base, in succo rather thinly but firmly coriaceous, glabrous, 8 - 11 cm. by 3.5 - 4.5 cm, 1-nerved or distinctly 3-nerved at the base; basal nerves in direction and thickness not, or not conspicuously, differing from the higher lateral nerves; petiole thin, glabrous, 0.8 - 1.5 cm. long. Dimensions ?; C.?E.; below 500; forest; rare (H. purpureo-fusca Acct. non Hook.).….......……………………………H. amoena Bakh. f.


Hoya angustifolia Traill 1830 Type description: In Transactions of the Royal Horticulture Society 7 (1830) 29. James Traill. Hoya angustifolia Traill. Leaves narrowly-lanceolate, Native of China. Narrow leaved Hoya. Shrub twining. Leaves membranaceous. Leaflets of corona without any furrow beneath. Other literature: In Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Soc. (1830). Hoya angustifolia Traill. Slender climber, young shoots sparsely hairy. L. linear-lanceolate, 4 - 6 in. long 1/2 in. wide, fleshy, acute, deep green fl. white with small purple eye, about 3/4 in. across; umbels 8 - 12 fld.; pedicels 1 in. long. China. In General System of Gardening 4 (1837) 127. G. Don. Hoya angustifolia Traill. leaves narrow-lanceolate. Woody shrub, twining. Native of China. Narrow-leaved hoya. In Journal of the Linnean Society 26 (1889) 116. W. B. Hemsley. The name Hoya angustifolia, Traill (Trans Hort. Soc. Lond. vii. p. 29), was proposed for a cultivated plant, of Chinese origin the flowers of which were unknown. In Enumeration of Plants from China, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago 2 (1899-1902) 116. Hoya angustifolia Traill. The name was proposed for a cultivated plant, of Chinese origin, the flower of which were unknown. Same notation in Journal of the Linnean Society 26 (1889) 116. In Hortus III. (1976) 574. Hoya angustifolia Traill not Elmer. Slender climber stems and leaves pubescent; leaves linear-lanceolate to 6” long; infl. few-flowered; corolla white to 3/4” across. Corona purple at center. China. Note: See under H. pottsii Trail in Linnean Society Journal.


Hoya angustisepala Schlechter 1830 In leaflets of Philippine Botany 10 (1938-39) 3585. Hoya angustisepala Schlechter ex Elmer Syn.: Hoya mindanaensis.


Hoya angustisepala Burton 1987 Type description: In Hoyan 8 /2 (1987) b. C. M. Burton. Hoya angustisepala Burton n.s. Ramulis crassis 5 - 6 mm. in diametro, glabris; foliis crasse coriaceis, glabris, oblongis ad oblong-ovatis, usque 15 cm longis, 6 cm latis, basi late rotundatis vel obscure emarginatis, apice acutis ad subacuminatis, nervis utrinque 3 - 5, nervis tenuis; petiolo crasso ad 2 cm. longo, glabro superne sulcato. Inflorescentiae umbelliformis descendens; pedunculo crasso 8 - 12 cm longo; pedicellis ca. 5 cm longis. Calycis segmenta linearis 5 - 7.5 mm longis, margine, ciliata. Corolla lobis late ovatis, conduplicatis, apices reflexus, extus glabra, intus puberula, 2 - 2.5 cm. diametro. Corona squamis scrotiformis, subtus late sulcatis, apice interno acuto, externo recurvato obtusatus. Pollinia longis, gracilis; translatoribus longis, alveiformis; retinaculo longis, gracilis. Translation: Stems thick 5 - 6 mm. in diameter, glabrous, leaves very leathery, glabrous, oblong nearly oblong-ovate, as long as 15 cm., 6 cm. wide, base broadly rotund or obscurely emarginate, apex acute nearly subacuminate, nerves on both sides 3-5, nerves thin; petiole thick nearly 2 cm. long, glabrous deeply grooved, Inflorescence umbellate hanging down; peduncles thick 8 - 12 cm. long; pedicels about 5 cm. long. Calyx segments linear 5 - 7.5 mm. long, margines ciliate. Corolla lobes wide, ovate, conduplicate. apices reflexed, outside glabrous, inside puberulous, 2 - 2.25 cm. in diameter. Corona scales pouch-shaped, below broadly grooved, internal apex acute, outer recurved obtuse. Pollinia long, narrow, translators long, pitted, retinaculum long, narrow. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. angustisepala Schlechter ex Burton (Elmer 10829) - * In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 28-29 R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya angustisepala Burton. Hoya mindanaensis Elmer (invalidly published in English). Hoya angustisepala Schlechter (unpublished). Branches thick 5-6 mm. in diameter, glabrous, with the leaves thickly leathery, glabrous, oblong to oblong ovate, all the way to 15 cm. long, 6 cm. wide, base broadly rounded or obscure emarginate (shallowly notched), apex acute to somewhat acute, nerves on both sides 3-5, nerves fine; petiole thick to 2 cm. long, glabrous above, below sulcate, with the inflorescence shaped like an umbel descending, peduncle thick 8-12 cm. long; with the pedicels about 5 cm. long, with the segments of the calyx linear 5-7.5 mm. long, margin ciliate. Corolla lobes broad ovate, folded together, with the tips reflexed, outside glabrous, inside puberulous, 2-2.5 cm. in diameter. Corona scales pouch-shaped, below broadly sulcate, internal apex acute, external recurved obtuse. Pollinia long, narrow; translators long, trough shaped, retinaculum long narrow. Published by C. Burton in: 1987 The Hoyan V.8 #4 part 2 p.b.


In Philippine Hoya Species 3 (1996) 31-32. R. D. Kloppenburg. In the Hoyan 8 #4, a-b. (1987). Hoya angustisepala Burton Syn. H. mindanaensis Elmer. Leaflets of Philippine Botany, 10 Art. 131 (1938) 3584. Type: Elmer #10829, I designated rdk, (H. angustisepala Schltr. unpublished). in the woods along the Sibulan River at 3000 ' altitude, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao, Mindanao, June 1909. Elmer's English description "Branched vines, climbing over dense jungles along creeks and river. Stem terete, curved, occasionally twining, the size of a lead pencil, flexible, glabrous, smooth and yellowish, containing latex, the heavy but slender branchlets green and hanging, tan color when dry, the older one sublucid and ridged longitudinally, the ultimate branches relative thin. Leaves opposite, persistent, scattered, mainly descending, thickly coriaceous, yellowish green beneath, tips recurved, otherwise nearly flat or only the entire margins slightly imbricate, also glabrous and smooth, curing subolivaceous on both sides, oblong or more often ovately oblong, base broadly rounded and sometimes obscurely emarginate, the upper portion of the laminae gradually tapered into the acute to subacuminate apex, the average blades 15 cm. long by 6 cm. wide across the middle or a trifle below it, persistent; midrib thick and pronounced beneath clear into the apex and olivaceus in color, on the upper surface deeply and narrowly grooved, totally glabrous on both surfaces; nerves faint, 3 to 5 on each side of the midrib, slightly ascending and straight, forked from above the middle and reticulately united, sometimes with secondary nerves in between, reticulations coarse and only visible from beneath; petioles up to 2 cm. in length, blackish brown on my dried specimen, also thick, rugose, glabrous, caniculate along the upper side, persistent, leaving a triangular shaped scar after falling. Inflorescence faintly odorous, upon 8 to 12 cm. long green stalks; peduncles arising from the upper side of the stem or twigs between the leaves, terete, descending, with few hairs, becoming glabrate, very minutely tubercled; pedicels umbellately spreading, as much as 5 cm. in length, likewise terete and green when fresh, very seldom dull purple on the exposed sides, very slender, glabrate when old, it with the peduncle nearly black in the dry state; dry flowers flat and blackish; sepals 5, green but drying nearly black, very linear, 0.5 to 0.75 cm. long, minutely puberulent, radially spreading; corolla broadly ovate in general outline, the apical portion strongly inflexed, their lateral sides appearing as horned lobes, finely tubercled on the outside, inner surface covered with a yellowish gray felt or tomentum, apex acute, united toward the adnate base and thereby forming a short and very thick tube or column, the larger ones almost 1 cm. long, not quite so broad, dirty white and with yellowish tips; horns of the corona glossy, very rigid and thick, ascending, 5 or as many as corolla segments, pouch like, with a blunt recurved point and on the inner and upper side with a pair of sharply pointed processes; the stamen located on the inner basal parts and enclosing the pistil or rather the stigmas. Buluntine in Bagobo." Meaning: angustisepala — L. angustus; sepala. With narrow sepals. Note: Placed into Synonymy with Hoya coriacea Blume 1826 by Dale Kloppenburg , see that file


Hoya angustifolia Traill 1830 Type description: In Transactions of the Royal Horticulture Society 7 (1830) 29. James Traill. Hoya angustifolia Traill. Leaves narrowly-lanceolate, Native of China. Narrow leaved Hoya. Shrub twining. Leaves membranaceous. Leaflets of corona without any furrow beneath. Other literature: In Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Soc. (1830). Hoya angustifolia Traill. Slender climber, young shoots sparsely hairy. L. linear-lanceolate, 4 - 6 in. long 1/2 in. wide, fleshy, acute, deep green fl. white with small purple eye, about 3/4 in. across; umbels 8 - 12 fld.; pedicels 1 in. long. China. In General System of Gardening 4 (1837) 127. G. Don. Hoya angustifolia Traill. leaves narrow-lanceolate. Woody shrub, twining. Native of China. Narrow-leaved hoya. In Journal of the Linnean Society 26 (1889) 116. W. B. Hemsley. The name Hoya angustifolia, Traill (Trans Hort. Soc. Lond. vii. p. 29), was proposed for a cultivated plant, of Chinese origin the flowers of which were unknown. In Enumeration of Plants from China, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago 2 (1899-1902) 116. Hoya angustifolia Traill. The name was proposed for a cultivated plant, of Chinese origin, the flower of which were unknown. Same notation in Journal of the Linnean Society 26 (1889) 116. In Hortus III. (1976) 574. Hoya angustifolia Traill not Elmer. Slender climber stems and leaves pubescent; leaves linear-lanceolate to 6” long; infl. few-flowered; corolla white to 3/4” across. Corona purple at center. China. Note: See under H. pottsii Trail in Linnean Society Journal.


Hoya anulata Schlechter 1905 Type description:

In Nachträge zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 362. K. Schumann and K. Lauterbach. Hoya anulata Schlechter. Epiphytica in arboribus ramosa, nunc alte scandens, nunc dependens; ramis ramulisque elongatis, flexuosis, teretibus, glabris, radicantibus, laxe foliatis; foliis patentibus patulisve ellipticis vel oblongo ellipticis obtusis, nunc obtuse acuminatis, utrinque glabris, nervis vix conspicuis, textura carnoso-coriaceis, 6-8 cm. longis, medio fere 4-4.5 cm. latis; pedunculis crassiusculis, ca. 4 cm. longis, rhachide incrassata, demum cylindrica; umbella multiflora; pedicellis gracilibus, filiformibus, glabris, 2 cm. longis; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusculis, glabris, ca. 0.1 cm. longis; corolla rotata 0.8 cm. diametiente, lobis ovatus acutis, apice recurvis, extus glabris, intus dense et minute papilloso-puberulis, corolla intus medio anulo paulo incrassato, glabro, 5-lobulato ornato; coronae foliolis horizontalibus carnosis; superne oblongis obtusis, apice breviter et acute acuminatis, medio incrassatis, subtus (dorso oblongis, medio longitudinaliter foveolatis); antheris late trapezoideis, appendice hyalina parvula, ovata obtusa; polliniis oblique oblongis, translatoribus brevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite breviter conico. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: Auf Bäumen am oberen Nuru auf dem Wege vom Ramu zur Küste. alt. ca. 400 m (R. Schlechter n. 14185, Bl. Feb. 1902). Durch den eigenartigen etwas verdickten Ring am Grunde der Abschnitte der Korolla kann diese Art von den verwandten leicht unterschieden werden. Die Blüten sind weisz und besitzen eine rosenrote Korona. Translation: Epiphytic in the tree branches, sometimes high climbing, sometimes dangling; branching and rebranching, loosely leaved; leaves flat outspread elliptic or oblong elliptic, ovate, sometimes obtuse acuminate, both sides glabrous, nerves barely conspicuous, of thick leathery texture, 6-8 cm. long, near the middle 4-4.5 cm. wide; peduncles moderately thick about 4 cm. long, with the rachis thickened, cylindrical at the end; many flowered umbel; pedicels slender, threadlike, glabrous 2 cm. long; calyx segments ovate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, about 0.1 cm. long; corolla rotate 0.8 cm. in diameter, lobes ovate acute, apex recurved, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, corolla inside near the center with a thickened ornate 5 lobed glabrous ring; leaflets of the corona fleshy horizontal; above oblong obtuse with the apex short and acutely acuminate, in the center thickened below on the back oblong, in the middle minutely longitudinally pitted; anthers broadly trapezoidal with the appendages scantily hyaline, ovate obtuse; with the pollinia oblong, translators short, retinaculum rhomboid many times smaller than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma briefly conic. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: on trees on the upper Nuru, on the way from Ramu to the coast about 400 meters altitude. (R. Schlechter #14185, blooming in February 1902). Through the curious somewhat thickened ring at the base of the corolla segments, this species can be distinguished from the others. The blooms are white and with a rose red corona.


Other literature: In the Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 118. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 22. 22. Hoya anulata Schltr. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Nachtr. (1905) 362. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: Epipyt auf Bäumen am Minjen-Tor, ca. 100 m ü M. (Schlechter n. 16223. — Blühend im Juli 1907); auf Bäumen am oberen Nuru, auf dem Wege vom Ramu zur Küste, ca. 400 m ü M. (Schlechter n. 44185. — Blühend im Februar 1902); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Ibo-Gebirges, ca. 1000 m ü M. (Schlechter n. 17087. — Blühend im December 1907, n. 18278. — Blühend im September 1908); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern am Njinge bei Ambo, ca. 600 m ü M. (Schlechter n 18123. — Blühend im August 1908); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Bismark-Gebirges, ca. bei 300 n ü M. (Schlechter n. 18515 — Blühend im October 1908); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern bei Jaduna, am Waria, ca. 200 m ü M. (Schlechter n. 19324. — Blühend im April 1909); im Gebüsch windend, in den Wäldern des Mimi, am Waria, ca. 650 m ü M. (Schlechter n. 17412. — Blühend im März 1908); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Dischore-Gebirges, ca. 1000 n ü M. (Schlechter n.19625. — Blühend im Mai 1909). Nächst H. hellwigiana Warb. ist diese Art die verbreitetste im Gebiete. In des Form der Blätter ist sei auch einiger Variation unterworfen, die sich aber nicht in soweiten Grenzen bewegt wie bei H. hellwigiana Warb. Die Blütenmerkmale dagegen scheinen recht beständige zu sein. Charakteristisch für die Art ist die ringartige Verdickung auf der Innenseite zu Grunde etwas eingepreszt ist. Die Blüten sind weisz mit rosenroter Mitte. Translation: Northeastern New Guinea: Epiphytic on trees at Minjen-Tor about 100 m. altitude (Schlechter #16223 - Blooming in July 1907); on trees on the upper Nuru, on the way from Ramu to the coast, about 440 m. altitude (Schlechter #14185 - Blooming in February 1902); on trees in the forest of the Ibo Mountains, about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #17087 - Blooming in December 1907; #18278 - Blooming in September 1908); on trees in the forest on the Njonge near Ambo, about 600 m. altitude (Schlechter #18123 - Blooming in August 1908); on trees in the forest of the Bismarck Mountains, about 300 m. altitude (Schlechter #18515 - Blooming in October 1908); on trees in the forest at Jaduna on the Waria, about 200 m. altitude (Schlechter #19324 - Blooming in April 1909); twining in the bushes of the forest of the Mimi on the Waria, about 650 m. altitude (Schlechter #17412 - Blooming in March 1908); on trees in the forest of the Dischore Mountains, about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #19625 - Blooming in May 1909). Along with H. hellwigiana Warburg this species is the most widespread in the province (district). In the form of the leaves it has a few variations that are not enlarged to such a degree in H. hellwigiana Warburg. Characteristics on the other hand seem to be rather constant (fixed). The ringlike thickening on the inner side of the corolla above the base is characteristic of the species. This is formed by means of the corolla being pressed inward at the bottom. The blooms are white with a rose-red middle.


Comments: The ring-like thickening referred to by Schlechter on the inner corolla base is typical of several other species in this section. It is found on Hoya micrantha Hooker and is especially pronounced in the species Hoya plicata King & Gamble. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1990) 20-23. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya anulata Schlechter in K. Schumann and K. Lauterbach "Nachträge zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 362. Epiphytica in arboribus ramosa, nunc alte scandens, nunc dependens; ramis ramulisque elongatis, flexuosis, teretibus, glabris, radicantibus, laxe foliatis; foliis patentibus patulisve ellipticis vel oblongo ellipticis obtusis, nunc obtuse acuminatis, utrinque glabris, nervis vix conspicuis, textura carnoso-coriaceis, 6-8 cm. longis, medio fere 4-4.5 cm. latis; pedunculis crassiusculis, ca. 4 cm. longis, rhachide incrassata, demum cylindrica; umbella multiflora; pedicellis gracilibus, filiformibus, glabris, 2 cm. longis; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusculis, glabris, ca. 0.1 cm. longis; corolla rotata 0.8 cm. diametiente, lobis ovatus acutis, apice recurvis, extus glabris, intus dense et minute papilloso-puberulis, corolla intus medio anulo paulo incrassato, glabro, 5-lobulato ornato; coronae foliolis horizontalibus carnosis; superne oblongis obtusis, apice breviter et acute acuminatis, medio incrassatis, subtus (dorso oblongis, medio longitudinaliter foveolatis); antheris late trapezoideis, appendice hyalina parvula, ovata obtusa; polliniis oblique oblongis, translatoribus brevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite breviter conico. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: Auf Bäumen am oberen Nuru auf dem Wege vom Ramu zur Küste. alt. ca. 400 m (R. Schlechter n. 14185, Bl. Feb. 1902). Durch den eigenartigen etwas verdickten Ring am Grunde der Abschnitte der Korolla kann diese Art von den verwandten leicht unterschieden werden. Die Blüten sind weisz und besitzen eine rosenrote Korona. Translation: Epiphytic in the tree branches, sometimes high climbing, sometimes dangling; branching and rebranching, loosely leaved; leaves flat outspread elliptic or oblong elliptic, ovate, sometimes obtuse acuminate, both sides glabrous, nerves barely conspicuous, of thick leathery texture, 6-8 cm. long, near the middle 4-4.5 cm. wide; peduncles moderately thick about 4 cm. long, with the rachis thickened, cylindrical at the end; many flowered umbel; pedicels slender, threadlike, glabrous 2 cm. long; calyx segments ovate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, about 0.1 cm. long; corolla rotate 0.8 cm. in diameter, lobes ovate acute, apex recurved, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, corolla inside near the center with a thickened ornate 5 lobed glabrous ring; leaflets of the corona fleshy horizontal; above oblong obtuse with the apex short and acutely acuminate, in the center thickened below on the back oblong, in the middle minutely longitudinally pitted; anthers broadly trapezoidal with the appendages scantily hyaline, ovate obtuse; with the pollinia oblong, translators short, retinaculum rhomboid many times smaller than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma briefly conic. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: on trees on the upper Nuru, on the way from Ramu to the coast about 400 meters altitude. (R. Schlechter #14185, blooming in February 1902). Through the curious somewhat thickened ring at the base of the corolla segments, this species can be distinguished from the others. The blooms are white and with a rose red corona.


References: Hoyas of Northeast New Guinea by Dale Kloppenburg (1992) 45-46. The Asclepiadaceae Works of Schlechter (1992) 30 by A. Nicholas. Dr. Schlechter's Hoya Species (1993) 31 by Dale Kloppenburg. Herbarium Sheets: Type Schlechter #14185 1902 (B),#6223 1907, #17087 1907, #17412 1908, #18123 1908, #18272 1908, #18515 1908, #19324 1909, #19625 1909. In Austrobaileya 3(4) (1990) 639-640. “ Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Hoya R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Papuasia”. P. I. Forster & D. J. Liddle. 3. Typification and synonymy of Hoya anulata Schltr. Hoya anulata Schltr. in Schumann & Lauterb., Nachtrage Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee 362 (1905). Type: Papua New Guinea. Madang Province: Auf Baümen am oberen Nuru, aut dem Wege vom Ramu zur Küste, 4 February 1902, R. Schlechter 14185 (holo: B!). Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50: 118 (1913). Hoya schlechteriana S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. 9: 112 (1916), synon. nov. Type: Irian Jaya. Camps III-VI, 1912-13, Utakwa River to Mt Carstensz, C. B. Kloss (holo: BM!). Hoya poolei C. White & Francis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 39: 69, fig. 13 (1928) synon. nov. Type: Papua New Guinea. MADANG PROVINCE: Joangey, South eastern end of Finnisterre Range, December 1923, C.E. Lane-Poole 566 (holo: BRI!; iso: Hoya pseudolittoralis Norman, Brittonia 2: 328 (1937), synon. nov. Type: Papua New Guinea. WESTERN PROVINCE: Dagwa, Oriomo River, Feb-March 1934, L.J. Brass 5990 (holo: NY n.v.; iso: A!, BM (photo at BRI!), BO!, BRI!). Hoya alata K. Hill, Telopea 3: 249 (1988). synon. nov. Type: Australia, Queensland Cook District: Pascoe River rockpile, B. Wallace 83250 (holo: NSW, n.v.). Hoya sp., Jones & Gray, Austral. climbing Pl. Fig. 126 (1977). [Hoya gracilipes auct. non Schltr.: Jones & Gray, Climbing Pl. Austral. 242 (1988)]. Forster & Liddle, Austrobaileya 3: 228-230 (1990). Additional specimens examined. Irian Jaya. Orob River, Feb 1913, Pulle 1202 (BO,L). Papua New Guinea. Western Highlands Province: Baiyer River, Nov 1954, Womersley & Floyd NGF6809 (Lae) Morobe Province: 4 miles[6.7 km] NE of Boana, near Guambot, 6º 30’5, 146º 50 E, Mar 1977, Conn et al. 70 (CANB,K,LAE) Boana, Jul 1938, Clemens 8480 (A,B,L); ditto, May-Nov 1940, Clemens 41725 (A,BRI), Bupu Village above Wampit River Mar 1964 Millar NGF23296 (A,BRI,CANB,L LAE); Ekwap, Wantoat, Aug 1968, Millar NGFI 12130 (L,LAE); Wantoat, Jun 1957, White NGFG523 (LAE), Patep, Mar 1959, Millar NGF9904 (BRI,, Wareo, Jan 136, Clemens 1521 (A); Finnisterre Range, Ekwap, near Wantoat, Aug 1968, Philipson 3305 (A,L), Zenag, 7º 000’. 146º 35’E, May 1969, Millar NGF40862 (LAE). Gulf Province: near Iori Village, Ihu, Apr 1971, Stone 10143 (L,LAE). Australia. Queensland. Cook District: Garraway Creek rockpiles, Apr 1988, Forster 4234 & Liddle ; South Pap, Tozers Gap, Iul 1991, Forster 907Y (BRI) Notes: Examination of the type specimen of H. anulata Schltr. has found it to be conspecific with H. pseudolittoralis Norman (Forster & Liddle 1990). H. anulata is widely distributed in New Guinea, but has only been found in the Tozer Range area of Queensland. Of importance with respect to the synonymy for this taxon, is H. poolei C. White & Francis which was applied by Liddle (1986) to the Australian material. Both the BRI


holotype and the K isotype of H. poolei lack flowers; however, the foliage is a good match for those of H. anulata (based on the range of specimens examined) and the flowers figured by White and Francis (1928) agree with those of this taxon. Isotype specimens of H. alata K. Hill have yet to be examined, despite repeated quests to NSW for their distribution. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 45-46. R. D. Kloppenburg. “Translation of Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 118 R. Schlechter”. 22. H anulata Schltr. (1905) p. 362. Northeastern New Guinea: Epiphytic on trees at Minjen-Tor about 100 m. altitude (Schlechter #16223 - Blooming in July 1907); on trees on the upper Nuru, on the way from Ramu to the coast, about 440 m. altitude (Schlechter #14185 - Blooming in February 1902); on trees in the forest of the Ibo Mountains., about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #17087 - Blooming in December 1907; #18278 - Blooming in September 1908); on trees in the forest on the Njonge near Ambo, about 600 m. altitude (Schlechter #18123 - Blooming in August 1908); on trees in the forest of the Bismarck Mountains, about 300 m. altitude (Schlechter #18515 - Blooming in October 1908); on trees in the forest at Jaduna on the Waria, about 200 m. altitude (Schlechter #19324 - Blooming in April 1909); twining in the bushes of the forest of the Mimi on the Waria, about 650 m. altitude (Schlechter #17412 - Blooming in March 1908); on trees in the forest of the Dischore Mountains, about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #19625 - Blooming in May 1909). Along with H. hellwigiana Warburg this species is the most widespread in the province (district). In the form of the leaves it has a few variations that are not enlarged to such a degree in H. hellwigiana Warburg. Characteristics on the other hand seem to be rather constant (fixed). The ringlike thickening on the inner side of the corolla above the base is characteristic of the species. This is formed by means of the corolla being pressed inward at the bottom. The blooms are white with a rose-red middle. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Schlechter (1992) 30. anulata Schlechter (Schlechter 14185) – 33.

by A. Nicholas. H.

In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 30-31. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya anulata Schlechter - in K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) p. 362. Northeastern New Guinea: Epiphytic on trees at Minjen-Tor about 100 m. altitude (Schlechter #16223 - Blooming in July 1907); on trees on the upper Nuru, on the way from Ramu to the coast, about 440 m. altitude (Schlechter #14185 - Blooming in February 1902); on trees in the forest of the Ibo Mountains, about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #17087 - Blooming in December 1907; #18278 - Blooming in September 1908); on trees in the forest on the Njonge near Ambo, about 600 m. altitude (Schlechter #18123 - Blooming in August 1908); on trees in the forest of the Bismarck Mountains, about 300 m. altitude (Schlechter #18515 Blooming in October 1908); on trees in the forest at Jaduna on the Waria, about 200 m. altitude (Schlechter #19324 - Blooming in April 1909); twining in the bushes of the forest of the Mimi on the Waria, about 650 m. altitude (Schlechter #17412 - Blooming in March 1908); on trees in the forest of the Dischore Mountains, about 1000 m. altitude (Schlechter #19625 Blooming in May 1909).


Along with H. hellwigiana Warburg this species is the most widespread in the province (district). In the form of the leaves it has a few variations that are not enlarged to such a degree as in H. hellwigiana Warburg. Characteristics on the other hand seems to be a rather constant (fixed). The ring like thickening on the inner side of the corolla above the base is characteristic of the species. This is formed by means of the corolla being pressed inward at the bottom. The blooms are white with a rose-red middle.


Hoya anulata Schlechter, 4/2/1902, Type # 14185 (B)



Hoya apiculata Scheffler 1876 Type description: In Annales du Jardin Botanicique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876) 37. R. H. C. C. Scheffler. Hoya apiculata Scheff. Hoya (Eu-Hoya) apiculatum, nov. spec. — Folia glabris, e basi subcordata, suborbicularia, apice apiculata, uninervia, ad basin callo granuloso instructa; pedicelli umbellata, graciles; calycis laciniae extus velutinae, lanceolatae, acutae; corollae laciniae extus glabrae, intus velutinae, ovatae acutae; coronae stamineae phyla suberecta, supra concava, subtus sulcata et lacunosa, ovata, obtusa, angulo interiore acutissimo, stigma apiculatum. Nouvelle-Giunée, dans le Humboldtsbaai (Teysmann). — Petiole 1/2 pouce de long. Feuilles longues de 3, larges de 2 1/2 pounces. Pédoncules longs de 6 - 9 pouces, pédicelles de 1 pouce. La corolle ouverte a un diamètre de 8 lignes. Translation: Leaves glabrous at the base almost cordate, somewhat orbicular, tips apiculate, one nerved, with gland inserted at the base; pedicels ambulate, narrow; leaflets of the corolla glabrous outside, inside velvety, lanceolate, acute; leaflets of the staminal corona suberect, above concave, below grooved and pitted, ovate, obtuse, interior angle very acute; stigma apiculate. New Guinea from the Humboldtsbaai (Teysmann) — Petiole .5 inch long. Leaves 3 inches long, widest 2.5 inches. Peduncles 6 - 9 inches long, pedicels 1 inch. The corolla open 8 lines in diameter.


Hoya ariadna Decaisne 1844 Type description: In Prodramus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 635. (DeCandolle’s) Decaisne. Hoya ariadna Decaisne Hoya ariadna, scandens, foliis ellipticus basi rotundatis v. superne in acumen brevem desinentibus (3 - 4 poll. longis 2 latis) carnosis subaveniis marginibus reflexis deorsum concavis cymbiformibus utrinque nitidis glabris, pedunculis bipollicar, 7 - 10 floris, corollae lobis stellatim patulis marginibus reflexis introrsum. spadiceis et nitidis ac si gummi obductis essent. Climbing woody shrub in Amboina. Corona Ariadnes punicea Rumph Amb. 5, p. 464 t. 175 an Asclepias Sussuela Roxb. fl. ind. 2 p.31 ? Translation: Hoya ariadna, climbing, leaves elliptic, bases and apexes rounded or above nearly acuminate somewhat distinctive (3 - 4 inches long 2 wide) fleshy almost veinless margines reflexed, below concave boat-shaped both surfaces shinny glabrous, peduncles 1/2 inch 7 - 10 flowered, lobes of the corolla star-like outspread with the margines reflexed on the inside date colored and shiny and thus essentially covered with gum. A woody climbing shrub from Amboina. Corona ariadnes punicea Rumphius Amboiensis 5:464* t. 175* an d Asclepias sussuela Roxburg in Flora Indica 2 (1832) 31 ? *should be 466 and 172. Other literature: In Rumphia 4 (1849) 31. C. L. Blume. 2. H. Corona Ariadnes Tab. 182 (analysis) et 183: caule scandente; foliis ovato-ellipticus oblongisve apice acumen brevi recurvum constrictis basi rotundatis marginibus recurvatis carnosis subvenosis glabris; Umbellis 6 - 11 floris; corollae maximae laciniis late triangularibus convexis intus papilloso-subvelutinis; coronae staminae foliolis angulo exteriore subrotundatis Bl. Cent. Plant. nov. — H. speciosa et H. Ariadna De Caisne in De Cand. Prodr. Syst. Veg. VIII p. 639-640. 1 et 3. Corona Ariadnes punicea Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. p. 464. tab. 182. — Habit. In Moluceis, Celebes et Borneo in sylvis humilioribus, floribus magnis puniceis, sub vesperam odorem duleem Ananssi maturi instar exhalantibus, omnium Specierum cognitarum facile pulcerrima et ideireo nuperrime caldariis nostris importata ab horticultoribus nomine H. imperialis salutata. Caulis fructicosus, inferne lignosus, teres, alte scandens et floribus suis magnificis ornatus de arboribus pendulus. Folia opposita, petiolata, patentissima. ovato-elliptica v. ovato-oblonga, superne in acumen breve acutum recurva, basi rotundata, carnosa, firma, super lucida ac subvenosa, subtus pallidiora nervo medio crasso valde prominente. Petioli teretiusculi, ecanaliculati, 8 - 11 lin. longi; folia 2.5 - 3.5 poll., 1.5 - 2 pol lata. Pedunculi axillares v. extraaxillares et terminales, solitarii, 1 - 1.5 pol longo, umbellato 6 - 11 flori. Pedicelli 1.5 - 1.75 poll. longi, superne aliquanto crassiores, ut calyces et alabastra pentagona viriduli. Calycis floiola ovato-rotundata, extus convexa, margine membranaceae, obsolete ciliata. Corolla aperta plus 2 poll. diametro, coriacea, extus viridis et circum basim glabra, limbum versus pube rarissimâ appressâ, intus c puniceo in atro-purpureum vergens et inconspicue papilloso-velutina; foliolis horizontalibus, carnosis, supra paulum depressis, subtus lato-sulcatis, angulo exteriore obtusissimis, interiore acutis et illie intus connectivo membranaceo antherarium


ovata obtusiusculo ad marginem interiorem carneo stigmati incumbenti conjunctis. Retinacula emarginaturis stigmatis cum foliolis coronae stamineae alternatibus affixa, cuneata, basi subbifida, sulco longitudinali inscripta, superne bicornuta, coronea, atropurpurea. Pollinia clavata, subarcuata, duriuscula, flava, basi pr stipitem brevem arcuatum cornibus rectinaculi affixa. Ovaria 2, oblonga. Stigma magnum, peltatum, c papillâ centrali radiis quinque elevatis et retiaculis oppositis. Folliculi ab ortu solitarii, plus pedem longi, elongato-conici, superne attenuati et nonnihil curvati. glabri, viriduli, longitudinaliter striati, succo ventrali inscripti, quo tandem dehiscunt. Translation: Hoya corona ariadnes Table 182 (analysis) and 183: Stems climbing; leaves ovate-elliptical oblong tips acuminate recurved constricted, with the bases rounded, margins recurved fleshy glabrous almost veinless; umbels of 6 - 11 flowers; leaflets of the corolla large broadly triangular convex, inside papillose to somewhat villose; leaflets of the staminal corona , with the exterior angle somewhat rounded. Blume Cent. Plant. new — Hoya speciosa and Hoya ariadna De Candolle’s Prodromus Sys. Veg. 8:634. 1 & 3. Corona ariadnes punicea Rumphia Herbarium Amboinensis 5:464 table 182. — Habitat: In the Moluccas, Celebes (Sulawesi) and Borneo in the humid lowland forests, Large reddish-purple flowers, towards evening giving off a scent like pineapple, an easily recognized extremely beautiful species and for this reason, not long ago, was brought from abroad to horticulture from warm waters, and greeted as Hoya imperialis. A stalklike shrub, woody beneath, tapering, high climbing and with pendulous flowers magnificently adorning the trees. Foliage opposite, petiolate, very spreading, ovateelliptic or ovate-oblong, above acute shortly acuminate and recurved, basis rounded, fleshy, firm, above lucid and somewhat veined, below paler with the midrib thick and strongly prominent. Petioles somewhat rounded, not channeled, 8 -11 lines long; leaves 2.5-3.5 inches, 1 - 1.5 inches wide. Peduncles axillary or outside the axils and terminal, solitary, 1 - 1.5 inches long, umbels of 6 - 11 flowers. Pedicels 1.5 - 1.75 inches long, somewhat thickened above so the green calyxes and buds are five sided. Leaflets of the calyx ovate-rounded, outside convex, margines membranaceous, without cilia. Corolla opening to two inches in diameter, leathery, outside green and around the base glabrous. In Annales Bot. Sys. 1852-1853. G. C. Walpers H. Ariadna Decne. l. c. 635. no. 3 — (Coronaria Ariadnes Blume mass) Blume Rumphia IV 31 tab. 182. 183. In Flora Indiae Batavae, Miquel & Zollinger 2 (1856) 516-517. § 1. Euhoya. Coronae staminae Phylla horizontalia subtus sulcata. Flores majusculi. Folia uninervia. 1. Hoya Ariadna Decaisn. Scandens, folia e basi rotundatâ ovato-elliptica vel oblonga breviter recurveque acuminata, carnosa glabra, corollae saturate maximae laciniae late triangulares convexae intus papilloso-subvelutinae, coronae stamineae luteae foliola exterorse subrotundata. Hoya Ariadna Decaisn. in DC Prodr. VIII. p. 635. Hoya Corona Ariadnes Bl. in Rumphia IV p. 31 tab. 182 et 183. Mus. bot. I p. 43. — Corona Ariadnes punicea Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. p. 464 tab. 182. — Var. speciosa (Hoya speciosa Decaisn. l.c.) floribus majoribus; (a cel. Decaisne qui sec. icon. Rumph. H. Ariadnae corollam non papillosam credidit, olim distincta habita. Molukken. Amboina (Rumph., Labill.) Celebes. Borneo, in de lagere wouden.


Translation: Section 1. Euhoya. Leaflets of the staminal corona horizontal below grooved. Flowers somewhat large. Leaves uninerved. 1. Hoya ariadna Decaisne. Climbing, leaves rounded at the base ovate -elliptic or oblong briefly recurved and acuminate, fleshy glabrous, leaflets of the corolla deepest flame-scarlet wide triangular convex, inside papillose to somewhat velvety, leaflets of the staminal corona yellow toward the outside somewhat rounded. Hoya ariadna Decaisne in DC Prodromus 8:635. Hoya corona ariadnes Blume in Rumphia 4:31 t. 182 & 183. Museum Botanicum 1:43. — Corona ariadnes punicea Rumphia Herbarium Amboinensis 5:464 t, 182. — Asclepias sussuela Roxburg Flora India 2:31. — Calotropis sussuela G. Don. General System of Gardening and Botany 4:147, — variety speciosa (Hoya speciosa Decaisne as above) flowers larger; ( according to the renowned Decaisne and secondly the drawing in Rumphia, the corolla of Hoya ariadna are not papillose, habitats separated in the past. In Annales Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 1 (1863) 43. P. A. G. Miquel. 99. Hoya Corona Ariadnes Bl.: caule scandente; foliis carnosis ovato-ellipticis oblongisve apice in acumen breve recurvum constrictis basi rotundatis marginibus recurvatis subvenosis glabris; corollae maximae laciniis late triangularibus convexis intus papilloso-subvelutinis; coronae stamineae foliolis angulo exteriore subrotundatis. Bl. Cent. Plant. nov. et in Rumphia IV. tab. 183. — H. speciosa et H. Ariadna Decaisne in De Cand. Prodr. Syst. Veg. VIII. p. 634. 1 et 3. — Corona Ariadnes punicea Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. p. 464. tab. 182 — In Moluccis, Celebes et Borneo in Sylvis humilioribus. Translation: Hoya corona ariadnes Blume: stems climbing; leaves fleshy ovate-elliptic oblong, tips restricted, recurved and briefly acuminate, bases rounded with the margines recurved almost veinless glabris: leaflets of the corona very large broad triangular convex, inside Papillose to somewhat velvety; leaflets of the staminal corona exterior end somewhat rounded. Blume in Cent. Plant New and in Rumphia 4:t183. — Hoya speciosa and Hoya ariadna Decaisne in DC. Prodromus Systema Vegetabilum 8:1-2. — Corona ariadnes punicea Rumphius Herbarium Amboinensis 5:464 t,182. — In the low humid forests of the Moluccas, Celebes (Sulawesi) and Borneo. In Annales du Jardine Botanique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876) 37. Nouvée par M. Teysmann dans I'île de Sorong et la Nouvelle-Guinée, ores du Humboldtsbaai. Translation: A novelty of M. Teysmann from the island of Sorong and New Guinea according to Humboldtsbaai. In Annales Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 4 (1869) 142. 3. Hoya Ariadna Decaisn., Miq. l.c. p.516 var. minor, corollis 1.5 poll. diam. praeter basin subtus adpresse parce puberis, super satis dense pubero-adspersis. Reliqua omnia omnio congruunt, nec obliviscendum, flores sub anthesi in Hoyae specibus adhuc increscere, unde in icone a Blumeo edita florum singulorum magnitudo etiam diversa cernitur. — Ceram: Teysmann et De Vriese. Translation: Hoya ariadna Decaisne., Miquel as above page 516, variety minor, corolla 1.5 inches in diameter, except for the base moderately pubescent, appressed below, above moderately dense appressed puberulous. remnants of every part altogether congruent with


the pictures in Blume’s floral books who understood the singular magnitude and also the diversity, also not to forget, flowers until now increase in the Hoya species at anthesis. — Ceram: Teysmann and DeVriese. Compilers comments: Note Decaisne in 1844 made a mistake in quoting page numbers from Herbarium Amboiensis 5 (1747) by Rumphia. Coronaria Ariadnes is on page 466 not 464 and the Drawing (figure) is tab. 172 not 175. This mistake was copied (carried forward) in 1849 by Blume: in 1856 and again in 1863 by Miquel and in 1852 by Walpers.


Hoya australis subsp. tenuipes Forster & Liddle # W329 (B) Samoa


Hoya australis subsp. tenuipes Forster & Liddle, # W 4520 (B) Samoa


Hoya balansae Costantin 1912 Type description: In Flore Generale des Indo Chine 4 (1912) 136. J. Constantin. 14 H. Balansae Cost., n. sp. Tiges volubiles,, lérèrement pubescentes. Feuilles cbarnues, glabres, vert grisâtre, parfois avec macules d’un vertplus foncé, ovales, arrondies à la base, acuminées à la pointe, à nervures peu apparentes; nervures basilaires 3 ; nervures latérales alternes, 2-4 de chaque côté, confluentes au bord avec les autres; limbe long de 4.5-6.5 cm. sur 2.5-3.5 cm.; petiole épais, long de 5 mm. Infloresences: pédoncule long de 4.5 cm., épais de 2 mm. avec tête cylindrique portant des cicatrices; pédicelles grêles, presque glabres, à poils rares, longs de 2 cm. ; fleurs atteignant 11- 14 mm., même avant I’épanouissement jaunâtres. - Calice à sépales laraement triangulaires, arrondis au sommet, ciliés au bord, légérment pubescents sur le dos. Corolle à lobes triangulaires, aigus au sommet, glabres en dehors, à peine pubescents en dedans. Coronule en étoile; piéces 5, charnues à pointes externes aiguës, horizontales, à bords latéraux relevés vers le haut à côte médiane un peu saillante. Fruit... Tonkin : baie d’Along, sur rochers calcaires (Balansa). Feuilles ne dépressant pas 7 cm. de long. Fleurs de 12-13 mm., jaunâtres ... 14. H. balansae Translation: Stalk large, lightly pubescent. Leaves fleshy glabrous, grayish-green, at times with spots of dark green , oval rounded at the base, tip acuminate, nerves not very apparent 3; lateral nerves alternating, 2 to 4 on each side, meeting at the edge with the others; length 4.5 to 6.5 cm. by 2.5 to 3.5 cm.; petiole thick, to 5 mm. long, Inflorescence: peduncle to 4.5 cm. long, up to 2 mm. Thick with cylindrical end carrying scars of previous flowers; pedicels thin, nearly glabrous, but hairs not unusual, to 2 cm. long; flowers attaining 11 to 14 mm.; even before opening, yellow. - calyx segments large triangular, pointed at the tip, ciliate edges, outside pubescent. Corolla lobes triangular, pointed at the tip, glabrous outside, pubescent on the inside. Corona fleshy of 5 parte, outer apex extremely pointed, horizontal, lateral edges turned up, inner angle rising toward the center with a ridge in the middle, but not at all prominent.. Fruit .... Tonkin: growing along calcareous rock crags at Balansa. Leaves not over 7 cm. long. Flowers 12 to 1


Hoya bandaensis Schlechter 1908 Type description:

In Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbüchen #92 40 (1908) 13. R. Schlechter. Hoya bandaensis Schltr. n. sp.; volubilis, alte scandens, ramosa; ramis ramulisque elongatis, flexuosis, glabris, carnosis, laxe foliatis; foliis petiolatis ellipticis acutis vel breviter acuminatis, utrinque glabris, textura carnosis, 10—12 cm longis, medio fere 5— 7 cm latis, petiolo carnoso c. 1.5 cm longo; cymis umbelliformibus multifloris, pedunculo nunc petiolo aequilongo, nunc longiore, pedicellis filiformibus 3—3.5 cm longis, glabris; floribus illis H. diversifoliae Bl. fere aequimagnis similibusque; calycis segmentis lanceolatis acutis, margine minute ciliolatis, ceterum glabris, 0.3 cm longis; corolla rotata usque ad medium 5-lobata, 1.4 cm diametiente, extus glabra, intus minute et dense papillosa lobis ovato-triangulis acutis marginis recurvis; coronae phyllis carnosis horizontalibus, superne rhombeis apice rostratis, subtus quadratis dorso bilobulatis; antheris quadrato-trapezoideis, appendice hyalina ovata, breviter acuminata; polliniis erectis oblique oblongoideis margine exteriore auguste caripato-marginatis, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite breviter conico. Banda-Archipel: zwischen Gebüsch unter der Spitze des Gunong Api (R. Schlechter n. 13663, blühend im Oktober 1901. Zur Verwandischaft der H. diversifolia Bl. gehörig; ausgezeichnet durch die kurzen, dicken Koronaschuppen. Die Blüten sind weisz mit rotem Mittelband auf den Lappen der Blumenblätter. Translation: See below Dr. Schlechter's Hoya species.

Other literature:

In Hortus (1976) 574. Hoya bandaensis Schlechter. Glabrous, somewhat fleshy, branched twiner; leaves elliptic, to 5 in. long, acute or short-acuminate; cymes umbellate, many fld.; corolla about 5/8 in. across, the lobes triangular, papillate. Moluccas. In Tropica 4 (1992) 1019. A. B. Graf. Hoya bandaensis (Java, Moluccas); robust vine with large, oval pointed, fleshy leaves dark green and glossy; blooms greenish white with scarlet centers. Tropical. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. bandaensis Schlechter (Schlechter 13663) - 14 In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 32-33. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya bandaensis Schlechter n. sp. A high climbing climber, branched, branches rebranched


and elongated, flexible, glabrous, fleshy, loosely leaved; leaves petiolate elliptic acute or briefly acuminate, both sides glabrous, with fleshy texture, 10-12 cm. long. in the middle 5-7 cm. wide, petiole fleshy about 1.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, multiflowered, peduncle now of the same length, pedicels threadlike 3-3.5 cm. long, glabrous; flowers similar to H. diversifolia Blume, nearly equal size and similar; with segments of the calyx lanceolate acute, margins minutely ciliate, in the middle glabrous, 0.3 cm. long; corolla rotate 5 lobed all the way to the middle, 1.4 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside minutely and densely papillose, lobes ovate-triangular acute, margins recurved; with the scale of the corona fleshy horizontal, above rhomboid with apex beaked, below four sided and bilobed; anthers four sided-trapezoidal, appendages hyaline ovate, briefly acuminate; pollinia erect obliquely oblong, exterior margin with a narrow keel, translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid much smaller than the pollinia; stigma head briefly conic. Banda-Archipelago: in the underbrush below the summit of Gunong Api (R. Schlechter # 13663, blooming in October 1901). Related to Hoya diversifolia Blume; distinguished by the short, thick corona scales. The flowers are white with a rose band on the petal lobes. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 13.


Hoya bandaensis Schlechter, 1908, Type # 13663 (B)


Hoya bandaensis Schlechter 1908 Type description: In Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbüchen #92 40 (1908) 13. R. Schlechter. Hoya bandaensis Schltr. n. sp.; volubilis, alte scandens, ramosa; ramis ramulisque elongatis, flexuosis, glabris, carnosis, laxe foliatis; foliis petiolatis ellipticis acutis vel breviter acuminatis, utrinque glabris, textura carnosis, 10—12 cm longis, medio fere 5— 7 cm latis, petiolo carnoso c. 1.5 cm longo; cymis umbelliformibus multifloris, pedunculo nunc petiolo aequilongo, nunc longiore, pedicellis filiformibus 3—3.5 cm longis, glabris; floribus illis H. diversifoliae Bl. fere aequimagnis similibusque; calycis segmentis lanceolatis acutis, margine minute ciliolatis, ceterum glabris, 0.3 cm longis; corolla rotata usque ad medium 5-lobata, 1.4 cm diametiente, extus glabra, intus minute et dense papillosa lobis ovato-triangulis acutis marginis recurvis; coronae phyllis carnosis horizontalibus, superne rhombeis apice rostratis, subtus quadratis dorso bilobulatis; antheris quadrato-trapezoideis, appendice hyalina ovata, breviter acuminata; polliniis erectis oblique oblongoideis margine exteriore auguste caripato-marginatis, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite breviter conico. Banda-Archipel: zwischen Gebüsch unter der Spitze des Gunong Api (R. Schlechter n. 13663, blühend im Oktober 1901. Zur Verwandischaft der H. diversifolia Bl. gehörig; ausgezeichnet durch die kurzen, dicken Koronaschuppen. Die Blüten sind weisz mit rotem Mittelband auf den Lappen der Blumenblätter. Translation: See below Dr. Schlechter's Hoya species. Other literature: In Hortus (1976) 574. Hoya bandaensis Schlechter. Glabrous, somewhat fleshy, branched twiner; leaves elliptic, to 5 in. long, acute or short-acuminate; cymes umbellate, many fld.; corolla about 5/8 in. across, the lobes triangular, papillate. Moluccas. In Tropica 4 (1992) 1019. A. B. Graf. Hoya bandaensis (Java, Moluccas); robust vine with large, oval pointed, fleshy leaves dark green and glossy; blooms greenish white with scarlet centers. Tropical. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. bandaensis Schlechter (Schlechter 13663) - 14 In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 32-33. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya bandaensis Schlechter n. sp. A high climbing climber, branched, branches rebranched and elongated, flexible, glabrous, fleshy, loosely leaved; leaves petiolate elliptic acute or briefly acuminate, both sides glabrous, with fleshy texture, 10-12 cm. long. in the middle 5-7 cm. wide, petiole fleshy about 1.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, multiflowered, peduncle now of the same length, pedicels threadlike 3-3.5 cm. long,


glabrous; flowers similar to H. diversifolia Blume, nearly equal size and similar; with segments of the calyx lanceolate acute, margins minutely ciliate, in the middle glabrous, 0.3 cm. long; corolla rotate 5 lobed all the way to the middle, 1.4 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside minutely and densely papillose, lobes ovate-triangular acute, margins recurved; with the scale of the corona fleshy horizontal, above rhomboid with apex beaked, below four sided and bilobed; anthers four sided-trapezoidal, appendages hyaline ovate, briefly acuminate; pollinia erect obliquely oblong, exterior margin with a narrow keel, translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid much smaller than the pollinia; stigma head briefly conic. Banda-Archipelago: in the underbrush below the summit of Gunong Api (R. Schlechter # 13663, blooming in October 1901). Related to Hoya diversifolia Blume; distinguished by the short, thick corona scales. The flowers are white with a rose band on the petal lobes. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 13.


Hoya barbata Sprengel 1825 Type description: In Systematisches Vegetebilum, Carolie A. Linne (1817) 53. 2. Tylophora barbata R. Br.; umbellis subgerminatis, pedunculo communi foliis breviore, corollâ barbatâ, foliis ovatis acutis glaberrimis. R. Brown l. c. Ad portum Jackson. Translated: Umbels somewhat germinating, Peduncles almost paired shorter than the leaves, corolla bearded, leaves ovate acute very glabrous. Near port Jackson. Other literature: In Systema Vegetebilum, Spengel, 1 (1825) 843. 4. H. barbata foliis ovatus glaberrimis, umbellis pedunculatis subgeminatis, corolla barbata. Nov. Holland. Translation: as above. In General System of Gardening and Botany, G. Don. 4 (1837). as T. Barbata (R. Br. l. c.) umbels usually twin; common peduncles shorter then the leaves; corolla bearded; leaves ovate acute, quite glabrous. A twining shrub. Native of New South Wales, about Port Jackson Hoya barbata Spreng. Sys. 1 p. 845. Bearded Tylophora. Fl. June, Jul. Cult. 1822. Shrub tw. In Flora Australiansis, G. Bentham, (1867) 335. T. barbata, R. Br. Paod.460. A slender glabrous twiner. leaves on slender petioles, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, not cordate, membranaceous , 1 to 2 in. long. Flowers of a dingy purple, not numerous, in 1 or rarely 2 umbels or interpetiolar peduncles not exceeding the leaves, and filiform as well as pedicels. Calyx-segments acute, about I line long. Corolla spreading to nearly 3 lines diameter, the lobes ovate, obtuse, slightly bearded inside. gynostegium short. Corona- segments fleshy, forming globular protuberances on the backs of the anthers. Follicles acuminate, 2 to 3 in. long. — Decne. DC. Prod. viii 609; Hoya barbata, Spreng. syst. I. 843. N.S. Wales. Port Jackson to the Blue Mountains, R. Brown, A. and R. Cummingham and others; Illawarra, A Cunningham, Ralston. Victoria. Mallce Cotta Inlet, Lake King Tyers, Snowy River, Boggy Creek. etc., F, Mueller.


Hoya barracki Horne ex Backer In Journal of the Linnean Society 20 (1883) 369. J. G. Baker “The Flora of Fiji”. Hoya barracki (Horne “A Year in Fiji” p. 262, name only) is evidently identical with H. bicarinate, A Gray, in Proc. Amer. Acad. v. 335, which is considered by Mr. Bentham (Flor. Australia iv. 316 conspecific with H. australis, R. Br. Notation: in his “Fijian Plant Studies”, A. C. Smith claims the specimens in Grey Herbarium have pale purple red corollas and pale claret coronas. This is not then H. australis R. Br.. Smith places it with his H. vitiensis. See ... A. C. Smith, -Fijian Plant Studies II a' in Sargentia, page 110-111. (H. australis in the book). Smith says that this is not H. australis.


Hoya bhutanica Grierson & Long 1979 Type description: In Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh 37:2 (1979) 353. Hoya bhutanica Grierson & Long species nova affinis H. parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight sed foliis ellipticus et minus carnosis, corollis saltem bis latioribus intus puberulis differt. Plate 4. Frutex reptans, caules graciles 3-5 m. radicantes. Folia elliptica, (6.5-)9-15 x (2.75-)3-4.5 cm., apice acuta basi rotundata, trinervia, veins lateralibus in dimidio superiore productis, tenuiter coriacea, glabra, marginibus integris. Inflorescentiae axillares umbelliformes multiflorae, pedunculis 1 - 2 cm., pedicillis congestis 2.5 - 3 cm. Segmenta calycis anguste triangularia c. 3 mm. longa, parce pubescentia. Corolla rotata c. 2 cm. diametro alba, extus glabra intus puberula; corona purpurea segmentis ovoideis c. 5 mm x 2.5 mm, horizontaliter radiantibus, leviter complanatis, angulis exterioribus acutis. Fructus ignotus. S. Bhutan: Hastisar, 460 m, 27iii 1949, “Creeper 10-15 ft. Perianth white; purple eye. In dense forest”. Ludlow, Sherriff & Hicks 18506 (holo. BM). Although known only from a single specimen, this appears to be distinct from all other Indian, Chinese and Malayan species. In a note on the type specimen Ludlow compared it with H. pendula Wight but this species has longer, more coriaceous leaves which are cuneate at the base and with clearly pinnate venation. In fact the basically trinerved leaves of this species exclude it from comparison with most others known from SE Asia. Translation: Hoya bhutanica Grierson and Long species new like Hoya parasitica Roxburg (Wallich) ex Wight but different. Leaves elliptic and not fleshy, corolla at least twice wider inside. Creeping shrub stem narrow 3-5 meters, rooting. Leaves elliptic (6.5) 9-15 x (2.75) 3-4.5 cm., apex acute base rounded, trinerved, lateral veins produced ½ above, slightly leathery, glabrous, margined entire. Inflorescence axillary with many flowered umbels, peduncle 1-2 cm, pedicels crowded 2.5 to 3 cm. Segments of the calyx narrow triangular about 3 mm long, sparsely pubescent. Corolla rotate lightly folded back upon itself exterior angle acute. Fruit not seen.


Hoya bicarinata A. Gray 1861 Type description:

In Flora Vitiensis (1856)163. B. Seemann. H. bicarinata, A. Gray in Proceed. Amer. Acad. vol. v.; scandens; foliis glabellis subcarnosis planis obscure penninerviis ovalibus obovatis seu ovatis brevissime abrupteque acuminatis basi rotundatis subcordatisve, lamina supra petiolum hirtellum glardulose; pedunculo pedicellis haud longiori; sepalis lineari-oblongis; corollae albae extus glabrae intus puberulae lobis ovatis acutis planis; coronae stamineae foliolis incrassatis, disco obovato concavo angulo interno lougiuscule acuminato, marginibus baud revolutis, dorso eximie bicarinato.Asclepias volubilis, Forst. Prodr. n.128, et Icon. (ined.) t. 75 et 76, excl. syn.-Viti Levu and Ovalau (Seemann! n. 319). Also collected in Tana (Forster!), and the Samoan Islands (U. S. Expl. Exped.). What I distributed under the name H. pilosa (n. 321) is probably only a young state of this species, having the leaves more hairy below. Translation: Climbing; leaves glabrous somewhat fleshy flat obscurely penninerved oval obovate or ovate very briefly and abruptly acuminate bases rounded almost cordate, blade above petiole hairy glandular; pedicels not at all longer than the peduncles; sepals linearoblong; lobes of the corolla white, outside glabrous inside puberulous, ovate acute flat; with the staminal corona scales thickened, disc obovate concave interior angle longacuminate, margins not at all revolute, back exceedingly keeled. Asclepias volubilis, Forster Prodramus, n. 128 and Icon (unpublished) t. 75 and 76, excluding synonym. Viti Levu and Ovalau (I have seen Seemann n. 319). Also have seen Forster’s collected on Tana, and the Samoan Islands (US. Expl. Expedition). Other literature: In Proc. Am. Aced. 5 (1861-1862) 335 A. Gray Hoya bicarinata Only the name appears at this reference. In Flora of Samoa. 33 (1934) 92-93. C.G. Lloyd & Walter H. Aiken. Hoya. There are two very distinct forms of Hoya, which we noticed as occurring on the island. The hoya has twining stems which throw out roots at the lower nodes, the leaves are opposite thick and fleshy, and the flowers are borne in lateral umbels; the corolla is rotate, the 5 lobes of the limb are ovate and valvate in the bud. The staminal corona consists of 5 scales inserted on the gynostegium and is usually spreading horizontally like a star in the center of the, corolla; the inner angle bears a small tooth incumbent on the anther; the pollen masses are erect; the follicles ire smooth or with winged like appendages. Hoya bicarinata.-A climbing plant; leaves smooth, somewhat fleshy, penninerved, oval or ovate and abruptly acuminate the base rotund and subcordate, the upper side of the leaf and the petiole glardulose hairy, the petiole and pedicel not at all long; sepals linear or oblong; corolla white outside, puberulent within, lobes flat ovate, acute; the


leaves of the staminal corona stout, disk obovate, concave, the inner angle long acuminate the margins not at all revolute, the back with 2 keels. Flowers in axillary clusters. Flowers almost out of bloom in November. In Bulletin of the Bishop Museum 128 (1935 )188-189. “Samoan Flowering Plants” Christophersen. Hoya bicarinata A. Gray: Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 5, p. 335, 1862. Tau: Fitiuta trail, altitude 100-125 meters, flower, August 4, 1921, Garber nos. 556 and 566; Amouli trail, altitude 100 meters, fruit, September 16, 1921, Garber no. 615. Savaii: forested "island" on Matavanu lava field, altitude 400 meters, flower, fruit, September 12, 1929, Christophersen 589; forest between Puapua and Samalaeulu, fruit, October 13, 1929, Christophersen no. 917; edge of forest at Matavanu lava field, altitude 200 meters, flower, July 6, 1931, Christophersen and Hume nos. 1867 and 1869; Matavanu lava field, altitude 500 meters, flower, July 10, 1931, Christophersen and Hume no. 1942; Lelepa village, flower, July 8, 1931, Christophersen and Hume no. 1970; edge of forest, Vaipouli-Manase, altitude 100 meters, flower, July 12, 1931, Christophersen and Hume nos. 1973, 1974. Native names, fue se le la and olive vao. Both names I have obtained repeatedly in Savaii from actual specimens used by natives for decoration. This species comes close to H. australis R. Brown. In fact, it has been included in that species by Bentham (6, p. 346). I have seen only a Photograph of Brown's type in the British Museum, but the Samoan specimens do not agree in all points with Bentham's interpretation or with Australian specimens examined. The young part of the stems of the Samoan plants is always pubescent; the peduncles are usually longer than the petioles, pubescent; pedicels also pubescent (glabrate in the specimens from Tau); lobes of corolla red or brownish red at the base, otherwise creamy white, glabrous or glabrate on the outside, densely pubescent with short, broad hairs on the entire inner surface. According to Bentham's interpretation, H. australis is glabrous, peduncles rarely exceeding the petioles, lobes of corolla pink at base, the inner surface nearly smooth and glabrous except toward the edges, which are slightly papillose. These differences may not all prove to be of specific importance, but until the many Pacific forms of this affinity can be studied in their entirety the best procedure is to uphold H. bicarinata A. Gray. In The Bulletin of the Lloyd Library 33 (1934) 93. Hoya bicarinata. - A climbing plant; leaves smooth, somewhat fleshy, penninerved, oval or ovate and abruptly acuminate the base rotund and subcordate, the upper side of the leaf and the petiole granulose hairy, the petiole and pedicel not at all long; sepals linear or oblong; corolla white inside, pubescent within, lobes flat ovate, acute; the leaves of the staminal corona stout, disk obovate, concave, the inner angle long acuminate the margins not at all revolute, the back with two keels. Flowers almost out of bloom in November. In Plants of Samoa (1972) 40. S. E. Parham. Hoya bicarinata A. Gray, (Asclepiadaceae). Climbing and epiphytic shrub; leaves thick; flowers in axillary umbels, cream-colored, fragrant; common in open country and on lava flows.


In Fiji Plants (1943) 10. “Their Native Names and Uses” Mrs. H. B. Richenda Parham,. bulibulisewaro ........Hoya bicarinata (Asclepiadaceae) H.B.R.P.A climber with lovely white waxy flowers, bunched together in an umbel. A species of the Hoya is called draubibi in Bua. In Telopia 3 (2) (1988) 255. “A Revision of Hoyas (Asclepiadaceae) in Australia” K. D. Hill. (Under Excluded Names). Hoya bicarinata A. Grays Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Is: 535 (1862). Bentham (1969) records this name in synonymy with H. australis. The type of H. bicarinata was collected in Fiji, and represents a common South Pacific Island member of the H. australis complex, which is not the same as any of the Australian species. H. bicarinata is characterized by large, orbicular leaves with a loose, open indumentum of long, erect hairs on each side.


Hoya bicarinata A. Gray Type # sn. (NY)


Hoya bicarinata A. Gray 1861, Type # 319 (GH)


Hoya billardieri Decaisne 1844 Type description: In Decandolle, Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 636. 11. H. billardieri, volubilis, foliis ovalibus haud raro basi emarginatis v. subcordatis apice brevissime acuminatis utrinque glabrous, limbo supra petiolum glandulis trinis obtusis instructo, pedunculatis brevibus, receptaculis oblongis bracteolis brevissimis ciliolatis onustis, pedicellis gracilibus, sepalis brevibus puberulis, coronae laciniis subtriangularibus acutis patulis supra subtiliter papillosis, coronae stam. foliol. subrhomboideis medio umbilicatodepressis, angulo interiore obtuso. Habitu H. carnosae. in Nova Hibernia (Labillardiere). v.s.h. Mus, par. ex dono cl. Webb.) Translation: Twining, leaves oval by no means or rarely bases emarginate or somewhat cordate apexes very shortly acuminate with both sides glabrous, limb above petiole glandular, with three 3 obtuse glands, peduncles short, receptacle oblong full of very short ciliate bracts, pedicels slender, sepals shortly puberulous; lobes of the corolla somewhat triangular acute outspread, above minutely papillose, scales of the corona somewhat rhomboid, in the middle having a navel-like depression, interior angle obtuse. Habit is as H. carnosa. It grows on New Ireland in Bismark Archipelago, . (I have seen in the dried state at the Museum from the donation of the most renowned Webb.). In Tuinbouw Flora (1853) 73 DeVries, name only Hoya bidwelliana.


Hoya blumeana Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 122-123. Hoya blumeana, Schltr. H. praetorii. This not noted In Index Kewensis, as of Oct. 1981. § III Plocostemma (Bl.) Schltr. Die Sektion habe ich als solche schon oben charakterisiert. Sei steht etwa in der Mitte zwischen Eu-Hoya und Pterostelma, ist aber durch die Struktur der Korona-von beiden gut geschieden. Swoeit sich bisher übersehen läszt, gehören mit Sicherheit heirher bis heute nur zwei Arten, H. lasiantha (Bl.) Korth. und H. Blumeana Schltr. (Plocostemma pallidum) Blume, die erstere von Borneo, die letztere von Sumatra, doch ist zu erwarten, dasz noch einige der weniger bekannten Arten des malayischen Archipels hier unterzubringen sein werden. Heir habe ich zwei weitere Arten aufzuführen, welche sich beide als neu erwiesen haben. Beide sind hochsteigende Lianen, welche in den Hügelwäldern in mittlerer Höhenlage auftreten. Translation: Section III Plocostemma (Blume) Schlechter. I have characterized the section as such above. It is mid way between Eu-Hoya and Petrostelma, it is, however, separated from both of the others by the structure of the corona. So for to the present time, with certainty only two species belong here, Hoya lasiantha (Blume) Korth. and Hoya blumeana Schlechter (Plocostemma pallidum Blume). The first one from Borneo the latter from Sumatra., but one can expect that a few of the less known species in the Malayan Archipelago will turn out to be placed here. Here I have been obliged to introduce two more species, both of which have proved to be new. Both are high climbing plants (liana) which occur at medium altitude in the hill forests. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. blumeana Schlechter (Type of Plocostemma pallidum Blume) - 15


Hoya bonii Costantin 1912 Type description: In Flore General des Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 125. 22 H. H. LeConte H. Bonii Cost., n. sp. Tige cylindrique de 3 mm. de diametre, a lenticelles arrondies. Feuilles charnues, opposees, arrondies on en coeur a base, terminees par un apicule aigu, parfois ovales ou meme oblongues, aigues au sommet, poilues en dessous, a poils courts et espaces, visibles a la loupe seulement, a peu pres glabres en dessus; nervure mediane, tres saillante en dessous et poilue sur les cotes; nervures secondaries 5-6 paires, obliques a 45 º, se ramifiant a quelque distance du bord ; 1imbe long de 8 - 10 cm. sur 3.8-7 cm.; petiole long de I cm., epais de 4 mm. inflorescence axilaire en ombelle; pedoncule cylindrique glabre, vigoureux, long de 4-5 cm. large de 2 mm., a cicatrices qui se mu1tiplient au sommet sur une tete cylindrique; pedicelles groupes tout autour en boule, allonges, nombreux, a poils longs de 2 cm.; fleurs de 12-14 mm., etaltees en etoile, violacees, fortement pubescentes en dedans. - calice a sepales cilies au bord, bruns en dehors, triangulaires, aigus, a extremite un per arrondie, a poils jaunatres. Corolle glabre en dehors, tres poilue en dedans; lobes triangulaires, tres cilies au bord. Coronule en etoile, egalant le tube de la corolle; dents 5, tres aigues, concaves en dessus avec des cotes dans la cavite par dessiccation, horizontales. Tonkin: Mt. Vo-xa (Bon). Translation: Stalk cylindrical to 3 mm. in diameter bearing lenticels. Leaves fleshy, opposite, round or heart shaped at the base end with the apex pointed, occasionally oval or even oblong and pointed at apex. Some hairs below, short and with intervals between the hairs visible, often seen with magnifying glass only; hairless and smooth above. Midrib very projecting below and hairy along its sides; secondary nerves 5 to 6 pairs, slanting at 45º for some distance towards the edge. Leaf 8 to 10 cm. long. by 3.8 to 7 cm. wide; petiole to 1 cm., 4mm. thick. Inflorescence in axillary umbels; peduncles cylindric, smooth, sturdy 4 to 5 cm. long, 2 mm. wide with scars from spent blooms at the apex; pedicels grouped, numerous to 2 cm long; flowers 12 to 14 mm., displayed like stars, purple, strongly pubescent inside. Calyx sepals with hairs along the edges, brown, triangular, pointed at the tips or a little rounded, hairs yellowish. Corolla glabrous on the outside and very hairy on he inside; lobes triangular, very ciliate on the edges. Corona star equal to the tube of the corolla, 5 pronged, very pointed, concave above with the sides drawn about forming a hollow, horizontal. Tonkin: Mt. Vo-xa (Bon) Native name: Tu cu Hairs of pedicels dull grey. Leaves from 6 - 9 cm., or more by 3 - 3.8 cm., or more.


Hoya brooksii Ridley 1925 Type description: In Kew Bulletin (1925) 85. “Plants from Bemcolen Sumatra” H. Ridley. Hoya Brooksii Ridl. n. s; affinis H. polystachyae Bl., sed foliis multo minoribus et pedicellis multo longioribus. Caulis gracillimus; foliis carnosis ellipticis subacutis basibus cuneatis, nervis invisis, costa etiam obscura, 5 cm. longis, 2 cm. latis, petioles crassis 5 mm. longis; pedunculis subvalidis 3 cm. longis, pedicellis filiformibus, racemo brevi 5 mm. longo; foribus fuscis 5 mm. latis, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis, corolla lobis triangularibus minute cuspidatis; androecio lato phyllis dilatatis, subtus canaliculatis, polliniis oblongis. Lubok Tandai...at 1000 ft., June 1922, flowers drab. 7615. Translation: Near H. polystachya Bl. but leaves much smaller and pedicels much longer. Stalks slender; leaves fleshy, elliptic, somewhat acute, bases cuneate, nerves invisible, midrib even obscure, 5 cm. long, 2 cm. wide, petioles 5 mm. long; peduncles somewhat robust 3 cm. long, pedicels filiform, raceme short 5mm. long; flowers brown 5 mm. in diam, sepals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse; corolla lobes triangular, minutely cuspidate; anthers broad, scales broadened, grooved below, pollinia oblong. Lubok Tandai...at 1000 ft., June 1922, flowers drab. 7615.


Hoya brunioniana Wight 1834 Type description: In Contributions to the Botany of India (1834) 37. Robert Wight, 13. H. brunioniana (Wight:) volubilis glabra, ramis obsolete tetragonis, foliis carnosis ovalioblongis acuminatis, corolla subcarnosa extus glabra intus barbata, cor. st. foliolis ovalibus acutis supra convexis margine revolutis, - Hoya, Wall. ! Asclep. n. 37. ................herb. Wallich. The hairs on the inside of the corolla, in the dried specimen, have the appearance of collapsed hollow tubes. - (R. W.) Translation: Glabrous twiner, branches obsoletely 4 angled, leaves fleshy, oval-oblong acuminate, corolla somewhat fleshy, outside glabrous, bearded inside, leaflets of the staminal corona oval acute, above convex, margines revolute. I have seen Hoya, Wall. Asclep. #37........from Wallich’s herbarium. Other descriptions: In General System of Gardening and Botany 23 (1837) 126. George Don, 15. H. Brunoniana (Wight, l.c.). twining, glabrous: branches obsoletely tetragonal; leaves fleshy, oval-oblong, acuminate; corolla rather fleshy, glabrous outside, bearded inside, leaflets of the corona oval, acute, convex above, with revolute edges. Shrub. Native of the East Indies. Hoya, Wall. ascl. no. 37. Brown’s Hoya. Shrub twining. In Synopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 891. Dietrich, 13. H. Brunoniana Wight; volubilis glabra; ramis obsolete 4 - gonis; fol. carnosis ovali-oblongis acuminatis; cor. carnosa extus glabra intus barbata; cor. st. foliolis revolutis. In Ind. or. shrub. Translation: Glabrous twiner, branches obsoletely 4 angled, leaves fleshy, oval-oblong acuminate, corolla somewhat fleshy, outside glabrous, inside bearded, leaflets of the staminal corona oval acute, above convex, margines revolute. A shrub originating in India. In Decandolle, Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 636. Decaisne. 12. Hoya Brunoniana (Wight contrib. p. 37), volubilis glabra, ramis obsolete tetragonis glabratis, foliis ovali-oblongis acuminatis carnosis, pedicellis glabris, corolla subcarnosa exterioreum glabra interiorsum papillosa; coronae stam. foliolis ovalibus acutis, angulo interiore acuto subporrecto; coronae pili in specim siccis-tubis vacuis articulatisque similes ex cl. Wight. In India orientalis. Translation: Glabrous twiner, branches obsoletely 4 angled, glabrous, leaves oval-oblong acuminate fleshy, pedicels glabrous, corolla somewhat fleshy, outside glabrous, inside papillose, leaflets of the staminal corona oval acute, interior angle somewhat erect; cap of


the staminal corona in the dried specimen similar to hollow jointed tubes from the renowned Wight. A shrub originating in India.


Hoya brunioniana Wight 1834 Type 25935 (BO)


Hoya browniana Koorders 1911 Type description:

In Systematisches Verzeichnis Family 1 (1911) 5. Koorders-Schumacher 607. Hoya R. Br. - Hoya browniana Kds. n. sp. - Bis 15 m hock windender Strauch. West-Java: Preanger: Tjibodas: Region II: Kds. 25935  (150 5 XI. 1896). Hoya browniana Kds n. sp. - Frutex volubilis, ± 15 altus. Folia opposita (sed haud raro abortu pseudo-alterna), oblonga, glabra, carnosa, in sicco plumbea, basi acuta, apice acute-acuminata, distincte triplinervia, 14-20 cm. longa et 6-7½ cm. lata. Petioli 22½ cm. longi, crassiusculi, glabri. Flores subumbellati. Pedunculi solitarii. 10 cm. longi. Pedicilli glabri, ± 2½ cm. longi. Corollae laminae patentes, latiusculae, rotundatae, plus breviter tomentellae. Coronae staminae basi apiceque acutae. Supra carinatae. Gynostegium sessile, obtusum. - Von mir benannt nach Herrn N. E. Brown in Kew. - S. H. K. Translation: 607. Hoya Robert Brown - Hoya Browniana Koorders new species - twining shrub 15 meters high. West-Java: Preanger: Tjibodas: Region II: Koorders 25935 Beta (150 5. XI 1896). Hoya Browniana Koorders new species - Twining shrub ± 15 meters high. leaves opposite (but not always, rarely one aborts becoming pseudo-alternate), oblong, glabrous, fleshy, dried led-gray, with the base acute, with the apex acute-acuminate, distinctly triple-nerved, 14-20 cm. long and 6 - 7½ cm. wide. Petioles 2 - 2½ cm. long, thickened, glabrous. Flowers somewhat umbellate. Peduncles solitary 10 cm. long. Pedicels glabrous ± 2½ cm. long. Lobes of the corolla spreading, very broad, rounded, inside shortly tomentose. Staminal corona with the base apex acute, above keeled, gynostegium sessile, obtuse. Named in honor of N. E. Brown in Kew. S. H. Koorders. Other literature: In Exkersionsflora, Flora von Java, Koorders (1912) 101. Botanical Key. 11c. Blätter gegenständig, länglich, am Grunde spitz, oben sehr spitz zugespitzt, in sicco lederig und bleifarbig, beiderseits kahl, deutlich 3 nervig (nei 5 nervig), 14 - 20 x 6 - 7½ cm. Blattstiel 2 - 2½ cm lang, kahl, dick. Pedunculi einzeln, axillär, 10 cm lang. Blüten +/- 1 cm Durchm. in einfachen (+/-10 - 12 blütigen) Dolden. Pedicelli kahl, +/- 2½ cm lang, Kronlappen breit, abstehend, abgerundet, sehr kurzzottig. Coronazipfel oben und unten spitz, oberseits gestielt. Nerbenkopf flach. Bis 15 m. hoch windender Stauch, habituell an Hoya cinnamomifolia Hook. erinnernd, aber sofort kenntlich, weil bei dieser (neuen ?) Art von jedem Blätterpaar oft ein Blatt nicht zur Entwicklung kommt. Kds. in Kds-Schumacher, System. Verzeichn. l. c. 5. West-Java: Auf dem Gede, bei Tjibodas um 1450 m ü M. sehr zerstreut im Regenwald (Kds. n. 25935 ). Diese Art ist benannt nach Herrn N. E. Brown in Kew. H. Browniana Kds* Translation: In Exkersionsflora, flora from Java, Koorders (1912) 101. Botanical Key.


11c Leaves against-continuous, oblong, at the base pointed, above very sharply pointed, when dry leathery and lead-colored, glabrous on both sides of, clearly 3 nerved (near 5 nerved), 14 - 20 by 6 - 7½ cm. Petiole stalk 2 - 2½ cm long, glabrous, thick. Peduncle separately, axillär, 10 cm long. Blooms plus or minus 1 cm in diameter, in simple (+/-10 12 flowers) umbels. Pedicels glabrous, plus or minus 2½ cm long, Corolla flaps wide, flattened, rounded off, very short-shaggy. Corona scales above and below pointed, higher up stalked. Flat in the center. With 15 meters of highly winding stems, living in the presence of Hoya cinnamomifolia Hook., but immediately recognizable, because with this (new?) type of each leaf pair often a blade does not development. Kds. in Kds-Schumacher, system. Verzeichn. As above. 5. West-Java: On the Gede, with Tjibodas about 1450 meters altitude very much scatters in the rain-forest (Kds. n. 25935 ). this type is named according to Mister N. E. Brown in Kew. Hoya Browniana Kds *.


Hoya browniana Koorders, 1911, Type # 25935 (BO)


Hoya browniana Koorders, # 21065 (BO) Labeled by Nedi, more likely Hoya purpureofusca as originally labeled.


Hoya browniana Koorders, # 5430 (BO)


Hoya browniana Koorders, # 670 (BO)


Hoya browniana Koorders, # 2131 (BO) Most of Nedi’s determinations are incorrect!


Hoya browniana Koorders, #.... (BO) Labeled by Nedi possibly incorrectly, leaf base not acute.


Hoya buruensis Miquel 1869 Type description: In Annales Mus. Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 4 (1869) 141-142. P. A. G. Miquel Hoya buruensis Miq. Folia brevi-petiolata e basi rotundata leviter emarginella supra ad petiolum minute callosa, (minora) ovato-elliptica vel (maiora) elliptico-oblonga apice acuto vel obtuso-attenuata, carnosa glabra, subtus costulis utrinque circiter 5 (ima e basi) erectis et patulis arculto-subunitis obtectis; pedunculi axillares glabri, receptacu1o cylindraceo, subaequilongi; pedicelli graciles glabri; flores modiocris magnitudinis; sepala parva sublanceolata tenere ciliolata; corolla 5-fida. ....H. coriaceae foliis adeo similis ut conspecificam habuissem, nisi pedunculus brevior, receptaculum cylindricoelongatum, ille pedicellique glabri, flores minores, calyx perparvus, Flores autem tantum destructi supersunt. - Ramuli tenues teretes vel hic illic leviter compressi, epidermide laevi, sed haud infrequenter lenticelloso-verrucosi. Folia opposita, petiolis 2 lin. circiter longis, forma et magnitudine haud parum diversa, minora ovato-elliptica 3 - 2 pollicaria spice obtusiusculo-attenuata; maiora 5 - 4 pollicaria, 1¾ poll. lata, venis lateralibus exsiccatione distinctis vel subdistinctis. subreticulatis. Pedunculi supp. paullo deflorati pollicares, receptaculo subaequilongo cylindrico haud crasso terminati. Pedicelli pollice quidquam breviores, tenues, glabri. Sepala ½ lin. longa. Corollae alabastra 1¾ lin. diam. - Boeroe, in distr. Okie: Teysmann. Translation: Leaves shortly petioled with rounded bases, slightly emarginate, above the petiole minutely callused, (a little) ovate-elliptic or (more or less) elliptic-oblong with the tip acute or obtuse-attenuate, fleshy, glabrous, below the midrib covered over, on both sides about 5 (from the very base) erect and outspread curved almost united; peduncles axillary glabrous, receptacle cylindric, almost equal in length, pedicels slender, glabrous; flowers midsize; sepals small somewhat lanceolate softly ciliate; corolla 5-divisions. ....... With leaves similar to approaching H. coriaceae, as for example their conspecific manner of growth, except that the peduncles are shorter, receptacle cylindrical-elongated, it has pedicels glabrous; flowers smaller, calyx much smaller. Flowers on the other hand barely destroyed, but still existing. - Branches slender round or with them slightly compressed, bark smooth, but not at all infrequently with veracose lenticels. Leaves opposite , petioles nearly 4 mm. long, form and size not at all very diverse, smallest ovate-elliptic 5 to 4 inches, 1.75 inches wide, lateral veins when dried distinct or somewhat distinct, somewhat reticulate. Peduncles 1 inch, at hand some without flowers, rachis about the same length as the peduncle, cylindrical, thickened terminally. pedicels 1 inch or shorter, slender, glabrous. Sepals 1 mm. long. Corolla buds 4mm. in diameter. Boeroe in the district of Okie: Teysmann.


Hoya buruenensis Miquel 1869 Syntype 141 (L)


Hoya buruenensis Miquel 1869 Syntype (L)


Hoya bulusanensis Elmer 1938 Type description: In leaflets of Philippine Botany 10 (1938) 3575-3577. A. D. E. Elmer. Hoya bulusanensis Elmer n. sp. A small but rigid epiphyte, creeping and forming bunches along the upper side of large branches or upon inclining tree trunks. Stems flexible or bendable, occasionally branched, that portion near the root ligneous, gnarly at the point of branching, smooth, not wrinkled longitudinally in the yellowish brown state, minutely and numerously punctate, the ultimate branchlets thinner and slender, most of the nodes are enlarged and often with a short crippled branchlets from the axile, very crooked at or near the rigid stiff root cluster, where they cross they form enlargements. Leaves very thick, pale or yellowish green beneath, the upper surface paler green, normally opposite along the slender branches, more or less clustered toward the base or upon very short and thick seemingly abnormal branchlets, subdeciduous, glabrous but minutely punctate on both faces, the dry blades wrinkled on the upper but perfectly smooth on the lower side, flat, edges straight and entire, curing yellowish brown, of two distinct types, the orbicular to rotund shape and the elliptic to the obovately oblong type, the latter ones 2 cm wide above the middle and 4 cm in length, obtusely ro6nded at the apex, broadly cuneate at the base, the smaller kind 1.5 cm wide across the middle; petiole very short and very thick, curved and expanded toward and at the base, dull brown, rugose on my specimen, leaving large circular scars after falling; midrib scarcely evident or entirely obsolete in the smaller type of leaves, in the middle region longitudinally striate below especially so of the larger blades, lateral nerves none. Inflorescence axillary or terminated by equally short bracteated tubercles or receptacles: pedicles bearing rather rigid and livideus colored flowers, as long if not shorter than the peduncles; calyx spreading, 5-segmented, the lobes glabrous and obtuse to acute, coriaceous, 1.5 mm in length, united at the base; corolla sparsely ciliate pubescent along the margins, otherwise glabrate, united below the middle, the 5 lobes adnate and descending but with inflexed acute tips, about 5 mm long, relatively broad across the middle; corona united to the short column, comprised of 5 radially spreading prongs whose tips are strongly inbent, thick or fleshy, bifid at the tips, alternating in between them are erect linear processes; pistils 2, flask shaped. Type specimen number 15937, discovered by A. D. E. Elmer on a steep forested ravine at 1500 feet elevation, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan), Province of Sorsogon, Luzon, May 1916. Our species is a critical segregate from Hoya bilobata Schltr. based upon 420 Copeland from Davao. It should also be compared with the unpublished H. longipes of the same author. When my distribution was made it was sent out as Hoya diversifolia Elm., an untenable name since Blume had already used it. Notation: See under Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg.


Hoya burmanica Rolfe 1920 Type description: In Kew bulletin (1920) 343. Rolfe. 1908. Hoya burmanica, Rolfe [Asclepiadaceae-Marsdenieae]; affinis H. lanceolata Wall., sed floribus multo minoribus et coronae lobis latioribus differt. Fruticulus ramosus, 25 - 40 cm. altus. Rami teretes, pallidi, 20 - 25 cm. longi, subpenduli. Folia subpendula, breviter petiolate; anguste ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, subconcava; crassiuscula; glabra, glauco-viridia, 5 - 8 cm. longe 1.3 - 2 cm. lata; petioli 5 mm. longi. Umbelli terminales et axillares, breviter pedunculati; pauciflori; pedunculi parce pubescentes, 0.5 mm. longae. Pedicelli gracilis, glabri, 1 - 1.2 cm. longi. Flores circiter 1 cm. diametro, lutei; coronae basi purpureo-suffusi. Sepala ovato-lanceolata subacuta, glabra 2.5 mm. longa. Corolla rotata, circiter l cm. diametro, velutina; lobi ovati, apice recurvi, acuti. Coronae lobi stellata-patentes, elliptico-ovata, obtusi, subconcavi 2.5 mm. longi, basi purpurei. India, Burma; Chin Hills. Flowering in the Orchid House of Lied. -General Sir Arthur G. F. Browne, K.C.B., Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey, in August, 1920, the plant having been received with a number of Orchids from a friend in Chin Hills, Burma. The flowers are deep yellow, with a red-purple satin at the base of the coronalobes. Translation: Near Hoya lanceolata Wallich, but different, with flowers much smaller and the coronae lobes broader. A branched shrub, 25 to 40 cm. high. Branches round, pale, 20 to 25 cm. long, somewhat pendulous. Leaves somewhat pendulous, shortly petiolate, narrowly ovatelanceolate, acuminate, somewhat concave, slightly thick, glabrous, glaucous-green 5 to 8 cm. long, 1.3 to 2 cm. wide; petiole 5 mm. long. Umbels terminal or axillary, briefly pedunculate, few-flowered; peduncles sparsely pubescent, 0.5 mm. long. Pedicels narrow, glabrous 1 to 1.2 cm. long. Flowers about 1 cm. in diameter, yellow; with the base of the corona suffused purple. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, somewhat acute, glabrous 2.5 mm. long. Corolla rotate, about 1 cm. in diameter, velvety, lobes ovate, tips recurved, acute. Lobes of te corona star shaped, elliptic-ovate, obtuse, somewhat concave 2.5 mm. long, base purple. In the Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Society. H. burmanica. Dwarf shrub to 15 in., branches pale, terete, l. obovate-lanceolate, 2 - 3 in. long, slender-pointed, slightly concave, glabrous, glaucous green, fl. small, yellow with reddish-purple flush at the base; pedicles short; umbels few-fld.. axillary and terminal. India, Burma.


Hoya calycina Schlechter 1908 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 125. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 32. H. calycina Schltr. n. sp. - Suffrutex parum ramosus, alte scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, elongati, lax foliati, teretes, brevissime et molliter tomentosuli. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata, late ovalia, apiculata, basi subcordata, coriacea, suprne sparsim puberula, subtus brevissime tomentosula, petiolo tomentosulo superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes. c. 10-florae, pedunculo pedicellisque puberulis. Flores illis H. abiflorae Zipp. paulo minores. Calycis foliola oblonga, obtusa, extus puberula, margine minute ciliata, quam corolla paulo breviora. Corolla subrotata, usque infra medium 5-fida, extus subinconspicucue sparsim puberula, intus glabra, lobis ovatis, acutis. Coronae foliola superne ovalia, apice rostrato-acuminata et dorso altius adscendentia, lateraliter paulo compressa, basi subtus carinato-marginata, apice antheris paulo breviora. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus perbrevibus applanatis, retinaculo parvulo rhomboideo. Eine hochkletternde Liane mit schnurförmigen locker beblätterten Zweigen, Blätter 6 - 20 cm. lang, etwa in der Mitte 9 - 11 cm. breit, Blattstiel 3 - 3.5 cm. lang. Blütenstände etwa 4--blütig auf ca. 5 cm. langen Stiel. Blütenstiel fein und kurz behaart, ca. 2.5 cm. lang. Blüten kleiner als die der H. albiflora Zipp. Kelch für die Gattung auffallend grosz, Zipfel ca. 0.8 cm. lang. Korolla ausgebreitet etwa 2 cm. lang, vorn und hinten beinahe 4 mm. hoch. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: in den Nebelwäldern des Kan-Gebirges, ca. 4400 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 17510. - Blühend im März 1908). Eine vorzüglich gekennzeichnete Art. welche unzweifelhaft in H. albiflora Zipp. ihre nächste Verwandte hat aber in den behaarten Blättern, den gröszeren Kelchblättern und den kleineren Blüten leicht zu unterscheiden ist. Leider ist mein Material nicht sehr reichlich, da die einzige gefindene Pflanze sich offfenbar schon dem Verblühen näherte und bei der geringsten Berührung die Blüten abwarf. Die Blütenfärbung ist weisz mit rotberandenten Kelchzipfeln. Translation: A subshrub with few branches, high climbing. Branches filiform, flexible, elongate, loosely leaved, round, very briefly and lightly tomentose. Leaves spread or outspread, petiolate, broadly oval, apiculate, with base somewhat cordate, leathery, above sparsely puberulous, below shortly tomentose, petiole tomentose above slightly grooved. Inflorescence like an umbel, about 10-flowered, peduncle and pedicels puberulous. Flowers like H. albiflora Zipp. somewhat smaller, leaflets of the calyx oblong, obtuse, outside puberulous, margines minutely ciliate, much smaller than the those of the corolla. Corolla somewhat rotate, 5-fid up to the middle, outside somewhat inconspicuously and sparsely puberulous, inside glabrous, lobes ovate, acute. Leaflets of the corona above oval tips beaked-acuminate and with the back ascending high, sides a little compressed, base below keel-margined, anther tips small, short. Pollinia oblique, oblong, translators rather short flattened, retinaculum small rhomboid.


A high climbing vine with filiform, loose, lax-leaved branches. Leaves 16 to 20 cm. long, it is in the middle 9 to 11 cm. wide. petiole 3 to 3.5 cm. long. Umbel with up to 10 blooms on pedicels about 5 cm. long. Pedicels slender with short hairs about 2.5 cm. long. Flowers smaller than those of Hoya albiflora Zipp. calyx for the genus is strikingly large, about 0.3 cm. long. Corolla outspread is about 2 cm. in diameter. Corona lobes from the tip to the other end are about 3 mm. long, and behind almost 4 mm. high. Northeastern New Guinea in the depth of the forest of the Kani Mountains about 1100 meters altitude (Schlechter #17510. - Blooming in March 1908). A characteristic superior species which is undoubtedly closely allied to Hoya albiflora Zipp. but differing in the hairy leaves, the larger calyx lobes, and the smaller blooms. Unfortunately my material is not very complete, since the only plants I found were close to finishing blooming or dropped their flowers at the slightest touch. The flower color is white with a red bordered calyx. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1989) 66. R. D. Kloppenburg. 32. Hoya calycina Schlechter n. sp. A high climbing half-shrub, not much branched. Branches threadlike, flexible, elongated, loosely leaved, round, very shortly and minutely tomentose. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, broadly oval, apiculate, somewhat cordate base, coriaceous (leathery), sparsely puberulous above, very shortly tomentose below, petiole tomentose, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle puberulous. Flower like H. albiflora Zipp. (albiflora) a little smaller. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx oblong, obtuse, puberulous outside, margins minutely ciliate, a little smaller than the corolla. Corolla somewhat rotate (subrotate), 5 parted all the way to the middle, outside somewhat inconspicuously sparsely puberulous, inside glabrous, lobes ovate, acute. Leaflets (scales) of the corona above oval, apex beaked-acuminate and back ascending high, sides a little compressed, margins keeled beneath base, anther apex a little shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, flattened, retinaculum small, rhomboid. A high climbing clinging vine with cord like loosely leaved branches. Leaves 1620 cm. long, near the middle 9-11 cm. wide. Petiole 3-3.5 cm. long. Inflorescences of some 10 blooms on a peduncle about 5 cm. long. Petioles fine and with short hairs, about 2.5 cm. long. Flowers smaller than those of H. albiflora Zipp. Calyx for the genus strikingly large, to the apex about 0.8 cm. long Corolla spread out, nearly 2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge some 3 mm. long in front and in back almost 4 mm. high. Northeastern New Guinea: in the fog forests of the Kani Mountains about 1100 m. altitude (Schlechter #17510 - Blooming in March 1908). A prominently recognized species which undoubtedly has as its nearest relative H. albiflora Zipp. but is easily recognized by its pubescent leaves, the larger sepals and the smaller bloom. Unfortunately my material is not very extensive, since the only plant I found was close to blooming out and dropped its flowers at the slightest touch. The bloom color is white with red edged calyx lobes. In Austrobalia 3(4) (1992) 631-632. “Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Hoya R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Papuasia” P. I. Forster and D. J. Liddle 3. Hoya calycina Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50: 125 (1913). Type: Papua New Guinea. Madang Province:


Kani Mountain., Mar 1908, R. Schlechter 17510 (holo: B (photo at BRI!)) [Hoya albiflora auct., non (Zipp. ex Blume) Boerl.: Burton, Hoyan 11(2): 57-58 (1989)]. Liane to several meter’s long, latex white. Stems cylindrical, up to 6 mm diameter, glabrous or with scattered to dense indumentum when young, becoming corky with age; internodes up to 160 mm long. Leaves petiolate; lamina elliptic to elliptic-ovate, up to 170 mm long and 90 mm wide; upper surface glabrous or with scattered indumentum, venation obscure; lower surface glabrous or with scattered to dense velutinous indumentum, venation obscure; tip acute, acuminate, or apiculate; base rounded, cuneate, or slightly cordate; petiole 12-30 mm long, 1.5-3.5 mm diameter, with scattered to dense indumentum; colleters 4 at lamina base. Cymes racemiform, up to 70 mm long; peduncles 6-25 mm long, 3-7 mm diameter, glabrous or with scattered to dense indumentum; bracts triangular to lanceolate, 0.8-1.0 mm long, 0.5-1.0 mm wide. Flowers 9-10 mm long, 18-28 mm diameter; pedicels 24-44 mm long, 1.6-2.0 mm diameter, glabrous or with scattered to dense indumentum. Sepals lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, 2.8-5.0 mm long, L2-3.0 mm wide, glabrous or with scattered to dense indumentum; base of each sinus with an irregular glandular ridge. Corolla campanulate-rotate, cream to white, red to purple under coronal lobes and around gynostegium; tube 3.0-5.4 mm long, 8-14 mm diameter, glabrous; lobes lanceolate-ovate, 7-13 mm long, 4-9 mm wide, glabrous or with scattered to sparse indumentum on the edges and externally. Staminal corona 4.0-4.3 mm long, 7-13 mm diameter; lobes 3.4-4.8 mm long, 4.0-4.3 mm high, 1.82.5 mm wide. Staminal column 3.6-4.0 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm diameter, anther appendages lanceolate, 1.6-2.0 mm long, 1.7-1.8 mm wide; alar fissure 1.3-2.0 mm long. Stylehead depressed-globose, 1.5-1.9 mm diameter. Ovaries 2.3-2.4 mm long, 1.8-1.9 mm wide, glabrous. Pollinarium c. 1.1 mm long, 0.85-0.90 mm wide; pollinia oblong, 1.051.10 mm long, 0.35-0.40 mm wide, with pellucid germination mouth on outer edge; corpusculum ovate, 0.60-0.65 mm long, 0.35-0.40 mm wide; caudicles unwinged, 0.250.30 mm long, 0.06-0.07 mm wide. Fruit and seed not seen. Fig. 3. Notes: H. calycina is a distinctive species that has been confused with H. australis and H. albiflora, mainly because of its superficially similar flowers. It differs most markedly from H. australis in the more-or-less internally glabrous corolla and the much larger staminal corona and from H. albiflora in the rotate corolla. Like H. australis, H. calycina is variable in terms of indumentum and two subspecies can be recognized on this character. Key to subspecies of Hoya calycina 1. Lamina with dense velutinous indumentum below, calyx and corolla with sparse to dense indumentum externally .........……………………………… subsp. calycina Lamina glabrous or with scattered indumentum below, calyx and corolla glabrous or with scattered indumentum externally ...........................……………………. subsp. glabrifolia 3a. Hoya calycina subsp. calycina Lamina with dense velutinous indumentum below. Calyx and corolla with sparse to dense indumentum externally. Specimens examined. Papua New Guinea. New Ireland: Wanup near Lossuk, 2º45'S, 151º04'E, Jan 1967, Coode et al. NGF29625 (L). Morobe Province: S of Boana, 6º30'S, 146º50'E, Feb 1977, Conn et al. 86 (K,L); Patep Creek, 6º35'S, 146º25'E, May 1959, Millar NGF9967 (A,BRI,CANB,LAE); Zenag, 7º00'S, 146º35'E Jul 1968, Millar NGF12115 (A,BRI,CANB,L,LAE); Kwaimengu, Aseki Patrol Area, Apr 1966, Craven &


Schodde 1459 (A,L,LAE). Southern Highlands Province: Mt. Bosavi, northern side, N of the Mission Station, 6º26'S, 142º50'E, Oct 1973, Jacobs 9496 (L,LAE) Northern Province. 2 km W of Popondetta along road near airstrip, Jul 1953, Hoogland 3379 (A,BM,BRI,CANB,K,L,LAE). Milne Bay Province: SW of Nowata airstrip, 9º59'S, 149º44'E, Jul 1969, Kanis 1104 (CANB,LAE). Cultivated. Emerald Creek, Mareeba (ex plant collected Morobe Province: Patep II Village, [USDA354236]), Apr 1990, Liddle IML 201 (BRI). Distribution and habitat: Widespread in Papua New Guinea (Map 3). Plants grow in rainforest at altitudes of 20-1400 m. 3b. Hoya calycina subsp. glabrifolia P. Forster & Liddle subsp. nov., a H. calycina Schltr. subsp. calycina lamina foliorum glabra vel infra pills dispersis praedita, calyce corollaque glabra vel extus pills non nisi sejunctis praedita differt. Typus: Irian Jaya. 4 km SW of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Mar 1939, L.J. Brass 13465 (holo: BRI!; iso: A!, BO!, L!). Lamina glabrous or with scattered indumentum below; calyx and corolla glabrous or with scattered indumentum externally. Specimens examined. Papua New Guinea. Western Highlands Province Jimmi Valley, near Karap, Jun 1955, Womersley & Millar NGF7648 (BRI,LAE) Eastern Highlands Province: Kassam, Nov 1959, Brass 32470 (LAE). Morobe Province: Bupu Village, Wampit, 6~50'S, 146~55'E, Jul 1967, Millar NGF22936 (BRI,L,LAE). Central Province: Isuarava, 9°OO'S, 147º44'E, Mar 1936, Carr 16107 (BM,CANB,L,NY,SING; K n.v.). Distribution and habitat: Widespread but rarely collected in Papua New Guinea (Map 4). Plants grow as lianes in rainforest at altitudes of 1500-1900 m. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 44-45. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya calycina Schlechter n. sp. A not much branched high climbing, half-shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, elongated, loosely leaved, round, very shortly and minutely tomentose. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, broadly oval, apiculate, somewhat cordate base, coriaceous (leathery), sparsely puberulous above, very shortly tomentose below, petiole tomentose, above slightly grooved. Inflorescence shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle puberulous. Flower like H. albiflorae Zipp. (albiflora) a little smaller. Lobes of the calyx oblong, obtuse, puberulous outside, margins minutely ciliate, a little smaller than the corolla. Corolla somewhat rotate, 5 parted all the way to the middle, outside somewhat inconspicuously sparsely puberulous, inside glabrous, lobes ovate, acute. Scales of the corona above oval, apex beaked-acuminate and back ascending high, sides a little compressed, margins keeled beneath base, anther apex a little shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, flattened, retinaculum small, rhomboid. A high climbing clinging vine with cord like loosely leaved branches. Leaves 1620 cm. long, near the middle 9-11 cm. wide. Petiole 3-3.5 cm. long. Inflorescence of some 10 blooms on a peduncle about 5 cm. long. Petioles fine and with short hairs, about 2.5 cm. long. Flowers smaller than those of H. albiflora Zipp.. Calyx for the genus strikingly large, to the apex about 0.8 cm. long Corolla spread out, nearly 2 cm. in


diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge some 3 mm. long in front and in back almost 4 mm. high. Northeastern New Guinea: in the fog forests of the Kani Mountains about 1100 m. altitude (Schlechter #17510 - Blooming in March 1908) A prominently recognized species which undoubtedly has as its nearest relative H. albiflora Zipp. but is easily recognized by its pubescent leaves, the larger sepals and the smaller bloom. Unfortunately my material is not very extensive, since the only plant I found was close to blooming out and dropped its flowers at the slightest touch. The bloom color is white with red edged calyx lobes. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.125, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea". The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. calycina Schlechter (Schlechter 175510) - 15

Photo by Ann Wayman, Central Point, Oregon


Hoya calycina Schlechter, 1908, Type # 17510 (B)


Hoya calycina Schlechter, 1908, # 6644 (B)


Photo by Ann Wayman, Central Point Oregon.


Hoya calycina Schlechter 45342 (A)



Hoya carrii Forster & Liddle


Hoya cavaleriei Leveille 1914 Type description: In Flore du Kouy-Tcheou (1914) 42. Augustin Abel Hecter Leveille. Hoya cavaleriei Levl. nov. sp. Folia coriacea nervus conspicuis, medio nervis elevato, flores rubri: caule robusto flexuosi lignoso. Pan-Pey 1 Jos. Esquirol 3222. Translation: Leaves leathery, nerves conspicuous, middle nerve elevated: flowers red: stem robust, flexible, ligneous. In Sunyatsenia 3 (1936) # 2/3. In the Leveille herbarium, a supposes new species of Hoya, namely Hoya cavaleriei Level. is identical with Holbellia coriacea Diels of an entirely remote family, Lardizabalaceae. The determination was made by Professor A. Rehder, but I believe, the reduction has not yet been published. In The Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 17 (1936) 321. “Notes on the Ligneous Plants described by H. Leveille from Eastern Asia”. Rehder. Holbellia coriacea Diels. — Rehder in Jour. Arnold Arb. 10:189 (1929). Artabotrys Esquirolii Leveille, Fl. Kouy-Tcheou, 29 (1914), p.p., quoad specim. Esquirol, no. 2184. China. Kweichou: Gny-hien, bord du risseau, 700 m. J. Esquirol, no. 2184, June 1910 (syntype of Artabotrys Esquirolii; merotype in A.A.), In my note under this species (l.c.) I stated that the description does not seem to fit Esquirol’s no. 2184, and that I had not seen the other syntype. I have now before me Esquirol's no. 2033, the other syntype, which agrees better with the description; this is not a Artabotrys, however, but belongs to Desmos cochinchinensis Lour. (see p. 324). Hoebellia latifolia Wallich, Tent. Fl. Napal. 24, t. 16 (1824). Hoya Cavaleriei Leveille, Fl. Kouy-pey Techeou, 42 (1914); Synon. nov. China. Kweichou: Kan-pey, J. Esquirol, no. 322*, no date, “fleurs rouges ou roses” (Holotype of Hoya cavaleriei; photo in A. A.). Esquirol’s no. 322* which has 3-foliated leaves is apparently referable to typical H. latifolia which has 3-5 leaflets. Note: * number incorrect should be 3222. (RDK). In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. cavaleriei Leveille - 67


Hoya cembra Kloppenburg 1990 Type description:

In Hoya Society-West Coast 2 (1990) sect. 2:2. Hoya cembra Kloppenburg sp. nov. Type sheet #5650 Elmer D. Merrill found in thickets along the Alag river, Mindoro, Philippines, at 300 m altitude Nov. 1906. Berlin (B) Holotypus. This is Schlechter's unpublished Hoya leucantha. ex. spec. epiphytica scandens vel tereste, pauciramosa, glabra, bene foliatus; flexuosis; foliis erecto-patentibus breviter petiolaris, anguste ellipticus apexis rostratis glabris, lucidis, textura tenuiter coriaceis, 8-10 cm. longis, infra medium 2-3 cm. latis; petiolus 0.5 cm. longis; floribus in umbellis paucifloris albus; pedicellis filiformibus, teretibus, glabris 2.5 cm. longis; calycis segmentis lanceolato-oblongis obtusis, extus ciliatis, ligulae praesentia; corolla rotata circ. 1.8 cm. diametiente, triangularis acutis, extus glabra, intus pubescens; coronae faliotis carnose horizontalibus, ovatus, segmenta interiore contiguous, anguste productus, subtus sulcatis, apice posteriore obtussima, superne haud recurvato, prosus umbo, antheris paululo brevioribus. This species is near H. odorata Schlechter but differs in its narrowly elliptic foliage, 8-10 cm. vs. 3.5-5 cm., the outer surface of its sepals, which are ciliate, its pubescent inner corolla surface especially its outer lobes which are glabrous in H. odorata Schlechter, its distinctive channeling of the lower surface of the corona lobes, the blocky outer corona lobe with a umbo on the upper side near the inner lobe rather than an ornate longitudinal hump as in H. odorata. Its channeling, sepals, corolla and corona differ from #5618. This Hoya species is named for my daughter. Her name is derived from a picturesque pine species of the Central European Alps, the Swiss Stone Pine. Translation: Climbing or terrestrial, few stems, glabrous, well leaved; flexible; leaves erect- spreading briefly petiolate, narrow elliptical beaked, glabrous, shinny, somewhat leathery, 8 - 10 cm. long, below the middle 2 - 3 cm. wide, petioles 0.5 cm. long; few white flowers in umbels; pedicels threadlike, round, glabrous 2.5 cm. long; calyx segments lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, outer ciliate, ligule present; corolla rotate about 1.8 cm. in diameter, triangular, acute. outside glabrous, inside pubescent; leaflets of the corona fleshy horizontal, ovate interior segments touching, narrow, below sulcate, outer tip obtuse, overtopping not at all recurved, an umbo forward, anthers a little shorter. Other literature: In Asklepios 52 (1991) 101. Paul I Forster. Hoya cembra Kloppenburg, Fraterna 1990(3), Supp. II (1990). Type The Philippines. Alag River, Mindoro, November 1906, E. D. Merrill 5650 (holo: B). Notes: This species is based on Schlechter’s unpublished H. leucantha. Isotype material could be expected to be in US.


In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 46-47. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya cembra Kloppenburg. Hoya leucantha Schlechter (unpublished). Epiphytic climber or terrestrial, little branched, glabrous, well leaved; flexible; leaves erect outspread briefly petiolate, narrowly elliptic with pointed apex, glabrous, lucid, texture thinly leathery, 8-10 cm. long, below the middle 2-3 cm. wide, petiole 0.5 cm. long; few white flowers in umbels; pedicels threadlike, round, glabrous, 2.5 cm. long; with the segments of the calyx lanceolate-oblong obtuse, outside ciliate, with ligules present; corolla rotate about 1.8 cm. in diameter, triangular acute, outside glabrous, inside pubescent, with scales of the corona fleshy, horizontal, ovate, interior segments touching, narrow, below channeled, outer apex obtuse, above definitely recurved, with definite umbo, anthers a little shorter. This species is near H. odorata Schlechter but differs in its narrow elliptic foliage, 8-10 cm. vs. 3,5-5 cm long. The outer surface of its sepals, which are pubescent, its pubescent inner corolla surface, especially its outer lobes which are glabrous in H. odorata Schlechter, its distinctive channeling of the lower surface of the corona lobes, the blocky outer corona lobe with an umbo on the upper surface near the inner lobe rather than an ornate longitudinal hump as in H. odorata Schltr. Its channeling, sepals, corolla and corona differ from #5618 (B). Published by Dale Kloppenburg in: 1990 Fraterna, publication of the International Hoya Association, third Quarter. In Philippine Hoya Species 3rd Edition (1996) 51-52. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya cembra Kloppenburg in Fraterna 1 #1 Fall 1990. Type #5650 of Elmer D. Merrill collected in thickets along the Alag river, Mindoro at 300 m. altitude, Nov. 1906 (B). Key #4 An epiphytic scandent and terrestrial plant, more bush than vine, sparingly branched and then more often from the basal region, glabrous, branches flexible but rigid, stems fairly large to 0.5 cm. in diameter, smaller terminally. Foliage erect outspreading, fairly thick with internodes about 4 cm. long. Leaves larger than in H. odorata, a related species, more narrowly elliptic, glabrous, 8-10 cm. long x 2-3 cm. wide along the middle section. Tapering at both ends, apex rostrate, narrow and pointed, with short petioles about 0.5 cm. long, grooved, glabrous. Pedicels filiform, terete, glabrous, arising from nodal areas, few or solitary 2.5 cm. long. Calyx segments lanceolate-oblong obtuse, pubescent outside, glabrous within, with ligules present. Corolla white rotate about 1.8 cm. in diameter, triangular acute lobes, outside glabrous, inside all pubescent, apex obtuse. Corona horizontal, inner lobe of scale stretched out narrowly and long acuminate, sculptured below with an umbo on the upper surface, outer apex blunt and rounded, sulcate about 2/3 on outer end of outer lobe and below. Anther appendages slightly exceed the scale inner lobe. Pollinaria with wide rather squat pollinia, winged with fairly long translators, retinaculum rather broad, bifid at the outer apex. Meaning: cembra — Named for my daughter Cembra Kloppenburg.


Hoya cembra Kloppenburg (H. leucantha Schlechter), 1990, # 5650 (B)


Hoya cembra Kloppenburg (H. leucantha Schlechter), Type 5650 (US)


Hoya chinensis Traill 1830 In Transactions of the Royal Horticulture Society 7 (1830) 27. James Traill

Hoya chinghungensis (Tsiang & P. T. Li) M. G. Gilbert, P. T. Li & W. D. Stevens. Type description: in Novon 5:9. 1995

Other literature: in Flora of China 16: 1995 Under Hoya 32. Dischidia chinghungensis Tsiang & P. T. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin, 12: 130. 1974. Shrubs epiphytic. Stems to 2 m, branching mainly near base, pendent; branches and petiole pubescent. Leaves longer than internodes; petiole ca. 1.5 mm; leaf blade broadly ovate, 1- 1.5 x 0.7 – 1.1 cm, glabrous, base rounded to truncate, apex acute to obtuse; lateral veins obsolete. Pseudoumbels terminal, 4- or 5-flowered; peduncles shorter than pedicels, sometimes obsolete. Pedicel 0.8 – 1.2 cm, puberulent. Sepals ± ovate, 1.5 – 2 x ca. 1.2 mm, apex obtuse, densely pubescent. Corolla white. 1 -1.2 cm in diam., rotate or nearly so; limb ca. 3.5 mm wide; lobes triangular-ovate, ca. 3.5 – 4.5 mm, glabrous outside, minutely puberulent inside, apex subacute. Corona lobes pink when dried, triangular, outer apex subacute, center flat or only slightly raised, inner tooth recumbent on anther, reaching base of appendages. Anther appendages just overlapping in center. Pollinia 0.4 – 0.5 x ca. 0.2 mm, oblong-oblanceolate, pale yellow. Follicles linear-lanceolate 7 – 9 cm x 3 – 4 mm, pendent, glabrous. Seeds linear-oblong, ca. 2.5 x 0.3 mm, coma ca, 2 cm. Fl. Jun, fr. Jul-Oct. Dense forest; 1500-2000 m. S, Yunnan (Myanmar). Note: I do not see any Type mentioned, DK.


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Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 121. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch-NeuGuinea” R. Schlechter. 27. H. chloroleuca Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex gracillimus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata, lanceolata vel elliptico-lanceolata, acuta vel subacuta, tenuiter coriacea, utrinque glabra, petiolis brevibus glabris, superne leviter sulcatis. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, c. 10-florae, longipedunculatae, pedunculo pedicellisque filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione inter minores. Corolla foliola ovato-lanceolata, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multo breviora, Corolla rotata usque ad tertiam partem basilarem 5-fida, extus glabra, intus dense et minute papilloso-puberula, lobis oblongis, acutis. Coronae foliola patentia, subhorizontalia, antice et postice vix adscendentia, superne ovato-oblonga, apice triangulo obtusiusculo brevi, postice obtusa, lateribus rotundata, antheris paululo breviora. Pollinia oblique obovoidea, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo minuto rhomboideo. Ein äuszerst zierlicher Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 6 - 8 cm lang, in der Mitte 2 - 2.3 cm breit, Blattstiele 0.5 - 1 cm lang Blütenstände etwa 10-blütig, doldig, auf 7 cm langen, kahlen Stielen.. Blütenstiele 0.7 - 1 cm lang, äuszerst fein und kahl. Blüten klein. Kelch sehr klein, Zipfel kaum 4 mm überragend. Korolla ca. 1.2 cm Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum unteren Rande gegen 1.75 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Torricelli-Geberges, ca. 800 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 20314. — Blühend im September 1909). Eine durch die kleinen Blüten recht gut gekennzeichnet Art. Sie steht sonst den letzten der oben beschriebenen Arten viel näher als den beiden folgenden, Die Blütenfärbung ist weisz mit grüner Korona. Translation: See below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1989) 56. (translation of the German “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea”) Kloppenburg. 27. Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter n. sp. A somewhat slender twining half-shrub, with few branches. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, acute or sub acute, thinly coriaceous, both sides glabrous, petioles short, glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the smallest of the section. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the corolla. Corolla rotate 5-parted all the way to third from the base, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, lobes oblong acute. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, almost horizontal, inner and outer


ends barely ascending, above ovate- oblong, apex shortly triangular obtuse, sides rounded, anthers a little shorter. Pollinia oblique ovate, with the translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid. An extremely pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches, Leaves 6-8 cm. long 2-2.3 cm. wide in the middle. Petioles 0.5-1 cm. long. Inflorescences of about 10 blooms, umbellate, on about 7 cm. long, bare peduncles. Pedicels 0.7-1 cm. long, extremely fine and bare. Blooms small. Calyx very small, tip scarcely extending beyond 1 mm.. Corolla about 1.2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer end 1.75 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 m. altitude (Schlechter #20314 - Blooming in September 1909). A species fairly well distinguished by its small blooms. Otherwise it is closer to the last species mentioned before than to the following ones. The bloom coloring is white with green corona. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. chloroleuca Schlechter (Schlechter 20314) -15 In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 48-49. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter. A somewhat slender twining half-shrub, with few branches. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, acute or sub acute, thinly coriaceous. Both sides glabrous, petioles short, glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescence shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the smallest of the section. Lobes of the calyx ovatelanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the corolla. Corolla rotate 5-parted all the way to third from the base, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, lobes oblong acute. Scales of the corona spreading, almost horizontal, inner and outer ends barely ascending, above ovate- oblong, apex shortly triangular obtuse, sides rounded, anthers a little shorter. Pollinia oblique ovate, with the translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid. An extremely pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches, leaves 6-8 cm. long 2-2.3 cm. wide in the middle. Petioles 0.5-1 cm. long. Inflorescence of about 10 blooms, umbellate, on about 7 cm. long, bare peduncles. Pedicels 0.7-1 cm. long, extremely fine and bare. Blooms small. Calyx very small, tip scarcely extending beyond 1 mm.. Corolla about 1.2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer end 1.75 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: On trees in the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 m. altitude (Schlechter #20314 - Blooming in September 1909). A species fairly well distinguished by its small blooms. Otherwise it is closer to the last species mentioned before than to the following ones. The bloom coloring is white with green corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.121. (Engler's).


Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter, 1913, Type # 30314 (B)



Hoya chunii P. T. Li. 1984 In Botanical Research Bulletin 4 (1984) 121. P. T. Li. 7. Hoya chunii P. T. Li, nom. nov. Hoya reticulata Schlechter in Engl. Jahrb. 1: 115. 1913, non Moon (1824) nec. Merr. (1912), cost. (1912). Distr. N. Guin.


Hoya clandestina Blume 1848 Type description: In Index Kewensis: This species is listed as in Rumphia 4 (1849) 32. Here it is only mentioned by Blume as follows: (Under the H. macrophylla heading.) Nisi foliorum coronae stamineae structuram respicias, facile confunditur cum Specie adhuc inedita, H. (Physostemma) clandestina, quae ipsa quoque locis mountains in Java reperitur et similiter foliis nervosis est praedita. Translation: except for the corona structure, easily confused with a species hear-to-for unpublished, H. (Physostemma) clandestina, which I found in each mountain locality in Java and possessed in like manner with similar foliage nerves. Other literature: In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 1 (1849) 44. C. L. Blume. 107. Hoya (Physostemma) clandestina Bl. volubilis, glabra, foliis carnosis elliptico-oblongis acuminatis basi rotundatis trinervis inter nervos obsolete venulosis; umbellis longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corollae intus sericeae laciniis ovatis acutis revolutis; coronae stamineae foliolis supra convexis angulo exteriore assargente obtusiusculo. Bl. in Rumphia IV - Aroy kilampahan Sundeice. — Foliatura plane eadem quae H. macrophyllae a qua tamen conformatione coronae stamineae facile distinguitur. - sylvis montanis Javae. Translation: Hoya (Physostemma) clandestina Blume Twining, glabrous, leaves fleshy elliptic-oblong acuminate with the base rounded, three nerved between the nerves obscure veined; Umbels with many flowered long peduncles’ the inside of the corolla silky lobes ovate acute revolute; leaflets of the staminal corona convex with the exterior angle when dry somewhat obtuse. Blume in Rumphia 4 - Aroy Kilampahan, Sunda. Foliage distinctly the same as H. macrophylla nevertheless from which it is easily distinguished, lacking the conformation in the staminal corona. In the mountain forests of Java. In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1 (1856) 523. Miquel 23. Hoya clandestina Bl. Volubilis, folia e basi rotundata usque acuta ovato-vel elliptico-oblonga passim lanceolato-oblonga acuminata, carnosa glabra, trinervia, 5-fere 8 poll. longa; umbellae longiuscule pedunculatae multiflorae; corolla intus sericeae laciniae ovatae acutae revolutae; coronae stamineae phylla extrorsum obtusiuscula supra convexa Blume Rumphia l. c. Mus. bot. l. c. p. 45. Foliis H. macrophyllae similis, corona staminea facile distinguenda. Java, in de bergstreken. Aroi Ki lampahan sund. Translation: Hoya clandestina Blume. Twining, leaves at base rounded continuously acute ovate or elliptic-oblong here and there lanceolate-oblong acuminate, fleshy glabrous. Trinerved, almost 5, 8 inches long; umbels many flowered with a long


peduncle, inside of corolla silky lobes ovate acute revolute; leaflets of the staminal corona outside somewhat obtuse, above convex. Blume Rumphia as sited above in Mus. Bot. As sited on page 45. Leaves similar to Hoya macrophylla, easily distinguished by the staminal corona. In Exkursionsflora (1912) 100-101. Koorders (Key). 10a. Blatter sämtlich 5 nervig ……………………………………………..12 10b. Blatter sämtlich oder teilweise 3 nervig, seltener einige Blätter (H. macro phylla) 3— 5 nervig ……………………………………………….. 11 11 a. Blatter 3 nervig, ± 12½ — 20 cm lang, ei- oder elliptisch-oblong, am Grunde abgerundet oder spitz, oben zugespitzt, fleischig, kahl. Pedunculi vielblütig, lang. Korolle innen seidenhaarig. Windender Strauch, im Blatt an H. macrophylla erinnernd, aber durch die oberseits konvexen und auszenseits stumpfen Coronazipfel verschieden. Miq. 1. c. 623. West-Java: In Gebirgswaldern zerstreut. — Im Buitenzorger Herbar noch nicht von mir gefunden. ……………………………… H. clandestine BL* Translation: of 11 a. Leaves 3 nerved plus or minus 12.5 - 20 centimeters long, indeed otherwise elliptic-oblong, otherwise pointed at the base, above, fleshy, glabrous. Peduncles with many blooms, long. Korolla inside silky. A bushy vine, in foliage as H. macrophylla, but distinguished through the convex top of the coronal scale and obtuse end.


Hoya cochinchinensis Loureiro 1817 Type description: In Systematisches Vegetabilium (1817) 52. 3. H. ? cochinchinensis Lour.; repens; foliis ovatis oppositis, corollis infundibuliformibus. Stapelia cochinchinensis Lour. Fl. Cochinch. p. 206. Caulis fructicosus longus teres, subsimplicissimus. Folia carnosa integerrima glabra. Flos albus, umbellis magnis simplicibus, pedunculo communi-longo crasso. Cal. 5-fidus inferus persistens, laciniis acutis. Cor. monopetala tubo gracili longo, limbo 5 partito, laciniis acutis conniventibus genitalia tegentibus. Nectarium stella unica carnosa plana radiis, 5 acutis magnis expansis. Filamenta nulla. Antherae 5 oblongae procumbentes inter crenas. Nectarii, Germen ovatum bifidum. Stigmata a longiuscula sessilia. Folliculi 2 teretes subtati, seminibus triplieiiscula longis, teretibus, coronatis pappo longissimo. Lour. In montibus Cochinchinae. h. Translation: Hoya (questionable) cochinchinensis. Loureiro; creeping, leaves opposite, ovate, corolla formed like a funnel. Stapelia cochinchinensis Loureiro, in Flora cochinchinensis (1793) page 206. Long shrubby round stem almost unbranched. Foliage fleshy absolutely entirely glabrous. Flowers white, umbels large and simple, peduncles commonly long fleshy. Calyx of 5 parts persistent, lobes acute. Corolla a one petaled tube, long and slender with 5 lobes on limb divisions acute, covering the genitalia indusium. The Nectarium a solitary star, fleshy clearly 5 radial, acute large expansive. Filaments none. Anther of 5 lobes oblong, inside scalloped procumbent on the nectaria. Ovary ovate bifid. 2 stigmas very long and sessile. Seed pods 2, round awl shaped, very late, long circular, with a very long cone-shaped tuft. Loureiro. In the mountains of Cochinchina. Woody In DeCandolle’s Prodromus Systematisches Vegetabilium 8 (1844) 640. Decaisne. Under species non satis notae. H. cochinchinensis (Roem. et Sch. Syst. 6, p. 52), certo non hujus generis ob coroll infundibulifor. tubo gracilis longo, limbo 5-partito, laciniis acutis conniventibus. - An potius Ceropegiae species ? Stapelia cochinchinensis Lour. H. cochinchinensis auct. = Non hujus ordinis ? vid. Sup. Translation: notably not this genus by reason of the funnel shaped corolla, with a long narrow tube, limb with 5 parts, flaps acute covering. It is possibly a Ceropegia species. Stapelia cochinchinensis Loureiro. H. cochinchinensis of the authors = notably not in order ? without support. In Flore Generale des Indo Chine 4 (1912) 141. J. Constantin. 23. H. cochinchinensis Roem. et Sch. Syst., 6, p. 52; Stapelia cochinchinensis Lour. Fl. Coch., I, p. 206, Dcne Prodr., VIII, p. 664; Ceropegia ? Tige fruticuleuse, longue, cylindrique, rampante, presque simple. Fueilles glabres, charnues. Inflorescence en ombelle; pedoncule long, epais; fleur blanche. - calice persistant, a 5 lobes aigus, connivents. Corolle infundibuliforme, a tube grele, long; lobes


5, aigus, connivents. Coronule en etiole charnue, a 5 rayons aigus, etales. Etamines: filet nul; antheres oblongues. Fruit: 2 follicules cylindriques, subules; subules; graines en 3 series, a longue aigrette. Cochinchine: (Loureiro). Translation: Plant climbing, long, cylindrical, rampant, presque simple. Foliage entirely glabrous, fleshy. Inflorescence in umbels; long stalked, simple; white flower. Calyx persistent, has 5 sharp lobes, connivent. Corolla funnel-shaped, has tube hail, long,; lobes 5, sharp, connivent. Corona glabrous somewhat fleshy, has 5 spindles, sharp, spread out. Stamens: fused net; anthers oblong. Fruit: 2 cylindrical follicles, awl shaped; seeds in 3 series, has long tuft.


Hoya collettii Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Journal of the Linnean Society 28 (1891) 88. Collett. (Hoya collettii, Schlechter). Physostelma carnosa, Coll. et Hemsl., n. sp. Frutex humilis, undique glabra, ramis floriferis crassis carnosis, internodiis brevissimis. Folia petiolata, carnosa, lineari-oblonga vel lineari-lanceolata, 3-4½ poll. longa, obtusiuscula, basi producta, rotundata, supra nitida, subtus pallidiora costa crassa elevata; petiolus crassus, 3-4 lineas longus. Flores circiter 9 lineas diametro, fasciculati vel subumbellati, fasciculis subsessilibus, pedicellis graciliusculis circiter pollicaribus; calycis minuti segmenta tenuia, oblouga, obtusissima; corolla tenuis, sphaeroidea, inflata, extus glabra, intus minute papillosa, lobis brevibus deltoideis subobtusis; coronae squamae amplae, carnosae, basi valde productae, rotundatae vix recurvae; ovaria glabra. Folliculi ignoti. Shane hills 6000 feet. Characterized by narrow fleshy leaves borne on thick branches, and nearly sessile fascicles of almost spherical flowers with very broad thick coronal appendages. Translation: Low growing shrub, glabrous allover, branches flower bearing thick fleshy, internodes very short. Leaves petiolate fleshy, linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate 3-4½ inches long, somewhat obtuse, base elongated, rounded, above shining, above paler midrib thick elevated; petioles thick 3-4 lines long. Flowers about ¾ inch in diam., fascicled or somewhat umbellate, fascicles almost sessile, pedicels somewhat slender about 1 inch; calyx minute segments thin, oblong, very obtuse; corolla thin, spheroid, inflated, outside glabrous, inside minutely papillose, lobes short deltoid somewhat obtuse; corona scales large, fleshy, bases greatly extended, rounded barely recurved. ovaries glabrous. Follicles not noted. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 127. R. Schlechter. H. collettii Schltr. (Physostelma carnosa Collett et Hemsl.) aus Burma ist die wesentlichste Art. Translation: from Burma it is a definite species. In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. collettii Schlechter (Type of Physostelma carnosa Collett & Hemsley) 15


Hoya collina Schlechter 1913 Type description:

In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 111. R. Schlechter. 6. Hoya collina Schltr. n. sp.— Suffrutex epiphyticus, ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, bene foliati, teretes, glabris, Folia erectopatentia vel patula, breviter petiolata, elliptica vel obovato-elliptica, obtusa, basi cuneata, carnosa, utrinque glabra, petiolo carnoso, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentia pedunculata, foliis fere aequilonga, umbelliformis, 6—12— flora, pedunculo pedicellisque glabris. Flores in sectione inter minores; illis H. eitapensis Schltr. similes, sed paulo majores. Calycis segmenta ovato-triangula, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multo breviora. Corolla rotata, usque infra medium 5-fida, extus glabra, intus brevissime et dense papillosa, lobis late ovatis obtusiusculis. Coronae foliola patentia, elliptica, antice subporrecta, obtusiuscule acuminata, extus obtusa superne longitudinaliter per medium leviter incrassata, lateribus rotundata, antheris vix breviora. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea translatoribus subnullis, retinaculo rhomboideo, minuto. Ein zierlicher Schlinger mit schnurförmigen, gut beblätterten Zweigen. Blatter 35 —5.5 cm lang, in der Mitte oder über der Mitte 1.8—2.7 cm breit. Blütenstande doldig, 6 - 12 blütig, auf etwa 4 cm langen, kahlen Stielen. Blütenstiele sehr schlank, kahl. Ca. 1 cm lang. Bluten in der Sektion ziemlich klein. Kelchzipfel ca. 1.25 mm lang kahl. Korolla 0.8 cm im Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der vorderen Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande ca.1.75 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: an Badmen und auf Staüchern in den Walden der Hügel oberhalb des Kambaran, am Fusze des Finisterre-Gebirges, ca. 400 m. u. M. Schlechter n. 18114..—Blühend im August 1908). Schon äuszerlich ist diese Art vor den beiden oben beschriebenen dadurch kenntlich, dasz ihre Zweige erheblich dicker und fleischiger und die Blatter gröszer sind. In der Blüten ist die Papillenbekleidung auf der inneren Seite der Korolla characteristisch und die Spitzen der koronaschuppen sind mehr wagerecht vorgestreckt. Die Färbung der Bluten ist gelblich-weisz. Translation: See the translation below in Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea.

Other literature:

In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 23-24. (Translation of the German). R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya collina Schlechter n. sp. - Epiphytic, twining perennial plant woody at base, branched. Branches thread like, flexible, well foliated, round, glabrous. Leaves erect spreading or widely outspread, shortly petioled, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, obtuse, wedge shaped base, fleshy, both sides glabrous, petiole fleshy, above lightly furrowed (grooved). Inflorescences pedunculate, leaves nearly equal (the same length) like an umbel, 6-12 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous. Flowers in this section among the smallest. Similar to H. eitapensis Schltr. but a little larger. Segments of the calyx ovate-triangular, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the


corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted to below the middle, inside shortly and densely papillose, lobes broadly ovate obtuse. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, elliptic, with the tip (apex) somewhat stretched outwards and forward, obtusely acuminate, outside obtuse above longitudinally slightly thickened through the middle, sides rounded, anther barely small (I assume small). Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators almost missing, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A pretty clinging vine with cord like, well leaved branches. Leaves 3.5-5.5 cm. long, in the middle or above the middle 1.8-2.7 cm. wide. Inflorescences umbel like., 612 flowered, on a bare peduncle, about 4 cm. long. Pedicles very slender, bare about 1 cm. long. Blooms in the Section rather small. Calyx about 1.25 mm long, bare. Corolla 0.8 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the forward tip to the outer edges about 1.75 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees and upon shrubs in the forests of the hills above the Kambaran at the foot of the Finisterre Mountain range about 400 m. altitude (Schlechter #18114 - Blooming in August 1908). Externally this species is distinguishable from the two described above by the fact that its branches are thicker and fleshier and the leaves are larger. It is characteristic in the blooms and the papilla covering the inner side of the corolla and the tips of the corona scales are more horizontal. The color of the blooms are greenish white. The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. collina Schlechter (Schlechter 19834) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 50-51. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya collina Schlechter n. sp. - Epiphytic, twining perennial plant woody at base, branched. Branches thread like, flexible, well foliated, round, glabrous. Leaves erect spreading or widely outspread, shortly petioled, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, obtuse, wedge shaped base, fleshy, both sides glabrous, petiole fleshy, above lightly furrowed (grooved). Inflorescences pedunculate, leaves nearly equal (the same length) like an umbel, 6-12 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous. Flowers in this section among the smallest. Similar to H. eitapensis Schltr. but a little larger. Segments of the calyx ovate-triangular, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted to below the middle, inside shortly and densely papillose, lobes broadly ovate obtuse. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, elliptic, with the tip (apex) somewhat stretched outwards and forward, obtusely acuminate, outside obtuse above longitudinally slightly thickened through the middle, sides rounded, anther barely small (I assume small). Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators almost missing, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A pretty clinging vine with cord like, well leaved branches. Leaves 3.5-5.5 cm. long, in the middle or above the middle 1.8-2.7 cm. wide. Inflorescences umbel like, 6-12 flowered, on a bare peduncle, about 4 cm. long. Pedicles very slender, bare about 1 cm. long. Blooms in the Section rather small. Calyx about 1.25 mm long, bare. Corolla 0.8 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the forward tip to the outer edges about 1.75 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees and upon shrubs in the forests of the hills above the Kambaran at the foot of the Finisterre Mountain range about 400 m. altitude (Schlechter #18114 - Blooming in August 1908).


Externally this species is distinguishable from the two described above by the fact that its branches are thicker and fleshier and the leaves are larger. It is characteristic in the blooms and the papilla covering the inner side of the corolla and the tips of the corona scales are more horizontal. The color of the blooms are greenish white.


Hoya collina Schlechter, 1913, Type # 18114 (B)



Hoya compacta Burton

Photo by Ann Wayman, Central Point, Oregon.


Hoya costantinii P. T. Li 1984 Type description: In Bulletin of Botanical Research 4 (1984) 120. P. T. Li. Hoya costantinii P. T. Li, nom. nov. Hoya reticulata Cost. in Lec., Fl. Gen. Indo-chine 4:1912, non Moon (1824), nec Merr. (1912), Schlechter (1913) Distr.: Cambodia. Editors Note: See Hoya multiflora.


Hoya cordata Li & Huang 1985 In Guihaia 5/2 (1985) 80-83. P. T. Li et S. Z. Huang. Hoya cordata P. T. Li et S. Z. Huang, sp. nov. ( Sect. Hoya ) Proxima H. nervosae Tsiang et P. T. Li, a qua foliis basi cordatis, petioli brevioribus 5 mm longis puberulis, pedunculis 1—1.5 cm longis, corollis utrinque puberulis differt. Suffrutex scandens lactifer, caule terete cortice cineraceo-flavo 5 mm diametro. Folia opposita succulenta vel exsiccations crasse coriacea, ovate vel long ovate 5—9 cm longa 4.5—5 cm lata, apice acute vel obtuse basi cordata, supra glabra et subtus ad costam mediam puberula, nervis lateralibus utrinsecus 6— paribus utrinque leviter elevatis, petiolis robustis 5 mm longis pubescentibus, apice glandulis perpaucis 3— 5-fascicularibus instructis. Cymae corymbosiforme axillares simplices 30—50-florae, pedunculis 1—1.5 cm longis, pedicellis gracilibus 2.5—3 cm longis. Calyx 5—partitus, lobis lanceolatis 2 mm longis extra-pubescentibus intus glabris; corolla alba rotate utrinque puberula, lobis patentibus 1 cm diametro valvatis triangulatis 2.5 mm longis apice obtusis, angulo-exteriore coronae acuto, Pollyanna in quoque loculo solitaria oblonga erecta characteribus ceteris sectionis Hoyae verae. Guangxi, Yong-Ning xian, Na-Long, Xiu-Shan, Long-Deng, on rocky hills under forest, 6 May 1979, S.Z. Huang 7394 ( Typus, lBG ) .


Hoya crassifolia Haworth ex Traill 1811 In Supp. Plant. Succ. (1811) 8 Haworth. Hoya crassifolia. In Transactions of the RHS 7 (1826) 22-23. J. Traill. II. Hoya crassifolia. I find this plant only noticed by one writer, to whose work I add the references. H. crassifolia. Haworth in Supp. Plant. Succ. p. 8. A plant of this species was sent to Mr. Reginald Whitley, from China, in 1817, on board the Wexford East Indiaman, and has since been cultivated and increased in his nursery at Fulham. It is very distinct from, and much more robust growth than, any of the others. The stems are strong and woody, thickly covered with small irregular warts, whence the stem-roots are protruded. The leaves are obovate, very bluntly acuminate, upwards of four inches long, without veins, of a darkish green colour above, pale beneath. The petioles are thick and fleshy, of a purplish green colour, and much flattened above. The plant grows freely in strong heat, but has not yet produced flowers in Europe, it is therefore uncertain whether it belongs to the genus, although it may be presumed so, from its general habit not differing from Hoya. The specific name crassifolia, which had been given to the H. carnosa, by Baron Jacquin in 1811, has been applied to this plant by an inadvertence on the part of the author above quoted, he supposed Jacquin’s plant to be identical with this one, referring it to Jacquin’s figure in his Ecologae. Though the Hoya (Schollia) crassifolia of Jacquin, was published by him in 1811, and was stated in his Ecologae to have been sent to him in England in 1804, yet Mr. Haworth has refereed the plant first introduced by Mr. Whitley in 1817 to it, and has adopted Jacquin’s specific mane, and even stated the large spots on the leaves so conspicuously exhibited in Jacquin’s figure as distinguishing this plant from H. carnosa. The name is objectionable, inasmuch as it may occasion confusion in references, and when the plant blossoms so that it can be fully and perfectly described, it will probably receive some other. Other literature: In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 126. G. Don. 19 H. crassifolia (Haw. suppl. pl. succ. p. 8. exclusive of the synon..) leaves petiolate, obovate, obsoletely spotted, bluntly acuminate, very thick. (woody perennial) Native to the east Indies. Leaves 4 inches long, dark green above, pale beneath. Very like H. carnosa, but the leaves are thicker, more obsoletely spotted . Branches warted, producing roots from the warts, Flowers unknown, Thick-leaved Hoya. Fl.? Clt. 1817. shrub tw. In Decandolle, Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 60. Decaisne. (Species non statis notae) H. crassifolia (Haw, succl. pl. suppl. p. 8 ), foliis oppositis petiolatis subovatis obsolete maculatis praecrassis, floribus umbellatis, petalis truncatis obtussive. Affinis H. carnosae at foliis obtusioribus crassioribus, maculis marginis obsolentis pallescentibus. (woody perennial) in India. Schollia crassifolia Jacq. eclog. pl. t. 2. Traill l.c. p. 22. Translation: leaves opposite petiolate somewhat ovate obsoletely spotted, flowers in umbels, petals truncate obtuse. Related to H. carnosa with foliage more obtuse, much thicker spots paler disappearing near the margins.


In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 62. J. D. Hooker. (Doubtful and Excluded Species). H. crassifolia, Haw. Succ. Pl. Suppl. 8; Dcne. in DC. Prodr. viii, 640 Schollia crassifolia, Jacq: Eclog. t. 2; Traill, in Trans Hort Soc. vi 22; from India; with leaves described as excessively thick, obsoletely spotted, petals truncate or obtuse, flowers unknown. Wight (Contrib. 38) refers it to the Chinese H. carnosa, Br. which it would supersede.


Hoya crassifolia Ridley 1912 Type description: In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Straits Branch 61 (1912) 30-31. H. Ridley. Hoya crassifolia, n. sp. Stem rather stout with rugose often pale bark rooting, profusely. Leaves very coriaceous ovate acuminate slightly cordate at the base, margins undulate and minutely irregular dentate, nerves very inconspicuous 3-4 pairs at an acute angle, midrib inconspicuous 6 inches long 2½ inches wide, petiole very short and thick. Peduncle 1½ inches long rachis ½ inch long with elliptic scars, pedicles slender ¼ inch long, hairy with long rufous hairs. Sepals small linear lanceolate acuminate. Corolla half an inch across pink, lobes triangular cuspidate with a long point, villous with long white hairs on the edge, Corolla scales, lower lobes long thick blunt not smooth and spining, upper ones short erect about half as long triangular acuminate. Staminal column short thick appendages long linear acuminate thin membranaceous and translucent white. Perak: Tapah on trees on the Temoh Road (Ridley 14059). A most remarkable plant with its hard stiff leaves roughened with short tooth-like processes at the edge, hairy pedicels and long thin stamen appendages. Editors Notation: It seems to me Ridley or the publishers left out the corolla description and under corolla describe the corona. See H. caudata in Flora of the Malay Peninsula. The name in untenable since it had been previously used.


Hoya crassior Hochreutiner 1935 Type dewscription: In Candollea 6 (1936) 480-481. Hochreutiner. Hoya crassior Hochr. sp. nov. — Planta epiphytica; caules ± cylindrici glabri, in nodis incrassati. Folia opposita, mediocri; petioli breves, glabri, ± carnosi, supra caniculati et in parte cum lamina uniti ± glandulosi; lamina glaberrima, crassissima, carnosa, ita ut nervus utrinque impressus videatur, centrum lanceolata, apice paululum attenuato-acuminata, basi acuta, margine integra, nervi secundarii inconspicui, vel in laminis foliorum supremorum axilla affixa vel ± extra axillam sed juxta eam deposita. Pedunculus mediocris glabra, quam pedicelli brevior; pedicelli filiformes, glabra, numerosi. Calyx glaber, profunde lobatus, lobis ovatis obtusis, margine pilos paucos minutissimos gerentibus. Corolla non profunde lobata et inter lobis, in sinubus, glandulosa; corolla tota glabriuscula glaberrima. lobis acutis sed intus, versus lobarum apicem, aream parvam villosam praebentibus. Corollae phylla cum staminibus concreta, ovoidea, facie suprtiore apiculum in stamina adpressum praebentia, apice dilatata ita ut in appendicem scariosam ovatum abeuntia; pollinia parva elliptica. Stigmatis caput applanatum sed medio breviter apiculatum. Ovarium breve, in gynostegii cavernula parva dispositum ± conicum. Petioli 3-4 mm. longi; lamina 6x1.6 4x1 cm. longa et lata. Pedunculus ca. 1 cm. longus, pars florifera 3-4 mm. longa; pedicelli 1.5- 1.7 cm. longi. Flos expansus minus quam 1 cm. latis, - siccus ca. 0.5 cm. latis. - Calyces lobi ca. 1.25 x 0.75 mm. longi et lati; corolla ca 4 mm. longa; coronae phylla sicca ca. 1.5 x 0.75 mm longa et lata. Samoa, ile d’Upolu, route du lac Lanuto, alt. 400 m. mais pas plus haut, epiphyte a fleurs d’un blanc jaunatre, 26 mars 1905 (n. 3411). Cette espece est tout as fait differente de celles que Reinecke a signalees a Samoa, dont l'une a des feuilles 5-nerviees avec une corolle de 1.5 cm. de diametre et l’autre des feuilles laineuses. Le H. bicarinata Gr. en differe aussi par ses feuilles ovees et les articles bicarenes de sa couronne. Rechinger a decrit egalement trois especes novelles se Hoya de Samoa dont l’une a des feuilles tres petites (3 cm.) et l’autre des fueilles tres minces qui ne cadrent pas avec notre espece; en revanche, la troisieme espece le H. pycnophylla Reich. resemble a note plante et la photographie qu’em donne Rechinger (Denkschr. Akad. Wien, math. naturw. Pl. LXXXV, t. XII, f. 1 (1910) nous a fait croire, a premiere vue, qu’il s’agissait de la meme espece. Cependant, quoique la description de la fleur soit rudimentaire, neanmoins la presence des feuilles montrant cinq nervures longitudinales sur toute leur longueur, malgre l’epaisseur du limbe (exprimee par le nom de pycnophylla) et l'indication: “nervi utrinque manifeste prominentes” alors qu’ici la nervation est purement pennee et les nervures completement noyees dans le mesophylle, montrent qu’une identification est impossible. On peut citer encore dans la diagnose de l’auter: “segmenta calyces... apice acuminata glabra” tandis que, chez notre espice, les sepales sont obtus et cilies. Il est vrai que les indications de Rechinger sont quelque peu sujettes a caution car, dans sa description il dit: petiole de 1 cm. , limbe de 9 x 2 - 10 x 3 cm., pedoncule 5-6 cm. et pedicelles 15 mm. alors que, sur la photographie de sun specimen. on measure des petioles de 5-7 mm., des limbes 3.8 x 1 - 5 x 1.5 cm., des pedoncules de 1-2 cm. et des pedicelles de 5-8 mm.; cependant, on ne peut pas se tromper sur la nervation foliaire, bein visible sur la photographe, c’est pourquoi une identification nous a paru impossible.


Enfin. se nous comparons notre espece au H. diptera Seem. nous observons que, chez ce dernier, les tiges quadrangulaires. les feuilles ovees elliptiques, les decrit pour Samoa un Physostelma Betchei mais, si nous en croyons la description, cette plante differe de la notre par les dimensions de l’inflorescence et de la fleur et par la corolle velue interieurement. En l’apparance de la corolle, que est peu profundement lobee chez notre espece, pourrait induire les asclepiadologues a en faire un Physostelma crassior. Translation: Hoya crassior Hoch. species new. Plant epiphytic, stalks more or less cylindrical glabrous thickened at the nodes. Leaves opposite, midsize, petioles short, glabrous, more or less fleshy, channeled above and where united with the blade somewhat glandular; blade very glabrous, very thick and fleshy, the midrib it seems depressed on but sides, otherwise lanceolate, apex a little attenuate-acuminate, base acute, margines entire, secondary nerves inconspicuous, or in juvenile leaflet blade about 3, both sides arching and meeting and with reticulate nerves. Inflorescence ambulate somewhat terminal i.e. affixed in the highest leaf axils yet more or lass outside the axils. Peduncles moderately glabrous, but shorter than the pedicels; pedicels threadlike , glabrous, numerous. Calyx glabrous. deeply lobed, lobes ovate obtuse, margines minutely sparsely ciliate, Corolla not deeply lobed and inner lobes at the sinus, glandular: corolla totally glabrous to very glabrous, lobes acute but towards the lobe apexes exhibiting a small area of villoseness. Scales of the corona with stamens grown together, ovoid, making the upper apex to the stigma. Stigma broad elliptic, more or less ovate, margines becoming scarious, apexes swollen with the appendages scarious tapering ovate; pollinia small elliptic. Stigmas head flattened but briefly apiculate in the middle. Ovaries small, and more or lass deposited in the gynostegium cavity. Petiole 3-4 mm. long; blades 6x1.6 x 4 x 1 cm. wide. Peduncle about 1 cm. long, flower bearing part 3-4 mm. long; pedicels 1.5 - 1.7 cm. long. Flowers expanded less than 1 cm. wide, - dried about 0.5 cm. wide. - calyx lobes about 1.25 x 0.75 mm. long and wide; corolla about 4 mm. long; leaflets of the corona dry about 1.5 x 0.75 mm. long and wide. Samoa on the island of Upolu, the road to Lake Lanuto, alt.400 m. but not higher, epiphytic with yellowish white flowers, 26 March 1905. (number 3411). This specimen is completely different from those that Reinecke observed on Samoa, one of which has five-ribbed leaves with a corolla 1.5 cm. in diameter and the other with furry leaves. The H. bicarinata Gray differs from them also by its ovoid leaves and bicarinate articles of the crown. Rechinger likewise described 3 new species of hoya from Samoa of which one has very small leaves (3.cm.) and the other very thin leaves which do not tally with our species; on the other hand the 3rd species, H. pycnophylla Rech. resembles our plant and the photo that Rechinger gives of it (Denkschr. Akad. Wein, math Natur. pl. 85 , t. 12, f. 1 (1910) leads us to believe, on first glance, that is was the same species. However, although the description of the flower is rudimentary, nevertheless the presence of the leaves showing 5 longitudinal ribs on their whole length, despite the thickness of the leaf blade (expressed by the name pycnophylla) and the indication (nerves on both sides manifestly prominent) while here the ribbing is purely pinnate, and the ribs completely submerged in the mesophyll, shows that an identification is impossible. One can further cite in the diagnosis of the author (calyx segments .... apexes acuminate, glabrous) while in our species the sepals are obtuse and ciliate. It is true that Rechinger’s indications are somewhat subject to caution for in his description he says: petioles of 1 cm; leaf blade of


9x2 to 10 x 3 cm. peduncle 5-6 cm., and pedicels 5-8 mm. that is why an identification appears impossible to us. Finally if we compare our species to H. diptera Seemann, we observe that with this later plant the quadrangular stems, the ovate-elliptical leaves, the compressed peduncles, do not tally with our plant. Schlechter described for Samoa a Physostelma Betchei, but if we believe his description this plant differs from ours by the dimensions of the inflorescence and the flower and by the corolla which is hairy on the inside. On the other hand the appearance of the corolla which is not deeply lobed in our species could induce asclepiadologists to make is a Physostelma crassior.


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848 Type description:

In Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 21 (1848) 261. N. Turczaninow. Hoya crassipes Turcz. (Hoyae verae): volubilis, foliis petiolatis ellipticis aut obovatis, ad basin attenuatis, ipsa basi obtusis, breviter acuminatis, carnosis aveniis glabris; pedunculis extra axillaribus brevibus crassis in receptaculum carnosum cylindricum, sulcis transversalibus irregulariter exaratum abeuntibus; umbellis in vertice receptaculi sessilibus multifloris; corollae laciniis triangularibus acutis glabris, intus papillosis, ad faucem 5-maculatis; coronae stamineae foliolorum parte inferiore ovata obtusa concaviuscula uninervia, subtus sulco notata, superiore acutiscula gynostegium paulo superante, Species forma receptaculi distinctissima. Flores fere duplo minores illorum H. carnosae. Habitat in Java, Zoll. coll. n. 2581. Translation: Same Latin and translation as below in Annales Bot. Syst. Other literature: In Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852) 9-10. G. C. Walpers. 4. H. crassipes Turcz. Bulletin de la societe imp. natural. de Moscou XXII. Part. I. Pag. 261. - Volubilis: foliis petiolatis ellipticis aut obovatis; ad basin attenuatis, ipsa basi obtusis, breviter acuminatis, carnosis aveniis glabris; pedunculis extra axillaribus brevibus crassis in receptaculum carnosum cylindricum, sulcis transversalibus irregulariter exaratum abeuntibus; umbellis in vertice receptaculi sessilibus multifloris; corollae laciniis triangularibus acutis glabris, intus papillosis, ad faucem 5-maculatis; coronae stamineae foliolorum parte inferiore ovata obtusa concaviuscula uninervia, subtus sulco notata, superiore acutiscula gynostegium paulo superante. Species forma receptaculi distinctissima. Flores fere duplo minores illorum H. carnosae. - Habit in Insula Java. Translation: Twining, leaves petiolate elliptic or obovate, the base attenuate, briefly acuminate, fleshy veinless glabrous, peduncles extra axillary slightly thick rachis fleshy cylindrical, grooved irregularly transversely leaving a irregular groove, umbels whorled, rachis sessile, many flowered; leaflets of the corolla triangular acute glabrous, inside papilose, at the throat 5 spotted; florets of the staminal corona lower part ovate obtuse concave one nerved, marked below with a groove, acute above a little above the Gynostegium. Species with a distinct receptacle. Flowers almost two times smaller than H. carnosa. From the Island of Java. In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1 (1856) 519-520. F. A. W. Miquel. 11. Hoya crassipes Turcz. Volubilis: folia petiolata e basi attenuata ima obtusa elliptica vel obovata breviter acuminata, carnosa avenia glabra: pedunculi extraaxillares breves crassi in receptaculum carnosum cylindricum, sulcatis transversis irregulariter exaratum abeuntes; umbellae in ejus vertice sessiles (?) multiflorae; corollae laciniae triangularibus acutae glabrae, intus papillosae, ad faucem 5-maculatae; coronae stamineae phyllorum


pars inferior ovata concaviuscula uninervis, subtis sulco notata, superior acutiscula gynostegium paullo superans. Turcz. Bull. Mosc. XII.* 1, p. 261. Java (Zoll.). Note: This should read XXI. Translation: Twining, leaves petiolate with the base attenuate likeness obtuse elliptic or obovate briefly acuminate, fleshy veinless glabrous: peduncles outside the axles short thick with the receptacle fleshy cylindrical, grooved irregularly transversely, umbels at top sessile (?) many flowered, leaflets of the corolla triangular acute glabrous, inside papilose, with 5 spots at the collar; with the staminal corona leaflets outer angle ovate, somewhat concave, one nerved, notably grooved below, above somewhat acute, a little longe than the Gynostegium. In Systematisches Verzeichnis Family 1 (1910) 6. S. H. Koorders & Ann Schumacher. H. crassipes Turcz. Kletternder Strauch, bis 15 m. hoch. Mittel-Java: Perkalongan: Subah: Region I: Kds 27306  (500* 19. IV. 1897). Semarang: Kedungdjati: Region I: Kds 27217  (630* 15. IV. 1897 Ojot kapalan, Java).Ost-Java: Besuki: Puger: Region I: Kds 39891  (21 * 20. V. 1902 Auch Alcoholmaterial gesammelt), Kds 30221  (1860 * 19. III 1898. Ojot kapal, Java.) In Exkersionsflora von Java (1912). “Flora of Java” S. H. Koorders. (Key). 9b. Blätter 7-13 x 4.5 - 8.5 cm, ± obovate, oben abgerundet (Seltener apiculat), am Grunde ± keilförmig oder stumpf, kahl, oberseits an der Insertion des Blattstiels mit kleinen Drüsen versehen. Blattstiel dick, bis 1½ cm lang. Pedunculi selten bis 9 cm lang, meist 1 - 4 cm, oft einzeln, blattgegenständig oder einzeln an blattlosen Zweigen. Korolle rot. Stauch, bis 15 m hoch kletternd. Miq, l. c. 519. Mittel - und Ost-Java: in der Ebene im litchen Regenwald und im Djatiwald zerstreut (Kds. n. 30221 , 27306  usw.; Zollinger n. 2581). H. crassipes Turcz. Translation: Leaves 7 to 13 by 4.5 to 8.5 cm, more or less obovate, above not to speak of (usually apiculate) toward the base more or less otherwise obtuse, glabrous, on the surface near the insertion point of the petiole a small gland is visible. Petiole thick up to 1.5 cm long. Peduncle usually up to 9 cm long, usually only 1 - 4 cm long, often solitary, outside the axil or in the axil. Corolla red. Shrub up to 15 meters tall, climbing. From middle and east Java: in the open country and in the light rainforest and scattered near Djati forest.


Photo by Dale Kloppenburg, plant at Fresno, California.


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow # 27308 ? (BO)


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow # 27217 (BO)


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow # 1860 (BO)


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow # 39891 (BO)


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow # 27217 (BO)



Hoya dalrympleana F. Muell 1861 In Encyclopedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation (1990) 386. W. Roger Elliot & David L. Jones. Hoya dalrympleana F. Muell. = H. australis R. Br. ex Trail.

Hoya dasyantha Tsiang 1936 Type descryption: In Sunyatsenia 3 (1936) 174-175. Tsiang. Hoya dasyantha Tsiang, sp. nov. Suffrutex epiphyticus scandens praeter corolla intus farinosa glaber, ramulis cinereis 1 mm. diametro, internodiis 6 ad 13 cm. Longis. Folia chartacea late ovata 4 ad 7.5 cm. longa 3 ad 4.8 cm. lata breviter acuminata, basi rotundata, nervis utraque leviter elevatis lateralibus 4 ad 5 jugis, venis transversis conspicuis, supra petiolum 4-ad 6-glandulifera, petiolo 5 mm. longo. Cymae umbelliforme ad 22-florae, cicatricibus pedicellorum paucis, foliis breviorae, pedunculo 2..5 ad. 5 cm. longo 1 mm. diametro, pedicello 1.2 cm. Longo. Flores alba 8 mm. diametro, calice glabro, corolla cinaracteres sectionis Euhoyae, intus farinosa, angulo postero coronae acuto. Gynostegium gynaeciumque characteres generis. Folliculi non visi. Epiphytic climbing subshrub glabrous except the corolla which is mealy inside; branchlets grayish, 1 mm. in diameter; internodes 6-13 cm. long: Leaves chartaceous, broad ovate, 4-7.5 cm. Long, 3-4.8 cm. wide, shortly acuminate, rounded at the base; nerves slightly elevated on both surfaces, lateral nerves 4-5 pairs, veinlets transverse, conspicuous; glands 4 to 6 in a group above the petiole; petiole 5 mm. long. Cymes umbelliform, to 22- flowered, shorter than the leaves, scars of fallen pedicels not many; peduncle 2.5-3 cm. long, 1 mm. in diameter; pedicel 1.2 cm. long. Flowers white, 8 mm. in diameter, calyx glabrous, corolla of the characters of the section Euhoya, mealy inside; posterior angle of coronal-lobes acute. Gynostegium and gynoecium of the generic characters. Hainan: Man-ning, alt. 1100 m., in woods climbing on rock, F. C. How 72103 (Type), April 12, 1935; Boting, F. C. How 72558, May 23, 1935. Allied to H. Fungii Merrill, differing from it in smaller leaves, densely flowered inflorescence, smaller flowers and glabrous calyx. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Siamicae, Toms 63 (1977) 480-481. Tsiang Hoya dasyantha Tsiang in Sunyatsenia 3: 174. 1936; followed by script.


Hoya dennisii P. I. Forster et D. J. Liddle 1993 Type Description:

In Austrobalia 4(1) (1993) 51-52. P. I. Forster & D. Liddle. Hoya dennisii P. I. Forster et D. J. Liddle, sp. nov. affinis H. chloranthae Rech. a qua venis secondariis laminae folia 3 vel 4 vix manifestis, floribus minoribus (16-17 mm in diametro), lobis coronae longioribus (circa 7 mm longis), et lobis coronae staminalis majoribus margins exteriore corollam excedentibus et apice lobis obtuso producto differt. Typus: Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal Province: Kwalo Range, Mt. Gallego, eastern ridge, 7 July 1965, T.C. Whitmore R.S.S. 6073 (halo: L!; iso: A!, BSIP!, K!, LAE!). Epiphytic coriaceous liane to several meters; latex white. Stems cylindrical, wiry, with sparse trichomes, becoming glabrous with age, internodes up to 100 mm long and 1 mm diameter. Leaves petiolate; lamina lanceolate-ovate, coriaceous, up to 72 mm long and 30 mm wide, discolorous, glabrous, venation obscure; upper surface dark green lower surface pale green; tip acuminate; base rounded to cordate petiole 5-7 mm long and c. 0.8 mm diameter, with scattered trichomes colleters 2, at lamina base. Cyme racemiform, up to 100 mm long peduncle up to 85 mm long and 0.5 mm diameter, glabrous or with scattered trichomes, bracts ovate 0.5-0.6 mm long, 0.4-0.5 mm wide glabrous. Flowers 2-3 mm long, 16-17 mm diameter; pedicels 30-35 mm long, c. 0.6 mm diameter, glabrous Sepals lanceolate, c. 1.2 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla flattened campanulate, crimson-pink externally glabrous, internally with short dense white trichomes, tube c. 5 mm long and 10 mm diameter, lobes triangular, c. 7 mm long and 7 mm wide. Staminal corona purple, c. 1.8 m long and 4.5 mm diameter inserted on column ± flush with corolla; lobes c. 3.2 mm long, 1.8 mm wide and 1.8 mm high, outer edge rounded and somewhat drawn out into lip not higher than the style-head inner edge acute. Staminal column c. 2 mm long and 2.5 mm diameter; anther appendages lanceolate, c. 0.8 n long and 0.5 mm wide; alar fissure 3-1.1 mm long. Style-head pressed-globose, c. 0.8 mm meter. Pollinaria c. 0.55 mm long and 0.46 mm wide; pollinia oblong, c. 6 mm long and 0.18 mm wide, with pellucid germination mouth on outer edge; corpusculum oblong-ovate, c. 14 mm long and 0.09 mm wide. Fruit and seed not seen. Specimens examined: Solomon Islands. Guadalcanal Province: near Gold Ridge Village, 9°35'S, 160°07'E, Jun 1991, Forster 8714 & Liddle (BRI); Summit Mt. Gallego, NW Guadalcanal Rep 1966, Dennis BSIP4630 (BSIP), Popomanasia, Oct 1965, Corner 156 (K). Distribution and habitat: H. dennisii has been collected only on Guadalcanal where it grows in montane and submontane situations from 650 to 1200 m altitude, usually as an epiphyte in bryophyte mats in rainforest. Notes: H. dennisii belongs to a group of small, wiry stemmed, coriaceous to herbaceous leafed hoyas that occur in upper montane areas in Papuasia and Melanesia. The group


includes H. venusta Schltr. in New Guinea and H. chlorantha Rech. in Samoa. H. dennisii is probably most closely related to H. chlorantha but differs from that species in the just visible 3 or 4 secondary veins in the leaf lamina, the smaller flowers 16-17 mm in diameter with longer corolla lobes c. 7 mm long and the larger staminal corona lobes in which the outer edge; raised above the corolla and drawn out into a blunt lip.

Entomology: It gives us much pleasure to name this new species for Geoff Dennis of Honiara, Guadalcanal former Government Botanist and long-time resident in the Solomon Lands, a plantsman of high repute with a garden of tropical delights. Geoff has


been responsible for introducing many of the Hoyas from the Solomon Islands into general cultivation. Translation of Latin: with an affinity to Hoya chlorantha Rechinger, 3 or 4 veins are barely visible from the secondary veins of the leaf blade, flowers small (16 to 17 mm in diameter) and the lobes of the staminal corona are large with the apex of the lobes exceeding the outside margins of the corolla and the apex of the lobes obtuse and different. Hoya dennisii Forster & Liddle 1993

Photo by Ann Wayman, Central Point, OR.

Note: Flowers of H, chlorantha are 17-20 MM. in diameter and the coronal lobes are the same as above 0.7 cm. (7 mm. long).


Pictures via Torill Nyhuus


Hoya dickasoniana P. T. Li. Hoya dickasoniana O. T. Lim sp. nov. Type: Mayanmar, Mogok, 1800 m., April 1934, F. G. Dickason 3032 (Holotype, A) Frutex epiphyticus: ramulis pubescentibus; folia opposita etiam 3-vel 4verticillata, elliptica vel ovata, 9 – 19 mm x 5 – 10 mm, basi late cuneata vel rotundata, apice obtusa, glabra; petiolo 1 mm. longo; umbellea terminates, 3 – 6 florae; pedicelli 1 cm. longi, pubescenti; segmentis calycinis oblongis, 2 – 2.5 mm x 1 mm, pubescentibus; corolla alba, ca. 1.7 cm diam., tubo basi pubescenti, lobis ovato-deltatis, ca, 5 mm x 5 mm; corona 5 – lobata, carnosa, ovato-oblonga, ca. 2.5 mm longa, marginibus revolutus; polliniis oblongis, ca, 1 mm longis, erectis, margine pellucido. Translation: Epiphytic shrub, branches pubescent, leaves opposite even 3 or 4, elliptic or ovate, 9 – 19 mm. x 5 – 10 mm, base broad cuneate or rounded, apex obtuse, glabrous; petiole 1 mm. long; umbels terminal 3-6 flowers, pedicels 1 cm. long, pubescent, calyx segments oblong 2 – 2.5 mm. x 1 mm. pubescent; corolla white about 1.7 cm in diameter, tube 4 mm. long, outside glabrous, inside at the base pubescent, lobes ovate-deltoid (triangular) about 5 mm. x 5 mm.; corona 5 lobed, fleshy, ovate-oblong about 2.5 mm. long, margins revolute; pollinia oblong about 1 mm, long, erect, margins pellucid. Hoya dickasoniana which is so far known from the type collection, is most closely related to H. imbricata Callery ex A. Dc. It is readily distinguished by its opposite and whorled, elliptic or ovate leaves and pubescent branches, peduncles and pedicels.


Composite of 3 copies from Chris Burton sent via e-mail from Mark Randal July 2007


Hoya dictyoneura K. Schumann 1905 Type description:

In Nachtrage zur Flora Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 362-363. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. Hoya dictyoneura K. Sch. n. sp. Frutex scandens ramis florentibus gracilibus novellis ipsis complanatis glabris; foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis vel ellipticis vel suborbicularibus acutis basi rotundatis quintuplinervis utrinque glabris; racemis breviter pedunculatis congestis primum subumbellatis demum rhachide crassa elongata; floribus pedicellatis pluribus; sepalis ovatis glabris parvis; corolla alto in lobos ovatos acutos divisa intus prope basin papillosa; coronae lobis radicantibus acutis subtus subtilissime oblique striatis. Der etwa meterlange blühende Zweig ist am Grunde 3 mm. dick, holzig und mit dünner zimmtfabiger Rinde bekleidet, Der sehr kräftige, oben abgeflachte Blattstiel ist höchstens 1 cm lang; die Spreite hat eine Lange von 5 - 8.5 cm und eine Breite von 3.5 - 6 cm das oberste Paar der Grundnerven verläust bis zur Spitze, stärkere Seitennerven sind nicht entwickelt, dafür springt aber das Nervennetz an beiden Seiten Kräftig, wenigtens an der getrockenten Pflanze vor. Der Blütenstand wird von einem 1 cm langen, sehr kräftigen Steil getragen; die Rhachis miszt 5 mm; die Blütenstielchen sind 1.5 cm. lang. Der Kelch miszt reichlich 1 mm; die weisz Blumenkrone ist 6 mm long. Die Staminodien sind 4 mm lang. Kaiser-Wilhemsland: Sattelberg, 850 m u. M. (Nyman n. 720, bl. Juli 1899). die Form die Blätter und die Ziemlich kleinen weiszen Blüten kennzeichnen die Art. Translation: Climbing shrub branches flowering slender young stems themselves flattened and glabrous; leaves briefly petiolate oblong or elliptic or somewhat orbicular acute with the base rounded five nerved both sides glabrous; racemes shortly peduncled crowded together somewhat umbellate at first later the rachis thick elongate; flowers from multiple peduncles; sepals ovate glabris small; corolla high with lobes ovate acute divided inside near the base papillose; lobes of the corona spreading acute below somewhat very little obliquely striate. The nearly meter long blooming branch is near the base 3 mm. thick, woody and clothed with cinnamon-colored bark. The very strong petiole is somewhat flat and measures 1 cm. long. The leaves are 5 - 8.5 cm. long and 3.5 - 6 cm. wide. The principle pair of thick basal nerves reach almost to the leaf tips; side nerves are not well developed, instead there is more a network of strong veins on both sides, at least on the dried plants. The inflorescence is held on a very strong 1 cm. long peduncle carrying a 5 mm. long rachis. The peduncles are 1.5 cm. long. The calyx measures as much as 1 mm; the white corolla is 6 mm. long. The corona scales are 4 mm. long. New Guinea: Sattelberg, 850 meters above sea level (Nyman #720, blooming in July 1899). The form of the leaves and the handsome small white flowers characterize this species.

Other literature:


In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 117. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 19 ? H. Dictyoneura K. Schum. in K. Schum. u, Lauterb., Nachtr. (1905) p. 362. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf dem Sattelberg, bei 850 m u. M. (E. O. Nyman n. 720. — Blühend in Juli 1899). Das Original dieser Art im Berliner Herbar besteht aus einen sehr dürstigen Exemplare mit einer recht schlechten Blüte. Soweit sich danach überhaupt etwas erkennen läszt. möchte ich glauben. dasz die Art in diese Verwandtschaft gehört, denn sie hat die dicken Zweige und bereiten Blätter der beiden oben behandelten Arten. An eine identität mit einer der breits beschriebenen möchte ich nicht glauben, da die Standortsverhältnisse zu verschieden sind. Auszerdem hat H. dictyoneura K. Schum. auf der Unterseite fünf stark hervortretende Nerven, welche bei den übrigen fehlen. Beeseres Material der Art ware jedenfalls sehr erwünscht. Nach Schumann sind die Blüten weisz. Translation: Northeastern New Guinea on Saddle Mountain, at 850 meters altitude (E. O. Nyman #720 — blooming in July 1899). The original of this species is in the Berlin Herbarium, but is a very poor example with rather a bad bloom. As far as can be determined, I would like to believe that the species belongs in this group, for it has the thick branches and wide leaves of both of the above discussed species. I would not like to think it is identical with one of those already described, since the local conditions are different. Moreover, H. dictyoneura K. Schum. has five very prominent veins on the underside that are lacking in the others. In any case better samples of the species are very much desired. According to Schumann, the blooms are white. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 42. R. D. Kloppenburg (Translation). Hoya dictyoneura K. Schumann in K. Schumann and Lauterbach. Nactr. (1905) p. 362. Northeast New guinea: in the saddle mountains, at 850 m. altitude (E. O. Nyman #720 - Blooming in July 1899). The original of this species in the Berlin Herbarium is a very poor example, with a rather worthless bloom. As far as generally determined, I would like to believe basically that the species belongs in this group, for it has the thick branches and wide leaves of both above discussed species. I would not like to think that it is identical with one of those already described, since the conditions are so different,. Moreover, H. dictyoneura K. Schumann has five prominent veins (nerves) on the underside, which are lacking in the others. In any case, however, better material of the species is very desirable. According to Schumann the blooms are white. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. dictoneura Schumann – 33.


Hoya dimorpha F. M. Bailey 1898 Type description: In Queensland Agriculture Journal 3 (1898) 156. F. M. Bailey. H. dimorpha (n. sp.) A stout twiner, the extremities often slender with much smaller leaves. Leaves thickcoriaceous, oblong-acuminate, slightly cordate at the base; those on the thick portion of the stem exceeding 5 in. in length and 2 in. in breadth; those on the slender ends often cordate and under 2 in. long, glabrous, undersides pale, the gland on the face indicating the attachment of the petiole, beneath often a broad ciliate disk at times mote or less umbonate. Petiole stout, usually less then ½ in. long. Peduncles slender, 2 to 3 in. long, bearing an umbel of many — 27 or more — small flowers. Pedicels about 1 in. long. purplish; flower-buds 5 angled, about 3 lines in diameter. Calyx-segments triangular, ½ line long. Corolla nearly white. 5-lobed, expanding to about 5 lines diameter, silky-hairy on the back, more prominently so on the margins, and also forming a ring around the orifice of the corolla tube, nearly glabrous on the face. Corona white glossy, segments about 1 line long, concave above, the sides produced into thick wing-like ribs beneath, Hab. Twining over shrubs and trees growing on the margin of the small bays at the foot of Mount Trafalgar, New Guinea.


Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg 1940 Type description:

In Lloydia 3 (1940) 118-119. Fosberg. 42. Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg, sp. nov. Scandens; folia elliptico-lanceolata, crassa, inaequalia, maxime 8 cm. longa,. umbella axillaris, multiflora, pedicellis gracilibus, 1 cm. longis; flores 5 mm. longi; calyx minutus; corolla reflexa, valde lobata., intus pubescens, squamis coronae lanceolatis, erectis, sulcatis, 3 mm. longis; pollinia 0.5 mm. longa; carpella 1.2 mm. longa. Slender vine, glabrous (except corolla), rooting at nodes, internodes 3.5-6.S cm. long; leaves opposite, elliptic-lanceolate, apex acute to acuminate, base acute, or smaller leaves obtuse, blade fleshy, unequal in size, even at same node, up to 8 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, secondary veins obscure, margins slightly resolute, petiole fleshy, up to 9 cm. long; peduncle axillary, one at a node, up to 9 cm. long, the lower 4-5 mm. fused with petiole of leaf, ending in a simple or bifid or fleshy pulvinus, this being the center of a many-flowered umbel of small flowers, pedicels slender, about 1 cm. long; calyx divided almost to base, lobes unequal, ovate or triangular, 0.7 mm long, apex blunt; corolla strongly reflexed, divided more than two thirds to base, lobes sharply triangular slightly acuminate, 2.5 mm. long, tube 1 mm. long, corolla glabrous outside; lobes strongly pubescent inside, tube puberulent inside; corona scales lanceolate, erect, apices prolonged, connivent, bases broader, rounded, deeply notched, surface shining but striate, longitudinally sulcate with two deep folds in the dower portion leading to notch at base, three sharp ridges above, the whole 3 mm. long, pollinia 0.5 mm. long, pale yellow, waxy, the connecting portion dark brown, anthers fused with stigma, carpels 1.2 mm. long, free except the stigmas; whole flower from tip of corona scales and anthers to tips of reflexed corolla lobes about 5 mm. long; fault unknown. Santa Crux Islands, Vanikoro, Tevia Bay, on trees, Bray 6, 1933, Stewart (type). The flowers of this species resemble superficially those of certain Solanum species, or even more so those of the primulaceous genus Dodecatheon, hence the name. Not closely related to any species that I have seen. Translation: Climbing, leaves elliptic-lanceolate, thick, unequal, up to 8 cm. long, umbels axillary, many flowered, pedicles slender, 1 cm. long; flowers 5 mm. long; calyx minute; corolla reflexed, deeply lobed, inside pubescent, scales of the corona lanceolate, erect, grooved, 3 mm. long; pollinia 0.5 mm. long; carpels 1.2 mm. long.


Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg Holotype # Stewart (BISH)


Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter 1916 Type description:

In Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 35/2 (1916) 13-14. "Neu Asclepiadaceen von Sumatra und Celebes" R. Schlechter. Hoya dolichosparte Schltr. n. sp. Epiphytica, ramosa; ramis filiformibus, elongatis, laxe foliatis, glabris, lenticellis numerosis verruculosis; foliis patulis, petiolatis, late ovalibus, obtusis , nervis primariis 5 supra prominulis, utrinque glabris, 9 —13.5 cm longis; medio fere 6.5—9 cm latis, petiolo carnoso 1.5—2 cm longo; cymis umbelliformibus multifloris, pedunculo pedicellisque glabris. c. 2 cm longis; floribus in genere mediocribus; calycis foliolis ovatis, obtusis, glabris, extus sparsim verruculosis, 2 mm longis; corolla subrotata, c. 1.3 cm diametiente, usque supra medium fida, extus glabra intus minutissime papillosopuberula, lobis late ovatis, breviter acuminatis; coronae foliolis dorso leviter adscendentibus, superne ovato-ellipticis apice breviter et obtuse acuminatis, extus subacutis, lateribus incrassato-rotundatis, antheris paulo brevioribus; polliniis oblique oblongoides, erectis, translatoribus perbrevibus triangulis, retinaculo rhomboideo polliniis fere 4-plo breviore. Celebes: Auf groszen Bäumen bie Toli-Toli, c. 10 m u. d. M. (R. Schltr. Nr. 20642 — blühend im Januar 1910). Eine Art aus der Verwandtschaft der Hoya bandaensis Schltr., aber mit weiszlichen Blüten mit weiszer. in der Mitte roter Korona. Translation: See below. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. dolichosparte Schlechter (Schlechter 20642) – 47. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 54. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of German text). Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter. Epiphytic, branched, branches threadlike, elongate, loosely leaved, glabrous with numerous wart like lenticels; leaves outspread, petiolate, broadly oval, obtuse, with 5 prominent primary nerves above, both sides glabrous 9-13.5 cm. long, almost 6.5-9 cm. wide at the middle, petiole fleshy 1.5-2 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, many flowered, peduncle and pedicels glabrous about 2 cm. long; flowers in general mid sized; with the lobes of the calyx ovate, obtuse, glabrous, outside sparsely wart like, 2mm. long; corolla somewhat rotate, about 1.3 cm. in diameter, 5 lobed all the way to above the middle, outside glabrous, inside minutely papillose-puberulous, lobes widely ovate, briefly acuminate; with the scales of the corona at the outside slightly ascending, above ovate-elliptic, tip short and obtuse, acuminate, outer somewhat acute, lateral thickly rounded, anthers small short; pollinia obliquely oblong, erect, translators very small triangular, retinaculum rhomboid, nearly 4 times smaller then the pollinia. Celebes: on large trees near Toli-Toli, about 10 meters altitude (R. Schlechter #20642-- blooming in January 1910). A species from the Hoya bandaensis Schltr. Group


but with strikingly long, very high climbing branches and whitish flowers with a white corona with a red center. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1916 Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt V.35 #2 p.13-14 "Neu Asclepiadaceen von Sumatra und Celebes". In Blumea, August 2001. Notes on the Taxonomy and Ecology of The Genus Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) in Central Sulawesi, by David Kleijn and Ruurd van Donkelaar Hoya dolichosparte Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 34, 2 (1916) 13. --- Type: Schlechter 20642 (B holo). Indonesia, Central Sulawesi Province: Toli-Toli. Stems thin, lignify quickly with age, pocked with short adventitious roots. Leaves ovate with conspicuous light venation, 3--5 main veins connected by numerous side veins. Petioles thick, l--2 cm long. Peduncles characteristically short (less than 2 cm). Umbels convex, negatively geotropic, 15--40 flowers. Flowers outer coronal lobes white, acute-acuminate; inner coronal lobes bright red, acute-acuminate; overall lobe shape elliptic; outer coronal lobe tips slightly more elevated than inner lobe tips; corolla faintly pubescent, recurved, ranging from pure white to a pale lemon yellow, usually violetdotted. Pollinaria retinaculum with laterally protruding margins surrounding the cavities where the wingless caudicles are attached. Distribution --- Currently available data suggest that Hoya dolichosparte is endemic to Sulawesi. Ecology --- Hoya dolichosparte is a rather common twining vine in central Sulawesi from sea level* to approximately 600 m altitude. It was observed growing epiphytically in undergrowth and trees along the sea shore, in large trees along rivers and lakes and in shrubs along plantations. It was also found growing terrestrially on limestone outcrop overlooking the Poso river. Notes --- "Vegetatively, Hoya dolichosparte bears close semblance with H. camphorifolia Warb.** Furthermore, growth habit and habitat preference are similar, and the two species are often found growing through one another. In this case only the shape of the peduncle sets the two species apart clearly. The species is undoubtedly a close relative of H. nicholsoniae F. Muell." *Editors notation: we never observed this species a t sea level to my knowledge. ** I do not see any similarity in the vegetation at all, at least from the Philippine species and this species (dolichosparte) growing side by side in Fresno, California.


Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter, 1916, Type # 20642 (B)


Drawing by David Kleijn from the species collected in Central Sulawesi 1994. Drawing 1998. The cupped leaves is typical of the way it grows in Hawaii and Fresno, California, not at all like Hoya camphorifolia Warburg.


Observations from type material by Chris Burton. Stems: glabrous, lenticellate, filiform. Blades: 9 – 13.5 cm. long x 6.5 – 9 cm. wide, broadly oval, base rounded to very broadly cuneate obtuse. Glabrous, 5 nerved and plinerved, widely outspread widest part of the blade near the middle. Petiole: 1.5 – 2 cm. long, gland present at base, channeled above, fleshy. Peduncles: ca. 2 cm. long glabrous. Pedicels: many. Calyx: 2 mm. long, ovate obtuse apex, glabrous, sparsely warty outside, ligules present Corolla: ca. 1.3 mm. diam., broadly ovate, apex acute, shortly acuminate, whitish, glabrous outside, inside very shortly papillose-puberulous, 5 parted to above the middle. Corona: ovate-elliptic, inner apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, outer apex ascending, acute, channeled beneath, sides thickened and rounded, on a column. Anthers: very short, shorter than the inner lobe of corona. Pollinaria: obliquely erect 4X longer than the retinaculum Retinaculum: rhomboid Translators very small, triangular.


Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter 1916 Type: Schlechter 20642, Toli-toli, Sulawesi, Altitude 10m.


From the type description loosely leaved, glabrous with numerous wart like lenticels; leaves outspread, petiolate, broadly oval, obtuse, with 5 prominent primary nerves above, both sides glabrous 9-13.5 cm. long, almost 6.5-9 cm. wide at the middle, petiole fleshy 1.5-2 cm. long. Note: I remain unconvinced the above leaves from a plant collected in C. Sulawesi at Tennom is this species. This is a triplinerved species with secondary pinnate nerves further up the midrib. I believe the petiole is grooved above. Leaf above is very cupped (convex above) edges turning under extremely, apex somewhat attenuate to apiculate acute, base obtuse. Unusual yellow-green colored. Petiole straight, terete, long thick corky, 2.5 cm. long ca. 0.5 cm. in diameter.


Hoya edenii King ex Hooker Type description:

In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 53. J. D. Hooker. 3. H. Edeni, King in Herb Hort. Calc. Centrostemma sp., Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. 7 T. Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 3-6000 ft., Hreb. Griffith, J. D. H., & c. Stem rather slender, climbing and rooting. Leaves 3-4 by 11 ¾ in., elliptic or obovate-lanceolate, obtusely caudate-acuminate, base acute, thinly coriaceous, puberulous or glabrate beneath; petiole 1/12 in. pubescent. Umbels terminal; peduncle ¼ - ½ in.. pedicels 1 in. Sepals small, ovate, obtuse. Corolla pubescent within; lobes ½ in. long, subacute. Coronal-processes horny, deeply grooved down the back, much exceeding the anthers. Follicles 4 in. long, slender, straight. Seeds 1/8 in. long. In Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4(2) (1895). K. Schumann. Sect. II. Ancistrostemma Hook. fl. Blkr. Zurückgebrochen, mit schmalen Zipseln; Gynostegium sitzend; Coronzipsel am Grunde gebruckelt, oben in 2 ausrechte Spitzen vorgezogen, von denen jede in einen 2 spaltigen, eigekrümmten Haken ansgeht, H. Edenii King vom Sikkimhimalaya. Translation: Bent backwards, with narrow ends; Gynostegium sedentary; Corona points at the base bent-back, above with 2 groves on tops, from which each one splits into 2 special curved hooks at the end, H. Edenii King from the Sikkim Himalaya. Other literature: In Indian Botanical Survey Record 4 (1903) 222. 595. Hoya Edeni King. Tong, 5000 ft., No. 891. In Flora of the Eastern Himalaya (1966) 261. H. Hara. Hoya Edeni King ex Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 53 (1883). Mul Pokhari Nissim, 1600-19000m. (Oct. 30, 1963, ft.); Chyangthaphu-Birwa, 1300- 2400m (Nov. 27, 1963, fr.); Birwa-Yektin. 2900-1600 m (nov. 28, 1963). Distr. E. Himalaya (Nepal, Sikkim), and Manipur.


Hoya edenii King ex Hooker ? Holotype


Hoya elegans Kosteletsky 1917 Type description: In Rumphius’ Herbarium Amboinensis (1917) 439. “Interpretations of Rumphius’ Herb. Amb.” E. D. Merrill. Hoya elegans Kostel. Allgem. Med. Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1084 (type!) Nummularia lactea major III (albo-purpurea) Rmph. Herb. Amb. 5:471. Amboina, Soja and Hitoc messen, Robinson Pl. Rumph. Amb. 83, 604. August and October, 1913, in light forests, altitude 175 to 300 meters, locally known as hunga nasi. Hasskarl, Neu Schlüssel (1866) 148, thought that this Rumphian form might be a synonym of Hoya macrophylla Blume, a species originally described from Javan material. Hoya elegans Kostel. Was based wholly on the Rumphian description, and this name is here retained.


Hoya Files 2007 I-1.pdf

Page 1 of 151. 1. Hoya Files 2007 # I. Hoya picta Blume 1849. Type description: I would assume this name is invalid as it was used in 1848 by Siebold. except for a hoya and not as here Acanthostemma (an actual hoya). In Rumphia 4 (1849) 29. K. L. Blume. 6. A. pictum: foliis (parvis). subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque ...

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