Training and Development workshop - Human Resource Management 2015

IRC “Information Resource Center” US Embassy in Cairo

G.O.L (Goal Oriented Learners)

GOL Topics:

Training and Development workshop - Human Resource Management Training


IRC (Information Resource center) – US Embassy in Cairo


10th, 11th, 12th Jan. 2016



Engy Samir

GOL & IRC | GOL’16

Training and Development workshop - Human Resource Management 2015 Training and Development Workshop Outline Course Overview: This course deals with the process of training and developing people in organizations. It covers a variety of approaches to instruction and learning and contrasts these with their practical application. It also includes the study of core functions of human resource development and the development of an understanding of workplace competency standards. You will learn to design and conduct needs analyses and to plan, implement and evaluate training programs. You will also learn training techniques and the skills required to deliver a training program Course Outline:              

Course Overview and Introduction to strategic human resource development Adult Learning, HRD needs investigation and training needs analysis Training design and development, administration and assessment of programs Preparation of learning objectives and entry standards Traditional and electronic training methods Pros and cons of commercial packages and in-house design Implementing learning strategies Evaluation of training Career planning, counseling theory and techniques Budgeting, planning, scheduling and coordinating programs Monitoring, controlling, and following up on the learning process Workplace Learning Employee and management development Special challenges and the future of training and development

Course Objectives:

After taking this course you should be able to:            


Determine and discuss how and under what circumstances training can help organizations gain a strategic advantage. Conduct a needs assessment to determine whether and what kind of training is necessary. Evaluate and create conditions to ensure employees’ readiness for training. Determine and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of presentation, hands-on, and group training methods. Select appropriate training methods based on training objectives, trainee characteristics, and organizational constraints. Design a training environment to maximize learning. Choose appropriate training outcomes and evaluation design to assess training program effectiveness. Understand how assessment, relationships, courses, and job experiences can be used for development. Propose activities that companies should engage in to effectively manage a diverse workforce. Understand how to prepare employees for international job assignments. Understand the employee socialization process. Understand the issues that employees experience in their career development and what companies can do to help them deal with these issues.

GOL & IRC | GOL’16

HRM Training.pdf

You will learn to design and conduct needs ... Understand the issues that employees experience in their career development and what ... HRM Training.pdf.

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