Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service Systems and Software Engineering Division

Software Operations Manual

Document Code: KMITS-SSED-MAN-SOM-003 Revision No: Page Ø 1 of 243 Effectivity Date: 10 February 2014

Reference Code: Date:

October 2016

Table Contents I.

Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................5 I.

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................5 A. System Overview ............................................................................................................................5 B. Objective of the System .................................................................................................................5 C. Objective of the System .................................................................................................................6 D. How this User Manual is Organized .............................................................................................6

II. About the System ..................................................................................................................................9 II. About the System ..............................................................................................................................9 A. Features ...........................................................................................................................................9 B. Benefits......................................................................................................................................... 10 C. Security and Confidentiality ....................................................................................................... 10 D. Operational Requirements.......................................................................................................... 11 E. System Components Overview .................................................................................................. 11 F. Deployment .................................................................................................................................. 12 III. Getting Started with iClinicsys ONLINE .......................................................................................... 13 III. Getting Started With iClinicSys ONLINE ...................................................................................... 14 A. Logging In (Online) ...................................................................................................................... 14 IV. Getting Started with iClinicsys OFFLINE......................................................................................... 17 IV. Getting Started With iClinicSys OFF-LINE ................................................................................... 17 A. Installation .................................................................................................................................... 17 B. Logging In (Off-Line) ................................................................................................................... 23 V. iClinincsys Built-In Tools .................................................................................................................. 30 V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools ................................................................................................................. 30 A. Informative Tools ......................................................................................................................... 30 B. Navigation Tools .......................................................................................................................... 34 C. Content Section Tools ................................................................................................................ 36 D. Types of Data Entry/Editing Controls ........................................................................................ 45 E. Other Useful Tools ...................................................................................................................... 49 VI. iClinincsys HOMEPAGE .................................................................................................................... 52 VI. iClinicSys HOMEPAGE ................................................................................................................... 53 A. OVERVIEW: .................................................................................................................................. 53 VII. Administrative Management Module ............................................................................................... 55 VII. Administrative Management Module ............................................................................................ 56 A. Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 56 B. References ................................................................................................................................... 56 C. Patch History (Online) ................................................................................................................. 61

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D. User Account ............................................................................................................................... 62 E. Synch Data (OFFLINE only) ........................................................................................................ 62 F. Extract (OFFLINE only) ............................................................................................................... 64 G. Upload Data .................................................................................................................................. 66 H. Downloads.................................................................................................................................... 71 I. Account Settings ......................................................................................................................... 74 J. System Update(Offline) ............................................................................................................... 77 VIII. Health Facility Process Flow ............................................................................................................ 81 VII. Health Facility Process Flow ......................................................................................................... 82 A. For New Patients ......................................................................................................................... 82 B. For Patients with Previous Consultations ................................................................................ 82 IX. Electronic Medical Record Module .................................................................................................. 83 IX. Electronic Medical Record Module ............................................................................................... 84 A. Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 84 B. Patient Demographic Info ........................................................................................................... 85 C. Previous Consultation List ......................................................................................................... 93 D. Recording Tools ........................................................................................................................ 158 E. Reporting Tools ......................................................................................................................... 175 F. Select Transaction (Modules)................................................................................................... 198 G. Global Search (ONLINE only) ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. X. Logistic Management ...................................................................................................................... 224 X. Setting-up Multiple Users ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. A. Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 225 XI. Environmental Health ...................................................................................................................... 226 XI. Environmental Health ................................................................................................................... 227 A. Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 227 XII. Setting-up Multiple Users ................................................................................................................ 231 XII. Setting-up Multiple Users ............................................................................................................ 232 A. Things to check ......................................................................................................................... 232 B. Setting up the Server ................................................................................................................ 232 C. Connecting Computers to the Server ...................................................................................... 236 XIII. Basic Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 238 XIII.

Basic Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 239

Entered data won’t save. ............................................................................................................... 239 Integrity constraint violation. ........................................................................................................ 239 Attempt to insert duplicate key or row. ........................................................................................ 239 No data can be selected from any of the drop down selection boxes. ..................................... 239

The report does not include data entered into the system. ....................................................... 239 Reports do not print. ...................................................................................................................... 239 Report Totals do not display on the screen. ............................................................................... 239 The report displays wrong values as a result of computations. ............................................... 239 Insufficient memory problem. ....................................................................................................... 240 Unexplained system crashes; corrupted or disappearing files. ................................................ 240 Monitor Problems. .......................................................................................................................... 240

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I. Introduction I.

Introduction A. System Overview The Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service (KMITS), in collaboration with the Epidemiology Bureau (EB), National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC), Bureau of Local Health and Development (BLHD), has developed the Integrated Clinic Information System (iClinicSys) as a tool to efficiently and effectively monitor patient cases in the Rural Health Units (RHU) or Health Centers (HC). It systematically collects, processes, stores and presents information in support of RHU functions. iClinicSys has two (2) versions: the Online version and the Off-Line version. B. Objective of the System The primary objective of iClinicSys is to efficiently and effectively support the functions of a clinic health facility. Specifically, the system aims to:

1. Systematically collect, process, store, and present information in support of the functions; 2. Improve patient services in a time-efficient and cost effective manner; and 3. Enforce standards on inputs, processes and outputs on data collection, analysis, report generation and feedback. C. Objective of the System This User Manual was developed for iClinicsys users as a: 1. Tutorial for Beginners It contains simple and direct step-by-step instructions with illustrations on how to use the system, navigate around the system, and enter/edit information in order to produce useful data. 2. Reference for Current Users Current users can refer to this manual for review and reference for updates or new features added to the system. 3. Technical Reference/Guide for Computer Administrators/Technicians It provides basic technical instructions on system installation, basic troubleshooting and setting up iClinicSys for multiple users in a local area network to take advantage of the iClinicSys’ outmost capabilities and features. D. How this User Manual is Organized This System User Manual contains step-by-step instructions on how to: 1. Access the online version It is highly recommended to use the online version. The online version stores the data directly to the DOH Central Office server, therefore providing real-time information as data is being entered. Data is always readily available to authorized iClinicSys users anytime and anywhere they have internet access. 2. Install the off-line version The off-line version is designed for facilities that have limited access or no access at all to an internet connection. It has the same features and functions with the online version. Since the off-line version stores data locally, additional system tools were added in automating the data synchronization, extraction, uploading, and back up which should be religiously and strictly done on a regular basis. 3. Navigate Around System This manual will guide you in accomplishing a task completely and effectively giving direct instructions and useful illustrations. 4. Use iClinicSys built-in tools to: a) Enter/Edit information; Useful tools are built-in in most fields to assist in data entry and to enforce standards in inputs.

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b) Search for information; c) Open a record for Viewing; d) Generate reports; e) Synchronize, Extract, Upload and Back-up your data; f)

Get system updates;

g) Access the Health Information Exchange and other integrated systems to iClinicSys and others

Acronyms and Abbreviations


PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program


Bureau of Local Health and Development


Center for Health Development


City Health Office


Department of Health


Department of Social Welfare Development


Epidemiology Bureau


Electronic Field Health Service Information System


Health Center


International Classification of Diseases


Integrated Clinic Information System


Integrated Tuberculosis Information System


Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service


Individual Treatment Record


Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service – Systems and Software Engineering Division


Maternal and Neonatal Death Reporting System


National Center for Disease Prevention and Control


National Epidemiology Center


National Household Targeting System


National Online Stock Inventory System


Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance System


Primary Care Benefit 1


Primary Care Benefit 2

PHIC or PhilHealth

Philippine Health Insurance Corporation


Provincial Health Office


Rural Health Unit


Unified Chronic Non-communicable Disease Registry System


Universal Resource Locator

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II. About the System II. About the System A. Features 1. User-Friendly; 2. Can be implemented in an online or offline (stand-alone) mode; 3. Compliance to Health Data Standards 


National Health Facility Registry;

Philippine Standard Geographic Codes; etc.

4. Ability to integrate/harmonize iClinicSys data with:

a) The National Health Data Reporting on Injury/ Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance System; b) The Maternal and Neonatal Death/Maternal and Neonatal Death Reporting System (MNDRS); c) The Field Health Services/Electronic Field Health Service Information System (eFSHIS) Program 

Maternal Care;


Family Planning;

Environmental Health;

Child Care;





Mortality; etc


d) Unified Chronic Non-communicable Disease Registry System (UCNCDRS); and e) National Online Stock Inventory System (NOSIRS). 5. Ability to integrate/harmonize/exchange verification; 


Primary Care Benefits; etc.






6. Ability to integrate/harmonize with the PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) of the government; 7. Ability to track or monitor inventories received dispensed or distributed by the health facility; and 8. Ability to send SMS Alert/Reminder. B. Benefits 1. Faster time to search a particular patient; 2. Improved quality of data in terms of accuracy, completeness and up-to-date; 3. Improved access and better control of information; and 4. Improved patient satisfaction. C. Security and Confidentiality The security and confidentiality of data is being implemented at all times, as well as protecting the integrity of the stored data. Authorized users/facilities will have an assigned unique username and account password for each facility to access the system with assigned designated access level. The reporting health facility has access its own data only. They do not have access or view the data of another health facility. The information on reportable cases shall be presented in a consolidated, summary or statistical format only. Therefore, no personal details of the patients will appear in the reports.

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D. Operational Requirements The central data storage is located at the National Epidemiology Center (NEC) of Department of Health (DOH), Central Office, operating 24 hours and 7 days a week. KMITS-SSED, also of DOH-Central Office, serves as the backup center. Computer workstations located at the RHUs and BHS’s and a server are the basic equipment requirements for iClinicSys operation. The iClinicSys online version requires an internet connection and a user account and password to be able to access the online version. In the absence of an internet connection, the stand-alone version shall be installed on the computer and can also be accessed by supplying a user account and password. The data can then be uploaded to the server at a later time when an internet connection becomes available (e.g. internet shop, home internet, etc.). Listed below are the recommended software and hardware requirements: Equipment

Minimum Specification(s)  Pentium 4 or higher

 512mb RAM or higher


 2.0 GHz or higher

 at least 40GB hard disk

Operating System

Windows Vista or higher

Internet Browser

Google Chrome

Internet Speed

384 kbps or higher



E. System Components Overview The iClinicSys contains the following modules:

1. Log-in/Log-out 2. Patient Demographics 3. Consultation/Individual Treatment Record 4. Medical History 5. Laboratory and Radiologic Request and Result 6. Electronic Health Record 7. Schedule of Next Visit with SMS 8. References – ICD-10, DOH Standard Geographic Codes, DOH Health Facility Codes 9. Referral System 10. Integrated Tuberculosis Information System (ITIS) 11. Maternal and Neonatal Death reporting System (MNDRS) 12. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC or PhilHealth) verification member status through web-service 13. DSWD verification of PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) through web-service 14. FHSIS Reports 15. System Administration a) User Account b) Transaction Log c) Extract Database (For Offline/Stand-alone mode) d) Upload Database e) Software version update F. Deployment The system will be implemented in all Rural Health Units (RHUs) or Health Centers (HCs) nationwide. The Provincial Health Offices (PHOs), City Health Offices (CHOs) and Center for Health Development (CHDs) offices will have access to the system online to conduct data monitoring and validation submitted by the RHUs or HCs.

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Getting Started with ONLINE

III. Getting Started With iClinicSysONLINE A. Logging In (Online) The Log in page is used to set the “Username” and “Password” to implement system security. Only authorized users can access the iClinicSys. Each reporting health facility or user is given a unique username and password with corresponding security access level. The Department of Health’s Central Office Systems Administrator is the only person has complete access to the iClinicSys system and data (i.e. add, view, edit and delete). IMPORTANT: Google Chrome is the recommended internet browser to use with iClinicSys for optimum system performance (Error! Reference source not found.). If you don’t have Google Chrome installed on your computer, contact your Computer System Administrator or Technician for assistance. 1. To access iClinicSys online, open Google Chrome internet browser by: a) Double-clicking on the Google Chrome shortcut on your Desktop; or

b) Clicking on Start -> Programs -> Google Chrome; 2. Type on the address bar then press [ENTER] to access the iClinicSys log-in page.

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3. Type your username, password and verification code in the corresponding boxes, then press [ENTER] or click on the Login button.

4. After a successful login, the iClinicSys Homepage will appear.

NOTE: For your first time login on iClinicSys, only the Administrative Management Menu is available. Detailed information on the iClinicSys Homepage will be covered in Chapter VI-iClinicSys HOMEPAGE.

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Getting Started with OFFLINE

IV. Getting Started With iClinicSysOFF-LINE A. Installation The iClinicSys offline version, also called the stand-alone version will be used on computers that don’t have access to an internet connection. It has exactly the same features and functions as the online version. 1. Things to Check Before Installation a) Existing Apache Server The apache server uses port 80 by default. iClinicSys uses port 8080. If the computer to be used for iClinicSys installation has another system that runs in apache server, make sure that it is not using port 8080 to avoid conflicts. WARNING: Ask assistance from your computer administrator/technician or your local computer technician/vendor in changing the configurations of your computer. Incorrect configurations might cause problems with your computer b) Existing Anti-Virus Some anti-virus application will block executable files such as .exe files. Since iClinicSys is compiled in an .exe format, it is recommended to configure the anti-virus setting to allow the iClinicSys installation file to run 

Open the control panel of your antivirus and search for the option then enable the allow exemptions and locate the file type then select "usbwebserver.exe"

If the problem still appears please consult the support team of your anti-virus software. WARNING: Ask assistance from your computer administrator/technician or your local computer technician/vendor in changing the configurations of your computer. Incorrect configurations might cause problems with your computer.

c) Existing iClinicSys Carefully follow the procedures below before re-installing iClinicSys: (1) Back up your iClinicSys data Create a backup of your facility data before re-installing iClinicSys. The iClinicSys has the ability to backup your facility data for you. (2) Back up your iClinicSys system files Create a backup of the iClinicSys system files. The system files should be found in C:/Department of Health. Please make a backup of the whole folder. (3) Uninstall iClinicSys. Go to the iClinicSys folder in C:/Department of Health and double-click on UNINSTALL.EXE. This will automatically uninstall iClinicSys from your computer.

(4) Re-install iClinicSys. Please refer to the installation procedure found in Chapter IV. Getting Started With iClinicSysOFF-LINE. d) Other ExistingInformation System If another information system is installed or existing on your computer, perform steps: (1) C.1 - Existing Anti-Virus (2) C.2 - Existing Apache Server, and (3) C.3 - Existing iClinicSys 2. Installation Procedure a) For iClinicSys CD installer, insert the iClinicSys CD Installer into the disc drive of your computer. For iClinicSys installer saved in a flash drive, insert the flash drive into the USB slot of your computer b) Locate the ClinicSystemSetup.exe in the CD or flash drive.

c) Double-click iClinicSystem vX.X.exe, or select the file and press enter to start the installation process. d) Even when your anti-virus is disabled or uninstalled, your computer still has other ways of protecting your system. In the event that your computer gives you a warning like this: Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer? Click Yes to proceed with the installation.

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e) Click Next.


Click I Agree.

g) Click Next.

h) By default, iClinicSys will be installed in C:\Department of Health. Click Next.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended not to change the default installation folder. iClinicSys updates are stored in this folder. The off-line version stores all system and data files as well as system updates in this folder. Data for upload to the online system are generated from this folder also.

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Put a check mark on the boxes beside Create Desktop icon and Create shortcut in Start Menu by clicking on the boxes. Click Next.


Click Install to start the installation.

k) Wait for the installation to finish.


In the event that your computer system gives you a Windows Security Alert warning, click Allow Access to proceed with the installation.

m) Click Finish.

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n) The log-in page automatically displays.

o) On the system tray of your computer located on the lower right side of the screen, make sure that the USB Web server is running.

B. Logging In (Off-Line) If you don’t have your username and password yet, contact your Regional Coordinator and ask for the designated username and password for your facility or may register online on You will use this to login to the iClinicSys online version to be able to download your facility user account. Once you have your username and password, and you user account file proceed with the steps below.

1. On the Windows desktop, locate and double click on the iClinicSys icon.

a) The User Log-in screen will be displayed. Click on the User Account icon right below the password field.

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b) Click Browse.

c) Locate the User Account File previously downloaded from the iClinicSys online version and click on it to select. Click Open.

d) Click Upload

e) Wait for the uploading to finish.

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Click OK.

g) Brings you back to the Login Screen.

NOTE: That you can only upload and use user account file with same facility code to the iClinicSys stand-alone version.

h) Type your username and password in the corresponding boxes, then press [ENTER] or click on the Login button.


After a successful login, the iClinicSys Homepage will appear (see Chapter VI). The Homepage will display different sets of options depending on the type of your facility.

NOTE: For your first time login on iClinicSys, only the Administrative Management Menu is available. Detailed information on the iClinicSys Homepage will be covered in Chapter VI-iClinicSys HOMEPAGE.

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V. Built-In Tools V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools The iClinicSys built-in tools provide aid to the user either in navigation or performing a specific task. The uses of each of these tools are discussed in this chapter. A. Informative Tools The figure below identifies the parts of a common iClinicSys page for quick references for information.

1. Header




a) User

Shows the assigned User ID of the facility.


b) Module

Shows what module you’ve entered.


c) Facility

Shows the name of the facility name of the logged-in User ID.

Rural Health Unit

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d) Current Patient

Shows the name of the patient currently being viewed. If no patient is being viewed, it shows the last viewed patient’s name.

Juana Cruz Dela Cruz

e) System Status

Shows the status of the system: ONLINE (accessed through the internet) or OFFLINE (stand-alone version).



Shows the version of iClinicSys being used.



g) Logo

iClinicSys Logo.

2. Recently Viewed Patient(s)

Retrieve list of recently viewed patients up to one hundred (100).

You can search recently viewed patient.

You can click on the name of the patient to view the patient’s record right-away. This will close the currently being viewed patient’s record.

3. Patient Schedule

A monthly calendar that displays the number of patient(s) scheduled for the date it falls in.

The numbers of patients are indicated by the numbers in red on the upper-right hand corner of a calendar date.

Hover your mouse over these indicators to show the name(s) of the patients for that date.

4. Footer



a) Screen Tips

Click on the Screen Tips button to show a series of pop-ups showing the description of the items shown on the current screen.

b) System Information

Shows iClinicSys’ web address, the contact information, and copyrights of the system.

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5. Content Section Overview

The Content section is where most of the transactions, views and editing are done. Even the reports are displayed in this section. The table below describes the different contents examples. Content Title


Information Shown

a) Patient List

List of patients of the Patient’s PhilHealth ID, facility (previously Name, Birthday, Sex, entered) Barangay, etc.

Add Button, Search Tool, Search Patient, Show Entries, Show/Hide Columns, Page Navigation, Column Headers, etc.

b) Previous Consultation(s) List

List of previous consultations of the patient

Edit/View/Details options, Add/Download Button, Search Tools, Show Entries Show/Hide Columns, Page Navigation, Column Headers, etc.

Type of consultation, Date of Consultation, Purpose of the Consultation, etc.

c) Consultation Details of the selectedConsultation details, Details/ Electronicconsultation can be Basic services such as ITR viewed or added here.Vital Signs, Physical It will display different Exams details, FHSIS sets of options Details such as Dental depending on the typeCare, Prescription, PHIC of the consultation Benefit Package, etc. being viewed. d) Consultation Details in Edit Mode

Editing or adding of the information in the consultation can be done here.

Other Items Shown

Back Button and Back to Consultation Button, Module Selection (Pull-Down Menu), etc.

Nature of Visit, Submit/Cancel Button, Consultation Height/Weight Conversion Type/Date/Time, Patient Button, etc. Age, etc.

B. Navigation Tools The figure below identifies the tools used to easily navigate in iClinicSys.

NOTE: Menu Icon option change depends on the module you’ve entered 1. iClinicSys Menu Bar




a) Home

Click to go to the Home Page


b) Patient List

Click to see the list of all the previously entered patients.


c) Recording Tools

Click to see the lists of services delivered Target Client List (TCL) to the patients by health workers Summary Table (ST) Consolidated PhilHealth Inventory Environmental Health

d) Reporting Tools

Click to see a list of available reports to choose from. More available reports are listed under Others.

Monthly Forms Quarterly Forms Annual Forms

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Sub-Menus Statistics Others

e) Logout

Logs you out of the system


2. Menu Icon




Patient List

Click to go to Patient List page


Search Patient

Click to go to Patient Search page



Click to see available FHSIS reporting


Health Information Exchange Extraction

Click to send data to PHIE


Graphs and Dashboard

Click to see available Graphs and Dashboard



Logs you out of the system


3. Recently Viewed Patient/s (See Chapter V, Section A.2, page 32). 4. Footer




Click on the Back Button to go back to the previous screen (allows you to go back one step back to the previous screen).

Back Button

C. Content Section Tools All transactions in iClinicSys are done in the Content Section. A set of tools is provide in navigating in the Content Section such as Searching, Sorting, etc. (Figure V-10).

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1. Content Title

The Content Title Identifies the information you are currently viewing such as a list of transactions or records. 2. Show__Entries

The Show__Entries Identifies the number of data shows and total number of data on the you’re your currently viewin0067. 3. Tool

The Tool is use for certain action needed by the user, different Tool is active by different module. a) Edit Tool This tool is used to modify previously entered information. The availability of this tool depends on the access permissions of the logged-in facility in iClinicSys. (1) Click on the Edit button in the row of the record that you want to modify.

(2) Make the necessary modifications. Click on Submit when done, or Cancel to disregard the modifications.

b) View Tool (1) Click on the View Tool on the same row of the record you want to preview.

(2) Click on the X button on the upper-right corner of the window to close the preview.

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c) Delete Tool (1) Click on the Delete Tool on the same row of the record you want to preview.

(2) Click Ok to proceed or Cancel to disregard the action

(3) Fill up the necessary information, then click Ok when done, or Cancel to disregard the action

d) Add New Tool (1) Click on the Add New Button to enter new information.

(2) Fill up the necessary information, then click Submit when done, or Cancel to disregard the entry

e) Back To Tool (1) Click on the Back To Button to back from a certain page named in the button.


Details (1) Click on Details link in the row of the Type of Consultation you want to view.

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(2) The Consultation Details of the chosen Type of Consultation will be displayed in the Content Section.

g) PCB Tool (1) Click on the PCB icon in the row of the Type of Consultation you want to view.

(2) A print preview of the Health Profile of the current patient will be shown. You can either print it, or save as a file in your computer.

(3) Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Print Preview and click Print.

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(4) Click the X button to close the Print Preview.

4. Select Transaction





Click on the Consultation Icon to go on Consultation List.


Patient Alert

Click on the Patient Alert Icon to go on Patient Alert List


Family Planning

Click on the Family Planning Icon to Drop a Family Planning Method


Family Tree

Click on the Family Tree to view Family Tree of the Patient


Patient Merge

Click on Patient Merge Icon to Merge duplicate patient data


Death Case

Click on Death Case Icon to report death case of the patient





Click on the Dispensing Icon to dispense medicine in the inventory.


Medical History

Click on the Medical History Icon to go on Medical History List of the patient.



Click Close Icon to exit the transaction box.



Click on the Referral Icon to referred patient to other facility



Click on the PHIE Icon to view patient data in the PHIE



Click on the Chronic Icon to go on Chronic List.

m) Menstrual History

(Only available for female patient) Click on Menstrual History Icon to go on Menstrual History List


Prenatal Chart

(Only available for female patient) Click on Prenatal Chart Icon to view patient consolidated Prenatal Folder.



Click on EMR Icon to view patient Electronic Medical Record



Click on PhilHealth Icon to go on PhilHealth Module for Patient



Click on DSWD Icon to go on DSWD Module for Patient

5. Column Header

The Column Header shows the title of row. 6. Content List a) Name or Row Selection in the Patient List content

Name of the patient in the list are “clickable” and shows Timeline of Visit when mouse hover on the name of the patient. (See also Chapter VI. Administrative Management for more information about the Timeline of Visits)

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7. Page Navigation Tool a) The Content Section displays the list with the number of rows or records of what is indicated in the Show___Entries. If the number of rows indicated in the Show___Entries is reached, the next number of records are displayed in the next page, displaying again the number of rows specified in the Show___Entries and so on, until the last record is reached.

b) Click on the First, Previous, Next or Last buttons to navigate between the pages. You can also quickly go to a particular page by typing the page number, then press Enter.

D. Types of Data Entry/Editing Controls iClinicSys uses a lot of Controls for data entry. As the name implies, Controls are used to control or standardize the information being entered into the system. The use of these Controls minimizes typing, typographical errors, misspelled keywords, and reduced time of data entry. Some controls are not really controlled or does not have a way of controlling the information being entered. The labels of the controls become helpful in what information to enter in the control. 1. Text Box

There are no restrictions or controls in entering information in Text Boxes. The label of the control will be your guide in what information should be entered in this control.

2. Lookup List

The Lookup List control holds a list of what possible information can be entered in this control. You are only allowed to choose from what is in the list. The easiest way to enter information in this control is by clicking on the drop-down arrow. You can also type in the known letters/characters of the information to enter. As you type in the first character, the list will go to the value in the list that matches the closest. When you are satisfied with the match, you can just press enter to accept the selection, or you can continue typing the rest of the characters until a match is found in the list. 3. Radio Button

A radio button represents a value and lets you choose ONLY ONE from the list of values. Click on one of the radio buttons to make a selection. In the example below, you are given two choices only, whether Male or Female.

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4. Date Picker

a) Date Box - This type of box is exclusive for Date entries. You can either type the date manually or use the mini-calendar or Date Picker that pops-up when you click on the box. b) Month Drop-down List - click the drop-down arrow to choose a month from the list.

c) Year Drop-down List - Click the drop-down arrow to choose the year from the list. If you don’t see the year you need:

(1) Click on the year at the top-most in the list to see the list of previous years; or (2) Click on the year at the bottom-most in the list to see the list of preceding years; (3) Click on the drop-down arrow again and see if the year you need is shown; (4) If not, repeat steps (1) or (2) until you are able to select the year you need. d) Day of the Month - select the day of the month from the calendar. e) Done - click to confirm selections. f)

Today - click to automatically choose the current date (dependent on the system date of your computer)

g) Previous Month - click to go to previous month h) Next Month - click to go to next month. 5. Check Box

Check boxes allow you to choose none or all of the choices in the list.

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a) Click on the check box to mark it selected. Click again to unselect it. b) Use the Check All to mark all as selected at one time. c) Click Uncheck All to mark all unselect the boxes at one time. 6. Increment/Decrement

a) Click on the UP arrow to increment the Zip Code value by 1 b) Click on the DOWN arrow to decrement the Zip Code value by 1 E. Other Useful Tools 1. Add Photo to a Profile a) Click Take Picture.

b) Click Allow.

c) Have the subject stand in front of the camera and click the blue button at the bottom of the window.

d) The picture will be automatically added to the profile.

e) To change the current picture, repeat steps 1 to 4. f)

To remove the current picture, click Clear.

2. Print Blank Form a) Click on the PDF Icon to show a blank form in Print Preview. This icon appears on all forms where a print option is available.

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b) Click on the corresponding icons for Zooming In and Out, Saving and Printing. 3. Search Tool a) Go to the page that shows the list of the information you want to search for recently viewed patient b) Click inside the Search Box and type in the keyword(s) for the search criteria. You can use any of the available identifiers you see in the page such as First Name, Last Name c) As you type in the first few letters or characters, the list will start to narrow down according to the letters or characters you type in, highlighting the search criteria in red. d) Continue typing until you see the information you are searching for. Start a new search if no match was found. e) When you find the record you are searching for, you can click on any item in the row to start viewing or editing the record. 4. Search Patient Button Use this tool to search a patient by PhilHealth number or by name, sex, and birth date within the current facility, within all the existing facilities and/or in PhilHealth records. a) Click on the Search Patient button. b) Fill in the search criteria. The search will only retrieve records that match all the criteria marked as REQUIRED. c) Click Submit to proceed with the search, or click Cancel to cancel the search. NOTE: Selecting all (local Facility, All Facilities, and PhilHealth) search Sources will return accurate results. However, it depends on the quality and speed of the internet connection in getting the results. d) Click OK to confirm. e) Click on the View Result button f)

Select a patient by clicking on the patient’s name.

g) The patient’s previous consultations will be listed.



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VI. iClinicSys HOMEPAGE A. OVERVIEW: The Homepage is where you will find the Main Menu/ Modules. You will use the Homepage to navigate around iClinicSys. Note:If this is your first time to log in to iClinicSys, only the Administrative Management is available to be navigate. 1. Administrative Management Module

2. Electronic Medical Record Module

3. Logistic Management Module

4. Environmental Health Module

5. Financial Management Module

Note:See next chapter for more deeper discussion on the different module.

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VII. Administrative Management Module

VII. Administrative Management Module A. Overview The Administrative Management Module is where you will enter the information about your personnel, catchment barangays, and population. Note: This is required to finish for you to fully access the iClinicSys. B. References For your first time entering the Administrative Module, the Reference Window will be displayed on top of the Administrative Management Module. The Reference Window will display different sets of options depending on the type of you facility. This is where you identify all your health facility Personnel, all of the Barangay that your health facility serves, and the Population for each barangay. You need to fill up the References information in order to proceed to the other modules of the system.

If you don’t have the References Window on your screen yet, you can access it by clicking on the System References button in the Menu Icon.

1. Personnel The Personnel List Window shows the list of all health providers and other personnel currently serving in the health facility.

a) Click Add new personnel to add personnel. b) Fill-out form and click Submit to add personnel and Cancel to abort.

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Note: See Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, on how to use the built-in tools shown in the Personnel List and Personnel Details content section.

Note: S2 Number and PTR Number will show if the personnel is a Physician and PRC License Number for all health personnel that need to undergo the RA 1080. Each of the Personnel Details is described in the table below. Field Name

Field Type




Sample Entry

- Position of the licensed health provider Lookup List

- Different sets of information will be YES provided depending on the chosen Position.


PRC License Text Box Number

- Professional Regulation Commission Depends on 1234567 license number of the health provider Position

PTR Number Text Box

- Professional Physician



S2 Number

- S2 Number of Physician for Regulated No Drug Prescription


Text Box





PHIC Number Text Box

- PhilHealth Number of the health provider NO


Last Name

Text Box

- Last name of the personnel



First Name

Text Box

- First name of the personnel



- Middle name of the personnel



Middle Name Text Box Sex

Radio Button - Gender of the personnel



Birth Date




Employment Status

Radio Button - Employment status of the personnel



Active Service?

Radio Button




- Birth date of the personnel

- Works full-time in the facility - Choose Yes or No

Take Photo

- Photo of the Personnel (See Chapter V, E. Other Useful Tools on how to add NO photo)



- Removes the photo of the personnel




- Saves entries; NA








YES to confirm save;


NO to cancel saving; resumes data entry

- Aborts data entry; goes Personnel List window



2. Catchment Barangay Reference These are the catchment areas of the RHUs/HCs that it serves and provides service.

a) Click Add new Catchment Barangay to add catchment barangay b) Fill-out form and click Submit to add Catchment Barangay and Cancel to abort

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Note: See Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, on how to use the built-in tools shown in the Catchment Barangay List and Catchment Barangay content section. Each of the Catchment Details is described in the table below. Field Type


Check All


- Puts a check mark on all the listed NA barangay


Uncheck All


- Removes the check mark on all the listed NA barangay


Catchment Barangay

Check box

- List of all barangay within the province or YES municipality

Jimenez ;ETC.



- Submit to save entries; - YES to confirm Save;


Sample entry

Field Name





- NO to cancel; goes back to entering details. CANCEL


- Cancel to abort data entry.

Note: Once you successfully added Catchment Barangay you will be directed to Multiple Add Population Page. See this chapter, B. Reference, 3. Population, b. Multiple Add Population.

3. Population This is a list of barangays with corresponding population. The Population details are used for statistical data analysis.

Note: See Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, on how to use the built-in tools shown in the Population List and Population Details content section. a) Click Add new Population.

Note: Add new Population is used to add population in one barangay at a time b) Click Add Multiple.

Note: Add Multiple is used to add population in multiple barangay at the same time Each of the Catchment Details is described in the table below. Field

Field Type



Lookup List

- The year from which the population is YES based on or set

Barangay (Add New Population)

Lookup List


Sample entry


- Select the barangay of the population to be entered; - The list shows the selected barangays in the Catchment YES Barangay (See Chapter V. Built-in Tools, on how to use the built-in tools for this Field Type). If you don’t see a barangay that should be in the list, go back to the Catchment Barangay


P a g e | 61


Field Type



Sample entry

Details to add the barangay. Population


- The number of inhabitants in the YES specified barangay


Number of Household


- Total number households specified barangay


Endemic Population (Malaria)


- Number of population of Malaria cases in the barangay NO

Endemic Population (Schistosom iasis)


Endemic Population (Filariasis)




- Number of Schistosomiasis barangay

in the

population cases in

of the





- Number of population of Filariasis cases in the barangay NO


- Click Submit to save entries; - Click YES to confirm Save;





- Click NO to cancel; goes back to entering details. CANCEL


- Click Cancel to abort data entry.

C. Patch History (Online) 1. Click on Data Patch History List button on the Menu Icon to see the list of all previous patches.

2. Click on the File Name of the patch that you want to download to start the download process. Locate the downloaded patch file and save it in a flash drive or somewhere it is easy to retrieve.

D. User Account Each health facility is assigned a unique user account and profile that can be downloaded from the online version of iClinicSys. 1. Click on the User Account button from the Menu Icon.

b) Wait for the download to finish and locate the downloaded user account file in your downloads folder.

c) Follow instructions in Chapter IV-Getting Started With iClinicSysOFF-LINE E. Synch Data (OFFLINE only) This feature is available in the offline version of iClinicSys. This is used to synchronize or update your local data in the online server.

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1. Click on the SyncData button on the Menu Icon.

2. Click on Ok to proceed, or Cancel to abort the synchronization process.

3. Click on Yes to upload, or No, I’ll upload it later to abort the synchronization process.

4. Wait for the synchronization process to finish.

5. Click Ok to finish.

F. Extract (OFFLINE only) This feature is available in the offline version of iClinicSys. This feature extracts your local data and consolidated into a file which will be used to upload to the online server (see next section Upload Data). 1. Click on Extract button on the Menu Icon to start the extract process

2. Choose your way of extraction. Check ALL UNUPLOADED DATA to upload all unuploaded data of your OFFLINE version or Filter data to upload using Date Range From and To. See Chapter V. Built-in Tools, on how to use the built-in tools shown in the Extract Local Database content section

b) Wait for the estimation data for extraction to finish.

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c) Click Yes, Continue extracting button to proceed on extraction and No, i’ll extract it later button to disregard the extraction process.

d) Wait for the extraction process to finish.

Note: After the extraction process the extracted file will be automatically downloaded.

e) Locate the extracted file, usually in the Downloads folder of your computer. Save it in a flash drive or anywhere that would be easy for you to retrieve and have it ready for upload to the online server through iClinicSys online version. G. Upload Data 4. Upload Data in ONLINE Version a) Click on the Upload Data button on the menu icon to start upload data process.

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b) Click on the Browse button (or Cancel to abort the upload data process).

c) Locate the extracted file from the offline version, select it, and click Open.

d) Click Upload to proceed with the upload process. Click on Browse to select a different file for upload, or Cancel to abort the upload process.

e) Wait for the upload process to finish.

Note: In the event an invalid upload file was selected, the data uploading process will not continued. Click on Browse again to select another file for upload.


Click on Download Patch button to download the patch file. Locate the patch file (usually in the Downloads folder of your computer) to be used for upload in the iClinicSys offline version.

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A history and copies of previously downloaded patch files are stored can be located in the Patch History feature of iClinicSys. 5. Upload Data in OFFLINE version a) Click on the Upload Data button.

b) Click on the Browse button (or Cancel to abort the upload data process).

c) Locate the patch file that was automatically downloaded after from the offline version, select it, and click Open.

d) Click Upload to proceed with the upload process. Click on Browse to select a different file for upload, or Cancel to abort the upload process.

e) Wait for the upload process to finish.

Note: In the event an invalid upload file was selected, the data uploading process will not continued. Click on Browse again to select another file for upload.

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H. Downloads

1. Manual a) Software Operations Manual – click to download the Software Operations manual

b) Manual of Operation – click to download the Manual of Operation.

2. Patient Information Sheet a) Patient Information Sheet – Click on Patient Information Sheet

b) Individual Treatment Record 1) Individual Treatment Record Part I – Click on Individual Treatment Record Part I

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2) Individual Treatment Record Part II – Click on Individual Treatment Record Part II

3. IMS Service Request Form

4. Download Digital Certificate Documents.


Account Settings

1. Facility Profile

The Facility Profile Consist of details about the facility like address, code, level, username, transaction summary, map (location of the facility in the geomap), facility personnel. 2. Change Password

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a. Type the Old Password b. Type New Password c.

Type again the new password to Confirm Password.

d. Click Submit button to change password and Cancel button to disregard changes. 3. Laboratory Normal Values

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The Laboratory Normal Values is where you will input your baseline data for laboratory result such as Blood Chemistry, Blood Result, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Fecalysis, Immunology, Sputum, Urinalysis and Serology. a. Click Save button to save your laboratory normal values. 4. Software Setting

The Software setting is where you can change the layout off the Electronic Medical Record Module. a. Click Save Changes button to save your setting.

J. System Update (Offline) If you’re using older version of iClinicSys the system will prompt you. 1. Click Download Now to download the new patch

2. Click Ok

NOTE: If unable to download. Download it directly to the Online Version ( Administrative Module

3. Click Latest System Patch Version on the menu icon (Online version – Administrative Module)

4. Wait to finish the download

5. Go back to the iClinicSys Offline Version 6. Click Update System Version

7. Click Browse Version Patch button.

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8. Open the patch that you’ve download in the online version

9. Click Upload button.

10. Wait for updating process to finish.

Note: It will automatically redirect to you to the login page of iClinicSys. You can now enjoy using the new version of iClinicSys.

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VIII.Health Facility Process Flow

VII. Health Facility Process Flow

Figure VIII-1. Process Flow Diagram A. For New Patients 1. Patient fills up registration form and submit to the nurse/midwife. 2. The nurse/midwife assigns a Patient Identification Number to the new patient 3. The nurse/midwife attaches individual treatment record, conduct interview, get vital signs, and records the patient’s demographic info in iCLinicSys (Figure VIII-42) 4. The phycisian conducts physical examinations, order examinations, determine final diagnosis, provide treatment plan, make referrals, schedule the next visit, and records all health services provided to the patient in iClinicSys. B. For Patients with Previous Consultations 1. Patient will provide necessary information to the health provider for search and retrieval of his/her records. 2. Search and Retrieve (see Search Patient Tool in Chapter V.iClinicSys Built-In Tools, page 42). 3. The nurse/midwife attaches individual treatment record, conduct interview, get vital signs, and records the patient’s demographic info in iCLinicSys (Figure VIII-42). 4. The phycisian conducts physical examinations, order examinations, determine final diagnosis, provide treatment plan, make referrals, schedule the next visit, and records all health services provided to the patient in iClinicSys.

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IX. Electronic Medical Record Module

IX. Electronic Medical Record Module A. Overview Electronic Medical Record Module OVERVIEW 1. Patient Search 2. Patient Details (List, Add) a. Basic Information b. Facility based Information

3. Consultations a. List


FHSIS 1. Prenatal

b. Add/Edit

a. Folder


b. Prenatal Consultation


d. PCB Form


Supplementation/ Immunization

e. Details (all with List, Add/Edit, and View)


Abdominal Findings



Abdominal Summary


2. Physical Exam


Menstrual History

3. System Review


STI Test

4. Doctor’s Order


Birth and Emergency Plan

5. Consultation Status


Pregnancy Outcome


Basic Services 1. Vital Signs

6. Patient Prescription 7. Patient Alert 8. Schedule of Next visit 9. Summary of Services 10. PHIC Benefit Package 11. Risk Assessment

P a g e | 85

2. Post Partum

8. Child Immunization

3. Family Planning

9. Child Nutrition

4. Dental Care

10. Adult Immunization

a. Oral Examination b. Oral Health Condition 5. Tuberculosis


Other Services 1. Injury 2. Firecracker Injury

6. Child Care 7. Sick Children

B. Patient Demographic Info A patient’s demographic data pertains to the detailed information of the patient. It is the core data of the health facility. All of each patient’s past and future consultations, PhilHealth transactions, laboratory tests, dental, injury, etc. All health services provided to the patient are recorded in the patient’s profile.

1. Click Add New Patient button to enroll new patient.

a) Fill up the Add New Patient form.

Note: If the patient is female and married an additional fields will be shown.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Look up the field types in Chapter V, Section D-Types of Data Entry/Editing Controls, on how to use the field types:

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1) Patient’s Facility-Assigned Information Field Name

Field Type



Lookup List


Last Name

Text Box


First Name

Text Box


Middle Name

Text Box



Lookup list



Radio button


Birth Date



Birth Place

Text Box


Civil Status

Lookup list


Maiden Lastname

Text Box

Only for women who are married

Maiden Middlename

Text Box

Only for women who are married

Educational Attainment

Lookup list

Employment Status

Lookup list


Specify Occupation

Text box


Monthly Income

Text box



Lookup list


TAX Identification No.

Text Box



Lookup list


Ethnic Group

Lookup list



Radio button



Lookup list


Number/ Street Name

Text box



Lookup list



Lookup list



Field Name

Field Type


City/ Municipality

Lookup list



Lookup list


Zip Code

Text Box


Blood Type

Lookup list



Text box



Text box



Text box


Mother’s Last Name

Text box


Mother’s First Name

Text box


Mother’s Middle Name

Text box


Mother’s Birth Date



2) Patient’s Facility-Assigned Information Field Name

Field Type


DSWD NHTS member

Radio button


Facility Number

Household Text box

NO by default; YES if DSWD NHTS Member value is YES

Household Number

Text Box


PantawidPamilya Member?

Radio Button

NO by default; YES if DSWD NHTS Member value is YES

PantawidPamilya Number

Text Box

Family Serial Number

Text box


Search Family



Family Member

Lookup list


PhilHealth Member?

Radio Button



PhilHealth Status Type Lookup list


PhilHealth Number

Text box


PhilHealth Category

Lookup List


P a g e | 89

Field Name

Field Type


PCB Member?

Lookup list


3) DSWD NHTS Member i.

Click on the Yes radio button if the patient is a DSWD NHTS member, and No if not a member.

Note: if you click the Yes button an additional fields will be shown.


Click on the Yes radio button if the patient is a PantawidPamilya Member/beneficiary, and No if not a member. This field is not required by default but becomes required when the DSWD NHTS Member value is set to Yes.


To verify if the patient is a beneficiary of this program, go to the DSWD Services from the Select Transaction Modules (see Chapter IX, Section F-B DSWD Services).

4) Family Serial Number


Click Search to input family serial number 1. For patients that had a family member with previous records on the facility: a. Search Name of family member that had a precious consultation on the facility by using the search box that located at the top-right of the box (See Chapter V. iClinicSys BuiltIn Tools, on how to use the Search Box).

2. In the list of results, click on the correct Family Serial Number button to assign the number to the current patient.

3. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel.

4. If the search criteria is not in the list, click Search Again to try a different search criteria. i.

For patients without previous record: 1. The facility can decide whether to manually assign a new Family Serial Number or use the Generate New button (Figure IX-9) to automatically generate a new serial number. In the event that the child has his/her own family, his/her family will be assigned a new Family Serial Number

2) Specify Family Member.

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3) PhilHealth Membership i.

If the patient is a PhilHealth Member, click on the Yes radio button, and No if not. If the patient wants to register, select the For PMRF radio button.

Note: if you click Yes radio button an additional fields will be shown.

1. Specify PhilHealth Status Type of the Patient.

Note: if the patient is Dependent you are required to input the PhilHealth Member Number.

Note: if the patient is Member you are required to input the PhilHealth Number and an additional fields will be shown.


Specify PhilHealth Category of the PhilHealth Member.

Note: if you click For PMRF radio button the Mother First Name, Last Name, Middle Name and Birthdate will be required and an additional field will be shown.

2. Specify PhilHealth Category (Patient for PMRF).


If the patient is a PCB Member, choose Yes in the drop-down list, if not choose No and for adding on PCB choose Add PCB after saving.

1. Click on the Master List button to verify membership.

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a. Choose Local or Online Master List library.

1) Local Master List Library.

a) Choose to Edit or View the record (see Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, page 31). 3. Online Master List Library. Note: Instruction will be provided once available. 4) Click Submit to save the patient’s details, or Cancel to disregard entries


Click Ok to proceed, or Cancel to go back to adding patient record.

C. Previous Consultation List The content section displays the list of previous consultations of the current patient. Use the built-in

tools to navigate around the Consultation list (see Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, page 31).

1. Two (2) ways to access the Previous Consultation List of the patient: a) From the Patient List click on the name of the patient to view the patient’s Previous Consultation List; or

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b) From any page/view of the patient’s record, click on the Consultation icon from the Select Transaction module(See Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools, on how to use the Select Transaction Module).

2. To add a new consultation, click Add New Consultation from the Previous Consultation List.

b) Fill up the Add Consultation Record form.

Figure IX-32. New Consultation Form The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Nature of Visit

Lookup List


Type of Consultation/ Purpose of visit

Check Boxes


Field Name

Field Type


Consultation Date

Date Box


Consultation Time



Patient Age in Year/s

Text Box


Patient Age in Month/s

Text Box


Patient Age in Day/s

Text Box


Mode of Transaction

Lookup List


Patient Height

Text Box


Patient Weight

Text Box


Body Mass Index

Text Box


BMI Category

Lookup List


Height for Age

Lookup List


Weight for Age

Lookup List


Name of Attending Provider

Lookup List


Chief Complaint

Text Box


Patient Consent

Radio Button


P a g e | 97

1.1. Choose Nature of Visit.

1.2. Click on the Type of Consultation/Purpose of Visit. See Chapter V. Built-in tools, on how to use the check box.

Note: Type of Consultation is validated through Patient Age, Gender. 1.3. Specify the Consultation Date and Consultation Time (default current date and time), Patient Age in Year/s, Month/s and Day/s (automatically filled-up according to the specified Birth Date of the patient). See Chapter V. Built-in tools on how to use Date and Time.

1.4. Choose Mode of Transaction.

1.5. Specify patient’s current Height in centimeters. By default, it shows the patient’s height from the last consultation.

1.6. Click on the Height Conversion button to convert the height in feet and inches into centimetres. Type in the height in feet and inches, then click Calculate (will automatically fillin the height in centimetres).

1.7. Specify patient’s current Weight in kilograms. By default, it shows the patient’s weight from the last consultation.

1.8. Click on the Weight Conversion button to convert the weight into kilograms. Type in the weight in pounds, then click Calculate (will automatically fill-in the weight in kilograms).

1.9. The Body Mass Index is automatically calculated from the patient’s specified height and weight (but can be modified). 2.0. The BMI Category is automatically selected based on the specified Body Mass Index computed by the system.

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2.1. Height and Weight for Age is computed by the system depending on patient age.

2.2. Choose the Name of Attending Provider.

Note: The Name of Attending Provider is depend on the Personnel List on the Administrative Module. 2.3. Specify Chief Complaint.

Note: Chief Complaint will be required once you choose Type of consultation was injury/ firecracker injury. 2.4. Specify Patient Consent.

2.5. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Consultation Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

2.6. Click OK in the confirmation box and or click the Cancel button to disregard the data entries. Automatically redirect you to Consultation Details.

3. Consultation Details/Electronic ITR Click on Details to show the patient’s Consultation Details/Electronic ITR. (See on Chapter V. Built-In Tools on how to use the navigation, details)

The Consultation Details/Electronic ITR shows the basic details and available services for the consultation depending on the Type of Consultation. The table below shows the available Basic Services for each Type of Consultation: Type of Consultation General

Services Available All Basic Services: Vital Signs, Physical Exam, System Review,

P a g e | 101

Type of Consultation

Services Available Doctor’s Order, Consultation Follow-Ups, Patient Prescription, Patient Alert, Schedule of Next Visit, Health Records, and PHIE Benefit Package


All Basic Services, and Prenatal under FSHIS Services


All Basic Services, and Post-Partum under FSHIS Services

Family Planning

All Basic Services, and Family Planning under FSHIS Services

Dental Care

All Basic Services, and Dental Care under FSHIS Services


All Basic Services, and Tuberculosis under FSHIS Services

Child Care

All Basic Services, and Child Care under FSHIS Services

Sick Children

All Basic Services, and Sick Children under FSHIS Services

Child Immunization

All Basic Services, and Child Immunization under FSHIS Services

Child Nutrition

All Basic Services, and Child Nutrition under FSHIS Services

Adult Immunization

All Basic Services, and Adult Immunization under FSHIS Services


All Basic Services, and Injury under Other Services

Firecracker Injury

All Basic Services, and Firecracker Injury under Other Services

a) Vital Signs Click on Vital Sign icon on the Basic Services to go on Vital Signs List.

To add a new vital sign, click on Add New Vital Signs from the Vital Signs List.


Fill up the Add Vital Signs form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Blood Pressure Systolic

Text Box


Blood Pressure Diastolic

Text Box


Respiratory Rate

Text Box


Body Temperature

Text Box


Heart Rate

Text Box


Normal Rate

Radio Button


Regular Rhythm

Radio Button


Pulse Rate

Text Box


BP Measurement Assessment

Lookup List


Administered by

Lookup List



Text Box


P a g e | 103


Choose BP Measurement Assessment.


Choose Administered By.

1.13. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Vital Signs Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.


Click OK in the confirmation box and or click the Cancel button to disregard the action.


Click Back To Consultation Button to go back to current consultation details.

b) PhysicalExamination Click on Physical Examination icon on the Basic Services to go on Physical Examination List.

To add a new vital sign, click on Add New Physical Exam from the Physical Exam List.

1.1. Fill up the Add Physical Exam form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


P a g e | 105

Field Name

Field Type



Text Box


Conjunctiva (eye anatomy)

Check Box


Conjunctiva Remarks

Text Box



Check Box



Text Box



Check Box


Breast Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Thorax Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Abdomen Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Genitals Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Extremities Remarks

Text Box



Text Box


Waist Circumference

Text Box


Administered By

Lookup List


1.2. Click on the box/es to put a check mark on all that applies to the Conjunctiva (eye anatomy), Neck, Breast, Thorax, Abdomen, Genitals, and Extremities. Click again on the box/es to remove the check mark. 1.3. Choose Administered By.

1.4. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Vital Signs Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

1.5. Click OK in the confirmation box and or click the Cancel button to disregard the action.


Click Back To Consultation Button to go back to current consultation details.

c) System Review Click on System Review icon on the Basic Services to go on System Review List.

To add a new system review, click on Add New System Review from the System Review List.

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1.1. Fill up the Add System Review form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type



Check Box


Skin Remarks

Text Box


Skeletal System

Check Box


Skeletal System Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


HEENT/Optha Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Cardio/Pulmo Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Gastrointestinal Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Endocrine Remarks

Text Box


Field Name

Field Type



Check Box


Neuro-Psychiatric Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Genito-Urinary Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Chest/Heart Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Abdomen Remarks

Text Box



Check Box


Respiratory Remarks

Text Box



Text Box


1.2. Click on the box/es to put a check mark on all that applies to the Skin, Skeletal System, HEENY/Optha, Cardio/Pulmo, Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, Neuro-Pshyciatric, GenitoUrinary, Chest/Heart, Abdomen, and Respiratory. Click again on the box/es to remove the check mark. 1.3. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add System Review Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

1.4. Click OK in the confirmation box and or click the Cancel button to disregard the action.

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1.5. Click Back To Consultation Button to go back to current consultation details. d) Doctor’s Order Click on Doctor’s Order icon on the Basic Services to go on System Review List.

To add a new doctor’s order, click on Add New Doctor’s Order from the Doctor’s Order List.

1.1. Fill up the Add Doctor’s Order form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Field Name

Field Type


Laboratory Request

Check Box



Check Box


Alert Type

Check Box


Alert Description

Text Box



Lookup List



Text Box


Diagnosis, specify

Text Box


Treatment Plan

Text Box



Lookup List


Condition on Discharge

Lookup List


Date of Discharge

Date Box


Time of Discharge

Text Box


Schedule Next Visit

Radio Button


Schedule Date

Date Box


Schedule Time

Text Box


Type of Consultation/Service

Check Box



Check Box


1.2. Click on the box/es to put a check mark on all that applies to the Laboratory Request, Imaging, Alert Type,and Type of Consultation/Service. Click again on the box/es to remove the check mark.

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1.3. Choose Diagnosis.


For Final Diagnosis, specify ICD10.


Click on the Search ICD10 Code button (see Chapter V. Built-in Tools on how to use Search box)


Click on the correct ICD10 Code.


Click OK to confirm selection, or Cancel to go back to the ICD10 List.

1.4. Click Prescribe Medicine button to prescribe medication for the patient it will redirect you to Patient Prescription. See. Chapter XI. Electronic Medical Record, Patient Prescription on how to prescribe

P a g e | 113

1.5. Choose Disposition.

1.6. Choose Condition on Discharge.

1.7. Click Submit to save the entries and Cancel to completely disregard the entries.

1.8. Click Ok to proceed, and Cancel to disregard changes.

1.9. Laboratory Results Click on Lab Result from the Doctor’s Order List.

a. Blood Chemistry

Click on Blood Chemistry. To add a new blood chemistry result, click on Add New Laboratory Blood Chemistry button.

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Fill up the Blood Chemistry form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Blood Chemistry Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. b. Complete Blood Count

Click on CompleteBlood Count. To add a new complete blood count result, click on Add New Laboratory Blood Result button.

Fill up the Laboratory Blood Result form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Blood Count Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. c.

Clinical Chemistry

Click on Clinical Chemistry. To add a new blood chemistry result, click on Add New Laboratory Clinical Chemistry button.

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Fill up the Blood Chemistry form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Blood Chemistry Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(d) Fecalysis

Click on Fecalysis. To add a new blood chemistry result, click on Add New Laboratory Stool button.

Fill up the Laboratory Stool form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Laboratory Stool Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(e) Hematology

Click on Hematology. To add a new laboratory hematology result, click on Add New Laboratory Hematology button.

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Fill up the Hematology form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Hematology Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(f) Immunology

Click on Immunology.

To add a new laboratory immunology result, click on Add New Laboratory Immunology button.

Fill up the Immunology form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Immunology Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(g) Serology

Click on Serology.

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To add a new laboratory serology result, click on Add New Laboratory Serology button.

Fill up the Serology form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Serology Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(h) Sputum Microscopy

Click on Sputum Microscopy. To add a new laboratory urine result, click on Add New Laboratory Sputum Microscopy button.

Fill up the Sputum Microscopy form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Sputum Microscopy Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(i) Urinalysis

Click on Urinalysis. To add a new laboratory urine result, click on Add New Laboratory Urine button.

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Fill up the Urinalysis form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Urinalysis Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. 1.10.


Click on Imaging from the Doctor’s Order List.

(a) ECG

Click on ECG. To add a new imaging ECG result, click on Add New Imaging ECG button.

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Fill up the ECG form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add ECG Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (b) MRI

Click on MRI. To add a new imaging MRI result, click on Add New Imaging MRI button.

Fill up the MRI form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add MRI Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (c) Ultrasound

Click on Ultrasound. To add a new imaging ultrasound result, click on Add New Imaging Ultrasound button.

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Fill up the Ultrasound form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Ultrasound Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (d) X-ray

Click on X-Ray. To add a new imaging x-ray result, click on Add New Imaging X-Ray button.

Fill up the X-Ray form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add X-Ray Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. e) Consultation Status Click on Consultation Status icon on the Basic Services to go on Follow-up List.

To add a new package click on Add New Follow-ups from the Follow-up List.

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Fill up the Follow-ups form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Consultation Status

Radio Button


Follow-up Remarks

Text Box


Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Follow-ups. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. f)

Patient Prescription Click on Patient Prescription icon on the Basic Services to go on Patient Prescription List.

To add a new prescription click on Add New Prescription from the Prescription List.

1.1. Fill up the Add Prescription form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Type of Medicine

Check Box


All Medicine

Text Box


Inventory Medicine

Lookup List



Lookup List


Dose Regimen

Lookup List


Total Quantity



Total Quantity Unit of Measure Text Box


Intended Purpose of Medicine

Text Box



Text Box


Prescription date



Prescribed By

Lookup List


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1.2. Specify Type of Medicine.

Note: if you choose all drugs an additional field will be shown. (a) Click Search Commodity Medicine.

Note: Please refer to Search ICD 10 code module on how to use this Search Commodity Medicine

Note: if you choose inventory drugs an additional field will be shown. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Prescription Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. g) Patient Alert Click on Patient Alert icon on the Basic Services to go on Patient Alert List.

To add a new patient alert click on Add New Patient Alert from the Patient Alert List.

Fill up the Patient Alert form.

The fields in the forms are identified in the table below. Field Name

Field Type


Alert Type

Lookup List


Type of Disability

Check Box



Text Box


Note: If you choose disability an additional field will be shown.\

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Patient Alert Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. h) Schedule of Next visit To add a new schedulefill up the month and year of the next schedule.

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Check the purpose of visit

Click on Date and Time of the next visit.

Click ok to save the schedule for next visit


Risk Assessment To add a new package click on Add New Risk Assessmentfrom the Risk Assessment List.

Fill up the Add Risk Assessment form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Risk Assessment Form.

Click OK to submit. j)

Summary of Services Click on Summary of Services icon on the Basic Services to go on Summary of Services List.

To add a new package click on Add new Summary of Services from the Summary of Services List.

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Fill up the Add PHIC Benefit Package form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Summary of Services. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. k) PHIC Benefit Package Click on PHIC Benefit Package icon on the Basic Services to go on PHIC Benefit Package List.

To add a new package click on Add New Package from the Package List.

Fill up the Add PHIC Benefit Package form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add PHIC Benefit Package Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.


Prenatal Click on Prenatal icon on the FHSIS Services to go on List Prenatal Folder.

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1.1. To add a new prenatal folder click on Add New Folder from the Prenatal Folder List.

1.2. Fill up the Add Prenatal form for the first baby pregnancy, called Baby-A.

1.3. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Prenatal Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. 1.4. There’s now an Active folder for Baby-A.

In the event that this mother delivers Baby-A, and becomes pregnant again, Baby-A’s folder will be marked Inactive. A newActive folder will be added for this mother’s Baby-B pregnancy, and so on. 1.5. Click on the Active folder. To add a new detail to the prenatal folder, click on Active Folderfrom the List Prenatal Folder.

(a) Supplementation/Immunization To add a new supplementation/immunization, Supplementation/Immunization from the Micronutrient List.




Fill up the Add New Micronutrient form.

Specify the Tetanus Toxoid given.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add New Micronutrient Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (b) Abdominal Examination Findings To add a new abdominal examination findings, click on Add Abdominal Examination Findings from the Abdominal Examination Findings List.

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Fill up the Add Abdominal Examination Findings form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add __ Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (c) Abdominal Examination Summary Click on Add Abdominal Examination Summary to view the summary.

(d) Menstrual History To add a new menstrual history, click on Add Menstrual History from the Menstrual History List.

(e) STI Test To add a new test for syphilis, click on Add New Test for Syphilis from the Syphilis Test List.

Fill up the Add Test for Syphilis form.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Test for Syphilis Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

(f) Birth and Emergency Plan Note: Instruction will be provided once available. m) Postpartum Click on Postpartum icon on the FHSIS Services to go on List Postpartum Folder.

1.1. To add a new postpartum folder click on Add New Folder from the List Postpartum Folder.

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1.2. Fill up the Add Postpartum form.

1.3. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Postpartum Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

1.4. Click on the Active folder. To add a new details to the prenatal folder, click on Active Folder from the List Prenatal Folder.

(a) Micronutrient Supplementation Click on Micronutrient Supplementation.

To add a new micronutrient Supplementation, click on Add New Postpartum Consultation from the Postpartum List.

Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Postpartum Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. (b) Danger Signs (Mother) To specify danger signs for the mother, click on Danger Signs (Mother) from the Postpartum Consultation.

Click Submit Danger Signs to save the entries. Click OK to proceed, and Cancel to go back to the Danger Signs (Mother).

(c) Danger Signs (Baby) To specify danger signs for the baby, click on Danger Signs (Baby) from the Postpartum Consultation.

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Click Submit Danger Signs to save the entries. Click OK to proceed, and Cancel to go back to the Danger Signs (Baby).

(d) Pelvic Exam Findings To specify pelvic exam findings, click on Pelvic Exam Findings from the Postpartum Consultation.

Click Submit Pelvic Exam to save the entries. Click OK to proceed, and Cancel to go back to the Pelvic Exam Findings.

n) Family Planning To add a new family planning click on Add New Family Planning from the Previous Consultation List.

Figure IX-151. Pervious Consultation List – Family Planning List Fill up the Add Family Planning form.

Figure IX-152. Add Family Planning Specify Type of Client.

Figure IX-153. Type of Client Specify Method.

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Figure IX-154. Method Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Family Planning Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. o) Oral Examination To add a new oral examination click on Add New Oral Examination from the Oral Examination List.

Figure IX-155. Oral Examination List Fill up the Add Oral Examination form.

Figure IX-156. Add Oral Examination Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Oral Examination Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. p) Oral Health Condition To add a new oral health condition click on Add New Oral Health Condition from the List Dental Health Condition.

Figure IX-158. List Dental Health Condition Fill up the Add Oral Health Condition form.

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Figure IX-159. Dental Health Condition Form Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Oral Health Condition Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. q) Dental Care To add a new dental care, click on Add New Dental Care from the Dental Care List.

Figure IX-160. Dental Care List Fill up the Add Dental Care form.

Figure IX-161. Add Dental Care Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Dental Care Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. r)


Figure IX-162. Alert Click OK to proceed, or Cancel to go back to the previous menu.

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1.1. The screen page will go directly to the Tuberculosis List Page once the data was successfully added.

1.2. Click the Magnifying glass icon, on the left side portion of the table, to display further details of the patient.

1.3. Please refer to the ITIS Software Operations Manual for additional instructions on how to Fill up the TB forms.

s) Child Care To add a new child care click on Add New Child Care from the Child Care List.

Figure IX-166. Child Care List Fill up the Add Child Care form.

Figure IX-167. Add Child Care Specify Tetanus Toxoid Status (Mother).

Figure IX-168. Tetanus Toxoid Status (Mother) Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Child Care Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. t)

Sick Children To add a new sick children record click on Add New Sick Children from the Sick Children List.

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Figure IX-169. Sick Children List Fill up the Add Sick Children form.

Figure IX-170. Add Sick Children Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Sick Children Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. u) Child Immunization To add a new child immunization, click on Add New Child Immunization from the Immunization List.

Figure IX-171. Immunization List Fill up the Add Immunization form.

Figure IX-172. Add Immunization Form Specify Immunization.

Figure IX-173. Immunization Drop Down If the patient has an immunization in other facility check Yes on the Immunization From Other Facility.

Figure IX-174. Immunization from Other Facility NOTE: Name of Facility will show. Please specify the Name of Facility where the other immunization has taken Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Immunization Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. v) Child Nutrition To add a new nutrition, click on Add New Nutrition from the Nutrition List.

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Figure IX-175. Nutrition List Fill up the Add Nutrition form.

Figure IX-176. Add Nutrition Form Specify Dose.

Figure IX-177.Dose Dropdown Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Nutrition Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. w) Adult Immunization To add a new adult immunization, click on Add New Adult Immunization from the Adult Immunization List.

Figure IX-178. Adult Immunization List Fill up the Add Adult Immunization form.

Figure IX-179. Immunization List Specify Immunization.

Figure IX-180. Immunization List Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Adult Immunization Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. x) Injury To add a new injury record, click on Add New Injury from the Injury List.

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Figure IX-181. Injury List Fill up the Add Injury form.

Figure IX-182. Injury Form Specify the Injury Intent.

Figure IX-183. Injury Intent Dropdown Specify the First Aid Given.

Figure IX-184. First Aid Given Dropdown Specify the Place of Occurrence.

Figure IX-185. Place of Occurrence Specify the Activity of the Patient at the time of incident.

Figure IX-186. Activity of the Patient at the Time of Incident Dropdown Specify the Mode of Transportation to the Facility.

Figure IX-187. Mode of Transportation to the Facility Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Injury Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. y) Firecracker Injury To add a new firecracker injury, click on Add New Firecracker Injury from the Injury Firecracker List.

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Figure IX-188. Injury Firecracker List Fill up the Add Firecracker Injury form.

Figure IX-189. Add Firecracker Injury Form Specify the Place of Occurrence.

Figure IX-190. Place of Occurrence Specify the Type of Involvement.

Figure IX-191. Type of Involvement Specify the Nature of Injury.

Figure IX-192. Nature of Injury Specify the Type of Firecracker.

Figure IX-193. Type of Firecracker Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add Firecracker Injury Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. D. Recording Tools These are facility-based documents with more detailed information. It shows the daily activities of the health workers based on the services delivered to the patients.

Figure IX-194. Recording Tools

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1. Target Client List (TCL) This tool will be of great help in the midwive’s/nurses’ planning and delivery of patient care and services to the patients. It helps in the monitoring and supervision of the services delivered, which can also be used for analysis.

Figure IX-195. Target Client List (TCL) Fill up the necessary information for the Target Client List using the lookup list. Choose the desired report format then click Generate. a) Report Type - Family Planning This report will show all women ages 15-49 and men who received Family Planning services.

Figure IX-196. Family Planning b) Report Type – Nutrition and Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI) This report will show all children under one (1) year old eligible for immunization against the most common vaccine-preventable diseases that results to permanent disability or death among infants and children aged below five (5) who received iron supplementation, newborn screening and breastfeeding.

Figure IX-197. Masterlist for Nutrition c) Report Type – Prenatal The report will show all pregnant women eligible for prenatal care/service

Figure IX-198. Prenatal d) Report Type – Postpartum This report will show all women within the catchment area who had a delivery, and therefore an extension of the Target Client List for Prenatal Care.

Figure IX-199. Postpartum

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2. Summary Table (ST) This report will show the midwives monthly accomplishments.

Figure IX-200. Prenatal Fill up the necessary information for the Summary Table using the lookup list provided for the fields. Choose the desired report format then click Generate. a) Summary Report – Family Planning

Figure IX-201. Family Planning

Figure IX-201A. Family Planning

Figure IX-201B. Family Planning b) Summary Report – Child Care Part 1

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Figure IX-202. Child Care EPI 1 Part 2

Figure IX-203. Child Care EPI 2

Part 3

Figure IX-204. Child Care EPI 3

c) Summary Report – Maternal Care

Figure IX-205. Maternal Care

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d) Summary Report – Natality Part 1

Figure IX-206. Natality Part 1 Part 2

Figure IX-207. Natality part 2

e) Dental Care

Figure IX-208. Dental Health f)


Figure IX-209. Mortality 3. Consolidated This report will show consolidated reports per area.

Figure IX-210. Consolidated Report

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Fill up the necessary information for the Summary Table using the lookup list provided for the fields. Choose the desired report format then click Generate. a. Consolidated – Demographic

Figure IX-211. Consolidated Report - Demographic b. Consolidated – Mortality 1B.1

Figure IX-212. Consolidated Report – Mortality 1B.1


Consolidated – Postpartum

Figure IX-213. Consolidated Report – Postpartum

d. Consolidated – Prenatal

Figure IX-214. Consolidated Report – Prenatal e. Consolidated – Family Planning 1) Specify the Type of Client

Figure IX-215. Type of Client 2) Specify the Type of Report

Figure IX-216. Type of Report

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3) Quarterly

(d) Specify the Year/Quarter

Figure IX-217. Select Year and Quarter.

(e) Click Generate. 4) Monthly (a) Specify the Year/Month

Figure IX-218. Select Year and Month.

(f) Click Generate.

4. PhilHealth

Figure IX-219. Recording Tools.

a) Masterlist of Enlisted PCB1 (1) To add a new member, click Add New Member from the Member List (see Chapter Error! eference source not found., Section Error! Reference source not found.-Error! Reference source not found., page Error! Bookmark not defined.on how to use the tools seen in the figure below).

Figure IX-220. Member List.

P a g e | 171

(2) Fill up the Add New Member form.

Figure IX-221. Add New Member Form. (3) Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add New Member Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries. b) PhilHealth Forms

Figure IX-222. PhilHealth Forms. (1) Specify the report.

Figure IX-223. Reports Dropdown.

(2) Specify the Year for the report.

Figure IX-224. Select Year. (a) PCB Provider Clientele Profile Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-225. PCB Provider Clientele Profile. (b) Summary of Benefits Availment Specify the Quarter.

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Figure IX-226. Reports Dropdown. Click on Generate Report.

Figure IX-227. Summary of Benefits Availment. (c) Summary of PCB Services Provided Click on Generate Report.

Figure IX-228. Summary of PCB Services Provided.

c) PhilHealth Billing (1) Specify the Year.

Figure IX-229. Select Year (2) Specify the Quarter.

Figure IX-230. Select Quarter.

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(3) Specify the Generate Report.

Figure IX-231. PhilHealth Billing Statement. E. Reporting Tools These are summary data that are transmitted/submitted on a weekly,monthly, quarterly and annual basis to the next higher facility level.

Figure IX-232. Reporting Tool.

1. Monthly Forms

Figure IX-233. Monthly Forms. a) M1 Specify the Program, Month, Barangay, & Year.

Figure IX-234. Monthly Form Report (M1).

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(1) Family Planning - Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-235. Family Planning M1.

(2) Maternal Care - Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-236. Maternal Care M1.

(3) Child Care – Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-237. Child Care M1.

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(4) Dental Care – Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-238. Dental care (M1). (5) Oral Care – Click Generate Report.

Figure IX-239. Oral care (M1).

b) M2

Figure IX-240. Monthly Form Report (M2). (1) Morbidity – Click Generate.

Figure IX-241. Morbidity (M2). 2. Quarterly Forms Specify the Program.

Figure IX-242. Quarterly Form Report. Specify the Quarter

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a) Maternal Care– Click Generate Report.

b) Family Planning– Click Generate Report.

c) Dental Care– Click Generate Report.

d) Child Care part 1– Click Generate Report.

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e) Child Care part 2– Click Generate Report.

3. Annual Forms Specify the Form

a) Barangay Form (A-Brgy)– Click Generate Report.

b) Demographic Profile– Click Generate Report.

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c) Environmental– Click Generate Report.

d) Natality – Live Births– Click Generate Report.

e) Natality – Deliveries– Click Generate Report.


Mortality– Click Generate Report.

4. Statistics Specify the Report

Specify the Date From&Date To

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a) Patient– Click Generate Report.

b) Personnel– Click Generate Report.

c) Daily– Click Generate Report.

d) Monthly Specify the Year

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Specify the Month From&Month To

Click Generate Report.

5. Other Types Reports Specify the Report

a) Number of Senior Citizens Who Received Pneumococcal and Influenza Specify the Year then click Generate Report

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b) Under Five Clinic Masterlist Specify the Year then click Generate Report

c) GarantisadongPambata – Click Generate Report

d) Post Daily Reporting Form – Click Generate Report Specify the Year then click Generate Report

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e) Total Indigent – Click Generate Report Specify the Year then click Generate Report


Daily Consultation Report Specify the Date From and Date Tothen click Generate Report

g) Pregnancy Tracking Form clickGenerate Report

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h) NCD Hign Risk Client (>30% CVD Risk) Specify the Date From and Date Tothen click Generate Report


Dispensing of Medicine Specify the Date From and Date Tothen click Generate Report

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Master list of Hypertensive and Diabetic Patients Specify the Date From and Date Tothen click Generate Report

F. Select Transaction (Modules) Quickly create transactions for the current patient’s record being viewed by clicking on the Select Transaction. Choose a transaction from the list of transactions (Error! Reference source not found.). a) PhilHealth Services (1) Click PhilHealth Service Icon on the Select Transaction.

The figure below shows the available PhilHealth Services in iClinicSys.

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(1) Get Pin

(a) Click on the PCB Checking button (Figure IX.4).

(b) Wait to Get Pin (Figure IX.4).

(2) PCB (Primary Care Benefits) Checking

(a) Click on the PCB Checking button (Error! Reference source not found.).

(b) To view the PCB Local library, 1.1. Click on the Local button.

1.2. The figure below shows the PCB Local Library list.

Note: Refer to Chapter V. iClinicSys Built-In Tools on how to use the tools you see in this window.

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1.3. To add the current patient’s record to the PCB Local Library, click on the Add [Name of Patient] button

1.4. The information of the current patient being viewed is automatically filled-in. necessary changes, when applicable. Click Submit to save.


1.5. A confirmation window will appear. Click Yes to proceed saving. The current patient is now added to the PCB Local Library list (Error! Reference source not found.). Click Cancel to go back in editing the patient’s information (Error! Reference source not found.).

(c) To view the PCB Online library, 1.1. Click on the Online button.

1.2. The instructions for this process will be released soon. Please check again later. Thank you!

(d) To view the PCB Form of your patient, 1.1. Go back to Previous Consultation List by clicking Consultation Follow-up on the Select Transaction.

1.2. Click the PhilHealth Logo to view PCB Form of the Patient.

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(e) PMRF or PhilHealth Membership Registration Form 1.1. Click on the PMRF button.

1.2. To add a new PhilHealth Information, click on Add New PhilHealth Info button.

1.3. Fill up the form (Error! Reference source not found.).

Note: Refer to Chapter V.iClinicSys Built-In Tools on how to use the you see tools in this window.

1.4. Click Submit to save the entries, and click Yes in the confirmation window. Click Cancel to disregard the entries (goes back to the PhilHealth Info List window, Error! Reference source not found.)

1.5. Click PMRF to view the PMRF of the patient.

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(f) Dependents 1.1. Click on the Dependents button to show the list of Dependents for the current patient record.

1.2. Click on the Add New Dependent button to add a new dependent (Error! Reference source not found.).

1.3. Fill out the form (Error! Reference source not found.).

1.4. Click Submit to save the entries, and click Yes in the confirmation window. Click Cancel to disregard the entries (goes back to the Dependents List window, Error! Reference source not found.). b) DSWD Services (1) Click DSWD Icon on the Select Transaction.

(2) DSWD Module DSWD Verification – ClinicSys through the DSWD Web Service verifies if the patient is a registered beneficiary of the PantawidPamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps). The DSWD’s 4P aims to eradicate extreme poverty in the Philippines though the provision of funds for n health and education programs from ages 0-14. If the patient is a beneficiary, the Household Number can be obtained from the DSWD. In order to avail of the cash grants beneficiaries should comply with the following conditions: 

Pregnant women must avail pre- and post-natal care and be attended during childbirth by a trained health professional;

Parents must attend Family Development Sessions (FDS);

0-5 year old children must receive regular preventive health check-ups and vaccines;

3-5 year old children must attend day care or pre-school classes at least 85% of the time.

6-14 year old children must enroll in elementary or high school and must attend at least 85% of the time.

6-14 years old children must receive deworming pills twice a year.

(a) Verification Click on Verification Button

(b) Household ID Click on Household ID Button

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(c) Referral Click on Referral Button

c) Consultation

(1) Click Consultation Icon on the Select Transaction.

d) Electronic Health Record (1) Click EMR Icon on the Select Transaction.

Note:The EMR can be saved in a pdf format and ready for print-out.

e) Prenatal Monitoring Chart (1) Click Prenatal Chat Icon on the Select Transaction.

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Medical History (1) Click Medical History Icon on the Select Transaction.

Click Add new Medical History.

Fill-up Medical History Form

Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. The screen page will go directly to the Medical History List Page once the data was successfully added.

g) Menstrual History (1) Click Menstrual History Icon on the Select Transaction.

Click Add new Menstrual History

Fill-up Medical History Form

Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. The screen page will go directly to the Medical History List Page once the data was successfully added. h) Chronic Click Chronic Icon on the Select Transaction.

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(a) Cancer 1.1. Click the Add New Cancer to add report.

1.2. Fields with Red asterisk are mandatory fields. 1.3. Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. 1.4. The screen page will go directly to the Cancer List Page once the data was successfully added.

(b) COPD 1.1. Click the Add New COPD to add report.

1.2. Fields with Red Asterisk are mandatory fields. 1.3. Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. 1.4. The screen page will go directly to the COPD List Page once the data was successfully added.

(c) Diabetes 1.1. Click the Add New Diabetes to add report.

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1.2. Fields with Red asterisk are mandatory fields. 1.3. Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. 1.4. The screen page will go directly to the Diabetes List Page once the data was successfully added.

(d) Stroke 1.1. Click the Add New Stroke to add report.

1.2. Fields with Red asterisk are mandatory fields. 1.3. Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the patient’s data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. 1.4. The screen page will go directly to the Stroke List Page once the data was successfully added.



ClinicSys has a Referral Module which captures all referrals issued likewise the outcome of these referrals from other health facilities. It allows patient to be referred from one level to another level for better management. It is usually followed in order to obtain expert professional advice, undergo a diagnostic technique, seek a therapeutic intervention or receive in-patient care when these are not available at the facility. The presence of well-established referral system is important for the proper functioning of the health system. RHU/HC will be a resource center for basic health unit. Hospitals are the end point of hierarchy. (1) Click Chronic Icon on the Select Transaction.

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(2) Click Add new Referral to add Report. (3) Select the information needed. Fields with required term are mandatory fields. (4) Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. (5) The screen page will go directly to the Referral List Page once the data was successfully added.

Click Add new Referral.

(a) Date of Referral – the date when the patient is being referred (b) Time of Referral – the time when the patient is being referred (c) Type of referral

(d) For Hospital Services: 1.1. Obstetrics 1.2. Gynecology 1.3. Surgery 1.4. Medical 1.5. Pediatrics 1.6. Remarks - any additional information and pertinent findings will be included in the Remarks section. (e) Reason for Referral – list of all possible reasons for referral of patient (f) Referral Status

Send Referral

View Referral

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(g) Print Referral Form


Patient Alert (1) Click Patient Alert Icon on the Select Transaction.

(2) Click the Add New Patient Alert to add report. (3) Select the information needed. Fields with required term are mandatory fields. (4) Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the Patient Alert data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. (5) The screen page will go directly to the Patient Alert List Page once the data was successfully added.

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Figure 98: Patient Alert Form

Figure 99: Patient Alert Box

k) Death Case (1) Click Death Case Icon on the Select Transaction.

(2) Fields with required term are mandatory fields. (3) Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. (4) The screen page will go directly to the Patient Death List Page once the data was successfully added.


Family Planning (1) Click Family Planning Icon on the Select Transaction.

m) Family Serial Tree (1) Click Family Tree Icon on the Select Transaction.

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n) Dispensing Medicine (1) Click Dispensing Icon on the Select Transaction.

(2) Click add new dispensing.

(3) Fields with required term are mandatory fields. (4) Click Submit button after encoding to add/save the data to the system. Click Cancel button to disregard the data entries. (5) The screen page will go directly to the Dispensing List Page once the data was successfully added.

o) Merge Patient ClinicSys has a Merge Patient Module which allows you to merge patient with double entry.

(1) Click Merge Patient Icon on the Select Transaction.

(2) Check the Show only patient with the same name or sounds.

(3) Click Search Patient.

(4) Click the patient that you want to merge. (5) Click the Proceed button. (6) Click Ok to confirm. (7) Click OK to continue. (8) The screen page will go directly to the Previous ConsultationList Page.

G. Health Information Exchange - Online This feature needs Internet Connection to use.

Click PHIE icon to upload data in Health Information Exchange.

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Click OK to upload your data to PHIE.

Wait the uploading to finish

Click OK to confirm

NOTE: Your Data is successfully uploaded in the PHIE

X. Logistic Management

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X. Logistic Management A. Overview 1. To add a new Inventory, click Add New Inventory from the Inventory List or click Get Update, to connect to NOSIRS.

2. Fill up the Add New Inventory form.

3. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add New Inventory Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

XI. Environmental Health

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XI. Environmental Health A. Overview 1. To add a new member, click Add New Environmental Health from the Environment Health List.

2. Fill up the Add New Environmental Health form.

3. Click Submit to save the entries, or Cancel to remain in the Add New Environmental Health Record. Click Cancel again to completely disregard the entries.

XII. Financial Management

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XII. Financial Management A. Overview

Financial Management is where you can view your PhilHealth Billing. PhilHealth will notify you through SMS or email. 1. Select Year

2. Select Quarter

3. Click Generate

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XIII.Setting-up Multiple Users

XII. Setting-up Multiple Users A. Things to check 1. Make sure all computers are connected in the same network. 2. Make sure the server firewall is off. B. Setting up the Server 3. Install Stand-alone Clinic System to the server (see Chapter IV-Getting Started With iClinicSysOFF-LINE, page 17).

Figure XII-1: Server set-up a) Click on Start -> Control Panel b) Go to Network and Internet.

Figure XII-2: Control Panel c) Click on View Network status and tasks. Go to Ethernet Status (Windows 8) or View Status (Windows Vista and Windows 7) then Click Properties. 

For Windows8

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Figure XII-3: Network and Sharing Center (Windows 8) 

For Windows Vista and Windows 7

Figure XII-4: Network and Sharing Center (Windows Vista/7)

(1) Click Properties

Figure XII-5: Ethernet Status (2) Go to Networking Tab -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) -> Properties

Figure XII-5: Ethernet Properties

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(3) Go to General Tab. (4) Type in the IP addresses shown below.

Figure XII-6: IP Version 4 Properties Note: Make sure you are connected to the network. (5) Hold windows icon + R then type cmd click OK button.

Figure XII-7: Run (6) Type “ipconfig /all” w/o qoute then click enter.

Figure XII-8: Command Prompt

Figure XII-9: IP Address Matching (7) Find Ethernet adapter Ethernet then match the addresses. (8) Click Ok Button. C. Connecting Computers to the Server Note: 

Make sure you are connected in the same network.

Make sure you have Google Chrome installed to your computer.

Make sure your computer is using Windows Vista or later versions.

4. Open Google Chrome. 5. Type the IP address of the server in the address bar (e.g. “”) then press Enter.

Figure XIIIXII-10: Log-in Page

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Basic Troubleshooting

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XIII. Basic Troubleshooting Listed below are the most common issues encountered and the recommended solutions: COMMON ISSUES


Entered data won’t save.

Check if all required fields are not blank.

Integrity constraint violation.

The data you entered is not the in the list of values in your library/reference. Some fields have a list of fixed values you can choose from. If the value that you need to enter is not in the list, you need to add it in the reference/library.

Attempt to insert duplicate key or row.

Each record has a unique identifier. You may have entered data that has been entered before or it has the same unique identifier.

No data can be selected from any of the drop down selection boxes.

Check data on System Administration. required data.

The report does not include data entered into the system.

Provide the

Check the Transaction Function and retrieve the record. This will prove that required data are entered into the system. Check if the printer is plugged on to the electric current, properly connected to the computer and with paper on it.

Check for the default printer assigned to print the reports. Reports do not print. If the printer attached does not match the default setting, select/change printer configuration. If no printer of that type exists, install the printer driver. Check for the default printer assigned to print the reports. Report Totals do not display on the screen.

If the printer attached does not match the default setting, select/change printer configuration.

If no printer of that type exists, install the printer driver.

The report displays wrong values as a result of computations.

Check the Transaction Function if the data is correctly entered into the system.

If the data is correctly entered into the system, validate the formula used in the computation.


Insufficient memory problem.

RECOMMENDED SOLUTION Troubleshoot memory by allocating more memory to the application, closing other applications and windows, turning on virtual memory, switching off RAM cache, or reducing the amount of memory allocated to RAM cache. Computer has become infected with a virus after using an infected program.

Unexplained system crashes; corrupted or disappearing files.

To eradicate a virus, boot the computer from a startup disk that contains an antivirus application and launch the eradication program. Be sure the virus program is compatible with your system software. Incompatible versions can cause unexpected problems that are difficult to track down. To prevent future virus infection, use an antivirus application program to screen all disks for known viruses. In addition, be sure that all master disks remain locked. Power off the system unit and


Remove all adapter cards from the

riser card.

Monitor Problems.

Incorrect colors

Make sure the monitor I/O signal cable is properly connected to the system unit and monitor.

No high intensity Missing, broken or incorrect characters Blank monitor (dark)

Make sure the power cords are properly connected to the system unit and monitor and that the line voltage is correct.

Blank monitor (bright) Distorted image Unreadable monitor

Make sure the monitor contrast and brightness controls are turned too low.

Power on the monitor and wait 20 seconds.

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