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username date colport dailydenouement dawnhallybone ianaddison Joga5 Joga5 simcloughlin ForesterJo didactylos Joga5 didactylos cjs76 DuncanTigerHero Joga5 katie_hague colport didactylos TheHeadsOffice DeputyMitchell squiggle7 Joga5 simcloughlin didactylos bevevans22 DeputyMitchell TheHeadsOffice kvnmcl ForesterJo tonycassidy colport cloud_burst deerwood squiggle7 cjs76 TheHeadsOffice DeputyMitchell Joga5 MrsThorne tonycassidy cleverfiend didactylos DuncanTigerHero DeputyMitchell simcloughlin Sport_ed bevevans22 TheHeadsOffice DeputyMitchell deerwood kvnmcl familysimpson colport dawnhallybone bevevans22 TheHeadsOffice katie_hague cjs76 Joga5 MrsThorne DeputyMitchell tonycassidy kvnmcl TheHeadsOffice Joga5 amweston NSRiazat dawnhallybone bevevans22 didactylos TheHeadsOffice

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status 5 minutes until #ukedchat with @Joga5 - Interesting Boys V Girls Learning debate May be more of a watcher/lurker than active participant in #ukedchat tonight. Am recovering from a day-long migraine so head's cat is settling in for #ukedchat too RT @colport: 5 minutes until #ukedchat with @Joga5 - Interesting Boys V Girls Learning debate one minute to go before we start the boys and girls discussion in tonight's #ukedchat So the question is What is different between the ways in which boys and girls learn? Does it really matter? #ukedchat Tweets unprotected! #ukedchat #ukedchat - interesting topic! #ukedchat guess we are going to be talking about maturity, culture, gender and sociological differences Shall we start with five minutes of setting of personal views on the differences first and then move on to strategies? #ukedchat #ukedchat it certainly matters, for many years I firmly believed the orthodoxy we were all equal, no longer do i believe that RT @Joga5: So the question is What is different between the ways in which boys and girls learn? Does it really matter? #ukedch @Joga5 thanks - look forward to it. #ukedchat, Boys are silly and immature, unorganised. Girls are a distraction but all are indivi @didactylos was there one incident or experience which brought about the change in view #ukedchat I think difference must matter given consistent analysis that shows gender gaps in performances of particular subjects. #ukedcha Ok, from my perspective in primary, there are some boys who only respond positively to male teachers. #ukedchat #ukedchat key question is mentally are there clear differences in female/male approaches, or is there a spectrum? Isn't it something to do with panets - Mars & Venus?! #ukedchat RT @Joga5: So the question is What is different between the ways in which boys and girls learn? Does it really matter? #ukedch my class are so split this year gender-wise. Lots of silly boys, lots of very sensible girls. Girls engaging easily, boys not so #uked or are there clear differences in Primary teachers' expectations of behaviour, acheivement etc #ukedchat RT @colport: Ok, from my perspective in primary, there are some boys who only respond positively to male teachers. #ukedcha #ukedchat there is received wisdom that some subject areas are more girl friendly and some more boy friendly...true or false? @colport I would say the same - we have some boys who only really connect with male teachers #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat key question is mentally are there clear differences in female/male approaches, or is there a spectr The importance is to have a variety of learning styles what ever the gender #ukedchat As children develop the way they learn becomes more apparent, boys prefer competition, excitment girls prefer settled discussio #ukedchat - IMO younger boys need to be a lot more physical active and would appear to show more obvious competitive streak RT @didactylos: #ukedchat key question is mentally are there clear differences in female/male approaches, or is there a spectr I feel sorry for boys who are in school full of females. They need a positive male role-model ;-) #ukedchat maturity is a major factor, a lot of boys seem to take longer to become independent learners #ukedchat @kvnmcl but isn't that just gender stereotyping #ukedchat if there are differences in learning there are most likely differences in male/female teaching methods #ukedchat #ukedchat very general, but girls appearing more reluctant to take risks and make mistakes. @squiggle7 @Joga5 Expectations can play such a big part in any learning #ukedchat I find that the boys I teach engage probably better than the girls! Is that because I'm the only man in the village? #ukedchat @kvnmcl but is that difference a norm of society that they learn from what they experience in class? #ukedchat #ukedchat We've got a big discrepancy in girls/boys performance at GCSE: approaching 20%. Suggests only 1 in 3 of our boys @didactylos I agree I think there is a spectrum, its individuals rather than group #ukedchat I think the home life can affect pupils' relationships with teachers - lack of a male/female role model varies family to family #uked @Joga5 #ukedchat no I came through the battle for equality in the 60's and 70's now realise we are all differently equal! #ukedchat Generally boys love competition, and kinaesthetic activities. Girls tend to like language. But girls fly under my radar # If there were more male teachers than female, would the problem be reversed? #ukedchat @didactylos Not sure. I've found that some treat me very differently to female teachers, even though I'm not remotely "blokey" # From my experience, generally boys respond well to competition-making this controlled and meaningful can be excellent motivat @kvnmcl @ForesterJo Boys are very competitive. Also many seem to prefer hands on /visual learning, girls like to talk things thr @kvnmcl Glad I'm not a tom boy! #ukedchat I'm talking Primary school (last tweet!) #ukedchat Is there not a pygmalion risk here .. if we believe boys and girls learn differently, then that's what we see? #ukedchat @deerwood from my percieved objective it's apparent,that's from two different cultures Spain and England. There's crossover #u Giving #ukedchat a miss tonight as just back from LONG day travelling. Started at 4am. Bleh. Wine! Enjoy! @DeputyMitchell No...I think girls respond positively to the male figures at school as well #ukedchat boys / girls - they are all children who have their own learning needs regardless of what 'sex' they are #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell @colport We've got very few male teachers but boys seem to respond to me okay. Is it because of the tech? # Expectations play a part when it concerns the gender of the teacher. Male is considered to be more active #ukedchat @didactylos #ukedchat I think that depends how they're taught. Looking at trad approaches, probably yes but if using range of a #ukedchat are boys more susceptible to a lack of a father figure. How do girls cope in comparison? RT @TheHeadsOffice: Expectations play a part when it concerns the gender of the teacher. Male is considered to be more activ RT @DuncanTigerHero Generally boys love competition, and kinaesthetic activities. Girls tend to like language #ukedchat <-- Ag But IMO girls react in a very positive way to boy led initiatives. #ukedchat I think its difficult to talk about groups, it's too complex, what works for one, will not for another #ukedchat @Joga5 It could be, I don't stereotype in class but you do see it happen as the children get older, patterns develop #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell I don't think the problem would disappear, it would be a different problem! #ukedchat @didactylos but some more differently equal than others? !!! #ukedchat RT @dawnhallybone: boys / girls - they are all children who have their own learning needs regardless of what 'sex' they are #uke @deerwood Yes agree #ukedchat - belief and expectations. If we emphasise difference then can we can expect to see a differen topic of cars and Karting based on F1 engaged both boys and girls - good to see role of women in perceived male envt #ukedch @dawnhallybone You're right of course, but there are differences - maybe it's more a maturity thing #ukedchat #ukedchat are the labels girl and boy too simplistic? Research now suggests we all have proportions of female and male to our @simcloughlin Describe 'blokey' please! #ukedchat

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stevebunce Cgeo28 Joga5 TheHeadsOffice KnikiDavies colport didactylos amweston squiggle7 dawnhallybone TheHeadsOffice Catriona_O simcloughlin colport katie_hague Cgeo28 KnikiDavies cjs76 TheHeadsOffice missbrownsword didactylos bevevans22 scholaforis briankotts amweston DeputyMitchell dawnhallybone primarypete_ TheHeadsOffice tobyholman didactylos deafdotty colport Cgeo28 TheHeadsOffice katie_hague KnikiDavies cjs76 amweston Joga5 colport Catriona_O TheHeadsOffice bevevans22 KnikiDavies colport marketspi Mr_Thorne ForesterJo dawnhallybone Joga5 ianaddison ICTtower bevevans22 Catriona_O squiggle7 tobyholman MrsThorne dughall didactylos KnikiDavies Sport_ed dughall scholaforis primarypete_ carolrainbow DianneSpencer Joga5 marketspi mark_wood KnikiDavies

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#ukedchat met an NQT today who I taught 10yrs ago. He was trouble in school,but his older sister an angel. He was always com #ukedchat - we trialled an all boys class and an all girls class at Year 9 in our mixed sec school. I didn't like the class dynamic OK first question? Do girls in primary schools ever experience 'girl friendly texts' in literacy? #ukedchat RT @deerwood: Is there not a pygmalion risk here .. if we believe boys and girls learn differently, then that's what we see? #uke #ukedchat Our MAST says in maths boys learn rules "it works cos it does",girls need to fully understand to "get" how the method #ukedchat "Growing no. prim schls have no male teachers, prompting fears that boys could be put off edu at @katie_hague yes maybe one size fits all is one end of the spectrum, where true personalised learning is the other #ukedchat @dawnhallybone agree I think sometimes society continues the myth #ukedchat @Joga5 have done 'girl-friendly' texts before but really turned boys off. #ukedchat I am female - but played and coached rugby and football at school/uni and I like to talk things through :) #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell Describe 'boy led activities' please #ukedchat #ukedchat I agree we need a balanced approach to addressing learner needs - competition/discussion but is it not just meeting l @TheHeadsOffice The teacher that runs the football team, chats to the boys about sport etc. That sort of thing. #ukedchat @deafdotty @bevevans22 It is a real challenge...but can understand why many males do not want to go into primary teaching. # #ukedchat In terms of progress, I've always had better results with boys than girls. Could be due to tech but do get more out of b #ukedchat - in my experience boys prefer fieldwork and LOTC @Joga5 #ukedchat Firework Maker's Daughter - +ve female role model? #ukedchat boys underachievement in writing is significant. Is it seen to be less important/socially less respected? @stevebunce Comparisons with siblings can be very damaging whatever they were like. Is that human nature? #ukedchat just got home, can someone tell me what the #ukedchat topic is please? #ukedchat think age also has significance, moving into secondary the 'courtship' displays intrude severely @Joga5 Most literacy initiatives seem to focus on engaging boys (IMO) #ukedchat Should we cover more girl slanted literature? Personally I'd go for personalised learning - one size fits none #ukedchat ♺ So-Called "Digital Natives" Not Media Savvy, New Study Shows #ukedchat I am female - but love watching footie I am very techy (more than hubbie) I like logical problems #ukedchat - my daughter is simi @TheHeadsOffice 'initiatives' not activities. Like 'Project X' boy friendly books (our girls LOVED them more than the boys!) #uke need for male role models in school same as need for females in computing and engineering etc #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell @colport @bevevans22 @cjs76 IMO teacher gender has very little to do with pupil gender specific engageme @Joga5 Quite an assumption that if it is literacy, girls will like it! #ukedchat Are boys less mature than girls or perceived to be? Stereotyping can be useful in places, but dangerous in others #ukedchat @Joga5 #ukedchat exactly.... lol @colport yes so can I - bit of a catch 22 #ukedchat Has anyone ever come across a 'boys only' primary school? #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat think age also has significance, moving into secondary the 'courtship' displays intrude severely >>a @colport If boys have no male teachers how does that equate with being put off? What about excellent female teachers? #uked RT @scholaforis: Personally I'd go for personalised learning - one size fits none #ukedchat . totally agree! #ukedchat How do we improve boys' writing? Talk for writing - drama - any other ideas that have worked? case studies? #ukedchat do social stereotypes create boundaries? Surely there is no practical reason why there are less female engineers? @Catriona_O Also a balance of different teaching styles to meet the various learning styles #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice Didn't say we should!!!!! #ukedchat @primarypete_ I would disagree. There are boy pupils who react completely different to me, than my female colleagues. #ukedc @scholaforis #ukedchat is what we need to discuss personalised learning here? @simcloughlin Ah! Blokey! So, what is it about you that the boys like & engage with? #ukedchat If we assume there are no differences between boys & girls then why are many behaviour units boy heavy? Same with autistic u #ukedchat Some of what we are talking about here I think is more to do with personality types a la Myers Briggs/Jung - rather th @TheHeadsOffice I am talking about a minority, who show a clear distain towards females generally. #ukedchat @KnikiDavies I find the opposite with high achieving girls- they just want to learn "the method", especially with maths #ukedchat regardless of gender, good progress is dependent on the high expectations set by the classteacher, male or female #ukedchat @bevevans22 likewise in Forest school-boys respond aswell as girls-seems scope for all the chdn 2 learn their preferred style # we have used games to engage all writers #ukedchat RT @Mr_Thorne: regardless of gender, good progress is dependent on the high expectations set by the classteacher, male or fe Why aren't there more make primary teachers? Is it the workload or the wages? Something else? #ukedchat @katie_hague Have had exact opposite result! #ukedchat @primarypete_ @colport Maybe it depends on area. Our boys have very few male role models & crave attention from a male tea @bevevans22 there is a much higher chance that a male baby will develop a disability than a female #ukedchat Anyone watching the Gareth Malone series on atm? Very interesting experiment with boys #ukedchat @ianaddison The fear? #ukedchat @KnikiDavies I've had most success with boys' writing when it's got a creative element to it: storytelling in History, for eg #ukedc I'm late! Soz #ukedchat #ukedchat are there some classes where the differences are greater than others - just had a classic yr 5 today where it was very @marketspi #ukedchat I used to be just that way myself at A level maths. Didn't care how you work out sin30, just tried to memo From teaching all boys groups-engagement at the start of the lesson vital-competitive starter activities excellent #ukedchat @colport Between the age of 8 and 11 I was in a boy-only class (Private school). #ukedchat @ForesterJo now is that because it child initiated learning? #ukedchat @colport think you're putting yourself down if think is mainly due to ur gender. It's your rapier wit and engaging personality #uked @colport Not caught up yet but I think the relationship between teacher & pupil is key influence in progress regardless of gender RT @simcloughlin: The teacher that runs the football team, chats to boys about sport etc. #ukedchat >>Very sporty female teach @dughall typical boy - comes late and apologises in slang!!!!! #ukedchat @bevevans22 is it because they suffer more from rules in school, can't express emotions well? I don't know the answer btw! #uk RT @bevevans22 Maybe it depends on area. Our boys have very few male role models & crave attention from a male teacher # @MrsThorne #ukedchat Great point, I also had great results with boys writing "historical fiction" of their choice, eg story set in Ro

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dughall colport KnikiDavies freedman69 bevevans22 JfB57 Cgeo28 dughall altrudrama Arakwai DianneSpencer ForesterJo freedman69 TheHeadsOffice CHAR0ULA SkoorBttaM bevevans22 colport DianneSpencer TheHeadsOffice mark_wood aiafrate Joga5 carolrainbow Cgeo28 KnikiDavies aangeli DianneSpencer Ideas_Factory Joga5 ForesterJo bevevans22 tonycassidy dughall MrsThorne russellhawker marketspi TheHeadsOffice carolrainbow katie_hague ianaddison colport TheHeadsOffice missbrownsword didactylos bevevans22 dughall Mr_Thorne freedman69 KnikiDavies aiafrate ICTtower Joga5 DianneSpencer DeputyMitchell squiggle7 helenmew didactylos KnikiDavies Cgeo28 janwebb21 colport missbrownsword dughall marketspi bekios cleverfiend sellyeve DeputyMitchell TheHeadsOffice Joga5

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@ianaddison IMO, lack of male pri teachers is cos of the perceptions around 'caring' professions cf nursing #ukedchat @bevevans22 Indeed. It is so plain to see with some pupils (girls as well) #ukedchat RT @MrsThorne: @KnikiDavies I've had most success with boys' writing when it's got a creative element to it: storytelling in His Vital to maintain equal academic expectations for boys and girls #ukedchat @Catriona_O I'm aware of that (have a disabled son & grandson) but there must be something in it, & some behaviours develop We are saying things like boys initiatives are competition, maths, instant rewards. If we think girls don't like them is it us? #ukedc #ukedchat - does peer pressure affect boys more than girls in school? @Joga5 LOL!!!!!! #ukedchat @mark_wood Agreed. Think male role models are so important across all key stages. #ukedchat. #ukedchat Have taught single sex classes in a mixed school. Feel both genders benefit from being more able to target teaching RT @katie_hague: #ukedchat In terms of progress, I've always had better results with boys than girls. >>>Does this concern u K RT @scholaforis: @ForesterJo now is that because it child initiated learning? #ukedchat Yes but also cos nature of teaching ou #ukedchat girls tends to gather more group momentum than boys @ianaddison I had to make sure my male staff were aware of how vulnerable they could be #ukedchat boys are more easy going and casual about learning #ukedchat @ianaddison Could it be the amount of times you get called 'miss' each day?!! The new class are getting better :) #ukedchat @marketspi I don't know the answers either. It could be an emotional thing (although some girls are prone to bottling things up) @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat ;-) RT @dawnhallybone: need for male role models in school same as need for females in computing and engineering etc #ukedch When I became a HT, the parents had to be shown that I could do the job. They felt I was missing certain bits to be successful! # #ukedchat as a male teacher I do sometimes feel I'm bias towards choosing more 'boyish' topics late to #ukedchat sorry ;) RT @CHAR0ULA: boys are more easy going and casual about learning #ukedchat >>> sometimes this can be a front though @ianaddison I think it is a lot to do with wages - it is hard to envisage keeping a family and mortgage on primary pay #ukedchat RT @CHAR0ULA: boys are more easy going and casual about learning #ukedchat >> or like to make out that they are! #ukedchat I'm generalising but I tend to find in literacy boys write to "get the job done", girls more keen on improving- to please t 'The Trouble with Boys' #ukedchat RT @colport: Has anyone ever come across a 'boys only' primary school? #ukedchat >>Yes but only in the private sector #ukedchat Why have I got a 'sponsored' tweet always at the top of my page-anyone else :^( @TheHeadsOffice was once informed in a govs meeting by Chair that "we would be appointing a man for the next job!!" #ukedc RT @freedman69: #ukedchat girls tends to gather more group momentum than boys - doesn't change when we get older for a lo RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - does peer pressure affect boys more than girls in school? <-- good point - maybe it's just a different p We live in a World with both sexes, shouldn't we be developing all gender 'traits' /'strengths' #ukedchat @Arakwai If teaching single-sex addresses different learning needs, why not teach only by ability groups or learning style? #uke @SkoorBttaM If it makes you feel any better I get called Sir all the time :) must be my husky tones #ukedchat Males also have higher standard deviation of IQ >>@bevevans22 ...higher chance that a male will develop a disability than a fem @Ideas_Factory yes! Finally got rid of darn thing! But don't know how! #ukedchat RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - does peer pressure affect boys more than girls in school?>Depneds in what. Need to be seen to be c @ianaddison May also be to do with stereo typing & history, girls deal with small children. Lots of young men don't mix with youn @DianneSpencer Partly, though I've had more underperforming boys arriving in my class than girls, so more scope for good pro My teacher training course started with 15guys and ended with 4. I was only one under 40! #ukedchat @dughall I would like to see a boys only school in action - How do their structure their curriculum? #ukedchat Is there more of the 'need to be seen to be cool' with girls in secondary than primary? #ukedchat there is such concern about engaging boys in reading and writing that no one writes for girls any more which is a shame #ukedc @Cgeo28 #ukedchat in secondary boys are more likely to appear disinterested in the lessons, but privately many work hard late I also think there can be clear differences in maturity when you have summer-born boys - makes development differences obvio Girls: "Can we have another lunchtime session to help us talk through the problem?' Boys: "Can't we shake on it and play footie? RT @carolrainbow: @colport Not caught up yet but I think the relationship between teacher & pupil is key influence in progress r #ukedchat too many stereotypes persist regarding gender divide in education. Gd teaching benefits b+g. Don't concentrate on le #ukedchat Do you think blogs would be very good for improving boys' writing - writing needs to be good as will be read by wide a feel I'm not getting as much from the girls in the class as boys need to rethink my strategies to make them want to participate #u When giving examples, would be useful if we mentioned KS or pri/sec please #ukedchat @missbrownsword they do write for girls but the books are not always as well advertised - some great stuff out there #ukedchat #ukedchat Has anyone counted the number of tweets with the word *boy* in compared to the word *girl* ??? We've a group of underperforming girls. Call them our 'Gel Pen Girls'!!! Tidy, neat, smiley & if not careful stay under the radar! #u @KnikiDavies I'm hoping so. This was one reason for starting school blog. #ukedchat Strong acad evidence innate gender differences real but small; gendered society + peer pressure reinforce/drive difference #uke @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat thonk there's more of a studious versus good time girl split in secondary @missbrownsword #ukedchat I write (sci-fi) for girls! Trouble is agents say it doesn't fit their list! Girls read boy books but not v.v #ukedchat - in diverse city schools cultural background also plays a part in the differences @ianaddison I had opposite prob when I did my degree - I was the only girl on my course!! (not a teaching one - did PGCE) #uk @primarypete_ @carolrainbow I still maintain there are *some* boys who react different to male tchers. No matter what! #ukedc @KnikiDavies I will try and answer that when I've finished my dissertation! #ukedchat @colport I don't think the curriculum would/should be structured differently. A curriculum should be a preparation for life. #ukedc #ukedchat boys are more likely to exclaim loudly "this is too hard, not doing it!" then when class is unsettled they secretly work o @aiafrate I find middle ability girls like to blend into background #ukedchat it's interesting seeing the difference between boys and girls in BTEC Science - girls respond better to coursework/project apprch Good practise for teaching boys usually is good practise for all. #ukedchat @bevevans22 I was born late spring!!! Would explain alot!! lol #ukedchat @KnikiDavies Theory that boys are better suited to exams - short & over / girls to course work. Any 2dary teachers confirm? #uk OK so we seem to have come to a form of consensus that there are differences -shall we move onto strategies for a while? #uke

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DianneSpencer SkoorBttaM helenmew bartoneducation TweeterofWit janwebb21 missbrownsword dughall TheHeadsOffice bekios carolrainbow Catriona_O bevevans22 curricadvocate colport didactylos janwebb21 ICTtower KnikiDavies DrAshCasey aiafrate dawnhallybone bevevans22 ForesterJo colport TheHeadsOffice didactylos marketspi KnikiDavies primarypete_ Catriona_O Arakwai ICTtower missbrownsword curricadvocate Joga5 mark_wood didactylos bevevans22 DeputyMitchell KnikiDavies dughall bartoneducation dukkhaboy KnikiDavies janwebb21 sellyeve JfB57 curricadvocate dughall helenmew MrsThorne tonycassidy carolrainbow DrAshCasey marketspi mrswaustin SkoorBttaM KnikiDavies Laura_987 missbrownsword Cgeo28 Joga5 curricadvocate primarypete_ ICTtower ianaddison mark_wood janwebb21 carolrainbow Joga5

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#ukedchat I am a bit confused about topic? Is it about the differences between boys and girls and their learning? @MrsThorne Haha! At first it's a bit worrying but then you get used to it. The best ones are when you get called 'mum'!! #ukedc How do we avoid playing reinforcing stereotypes that may be linked more to self-perpetuating peer pressures? #ukedchat Boys love competition, girls love cooperation. Difficult to manage both in classroom. #ukedchat RT @freedman69: #ukedchat too many stereotypes persist regarding gender divide in education. Gd teaching benefits b+g. Don @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat - my equivalents giggle and smile instead of answering a question fully! we have lots of those also! RT @DeputyMitchell: We've a group of underperforming girls. #ukedchat @ianaddison I was one of 10 male trainees on a course of 140 #ukedchat @Joga5 THat's clear then! What was your response?#ukedchat RT @missbrownsword: there is such concern about engaging boys in reading and writing that no one writes for girls any more w @colport Is it really male teachers or just different teachers? Personality can make a huge difference too. #ukedchat #ukedchat I think boys approach under pressure is different -1 of spectrum- I think with pay differentials no matter how hard girls RT @ianaddison: My teacher training course started with 15guys & ended with 4. #ukedchat <-That says something. Not sure w #ukedchat do ALL boys love competition?? Does any1 understand what Gareth Mal is trying to achieve in his prog? What about the negative attitudes from the female teach @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat boys are motivated by last minute deadlines and spurts of effort, girls work the long haul (30 yrs in @carolrainbow #ukedchat absolutely agree @colport @KnikiDavies Would love to read some! Where can I get hold of some? #ukedchat @sellyeve #ukedchat Yes, we've said whatever we put in place to improve boys' writing is almost certain to help the girls too! @tonycassidy do kids select the traits that society values and aspire to them...we need to change society #ukedchat RT @DeputyMitchell: 'Gel Pen Girls'!!! Tidy, neat, smiley & if not careful stay under the radar! <
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aiafrate Catriona_O KnikiDavies TheHeadsOffice SkoorBttaM helenmew ForesterJo Joga5 tonycassidy bevevans22 marketspi didactylos curricadvocate janwebb21 Mr_Thorne TheHeadsOffice KnikiDavies fhesbusiness Joga5 katie_hague curricadvocate DrAshCasey DeputyMitchell carolrainbow dughall squiggle7 dawnhallybone bevevans22 SkoorBttaM TheHeadsOffice carolrainbow tonycassidy theatretotsltd cjs76 KnikiDavies janwebb21 didactylos mark_wood ianaddison squiggle7 curricadvocate dughall sellyeve ProEdNet JfB57 ForesterJo helenmew bevevans22 marketspi TheHeadsOffice carolrainbow KnikiDavies Mr_Thorne katie_hague MrsThorne ICTtower DrAshCasey dughall Catriona_O ICTtower sellyeve janwebb21 janwebb21 KnikiDavies Joga5 tonycassidy colport mark_wood ForesterJo katie_hague squiggle7

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RT @marketspi: @mark_wood in my year 11 class there are 5 girls, 29 boys. < All good! A @helenmew #ukedchat this would appear true if you look at evidence from international studies. @tonycassidy yes...agreed. But we have also accepted that boys should display certain masculine traits...take "girl's blouse" #uk RT @tonycassidy: Teachers are a bit like locks- irrespective of gender, you just just 'click' with some- #ukedchat @helenmew We have play based curric going all through in some primary's - 3 yrs now - no significant difference in achievemen @primarypete_ I agree about offering choice. Can then also be used as a coercive tool "...but you *chose* to do this..." #ukedch @janwebb21 @mark_wood I had a boy sulk and refuse to work today because paired with a girl too #ukedchat @KnikiDavies games games and games :) #ukedchat @ianaddison @carolrainbow @didactylos And how come you can be 'sporty' or 'clever' but not both? Do I imagine it?? #ukedch RT @dughall: @ianaddison I was one of 10 male trainees on a course of 140 #ukedchat >>same here. only five qualified @primarypete_ Have you got a an outside area? Let them write 'on the walls'! #ukedchat @Joga5 That is just dreadful - yes can understand the reply now! #ukedchat @DrAshCasey also agreed there- so perhaps just take out the gender and consider positive human 'traits'. #ukedchat RT @ForesterJo: @dughall I also think a curriculum should be structured around celebrating who we are now! not always prep f RT @bevevans22: My stepson told me he tried not to act 'too clever' at school as it wasn't cool #ukedchat > this is reality. @katie_hague #ukedchat I just quoted Kagan in my very next tweet!!! Weird! I am planning to read up more about it! @squiggle7 tis such a big deal for some #ukedchat @DrAshCasey I don't disagree, but recognise that they don't have that much impact, home culture is such a pull #ukedchat RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Such a small number of either gender is def going to limit friendships! I agree & is something to b a @missbrownsword I got my first job cos they were looking for a male teacher. There were 2other guys interviewed though #uked @squiggle7 @mark_wood but then also had another tell me he was working better because paired with a girl so swings & r'bts # @carolrainbow #ukedchat But have standards risen compared to 3yrs ago even though no gender differences? @bevevans22 But is choosing 'boy' topics repeatedly for boy heavy groups fair? Realistic? Equal? Representative? etc? #ukedc @bevevans22 often find the sportiest cohorts are highest achieving. #ukedchat @KnikiDavies that is interesting, does anyone else have views on Kagan's ideas on how to get the best out of mixed classes? # RT @didactylos: #ukedchat to what extent should we be exploring their preferred learning styles with them & explaining what's @tonycassidy as female teacher find boys easier to deal with generally - inf boys fall out sort it 2 mins later! girls...... #ukedchat @missbrownsword Really hate that, that's just awful - and if we discriminate as adults why are so surprised young people do too @dughall @primarypete_ When I offer choice (eg in recording method) girls choose quickly. Boys struggle to choose #ukedchat RT @tonycassidy: Teachers are a bit like locks- irrespective of gender, you just just 'click' with some- #ukedchat RT @DeputyMitchell: RT @tonycassidy: Teachers are a bit like locks- irrespective of gender, you just just 'click' with some- #uke @bevevans22 You can't get good all-rounders these days? #ukedchat @bevevans22 #ukedchat Think that depends on the school, we have plenty of sporty & clever kids, we have culture where it's g RT @ForesterJo: @tonycassidy as female teacher find boys easier to deal with generally - inf boys fall out sort it 2 mins later! gi katie_hague: @primarypete_ Treasure hunts, writing clues and 'evidence', non fiction, describing dragons, monsters, pirates etc @bevevans22 I have seen a few sporty and clever boys in my time. They usually end up as Head Boy. #ukedchat For the 1st time in 10 years I have an all boy class at KS4, the only girl requested a transfer.... #ukedchat @helenmew I think they benefit in secondary school. The phys Ed model "sport education" is based on play theory #ukedchat RT @dawnhallybone: @KnikiDavies games games and games :) #ukedchat #ukedchat my problem with personalised learning is that is has been interpreted in many cases as limited to options. V Poor res It is a very different atmosphere to my other classes #ukedchat @bevevans22 even with a deadline? #ukedchat #ukedchat sorry if I'm repeating what someone has said but authentic context, games/play based writing so important for all but RT @dughall: RT @dawnhallybone: @KnikiDavies games games and games :) #ukedchat @ProEdNet #ukedchat I have set up my classes in Kagan groups and it is working a treat - some of best maths lessons ever us We've tried to use what were regarded as boy friendly strategies but also considered grouping and subject matter #ukedchat @ForesterJo agreed- sometimes I think we overreact to situation like that #ukedchat Does Visual Literacy support boys learning? #ukedchat RT @KnikiDavies: @mark_wood #ukedchat Have, suggests groups of 4 with 2 girls/2 boys but not a 3:1 ratio as this inhibits girls RT @helenmew: Would boys and girls BOTH benefit from the extension of play-based curric much further up through into prima @KnikiDavies #ukedchat Kaan v interesting for all,had to move around class for some, everyone has to answer in others. No fly @KnikiDavies what happens when you don't have right numbers for 2/2 with Kagan?

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mrswaustin bevevans22 KnikiDavies DrAshCasey ianaddison mark_wood TheHeadsOffice didactylos carolrainbow briankotts MrsThorne aiafrate katie_hague curricadvocate cybraryman1 bevevans22 KnikiDavies DuncanTigerHero John_Pallister pkainsworth ICTtower JfB57 DrAshCasey cjs76 marketspi tonycassidy cybraryman1 helenmew katie_hague KnikiDavies dughall squiggle7 Catriona_O didactylos curricadvocate Joga5 primarypete_ missbrownsword MrsThorne ICTtower ForesterJo Mr_Thorne TheHeadsOffice colport dawnhallybone curricadvocate mark_wood didactylos ICTtower bevevans22 Catriona_O KnikiDavies carolrainbow dughall ForesterJo TheHeadsOffice John_Pallister curricadvocate dughall aiafrate tonycassidy janwebb21 KnikiDavies didactylos TheHeadsOffice katie_hague ForesterJo sellyeve curricadvocate tonycassidy dughall

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@katie_hague we use kagan a lot It works for boys & girls alike. Calms 'loud' boys & encourages 'quiet' girls to join in. #ukedch @dughall Not in my opinion, but it is a trend I've seen. A bit like choosing literature where the main characters are male...#ukedc @dughall #ukedchat What would you classify as a "boy" topic or a "girl" topic? @tonycassidy now that is the positive method. Teachers need to be aware of the ways we reinforce gender expectations..really @KnikiDavies we celebrate achievement too, but for certain kids, all boys, it's just not cool. School is for mates and football #uke @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Kagan, suggests groups of 4 with 2 girls/2 boys but not a 3:1 ratio as this inhibits girls either way V int @helenmew @missbrownsword I think the discrimination comes when we are very tiny & stays unless really pushed out. #ukedc #ukedchat can we agree on what bedrock skills are key to success in life and that whatever your gender you need to develop the @curricadvocate I daren't actually commit to that without seeing the data and I have not looked- though I doubt it has raised muc Are boys really the weaker sex? /via @telegraph #edchat #ukedchat @ICTtower Had a Y12 class with a 12/3 boy/girl split 1 year; following year was reversed. Had to completely rewrite my SoW #u #ukedchat boys appear to like large audience for work - on wall, blog.. putting up girls work anonymously at their request, found RT @colport: Does Visual Literacy support boys learning? #ukedchat > Yes, & games based learning. See @timrylands &myst. @missbrownsword #ukedchat - agree. my son is terrified of failure, so competition paralyses his thinking. @@bevevans22 Yes I witnessed this too, some students shy away from not acting clever because of peer pressure. #ukedchat @sellyeve I'm talking about in a 40 minute primary session. If I cut it down to clear choice of one or the other they cope better. # @squiggle7 #ukedchat I went for a table of 3 girls and one of 4 boys We are now teaching Eng and Maths as single sex subjects to lower ability classes at GCSE. Some successes. #ukedchat @Catriona_O had a go at unpicking personalised Learning #ukedchat #ukedchat Didn't truly realise how biased our education system is against boys till i had a son... No fault of the school which is F @dawnhallybone That's what I would like to find out - I am thinking perhaps boys don't see women as strong disciplianarians? # RT @DrAshCasey: @tonycassidy now that is the positive method. Teachers need to be aware of the ways we reinforce gender @didactylos yep...home has a huge impact. Family expectation carries massive weight. #ukedchat #ukedchat have seen sig. progress when focussing on girls in maths - confidence, levels, attitude. @squiggle7 @knikidavies good group work says if not even split then have some single sex groups #ukedchat @DrAshCasey yes, and it is a minefield- #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat can we agree on what bedrock skills are key to success in life & whatever your gender you need to @DrAshCasey Interesting - think the transition EYFS to primary a shock - and primary to secondary. Outdoor and indoor play v RT @mrswaustin: we use kagan a lot It works for boys & girls alike. Calms 'loud' boys & encourages 'quiet' girls to join in.#uked @ianaddison #ukedchat I was worried ours was going that way a bit last year but it seems to have fizzled out with departure of Y @KnikiDavies I wouldn't particularly classify topics like that. (Boy/girl) it was @bevevans22 's colleague who tends to (said Bev) @KnikiDavies would love to know more about Kagan techniques. Can I ask you after this has finished? #ukedchat @John_Pallister thank you! shall check it out #ukedchat #ukedchat the male brain is still out hunting the mammoth, the female working in the collaborative tribe - civilisation is still a new @carolrainbow #ukedchat - interesting. perhaps another edchat question? @DuncanTigerHero Do the kids prefer working in single sex groups? #ukedchat @KnikiDavies @dughall #ukedchat when did Mario Kart as theme was perceived as boy but girls loved it & focused on different this week I told my maths set that girls are better at maths than boys, I was joking but it seemed to motivate them all! #ukedchat RT @DuncanTigerHero: We are now teaching Eng and Maths as single sex subjects to lower ability classes at GCSE. Some su @TheHeadsOffice The lone girl felt intimidated by being alone/could not relate to the 'lads' #ukedchat @KnikiDavies will have to read up on Kagan - #ukedchat - can you email me any info? when our text was Cinderella, the boys were really into it...similarly the girls have been encapsulated by dragons/fantasy #ukedc RT @cjs76: #ukedchat have seen sig. progress when focussing on girls in maths - confidence, levels, attitude>so it is to do with RT @didactylos: #ukedchat the male brain is still out hunting the mammoth, the female working in the collaborative tribe - civilis @janwebb21 agree totally #ukedchat @katie_hague #ukedchat just catching up again - agree with your list. humour is a very important tool. calm manner gets results RT @MrsThorne: @ICTtower what particular changes were made in the SOW?? #ukedchat @mark_wood #ukedchat good idea, only achievable in classes with equal gender numbers @MrsThorne Interesting, as we try to keep our SoW gender neutral #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @MrsThorne @KnikiDavies In our area boys either 'appear' to be good at sport or bright (but not too 'in your @chrisrat @atantot @DrAshCasey yes, and it is a minefield- #ukedchat - and pass the bomb IS ace! Love #twitterserendipity! @squiggle7 Yes sure but I am far from expert! #ukedchat It's something I want to develop @curricadvocate We would all have to dig the data out ;-) Lots of prep time needed!! #ukedchat @primarypete_ @KnikiDavies That is *the* thing about topics IMO. Seeing and drawing out elements to suit *every* individ' lear @tonycassidy absolutely! not advocating letting boys fights but sometimes we intervene + really make mountain out of molehill # @missbrownsword Interesting that you were joking about who is good at maths. Have you the data to prove it? Is it our perceptio @didactylos bedrock skills = Functional Skills + 'a bit' #ukedchat @Joga5 #ukedchat i think this depends on how you structure the ethos of the classroom (and school for that matter) @primarypete_ @KnikiDavies ...not just cos they're boys or girls. #ukedchat @katie_hague I read kagan last yr, really need to start using it again #ukedchat RT @colport: Does Visual Literacy support boys learning? #ukedchat Doesn't it for everyone? @dawnhallybone been to ewac today - keep thinking good teaching includes BOTH boys and girls #ukedchat @dughall @bevevans22 I see, was interested to see how they classified them. #ukedchat @DrAshCasey #ukedchat A level female students in past classes would face incredible pressure from females in family to pack @bevevans22 What stops boys wanting to please? Is it just peer pressure? When does it start?#ukedchat @curricadvocate For boys & girls,but found lots of my boys assumed they'd be shouted at & v defensive.Calm was far more effe @mrswaustin really sorry but what does 'loud' mean - enthusiastic????? keen???? #ukedchat janwebb21: @dawnhallybone been to ewac today - keep thinking good teaching includes BOTH boys and girls #ukedchat YES! @ForesterJo @KnikiDavies and me for Kagan. sounds interesting. #ukedchat @ForesterJo yeah- couldn't have put it better #ukedchat @ICTtower "perhaps boys don't see women as strong disciplianarians? " Completely disagree. This perception can be sorted da

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ICTtower TheHeadsOffice JaneWoods3 MrsThorne Joga5 janwebb21 sellyeve TheHeadsOffice KnikiDavies Joga5 ProEdNet janwebb21 MrsThorne bevevans22 Mr_Thorne KnikiDavies didactylos scholaforis katie_hague cybraryman1 squiggle7 tonycassidy MrsThorne janwebb21 bartoneducation TheHeadsOffice ProEdNet mark_wood colport bevevans22 CHAR0ULA TheHeadsOffice Joga5 ICTtower Catriona_O colport mrswaustin dawnhallybone dughall TweeterofWit Joga5 sellyeve ForesterJo bevevans22 curricadvocate dughall tonycassidy didactylos KnikiDavies TheHeadsOffice mark_wood carolrainbow janwebb21 janwebb21 dughall geraldhaigh1 ICTtower Joga5 bevevans22 altrudrama didactylos ForesterJo MrsThorne Catriona_O primarypete_ cybraryman1 dughall geraldhaigh1 sellyeve bartoneducation curricadvocate

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@Joga5 Definitely! #ukedchat @curricadvocate Ethos of the school is key! #ukedchat #ukedchat Numbers of males on Primary Ed courses are improving but we still struggle to keep them. Need more male role mod @mark_wood Took out lots of role play/tableaux/competitions, girls just not enthused by them. More essay practice #ukedchat @tonycassidy @colport Would agree that it is equally successful for both groups if pedagogy sound #ukedchat @dawnhallybone or even ecaw! #ukedchat TheHeadsOffice: @bevevans22 What stops boys wanting to please? Is it just peer pressure? School culture defintely plays a pa @diannespencer Are there any reluntant staff about your IT push? Are they M or F? #ukedchat @squiggle7 @foresterjo #ukedchat All the info I have I got from here in the free articles section @curricadvocate Would agree on the structuring of ethos #ukedchat @DuncanTigerHero would be interested to hear about the successes and difficulties this choice resulted in? #ukedchat RT @Joga5: @tonycassidy @colport Would agree that it is equally successful for both groups if pedagogy sound #ukedchat @mark_wood no noticable difference in performance between the genders either year #ukedchat @dughall @KnikiDavies Our FP teachers tend to choose dinosaur/space/hands on topics to 'engage' boys as girls will join in an as a child, i went to all boys school & i missed out on socialising with girls until my teaching degree which was mainly female #uk @squiggle7 @foresterjo #ukedchat I think @oliverquinlan is very interested in Kagan but he's not here this evening @John_Pallister #ukedchat hmm maybe, but FS have now a very bad label round the neck extended and problem solving play breeds mutual respect for non gender biased relationships in school later # @aiafrate Yes, we had training 2 years ago and worked really well, though big learning curve for us! #ukedchat I taught in the inner city where in most families fathers were absent. Boys especially needed strong & good male role models # @KnikiDavies thanks, have seen that site before but will take a deeper look #ukedchat @ICTtower @dawnhallybone I've always found it to be the other way- as a student I had more respect for my female teachers.. @ICTtower didn't really clock the SoW as not gender neutral til I couldn't get the girl-heavy group to do the activities! #ukedchat n@bevevans22 ours too #ukedchat A21st Century Boys good read and worth looking at for this debate. #ukedchat. Sue Palmer's pop education. @Joga5 Gosh - pedagogy - that's a blast from the past! Vital though! #ukedchat @KnikiDavies Great, Kagan has always been very popular here but would love to hear more info on teachers with more practica #ukedchat in my yr 12 class the girls r much more willing 2 stand up & present. In KS1&2 last yr it was much more the boys, a ni @tonycassidy @Joga5 Very good point about pedagogy. Something that is overlooked in favor of prescribed cont. Worthy of its @dughall @KnikiDavies Even if covering Fairy Tales they often go for one with a male lead!! But we are very boy heavy #ukedc family attitudes influence kids behaviour so in some areas the problem is worse need to change adult ways first #ukedchat Anyone let classes above FS use outside learning areas? #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice Had someone in a "get you" way when we started talking about it at training last term #ukedchat @dughall I'm sure it can. I only ask because I see more boys misbehave in classes with female teachers than male in secondary @cybraryman1 #ukedchat don't they need good teachers first and foremost? @bevevans22 Fairy tales is easy to deliver for boys as well nowadays....via Shrek! #ukedchat @ForesterJo yes I had a group last yr that drowned out some girls with their answers & opinions. Kagan gave them all a chance @janwebb21 I thought ewac was a mis - spelling of a star wars character :) #ukedchat @bevevans22 I do know what you're saying. Element of devil's advocate from me tonight :-) #ukedchat Forget 'girls'' or 'boys'' subjects: boys love Literature or HE, girls love Technology or Physics. It's subjects and students! #ukedch RT @Catriona_O: @cybraryman1 #ukedchat don't they need good teachers first and foremost? >>>Yes every time Catriona_O: @cybraryman1 don't they need good teachers first and foremost? Completely agree! #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne and then made up for it?????????????????#ukedchat I thought that the sport/clever thing might be mainly Welsh and cultural but it would appear not #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @Joga5 So, if teachers/schools concentrate on ethos can we move to focussing on learning without stereoty @ICTtower They were obviously never taught by my wife! ;-) #ukedchat I found this a really interesting read 'Trouble with Boys' -Tyre, - #ukedchat #ukedchat this hour always flies by, less than 15 mins left @mrswaustin #ukedchat Is there a particular book on Kagan that you would recommend? Feel a trip to Amazon coming on... :o) @dughall You naughty boy!! #ukedchat RT @MrsThorne Took out lots of role play/tableaux/competitions, girls just not enthused by them. More essay practice #ukedcha RT @Catriona_O @cybraryman1 #ukedchat don't they need good teachers first and foremost? Yes! Good teachers will teach w @dawnhallybone it's fun based learning based on film characters, apparently ;) prob more to do with trying to make shepherd's p @dawnhallybone I mean at the same time as following #ukedchat @ICTtower IMO and experience, discipline is gender ambiguous #ukedchat @TweeterofWit Absolutely right. I can't come to terms with this topic at all. #ukedchat LOL! RT @dughall: @ICTtower They were obviously never taught by my wife! ;-) #ukedchat @curricadvocate That must be the aim - it is so institutionally and societally embedded that it is hard #ukedchat @colport :) Animated films make every topic easy - Shrek (fairy tales), Lion King (Africa), Bug's Life (minibeasts) etc. etc :) #uke @TweeterofWit My personal experience of that is completely different - I think each class probably has a different mix of faves # #ukedchat if a Male brain is motivated by competition and winning if it can't win in one way it looks for other games to play..... RT @TheHeadsOffice: Anyone let classes above FS use outside learning areas? #ukedchat our KS1 classes have full day of for @TheHeadsOffice Benefit of having Hist dept in mobiles on field means lots of room for reenactments :) try to do it regularly #uk RT @dughall: @bevevans22 know wht U're saying. devil's advocate from me 2nite :-) #ukedchat me 2. have atypical children fr RT @dughall: @ICTtower IMO and experience, discipline is gender ambiguous #ukedchat <-- nicely put @Joga5 @sellyeve @carolrainbow @Catriona_O Yes, of course they need good teachers first. Better if it was good male teache @TheHeadsOffice That's me labeled then (for the second time tonight @Joga5 ) :-) #ukedchat Should have voted. #ukedchat important that teachers don't perpetuate stereotypes - first and foremost, children are individuals #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat if a Male brain is motivated by competition and winning if it can't win in one way it looks for other gam #ukedchat I'm detecting a few strands that look at the power of effective teaching to remove gender barriers. Any further thought

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didactylos cybraryman1 janwebb21 marketspi ForesterJo Catriona_O John_Pallister bartoneducation tonycassidy dawnhallybone ForesterJo TheHeadsOffice nancyrubin scholaforis Joga5 bevevans22 dughall bartoneducation carolrainbow Joga5 katie_hague Mr_Thorne simonhowells DrAshCasey ICTtower dughall bevevans22 dughall Cgeo28 mrswaustin DrAshCasey TheHeadsOffice Joga5 KnikiDavies ICTtower Laura_987 carolrainbow katie_hague sellyeve MrsThorne JfB57 tonycassidy CHAR0ULA Catriona_O clairelowe2 BeeBecF sellyeve bevevans22 clairelowe2 altrudrama TheHeadsOffice curricadvocate primarypete_ bartoneducation cybraryman1 Joga5 ForesterJo tonycassidy MrsThorne mrswaustin Catriona_O curricadvocate didactylos TheHeadsOffice Cgeo28 SkoorBttaM KnikiDavies ICTtower DrAshCasey didactylos Mr_Thorne

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#ukedchat the male brain opting out is encapsulated in the 'its my ball and I'm going home' syndrome @Catriona_O @Joga5 @sellyeve @carolrainbow These boys did not have any positive male role models #ukedchat #ukedchat one topic that always encourages our boys to get involved is the stop-frame animation unit - they re-enact rapunzel re @ICTtower @dughall Women have it harder-research shows deep voice has more authority. Some women get reli high pitch wh @mrswaustin if you have any info on Kagan would love to read #ukedchat important to allow all chance to offer their ideas I don't feel like we've really got anywhere tonight #ukedchat @didactylos FS bad label: either the standards are wrong OR learners are not 'Functional' -sort out standards vs sort learning Films and learning - subject for #ukedchat? @bevevans22 Why are boys three more time likely to be diagnosed with ADHD? #ukedchat as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #ukedchat RT @dughall: @ICTtower They were obviously never taught by my wife! ;-) #ukedchat OR ME! @dughall I expect you're sitting at the back as well!@Joga5 #ukedchat Social Learning - Lesson Ideas for Teachers #smchat #edchat #ukedchat #web20chat @ForesterJo #ukedchat mixed KS2 class often out @theheadsoffice @marketspi I worked for a 6ft 4 Head teacher he never shouted or used his deep voice for some reason!! #ukedchat One thing that is helping in our school is introduction of FP style learning into KS2 classroom - enough variety for both genders # @TheHeadsOffice :-) #ukedchat @tonycassidy Coz the world moves too slowly for the ones I know. #ukedchat RT @sellyeve: important teachers don't perpetuate stereotypes - first & foremost, chn are individuals #ukedchat - Teach to their RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #u RT @curricadvocate: #ukedchat I'm detecting strands that look at the power of effective teaching to remove gender barriers. >C RT @ForesterJo: RT @TheHeadsOffice: Anyone let classes above FS use outside learning areas? #ukedchat Same here! Fore heard a colleague talking about why her class were a pain today - "well they're mostly boys" was her opener - my heart sank... # @helenmew I think we've lost the play instinct in secondary teaching. #ukedchat RT @marketspi: Women have it harder-research shows deep voice has more authority. Some women get reli high pitch when c RT @tonycassidy: Why are boys three more time likely to be diagnosed with ADHD? #ukedchat (Good Question) RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race /religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #uke RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #u #ukedchat yes children are individuals but put 30 in same room and things change. Gender as well as ability, age, etc has to be @ForesterJo we had training days on it. Will DM you details tomorrow if you like. Too tired to remember name of firm! Sorry:) #u @didactylos so true and such a shame #ukedchat RT @carolrainbow: RT @sellyeve: important teachers don't perpetuate stereotypes - first & foremost, chn are individuals #ukedc @DrAshCasey We have lost play in much of KS2. Last week we talked about bringing playfulness into teaching #ukedchat @dawnhallybone #ukedchat I think it's an issue because the data is suggesting that boys' writing is a real issue nationally @dawnhallybone True, though I've also seen the same lessons received differently depending on staff. Personality also importa RT @DrAshCasey @helenmew I think we've lost the play instinct in secondary teaching. #ukedchat >> definitely - how would we @cybraryman1 are you perpetuating stereotypes? ;-) I can't believe that!! #ukedchat @bevevans22 My last school did that too to great effect. Focused learning on interests of children, engagement for all! #ukedcha @dughall even higher for conditions such as autism, dyslexia #ukedchat @tonycassidy similar issue with autism: way more common in boys #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne @ForesterJo Is there a difference in the learning in Forest school activities between m/f? #ukedchat the gender discussion come around to the usual conclusion of using a variety of methods to engage learners- irrespective of gen @dawnhallybone society has a lot to do with that I think #ukedchat @didactylos ok - haha! #ukedchat but I know I'm right:-) #Ukedchat sorry been working just joined in! Looks like it's been a lively discussion :-) RT @dughall: RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are @Cgeo28 considered yes - but we need to try & park our preconceived ideas at the door! #ukedchat @Joga5 That's what the extension of FP and outdoor curriculum has done with us - brought back play and exploration #ukedcha RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #u @KnikiDavies Done fab talk for writing projects that boys love - hardest part was getting them to sit & write. Imaginations great # @bevevans22 We did a FS profile across a whole of a primary school. Staff in Yr.6 were amazed what it told them! #ukedchat #ukedchat If gender differences is deeply ingrained into societal values, then as educators we have a duty to be counter-cultural Have lots of summer born boys & eager girls in Y1. Trying to work out how to match needs whilst still having to teach lit&num ho RT @tonycassidy: the gender discussion come around to the usual conclusion of using a variety of methods to engage learners@Catriona_O Only male role models these boys knew were gang bangers & drug dealers #ukedchat @bevevans22 but it's more than giving play opportunities it is about being playful as an adult working with kids #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne do you take your children for forest school? must chat more..........#ukedchat @dughall @MrsThorne @Catriona_O I'm not disputing the disorder, but are we medicating a vision of a certain type of classroo @DrAshCasey I hear a lot of 2dry teachers completely discount play cos of the drive for better results: "no time" So backwards! Some women get reli high pitch when cross! #ukedchat > knew 1 of those- disliked by all children!! Sounded like fingers down a @tonycassidy thankyou for adding a welcome, measured perspective. I agree. And so it should be. #ukedchat @JfB57 #ukedchat so what would be your first steps in developing an understanding of staff inner beliefs to develop ethos? @Catriona_O actually agree, but these hours are always about expanding ideas, not time to really 'get anywhere' in 60 mins #uk RT @dughall: RT @tonycassidy: Y are boys three more time likely to be diagnosed with ADHD? #ukedchat > Easier than chang RT @sellyeve- but we need to try & park our preconceived ideas at the door! #ukedchat > some ideas come from experience tho What part does society play?- Might say "how are you monster?" to boy, say it to a girl and they''ll be shocked #ukedchat @sellyeve #ukedchat Autism, dyslexia etc genuinely are more common in boys, is ADHD really or are energetic boys being misd Does anyone have a good link to use for using Kagan? #ukedchat @Laura_987 @helenmew I did it in phys Ed by having design and the play their own games rather than playing traditional game @Catriona_O yes and i know you are right, cos I'm always wrong in my house! #ukedchat RT @JfB57 Is there a difference in the learning in Forest school activities between m/f? #ukedchat it recently inspired their writin

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scholaforis sellyeve John_Pallister Laura_987 bevevans22 SkoorBttaM TheHeadsOffice NSRiazat carolrainbow dughall rkiker helenmew bartoneducation didactylos clairelowe2 Mr_Thorne Joga5 ICTtower dughall bevevans22 Joga5 helenmew curricadvocate TheHeadsOffice didactylos Catriona_O mrswaustin colport MrsThorne bevevans22 clairelowe2 TheHeadsOffice colport didactylos lisacov19 ForesterJo curricadvocate ICTtower Catriona_O clairelowe2 tonycassidy Joga5 KnikiDavies carolrainbow dughall ForesterJo DrAshCasey Mr_Thorne colport JaneWoods3 sellyeve bartoneducation SkoorBttaM MissCitizenship bevevans22 scholaforis Mr_Thorne colport AsherJac TheHeadsOffice didactylos ForesterJo icttalk ukedchat TheHeadsOffice Joga5 ForesterJo ICTtower CHAR0ULA ukedchat TheHeadsOffice

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@Laura_987 #ukedchat Play in 2ndry? let the kids be kids again - the'll rembember how to play. They might thk u- ltd opportunit @KnikiDavies sadly, I suspect you're right! #ukedchat RT @tonycassidy the gender discussion come around to usual conclusion -using a variety of methods to engage learners- #uke RT @TheHeadsOffice @bevevans22 We did a FS profile across a whole of a primary school. #ukedchat >potential blog post fro @Joga5 Just as well I'm a nutter then, innit ;) #ukedchat @tonycassidy Is ADHD just being overly boyish? #ukedchat #controversial @bevevans22 The FS approach was at the core of the new curriculum! #ukedchat Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 #ukedchat #twittereducator @dughall: @tonycassidy: Why are boys 3 x more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD? #ukedchat Bored Boy syndrome or illness @MrsThorne Not just 2ary unfortunately. #ukedchat RT @nancyrubin: Social Learning - Lesson Ideas for Teachers #smchat #edchat #ukedchat #web20chat @skoorBttaM Yep, research shows an adult will adjust tone and language dependent on gender of newest-born baby #ukedcha Girl/Boy thing. There are differences. But if you teach to gender you only recognise one aspect of child. #ukedchat @MrsThorne #ukedchat in 2ndry we always reinforce failure rather than try alternative strategies My research shows that developing a creative curriculum with motivation challenge & reflection @the heart ALL learners succee @ForesterJo I used to last year at the school I worked at...smelly cocktails are the best! all hail the firesteel! #ukedchat @bevevans22 Not a nutter - beautifully playful and full of childnessness!!!! #ukedchat I sometimes suspect it! RT @SkoorBttaM: @tonycassidy Is ADHD just being overly boyish? #ukedchat #controversial U mayn't like Michael Macintyre but here he is on gender differences (from 5m 30s) #ukedchat (ste @Laura_987 @TheHeadsOffice Not sure how FS compares to FP in Wales but I bet the results were a revelation #ukedchat THREE MINUTE WARNING #ukedchat @skoorBttaM If not sure of gender then many adults display disorientation and unsure how to interact with even tiniest baby #uk @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat - is that the Rose curriculum or one you have sorted yourself? @curricadvocate Explore what sterotypes are & get peer visits just to look at what is happening in class. Need real trust though! @Catriona_O 'snot fair, girls are always right, storms off in a huff.... #ukedchat @Joga5 eek! have we got anywhere?#ukedchat @KnikiDavies got a training manual type thing with all different structures. I keep it at school, will tweet it in the morning. #ukedc RT @digitalmaverick: Y6 to write biogs of fam Victorians 1 kid's givn James Arkwright - can find v little abt him - teacher error? # @dughall Got a wake up call to play last yr when Y11 boy able to recall what I wore in re-enactment lesson I taught to him in Y1 @Joga5 I think being fairly relaxed and laid back helps too. Or at least appearing that way...#ukedchat @curricadvocate @JfB57 need strong school values well developed and understood by all #Ukedchat @Laura_987 Hadn't thought of that! Many thanks! #ukedchat Concluding thoughts from #ukedchat session? @Catriona_O its how they judge their self esteem that's often the problem #ukedchat #ukedchat it's all down to personalised learning & finding the key to unlock the learning potential ..... What are the motivators? @Mr_Thorne @JfB57 Talk for Writing through Forest School type approach - extended writing better for b&g #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Agree - also work on stereotype issues with wider stakeholder groups? Slightly different perspective now - I find I have to act a bit more 'laddish' with my all boy group to encourage cooperation. #uked Look - I am totally fine with anyone who is ADHD or anything else - just let's try to get it right for EVERYONE? #ukedchat RT @bartoneducation: Girl/Boy thing. There are differences. But if you teach to gender you only recognise one aspect of child. # Thanks for an interesting discussion- bedtime #ukedchat @Catriona_O I think so but i dread writing this up for the #ukedchat site!!! @mrswaustin Thank you very much! #ukedchat #ukedchat We really never had ADHD until about 15-20 years ago. Where did it come from? I am very suspicious, sport, play en @MrsThorne Like it! :-) #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne you mean all hail the dragon's breath! #ukedchat @MrsThorne but with performance management and public shaming by heads...the pressure compromises pedagogy quality #u RT @ForesterJo: @JfB57 - its ever so funny though, a drop of rain, and the parents ask if we're still going outside or not lol #uk RT @carolrainbow: #ukedchat We really never had ADHD until about 15-20 years ago. Where did it come from? I am very susp RT @bartoneducation: Girl/Boy thing. There are differences. But if u teach 2 gender you only recognise 1 aspect of child. #uked Many thanks to all! #ukedchat It's a great debate. Both genders deliver the deals in different ways. Could go on ... #ukedchat. @helenmew and that's from birth. why don't we complain about how boys are portrayed on bill boards, adverts etc?!! #ukedcha RT @Cgeo28 #ukedchat yes kids 4 individuals but put 30 in same room & things change. Gender as well as ability, age, etc has @colport There are no answers. Everyone's different. Personalised learning & offering variety in the classroom might help things #ukedchat forest school and learning outdoors very collaberative and shared experience for all - Try it RT @ForesterJo: @Mr_Thorne you mean all hail the dragon's breath! #ukedchat @carolrainbow It has nothing to do with the benefit system does it? ;-) #ukedchat RT @dawnhallybone: as teachers we do not stereotype by race or religion so why is gender still an issue - we are all learners #u @curricadvocate We were working towards it. FS led the whole thing starting with their data on FSP!Staff had no idea they did a #ukedchat as always very stimulating and challenging, thanks all, but Gareth calls..... RT @bartoneducation: Girl/Boy thing. There are differences. But if you teach to gender you only recognise one aspect of child. # #ukedchat Sorry I'm late. Whatever happened to personalisation? BONG x9 It's 9pm. Another #ukedchat has whizzed by! Thanks to @Joga5 for hosting & thank you for participating. Hope it got y RT @clairelowe2: @curricadvocate @JfB57 need strong school values well developed and understood by all #Ukedchat Time's up - thanks for a great hour - will try to get it written up when my head has stopped spinning! #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne the parents or the staff?????????????????#ukedchat I agree RT #ukedchat We really never had ADHD until about 15-20 years ago. Where did it come from? I am very suspicious,... still convinced that if the attitudes of the families towards boys and girls change the kids will perform the same at school #ukedch @janwebb21 is hosting #ukedchat next week. The poll is already available at @curricadvocate We amalgamated with Infants so had to develop a vision so got parents involved. #Ukedchat

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MrsThorne colport PTPIPaige curricadvocate ForesterJo ICTtower carolrainbow Joga5 curricadvocate sellyeve TheHeadsOffice ForesterJo curricadvocate SkoorBttaM CHAR0ULA Joga5 janwebb21 bevevans22 carolrainbow TheHeadsOffice ForesterJo Joga5 Joga5 kindlinglily colport Joga5 bartoneducation janwebb21 ForesterJo helenmew primarypete_ Baggiepr Joga5 scholaforis sellyeve ForesterJo colport ProEdNet PhoenixSher bevevans22 Joga5 carolrainbow altrudrama Mallrat_uk dan_bowen Mr_Thorne dan_bowen dan_bowen cybraryman1 lauradoggett IslingtonEMAS janwebb21 KnikiDavies clairelowe2 ukedchat cliffmanning carolrainbow dughall colport nkgsolutions hildemjelva nkgsolutions Laura_987 lisacov19 nkgsolutions Laura_987

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@DrAshCasey Sad about it. We need more risk takers #ukedchat Oh look....Gareth is on BBC2 now, trying to engage boys in primary school #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: @janwebb21 is hosting #ukedchat next week. The poll is already available at @carolrainbow #ukedchat ADHD - wow. have you been reading Ofsted publications? goes back to good teaching again. consist RT @scholaforis: #ukedchat forest school and learning outdoors very collaborative and shared experience for all - Try it - do the 1st time here - manic! But enjoyed it #ukedchat #ukedchat: Thank you to @Joga5 for hosting - can't believe it is over already - was five minutes late arriving - sorry about that ;New blog post - keynote from a digital media conf. New and really detailed booklist on it #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat cool - just seen it missed out too often when developing an ethos that insists on reducing stereoty Catriona_O: @cybraryman1 #ukedchat don't they need good teachers first and foremost? Thank you all VERY much! Great discussion & we can change society!! #Ukedchat @colport just off to watch it myself - just wish their teachers would SMILE!!!!!! #ukedchat #ukedchat @Joga5. Thanks. Great chat. Blog started. @ICTtower and these kids are receiving medication for it! #ukedchat thanks a lot @Joga5 #ukedchat @bartoneducation heehee! I do let myself down by not learning to bite my tongue! #ukedchat @ukedchat thanks! sorry I was only able to dip in and out tonight - looking forward to a good chat next week! #ukedchat #ukedchat over for another week (although it will continue on as usual). Well done @Joga5 - you were Mr Awesome keeping us @curricadvocate No - no time to read Ofsted report yet - must do that this weekend. But pretty sure good teachers avoid ADHD @Joga5 Thank you for doing such a splendid job!! Shall we build in fines for those late arrivers or sweets for those on time!!:) #U @Joga5 Thank you Sir - don't envy you writing this one up! #ukedchat - sounds like conference went well too! :0) @curricadvocate Likewise! Thinking about more inclusive pedagogies (that awful phrase quality first teaching comes in!) #ukedc @CHAR0ULA No worries - a great chat tonight #ukedchat RT @ForesterJo: RT @scholaforis: #ukedchat forest school and learning outdoors very collaborative and shared experience for @ForesterJo They seem so negative about it....rather than joining the journey and enthusiasm #ukedchat @ForesterJo I was a bit hyper as an hour keynote but they seemed to enjoy it!!! #ukedchat @Joga5 No, its a classic. Do you do a reading list for #ukedchat? Links etc. I could do one for this one and see how it turns out. @Joga5 sorry to have missed a lot of #ukedchat - looking forward to catching up with the lists! @Mr_Thorne we're definitely getting there and it certainly makes all the difference #ukedchat My first #ukedchat - thanks to everyone - only a governor so not a professional, but lots of food for thought, cheers RT @Joga5: New blog post - keynote from a digital media conf. New and really detailed booklist on it @carolrainbow ADHD drug Ritalin discovered/ created before "condition" clever marketing. #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice It was fast and furious hour but loved it! #ukedchat #ukedchat - my first! thanks, very interesting. good to develop further with some folk. Paperwork concentration may now suffer to RT @carolrainbow: #ukedchat We really never had ADHD until about 15-20 years ago. Where did it come from? I am very susp @Mr_Thorne have asked all staff to think about lang use-not starting sentences with STOP!, DON'T, NO-hard but making a diffe @bevanbar Do you mean #ukedchat ? Great #ukedchat thanks all, some really interesting views on the topic, would really value any feedback from all on upcoming Pro RT @herrn96: Ofsted subject-specific guidance docs make for interesting reading, esp quality of teaching and curriculum #uked @ebd35 You will have to make sure it's on you set the alarm on your phone for #ukedchat :) Paul suggests banging yourself on @janwebb21 Have got another couple on the go! Environmental and one called Beautiful Books! #ukedchat RT @Baggiepr: @carolrainbow ADHD drug Ritalin discovered/ created before "condition" clever marketing. #ukedchat Worrying Work interrupted by an interesting #ukedchat. Back to it now - lots of writing & planning to do to let everyone know about our new Anyone got a good way to encourage students to an after school astronomy club? #ukedchat gutted missed #ukedchat tonight. Argh. was busy doing SEN stuff....oh well will read over and catch up one of my year 1 children today asked me to help him put his swimming bag on him 'the postman way' cute! #ukedchat RT @ProEdNet: The Independent looks at the achievements of the Teach First programme as it begins its expansion RT @herrn96: Ofsted subject-specific guidance docs make for interesting reading, esp quality of teaching and curriculum #uked @carolrainbow I agree. Unfortunately most good teachers would not stay in our school because of the conditions. High turnover RT @ProEdNet: The Independent looks at the achievements of the Teach First programme as it begins its expansion Would like to join in a #ukedchat what's the next topic? @Joga5 #ukedchat looking forward to it! OUCH! The Kagan book is £38 on Amazon!!!! #ukedchat @curricadvocate actually more in tune with CPR although not enough new tech in Alexander yet! #ukedchat The #ukedchat archive process has started RT @teachingmusicuk: "We are Teaching Music" report launches tomorrow - get a sneak peak at #musiced # @cybraryman1 Yes - lots of money probably the only answer - Golden hellos etc :-( #ukedchat RT @CHAR0ULA: thanks a lot @Joga5 #ukedchat @IslingtonEMAS It is up to the vote. See here #ukedchat RT @Mallrat_uk: Anyone got a good way to encourage students to an after school astronomy club? #ukedchat RT @briankotts: ♺ So-Called "Digital Natives" Not Media Savvy, New Study Shows #ukedchat RT @Mallrat_uk: Anyone got a good way to encourage students to an after school astronomy club? #ukedchat use a app for tea @scholaforis Thanks, always something to consider. #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: The #ukedchat archive process has started << @LisaTaner x RT @Mallrat_uk: Anyone got a good way to encourage students to an after school astronomy club? #ukedchat or get a inflatable @TheHeadsOffice Not trying to make work for you but I, for one, would be very interested. #ukedchat

id username date time status 24688797190 colport 9 ...

20:10 @Joga5 #ukedchat Firework Maker's Daughter - +ve female role model? 24689783242 cjs76. 9/16/ ...... school astronomy club? #ukedchat use a app fo.

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