id 26005936146 26006009911 26006048607 26006050189 26006062311 26006066818 26006076226 26006090492 26006093447 26006103034 26006109331 26006149867 26006150254 26006160821 26006174736 26006194960 26006204019 26006244177 26006248035 26006268489 26006269996 26006287332 26006308465 26006332282 26006336542 26006340908 26006387698 26006390069 26006400830 26006403503 26006431801 26006442911 26006447206 26006454290 26006504615 26006514505 26006526601 26006533732 26006542504 26006543343 26006550472 26006554705 26006567635 26006580489 26006626045 26006630723 26006656545 26006660453 26006665474 26006666404 26006671181 26006671950 26006686578 26006708806 26006716350 26006723308 26006723383 26006723722 26006748233 26006748952 26006754292 26006757417 26006778229 26006781811 26006790899 26006801474 26006808433 26006815405 26006832243 26006841373 26006842503 26006843226 26006852619 26006854564 26006855465 26006860092 26006866327 26006868508 26006877261 26006879245 26006883902

username date time himupnorth 9/30/10 19:55 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 19:56 chrismayoh 9/30/10 19:57 janwebb21 9/30/10 19:57 chrismayoh 9/30/10 19:57 ICTtower 9/30/10 19:57 dakinane 9/30/10 19:57 janwebb21 9/30/10 19:57 himupnorth 9/30/10 19:57 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 19:58 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 19:58 ianaddison 9/30/10 19:58 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 19:58 janwebb21 9/30/10 19:58 didactylos 9/30/10 19:59 kvnmcl 9/30/10 19:59 chrismayoh 9/30/10 19:59 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:00 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:00 kvnmcl 9/30/10 20:00 Baggiepr 9/30/10 20:00 islayian 9/30/10 20:00 ColinTGraham 9/30/10 20:01 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:01 didactylos 9/30/10 20:01 Ariellah 9/30/10 20:01 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 20:02 philallman1 9/30/10 20:02 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:02 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:02 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:02 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:03 Baggiepr 9/30/10 20:03 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:03 islayian 9/30/10 20:03 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:04 BryanPlumb 9/30/10 20:04 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:04 Catriona_O 9/30/10 20:04 didactylos 9/30/10 20:04 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:04 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:04 chrismayoh 9/30/10 20:04 ColinTGraham 9/30/10 20:05 4goggas 9/30/10 20:05 chrismayoh 9/30/10 20:05 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:06 colport 9/30/10 20:06 squiggle7 9/30/10 20:06 didactylos 9/30/10 20:06 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 20:06 mberry 9/30/10 20:06 BryanPlumb 9/30/10 20:06 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:06 bevevans22 9/30/10 20:06 chrismayoh 9/30/10 20:06 ForesterJo 9/30/10 20:06 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:06 philallman1 9/30/10 20:07 didactylos 9/30/10 20:07 colport 9/30/10 20:07 Catriona_O 9/30/10 20:07 ParsleyBill 9/30/10 20:07 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:07 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:07 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:08 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:08 philallman1 9/30/10 20:08 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 20:08 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:08 mberry 9/30/10 20:08 ianaddison 9/30/10 20:08 colport 9/30/10 20:08 didactylos 9/30/10 20:08 kvnmcl 9/30/10 20:08 tobyholman 9/30/10 20:08 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:09 Mr_Thorne 9/30/10 20:09 bevevans22 9/30/10 20:09 Crosbiei 9/30/10 20:09 janwebb21 9/30/10 20:09

status RT @Flyingstartedu: Ok. Flying Start Education Magazine has finally finished set up. click here + introduce yourself to us #ukedchat #ukedchat to start in 1 minute.What skills/statements should be on a new ICT curriculum-fit for 21st Century pupils? Looking forward to #ukedchat although I'm absolutely shattered. Will stick around for as long as I can manage! RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat to start in 1 minute.What skills/statements should be on a new ICT curriculum-fit for 21st Century pupils? RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat to start in 1 minute.What skills/statements should be on a new ICT curriculum-fit for 21st Century pupils? For those who will miss tonight's #ukedchat, the archive is here: RE Will be at #ulearn10 but this might be good for some #in #teachers #ACEL #c21skills #elearning #edchat #ukedchat RT @ICTtower: For those who will miss tonight's #ukedchat, the archive is here: The Blog Up North: Today's lesson: communicate! #ukedchat #ukedchat - So much for a night off!! This will be too good to miss really! #ukedchat Will segment the session into 3 parts- 1st part-Guiding Principles that should underpin curriculum? Please RT over the next hour or so, all of my tweets will be related to #ukedchat, focussing on changing the curriculum for the 21st century RT @Ideas_Factory: Will segment the session into 3 parts- 1st part-Guiding Principles that should underpin curriculum? Please RT #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory curriculum needs to be skills based so children are equipped to cope with changing nature of tech in life #ukedchat #ukedchat are we talking curriculum = subject or curriculum = whole education? RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Will segment the session into 3 parts- 1st part-Guiding Principles that should underpin curriculum? Please RT RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Will segment the session into 3 parts- 1st part-Guiding Principles that should underpin curriculum? Please RT OK here goes #ukedchat opens with-What guiding principles should underpin the ICT curriculum for the 21st Century? @Ideas_Factory ICT through curriculum or curriculum through ICT is big factor #ukedchat ICT shouldn't be just a skill set apart, it need to be seen as a collaborative tool for every part of the curriculum #ukedchat #ukedchat cyber citizenship thread to run through all curriculum. Build online reputation & use web wisely RT @ianaddison: over the next hour or so, all of my tweets will be related to #ukedchat, focussing on changing the curriculum for the 21st century I have taken the liberty of scheduling tweets, since I can't be here in body! One every 10 mins, apologies if any seem off-topic! #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: ICT shouldn't be just a skill set apart, it need to be seen as a collaborative tool for every part of the curriculum #ukedchat #ukedchat guiding principle is that skills are long term skills and are not 'gadget' or software related RT @Ideas_Factory: OK here goes #ukedchat opens with-What guiding principles should underpin the ICT curriculum for the 21st Century? #ukedchat - The model that one curriculum fits all is out dated, A curriculum needs to be flexible so can be relevant to the target learners #ukedchat ICT should increasingly become capability at KS2 like it is at KS3. Using and applying it is crucial - end of discrete subject? @islayian i imagine english as we only focus on that! probably wrong, but hopefully everyone will benefit #ukedchat @didactylos #ukedchat guiding principle is that skills are long term skills and are not 'gadget' or software related Completely agree! @kvnmcl absolutely agree - ICT skills taught in authentic context is very important tho need 2 develop skills sometimes #ukedchat RT @Ideas_Factory: @didactylos #ukedchat guiding principle is that skills are long term skills and are not 'gadget' or software related Completely agree! #ukedchat guiding principle prove you are web safe = greater web tools to use. Responsibility determines level of access. skills should be taught, but let's teach how to 'do a presentation' and not how to 'do a powerpoint' #ukedchat @ianaddison As I suspected so not really #ukedchat then? @philallman1 i'm at a new school but aim to remove most discrete ict next year #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: ICT shouldn't be just a skill set apart, it need to be seen as a collaborative tool for every part of the curriculum #ukedchat #ukedchat So what kind of principles can be applied that will be 'future-proof'? #ukedchat skills need to be grounded in purpose : ICT curriculum?? should ICT not underpin ALL of the curriculum? #ukedchat so the time validated skills are facilitated and improved by the use of new technology @islayian i can't discuss scottish or welsh as i have no experience, we welcome you to contribute though. We have a wide audience #ukedchat @ianaddison skills that we need to teach need to transcend the software #ukedchat Needs to be relevant. QCA was supposed to be an exemplar but was so complete as a scheme that it was often used out of the box #ukedchat Scheduled 1: Understand what a digital footprint is and take steps to monitor their own #ukedchat RT @Ideas_Factory: OK here goes #ukedchat opens with-What guiding principles should underpin the ICT curriculum for the 21st Century? @ianaddison Agreed. And what's the point of 'doing a presentation' if there is no opportunity to actually present it!? #ukedchat #ukedchat Every curriculum needs focus-looking first at principles then skills and finally capability tonight 3part session A key principle, for me, is how to use internet safely. From KS1 and onwards and throughout. #ukedchat children need to know how to find things out when they don't know how to use bits of ICT. Teach them how to use help files etc #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat is it the doing that is taught or the understanding of what makes quality that is encouraged? #ukedchat Is this ICT curriculum or just 'curriculum? Just want clarification OK, I don't /think/ you can have an ICT curriculum without some skills and knowledge, but I suspect it's attitudes which are key #ukedchat The importance of e-safety and implications of ones own actions. #ukedchat @islayian #ukedchat doesn't the question apply whichever part of the uk we are in? I teach a purely skills based ICT curriculum in the mornings but there's still fun to be had #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory Don't think there's such a thing as making it future-proof. Needs to be evolving all the time according to need #ukedchat RT @chrismayoh: And what's the point of 'doing a presentation' if there is no opportunity to actually present it!? #ukedchat ABSoLUTELY RT @colport: A key principle, for me, is how to use internet safely. From KS1 and onwards and throughout. #ukedchat 10 years ago sch I was in got outst. in ICT and didn't teach discrete. ICT is just another tool of the trade for chn and teachers #ukedchat #ukedchat not convinced teaching how to create a presentation is the key - what a presentation is and what makes a brilliant one - YES @DeputyMitchell It is mainly ICT Curriculum, although it does impact on other curriculum areas. #ukedchat #ukedchat Underlying principles of curriculum design: we have a few ideas on that - #ukedchat Children should be taught language-based principles that underpin use of new ICT media e.g. podcasts, digital movies & animation. @mberry attitudes and transferrable skills - so need to teach in context so choices about applying skills are taught #ukedchat @didactylos i would (and will) teach how to use different software, but also points like choice of colour/style, layout etc #ukedchat @chrismayoh #ukedchat On the other we can't keep changing it every time a piece of new technology comes out? @didactylos #ukedchat and hopefully the speaking part so they can actually deliver it! @colport I don't think in isolation. The ICT curr should be embedded in the rest of the curriculum. #ukedchat RT @ParsleyBill: #ukedchat Children should be taught language-based principles that underpin use of new ICT media e.g. podcasts, digital movies & animation. @didactylos absolutely - the real skill is how to communicate thoughts/ideas through the presentation to make it effective #ukedchat One's looking for learners to emerge with confidence and independence; to do something useful with something previously unfamiliar #ukedchat RT @squiggle7: ch need to know how to find things out when they don't know how to use bits of ICT.Teach them how to use help files #ukedchat Should we be teaching keyboard/typing skills as well alongside? #ukedchat #ukedchat How to make a presentation ( like Powerpoint) is not very relevant if using Prezi. Look at technology today, design an approach for that&what's to come. Kids are adept and prolific users compared to 10yrs ago #ukedchat We teach ICT skills through brief instruction then freedom to investigate. Throw in at deep end #ukedchat RT @philallman1: @colport I don't think in isolation. The ICT curr should be embedded in the rest of the curriculum. #ukedchat Gear ICT to fit cross-curricular teaching, children will learn their ICT skills like logging-on and typing incidentally #ukedchat @chrismayoh @ForesterJo Our pupils are expected to 'present' any ppts, prezis etc. in front of class for peer evaluation #ukedchat #ukedchat Why should any subject be taught discretely when they are all intertwined in adult life? @philallman1 seems like this is quite a common train of thought #ukedchat

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DeputyMitchell janwebb21 Mr_Thorne colport squiggle7 frogphilp ianaddison islayian mberry tobyholman ianaddison didactylos Ideas_Factory squiggle7 bevevans22 cleverfiend ianaddison MoodleMcKean didactylos kvnmcl chrismayoh ianaddison Ideas_Factory tobyholman mynictle mberry ianaddison ICTtower DeputyMitchell didactylos philallman1 janwebb21 colport MoodleMcKean Ideas_Factory bevevans22 curricadvocate ICTtower mberry ictprimarysch squiggle7 didactylos colport ForesterJo ianaddison ICTtower janwebb21 Ideas_Factory SkoorBttaM didactylos missbrownsword ianaddison ColinTGraham ICTtower colport Ideas_Factory ianaddison bevevans22 janwebb21 Mr_Thorne ForesterJo didactylos chrismayoh islayian colport kvnmcl Crosbiei ICTtower ianaddison mynictle Ideas_Factory colport DeputyMitchell didactylos Laura_987 JaneDavis13 mberry bevevans22 karencymru Ideas_Factory squiggle7 philallman1

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@ianaddison @didactylos and the listening part so they can get feedback! Feedback is a gift! #ukedchat @kvnmcl they are also more discerning #ukedchat Gear ICT to fit cross-curricular teaching, children will learn their ICT skills incidentally #ukedchat @philallman1 Totally agree. Do any primary teachers still teach ICT as a distinct subject? #ukedchat @colport typing skills a MUST in my opinion, having just discovered my year 4 class can't type @didactylos #ukedchat - effect of ICT is felt across curriculum. It is a pillar for many other things so it's curriculum is integral to all @colport we teach handwriting skills don't we? #ukedchat @ewanmcintosh Much healthier totally agree but culturally we still stick to measuring the skills #ukedchat @colport add "and responsibly" to "safely" - cyberbullying and loss of innocence are big issues. #ukedchat @philallman1 Agree. Core skills through ICT, additional through other. More implementation #ukedchat @didactylos but skills such as 'not putting too much text on the pres and reading it all out loud' need to be taught. ppt or prezi #ukedchat @colport #ukedchat many learners don't need keyboarding, but some are lamentably unable to - and its a real sen issue RT @mberry: @colport add "and responsibly" to "safely" - cyberbullying and loss of innocence are big issues. #ukedchat Just thinking same! @ianaddison @colport am going to change my handwriting sessions to half HW, half typing #ukedchat @colport key skills taught discretely but then taken on and embedded across the curriculum by class teachers #ukedchat If we are preparing students for life after school there has to be more to ICT than 'training' students to use Office software #ukedchat @didactylos i'd rather my children knew about 3 or 4 different tools to present their work, I will teach ppt, but also others too #ukedchat RT @colport: A key principle, for me, is how to use internet safely >>> & other tech, mobile phones etc #ukedchat RT @Mr_Thorne: Gear ICT to fit cross-curricular teaching, children will learn their ICT skills incidentally #ukedchat QCA was designed to be easy to follow&is. A new approach requires the same ease of use, you can't put in too many tools. Focus. #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: @chrismayoh @ForesterJo Our pupils are expected to 'present' any ppts, prezis etc. in front of class for peer evaluation #ukedchat @colport our school teaches ICT completely discretely. I will change that over the coming year. #ukedchat #ukedchat What about using lateral/creative thinking skills? How many teachers of ICT ask rest of school which skills are NOT needed? #ukedchat sorry, forgot again, but late #ukedchat @janwebb21 the context does matter, and better IMH(?)O to link with other learning that something artificially 'relevant'/'trendy' #ukedchat @simonhaughton of course, or kizoa...lots out there, but limited on space. lots of tools, some similar, some diff #ukedchat @Crosbiei Because some skills need to be taught by specialist staff so that non-specialists can concentrate on content #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: i'd rather my children knew about 3/4 different tools to present their work, I'll teach ppt, but also others too #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat want to get below that level of knowledge, in a few years will 'powerpoint type presos' be the way people work anyway? RT @tobyholman: How many teachers of ICT ask rest of school which skills are NOT needed? #ukedchat how many others would know what wasn't? @islayian exactly! #ukedchat @squiggle7 Keyboard skills, and shortcuts on computers (eg Ctrl+V to Paste)? (@ianaddison ) #ukedchat @mberry in FE College we have changed from acceptable use policy to responsible use policy. Educating not banning #ukedchat RT @mberry: @janwebb21 the context does matter, and better IMH(?)O to link with other learning that something artificially 'relevant'/'trendy' #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: @didactylos i'd rather my children knew about 3 or 4 different tools to present their work #ukedchat <-me too @Mr_Thorne don't think we can rely on incidental for all ICT learning - needs some agreement about the core skills #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: @colport key skills taught discretely but then taken on and embedded across the curriculum by class teachers #ukedchat @ianaddison handwriting, yes, but why? #ukedchat #ukedchat children need to be able to apply their skills to a variety of apps - schools that offer few aren't preparing pupils for future @colport yes, definitely, they don't know how to cut/paste either. Will be doing lots of work on that! #ukedchat @frogphilp #ukedchat I get what i think you mean - like writing and speaking its how we 'do things' its how we learn best @JaneDavis13 as a key principle for future ICT objectives? #ukedchat @colport we def trying move away from tching it discretely but then onus more on clss tchrs to ensure coverage not ICT co-ord #ukedchat @didactylos possibly, but what if they're not? What if prezi-style becomes the norm? I just want my children to be adaptable #ukedchat Am sure we all agree :RT @cleverfiend: ... there has to be more to ICT than 'training' students to use Office software #ukedchat @mberry head feeling woolly tonight so was just trying to figure out if ou were agreeing or disagreeing wi my comment! #ukedchat #ukedchat Ok So let's have some suggestions for 'taught' skills-For eg Pupils able to deciminate, research, find and present information RT @MoodleMcKean: @mberry in FE College we have changed from acceptable use policy to responsible use policy. Educating not banning #ukedchat @ICTtower #ukedchat such as? would love to join in with #ukedchat tonight but I have the evils of ofsted to deal with again tomorrow and too much to do :( @mberry why teach handwriting? it's worth 3 points on sats papers? #ukedchat (my handwriting is bloody awful) Scehduled 2: Be able to explain the differences between different forms of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Chatrooms, etc #ukedchat @ianaddison Interested as to why? #ukedchat @squiggle7 I am currently doing that with my Year 2's, as they make bios with 2Publish+ #ukedchat RT @ICTtower: RT @bevevans22: @colport key skills taught discretely but then taken on and embedded across the curriculum by class teachers #ukedchat RT @MoodleMcKean: @mberry in FE College we have changed from acceptable use policy to responsible use policy.Educating not banning #ukedchat Another thing I do ( inked to Loxton ladders so poss. not applicable in England) is similar skills at same time across year groups #ukedchat @mberry I'm very keen that the context should be relevant and real = authentic opportunity to choose ICT tools not contrived #ukedchat @curricadvocate thats true! i just dont want to spend an ICT lesson teaching how to log on #ukedchat @bevevans22 think this may be how we have to make the shift but skills taught in way that fit for purpose #ukedchat @JaneDavis13 #ukedchat really starting to dislike the term 'soft skills' its a label that immediately devalues Teaching of ICT is dependent on school resources though. u can't embed it across the curriculum if all u have is a laptop trolley #ukedchat #ukedchat critical analysis skills; thinking and processing skills; Base skills in place and tech skills developed as required @ForesterJo Good has to be taught among the whole school - IT co-ord ensuring success. #ukedchat RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Ok So let's have some suggestions for 'taught' skills-eg Pupils able to deciminate,research,find/present info @ICTtower Does learning need to be specialised in primary?I can understand some specialism in 2ndary due to make up of ed system .#ukedchat RT @MoodleMcKean: in FE College we have changed from acceptable use policy to responsible use policy. Educating not banning #ukedchat @ICTtower cos currently there is no cross-curricular ICT at all. I want to embed it everywhere too. (i;m new to school) #ukedchat already can't keep up #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat Common misconception-what does 3 points make for HW when being able to write with a purpose is worth 20 @KnikiDavies Yes, so there is another key principle we need to think about - cropping & use of digital images. #ukedchat #ukedchat Just like any area of any curriculum it should be 'real' 'relevant' and ?? Damn...can't think of a 3rd 'R'!! @ianaddison #ukedchat I don't think we actually disagree, i just think we are emphasising differently Anyone find other subject teachers aren't happy/confident using ICT in their own subject? #ukedchat @colport Castells (2000 ish) wrote about the soft skills needed for those having to work in the global economy - ICT as tool #ukedchat @MoodleMcKean I've not found any sites blocked here (Uni.) but have never seen anything 'inappropriate' on PCs in IT rooms #ukedchat @bevevans22 To explain further, all pupils cover internet safety at same time at right level for them (good for differentiating) #ukedchat RT @islayian: #ukedchat critical analysis skills; thinking and processing skills; Base skills in place and tech skills developed as required RT @islayian: #ukedchat critical analysis skills; thinking and processing skills; Base skills in place and tech skills developed as required @ianaddison I do think hw is important esp. in dvmt of fine motor skills but typing skills just as, if nt more important for chn #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: @mberry why teach handwriting? it's worth 3 points on sats papers? #ukedchat (my handwriting is bloody awful) no marks then!

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mynictle ForesterJo Ariellah chrismayoh frogphilp colport Ideas_Factory mberry Crosbiei ForesterJo JaneDavis13 Catriona_O squiggle7 BryanPlumb colport ICTtower didactylos curricadvocate philallman1 SkoorBttaM ianaddison Ideas_Factory janwebb21 frogphilp islayian JaneDavis13 Ideas_Factory ForesterJo lisibo bevevans22 didactylos ianaddison glynnlee curricadvocate mberry kvnmcl Laura_987 ianaddison ForesterJo janwebb21 frogphilp ianaddison mynictle MoodleMcKean Mr_Thorne kvnmcl Laura_987 Ariellah SkoorBttaM squiggle7 janwebb21 Crosbiei ianaddison ictprimarysch fcbsd Crosbiei ICTtower Mr_Thorne DeputyMitchell JaneDavis13 ICTtower DeputyMitchell Ideas_Factory Mr_Thorne chrismayoh janwebb21 MoodleMcKean carolrainbow SkoorBttaM ForesterJo janwebb21 Ariellah ianaddison LisaHandley kvnmcl ianaddison mynictle ForesterJo Crosbiei Laura_987 carolrainbow mberry

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my twopenneth let's have social net working teaching to go alongside drugs & sex ed #ukedchat @mynictle you and me both! #ukedchat #ukedchat principles for ICT Curriculum; Ensure progression in basic Skills (such as typing, PP/ Word, Search,etc) starting early We should be teaching that there r a range of tools 2 complete any given task. Pupils should feel competent 2 select and use well #ukedchat Look at work of Mike Askew - best teachers are those that make links between subjects, therefore teaching ICT discretely is #fail #ukedchat @JaneDavis13 It was true then....even more important ten years on! #ukedchat RT @DeputyMitchell: #ukedchat Just like any area of any curriculum it should be 'real' 'relevant' and 'researched'? @janwebb21 depends on what you meant by context! I /think/ I was agreeing, but I could be wrong. #ukedchat #ukedchat I would say most important is the ability to choose the correct tool for the job at hand @Laura_987 #ukedchat still think there is general opinion / attitude those staff that will try new things and those that wont! @didactylos I can understand that - you have a better descriptor? #ukedchat @kvnmcl @islayian #ukedchat can't go too far wrong with Blooms taxonomy, eh no??! @philallman1 but SATs shouldn't be the be all and end all in deciding what we teach #ukedchat RT @chrismayoh: teach that there r a range of tools 2 complete any given task. Pupils should feel competent 2 select and use well #ukedchat Another key principle is using a mouse! My Year 2's were amazed by the right-click facility! Opened up new world! #ukedchat @ianaddison Not ppossible to do both? Timetable constraints? #ukedchat @Laura_987 #ukedchat yes, because they think they have to be experts on the mechanics - they don't - experts on its use they do @Mr_Thorne perhaps that's where the setting up of it systems should be considered. can logging on be made easier and e-safe? #ukedchat RT @Crosbiei: #ukedchat I would say most important is the ability to choose the correct tool for the job at hand >RT @Crosbiei: #ukedchat I would say most important is the ability to choose the correct tool for the job at hand RT @mynictle: my twopenneth let's have social net working teaching to go alongside drugs & sex ed #ukedchat Information/digital literacy must be core #ukedchat A set of digital literacies that need to be taught if pupils are to be tech savvy - hypertext, tagging, information, triangulation #ukedchat Do we only teach the skills for software that we're comfortable with ourselves? Isn't that a major hurdle?? #ukedchat @ianaddison sounds like you have your work cut out! #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell real, robust, relevant is good!!!!!! #ukedchat Agreed! RT @squiggle7: @colport typing skills a MUST in my opinion, having just discovered my year 4 class can't type #ukedchat @ICTtower there will be some skills ICT, but will be 'how to use ABC' then they spend some sessions using it to make something #ukedchat RT @colport: Another key principle is using a mouse! My Year 2's were amazed by the right-click facility! Opened up new world! #ukedchat @ictprimarysch Teachers with less skills MUST develop their skills. Otherwise they will find their class will leave them behind #ukedchat @ForesterJo totally, but I love it. In 4 weeks we have achieved so so much, give me a year and it'll be amazing #ukedchat might keep up better if i stopped doing everything else I am doing on my laptop #ukedchat @SkoorBttaM #ukedchat if chdn knew how to use both then surely they could make the choice as to which they could use for what? @skoorBttaM Im a big fan of using pupils themselves to do the teaching, as they often know more about ICT than the teachers! #ukedchat Any teaching about where information comes from?For e.g. that wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Excuse ignorance, I'm new (#PGCE) #ukedchat Digital literacies continued - e-safety, filtering, networking literacies - all need to be taught #ukedchat @MoodleMcKean Still think that education is as good a bit of 'safeguarding' as you can do, (& still works with 3G phones & MiFi) #ukedchat

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philallman1 Ideas_Factory colport ianaddison squiggle7 ColinTGraham curricadvocate Mr_Thorne janwebb21 kvnmcl Crosbiei JaneDavis13 Laura_987 SkoorBttaM Ideas_Factory mynictle didactylos janwebb21 ictprimarysch janwebb21 ForesterJo carolrainbow squiggle7 colport ICTtower Ideas_Factory didactylos ianaddison CliveBuckley Crosbiei didactylos JaneDavis13 ictprimarysch Crosbiei Laura_987 SkoorBttaM philallman1 Ideas_Factory ianaddison chrismayoh frogphilp Ideas_Factory Catriona_O VGoodyear curricadvocate ianaddison ICTtower ictprimarysch janwebb21 squiggle7 Crosbiei ianaddison Laura_987 fcbsd DeputyMitchell PCampbell91 Ideas_Factory ianaddison Ideas_Factory kvnmcl Ariellah curricadvocate didactylos philallman1 Crosbiei ianaddison Ideas_Factory curricadvocate Crosbiei ForesterJo squiggle7 ICTtower ictprimarysch philallman1 Crosbiei carolrainbow MoodleMcKean Ideas_Factory janwebb21 frogphilp didactylos Ideas_Factory

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RT @SkoorBttaM: Do we only teach the skills for software that we're comfortable with ourselves? #ukedchat < capping ability grrrr! #ukedchat Tools-be wary of using specific tools in a curiculum- Research using CD-ROM anyone? RT @Ideas_Factory:So-we're all thinking in the 'NOW' & how tech moves-what skills will be useful for pupils in the future? #ukedchat @mynictle here's our facebook guidance #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: @ictprimarysch Tchrs with less skills MUST dev their skills. O'wise they will find their class will leave them behind #ukedchat Scheduled 3: Be able to locate and download a variety of open-source applications to PCs, mobile phones and hand-held devices #ukedchat #ukedchat I want to ensure that my pupils have strategies for supporting their thinking and learning quickly, and can determine what is good RT @ictprimarysch: #ukedchat but how do teachers with less skills keep up? < could swap wth a colleague and you teach your specialism? @SkoorBttaM it takes a different mindset to teach software that we aren't comfortable with #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory CD what? ;-) seriously, that part needs to be removed #ukedchat RT @frogphilp: I learnt ICT on BBC Micro, Mac, PC, Apricot, Risc Os - many different platforms require FLEXIBILITY - that is a key ICT skill. #ukedchat @carolrainbow would agree - the whole interconnectivity spectrum needs exploration - with stabilizers #ukedchat @26Tim Yeah, worrying! #ukedchat RT @Crosbiei: @skoorBttaM Im a big fan of using pupils themselves to do the teaching, as they often know more about ICT than the teachers! #ukedchat RT @mynictle: my twopenneth let's have social net working teaching to go alongside drugs & sex ed #ukedchat blogs, should be written in to a policy somehow, guidelines etc #ukedchat #ukedchat 'soft skills' are actually the skills that make for 'success in life - so maybe 'success skills?' @skoorBttaM #ukedchat need to be comfortable with being out of our own comfort zone so we can teach kids the same @kvnmcl #ukedchat I agree but to get them to invest the time will be difficult with all other curriculum pulls on time RT @Crosbiei: @skoorBttaM Im a big fan of using pupils themselves to do the teaching, as they often know more about ICT than the teachers! #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat will hold you to that!!!!! Only joing - making the same difference in Forest School so I know just how you feel! @Mr_Thorne: RT @ictprimarysch: #ukedchat could swap wth a colleague and you teach your specialism? - then the teachers will never catch up @Laura_987 good point Laura, chn need to know how to validate net research and not just believe everything, just like other media #ukedchat @LisaHandley Why? Seems random! #ukedchat @ianaddison I see non-specialists teach skills in 'not best way', simply because 'we've always done it like that' #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: Basic skill set-keyboard, Mouse, trackpad, OS, word processing, application tools all from an early age #ukedchat @ICTtower #ukedchat maybe as a complete cross curricular deliverer I don't see why these have to be wrapped up in ICT how can you ensure teachers keep up? How about or #ukedchat #elearning #ukedchat Steven Johnson's book, Where Good Ideas Come From - in animation! Fantastic! via @PenguinBooks @Mr_Thorne @ictprimarysch But shouldn't all teachers be aiming for these skills in this day and age? #ukedchat RT @skoorBttaM Im a big fan of using pupils themselves to do the teaching, as they often know more about ICT than the teachers! #ukedchat @didactylos I know what you read ;-) - is that a social competence? #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne absolutely but how far 'do' we go before we mirror a secondary sch if we keep swapping specialisms #ukedchat RT @squiggle7: RT @kvnmcl: @ictprimarysch Tchrs with less skills MUST dev their skills. O'wise they will find their class will leave them behind #ukedchat @squiggle7 Yeah you're right about not just internet. Need to make an informed decision about validity #ukedchat @janwebb21 it lets you learn together with the children.- nothing better than collaboration!! #ukedchat RT @squiggle7: @philallman1 but SATs shouldn't be the be all and end all in deciding what we teach #ukedchat< I didn't say that did I ?!!!!! RT @janwebb21: @DeputyMitchell real, robust, relevant is good!!!!!! #ukedchat @ICTtower totally, luckily I have teachers who are keen, but have never know how to do it. I'm the 'how' to get them going #ukedchat Our school makes sure everyone has an ICT-based performance management target to ensure that they continue to improve their skills #ukedchat @didactylos good point about soft skills. Yet govt and SLT look for measurable skills, so often teachers focus on wrong thing #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: @ictprimarysch Teachers with less skills MUST develop their skills. Otherwise they will find their class will leave them behind #ukedchat @kvnmcl @islayian #ukedchat indeed -here's my links #ukedchat using discussion boards in the classroom such as this one, developing the use of wikis more @ianaddison but if they are resistant to ICT can you get them to invest their own time in learning? #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory only place CDROM will have in my school is as part of ICT history lesson I think, all our software is networked #ukedchat @didactylos Some staff *may* not want to learn as don't see it's their job, just want to get work done but with poor skills #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat agree my teachers were blown away by the help videos @SkoorBttaM it's good for kids to see us learning - models skills of learning and problem solving #ukedchat @philallman1 but referring to handwriting only being worth 3 marks implies it #ukedchat @ICTtower @ianaddison 'Weve always done it like that' does my head in! We all need to move ourselves&learnin forward all the time. #ukedchat @curricadvocate you have to be gentle, show them the possibilities, be there to help them and guide them #ukedchat @dawnhallybone Good point about wide use of ICT. Other things often forgotten #ukedchat @Crosbiei beware - they often know the how to do something, but not always the why it works like that.... #ukedchat Many schools will have no choice but to take ICT out of Suite (flips/mics/cameras/etc) as many don't have/will not have the money #ukedchat RT @Crosbiei: #ukedchat Why should any subject be taught discretely when they are all intertwined in adult life? @Laura_987 #ukedchat Yes agreed-The 'truth' of information must be taught-most pupils seem to think that if it's on a screeb it's true. @ForesterJo will do a first month blog post this weekend #ukedchat RT @carolrainbow: Digital literacies continued - e-safety, filtering, networking literacies - all need to be taught #ukedchat @ictprimarysch ICT was an add on subject 11 years ago. Now it should be integrated, a redesigned curriculum would help #ukedchat what age is the ICT Curriculum caters to? what age do we start? #ukedchat @chrismayoh does the PM target focus on pedagogy or skills? #ukedchat @ICTtower #ukedchat see specialists teach in the wrong way because they have always done it like that - sorry RT @squiggle7: @philallman1 but referring to handwriting only being worth 3 marks implies it #ukedchat that was ian not me?! not guilty! @curricadvocate @ianaddison Have u tried to do that? I find teachers are very protective of their time! #ukedchat @Crosbiei i teach 1 class, they have a topic book from 6 yrs ago, tchr said 'i'd like it done like that pls' #ukedchat RT @ColinTGraham: Scheduled 3: Be able to locate and download a variety of open-source applications to PCs, mobile phones and hand-held devices #ukedchat RT @Ideas_Factory: @Laura_987 #ukedchat Yes agreed-The 'truth' of information must be taught-most pupils seem to think that if it's on a screeb it's true. RT @ICTtower: @didactylos Some staff *may* not want to learn as don't see it's their job, just want to get work done but with poor skills #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat I have just said same to SMT unless we have site license then very limited use - need all chdn to be able to access @philallman1 ok sorry, hard to keep up! #ukedchat @Crosbiei Agree! #ukedchat @curricadvocate @ianaddison #ukedchat as @ianaddison advised me show the how successful it can be and they will follow! RT @Crosbiei: #ukedchat Why should any subject be taught discretely when they are all intertwined in adult life? not a daily mail reader :) RT @janwebb21: @SkoorBttaM it's good for kids to see us learning - models skills of learning and problem solving #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne #ukedchat - my guess is that she only thinks she is not ICT literate - she could be given small tasks for instant success “@chrismayoh: Our school makes sure everyone has an ICT-based performance management target >>> eCPD a good framework to follow #ukedchat RT @mynictle: blogs, should be written in to a policy somehow, guidelines etc #ukedchat @Ariellah the curriculum in our school starts at foundation stage - age 4 - age appropriate and relevant learning opportunities #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell In some schools ICT suite for 1st 6 weeks then PCs to classroom when skills in place. #ukedchat #ukedchat bias declaration - I'm not convinced about the reality of subject specialism anway RT @didactylos: #ukedchat 'soft skills' are actually the skills that make for 'success in life - so maybe 'success skills?' I like that!

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ICTEvangelist 9/30/10 Laura_987 9/30/10 SkoorBttaM 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 carolrainbow 9/30/10 ForesterJo 9/30/10 ICTtower 9/30/10 philallman1 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 Ariellah 9/30/10 OhLottie 9/30/10 curricadvocate 9/30/10 chrismayoh 9/30/10 Laura_987 9/30/10 philallman1 9/30/10 ICTtower 9/30/10 squiggle7 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 mynictle 9/30/10 cloud_burst 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 didactylos 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 chrismayoh 9/30/10 ForesterJo 9/30/10 Catriona_O 9/30/10 Crosbiei 9/30/10 MoodleMcKean 9/30/10 didactylos 9/30/10 Mr_Thorne 9/30/10 Ariellah 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 McLaughlin_Andy9/30/10 frogphilp 9/30/10 stevebunce 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 curricadvocate 9/30/10 ICTEvangelist 9/30/10 philallman1 9/30/10 mberry 9/30/10 bevevans22 9/30/10 ColinTGraham 9/30/10 janwebb21 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 DeputyMitchell 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 cleverfiend 9/30/10 Crosbiei 9/30/10 didactylos 9/30/10 ictprimarysch 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 Mr_Thorne 9/30/10 ForesterJo 9/30/10 ParsleyBill 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 bevevans22 9/30/10 carolrainbow 9/30/10 kvnmcl 9/30/10 janwebb21 9/30/10 frogphilp 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 didactylos 9/30/10 esoldaveglasgow 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 Cgeo28 9/30/10 janwebb21 9/30/10 carolrainbow 9/30/10 janwebb21 9/30/10 cloud_burst 9/30/10 ForesterJo 9/30/10 didactylos 9/30/10 ICTtower 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10 MoodleMcKean 9/30/10 SkoorBttaM 9/30/10 ICTEvangelist 9/30/10 curricadvocate 9/30/10 ianaddison 9/30/10 bevevans22 9/30/10 janwebb21 9/30/10 Ideas_Factory 9/30/10

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I think students should be able to work independently, actually applying their ICT skills to given situations with e-confidence #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory No harm in reading other things but they need to know what is valid. #ukedchat @philallman1 Cud be why so many chn are being put off taking ICT further- they're used to using a range of tools- not in skwl tho #ukedchat @Crosbiei yup, showed 3 teachers 2Create a Super Story after school today, they loved it. #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne #ukedchat - things she could do with a class to build confidence and strategies for coping - let he pupils cope - they will! @ianaddison #ukedchat look forward to reading it - reminds me I have about 4 to write!!! @didactylos That is true too! We need teachers who are prepared to offer/show better ways of using tools to communicate #ukedchat RT @squiggle7: @philallman1 ok sorry, hard to keep up! #ukedchat I RT'd him - though if I had my way I'd prioritise typing over handwriting! @ForesterJo also important to give staff a copy to let them play at home if they want to, that's working well at our sch #ukedchat @chrismayoh Does ICT has to start and end with computers? what about mobile phones? i-pods? e-readers? #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: @ICTtower i want teachers to see ICT as something that enhances what they do in literacy, not just something totally different #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat agree, and have done this with success. devil's advocate - what if they still don't budge? @curricadvocate Focus on creating richer learning experiences for pupils by learning and implementing new skills #ukedchat @paulholio Join in with #ukedchat? RT @didactylos: #ukedchat bias declaration - I'm not convinced about the reality of subject specialism anway< me too! RT RT @kvnmcl: Tchrs with less skills MUST dev their skills. O'wise they will find their class will leave them behind #ukedchat @philallman1 I'm making sure it's at least 50/50 from now on. #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: @ictprimarysch ICT was an add on subject 11 years ago. Now it should be integrated, a redesigned curriculum would help #ukedchat much easier for all if guidelines came from the top so they were the same for us all to follow instead of doing own thing #ukedchat #ukedchat open horizons with collborative technologies @curricadvocate stuff 'em, work on the teachers that do care and focus on the children in your class. Head's problem really? #ukedchat A new ICT Curriculum online with links to 'how to' vid/examples, explanations, definitions, podcasts, GOT TO BE LUDITTE FRIENDLY! #ukedchat @ICTtower well I'd be pointing the to the door then, getting quite hard edged about this in my old age! #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: @SkoorBttaM it's good for kids to see us learning - models skills of learning and problem solving #ukedchat @Ariellah Absolutely! ICT definitely does not just mean computers. At all. End of! #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat might be an idea - first staff training at mine 4 people tomorrow maybe 1 "if anyone else is going"......... #ukedchat - I'm not rlly getting it at all 2nite. Is it not a bit absurd 2 have a fixed curric4 a skill set so fast moving & learner driven? RT @ICTEvangelist: I think students should be able to work independently, actually applying their ICT skills to given situations with e-confidence #ukedchat RT @Ariellah: Does ICT has to start and end with computers? what about mobile phones? i-pods? e-readers? > must include all #ukedchat @ICTtower #ukedchat I'd not want to see a doctor who used that excuse..... #devilsadvocte RT @kvnmcl: @ictprimarysch ICT was an add on subject 11 years ago. Now it should be integrated, a redesigned curriculum would help #ukedchat @janwebb21 my point being is that skills in the curriculum dependent on when u start the ICT and ensure progression #ukedchat @mynictle from the top? Do you mean the #condem Gove-rnment? No chance! #ukedchat RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat - I'm not rlly getting it at all 2nite. Is it not a bit absurd 2 have a fixed curric4 a skill set so fast moving & learner driven? @kvnmcl Rose curriculum WAS redesigned and looked FAB for ICT. Ah the irony/ #ukedchat RT @CPDScotsman: #cpdqt John Connell launches CPD Question Time on 21st Oct and also on #ukedchat @ForesterJo do ad-hoc training, tonight I'm showing Boris how to use 2DIY, anyone else wanna come? I have biscuits #ukedchat @ianaddison i do agree. i'm speaking as a HT! we don't have all the answers!! #ukedchat (although have used pressure from parents to push) @Crosbiei it is our job as ICT tchng profs 2 lead the way with ICT use and skills & inspire other educators in their use of ICT #ukedchat RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat - Is it not a bit absurd 2 have a fixed curric4 a skill set so fast moving & learner driven?< Yes! The ACM's model curric for CS is at - interested to hear what place you'd all give programming in ICT education #ukedchat @chrismayoh There's so much more to ICT than just the computers! Just So much more #ukedchat Scheduled 4: Be able to create a blog entry and/or design a simple webpage with links to other pages or sites #ukedchat @Ariellah #ukedchat our curriculum is designed to be a spiral curriculum wh allows skills to be built on as pupils progress through school @simonhaughton our website has been built with home access in mind, links to as much as possible, plus how-to for parent and ch #ukedchat Will ICT mean something else in 5 years time? What future areas might a new curriculum need to address? #ukedchat @didactylos #ukedchat The 'curriculum' must be sufficiently broad so that skills apply across a wide range of subjects RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat - I'm not rlly getting it at all 2nite. Is it not a bit absurd 2 have a fixed curric4 a skill set so fast moving RT @ianaddison: @curricadvocate stuff 'em, work on the teachers that do care and focus on the children in your class. Head's problem really? #ukedchat @mynictle not if it was from Mr Gove..... #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat agree, the easier we make a new curric for teachers e.g. offering all round support will ensure success RT @chrismayoh: @curricadvocate Focus on creating richer learning experiences for pupils by learning and implementing new skills #ukedchat @carolrainbow i just remember my school teachers not knowing which way to insert a VHS cassette #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat yes but people have to want to change and keep up with the times too! @Crosbiei: #ukedchat Enjoy XC teaching but... each subject offers a distinct way of knowing the world e.g. empirically via Science. @curricadvocate it'll happen though, kids in my class probably had crap art and music skills, diff teachers have diff strengths? #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: @ForesterJo also important to give staff a copy to let them play at home if they want to #ukedchat <- got to be done :) @Catriona_O Agree - a set of literacies is needed so that pupils know how to cope with lots of aspects - software the least #ukedchat @Catriona_O difficult one, many teachers prefer a fixed curriculum easier to follow, others don't. But outcomes matter most #ukedchat @Ariellah starting point is important but opportunities to revisit, consolidate, develop and explore even more important #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell Questions like how to cope with embedded processors and headsup displays embedded into the eye. #ukedchat RT @MoodleMcKean: RT @Ariellah: Does ICT has to start and end with computers? what about mobile phones? i-pods? e-readers? > must include all #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory or alternatively the activities learners undergo are sufficiently broad they acquire success skills for life? #ukedchat #ukedchat Those who say "not my job" to learn about or teach ICT/web 2.0 must be challenged. More responsible unions would take the lead. RT @frogphilp: @kvnmcl Rose curriculum WAS redesigned and looked FAB for ICT. Ah the irony/ #ukedchat #ukedchat - the layout of an ICT space very important, much prefer laptops as mobile. ICT classrooms haven't really changed over 20 yrs. RT @Mr_Thorne: @carolrainbow i just remember my school teachers not knowing which way to insert a VHS cassette #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne but you would have been delighted to show them :-) - Same is true today! #ukedchat RT @frogphilp: @kvnmcl Rose curriculum WAS redesigned and looked FAB for ICT. Ah the irony/ #ukedchat #ukedchat giving students access to blended learning @ianaddison #ukedchat hard when you only work 3 days, one night taken with staff meeting! Am still trying though........ #ukedchat at some point we stopped teaching how to cut the quill pen and keep it sharp.... @didactylos Lol! Agree there, curing with leeches! #ukedchat #devilsadvocte RT @didactylos: or alternatively the activities learners undergo are sufficiently broad they acquire success skills for life? #ukedchat Yes! We are preparing learners for jobs that don't exist yet using technology which maybe outdated by the time they use it in work #ukedchat @janwebb21 Yep. I'd much rather be a learner than an instructor! #ukedchat @ForesterJo #ukedchat you're right and you can't bring every one along for the journey - you can only be so inspirational! @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat look at trends in science fiction? it amazes me how many 'visionary' things in sci-fi have influenced devices now @bevevans22 do you always check licenses though? Or is it assumed tchrs can use at home? #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: starting point is important but opportunities to revisit, consolidate, develop & explore more important #ukedchat <- true @skoorBttaM #ukedchat I'm ok with learning! RT @MoodleMcKean: We are preparing learners for jobs that don't exist yet using technology which maybe outdated by the time they use it in work #ukedchat

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Crosbiei philallman1 Catriona_O didactylos carolrainbow SkoorBttaM fcbsd trees2066 frogphilp ForesterJo trees2066 ICTtower ICTEvangelist bartoneducation ICTtower TheHeadsOffice kvnmcl bevevans22 paulholio SkoorBttaM Catriona_O janwebb21 ianaddison TheHeadsOffice Mr_Thorne carolrainbow frogphilp kvnmcl didactylos philallman1 curricadvocate Crosbiei ICTEvangelist ictprimarysch Ideas_Factory ForesterJo curricadvocate islayian Mr_Thorne TheHeadsOffice MoodleMcKean cloud_burst Crosbiei bevevans22 Ariellah ianaddison frogphilp colport ianaddison ForesterJo janwebb21 carolrainbow SkoorBttaM DeputyMitchell frogphilp colport Catriona_O Crosbiei janwebb21 geraldhaigh1 chrismayoh Ideas_Factory ictprimarysch didactylos BryanPlumb ianaddison hairysporan SkoorBttaM Catriona_O janwebb21 KnikiDavies colport ICTtower ColinTGraham bevevans22 Laura_987 ianaddison janwebb21 Ideas_Factory trees2066 philallman1 ICTEvangelist

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@ICTEvangelist I agree. But we can't force others to follow our leads, and they often cite lack of time for resisting change. #ukedchat RT @cloud_burst: #ukedchat giving students access to blended learning< like a mixed fruit smoothie all of their 5 a day in one go! @kvnmcl #ukedchat - OK - agree but LEARNERS matter most and they probably and always will know more than teachers here @ICTtower exactly. Teachers get away with not keeping up to date yet their effect can be as dramatic as bad doctoring #ukedchat @frogphilp @kvnmcl #ukedchat If you read through the NC Pos for ICT there is loads of scope - think new software - it is all there :-) RT @ForesterJo: @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat yes but people have to want to change and keep up with the times too! ICT is an add on subject - we should teach Computer Science - probably the most important STEM subject for now and the future :~) #ukedchat #ukedchat by the time you wrote and published an IT curriculum it would be out of date. School ethos and teacher skills the way forward... Another vital ICT skill is REFLECTION. Children need to learn to keep learning logs to keep tracks of mistakes and opportunites. #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist #ukedchat still working on that........ RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat Those who say "not my job" to learn about or teach ICT/web 2.0 must be challenged. More responsible unions would take the lea RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat Those who say "not my job" to learn about or teach ICT/web 2.0 must be challenged. @bevevans22 #ukedchat amen Bev - ICT is about embracing any technology 2 solve the many problems we are faced with-it shd make life easier! Ask employers what skills they need. Intresting ones like games developers and actuaries ?!? What do they want? #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat at some point we stopped teaching how to cut the quill pen and keep it sharp.... RT @didactylos: #ukedchat at some point we stopped teaching how to cut the quill pen and keep it sharp.... I truly believe that a completely open approach would be best but that's just personal, it wouldn't work due to limited skills #ukedchat @ianaddison We do check. And some things are tools they need to investigate/play with over the web (like prezi or purplemash) #ukedchat @Laura_987 I'm listening in to #ukedchat, but I am positive I should be doing something in particular... RT @didactylos: @ICTtower exactly. Teachers get away with not keeping up to date yet their effect can be as dramatic as bad doctoring #ukedchat #ukedchat - there seems to be 2 chats going on here - one on tech and one on learning principles @ForesterJo @SkoorBttaM #ukedchat it would be all too easy to write off those who r slower to change and adapt - fear factor can b overcome @trees2066 i disagree, you would have to amend a curriculum from time to time, but the core skills would be fairly standard #ukedchat Does 'Joe Pubilc' really understand much of the ground breaking work that it is being done?# #ukedchat @carolrainbow i'm ok with ICT, |& i like that the children see me as an expert in many fields but i accept i'm still learning :) #ukedchat @frogphilp @kvnmcl #ukedchat Did a blog post when we lost the new curriculum about how I saw the ICT 2000 version @carolrainbow Agree - big disaster is to completely throughout the old. Heard of schools that have done that then failed Ofsted #ukedchat @Catriona_O completely agree, girl in my class did a presentation for class, she taught herself #ukedchat @frogphilp #ukedchat which is of course why so many school ban/block anything that is a blog!!! #theyjustdontgetit RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat - there seems to be 2 chats going on here - one on tech and one on learning principles< not mutually exclusive IMO @ianaddison #ukedchat that is a fair point! mine never got good music teaching! the thing is not many will lose their way for lack of music? @MoodleMcKean That sounds like a line from 'ShiftHappens'. If you havent seen it. #ukedchat @fcbsd I agree to a certain extent #ukedchat - i think there's a place for both, hence we teach both @SkoorBttaM @didactylos @icttower we are empowering pupils to share their skills to other pupils, ict champs #ukedchat RT @ianaddison i disagree, you would have to amend a curriculum from time to time, but the core skills would be fairly standard #ukedchat #ukedchat I'll tell that to my two littlies!!!!!!! don't have a work life balance as it is..... @ianaddison #ukedchat - sorry didn't mean to offend any musicians. just jealous of your talents!!! RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat - there seems to be 2 chats going on here - one on tech and one on learning principles RT @didactylos: @ICTtower exactly. Teachers get away with not keeping up to date yet their effect can be as dramatic as bad doctoring #ukedchat @paulholio Surly not! Thurs, 8-9 = #ukedchat! simples! RT @bartoneducation: Ask employers what skills they need >>> will need in the future thinking 5-10 yrs ahead ..difficult to do #ukedchat #ukedchat accessability - technology to help with identified needs - equality and diversity RT @Mr_Thorne: @carolrainbow i'm ok with ICT, |& i like that the children see me as an expert in many fields but i accept i'm still learning :) #ukedchat @frogphilp And they need to learn that making mistakes and taking responsible risks are part of it too #ukedchat Agreed! with @fcbsd: we should teach Computer Science - probably the most important STEM subject for now and the future :~) #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice joe public might not know/care about all this, but my children and parents will do and that's all that matters #ukedchat @Catriona_O disagree that learners will always know more than teachers. They may think they know, which is an interesting start #ukedchat From this discussion, there seems a huge difference in pupils ICT learning experiences from Key Stages to different schools :-( #ukedchat @curricadvocate i only have ict talents! very little else :-) #ukedchat @janwebb21 #ukedchat I'm not writing them off am trying to show them sometimes ICT saves time / can really motivate chdn etc can be hard RT @bevevans22: @frogphilp And they need to learn that making mistakes and taking responsible risks are part of it too #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne yes really just pointing out that pupils will actually enjoy supporting a teacher who lacks confidence if given the opp #ukedchat @janwebb21 Absolutely! Not jst the fear factor tho, its a whole new world!! Live problem solving- too risky for some #ukedchat @bevevans22 AGREE!! If they are not making mistakes then they are not being challenged! #ukedchat @bevevans22 Yes - so many learners, teachers, administrations fearful of mistakes... I wonder why? #ukedchat Should schools emply ICT co-ord as the PPA cover teacher, teaching ICT skills to most pupils in school? #ukedchat @kvnmcl my son set up cloud system ona bashed old laptop still dont know wht its & he was 8 at the time. i'll nevr B ahead of him!#ukedchat @frogphilp @Catriona_O I wouldnt say they always know more, but they quite often do! #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat actually, it should be real, relevant robust and include responsible risk taking! Anyone remember that great paper 'The Sabre-Tooth Curriculum'? Almost as significant for us years ago as "Shift Happens" is now. #ukedchat Going to have to duck out of #ukedchat - enjoy the last 15 minutes folks :) #ukedchat For the final 3rd Let's talk 'Capability' Skills+Thinking=Capability.Technical+Cognitive=Capability @colport #ukedchat I guess that's the problem with such an archaic curric, some schools and teachers can get away with poor ict experience @Ariellah when and to who? #ukedchat software & web dev' will always be transferable, desired skills, even when the dev' languages taught to the chldrn become extinct #ukedchat @JfB57 the top bods don't care about ICT!! #ukedchat just arrived #ukedchat what up people ? i know im late @ictprimarysch Definitely! I have an ICT team (of chn) who problem solve for other chn and staff!! #ukedchat @colport #ukedchat - why not all pupils? @ForesterJo didn't mean to imply you were! takes time to change mindsets/educational values/attitudes #ukedchat @colport then you can't embed anything and it becomes even more detached #ukedchat @philallman1 No, it doesn't surprise ..but it does concern me! It's an inequality within edu system. Imagine differences in Maths! #ukedchat We are lucky in our dept to have staff who are specialists in diff areas, mine is digital media #ukedchat Scheduled 5: Be able to use two or three search engines and critically assess the URLs listed on the first pages of the results #ukedchat @colport That seems to be a trend but whether it's the right way forward is another thing...#ukedchat @colport Seen that done but does it mean class teachers have less confidence to use ICT across the curriculum? #ukedchat @colport maybe, but why not a PE PPA cover to make sure children get proper PE teaching to help solve obesity? #ukedchat @skoorBttaM takes a change of mindset/educational values/attitudes - which takes time #ukedchat #ukedchat Capability EG Cut & paste+Sequencing info=Communicating effectively #ukedchat teachers saying no to ICT are like doctors refusing to use x-ray machines or shops who don't accept cards. Unlikely to survive! RT @bevevans22: @colport That seems to be a trend but whether it's the right way forward is another thing...#ukedchat
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frogphilp Mr_Thorne TheHeadsOffice mattlovegrove geraldhaigh1 janwebb21 curricadvocate ICTtower Ideas_Factory squiggle7 hairysporan janwebb21 katie_hague Catriona_O cloud_burst Ideas_Factory LisaHandley colport Crosbiei mberry ianaddison bevevans22 KnikiDavies squiggle7 janwebb21 Ideas_Factory Catriona_O bartoneducation ICTEvangelist Ariellah SkoorBttaM ForesterJo ICTtower Ideas_Factory didactylos kvnmcl bevevans22 janwebb21 mattlovegrove Crosbiei ICTtower Mr_Thorne Ideas_Factory Crosbiei squiggle7 ictprimarysch ICTEvangelist katie_hague digitalspaces ICTtower curricadvocate ianaddison ForesterJo philallman1 Crosbiei didactylos kvnmcl mattlovegrove SkoorBttaM janwebb21 curricadvocate bevevans22 carolrainbow hairysporan ianaddison mattlovegrove philallman1 Ideas_Factory Ariellah Catriona_O janwebb21 ICTtower colport ICTEvangelist frogphilp squiggle7 ForesterJo ianaddison curricadvocate familysimpson janwebb21 ICTtower

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@Crosbiei I admit 3 years ago one of my year 6 taught me HTML and CSS. That was an interesting experience for me #ukedchat @carolrainbow i agree Carol. Children becoming the experts is essential! :) #ukedchat @ianaddison Possibly but we need to get them to care for it to be embedded! #ukedchat #ukedchat, @colport no, as this could take away the cross-curricular element of ICT. It has the potential to Briefly, Sabre-Tooth Curric was satire about a civilisation still teaching how to deal with ST Tigers long after they'd died out. #ukedchat @ianaddison if they did harnessing technology wouldn't have been cut by so much! #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat in terms of those capabilities - good starting point. develop a progression that leads towards indpndnce in each? Except for your good results! RT @ianaddison: @JfB57 the top bods don't care about ICT!! #ukedchat #ukedchat Pupils should be able to Hypothesis-ask what if?questions @trees2066 problem is too many of them do survive. #ukedchat the main problem i find with ICT is the lack of whole staff support for new many sceptics out there #ukedchat RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Capability EG Cut & paste+Sequencing info=Communicating effectively Late to #ukedchat One thing that really frustrates me is schools saying priority is eg writing so they have not time to develop ict! @frogphilp @Crosbiei I say that as a total tech novice. But don't think I'm unusual in teaching #ukedchat #ukedchat we need to solve the digital divide so everyone has the same opportunities #ukedchat Pupils should be able to Develop ideas iteratively @colport same could be said of MFL, PE, art, music... #ukedchat Wow - what a response. I am not in support of ICT Co-ord PPA cover as less skill opp for staff. I think the issue is ICT CPD! #ukedchat @colport I would say not, cos that would just give other teachers another excuse not to develop these skills themselves. #ukedchat Words not in the ICT national curriculum (PoS, 1999) KS2: 'computer' 'program' 'communication'. KS1: 'internet' 'web' 'computer'. #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice until ICT becomes free/cheaper, this government will never give a... #ukedchat @philallman1 I used to teach ICT with the class teacher in the room as support (and to pick up skills and ideas) - better I think #ukedchat @ianaddison @colport we have pe and music ppa cover #UKedchat and I do RE in exchange for PE and French @katie_hague yet ICT can be a great way to engage reluctant writers. #ukedchat @squiggle7 @trees2066 don't we have a professional responsibility to support less confident colleagues and to be patient with them #ukedchat RT @ColinTGraham: Scheduled 5: Be able to use two or three search engines and critically assess the URLs listed on the first pages of the results #ukedchat @philallman1 not mutually exclusive of course but there has been very little crossover between the 2 tonight #ukedchat @mberry Worryingly little reference from this gov either! #ukedchat @ianaddison #ukedchat rat's behind! @didactylos Perhaps as part of the ICT Curriculum? progression could provide opportunities for Computer Science professions at HS #ukedchat RT @frogphilp: @Crosbiei I admit 3 years ago one of my year 6 taught me HTML and CSS. That was an interesting experience for me #ukedchat @colport IMO this makes the gap even wider than teachers who use tech and those that don't! All staff need to take on board #ukedchat RT @mberry: Words not in the ICT NC (PoS, 1999) KS2: 'computer' 'program' 'communication'. KS1: 'internet' 'web' 'computer'. #ukedchat RT @colport: Wow - what a response. I am not in support of ICT Co-ord PPA cover as less skill opp for staff. I think the issue is ICT CPD! #ukedchat @colport #ukedchat concept of Learned Helplessness - before staff can do any ICT they need training..... needs challenging @mberry unbelievable that communication wasn't mentioned in KS2 even when it formed part of the subject name #ukedchat @colport I agree. I now cover 2 teachers PPA time. Not a huge change but means they don't pick up the skills to build on in class #ukedchat @ForesterJo #ukedchat I think the time it takes is a real shock - esp when I hadn't been responsible for implementing change before! #ukedchat our challenge this year is that we have 4 new teachers they need training on our software, as we're fairly open-source. Takes time @frogphilp I get more excited about cdn teachin me things than I do bout teachin them.Love it when kids take initiative to learn. #ukedchat @ianaddison Interestingly, every time I see PoS I see a diff acronym in my head...! #ukedchat #ukedchat i do find maths hard to wedge into an integrated curriculum @Catriona_O #ukedchat I think there's been plenty of cross-over. Most are talking ICT when mention learning-it applies to all RT @trees2066: #ukedchat teachers saying no to ICT are like doctors refusing to use x-ray machines or shops who don't accept cards. Unlikely to survive! @janwebb21 of course we do, but still get lots that just won't change &are allowed to get away with not meeting prof. standards #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory @colport #ukedchat ict cps in its many forms using online facilities as well @didactylos #ukedchat - we face the same problem of 'learned helplessness' with students! @squiggle7 Absolutely! And help improve reading and maths - ict can really motivate children and remove pressure from children. #ukedchat RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat Those who say "not my job" to learn about or teach ICT/web 2.0 must be challenged. More responsible unions would take the lea @janwebb21 Support yes, be patient...? Don't push it! ;-) #ukedchat @janwebb21 @squiggle7 @trees2066 #ukedchat and if not a direct prf resp then a moral responsibility for equality of prov for the pupils @trees2066 the content planned needs to be adaptable so it fits with any subject, i've already started planning one for my school #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory @colport Where do we fit this in?#ukedchat RT @didactylos: @colport #ukedchat concept of Learned Helplessness - before staff can do any ICT they need training..... needs challenging
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Catriona_O philallman1 ictprimarysch janwebb21 frogphilp bevevans22 didactylos SkoorBttaM katie_hague Ideas_Factory mberry colport ianaddison carolrainbow ICTEvangelist curricadvocate Ideas_Factory didactylos colport katie_hague janwebb21 Crosbiei SkoorBttaM DeputyMitchell curricadvocate Ideas_Factory ColinTGraham TheHeadsOffice ForesterJo MoodleMcKean ICTtower CPDScotsman SkoorBttaM ICTEvangelist janwebb21 ukedchat bevevans22 frogphilp Catriona_O katie_hague bartoneducation squiggle7 ianaddison curricadvocate mberry didactylos alonhalfon familysimpson Ideas_Factory janwebb21 ianaddison janwebb21 colport ictprimarysch curricadvocate ianaddison Ariellah ForesterJo familysimpson kvnmcl Ideas_Factory didactylos Crosbiei curricadvocate katie_hague bartoneducation colport carolrainbow familysimpson ICTtower squiggle7 hairysporan ianaddison janwebb21 mberry DeputyMitchell didactylos ICTEvangelist Ideas_Factory hairysporan SkoorBttaM bevevans22

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@bevevans22 sounds great! #ukedchat RT @colport: Having major tech problems tonight for #ukedchat me too! RT @familysimpson: RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Pupils should be able to Develop ideas iteratively << BIG POINT - pupils see point in tech if it progresses @hairysporan I know. I was given time, but the INSeT meeting over-ran, so promised for future date!!! GGrr #ukedchat @mberry ICT definitely had an update - we had just finished writing a county 1999 scheme and had to redo great chunks 2000 :-) #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat not to be scared of experimenting - they really are worried they get things wrong - where is the fun in that? @Catriona_O You kidding! My students are learning how frustrating 6 yr old PCs with 256MB RAM are when video editing! #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory I believe ICT skills work together so couldn't really teach just one skill #ukedchat very little if any inset given over to ict skills for teachers more is needed #ukedchat Why not get the support of other teachers in your area? Add yourself here #ukedchat @curricadvocate shame - cos then there will be a lot of re-inventing of wheels unless we can get all ict coordinators on twitter #ukedchat @carolrainbow There's a lesson there. [Almost] anything we prescribe now will look very out of date in 2021. #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory To fail spectacularly, get back up and do better next time - goes for anything! BOUNCEBACKABILITY!!! #ukedchat @Ariellah sorry but I've never been a 'black box person' I just like ti to work #ukedchat @kvnmcl #ukedchat unfortunately, bureaucracy will never allow for that - we're always playing catchup. RT @curricadvocate:#ukedchat in this world of 'freedom' from Gove they could be a starting pt for a framework-never be national V Gd point RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Last 5 minutes or so-Final question. If you were to teach one thing to pupils in ICT-What would it be? Please RT RT @mberry: @carolrainbow I think Curriculum 2000 is the 1999 document, yes? It's greatest strength is its vagueness. Almost all is permitted. #ukedchat @colport One came in lunch time to ask if we had flip camera (been on a course & seen 1 - took 1 to experiment with later in class #ukedchat

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ictprimarysch ianaddison bartoneducation MoodleMcKean janwebb21 carolrainbow mberry katie_hague curricadvocate didactylos bevevans22 janwebb21 ianaddison Crosbiei Ideas_Factory janwebb21 curricadvocate 4goggas Crosbiei Laura_987 Ideas_Factory curricadvocate ICTtower carolinebreyley ukedchat goodthingsltd ianaddison carolrainbow Crosbiei ICTtower 4goggas carolrainbow ForesterJo bevevans22 ICTEvangelist LisaHandley familysimpson carolrainbow janwebb21 kvnmcl Erindea ictprimarysch stevebunce didactylos SkoorBttaM ukedchat ianaddison Ideas_Factory bartoneducation janwebb21 Crosbiei janwebb21 bevevans22 curricadvocate Ideas_Factory carolrainbow didactylos squiggle7 ianaddison Ideas_Factory Catriona_O daviderogers janwebb21 curricadvocate janwebb21 carolrainbow mberry Ideas_Factory Crosbiei frogphilp janwebb21 Ideas_Factory familysimpson curricadvocate Ideas_Factory carolrainbow 4goggas ICTtower Catriona_O curricadvocate ICTtower carolrainbow

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@kvnmcl but skills learned with first edition are still relevant for iphone4 thus underlining need fir sound skills teaching #ukedchat @mattlovegrove we're outstanding, I don't care...I mean this term i make it up as i go, by half term I'll have a long term map #ukedchat How to adapt to change. History of tech since they were born. #ukedchat 1 thing: how & where to find & validate the information they require online safely #ukedchat @trees2066 showing relevant uses through our own practice is first step in changing those attitudes #ukedchat @mberry But - yes - ICT in is almost all subjects, any web 2.0 tools could fit - video, podcasts etc- not as bad as some ppl think #ukedchat @carolrainbow Ours is the only subject which has to contend with Moore's Law #UKEdChat #ukedchat I'd teach chn how to use tech effectively & when appropriate -regardless of what the tech is! e.g presenting for specific audience @janwebb21 #ukedchat but there are plenty that saw them as gd. need to communicate that it is not illegal to use them! Spread the word. #ukedchat if I were to teach one thing it would be 'the tools are there for you to be stupendous' use them wisely RT @hairysporan: very little if any inset given over to ict skills for teachers more is needed #ukedchat < i give training once a month @Ideas_Factory @curricadvocate #ukedchat that's ok, I still have my pgce assignments from over 20 yrs ago including tape cassette RT @frogphilp: Here's the Wordle for the National Curriculum Ks1 and 2 #ukedchat @familysimpson @Ideas_Factory I keep telling other teachers to just play around.Theyre all so scared of breaking something. #ukedchat RT @bartoneducation: How to adapt to change. History of tech since they were born. #ukedchat RT @curricadvocate: @janwebb21 #ukedchat but there are plenty that saw them as gd. need to communicate that it is not illegal to use them! Spread the word. @mberry @carolrainbow #ukedchat what is moore's law - sorry to be thick! RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Last 5 minutes or so-Final question. If you were to teach one thing to pupils in ICT-What would it be? RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Last 5 minutes or so-Final question. If you were to teach one thing to pupils in ICT-What would it be? Please RT RT @MoodleMcKean 1 thing: how & where to find & validate the information they require online safely #ukedchat >> agree, so important! RT @didactylos: #ukedchat if I were to teach one thing it would be 'the tools are there for you to be stupendous' use them wisely RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat. teach them one thing in ICT?? How to share something they've learned Then I might have a chance of knowing about it too!! 1 thing: Be wopen to new tech but learn to assess its usefulness in your comm, work and life #ukedchat RT @PCampbell91curriculum starts from 3 yo in Scot. fantastic benefits- literacy/ language d/ment when embedded throughout curric #ukedchat The 9 o'clock #ukedchat BONG - Many thanks to @Ideas_factory for hosting this fantastic session this evening. #ukedchat If you were to teach one thing to pupils in ICT- To 'have a go' not to be afraid of, or a slave to, emerging technologies. I'd teach them how to search properly and give credit when taking info from the net #ukedchat @mberry True - which is why I feel it is the digital literacies that need to be taught - not IT skills #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory No fear! #ukedchat 1 more thing (hello Columbo!): be critical #ukedchat RT @katie_hague: #ukedchat One thing that really frustrates me is schs saying priority is eg writing so they have not time to develop ict! @mberry Moore's law?? #UKEdChat #ukedchat if had to teach 1 thing in ICT would have to be internet safety - tackling this in parents meeting tom! Meet me in the ICT suite.. @4goggas @Ideas_Factory How to use the internet safely would be my number one priority #ukedchat #ukedchat - thanks for the discussion tweeps, feel we are all feeling the same pain/issues - i'm outta here x @hairysporan I'm being given 10mins or so each staff meeting to introduce new bits and bobs in small parcels! #ukedchat @kvnmcl #ukedchat so that means our school will get them in 2016... :/ @curricadvocate glad it is not just me :-) #ukedchat @curricadvocate it's all very well having the freedom to create our own curriculum but too many choices can lead to woolliness #ukedchat I'd help them to keep experimenting with what's possible with the technology in their reach #ukedchat * We are preparing learners for jobs that don't exist yet using technology which maybe outdated by the time they use it in work #ukedchat xx @Ideas_Factory thanks for a great #ukedchat (my first!) @hairysporan #ukedchat I'd recommend @kvnmcl 'Better Google searching' 15min CPD for sharing ICT skills with teachers @mberry @carolrainbow - yes dangerous. All Education has to contend with Moore's law - and so far too many don't accept that #ukedchat RT @didactylos: #ukedchat if I were to teach one thing it would be 'the tools are there for you to be stupendous' use them wisely Final points please for #ukedchat - The archive process will start in 15 minutes. well done to @Ideas_Factory for hosting a fab #ukedchat session, top marks that man! #ukedchat Thankyou everyone-not at all what i thought would happen but fun none-the-less. Like taming a wild beast-with your bare hands! RT @ianaddison: I'd teach them how to search properly and give credit when taking info from the net #ukedchat @curricadvocate and wasn't that why the national curriculum etc was introduced in the first place?! and all the subsequent ...... #ukedchat RT @goodthingsltd: #ukedchat If you were to teach one thing to pupils in ICT- To 'have a go' not to be afraid of, or a slave to, emerging technologies. @curricadvocate strategies/frameworks etc to support it! #ukedchat Great #ukedchat tonight yet again. Thanks to @ideas_factory for great hosting and keeping things ticking along @carolrainbow @mberry #ukedchat - you have just hit the nail on the head with a very big hammer! that one comment just shifted my thinking RT @ianaddison: I'd teach them how to search properly and give credit when taking info from the net #ukedchat @janwebb21 I can't see that wooliness is a problem - it means skills and literacies can be updated as they need to be :-) #ukedchat #ukedchat another brilliant hour flies by, thanks to all views, thanks to all participants great #ukedchat tonight! Thanks @Ideas_Factory for hosting #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Final points please for #ukedchat - The archive process will start in 15 minutes. RT @carolrainbow: @janwebb21 I can't see that wooliness is a problem - it means skills and literacies can be updated as they need to be :-) #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: well done to @Ideas_Factory for hosting a fab #ukedchat session, top marks that man!< agree - thanks! I'd help them to know when technology wasn't needed and how to adapt their skills to new situations #ukedchat @carolrainbow but then in a couple of years the politicians will say we need to have parity! #ukedchat @janwebb21 #ukedchat yes, and why discussions about core national entitlement will be so important in the nxt five months. ict not on agenda RT @bevevans22: Great #ukedchat tonight yet again. Thanks to @ideas_factory for great hosting and keeping things ticking along @didactylos okay okay - someone give me a clue ;-) you are all teasing me - what is Moore's law? #ukedchat @curricadvocate in popular terms that the capacity of tech doubles every two years. See for the proper defn. #ukedchat RT @daviderogers: I'd help them to know when technology wasn't needed and how to adapt their skills to new situations #ukedchat RT @ICTEvangelist: #ukedchat - thanks for the discussion tweeps, feel we are all feeling the same pain/issues - i'm outta here x One thing I'd teach in ICT - How to make smoke signals... we'll all need it when the apocalypse comes. ;-) #ukedchat @curricadvocate Gove/gov obviously see it as very low priority - chalk would be better #ukedchat RT @carolrainbow: @didactylos okay okay - someone give me a clue ;-) you are all teasing me - what is Moore's law? #ukedchat Google it!! ;^) @Crosbiei @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat I know but from rptd training of teachers in simple pkgs like movie maker or scratch they don't hv conf @oliverquinlan #ukedchat the lack of interest in pedagogy is more widespread than you'd hope. too many want to ensure they will be safe when RT @frogphilp: One thing I'd teach in ICT - How to make smoke signals... we'll all need it when the apocalypse comes. ;-) #ukedchat LOL! Thanks to @ideas_factory for great hosting - great evening's discussion - thanks to all #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: Does 'Joe Pubilc' really understand much of the ground breaking work that it is being done?# #ukedchat Moore's Law: and #ukedchat #ukedchat final points? strange one tonight. discrpancies between teacher/learner skills- who idenitifies the skills? the most skilled?? @oliverquinlan #ukedchat inspected so do not explore alternative pedagogies! A constant battle but one we have to take on and win LOL! RT @frogphilp: One thing I'd teach in ICT - How to make smoke signals... we'll all need it when the apocalypse comes. ;-) #ukedchat @janwebb21 well I guess we can't win them all :-) We can but try though! #ukedchat

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SkoorBttaM Ideas_Factory islayian Skelly2525 islayian carolrainbow Crosbiei curricadvocate familysimpson Ideas_Factory ianaddison ianaddison janwebb21 ukedchat islayian janwebb21 familysimpson frogphilp ICTtower DrAshCasey colport janwebb21 TheHeadsOffice janwebb21 Crosbiei Ideas_Factory b_sills soo59 Mr_Thorne Ideas_Factory ukedchat curricadvocate

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RT @carolrainbow: Thanks to @ideas_factory for great hosting - great evening's discussion - thanks to all #ukedchat RT @ICTtower: Moore's Law: and #ukedchat @carolrainbow RT @Catriona_O: #ukedchat final points? strange one tonight. discrpancies between teacher/learner skills- who idenitifies the skills? the most skilled?? 'Champions are made when noone is watching...' #creativity #innovation #ukedchat @Catriona_O #ukedchat or how its all assessed @mberry Thank you - re Moore's law - yes it does ring a bell now - will go and read :-) #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory Thank you! Really enjoyed my first #ukedchat of many to come! @janwebb21 #ukedchat the empire was founded on it! (all views are my own..all views are my own...) #ukedchat feeling very lonely in NE Scotland on RT @Crosbiei: @Ideas_Factory Thank you! Really enjoyed my first #ukedchat of many to come! Knew you would-made some v good points-c u nxt wk RT @familysimpson: #ukedchat feeling very lonely in NE Scotland on Done! RT @ukedchat: Whilst you are still in the #ukedchat mood, why not vote for next week now? @Catriona_O Sorry, missed ur tweet during #ukedchat. I don't think ur unusual either, but hopefully ur open to new ideas unlike some others! Possibly the best blog post I've ever read-Bravo @mcleod We *definitely* can’t let educators off the hook #ukedchat RT @kerryuniservity: The busy worker bees at #Lifeisaboutlearning HQ R busy building a fab product, the buzz is contagious #ukedchat #edchat RT @ianaddison: @mynictle here's our facebook guidance #ukedchat @carolrainbow thanks for the chatter :) #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Whilst you are still in the #ukedchat mood, why not vote for next week now? The #ukedchat archive process has started. Will tweet the links soon for your enjoyment :-) #ukedchat Thanks everyone - another great conversation this evening. Thanks to @Ideas_Factory for hosting. In time be so intuitive that teaching how to use software won't be the issue. How and what to present well will be 'Rewrite the headlines for our teenagers'

id username date time status 26005936146 himupnorth 9/30/10 19 ...

26006050189 janwebb21. 9/30/10. 19:57 RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat to start ..... 20:13 @squiggle7 Keyboard skills, and shortcuts on computers (eg Ctrl+V to .... can't embed it across the curriculum if all u have is a laptop trolley #ukedchat.

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20:01 @Natty08 is NOW hosting #ukedchat "Top tips to deal with challenging children". 29015029102Natty08. 10/28/10. 20:01 What are your top tips for dealing ...

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Say what you think and add the hashtag. 1.29591E+16 OhLottie. 12/9/10 ..... 20:17 #UKEdChat joining you late - what is the theme? 1.29641E+16 yhatweets.

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In fact one bbc HR chief aimed to increase "churn" to envigorate. ...... cpd needn't be bound by location - possibility of planned cpd between schools on twitter?

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19:56 RT @BryanPlumb:, may I suggest 'APP' for assessing pupils & 'app' for ..... 20:16 @MrG_ICT I assess as I am going along, then make judgements on a ...

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20:05 RT @hairysporran: do mixed ability classes allow top gifted pupils room ... When talking about a computer game today, I called it 'Code of Practice' rather ...

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20:10 @Joga5 #ukedchat Firework Maker's Daughter - +ve female role model? 24689783242 cjs76. 9/16/ ...... school astronomy club? #ukedchat use a app fo.

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What works best? 5.34981E+15 bevevans22. 11/18/10. 20:01 Does anyone have ...... websites are different- blooms is unideal interesting but flawed #ukedchat ...... but make sure you attend next week as I've heard the host will moan at you if ...

id username date time status 5.35309E+16 c_and_t 3/31/11 19:55 ...
20:38 Whiteboard on a roll #ukedchat ... 3/31/11. 20:41 @jackieschneider #ukedchat So what's acceptable? Apple?M&S?

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11/4/10. 19:59 We found lesson observations work best as part of a staff peer ...... 20:59 Many thanks to birthday girl @dailydenouement for hosting #ukedchat ...

id usernamedate time status 4.33988E+16 mushychelle 3/3/11 19:54 ...
You can post reviews of shortlisted books on CILIP website. ... 20:13 #ukedchat Read bks to pupils for their own sake not just because they ...... 20:41 @mushychelle @readingagency #ukedchat I have set up a riveting ... 20:43 @guernseylibrary There i

id usernamedate time status 2.31057E+16Janeh271 1/6/11 19:56 ...
20:05 RT @john_at_muuua: As for CPD, best moments are often the chance to talk to other teachers, not just the presenter. ..... TES is for jobs, teachers TV is gonna close and twitter is a fad? ..... Technology is making this easier now too!

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see for Cdn movement RT @web20classroom: why are we not ...... immediately to Iphone or Kindle via same Amazon link # ...

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