10 REASONS TO CHANGE 'AUSTRALIA DAY' 1 There is NO PRIDE in celebrating on the day a continent of 500+ ancient tribes were invaded & destroyed.

2 There is NO HONOUR in celebrating the birth of a nation with the death and destruction of another.

3 There is NO GLORY in celebrating on the day one of Australia's

6 There is NO CALL TO CELEBRATION when the Australian nation

has no intention of reparations for the genocide inflicted and object poverty it has subjected the Original Peoples of the land too, when they are the original landlords and all the land, waters and all resources belongs to them.

7 There is NO REASON TO REJOICE when the Original Peoples

experience the lowest life expectancy of any Western developed country.

biggest government led massacres murdered 300+ tribal men, women, and children for living on their homelands. (Major James Nun's Waterloo Creek massacre, Jan 26th, 1838).

8 There is NO SELF-RESPECT in a country that believes it can simply

4 There is NO JOY in celebrating Australia's nationhood when there is

9 There is NO DIGNITY for a nation that has stolen the land, the children,

no original Treaty that actually defines in law the nation.

5 There is NO URGE FOR FESTIVITY for a nation that has the highest

the wages and the freedom of self-determination from the Original Peoples and believes saying "sorry" has rectified the damages sustained.

10 There is NO REASON to celebrate on the 26th of January as the birth

of the nation, as this nation called Australia is yet to be actually birthed.

graphic design @somersetbean

rate of incarceration of the lands Original Peoples than anywhere else on the planet.

"add" the Original Peoples of the land to its colonial Constitution.

*WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT “The Native Police and settlers surrounded my mum and dad’s camp and shot my parents and two brothers. Then we were chained up and marched towards Kirrima station to Horse-swamp camp about a mile from the station, until daylight. The camp was made up of Girramay, Jirrbal and Warungu people on Horse-swamp Creek. You can’t miss it, a big clear sandy place.

They rounded the old people up and women and children, and lined them up, children in one line, women in another and the men behind them in a line. They then raised the British flag and proceeded to shoot all of the men, [and] smash all the children’s heads against tree trunks. They then raped all the women and shot them, but one trooper went on to have sex with one of the dead women. He was unable to withdraw from her body as her pelvis had collapsed and as a result he was shot and left at the site.” North Queensland 1880s



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