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Issue XIII Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                     Tuesday, may 16th, 2017 

Eighth Grade Career Day at SNHU 

By Nate Hatch and Connor Downes

There will be no fee to go on the trip, because Service Credit Union is paying for it all. The eighth graders will spend the whole day at the fair and be able to see some of the campus. They will have lunch at the university which is located in Manchester. Other schools generally participate but go on other days. Big thanks to Mrs. Vogler for organizing the trip and making this all possible for the eighth graders!

Ten years from now, where do you hope to be? Is it ever too early to start thinking about your future? On May 18th, the NMMS eighth graders will be going to the Southern New Hampshire University to participate in a “life simulation.” Students will have chosen a career before they go. The students will have a budget based on what a typical salary in that field would pay. The eighth graders will then individually take their career and see if they can make it through the month of paying bills and still have some money leftover to do what they wantlike perhaps buy a donkey!     What’s In This Issue?  NMMS News…………………… Page 2  The Classifieds… ………………Page 3  Sports Page ……………………..Page 4  Creative Corner………………...Page 5  Voices of NMMS…………………Pages 6-7  Pop Culture………………………Page 8  The Back Page ……………………Page 9


Every month, adults have to make decisions about buying phone/ data plans, having an income, buying groceries, and having a car. Students at the financial literacy fair will basically have to deal with these financial, healthcare, and life situations.


Will you be in one of these scenarios in ten years? Are you sure it’s too early to start thinking about the future?

                                NMMS News​ ​

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Issue XIII Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                             Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Great East Music  Festival  By Daisya Basford and Ryder Downes

The Great East Music Festival takes place on May 26, 2017. The students from band and chorus in seventh and eighth grade at NMMS will perform in front of judges with the conductor’s score. Once the school finishes at the festival, they’ll join the other bands that attended the festival at Canobie Lake Park to celebrate their accomplishments this year. As a whole from Newfound, we wish you luck at the festival, and have fun at Canobie!

Running to the finish By Logan Hinton

There are only three more Track and Field meets left and we're here to walk you through them. The most recent meet was at Kennett High School on May 10th. At this meet, girls got 2nd and boys got 3rd. Also, the state meet is almost here! It will be held at Belmont High School on May 22nd. ​Click here​ to see the schedule.

Mismatch Day By Hayse Broomer

On Friday, May 12th, NMMS students showed their school spirit and wore mismatched outfits!

Core + Spotlight:  Titanic  

By Alana Frame-Clement

Ms. Cronin and Mrs. Kingsbury have a combined Core Plus. This particular session, they are teaching about the night of the Titanic sank and how it happened. The story of the Titanic can be a touchy subject and there is always a lot of emotion in the room while discussing this topic. We asked why they chose this topic to teach, and Ms. Cronin replied, “We are a couple of history nerds.” Mrs. Kingsbury pointed out that there is a lot of “Speculation, and controversy that comes with this topic.” We also interviewed, Gretchen McGowan, a member of this session, and she said it was one of her top choices because, “even though most people know the story well, It is still interesting to learn more about what happened.”

A photograph of the Titanic in 1912.

                           The Classifieds​

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Issue xiii Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                        Tuesday, may 16th, 2017 

Get your Yearbook!  By Nate Hatch

Yearbooks are still $25 from now until June 2nd. This year’s yearbook has some new features! It is all hard cover, it has all of the activities the school has done all year, and you can get it customized for an extra fee. ALSO for the first time in YEARBOOK HISTORY, they will have photos of the 8th grade DC Trip! Buy yours today!

Spring Concert  

By Ylime Snikcuh


School store  By Connor Downes

  Nmms Semi-Formal! 

Go down to the School Store on Wednesdays and Fridays with your money to buy new school supplies!

By Lindsey Lacasse

Just a reminder that Newfound will be having their monthly school dance May 19th from 6:30 to 9pm. The dance theme will be a semi-formal. Wear your nicest clothes and remember to bring your dancing shoes! No early birds! Hope to see you there!

  Countdown Until last day  of school  By Connor Downes and Ryder Downes

Would you like to see the live countdown of how many days left of school? ​Click here​ to view the live countdown!

                                Sports Page​

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Issue xiii Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                            Tuesday, may 16th,  2017

Keep On Swingin’  By Hayse Broome

Four Game Winning Streak for  NMMS Baseball! By Ryder Downes

Congratulations to the Newfound softball team! They came out with their first win against Laconia 8-7 on Monday, May 1st! The team played with great teamwork and sportsmanship. One teammate said, “Every day that we practice as a team we become stronger and get better at working together.” There was also an exciting doubleheader at home for the Bears against Alton on Wednesday, May 3rd. Newfound hustled, hit, and never quit and came out on top in both of the games! With the first game’s score of 26-3, and 30-1 in the second, there’s no doubt that the Newfound players are giving everything they’ve got! We interviewed two teammates about the doubleheader. One player said, “A lot of people on the team had great hits. We had good plays in the infield. We did a great job fielding balls and throwing them to first.” Another player said, “The team did a good job hustling and Bailey had great pitching.” The season has flown by, and there are only a couple games left, so come out and support the Bears! Click here​ to see the schedule.

Now is the time to come support Newfound baseball! Newfound won on May 3rd versus Alton, 6-1. Hayden Reynolds won the game for Newfound after pitching 5 shutout innings. Matthew Karkheck pitched a scoreless 6th inning, followed by a one run save by Ryder Downes to close the game out for Newfound. The scoring was started by a bunt by Connor Downes, who eventually got around the bases. Newfound played Moultonborough in a doubleheader on May 9th and played in Alton on Wednesday, May 10th. Newfound won the first game 12-2 and won the second game versus Moultonborough, 11-6, as well. They won in Alton, 20-3, on the 10th of May. ​Click here​ to see the team’s schedule.

MVP of The Issue  By Ryder Downes

The MVP of the Issue goes to Bodhi Smith! Bodhi went 5 for 5 with 5 hits and 6 RBI’s in Alton, Wednesday. Bodhi constantly came in the clutch when the team needed it. He had the bases loaded in many of his at-bats, and drove runs home in those at-bats. His 6 runs batted in helped lead Newfound to victory over Alton, 20-3, on Wednesday. He also pitched well in Tuesday’s double-header, pitching in both games. Smith has helped the team throughout the year, and has helped get Newfound onto a 4 game winning streak, after starting the year, 0-2. The team has been succeeding very well the help of their pitcher and outfielder. Keep up the good work, and Good Job, Bodhi!

                        Creative corner​

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Issue xiii  Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                    Tuesday, may  16th, 2017

Photography Here is some amazing photography of our beloved Newfound Lake:


Drawing by Emma Caldwell, 7th Grade

Scene Over Newfound Lake taken by Maggie Bednaz, 7th Grade

Drawing by Brycen Snipes, 7th Grade

If you can draw, send us art. You can choose whether or not to have your name with your art! Please email it to: r​[email protected] Spring on the Lake taken by Alana Frame, 7th Grade


                            Voices of NMMS​                               ​     ​

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Issue xiii  Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                    Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 

Peanut butter  Granola Bars Recipe  By Maggie Bednaz

~ Cooking Spray ~ 1 egg white ~ ½ cup chunky peanut butter ~ ⅓ cup brown sugar ~ ¼ cup honey ~ 1 stick butter, melted ~ 2 cups old fashioned oats ~ ¼ cup slivered almonds toasted ~ ⅓ cup miniature chocolate chips Step 1~ Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking tray, then spray with cooking spray. Step 2~ In medium bowl whisk egg white till white and frothy. Mix in peanut butter, brown sugar and honey. Fold in butter, oats, and almonds. Add in chocolate chips. Step 3~ Spread evenly onto baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Take out of the oven and allow to cool for at least an hour. Cut and enjoy! For further information on the recipe click ​here.

Where Have You Been?  By Elsa McConologue

So many people at NMMS love to travel, and some are homebodies and like to stay right at home. For this issue, The Growl​ decided to interview someone who recently took a plane trip to Hawaii to give NMMS students a glimpse of that this oasis is like. The traveler we interviewed chose to remain anonymous. The Growl:​ ​What part of Hawaii did you visit? Anonymous: One of the smaller islands called Kauai. I stayed in a town called Hanalei most of the time​. TG:​ ​How was the landscape, temperature, and weather? A: The weather was beautiful and there were many mountains to hike. There were also long beaches and coasts to walk on where the water was very warm. While I stayed there the temperature was in the 70’s. TG​: W ​ as it busy where you stayed? A: Not at all. It was very peaceful and low-key. There was one city, but we didn't visit it. TG​: H ​ ow long was the trip there? A: It was a very long plane ride. First it was 4hrs, then 3hrs, then 6. In total, it was about 12-13 hours, and that was just on the way there! TG​: ​When did you go? A: February break. TG​: W ​ hat was your favorite part? A: I loved the natural beauty, for instance, the sunsets and waterfalls.

                          Voices of NMMS​

      ​  Continued           ​                               Page  7 

Issue xiii  Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                       Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 

Spinners Are Gone 


How do you feel about the ban?   An Editorial by Logan Hinton  

Say Farewell...  An Editorial by Ylime Snikcuh

On May 10, Mr. Lewis came on NBN and announced that fidget spinners are now banned. Sadly, you can no longer bring My reaction was that I am happy they are gone though many of my classmates were unhappy. the Fidget Spinner your But I interviewed two other classmates who felt parents finally the same way as me, saying “ They were used got around to as a toy, not a tool,” and “ I am happy fidget ordering, as of spinners are gone because not only do they last week. When I heard distract the people using them but the people the news, I was around them.”

upset, and I’m not alone. Many of the NMMS student body is angry about the ban, especially those who think the spinners are helping them focus in the classroom. One student said, “I think people that have attention problems should have them,” and Leah Deuso explained, “This is bad for people who need them.”

Riley LaCasse agreed, saying, “I can’t pay attention” without it. However, some students have a mixed reaction. Logan Glidden explained, “I used it to concentrate, but people abused the use.” Well, whether you’re upset or happy, rules are rules. Don’t bring your spinner in unless you want to get it taken away. Try finding a different fidget tool if you need one to help you focus. Stress balls are still allowed, and from what I’ve heard, the School Store will have them in stock again soon.

When ​The Gowl​ spoke with Mr. Lewis, he explained, “our focus needs to be on learning and not distracting others from learning.” The research also shows Fidget Spinners are much more like a toy. Jennifer Horn, a psychologist, clarified that, “​students will hold the spinner in their hand and they'll spin it - above the desk, usually - and kids move it through the air. They try to spin it on their noses and their elbows and kind of play around with it like a toy. And then there's usually kids looking at the child playing with the spinner. It's just pretty distracting.” In conclusion I am in favor of the ban because now everybody can learn without a distraction.

                                 Pop culture                        ​

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Issue xiii  Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                                      Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 

Your Next Series:  Warriors

Twenty One Pilots:   Music for You 

A Book Review by Emma Caldwell

A Music Review by Sadira Dukette

I just started reading the newest book in the ​Warriors ​series by Erin Hunter for silent reading in Literacy class. I have read the entire series a few times and I personally enjoy this series. The newest book is called ​Shattered Sky and is the third book in the​ A Vision of Shadows ​series. The ​Warriors ​books tend to be violent and already there has been a battle in chapter one. This isn’t for everyone and some people may not enjoy reading about cats fighting to death for their clans. In the fight, the four clans (even if ShadowClan might be extremely small, more than half the cats joining the rogues) fight against Darktail’s rogue group - The Kin.

A big part of listening to music is hearing what the lyrics have to say. Some are very interesting and some need some breaking down. One of these very interesting songs is “Car Radio” by Twenty One Pilots. Although I don’t listen to lots of rap music, this still caught my ear. It wasn’t so much the song itself, it was what the lyrics had to say. This goes along with many other songs by Twenty One Pilots. I enjoy this song and this band. I would recommend this song to anyone. I find that lots of songs by Twenty One Pilots not only have a nice rhythm and beat, but lyrics that discuss something that many people can relate to. One example would be the song “House of Gold,” that discusses a mother asking her son if he’ll take care of her when his father dies and she is old. Another example would be the song “Fairly Local,” that discusses the fact that bad, and maybe even unexpected, things happen to good people and only few can relate. “Car Radio” fits in as one of these examples. Have you ever been sitting in the car alone, and the radio wasn’t working? You’re just left with your thoughts, but you have nothing in particular to think about? This is what the lyrics are discussing. This is why I like this song. The beat is very nice and the lyrics are relatable in one way, or another. I recommend this song to anyone and everyone. I also recommend any other songs mentioned above. They’re great songs, and Twenty One Pilots is a great band.

But before this, Alderheart, ThunderClan’s Medicine Cat finds two abandoned kittens - now named Twigpaw of ThunderClan, and Violetpaw was formerly ShadowClan, but went with The Kin. Twigpaw and Violetpaw are sisters, and meet in the battle. Violetpaw attacks Twigpaw without hesitance even if they are sisters. According to the online community, this made many fans heartbroken seeing two sisters try and kill each other. In all, the book seems like it will end in many deaths, traitors and battle. If you like a bit of action and cats in your reading, try this new book!

                           THE BACK PAGE                          ​

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Issue xiii Volume I                                                 School Newspaper                            Tuesday, may 16th, 2017 


By Simon Shedd & Sadira Dukette

Taurus (April 20- May 21) ​-​ “You must unlearn what you have learned.” (Yoda)

Boggle   By Emily Huckins

Find as many words as you can whose letters are connected. Submit your list of words to Ms. Morrissette for a prize!

Gemini (May 22- June 21) ​- “Wicked”(Weasley Twins) Cancer (June 22-July 22)​ ​- “I’m perfectly sane. But then, 94% of psychotics think they’re perfectly sane. So I guess we have to ask ourselves, ‘What is sane?’ That’s a good question.” (Castiel) Leo (July 23- August 22) ​- “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.” (Luna Lovegood) Virgo (August 23-September 22)​​ - “I’m sorry people are so jealous of me.” (Gretchen Wieners) Libra (September 23- October 22) ​- “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” (Sherlock Holmes) Scorpio (October 23- November 21)​ ​- “I leave you alone for five minutes and the wolves descend.” (Edward Cullen) Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)​ ​- “We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one” (Doctor Who)

Find ME!  By Sophie Oberther and Simon Shedd

First five people who tell Ms. Morrissette where this picture was taken will receive a prize!

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)​ - “Live Long and Prosper.” (Spock) Aquarius (January 20- February 18)​ ​- “You shall not pass.” (Gandalf) Pisces (February 19- March 20)​ ​- “The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, it’s when you can’t understand yourself.” (Dean Winchester) Aries (March 21-April 19) ​- “My precious!” (Gollum/Sméagol)

HINT:​ Please try not to stare, we know it's amazing.

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