

S Positives ~Negatives



& Covenants.

Sec. 89

"5 Great Promises MEMORIZE:

"Know ye not that yeare the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy. for the Temple of God is Holy. which Temple ye are." 1 Cor. 3:16-17 "No unclean thmg can dwell in His (God's) presence." "Remember your children. them" Jac. 3:10

Moses 6:57

how ye have grieved their hearts because of the example ye have set before

Also Memorize the 8 POSITIVE ELEMENTS, the 3 NEGATIVE PROMISES of the WORD OF WISDOM. D&C Sec. 89 I.


and the 5 GREAT

BACKGROUND: Smoke-filled room ... soiled floor (tobacco juice) ... upstairs room of Joseph Smith home ... first School of the Prophets, Kirkland, Ohio. 1833. JOSEPH prayed about it. As usual. he not only got an answer, but an anSwer-PLUS! RESULT: Revelation of the Lord ... "Not by Commandment or constraint, but a WORD of WISDOM ... Given for A PRINCIPLE WITH PROMISE, ADAPTED TO TH E WEAK AND WEAKEST OF ALL SAINTS WHO ARE, or CAN BE CALlE9 SAINTS." (D&C 89:2-3) (We can't even be called Saints it we don't keep this law.) A.


APPLICATION IN CURRENT SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: More relevent ... more Important and easier for us to live it today than ever before ... YOUR VERY LIFE ma y depend on it! .. , as Jack West's did. SCIENCE HAS MORE COMPLETELY CORROBORATED, VERIFIED, VINDICATED . WORD WISDOM REVELATION, than any other Revelation ever01 given.




the father of medicine,

the Prophets of the Lord, keeps the FULL WORD OF

said. "Let food be thy medicine

and let thy medicine

be food."

Thomas A. Edison predicted: "The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will try to interest his patients in the care of the human frame and proper nutrition. so as to prevent disease."
















HERBS" (Verse 10)

By Inference, NO UNWHOLESOME Herbs (Druqsl) The Chinese people are way ahead us in the knowledge and use of wholesome herbs. Some lndian Tribes are completely tree of Cancer ... Use a wholesome herb ... Chaparral Tea. Some South American Indians cure Arthritis with a wholesome herb ... Bloodroot.


FRESH "FRUIT, .. in Season" (Verse ~1) "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away." Many diseases, including Cancer are unknown among the Hunzakuts of the high Himalayas, whoeat lots of fresh apricots and other fruits, together with the "Seeds". We should eat and not throwaway. all fruit and berry seeds .... See "Laetrile, Control for Cancer," by Glenn L. Kittler: "Enzyme Treatment of Cancer" by Dr. John Beard, Head of Embryology Dept.. 1911. Univ. of Edenburg: "Cancer Winner" by .Jaquie Davison;



"A Cancer Therapy" by Max Gerson, M.D.; "Has Or. Max Gerson a True Cure tor Cancer?" by Haught; "Vitamin 8-17, Nltrllosldes" (Pamphlet) by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, M.D.: "One Answer to Cancer" and "New Hope for Cancer Victims" by Dr. Wm. Donald Kelley, Surgeon; "Wheatgrass ... God's Manna" or"Be Your Own Doctor" by Ann Wigmore, M.D., Ph.D. Available at Cancer Bookhouse, 2043 N. Berendo, LA 90027. Also at Aurora Book Companions, P.O. Box 5852, Denver, CO 80217. "Most civilized men are walki ng and Iivinq cesspools because of chronic constipation. Clean ou t the human system and the body will cure Itself ot any disease. Fresh Fruit is the relentless housecleaner, and Raw Vegetables, the broom." See: Prof. Arnold Ehret: "Mucousless "Cure for Chronic Constipation."

Diet Healing System," "Roads to Happiness and Health," and

La Gloria Clinic is having amazing success using Dr. Max Gerson's therapy for cleaning out the human system. and found that the body will literally cure itself of all diseases on the way to curing the great killer ~ Canc~r. Contact: Charlotte Gerson Straus (714) 424-3569. 3.


"MEAT ... sparingly ... only In Winter, cold and famine." (Verse 12-13) A.

U.S. has HIGHEST MORTALITY RATE IN WORLD, because V2 million die each year in U.S. from HEART DISEASE .... highest ratio of any nation ... REASON? TOO MUCH MEAT ... not only 'atty meat, but the main culprit is LEAN MEAT! ... Rockerfeller Foundation ... World Health Organization, Dr. Ray Cowley, Pg. 60, Aug. '69 ERA.


Fatty meat diet of Eskimos fed to South Sea Islanders in hot jungles. killed them and South Sea Islander's diet fed to Eskimos in cold wintertime, with no fatty meat and Eskimos died.


Jack West's Grandfather and Great Grandfather famished and choking with thirst were saved bylulcy meat drippings given them by a Cucamonga, California Lamanile woman.

"ALL GRAIN" ... for man and beast ... staff of life ... NEVERTHELESS, WHEAT FOR MAN, Corn for Ox, Oats for Horse, Rye for fowl, Barley for useful animals." (Verse 14. 17) A.

Have we ever found anything better than renowned nutritional expert of Harvard, Bundeson of the famous Chicago Health Wheat of the Mormon ChurCh", wrote a



WHEAT for MAN? .. NO! ... The late Dr. Aoseneau. worldsaid: "Wheat is the most nearly perfect food for man." Dr. Dept. concurred and Dr. Crowley, M.D., of L.A., called "Dr . book. "Wheat for Man" explaining in detail why.

SPROUTED WHEAT ... increases from 10 to 30 times the Vitamin and nutritional elements of unsprouted wheat. Get Dr. Ann Wigmore's Book "Wheatgrass, God's Manna" or "Be Your Own Doctor". She says Wheatgrass is the King of Grasses and contains everyone of the 103 chemicals. minerals, vitamins, nutritional and trace elements the human system needs to keep Itself healthy and free of 61 different conditions, illnesses and diseases, some of them so-called "incurable diseases", with which the body is plagued. She says the Chlorophyl Blood of WHEATGRASS will not cure anything, but will give the body the elements it's lacking and the BODY WILL THEN CURE ITSELF, with the help the Almighty. (A Johns-Hopkins Professor told his medical students: "Just remember nature will cure90% of your patients in spite of anything you can do.") Dr. Wigmore's list includes the Common COld. Cancer and Diabetes.



Or, DENNIS P. BURKITT, M.D., one of the greatest Surgeons of England says: "FOR GOOD HEALTH DON'T GO AGAINST THE GRAIN." (See article, L.A. Sunday Times, Aug. 27, 1972, Sec. II, Pg.1) On his recent return from 20 years of intensive research in 3 rural areas of the world, he lectured before 200 of the most sophisticated Physicians and Surgeons who sat in stunned silence. listening intently. Dr. Burkitt, honored world-wide for his scientific approach to Medical Research, reported his findi ngs in 20 years of intensive research and calmly dropped such medical block-busters as. "WHERE WHOLE GRAIN, or COURSE GRAIN,INCLUDING the BRAN,ls USED IN THE DAILY DIET, there will be: NO APPENDICITUS NO OBESITY NO COLONIC POLYPS (HEMORRHOIDS)




"THESE CONDITIONS or DISEASES ARE UNKNOWN AMONG THE RURAL AFRICAN, ROUMANIAN and HIMALAYAN NATIVES, with whom I have worked for over 20 years." "Yet," Dr. Shulman said, "He gave unimpeachable evidence that when these same natives moved to urban areas where they did not have the whole grain, or course graln,lncludlng the bran in their dally diet and began to use refined toods, especially White sugar and white flour, they were subject to all these diseases or conditions, and Intestinal transit TIME JUMPED TO 90 HRS. AVERAGE, INSTEAD OF 35 HRS. AVERAGE." Or. DAVID REUBENS, M.D.'s new Book ... "SAVE YOUR LIFE DIET" goes even further, by using what Wisoom-2 .



he calls a HIGH FIBER diet and cuts the digestive time in half again, to 17 HRS. and adds about a dozen more conditions or diseases that humans will never be troubled with, including PHLEBITIS, CHOLOSTERAL and HEART DISEASE. D.

Jack West says: "My Grandfather West always testified that the WORD OF WISDOM saved his life ... particularly wheat. He lived to a ripe old age and the day before his death, he walked from the steep hills of 9th Ave. clear down to the Salt Lake Temple and back in his88th year. My father wouldn't listen to his Dad, until three Drs. told him at the age of 47 that he couldn't live morethan 6 months. Healways thereafter maintained that the WORD OF WISDOM saved his lI'e ... particularly WHEAT. But he went overboard. He wouldn't even eat a dish of ice cream without a spoonful of wheat on top of it ... And too much of even a good thing, is still too much. Yet he lived to the ripe old age of80.1 wouldn'tlisten tomy Dad ... (It seems every generation has to learn for itself that 'the stove is hot.') ... I had had one cold after another ... on an average 01 every other month and some of them just laid me low; and hay fever from the beginning of summer to the end of summer. Also, the Dr. told me I had to lose 40 to 50 Ibs. of weight. I could lose it by dieting, but then, like a VerVo, I'd come back up again. A friend told me mild barley drink would get rid of my colds, so I said, maybe I'd better try to live' some of the positive elements of the WORD OF WISDOM, so in '969, I not only started using some mild Barley drink, but I have eaten 3 heaping teaspoons of cooked wheat each day. Since 19691 haven't had a common cold, and only lV, days of hay fever and I've never had to use 8 laxative and 8S a complete plus factor, I've lost 50 Ibs. of weight so gradually I didn'.t even know I was losing it until my trousers would start to fall off, and the wonderful part is that it stays off. I've now lost 60 Ibs. and have levelled out at the exact weight I was all through high school and college, and I feel better than I have in years and am rarin' to go places and do things, even though I'm a Great Grandfather. WHEAT is the most wonderful food on earth. And WHEATGREENS CHLOROPHYL LIQUID is the greatest of drinks."


Just incase you want to try it ... here are some suggestions: I cook up a week's supply at a time. Soak the wheat 24 hrs. in twice as much water as you have wheat. Then I cook it just long enough to bring it to a boil. As soon as the lid begins to dance, or steam comes out, shut off the heat, then when it cools, put it in the refrigerator and use it any way you would use rice or potatoes. Use it like pearl barley in any ki,rd of soup; as a filler in any kind of casserole dish; as a filler in meat loat: or cook hamburger, break up in bite-size chunks, add the wheat to it just tong enough to warm up the wheat. Wheat scrambled with eggs or added to an omelette is just delicious. or wheat with butter and salt and pepper on it, like hot rice is especially good ... or make "WESTERN GRAIN" with 'fa brown rice and '12 cooked wheat. There are hundreds of ways to use wheat. I'm now eating spouted wheat. .. approximately halt sprouted wheat and half cooked wheat. Put the moist wheat in any glass jar. Turn your little "homemade glasshouse" on its side and roll around to spread the wheat. .. leave lid off. Set in the light, but not direct sunlight. Within 36 hrs. there will be sprouts as long as the kernals of wheat. I then put the sprouted wheat in the refrigerator and eat one or two heaping teaspoonsful each day uncooked. It's very tasty and perfectly chewable once it is sprouted; or, you can use the sprouted wheat any way you would use cooked wheat. Try it, .. you'll like it! and remember, the minute wheat sprouts it picks up Irom 10 to 30 times the Vitamin and nutritional values it had before it is sprouted. Grow WHEATGRASS in a t" deep x '8" x 26" Bake Sheet or something similar. Only t' of soil is needed. Use Dr. Ann Wigmore's system ... soak the wheat tor 24 hrs., then soak the soil and spread the wheat so that kernai is touching kernal, cover with 8 layers 01 soaked newspaper to hold in moisture and then put a sheet of plastic over the paper to build up heat. When the greens have grown about remove plastic and paper and put where there is light, but not direct sunlight. Vou can grow this year-round indoors. Harvest with scissors at the' st joint (where the 1 st leaf comes out of the main stem). Don't use the 2nd growth. Dump the stubble, soil, incl. the root system upside down in a compost heap and start out with new soil. I use a "Health Fountain" hand grass juicer from the R & R Mill, Smithfield, Utah. Don't use an Osterizer ... it whips too much oxygen into the juice and kills 60% of the food value. Dilute the juice from a 3 oz. bunch of grass in a glass of cold water and sip it. The wholesome herb, .. YJHEATGRASS saved my life and I can't praise it highly enough. Power Grass Juicer ... "Wheateena" Tarlow Designs, 6301 Lindenhurst, Los Angeles. CA90048, (21 3) 933-8622.




"Fruit of the vine, whether



(Verse 16)


The Armed Forces Oietics Dept. found that everyone should have 3 vegetables every day, , . and interestingly enough, they use either 2 VEGETABLES that grow above the ground and' that grows In the ground, or 2 In the ground and' above the ground, that they always have some of each type,each day.


Wherever possible the WORD OF WISDOM recommends that we eat things "ln the season thereof," which would appear to mean FRESH ... and as near like the Lord made them as possible. We are "refining" our foods into what some Drs. call "Foodless Foods". Wisdom·3





"BARLEY ... for MILD DRINKS, as also other grains."

(Verse 17)


How long has it been since you have used a MILD BARLEY DRINK for your main drink?


MILD BARLEY DRINK STORY: Before joining the Church, Wendall Groves worked many years in a brewety. He'said that in all those years he had never known anyone in the brewery to have a common cold. Many would start with a cold, but then they would go bytheWer1zvatand take a brimming cup of Wertz. It would knock out the cold just like magic. Jack West who was teaching a Priesthood class on the WORD OF WISDOM said. "Wendall. what in the world is Wertz?" And Wendall said, "It's just what the Lord is talking about there in the WORD OF WISDOM (D&C 89:17). , , a MILD BARLEY DRINK ... before it has 'worked its head off' and turned 'alcoholic' and before it becomes malted. We drank the warm liquid which was pleasantly sweet from the sprouted Barley, and packed with whatever it takes to knock out a cold." Jack said, "I wonder if that same idea would work with wheat?", .. And Wendall said, "I'll bet it would." .. , and sure enough, it did!

BODY WASH, "Slrong

drinks are nol for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies,"


For #7 positive, we go back to Verse #7 and turn a negative into a positive.


Reader's Digest reports that Medical Doctors have found that washing frequently with water and caustic soap doesn't seem to keep our skin clean and free from harmful bacteria. We wash our face and hands most frequently and they are the two places that have the highest ha rmful bacteria count. We wash the middle of the back (out of reach) least and it has the least harmful bacteria. Nothing has been found better for cleansing the skin and toning the body than an ALCOHOL RUBI WHY NOT DO MORE OF IT? (Readers Digest, Apr. 1969.)

Mise, .. EAT AND "USE WITH PRUDENCE AND THANKSGIVING,.. IN THE SEASON THEREOF (FRESH), AND ONLY IN TIMES of EXCESS OF HUNGER." (Verses 11,13,15) 00 you think anyone in the Church keeps #8??? A.

PRUDENCE: In law we have the "Rule of the PRUDENT MAN". What would the PRUDENT MAN DO? He would DO what he should do and NOT 00 what he should not do. Now relate this to the WORD OF WISDOM, A PRUDENT MAN WILL OBEY and NOT DISOBEY the Rules. A PRUDENT MAN will NOT EAT WHEN he is ANGRY and UPSET. "Many illnesses are due, not so much to what the patient is eating, !lut rather by what is eating the patient." Dr. Daniel H. Sugarman (Psychotherapist) "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Prov. 17:22)


THANKSGIVING: Start every meal by sincerely thanking our Heavenly Father for the food and aski n9 His blessing on it, then eat with true thankfulness. Peter Marshall, Chaplin of the Senate, came home one night and found his wife had hash for dinner and he said, "Honey, you'll have to return thanks tonight, because I can't fool God anymore and He knows I'm not thankful forhash." (Maybe, in view of the WORD OF WISDOM he Shouldn't have eaten it at all.)


"IN THE SEASON THEREOF," (FRESH). Maybe we should be eating less canned food, packaged food, frozen food and especially less processed and refined food and instead eat more FRESH FOOD and perhaps we should eat more UNCOOKED FRESH FRUIT, BERRIES, VEGETABLES, SPROUTED GRAINS and GRASSES, particularly the KING OF GRASSES. WHEATGRASS.


EAT AND "USE ONLY IN TIMES OF EXCESS OF HUNGER" (and quit before you're fulll). On this point we're probably very safe in saying that not one member of the Church keeps all the Positive Elements of the WORD OF WISDOM. Many nutritionists say that we are "eating" ourselves into early graves. A Dr. has said, "Most people live on 1/3 of what they eat and the Drs. live on the rest." Cartoon: Dr. to portly patient: "We'll make your diel real simple ... It it tastes good, spit it out." Cartoon: Overweight lady to friend: "When I'm dieting, I know I shouldn't eat so much corn-on-the-cob., , but, I never put butter on it ...... Her friend's 3-word answer, "Neither do pigs." "If you want to spend your money and have something to show for it. try lots of rich food." Funny Song: "My Country 'tis of thee ... 'Ah turkey, 'tis of thee; so good with cranberry, of thee I sing. I love thy breasts and wings, thy drumsticks fit for Kings, but I can't eat a thing ... I am dieting." Another Dr. said, "1/3 of what we eat keeps us alive and the other 2/3 ki lis us." Dr. Ann Wigmore has gone even further, .. She says, "90% of wha t we eat is 'Foodless Food' and we live on the 10% the hu ma n system is able to sift out and use. She says two 3 oz. servings of WHEATGRASS daily will give the body every chemical, minerai, vitamin, nutritional element and trace element, In all 103 categories, that the body needs to keep itself healthy, well and free from all illnesses and disease, An attorney, his wife and 3 children proved this by living on nothing but WHEATGRASS, for 1 year. At the end of-that time they were all healthier than at the start and were all at normal weight. ("Wheatgrass, God's Manna" by Or. Ann Wigmore, M.D. and Ph.D. in nutrition.)


Let Jack H. West finish his own story: "I had about everything wrong with my system that could be wrong. In 1921 I was brought to Calif. to die with heart trouble and three Drs. had told Mother and Dad that I had less than 6 months to live, but I'd be more comfortable the last few months at sea level

instead of in Salt Lake where Rheumatic Fever had left me with 2 leaking valves and nerves on the fringe of St Vitis Dance. And I've been living on borrowed time ever since. Every time a group of Drs. have predicted my early demise, I chuckle and tell them I've outlived every group of Drs. that predicted my early demise. As recently as 1961 three Drs. in consultation told me I had 2'12 months to live if I kept up the pace I was going. I've lived to get two of those Drs. and I think I'll outlive the other one. I'm a Diabetic (it runs in the family). I was losing my voice ... as an ordinance worker and officiator at the Oakland Temple I couldn't last out 8 hrs. without being down to a whisper and my wife said, 'If you ever lose your voice you'll lose your Gift of Gab, which would be tragic! ... I had infected kidneys and they were recommending removing one. I couldn't get more than 20 min. away from a privvy and for my lecture engagements that just wouldn't do. I suffered tragically with Rheumatoid Arthritis ... then in 1972 a panel of three Drs. told me I had less than a year to live with cancer of the Lymph Nodes and the more they tampered with it the more it would spread. I had a growth the size of an apple under my right arm; a growth on my chest the size of a grapefruit with 1/3 showing on the surface and my whole body was covered with vicious cancer sores. Living the FULL WORD OF WISDOM has controlled or cured everyone of those conditions. Apricot seeds got a control on the Cancer, . , 30 per day and then when I learned about WHEATGRASS CHLOROPHYL DRINK, the highest known source of Vitamin B-17 which I firmly believe is the control vitamin for Cancer, the Cancer growths not only quit growing but diminished in size, until I have just a little pimple under my right arm, a red spot on my chest and dozens of other red spots all over my body. I'm now using six apricot seeds per day and two instead of four 3 oz. servings of WHEATGRASS each day. Many plus factors have been gained ... My hearing was about gone and it is now better than it has been for years. My Kidneys have completely cleared up, with the lemon water and herb drinks each day ... a quart per day ... my voice is stronger than when I was a kid ... recently I was out-of-state on the "Trial of the Stick of Joseph Lectures" and in three weeks time I had 18 'double-headers' in a row ... 3 hrs. each night and still had a voice left. The arthritis is getting much better ... 2 liquid fasts of 10 days each with FRESH and UNCOOKED VEGETABLES and FRUIT DIET in between the fasts have almost cleared it up. (See the book "There Is A Cure For Arthritis" by Dr. Paavo Aitola, M.D.) ... It's the WORD OF WISDOM pure and simple. The Lord said things so simply in the WORD OF WISDOM that we have underestimated what He was saying and l"Qisunderstood. I've got more lip and ling than I had at age 14! I'm down to the exact weight I was all through high school and college and have lost 60 Ibs. permanently."




(Verses 5, 7)


"Alcoholism ... ALCOHOLICS cost in broken companies and Programs.


AS A KILLER, ALCOHOLISM ranks right behind #1. CIGARETTES; #2, HEART DISEASE and #3, CANCER 35-50 age bracket is most vulnerable ... (should be most productive age.)


ALCOHOLISM IS A DISEASE THAT CAN'T BE CURED ... only arrested. "AA" has learned that 1 drink is too many and a million are not enough. 50% to 75% of ALCOHOLICS can be helped If they admit they have a problem and seek help.


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) is better than medical treatment, wiser than psychiatric advice, stronger than religious faith and AA experts are on call night or day, without charge, Great danger ... one ALCOHOLIC authorized to sign contracts. or invest, can lose millions in minutes.


YOU CAN'T AFFORD The 1. 2. 3, 4. S, 6. 7.

1 out of every 14 American employees is an ALCOHOLIC" (Reader's Digest Nov. '69) cost American Business, Industry and Government 4.3 billion dollars per year. The homes with the resultant juvenile delinquency is incalculable. 300 giant American many smaller companies have been forced to set up Alcoholic Discovery and Help


average Alcoholic Costs his company $1,500 to $4.000 per year, Is only 50% efficient. Is absent 22 days/year. Requires 4 times as much medical attention. Is 7 times as likely to have an auto accident. Lives 12 years less than the non-ALCOHOLIC. If fired or Quits, costs 'company $1,500 to $2,000 to train a replacement.

WHO IS THE STRONGEST? Sergeant opening cans of beer shouted at L.O.S. abstainers: "What's the matter aren't you babies strong enough to drink?" "Sure we are strong enough to drink, but we're also strong enough not to!" Wisdom-5 /

All 3 of the Negatives of the WORD OF WISDOM are habit-forming and they're BAD HABITS. DEVELOP GOOD HABITS, NOT BAD HABITS, because HABITS ARE CABLES. We weave a strand each day and soon they are too strong to break.


NO TOBACCO (Verse 8) Joke that is no joke: Daughter: "Guess what Dad, I smoke." cigarette smokes. You're just the sucker." Mayo Clinic says: The Drs. who know tobacco A.



best, hate it most."

NICOTINE IS NOW (1973) RATED AS THE #1 KILLER IN THE U.S. "NICOTINE PROFILE" (See Reader's Digest, Sept. '73, Pg. 77) "NICOTINE ATT ACKS the lungs, heart and brain. It's the REAL #1 KILLER IN U.S.; ahead of #2 Heart Disease, #3 Cancer and #4 Alcoholism. Today the mortality from Cigarettes is 7 times the death toll from highway accidents ... and our highway fatalities surpass each 2 months our total loss of American lives in 12 yrs. of the Vietnam War. Nicotine has killed more people than all the great world epidemics of Typhoid, TB and Yellow Fever combined. And this is for known deaths caused by cigarette smoking. What about the unknown deaths? .. Cardia-vascular Disease for example is responsible for over' million fatalities each year in this country alone. According to Dr. Alton Ochner, Head of the famed Ochner Clinic of New Orleans, "The number of Cardio-vascular deaths actually caused by cigarette smoking, but unrecorded as such ... is shockingly high. And what about Cancer? The facts are that at least 7 KNOWN CANCER-PRODUCING AGENTS and 15 to 20 known TOXICANTS ARE GOING INTO THE MOUTHS OF 56 MILLION PEOPLE, AN AVERAGE OF 27 TIMES A DAY, including Hydrogen Cyanide, one of the DEADLIEST POISONS." The easiest way to break a habit is to drop It." 5 yr. old daughter to Dad: "It's easy to quit smoking. Just don't put it in your mouth."

NO HOT DRINKS (Verse 9) ... Both hot as to temperature

(past luke-warm)

When the WORD OF WISDOM Revelation was given, Tea and Coffee were the only hot drink being used, but if you virtually drink scalding hot soup or other food (past luke-warm) you are probably breaking the WORD OF WISDOM.


"The incidence of ULCERS, will be 72% higher if you drink coffee." Dr. Ralph S. Pattenberger, Calif .


If drinks are "Hot" as to content, such as the cola drinks. chocolate, common sense would dictate to not use them.

HEALTH (Verse 18) ... A.


and "hot" in content.



is Health.











Univ. of

etc., perhaps PRUDENCE ~

~'(' ~c.'i

THE 5 GREAT PROMISES of the Lord. (Verses 18-21) 1.

you don't smoke, The

Dad: "No, darling,







GET WELL AND STAY WELL BY LIVING THE FULL WORD OF WISDOM ... It's cheaper too' Medical costs being what they are these days, no matter where the ailment starts, the pain tends to settle in the vicinity of the hip pocket. Now-a-days they always carry you into the hospital FEE FIRST.




"I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I sayye have no promise. (D&C82:10) 3.




(Verse 19)


LONG LIFE (Verse 21)

(Verse 20)

EJl8mple: In Utah only 112 are active L.D.S.

and they only partially

live the WORD OF WISDOM.

UTAH'S RATING 1. Births over deaths 281M vs. 101M balance of U.S. 2. 97% Literacy Highest in U.S. 3. 60/M in H.S 3 times U.S. average. Twice as many per M in college. 4. 20% more Men of Achievement (next nearest state .. , Mass.) 5. 30% more Men of Science (next nearest state ... Colo.) 6. General Health ... Best in U.S. 7. Life Span ... Greatest. 8. Highest level of Service and Joy. (From WORD OF WISDOM book by John A. and Leah Widstoe) . IF WE EVER GOT AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE TO FULLV LIVE THE WORD OF WISDOM (BOTH THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELEMENTS), THE RESULTS WOULD AMAZE THE WORLD "For the WORD OF WISDOM has in its observance, the essentials of building a SUPERIOR RACE, Physically. Mentally and Spiritually. Wisdom·6

WORD OF WISDOM Pres. Jack West says: 7 SIMPLE DAILY STEPS TO HEALTH saved my life and changed my life. You too can GET YOUNGER

AS YOU GROW OLDER. Try to get your doctor with you all the way.


HONEY, MOLASSES, LEMON DRINK. I slowly sip 1 Quart warm water with'fa lemon and some honey and black strap molasses first thing in the morning. It cleans out the system and cleared up Bright's Disease and kidney infection like magic and saved my life. If diabetic. substitute herbs for honey and molasses. My doctors advise another quart of liquid during day, but not with meals.


1 Hour (minimum) EXERCISE. Begin easy ... 5 trips up and down a flight of stairs, lift a heavy garage door 5 times, or the equivalent. I gradually transitioned into 7 things during the I hr. exercise. Remember, there are dozens of rules for good health but NONE OF THEM WORK UNLESS YOU DO. A.

LEGS, FEET and TOES ... Lying in bed or on the floor, stretch legs and rotate the feet and wiggle the toes in circles ... 14 times clockwise and 14 times counter-clockwise.


EYES. An eye specialist said to me: "If you'll followthese5 simpleeyeexercises twice each day and anytime in between when your eyes get tired and use the 5 simple safety rules, you'll never need glasses and your eyes will get stronger as you grow older." It works. I'm a great grandfather and have never used glasses. In the prone position. rotate eyes ... stretch ing eye muscles in ci roles 5 times clockwise and 5 times counter clockwise; then angle up and down in each direction to torm an "X" 5 times; then back and forth straight across 5 times. Squint in between each exercise. Finally, look straight up and straight down; (not at your nose, but at your toes ... ) 5 times. Do this at least every morning and night 5 simple safety rules: Never use eyes in poor light. Have a good light coming over the opposite shoulder to the hand you write with. Never look into bright lights or the sun Use a tennis visor with green underside when your're reading or writing. Finally, never let your eyes get tired or under any strain.


HEAD and NECK (The key is 14) Head and neck roll: While sitting. roll the head 14 times in each direction. Make it hurt. Ear to shoulder, right and left 14 times each. Angle head and look at ceiling with lower lip over upper lip, up and down 14 times angled right and 14 times angled left, to avoid double chin sag. Follow all movements with eyes. Then finally look behind ... from left to right 14 times. Make it hurt on all these movements as you stretch the muscles.


HEAD MASSAGE: In standing position bend overwith head nearthefloor and vigorously massage the head for 2 minutes, or better still, do a head stand 5 minutes night and morning. It really clears out the cobwebs and helps the hair. (My hair that I lost is coming back in.)


DEEP BREATHING: Sitting with arms relaxed at side, bend body forward while exhaling until shoulders touch knees. then raising body while inhaling deeply. Fill lungs to capacity,lifting riband lung cage, 7 times with left nostril closed; 7 times WIth right nostril closed and 7 times with both nostrils open. Do it veryslowty both in and out.


MINI-TRAMPOLINE WORKOUT: I'm now running and rope skipping "in place" the equivalent of 4 miles a day on a "Vitalizer" or "Sundancer" 3 ft. diameter and 8 inches high. It's great! Bounce back to better health. The body is weightless at the top of the bounce and 2 to 3 G'sat the bottom of the bounce and in between every muscle, blood vessel and vital organ is exercised. Write to L & L Enterprises, P.O. Box 33, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 641-1537 for information. Run 50 paces and walk 50 paces until 250 each, then rope skip without a rope throwing arms in circles backwards 250 times and then walk 100 paces to cool off; then repeat, throwing arms in circles forward 250 times and cool off with 100 walk paces. Deep breathe every time you walk. My heart goes to double speed and I get up a good sweat. Now clench fists tight against chest and while facing North or South, bounce up and down while repeating "Out go the toxins, in comes the lymph" 7 times, then step onto the floor and very briskly rub your right arm away from the heart 50 strokes and do same with left arm and both legs. This packs the body with electrical current and races the lymph fluids. Ask Dr. Corwin S. West, M.D .. Orem, UT about these ideas. His "National Self Help Clinics" are great!


HOT and COLO SHOWER: I then have a hot and cold shower (no soap) and a rough towel and boar bristle brush rub until the skin is pink and tingles. Then drag soles of the feet over a rough bath mat 20 times each.


"GREEN-POWER" DRINK: Wheatgrass Chlorophyll Drink ... min. 1 serving a day = Juice from 3 oz. of Wheatgreens diluted in glass of cold water. See section II para. 4E of these notes and also pages 240, 241, 292301 "Wheatgrass.,. God's Manna" by Dr. Ann Wigmore and also her book, "Be Your Own Doctor", for 72 diseases and conditions of the human system which could be eliminated. It's the greatest drink on Earth. Also see "Organic Soil" by Dr. G. H. Earp-Thomas, M.D.


DAILY ELIMINATION: Bend way over and grasp feet to simulate the natural sitting-on-heels stomach muscles 5 times at beginning and middle of elimination. Same time daily.



All FRESH fruits and all of the fruit. including



peeling and seeds. If 17 hours each


day with no protein intake 83% of all cancer in U.S. would be eliminated (See Dr. Wm. Donald Kelley statement "One Answer to Cancer.") 6.

AT LUNCH or DINNER ... 3 THINGS: Min. 3 teaspoons sprouted or cooked WHOLE WHEAT; 6 Apricot Seeds; and an extra LARGE RAW VEGETABLE SALAD. See Dr. Paavo Atrota's book "How to Get Well."


MISC. RULES: (a) Sleep with lots of FRESH AIR. (b) Use 75% t085% of 'ood FRESH and uncooked. Cooking kills all enzymes and much of food value. (c) If cooked, use baked vegetable dinner baked on top of the stove in a

Dutch Oven. and vegetable soup per Drs, Paavo Airola. Max Gerson a"d Ann Wigmore. (d) Seperate fruit and vegetable by '/2 hour ... they tend to "kill" each other. (e) Eat meat sparingly and NO WHITE SUGAR or WHITE FLOUR or anything made with them and NO PROCESSED FOODS. (f) If feellenslon or tlredne.1 building up, "Go down for the count" ... stretch right out on the floor .. , go to sleep immediaely ... sleep for 2'h minutes and awaken completely refreshed, like Thomas A. Edison taught me to do. He said, "Never get tired and learn to thoroughly relax and you can cut way down on required sleep." He got along on 21f2 hours per night. I cut down from 10 hours to 5 hours.

Jack H. West



Section 89 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, 27 February 1833 (see History of the Church, 1:327-29). As a consequence a/the early brethren using tobacco in their meetings, the Prophet was led to ponder upon the matter; consequently, he inquired of the Lord concerning it. This revelation, known as the Word of wisdom, was the result. The first three verses were originally written as an inspired introduction and description by the Prophet. !.::9. The use of wine, strong drinks, tobacco, and hot drinks is proscribed;

Herbs, fruits.flesh, and grain are ordained for the use of man and of animals; 18-21, Obedience to gospel law, including the Word of Wisdom, brings temporal and spiritual blessings. 10-17.


for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in ZionTo be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the -word of wisdom, showing forth the order and awill of God in the temporal • salvation of all saints in the last days2

3 Given for a principle with 'promise, adapted to the capacity of the tweak and the weakest of all
, 8 And again, tobacco is not for the .body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. 9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly. And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome -herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man10

11 Every

herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with -prudence and bthanksgiving. 12 Yea,

-flesh also of -beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the usc of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used
winter, or of cold, or -farnine.

14 All -irain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth; 15 And -these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. 16 All grain is good for the -food of man; as also the -fruit of the vine; that which yicldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground17 Nevertheless, wheat for man, and earn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and

rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain. 18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, -shall receive -health in their navel and marrow to their bones; 19 And shall -find -wisdorn and great

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