Wxt fetar-letificr

VilATHER Pfllyatliii

TH* Ntwspapcrf or New Jersey


FINAL IDmON Price: )S cents

Reagan, Gorbachev tackle the big issues Hall of St George in the Great Palace of the Kremlin. Ecboiiig that theme, Rea^ de­ clared in bis nsponse: “We both know that there are tremendoos’hardies yet to be overcome. But we abo know that it can be done becaose we share a common goalstrengtbening the framework we have alr^y began to build for a reUtiooAip that we can smtain over the kng 'terra.”...........—' - -............. ......... As the Reagans retired for the evening, working groops of qifriallsts" in the major areas ofU.S.-Soviet reUtions began separate n^otations <» with thA mwiprdaiia. Soviet leader AMkhail Gorbachev and President Reagen chat tn Catherine': Hell of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow

MOSCOW-President Reaean, roeetiw with Soviet leader Mikb& S. Gortl^ev in the Kranlin yesterday for their historic fourth snminit, again chaUeued the Kreoilin to live op to intenatknal standards on btnnao ^gbts bat also agreed to consider Soviet pro­ posals for kHBt space research and studies of heman rights and other . isaiedtviding:thetwpaBperpow» Conferrii^ in an atmoqtee that both sides described as friendly and prodndive, the two leades agreed that IJ.S.-Soviet rations have improved maitedly as a resott d the sostained series of snmimts which began with their fint fac«4o-face meeting in Gen­ eva in November lM5-tbe roost ex­ tensive snmmit dialogne ever held be­ tween an American president and bis Soviet conmerpart

White Bonse chief of staff Howard B. Baker Jr. said the leaders dbcnssed Its and Afghanistao “frankly

longer than scheduled, ihe White Bone they did today." aidesaid: A White Hooaespokesman, “Based on what we've seen so far. Popadii^ loU reporters Reagu i


ming from oiemy images

Dukakis finds, pollution off Jersey


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ittgpartyfaoaL The weather was fine, the Ay was bine, the temperature warm, the wind breezv-and calm Atlantic Ocean hMkedpoUtrtedinonespoL


bnbWy line wato, origta onknown. trailiiM offshore from the^arkling Asbm^atk beaches. . •There's nothing fie ccBiiing out

S’iTuatiaiSlSJfei™! -★ ★


By DAVID WALD Conditiom were perfect yesterday for Democratic presidential candidate Hicbaei Dukakis to make a poist about the environment on a prioury cam-

Tht presenution of saeh Usts has be­ come a r^nlar part of UglMevriD ' ii«s between officii


Jackson ^ells Jerseyans 'we can win'


Summit spotlights power of capitalism

. ByGUYSTERUNG Presidential hopeful Rev. Jesse Jacksoo barnstormed through — and central New Jetsey y^ sisting that be can win the state's I ocratic primary and att&king Republi­ can IttdefS as wdl as his <£ief oppo­ nent in next week’s primary. "Your vote wiil make a diifertbe St. James A.Mi:. aurch in New­ ark. "We can win in New Jersey. You’ve got to believe it and vote that

Enthusiastic crowds at more > , ------------------------------------------------------------------ --= pw.»,j„ovi a hatf-doeen stops peeled JacksopTwto Gov. Michnel Dukakis addresses » Presidential candidate Jesse Jack- SSS group aboard the S.S. Miss Belmar son gestures as he speaks at the ^

Wibt’s going on in Moscow-the ReaganGorbachev summit and the Soviet Unkn's strug­ gle for internal changebMthiiN less than this: The clearest pooibie demoostrsUeo of tbe trimmb of democratic capUlto over Marxist id-'


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"»M aeSns us’sump^ tbe Soelets

said. Ibev would bum la weU. Itaoiw masuiied tbat Western Eumpe wss tuubsmstniiig by twice activists sod tbe Uaiie^ises too ds^. ed and leiuletless to in bud. It guessed wMg.1argel; because peUngitUheRS!S«SS(io for tte 109 Democratic coovedlioa delegates at stake in the June 7 New

the stage for a victor)' m the fall.’’ ronmmtisoieoftbelopissticsinNew isooeoftbeliiissucsinNew reducing foreign md to ^ ad He said viciones in New and the-three other states that maries Jue 7-California, New •w UeiiUeii' -----------------------------------------Pleasv turn to Pago i Jackson also-said the country's CO and Mootana-would allow him to fordgn policy deeds readjusting, main­ taining that more atteniitn and reqiect Aould be paid to Intenatiotial law, eco­ nomic developroait. human rights and the ri^t of natxns ta determine their own destinies. He stressed that be has been set­ ting the agenda for the current na-

Resorts get off to a sparkling start as Jerseyans find their places in sun By STEPHEN REDSHAW aadDANGAROA

gumS''j!Src£»rS every three days, it s afloat ume. *"^t’s summffliroe weather, and it's soMos^ to at least another dSTaking for perhaps tbe most m^DorabtefiemorS Day weekend m to,..

Anm»c tn a

ctoto’Si^c.’^ti^ tbe sUte have scheduled uiades.aiN otber fesUvities to bomr fbe natioa's war dead.^ weather outlook c^ for clear Aies and temperatures in the mW- to upper tts-a virtial repl^ of Ae gorgeous weathtr tbe sUte has baAed in f« the past three days. keg weA^ and the

tei^S^StrfacUritynpand ■

UteVfOOd ^olS weekend tluusltemtoi. alDay one. “This is tbe way to staA the

For these who dkhi't have to work weather and wtshtul tbou^ts ot a long, ove;.U*week.end, b^7?rt tei^ and frontyard Unning contests were He tottug tost summer," Dtollc re. In Sea Girt an air of relaxed formality prevailed as Harold Dodk w sided owr a family rearuan that Induded more than 100 grests and required five barbecue pits, whk* were set “P up Ihrougboul his oceanfruot estate _ ^ DOTth 8 Wl in Bclmar, Memoo“*

m?^;'-'°^'SS;tomtu. r«,verMtions inably turned to the wonderful

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.mM Iks UnMur ks

* Jackson said his*^^!dacy has been furthered by addressing such a*S t

cnusemStoliSafBS. WpStofiS’bSbtX’amis PIMM turn to Pag* 4

'Core' testing sought for studentsin state By BOBEltTJ. BRAUN caocuon Education Commissioner d..-. Saul

Tve gtX a pod feeling about this summw... and rro lived hoe all my iifeso!sbouWki»w,"besaid. Robert and EUen Wedner of Hawtboree, smd said they had ■»! not fin^.ttHivfinished movtbonie. ing into their summer home in Belmar, aliboiiA they’ve been Uving there stoce

grfcpsl number of Amencans. crf..v>i da«u«(y ortfiaiiy haw faiana I win, tbe maids win. tte «-,rseworkinsoehsubWsasmaUiebellhops win. tbe uxi drivers win. tbe gri&hers win. peace wins and tte mUcs-soeKe. social stufliesano Mgcommon person wins." be told a reliAlthoueh the exaim wiH^not^ Although bous serricc at the New Hope Baptist .^-d « Sation t^ the state will Oiurch in Newark. mgaru Sc tatc r n-as part s. according _______ _________ ______'


fimm turn to Page a

PtooM turn to Pog* 7

. school board Wednesday.

Newowners work to change WWOR's image ByBUDYU ByBUDYLARINI first ordff of business SMMidOfOSMiM _____________ ^,:.TVwastojettiOT$6.5 miUiea of (he statiofs statkw's brgadc«s--------tu^dcast revenues ..v. fran rehniiUioo MeuSug, -ButtteydMSiwmtrgolHiobHmmdmtote -imon iasiuieni neiajo. iibmujuu. Ae results of what they had-ecooomically.” he -|didultWlbem,''iieiiiid."Ijmtdidit" FY&^^tiai^mteteUoti broadcast- added. “Ibey ran a low-riA operatk*. let's pot it u!:nSdW^^K,.,h.kd.^ofaWWOR -thatway."


State officials are expected to who failed onestion why students failed (he state $ute suojea-mauer subject-matter tesU »««« should pass

Coooennaii who is expected to

determme whethersebool districts are setting hid enough standards for their individuafcourses. Cooperman's report ^SaHmS^a^frSn ffirtto district. “We do not believe that enough d the core of our criticai courses-e.g, English 1 and VS. History I-are the same in our sutnrban schools as in our urban schools." the report noted. "It is essential that Ae reqnire-

airing from M am to the BOOB newscasi. Tbe stalk* also introduced the "Morton Downey Jr." show.

SftJSiT STSt'toS'Sv 11« mil.

,t^ standard iwieiiloriiig, county . . X'SJJsK^aLXTaSlSperintendenu may require districts to SKd^Sfriri A A? fSf.^-;^ S & their comses d student, are ___ _ the testsTbe.strte will pitnide Boss’" due 00 tbe air next year. laihngu •Mistance to tbe districts facing dlfgto Its tnllKdi in extracts for any televangelirt Although tbe tots wiU not be used

„.5sl£2!fiSli5*tL'i£.'SiS iruK cwn»«wi “ clmto tito MIed Ombv dom and "Am really cmd-loAl^ fdA ra■s." When it comes to T-Airtx, Eddie

vnuB mam an emoarawi «n «i auiuikniu* k«gi-, pagn to «ist the aUltoii'. Hd, itodg, intogc ol Ito Dollar Movies’’ cuUi^rted vadtx Ae primed newscast from 8 to 10 pm to attract a runagement of fanner owner RKOGeoeraL ' prime-tiiA > mwttv tired sUti«L" KusaA said. taTgeraudmice.

WlA^cw'^^oHers a i Refmts' tests in various sub]ecU. •UMC fte esams is Mtional for stoMa. The "core proficieDCles" tests rOlootbeopA^. ------------- M^^p^pped children whoue

isjsgs^; L md very <^^p^

Jackson ^ells Jerseyans 'we can win'

!>««)« by Jet C«9U

I Jesse Jack>eaks at the ewark

il nomination i Dwnocralic lanta in July, kis’ campaign said the enviissues in New naiy, in part, rebearsal for >age6

art sun ghtsofalong. A

Ily took a douT," Dodic reling about this d here all my said. edner of Hawfinished movme in Belmar, ing there ance een too nice to >ag»S

, ByGUYSTERUNG Presidential hopeful Rev. Jesse Jackson barnstormed through northern and central fiev Jersey yesterday, vth. sisting that he can win the sute's Dem-\ ocratic primary and attacking Republi­ can leaocrs as well as his taief tq>ponent in next week's primary. “Your vote will make a differ­ ence," Jackson told the congregation at the St. James KME. Church in New­ ark. “We can win in New Jersey. You've got to believe it and vote that^ way." Enthusiastic crowds at more^ a half-dozen stops greeted Jacks^who repeated a message that, if be^boximes president, his administration would be sensitive to the needs of the people, providing better healtp care lor the young and old, supplying day care for working mothers, increasing ^bs and wages and cutting down on tw influx of drugs into the United States. Freezing the military budgePtand reducing foreign aid to Asian and Euro­ pean nations without fir>ancial difficul­ ties will help payior^the programs, he said. . -■ Jackson also said the country's foreip policy tfeeds readjusting, main­ taining that more attention and respect sboulabe paid to international law, eco­ nomic development, human rights and. the right of nations ta determine their own destinies. He stressed that he has been set­ ting the agenda for the current na­ tional campaign, and that the issues he hu made his priority should not be for­ gotten after the June 7 primary. Jackson said his candidacy has been furthered by addressing such issues as drugs, buifian rights and do­ mestic spending policies. And he claimed that among presidential hope­ fuls, bis candidacy is benefiting the gifMpst number of Americans. "When 1 win, the maids win, the bellhops win, the taxi drivers win, the grandmothers win, peace wins and the common person wins." he told a reliHous service at the New Hope BaptiM Oiurdi in Newark. Jackson’s longest address of the day was his firsu at the Quality Inn in Please turn to Page 7

s pc VSht' MoscowGorbacbe' the Soviet gle for int isDOthingl The c demoostra irniph of di . taum ov( N cialism an 'ey in the n Mooomicp alter event TTie e inospherei fromEuro] tenhowthi at the dost to Washing Moscc missiles, ni nations of said, they was too ha ed and lea itunderest


endse le inisi

'G for By ROB Education Cooperman is ( system of “cor determine whet school students course work in i matics, science, lish. Although I used as graduat suggest the test ofm^sdiools’ to a report to b school board We



J^kson exhortsr Jersey supporters, 'YouVe got fo believe' he can win ^ )1^lnu»d tnm p.»» On« Hls IarMjt andiom! was at JohaT. Kemed; Wd School io Palcraoo. where some 1,M0 people pthered at a labor rail; to hear the presidential contender decim, "I am a working posoo's p6nocL” Paterson Mavor and sUte Sen. Frank Graves (D-Passaic) started the q>eecbes by saying Jackstn was the only one of the three major candidates left in the presidential swenetakes to “clearly identify the problems of

<1* ...n UUdog to a slate of Denocratic primary ddegateslrom Etez Ooonty. Be later visited several churches, at­ tended a concert at Convention CooveotiOQ Hall r" in Asbury Park and ended the day “ ...........................rwitha ^1| at a comroniuty coto ini Plain-

Accompanying him on Us Stops were actor and Newark native Job Amos, comedian Didc Gregory, singer Cissy Houston, actress lla^ Kidder and rock goitarist/activist Seven Van Zandt, formerly of Brace Spcte^deen's E Street Band. A host of state, coonty and local Traveling by bus on the second officijls from Ena Cmmty binnl out day of a fivenlay swing throogh New for Jacfcsm’sbreakfutMn in Newark Jersey, Jackson began his day m New"We all knew Jesse Js goieg to

Candidate discusses his plans, criticizes Reagan, Bush, Dukakis Uke care of beslriess becatte we're coiiig to rio it for him,” said Newark Conndlmao Donald Tucker, host of the morolngevenL Newark Uajmr Sharpe Jarttts Idtrodoced Jacksoo to the crowd of 600 to the hotel ballroom. "He's here today for the utioi and the world," said J»nio,'ch»lnMh James,'^chainnah •J".™ of Jackroo's New Jersey campaigrL caiidMate with e


form and budget Jesse Jackson also has reristereiriMR Denucrals thu any otlier person In America In make the natioc itrooger," Before Jareaon look the nodinin, Jkmes led the awlience in a roniiig chant of "Win, Jesse, win." Jackson briefly mehtiooed the Democratic primary battle In the state's lOth Congccmhaial OWricI be­ tween Newark Conneilmen Ralph

Gram and Donald Payne. He congratnlited the pair for rtnning “the good race" in Iheir qnest fir the arehhM by the retiring Rep. Peter Rodiho, nddiro, “One wilTwin Mt the commiiiity wifi nolloee." Jackiao said this year’s campaign for the presidency bis grown more chsllaagl^ with eich day bnt that the race was coming down to the "fiveyard line." The New Jersey primary talbonlheflnaldayofsUtepRsidei)tial primaries. At stake in the state are iw'^' Jadtsne barely meotioied his chief rival, Michael Onkal^ dering his stops. But he did say that the Massachuaells governor, who Is leadug Jack-


SOB by to tlmost 2-1 mtrgio io tbe delfts count, has go far to trti<^ bow Us admUistratioa would respood to tbe oatioa’s probtoms. Jadogo abo Bid be was far ahead of t)okaUs. aU but oertUo Repufalkw presidesUal oomioee Vke PresUeot Geom Boh and PresUeot Rra|ibiD figfat&itbewaroodnws. Jacksoo reserved his harUBSt comment for Reagao and Boh. Boxb, be said, canoot even find drugs, and has been ’'discredited” in bis anemptg fo uncover illicit barcoUcs trafficMic. Jacksoo called on the vice prudent to initiate a special coogressioaal inveuigatiOB of the rdaUcuritip between He United SUtes and Panamaoiao str«^ man Geo. kUnnel Noriega, who has been indicted on drag charges but bs withstood American effort to drtvt faitp fran power. In aoditioo, Jackson cbuUied Bush for dopporting Reagao ecoiinic poltdes.s^ that those policte could b

tP nn«itin|hn if RncK


edpresideoL : Reagan’s fiscal program, Jaeksn charged benefited & rich at 1b expense of the poor, resulted i» m “overdepeodeDce" on foreign capltdl and eoeiigy, brought on massive budgd deficits and caused the natka’s eeSd* my-even though it has been booming io recent years-to rest on a foundatioi of “sand.’' “We are one ralnstonn away froth a calamity,” he said. Jackson said be wouM spenS 1 toUl of 160 haiibo on affordable bo» ing. prenatal services, edocatioo bd “reiovBtiag in Amotea.” The mobet could be obtained by freesing the milh tarz faslacl and the natioo'A tWwvNw ^ iU “1 have 1 plan to faring us out the budget bole,^ Jackson. To attain peace in Central Ameri­ ca, Jadoon said be would convene « meeting of the beads of sUte io that area to talk about ways to settle bent* spheric differences, a^ that be alM plaos to stop the drag trade Jacksoo commended Reagan for making human rights a priority as the countiys cUef executive commeooet bis summit in the Soviet Union wHh Kremliu leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Bet he criticised the President for not espousing a more consistent bumao ripts platform. Jacksoo said be was glad that Dokakis and Bush were begiooiog todH" cuss dCBS and that Reagao was press­ ing forhomao rights in the soviet Union during the simmit Bntb took credit for making those issoest^nf tfaedebate. “When Bush is fighting against drags and Reagan is fighting tor haroao rights in Rns^ Jesse JaSioa is winevery day.” Jacksoo said. Jacksoo called his campaign for ' the presid^ one laied oo^a revivU of hopes and reo


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skMinNetrariL'S votes, bet about pTOridhw ww possibilities ev^ day. Id that'sense, we are winning evenz day, and building new coali­ tions-” Jackson urged his supporters U> make sure they vote on prir^ day. “! have the hope, but you have the power.” be said. “I cballei^ you today. New Jersey?w time has come.” Acknowledging that be is slipping further behind Dukakis in tbe polls, Jackson said that “life goes on” after tbe primary season ends next week. “When the race is over June 7. life goes on June 8." Jackson said. “We should never forg^ this campaign.” Jackson stressed that be expects to have a strong voice at tbe conven­ tion, and that his ideas will be incor­ porated into tbe party platform. He said bjLStan bad been bolding 1» frequent talks with tbe Dukakis camp, k “Both of us have certainly earned right to each other’s consideratioo.'’ Jackson said at a news conference. “We've earned the right to meet togetb-

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