Kaluza-Klein theories and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon Xavier Calmet* and Andrey Neronov† Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Sektion Physik, Theresienstraße 37, D-80333 Munich, Germany 共Received 5 July 2001; published 15 February 2002兲 We discuss nonminimal couplings of fermions to the electromagnetic field, which generically appears in models with extra dimensions. We consider models where the electromagnetic field is generated by the KaluzaKlein mechanism. The nonminimal couplings contribute at the tree level to the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of fermions. We use recent measurements of these quantities to put limits on the parameters of models with extra dimensions. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.65.067702

PACS number共s兲: 11.10.Kk, 04.50.⫹h, 11.25.Mj, 14.60.Ef

The measurements of the electric and anomalous magnetic dipole moments of fermions provide a very stringent test of the standard model of particle physics. The latest measurement of g⫺2 of the muon 关1兴 seems to indicate a deviation from the standard model. The difference between the experimental value and the theoretical value calculated in the framework of the standard model is ⌬a ␮ ⫽a ␮ 共 exp兲 ⫺a ␮ 共 SM兲 ⫽43共 16兲 ⫻10⫺10.


For a theoretical review see 关2兴. This effect does not necessarily imply a conflict with the standard model as there are theoretical uncertainties in the calculations involving hadronic quantum corrections 关3兴. Interpretations of this 2.6␴ effect were immediately proposed in different frameworks such as compositeness and technicolor 关4兴, supersymmetry 关5兴, extra dimensions 关6兴, massive neutrinos 关7兴, leptoquarks 关8兴, additional gauge bosons 关9兴 and others 关10兴. In this Brief Report we want to discuss the contribution to the electric and to the anomalous magnetic dipole moments of fermions which arises due to the nonminimal coupling Sint ⫽

d 4 xF ␮ ␯ ¯␺ 共 A⫹B ␥ 5 兲 ␴ ␮ ␯ ␺


of fermions to the electromagnetic field F ␮ ␯ ⫽ ⳵ ␮ A ␯ ⫺ ⳵ ␯ A ␮ ( ␴ ␮ ␯ ⫽ 41 关 ␥ ␮ , ␥ ␯ 兴 ). This nonminimal coupling generically appears in Kaluza-Klein type theories 关11兴, e.g., Kaluza-Klein supergravity 关12兴. As is shown in 关16,17兴, the Kaluza-Klein interpretation of gauge fields can be revived in the framework of models with brane universe 关13,14兴. Whether the nonminimal coupling 共2兲 appears depends on the particular assumptions made about the mechanism responsible for the localization of gauge fields and fermions on the brane. In models with extra dimensions 关12–14兴 the space-time is taken to be a product of the four-dimensional Minkowski space M 4 and a Riemannian manifold K n . In a coordinate chart (x ␮ ,y ␣ ) on M 4 ⫻K n , a general Lorentz-invariant metric can be written in the form ds 2 ⫽ f 共 y 兲 ␩ ␮ ␯ dx ␮ dx ␯ ⫹g ␣␤ 共 y 兲 dy ␣ dy ␤ , *Email address: [email protected]

Email address: [email protected]



where ␩ ␮ ␯ is the four-dimensional Minkowski metric and g ␣␤ is a metric on K n . Depending on the type of model under consideration, the observable matter fields of the standard model of particle physics are either allowed to propagate in the bulk or confined to live on a four-dimensional surface M 4 傺M 4 ⫻K n . In the former case the typical size L of compact manifold K n is restricted to be small enough, so that the energy scale of Kaluza-Klein excitations of standard model particles M ⬃L ⫺1 is higher than the experimentally reachable one, M ⭓1 TeV. In the latter case the size of K n can be large and even infinite. If the manifold K n possesses a nontrivial isometry group G, perturbations of the background metric 共3兲 which have the form g AB ⫽

f 共 y 兲 ␩ ␮ ␯ ⫹g ␣␤ A ␮␣ A ␤␯

g ␣␤ A ␮␤

g ␣␤ A ␮␤

g ␣␤


where the vector fields A ␮␣ , ␣ A ␮␣ ⫽A ␮(p) ␰ (p) ,


␣ , p are proportional to Killing vector fields ␰ (p) ⫽1, . . . ,dim G. One can, in principle, interpret these fields as observable gauge fields of the standard model if the group G contains SU(3)⫻SU(2)⫻U(1) as a subgroup. In this case the minimal dimension of the compact manifold K n is n⫽7 关15兴. In general, in models with large or infinite extra dimensions, when all the fields of the standard model are supposed to be localized on a four-dimensional brane, the fields A ␮␣ cannot be related to the standard model gauge fields since they are generally not confined to the brane M 4 . But, it turns out that a certain subset of these fields, which is associated to the symmetry of rotations around the brane can be naturally localized on the brane in models with warped extra dimensions 关that is, when f (y)⫽ ” 1兴 关16兴. It is possible to obtain the SU(2)⫻U(1) group as a group of rotations around the brane 关17兴. Thus, with some modifications, Kaluza-Klein’s idea of relating gauge fields to isometries of higher-dimensional space-time can also be implemented in this type of models. If the observable electromagnetic field originates from isometries of higher-dimensional space-time, it differs from the electromagnetic field of Maxwell theory in a crucial

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©2002 The American Physical Society



point. Although this field is minimally coupled to scalars, the coupling to spin-1/2 fields contains nonminimal terms 共2兲 关11兴. This coupling results in an additional contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment 共if A⫽ ” 0) and to the electric 共if B⫽ ” 0) dipole moment of fermions. The term proportional to ␥ 5 is T and P violating. In the simplest 共unrealistic兲 five-dimensional KaluzaKlein theory the parameters A and B are determined by the five-dimensional gravitational constant G 5 and the size L of the only extra dimension. G 5 and L are, in turn, expressed through the four-dimensional gravitational constant G 4 ⬃10⫺38 GeV⫺2 and four-dimensional fine structure constant ␣ QED ⬃10⫺2 . An order-of-magnitude estimate shows that the contribution of the nonminimal coupling 共2兲 to the anomalous magnetic moment and to the electric dipole moment is, in this case, too small to be experimentally detected. In higher dimensional theories, as we will show below, the strength of the anomalous coupling 共2兲 depends not only on the geometry of K n and the (4⫹n)-dimensional gravitational constant G 4⫹n but also on the higher-dimensional profiles of fermions. In this case, the available experimental data on anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments can provide certain restrictions on parameters of the higherdimensional theory. Couplings of Kaluza-Klein gauge fields to the fermion fields can be found from the higher-dimensional Dirac action SD ⫽i


d xd


ˆ ¯ A y 共 det E NM 兲 ⌿ ⌫ D A⌿



⌫ ␮ 共 ⳵ ␮ ⫺A ␮ ⳵ ␪ 兲 ⌿⫹

1 ˆˆ D A ⌿⫽ ⳵ A ⌿⫹ ␻ AB C ␴ Bˆ Cˆ ⌿, 2

where is the spin connection expressed in a standard way through derivatives of the vielbein and ␴ Bˆ Cˆ ⫽ 14 关 ⌫ Bˆ ,⌫ Cˆ 兴 is generator of local Lorentz rotations. The U(1) gauge group of electromagnetism is a oneparametric subgroup of the isometry group G generated by a ␣ (y). Taking a coordinate y 1 ⫽ ␪ along Killing vector field ␰ U ␣ (y) we can write the metric 共4兲 as the integral curves of ␰ U

g AB ⫽

f 共 y a 兲␩ ␮␯⫹ ␸ A ␮A ␯







g ab

f ,a f 共9兲


where q is an integer. ␺ is a four-dimensional spinor which satisfies the massless Dirac equation ˆ

i⌫ ␮ ⳵ ␮ ␺ ⫽0


and ␹ is a n-dimensional spinor which obeys

i⌫ a D a ⫹

f ,a ␸ ,a q ␪ˆ ␹⫺ ⌫ ␹ ⫽0. ⫹ f 4␸ 冑␸


For such configurations the action 共6兲 reduces to S⫽

d n y f 2 冑␸ 兩 g ab 兩兩 ␹ 兩 2

i 冑␸ ˆˆ ˆ F ␴ ␮␯⌫ ␪ ␺ . 4 f ␮␯

d 4 x ¯␺




⌫ ␮ 共 ⳵ ␮ ⫺iqA ␮ 兲 共13兲


We can take ⌫ ␮ ⫽ ␥ ␮ ,⌫ ␪ ⫽ ␥ 5 where ␥ ␮ , ␥ 5 are conventional four-dimensional gamma matrices. The (4⫹n)-dimensional spinor ⌿ must be normalized with respect to the norm

具 ⌿,⌿ 典 ⫽

¯ ⌫ 0 ⌿, d 4 xd n y 冑⫺g⌿


which yields the following normalization condition for the n-dimensional spinor ␹ :

d n y f 3/2冑␸ 兩 g ab 兩兩 ␹ 兩 2 ⫽1.


From Eq. 共13兲 we see that the nonminimal coupling of the fermion field to A ␮ has the form Sint ⫽R ␹

d 4 x ¯␺ F ␮ ␯ ␴ ␮ ␯ ␥ 5 ␺


with R ␹⫽


where ␸ ⫽ ␸ (y a ),a⫽2, . . . ,n, since the metric coefficients do not depend on ␪ . Taking the coordinate vielbein for the metric 共8兲 we have


⌿⫽e iq ␪ ␺ 共 x 兲 ␹ 共 y a 兲


ˆˆ ␻ AB C


⌫ ␪ ⳵ ␪ ⌿⫹⌫ a D a ⫹

where D a is the covariant derivative with respect to the metric g ab . We take ⌿ of the form


兵 ⌫ B ,⌫ C 其 ⫽2 ␩ B C . The covariant derivative of Dirac spinor is defined as


冑␸ ␸ ,a ˆ ˆ ˆ ⌿⫹ F ⌫ ␮⌫ ␯⌫ ␪⌿ 4␸ 8 f ␮␯






where E NM is the vielbein field 共hat denotes the local Lorentz indexes and the bulk metric is expressed through the vielbein ˆ ˆ as g AB ⫽E AC E BD ␩ Cˆ Dˆ where ␩ Cˆ Dˆ is (4⫹n)-dimensional Minkowski metric兲. The curved space gamma matrices ⌫ A A ˆ are related to the flat space ones as ⌫ A ⫽E Bˆ ⌫ B where ˆ

⌫ A D A ⌿⫽

1 4

d n y f ␸ 冑兩 g ab 兩兩 ␹ 兩 2 .


Note that the strength of the nonminimal coupling depends on the higher-dimensional profile ␹ of the fermion zero mode and, therefore, it can be different for different fermions. In models with large or infinite extra dimensions R ␹ characterizes the scale of localization of fermions.




In the absence of F ␮ ␯ , the action 共13兲 is invariant under chiral rotations 5

P ␺ ⫽e ⫺i ␣␥ ␺


under the chiral rotation 共18兲. Thus, in general, the anomalous coupling 共16兲 is Sint ⫽e

d 4 xF ␮ ␯ ¯␺ 共 R ␹ sin 2 ␣ ⫹iR ␹ cos 2 ␣␥ 5 兲 ␴ ␮ ␯ ␺ ,


where e is the electron charge 共we have adopted the usual normalization for the electromagnetic field兲. The parameters A and B 共2兲 are respectively A⫽eR ␹ sin 2 ␣

R e cos 2 ␣ ⬍4.6⫻10⫺14 GeV⫺1


where ␣ is an arbitrary angle. Until we provide a particular mechanism by which the fermion field ␺ gets a mass, we have no definite prescription for fixing ␣ . For example, in the five dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory the term proporˆ tional to ⌫ ␪ ⳵ ␪ ⌿ in Eq. 共9兲 can be interpreted as a mass term after a ␣ ⫽ ␲ /2 chiral rotation 共18兲. The anomalous term transforms as P † 共 i ␥ 0 ␴ ␮ ␯ ␥ 5 兲 P⫽ ␥ 0 共 sin 2 ␣ ⫹i ␥ 5 cos 2 ␣ 兲 ␴ ␮ ␯

Using the experimental data, one gets


for the electron, R ␮ cos 2 ␣ ⬍9.4⫻10⫺6 GeV⫺1

a ␺KK⫽R ␹ m ␺ sin 2 ␣


for the anomalous magnetic moment of the fermion and e d ␺KK⫽ R ␹ cos 2 ␣ 2


for the electric dipole moment the fermion. The mass of the fermion is denoted by m ␺ . We shall first discuss the electric dipole moment. The electric dipole moment of the electron and of the muon have been measured very precisely 关18兴 ⫺26 e cm, d exp e ⬍ 共 0.18⫾0.12⫾0.10 兲 ⫻10


d ␮exp⬍ 共 3.7⫾3.4兲 ⫻10⫺19e cm.



for the muon and R ␶ cos 2 ␣ ⬍7.9⫻10⫺3 GeV⫺1


for the ␶ -lepton. Note that R ␹ 共17兲, ␹ ⫽e, ␮ , ␶ , can take different values for different fermions. The best limit is obtained for the electron electric dipole moment. We now consider their anomalous magnetic moments. Let us first consider the electron. The value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron predicted by the standard model is strongly dependent on the value of the fine-structure constant 关19兴. Typically one gets ⌬a e ⫽a e 共 exp兲 ⫺a e 共 SM兲 ⫽34共 33.5兲 ⫻10⫺12,


taking the fine-structure constant from the quantum Hall effect measurement. Thus we get

B⫽eR ␹ cos 2 ␣ . As mentioned previously, this term gives a contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the leptons as well as to their electric dipole moments. In old fashion Kaluza-Klein theory, the nonminimal coupling 共20兲 is weak, but it can be sizable in the brane world models where the localized gauge fields are Kaluza-Klein gauge fields associated to rotations around the brane 关16,17兴. The contributions of this nonminimal coupling to the anomalous magnetic moment of a fermion and to its electric dipole moment can be deduced directly from Eq. 共20兲. One gets


R e sin 2 ␣ ⬍

⌬a e ⫽6.7⫻10⫺8 GeV⫺1 . me


In the case of the muon, we can interpret the observed deviation 共1兲 as an effect of the nonminimal coupling. One obtains the following constraint for the product R ␮ sin 2␣: R ␮ sin 2 ␣ ⭐

⌬a ␮ ⫽4⫻10⫺8 GeV⫺1 . m␮


Besides the magnitude of the deviation from the standard model prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment, its sign is of crucial importance. This sign depends on the angle ␣ 共18兲 which is determined by the fermion mass generating mechanism. Therefore, one gets a constraint on model building ␣ 苸 关 0,␲ /2兴 . One cannot obtain constraints from the anomalous magnetic moment of the ␶ -lepton. From the above estimates we see that the magnitude R ␹ 共16兲 of the nonminimal coupling of fermions to the electromagnetic field is less than or of the order of 10⫺21 cm. Remember, that R ␹ characterizes the higher-dimensional profile of a fermion. For example, in the models with large extra dimensions it is an estimate of the size of the region where the fermions are localized 共‘‘thickness’’ of the brane兲. We would like to point out that a term 共2兲 arises also for neutrinos. Thus, neutrinos are expected to have a magnetic moment. Using the available limit 关18兴 for the magnetic moment of an electron-type neutrino, one gets

The same precision has not been achieved for the ␶ -lepton:

R ␯ sin 2 ␣ ⬍3⫻10⫺7 GeV⫺1 .

⫺16 e cm. d exp ␶ ⬍3.1⫻10

A similar constraint is obtained for the ␮ -type neutrino.






More stringent limits can be obtained from astrophysical considerations 关21兴. It is important to note that in models with large extra dimensions, there are extra contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment which come from Kaluza-Klein excitations of bulk fields 共e.g., bulk gravitons兲 关6,20兴 which can result in effects of the same order of magnitude as Eq. 共1兲.

We would like to thank H. Fritzsch and A. Hebecker for useful discussions. The work of A.N. was supported by SFB 375 der Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The work of X.C. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-No. FR 412/27-1.

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关12兴 关13兴 关14兴 关15兴 关16兴 关17兴 关18兴 关19兴 关20兴



Kaluza-Klein theories and the anomalous magnetic ...

Feb 15, 2002 - the framework of models with brane universe 13,14. Whether the nonminimal ..... 2002; N. A. Ky and H. N. Long, hep-ph/0103247; Y. Wu and Y.

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