Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities



(Effective starting: May 2015)

JOURNAL DESCRIPTION ________________________________________ Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities is founded in April 2011. It is the official journal of the Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It provides Social and Humanities series from Multi- and Interdisciplinary studies perspective journal that publishes original research on social science and humanities for the current issues related to human studies published three times a year (April, August, and December). All prospective articles will be subjected to double-blind peer review process of the editors. The scope of Journal Kawistara is Social Sciences and Humanities. The primary criterion for publication in Kawistara Journal is the significance of the contribution an article makes to the literature in social and humanities area. Editor has right to select and edit the entered text. The certainty of acceptance or rejections will be notified to the author. Priority of publishing based on the assessment of substance and the sequence of text that accepted by Kawistara Journal. The substance of the article or articles wholly the responsibility of the author. Unpublished script will not be returned. AUDIENCE

The primary, but not exclusive, audiences are academicians, postgraduate students, and others interested people in social science and humanities research. POLICY ON DATA AVAILABILITY

The objective of the Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities is to provide the widest possible dissemination of knowledge based on systematic scholarly inquiries into social science and humanities as a field of professional research and educational activity.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities



An objective of the Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social and Humaniora is to promote the wide dissemination of the results of systematic scholarly inquiries into the broad field of social science and humanities research. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce any of the contents of the journal for use in courses of instruction, as long as the source and “The Graduate School (GS), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) copyright” are indicated in any such reproductions. Written application must be made to the Editor-in-Chief for permission to reproduce any of the contents of the journal for use in other than a course of instruction - e. g., inclusion in books of readings or in any other publications intended for general distribution. In consideration for the grant of permission by the journal in such instances, the applicant must notify the author(s) in writing of the intended use to be made of each reproduction. Normally, the journal will not access a charge for the waiver of copyright. Except where otherwise noted in articles, the copyright of articles in the journal has been transferred to the GS UGM. Where the author(s) has (have) not transferred the copyright to the GS UGM, the applicant must seek a permission to reproduce (for all purpose) directly from the author(s). AUTHOR FEE

Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social and Humaniora will not charge anything to the author for submission fee or publication fee. Once the issue is published, the author will get an issue by email and post mail. ABSTRACT AND INDEXING

Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social and Humaniora is indexed by  

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ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities



The Author should submit manuscripts attached with the recent Curriculum vitae in soft file to [email protected]. All manuscripts must be prepared according to Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social and Humaniora guideline. Upon the submission of the manuscripts, author(s) will receive the confirmation of the submission along with some submission declaration forms that need to be filled and signed before Editors can process the manuscript. PEER REVIEW PROCESS AND EDITORIAL DECISION

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. Those manuscripts evaluated by editors to be inappropriate to journal criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Manuscripts evaluated to be of potential interest to our readership are sent to double blind reviewers. The editors then make a decision based on the reviewer’s recommendation from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted. The Editor-in-Chief of Kawistara Journal has the right to decide which manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities



ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities




The Article has not been published in other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism with the attachment of a written statement from the author.


Article can be a result of research or conceptual articles or the application of theory, and case reports or book reviews. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English for 15-25 pages including references and tables. The articles is computer-typed in A4 paper with the top and left margins as 4 cm, bottom and right margins as 3 cm using Times New Roman font type, with the font size as 12 and 1.5 spacing. Title text in Bahasa Indonesia consists of 12 words maximally, while for English consists of 10 words maximally.


In the article, the author name is attached and the authors’ name order must be agreed by all the authors, generally based on the contribution, and all authors are responsible for the content of the article. The author name is typed bold and italicized using Times New Roman font with the size of 12.


Article writer must be accompanied address, including: Name of the university where the authors study and the origin authors’ institutions as well as the email address. The writing of the author of the article addresses using Times New Roman font with the size of 12, but it is not bold and not italicized.


Article must be along with an abstract in Bahasa and English with a maximum word count of 200 words in an essay format, font size is 10 of Times New Roman using a single space, and the English article is not italicized. The writing of ABSTRAK for Bahasa and the word ABSTRACT for English articles using the font size is 12 of Time New Roman in bold.


For Article Abstract both In English and Bahasa must be completed with Keywords using Times New Roman font with the size of 10 with single spacing and the font is bold and italicized, consists of 3-5 words each.


The INTRODUCTION is written in uppercase of Times New Roman, bold and spaced 1.5. Introduction contains background of the problem; hypothesis (if any); the purposes of research; generally the article is not too extensive, just 3-4 paragraphs or 2 pages, the spaces is 1.5; introductory refer to some literature which is the basis or reason for the study; also includes front line of current knowledge.


Literature review is not written separately from the introduction, It means that the literature review include inthe INTRODUCTION. Reference should be a primary reference, relevant, and up to date; not too extensive meaning that the literature review is not too broad; and do not quote from someone else ,for example ... Ahmad in Badu ...


Methods. In the method in the article is the subject and the object of research is described in detail; if the method refers to the standard procedure, then write the default and do not refer to the pratikum procedure; Do not use the command line, the analytical equipment even up to type.

10. DISCUSSION is written in capital letters of Times New Roman with the font size of 12 and bold. The discussion includes: systematic presentation, only the data/information related to the research objectives; simplify the tables and use the open table, and image maps more focused on the object of study and the file size is not too large and complicated (pursued in JPG format); tables and figures are numbered. The purpose of the DISCUSSION is to determine how the results of the study are discussed by the researcher or author, the author also limits the discovery. The Example table presentation (Table 5). 11. CONCLUSION is typed in bold capital letters of Times New Roman with the font size 12. In Conclusion it is advised to mention the recommendation or suggestion that include in paragraphs and not separated.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities


12. Writing format systems of a bibliography and references for Journal Kawistara is using Harvard Writing Style, which is (a) the source of the quote is stated in scientific paper must exist in the Bibliography, and vice versa; (b) The literature listed in the Bibliography is referenced literature ad cited in scientific papers; (c) Bibliography is written in single-spaced, sequentially in alphabetical order without number; (d) If the literature is written by one person, the author name written is the last name first, followed by the initials of first name and middle name, followed by the year, the title and the other identity of the referenced; (e) If the authors are more than two, the first author's name is written as a rule "d", continued writing the second author's name and so on as follows: first name and middle name (abbreviated) followed last name. ( For the second and subsequent authors , writing of first name/middle (initial) and last name do not need to be reversed as the first author); (f) the Writing of Bibliography may not use “et al” as substitutes the name of the author of the second and so on (g) Method of writing every Bibliography and vary according to the type of literature as the reference. Bibliography format example: 

Referral from a book : Last name, acronym (initials) of the first and middle name (if any), year of publication, title of book (italics), edition of the book, the name of publisher, city of publishing. Yaya, R., A.E. Martawireja, dan A. Abdurahim. 2009. Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah: Teori dan Praktik Kontemporer. Edisi Pertama. Cetak Pertama. Salemba Empat. Jakarta. Merna T. Dan F.F. Al-Thani. 2008. Corporate Risk Management. 2nd ed. John Welly and Sons Ltd.England. Wiley, J. 2006. Contempory Financial Management.3rd ed. Mc. GrowHill. Los Angeles.

Reference from Translated Textbook: the original author's last name, an acronym (initials) of the first name and middle name (if any), year of publication, title of the original book (italics), edition/printing, publisher names, city of publisher, the name of the translator, year, title of book (italics), edition/printing, publisher names, city of publisher. Baudrillard, J. 1970. La Société de Consommation. Nottingham Trent University. Clifton Lane, Nottingham. Terjemahan J.P. Mayer dan B.S.Turner. 1998. The Consumer Society: Myths and Structure. Sage Publication Inc. Thousand Oaks. London. Cresswell, J.W.2008. Research Design: Qualitative , Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Third Edition. Sage Publication. California. Terjemahan A. Fawaid. 2010. Research Desaign: Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Cetakan 1. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta. Kieso, D.E., J.J. Weygandt, dan T.D. Warfield.2007. Intermediate Accounting. Twelfth Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.USA. terjemahan E. Salim. 2008. Akuntansi Intermediate. Edisi keduabelas. Jilid 2 Erlangga. Jakarta.

Reference Books Published by Institution/Agency/Organization, writing rules: Name of Institution/ Agency/Organization, year of publication, title of book (italics), edition/printing, publisher names, city of publisher. Badan Pusat Statistik. 2013. Laporan Bulan Data Sosial Ekonomi. Januari. BPS Jawa Timur. Surabaya. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. 2011. Pendidikan Anti korupsi untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Cetakan 1. Direktirat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Bagian Hukum Kepegawaian Jakarta.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities


Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI. 2012. Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI Tahun 2011. LAN. Jakarta. 

Referrence books published by the Institution / agency /organization (Contains Rules, Law, etc). Writing rules: Name of institution/ agency/ organization, year of publication, title of referenced law (in italics), serial number or rules/laws, edition/printing, publisher names, city of publisher. Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI). 2011. Aset Tidak Lancar yang Dimiliki untuk Dijual dan Operasi yang Dihentikan. Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan No.58 (Revisi 2009),DSAK-IAI. Jakarta. Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Koperti) Wilayah VII Jawa Timur. 2012. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005. Sun-Bagian Akreditasi dan Publikasi Kopertis VII. Surabaya.

Rule of Law etc (unattached printed, not a set of books), the writing rules as follows: the number and the regulation/law, title of referenced regulations/laws (in italics), the date of approval (if any) , gazette number (if any), publisher organization (if any), the city of the validation/publishing. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 tahun 2003 Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 8 juli 2003. Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 4301. Jakarta. Pernyatan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan No.58 (Revisi 2009) Aset Tidak Lancar yang Dimiliki untuk Dijual dan Operasi yang Dihentikan. Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan-Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia. Jakarta.

Articles in the Journal, the writing rule are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year of publication, title of article, name of journal (in italics), volume and number of the journal (journal number in parentheses), article page number in the journal. Riduwan, A., I. Triyuwono, G.Irianto, dan U. Ludigdo. 2010. Semiotika Laba Akuntansi: Studi KritikalPosmodernis Derridean.Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 7(1): 38-60. Veronica, S. Dan Y.S. Bachtiar. 2005. The Role of Governance in Preventing Misstated Financial Statement. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 2(1): 159-173. Riduwan, A.2010. Etika dan Perilaku Koruptif dalam Praktik Manajemen Laba. Jurnal Akuntansi & Auditing Indonesia 14(2): 121-141.

Seminars/Symposium Articles (in Proceedings), the writing rules are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year of publication, the name of the proceedings (italicized), the number and volume of proceedings (if any, italicized), page numbers of articles in the proceedings. Dewi, A.R.2003, Pengaruh Konservatisme Laporan Keuangan Terhadapa Earnings Response Coeficient. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Akuntansi VI Surabaya. Universitas Airlangga: 119-159.

Seminars/Symposium Articles (unattached printing), the writing rules are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year of publication, name of seminars/symposium (italicized), the date of the seminar/symposium, article page numbers. Kalana, L.S.Ngumar, dan L.B.Rihardjo.2012. Independensi Auditor Berbasis Kultur dan Filsafat Heerbert Blumer. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XV Banjarmasin. 20-23 September: 1-25.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities 


An article in anthology book with editor, the writing rules are : last name, acronym (initials) of first name and middle name (if any), year of publication, title of article, title of book (italicized), name of editor books, publisher, city of publishing. Azra, A. 2005. Pluralisme Islam Dalam Perpektif Historis. Dalam Nilai-nilai Pluralisme Islam:Bingkai Gagasan Yang berserak. Editor M. Sururin. Cetakan 1. Penerbit Nuansa. Bandung. Barth, M.E.2004. Fair Values and Financial Statement Volatility. Dalam The Market Dicipline Across Countries and Industries. Editor C. Borio, W.C.Hunter, G.G. Kaufman, dan K. Tsatsaronis. MIT Press. Cambridge.

Referrence from of Thesis/script/Dissertation, the rules of writing are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year, title of thesis/script/dissertation, thesis/script/dissertation (italicized), the name of the study program and/or university, city of university. Samsi, N. 2012. Pengaruh Pengalaman kerja, Independensi, dan Kompetensi terhadap Kualitas Hasil pemeriksaan dengan kepatuhan Etika Auditor sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi. Tesis. Program S2 Akuntansi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA). Surabaya. Natsir, M. 2008. Studi Efektivitas mekanisme Transmisi Kebijakan Moneter di Indonesia Melalui Jalur Suku Bunga, Jalur Nilai tukar, dan Jalur Ekspektasi Inflasi Periode 1990: 2-2007:1. Disertasi. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.

Referrence from an article from the Internet, the rules of writing are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year, title, email address (italicized), date and time of the download. Yahya, H. 2005. Realitas dan Pancaindra Anda. http://www.pesanharunyahya.com dan [email protected]. 27 Januari 2008 (14:35).

Referrence Scientific Speech Papers etc, the rules of writing: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year, title, nature / purpose paper (italics), name of event, date of event, the city of event. Takwim, B. 2005. Habitus: Perlengkapan dan Kerangka Panduan Gaya Hidup. Makalah Diskusi Panel. Extension Course Resistensi Gaya Hidup. Forum Studi Kebudayaan Institut Teknologi Bandung. 20 Mei. Bandung.

Referrence from a magazine or newspaper article, the rules of writing are: last name, acronym (initials) first name and middle name (if any), year, title of article (italicized), name of magazine/newspaper,date, page, publisher city. Mangunwijaya, Y.B.1992. Pendidikan Manusia Merdeka. Harian kompas. 11 Agustus. Halaman 15. Jakarta.

Reference from news of magazine or newspaper, the rules of writing are: the name of the magazine/newspaper, year, news ’ headline (italicized), the number and/or volume (if applicable), date, page, city of publisher. Koran Tempo. 2002. Belajar dari Skandal Enron.5 Februari. Halaman 21. Jakarta. Majalah Tempo. 2002. Jatuhnya Enron. No.XXXVIII.23 Januari. Halaman 18. Jakarta.

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities


13. Systematics of writing: (a) title, (b) the identity of the author, (c) the date of submission of the manuscript, (d) abstract, (e) keyword, (f) introduction (with no heading and section), (g) discussion, (h) conclusions, (i) bibliography / reference list. 14. Journal Kawistara and Journal teknosains writing style should refer to the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 46 Year 2009 on General Guidelines for Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan. 15. It should be noted that the manuscript for the Journal Kawistara or Journal Teknosains does not use footnotes in the text because it can distract the reader.

.................................................................................... Kawistara Journal The Journal of Social Science and Humanities Accredited DIKTI No.: 040/P/2014 ISSN: 2088-5415 ISSN Online: 2355-5777

Published by The Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta, 55664 Email : [email protected]

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities



A Title of the Article is A Specific and Effective (estimation of 10 words in English)

First Author’s Name1*, Second Author’s Name2 and Third Author’s Name3 1

First Author’s Affiliation: Faculty, University Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] 2

Second Author’s Affiliation: Faculty, University Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] 3

Third Author’s Affiliation: Faculty, University Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

Abstract: Abstract should stand alone, means that no citation in abstract. The abstract should concisely inform the reader of the manuscript’s purpose, its methods, its findings, and its value. The abstract should be relatively nontechnical, yet clear enough for an informed reader to understand the manuscript’s contribution. The manuscript’s title, but neither the author’s name nor other identification designations, should appear on the abstract page. An abstract consist of no more than 150 words. Abstrak: In this paragraph, the abstract above is translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here, text in bahasa Indonesesia here.

Keywords: word#1; word#2; word#3; word#4; word#5

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities


Introduction The main section of an article should start with an introductory section which provides more details about the paper’s purposes, motivation, research methods and findings. The introduction should be relatively nontechnical, yet clear enough for an informed reader to understand the manuscript’s contribution.

Literature review (is not written separately from introduction) Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here v article text here article text here article text here article text here.

Methods Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here v article text here article text here article text here article text here. Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article.

Subheading Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here. Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article

Results and Discussion Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here v article text here article text here article text here article text here

Subheading Author should cite here as many source as possible. Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here

Conclusion Article text article text article text article text article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here article text here ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


Kawistara Journal: The Journal of Social Science and Humanities


article text here article text here article text here v article text here article text here article text here article text here

Acknowledgements (if any) If there is any acknowledgement that authors would like to mention, please mention here if there are any. Article text article text article text article text article text

======== Next page

Bibliography* Yaya, R., A.E. Martawireja, dan A. Abdurahim. 2009. Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah: Teori dan Praktik Kontemporer. Edisi Pertama. Cetak Pertama. Salemba Empat. Jakarta. Merna T. Dan F.F. Al-Thani. 2008. Corporate Risk Management. 2nd ed. John Welly and Sons Ltd.England. Wiley, J. 2006. Contempory Financial Management.3rd ed. Mc. GrowHill. Los Angeles. * Kawistara Journal is using Harvard Writing Style

ISSN: 2088-5415, ISSN Online: 2355-5777


(Kawistara) Author Guideline & Template1.pdf

All prospective. articles will be subjected to double-blind peer review process of the editors. The scope of Journal. Kawistara is Social Sciences and Humanities.

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