1 of 73 Introduction:


Borrego Springs Unified


Mark Stevens, Dep Superintendent , [email protected], (760)767-5357

LCAP Year:


Local Control and Accountability plan and Annual Update Template The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update Template shall be used to provide details regarding local educational agencies͛(LEAs) actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance pursuant to Education Code sections 52060, 52066, 47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5. The LCAP and Annual Update Template must be completed by all LEAs each year. For school districts, pursuant to Education Code section 52060, the LCAP must describe, for the school district and each school within the district, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. For county offices of education, pursuant to Education Code section 52066, the LCAP must describe, for each county office of educationoperated school and program, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, who are funded through the county office of education Local Control Funding Formula as identified in Education Code section 2574 (pupils attending juvenile court schools, on probation or parole, or mandatorily expelled) for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. School districts and county offices of education may additionally coordinate and describe in their LCAPs services provided to pupils funded by a school district but attending county-operated schools and programs, including special education programs. Charter schools, pursuant to Education Code sections 47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5, must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities as applicable and any locally identified priorities. For charter schools, the inclusion and description of goals for state priorities in the LCAP may be modified to meet the grade levels served and the nature of the programs provided, including modifications to reflect only the statutory requirements explicitly applicable to charter schools in the Education Code. The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool. Accordingly, in developing goals, specific actions, and expenditures, LEAs should carefully consider how to reflect the services and related expenses for their basic instructional program in relationship to the state priorities. LEAs may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans and funded by a variety of other fund sources when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures related to the state and local priorities. LCAPs must be consistent with school plans submitted pursuant to Education

2 of 73

Code section 64001. The information contained in the LCAP, or annual update, may be supplemented by information contained in other plans (including the LEA plan pursuant to Section 1112 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of Public Law 107-110) that are incorporated or referenced as relevant in this document. For each section of the template, LEAs shall comply with instructions and should use the guiding questions as prompts (but not limits) for completing the information as required by statute. Guiding questions do not require separate narrative responses. However, the narrative response and goals and actions should demonstrate each guiding question was considered during the development of the plan. Data referenced in the LCAP must be consistent with the school accountability report card where appropriate. LEAs may resize pages or attach additional pages as necessary to facilitate completion of the LCAP.

State Priorities The state priorities listed in Education Code sections 52060 and 52066 can be categorized as specified below for planning purposes, however, school districts and county offices of education must address each of the state priorities in their LCAP. Charter schools must address the priorities in Education Code section 52060(d) that apply to the grade levels served, or the nature of the program operated, by the charter school. A. Conditions of Learning: Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section 44258.9, and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section 60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards and English language development standards adopted by the state board for all pupils, including English learners. (Priority 2) Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7) Expelled pupils (for county offices of education only): coordination of instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section 48926. (Priority 9) Foster youth (for county offices of education only): coordination of services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share information, responding to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensuring transfer of health and education records. (Priority 10) B. Pupil Outcomes:

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Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready, share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4) Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8) C. Engagement: Parental involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making at the district and each schoolsite, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups. (Priority 3) Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduations rates. (Priority 5) School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6)

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Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful engagement of parents, pupils, and other stakeholders, including those representing the subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052, is critical to the LCAP and budget process. Education Code sections 52060(g), 52062 and 52063 specify the minimum requirements for school districts; Education Code sections 52066(g), 52068 and 52069 specify the minimum requirements for county offices of education, and Education Code section 47606.5 specifies the minimum requirements for charter schools. In addition, Education Code section 48985 specifies the requirements for translation of documents. Instructions: Describe the process used to consult with parents, pupils, school personnel, local bargaining units as applicable, and the community and how this consultation contributed to development of the LCAP or annual update. Note that the LEA͛s goals, actions, services and expenditures related to the state priority of parental involvement are to be described separately in Section 2. In the annual update boxes, describe the stakeholder involvement process for the review, and describe its impact on, the development of the annual update to LCAP goals, actions, services, and expenditures. Guiding Questions: 1) How have applicable stakeholders (e.g., parents and pupils, including parents of unduplicated pupils and unduplicated pupils identified in Education Code section 42238.01; community members; local bargaining units; LEA personnel; county child welfare agencies; county office of education foster youth services programs, court-appointed special advocates, and other foster youth stakeholders; community organizations representing English learners; and others as appropriate) been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP? 2) How have stakeholders been included in the LEA͛s process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP? 3) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and used by the LEA to inform the LCAP goal setting process? How was the information made available? 4) What changes, if any, were made in the LCAP prior to adoption as a result of written comments or other feedback received by the LEA through any of the LEA͛s engagement processes? 5) What specific actions were taken to meet statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement pursuant to Education Code sections 52062, 52068, and 47606.5, including engagement with representatives of parents and guardians of pupils identified in Education Code section 42238.01? 6) What specific actions were taken to consult with pupils to meet the requirements 5 CCR 15495(a)? 7) How has stakeholder involvement been continued and supported? How has the involvement of these stakeholders supported improved outcomes for pupils, including unduplicated pupils, related to the state priorities? Involvement Process

Impact on LCAP

5 of 73 Budget/LCAP Public Hearing : June 8, 2016 BSUSD School Board Meeting to adopt LCAP: June 9, 2016 LCAP Input Parent Meeting: May 4, 2016 (Salton Sea), and May 9, 2016 LCAP Input ELAC/DELAC Meeting: May 9, 2016 LCAP Input Community Meeting:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Civic Foundation (Spring 2016) Borrego Springs Rotary (Spring 2016) Borrego Ministers¶Association (Spring 2016) BASIC - Circle of Art - (Spring 2016) ABF (Anza Borrego Foundation) (Spring 2016) ABDNHA (Anza Borrego Desert Natural History Association) (Spring 2016) BAG - Borrego Art Guild (Spring 2016)

Students survey distributed and collected Spring 2016

DELAC/Parents Recommendations:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Extra curricular activities: robotics, sports, fine arts Teacher recruitment and retention More tutoring and interventions Additional support for ELs and SPED Sports for middle school children Strengthen the high school math program in consistency, stability, and expectation Include driver's ed and functional math in high school curriculum More informaiton on new common core standards, children's curriculum, grades, and progress Meetings that are more easily attended by working parents

Staff Recommendations:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

More long-range planning, calendaring of events Improved facilities and modernization District focus on ELA/ELD integraiton Greater utilization of writing teacher K-12 Emphasis on districtwide policies and procedures Creation of incentives for teacher retention More strategic planning Data driven results and program monitoring

Student recommendations:

‡ ‡ ‡

Recomendaiton for a functional math, finance, driving and sex ed class Increased assistance in math Higher teacher retention

6 of 73 Annual Update:

Annual Update:

LCAP Input All Staff Survey April 27, 2016

Common themes in parent survey results:

LCAP All Staff Input Meeting: May 3, 2016


Bargaining unit input (CSEA & BSEA) in the May 3, 2016 meeting

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Communication has improved via Alert now phone messages, texts, flyers, Parent Vue, and parent meetings Parents like the ASES program with suggested improvements In general, happy with transportation services Appreciation for math labs/tutoring Appreciate classes on common core and use of technology (computer class)

Common themes in student survey results:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Students are writing more in all classes High school would like to see a functional math, finance, driving and sex ed class Students desire extra assistance and tutoring Desire more stability in teacher retention

Common themes in staff survey results:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Teacher retention Hiring incentives Policies and procedures in place High expectations Student accountability

Common themes in community survey results:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Section 2: Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress Indicators Instructions:

Functional math skills Greater fluency in English Desire students to understand social etiquette, norms More activities for students in the summer Need for individualized academic support in core areas Schools need financial support for instructional materials

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All LEAs must complete the LCAP and Annual Update Template each year. The LCAP is a three-year plan for the upcoming school year and the two years that follow. In this way, the program and goals contained in the LCAP align with the term of a school district and county office of education budget and multiyear budget projections. The Annual Update section of the template reviews progress made for each stated goal in the school year that is coming to a close, assesses the effectiveness of actions and services provided, and describes the changes made in the LCAP for the next three years that are based on this review and assessment. Charter schools may adjust the table below to align with the term of the charter school͛s budget that is submitted to the school͛s authorizer pursuant to Education Code section 47604.33. For school districts, Education Code sections 52060 and 52061, for county offices of education, Education Code sections 52066 and 52067, and for charter schools, Education Code section 47606.5 require(s) the LCAP to include a description of the annual goals, for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils, to be achieved for each state priority as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i) and any local priorities; a description of the specific actions an LEA will take to meet the identified goals; a description of the expenditures required to implement the specific actions; and an annual update to include a review of progress towards the goals and describe any changes to the goals. To facilitate alignment between the LCAP and school plans, the LCAP shall identify and incorporate school-specific goals related to the state and local priorities from the school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section 64001. Furthermore, the LCAP should be shared with, and input requested from, schoolsite-level advisory groups, as applicable (e.g., schoolsite councils, English Learner Advisory Councils, pupil advisory groups, etc.) to facilitate alignment between school-site and district-level goals and actions. An LEA may incorporate or reference actions described in other plans that are being undertaken to meet the goal. Using the following instructions and guiding questions, complete a goal table (see below) for each of the LEA͛s goals. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Goal: Describe the goal: When completing the goal tables, include goals for all pupils and specific goals for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and, where applicable, at the schoolsite level. The LEA may identify which schoolsites and subgroups have the same goals, and group and describe those goals together. The LEA may also indicate those goals that are not applicable to a specific subgroup or schoolsite. Related State and/or Local Priorities: Identify the state and/or local priorities addressed by the goal by placing a check mark next to the applicable priority or priorities. The LCAP must include goals that address each of the state priorities, as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i), and any additional local priorities; however, one goal may address multiple priorities. Identified Need: Describe the need(s) identified by the LEA that this goal addresses, including a description of the supporting data used to

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identify the need(s). Schools: Identify the schoolsites to which the goal applies. LEAs may indicate ͞all͟for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5). Applicable Pupil Subgroups: Identify the pupil subgroups as defined in Education Code section 52052 to which the goal applies, or indicate ͞all͟for all pupils. Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: For each LCAP year, identify and describe specific expected measurable outcomes for all pupils using, at minimum, the applicable required metrics for the related state priorities. Where applicable, include descriptions of specific expected measurable outcomes for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and at the schoolsite level. The metrics used to describe the expected measurable outcomes may be quantitative or qualitative, although the goal tables must address all required metrics for every state priority in each LCAP year. The required metrics are the specified measures and objectives for each state priority as set forth in Education Code sections 52060(d) and 52066(d). For the pupil engagement priority metrics, LEAs must calculate the rates specified in Education Code sections 52060(d)(5)(B), (C), (D) and (E) as described in the Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template Appendix, sections (a) through (d). Actions/Services: For each LCAP year, identify all annual actions to be performed and services provided to meet the described goal. Actions may describe a group of services that are implemented to achieve the identified goal. Scope of Service: Describe the scope of each action/service by identifying the schoolsites covered. LEAs may indicate ͞all͟for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5). If supplemental and concentration funds are used to support the action/service, the LEA must identify if the scope of service is districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide. Pupils to be served within identified scope of service: For each action/service, identify the pupils to be served within the identified scope of service. If the action to be performed or the service to be provided is for all pupils, place a check mark next to ͞ALL.͟ For each action and/or service to be provided above what is being provided for all pupils, place a check mark next to the applicable unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) and/or other pupil subgroup(s) that will benefit from the additional action, and/or will receive the additional service. Identify, as applicable, additional actions and services for unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section 42238.01, pupils redesignated fluent English proficient, and/or pupils subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section 52052.

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Budgeted Expenditures: For each action/service, list and describe budgeted expenditures for each school year to implement these actions, including where those expenditures can be found in the LEA͛s budget. The LEA must reference all fund sources for each proposed expenditure. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual as required by Education Code sections 52061, 52067, and 47606.5. Guiding Questions: 1) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to ͞Conditions of Learning͍͟ 2) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to ͞Pupil Outcomes͍͟ 3) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to parent and pupil ͞Engagement͟(e.g., parent involvement, pupil engagement, and school climate)? 4) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address any locally-identified priorities? 5) How have the unique needs of individual schoolsites been evaluated to inform the development of meaningful district and/or individual schoolsite goals (e.g., input from site level advisory groups, staff, parents, community, pupils; review of school level plans; in-depth school level data analysis, etc.)? 6) What are the unique goals for unduplicated pupils as defined in Education Code sections 42238.01 and subgroups as defined in section 52052 that are different from the LEA͛s goals for all pupils? 7) What are the specific expected measurable outcomes associated with each of the goals annually and over the term of the LCAP? 8) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was considered/reviewed to develop goals to address each state or local priority? 9) What information was considered/reviewed for individual schoolsites? 10) What information was considered/reviewed for subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052? 11) What actions/services will be provided to all pupils, to subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, to specific schoolsites, to English learners, to low-income pupils, and/or to foster youth to achieve goals identified in the LCAP? 12) How do these actions/services link to identified goals and expected measurable outcomes? 13) What expenditures support changes to actions/services as a result of the goal identified? Where can these expenditures be found in the LEA's budget? GOAL: Focus on improving student achievement for all students. Specific focus on ELL and low socioeconomic students in ELA and Math.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 X 8 Local: N/A

Identified Need: State and local assessment results indicate a need to focus on improving student achievement for all ELL and low SES students. Assessments also indicate a need for improvement amoung all students in Math. Student achievement is measured using the following metrics: CAASP, CELDT, MAP, and A-G.

10 of 73 Goal Applies to:

Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

All LCAP Year 1

Expected Annual The following will be used for measures: Measurable Outcomes: ‡ Results on CAASP will increase by 3% over the baseline in 2015-16, which correlates to increased implementation of standards for all students ‡ API is NA ‡ The percentage of graduates meeting A-G requirements will increase by 3% over the prior year ‡ Results from MAP ELA and Math assessments will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ AP passing rates will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ The percentage of 11th grade students "conditionally ready" based upon the CAASP will increase by 3% ‡ Graduation cohort rates will increase by 2% every year ‡ English Language Learner will reach the State target for AMAO's 1 and 2 ‡ Increase the students eligible for reclassification as English Proficient (RFEP) by 5%. ‡ 100% of teachers will be appropriately credentialed and assigned ‡ All students will haave access to standards aligned instructional materials, including ELS, as measured by the annual resolution of sufficiency. Actions/Services

Provide Professional Development on strategies for working with EL, Foster Youth, and low socio-economic students district-wide to improve student achievement in ELA and Math.

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj - 1000/3000 $12,000 Obj - 5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

11 of 73 Provide Instructional Aide support to low performing students, EL students, and foster youth in the areas of ELA and Math.

Districtwide Grades: All

Retain class size reduction for elementary school classes Elementary grades TK through 3. Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Implement new textbook adoption when necessary aligned with Common Core standards and provide sufficient instructional materials in all classrooms.

Recruit, hire and retain highly qualified teachers to continue to provide excellent teaching to all students.

All Schools Grades: All

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native X Hispanic or Latino X Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino X White X Students with Disabilities X Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $87,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $90,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 4000 $50,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base, Lottery

Obj - 1000/3000 $2,200,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con

12 of 73 Continue purchase of Educational Software: MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) for benchmark assessments and Compass Learning

Create and maintain fully functioning libraries

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

Provide quality ELD integrated and designated instruction All Grades: All

Provide quality administration of instructional, human resources, and business programs

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 4000/5000 $39,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 2000/3000 $38,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $55,200 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title III

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $790,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

13 of 73 Provide additional focused support for middle/high school Middle/High students in mathematics School Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual The following will be used for measures: Measurable Outcomes: ‡ Results on CAASP will increase by 3% over the baseline ‡ API is established ‡ The percentage of graduates meeting A-G requirements will increase by 3% over the prior year ‡ Results from MAP ELA and Math assessments will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ AP passing rates will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ The percentage of 11th grade students "conditionally ready" based upon the CAASP will increase by 3% ‡ Graduation cohort rates will increase by 2% every year ‡ English Language Learner will reach the State target for AMAO's 1 and 2 Actions/Services

Provide Professional Development on strategies for working with EL, Foster Youth, and low socio-economic students district-wide to improve student achievement in ELA and Math.

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj - 1000/3000 $12,000 Obj - 5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

14 of 73 Provide Instructional Aide support to low performing students, EL students, and foster youth in the areas of ELA and Math.

Districtwide Grades: All

Retain class size reduction for elementary school classes Elementary grades TK through 3. Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Implement new textbook adoption when necessary aligned with Common Core standards and provide sufficient instructional materials in all classrooms.

Recruit, hire and retain highly qualified teachers to continue to provide excellent teaching to all students.

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native X Hispanic or Latino X Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino X White X Students with Disabilities X Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $87,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $90,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 4000 $50,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base, Lottery

Obj - 1000/3000 $2,200,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con

15 of 73 Continue purchase of Educational Software: MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) for benchmark assessments and Compass Learning

Create and maintain fully functioning libraries

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

Provide quality ELD integrated and designated instruction All Grades: All

Provide quality administration of instructional, human resources, and business programs

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 4000/5000 $39,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 2000/3000 $38,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $55,200 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title III

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $790,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

16 of 73 Provide additional focused support for middle/high school Middle/High students in mathematics School Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

LCAP Year 3 Expected Annual The following will be used for measures: Measurable Outcomes: ‡ Results on CAASP will increase by 3% over the baseline ‡ API is established ‡ The percentage of graduates meeting A-G requirements will increase by 3% over the prior year ‡ Results from MAP ELA and Math assessments will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ AP passing rates will increase by 3% over prior year ‡ The percentage of 11th grade students "conditionally ready" based upon the CAASP will increase by 3% ‡ Graduation cohort rates will increase by 2% every year ‡ English Language Learner will reach the State target for AMAO's 1 and 2 Actions/Services

Provide Professional Development on strategies for working with EL, Foster Youth, and low socio-economic students district-wide to improve student achievement in ELA and Math.

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj - 1000/3000 $12,000 Obj - 5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

17 of 73 Provide Instructional Aide support to low performing students, EL students, and foster youth in the areas of ELA and Math.

Districtwide Grades: All

Retain class size reduction for elementary school classes Elementary grades TK through 3. Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Implement new textbook adoption when necessary aligned with Common Core standards and provide sufficient instructional materials in all classrooms.

Recruit, hire and retain highly qualified teachers to continue to provide excellent teaching to all students.

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native X Hispanic or Latino X Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino X White X Students with Disabilities X Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $87,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $90,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 4000 $50,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base, Lottery

Obj - 1000/3000 $2,200,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con

18 of 73 Continue purchase of Educational Software: MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) for benchmark assessments and Compass Learning

Create and maintain fully functioning libraries

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

Provide quality ELD integrated and designated instruction All Grades: All

Provide quality administration of instructional, human resources, and business programs

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 4000/5000 $39,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 2000/3000 $38,000 Funding Source: Title I

Obj - 1000/3000 $55,200 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title III

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $790,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

19 of 73 Provide additional focused support for middle/high school Middle/High students in mathematics School Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

20 of 73

Related State and/or Local Priorities:


Improve the engagement of students and parents in the educational practice including enhanced _1 _2 X 3 _4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 Local: N/A communication (school/home) and parent workshops/events to build connections and relationships between parents and school. Identified Need: Indicators show a strong need for a goal to improve engagement of students and parents in the educational practice. Goal Applies to:

Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

All LCAP Year 1

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

From baseline of 48%, parent participation in school-wide events including workshops, classes, DELAC and Site Council, will increase by 5%. Increase the satisfied percentage on surveys on parents and students sense of connectivity to school. Increase the number of parents that have access to email and internet. Increase the number of times the district/schools websites receive ³hits´ Increase the number of parents and teachers that are ³actively´using ParentVue. Establish local measures to monitor parent involvement in district/site based decision-making.


Improve technology services to increase communication and provide a reliable network accessible to all students and community

Scope of Service All Schools Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj 2000/3000/5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF base, Donation

21 of 73 Provide an information tech specialist to implement and maintain technology and ensure internet, website, and district functionality, as well as communicate through social media

Provide instruction for teachers in the use of technology such as Parent Vue, MAP, Etc.

All Schools Grades: All

All Schools Grades: All

Provide instruction for parents in the use of technology such as Parent Vue

Districtwide Grades: All

Purchase attendance incentive awards to improve student engagement and connectedness to school.

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 2000/3000' $42,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 1000/3000 $3,500 Funding Source: Title II

Obj 1000/2000/3000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 4000 $1,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

22 of 73 Contract for PIQE-Parent Institute for Quality Education to create partnerships between parents, students and educators to further students' academic success.

Districtwide Grades: All

Create and maintain effective parent/staff/community Districtwide organizations for outreach such as DELAC, Site Council, Grades: All etc. Create a community liaison.

Provide transportation for parents and families to school events to improve student and parent connectedness to school and to participate in the educational process

All Schools Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 5000 $15,000 Funding Source: Title III

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Obj - 1000/3000 X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska $6,000 Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $2,200 Funding Source: LCFF Base

LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

From baseline of 48%, parent participation in school-wide events including workshops, classes, DELAC and Site Council, will increase by 5%. Increase the satisfied percentage on surveys on parents and students sense of connectivity to school. Increase the number of parents that have access to email and internet. Increase the number of times the district/schools websites receive ³hits´ Increase the number of parents and teachers that are ³actively´using ParentVue. Establish local measures to monitor parent involvement in district/site based decision-making.


Scope of Service

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service

Budgeted Expenditures

23 of 73 Improve technology services to increase communication and provide a reliable network accessible to all students and community

All Schools Grades: All

Provide an information tech specialist to implement and maintain technology and ensure internet, website, and district functionality, as well as communicate through social media

All Schools

Provide instruction for teachers in the use of technology such as Parent Vue, MAP, Etc.

All Schools

Grades: All

Grades: All

Provide instruction for parents in the use of technology such as Parent Vue

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 2000/3000/5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF base, Donation

Obj - 2000/3000 $42,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 1000/3000 $3,500 Funding Source: Title II

Obj 1000/2000/3000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

24 of 73 Purchase attendance incentive awards to improve student engagement and connectedness to school.

All Schools Grades: All

Contract for PIQE-Parent Institute for Quality Education to create partnerships between parents, students and educators to further students' academic success.

Districtwide Grades: All

Create and maintain effective parent/staff/community Districtwide organizations for outreach such as DELAC, Site Council, Grades: All etc. Create a community liaison.

Provide transportation for parents and families to school events to improve student and parent connectedness to school and to participate in the educational process

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 4000 $1,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 5000 $15,000 Funding Source: Title III

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Obj - 1000/3000 X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska $6,000 Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

LCAP Year 3

Obj - 2000/3000 $2,200 Funding Source: LCFF Base

25 of 73 Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

From baseline of 48%, parent participation in school-wide events including workshops, classes, DELAC and Site Council, will increase by 5%. Increase the satisfied percentage on surveys on parents and students sense of connectivity to school. Increase the number of parents that have access to email and internet. Increase the number of times the district/schools websites receive ³hits´ Increase the number of parents and teachers that are ³actively´using ParentVue. Establish local measures to monitor parent involvement in district/site based decision-making.


Improve technology services to increase communication and provide a reliable network accessible to all students and community

Scope of Service All Schools Grades: All

Provide an information tech specialist to implement and maintain technology and ensure internet, website, and district functionality, as well as communicate through social media

All Schools

Provide instruction for teachers in the use of technology such as Parent Vue, MAP, Etc.

All Schools

Grades: All

Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj 2000/3000/5000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF base, Donation

Obj - 2000/3000 $42,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 1000/3000 $3,500 Funding Source: Title II

26 of 73 Provide instruction for parents in the use of technology such as Parent Vue

Districtwide Grades: All

Purchase attendance incentive awards to improve student engagement and connectedness to school.

All Schools Grades: All

Contract for PIQE-Parent Institute for Quality Education to create partnerships between parents, students and educators to further students' academic success.

Districtwide Grades: All

Create and maintain effective parent/staff/community Districtwide organizations for outreach such as DELAC, Site Council, Grades: All etc. Community liaison.

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 1000/2000/3000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 4000 $1,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 5000 $15,000 Funding Source: Title III

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Obj - 1000/3000 X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska $6,000 Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

27 of 73 Provide transportation for parents and families to school events to improve student and parent connectedness to school and to participate in the educational process

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $2,200 Funding Source: LCFF Base

28 of 73

GOAL: Foster character development and a sense of well---being for our students and provide support for the whole child. Provide a safe, supportive learning environment.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 Local: NA

Identified Need: Indicators show a strong need to provide social, emotional, and health service programs to our students and families. Development of community and District-wide Character Development and Social/Emotional needs programs. Goal Applies to:

Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

All LCAP Year 1

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


Student attendance district wide will increase by 1% from 14-15 baseline of 94%, and chronic absenteeism will decrease. Suspensions will remain below 3% from 14-15 baseline of less than 1%, expulsions will also remain below 1%. High school drop-out will decrease by 5% from 14-15 baseline to be determined. A baseline for middle school dropout rate will be established Establish a baseline of the percentage of students scoring moderate and high on the resilience: School Environment and School Connectedness Indicators the California Healthy Kids Survey. Increase the percentage of students who respond positively on surveys about relationships with schools and teachers. Continue to receive at least a "good" ranking on the FIT evaluation.


Foster Youth ³Trauma Informed´training for staff (SDCOE)

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service

Budgeted Expenditures

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No Cost X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

29 of 73 Retain additional middle/high teacher to provide sufficient Middle/High access to Common Core instruction at the middle school school and high school, especially in math. Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Retain a PPS Credentialed Counselor and other health services (nursing/aide) to improve school climate and pupil achievement

All Schools Grades: All

Provide on-line learning and independent study programs High School for High School students needing supplemental classes Grades: 9th, in academic content and Common Core standards to 10th, 11th, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates. 12th

Develop and maintain after-school High School diploma recovery program in conjunction with BSUSD charter partnerships to increase attendance, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates.

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $72,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- None _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Grades: 12th, Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Adult Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other High School

30 of 73 Partner with local businesses for high school work experience to increase pupil achievement, engagement, connectedness

Provide a free and appropriate education for all students according to IDEA.

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Districtwide Grades: All

Provide sufficient elective and extra-curricular activities for students to increase student engagement.

Districtwide Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $6,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $700,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con, State/Fed Special education funding

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

31 of 73 Create a safe/quality learning environment and provide home-to-school transportation.

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 2000/3000/4000 /5000 $1,360,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


Student attendance district wide will remain at 95% Suspensions will remain below 3% High school drop-out will decrease by 5% from baseline to be determined. Establish a baseline of the percentage of students scoring moderate and high on the resilience: School Environment and School Connectedness Indicators on the California Healthy Kids Survey. Increase the percentage of students who respond positively on surveys about relationships with schools and teachers. Continue to receive at least a "good" ranking on the FIT evaluation.


Foster Youth ³Trauma Informed´training for staff (SDCOE)

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service

Budgeted Expenditures

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No Cost X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

32 of 73 Retain additional middle/high teacher to provide sufficient Middle/High access to Common Core instruction at the middle school school and high school, especially in math. Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Retain a PPS Credentialed Counselor and other health services (nursing/aide) to improve school climate and pupil achievement

All Schools Grades: All

Provide on-line learning and independent study programs High School for High School students needing supplemental classes Grades: 9th, in academic content and Common Core standards to 10th, 11th, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates. 12th

Develop and maintain after-school High School diploma recovery program in conjunction with BSUSD charter partnerships to increase attendance, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates.

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $72,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- None _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Grades: 12th, Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Adult Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other High School

33 of 73 Partner with local businesses for high school work experience to increase pupil achievement, engagement, connectedness

Provide a free and appropriate education for all students according to IDEA.

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

All Schools Grades: All

Provide sufficient elective and extra-curricular activities for students to increase student engagement.

Districtwide Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $6,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $700,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con, State/Fed Special education funding

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

34 of 73 Create a safe/quality learning environment and provide home-to-school transportation.

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 2000/3000/4000 /5000 $1,360,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

LCAP Year 3 Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


Student attendance district wide will remain at 95% Suspensions will remain below 3% High school drop-out will decrease by 5% from baseline to be determined. Establish a baseline of the percentage of students scoring moderate and high on the resilience: School Environment and School Connectedness Indicators on the California Healthy Kids Survey. Increase the percentage of students who respond positively on surveys about relationships with schools and teachers. Continue to receive at least a "good" ranking on the FIT evaluation.


Foster Youth ³Trauma Informed´training for staff (SDCOE)

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service

Budgeted Expenditures

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No Cost X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

35 of 73 Retain additional middle/high teacher to provide sufficient Middle/High access to Common Core instruction at the middle school school and high school, especially in math. Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Retain a PPS Credentialed Counselor and other health services (nursing/aide) to improve school climate and pupil achievement

All Schools Grades: All

Provide on-line learning and independent study programs High School for High School students needing supplemental classes Grades: 9th, in academic content and Common Core standards to 10th, 11th, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates. 12th

Develop and maintain after-school High School diploma recovery program in conjunction with BSUSD charter partnerships to increase attendance, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates.

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 1000/3000 $72,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- None _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Grades: 12th, Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Adult Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other High School

36 of 73 Partner with local businesses for high school work experience to increase pupil achievement, engagement, connectedness

Provide a free and appropriate education for all students according to IDEA.

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

All Schools Grades: All

Provide sufficient elective and extra-curricular activities for students to increase student engagement.

Districtwide Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 2000/3000 $6,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Obj 1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $700,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base/Sup/Con, State/Fed Special education funding

Obj - 1000/3000 $10,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

37 of 73 Create a safe/quality learning environment and provide home-to-school transportation.

All Schools Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj 2000/3000/4000 /5000 $1,360,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

38 of 73

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 X 8 Local:

GOAL: Develop districtwide K---12 focus on reading and writing


Identified Need: Common Core standards require students to produce high quality written work. BSUSD students lack the requisite academic vocabulary and literacy skills necessary to perform successfully within the rigorous genres of analytical, argumentative, and narrative writing. Goal Applies to:

Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

Foster Youth, Low Income Pupils, English Learners LCAP Year 1

Expected Annual Increase the number of students meeting and exceeding standards on the CAASP ELA score. Measurable Outcomes: Actions/Services

Retain a writing teacher K-12 to support student achievement in writing.

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

39 of 73 Create additional classes specifically for direct instruction Districtwide of writing with a specific writing curriculum Grades: All

Implement and provide professional development in the WRITE UP A STORM program

Districtwide Grades: All

Provide support to teachers for Common Core writing genres. Provide professional development for tecahers and staff in this area.

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 4000 $5,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 5000 $1,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Increase the number of students meeting and exceeding standards on the CAASP ELA score. Measurable Outcomes: Actions/Services

Scope of Service

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service

Budgeted Expenditures

40 of 73 Retain a writing teacher K-12 to support student achievement in writing.

Districtwide Grades: All

Create additional classes specifically for direct instruction Districtwide of writing with a specific writing curriculum Grades: All

Implement and provide professional development in the WRITE UP A STORM program

Districtwide Grades: All

Provide support to teachers for Common Core writing genres. Provide professional development for tecahers and staff in this area.

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

LCAP Year 3

Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 4000 $5,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 5000 $1,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

41 of 73 Expected Annual Increase the number of students meeting and exceeding standards on the CAASP ELA score. Measurable Outcomes: Actions/Services

Retain a writing teacher K-12 to support student achievement in writing.

Scope of Service Districtwide Grades: All

Create additional classes specifically for direct instruction Districtwide of writing with a specific writing curriculum Grades: All

Implement and provide professional development in the WRITE UP A STORM program

Districtwide Grades: All

Pupils to be served within identified scope of service _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Budgeted Expenditures Obj - 1000/3000 $70,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 4000 $5,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Obj - 5000 $1,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

42 of 73 Provide support to teachers for Common Core writing genres. Provide professional development for tecahers and staff in this area.

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj - 5000 $4,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

43 of 73 Annual Update Annual Update Instructions: For each goal in the prior year LCAP, review the progress toward the expected annual outcome(s) based on, at a minimum, the required metrics pursuant to Education Code sections 52060 and 52066. The review must include an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific actions. Describe any changes to the actions or goals the LEA will take as a result of the review and assessment. In addition, review the applicability of each goal in the LCAP. Guiding Questions: 1) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all pupils and did the provisions of those services result in the desired outcomes? 2) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, including, but not limited to, English learners, low-income pupils, and foster youth; and did the provision of those actions/services result in the desired outcomes? 3) How have the actions/services addressed the identified needs and goals of specific schoolsites and were these actions/services effective in achieving the desired outcomes? 4) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was examined to review progress toward goals in the annual update? 5) What progress has been achieved toward the goal and expected measurable outcome(s)? How effective were the actions and services in making progress toward the goal? What changes to goals, actions, services, and expenditures are being made in the LCAP as a result of the review of progress and assessment of the effectiveness of the actions and services? 6) What differences are there between budgeted expenditures and estimated actual annual expenditures? What were the reasons for any differences?

Original Goal from prior year LCAP:

Goal Applies to:

Focus on improving student achievement for all students. Additional focus on ELL and low socioeconomic students in ELA and Math. Provide a safe, supportive learning environment.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 X 8 Local:

Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:


Expected Annual The following will be used for measures: Measurable Outcomes: ‡ Results on the Smarter Balanced Assessments in ELA and Math will be used to

Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes:

The following outcomes of measures:


Baseline results for met and exceeded of the SBAC in 2014-15 were 38% for ELA and 20%

44 of 73


‡ ‡ ‡

‡ ‡


‡ ‡

establish the baseline for 2015---2016. 2015--2016 API will establish growth targets for 2016 ---2017. The percentage of graduates meeting A---G requirements will increase by 5% over the prior year. Establish a baseline for growth target on MAPS assessment in reading and math Establish a baseline for the AP passing rates Establish a baseline of the percent of 11th grade students ³conditionally ready´based upon the EAP Increase the cohort graduation rate by 2% over baseline. The percent of English learners reaching or exceed the state target on AMAO 2 for English language proficiency on the CELDT. Increase the students eligible for reclassification as English Proficient (RFEP) by 5%. 100% of schools will be at the ³good´or better rating on the FIT 100% of teachers will be appropriately credentialed and assigned

‡ ‡


‡ ‡



‡ ‡

for math. API is NA due to reauthorization. The percentage of graduates in 2014-15 meeting A--G requirements decreased to 28%, a 7% decrease under the baseline of 35%. MAP assessment results for Basic and above: ƕ Elementary Math = Spring 2015 is 59.9%, down from Fall 2014 62.7% ƕ Elementary Reading = Spring 2015 is 68.2%, up from Fall 2014 60.5% ƕ Middle/High Math = Spring 2015 is 50%, down from Fall 2014 58.7% ƕ Middle/High Reading = Spring 2015 is 67.7%, down from 78.3% AP passing rates increased from 31.8% to NA in 14-15. 11th grade students ³conditionally ready´ based upon the EAP changed format in 201415 due to the new CAASP. Scores for standards met or exceeded were: ƕ Math 7% ƕ Reading 66% The 2014-15 graduation rate 92.3% in relation to the established baseline of 72.7% in 201314. The percent of English learners reaching or exceeding the state target on AMAO 2 for English language proficiency on the CELDT in 2014-15 are: ƕ Less than 5 years = Target of 24.2%, District at 7.0% ƕ Over 5 year = Target of 50.9%, ,District at 30.9% 100% of schools were at the ³good´or better rating on the FIT 100% of teachers were appropriately credentialed and assigned

LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services

Actual Actions/Services

45 of 73 Budgeted Expenditures

Professional Development on strategies for working with EL, Foster Youth, and low socio---economic students district---wide to improve student achievement in ELA and Math.

Obj--1000/3000 $10,000 Obj---5000 $9,000 LCFF Sup/Con Title III

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures Professional development was provided through the Estmated following activities: Actuals to be:



Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

High/Middle school staff ƕ Common Core standards and assessments ƕ ELD Strategies ƕ Student re-engagement ƕ Formative assessments ƕ Student Monitoring ƕ RTI ƕ Critical reading strategies Elementary school staff ƕ Common Core Assessments ƕ CAASP institute ƕ ELD standards ƕ Supporting Parents with CC ƕ Early years conference

Scope of service:

Obj--1000/3000 $12,000 Obj---5000 $15,000 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title III

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

46 of 73 Instructional Aide time to provide support for low performing students, EL students and Foster Youth in ELA and Math.

Obj--2000/3000 $80,000 LCFF Sup/Con Title I

BSUSD provided additional instrucitonal aide time Estimated actua for two classes in the elementary school. The l expenses: Middle/High School privided additional math support Obj--with a 12 hour a week instrucitonal aide support. 2000/3000 $86,340 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con, Title I

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Instructional materials aligned with Common Core to increase student performance in ELA/ELD and Math.


_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---4000 $46,000 LCFF Base Lottery

The elementary and high school renewed core instructional materials for the 2015-16 school year. BSUSD formed an ELD curriculum study team. Materials for the new ELD curriculum are being piloted in 2016-17, but no purchases were made.

Estimated actual expenses: Obj---4000 $25,647 Funding Source: LCFF Base, Lottery

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Scope of service:

All Schools Grades: All

47 of 73 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Class size reduction and retain teachers in the Dual Immersion program.

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Additional Te BSUSD provided class size reduciton in 2015-16. acher The Dual Immersion program is in its last year and Obj--will be phased out in the 2016-17 school year. 1000/3000 $85,000 LCFF Base

Estimated actual expenses: Additional Teac her Obj--1000/3000 $87,163 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Scope of service:

Elementary Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Preschool

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

Elementary Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

48 of 73 Recruit, hire and retain highly qualified teachers to continue to provide excellent teaching to all students.

Obj--1000/3000 $1,995,110 LCFF Base/S up/Con

Teachers received a 2% raise in compensation in the 2015-16 school year as well as a great benefits package. Recruitment of teachers continued to be creative for our small, rural district.

Estimated actual expense: Obj--1000/3000 $2,216,087 Funding Source: LCFF B ase/Sup/Con

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Implement new textbook adoption for Common Core standards and provision of sufficient instructional materials in all classrooms.

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---4000 $20,000 LCFF Base Lottery

Scope of service:

All Grades: All


A new textbook adoption was not performed in 2015 -16. Although new textbooks were purchased for elementary school students and high school French. The District performed admirably on the Williams visit, demonstrating sufficient instructional materials in all classes.

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Estimated actual expense: Obj---4000 $24,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base, Lottery

49 of 73 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Continue purchase of Educational Software: MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) for benchmark assessments and Compass Learning.

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---5000 The District purchased and used MAP and Compass $6,000 (MAP) Learning for all students. $31,000 (Compass Learning) Title I

Estimated actual expenses: Obj---5000 $6,000 (MAP) $33,500 (Compass Learning) Funding Source: Title I

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

50 of 73 Create and maintain fully functioning libraries.

Obj--2000/3000 $33,000 Title I

The District consolidated the library position in 2015- Estimated 16. The libraries for both the High School and actual Elementary have been increasing rapidly in content expenses: and use. Obj--2000/3000 $36,750 Funding Source: Title I

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide quality administration of instructional and business programs.


X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--The District maintains a quality administrative 1000/2000/30 function which includes: Business office, 00/4000/5000 Superintendet's office and Human Resources. $785,000 LCFF Base

Actual estimated expenses: Obj--1000/2000/3000 /4000/5000 $777,586 Funding Source: LCFF Base

51 of 73 Scope of service:

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Create a safe learning environment and provide home--to---school transportation.


X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--The District provides a safe environment and 2000/3000/40 transportation through its maintenance, operations 00/5000 and transportation departments. $951,000

Estimated actual expenses: Obj--2000/3000/4000 /5000 $1,354,306


Funding Source: LCFF Base Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

52 of 73 What changes in actions, servivces, and expenditures Based on the results indicated in the measurable outcomes, the District will take the following actions:

‡ ‡ ‡

Increase services for ELD students Provide additional support in mathematics Discontinue use of Compass Learning for High School students and replace with Khan Academy of equivalent

These actions are reflected in the new goals for the 2016-17 year.

Original Goal from prior year LCAP:

Goal Applies to:

Improve the engagement of students and parents in the educational practice including enhanced communication (school/home) and parent workshops/events to build connections and relationships between parents and school. Schools: All Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:


Related State and/or Local Priorities: _1 _2 X 3 _4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 Local:

53 of 73 Expected Annual Actual Annual The Following will be used for measures: Measurable Measurable The Following measures were taken: Outcomes: Outcomes: ‡ From baseline of 48%, parent participation in ‡ Parent participation increased from the 14-15 school---wide events including workshops, year of 48% to 62% in school---wide events classes, DELAC and Site Council, will including workshops, classes, DELAC, Open increase by 5%. house and Site Council. ‡ Increase the satisfied percentage on surveys ‡ 33 parents enrolled and completed classes on parents and students sense of connectivity aimed at providing proficiency in the use of to school. the internet. ‡ Increase the number of parents that have ‡ The District increased the amount of "hits" on access to email and internet. the website from 13,001 to over 15,000 ‡ Increase the number of times the annually. ‡ The baseline of the number of parents and district/schools websites receive ³hits´ ‡ Establish a baseline for the number of parents teachers that are ³actively´using ParentVue is 50% and teachers that are ³actively´using ‡ The District has retained copies of all of the ParentVue. ‡ Establish local measures to monitor parent sign-in sheets from parent meetings to monitor progress. involvement in district/site based decision--making

54 of 73 LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services

Improve technology services to increase communication and provide a reliable network accessible to all students and community.

Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures


Estimated actual expenses:

The District purchased two additional chromebook carts and ten teacher computers. In addition, 33 parents attended internet classes which included Technology/C ParentVue instruction. This instruction was also omputers included at all DELAC meetings. The District placed $60,000 an instructional aide at the remote Ocotillo Wells literacy center. LCFF Base

Obj--4000/5000 $40,000 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

55 of 73 Maintain an information tech specialist to implement Obj--Common Core technology and ensure website and district 2000/3000 functionality $50,000

The District provided the tech specialist additional time to enhance the website. The District also increased its presence on social media by adding Facebook accounts.


Estimated actual expenses: Obj--2000/3000 $41,706 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Professional development for teachers in expanding use of Parent Vue


X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--1000/3000 $5,000 Title II

Teacher collaboration was held and trainings were given on an individual basis regarding ParentVue.

Estimated actual expenses: Obj--1000/3000 $3,500 Funding Source: Title II

56 of 73 Scope of service:

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Purchase attendance incentive awards to improve student Obj---4000 engagement and connectedness to school. $1,000

The District purchased the following incentives:


‡ ‡ ‡

Ice cream certificates Jilbertos (local restaurant) Amazon cards

Attendance performance was average.

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

Actual estimated expenses: Obj---4000 $694 Funding Source: LCFF Base

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

57 of 73 Contract for PIQE---Parent Institute for Quality Education Obj-5000 to create partnerships between parents, students and PIQE educators to further students' academic success. Contracts $15,000

Elementary PIQE is scheduled for the fall of 2016. Due to scheduling conflicts, no PIQE workshops were held in 2015-16.

Actual estimated expenses: $0

Title III Scope of service:

Scope of service:

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide transportation for parents and families to school events to improve student and parent connectedness to school and to participate in the educational process.


_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--1000/3000 $6,000 LCFF Base

Transportation was provided for back-to-school night Estimated for parents in the farthest corners of the District. actual Most parents had recovered a little since the expenses: recession and no longer needed transportation. Obj--1000/3000 $2,200 Funding Source: LCFF Base

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

Scope of service:

All Grades: All

58 of 73 _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

What changes in actions, servivces, and expenditures The District will increase the amount of parent/community outreach by communicating via social media. The network technician position will be increased to allow sufficient time for these activities. The District is also increasing its outreach through organizations and other community activities. To assist in these activities, the District is contracting with a community liaison to interact with the Spanish-speaking community.

59 of 73

Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to:

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X

Foster character development and a sense of well---being for our students and provide 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 Local: support for the whole child. Schools: All Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:


Expected Annual The following measures will be used: Measurable Outcomes: ‡ Student attendance district wide will increase by 1% from 14---15 baseline of 94%. ‡ Suspensions will remain below 3% from 14--15 baseline of less than 1%. ‡ High school drop---out will decrease by 5% from 14---15 baseline to be determined. ‡ Establish a baseline of the percentage of students scoring moderate and high on the resilience: School Environment and School Connectedness Indicators the California Healthy Kids Survey. ‡ Increase the percentage of students who respond positively on surveys about relationships with schools and teachers.

Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes:

The following measures were acheived:

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Student attendance rates rose to 96% Suspension rates were less than 3% 14-15 baseline is 23%. 2015-16 rates are not yet determined The California Healthy Kids Survey results are not yet determined 79% of students responded positively regarding receiving assistance when needed. 66% of students believe that the schools offer a variety of activities to learn outside of school.

LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services

Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures

Foster Youth ³Trauma Informed´training for staff (SDCOE)

No Cost

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures The District is offering training through SDCOE.

No cost

60 of 73 Scope of service:

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Hire part---time middle/high teacher to provide sufficient access to Common Core instruction at the middle school and high school, especially in math.


_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--1000/3000 $35,000

The District has maintained a part-time teacher and even increased this position to full time to provide greater math opportunities.

LCFF Sup/Con

Estimated actual expenses: Obj--1000/3000 $71,250 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Scope of service:

Middle Schools High Schools Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Scope of service:

Middle/High School Grades: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

61 of 73 _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Retain a PPS Credentialed Counselor and other health services to improve school climate and pupil achievement.

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--1000/3000 $85,000

The District has retained a PPS credentialed counselor.


Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Obj--1000/3000 $68,078 Funding Source: Donation, LCFF Supp/Con

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils X Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino X White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

62 of 73 Additional Instructional Assistant for elementary allowing Obj--more teacher/student conference time to improve student 2000/3000 performance, increase student connectedness and $15,000 engagement in their learning. LCFF Sup/Con

The District has maintained the additional instructional assistant at the elementary school for these purposes.

Estimated actual expenses: Obj--2000/3000 $13,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

Elementary Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Preschool

Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide on---line learning in high school for students needing supplemental classes in academic content and Common Core standards to decrease drop out rates and increase graduation rates.


_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---5000 $6,000

The District has contracted with Advanced Academics and Diego Springs charter school to meet the needs of these pupils.

Estimated actual expenses:

LCFF Base Obj---5000 $4,200 Funding Source: LCFF Base

63 of 73 Scope of service:

Scope of service:

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide ALANON for students and families in need to improve school climate and pupil achievement and wellness.

High School

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---5000 $3,000

This action item has been removed.


Local Revenue Scope of service:

All Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

None Grades: All

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

64 of 73 Develop after school high school diploma recovery program in conjunction with Diego Charter to increase attendance, decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates.

Obj---5000 $5,000

The District has used Diego Charter to provide support for children who have dropped out of high school.

Estimated actual expenses:

Local Rev No expenses have occured for this goal. Services are being provided at no cost.

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Partner with local businesses for high school work experience to increase pupil achievement, engagement, connectedness.

High School

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---5000 Transportat ion $2,000 LCFF Base

The District has partnered with the following entities: Estimated actual ‡ Hospitality (Ram's Hill, La Casa Del Zorro, expenses: Borrego Springs Resort) Obj--‡ The Sun newspaper 2000/3000 ‡ Napa Auto Parts Transportation ‡ Anza Borrego Foundation $6,150 ‡ ABDSP Paleontology and Botany Funding Source: LCFF Base

65 of 73 Scope of service:

Scope of service:

High School Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide a free and appropriate education for all students according to IDEA.

High School

X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj--1000/3000/50 00 $662.795 Special Education Funds

The Distict has provided services to all students Estimated required by IDEA. In addition, in 2015-16 the District actual hired a part-time director of special education to expenses: oversee implementation of said services. Obj--1000/3000/5000 $691,803 Funding Source: State/Federal Special Education Funds, LCFF Base/Sup/Con

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

66 of 73 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White X Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

What changes in actions, servivces, and expenditures The District has decided not to contract with Alanon for services. We are adding the following goals/services for next year as noted in the current LCAP:

‡ ‡

High school courses in functional math Additional extra-curricular activities to improve student engagement

67 of 73

Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to:

Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 X 8 Local:

Develop districtwide K-12 focus on reading and writing. Schools: All Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

Foster Youth, Low Income Pupils, English Learners, Homeless

Expected Annual The 14---15 school year will establish our baseline in Measurable the Smarter Balanced Assessment ELA score. Outcomes: Student scores in ELA will increase by 5% annually above baseline.

Actual Annual Measurable Baseline results for met and exceeded of the SBAC in 2014-15 were 38% for ELA. The results of the Outcomes: 2015-16 year are not yet available.

LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services

Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures

Hire a writing teacher in K---12 to support student achievement in writing

Obj---1000/ 3000 $55,000

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures The District has maintained the writing teacher hired Estimated in 2014-15. actual expenses:

LCFF Sup/Con Donation

Obj---1000/ 3000 $67,900 Funding Source: LCFF Sup/Con

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

68 of 73 _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities X Homeless _ Other

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Create additional classes specifically for direct instruction Obj--- 5000 of writing. Add writing curriculum $4,000

The District used the writing teacher to create additional periods of instruction in writing.

LCFF Supp/Con

Estimated actual expenses: Obj--- 4000 $6,750 Funding Source: LCFF Supp/Con

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Scope of service:

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

69 of 73 Implement and provide professional development in the WRITE UP A STORM program

Obj---5000 $2,000

The District implemented the Write Up a Storm program in all of the elementary grades.

Estimated actual expenses:

LCFF Sup Obj---5000 $1,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup Scope of service:

Scope of service:

Elementary Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Preschool

Grades: TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Preschool

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Provide support to teachers for Common Core writing genres. Provide professional development


_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

Obj---5000 $2,000 LCFF Sup

Professional development was provided to teachers Estimated in the following areas: actual expenses: ‡ Write Up a Storm Curriculum Obj---5000 ‡ Common Core instruction $3,500 Funding Source: LCFF Sup

70 of 73 Scope of service:


Scope of service:

Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other

Districtwide Grades: All

_ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races X Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander X English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other

What changes in actions, servivces, and expenditures The District added this goal in 2015-16 to address a need for greater literacy in our students. We do not expect to change the overall structure of the actions or services. The District may however, improve upon the delivery of the instruction from the writing teacher.

Section 3: Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant funds and Proportionality A. In the box below, identify the amount of funds in the LCAP year calculated on the basis of the number and concentration of low income, foster youth, and English learner pupils as determined pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(5). Describe how the LEA is expending these funds in the LCAP year. Include a description of, and justification for, the use of any funds in a districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide manner as specified in 5 CCR 15496. For school districts with below 55 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils in the district or below 40 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils at a schoolsite in the LCAP year, when using supplemental and concentration funds in a districtwide or schoolwide manner, the school district must additionally describe how the services provided are the most effective use of funds to meet the district͛s goals for unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priority areas. (See 5 CCR 15496(b) for guidance.) Total amount of Supplemental and Concentration grant funds calculated:


71 of 73 Funds calculated using the LCFF state template. Borrego Springs Unified School District receives approximately $940,526 in supplemental and concentration grant funding. The District is comprised of an unduplicated pupil count of over 87%. The high percentage of students who are low income, foster youth, and English learner leads to a great amount of ³crossover´when funds are used specifically for a targeted group. Being an extremely small school of only 400 students also lends itself to the use of districtwide program spending. The following activities are listed as districtwide use of supplemental and concentration grant funding: Professional Development. Professional development is provided to teachers in the targeted areas of English Language Learner development and improvement of low-income students. Although the activities are generally for this purpose, there will be a benefit to all students as teachers improve and implement learned strategies. Instructional Aide Support. The District is providing instructional aide support specifically for English learners in some cases, and for overall teacher support and development in others. Teacher support will affect all students as aides do not discriminate on who they serve. Highly Qualified Teachers. Again, noting that approximately 20% of all funds received by the District come from supplemental and concentration sources and that teacher salaries and benefits account for almost half of the entire budget, it is assumed that a portion of these funds would provide for teacher salaries. Better, more-highly qualified teachers are needed to reach the English learner, low income and foster children of the district. Additional teacher support is also being provided in areas where these children have the most need, ELA and Math. The District has hired additional teachers to assist specifically in these areas. Parent Outreach. The District is providing targeted outreach and support to support student¶s academic success. These targeted programs include PIQE, site councils and parent advisory groups and meetings. Emphasis on Writing. The District established goal for literacy is being continued and enhanced. Common Core Standards require students to produce high quality written work. BSUSD students lack the requisite academic vocabulary and literacy skills necessary to perform successfully within the rigorous genres of analytical, argumentative, and narrative writing. The District will be implementing new writing program, coupled with teacher support for writing in core content areas.

B. In the box below, identify the percentage by which services for unduplicated pupils must be increased or improved as compared to the services provided to all pupils in the LCAP year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a). Consistent with the requirements of 5 CCR 15496, demonstrate how the services provided in the LCAP year for low income pupils, foster youth, and English learners provide for increased or improved services for these pupils in proportion to the increase in funding provided for such pupils in that year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(7). An LEA shall describe how the proportionality percentage is met using a quantitative and/or qualitative description of the increased and/or improved services for unduplicated pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils. 26.66


72 of 73 Percentage calculated using the LCFF state template As the majority of the student population falls within the definition of low income, foster youth, and English learner pupils, nearly all improvements to educational services will be focused on these youth. The District will increase services for these students through parent outreach and communication, smaller class sizes, additional services through increased support staffing, professional development specific to English learners, and community support services.

LOCAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN AND ANNUAL UPDATE APPENDIX For the purposes of completing the LCAP in reference to the state priorities under Education Code sections 52060 and 52066, the following shall apply: (a) ³Chronic absenteeism rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The number of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30) who are chronically absent where ³chronic absentee´means a pupil who is absent 10 percent or more of the schooldays in the school year when the total number of days a pupil is absent is divided by the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the regular day schools of the district, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays. (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2). (b) ³Middle School dropout rate´shall be calculated as set forth in California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 1039.1. (c) ³High school dropout rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The number of cohort members who dropout by the end of year 4 in the cohort where ³cohort´is defined as the number of firsttime grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4. (2) The total number of cohort members. (3) Divide (1) by (2). (d) ³High school graduation rate´shall be calculated as follows:

73 of 73

(1) The number of cohort members who earned a regular high school diploma [or earned an adult education high school diploma or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam] by the end of year 4 in the cohort where ³cohort´is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4. (2) The total number of cohort members. (3) Divide (1) by (2). (e) ³Suspension rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was suspended during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2). (f) ³Expulsion rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was expelled during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2).

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