Dear Miss Jordan’s class of 2016, I hope you are looking forward to a great year in grade three or four with Miss Jordan. My personal highlights of grade four was Hoop Time, grade four camp, Athletics Day and our holiday project in maths. All of you in grade three or four next year will have an amazing time doing all of these things. I think you will have a terrific time learning all about the strategies in reading. Every week we focussed on a different strategy. I now use all the strategies whilst I am reading a book. I think you will also enjoy learning all about the writing genres. The writing genres include personal narratives, persuasive texts, fictional narratives, poetry, picture story books, feature articles, newspaper articles and information reports. You will be successful in grade three or four if you learn your times tables up to 10x10. In maths you will enjoy learning the four processes written methods, fractions, decimals, real life maths and related division facts. Our class blog is a great way to reflect on our learning. From Charlotte

Dear Miss Jordan’s future students of 2016, Hi, I'm Ted and I have loved being in Miss Jordan's class this year. Let’s start off with times tables. In Miss Jordan's class, you will learn some new strategies for multiplication so you will have automatic recall. I bet that you are really looking forward to be getting your pen licence. To get it you have to be able to write in fluent joint writing and be able to still keep it neat. In creative writing you will do the ‘show me don't tell me’ technique. This technique allows you to be free and create pictures in your reader’s mind. The projects that we did in maths were the best. They included lots of mathematics and logic. My favourite project was called the holiday project. It included finding a country that you like and planning a holiday there. Miss Jordan’s present student, Ted

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hi there, I'm Emma, and I am in Miss Jordan's class in 2015. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. You will have heaps to look forward to. Some things I enjoyed were camp, getting my pen licence, the holiday project, listening to the class novels and more. There are a whole lot of things to look forward to in grade 3/4 like the Billy Cart incursion. Because Miss Jordan's class will be a composite class, everyone will have access to an iPad at all times. Well that's all from me, Emma

Dear future students of Miss Jordan, It has been such a privilege to have been one of Miss Jordan's 2015 students! As you're the future 2016 students you have a lot of amazing and great things to look forward to. Here's a few. Something that we have just done recently is make our own warm up for Maths. It was lots of fun working with a friend and doing everyone else’s great genius games! Miss Jordan is really good at picking the best class novels. Some of the novels that we have read are the Wayside series and The One and Only Ivan. Wayside is a story about a really quirky school and their students. The One and Only Ivan is about a silver back gorilla and his mission is to get a young elephant to the zoo. Grade 3 and grade 4 camp are the best! In grade four camp there is something called the Leap of Faith. It is an 8 metre high platform that you jump off! Have a happy year, Elliot

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hello! You must be excited to be in grade 3/4 next year. I am going to tell you about grade 3/4. Something you should be looking forward to getting is a pen licence. With a pen licence you can write with pen instead of using a grey lead pencil. In grade three and four you get to learn lots about joined handwriting and if you get very good at it, you can earn your pen licence. In writing, you will get to learn about different types of poems like Haiku, diamanté, limerick and concrete. I think you will enjoy the iPad program. With iPads you get to do fun activities and type up your stories. Some of the apps we use are Popplet, Mathletics, Book Creator and Spelling Free. Miss Jordan likes to read novels in class. You might read The One and Only Ivan or The Wayside School Series. You will have have a class blog and be taught how to write quality blog comments. Blogging is very fun and it is one of the reading activities most weeks. My highlight in maths would be mapping and I hope you enjoy mapping as much as I did. Some challenges in maths that I overcame and you might as well, are multiplication and division with bigger numbers. You will also have Bike Ed. This is when you bring you bike to the school and do safety activities and have a ride through Seabank. Before doing your maths lessons, you will do a warm up which is a ten minute maths game or task. You might get to create your own warm up game as well. From Miss Jordan’s current student, Dalton Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hi all! Are you excited to be in grade 3 and 4? Well I bet you are! First let me talk to you about sport. On Athletics Day you go to Landy Field and do sports like: shot put, high jump, 100m, 200m, relay, 800m,long jump, triple jump, 1500m and discus. You will be learning about the six traits of writing: ideas, organisation, excellent word choice, voice, sentence fluency. Do you people love writing? Well you can get your pen licence but you have to do joint writing and neat writing. You get to learn the four process which are: multiplication, addition, subtraction, division. In grade four the 1-1 iPad program is fun. Oh and don't forget grade 4 camp and grade 3 camp! From 4B student Ginger

Dear Miss Jordan's Class of 2016, Hello! I hope you are looking forward to Grade Three/Four next year! Miss Jordan is an amazing teacher, so I know you are going to have a lot of fun! One of the fabulous things you will look forward to is Writer’s Workshop. We learn all about the six traits of writing. I have improved with my excellent word choice, so now my stories are detailed and descriptive! You will learn to write a lot of different genres such as persuasive, personal narrative, poetry, fictional narrative, newspaper articles, picture story books and many more. Each week we focus on a different reading strategy. We learnt comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expand vocabulary strategies. We do independent reading, and we sometimes go on BTN! Reading is one of my favourite subjects. You will really enjoy maths! I have improved at my times tables and related division facts. By the end of next year, Miss Jordan will hope that most of the grade fours know their times tables up to 10 times 10. We focus on real life maths such as problem solving, money, fractions, etc. We regularly go on Mathletics to improve our knowledge. Maths always starts with a fun warm up to get your brain ready! I got to design a warm up and share it with the class this term. You have many fun excursions, and lots of things to look forward to. There is a Bike Ed, where you improve your cycling skills, camp, where you participate in activities and many more amazing experiences! I know you will love Grade Three/Four because I certainly did! Miss Jordan's current student, Jema!😋

Dear Miss Jordan's class for 2016, I trust that you will have an awesome year with Miss Jordan in 2016! Some things that Jarrah and I (Rachel) got better at (because we kept practising) were times tables up to 10x10, short division and the four processes (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.) One thing you will look forward to is grade 3/4 camp. At grade three camp, the food is sooooooo good! When I was there, everyone ate too many potatoes and had tummy aches. At grade four camp, well, there is so much to talk about. The Leap of Faith was the highest, most terrifying jump of my life. Jarrah says that it was amazeballs! I jumped off the first time but then stepped the second. In grade 3/4 you will experience the best inquiry topic ever! If you have been learning about the environment lately, or if you are in the Eco Warriors team, you will love it! We did an Eco Exhibition which you may have attended. We spent so much time and effort on it and it was a big success. One of the writing focuses this year was writing picture story books. Poetry was heaps of fun, I loved going outside to jot down some of the things we saw and then making a poem out of it. A great goal to focus on for 2016 is, your pen licence. Miss Jordan loves neat handwriting and especially likes giving out the pen licences! I know I have mine and Jarrah got hers the other day. This year, reading was great! There were lots of fun strategies. Some of these were: check for understanding, make a picture in your mind, make predictions in the text and many more. Each week Miss Jordan gives us a new strategy to focus on. Maths is a big focus in our class. In the grade four curriculum you have to know your TIMES TABLES! Miss Jordan is good at teaching them too. We have a big times table chart in our room and do lots of practicing. Hope you have a good year, From Rachel and Jarrah.

Hi, Miss Jordan's class of 2016, I have had an amazing year in Miss Jordan's class and I bet that your experience will be the same as mine. There are many great things to look forward to in grade 3 and 4, but not just the sporty things, also the academic things. One of the big things that really improved my academic levels, was the 1:1 iPad program. I think this is a great asset to learning because it is used for so many different things such as: presentations, publishing, researching and much, much more. Personally, that was one of my favourite things in year four. The grade fours have already done it, but you grade three have some awesome sporting stuff coming your way, such as, qualifying for district athletics and cross country and for you basketball players, Hoop Time is coming your way. To be successful in grade three and four, you will learn how to do vertical multiplication, addition, subtraction and short division. Those strategies have really help me improve my maths. Because you can use these strategies all the time. They are very helpful and I recommend you learn about them next year. From Miss Jordan's current student, Rocker!

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hi grade 3s & 4s. Next year you are going to be entering Miss Jordan's class. There are lots of amazing things you will be doing next year, like blogging and Bike Ed. I think you will enjoy writing comments on our class blog. You will write comments related to the blog post. In reading groups each group has something different to do. We write blog comments on the blog, do independent reading and do iPad activities. In maths in grade four there are some challenges you do like learning your times table up to 10x10. And you learn your related division facts. I was having a lot of difficulties learning all my times table and my division facts, but with the help of our strategies, I now know them all. I hope you have a great year with your new teacher Miss Jordan. From Flynn.H

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Your will be successful in grade 3 and 4 if you know your times tables by the end of the year. It would be great for you to learn the right written methods too. I think you will really enjoy blogging because Miss Jordan is really good at it and it is a great way to get better at writing. It is also a great way for your parents can see what you have been doing at school. For the current grade two students you will be having your first year of bike education and for those grade three students you know what a great experience it is to do bike ed. Again to the grade twos, you will be experiencing a great time at Hooptime. I hope you have a good year with Miss Jordan and I wish you the best of luck. From Donovan

Dear Miss Jordan’s class of 2016, I think you are going to have a blast with Miss Jordan and your new class for 2016. In grade three and four there are lots of things you might find tricky, like multiplication, but by the end of the year you will know all your tables from 1-10 “quick as a click”. Miss Jordan loves to read, especially class novels. You might get to read Sideways Stories from Wayside School, and if you're lucky she might read The One and Only Ivan for the fifth time. You will also love camp and for the grade threes you will love you're first athletics day as well. In writing I think you will enjoy using the six traits of writing and using better vocabulary and writing lots of new styles of writing. Also you will enjoy doing class presentations, like “a person I admire”. That was my favourite presentation to do. From one of Miss Jordan's current students, Flynn S

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, I think you guys will have a great experience of being in Miss Jordan's class. For the grade 4s next year I think you'll love camp. You get to go on the Leap of Faith and stay in Anglesea for 2 nights. In writing you'll enjoy getting your pen licence. Also in writing you will get to learn about poetry. I like poetry because it's fun to write in different types of forms of poetry. Maths is so fun. You get to learn about times tables up to 10x10 you get to learn about the four processes. Also I improved in fractions and decimals. In maths you will get to learn about money, you might have already learned about it this year, but it's great in grade three and four. I hope you guys have a great time in grade 3/4. From Kody Gallagher! 4B

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, This is what I think you would enjoy most. It would be earning your pen licence and that means that you will get to do joint handwriting! Poetry is one my highlights. First you may learn different types of poems. You may then do a nature poem and color poem and then you may have free choice. You might also do persuasive texts, personal narratives, fictional narratives, picture story books, feature articles and newspaper articles. In reading you will focus on a new reading strategy each week. You will have reading groups where you would do activities that you willlove! From Jayla

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hi, are you looking forward to grade four and grade three? There were two big things I was looking forward to in grade four. Do you want to hear them? Well one of the things was learning my times tables. I always wanted to learn them and now that I am in grade four I can do one hundred equations in three minutes. That's a lot. My second thing I was looking forward to was the 1:1 iPad program because there are lots of things you can access, like the blog and other different educational apps. Blogging is a great activity to do on the iPad. It is a great way to learn and share the work we do with the community. People can leave comments. Another benefit of the blog is connecting with other classes. We partner up with a class in America to do projects. Enjoy grade three and four! From Miss Jordan’s current student, Rex Good afternoon Miss Jordan’s pupils of 2016, Today we will be talking about the benefits and things you're going to be learning in the marvelous year of 2016, my little pupils. Okay, you grade threes and fours have a lot to look forward to. But let's take you through the main subjects, we’ll start with literacy. We loved doing poetry. Poetry is a lot about the sensory details around you emotions and feelings. Sometimes there's a bit of good old rhyme. Another thing in writing is the pen licence, yes, that holy pen license every teacher wants you to get. Isn't that right Miss Jordan? Sure is, but I'm telling you, it's worth it. Now I think we might go onto maths. Well maths is a hard but exciting topic, some of the expectations are for grade fours to know their times tables off by heart. That might be hard but it's actually really easy. Just do a bit every night, work it, and you will be an Einstein at the top of your class if you can nail it. Another hard looking, but easy subject is decimals. I know, boom! Decimals, you see, is when people say things like “that 8.1 cm away from me”. I'm telling you, decimals is a smart language, but as I said, it's really easy to get your head around and especially when you've got a teacher called Miss Jordan. Have fun in grade four and three everyone! Ciao, Val

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016 You have lots to look forward to like camp, Hoop Time, iPads and lots more. Hoop Time is basketball. I made it into a team, it was All Stars A. We made it through to the next round. The next round was really hard but we made it to the semi final. You might have had a blog this year but next year you will have a lot of blog posts to keep up with. You will do blogging in reading groups so you will be able to keep up with them all. Camp was the best in grade four and grade three. Grade three go to the best camp ever. Grade four camp is good as well. My personal favourite was grade three. On grade four the best part was the Leap of Faith. From Toby, 4B

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, Hi grade 3 and 4s for 2016. You will have lots of exciting things to look forward to in Miss Jordan's class next year. I think you will enjoy writing. In writing this year I have really enjoyed doing information reports, picture story books for the eco exhibition, poetry and personal narratives. In writing we focus on the six traits of writing, show me, don't tell me, sensory details (the 5 senses) and definitely grammar. Just letting you know Miss Jordan likes us to use proper grammar. This year we have been doing quality blog comments in reading. Miss Jordan's blog is really good to show our parents what we have been doing in school. In reading we also do a lot of independent reading. In reading every week we have a different strategy, so one week we might do inferring and another week we might do skimming and scanning. In reading we have four reading groups they are Hijau, Biru, Kuning and Ungu. You might have noticed that they are colours in Indonesian. In maths the grade fours have to know there times tables and related division facts. In maths we do some really fun activities one of those was making our own maths warm up game with a partner. You might think that times tables are hard but in Miss Jordan's class we use different strategies to work them out. In grade three and four there are some great sporting opportunities like Hoop Time, athletics, and there is also districts, division and so on. There are also great camps like Camp Wilkin for the grade fours and Camp Forest Lodge for the grade threes. At camp there is the low ropes course, the leap of faith, archery and loads more fun activities. I hope you have a great year in grade four and three. From Summer

Dear Miss Jordan's class of 2016, I hope that you are looking forward to being in Miss Jordan's class. This year my favourite educational highlight was learning my times tables. I really enjoyed learning and using my times tables for maths. Some of the great things you will get to do next year are using the iPads, focusing on the six traits of writing and heaps more. The iPad program is probably one of the things that most students like. You will be able to share your work with the teacher and you will learn about the blog. Your work will be featured on the blog. The blog is good because parents can see what we have been getting up to and you can improve your writing skills by writing quality blog comments. A big focus in maths would be learning times tables and how to do the four process. If you know how to do your written methods of the four process then maths will be easier. Another maths focus that you have to know is decimals and equivalent fractions. Oh and camp and Bike Ed in grade three and four are really fun. The Melbourne Museum is so cool. You won't believe your eyes when you find out how good Miss Jordan is at teaching. Miss Jordan is so much fun! Hope you are looking forward to having Miss Jordan. From Maddie

Dear Miss Jordan's Class of 2016, Hi! I hope that you are looking forward to grade three or four. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with Miss Jordan. One of the many things that you should be excited about is writing quality comments on the class blog. The class blog is a great way for parents to see what their child is working on at school. Another great thing that you will be doing is Writer's Workshop. In Writer's Workshop you learn all about the six traits of writing. One of the traits that I have improved on is excellent word choice, so now my stories are interesting and descriptive. A bit later in the year you will get to learn joined handwriting. If Miss Jordan thinks you are a neat joined writer you will get a pen licence. I got mine very close to Christmas. From Jeremy

Dear Miss Jordan’s new students, Some things I enjoyed this year. Maths. -Mapping - mapping is a hard job you need to plan everything and make everything good. -Times tables - I lacked some of the times tables at the start of the year but now I am really good at them. -Division - I am working hard to get better at division. -Reading - I am focusing on my fluency but I am moving on to some other strategies and goals too. -I am now reading a book that is called The Big Fat Smelly Ogre. it has a good amount of writing, it took me about 15-10 minutes to read. Writing. -Vocabulary list - I have found about 12 interesting words that have never seen in a book before. -Poetry - I am very good at poetry and I want to make more very good poetry. Inquiry. -Excursion to Melbourne Museum was so much fun. I learned a lot of facts about the animals. -Smooth Moves - I have been looking at gravity. It is so interesting. I am now learning about Albert Einstein. Other. -Sports Day – It is really fun. If I could be in grade four I would do Sports Day again. From Charlie

Letters to new students.pdf

we have read are the Wayside series and The One and Only Ivan. Wayside is a. story about a really quirky school and their students. The One and Only Ivan is.

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