PASTORAL REFLECTIONS Dr. Leslie Hollon, Senior Pastor

Buckner, Trinity & San Antonio Buckner Fanning was a giant in our midst. He and Trinity grew alongside each other. As our beloved pastor for 42 years, we are indelibly influenced by his engaging leadership. Our love and prayers are with Martha, Steve, Mike, Lisa, and all the family. We loved Buckner, and we are forever grateful by how God touched our lives through his ministry. Our sadness in his passing is surpassed by our gratitude for his influences. And we know he has now entered the eternal promises of heaven.

as he helped to shape my understanding of faith and ministry. Subsequently, when I learned big words that go with urban & global missions, I would think of Trinity as my example.

Buckner helped us to put the loving arms of Christ around San Antonio. His impact was huge, including on me. I remember meeting him as a boy in Trinity's sanctuary. Jackie Robinson, a mutual friend of Buckner's and my father's, had preached for the Sunday evening service. While looking up into their faces, I knew God was doing something special with my heart. Later I realized it was God preparing me for the future. As I continued to grow up in Boerne, I felt his influence

During these days, our desire is to honor God by: 1) sharing our loving gratitude for Buckner and his ministry; 2) expressing our love for all of the Fanning family; 3) caring for people in a way that helps all of us to go forward; 4) helping the San Antonio region to connect with the gospel of Christ’s love. Because Christ is Lord of life eternal, we can prayerfully and happily picture God greeting Buckner with, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Seven years ago I was privileged to become Trinity's pastor. During that time Buckner and I formed a uniquely special friendship. I am glad that Trinity continues to build from the best of our past while being innovators in 21st century ministry.

Pastor Les

Ephesians: God’s Pattern for Life God did not make us by using a cookie cutter pattern, we each have our own DNA. However, we do share basic characteristics, and there are common ways for us to grow. One of these ways is through shared Bible study. On Wednesday evenings during Faith Family Night Pastor Les will continue to lead a Bible study from the book of Ephesians. Bring your questions, your Bible, and together we will grow in understanding of how to apply these teachings to our everyday lives.

March 2

"Imitating God" Ephesians 5:1-20

March 9 (Debbie Potter teaching)

"Putting On The Full Armor Of God" Ephesians 6:10-24


March 16 (Spring Break, no session) March 23

"Living As A 21st Century Family, Graciously Submitting" Ephesians 5:21-6:9

March 30

"A Report From Israel & Jordan" (30 of us will have returned from our March 8-19 trip to the Holy Land)

Life is about love, and love is about relationships. To grasp love we must be grasped by love. God loves us and when we decide to trust in and receive that love, that is when we have the resource to truly learn how to love. Love is understood by experience. For love to become real to us we need to feel it, to hear it, to see it, to speak it, to think it, and to enact it. To receive, give, and even teach love, we need God's perfect love as part of the give-and-take of human love. This gives us the clarity to apply love in new and deeper ways. We need to be participants and not mere spectators in this process. For

March 6

Love’s Power to Break & Heal Your Heart: Thomas’ Story Selections from John 11:13-16; 14:5-6; 20:24-29

March 13

Christopher Mack will be preaching for both services. Extravagant LOVE: Offering Jesus Our Whole Selves John 12:1-12

love to become real to others it must be shared, acted upon, spoken and given. Of the four types of love spoken of during Jesus' Day, He consistently focused on the most powerful form of love agape. As we head towards Easter (March 27) we will let Jesus show us how this love can transform our lives from the inside out and how this love can shape our family, our work, our personal lives and those around us. Our key passages will come from John's Gospel. Think John 3:16.

March 20

Palm Sunday • 10:30 am Joint Worship Service Christopher Mack & I are co-preaching. “Sir, We Wish to See Jesus. NOW” John 12:12-26

March 27

Easter Sunday RISEN: Trusting What You See in Christ John 20:1-2, 11-18

Leena Lavanya is a remarkable leader from India. The Baptist World Alliance calls her the Mother Teresa among Baptists. She will share during both of next Sunday's worship services. At noon you are also invited to join her for a Q&A in the Creative Life Center's Grand Room. A light lunch will be served. "What is the best way to minister to millennials? What can parents/grand parents do encourage their young adults to move closer to God? The Micah 6:8 conference is the ANSWER! Jen Hatmaker and the workshops target issues close to the hearts of the next generation. Buy tickets to sponsor them to come to attend this event. This is your opportunity to help them move closer to God! This can be a life-changer!" Gus Reyes, a friend, and Executive Director of the Christian Life Commission

Know that I will be praying for you while I am in the Holy Land from March 8-19. Email or write me if you have particular prayer requests. Shalom.

Pastor Les


Words of Wisdom Donn Wisdom, Minister of Music and Worship Arts

Sandi Patty Farewell Concert February 12, 2016

The sanctuary was filled with the music and message of this marvelous artist and her family of back-up singers and band plus the stirring music of Veritas.

Georgia Festival Chorus Concert Wednesday, April 13

As a part of their 2016 Lone Star Tour visiting Dallas, Waco, Austin and San Antonio, this 100-member auditioned community chorus from Cobb County, GA (metro Atlanta) has been in existence since 1987 under the direction of Frank Boggs, Baylor graduate and first recording artist with Word Records. Their concert will be at 7pm in the sanctuary.

Fiesta Sunday, April 17 Come celebrate Fiesta Sunday with us! Dress for Fiesta with bright colors and come enjoy music from our special musical guests, Mariachi Agape, during Sanctuary worship.


Holy Week Worship 2016


Do Justice

Matthew Dillingham, Church Administrator Trinity Baptist Church is known throughout the community and the state for offering informative and relevant conferences and seminars with the goal of educating and discipling people. These opportunities allow participants to develop their relationship with God as well as with others. This trend continues with the Micah 6:8 Conference that will happen at the end of this month, March 31-April 1 (see page 15 for more information). Trinity has partnered with the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ Christian Life Commission in bringing this conference to San Antonio, and we are excited about what this conference will mean, not only to our church community, but also to San Antonio and Texas. This significant event is focused on Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” According to J.M.P. Smith, this verse is the, “finest summary of the content of practical religion to be found in the Old Testament.” Von Rad calls this verse, “the quintessence of the commandments as the prophets understood them.” This is a conference of transformation both in our own lives and in our community. So why would the Church Administrator write about this? Well, one reason we are continually upgrading the facilities is to be able to host conferences like this. To have a place that is safe and comfortable where people can come and focus and spend time with other believers. It could even be argued that keeping up the facility and having the finances to do so is a ministry in itself, which is one reason why we have a Facilities and Finance team.


Another reason is that I believe that what Micah wrote nearly 3,000 years ago is just as relevant today as it was then. To do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our LORD still summarizes what it really means to follow God. A point in fact, and one area that will be highlighted in the conference, is human trafficking, which is when someone is taken from their family and community and transported to another city under the false pretenses of a better life. These victims, many of whom are children, are forced to work against their will, with no hope or ability to return home. Houston is one of the major hubs of human trafficking in the world and I-10, which runs through our city, is one of the main thoroughfares of human trafficking in the country. Over 20% of people who are trafficked in the United States have been transported down I-10. Unfortunately the numbers of victims are not decreasing, which is why conferences such as the Micah 6:8 conference are so important. Conferences like this can make us aware of what is happening around us daily and can prepare us to do the work of the Kingdom of God. This conference will not return the 27 million slaves ( home, but it is a step in the right direction to make all of us aware that we have a role in the kingdom of God to do justice in our context and to follow what was written in Deuteronomy 10: 12-13, which many believe inspired Micah:

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?”

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Too Much Lent - "when many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection." When I thought about what I might give up in order to observe Lent, it was daunting at first because as a human, it is hard at times to deny ourselves. However, as I studied about God’s people building His tabernacle, I looked at Lent a little differently. In Exodus, God offered the Israelites the opportunity to provide workers and offerings in order to build the tabernacle for His Holy presence to be near them. God’s people responded, and God finally had to tell them to stop because the people responded with TOO MUCH! There was no further need. It reminded me that our Church is where we come to worship God, to be nearer to God, and fellowship with our fellow Christians; however, more than anything we are called to serve God as part of a Christian community (AKA the Church). We are called to go out and show the love of God to our neighbors and our community so that “none will perish”. I believe Trinity is a missional church. I also believe Trinity does a great job. However, when was the last time the church had “too much” and had to tell the congregation to stop giving? The answer, sadly, is never. However, we still make a difference because God always provides and is always faithful just as He was in the desert with the Israelites by providing them with manna every morning.

I believe God looks at the giving of our time, money, or self as a heart matter not an obedience matter. I don’t believe God wants us to give out of obedience; I think he wants us to give from our hearts. As Christians, should we not give just for the sheer joy of it, not expecting anything in return? Giving of our time, money, or self is like placing an offering on the altar of the tabernacle as the Israelites did. We need to give because we love God and want to do the works that He has called all of us to do. So, this Lent I encourage each of you to give up a few worldly things in order to give more JOYFULLY. I want to one day hear someone say “STOP, we have TOO MUCH, and there is no further need.” Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow Him, but we can only do that through sacrifice and self-denial. After all, God sacrificed His Only Son for us. I love this statement from Beth Moore, “How often we expect big things from God without preparing for big things from Him.” Let’s start preparing for big things from Him. Let’s be ready to give JOYFULLY and have TOO MUCH. I can only imagine what God would do through the church with TOO MUCH. If nothing else, we could always start by giving away a smile. Rhonda Jones

Friday, April 8th, 2016 on the Mulberry Campus Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from professionals with the Baptist Foundation of Texas about the essentials of planning your estate.


Debbie Potter, Minister of Children

Summer is Coming Up Summer will be here soon, and it is nice for kids to have a small break from their usual routine. It is also a great time for them to participate in some events here at the church. During the summer months the children’s ministry offers opportunities for children to grow deeper in their spiritual faith. I have grown kids come up to me all the time, and what they reflect on the most about their time as children at TBC is the summer camps and Vacation Bible school. These are unique ways, developed on child appropriate levels, for children to build relationships with other children and adults and to have an intense time period to learn more about the Bible and how to apply it to their lives. On March 13 we will begin letting kids register for our various camps and events. There will be brochures in the children’s ministry area and online. You can save these dates on your summer calendar and register as soon as possible as we do have limited spaces for most of these events. Preteen camp is June 6-9, for children who have completed 4-6th grades. It is an overnight camp at Mo Ranch.

Cow-Abunga Camp is also July 11-14 and is for children 2 years of age – Pre-Kinder. We will end the summer with Vacation Bible School. July 25-29. Our theme is Ocean Commotion, and we will be diving into Noah’s Flood. Vacation Bible School has been around for a long time, but it continues to be a great way to teach children about different people in the Bible and give them an opportunity to build on their relationship with Christ or accept Him for the first time. VBS is a bit different from our other camps, as it is volunteer driven. We offer it free for everyone. To make this a success, we will need a number of volunteers to help us this year. This is a great way for us to reach out to the children in San Antonio and our local community. Last year we had 200 children, Praise God. Some of the ways we could use your help are listed below. Please consider helping us reach our community this year through VBS. We need:

Art Camp is June 27-30 and is for children 2 years of age through 6th grade.

Grade level Directors for all ages Art/Craft Leader Snack Helpers Registration Leaders Greeters

Upward Basketball camp is July 11-14, for children who have completed Kinder through 6th grade.

If you would be interested in helping with any of these roles please, contact me at 738-7764.

March Memory Verse:


“In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” John 16:33

Art and Chapel are such fun for the little ones in PDO. They are allowed to express themselves in song and in the art projects they do each and every week. PDO continues to grow. We, as teachers and leaders, strengthen the bonds between us, the children and their families each day we are here. We are truly blessed to be a part of these little ones’ lives, never realizing the possible eternal impact we make on them. Please continue to pray for the PDO program and pray for us as leaders and teachers that we will exhibit God’s love to the little ones and the families we minister to. Blessings, Kay Polanco, PDO Director P.S. PDO is looking for a couple of substitute teachers to work once in a while on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyone interested please call Kay at 210-738-7753 or email at [email protected]

Volunteer Spotlight The Children’s Ministry would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of our volunteers and Sunday School classes who have graciously given up time on their Saturday mornings to help out during Upward, whether it was to serve as a referee, scorekeeper, or work in the concession stand. • Gary Patterson

• Joe Gaydos

• Annie Webb

• Robert Potter

• Sid Lawrence

• That Class

• Brooklyn Purcell

• Friendship Class

• Jeanette Lawrence

• Crossings Team

• John Hale

• LAAMPS class • Kay Polanco • Jim Adams

And also a shout out to our mascot, the Upward Fox!


STUDENT MINISTRY Dara Ake, Minister of Students

Disciple Now We are so grateful for everyone that made Disciple Now a great experience for our students. Thank you to our host home families for welcoming our students in their homes. Thank you to our small group leaders that spent their weekend in San Antonio speaking words of truth. We love each and everyone of you! __________________________________



Save the Date For Our 2nd Annual Camp Trinity! April 30th, 2016 10 am - 3 pm Landa Park, New Braunfels There will be food, fun, and recreation for all ages. Watch for more information!

WHAT IS SUMMER SUPPER CLUB? We are a large and busy church and one of our joys and challenges is that there is always someone new to meet. Summer Supper Club is a short-term opportunity to enjoy dinner, brunch, or lunch with a group of 8-10 TBC men and women of all ages. The same group members will have the opportunity to meet in a relaxed setting 2-3 times during the summer of 2016.

It will be the group members’ choice whether to have a potluck meal at a host’s home or to eat out. This will be a great opportunity to make friends with other wonderful people outside of your usual social circle.

Who can participate?

All adults who attend Trinity Baptist Church (members and visitors) are invited to participate!

When is Supper Club? June – August 2016

How do I sign up?

Visit and fill out the online form or call 733-6201.

When is the deadline for signing up? April 25, 2016

NOTE: Shortly after the April 25 deadline, you will receive an email introducing your Supper Club members.


The Walking Dead Christopher Mack, Minister of Young Adults

One of the most highly watched television shows is AMC’s The Walking Dead. In many ways it is your typical zombie story – apocalyptic guts-and-gore and lots of action set in a dystopian wasteland. A novelty of this particular zombie narrative is that everyone already has the zombie virus in their blood. In other words, regardless of whether you are bitten by a zombie or not, when you die, you reanimate as a zombie. Which leads to an interesting question… Just who are the walking dead? Does this title signify the reanimated corpses mindlessly and savagely roaming the earth? Or does it signify the humans living in a lawless land who increasingly only look out for their own self-interest and savagely turn on others if it ensures their safety? While The Walking Dead is clearly not written from a Christian perspective, it serves as a powerful apologetic in our culture. It demonstrates clearly how so much of our morality, compassion, and charity toward others is held together by a thin veneer of social penalties and rewards. Much of how we act is a result of surface-level expectations, and once society begins to unravel most of us reveal our more selfish and broken selves. When there are no more carrots to reward us or sticks to punish us… who are we, really? If we are honest with ourselves, then most of us can acknowledge we are the walking dead. The bible calls this Sin. Sin ravages us. Sin festers in us. Sin exploits our insecurity, fear, and anger until we


behave in vindictive, violent, and resentful ways. “For the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23 unflinchingly declares. And the implication is clear. No reward or punishment system is ultimately sufficient to transform the death sin brings. We may act alive, but we all suffer the torments of our broken selves. Fortunately, Romans 6:23 continues… “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The 40 days before Resurrection Sunday invite us to take inventory of all the ways we are playing games on the surface of our lives, rather than living from the center and Source of our lives in Jesus Christ. Some of us are obviously wasting away in sin’s grip as addictions and deception unravel us. Many more of us are walking around in apparent health while the disease corrupts us from the inside. The remedy is the same for us all. Surrender. The Dead are not reformed. We are resurrected. Nothing to earn. Nothing to prove. No identity to develop. Simply eternal life to receive. If you’ve been around church for awhile, then you likely have begun this living relationship with Jesus the Christ. You’ve asked him to forgive your sins, come into your life, and lead you. Yet many of us still live lives of outward goodness, while inwardly we struggle with our lack of internal transformation. These days before Easter are when the church corporately hears afresh Jesus’ call to “deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow.” Jesus calls out to all that is dead within you, to bring resurrection and life.


Why Our Church Should Have a Ministry to Widows

Vicki Hollon, Minister of Older Adults

“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) Currently on Thomas S. Rainer’s blog is a post entitled, “Seven Reasons Why Your Church Should Have a Ministry to Widows”. In this brief article Rainer makes the point that in spite of the fact that scripture is clear that we are to care for orphans and widows, and the fact that “churches around the world have taken some steps to care for the orphans”, in North American churches there are very little “intentional church-wide ministries to widows.” This lack of care is not due to a shortage of need. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 700,000 women are widowed each year and the Social Security Administration reports that “the poverty rate among widows is three to four times higher than elderly married women.” The non-profit organization Widow’s Hope goes on to explain that, “upon the death of a spouse, a widow loses 75% of her support base.” Widow’s Hope is one of several organizations seeking to help meet the needs of widows in an online format.

There are numerous passages in the Bible dealing with widows, and it is clear that early in Christianity, God had a special concern for widows, orphans, and others in difficult circumstances. The same is true today! So why does there seem to be a disconnect in so many Christian congregations between something so clearly tied to God’s will and the lack of ministries to widows? One answer would be that not all widows are in need of help. In 1 Timothy 5 there is a clear distinction made between: 1) an older widow in need, 2) a younger widow who ideally can remarry, 3) a widow who has family that can and should care for her, and 4) a widow who is only living to serve herself and not God. Our responsibility is to care for that first group of widows: those in need. I hope you will join me in praying that we, as a church, do this well. Pray that we will be aware of the needs. I hope you will consider joining me in finding new ways to give care. This year I am going to initiate a new online support and study group for widows. If you would consider participating and would like more information, please email me: [email protected] In His Love, Vicki


Older Adult Retreat At Camp Tejas (near Giddings, TX) April 4-6, 2016

Join us for 48 hours of inspiration, recreation, and relaxation. This will be a wonderful opportunity to deepen your relationships with God and with others. COST: $240 per person. (This includes 2 nights’ lodging, 5 meals, conference facilities and a beautiful get-away location.)

To reserve your place, sign up in the CLC office or call: 738-7740 and leave your $50 deposit. Deadline to sign-up is March 15.


Trip to the Holy Land On Tuesday, March 8, 27 members and friends of Trinity Baptist Church depart for Tel Aviv, Israel with Pastor Les and Vicki serving as hosts of the group. We ask for your prayers as we travel, and we commit to pray for our Trinity faith family. We will pray: • From the coastal city ruins of Caesarea, to Mount Carmel and the panoramic view of the Jezreel Valley. • From the ruins of Megiddo; to Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee. • From Nazareth, to Bet She’an (Israel’s largest active archaeological dig site and see the 2nd century Roman theater). • From a baptismal site on the Jordan River, where several in our group plan to be baptized, to the Mount of Beatitudes and then Mount Hermon and Caesarea Phillippi, where Jesus said, “I will build my church…” • From the ruins of ancient Capernaum where the greater part of Jesus’ ministry of teaching and healing took place to Peter’s house and then Tabgha, the traditional site of the feeding of loaves and fishes. • From the Kibbutz Ginosar where we can view the 1st-century “Jesus Boat” to our boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. • From Jerash, a city of the Decapolis, to Mount Nebo, where Moses viewed the Promised Land (a “Land of Milk and Honey”). • From the city of Petra, Jordan with its rose-colored temples and amphitheaters carved out of the rock of the cliffs to the spectacular canyons in the area of Moab to the modern city of Amman. • From Bethany and its excavated baptismal site near where John the Baptist lived, to Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. • From the World Heritage site of Masada (which we will ascend by cable car) to the Dead Sea and then the New Testament Jericho.

• From the Mount of Temptation to Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, and Mount Zion, to the traditional Room of the Last Supper. • From Bethlehem to the Church of the Nativity and the Field of Shepherds. • From the Shrine of the Book, which houses the original Dead Sea Scrolls, to the excavated Pools of Bethesda, down the path of the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Temple area, and the Western Wall. • From Caiaphas’ palace, the Church of St. Peter, to Yad Vashem (museum of the Holocaust), to the Garden Tomb. Again, we will count on your prayers. Those going include: Raynee Arabit, Tamera Baker, C.C. Bell, Riza Bell, Micky Daniels, Wayne Daniels, Una Englehart, Vicki Hollon, Les Hollon, Cyndie Jones, Jack Jones, Sid Lawrence, Jeannette Lawrence, Tammy Johnson, Cindy Levy, Gaye Litton, Gary Martin, Janet Martin, Ginger Nicholas, Larry Nicholas, Jill Parker, Shirley Parma, George Parma, Tonya Penfield, Billie Seale, Jim Skokan, and Nancy Skokan. We are scheduled to return on Saturday, March 19, in time to celebrate Palm Sunday with our combined Trinity faith family. We hope you will join us on Wednesday evening, March 30, 6-7 pm in the Mulberry Dining Room as we share a report on our trip.


From the Missions Ministry The following was written by Gabby Berry, one of the six teenage girls that went on a mission trip with our group two years ago. I asked her to put down her thoughts on what the trip meant to her. We will be preparing for an upcoming Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic, June 11th-18th. I pray that God will move among this group as He did in Gabby’s heart. Andrea Schaper Nearly two years ago, the Lord asked to use my heart for an idea He had that had long been written into the story of the world. So, as I, along with a lion-hearted group of individuals, traced the tug of our heart strings all the way to Gulu, Uganda, our eyes widened, and our hearts opened. We were frightened and willing and, along the way, we learned that willing is all The Lord asked us to be. After months of preparing, praying, and planning (and convincing my mother that this was still a good idea), we landed in Entebbe. Africa shook me to the core, as I believed it would. It gave me sunburn, sore muscles, and a thankful spirit, as I believed it would. I believed from the start that Africa would leave an impression on my skin. In the perpetual heat and the heart of Uganda, more


happened in the core of my being than I ever believed could. I learned about the heart of Jesus from a small, dark, barefoot child, as I walked along the red dirt roads holding her in my arms –  an everlasting reminder of the Well that never will run dry. Clean water pierced the skin of Ugandan children, and they danced in it and ran from it, and we were all better for it. I beg you to respond to the Great Commission, whether it be in a small country in the Eastern tip of Africa or the neighborhood you live in today!!

Jamie Mansell had known her future husband, Floyd Webb, for one month when he proposed in a most unconventional way. He and Jamie were talking to a friend who owned a jewelry store in Jamie’s hometown. The friend was considering opening a store in another town and wanted Jamie to work in that store. Upon hearing that offer, Floyd made a counter offer. He said, “She is not going to work for you. I bet you $100 she is going to marry me.” He won the bet, and they enjoyed 28 plus years of a beautiful marriage. Jamie was born in O’Donnell TX, a small town south of Lubbock. Jamie was one of six girls and five boys, all of whom worked with their parents, farming and raising cattle. Jamie started school in O’Donnell where one of her classmates was Dan Blocker who would later become Hoss Cartwright on the TV series Bonanza. His family owned a grocery store, and, although it has been closed for many years, tourists still visit and take pictures in front of the building. Jamie says Dan did not forget his town after he became famous and returned for different events through the years. The Great Depression of the 30’s made it difficult for Jamie’s family to earn a living farming and ranching, and, at the beginning of WWII, Jamie’s Dad sold the property and moved the family to Belen, NM where he went to work on the railroad. Jamie worked in a restaurant after school to help provide for the family. After graduating from Belen High School, Jamie was looking for a better job but found a husband instead. Floyd was home on leave when Jamie started dating him. He had returned on reenlistment leave at the time he made his unusual marriage proposal. Jamie accompanied Floyd to assignments in Arkansas, Virginia and San Antonio. When he received a temporary assignment to Alaska, Jamie went back to New Mexico because she was expecting their first child. En route to Alaska, Floyd was hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer that resulted in a medical discharge from the service. Upon their return to New Mexico, Floyd accepted a job with General Electric, and the family moved to Colorado. He retired after 28 years, and he and Jamie moved to San Antonio.

Jamie has been active at Trinity in many capacities. She worked as the church receptionist for 27 years. She also sang with the Joy Choir and enjoyed their travels from Branson, MO to England. Although never taking formal lessons, Jamie learned to play the piano from monitoring her daughter’s lessons and enjoyed playing for various Sunday School classes. Additionally, in a church volunteer position, Jamie assisted brides with all the arrangements for their weddings, from the rehearsal dinner to the ceremony. Jamie and Floyd had two children, Brenda and Patrick. Brenda and her husband, Tommy Wideman, are church musicians in New Braunfels, and Patrick is a minister in Grand Prairie. Several years after Floyd’s death, Jamie married Delbert Mansell who owned a ranch south of San Antonio. After three short years of marriage, Delbert passed away and Jamie moved back to her home in San Antonio. Jamie continues her service in the church and community as an active member of Sew and Sew. This group of ladies meets each Monday to make pillows and blankets for the children in Child Protective Services. Jamie lives her life in the truth of her favorite Bible verse: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths. - Proverbs 3:6 KJV



What is it? A collaborative prayer effort of many churches and many believers to pray for every household in the state – by name. Imagine it. What might God do? What divine appointments might be kept? How might neighborhoods be changed? How many broken relationships could be restored? Would we experience a miraculous disciple-making explosion?

Trinity will begin as a church body on March 1 to pray for our neighbors. 35 of our TBC members have already signed up and begun to pray, which translates into 2700 adopted neighbor homes. How exciting that all over our area individuals and families are being lifted in prayer each day! Just think what it will mean to have our entire church praying!

Why pray for neighbors? In a typical community with

As you receive your 5 names each day you may pray at home or you may walk in your neighborhood to pray. There is something very personal about walking and now knowing the names of 100 people on your walking route. It is not important to know what the needs in each home are, because God knows. It is important to lift each name to Him. You will also receive Prayer Prompts each day which will help guide your prayers. One of the recent prompts was the following: “Everlasting God, the Great I AM, by your power transform the life of my neighbor for their benefit and Your Glory!” As we pray for our neighbors we can expect God to transform us as well. When we have prayed for all 100 homes in our neighborhood, we will begin again. If you have not signed up, you are encouraged to do so. Be ready to pray for every home beginning March 1.

100 average neighbors – here’s the reality:

7 struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide, 7 more abuse or are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 14 are crippled with fear and anxiety and 60 don’t profess to know Jesus Christ as Savior. Only salvation through Jesus Christ transforms – an individual, a family, a community, our culture. Prayer is the first step of evangelism!

How Do I Get Involved? It’s simple!

• Sign up online as a Praying Neighbor – • Your Neighbor List is immediately displayed • Pray for 5 neighbors a day, using the daily prayer prompt

“Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands” Matthew 22:36-40.

Interested in getting to know other women at Trinity Baptist Church in a casual dinner setting? The next “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event is coming up the week of April 4th! Sign up for one night (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) during that week that you are available to go to someone’s home for dinner. You’ll be assigned to a member’s home with 6-10 other guests and asked to bring a dish to share…but only the hostess will know who else will be there! It’s a great opportunity to meet ladies and make new friends among the Trinity family. Sign up during March to be a guest and/or hostess at the Welcome Center in Fanning Foyer, in Sunday Schools, on Wednesday evenings, and at the website at (The last day to sign up for this “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event will be Sunday, March 27th.) For more information, contact: Barbara Bach at 492-1874 or Phyllis Patterson at 490-128


Welcome Our New Members!

Kendra L Combs by Statement

Roberta Delgado by Statement

Bonnie M Lambkin by Letter

Rachel Sanchez by Statement

Ashley Gelson by Statement

Taylor and Aaron Smith by Letter

Javier and Carolina Vargas by Statement


Trinity Baptist Church Directory Photos The new TBC Directory will not be the same without you! Therefore, March 8-10 have been added for photoshoots. To schedule your appointment, call Pam at 210-733-6201 or go to If you or someone you know is homebound or are Military and cannot come in for a picture, you/they may submit a picture to Cheryl Reyes, Trinity Baptist Church, 319 E Mulberry Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212 or email [email protected]. (Please be sure to include your name and contact information.) __________________________________



5 ............................... 6 ............................... 8-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-April 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DOC Training (Deacons) Leena Lavanya Shares in Worship Trip to the Holy Land, page 14 Spring Into Action Student Event, page 9 Palm Sunday Combined Worship, page 4 Easter Eggstravaganza, page 4 Maundy Thursday Worship, page 4 Good Friday Worship, page 4 Easter Sunday, page 4 Hosting state-wide Micah 6:8 Conference, page 15



Dear Trinity Family and Friends, Thank you for your flowers, cards, emails, phone calls, prayer grams, prayers, memorial gifts, and many expressions of love and support. We appreciate those of you who were able to attend the memorial service for Damian. We sensed your loving arms around us.

Rachel Young (mom), Twylah Young (grandma), and family of Damian


Wi� D�pest Sympa�y Martha Fanning & Family on the death of her husband, Dr. Buckner Fanning Janet James & Family on the death of her son, Jack Scott Hughey Hancock & Family on the death of his brother Friends & Family of Dr. Bill Roof


Deacon Officers: Dianna Crocker, Chair | Dave Ballard, Vice-Chair | Dick Foster, Secretary Trustees: Lane Mitchell, Chair | Wayne Grant, Vice Chair | Jill Parker, Secretary | John Purcell | Andrea Schaper Ginger Nicholas | Denise Bruchmiller | Jerry Carnahan | Randy Fields | Joe Gaydos | Sandra Martin


From the Prayer Ministry by Pat Coventry, Prayer Ministry Coordinator

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me.” (Psalm 51:10) Henri Nouwen says, “The Holy Spirit of God is given to us so that we can become participants in God’s compassion and so reach out to all people at all times with God’s heart.” May we pray each day for hearts and minds to be open to receive Jesus as we prepare for Holy Week. May we spend time each day with our Lord listening for His voice in the quiet. May our prayer be to “be still and know that I am God.” Pray for the church-wide initiative Pray4EveryHome. May we each sign up and pray for our neighbors each day by name, beginning March 1. Pray as a church family we will commit to 5 names each day for 20 days and watch expectantly for what God will do. Pray God will open hearts and form relationships. Pray for God to transform hearts and lives through our prayers. (Acts 16:31) Pray for Deacon On Call Training on March 5. Pray Deacons will be ready and eager to give time for training to serve in this vital ministry. Pray for good response and helpful training. (1 Timothy 3:13) Pray for Bountiful Blessings Ministry on March 12 from 8:00 – Noon. Pray those who are recipients see Jesus in those serving. Pray lives are impacted for good and our Lord is honored. (Mark 8:6)

Pray for the continuing Bible studies led by Pastor Les during the week and pray for the many small group studies. Pray for eager students and for extended preparation time for each leader. Pray for changed lives who put into practice what they have learned. (Psalm 119:2) Pray for Palm Sunday service on March 20. It will be a combined worship at 10:30 in the Sanctuary. It will be followed by a children’s eggstravaganza at 11:30. Pray for full participation by all. Pray there will be many guests and enthusiastic response. (Mark 11:8-10) Pray for the Interfaith Service scheduled for March 22. Pray this will be an outreach to all faiths and participation will be good. (Isaiah 56:7) Pray for the Maundy Thursday Communion Worship on March 24. It will be at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary, Song of the Shadows. Invite friends and commit to attending. (Mark 14:22-24) Pray for Good Friday Worship at Noon in the TriPoint Grantham Gathering Center on March 25. Pray this will be a meaningful time of worship and many from the community will attend. (Mark 15:33) Pray for Easter Worship and Bible Study on March 27. Pray for excellent attendance and many visitors. Pray that God will be glorified in every area. May it be a celebration of the Lord’s resurrection for everyone attending. (Matthew 28:9-10)

If you would like information about how you can serve in the Prayer Ministry, please contact Pat Coventry at [email protected]. You will receive a blessing.

Our Pastoral Staff:

D. Leslie Hollon, Ph.D., Senior Pastor Donn Wisdom, Minister of Music & Worship Arts

Debbie Potter, Ph.D., Minister of Children Dara Ake, Minister of Students

Christopher Mack, Minister of Young Adults Vicki Hollon, D.Min., Minister of Older Adults

Trinity Baptist Church | 319 E Mulberry, San Antonio, TX 78212 | | (210) 733-6201

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