Case Study /

MAXINUTRITION Cross-channel digital strategy, website and app development MaxiNutrition is a leading sports supplement company. Dedicated to enhancing their customer experience, Maxi consulted Cyber-Duck about their crosschannel digital strategy. We transformed their existing online shop into a highperformance responsive experience, supported by a tailored mobile app. Mobile conversions rose by 79%.



Leading the UK and European market, Maxi

We conducted research into user needs by

Responsive shopping experience

aimed to provide a powerful customer

interviewing users and stakeholders: defining

experience. We transformed their existing

the personas that informed design decisions.

We worked closely with the in-house Maxi

online shop into a high-performance responsive experience tailored for mobile / tablet. A mobile app was developed to promote and sell

shop into a mobile-friendly experience. This Scan-and-shop mobile app

products on iOS & Android operating systems.

We wrote ‘user stories’ to define customer

Finally, we redesigned and established a content

requirements for the app logic and interface.

strategy for their corporate web presence.

These informed the overall structure, hierarchy and user journey. Sketching workshops

Our objectives were: __Increase MaxiNutrition sales conversions on mobile and tablet devices. __Add a native application touchpoint to MaxiNutrition’s cross-channel marketing campaign. __Allow users to purchase products by scanning the relevant barcodes from physical posters. __Develop a robust content strategy that

developed our ideas further. Building in more fidelity, we produced semi-functional

involved designing and developing responsive interfaces that could be retrofitted with the existing website and back-end. We conducted a number of workshops with Maxi’s developers to guide their implementation. The result was a slick, device agnostic responsive experience across any screen size.

prototypes with a polished art direction. Redesigning MaxiNutrition Following this, we developed the application

Finally, we helped MaxiNutrition to redesign

natively for Apple iOS and Google Android

their corporate web presence. Our team

platforms. We implemented a flawless

conducted card-sorting sessions with

barcode-scanning functionality and custom

stakeholders and real users alike, reorganising

payment mechanism, linking to a third party

their previous unwieldy information

gateway. So, users could find, review and buy

architecture into a logical structure.

products through a seamless app experience.

would enable Maxi to further cement their

Testing ensured a smooth experience, from

position as a leader in the sports nutrition

scan to online purchase.


integration team to transform their online

79% increase


in smartphone and

of traffic via mobile

tablet conversions


OUTCOMES We overcame a key challenge: ensuring

The results of our responsive retrofit for Maxi’s

the architecture was flexible enough to

online shop were nothing short of astonishing.

grow, as MaxiNutrition implemented the

Following launch, visitors from mobile and

new content strategy. This included a more

tablet devices increased significantly: taking

editorial approach to content, such as writing

almost a 50% share of total traffic. What’s

comprehensive expert pieces with tips and

more, conversions on these devices increased

techniques for training, nutrition and weight

by a massive 79% following launch. Overall,


this demonstrates the crucial role of responsive design for ecommerce strategies.

Developing interface prototypes We prototyped responsive interfaces that could satisfy users of varying knowledge levels. They would display articles, videos and ultimately products to help achieve fitness goals: aiming to increase strength or improve lean definition. Work was validated by guerrillastyle usability testing in the field, visiting local gyms to speak with users of different abilities.

The responsive corporate MaxiNutrition website tied in perfectly with the online shop, as well as Maxi’s wider cross-channel marketing

“Cyber-Duck’s user focused approach transformed our site’s architecture. They brought all the Maxi brands under one website, and created a user experience which fulfilled all stakeholder objectives.”

campaign: from TV advertisements, to posters in gyms. The new structure and design made it easier for customers to find information

Sam Musk

and products (which linked to the shop) that

Senior Digital Marketing

were tailored to their fitness goals, as well as a

Manager, GSK

satisfying experience.

This helped us fulfil the needs of MaxiNutrition’s customer base. The prototypes were developed into fully art directed frontend templates. We conducted workshops to facilitate integration with their CMS back-end.

CONTACT US PHONE - +44 (0) 208 953 0070 EMAIL - [email protected]

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Elstree House, 12 High Street

85 Cowcross Street,

Elstree, Hertfordshire

Farringdon, London, EC1M 6PF

WD6 3EP, United Kingdom

United Kingdom


the personas that informed design decisions. ... involved designing and developing responsive interfaces that could ... strategy for their corporate web presence.

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