St. Timothy Lutheran Church 473 Seventh Street, Menasha, Wisconsin 54952 (920) 725-2622

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands.

May 2014 Dear friends, Here are a few items on my heart and mind these days: Holy Week at St. Timothy (April 13 - 19) – we began with Palm Sunday (too cold and rainy to begin outside our procession with palms; instead we processed from the fellowship hall). On Maundy Thursday, we gathered together for worship here at St. Timothy. On Good Friday, we worshipped here at St. Timothy with our sisters and brothers in the faith from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Menasha. The worship service featured the choirs from both churches presenting together a beautiful cantata entitled “The Shadow of the Cross.” On Easter Sunday, we gathered together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Our Easter egg hunt was held inside (do you sense a theme here?). Thanks to Dori Smith and her family for their leadership with this. Our Easter breakfast was also well-attended – we were served a delicious breakfast by our Confirmation students and families. Thanks to Steve Bergner and Stephanie Jacobs for their leadership with this. Happy Easter (April 20 – June 7)! Now you might be thinking – that greeting was appropriate 2 weeks ago, but not now. After all, your recollection of Easter might even seem somewhat distant – even with 350 people here at worship, all the smiles and beaming faces, the great spirit of life and joy that spiced up the goings-on here at St. Timothy. You might still say, “That was past, now we’re looking forward to the summer.” We can look forward to summer, but at the same time remember that we’re in the midst of the season of Easter – 50 days in all. Easter precedes Pentecost (June 8). Pentecost is the birthday of the Church and is the 3rd great festival day of the Church (guess what the other two are?). During the season of Easter, we remember how the risen Jesus taught his disciples about his promises. What a blessed time this must have been for Peter, James, John, Andrew, Thomas, and the rest. But we don’t need to be stuck only in the “what was” of history with the apostles. Our risen Lord stays with us! He comforts us with the Holy Spirit in the ways of love, peace, and encouragement. Martin Luther used to worry about the Sundays following Easter – especially “Low Sunday” (Easter 2) – because so few people showed up for worship. But the message of the gospel throughout the entire Easter season is as joyous as that of Easter day! The risen Christ stays with his people. He has destroyed death’s grip on our lives. We encounter this daily as we see or experience firsthand suffering, pain, and loss. Jesus reminds us – as he did Mary Magdalene on that first Easter – that he has gone on ahead of us to that final future of joy and gladness. This reminder assures us that we can beat death’s grip in life because of Jesus. But how are you to know this if you don’t hear it? How will your family, your friends, your co-workers, and fellow students know this if they don’t hear it? How can we keep from cynicism and doubt is we aren’t fed by this One who is the Bread of Life? Each Sunday and Monday at worship is a “little Easter.” Come and worship! Invite others! See you in church! Pastor David Skarsten Page 1

Parish Registry Baptism + Lily Sue Walsh, daughter of Alex and Kara Walsh, on April 6, 2014.

Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Wedding + Joe DeJardine and Karen Kelley on April 12, 2014. *********************************************** Those celebrating birthdays in May are: Valerie Jacob JoAnne Dietz Tina Dahl Brian Kutchenriter Austin Hildebrand Adam Mentzel Laura Burrows Teresa Buss Janet Larsen Amanda Gawlick Emileigh-Rose Jansen Magdelina Dessart Marcy Bauman Antwan Walker Wendy Halverson Conner Shreve Jenavive Hahnen Jan Lamers Michael Laux Sam Kane Georgia Strasler Adam Mainville Suzanne Tiede Andrew Dedering Scott Helein Jayne Oberstadt Nicholas Landskron

05/01 05/02 05/02 05/02 05/02 05/03 05/05 05/05 05/06 05/06 05/07 05/07 05/08 05/08 05/09 05/09 05/09 05/10 05/10 05/10 05/11 05/11 05/13 05/13 05/14 05/14 05/14

Dana Schmidt Lindsey Schmidt Norbert Holewinski Bob Stanke Judith Wendt Joel Samp Jaime Anderson Jaclyn Anderson Ollie Hoppe Westley Hahnen Frida Sommerfeld John Begolke Brenda Rappert T. J. Lamers Lauren Vande Walle Melissa DeMars Ryan Burrows Kevin Plekan Olivia Krueger Billie Bergstrom Frank Scheatz Richard Brevik Andrew Mentzel Richard Dahms Resa Hooyman Maegan O’Reilly

05/16 05/16 05/17 05/17 05/17 05/18 05/18 05/18 05/21 05/21 05/22 05/22 05/22 05/24 05/24 05/25 05/25 05/27 05/27 05/28 05/28 05/28 05/29 05/30 05/30 05/31

Phone (920) 725-2622 Web Page Your Staff Rev. David Skarsten Pastor Debbie Peterson Administrative Assistant Bob & Jan Fahrbach Terry Weiland Financial Administrators Administrator Mary MaryEllen EllenPomerenke Pomerenke Organist Kevin KevinPlekan Plekan Music MusicDirector Director What’s Inside Church Announcements Church Council Minutes May Calendar March Calendar Pastor’s Message Message Worship Schedules

Website – Most of you know by now that St. Timothy’s has a new website: But did you know that St. Timothy’s has a Facebook page as well? Click on the Facebook icon on our new website and click LIKE to become a friend. We post upcoming events and things that are going on at St. Timothy’s! We can also be found on Facebook – under St. Timothy Lutheran - Menasha. 2014 Flower chart is available in the narthex. If you wish to recognize a special person or event, write your name on the date chosen with an explanation as to what it is. Examples are a birthday, baptism, wedding anniversary, etc. The cost is $30 which you may place in the offering plate marked “altar flowers” or mail your payment to the Church office. Payment should be received in the Church office by the Wednesday before your flowers will be placed on the altar. Thank you! Need a Mother’s Day Present? We have that covered! We’ll be selling roses in the hallway on Sunday, May 11 before and after the 9 a.m. service. All proceeds will go to Feed My Starving Children.

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Thank You! Dear Members of St. Timothy: Blessings to You. I realize this Thank You is late, however, I still wanted to thank you for the Christmas gift. My grand-daughter is writing because it is hard for me to. Lauren Ottow Resident at Oakridge Gardens Thank You! - Easter Breakfast at St. Timothy's is one of God's blessings bringing together youth, families, and friends. This year, food and fellowship were enjoyed by 186 people and $737 was earned by youth for Confirmation camp. Thank you to all St. Timothy members for the generous donations of your time and talent. A special thank you is extended to Steve and Gail Bergner for their superb organizational skills! Thanks Again, Stephanie Jacobs, Confirmation Mentor

Thank You! Dear Friends, Please use the enclosed gift for the Sunday School offerings for the Feed My Starving Children Program. My three beautiful grandchildren, Olivia, Owen, and Natalie Krueger participate in Sunday School at St. Timothy. I am so blessed and very grateful for their health and quality of life and love in which they live. Thank you for St. Timothy’s efforts to help the children who need and deserve so much more. In Light and Love, Deb Walker

Adult Sunday School Join us on Sundays in the lounge at 10:15 a.m. + May 4 - Shaun Swanson is the presenter. + May 11 – “Faith Lessons” Peter Mariahazy is the presenter. + May 18 – Sunday School Teacher Appreciation

High School, College, and Lay School graduate recognition will be held at the 9 a.m. service on Sunday, June 1. If you know of graduates this spring, please call the Church office at 725-2622 or email Debbie at [email protected] with this information so we can recognize them. After lots of hard work, we want to celebrate their achievement! Koffee Klutch – Are you looking for some fellowship this summer? How about some good coffee cake for breakfast? Be on board for our latest fun fellowship...Koffee Klutch! We will be doing this on Sunday, June 8, Sunday, July 13, and Sunday, August 10 in the fellowship hall after the worship service. There will be a sign-up in the narthex for coffee cake donations. Let’s see how many kinds we can try this summer! Year-to-Date Budget Needs through April: Year-to-Date Contributions Received Through April:

$76,816 $82,263

Year-to-date surplus through April - $5447 SCRIP SALES Cards 153 307

Card Value $6,055.00

Card Cost $5,746.77



March Income $308.23 2014 Income $589.39

Great News! Walgreens Gift Cards Now Available. We’ve expanded the Cash and Carry scrip cards to include $25 cards for Walgreens. Keep the scrip program in May Tree: generated May be program designated to help with landscaping at St. Timothy’s. mindGiving as you do yourFunds shopping. Lastin year thewill scrip generated nearlythe$2,400 for St. Tim’s. Stop in the If you wish to make an offering to help our students put their faith in action, please place your donation in an hallway to check out the assortment of cards available for immediate purchase at the scrip table! envelope taken from the Giving Tree located in the narthex and drop it in the offering plate. Thank you! Page 3

The May Giving Tree has been designated to raise funds for landscaping at St Timothy. If you wish to make an offering toward these expenses, please place your donation in an envelope taken from the Giving Tree located in the narthex and drop it in the offering plate. Thank you! Annual Food Drive – This year we’re holding our food drive from June through August. Every donation will help those in need in our community. Each month we are targeting a few items for donation, however any items are welcome! + For June, we’re looking for soup, canned fruit, and canned vegetables. + For July, we’re seeking canned and boxed pasta, and pasta sauces. + For August, we’re looking for peanut butter, jelly, and boxed or bags of cereal. Please place donations on the stage in the fellowship hall. Every can helps those in need! Thanks for your support! The Service Committee Church Wish List is a list of items that are available for purchase with donations. You may donate all or a portion of the cost in honor or in memory of an event or a person or simply make a donation. Memorial funds may also be designated toward wish list items. Use the extra envelopes in the pews and clearly identify what the donation is for. If you have any questions or items to add, please contact a Council member. Item Replace bow window in lounge

Approximate Cost $4,500

Status $1,145 received

Replace clock in Fellowship Hall



Feed My Starving Children and Sunday School Offering - This year’s Sunday school offerings support the Feed My Starving Children program. For approximately 25 cents, a meal is provided to a child in need. We are now at about 87% of our set goal of 1500 meals!! While there are not many weeks left in the Sunday school year, we are confident we will hit our goal if our children’s giving continues. THANK YOU AGAIN TO THE CHILDREN AND PARENTS! We have helped so many children in need. June and July newsletters – For June and July, we’ll have only 1 newsletter. Deadline is Friday, May 23. Please make a note of this so you can have your newsletter articles turned in on time. Spring Flower Fundraiser - We will be selling beautiful flowers for you to enjoy throughout the summer while helping us raise money for Feed My Starving Children. A portion of the sales goes directly to Feed My Starving Children. The Pre-Order due date is Sunday, May 4. Orders and payment will be collected before and after church services by display board. Pre-Order Pick-Up date is Friday, May 16 at St. Timothy’s from 12 (noon) to 2:00 p.m. or Sunday, May 18 from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 -11:00 a.m. (before and after service). We will also have a limited supply of hanging baskets and potted plants available for sale on Sunday, May 18 before/after service. (No Pre-ordering necessary, but may go quickly!) The entire cost of these items will ALL go directly to Feed My Starving Children! Thank you! Please pick up an Order Form in the narthex for complete list of prices and options. All checks should be made payable to: “St. Timothy Lutheran Church.” Flower choices include: 10 Inch Hanging Baskets - Begonia, Fuschia, Ivy Geraniums, Impatients, or New Guinea Impatients), 1 Gallon Pot Kong Coleus or Dahlia, 3½ inch Pot Zonal Geraniums or Gerbera Daisy, Clara’s assorted Basket & Mother’s Day Pots!) Prices range from $4 - $24. Questions please contact Steve Bergner or Jill Carlson (4209520).

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Good Friday Service (April 18) at St. Timothy was co-hosted with Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Menasha. Both choirs (some members are shown in the above photo) presented the cantata “The Shadow of the Cross.” Large Project Update: All the projects the congregation approved last year have now been completed. The projects are the parking lot repair, air conditioning in the sanctuary, kitchen remodel and electrical upgrades. In addition to the planned electrical upgrades, a number of additional electrical upgrades were needed to bring things up to code. Approximately $4,300 remains of the $100,000 borrowed for the projects. The next highest priority item on the large project list is the replacement of windows. Replacement of these windows will allow us to realize significant savings in energy costs. The Council has given approval to use the money remaining to proceed with the replacement of the windows in Pastor’s office, the Council room, the nursery and the lounge. Funds donated via the Wish List and from the sale of the old folding chairs will also be used. If you have any questions, please contact a Council member. Thank you! Summer worship service schedule – remember that the sanctuary is air-conditioned! Sundays throughout the year – 9 a.m. with Holy Communion. Mondays throughout the year – 6:30 p.m. with Holy Communion offered on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays. Monday services continue to be 30 minutes in length and meet in the sanctuary. Make worship a priority for you and your family this summer! Volunteer opportunities 1). Aluminum Cans – Bill Marks has brought our cans to be recycled for many years. Thank you, Bill! Bill and Pat will be moving to the Waupaca area soon. We are looking for someone to continue with this. Bill did this 3 or 4 times a year with proceeds going to the St. Timothy building fund. 2). Sunday Donuts/Kitchen Clean-up – We’re in need of a volunteer(s) to pick-up donuts on Sunday morning before the start of the 9 a.m. service. This person would also be responsible for cleaning up the kitchen (empty coffeepots, wipe off tables, etc.) on the Sunday they’re scheduled. This is usually done on once a month basis. If you are interested in #1 or #2, please contact Debbie in the Church office at 725-2622 or [email protected]. 3.) Sunday Counters - Would you be willing to spend one hour every eight weeks counting the offering? The counting is done immediately after the 9:00 a.m. service. We are trying to have 6-8 people in each counting group to allow for absences. Won’t you please give some thought to helping out? It’s easy and a great opportunity for fellowship. If you are interested, please call Sherry Kutchenriter at 727-4785. Thanks! Page 5

Come One, Come All ....The Joyful Noise Choir “end- of-the-year” get-together will be at Michael’s in Menasha on Wednesday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. We will be having pizza and then do some karaoke. Don’t forget to bring your significant other along as well. This is a great time for one and all! See you there! Kevin Plekan Rummage and Bake Sale at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1140 Tullar Road, Neenah on Thursday, May 8 from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Friday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with discounted prices on Friday. Proceeds benefit Quilting Outreach projects, Youth Ministry, and Capitol Improvements.

St. Timothy Lutheran Church Council Meeting, March 18, 2014 Present: Steve Bergner, Jeff Montour, Jayne Oberstadt, Ann Powell, Pastor Skarsten, Sherry Kutchenriter, Stephanie Jacobs, Arnie Jones, Bob Pawelkiewicz, Mary Rabideau Absent: Len Dessart, Ollie Hoppe, Kris Stahl Meeting called to order at 6 p.m. by Steve Bergner. Devotions shared by Steve Bergner. Last Month’s Minutes: M/S/C Stephanie Jacobs/Mary Rabideau to approve the minutes for February 18, 2014 with suggested changes. All voting aye. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Montour reviewed the February 2014 Treasurer’s budget report which reflects budgeted line items only. M/S/C Stephanie Jacobs/Jayne Oberstadt make a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. All voting aye. Finance: Giving Tree Designation: March - paint and painting supplies for hallway and Fellowship Hall, April – Mission Trip, May – Landscaping, June – Feed My Starving Children program. Ann will put in a quarterly write-up in the bulletin and newsletter about Feed My Starving Children in regards to the money received from Sunday school offering. Committee Reports: Youth: A suggestion was brought forth to create a youth group presence to try and draw in younger adults. The mission trip will be sponsoring the Lenten soup supper on March 19. Worship: No new report from the committee liaison. A suggestion was brought up to have committee mentors for new committee members i.e. Lectors for the worship services. There is a ‘Hymn Pick’ committee that works with the pastor to match up songs with the lesson for the day. Education: A Sunday school meeting was held with the committee and all teachers/helpers. We will be more active at e-mailing parents regularly to keep them engaged. An education forum/meeting with parents was discussed to discuss why attendance is declining for Sunday school. Hospitality: A meeting was held on March 2. This committee sponsored the Lent Soup supper on March 12 with 41 attending. There will be a new member reception on May 18 that this committee will sponsor. The next meeting is April 27 after church in the Library. Service: No new report. Evangelism: No new report. Stewardship: No new report.

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Property: We discussed having a Landscaping designer come to our church for a consultation. In addition, a discussion will be held with the folks that help with this every year. This was a topic brought up in the annual meeting. • Chimney – chemicals from combustion are eating through the liner and running into basement. Further work will be discussed. • The doors on School Court (in kitchen) are original doors. Tri-City Glass met with us and they do not meet code (slide glass). Bob Pawelkiewicz is getting quotes. A donation of $1,000 currently exists to replace those. • The Hospitality committee mentioned the flooring in the Parish hall and hallway into kitchen. M/S/C Bob Pawelkiewicz/Mary Rabideau make a motion to move forward with stripping and waxing the floor in the Parish hall with funding coming from profits incurred from the Scrip program with an estimate of $920. All voting aye. • We are in need of some roof repairs. The roofing was originally done by Powell Roofing. There is a 10-year workman warranty. We are discussing with Wendlandt on our options here. Human Development: No new report. Fund balance sent to Peter Mariahazy to satisfy their committees’ needs. Personnel/Mutual Ministry: No new report. Theatrical Ministry: The Lenten drama will be performed on April 9th in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor’s Report: Pastor will be taking vacation on Monday, April 21 through Wednesday, April 23. Easter services will be held at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. with an Easter egg hunt at 9:15 a.m. Easter breakfast will be from 7:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Old Business: A wireless connection in the Fellowship Hall was discussed. Three hundred (300) feet of cable is needed after investigation. Jeff Montour brought this in. All metal chairs are sold. A Large Project meeting was held. ○ The accounts have been closed out with Thrivent. ○ The rewire of stage flood lights to remove the many extension cords (code issue) has been fixed. Faith gave us a 10% discount. ○ New windows were discussed in this large project meeting since windows were next on the list to accomplish. M/S/C Sherry Kutchenriter/Ann Powell make a motion to go forward with new windows (4) using the dollars that were donated and remaining from the large project efforts and any difference to be taken from our savings but not to exceed $4000. All voting aye. New Business: Each committee to come back to the next Council meeting with more Wish List items. ○ Examples include new window treatments due to new windows or new window treatments FSH. In the annual meeting, the question was asked what the upper limit of theatrical ministry fund be. M/S/C Jayne Oberstadt/Arnie Jones make a motion to make a cap of $7,500. Fire inspection will come through the end of March. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 6 p.m. Devotion chart: April – Sherry Kutchenriter, May – Kris Stahl, June – Arnie Jones, August – Bob Pawelkiewicz, September – Jayne Oberstadt, October – Ollie Hoppe, November – Stephanie Jacobs, December – Jeff Montour, January 2015 – Len Dessart M/S/C Bob Pawekiewicz/Jayne Oberstadt approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. Pastor ended the meeting with a prayer. Respectfully submitted, Ann Powell Page 7

Memorial Day Geraniums Order Form Once again, we will be purchasing geraniums to decorate our altar for Memorial Day. After Memorial Day, the geraniums will be planted outside on the church grounds. The profits raised will be put towards the utility bills. If you wish to recognize a special person or event, simply fill out the bottom of this form and return it to the church office by Monday, May 19th with your $10.00 contribution. The list will appear on Sunday, May 25th.

Enclosed is $ ___________ for the geraniums. Envelope #______________ My Name ___________________________________________ Please dedicate in HONOR or MEMORY OF

(Circle One)

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Order form must be turned in by Monday, May 19th Page 8

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