PASTORAL REFLECTIONS Praying Wildly Early in my life I began wild praying. The kind of prayers that have a slim chance of happening but if they did - life would be radically better. For instance: When the marital problems of Princess Dianna & Prince Charles became public, I prayed for their marriage to be healed - for their benefit and the encouragement they could then give to a world hoping that marriage still worked. Families in the 21st century would need mega encouragement. Sadly, they divorced . Tragedy enveloped their lives. We ached. When Dianna died I was in England, leading a reconciliation conference at Coventry's St. Michael's Cathedral.* When a pained America and a watching world was paying attention to the scandal of Bill Clinton's and Monica Lewinsky's affair, I prayed for honest confession by our President. Visual confession was needed. The kind that would send the President to sackcloth and ashes. That instead of impeachment by Congress, Bill Clinton would humbly walk through the national mall. And in the midst of monuments bearing the names of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and the honored soldiers who bravely died in our nation's wars - we as a people would see a repentant President, and choose to forgive him. He didn't. We didn't. And the price paid was high. We have soldiered on from this moral failure, and countless others by national leaders, to rebuild our national spirit.


Before those events, I prayed for healing of the Southern Baptist Convention, my denomination of origin. The fight was nasty, unbecoming of our Lord. So I began a fledgling attempt for Billy Graham to step in the middle of the family feud, and say - "Cut it out. All of you. And if necessary I'll serve as your President for one year to help sort this out." The positive impact this would have had on the Christian movement? Well, it would have been huge. He didn't. We didn't. Our denomination split. Life moved on. But the collateral damage was immense. These are among my failed prayers. Fortunately by God's grace many other wild prayers I've offered have been answered with miraculous power. They encourage me to keep trying to see God's big picture, and to pray wildly. Only God fully knows what happens along the way, and ultimately that is good enough for me. Pastor Les *The Cathedral's famed Cross of Nails Reconciliation Ministry again

stood as our hope. If we could reconcile after Hitler's bombs, we could go forward to heal hurts and build hope in our fractured families.

Dr. Leslie Hollon Senior Pastor

Sermon Series by Pastor Les

GENRE - James is the biblical book of wisdom in the

New Testament. For instance - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and a section of the Psalms are wisdom books in the Old Testament. In this brief book (5 chapters), God challenges us to trust Him enough to trust that His ways are the way to live wisely. There are also many wisdom sections in the New Testament. For example Jesus in the Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5-7) taught wisdom in a way that significantly influenced James in writing his letter. But James is the New Testament book that, from its beginning to its ending, is best understood as wisdom literature.

AUTHOR - For me there is sufficient evidence to

conclude that James, the brother of Jesus, is the author of the book that bears his name. He grew beyond his

May 1: “Heavenly Wisdom For Earthly Living Requires Work” James 1:17-22; 2:17 :5 Pray for Wisdom :8 Avoid double mindedness :9-10 Contrasting the rich & poor :13-15 Temptation :17 Every good gift is from God :19 Be quick to listen :22 Move your listening into doing :26 Control your tongue

May 8: “The Royal Law Of Loving” James 2:8-10,13 2:8 The Royal Law, "love your neighbor 2:10-11 Disobeying one commandment establishes that one is a sinner but not all sins are equal. 2:13 Mercy trumps condemnation 2:17 Faith without action is impotent

childhood and early adulthood reluctance about Jesus. Ultimately he embraced Jesus as the Messiah, and became a wise & courageous leader in the Early Church. Paul highlighted that Jesus appeared to James at the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:7) Luke records in Acts that on various occasions James participated in developing the early Christian community. James wisely led the church through the controversy of the Jerusalem Council. (Acts 15)

TIME & AUDIENCE - James or 1 Thessalonians was

the first written book of the New Testament, circa 45 A.D. The audience were Jewish Christians who were scattered in various regions of the Roman Empire.

Pastor Les May 15: “What Does Your Tongue Say?” James 3:4-5; 1:26 3:4-5 Your tongue is your rudder :13,17-18 Wisdom that comes from heaven

May 22: “You Are What You Desire” James 4:4-7;1:8

:4-5 The Holy Spirit lives within us, focuses us into single mindedness :7 Humility before God enables us to resist the devil :15 Humbly approach each day with, "If the Lord wants us to, we will do this or that." :16 It is sinful not to do what you know you ought to do.

May 29: “God's Tender Mercies” James 5:4-10

:4 God hears the cries of those to whom you are unjust :10 Job's wisdom model of trusting God's tenderness & mercy :14 Let the church anoint you with healing prayers :20 Reclaimation evangelism


Words of Wisdom After 44 years of continuous service through Music Ministry in 6 congregations in 4 states, Jo Joyce and I are following the Lord’s leadership in our lives to retire from local church ministry. This is the same prompting of His Spirit that we followed to come to Trinity Baptist Church 6 years ago as we have served alongside many wonderful people in worship leadership, musical education, overall administrative and pastoral duties as Minister of Music and Worship Arts and as Jo Joyce has served in various children’s ministries as well as in music. Churches with whom we have served over these years are: Easton Heights Baptist Church, Tulsa, OK August, 1972 – August, 1976 (during college) First Baptist Church, Mineral Wells, TX September, 1976 – February, 1980 (during seminary) First Baptist Church, Paducah, KY March, 1980 – March 1985 Westbury Baptist Church, Houston, TX March, 1985 – December, 1987 Wieuca Road Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA December, 1987 – January, 2010 Trinity Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX February, 2010 – August, 2016

Our reasons relate primarily to health and family. As many know, for 2 1/2 years I have been struggling with aspects of my health including 2 surgeries, 4 spinal injections, multiple physical therapies, doctors and medications. While being as diligent as possible and better in some respects, I simply am not able to operate at 100% consistently on a daily basis. As God has led in the 6 years that we have served at TBC, we feel that we have done what the church and Pastor Les asked of us with important Spirit adjustments along the way. So, with the current strong stability of our Music and Worship Arts personnel, programming and projections I believe it is the best time to make this personal transition while insuring future growth and innovation possibilities.


During these 6 years both of our children have married and each has a son (Lucas - 2 years and Nathan - 4 months) that provides us with great joy but from a great distance. As the saying goes with which we agree, "grandchildren change everything" so it is our desire to spend much more time with these boys as well as their parents. Additionally, and most recently, our son Jonathan and his wife Emily have responded to God's call in their lives for international mission service. As it is their plan to move to Australia in January 2017 for two years, initially, we feel the pressing need to return to the Atlanta area by this Fall to spend as much time with them as possible prior to their leaving. Exciting for them to be involved in music, worship, evangelism and discipleship ministries with churches in Australia...yes, but this last reason was God's complete confirmation that our decision, at this time, is the right one. We are extremely grateful that our friend and pastor, Les, the members of the Pastoral Staff and Personnel Team and other church leaders plus the various musical groups with whom we have served have received this news so graciously. As we continue putting things in place for the future over the next few months (both personal and for TBC in collaboration with the Music and Worship Arts Ministry leadership) we ask for your prayers and presence. We will look forward to greeting each person at Trinity and sharing our family plans further. Soli Deo Gloria!

Donn Wisdom Minister of Music and Worship Arts

Music Makers & Young Musicians

Spring Musical

May 25 | 6:15 pm | Sanctuary The children’s choirs’ Spring Musical this year will be “Not Your Average Joe” by Deborah Craig-Claar and Rob Howard. The classic Old Testament story of Joseph is retold in the exuberant times and music of the 1950’s. It’s surfer beats, leather jackets, and surfboards, but the timeless truth remains the same… “Trust the Lord with all your heart.” The production will be in the sanctuary.

A Letter From Pastor Les About Our Music & Worship Arts Ministry Historic moments are those times when the future will be forever different because of what happens in the present moment. Now is such a historic moment for Donn & Jo Joyce Wisdom, and for the Trinity family. Donn has decided to retire from local church ministry. For 44 years Donn dynamically lived his calling as a Minister of Music in six churches. We are fortunate that he has served at Trinity since 2010. Donn shared his decision with me and Paula Long, (Personnel Team Chair) on March 28th. On April 18th, he informed the Pastoral Staff, Personnel Team, Deacon & Trustee officers. On April 20th, he told the Chorale. Later that night the information was shared

with the Deacons, Trustees, and TBC staff. We shared the news in the April 24th Sanctuary service. (Donn's article on the previous page shares how Jo Joyce & he came to their decision.) I am sad and grateful. Sad because I will miss his partnership. Grateful because, like you, I know how much God has blessed us through his ministry. Donn will continue to serve at Trinity through Sunday, August 21st. Then he will be on sabbatical until October 1st. During those six weeks, Donn & Jo Joyce will move to Atlanta. Between now and then we have much ministry to do and life to live. Along the way we will create opportunities to express our love and gratitude to Donn & Jo Joyce. Grace & Peace, Pastor Les


Being A Disciple “Trinity Baptist Church is called to be the people of God who do the work of God by helping seekers to become believers and believers to become disciples.” I imagine most everyone reading this article has heard or seen these words or a variation of the above vision from Pastor Les during the past seven years. It is a vision statement of both process and the growth of people as they move from being curious about God and seeking him to becoming believers and eventually becoming disciples. As many of us know the process of being a disciple does not stop with the act of becoming a disciple but continues until we pass on from this earth. Call me weird, but I really enjoy developing and deploying processes as well as continually tweaking them over time to make them more productive and effective. This goes for the processes that are deployed here at the church to ensure the vision progresses through the way monetary gifts are spent to the development of a long-term facility plan to keep our three campuses in the best shape possible. The work that goes on behind the scenes here at the church during the week allow the seeker to disciple process to happen. Along with the pastoral staff, we have a ministry staff that serves our


church and our community every day of the week. These servant leaders work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that the vision comes to fruition by providing the ingenuity, support and prayers that allow us to fulfill the vision and to ensure that all who we encounter have an opportunity to encounter the love of Christ. Our ministry is the business of the church and business is good because we are given the responsibility and opportunity to equip and support our members and our community. No matter our role here, we are all tied to the vision because according to Matthew 28:18-20, as believers we are called to make disciples and I hope and pray the work we do allows that to happen. I pray that those who are seeking have the opportunity to see God and His love through our work here at Trinity Baptist Church.

Matthew Dillingham Church Administrator


Morning Coffee This morning I woke up to the mesmerizing sound of rain hitting the tin roof of our house. As I was reaching for the alarm clock, I began to hear the deafening sound of silence. YES the electricity had gone off, so instead of getting out of bed to get ready for the day, I thought I must lay here and just wait until I can see to start my daily beauty ritual. The longer I laid there the more I began to realize, I am not sure the electricity will come back on soon. So I proceeded to begin my day by getting ready in the dark. As I stumbled around, I also realized I would not be able to have my morning coffee. This was proving to be a bad day for me. On my way to a meeting across town I decided to stop and get my coffee at McDonalds. As I pulled to the speaker, several cars proceeded to cut in front of me. When the person on the speaker said, “may I take your order” I ordered my coffee with a bit of a disgusted tone in my voice. When I got to the window to pay for my coffee, the young man at the window acknowledged that I had indeed been cut off and how rude the people in front of me had been. Now usually I would have been jumping on the band wagon about their rudeness , but today I thought maybe I should practice some of the things I teach to the children about how to treat others and I said, “Well, maybe they needed to be some place in a hurry and I hope you have a better day.” I went to my meeting across town and as I was driving back I thought I have time for a diet Coke before my next meeting. Not really paying much attention I pulled back into the same McDonalds. The guy at the drive through window said, “Weren’t you here earlier this morning?” I was a bit embarrassed about my need for McDonalds beverages and I said, “Yes, I was.” He said, “You are the lady who all of those people cut in front of ” and I said, “Yes, that was me.” He said, “This does my heart good, because the lady in front of you in line just paid for your order”. He went on to say “ You know it is really neat in life when something bad


happens and then randomly someone does something nice.” As I thought about that later during the day I realized that many times in life we do see immediate results from behaviors, but many other times, and perhaps most of the time, it takes a bit longer. Several years ago we began the Parents Day Out program at Trinity. Our desire was to try to reach our community with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. We thought if people begin to bring their children to our church for PDO, maybe they would eventually make this their church home. Now, there are times when these families connect to our church pretty quickly. But other times the seed is planted, and it takes a while to bloom, like the family who visited TBC this past Sunday. This family came here for PDO a few years ago. Now their child is in elementary school, and they have decided they need a church home, so where did they visit?… you got it: Trinity. Praise God for the families that we are able to reach through PDO and all of the ministries that are available through the children’s ministry. It is awesome to watch these children influence their families and bring them to church. As one of my favorite authors, Reggie Joiner states, “The church is uniquely and strategically placed on this planet to display God’s glory to the world.” This may happen quickly or it may take time, but I believe that what we do for children does make a difference… thank you for helping make that difference. Serving Him together, Debbie

Dr. Debbie Potter Minister of Children

Spring is definitely here with its lovely temperatures and its much needed rain. Although we had to have our PDO Easter egg hunt inside because of the weather, it turned out to be very exciting for the children. The pictures say 1,000 words. Each class hunted the eggs according to their class age, which made it more enjoyable for the littlest ones. As a matter of reminder, we are now enrolling for Fall 2016 and if you know of anyone who would like to join our program, please let them know they can find all the registration information on our website at Also, we are looking for a few teachers for fall as well as substitute teachers. If you are interested or know anyone who might be, have them call me at 210-738-7753 or email me at [email protected]. Please remember to pray for PDO and all our teachers who serve our children and their families. Blessings, Kay Polanco, PDO Director

May Memory Verse: “I have learned the secret to being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough.” - Philippians 4:12

Looking For A Place To Serve?

The Children’s Ministry is looking for some volunteers to help us in different areas. If you enjoy working with children we have several opportunities for you to serve!

Worship Care • During Sanctuary Service at Mulberry • Working with children Birth-PreK • Once every 8 weeks

Kidz Crossings • During service at Tripoint • Working with children Birth-4th grade • As needed

Vacation Bible School

• Working with children 2 yrs-6th grade • July 25th-29th • Different roles needed If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Monica at 738-7779 or at [email protected].


Meet the Student Summer Interns! Lindsey Lowry Texas State University

My hobbies include singing, dancing, reading, and spending time outside. I also enjoy painting and art tremendously. Even though I wouldn't consider this as much of a hobby, I have a huge heart and love for discipleship. It brings me so much joy to get to know Christ followers and watch them grow in their faith. It's something I'm always seeking out for myself as well as for others. Why would you like to be an intern at Trinity? This internship sparked my interest because recently I have accepted God's call into my life that he has chosen me to counsel and disciple children and adolescents. I feel that this internship is the perfect opportunity to enact this calling in my life. I also genuinely love spending time with and getting to know students deeply.

Elijah Hernandez Wheaton College

I love playing football, it is my absolute passion, I enjoy reading theology, working out, watching movies, playing the guitar, drinking coffee and having really good talks with friends. I enjoy just sitting around and listening to music for hours. Why would you like to be an intern at Trinity? One of my biggest passions is for youth ministry because I believe it is a fundamental age where one is able to form a relationship with Jesus and grow in it. My goal would be to love the youth at TBC and meet them where they are at, and to speak love and Truth in their life. A large part of the reasons that I am still a Christian is due to the fact that I had a solid youth group when I was in middle school, and it continued on into high school.

2016 Graduation Celebration Congratulations! We are so excited about the Senior Class of 2016’s upcoming graduation and would like to celebrate. On Sunday, May 15th, we will be having a special time to honor our graduates during our morning worship services at Trinity Baptist Church, Sanctuary and Crossings.

We would like to invite all High School graduates and their families to be our guests at the Student Ministry Breakfast in honor and celebration of our graduates. It will take place on Sunday, May 15, 2016, from 9:00 am 10:00 am in the CLC Grand Room.

Parents, please submit a formal picture of your son/daughter for the graduation celebration program as soon as possible. You may also email the information to [email protected] or turn in to the receptionist.


Dara Ake Minister of Students

Envelope Project (A Place to Give) The Envelope Project is a fundraiser designed to subsidize partial costs for our students. It begins May 1st. Thi project is a genius way to get the church included in supporting the student ministry through financial giving. Every dollar given through this fundraiser will be designated to Student Summer Camp. How it Works: We will place 400 consecutively numbered 5x8 inch envelopes on a display in the Fanning Foyer. The envelopes are numbered consecutively from 1 to 400, which represent a monetary value. A church member will take an envelope, place the designated amount in the envelope, and return to the church office.

For example, there is only one $277 envelope on the display, that said person will take that envelope and place $277 dollars (if you choose to give more, you may), Our goal is to have the fundraiser promoted to all Sunday school classes and within the church. The fundraiser will start the first Sunday in May and will continue through the end of the month. Please help support our students and summer camp. Summer camp is a great way for students and their friends to experience Jesus in a different setting. This summer, we are attending Passion Camp in Daytona Beach, FL., on July 18-22! Please pray for our students! Dara Ake

This summer, we are attending Passion Camp in Daytona Beach, FL., on July 18-22! Come join us, bring a friend, and enjoy the greatest week of your year! Spots are limited. Claim your spot right now by registering and paying a $50 deposit!

SPEAKER: Louie Giglio

WORSHIP: Passion Band, along with Chris Tomlin, Kristian Stanfill, Brett Younker, and Melodie Malone

Register online at

July 30-August 4 | Del Rio Save the date for this camp that is an opportunity for students to respond to God’s call to action, impacting people along the border by participating in construction projects, while growing in their own faith as a witness and understanding what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. More information on how to register coming soon!


Spirituality for the Night Times “I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by your name… I form light and create darkness…” – Isaiah 45:3,7a What do you think about when you hear the word “darkness”? Do you think of eerie monsters just beyond sight? Conniving criminals lurking in the shadows? Sinister international organizations bent on destruction? Overwhelming depression surrounding your life? An untreatable diagnosis? The uncertainty of what death feels like? I think of day trips to Carlsbad Caverns as a young child while out in New Mexico to visit my abuelitos. Back then plunging deep into the earth was part intrepid adventure and part terrifying. At one point in the tour they turn off all of the lights. I still remember the awe of being in a giant cavern hundreds of feet beneath the ground in suffocating enveloping darkness. It was a thrill, in part because it is such a rare experience, and in part because you had the assurance the lights would come back on. The Hebrew people were in one of their darkest moments. Their persistent disobedience to God led to the Babylonians conquering them, destroying the Temple, and hauling them off into exile. They lamented the loss of their national independence. They lamented

the loss of the house of God. They probably wondered if they were still God’s chosen special people. They looked up into the dark Babylonian night sky and wondered if they’d ever be home again. In Barbara Brown Taylor’s book Learning to Walk in the Dark she expounds, “‘darkness’ is shorthand for anything that scares me— that I want no part of— either because I am sure that I do not have the resources to survive it or because I do not want to find out… Instead, I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light.” What scares you in your life? What are the unanswered questions or uncertain outcomes that keep you up late at night? How might we look to God in the darkness of the night? The Psalmist learned On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. (Ps. 63:6)” How might we remember God in the night watches of our lives? How might we trust God with our vulnerability, lack of control, agony, and uncertainty? How might we meet God as the one who keeps watch with us through the darkest night?


Young Adult Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes Explore. Join us for this weekly Sunday Bible Study led this summer by Juliana Monteiro at 9 am in room E250. Anyone, ages 18-24, is welcome. Invite your friends and encourage any college students in town for the summer! Whether you’ve grown up in San Antonio, moved here to go to college or are back in town for the break, Trinity has a place for you to grow and explore your faith.

Friendship. Are you a young to median adult looking to grow in your relationship with God and others? Check out Friendship! Many have school age children and a few have young teens. The teaching style is informal and discussion oriented. We use the Formations curriculum. (Meets in E254 at 9am on Sundays)


Illuminate. In our twenties and thirties, we come from

different walks of life as students, professionals, some married, and some parents. We are committed to navigating life together through questions of vocation, purpose, and investing in relationships. We use the Formations curriculum in order to wrestle with scripture in ways that are engaging, challenging, hopeful, and allow our lives to become illuminated by the God revealed afresh through scripture. (Meets in E252 at 9 am on Sundays)

Christopher Mack Minister of Young Adults

Calling All College Graduates If you are graduating from college, then Trinity would like to celebrate with you, and recognize you during our Graduation Sunday emphasis on May 15th. Please send us your graduation details by filling out the online form at I look forward to hearing from you and celebrating this tremendous accomplishment. Christopher Mack

Scholarship Applications

The Scholarship Team has announced the start of the scholarship application process. Members of the Scholarship Team are: Kay Montgomery, Chair, Anita Foster, Sandee M. Johns, Margaret Stewart, Sandra Martin, Gina Graham, and Jackie Bright. The scholarships will be applicable for the 2016-2017 school year and applications may be obtained beginning Monday, April 4, 2016 at the church receptionist desk or through the church website at People who are currently receiving a scholarship are also required to reapply and submit new reference letters, updated transcript and personal letter to the Scholarship Team. Only completed applications with all the required supporting documents will be considered.

Deadline for the filing of applications is 5:00 pm on Friday, May 13, 2016. Applications should be brought to Cheryl Reyes in the Business Office. The scholarships will be awarded to candidates who: • are working toward an undergraduate degree and/or pursuing career training for Christian Ministry • are committed Christian members of Trinity Baptist Church • are pursuing a college/university degree at an accredited institution These possible scholarships are available only through God’s Providence and the generosity of His Church. Gifts to the Trinity’s Scholarship Funds are always welcome.


A New Ministry: Integrating Our Past with Our Present “Learn from your history but don’t live in it.”

“As I look back on my life, I realize … every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” “My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.” The quotes identified above are by Steve Maraboli, an international bestselling author. His words encourage us to look back over our life, learn from our experiences, and grow our perspective. What at first may have seemed like rejection, we can come to understand with hindsight, was in fact a re-direction to something better. More than once some of you have heard me say how important I believe it is for you to find a way to communicate your story for future generations. This is also a great benefit for you.Therefore, I am very pleased to announce a new TBC ministry that can help you write your story as a gift for your family. This ministry will be led by Lea Glisson. (Since September 2010, Lea has been the author of the Living Legend, a 1-page story in our Trumpet.) Lea will be offering her services to interview individuals and help them put their stories on paper. These stories will not be published in the Trumpet, but will be given back for you to share with your family at a time of your choosing. While Steve Maraboli’s quotes invite us to understand that some of our most difficult life experiences serve to strengthen us. Scripture even more poignantly makes this case in Romans chapter 5, “…suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us”.

For those of us who are at a “mature” life-stage, it is natural for us to spend some of our time reminiscing and reviewing our lives. When others take the time to listen to our stories it is a great gift that provides affirmation for our lives and helps us to integrate our past with our present. While we live in the present, our past is a rich part of our history and identity. The hard part is that as we get older we begin to lose some of the important people that shared our past with us. Parents, friends, siblings, colleagues…leave or pass away and make it more difficult for us to talk about our past and relate it to our present. In a previous Trumpet article I encouraged you to write a legacy letter; one in which you could speak directly to your loved ones and tell them what they mean to you. There are few greater gifts you can leave for the next generation of your family than this, and especially if you include your faith story. Again, this is why I am so excited about this new ministry where Lea is willing to help you write your story. If you or someone you know is interested in taking part in this ministry. Please email or call me for more details: [email protected] / 210- 738-7740. In His Love, Vicki

Vicki Hollon, D.Min Minister of Older Adults


Save the Date...

Connections Game Night

The following adult and student Sunday school classes are participants in Connections, a program that pairs specific adult and youth classes that have made a commitment to support each other through conversation, prayer, Bible study and fellowship. • • • • •

Son Seekers, LAMPS and 12th Grade THEE and 10th Grade Experiencing God on 281 and 7th & 8th Grade River of Life and 9th Grade THAT Class and 11th Grade

On Sunday, June 12, 4-6 pm in the Mulberry Dining Room there will be a combined game night for all class members participating in Connections. This will be a fun, fast, hilarious, and competitive opportunity to get to know each other better through a table game tournament. Please save the date, make plans to come, and bring your favorite snack. __________________________________

Senior Resource Fair

Thursday, May 19, 9 am - 2 pm at TriPoint Silver Solutions is a free resource fair spotlighting programs and services provided by institutions that support San Antonio seniors and their caregivers. It is designed to help senior adults and their family members gather information pertaining to their health, their living resources, their faculties, their passions and their independence. It will also serve as the conduit for private consultations with a variety of experts on topics related to aging, caring for elders and elder health. In addition, senior-friendly pets will be available for adoption. __________________________________


“Today is a Good Day to have a Good Day” This is one of my favorite quotes, and, ‘good days’ were surely shared by our wonderful TBC ladies at this past April’s Amazing Ladies of Trinity event of ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’!

77 Trinity Baptist Church women (15 first time guests!) from 33 zip codes (!) were invited by 9 hostesses (1 first time hostess)

to attend a dinner with surprise guests!! There were 2 dinners held on Monday night, April 4th, 4 dinners held on Tuesday night, April 5th, and 3 dinners held on Thursday night, April 7th! What a great turnout for this 12th time that we’ve held this event! Thanks to everyone who signed up to a hostess and as a guest! What fun it was to meet and greet other TBC women in a casual dinner setting. Amidst the laughter, the delicious food, the sharing, and the fun, we all came away with some new found ‘friends’! That’s what “Church” is all about!

Join us in October, 2016,

for the next “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” event! (Sign up will be throughout the month of September)

Barbara Bach, 492-1874 and Phyllis Patterson, 490-1283


Gratitude For Our Sunday School Leaders Sunday school leaders at Trinity Baptist Church help us fulfill the Great Commission. In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Without our leaders who teach us and show us how to live out what Jesus taught us, we could not fulfill this commission that was meant for Christ disciples through the centuries. At Trinity, more than 150 individuals commit their Sunday morning time to work with children, youth, and adults. We are so grateful for this gift of time and service. On Sunday, May 22nd, we will honor our Sunday school leaders with a lunch following Crossings and Sanctuary worship. Dr. Dennis Tucker, Professor of Christian Scriptures at Truett Seminary of Baylor University will be our featured speaker. Please be sure to R.S.V.P. by calling 210-738-7740 so we will have plenty of food. We look forward to celebrating you! __________________________________

Our Wednesday evening service is a great time for our church family to come together. May 25 will be our last Faith Family Night (FFN) for this school year. Before we move into our Summer Noon Bible Study at TriPoint, please join us for the May 4th and 11th Bible study on James and the following special events:

May 18: Open Mic. Comedy Night

6:15 pm in the Mulberry Dining Room Please contact Pastor Les’ office, 738-7715, if you are willing to bring your best routine!

Summer Noon Bible Study

May 25*: Children’s Spring Musical

“Not Your Average Joe” (see pg 4) 6:15 pm in the Sanctuary * This will be the last FFN of the school year. FFN activities will resume on August 31st.

On June 1, our Wednesday Noon Bible Study at TriPoint will begin. Our topic is “Knowing & Living God’s Will.” Each Wednesday we will look at a life application from the Bible. Leslie Weatherhead’s little classic, The Will of God, will be used as a resource. Copies will be available.


Jesus showed us how to ~ “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” From this love, we are empowered “to Love one another as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

Amazing Ladies Tea Party (Multi-Generational)

Invite your Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Sister, and Friends ~ Come join us for

FUN, FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP as we share . . .

“Tea Time with God and Friends” Saturday, May 14 ~ 11 – 1 p.m. Trinity Dining Room “Hats” Optional

Get Your Tickets Early ~ $10 per person Contact: Sue Pankey ~ 219-3456, [email protected] or Register Online (Childcare ~ Birth thru 3rd grade ~ provided with reservations by May 9th.)

“He made our whole being . . . We are ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully’ made in God’s Image.” We are His Incredible Handiwork, His Special Creation, and His Ongoing Joy!


Psalm 139: 13-14

A BIG Trinity ‘thank you’ for all of the new socks that were donated at our first ‘Sock-Hop’ at TBC on Palm Sunday! Our generous TBC congregation turned in

849 pair of ladies’ and men’s socks

to the Outreach-Team-hopping Easter Baskets! Our Alpha Home Ladies will be enjoying and wearing the beautiful and fun colors, and the men who receive the socks also got some fun ones, along with lots of black and white! Thank you, Trinity, for always being a ‘caring family of believers’. ____________________________________________________

On Sunday, April 24, your Outreach Team hosted a fun ‘mid-year checkup’ luncheon for ALL of the Greeters at TBC! Hospitality/welcome teams at Sanctuary and at Crossings, Ushers, SS outreach representatives, and others who greet and welcome our guests regularly! Thanks to you all for all that you do, Sunday by Sunday, Wednesday by Wednesday. Again, YOU are the ST Rs as you represent TBC, a ‘caring family of believers’, to our guests. These are exciting times! The Lord is at work in this place! “Let YOUR Light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” 2015-2016 TBC Outreach Team


May Outreach Opportunities 5: City-wide National Day of Prayer service May 14: Amazing Ladies’ Tea May 25: Childrens’ Choir Musical

Invite your friends, your family, your Neighbors!


Welcome Our New Members!

Jewlia Ann Rodriguez Ashley Kristin Millsby Baptism Herbert by Letter

Tenikia L Hardeman by Baptism

Rose Marie Wood by Baptism

Dolores Flores by Baptism

LaPresha Monzingo by Baptism

Patricia Lee Almon by Letter

Janice Ocain by Baptism

Margo Harding by Letter

Guadalupe Ramirez by Baptism

Janelle Sanchez by Baptism

Darrell Burke by Baptism




1 ............................... 5 ............................... 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Town Hall Forum & Business Meeting, pg 5 Day of Prayer Breakfast “Tea Time With God”, Amazing Ladies Tea Party, pg 17 Graduation Sunday, pg 9 & 12 Sunday School Teachers Appreciation, pg 16 Comedy Night, pg 16 Children’s Musical, pg 4



Wi� D�pest Sympa�y Sue Schank & Family on the death of her brother, Tom Jaques from Woodstock, Maryland Margaret Bales & Family on the death of her husband, Col. John Earl Bales Friends & Family of Shirley Ann Harris Attebury Friends & Family of Charlene Nutt Friends & Family of Nina Ruth Raber Friends & Family of Odette Weeks Sprenger Friends & Family of Mary Louise Menzies

June 24, 2016 will be Trinity Baptist Church’s 67th Birthday! Stay tuned for more details of how YOU can help celebrate!!


Deacon Officers: Dianna Crocker, Chair | Dave Ballard, Vice-Chair | Dick Foster, Secretary Trustees: Lane Mitchell, Chair | Wayne Grant, Vice Chair | Jill Parker, Secretary | John Purcell | Andrea Schaper Ginger Nicholas | Denise Bruchmiller | Jerry Carnahan | Randy Fields | Joe Gaydos | Sandra Martin


From the Prayer Ministry by Pat Coventry, Prayer Ministry Coordinator

As we prepare for National Day of Prayer, may we be fervent and dedicated in our prayers for our nation. May we daily offer ourselves to be men and women of reconciliation and kindness everywhere we go. We pray for Trinity to be known as a house of prayer. (Isaiah 56:7)

Pray for the Amazing Ladies Tea on Saturday, May 14. Pray for many first-time attendees. Pray new connections will be made and for a time of fellowship and encounters with our Lord. May it be a blessing for everyone who attends. (Matthew 22:37-39)

Pray for the church-wide town hall meeting on May 1. Pray for good attendance, active participation, open discussion and clear understanding of all that is presented. Pray we will be a committed people. (Ephesians 4:3)

Pray for our graduating seniors as we honor and celebrate them on May 15. Commit to pray for each one by name. Pray they will seek the Lord and be obedient and make wise choices. (Psalms 119:9)

Pray for Staff Appreciation Lunch on May 3. May our staff feel valued and loved. May we pray for each one daily by name and encourage them on a regular basis, reminding them of our support and care. (Ephesians 1:16)

Pray for Bountiful Blessings Ministry on May 21. Pray for those who are recipients to see Jesus in those serving. Pray lives are impacted for good and our Lord is honored. (Mark 8:6)

Pray for the community-wide National Day of Prayer breakfast at TriPoint Grantham Center on Thursday, May 5. Pray for this morning of prayer, friendship and celebration of blessings and supplications for our community and nation. (Isaiah 58:1a)

Pray for Sunday School Leadership Appreciation Day on May 22. Pray for the administrators, outreach leaders, and the many who faithfully prepare and teach God’s word each week. Pray for their study and preparation time. May they have special insight and anointing by God. May each be blessed for time given. ((Psalm 119:105)

Pray for Pastoral Staff Retreat on May 9-11. Pray for a good time of fellowship and planning. Pray for deepened relationships and God-centered conversations. Pray each will return refreshed and renewed. (Matthew 25:21)

Pray for Special Faith Family Nights on May 18 and May 25. Pray for the Comedy Night presentations and the Children’s Musical. May each of these events be well-attended and have enthusiastic participation. (Philemon 1:6)

If you would like information about how you can serve in the Prayer Ministry, please contact Pat Coventry at [email protected]. You will receive a blessing.

Our Pastoral Staff:

D. Leslie Hollon, Ph.D., Senior Pastor Donn Wisdom, Minister of Music & Worship Arts

Debbie Potter, Ph.D., Minister of Children Dara Ake, Minister of Students

Christopher Mack, Minister of Young Adults Vicki Hollon, D.Min., Minister of Older Adults

Trinity Baptist Church | 319 E Mulberry, San Antonio, TX 78212 | | (210) 733-6201

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