माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड

(पूव  मे माझगांव डॉक ल मटे ड)

(भारत सरकार का उप(म), डॉक याड रोड, माझगांव, मुंबई – 400010 MAZAGON DOCK SHIPBUILDERS LIMITED (Formerly Known as Mazagon Dock


(A Govt. Of India Undertaking), Dock Yard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010 वष 2016 के लए े ड अटस के चयन (अटस अधनयम 1961 के तहत) "व#ापन सं'या 01/2016 Selection of Trade Apprentices for the Year 2016 (Under the Apprentices Act 1961), Advt. No. 01/2016 ननलखत पद हे तु अटस अधनयम, 1961 के तहत े ड अटस के चयन हे तु भारतीय नाग&रक' से नधा(&रत प) म आवेदन आमं-)त .कए जाते है । / Applications in the prescribed form are invited from Indian Nationals for the selection of Trade Apprentices under the

Apprentices Act, 1961, for the following trades. : श.ण अवध (.सं / S. No.

का कायकाल / Duration of Training Period

वग एवं ,यवसाय / Group & Trades

मा सक वजीफा भुगतान क5 दर / Stipend to be paid

आयु सीमा */ Age Limit *

वग ‘क’- क.ा 10 वी पास / Group “A”(10th Class Passed ) ‘क’

,यवसाय / Trades

(A) 1.

=फटर / Fitter

पद9 क5 सं'या




/ No. of Seats






थम वष( / 1st year






6. /Rs.6460/-


पाइप =फटर / Pipe Fitter







? @चरल =फटर / Structural Fitter






तीन वष( /

89वतीय वष( /2nd

3 Year

year 6./ Rs.7382/तत ृ ीय वष( /3rd year

01.01.2016 तक 15 से 19 वष( / 15 to 19 years as on 01.01.2016

6. /Rs.8305/-

वग ‘ख’ – आई.ट<.आई. पास / Group “B”(I.T.I Passed ) ‘ख’

,यवसाय / Trades


पद9 क5 सं'या


/ No. of Seats





 श.ण अवध/

मा सक वजीफा /

आयु सीमा/




Training Period


Age Limit

6. / Rs.8305/-

01.01.2016 तक


इले @ ोनक मैके नक / Electronic Mechanic







कारप टर / Carpenter






(ए@स आईट<आई =फटर)/

थम वष( / 1

दो वष( /

=फटर ? @चरल


एक वष( / 1 Year







2 Year


16 से 21 वष( / year

6. / Rs.7382/89वतीय वष( / 2



6. /Rs. 8305/-

16 to 21 years as on 01.01.2016

(Ex. ITI Fitter)


आयु सीमा मे छूट / Age Relaxation : उJच आयु सीमा म अ.जा./अ.ज.जा. (एससी/एसट< ) हे तु 05 वष, अ."प.जा. (ओ.बी.सी. - एनसीएल) हे तु 03 वष तथा पीएच हे तु 10 वष क5 छूट सरकार के नयमानुसार द< जाएगी, बशतO =क उचत स.म ाधकार< Pवारा नधाQरत ाRप मे जार< वैध माण-पS ?तुत =कया जाना चाहए।

Upper age limit relaxation will be given by 05 yrs. for SC/ST, 03 yrs. for OBC (NCL) and 10 yrs. for PH as per Govt. Rules, Subject to submission of relevant Certificate issued by Competent Authority. ** (अ.जा.= अनस ु ू चत जात, अ.ज.जा. = अनस ु ू चत जन जात, अ.9प.जा. (ओबीसी)=अBय 9पछड़ी जात, पीएच = शा&र&रक 9वकलांग , एएफसी = आम( फोस( बGचे)

**(SC= Schedule Caste Candidate, ST = Schedule Tribes Candidate, OBC= Other Backward Class Candidate, PH = Physically Handicapped, AFC = Armed Force Children)


Yयन ू तम आवZयक शै.[णक यो\यता मापदंड / Minimum Essential Educational Qualification Criteria:(.सं . / S. No.

शै.[णक यो\यता मापदंड / Educational Qualification

वग एवं ,यवसाय / Group & Trades

वग ‘क’- क.ा 10 वी पास / Group “A”(10th Class Passed ) ‘क’/ (A)

,यवसाय / Trades =फटर / Fitter




पाइप =फटर / Pipe Fitter

? @चरल =फटर / Structural Fitter

शै.[णक यो\यता मापदंड / Educational Qualification

„½½ããèªÌããÀ ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ¹ãƾããÔã ½ãâñ †Ôã.†Ôã.Ôããè.¹ãÀãèàãã ½ãòâ सामाYय 9वHान †Ìãâ Øããä¥ã¦ã ãäÌãÓã¾ããòâ ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã „¦¦ããè¥ãà Öãñ¶ãã ÞãããäÖ† ý i) Ôãã½ã㶾ã / ‚ããñ.ºããè.Ôããè./†.†¹ãŠ.Ôããè. / ãäÌã‡ãŠÊããâØã Ñãñ¥ããè „½½ããèªÌããÀãñâ ‡ãŠñ ãäÊㆠ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã ‡ãìŠÊã 50% ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ý ii) ‚ã.•ãã./‚ã.•ã.•ãã. ‡ãŠñ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ¹ãƾããÔã ½ãâñ ‡ãŠñÌãÊã ¹ããÔã Ñãñ¥ããè । यद एस.एस.सी पर<.ा 5 सव^_तम "वषय9 के आधार पर उतीण क5 है तो भी पा`य(म मे सामाYय "व#ान एवं ग[णत "वषय9 के साथ थम यास मे ह< पर<.ा मे पास होना अनवाय होगा

¾ã²ããä¹ã ¾ããñؾã¦ãã ½ãã¹ãªâ¡ †Ôã.†Ôã.Ôããè. Öõ ¦ããñ ¼ããè „ÞÞã ¾ããñؾã¦ãã ÌããÊãñ „½½ããèªÌããÀ ‚ããÌãñª¶ã ‡ãŠÀ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãñ Öö ¹ãÀ¶¦ãì ¹ãã¨ã¦ãã †Ôã.†Ôã.Ôããè.½ãã‡ãÊ ‡ãñŠ „¹ãÀ Öãè ‚ãã£ãããäÀ¦ã ÖãñØããè ý अYयथा आवेदन ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा ।

The candidate should have Passed SSC in FIRST ATTEMPT with General Science & Mathematics i) Securing minimum 50% marks in aggregate for General / OBC / AFC / PH II ) Pass Class for SC/ST in First Attempt Only. iii) In case of passing criteria is best of 5 subjects taken ,General Science & Mathematics Should be the Part of the Qualifying Board Curriculum & Candidate should have passed in First Attempt , Otherwise Application will be Rejected. Though the qualifying criteria is SSC, the candidates with Higher qualification may also apply. However, eligibility will be based on SSC marks qualification only

वग ‘ख’ – आई.ट<.आई. पास / Group “B”(I.T.I Passed ) ‘ख’/(B)

,यवसाय / Trades


इले@ ोनक मैकेनक / Electronic Mechanic


कारपटर / Carpenter

शै.[णक यो\यता मापदंड / Educational Qualification उbमीदवार इले @ ोनक मैके नक / कारप ट र/ =फटर ,यवसाय मे आई.ट<.आई. =कसी सरकार< / सरकार< माYयता ाcत सं?था से थम यास मे उतीण होना चाहए। i) Ôãã½ã㶾ã / ‚ããñ.ºããè.Ôããè./†.†¹ãŠ.Ôããè. / ãäÌã‡ãŠÊããâØã Ñãñ¥ããè „½½ããèªÌããÀãñâ ‡ãŠñ ãäÊㆠ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã ‡ãìŠÊã 50% ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ý ii) ‚ã.•ãã./‚ã.•ã.•ãã. ‡ãŠñ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ¹ãƾããÔã ½ãâñ ‡ãŠñÌãÊã ¹ããÔã Ñãñ¥ããè ý (* आवे दक उपरो@त ,यवसायो मे ह< आई.ट<.आई. पास =कया हुआ होना चाहए, केवल =फटर ? @चरल ,यवसाय के लए ह< =फटर ,यवसाय मे आई.ट<.आई. पास आवे दको के आवे दन ?वीकार =कए जाएंगे। ** अंतम वष मे उपि?थत उbमीदवार भी आवे दन कर सकते है परं तु उYहे अपनी सं? था से दया गया बोनाफाइड सट =फकेट आवे दन के साथ ?तुत करना अनवाय होगा । )

=फटर ? @चरल


(ए@स आईट<आई =फटर)/

Fitter-Structural (Ex. ITI Fitter)

Passed in first attempt in respective trades(i.e. ELECTRONIC MECHANIC / CARPENTER / FITTER) from Govt./ Govt. recognized Institute. i) Securing minimum 50% marks in aggregate for General / OBC / AFC / PH. ii) Pass Class for SC/ST in First Attempt Only. In case of Fitter-Structural Passed ITI in the trade of Fitter and in case of Carpenter & Electronic Mech. in the respective trades with the condition as stated above. ITI Passed Candidates Other Than Fitter, Carpenter & Electronic Mechanic, Need not apply. .**Candidates appearing in the final exam of ITI can also apply but they are required to attach copy of Bonafide certificate issued by Head of the Institution

2.1) वग( ‘क’ के लए आई.टL.आई. पास उमीदवारो के आवेदन Nवीकार नहL .कए जाएंगे एवं चयन .Oया मे कभी भी यह पाया जाता है कP

उमीदवार आई.टL.आई. पास .कया हुआ है अथवा कर रहा है तो उनकP उमीदवारL -बना कोई जानकारL दये नरNत कर दL जाएगी। * ITI Passed candidates will not be allowed for Group ‘A’ and If at any stage of selection process it is found that candidate either passed or appeared for ITI examination their candidature will be rejected without any information. 2.2) ऐसे उbमीदवार जो अ."प.जा. (ओ.बी.सी.) वग के अंतगत आते है एवं अ."प.जा. (ओ.बी.सी.) वग के अंतगत छूट चाहते है , उYहे स.म अधकार< Pवारा नधाQरत ाRप मे जार< जाती एवं वैध नॉन-(5मीले यर (एनसीएल) सट =फकेट आवेद न के साथ ?तुत करना अनवाय होगा, अYयथा उनका आवे दन नर?त कर दया जाएगा।

* Applicants belonging to OBC Category are required to submit their Caste and Valid Non Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate in prescribed format issued by competent authority while applying for claiming relaxation otherwise their candidature will not be accepted. 2.3) "वकलांग gे णी के उbमीदवार िजनका "वकलांग ता का तशत 40% या अधक हो, उYहे अपने आवे दन के साथ अ[खल भारतीय शार
•ãã†Øãã , ¦ããñ ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ã Ôãã½ã㶾ã Ñãñ¥ããè ½ãò ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã†Øãã एवं

उसी आधार पर पाSता नधाQरत क5 जाएगी)

* Applicants belonging to Physically Handicapped (PH) category having disability of 40% or More are required to submit valid disability certificate issued by All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. (If not Attached their Application will be considered in General Category & eligibility will be decided as per General Category) 2.4) यद उbमीदवार सश?S बल का मक / ए॰एफ॰सी॰ के पुS या पुSी हो तो पालक के स"वस सट =फकेट क5 फोटो त संल\न करे अYयथा आवे दन सामाYय gे णी मे ?वीकार =कया जाएगा एवं उसी आधार पर पाSता नधाQरत क5 जाएगी । * Children of Armed Forces Personnel must enclose Service Certificate of his / her parent (If not Attached their Application will be considered in General Category & eligibility will be decided as per General Category)

2.5)अ.जा./अ.ज.जा. एवं अ."प.जा. (ओ.बी.सी. - एनसीएल) वग के उbमीदवार अपना जाती माण पS नधाQरत ाRप मे नbन ल[खत स.म अधकाQरय9 Pवारा ाcत कर सकते है । (¾ãªãè

‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ÔãâÊãض㠶ãÖãé ¹ãã¾ãã •ãã†Øãã , ¦ããñ ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ã Ôãã½ã㶾ã Ñãñ¥ããè ½ãò ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã†Øãã एवं

उसी आधार पर पाSता नधाQरत क5 जाएगी)

i) ãä•ãÊãã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ãä•ãÊãã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / Ôã½ããÖ¦ããà / „¹ã-‚ãã¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã / ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã „¹ã-‚ãã¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã / „¹ã Ôã½ããÖ¦ããà /¹ãÆ©ã½ã Ñãñ¥ããè Ìãðã䦦㠼ããñØããè ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / „¹ã-¹ãƼããØããè¾ã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ¦ããÊãì‡ãŠã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ‚ããä£ãÍããÔããè ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ÔãÖã¾ã‡ãŠ ‚ãã¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã ý ii) ½ã쌾㠂㣾ãàããè¾ã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ½ã쌾㠂㣾ãàããè¾ã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / ‚㣾ãàããè¾ã ª¥¡ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè ý iii) Àã•ãÔÌã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè, ¦ãÖÔããèÊãªãÀ ¹ãª Ôãñ ¶ããèÞãñ ‡ãŠã ¶ãÖãè, ‚ããõÀ àãñ¨ã ‡ãŠã „¹ã ¹ãƼããØããè¾ã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè •ãÖãù „½½ããèªÌããÀ ¾ãã „Ôã‡ãŠã ¹ããäÀÌããÀ Ôãã½ã㶾ã¦ã: ÀÖ¦ãã Öãñ iv) ¹ãÆÍããÔã‡ãŠ / ¹ãÆÍããÔã‡ãŠãè¾ã ÔããäÞãÌã / ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè / (Êãàã´ãè¹ã †Ìãâ ãä½ããä¶ã‡ãŠãù¾ã ‚ãã¾ãÊãö¡) SC / ST & OBC (NCL) category candidates should produce their caste certificate in prescribed format issued by following competent Authorities (If not Attached, their Application will be considered in General Category & eligibility will be decided as per General Category) :(i) District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector/ Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / 1st Class Stipendary Magistrate /Sub Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner. (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. (iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar and Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate or his family normally resides. (iv) Administrator / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lacadive and Minicoy Islands) टcपणी / Note : ?कूल छोड़ने का माण पS या जYम माण पS आद वग या कोट< का माण ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा । School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate etc. will not be accepted as a proof for Caste. 3. आवेदन एवं चयन =(या / Application and Selection Process : 3.1) आवे दको को आवे दन शुXक जो क5 100 m. (अतदे य) है, को इस 9वHापन के अंत मे दये गए चालान फॉम का उपयोग करते हुए नज़द<=क ?टे ट बoक

ऑफ इंqडया क5 शाखा मे जमा करवाना होगा, बoक शुXक 40 m. है अतः सामाYय,ओबीसी, पीएच एवं एएफ़सी वग के आवेदक को 140 m. बoक मे जमा करना होगा । एससी, एसट< वग से संबिYधत आवेदको को आवेदन शुXक नह< देना होगा अ"पतु उYहे नधाQरत ाRप मे स.म अधकार< Pवारा जार< अपने वैध जाती माण पS क5 स_या"पत त ल"प आवेदन के साथ भेजना अनवाय होगा अYयथा आवेदन ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा। उमीदवार' को चाहए कP वो आवेदन के साथ चालान फॉम( डाउनलोड कर सहL जानकारL भर कर नज़दL.क ?टे टबoक ऑफ इं qडया क5 शाखा मे संपक( करे । यह चालान फॉम तीन (3) भागो मे है , िजसमे थम भाग बoक कॉपी, दस ू रा भाग एमडीएल कॉपी एवं तीसरा भाग उमीदवार क5 कॉपी

का है, बoक अधकार< Pवारा आवे दन शुXक 140m. (बoक शुXक 40 m. सिbम लत है ) जमा होने के पZचात बoक क5 कॉपी जमा कर

उमीदवार को एमडीएल और ?वयं क5 कॉपी दे द< जाएगी। उbमीदवार9 को चाहए क5 एमडीएल क5 कॉपी को आवे दन के साथ संल\न करे एवं ?वयं क5 कॉपी को संभाल कर रखे । आवे दन फ5स उपर द< गई "वध Pवारा जमा करना ह< अनवाय होगा। qडमांड uाvट/ पो?टल ऑडर/चेक आद के Pवारा आवे दन शुXक ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा ।

Application Fees of Rs. 100/- (Non-Refundable) and Bank Charges of Rs. 40/-needs to be deposited at any nearest branch of State Bank of India (SBI) by using challan form (available at the end of this advertisement). General, OBC, PH & AFC category Candidates are required to submit Rs. 140/- . However candidates belonging to SC & ST category are exempted from paying the Application Fees, (However SC & ST category candidates are required to submit attested copy of valid caste certificate in prescribed format issued by competent authority for exemption in Application fees). The candidates are required to download the Challan Form available at the end of the advertisement. The candidate should fill up all the three parts (Bank Copy, MDL Copy & Candidate Copy) of the challan, Deposit cash of Rs. 140/- (including Bank Charges of Rs. 40/-) at the nearest SBI branch. The Bank Shall retain its copy (Bank’s Copy) and return two parts (MDL Copy & Candidate Copy) of the challan to the candidate. Candidates shall attach MDL copy with Application Form & shall retain candidate copy safely with him/her. It is essential to submit application fees through above said process only. Demand Draft/ Cheque/Postal Order etc will be not considered in respect of Application Fee. 3.1.1) अटसशप के लए इUछुक आवेदको को पूण( Wप से भरे हुए अपने आवेदन प) को सभी संबिBधत प)' कP Nवयं सYया9पत तलपी एवं आवेदन शुZक कP एमडीएल कॉपी के साथ अपर महाबंधक,(एट<एस/एमईट<), गेट नंबर 09, आलकोक याड, माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड,डॉक याड रोड,

माझगांव,मुंबई 400010 को संबोधत करते हुए आवेदन जमा करने कP अंतम तथ

21 जनवर< 2016 (गm ु वार)

सांय 05:00 बजे तक या उस

से पहले भे जना अनवाय होगा। उपर द< गई तथ एवं समय के पZचात मलने वाले आवेदनो को ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा।

आवेदको को यह सलाह द< जाती है क5 वे लफाफे के उपर “आवेदन पS वग (क / ख)................... के लए” ?पyट Rप से लख कर अं=कत कर ।

The duly filled Application Form along with self attested photo copies of required certificates & MDL’s Challan Copy should reach on or Before 21st January 2016 (Thursday) By 05:00 PM to the following Address Additional

General Manager (ATS/MET), Gate No.09, Alcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dock Yard Road Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010. Candidates are also advised to write “Group Applied for (A/B):…………….“ on the top of the Envelope. The Candidates should fill the Application in the prescribed Format in

all respect.

3.2) तYप]चात दनांक 01 फरवर< 2016 (सोमवार) को सांय 05:00 बजे गेट नंबर 09, आलकोक याड, माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस

ल मटे ड, डॉक याड रोड, माझगांव, मंब ु ई 400010 पर िNथत नोटस बोड( पर Yयेक वग( (वग( ‘क’ एवं ‘ख’) कP लखत परL^ा के लए चयनत उमीदवारो कP सूची परL^ा कP दनांक एवं परL^ा का समय एवं लखत परL^ा Nथल कP जानकारL दशा(ई जाएगी । यह जानकारL माझगांव डॉक शप-बZडस( लमटे ड कP वैबसाइट www.mazagondock.gov.in के अंतग(त Career/Apprentices सेUशन मे भी दशा(ई जाएगी । ल[खत पर<.ा के लए चयनत उbमीदवारो को पर<.ा क5 दनांक एवं समय तथा ल[खत पर<.ा ?थल संबंधी सूचना उनके पते पर डाक (पो?ट) से द< जाएगी। चयन .Oया के संबध ं मे भेजे जाने वाले प) / कॉल लेटर आद के .कसी भी कार के पोNटल 9वलंब या प&रवहन मे गमन के लए माझगांव डॉक शप-बZडस( लमटे ड िजमेदार नहLं होगी।

On 01 February 2016 (Monday) after 05:00 PM at Notice Board of Gate No.09, Alcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dock Yard Road Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010, List of Selected Candidates in Group A & B for Written Examination including details of Written Examination Date, Venue & Time will be declared. This information will also be available on website www.mazagondock.gov.in under head Career / Apprentices. Details of Written Examination Date, Venue & Time will be informed by post to the Eligible candidates. However for sending any letter / call letter to the candidate MDL will not be responsible for any postal delay or loss in transit as regard to Selection Process. 3.3)

अटसशप के लए श^ुओ कP चयन .Oया तीन (3) चरण' मे संपBन होगी । थम चरण लखत परL^ा का होगा िजसमे उमीदवार' को Yयेक वग( कP Bयन ू तम शै^णक योaयता मापदं ड (जो कP वग ‘क’- क.ा 10 वी पास एवं वग ‘ख’ – आई.ट<.आई. पास है) के पाbयOम पर आधा&रत 100 माUस( के बहु9वकZपीय ]न प) हल करना होगा, िजसके लए उBहे दो (2) घंटे का समय दया जाएगा। दस ू रा चरण सा^ाYकार का होगा िजसके लए Yयेक वग( कP लखत परL^ा मे पास अथवा योaय अंक पाने वाले उमीदवार' को हL बल ु ाया जाएगा। Yयेक वग( मे सा^ाYकार के लए चयनत उमीदवार' कP सच ू ी लखत परL^ा प&रणाम के साथ नतीजे कP नि]चत तथ पर घो9षत कP जाएगी । त_पZचात तीसरा चरण च.कYसा परL^ा का होगा िजसके लए उमीदवार' का चयन लखत परL^ा एवं सा^ाYकार के माUस( पर आधा&रत मे&रट पर होगा। च.कYसा जांच, कंपनी के च.कYसा अधकारL 8वारा कP जाएगी।(*यद =कसी "वशेष# क5 राय, ए@सरे , नेS पर<.ण, र@त पर<.ण आद क5 आवZयकता पड़ती है, तो उसका खच को ?वयं वहन करना होगा) च.कYसा अधकारL 8वारा उमीदवार' को अटसशप के लए योaय घो9षत .कए जाने पर हL, उBहे आगे कP .Oया मे शामल .कया जाएगा अBयथा उनकP उमीदवारL नरNत कर दL जाएगी।

Selection for Apprenticeship will be completed in Three Stages, In First Stage i.e. Written Examination:- only Eligible Candidates in Group A & B will be called for Written Examination. The Written Examination will consist 100 Number of Multiple Choice questions based on the syllabus of Minimum Qualification of respective Groups (i.e. Class 10th Pass for Group A & ITI Pass for Group B) and Examination will be of 2 Hours duration. The Second Stage will be Interview:- For this the candidates securing qualifying marks in WRITTEN EXAM would only be called for Interview, Interview Schedule for Eligible Candidates in Group A & B will be declared with the result of written examination. Third Stage of Selection Process will be Medical Examination; Selection of Candidates for Medical Examination will be based on the combined merit of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. Medical Examination will be done by Medical Officer of the Company (If any candidate is advised for specialist opinion, X-ray, Blood Test etc., it will be at their cost) Final Selection for Apprenticeship will be subjected to declaration of fitness by Medical Officer. टcपणी : आवेदन कर रहे सभी उbमीदवार9 को यह zयान रखना चाहए क5 सा.ा_कार के लए चयन होने पर सा.ा_कार के पहले उनके Pवारा आवेदन के साथ भेजे गए सभी पS9 क5 जांच मूल माण पSो के साथ क5 जाएगी, अतः _येक वग के आवेदको को अपने आय,ु वग,शै.[णक यो\यता, थम यास मे क.ा पास करने आद माण पS9 क5 मल ू त को सा.ा_कार के समय दखाना अनवाय होगा, मूल माण पS नह< दखाये जाने क5 ि?तथी मे आवेदक को सा.ा_कार के लए अयो\य घो"षत कर दया जाएगा एवं उbमीदवार< त_काल नर?त कर द< जाएगी।

Note: Applicants (if selected for the Interview) will be required to bring their Original Documents on the date of Interview in regards of Age, Caste, Educational Qualification, Certificate in Regards of Passing Examination in First Attempt etc which is submitted with application form while coming for Interview for Document Verification. In Absence of Original Documents candidates will not be allowed to attend the interview & their candidature will be rejected immediately.

4. अतQर@त जानकार< / Additional Information : 4.1)

माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड (पूव  मे

½ãã¢ãØããâÌã ¡ãù‡ãŠ ãäÊããä½ã›ñ¡) Ààãã ½ãâ¨ããÊã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã, ¼ããÀ¦ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ ‡ãŠã †‡ãŠ „¹ „¹ã‰ãŠ½ã Öõ, अतः स.म

ाधकार< Pवारा जार< - "पु लस स_यापन Qरपोट " ?तुत करना अनवाय है । िजसे  श.ण ाcत करने से पहले उbमीदवार को अपने नवास .ेS के पु लस आयु@त/पु लस अधी.क से ाcत करना होगा। चन ु े हुए उbमीदवार को तीन सcताह का समय नयु@ती क5 दनांक से पु लस स_यापन Qरपोट (पीवीआर) अनवाय mप से जमा करने के लए दया जायेगा। उपरो@त Qरपोट को ?तुत करने म असफल होने पर वेश नर?त कर दया जाएगा।

MDL being the Government of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Defense, It is mandatory to submit the Police Verification Report issued by the ‘Competent Authority’ (Commissioner of Police/Superintendent of Police) of the area of residence of the candidates before joining the Training. Such selected candidates will be given three weeks time to submit the PVR compulsorily from the date of joining. Failure to submit the above report may lead to the cancellation of admission.

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Ìãñ¦ã¶ã कP रकम ¹ãÆãäÍãàãì ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠñÌãÊã ƒ Ôããè †Ô㠹㪣ã¦ããè ‡ãŠñ ´ãÀã Öãè ºãÞã¦ã Œãã¦ã मेñ ¹ãÆ㹦ã ÖãñØããè, ƒÔã Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãñ ‡ãŠâ¹ã¶ããè ´ãÀ㠇㊼ããè ¼ããè Þãñ‡ãŠ


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‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ‡ãŠãè ¦ãÀ¹ãŠ Ôãñ œã¨ããÌããÔã (ÖãñÔ›Êã ‚ããÌããÔã) ¶ãÖãé ã䪾ãã •ãã¾ãñØãã ý No Hostel accommodation will be provided by the company.


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‚ã¶ãìºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãÆãäÍãàãì ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãäÍãàã¥ã ‚ãÌããä£ã ‡ãŠñ ÖÀ ÔããÊã ½ãò ‡ãŠ½ã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã 167 ã䪶ã ̾ããÌãÖããäÀ‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãäÍãàã¥ã ¦ã©ãã 33 ã䪶ã Ôãõ®ãâãä¦ã‡ãŠ ÌãØãà ½ãò „¹ããäÔ©ããä¦ã, ‚ããùÊã ƒã䥡¾ãã ›Èñ¡ ›ñÔ› ½ãò ¼ããØã Êãñ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãã¨ã¦ãã ¹ãÀ ãäÌãÞããÀ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ Öõ ý The Apprentice engaged are supposed to put minimum attendance of 167 days in Practical and 33 days in Related Instruction Classes per year of training so as to decide eligibility for All India Trade Test as per prevailing rules.


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The Apprentices are governed with Company's Standing Orders as applicable to the MDL employees.

The decision of the Management regarding selection will be final. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate for selection. 4.8) चुने हुए पुmष  श.ु को कठोरता से uेस कोड का पालन करना होगा जो क5 खाक5 पैYट और सफेद शट है , जब वे कbपनी म  श.ण के लए Qरपोट कर गे। The selected Male apprentices will be required to strictly follow a dress code of Khaki Pant & White Shirt while reporting for training in the Company.

5.0) आवेदन करते समय zयान रखने यो\य मह_वपण ू  WबYद ु / Important Points to be remembered while applying: 5.1) जBमतथ के माण के लए जBम माण प) या Nकूल छोड़ने के माण प) कP सYया9पत तल9प संलaन कर । Please attach copy of Birth Certificate or School Leaving Certificate For proof of Date of Birth. 5.2) यद वग( “क” के लए आवेदन कर रहे है तो 10वीं (एसएससी) क^ा कP माक(शीट कP Nवयं सYया9पत तल9प संलaन कर एवं यद वग( “ख” के लए आवेदन कर रहे है तो इलेUोनक मैकेनक/ कारपटर/ .फटर gयवसाय' मे .कसी सरकार< / सरकार< माYयता ाcत सं?था से हL पास कP आईटLआई क^ा कP माक(शीट कP Nवयं सYया9पत तल9प संलaन कर (ऐसे आवेदक जो आईट<आई कर रहे है उYहे सं?था के "िYसपल Pवारा जार< बोनाफाइड़ माण पS आवेदन के साथ संल\न करना चाहए) If applying for Group “A” then self attested copy of 10th Class (SSC) mark sheet and If applying for Group “B” then self attested copy of ITI mark sheet in respective trades i.e. ELECTRONIC MECHANIC / CARPENTER / FITTER from Govt./ Govt. recognized Institute to be attached with application form. (Candidates appearing in the final exam of ITI are required to attach copy of Bonafide certificate issued by Head of the Institution) 5.3)थम यास मे 10वीं (एसएससी) क.ा (वग “क” के लए ) एवं इले@ ोनक मैकेनक/ कारपटर/ =फटर ,यवसाय9 मे .कसी सरकार< / सरकार< माYयता ाcत सं?था से हL आईट<आई क.ा (वग “ख” के लए) पास करने का माण पS संल\न कर । First Attempt Certificate for Passing 10th (SSC) Class (for Group “A”) and passing ITI from Govt./ Govt. recognized Institute in ELECTRONIC MECHANIC / CARPENTER / FITTER trades to be attached with application form.

5.4)सामाBय, अ9पजा (ओबीसी), 9वकलांग एवं एएफ़सी वग( से संबंधत आवेदक इस 9वHापन के अंत मे दये गए चालान का उपयोग करते हुए नजदLकP Nटे ट बiक ऑफ इंkडया कP शाखा मे आवेदन शZ ु क 6. 100 /- एवं बiक शुZक 6. 40 /- जमा करे (अतदे य है ) एवं चालान कP एमडीएल कॉपी आवेदन के साथ संलaन कर । एससी एवं एसटL वग( के आवेदको को आवेदन शुZक नहL देना है अ9पतु उBहे आवेदन के साथ नधा(&रत ाWप मे स^म अधकारL 8वारा जारL Nवयं के वैध जाती माण प) कP सYया9पत तल9प संलaन करना है । General , OBC, PH & AFC category candidates are required to pay Application Fees of Rs. 100/- and Bank Charges of Rs. 40/- (NonRefundable) needs to be deposited at any nearest branch of State Bank of India (SBI) by using challan form (attached at the end of this advertisement) and Candidates shall attach MDL copy with Application Form. However candidates belonging to SC & ST category are exempted from paying the Application Fees, (However SC & ST category candidates are required to submit attested copy of valid caste certificate issued by competent authority for exemption in Application fees) 5.5) अ.जा. (एससी), अ.ज.जा. (एसटL), 9वकलांग mेणी के आवेदक नधा(&रत ाWप मे स^म अधकारL 8वारा जारL वैध माण प) कP सYया9पत तल9प संलaन कर । अ9पजा (ओबीसी) वग( से संबंधत आवेदक वैध जात एवं नॉन OPमी लेयर (एनसीएल) माण प) कP सYया9पत तल9प संलaन कर । SC, ST & PH category candidates shall attach their attested copies of valid certificates issued by competent authority, OBC category candidates shall attach their attested copies of valid Caste & Non Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate issued by competent authority. 5.6)9िBसपल / संNथा मख ु / हेड माNटर आद से सYया9पत करवाए गए दNतावेजो को भी Nवीकार .कया जाएगा। Documents attested by Principal/ Head Master/ Head of the Establishment will also be accepted. 5.7)आवेदन पS पर नवीनतम रंगीन पासपोट साइज़ का फोटो}ाफ द< हुई जगह पर चपका होना चाहए । आवेदन पS पर यद फोटो}ाफ नह< पाया जाता है तो आवेदन ?वीकार नह< =कया जाएगा । =कसी भी कार से अधरू े आवेदन पS पर "वचार नह< =कया जाएगा । आवेदक आवेदन के साथ ?वयं का पता लखा हुआ लफाफा (साइज़ 24 सेमी x 12 सेमी ) और दो (2) नवीनतम रंगीन पासपोट साइज़ फोटो}ाफ अनवाय Rप से संल\न कर ।फोटो}ाफ के पीछे आवेदक को अपना नाम लखना अनवाय होगा।

Latest passport size Colour photographs are to be provided on Application Form. Application forms with out photograph will be rejected. Applicants are hereby advised to attach a self addressed envelope (size 24cm X 12cm) and Two Latest Passport Size Photographs in it with Application Form at the time of Applying. On the back of Photograph the candidate must write his/her name. 5.8) पूण( Wप से भरे हुए आवेदन दनांक

21 जनवर< 2016 (गm ु वार)

को सांय 05:00 बजे तक या पहले अपर महाबंधक,(एट<एस/एमईट<), गे ट

नंबर 09, आलकोक याड, माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड,डॉक याड रोड, माझगांव,मंब ु ई 400010 को भजवाना अनवाय है । उपरो@त तथ तथा समय के पZचात एवं सभी आवZयक माण पS9 क5 ?वयं स_या"पत त लपीय9 और आवेदन शX ु क भग ु तान क5 एमडीएल कॉपी (केवल सामाYय, अ"पजा(ओबीसी), पीएच एवं एएफ़सी वग के आवेदक9 के लए) के Wबना मलने वाले आवेदन माYय नह<ं ह9गे ।

The duly filled Application Form should reach on or Before 21 January 2016 (Thursday) by 05:00 PM to the following address. :-Additional General Manager (ATS/MET), Apprentice Training School, Gate No.9, Alcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai - 400 010. Applications received after due date & time, Not having Fee Receipt of Challan Form (Only for GEN/OBC/PH/AFC Category Candidates) & self attested copies of required certificates etc will not be considered.

केवल काया(लय योग के लए /

माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड

For Office Use Only

(पूव  मे माझगांव डॉक ल मटे ड)


पंजीकृत सं'या / Registration No.:




,यवसाय  श.ण के लए आवेदन पS / Application for Trade Apprenticeship ‡ãŠñÌãÊã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã ¹ãƾããñØã ‡ãŠñ ãäÊㆠ(For office use only) ¾ããñؾã /‚ã¾ããñؾã (¾ããäª ‚ã¾ããñؾã Öõ ¦ããñ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ?) Eligible/Not Eligible (If not eligible, reason)

ãäÊããäŒã¦ã ¹ãÀãèàãã ‚ãã½ãâ¨ã¥ã ÌãÆŠ½ããâ‡ãŠ:

ÀâØããè¶ã ¹ãŠãñ›ãñ ãäÞã¹ã‡ãŠã†â


‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‡ãŠñ ÖÔ¦ããàãÀ Signature of Officer





एससी /S.C.

एसट<./ S.T.


एएफ़सी./ A.F.C.

पीएच/ P.H.


Affix colour Photo अंक / % OF MARKS

size 3.5 cm x 3 cm

Note: ‚ã¹ãî¥ãà ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ã ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ¶ãÖãè ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã†Øãã / Incomplete Application Form will be rejected

आवेदन पS वग (क / ख) ................... के लए /Application For Group (A / B)………………… (जो लागू हो उसे लखे / write whichever is Applicable) (वग ‘क’ / Group ‘A’ –10 वी पास/10th Pass)—

े ड / Trade – =फटर / ? @चरल =फटर / पाइप =फटर ( FITTER / STRUCTURAL FITTER / PIPE FITTER)

(वग ‘ख’ / Group ‘B’ – आई. ट<. आई. पास / I.T.I. Pass)

े ड / Trade- इले@ ोनक मैकेनक/ कारपटर/ =फटर,(ELECTRONIC MECHANIC / CARPENTER / FITTER)

**नोट / NOTE: 1). वग ‘ख’ के लए केवल उपरो@त "वषयो मे आई. ट<. आई. पास या अंतम वष के उbमीदवारो के आवे दन ह< ?वीकार =कए जाएंगे। FOR Group ‘B’ I.T.I. PASS OR APPEARED CANDIDATES IN Only ABOVE MENTIONED Trades will be considered,2. आई. ट<. आई. पास उbमीदवारो के आवे दन वग ‘क’

के लए ?वीकार नह< =कए जाएंगे / I.T.I. PASS CANDIDATES


1.आवे दक का नाम / Name of Applicant 2.9पता का नाम / Fathers Name 3.माता का नाम / Mothers Name 4.आवे दक कP जBमतथ एवं उn / Date of Birth & Age of Applicant (दन / महना / वष( or dd/mm/yy) 5.लंग / Gender

जBमतथ : ......../ ...... / ......., 01-01-2016 को उn: ......... वष( .........महLने........ दन D.O.B.: ......../ ......./ ........, Age as on 01-01-2016: ………… Year ………… Month ………. Days (जो लागू हो उसे लखे / write whichever is Applicable)

प6 ु ष/Male : .................... अथवा / or महला / Female : …………………..

6.आवे दक िजस जात से संबं धत हो उसे

एससी / SC ........ ..... एसटL / ST ............ ओबीसी / OBC ............ जनरल / GENERAL .............

लखे / Whether you belongs to (please write)

पीएच / PH ................

एएफ़सी / AFC .............. *पीएच/PH-

शारL&रक अपंग / PHYSICALLY

HANDICAPPED,एएफ़सी /AFC- सशN) बल काम(क के बGचे / ARMED FORCE CHILDREN

7.Nथाई पता 9पन कोड के साथ / Permanent Address with Pin Code 8.वत(मान पता 9पन कोड के साथ / Present Address with Pin Code 9.9पता / पालक या Nवयं का मोबाइल नंब र / Father / Guardian or Self Mobile No.

माता या 9पता या पालक के हNता^र Signature of Parents or Guardian

आवे दक के हNता^र Signature of Applicant

10 यो\यता पर<.ा / Qualifying Examination:


क.ा 10 वी

उतीण( वष( / Year of Passing

/ Class 10th

कुल गुण / Maximum Marks

वग ‘क’ के लए / For Group ‘A’ ाƒत गुण / Marks Obtained

Uया थम यास मे 10वी क^ा पास

अंक तशत / Percentage of Marks

कP? (हाँ या नह<ं लखे) / Whether passed 10th class in First Attempt (Write Yes or No )

2). वग ‘ख’ के लए / For Group ‘B’ इले @ ोनक मैके नक/ कारप टर / =फटर ,यवसाय मे आई.ट<.आई पास / Passed ITI in ELECTRONIC MECHANIC /CARPENTER / FITTER Trades

उतीण( वष( / Year of Passing

gयवसाय िजसमे आई.टL.आई पास .कया या अंतम वष( मे है / Trade in which ITI Passed or Appeared

Uया थम यास मे आई.टL.आई

कुल गुण / Maximum Marks

ाƒत गुण / Marks Obtained


क^ा पास कP ?

तशत / Percentage of Marks

(हाँ या नह<ं लखे) / Whether passed I.T.I. class in First Attempt (Write Yes or No)

11. @या आवेदन शुXक एसबीआई क5 शाखा मे जमा =कया है (हाँ या नह<ं लखे):…………… यद हाँ तो बiक 8वारा जारL जन(ल नंबर लख .................... एवं आवे दन शुZक जमा करने कP तथ ........................... एसबीआई (SBI) कP शाखा का नाम जहाँ आवे दन शुZक जमा .कया ................................................

Whether Application Fee has been Submitted in SBI Branch (Write Yes or No): ………… if YES then write Journal No. issued by Bank ……………… Date of Submission of Application Fee .................................... Name of SBI Branch where Application Fee has been Submitted……………………

12.यद माता या "पता माझगांव डॉक शपWबXडस ल मटे ड मे कायरत हो तो उनका "ववरण / Details of Mother or Father If employed in MDL. माता या 9पता का नाम / Name of Mother or Father

9वभाग का नाम / Name of Department

ट.कट सं †या / Ticket Number

पदनाम / Designation

13. घोषणा / Declaration: मै ............................................................... यह घोषणा करता / करती हूँ , क5 मेरे Pवारा आवेदन मे द< गई उपरो@त सभी जानकार< पूण Rप से स_य है । मै यह भी जानता / जानती हूँ , क5 यद मै "व#ापन मे दए गए सभी मानदं डो को परू ा नह<ं करता /करती हूँ या मेरे Pवारा द< गई जानकार< गलत पाई जाती है अथवा मेरा आवेदन अपूण पाया जाता है, तो मेर< उbमीदवार< इस =(या मे कभी भी र क5 जा सकती है ।

I …………………………………………………………….. hereby certify that all information given in this Application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that in case I have given wrong information or I do not fulfill the criteria according to the advertisement or my application found to be incomplete in any respect, my candidature may be rejected at any stage. ?थान / Place: …………………....

माता या "पता या पालक के ह?ता.र Signature of Parents or Guardian

दनाँक / Date: ......................

आवे दक के ह?ता.र Signature of Applicant

(शाला / सं?था मख ु से थम यास मे क.ा 10 वीं अथवा आईट<आई क.ा पास का माण पS ाcत करने का नमन ू ा / th Sample Format for obtaining First Attempt certificate for Passing 10 or ITI Class from Head of School /Institute)

टƒपणी : माण प) शाला / संNथा के शीष( प) पर ाƒत करे / Note: Certificate to be obtained on the letter head of the School / Institute.

थम यास मे क^ा उतीण( करने का माण प) ¹ãƽãããä¥ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã¦ãã Öõ ãä‡ãŠ ‡ãŠì½ããÀ/ ‡ãŠì½ããÀãè ______________________ ãä•ã¶ã‡ãŠã/ ãä•ã¶ã‡ãŠãè •ã¶½ã ãä¦ããä©ã _____________________ Öõ, Ö½ããÀñ Ô‡ã‹îË û / संNथा ‡ãŠñ †‡ãŠ ¹ãƽãããä¥ã‡ãŠ ãäÌã²ãã©ããÃè ©ãñ / ãäÌã²ãã©ããÃèãä¶ã ©ããè ý ÌãÖ ªÔãÌããè / आईटLआई ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÀãèàãã ½ãñ ºãõŸñ ©ãñ / ©ããè •ããñ ½ããÖ _________________

½ãñ Ôãâ¹ã¶¶ã Öì‚ýã ©ãã ¦ã©ãã ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ¹ãƾããÔã ½ãñ ¹ãÀãèàãã „¦¦ããè¥ãà ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã / ‡ãŠãè।

(यद आवेदक आई.ट<.आई. पास =कया हुआ हो तो ,यवसाय का नाम भी लखे। )

‡ãŠð¦ãñ _________________ ÖãƒÃ Ô‡ãŠîË

धानाचाय / सं?था मख ु


This is to certify that Kum / Kumari_______________________________________ whose Date of Birth is ________________________________, was a Bonafide student of our school. He/ She has appeared at the S.S.C. / ITI examination held in the month of ________________________________ and passed the said examination in FIRST ATTEMPT. (If I.T.I. then Please mention Trade Name)

For_______________ School / ITI

PRINCIPAL / Head of the Institution

बक क



कॉपी Bank Copy

क कॉपी

क कॉपी Applicant Copy

MDL Copy

भारतीय टे ट ब क / STATE BANK OF INDIA

भारतीय टे ट ब क / STATE BANK OF INDIA

अटसशप क फस भरने हे तु चालान फॉम" / Challan for remittance of Processing Fee for Apprenticeship

अटसशप क फस भरने हे तु चालान फॉम" / Challan for remittance of Processing Fee for Apprenticeship

अटसशप क फस भरने हे तु चालान फॉम" / Challan for remittance of Processing Fee for Apprenticeship

$व%ापन सं'या /Advertisement No. 01/2016 MDL A/C No. 34413274176 At SBI Code No: 09054 Details to be filled by the Applicant Mr./Ms._____________________________________ ____________________________________ Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YY)………………… Group Applied for (A / B): ………..

$व%ापन सं'या/Advertisement No. 01/2016 MDL A/C No. 34413274176 At SBI Code No: 09054 Details to be filled by the Applicant Mr./Ms.____________________________________ _____________________________________ Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YY)……………………. Group Applied for (A / B): ………….

$व%ापन सं'या/Advertisement No . 01/2016 MDL A/C No. 34413274176 At SBI Code No: 09054 Details to be filled by the Applicant Mr./Ms._____________________________________ ____________________________________ Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YY)…………………… Group Applied for (A / B): ………….

(If Applying for Group B please specify the Trade Applied)

(If Applying for Group B please specify the Trade Applied)

(If Applying for Group B please specify the Trade Applied)

Details to be filled by Branch Branch Name :

Details to be filled by Branch Branch Name :

Details to be filled by Branch Branch Name :

Branch Code :

Branch Code :

Branch Code :

Journal No. :

Journal No. :

Journal No. :

Date of Remittance : Application Form Fee : Rs. 100/Bank Charge : Rs. 40/Total Payable : Rs. 140/-

Date of Remittance : Application Form Fee : Rs. 100/Bank Charge : Rs. 40/Total Payable : Rs. 140/-

Date of Remittance : Application Form Fee : Rs. 100/Bank Charge : Rs. 40/Total Payable : Rs. 140/-

Signature of the Remitter

Signature of the Remitter

Signature of the Remitter

Signature of the authorized Official with Branch Seal

For the Fee receiving Branch of SBI Branch should collect Rs. 40 extra (total of Rs. 100 + Rs. 40=Rs.140/-) from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to the branch commission account, in accordance with CGM, Mumbai sanction Ref. No. SME/1/1071 dt. 15.03.2014 2. Branch should write the Branch Name, Branch Code, Journal No. & Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the MDL’s copy & Applicant’s copy to the remitter duly signed.

Signature of the authorized Official with Branch Seal

For the Fee receiving Branch of SBI Branch should collect Rs. 40 extra (total of Rs. 100 + Rs. 40=Rs.140/-) from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to the branch commission account, in accordance with CGM, Mumbai sanction Ref. No. SME/1/1071 dt. 15.03.2014 2. Branch should write the Branch Name, Branch Code, Journal No. & Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the MDL’s copy & Applicant’s copy to the remitter duly signed.

भारतीय टे ट ब क / STATE BANK OF INDIA

Signature of the authorized Official with Branch Seal

For the Fee receiving Branch of SBI Branch should collect Rs. 40 extra (total of Rs. 100 + Rs. 40=Rs.140/-) from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to the branch commission account, in accordance with CGM, Mumbai sanction Ref. No. SME/1/1071 dt. 15.03.2014 2. Branch should write the Branch Name, Branch Code, Journal No. & Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the MDL’s copy & Applicant’s copy to the remitter duly signed.


(A/B):................“ on the top of the Envelope. The Candidates should fill the Application in the prescribed Format in. all respect. Page 3 of 10. MAZAGON DOCK.pdf.

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Mazagon Managers, Executives and Trainees Recruitment 2017 ...
Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Mazagon Managers, Executives and Trainees Recruitment [email protected]. Mazagon Managers ...

mazagon dock li ivi ited - Eenadu Pratibha
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from Indian Nationals for the ... Board on the Gate No 9 Alcock Yard of the Company on 28/07/2014 as well as it ...

Mazagon Dock Bharti 2017.pdf
Heavy duty motor vehicle driving license preferable. Experience- Minimum four(4) years driving experience in Government/ Govt. Company / Public. 7 Electric.

Corrigendum Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited Recruitment 2017 ...
There was a problem previewing this document. ... Corrigendum Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited Recruitment 2017 for Executive Trainee (Finance).pdf.

Mazagon Dock Technical Staff Recruitment [email protected] ...
e Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) ... 18 Jr. Q C. Inspector. (Mechanical). Must have passed SSC with full time three years ...

Mazagon-Dock-Ltd-Recruitment-Trade-Apprentice-Posts ...
... etc will be not considered as Application Fees. पेज 3. Page 3 of 10. Mazagon-Dock-Ltd-Recruitment-Trade-Apprentice-Posts-Notification-Application.pdf.

Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai - Skilled Grade-I 47 Posts ...

Mazagon Dock Recruitment 2017 (1).pdf
Page 1 of 1. www.nmk2.co.in. Page 1 of 1. Mazagon Dock Recruitment 2017 (1).pdf. Mazagon Dock Recruitment 2017 (1).pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

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Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2017 For Trade Apprentice ...
Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2017 For Trade [email protected]. Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2017 For Trade [email protected].

Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited Recruitment 2017.pdf ...
and the National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in the trade of “Diesel Mechanic” with. valid Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence and having one year ...

माझगांव डॉक िलिमटेड - Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
Sep 11, 2013 - Qualification - Full-Time degree in Engineering in Mechanical/ Electrical/ .... Candidates will have to apply through the MDL Online Recruitment.

माझगांव डॉक िलिमटेड - Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
Sep 11, 2013 - Qualification - Full-Time degree in Engineering in Mechanical/ Electrical/ ... All information related to the candidates will be available in a single GATE ... Candidates will have to apply through the MDL Online Recruitment.

माझगांव डॉक िलिमटेड - Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
Sep 11, 2013 - Candidates need not pay any Processing Fee for applying to MDL. 7. ELIGIBILITY ... Last Date for Enrolment (after this only enrolled candidates ...