Minutes of Regular Meeting The Board of Trustees Royse City ISD A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Royse City ISD was held Monday, August 10, 2015, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Royse City ISD Ernest Epps Education Service Center, 810 Old Greenville Road, Royse City, Texas. I. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM A. Roll Call - Establish Quorum Those in attendance: Mike Anderson, Christina Carrion, Eric Fort, Scott Muckensturm Those absent: Julie Stutts, Bobby Summers, Brian Zator B. Recess Regular Meeting-convene in Closed Session C. The Board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. I. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel a. Recommendations for Hire b. Resignations II. Texas Government Code 551.072 Real Estate D. The Invocation was given by Eric Fort E. Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America Superintendent Worthy welcomed First United Methodist Church Boy Scout Troop 312 to the board meeting. Ruth Cherry Intermediate Principal and Troop Leader, Richard Pense, explained to fulfill requirements for a merit badge, the scouts would observe the board meeting. Board Vice President Scott Muckensturm gave his appreciation for their attendance and added “many of our nation’s presidents have come from scouting. We look forward to you being a part of this meeting. You are future community leaders.” Senior Patrol Leader, Trey Lewis, commanded the squad to “present the colors” for the pledge of allegiance. II. Open Forum The public is invited to speak to the Board; this is a listening opportunity only for the board. No action will be taken. No one asked to speak before the board. III. Superintendent's Report A. Education Foundation and Community Relations Update Superintendent Worthy informed Trustees the “Back to School” newsletter has been distributed to parents using the Constant Contact program. The Foundation marketing video will be filmed August 11 and shown at convocation. Registration for convocation will begin at 8:00 a.m. with the program kicking off at 8:30. The “Back to School Bash” follows the next day. Superintendent Worthy praised Main Street Coordinator Paula Morris, City Manager Carl Alsabrook and Mayor Janet Nichols saying “they have done a fabulous job working in partnership with us to present the Back to School Bash.”

Principal Richard Pense will delight students once again in the dunking booth. September 4 is Foundation night at Bulldog Stadium. Superintendent Worthy encouraged all to cheer on the Bulldogs as they meet the Greenville Lions. He reminded Trustees about the upcoming “North Texas Day of Giving” in which the Education Foundation participates. Those wanting to support the Foundation on this day may do so on-line. Vice President Scott Muckensturm reported they were able to raise over $ 2500.00 the previous year. The Homecoming parade is scheduled again this year, just a bit earlier than last. Twentynine floats graced the parade last year but it is expected there will be quite a few more this year as participation will be opened up to the community. The High School cheerleaders will conduct a pep rally on Main Street before the parade. Jo Nell Mellody is working with the Mesquite rodeo to schedule a musical act to perform for an Education Foundation fundraising event. The new employee orientation “welcome” will take place August 13. In Julie Stutts’ absence, Scott Muckensturm will give the welcome. B. Strategic Planning 4th Quarter Update 2015-2016 Assignments Superintendent Worthy presented the fourth quarter Strategic Plan update highlighting the action plans for completion next school year. “Out of twenty action plans, seven will continue, thirteen are completed.” This year marks the third year of the strategic plan. The only Teaching and Learning plan that is still active is 1.2.2, Expanding Multiple Pathways for CTE. Administrators are working with Eastfield College and Collin County Community College to advance this goal. All Human Resources plans are operational. Two of the Finance plans will continue as the district staff explores strategies to increase funding opportunities. All three of the Facility plans will continue. The Permanent Facility Committee, of which three Board members participate, is working to create the five, ten and fifteen year plan. The goal is to have the plan ready to produce sometime the spring of next year. The next scheduled meeting is Sept 23. Communications has one remaining plan, 5.2.1, which involved redesigning the district website. Chief Technology Officer, Stuart Burt, is working with Ms. Franklin to develop and refine the new website. C. Safety and Security Update Presenter: Emergency Management Coordinator Lloyd Blaine Lloyd stated, other than the attachment to their packet, there was nothing new to add. D. Announcements / Communications I. August 12 - 14, 2015 - New Employee Orientation II. August 17, 2015, 6:30 p.m. - Budget and Tax Rate Hearing – 7:00 p.m. III. August 20, 2015, 8:00 a.m. - Convocation

IV. August 21, 2015, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Back 2 School Bash V. September 2, 2015, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. - Region 10 Legislative Update, hosted by Royse City ISD VI. September 14, 2015, - Regular Board of Trustees Meeting VII. October 2 - 4, 2015 - Annual TASB Convention; Austin Convention Center Superintendent Worthy commented every campus received a “met standards” rating, which is due to the hard work of our staff, students and parents. IV. Consent Agenda A. Approve minutes of prior meetings B. Monthly payroll, travel and check register reports C. Financial Report D. Vendor List E. Quarterly Investment Reports F. Donations V. Discussion - Action Items A. Consider and possible action to approve the consent agenda A motion was made by Eric Fort and seconded by Mike Anderson to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried 4-0. Nothing was removed from the consent agenda. B. Action resulting from Closed Session A motion was made by Christina Carrion and seconded by Eric Fort to ratify Mr. Worthy’s acceptance of the resignation of Davis Elementary teacher, Brandy Davis. The motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Eric Fort and seconded by Mike Anderson to approve the recommendations for hire of Davis Elementary teachers, Megan Barmore, Kali Rutledge and Georganne Allard, Anita Scott Elementary teacher, Jordan Alexander, Royse City High School teachers, Daun Kopca and Kristie Oliver and Harry H Herndon Intermediate Counselor, Adrienne Smith. The motion carried 4-0. C. Consider and possible action to approve applying for a waiver to adjust the timeline for providing accelerated instruction to students who fail the third administration Assistant Superintendent Julia Robinson informed Trustees the waiver requested is the same that was requested last year. So that students are not required to receive accelerated instruction immediately following summer school, Texas Education Agency allows districts to apply for a waiver to give accelerated instruction during the first six weeks of school. This allows students to have a little bit of a break before school begins again. A motion was made by Eric Fort and seconded by Christina Carrion to approve applying for a waiver to adjust the timeline for providing accelerated instruction to students who

fail the third administration as presented. The motion carried 4-0. D. Consider and Possible Action to Approve revisions to local policy DNA to reflect the change to T-TESS, the new teacher evaluation system Assistant Superintendent Julia Robinson referred Trustees to the copy of Local Policy DNA presented in their board packets. The reason for this revision is because the district is participating in the refinement of the new teacher evaluation system T-TESS and moving away from PDAS. “We will follow all of the policies and procedures as adopted by Texas Education Agency (TEA)” said Ms. Robinson. She explained there would be one more day of P-TESS training. Once that is complete, the final piece will be the DNA revision. Superintendent Worthy commented “al lot of things you see will be redundant, T-TESS will mirror this particular document.” A motion was made by Christina Carrion and seconded by Mike Anderson to approve revisions to local policy DNA to reflect the change to T-TESS, the new teacher evaluation system. The motion carried 4-0. E. Consider and possible action to review and approve 2015-2016 Professional Appraisal calendar Associate Superintendent Jeff Webb reported the Professional Appraisal calendar is aligned with T-TESS to reflect the same timelines. “We cannot conduct an observation before the first 15 days of instruction” he said. “Our timeline will allow the first observation to be conducted after twenty-two days of instruction.” The last formal day of observation is March 25, which will permit the post conference to be completed. All guidelines are within the previous PDAS timelines but have been adjusted to align with T-TESS. Superintendent Worthy stated all teachers will be observed this first year. “We will look at ‘opting out’ later on down the road.” A motion was made by Eric Fort and seconded by Christina Carrion to approve the 20152016 Professional Appraisal calendar as presented. The motion carried 4-0. F. Consider and possible action to approve updates to the 2015-2016 Employee Handbook Associate Superintendent Jeff Webb informed Trustees the handbook reflects local policy changes of practice with respect to compensatory time and accrual. All changes have been aligned with legal policy. Superintendent Worthy added “mileage reimbursements must be turned in for reimbursement within thirty (30) days of the date of travel.” A few clerical changes will be made going forward. A motion was made by Eric Fort and seconded by Mike Anderson to approve updates to the 2015-2016 Employee Handbook as presented The motion carried 4-0.

G. Consider and possible action to approve updates to the Student Code of Conduct Presenter: Associate Superintendent Jeff Webb Superintendent Worthy mentioned even though it was a legislative year, there were not many changes to the student code of conduct. Associate Superintendent Webb stated “the big change was moving issues of truancy from criminal charges to civil.” The legal firm of Walsh Anderson produced the district student code of conduct. A motion was made by Mike Anderson and seconded by Christina Carrion to approve updates to the Student Code of Conduct as presented. The motion carried 4-0. H. Consider and possible action to appoint District Representative for the TASB Delegate Assembly Superintendent Worthy informed Trustees the district does not have to appoint a representative to the Delegate Assembly, however “we like to appoint a Royse City delegate” he said. Most of the board members attended the summer leadership conference which Superintendent Worthy reported was a “really good session!” Board members were given an opportunity to collaborate with other board members across the state. Trustee Eric Fort does have plans to attend the fall conference. With that in mind, A motion was made by Christina Carrion and seconded by Mike Anderson to appoint Eric Fort as the District Representative for the TASB Delegate Assembly. The motion carried 4-0. Superintendent Worthy thanked Mr. Fort for his willingness to serve in this position. I. Review of Board Policy and Procedures Manual - Chapter on "Campus Visits" VI. Reports-Information Items A. Board Members' Comments Eric Fort stated “I think we have set a record for the shortest board meeting.” He thanked the audience for their attendance. “The scouts did an excellent job with a commanding performance by Trey” said Mr. Fort. He thanked Ms. Robinson for the updates and Mr. Webb for the Student Code of Conduct updates, saying “I know it can be tedious but these things are important. You guys have worked tirelessly to create a perfect start to the school year. Thank you for staying with us throughout this meeting.” Mike Anderson commented “Mr. Fort touched on all of the points. It is really neat to see a scout troop that has teachers involved. It shows such great leadership for the kids.” He gave his appreciation to Ms. Robinson, Ms. Hudson and Mr. Webb for their informative updates. “You just don’t say what we are considering, you give background information.” Christina Carrion thanked the Scout troop saying “it was really wonderful! Seeing you kids, gets me excited for the school year to start.” She reflected on the Revolutionizing Learning conference and the great amount of effort that went into its success. “Royse City is a shining star!” After viewing Stuart Burt’s access points presentation it was “cool to see those access points on the monitor.” She stated she is “getting excited about convocation and kicking off the school year.”

Superintendent Worthy remarked “I just can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work of Julia, Kenny Kaye and the Curriculum team to conduct the Revolutionizing Learning Conference.” He also gave his appreciation of the collaboration with schools in the area and their efforts in the successful results of the conference. “Nice job” he said “It was perfect!” Scott Muckensturm gave his thanks to the volunteer dads and moms of the scouts. “We don’t see as much volunteering today as we used to, but it is good for our young people to see so they can continue the tradition. It is very influential. Teaching our kids what is involved in volunteering is so important.” He talked about his excitement of the coming year and of the approaching football season. “I love high school and college football; the smell in the air and Friday nights. It brings everyone together.” VII. Reconvening into Closed Session was not necessary VIII. The meeting Adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

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beginning at 6:00 PM in the Royse City ISD Ernest Epps Education Service Center, 810 Old. Greenville Road, Royse City, Texas. I. The meeting was called to ...

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