Module 5-RA

Apellidos y nombre: .............................................................................................................................................. D.N.I.: .........................Grupo:.............. Docente del programa:......................................................................... INSTRUCCIONES 1. El alumnado deberá tener disponible en todo momento a requerimiento del personal docente del programa documento acreditativo de su identidad como D.N.I., pasaporte, permiso de conducir o, en el caso del alumnado extranjero, tarjeta de residencia en vigor o en trámite o tarjeta de estudiante emitida por la Subdelegación de Gobierno. 2. Para la realización de la prueba sólo está permitido el uso de papel sellado proporcionado por el personal docente. 3. Al finalizar la prueba, el alumnado deberá entregar al personal docente tanto el cuadernillo de examen completo como los folios en blanco sellados que pudieran haberle sido entregados. 4. Este cuadernillo de examen contiene las siguientes secciones: • • • • •

Comprensión escrita o Reading Passage. Comprensión oral o Listening Comprehension Uso de la lengua o General Language: Parts A, B, C, and Pronunciation Expresión escrita o Writing Composition Hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet

5. En las dos últimas hojas, Writing Composition y Answer Sheet, el alumnado deberá consignar su nombre y apellidos, así como el número de su D.N.I. Sólo se considerarán para su evaluación las respuestas anotadas por el alumnado en la hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet, por lo que sólo será en esta hoja donde el alumnado deberá escribir las respuestas de las preguntas de cada sección a excepción del ejercicio de expresión escrita que se redactará en su hoja específica.

6. Sólo se admitirán para su corrección los exámenes escritos con tinta azul o negra.

pág. 1

Reading Passage

Module 5-RA

Read the following text and choose the best option in each case

Christmas is just around the corner The release of John Lewis’ Christmas advert yesterday in the UK rings with it a mixed boat of opinions. Although mostly positive, some people argue that the advert, which already has over four million views on YouTube, commercialises Christmas. The supermarket shelves are already lined with Advent* calendars, mince pies and festive jumpers, waiting for crowds of customers and even in France, where I am currently working as a language assistant, Christmas is in the air, yet it is only November. Whether it is online adverts, posters or just chats between friends, it is widely known that this year, like many before, you can ice-skate on the first floor observation deck of the Eiffel Tower, from 15thDecember. It isn’t just in France either, Christmas markets have exploded all over the UK in recent years, each year bringing with them additional dates and locations. There’s just something about rows of little, wooden sheds, bringing people together, whilst the smell of mulled wine floats in the air! The cold winter chill throughout November and December makes staying indoors much more appealing and brings with it a sense of togetherness. Instead of meals out, we opt for family get-togethers that include a display of wintery foods from homemade pies to soups, not forgetting the ever-tempting mountain of chocolates! Entertainment also comes indoors and Sunday evenings start to fly past us, consumed by board games, chatter and fire-lit movies. So when does it all begin? With the 1st of December, for many, commences the 24 day count down until Christmas, especially children. However for others, the Christmas tree has to be adorned and the house decorated before Christmas is officially on its way. Apart from when the Christmas countdown happens for people, most people stand hand-in-hand hoping for the fall of snow, to make that ever magical 25th December, even more magical. For me, it’s not one particular thing that kick starts Christmas but all of the above. It’s the John Lewis advert playing whilst I’m collecting my Starbucks’ red cup, in my horrible Christmas jumper and the Christmas cheer that takes over the city. It’s making gingerbread houses, attending Christmas markets with loved ones and those cold evenings lying on the sofa as a family watching Home Alone. 1

John Lewis’ Christmas advert... a is considered to be the official starting point of Christmas time. b shows many people do not mind its commercial side. c has generated a great controversy.


Comparing how Christmas time begins in France and the UK,… a the narrator prefers the UK. b ice-skating on the Eiffel Tower breaks the essential meaning of Christmas. c markets determine it for both countries.


According to the narrator, the sense of family unity … a is provoked by adverts. b is caused by the weather. c doesn’t change when it’s Christmas time.


According to the text,... a home food and entertainment describe Christmas days. b the narrator dislikes chocolates. c people’s new tendency is to celebrate Christmas dinners in trendy restaurants.


According to the text, some people feel Christmas countdown starts... a when ads begin. b after you adorn your Christmas tree. c when it starts snowing.


For the writer, Christmas … a arrives when he wears his Christmas sweater. b arrives when he and his family sit together to watch a movie on TV. c is a time filled up with many details that make it as it is.

Mulled wine (hot)

Gingerbread house

*Advent = pre-Christmas period. pág. 2

Listening comprehension

Module 5-RA

Climate Choice (You will listen to the recording three times) Listen carefully and choose the best option in each case.


What sort of climate would Aimee like to live in? a Ireland. b Iceland. c Inland.


Why would Aimee like to live in Scandinavia? a She likes its road infrastructure. b She thinks the snow is not important. c She thinks the snow makes everything quiet.


Who likes skiing? a Aimee. b Paul. c Both of them.


What kind of climate could be pleasant for Paul? a Humid weather. b Mediterranean. c Snowy weather.


What’s the problem of Japanese climate? a It’s too hot. b It’s too dry. c It’s too humid.


According to the recording, where can we find sort of mild weather? a In Iceland in summer. b In Japan in spring. c In Sicily in winter.

pág. 3

General language

Module 5-RA

Text A. Read the dialogue and choose the best option from below to fill in the blanks


Maggie, can you tell me 13)… theatre superstitions you know?


Oh, there are hundreds. For example, it is considered bad luck to wish someone "good luck" in a theatre, or the yellow colour, actors hate it.


That’s funny, I don’t understand 14)….


Well, we think it is an 15)… colour and a play will not be successful if we wear it on stage. Also you will find most theatres have a cat. This is because cats bring good luck. We 16)… a theatre will make a lot of money if there is one living there.


How interesting. What about plays? Is there any cursed play?


Yes, there is. There is a superstition with Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”, many actors don’t even like saying its name. We know that something terrible will happen if we 17)… its name, so we call it simply “The Scottish Play”.


a a b some c much


a why b the why c the because


a luckiless b luckness c unlucky


a have thought b believe c will understand


a mention b have c play

pág. 4

General language

Module 5-RA

Text B. Read the text and choose the best option from below to fill in the blanks Hi Kath, I can finally tell you where we 18)… on holiday next month. We’ve booked a two-week stay at an environmentally friendly campsite — we 19)… in a circular tent called a yurt. We've booked a large yurt for all of us. While we 20)… there, we 21)… all kinds of green activities, such as making sculptures out of rubbish! I've never done anything like this before, but I think we 22)… a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to it.


a will go b are going c are going to go


a will be slept b sleep c are sleeping

a are b will be c stayed

a are doing b will do c will can do


a will have b could pass c are having

pág. 5

General language

Module 5-RA

Text C Read the dialogue and choose the best option from below to fill in the blanks Samantha: Mr Pérez: Samantha: Mr Pérez: Samantha: Mr Pérez: Samantha: Mr Pérez: Samantha: Mr Pérez: Samantha: Mr Pérez:


a for to rest b for the rest c to rest


a Have you tried b Had you tried c Will you try

Excuse me. Do you speak English? Yes, I do. I’m sorry to trouble you. We’ve got a problem. Oh, yes? What’s the matter? Well, you see, we are doing the Pilgrimage of Santiago, and we haven’t got anywhere to sleep tonight. We are tired and we need a room 23)…. I see. 24)… the hostel outside the village? Yes, we 25)… there, but they say there are no vacancies. So we wondered if we could sleep in your storage room. Yes, all right. I don’t mind. You don’t smoke, do you? Oh, no. 26)…. Well, thank you very much. Not at all. Would you like to come into the house for a wash? Oh, that’s very kind of you. This way, the bathroom is very 27)....

a have already been b have yet been c already have been

a None of us b either of us c Us too


a near b closed c next

pág. 6

General language

Module 5-RA

Text D. Read the text and choose the best option from below to fill in the blanks

When I was younger, I went to a traditional school. We could choose the subjects that we wanted to study and the way in 28)… we wanted to learn. For example, when I was at school, I didn't like doing long essays or research projects during the year. 29)…, I chose to study hard for exams at the end of each term. Since I left school, I have followed the same work pattern. In my job now, I do the same. I usually work to tight 30)....


a which b when c who


a In the other hand b Instead c Since


a moments b limitatings c deadlines

Pronunciation: ¿Qué palabra contiene una consonante que NO suena al pronunciarse? a numbers b half c date


Pronunciation: ¿Qué palabra contiene el sonido “schwa” /ə/? a any b some c water

pág. 7

Writing composition

Module 5-RA

Full name: .............................................................................................................................................................. I.D.: ............................................................... Writing Composition. How do you imagine your life in the future? Use around 100 words to talk about how different and how similar you think your life will be in twenty years’ time for example compared to your current way of living.

pág. 8

Answer sheet

Module 5-RA

Full name: .............................................................................................................................................................. I.D.: ...............................................................

Reading Passage

General Language Text C





Text A





13. a



23. a







14. a



24. a







15. a



25. a







16. a



26. a







17. a



27. a



Listening Comprehension

Text B

Text D





18. a



28. a







19. a



29. a







20. a



30. a



10. a



21. a




11. a



22. a



31. a



12. a



32. a



pág. 9

Module 5 RA.pdf

... find sort of mild weather? a In Iceland in summer. b In Japan in spring. c In Sicily in winter. Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. Module 5 RA.pdf.

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