Begin series End series Repeat series Repeat Series on other leg/side Repeat pose on opposite leg.side


Down Dog

Half Crescent Lunge

Knees into Chest

Forward Bend

Down Dog

Childs Pose

Anjali Mudra - Samasthiti


Childs Pose

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Table Top

Forward Bend



Low Lunge

Childs Pose


drop back knee

Down Dog

 © 2007, all rights reserved

Moon Salutations Flow (Chandra Namaskar) #1 - 25 min. - Level 1-2

Low Lunge

Down Dog

Deaf Man’s Pose

Half Crescent Lunge

drop back knee

Childs Pose

grab feet option

Forward Bend

Baddha Konasana

Dead Bugs Pose


Anjali Mudra

roll onto back


Supine Twist


Forward Bend

Shoulder Stand - option

Knees into Chest


Moon Salutations Flow (Chandra Namaskar) - Libsyn

Moon Salutations Flow (Chandra Namaskar) #1 - 25 min. - Level 1-2. 2. Low Lunge drop back knee. Half Crescent Lunge. Forward Bend. Anjali Mudra. Tadasana. Down Dog. Baddha Konasana roll onto back. Forward Bend. Tadasana. Childs Pose. Dead Bugs Pose. Supine Twist. Knees into Chest. Savasana. Plow.

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