Best PDF CSA Symptom Solver: MRCGP CSA Book: Clinical Frameworks for the MRCGP CSA Exam - Online

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MRCGP CSA examination, Frameworks, examination

Book sinopsis In an already busy GP registrar year with e-Portfolio updates, tutorials, VTS away days, home visits, and the daily rigmarole of clinics, there is perhaps not enough time to revise the whole of medicine, surgery and the specialities (ENT, Ophthalmology, gynaecology, paeds etc.) that would give you confidence to face the exams. For this reason we wrote this book with the GP registrar in mind. It includes over 120 common symptoms that patients present with and those that may come up in the RCGP CSA exams. For each symptom a comprehensive consultation framework has been included to guide you through the best approach in dealing with the complaint. This CSA book includes guidance such as what questions to ask, eliciting relevant past medical history, social history etc. The CSA framework then guides you to which examinations would be relevant and what investigations should be requested in your CSA exam. The final part of each chapter advises about possible differential diagnoses and evidence based ways of managing these. We have also included in this book simple explanation briefs that you can use to explain the pertinent diagnoses to the patient in a jargon free manner. This book has been specifically written to save you hours of time researching before your examinations and hopefully will become your core companion to ease you through the CSA exams and into your future as a fully fledged General Practitioner. We hope that you find this book a useful aid to excel in the CSA exams and continue to use it well into your independent GP years!

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The Naked Consultation: A Practical Guide to Primary Care Consultation Skills, Second Edition

MRCGP CSA Book: Clinical Frameworks for the ...

Frameworks for the MRCGP CSA Exam - Online ... of each chapter advises about possible differential diagnoses and evidence based ways of managing these.

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