MULTICAST, HIERARCHICAL AND FAST HANDOVER IN MOBILE IPv6 WIRELESS NETWORK Yong Chu Eu*, Sabira Khatun*, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali*, Mohamand Othman** *Department of Computer and Communication System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering **Department of Communication Technology and Network, Faculty of Science Computer University Putra Malaysia 43200, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Email:[email protected] {sabira, borhan}, [email protected]

Abstract In this paper focus is given on a micro-mobility based test-bed development with improved algorithm. The test-bed consists of both hardware and software including four personal computers and one laptop. Laptop is used as Mobile Host (MH), two personal computers are functioned as access points, one personal computer becomes Home Agent (HA) and the other one is used as Multicast Router (ML). This test-bed is used to verify the theoretical enhancement of micro mobility handover algorithm and related results (packet loss, handover delay and quality of service). There is no signaling traffic overload among MH, HA and Correspondent Host (CH). The handover delay is approximately less than 10ms and a good quality of video stream is received by MH can be expected.

Keywords Multicast, Mobile IPv6, Wireless, Fast Handover

1. Introduction IP is a method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Both ends of a TCP session (connection) need to keep the same IP address for the life of the session. IP needs to change the IP address when a network node moves to a new place in the network. In order to support IP mobility, IETF has proposed mobile IP based on IPv4. Later on as several drawbacks still persist in MIPv4. MIPv6 was proposed to solve these problems. MIPv6 [1] provides comprehensive mobility management for the IPV6 protocol compared to MIPv4 [4]. MIPv6 manages all aspects of location updates and mobility managements for active IPv6 hosts. MIPv6 faces some problems due to its handover management. Mobile IPv6 provides an efficient handover in macro mobility management where the access points of the network are far from each other. The problem occurs when a mobile node moves from one access point to another access point in a small coverage area (micromobility). The handover occurs frequently and Mobile IPv6 is not suitable for such a micro mobility case.


Mobile IPv6 generates significant signaling traffic load in the core network, even for local movement followed by long interruptions. Studies and investigations to solve the drawbacks in Mobile IPv6 in micro-mobility should be considered here, especially in handover operation. Several micro-mobility schemes have been proposed to overcome this shot coming namely Hierarchical Handover (FMIPv6) [5], Fast Handover (FMIPv6) [6], Cellular IP [7] and HAWAII [8]. HMIPv6 and FHIPv6 are extensions of MIPv6 which help to speed up the handover latency and provide uninterrupted service to roaming users. Cellular IP and HAWAII are micro mobility protocol relying on Mobile IP for the macromobility. HMIPv6 reduces handoff latency by employing a hierarchical network structure in minimizing the location update signalling with external network. The mobility management inside the domain is handled by a Mobility Anchor Point (MAP), which basically acts as a local Home Agent. The delay is still high for HMIPv6 and the packet loss rate are high as well [2]. FMIPv6 introduce two new algorithms that is anticipating the subnet handover by constructing a care of address on the new subnet and setting up a bi-directional tunnel between old and new subnet’s Access Router in order to reduce packet drop. FMIPv6 may be very sensitive to any anomalies in the network, and it will only work correctly when all its assumptions hold [12]. Cellular IP inherits cellular systems principles for mobility management, passive connectivity and handoff control but is designed based on the IP paradigm. HAWAII has a similar algorithm for mobility management. Both of them use paging for reducing signal load and saving mobile device battery. The propagation of source-specific router within a single domain can significantly increase signalling complexity in Cellular IP and HAWAII scheme [13]. Although several schemes has been proposed but it seems they are still in draft, and not the prefect solution so an enhanced scheme needs to be proposed that can combine the advantages of the above approaches and


reduces the problems that have been faced by the above proposals. The authors in [14] were proposed a Multicast-based Re-establishment scheme which reroutes connection in a crossover point near the base stations. Radio hints was used to identify the potential new base station in advance. Their work is quite generic since the IP Multicast still on the early stage at that time. They can be regarded as the pioneers of multicast based handover. In [23] IETF Mobile IP is extended by implementing multicast. The Mobile IP Foreign Agents receive multicast addresses and packets by multicasting from the Home Agent to several Foreign Agents. The authors argue that the multicast extension improves the handover latency and packets loss for a Mobile IP handover, particularly for vertical handover. The current IETF Mobile IP specification [24,25] proposes remote subscription and bi-directional tunnelled multicast for handling multicast for mobile host. In the Mobile IP Foreign Agent Based Multicast proposal (RemoteSubscription Multicast), Mobile Host will subscribe its membership at the new foreign network with its new colocated care-of-address when it moves. The multicast router in the foreign network propagates this information for the Mobile Host. It is quite simple and no encapsulation is required. Remote Subscription does provide the most efficient delivery of multicast datagram, but this service may come at a high price for network involved and the multicast router must manage the multicast tree. The main problem here is that every foreign network must have multicast router. In bi-directional tunnelled multicast [24,25], when a mobile host is roaming in foreign network, multicast packets will be encapsulated by the home agent and delivered to the MH by the same tunnelling mechanism as other unicast packets. MH only subscribes its multicast group membership to the multicast router in its home network. Its multicast group membership is transparent to any foreign network and the Foreign Agent wills forward the multicast packets in a similar way to unicast packets. Packets duplication and triangle routing is the main disadvantage of this proposal. Mysore, J: et al in [15] explored IP Multicast as it is available today for host mobility, without any special change on the multicast. Their works include protocols such as ARP, ICMP, IGMP, TCP and UDP. They propose some design issues and implementation constraints that prevent the wide deployment of multicast for handover but some issues are still unresolved in the context of IP multicast. They concluded that using multicast could support host mobility. The DATAMAN research group at Rutgers University proposes a multicast protocol for mobile host [17].


Their scheme was designed to support exactly-one multicast delivery, and assumes static multicast groups (membership of group does not change during the group’s lifetime and the sender knowledge of the group membership), and thus does not extend easily to IP Multicast and the host group model. Later, they [18] proposed extensions to IP multicast to support mobile hosts. Their approach is based on the Columbia University Mobile*IP protocol, and uses mobile support routers (which are similar to but not the same as the agents in IETF Mobile IP) provide multicast datagram delivery to mobile group members. They use DVMRP [19] in their implementations and believe that this can work with other multicast routing algorithm. The Columbia approach [20] was among the pioneering efforts to support mobility in the Internet. Mobile host belong to a virtual mobile network with a distinct network id. A collection of dedicated mobile support routers (MSRs) is used to provide packets forwarding and location management. MSR use tunnels to communicate with each other’s. This approach use multicast to reduce packets loss, advance register performs resource reservation, and use the existing IP multicasting infrastructure to accomplish host mobility. Helmy Ahmed [21] proposed another multicast based scheme in which a mobile host was assigned a multicast address, and the correspondent nodes send packets to that multicast node. As the mobile node moves to new location, it joins the multicast group through the new location and prune through the old location. Dynamic of the multicast tree provide for smooth handoff, efficient routing, and conservation of network bandwidth compared to the approaches that multicast to base stations around the location of mobile node. In [22] a multicast routing protocol called Distributed Core Multicast with application to host mobility is proposed. DCM is designed for multicast with a high number of multicast groups and a low number of receivers. DCM avoids multicast group state information in backbone routers; it avoids triangular routing across expensive backbone links and scales well with the number of multicast groups. The authors argue that their protocol performs better than the existing sparse-mode multicast routing protocols. The approach of DCM and MOMBASA [16] are very similar. Nevertheless the focus of DCM is on the design of the multicast routing protocol, whereas MOMBASA stresses the mobility aspects. Moreover in contrast to MOMBASA, DCM retains the classical IP multicast services model whereas in MOMBASA an extended service model is assumed. The MOM proposal [24,26] came up with some new ideas to solve bi-directional routing problems. In the MOM protocol, when a Home Agent has more than one


MHs residing at the same foreign network subscribed to the same multicast group, only one copy of multicast data is forwarded from HA to FA. The protocol solves the tunnel convergence problem by having the FA assigning a HA as the designated multicast service provider (DMSP) for a given multicast group to forward multicast packets to that FA. The papers is organized as follows. Next section describes proposed scheme and its assumptions. Followed with test-bed design, specification and performance evaluation and finally conclusion.

2. Introduction to Multicast, Hierarchical And Fast Handover scheme Our proposed scheme comes with enhanced Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) in micro level handover. This scheme integrates hierarchical concept [3,9] and multicast function [9,15,23,20]. We use hierarchical design to totally shield the micro mobility from macro mobility in order to reduce location update signal and signaling traffic within micro level network while multicast is used to send packets to MH through base stations that near to MH. That will reduce handover delay that causes packet loss when MH is roaming. When MH roams to new foreign network, it is assigned a unique and global multicast address (care-of-address) [9,15,23,20]. MH will update CH and HA with Binding Update (BU) and will receive Binding Acknowledgement (BA) from them. A multicast group based on MH’s global multicast address is being formed and Base Station (BS) that serves MH will invite BS near by to join this multicast group so that they can receive and buffer the same multicast packets which are ready for MH. Buffed packets will be deleted when lifetime is expired. When MH roams to new BS, it will send Handover Initiations (HI) with last packet sequence number that was received at previous BS, new BS will send Handover Acknowledgement (HACK) and forward the new multicast packet sequence to MH. MH continues receiving packet when roaming. So, no packet loss and low handover delay is shown. MH’s global multicast address and group will remain the same as long as the MH within the same foreign network or different subnet or BS. Theoretically, no location updates signal needed between MH, HA and CH. Test-Bed Component


HA-Home Agent Wireless Router (essid: homeagent)

Redhat Linux kernel 2.4.26, MIPL 1.1 [28,30], HOSTAP 0.2.0 [27] with Patch 0.2.0

MR-Multicast Router on Foreign Network

FreeBSD 4.10, rtadvd [29], vls 0.5.6, pim6sd, route6d

BS-Base Station- 2 Software based Access Point (with 2 different essid)

Redhat Linux 9.0 with Kernel 2.4.20 with Bridge 0.8.9 [31], HOSTAP 0.1.3 with Patch 1.0

MH-Mobile Host

Redhat Linux OS with kernel 2.4.26, MIPL 1.1, acx100 wireless card driver [32], vlc 0.7.2 [33]


2.1 Assumptions: A. Each of the network domains will be provided an unique IPv6 Global Multicast Prefix Address. B. All the routers must be multicast based, that means they have ability to multicast packets to mobile host. C. Our proposed scheme is based on Mobile IPv6 (RFC3775) for micro-mobility management while Mobile IPv6 for macro-mobility management D. MH is able to make sure which new BS will provide a good reception and quality of signal to it through the beacon that was received before handover occurred. E. The router must be able to authenticate signals from other routers, home agent and Mobile Host using IPSec to avoid forged messages.

F. 2 Linux modules that are Buffering Module and Movement Acknowledgement Module are developed so that test-bed can run as proposed scheme.

3. IPv6 Wireless Test-bed Design and Specifications We setup a Wireless IPv6 test-bed to test and examine the performance of the proposed handover scheme compared to others related schemes. The test-bed is composed of hardware, software and network analyzes tools to monitor the handover operation. The hardware consists of a multicast router, 2 access point, home agent, mobile host. The overall test-bed architecture and design of the proposed scheme are shown below:

3.1 Handover Performance Evaluations


The packet were generated with a small packet generator program (each packet has sequence number and time stamp) from Multicast Router to MH through both Access Points. A buffer program in each Access Point stored all packets belonged to MH and forward them to MH associated with it. We changed essid of MH to make it roam between this 2 access points. Each time MH roams to new access point, it sends the last packet sequence number to new access point, new access point forwards buffered packet starting from the last packet received at old access point. Packet receiver program at MH captured all received packets. At this point, packet loss and handover delay can be analyzed.

3.2 Handover Performance Evaluation Entities 3.2.1 Packet loss Packet loss mean the total number of packets sent is the same as the number of packets received by receiver. 3.2.2 Quality of Services Various human factors studies [9] have shown that the maximum tolerable delay for an interactive conversation is approximately 200ms. Quality of service means that the handover delay should be below 200ms, multimedia application like videoconferencing or Internet Phone can play well within such condition. 3.2.3 Handover Delay Handover delay [23] is the difference in time between the arrival of the first new packets from the new base station and the arrival of the last packet from the old base station.. 3.3 Expected Results This research will verify the theoretical enhancement of micro mobility handover algorithm and results (packet loss, handover delay and quality of service). There is no signaling traffic overload between MH, HA and correspondent host (CH), low handover delayapproximately below 10ms and good reception of video stream.

4. Conclusion This research proposes an enhanced micro mobility handover algorithm and the development of the test-bed for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm over the existing one. This will give the advantages of zero packet loss and lower handover delay which can be used to improve micro mobility on 3G, 4G or Wimax.


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*Department of Computer and Communication System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. **Department ... Laptop is used as Mobile Host (MH), two personal.

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